i 4 .1 A ' x-- rr 4 - a-vs - j L - - ' a 3 S'i-J 4 'TiOLv-L' , -r r.f Cr' ) i'. i Vi 4 1 "... 4 i w)b is?r b ii g a i; e , i - ' . 'T . - : ' 'we: v', s-i !;- '-v v 8cTBSCIVTlo-Fivx"n,.t!nr Mr knaum half in - , . . AhmtKivkti LVvp Ar 1 A ImMM hint inter. Court Orders tnd Joiciil dvertiaementy td Advenisement iDtcriea in the rsemi-Weefclj Reo- irrx will also oppear in tbeWeeil ripcr.'free. of AJI letters tolbe Edltdr mast be pMtpaiJ Y I - ! .... 1 .4 '-. 1X3 -1. ;WT i f There is, in the heart of every "nianv r a aero is, inane nearioi eveiy manv sen- riiraeni oi Religion,, ficn no fopmstry, .can entirely pervertt7n" wer can . wholly 'des XtQjl, Tlls;vj5oro. ... principle, which eje i rca vreawri! mepieaores-oi ' sense,, our - iplies,J:ajir- ovi vires, Imay; weaken, but l.teannot annihilate. V The sacred spark, which enkindles', the flame of . piety, the carest of '7 w -Vu ..nmouier, . oui cannot, ex tin uish,; Heaven-born, and -emanating from! , -the (ountain of Jight; it disdains every in.fe-' -yegrae iVaspireSjContinuollyj towards its na itive region and proves hself lo be divine. V- -Fur the truth of this, we miht annenl with ; confidence to the page of 1iistory, .to the con- .r, wi jr uaiiuu atui lUUgUC, 3tlU reel ur. cause on the united suffrages of all man ' kind But there is no need of argument in proof of that, which every .man's: conscience, 'acknowledges to be true.. In vain d6er the jBcentic den v the existence nf hnr faeVm whitfi the hand of Heaven has' implanted iiJ very-; oreasu. tyne tne tool, i who savs in Alia fceart ;Thete is n6 God! ;Ke knows thltpe is vainly laboring to believe a He . -.anij at one- period or other of hia life," ht the seasAii fif;calm refleciion, under, the pressure' of some afflicting bereavement in the hoar jof sickness, or on the bed;ofx!eath there is iiCK human being, who does not feel within himself an ircesisriule: impulser tj adofe the : .wisdomto propitiate the favour, and to bn $dei iii the-goodncss of an invisible, Almighty! . Power. vV.V ,;;;,. . s Since it is; atfromjlhe heari;"j-';ge onr;depen Wnce on, tneSupreme .l5einjgfvsufely of all sutectsAhat jWhichpfesss to reveal jiist divine will, and ta hoint Out the nfh w W J r" " v- ' "; .. , gmuwim, kii&i, AwcstauH ut -wijicn inev are a ,lion.OneDoI!ar; eachfulgucnt ingeriion,25 eon.4once the idolators and the shame ami affe-i leads to him, is of the first importance ; cal-tto iaejties, and Worthy of the "great exertions of the mmd of man.X For, as suiely as ihere is Creator, who Originally formed all , things . v'br tj power, nd y6 -it the Aljnighty pre - erYer,', and moral governor of the, rational creatures whom he has made, so surely does .the; welfare of . the iotelligent part of his c ation depend, solely, on the favour "and pr o tec(ion ofl this great Father: of allx Every i jh'Og, which tends to;elevate burVlhwghU to V- nini, must conduce to ronr hanni np - and :".r j w - 7 hui uigu.- ate in our ignorant, our erroneous ; concep-J aions.'or our foftretfulness of thik trrtt Ra; - ;v v-f, vn, niiiuuuucs nut orein- aions, or our forgelfnlness of this great Beitf?. 'i vr f v ub yuacrvauons nas, mueeu, rarely, or never denied. And now. the path, which would conduct us; to happiness, eiagk plain and open before us, it seems al inoit impossible that the most careless travel lfyhqy,d ycrniiss .-hfsiy;.:Butt;.:Jaii; Jiow often do these golden expectations ter minate Jni disappointment and vain regret ! Tew of these blossoms of hope) withstand the xude teniDestor thakillinfr froRt; ThA ,l f fseed, whiah promised an abundant increase. v 'either falls: by; the way; side, and is lost;; or V it takes ho'root, and withers away j or it is hoked by; the cares 'and pleasures ofthe .'world. Our duty is, indeed, most plain ; but : ' -our;passions blind pur ' understandings, and corrupt pur hearts. iSte wards jofa righteous master,' weV waste his goods, and forget that . nheday of reckoning is at hand. Pension .ers of his bounty, we neglect the giver of all , we, -possess, '-'and. erect our heads with. ail tne pride of rightTuI inheritors of the eartlf. Ignorant of what a day may briiig forth, we -lay our plans at if we were lords, of futurity; .anil. Mnfauin i. t , . u" ciiiire f uepenuance on o4 we act as if all things, werelat our com- tnava -yi -"t;-.'