A'f4 ;V V. A a. - W 1 t i i . V . .' I 1 ' r "'. ' a : tt nil 1 t , . - . - " 7 l .... i v - . v I i i -. 1 , . t : 1 f , - - i i i ,m . - ni m, v ----- -ym " a- i v X V ,aengutim peace t, - ' Jm: f -. M fivjv , -r -v. w ,, tolive ike brothers, hrM--A fw vv,a v.,-,fi fvirf't 'v;ni"' ;--rN.' "-ff-';H-,tv; - . ..Vv-JOSEBIT'OAtfea & SONV-.V. ??JlW?a.-,Wf'. PPraoce, the canoe a m.ed -to tW property m.ghi be rund.:..r. -'1r.? 'V BfWii:' :v.'.' 1 lk 'r,,, i. ' -7,r 3 1 r ' "P . nemus aDrupt Ispot at .which he bad disappeareu It had ; i i ' "I T " L.Z7:'J' ... .. Kdt ixceedin ttefcen YiTiepcatly, inserted 3 tim e $ f o r a T) o lUr and t wenty-fiyft - cents for every succeeding- publication: those ol gre&t er lenirtli ih'-the' same proportion. .CoMaitT jrtciTidws thankfttMy received. t.LzmtBi to the Editors must h postpaid: ' ry- .J A -; MISC E1.LANEQUS SELE0TIONsTj ;, Ml C !i I LIM AO Kt N AC K." fjftiti' Island isi4 in probaVil ity 'dettirt- h!thrdOiot exist in ari vfothr part otthe khbwii World; apd tbt)i them comnVunl cit i n el 'byitnsivi. ri vefs ? VV Uh cbu utries ' of extraordinary. .TertilitT $ iti does riot ap- pear onf eusonauie, to suppo&ej inai u wrin one ciaVnot anff,'tfe. debjielnhabifl. Id that calhere iiibare seen rugsed rbck aud Utist -ed. brushood albne there wijl b: present J long radges oflstqihbaesan il wpllimrssV and aba V84teemine - with " the ?t?jlth atid luxuries of- American industry iind enterpruelt jis: impossible any prope W 1 1 1 ro ate of; the 1 1 m e necessary to acCrtmDlish at! Ihift.The' wonderful adr vabceimliit of iiiteltectSuU increaseTbf po pulation trthepr?sentagef to vvhith no ouieri-oeiore or since ine cnnsvH era, tan De com parefu p ,i c v if kf?lV w viytnia flance Vnd !k har that ijotKfng Job strdnge. oriapparentiy ab surd, canj bf i fliagitted. which maj not '.bes Siiiiuepiv urougrii iu pns. even uic pre- ent generation "Way I ike tohrwithlidmi ratibnof fht : 'great cit y of the lalces :i 9 i ts me rchati t s th rongi ng the mar ket& of: the Atlantic and full of wonder, relate to their ch i Id re n J Ch i Id re f l ihe ; u n exa m pi ed pros perity bitthnr beloyed country Thfju- - riilents in the.ancicnt tomanct s no Jbnger d ppear v u a ana I m prtioa.pi e a na i un e, u ru lue magiuative auiiiyw.nci wining iiit-"j suppose thatthey were; "detenbingr cte btcbujd-acoailyla ."ageb al- , ter iheir; deathil : f; r-''j-. ; That e7great.alte ration which is ;nowv anjd vjias'betthbf late years, pngreasipg , , throUfjhbu t , tb e world a tfecti ng i t s pol itjeal - aiut liforAl wrth, andaraeliorating the ron tiabjfTihkifid ;a genera! Is, to be at tribttteJtihVp of feunerhuuiLl) aid.' hOnW but sceptics will for $v:woiueut-uouW power, rof V ba t ev e r ni t u r e; it m ay be in a y co njin ti e to VxeTt its tuifaenee bpbnjhe hearta of mv , cbU njt'v m e,, !ipon-Ote.i "a.l I ifcinds of ia- (ro v c m e'ut;-i s t h b f e t ehjt wish of i n e, who tote; Ihe bai woul'd tvillibyy ht4 hi fast drop of bloud for its wi-al; ;" .. ') ' 'r y . t'L ' ; : . ' : 1 1; was nearmidnig(it, that "a light canoe, made of tbe,btrcb bart, gtidedsilently ver;the Wjiterelhat form a, bay uear this isttiid. v V'l t con lained'th ree iei stis, whose s ling, We med tnl partake bt the lassitude "' kvhicn reigns oven.naiure ; at uiai uour. Theie s somethibg lutliiriotis in the up-. U'distarbed serenity of the 'night.' The daik warm exhalations from 'tbe bay, and the balirty8i0lhwest,wiud breathiugo " not et-rn exciting a ritmle.' combined