-' - A; ' i I : ' ' ; a'-I: . : "A. -; a A' :. V - 'I- a A J 1 ;. V nr.! . , 1 c , S i 1 t 1 . mgmmmmmmmmmm ..iimiip"' iMgaMff. ' taLlMWMttgMllftm ISl'WWi 1111 '" ' f '"" ' 1 '"'.'I . ' - I ' i ' " L 111 , WE St ON U. G A L ES, EDITOR AND P,ROPRlETOZ. 1 v v 8oiicniFTix Fite DilUn per nnam-bilf in ! Adtkkti JtBlrTi rr rerj 1 5 nne, nrsr inter. ! ljoff.OoDoHatV e6 iuUeqocnt inmion,2S cent fpOQit Orders nd J aJiciI AdTertismenl will to etajrged 25 per 'ieeaL higher but deilucliori f 33J be cent, will be madfl ffoia the rejulat price, for ad- verfiMrn by the yea?. AdteriiiemenU. interted In the 8emJWeekN Rib ;ii L Jir in tii' VVeeklvl Pioer. free of a change. - -j.'';- F'r-; j ' ;: 0: -4. Alt Letters ta theditor must V-a v fj.'i i "i .' 1 ' ' i : ' From the New :Yorki Mirrer.) , f ; H LAST DAY OF GRACE; on PAYING A NOTE, j v " ! :A t th Airrstem or lAWKfa HOTioira.' Procure m hundred pounds! I say to thee. ( :l -There's no such sum. in nature. Forty ahilUnga t There may be now i'th' mint and thafa a treasure! I've seen five pound and let me tell it t For 'tis as wonderful as calves with five leRa." '1 ; . ' : ; ; Beaumont and Fletcher V 4q the days pi old, when .all men I honest and ; wise, and unsophisticated were and "S l throw a chill undn the warm and renial kind IniU I ness of social intercourse. If a doctor could not pay,tdoubtlss thef creditor crossed out the account and llel him gb jlf any man wan ted to borrow money, which might happeu, of jcour8e in thjj bestjof iimcsj he fountl ; a tinn1ral rriftnrl ro-ldv tn lrll llim ahv 1001. Bless me ! ho wfthe dollars trotted from hand to hand 1 Lendinjr money is certainly x the best, noblest, add greatest invenUnt the genms of man hasver ff;. powers of prosperity! what harmony Joy, I akiinflne- inntAnt. rliiltr. nntl olnriOUSJ jollity, musi have filled the land 1 For cash 8 P ? 'shops overflowed with custom; ail handicrafts I 'iJ- :- r..ii .-.i ..i-.- i.t- ... .Hf ?i j V?,";;:; t .1 ' . -.1 1 - .Tt - Vw 5.V Si , 6 "v. and suusiiuiu uij tiua guiuu ago, jism k -I . . ilt t.'L- :7tr J US' I..'.'- 'l:K'A1 .ml Doubtless some miserl rlv old Inlnks or other, t.1 -i.:J 1-4 ami tali world ! monev tawxted money could no longer j spend jt far how could; they Spend without borrow- in t So maiiiv. became eearcfl i neoole Vould not 'pari their debts ;, trade declined, rt iMnKmlv arAntil K generoiw. or charitable any longer; but all mankind suddenly grew selfish,' mercenary and calculating. : Each man looked oot tor the main chance j and took care of BQthing but number one ; and the. result of tliis pestilent contagion was the' breeding of that horrible, direful, wasting. Tavaging, lethiferous epidemic, which is now stalking over the earth. at noonday in the frightful shape of hard times. ' y j Such appears to me the true philosophical explanation ' of this phenomenon ; ' but whe ther this or any different account of its ori gin be the nearest the truth, the melancholy fact is indispntable, that hard limes really exist ; and the question most interesting ' to TttiiianinroDnisis. politicians, moralists, nnan - ciersi-philosophers, poets, and poor devils; I is. i how to tret rid of them.i; Dare-we liope that some species of legislative', metaphys - :-.' m . ical.' or monetary vaccination will be disco v- ed in the course of time, that shall extirpate this dire: disease1 and restore . he felicitr of tiA frn.Mf Aid tmldn rm V " !' - ''(A2:V,':5v t Suchwere 'my reflections as I "rose in the morning, knowing that my note 'at the 'bank fnust' be paid that day', but knowing no more id.jt ii a T". ':J-'t2 nan tne man in ine