--uK-.: v.t ' , f;; mv .utWhiie thousands 'i are" thui" parsing through this probationarytageof existence, with , scarce a thought of the . day of final retribution, anxious only to1 seize the fleeting irratifications of the present moment, and careless whether the inter stsorreligiori flou. i ttsh ? dscay ;! while:othersasstiming-the vacred name of. christiansv exhibit in : the ignorance oflheP ( the gospel, possesi ing the form of godliness but strange tslo -i ET"2iSd reslinff- threshold of the ,temple... without ever approaching,- the -altar -ol God ; there is arifttK-V : character more, decidedly hosUle ; who not y inp uesiroction of t hat is rMtr and good arounihherii.l These: are ithe, arrogant disputers of this world, 'Whose . inverted glory.it js, . to involve iu doubt and obscurity the plainest Jessons.of experience, pd to entangle, in, the -maze of error,! the lioble simplicity of truth, fi These SeoSers; of whonv the prophetic apostle forewarned the .church fwho (urhing Satire from her proper objects,: Vwe andiFoliy, directer; .keenest ". ouciuer oi raitti ; : and strive- by r t . . . ;nu puu uf ful subjects 'and most Vacred mystpries. Blind leader; of the bllncT, 1 who promjsing liberty to othenr, are themselves the slaves of passion ; rejectinf tbat ' reveliiion, whose touch, would parajjze thejr imparity and con found their4 mide: exahino-. inhpir vain ;mj aginations. that'Reason, x( -which thev are at Ing to celebrate the wonders f .'Nature, while iney aeny me authority ana sometimes the existence, of Nalqre's God '"r " " ,t Dark'" as. this picture i,lt cannot be deht ed that it V is'a too faithful" representation ' -of the conduct of alarge portion of society ? "and it Mcnistb be difficult for-any one, who is at1l'onc?rned, for the ! JiOrrOuf'andrv liappi ness of human naturc,'tojcontem plate it with indifference. But to hirnl who is firmly con vinced of the truth of Christianity, who'se tin ders tanding has.deliberalely weighed its' evi lence$K andy whose will yields as far as hu man IraperfefliOn permits an unreserved obe tlience Id iti laws, it 'ioafmzjrJ6rflii most painful reflection.-. 1 1 (s impossible for such a man to witnesst without the deepest cnricqri.V the; fatal irtfaiaatiori of so many of Ws fellow beings, whOare thus wasting"life away, as if Ihe Almighty had never apoken, in'accents of merer. to its creatures r ai if the religion of his son had never been reveal ed to mankind- -'That'sperwhich'ishe' foundation of his own hope teaches him to labour toanimate the hopes of others. .That faith, which is the source of his own happi ness, it is his pride and pleasure to commu nicate to all i and, excepting the infirmities which he fecls clinging to his nature that every member of the human family mav be, not almost but: altogether such las he s, is bis Unwearied, endeavor and most fervent prayer. v 's , j-y-Wb-:: : i - film pressed with these considerations, con vinced of the incalculable im ligiori to the welfare of soeietv. jinil ii9 ;r "some of the eauses Which prevent its recep- uvi(,.uu icwiu i muiress m uie neart. i nave oiten reflected in what manner I could best perform TrtyjBhre auu uiu, , ujr mi uits uieaua in my power, the common cause of. truth and christian!! ' t did hot hesitate- long.-. My mind naturally himaJ in! ll.A'...k:. ''! tilt--?, t i . J uuibu tu mw suujcbi, on which ,; ii naa oeen long1 accustomed, and still most - lovefr to dwell." ' I . had observed with what avidity our newsnaners are read. Wd f inotinaTi . S .