to lull the jtenses into a state of forgetfulness. The voyagers appea red 'to enjoy the scene nf v repose,, ad ; a.', they approa"c)ed "the iho'ref aVstruinf melody 'arose, expressive f .th feeliugs which the beauty - of the bight could alone call forth. '. Befure them lay the, Vu bible d wellings of a small settle tnent, iuidjabove, perched upon the top of a precipice, towered the biltiebienis of the national fiVtres; The tiooni ia its ze nith, poured over the whole a joft' mellow r'ghft.reveaiptbjt ff ' i . : m ' " I I ...I . U.,.,i! Ir ikik. JU.,,I .k l ' tldreient V j f 14 y " PJ.J du ring fur,foi)d,ror;in .6eiziog ;upuu' some of Ve4ed; diidthe canue w.Vs suffered to move t.rw?ird vith its. owj impetUN Z wliiWCall three,; c'ro'i cliii' do w n, We.f e h hid exi, from vii.it'j Ttwr'hr ihoai. in , a few liiomenU Vtr(ppedv'uii'i!:iiegan Hibibting tfieir bodies, froih liead . to foatV -ju-ithi the contents of a Urge, bladder; .cnrupnseg oi; on extracieu tii,:a the lar air I rackbou, the 'tlwrtf hasti y ui.iei two iuoks tu-vwo iiivvui, v Allien wereXaflixed JiivyJ'pl umbels, and fcf t t bj ec j or iiii med in tely b pon the com- y'ciinn.,01 j.ne . vanwu an icun;iiv, vuc VU leu hi niself i Soft in i ts stemj whiUC t(l:etv.' Vemaibrng lajing;' huldi of the i uitidtiff uuk feat trsslv into tub 'profo'dnd' it)'. .hs fyi'lw', i 'The ?orri; s it;i'stledto M. hC stdb4rf the Vessel, At ftm assumetf lti'5 di tuiaTr d i rection, but after a shurt ,tiot: bfjiuu'' to I englberiVbut towards Uie Ui-iUs- dj IwwL, will en oljtlacU i ,uautiitent' tooctupy Jhb iaiiiff ed to become Qhe -otthe great depots of la ,f SUitMeUJbf ween :-tib Mftiitl th:Hke bf movtMijeutSf as.LJiey , uipped ineir-pauuies i n tothe pu fiC 'eleine 9 V9fi u w h i cH t li e r e fl e c iutv hif induij;er iblb; stars Vere seed spark- the luliush, which in countless numbers pfayed'abWttheii rt ved v within" sigh W t We i r , song ; s u d d e n ty j r iceeded :to fasten t,IVe other to the side of , S LVtrtcealmentr and ,'silencel seemed " the .-Vi ' . i ,. . i w - u u hi ik. . . ii nas aii iiik ii tiif ninrn n: nin lair ; .. . no niiiiai v .;, -- - y ' ; y ..... v.. r 1 i rRiRnsnnRf:"! irrnn i ..'yir'v - i . vw. .' .. . . ' - together admirable to Watch ,the, effect of mentsV their, snorts were kusnpm IpH ' ' and they .huddled .'together as if in councjl wriai raeasures snoulfl De taken to put a stopto tins onheard-Mf method of diving. ww 0 a u iicdniiirxn r i Mini I kii. i I . . jirumancj among tne great body of pierced his eye, entering the brain, and niese inhabitants of the air.ind water. after a few ineffectual struggles he died, Consternation was evident in their move like a h no one knrw whose turn it would be next as quartered in the city of Worcester. fneoda and kindred, children and pa- was taken up for 'J desert ion and being riyttJJenJy snatched -away ried bf a court martial,swas sentenced to in an awfullv "mvsterii.iiM mnnnr. Tii.. Ka 1rtf TK0LI 1; . 