mqton wnere uie money id pay " it ya j to come! from. .' I -dreamed -through the night 6( all 'sortis :fof vaitfr and tantalizing attempts to find somethinsr in thy pocket 1 awoke and found it no dream 7--1 I It was a prodigiously gloomyj roorning-at icaat it appeareu so to me. c?epy tiling seem etock bottom upwards, f 44.WHere Aa 1 get ihe money IV said 1 to myself, Jn great pert plexityi and, at that moment stuck a particu iarry snarp pin mto my windpipe. v a t oreasust nothing went be coffee was scalding hot. tlie steak' my appetite .languid,; - Every thing had . a '.nek pf slipping Irom my fingers. I broke a enp j and. jaueer, ;and dropped a Ilium ping slice Of tOait 10 mV, laD Pantalnnne ' hran new.I v,44 8hall. Lever iharo ! another WV iL...ti 1 . 't Twa mIvj.iJ .1 . . uiuujui a, ,.. v "wv wjdt iHq note l.tl,Vi)4Vl be paid! must ".I looked over ray, p6ckel-book again, as.if I expected th find what I was looking after. What a fool i rl ' knew as ' well as h knsw that! was alivehowi much there was; in it 6t raUier1ihw:mttehwas flt7jn lu'.iSix liah dred dollars to make np the sum.".4.4 Can, t;l collect same .of my ; -debts, this forenoon .(, pie was soon .toliowed by universal ; imi- .:A..:uJ t. i.;-..t.-rv:I. ; t toe last day of gracer; - on.: Sdch is the-perverse j state of iie " I All good customs get speedily out VXs-Ti t" ; T---v teller.- - , I , : u - Wi 0 0 0' fashion.. MQWtetote:"01MV 0000:,ConAng away, I spied a great raonslec of wan d no lonirer lentl it. ttiode wno WUS muum-. wwuS in. outcner s aosr with a miserable, lean, nail- tu iu go wrong jn iny enueavors to. ares; my 1 iioijrjiissioiy;ii, juiayue Ttantalnnna wpta xartSnet 1il bfnr Y. bnftrtna I AM A niiartfir of an- hotir ! were in the wronff places! vest Inside out, and I but if ytfn think it thontrht I What a fool airaml for WUO ever duiu cimcci a ueui wiicii no w"kcv 1 1 ff-' . uio io tease nis guugeon iqii mat it win uas ure wsuw. , rui 44 Two o'clock,'? aald hngran, Pundit oust death before he hooks hirarv y a ' jantl Uie lesVinterestsbCtha Com A..r . a. s a . a. an a a tail , r a nru u aa ansa . A m . t. - . a r Jbe paid.''l : ; i . t i I - f ; v V U J v Myiveracious trtend went out again, walk-1 alike re.riuireiuw'emimi'anta Report , l laiuown ami it;ii. uuu a pronjiinu , cogi 1 tation ' 1 thought of the mines of. Potos of the mint of Mexico of the Massachusetts Bankof John Locklan J of Jobs cat,' and of my own empty pockets. A V v . ". ' ' I nerer thought so hard in my lifo before'. But Jlhinking will never pay a man's notes. At last a bright thought struck me. 1 111 bar row the moneyr' said I," -Uurekal . , 1 Before Uie resolution had' time tb'cool, X raalo my nciglibor, Mr. A; Neighbor A." said I ' you are an excellent man ; Just lend me six hundred dollars." - ; " , 44 ix hundred dollars', exclaimed he J tar- inns up tlio whites of his eyes." 1 have not dollar to. spare, if it was to; save my life j every cent is gone. My , boy lent forty .two thousand dollars out of my drawer before I came down from breakfast this morning!" j saw plainly that there was nothing to be got in this quarter so I rah' to my particular friend- Mr. B. 44 My dear sir, said li'lend me six hundred dollars as a particular favor m . hit kirnfirarl im nirti.ii f..nr 1 ..u.iuvui. rs ! slid he :-and do 44 Six hundred dollars ' ' I,. ' you waflii una money r ..... . , ., :, i .1 So inucU so," replied I, 41 that if it were ior ray own particular, use, l couiu nuk wni j It more.v ;; v f t v 44 1 am sorrt for that," returned he, 44 for there's not a dollar of money to be had now-1 a-days. j Money 11 