-. . . . ' 9 ok. -mm IMVUIIVU to hope that an occasional essay devoted to relifiion. mitrht i not be altooeilw ble to the public" I thought it possible, that some- miffht be iemnted to read it iK novelty of its; appearance that some might L octutw a jew moments on its perusal,1 who nave noi patience. ' or win nnt mndixconH attend to the delivery 6f a sermon : and that others who shrink from th miUt volume; -might yet be induced to investie-ate even a serious topic, when exhibited in the attrCwtive columns of a newspaper. r ? r;i -J y I s' iveioften remarked witli what dinTculty men-f ' liberal education are brniio-ft tt Vabmissibn-to'tha authoritv aFiIia Ik no that, in manv: minds, tli tprm ,Mll.tnr .1 j 1 . . vugu,-auu uuiucss ans consiaereu as almost lynonj; jobs r aiid I cdhfesaf that I feel ah anxiety . to Overcome a' prejudice,: which greatly hinders the extension of truthand lo 4t. .r..l .1.-1.' iiuuiuio uio must awiui uocirines irom a reproach', which has been so undeservedly I r..AM.i 4k.m -.. iwr aJ. t . fastened upon them. Nor do -1 despair of some aegteeoi success, m this part ofimy de sign The attaeksfof infidelity havej ini all ages, dran; forth many-4n able champion in the Cause of religion and votlate yekra es peciaily, in prpportion as" her eu'emids ' have multiplied her intrepid defenders have pour ed into the ficld. ;In ' the pious labours of these yetierable benefactors of mankind, I meet with many passages which the most ele gant writer need not be ashamed to own. Of the divines and moralists, who have writ tenyin our own language, there are some, wftb certajnly are neither deficient in pro found learning, nor splendid genius, nor the lriostr animating eloquence : and- knowing that those who have most sluldied themT; ad mire them most, I cannot doubt-: that! occa sional selections ' from their writings will be'' productive of much' good5 The humble, christian will rejoice to see genuine piety ar rayed in such beautiful caanm Th I,nU. nd the man of cultivated taste, will pay an iiiiuiuuuii j uiuutc iu um )uwers-oi anch fancyand the charms of a polished style ; and those who have been accustomed proud ly to rank the'ehiefs of literature at the' head of the forces of infidelity may be compelled to .confess,, lii'at ail .genius, and taster and talents, and learning, have not enlisted them sel ves among r the enemies of the christian faith.:: 1 v; 'T ; 'i kThe neglect of tHe scriptures is "another impediment to the progress of religion, which it is the duty, of every christian to labour to reinove .The pride of intellectual superior ity a disdain of the pi ejtidices'of the vulgar) indolence,: levity arid, above all,, the perni cious writings of the enemies of' revelation. have conspired lo produce this unhappy.rcf- iecu: iut, irom whatever cause it has aris en; it .must be confessed that the' sacred vol ume is by matiy persons either entrrely for feotten, or fainUr remembered, like cmria mi. perstition of,lhe nursery, fitted to catch the v uuu vt i i uufuu v u uwuruij ' ine em ployment of mature-T-eanrIi Yet thnsn r. pords, which ihe prpud philosopher: afiects ieation, and ieceWed the eonenrrinor cnnRtimv. of some, of the i lhiost illustrious characters i" e appeared among mankind S Should therefore be so; happy as to ; succeed in exciting id TOy rreaders a; taste for ; work's of .a religious nature. vnifrht lhon Lnin.. uw inem io the' invite them to the- pure fouhtaia of truths Ana. Ktich ii Ui,i.:..:i .m . ....- v wwm?u: excellence tne the scriptures, that I 'should not fear the te sulu 'The historical compositions of Mosea abound wit)i:i6 man inltances of true" sim plicity and pathos ; the writings ; of David and the Prophets are:' conceived in strains 5of piety so animating; of sublimity W -rraad and awful ; andsueh is the?; divine' purity, which runs through' every page of the Gos pel,, thai nb one, I am persuaded, can "rise from" the : serious perusal of them without feeling himself both deKghted and. improved. Such are"the motives which have 'deter- rhined me.through the medium of your serai- J 6taijr, Avcgiaiur, m tuvue wis attention, oi the public toa aeries of essays ort'nioral and religious subjects j nor willl attempt to. cOn-; ceal the soKeitude, -witlf whfcJi commence myundertaking To offer J to thehildbf aflliction thesweet consolations of religion ; toarresf 5ilie- thoughtless in his i Vwift : pjo gress . lo destruction ;It t STevivct the f dying flame bf piety ; to ehake, the deep-rooted