'Jfe.J3 tfeacnery discovered, when net being at the time in London, the coin the .cause: of their; hapless companions' mand of he regiment ifeicen'ded in course !W9S uabie to femain without breath- to the major, a mtt cruel and inhuman ,-i , . . , . rf , .f" ' - v - . , - . . -g 01 j longer, t emergen mq me miast 01 u e .cuDgregaiea HucKs, : and a rusbot utngtlto Jl"t",u,e quie 0La wniriwuui, as tney tiar- KeiieM ineair wiin tneir Uight, announced thetr tright and .astonishment." iiic spoils laKen in this novel kind of warfare, were immediately secured bv slip-noose & drawn into the canoes, which, feayfi O irecetved.: the . dripping voya- gers, conunued to drift idly about at the ym 01 me viod ami Current. At this ume, every utspos.Mon on the part ot the voyagers tended tow mis the eniovment ol I ep, ui;uiweis were unrolled, and the taduig consisting of deer's skins, and some lidittereiit.. .pel tries, . w.is adjusted !in Ihelanguish uf his soot !,cCDI.en!t mat,'n!r P08!Wc' 'It m,ghl Jist .rime about bis. neck '. f?5f 5D!a'hff,?r fl,r . thri-e we're bO- On his knees did the poor fellow beg 44VlfP'S,"i"Vr- ' -tlisfct one of them that he mifiht not have a hand in his bro wasaroused by, a low angry growl that dirrV deatu and the poor prisoner for cm ffuin a dg,-'. vhich:-had hitherto re- getting for a moment his petitions to'' hea- tides J he ws now stttiiig erect, in an at-Uf ai.iw,.-- ,uc uuiiinuus ai j titude of defiance, upnn the largest pile, of sJc,nsT"19 uPIeif J'P quivering with anger, and his lon whitp. .1. i;u. - f ."f-:5. U,..UI. .mon n.s n urew near, ne couui distmiruisn the i.cju m du cii.umiiu. ueai, ui sn-ut raised a- ngn aoove ine vaier, snura.ig ihe air as it attracted by the smell of soimuhing parti- cularly agieeable. It was wiin no irreat difficulty that he awoke his companions, who; coJlly prepared fur the unexpected rencontre. all ani- At ceitain seasons of the year tnalS become more cimr.nriiitm limn nsnu even to the deer; but at that eson the pear isi particul itily voracious. He swims I tne la death hisd pprmiv to attack him. fur nrd nfi hr iIia! fver which rages in his veins, he will not be blow to resent any insult which may be wujacia uju every utivnuiage , posessiu a lght cariue, capable of great' swiftness, over ivhu h they had complete mastery, ;nd a Coolness of purpose, a fcnowledgi? of the nature, and watchfulness of the movements ol the animal, obtained only by Jong ex- ipenence. Eeu it ws, they approach 'fd with great caution ; bei- g sensibleaOiat a blow from one- of hi pans, would shat- f the frail bik, in which all their rich es in this whUJ were deposited. They had fire .sinus .truly, but )hey were also so near the g;uiiu.v tint for oiue reason best known to tluMusehts, they (lid nut ..... j: v - . dare to use them. As tit-v drew tit-r t the bear, it was with difficulty, -md not un til his feet were tied together, that the dog was prevented from leaping overboard; so great was his desire to atfuck the enemy. Among the offensive implements the voy. agers possessed were a number of Indian bows, strung with tendons of deer, and a bunch of long arrows headed with barbs of copper, which, shot into the .lender parts of animals do goud execution j "sometimes killing them on ; the Spotr but more often cutting some .vein or arYery asunder, 'leav ing thein a space to run, vu lit il they.. drop down from exhaustion, - which. gradual Way id dying inanV liun rs' prefer, saying taat the nesn is tnen more lender, j itcy, auu fit for the nicest, epicures to relh. ' , . ; The ntst intioiatinn tne o;ar received m he uttered a tniible toar, gnashing his bet h and - raising hint se If ja th e ai rr Thi s waiPlhe' faVourablemoineflr jrjuick' as thought before bf' could .agsta setiie'jo I h e wa ter,' both eh shof,, wi fhgi ea force, nierced faisUhWxlTw1iiIstf-tbe-cAiioe'4aried rapidly, away. He iV : nov' -excifed to phrenzy J uttering cne oi rage, ann 101 1b wing. his fbrmentersV with- every :lndica t ion. of satisfying