believe it is all sunk to U the botlom of the sea, for my part. Six hun Jt t j1H TJ rtTt ; t exhibit it as a real show.", ' 44 Bab V said I to myself, 44 1 must try a T . ; . T . O ' ' third. I Sol hurried to my acquainlance; Mr. C. and made the same request of him. 0 Six hundred dollars !" said.he 44in these hard times. Why, every body ia failing, and the banks won't discount.' -. , - ; ., , aisheartened at these rebuOs, I J,astene5 to Mr. D.rand 1 Mr. J3T and Mr. F. ... . T - r- f;lM . T . - . . r. . There was only one resource left, and , that - . ' . fct, - .!. .i,-. was to go to a worthy gentleman by the name ef Solomon Shap.H He was a nioney-bro- o at. tue corner oi VQUgres vfsatiob With a broken merchant and a brief- less lawyer; He saw me Coming and knew W- T nirt miXi id ".ii.-ur"' ?2ter'S j 1 nese fellows uv..,iM. u.ik uo 'r1 T'"'" "i.3?"u: r.-roe pretended not to see me. 'He Knew" iraa r ' A ',- f ..-t. . -z 4'. - "'P1"'""' wmi wt ww Uk ..hvuhu.,, a thousand miles offhand every ten seconds stealing -a look iipwards to the dial over the pity hall, watdiing tliepiogress "of the min- Qte-nancl, wnicli advanced with a teariui ra was no salvation of credit. ;( It was strange he could, not see me f or rather I should have, said it was strange he . -J - -. i, .... -k- -. should not, ; but I was too much in a pertur bation to. think that men, especially . money lenders; .love to. ferment those whom they have in their power. The ten minutes seein- ed endless, all and singular of them ; but at last my gentleman pretended .suddenly to dis cover me. 44 Ah I Mr. Lackpenny. how dye dot- . - 1 .t. My heart by this time was tip to my throat; for.in a small? fraction of an hour the-hank would be shut and my note unpaid a con- I Summation not at all devoutly to be wished by o desired to be in trood fame and 1 man wu I uarae upon. 'Change. -ig ii0M000n 01: was hardly collected enonsh to slate my I ''.-i I . f I n t' . : , 1 necessity, but old Sharp can understand such J matters from half a word. 0 ',.... i,, . , -si from halt: a word. l;: ...,;f i,, ,iav id &oney;l'j he exclaimed tfiiDgp? y fevi !:'i4-' 'i't f ilU' hf- i don't, indeed IV said 1000-1 !--07r f 44 Lend I do suet) I ' You I n Vt ..lif.nnl t.A, ...t U!. .i.O ,," AVV, iriuiltcu ,l4talllJf UU llia ailUU box with an air oflhe greatest nonchalance, 44 but. for a proper consideration. I think I know somebody that will, j -:; - H What is ths'tnanV name!' arked I, with an equal degree, of seriousness, tho J knew m ' : " at ' ' J--m a '' ri k : - ' . . ' . ... , . ... '?':.!- f the mana name was Solomon Sharp, and was standing that moment. before my face. ; f4Jfl-ee him and Jet you fcnpw' said my honest 'friend. Call here in, a qttarter of au done,",. ..j -Oh. Mr. Shaml catilbB done in a quarter! - ' .a ' a, 1 y - s. a ,'--?'. of an hourA Jrtf -3 hoi' yi'-ai 0 Mr. Sharp; looked tas, composed as if, the whole affair had been nothing more.jhan the r and rem "X soul pri the I :.. When I urnnUn h 0 W.ir ku. Sharn " I'.' ' 1 : I" ' 1 ' tt a 'i - 11 -It i t.:: I.t.-. 1 v -.,v nave caueu on tne man, . saiu ne; t'out he is not at home 'riit; thought 1, . 