con fidence-ofjKejufidelVft the don bting ch ristian ; jo Warm ; the, cold ,! and to animate the timid, bythe hope! of the promised reward ;Uhese are indeed; iaims bfno ordinary boldness; and when L,'corn pare my slender resources with the great ob jects before me; my heart sinks within me and I am reatfv, tri retire.jn'-desnandenRv:' from this field and of danger SiSi ; But all is in His hands, whose praise I seek : vi' - - His frown can disappoint the proudest strain ; -'.His approbation prosper even mtne,n ' OCj" Mojtito wishes ; his Essays to appear in your t ndays paper, that they may furnish FanuEes with statable Sunday reading, i -... s ? ..1 ... t a ,;-Vi PARTY PROSPECTS. ! The opposition, party have' now,-: before. them a plain and most encouraging course; A steady perseverance) in their, struggle! a eainst corruniion and ttvrranv is all tht i necessary and but a sshort time will effect their triumph the? triumphtbf our country In 1 829," Jackson first year so great Wa luojyukjr u utc iany Uiai susiameu Bim in Cengress, that the strength of the Opposi tion was scarcely felt. 1 The Administration candidate for Speaker had, out of 194 , bal lots, 155,' leaving but 39 votes ! I In the I succeeding session in 1831, the Jackson party were -.80 strong that they. ran several caudidates for Speaker, and re-elected bit; Stevenson without, aoyi party; opposi tion,--In 1833,- the -Opposition -in 'Congress 'be.' gart to strengthen, but ;Mr Stevenson" was again elected, having; received 142 votes out of 218 ; a majority of 32 over all candidates In 835, Polk, the Jacksbh i candidate for Speaker, yecelved 1 32 votes out Of 524, be ing ! a 'majority, above all of : 1 9ii: ; This showed, a -falling off. in the ranks of "the party,.' hich At the' neitsession, in. 1837, was suit more strongly shown; Of the 24 Votes cast thai year, Polk received but 116 a majority of3 ! In that election the Con servative voted for him How stands tlie case in" 1839, T TjThe I jnajority'ragainst Cthe Administration ia said to be four if thosr e lected act honestly up to tlie promises they; made to their constituent. la nn K,aaM. couraging t Assuredly it is ; and now " that the Onnositionhavft Hppmin an undivided front to the hosts of the corrupt powers that be, the race of those, powers lis neaVly run.A'eern Spectator'.; f "The homiuatiou of John M Mo behead Esq. of Guilford county, by the late Whig Convention:, at Raleigh, as . a Candidate to succeed our nresent; excellent -': Onvprnor. has been resDonded to with natriotin arilnfir by the VVhigs generally.; A large3 briiyJ In the diflerent counties recommended th.4 gentleman '.as a snitahlev nersnn tA fill ' 1h Bxecutive Chair of the. Stale ; and hia nomp uio vwurciiuuu, wo uuuui no 1, Will be4 supported - with, unanimity;, worthy the good cause - itirl which (lie Republican Wbigsre engageu.At-thisv mbmentbus crisis, when the rights and privileges of the people-are fampled updn byia recklels atid unprincipled ' party faction, .let every Wnig in the Old North' Slate nobly come', to the rescue,' by.; sacrificing' his persnnl . prefer ence pon the altar of Patriotism, ;and i go ing heart and hand - in support of thel nomi nees of the State and National Convention. v Instructions.--Senator, Foster, otyTenn., has resigned,? in consequence of the Loco' Foco resolutions 'recently r passed by' "he Legislature of that State and it is quite cer tain that Judge, White will do likewise, for mid a a luc cause, r, T, f " ...- . . The Whiff Leffislature of' North Caroli na would have been improved ' in thepow.- eroi maaing enecttollow canserif they had lanen a lesson irom ; the Tennessee Legisla tors' The, poor ' Whigs trieiP to instrucft, that js, they.spoke their, wishes to Measrr. Brown and Stran tone of 1 well-bred e-enilemen. : witlmut ing- that jAV the reasofting-of wisdom and philosophyconveyed totlie ears of "those- trump, ; would have had : as little effect as, a rain arop-on me mcean. - A -contemporary asks. What will be "the fcfllinir nf 'Rmwh 'and Strange when they leant that two other' .Whig Senators preferAprincipIe" to office t" .We will -tell yon,; friend: - They will be . feel jugo ui inuiu'tiiiii ciuiiaium, uiai mese. uouesi men arc oui oi ine way, mmgieu witii a mental sneer ; at men sonoliticallv uririant as to sacrifice 'to the popular .Will an office wiimi lucjf iiiigiu, uiie meiB, . .noio. in, jpue .