hjs' r'eybj'upbji; them. dry iiav ing u u a i ucu ; ;tuc necssarj u i s taiice- awaited liis approach allowing him loeet wnnm a-iewiyarna wnen tie was a -. :' o ""Y1"-" . . v pM,,r" ' uai 11c, aim tic uuij simuiu oe iue execu- nanas ot Ji. a. isarnam, Esq. Notice is hereby from his elevated station, and raiding h'un- tinner, if it were only tor example's Sake, ffven, that alt proceedings are stayed on said self so as to obtain a satisfactory view oi mil 10 make justice appear more terrible. Attacnnaent for the space of 30 days, whetrlt every thing' aruUnd;quiikly deacriad'a When much time h.d been wasted in fruit- J86 -Johns do not appear and replevy or dark object moving swiftly Awards him. iess endeavours to soften the nguurof this vJ.- Anal w,U be entered agamst Ke and rivers, and ho obstac e but niece, than throwinff it on the irround. he w;th5 tK-:m MnviKi K"ir, k. , l,ruu,l.',:''.t'u ,w t . ...j, . ... ... r : . f - 1 ";" vkU r.v.aw..Uv.u j i mi wuvs i uer.iue management -or xatea M IhtVre. v ' Will hinder bim Irusn accomplishing exclaimed' lie that i?lvrs no mercv. no will be nlead in bur of their recovery. I lm...u.. -j ' ..4 V. "..-!. esires. I tits then thai it is most dan- mercv let him receive- Now I submit! II - BRYAN THOMPSON. Admr. I r . . vXT'p.ft tlhKvri. V " otteredV and woe be to bun upon whom he. seemed to be sorry for this unexpected -..v-r-aown ot oxtom, witn tneiLAWiu adjcning Jr'A 1 XillJ WIS &H AliliJl Oll gets. A hold; for he never will be content piece of justice on the inhuman ra,jor, and 7?tboAf 2.00 wh,.che Ocresare r , .jeJr'f r.v r 5-. : i- i , j i . V J. , ... . iJ Woodland. 1 he Houae is 52 by 40 feet, com J v : Miercnam - iauor9 ry v;,)'' a-. A untd he has tcm hun piecemeal 10 the mos. the man being ordered into, custody, many modlous, and wei tinislied" throughout, having NFORM thrirfripbds and customera that thev: b cruel manner. ! ' gentlemen, present, who had been the wit- 4 rooms with fire--places 'on: each - floor,', with a Ml have taker; tUb;atand formerly, occupied .hy- vV In the present instance, however, the tiesses f the whole affair, joined to entreat wide passage on each 4 garret distributed into Mr, 'jas. v Litchvorb;:" and hav lately-received , f ? ",V an unfriendly feeling upon the 'part of. the vuyagersV4witS ojie ofjlii abuve ineotioned arrows fixed jit'oilf in Jits .ejrwherrupon i iv eel wnuii tt .icnij.MUB wucu ,was uau ui. uie iart;c.iuc:M4iu:ucr.u uro&eu, auu i in'Vasilgaiu saiuieu who unecarrowa jii uiuereniiun puiiiugine piece luunt uy,i.ur. iv iot ,3 " JUAL1.4 jSBUWvil111 ""M v o avwv. u mi 4 5C,nr partof bis bead.::--.Ybe iwy iwdaVdifedHbo nwt fractircd, they ircrfund tffcer- ltalewA -Jfuab X9," 153 A;j ;A A-V lte tottouoa;--f-V.'- .;-:ixVV: V - v was at end At that moment an arrow ' ' -, T FRATERNAL AFFECTION. In the reign of queen, Anne,1 a soldier, iiifin cri ri rv rik k m nrAinnM . Mn . ... ai. u.i.Mi a m. vviuuci am man. t he day on which the deserter was be executed being arrived, the regiment as is uual on the-e occasions, was drawn out to see the execution It is the custom uh these occasions, for the several cormw-als to cast lts lor Ihis disajrreeabie office ami wVmn PiPrinn. ;cted to see lots cast as usual, they were surprised to find that the major had given orders ha the prisoner should die by the hands of his own hroihfr. wh. was nnlv private man in the same company, and I who when th rmpl taking leave wt his unhappy brother, with tears fast flawing that expresses