44 is to, demand iten per cent more from me. Mr- fSharp T' said. t imploringly vl shall tee him inve minutes, without I doat,!, returned he. 44 Wait' here, and I 1 will step oat azain.. ' - f - r ' or . . - J Oh for a stone -now J thought I; 4to hit tins leiiow; in tho eyel. vstiM ho- money jn his 1 uu . aaau BHaau ama. . iu a. l. k iu faaafci tuakic a aau - a as a . a- m - 1 aa . . ;a-r i. . b s i 1 1 : . li 1 1 Pshaw! I picking up of a straw.;, w He .walked put, and itter.iLThe so did f -vweaeparated, and I saw mm go "toujrhand huo State street, : pass round the; Post 0fl5ce, leim.iJig to bis den, without speaking to; maml aspiinit him was watching his opptirthf wav, - , . , aw-. .. I niryjto eaten mm, .ami .reneciinsuiiat tue these, ten minutes .had: expired I boat tvouiu pe me piace Mi wiiicii iieiwiu :m ul bei sure to be found, he determined oni taking ed round the Post office and came back; v . InTT .Ejmr JSAPrSS? was almost tluee oclock,-and L was -ready Wii . . .- . -i ...... ' vtx nv out nr mv h- oop1m t ed an hour. 1 44 Well, Mr. Sharp what does the ; man say i ' k '--'l'-'' j . ''t--:-!- . 44 Say! replied the concientious gentle man, shaking his head; wljjhet says that money is money ;now,."i?;iV;.-vii': 44 Very well, MrJ SHarpt lihewtthat be fore; but will he do the note? for heaven's He thmka he might," drawled ouKmy&s tormentor with an air of the utmost uncon cern. 4 Well. Mr. ShWrrji and for hAw rnnf-lit4 f "OahHdoiitTor lessllhan fifty! perrccnt"! tt l?;fi i v oLi 1. it v . "V f oiiarp; sureiy you j. mistake. Jfifty Der cent, for foufmohtha ! J ' 1 his ------ . , j. .t . j -j . k - ",.f i . , u-?r- But Mr. Sharp never moved a muscle x of countenance at these exclamations. exclamations. : He ) . i : . i au9cicu uvi a. wuru, uui oat very ieasureiy ur i.v- ,7 1 - v v. e tlowu in his cliair-Uhough he lenew my creilihW cm nau not tnree minutes to live! nay actually took! up alnewspaper 'and preteddejl to reaui ,'. ; : t . . ; i .. j, t. J i s-: - r "Rty-hearted , villain r; thought I - to myself 44 Mid yoti say fifty per cent. Mr Sharp !" 44 ? f I v i il? A - Ahem Tt returned he, but without look! ing up , I looked up at my honest friend; his facet 1 was, as blank and immoveable as a block o wpod. I looked at my watch; it wanted exf ed exj is .. no actly one minute of three; 44 There help, said L to myself, "whenaman is; between the devil and the deep sea. Here; is my note, Mr. Sharp come, dispatch.'. ; - He counted out the money. 4tMake haste Mr. Sharp 1 faster!; I have not a moment toj lose I snatched; the bills,' and was making a leap out of the door. 44Stop!Vaid he 4you have forgot my commission 1 n Commission f-ten thousand murders y But no matter liow much is it!' ; 44Yoa have niade jo! hard a bargain' wit! him," said he,' "that I can't ask' much; bu? as I must provide for my fimily, you know! twenty dollani will do.' ' t u ; a J iil State street as if the deputy sheriff had beet' at my heels. . .1 upset ai handcart, leaped ovef .w..i i..-.i.j a joshed the njayorj swijng round an imraeiisi crowd &fo4 :U,. UnL;B.nk. tmbWt up .the stairs, broke my "nose against! th4 .ti-a-- !i v riij'.t:- .iii uuur. miu. mill mi l mm liih riiriixi ai liih lam. second of the last minute of the last hour ef starved puppy under his paw, and squeezing the breath oat of his body.' 00000- "' 4;Theres a money-lender and his custom er, said 1. y- .; ; ' 000 00 '0 ' ; INCIDENT8 OP THE LEXINGTON. ' Tlie following stories show on how. smalt a circumstance our life sometimes depends : . . v lieu tne' rniiaueium.-i morning ouat ar- riveu on oionuay ine iin,one oi ine gentle- ntft DBiln.B iitlA.T m WAtr unit .im.nAll . -.I --.Vi- -irr- ii .-i.r i ;i..t. . wiiii hc nrer. iuaa uini wiffiuiainrei, vinoiner geniicman Detnz aoaui to get in tne former admonished the driver that he inust'i not Ziszaz about the atyfbuf tro direclly to? eisHith streeu . 