-..-.V : .i; w . rJyczcbem. JSpeclatQt? ; Distinguish ed- Strakg e Rs.Oa- the . list of arrivals putting tipat Su-Charle Hotel, we. see the .name ofXcis Kappleon5 Bojia parte We. had the gratification of ,v fooking at his Highness fot a few minutes lastnight; he certainly v has very much' the appearance of a Prince. .--.r'.-. ;,v '.ij: : - .'1 - ' He has taken an elegant suite of rooms at the hotel, d the - many i admirers" of the great Napoleon .will have an ooportunity of paying their respects to oner of-his- HIustrM oua family. New Orleans J3mericaru?z. r '.- That the Editors of the New Orleans American are somewhat deficient in that fiue;insiihct k which- enabled Falstaff tqdis tingnish : f the true ; Prince, will snfiicient ly appear from the following reference -to !hts Highness, V whic we find in the New Orleans Bee; . rV M I '' - rr-j Count; Louis Napoleott Bo Tal of. the motnlnj papeiisvleft New Orlean? jh high udgejotfi ' and for jast : reason. He was yesterday morning'- informed by the proprietor of the SfharllHotelinhat it ,W custom ar j (or gentlejgien jirfyAelfng'wil h out baggage,: (the Count. was not splendidly, provided in .that way for-a man- of hi9 Uta-' rsjr ; dimensions,) tofpayt for ' thei r board 4n advancelWbereirnori . tlie folio winff- dialocrue eCourit Myamef .isa ; sufficient guaranZ tee for mylbill-&Ute : Publican. Your n ame Count, is aVvry good name; but won t buy marketing.v Count. ;Make out my bill - ; ;! ' Publican.' It shall be done . , The clerk fthereri ipon ; presented the bill made out in f the name of CoiihI IJNlBoha ' parteZ-T fAvvii l.f''rj I : IVTv- noma ' i 54 iK f!nnt.f T.nn? Napoleon vBohaparte Ii wish it stated, in tun. in tne account. ifeismiAf A spcnnl hill vm mnde oirtifz-anfl ; tha pni is tire name written op t, irt fairlegiblejetteral - "My name isCount Louis 'Napledn Bo naparte, and olh arte fPrince of Sewona;Kamschatk? olher depehdenciesi :ay so i: Uielbillyl replied the sprigof tibbility x w ill uuk uia vut a titiu utii, . said the elerfcAl 131 ;, VThen Oltbe tlJjfU pay it aiiahi? excellencyantl forthwith absquatulated. r T "s -Now ha(;Uieieriit;0f.tentyea v... -.aii ;7 Tru.iv, vim atorr that Mri Calhoun and Gen. HnmiU ton had .changed their bpininns on this sub ject Inml W pu Id nri w f gi vc ithei r'su ppor t ;fo a high protecting "lrifK r Callt o u n being called upon .by the i Richmond .; En quirer to say whether thU is so or not,: had addressed a letter Jf the Editor of: that pa perin 'which hevays tlie ruinbr has iiotia shadow of " foundation ; as irds hrmset? and that 7he has;' nodoubt j it, is equally un founded in the case of Gen.' Hamilton. : l .neca'oe.- Postmaster ;Ives3 ; of West- field, r during the balloting i'rr hat town On the 11 th,. stood near the ballot boles to. see how eaeh man v voted-. He remained 1 there We ; understand, the whol.e time, intimida ting some and tantalizing: others, V- Seeing one man .'about, to put in a" Whiff vote,, he aid tohiiniThaox knoweth nisi bw- iierV'''itatwbiCh' hitri boldly . in he face.) and- the as his jnar'iab Theil6tter -iroitMr C lavto ytii Kn- .tti. W ilelesratibn1 Ail the Harriabnr-: Cnn- vc ion, adds' another . wreath to .the undy 4?j chapter of .biai honors XTinie "and his-l I" X,. $.euijr y lay .ui i j us uce yr n icn Ilia. O temporaries 1 have denied him. ; i'TT Lis one bl those truiv reat; merron i whnm I' . - - p.. , 7 . " " 1 - n : : . -. . wiwuiivuvMf. vim A'l - n livui l "uMo. VTH4 iiu. uc uiifeu u ssk, zonaim t'J iv-:Vr' (.'"'it mar .Si .wa r i v.rji was-wei sau. oy jvir. jueigtiy thai.'"4 ha-O.lllrlnAt iTfinW tha amVIlm'n- f Fuch a. man W" HjefiTy Clay could be gralt- J fied bbeirig raae- President? He ' has af-4 ready secured a fshne tf vat willlivp as lohg as pure,' GovernmeAt a renown rihat.' will survive tne marble monument that will cov er hi? j gravef-a renown . more valuable, than any station, however emailed ,it might be, could conkTS'-lvilmington .Chronicle. 