and I nr,..; t tK, one . t : r -I ' I "" a " vmv ,ij was uatiiu" ior i,ne a brother. The uh'relentino- nffirpr. ven, u- rieu uie uv anv nanus nut those however, could, by no' mens be pievailel ou to revoke his cruel sentence, though' : A . . I .eg'mei ul on ne contrary, he swore, nguuroi mis innuman sentence, the . nrisoner nrenared . ' I o me, and uie Drouier to oe tne execu- tinner. i The m trior, strict to the maxims of cro- eltv, siands close to see that the niece is well loaded, which beiit- done he directs that the third -mI. cane .hall be the signal . to tire : accordingly at the third (uotiin, lh! major (instead uf the prison- rprpicwd thf hullr. thrniKrii Itia otvn I head, and fell liteless to th erddtid. " ' .. .. The man hud no sooner, discharged his h l iihni- iUU h.ki.f fVr ticf I death, than live a hundred years and tke .wav the life of my brother" No person unexpected j - I tig and pathetic address, to her tnajestj, t he brothers were pardoned, and dis charged Iroin the army. Sailors Mag. SINGULAU OKTECTION. The New Orleanl Mercantile Ad verti 4 ser contains the fuliow'r.g particulars ol the. 'detection of . a thief, who had stolen some silver coins from a Mr. fearremoie one of W'hich. vas marked L M : and found a piece Vdv a' nail, which appear ed, to be that ot the toe of a humaii bing ; lie dclitcredi it to the Mayor. r ;TJie May or, as soon as lie hiid obtained inf,nna'i(Mi irf - the descripiion of rerchiudi.e which the person obtained1 for-lhe cun, sent a numberf the guards to ihe ib;rketrwith lustructiooa to' notice if i any si a ve shbu I i havn s'Uch a handkerchief: ; Nodlsc i very wai m ide. '- The Alaybr suspected the tniei )va one o;e wan, a siavo oi air lina ge r, undj bad, hiiii .a'rresteiL'.'n He had bii 'a handkerchief of the discriptiun bf that sold for. the coin;' He dented the robbery. and being .ordered 'to take off his shoe jfitock; ing, did: so, but the natls on that loot were perfect-when, i however, ( the. 'btber ,foot was mide- bare; it Was diicover'ed that the (fail of the large,.tbebid:beu;brokeoj Vnd 1 iiruicnaill tuiu- the officers to defer the execution bf the closets and two comfortable rooms j and a cellar the following article ,in their line of business-" o her brother till the queen's pleasure u".de :.the dividec 'int0 ral apartments, via:'-. ' -v - ".r.;. 'Afe;' should -be known. i F It is situated m a mbutiful grove of Oaksj . ",Sttpen Blue BUcBroactbtbVA0 'V '- "h . . . - .. . .. . . attached to it is a large Falling Garden furnished ; i . do. Bottlfr fireen Rmh'iJriiiii;'kj'' The request being complied with, the wUhfruits selectedfrSm the hoVtlii - an Ice-House ; - sSeUnd ri.ty chamber that Very night, drew a. feel- instructed of rock a stone Spring-House .-a flht hrc-v.-and r.it Rin.!L:-ffi . On Monday, by the informotiorT nf a Iu- examine them. ; He . lias superfine and Tow . lUleighOclSStf. OrKlVlarfy. j' v'? i .. - , ,: . i w. . r i ' m'i priced, Blue, Ubttk, Brown,-Olive and Mixed 1 ., 1 ' 1 " , --M'v4 : dy, that identical oiiie was found. I he l;aVelvet,YahcU, Florentine & alaVseiltes N ;-"-'V. '.2?Oi!V; 3ilZl-I3 a V" ; v XVw V ' person in whose psess.uir it was fount , v,Stts. which V ill be 'sofcUow; oftnade Up npHAtell ipowii and, eligible sViatlon Iri : ;V ' stated to have sold a handkerchief, whieh to oulet, m a superior style", of workmanship, -at jj 1 ihe town' of 1 WarrentoD, N.C occupied ' i .sbcid'ese'ribed; to a'-'negfH'HWse name she . the stiut test .btic and ii the'tnOst accomnioda. now. andfor roanVyeWrast; mX'v Y- A,-' V "' dfd not know, and in payment took this tin tern'is. Ite .s-now oii band, a.4 itels . 