4 Yes irV said the driver. I will take! you firstf il will not be out -of jhe way for this gentIeman.V i "Whcn ? the hack: had' gone "oh ' some' distance lhe"'lw sentlemen ifell 'into cbnvemtion," and'thet I second one 9'atett! tliat he was bights way to I Boston and was then coins to the Providence I boatf vTq the Providence boat, sir !" ex- 1 claimed thetotherr why, we started from 1 .t J - l : . ii : .. .t " w. t i the Very next pier to the : Providence boat, -and here una rascal of a Uackman is takinit will certainly bejtcw; fetef Suc bat the gentleman imposed upon, was out of -and, here this rascal of a hackman is takinit I lioalfK' nl Knnlil tint dnln. U!mDiiranil an !.-, .u.m inn iini iiiihocii-uhii had to go the round,' anil probably pay-Tor M too, and be made; too lile besides;' for: the I ' . ' a A ,.. .. .:!.. ,.. Lexington liad gone whehi the hack return ed, and m tjlie man's life was saved, v j ! Oner of ottr citizens who was very anxiou I to rro to Boston in the boat of Monday even- in,' was byja series of apparently untoward circumstances, prevented from finishing his business at Philadelphia in time1 to- return here on b.ilpruay. and as he could not cou- scienfiouslv! travel 011 Sunda v. hd remained at Piiiladeiphia unlil Monday., --His Bostort '1 mp was acconiingiy ueierreu,-anu -uius nis 1 a - li - .. a . a . Mr Mi--. .al..T life was saved." -a. V. r Another sentleinan had madeall hi i:s ar rahgementsjon the Saturday previous ta take - -a . :T a :l . e .. rs . . . i . . 011 i.ioniiay inr , oioninnron 1 ju 1 that a creditor who held a small de; the New Haveri route, -ahtlso -hiJUe Iwi 1 sitvitil. AT.! Ia Jnum.nl nf flammf.. irr ri-i.v . -.? T1i'rTi.-v,-?T.''7" " ... " v'S! a; A-'i?-. Unitep' Sta-Tes Bank. iThe vote in the Senate, givCnf in onr list: paper iiistructirt the Judciary uoraraiitee to.nnng in a dui 10 repeal the charier of the United States Bank is clearly indicative of the fate pf lhatinstita 1 tioh. :so far fas the Senate is r concerned. f fhat the bill wul pass the Honse, and be a pi proved by the uoyernor, is just as certairt, as mon wealth, en a I ' '! ' L- - i ........ , . fM. - ! rtD, . - w terms, appiy uun wiuccr . ' .I f . : - Janoary 28, 1840,' - " - : 93t TOTICE. TAKEN UP nd commiiU-d to the Jail of Anson County, on the 17ih of Decern. ?r inrt. a Necro Man, who calls himself TOM, and sava he belongs to JOHN SMITH, of Alabama, and was bought of.DiiKi. Witu, of Robewn tOounty, in thiar State. 8aid Negro is fboiit 5. pct 10 inches high, atout hiulL .copjiee otoami, ana,. pparentfy about i yeara of age, v. The owner ia rcqaested . to -i come forward I prove properly jpay Urhanre and lake liim awav: or he will be dealt with rhe lawirects. : Y. H. ALLEN, JSherift WadeKboio Dec U,J839. ..8-6m- Pr Advi $7 50. Kiv: - - 'r'7. . ' fnT?A?1B1ifiUndcr 'If6' 111 J title, the Subscriber will commence the above second nfh;, a-honl In th wetern nart if Oranse 1 .v. i.ut. . r - t It" Tie. -Ha". ouiaineu Hfenii ; guuu : uo-jiuihj i uuubvb Un the oeizhborbeod, at which any' number of young gentlemen tan fiwl accommodation lor six tiouara "Jiwr miinth. The Subscriber will board a lew nun Classical Liepiriineu(,. : . . $12 50 ? ,v English Department, 7 505 per session." - . i ? - -i ' -of the! subscri 4Tbe wh le under the supervision Ur.mm-Z)a vJQHN R." HOLT, . December 12. 9 tl5J TTT.T I o If' Fenialo Academy, Dan- li J VlllC. Va.--Tbe next Session of the Union Female Academy will cummenre on the L5ihof Jan uary, and terminate (with Public Examination) on the 15th of June, 1840. . . (i .? The School is under the superintendence of Miss Avar Bkxkdict. in the Literarv. and Miss E. Sxit a. in' the Musical Department. The Rev. B. M. Smitk will ajive euch attention as may be. required, to tne higher classes of the Institution. -a. a- . ' i 1 Terms per Session of five 'months! 