4 ! " When our foes havetrium plied,' have never vielded-when tliev have advancftd. I have inever-Vetreated--when uhey. bave Shouted. I have ever fihniitnd hnrlr ntrnin wben theV have relaxed!, havn . nrPil i the harder on. M Henry JI. fFise. j. . .': Mr.-. Van Rnrnn's nafiva onnnlv isnrla '- - r Ji a: Mail w S W UUw three Whig members of Assembly; his na tive district sends three Whig Senators ; his .nativo' State has declared1 three times for the good yhigcaose, ; i - ' The Lancaster Intcllio-encer.- after iriv'mrr the "particulars' of the recent execution of "'"' nisjaii ui fcuut ; pi due, puunsnes some details of tho exDerimenta whinh wrf afterwards made on the body With the sal- vanicj oaitery, electrical machine, etc. Af ter, artificial breathing; was established r by' means of a bellows, the gal vanic battery Was applied ; upon this, Kobler moved hisarms and less, his left hand'r - was raised from the box upon which he 1ar tri hi hrenr -mrl , , . - Jus fingers were opened anil shut,'as if to catch something, hia features-exprsssed eve- Tjr uussion, nis eyes were, opened and closed iifiutj , itws moved as .u cnewjnff, anu he breathed witli !sufucient; powef to blow. J . .!".Me; wise. !t - t Praises- of. the moderation. thf conduct of . tire Whi jbf the House; of ins, are in all months, and -Mr. Wise s has we verily believe, mademore progress in at taching the sound judgment and imqualified approbation of the countrv Within the lit fortnight, than in his whole public' life"; be fore.,, Heretofore,-; the partizan, has been supposed .to predominate loo. much ;hdjVf with splendid partisan qualities f most a vailable, at a period like this alL men 'peri ceive' that - he unites j; a capacityv coolness rnromptness 'a and judgment,. veqbal f tbt the' :.taostremefgent crisis;v:?.ivJ--W m Wilhs.suchihiffh oualities. aalwitfci Spartan devotion to lh"e laws of his- country L tione.respect and admiratioiiT ) t4 Kgyii: 5v? Jraouc-upmion.: i ne roB;iiKeepsie N -Y. Whigs,! to the numWor no less than ; 1200, Tassembled;;oh Wednesda iuglfteCoiirt notice only, and responded, in enthusiastic Resolution?, to the-, nominations of Gen Harrison, and GovyTrler;; at" Hairrisburgi nim atedand ; eloquent; addresses were made by. Mr. Fay; one ofthe Relegates, and by the-Hon Nv ZTaHmadge ;aMJ though Mr ClayijL.was the favorite of that i part . of the country," it was tinanmiously j agreed 'Ho surrender; their preferences on the altar of patriotism, and devote, their whole ener--giers to ; the success oft the ticket headed by the Hero of Tipp?canoe. t - Keep it moving.r-'The I ; C liarleston Mer cury, the : organ of- the. Administration in South Carolina, iineersat GenI Harrison, because he is j af present a Clerkpf the Court otCommonPieasv'Tv-IKee gen tlemen ridicule ;,Gen.; Harrisoas poverty all admit he is a poor man, but Iwo know you aristrocratic sneers ;? will o him Cpo harm in " the bniriion of th e? Working meri-li Ithe poor meri-who are die ;bone and sin- fiW' nf lb nofinn"L Rni'in fntf -f ;r:.f ff'fii;-: A .! .;";." j -; .-,..; 4 ? TheiOlys Council bf Cincihhaliyatel laictalaxVfii'fcehta on-Wflna pVnnWoi! f fntUjrSfe.Hc'r?" relusled.to y aqldlffdtiaf. o5ltC'cleartbeu1i all from :" ?I'iij ; me yniiuBncr,' inr n uwur A.u'iei. wun 'rules."" at au f Daces. wa fought tnear'Tallaliasseei n the evenin; if the.4l2th"t instant, .between; Gen.j' JiReacj and Col S Augustus :'H6i'ii-'iirtwiiIch:rUie latter was killed. The quarrel Ifose out of a bitter political ntesl.jv;5:;t iE VTi DRUG ' STORS. nhHE SUBSCRIBER has taki'n i the Store recently occupied by JoaKpn Coqrt-Uoose.) and will open, on the 1st vf January A. COMPLCTI5 AND EXTENSIVr ASSOBTMBXT O F iwiDRUG": Perfumery, Glass, PalotsV toiis, Which I fee ' ofier. Tlo the PubUc on most fnvorable ternw for Cash. Jf-.;', IvfT ; 'Hie Stock Ueing; j3Crona selected With great rr V.wC. r"" tJf " 9 Mieij reue( on 'as GENUINE.' 