4 H'jp f oin. This was the firVt step to.the dU ;Vn covery. Inthe uioruiiigafier the robbery, -READY MADE CLO'fHlNG A k bikb itaItbfuV"and vealtby section cf 3 : Mr. Barremofe was examining the chamber Such as Gentlemen' Over. Frock W Vress 'Hpe holdings are Jrfge from whence had been. ukeotii. property, CoatspanX MISSES PDLLIAM resnectfiillv ii.fnr JL ;the Members of the approachinor General Assembly, that tney will be prepared to accom modate 10 or 12 ot'them, with Board. ' 4 r. Raleigh. Oct'. 13. v V ; ' ' ;v .'20 3j I..,.: JUST RECEIVED , BY J. G4LES;$ ONt i , 4 ; Specimens of American Poetrv- Critical and Biographical ' Notices " j j BY S AMUEt KETTELU . "The above, Work is the result of iitn attempt to do something' ftpr the cause of American Lite rature, by ca.fi ng into botice and preserving a portion of what is valuabfe and characteristic in the writings of bur native" Poets. llJnderxthe per suasion that the American public will look with indulgence upon this effort to turn the attention to the literature and talent of our own country, th Author Submits those Volumes. to -their in spection. ; The undertaking is one which be thinks they cannot but contemplate with inter est. With what degree of credit he has acquit ted himsellof the charge, it remains for them to determine." . ,. 9air State of North-Carolina. Montgomery County, . npAKEN UP, on tbe 14th September, 1830, the by George :M'Ca, uving; Uiv; Uharee, about tliree,miles from Lawrenceville, SOIiKEL MAKE, judged to be tive.years .j l u'jr t.. ent -,1 .t.. : r,-i "k j r iinccii uauus intrii. iier nirni ninu -RICHARD STOKER. Rantrer. V N. R. The Stray Mare came to Mr. M'Caue'' 9Ulll.tU, 111 ouiv lASt, ' ot State of North-Carolina; v waKe Joumry, v t Edmund Barker, Agent of Alek. Freeniarv , . , ; rs;-)V ' 4 ' Jesse B. Johns. . Original Attachment A N Attachment hvainsr issued m the above if case, which was levied on property ih the him. fiiven mt. mv lian,t ,n tt.; nth sf 18JW - wkston k. bales, j. p; Z ; wv.uv NOTICE. A T the last August Term of the Court of Pleas 1 sc tor on the Estate of Isaac Thompson,' dec.!Jate of said County. ' - f v ) Ail persons indebted to said Estate a queiea ta make payment immediately those having claims against the estate are AUpersons indebted to said Estate queftea t? make payment immediately Wayne county, Oct. 6, 1830. 19 4w ? THE SUBSCRIBER 4aFFERS for Sale his HOUSE Wel1 f excellent water in the yard ,ri j. i- i.i ..... u.i :f- .i. 1 mises is a comturtable two every , convenience for a (better constructed Yard where. Th is p rop e ily w i reosunuoie anu accommou:i Oxfofd, Sent, i, , : - ' 5oaw tf i'. J u i ,;k ir., viii.nt A teh.-4 - A -1 I ed td brine them forward Iirsllv unthntiratrl r ir.t.u ,.tl t J; t-il -t'j' ' j-i-l!!: "--,"' "- ? k,. j an O race ni l HA!r?G- ,P?. -"V; a.sfor,tfat- e'bur adagc-L trying U if nakedJUntV-A VATi -l otGoods.inhisline,respectfiniyi.iviteah.s They .rtCeive Asemi-anirually;: xhe .ew-lvV itV customers and the public generally, to call and Ynrk ihitinft..; , - i - A . t Ua!f i vbU2RFtge ! P i :-' ed th.tj0ne Would 'haW wKS V Ualeigh 26th bepU . 46- he pTembe, Tbe furni:ure:belbngihg to tif ;A A . p.. Having icceived the !-Jns Estabh',b.ent will also be dispose should "U r jnd h.VHisr.mn.y iuploy,firs .rate workmen tRe pHy be iold befo.