7 X::: "'.1 Xh r The utmost altenlioh wilt te naiit :i-ai.K.i or Fb ysiciaue or Family precriptian. K . . RECEIVED- WillTI Liad, ts- Oit, Li a sx en Oii. t ';PiH;WisTKBj Stbaihed Spsbh. Oia J5ii Chewing Tobacco, JLB,,Z- -Hatnmna Cigars, . . , , ..... ' Choice Madeira Wm, imported direct,7 and war ranted firtt Quality , r 4 .-?.-1 t yv , 1 ; a , :I f. T. L. J. Uf Courtly. -Court of Pleat and Quarter SesaiouS. Wng" Bf;dger..Wil--S" -.a - ; f : ' - John C Goode. - .. "onhefjin common. , Upon - motion made by Petitiooer,V Attorney, it is ordered that the fitinsr of this ociiii.m t. .U. t Ham U. Goodc. Ex'r of t.1Vu "f Qi oiai . . m a w ws va ia9u Wl the Kaleiffb Reeisier and Petersburg TnilliAn.:A. r.. --. , O vajva.VS six weeks, potifying the said Defendant who is not rrsHteiii oi mis eiate, to appear at the next Court of Pica and Quarter Session, to held fr M i'.,- tyi at the. Courthouse; in iilSmiihfield, on;the 4th, Aiuuuay m r ewnary next, then and the? to plead to or answer said Petition, or the iam. .;n k txparte: 1 - J - -s Witness. Will. HL Witm- hf.r r Jr ourt, at Office in 8mithfield, the 4th Monday cf Kai.mW i 'Tit loon . . . : . i'-. ... -. 7 I6w , I WM. 1L WATSON, C. C. Ct Ai consequence of the recent, affliclibnr upon the Course deem it ironer tn nostoona their annual n eeuiber ' meeting until the 27ih of Janaary next, at winu inae-une eptn may boexpccteJ. ' 4 MOXDA V ColW8lake--cntrance f 5Q04ba!5r. fcit in which the following Colt are entered. W. Hampton' imported b e Sovereign, fly EmeJhia, ' -out of Flenr de Li. , - - ; - J - - . . W flnmnlnn'a lr fliw Arrrnln An f iJosJLI Town bt c. A J 1 01 n.my r isber. ly Uallatm. j Col J Cfoweir br e y Chateau Margeaur, out of fa Hal mare.' V ' '"'-.-. RD GlovetVxkc by .Contention, out of an Ec!'- a Cf TJdmanson' ch f by Andrew, out t-f a C'LCi. y 'mare.-.-- - f "'-,. John Morrfon s'h cTom Smiih by llonsiear Ton iin out of BeUev I'uhar.I, : ..- .v TKES'D.ir-Tw.o mile heafsJ C Purse," f'lCS WEDPiLsbDA I -1 wo r Je heal. J t! Purse. THURSDA r-Frur m.le l.eat. J u 4 urse, 1 ,CC3 FlllDA F Best ihrce in Cvs. nurs- -! 4r i T A December 11. 3 w . y gtj ' The Trustee of this Institutios Uke plewar announcing that it fdll coiizzu ' nndet the care ' ': wits former eCiienl and aceoirI.'shsd InitractreB4 1 f?. N heve been epared i to place it in the highest rank of Female AcaJmiea, The C?ring C Bessioa-irill commence on fthe 17ta cf Jaasarji-r'i' rwrttUtnd Guardian, are tftarticnlailwrreijuestevl t4 bring thar daughter, or Ward In tim to be Ut : readuteas for the openhtg of tW School, as ft u im- ; portant that the pupiU of eacKelas ahoul enter Z - upon inair studiee at the ame tims. tTU modee of inatrocUoo.as welt he texthoooS adopted, are, as far as practicable; those recommended by tho taii. 1st CaiipelUoRodiDlWridof. , Arithmetic, Grammar, Geosrapliy5 with the oae.of 4 ' the Globee, : History, Natural Paihwophy Chemie. 1,, tryj Mythology, Botany Rhetoric, AtroooinyK.G- 'r ' i OlOffV. Political Economr: Tlirtatinn mn r?twijr -; " 4 OjFTBfa 2jn Clso. Mllmir. R.Kn:: Wrtrto-. f ' Arithmetic, Grammar Gfojraphy, wkh the aae f;. ? j the Globes, llistorv." Natural Philosobhv Ckemls- is I -try; Dictatiotf arid Composition" f,. t a; ,X-'4-I Or tb 3d Ciist .-Spelling,' CeaJing, tWrfdef ! Arithmetic,' Grammar sad Geography, .;J?'jfr v ;t'" Ov tb4 Class SpetUag, Uadigitiig,tH i Terias of tuition, itavable ie adraae. First Claes, V;-, 'i',- oewna VIM, is rm 'Third Claee, . ..; . IS 00 - ?4 Musiq . on Pian.or Gaiter r'S00 .-Drawingveffd, PalnUngAi-ivfi . is" French or Latins v It : -t V;-i';s? la oo - 15 001 ft. 00 :ft qo 3 .W orktrjg on Canvas,- . .. i? ;;. ; Workinff ea Muslin. vif . s; jamc8 8. surrii; CAOi J0NE8. 8a. hwaddellTv STEPHEN MOORE,f NATHAN HOOKEKf M M P. II. MANuUMiV'- TJ. December 1 2.' J? CO Nt BA'CONl! 31 17REEMAN 4- STITHS will teceiv thif day . a part of a large lot of Middling , Bacon, which th ;ir ;it,. li.ii .1 t. ii.. - ( . Augesi;;jM9, - ")'' ' ' ' i i i r". i i talc--Fin Blooded Stock, Ac. : :; -V'-- a ue ouuecnoer, nnaing it impossiuie Irom nit ! lenuM .nniwm.nl. !ni .n'ntli.. fiu.1 I.".li'.i.ril..t V. -I time, sod attention to his business here requisite lo' r'!. it being properly conducted, offers for sale or rent! THE EAGLE HQTELin the City of Raleigh, at :jvt preSent occupied Jiy him ; The Hotel,' as, ery -oner f kavw, acqaaiuted with it, i a desirable property ea , can be owned, If th Proprietor cirt gie his personal attention to lu-" It is now thorooghly unushed,' aad the'ptirrhaser or lessee could take immediate posses-.'""' ion; Few aitoation in the United Stales ofler so" fine a chance fof the profitable investmont of money ' i :; Alao; is Lof pr Gmocxd, containing 0 Acres, with- v a new Dwelling, Stono Stable and Barn', V ;5 .r. ? ' ; ' 'Also, a PtixTATIo an Crab TrM fTrMttr: nilKIn' '-"t eluding all nccesaary buildings for a cemforlable reO dehce.;;..t:i.- ; A Is?, 50 A cre of Woo it t AS oi about A miles from the City; lyuig near the old Hillsbort Road. : ' , ; . C'- vThe above Propeny .will be sold ojd accommodating lerms. : I Persons desirous of owning the whole, or auy part thereof, are reqaested to make early 'application. The Sacribcr also offers far ate the whole f hi valuable stock of BLOODED HORSES, as allows, ; foaled in 1 827, by Marion,dam Citizen, n w in fo-d by - v imp. Priam. Protlacoentcred inth Trial Stake, Naall- . viUe,Terin. $1000 entrance, to be rort. the day pre-" ; ' vionslothe Peyton Stake; also, in tbs great Produce 8lake, near NewOrleana, $5000 entrance, 4 mile heal,' ,' ? Fatl of 1943. ; See Spirt of the Time, after Janu efH'or number of Entrances..:; t ; j No. 2.. Pollt Pbachak, by lohri Richards,, dam 1 imp. Chancefoaled Jn 1828, now in foat 'by imp. rrwm. .i-rouuce cntereu in rrc.Jc Stake, 1843, . mile heat, toJe run over the. State Courncv neat Ra i leigh, 1000 entrance; also, at New Atarket, V; ; - v $ 1 000 Sec Spirit of the Timet, after January, for . the number of the Entrances v C". s , ! I No, 3. Mat Blouxt, c to. ',bjJ3ir Charles, dam by Alfred, foaled in 1833. ' , . , ; , r. Ne. 4;Lapt Rola.v, h; in. by Tarifl Jm Ball v4 - r wcrzel, now in foal by impK Fjn No. . MAar Asif, b. m. tt Sir Charlesiiow in foal byjirr, - No. .6. LAST.CBXftTKBriBLn, by Arab, her dam by imp," JCnow. 1 by , No ?. Lmi, s.'rn foaled in 1830, by Sir" IX. !.v - i' i ' dam impBuzzard, now in foal by imp. Priam. , . 4 .x i ' -No. a.. A Dun Mare, foaled in 1 8 32, by Sir Ctuu Nik9. One half of s. Favvt, by Eclipse, out of - pNo. l,3yc'arrold btlf ownetlby CoL lla'-ptoa,- . of Sfrulh Carolina, arid pow in hi possession. v ' ... 10. DOLLT THAP. b. lwa vmrm aLI. tmnV . Shaksneare. out of No. 2 won h.t MiimmiiIm "r - . the Stats CouTse near .Raleigh V-sabscriUis, $200 t; ach. -1, .hUH-. - avoad, g. r ' : y ear oiu, oy. imp. rx v Felt, dam by Veun; Friday. - v.. , .r:k, V f No. 12.: IWf bf b.--' FAt Dissli, - byn. . j Chateau Margaax," foaled' in 1837, the other, half owned by ThoH. Doswel Hanover connty, Va. -. No.l3. A Cajr FiJly.foated in J823, ly Imp. ' Priam. out of No. 4nrnnnl at Itar'-Pt. V. -' V'.... - . i3 subscribers 3C0 each ; !. at tho State Uo.w,-' r $1000 entrance, ;&e &pintxfthe Tir",r'::r"Jan- - : ', uary, jor number of Jsntrte, . , ' , . 14. A Bay Filly, foaled in lsr .y T.jnan, . ' out of No. 5 engaged at NewMari.. , a., 23 sub. senbers, JCOO entrance, Spring 3 year oIJj. , " No.-15. Bar Fillv. foaled ia18:t3. h An,'--A 'I ' of No. I-engaged in the great. Pejtoa, Se for $ 150,000, And i considered one of the njo t rror. isipg". , Entries in the Stake. L; N 1 6V Bay Filly, foa'.cd ia 1 Xt by ur'p. Pfia"in, . No, I7.,B?V Fillv. foiled out of No. 6. . , , The whole of the shore Blooded CtocV cf Ilarscf i ill bCftolJ at Public on th 1.1 .!,- rtf !! '.' ncxt,ia the CitT cf Ralcr-'hif not urivatelv ac'llrfjro- " th2ttj!r.3 . . Ap(!ications, personally -or by letter, can be maJa, ' ' until the day of j!ef at Raleigh, N. C, . .. t Raleish; Jan', . 1.1 B i D. "'X Ulit - ' .... . . Oov JIJULTICAULIS, i i rt: tic lo-boit Purcli-.er?., to La I'tl.vfrr ! i i -l: ri cember et, ; Api ly to " " , . - . -jot.'m. atki:;so:;, ... i A September 13ir j. .. ... ... K : . 5 -. . . - . .. ... . . . :.'V" 4f - ' ;-.'vw

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