-e the It day orv' v : ee rent conh Jence m roy toy1g December next, itiwilfon that day'bi o3&S at??- ; V-1' taction to .thosoo nmy fa lte e 9n premises, wheh Wdestnwi H custom.! - v , yXLhXANpbBCAMPBbt.L. , , gi. ift this hW tf business would 4o W . L f - HAXVO01Fs iiEIJOUT3.r well to atiend, as Uja rdom tbatuch and?; i V '-.. v..' . - y - V.'rt portunity as the present is alTorded- w. , J:"VJ1T The: Tenni wbicbshaU be liberaJriadstithaa;-; -7'';"?" 1 rZWbMV towcojnmodatepmhixers, wiUoettd5uja r ! ; Hin-.out of print, we are aoout to ublsh a day of sale. a'. 'tV iTi ' -sv - I C ne edition of it, with ncetobse UeiiWtSbj to V Lab A . t ''"' enactment ?l&lltuf' rrt scnber.'postage. paid, wiU be promptly utcndA : die Oour of ConferenceJ and , Supreme Court, dl; ? '".A a'i;ahe:of the Caieseportedargin yC - V, rSfiSte " ,;wsrrentbt,,.2etb Sept. ISAn irtJa fB : V I . - - 'n 1 I i 1 I . ' i I pi i mmmm 4 ;1MRS. JOHN HAYWOOD, ? I VJV?; S?. prepared -to accommodate uecntyt.ve i? j . ' .iAirryMemherapnhe JgislatuVS!s'e as" ."iV - . surea ll those ho 'jutay. honor, ier.' with theit :. , v ' -patrbnasre; that no exertions shall be spared AO ?r V - detached rooms;' besides those jr, the jmaiu .-,"' ? - butlding. iiV.'-, V:'"'V'-" V ' N, 3J. The? fa,vbt of earfy applications as 4Xe iil- 'VCCr Mrs- H. continues to receivexTrravelleuff T -and Boarders by the ekj Jlnhtlor Year, ;- V ;J.To:IE.prJiLc.,fv;;; rpHE , Wardens -of the Poor for the County bf v. ' JL AVakei will attend' at the ' Pbor-nouses cf V " uounty on the iirst baturday m November-' turni.hing' the Paupers with food and'faiment? V ' N for one year ko commence from the first day of - - January -next.: : There, are between SU and 40.'- paupers, well provided with house arid turni- t ture. There is also, a pood housev plan taiioa , Vv j and jrrist-milt, for) the ue of the coiitrrctor.' A: J ' sufficiency 'ofash will be'-'mid in' advatice- id. enable the contrkctorto lay in1 his pmvisiotj's Ifo uomracTors are desired to state tuejr terms ty. ' head. ,,tiond and , approved security will be ; 1 v required for his faithful performance. A "fnV '""J"- , order. V:-, v ;.y;;?p:; ' W. CLIENTS, Cterkv 4 C-";- ; or the, Uborr of yrden4. : .nt.r J. ift?n r, New York Consolidated 820,000, 10,t)b0oQ0(fc 4,ooojn?oo, Grand C6h$olidaU& : To be drawn 26th O6tober, in Newcastle, peW JC fH' 1 prize bf 20,000 'l0:K-' loo . "iooo f V; - 1100,000 Besides 500 S0Q 200 tOtf 5tefV Tickets glfi ;Hal?es-5rLQuartera,0i' stimulus j'. 'At. 1 ..,' r v, rPZ ,11 gt'i Gre v Cass'im reus , .. ' ! ' ...4 ' . k.jJ'.''- . rt. 7 IV"V V,lllk.a ' j -4"' ii 'f ..I."..' ...7 k, ftiffeners, guipenders Collar&Cra-i -vats, tt, Handkerchief v s. nu aiarseiues 3 do. m r ' 4 i ; . tm. j..i.v !..'.:..''' '.- ' - i,viiwmij vt "uu iinssurimt;nr ext.- iT T wuc wenoeo to ' . iff Dismal SwampX3atial Lbttery,v t I 1 TtpIdpa asnrt'onni 'inn j: " ?And Tickets glO.. Halve 5. Quarters' 5L 50-c' not.fi- . , .v .Erghthsi.25-r;-r;'n;C:''! " 1 ii.ii. ul. iii. i .jta..:.--J5,..'-ii,-.v , story Dwelling, within tUZJIU BmUE VL.UUHjXU Vizi? t. family residence.- A I J Oyer; Trock and Dress CoaW; S-1 aX' is seldom een anyf pantaloons and Vests." '; ,v r;.--. A - ' ll be disposed of en LiiienCottbnVl'lannel and Net SJihHv.-V- ' ' tmrrterrtia. ' - f ' 1 t. vV.. vi.nn.i .n. - enquirer will insert tlie abive adTfcftirrt fop . " h ' -I- l ' AAv 1 "'' " ' --tA . " A-. . . '; - f,.-, , - : , . , , -'A !' A ---A' A-A "Am -a aa; 1 ; ; .v'-.'- -a -a ft;-.:v-;-;.;vvv - - a,:.a . .v-,'.,.