1 5 v. a Tuition id the ordinary English "1 ' r . ' V studios, from ' " ; $7 50 to $15 60 ,t - Music on the Piano, ' 20 00 pf;:u vv;;-Guitar"1 20 00 French, Latin or Gretkeach, ? 5 00 , Board with the , Preceptress, or. in Private ' : ; ' Families in own, including fuel, wash- 0" ' ' ina, tScc per month,- .-Vh"!!) ".'This Institution has been iir; successful operation under iu present principal Instructress, for the last ten years, ami baa received the' patronage and confidence. of the public in such measure, aa demands the ac knowledgments of the Teacher and Trustees," and encourages them to hope that it will yet prave a bless- ingto hundreds, by training them in the ways oi vlr too and knowledge. Located as the Union Female Academy is, id a village remarkable for its healthiness anu lor me excellence oi iia aocitij, wwi ecry uoai ralle means. of mental and moral. culture, "it offers to; Parents in the lower country,' a safe retreat from the less' sa'ubrious -climate of that region, where their daughters may enjoy all the advantages of good socte ely, while they will be carefully preserved from alt at tentiona from the other sex. .Most of the Trusteea are Parenta. and they pledged themselvca 'to the public, that young Ladies seit to thia Institution ahall be re carded with interest, not only by the Teachers, but by tha membera of the Boards : . '. t "! a FDaiiTiitK ia a Village pleasantly situated at the Great Falla of the Den Rivet, 45 miles north of Hills boroV 12 miles west of Milton, and 55 miles not th cast of Greenaloro .. 'i0- ' 0'. 0 a V. '., '! For the character and competency of the principal Instructress, the public are referred to the following gentlemen : ; . " . , ... , . '... ' H indffe Pottki. FaveUeville. N. C. I? ; BiBSii; Raleigh, ; 44 0, RevUWit- MePaTKB8,D.D.4 . ,;. v avavaT Lac t, " (aa . ;.--a- j . Tnoxaa R. O was-. lVahinetan. N. C. -r.' . : Ntatmiii Ha am MS. Milton. N . t . ' A' I )! Aitx . Wilos.D D. Green.boro N. C. 3 fr. Adolpuds L. Eawix, Morsrantori, Burke,.. f Rev'tL Dr. Pluxbk, Richmond, Va. i a "iiuPQTt'Di'Prnw A!- A V PreiL Board of Trustees, ! 1 War, D. Tkmwai, Secrv. f Danville, Va. Jan. 1, 1840. 44w 1 a NDREW. -This distineulshed Racer ami Stal- A lion wilt make his next arid last Season in Vir jllll.f 111 .IAI WW t 11 C UIIU UIIIV ' . . .fcBVW9 and le let to Mares at J75 the season j jiay able when ! tn Mare is taken away 1 120 insurance, wuli fl to Ue groom ia all instaocea. The' insurance money will be required as soon as the Mare. ia ascertained to be with foalr er parted with. ' The Season will coro tnenceon the 10th February, and expire the 1st day of July. Mares will be well fad at two 'shillings per day pasturage which is rich and extensive jfurnUtied grati. No charge for servants sent with irnarvs.---Every precaution will be taken to guard against acciW denta or escapes, but I cannot be responsible for eithrr. 1 This renowned son of Sir Charles, famed alike for his own and the performances of bit progeny on the 'furfja now in full hcaltlrand vigor. Ho is a beaati l dark chesnut; without white except the near hind bot, rising fifteen and a half hands..- high, of perfect f rmroetry of form, united with immense powr, and nrivalled action, ia which latter particular he ece)s ill horses I ever saw, -His own performances on the Turf are too. well known 10 need a recapitulation here, (lis get are now before the public, and although they are generally Yrom obscure Maies, have distinguished hemseivcs stall distances, from. I to 4 miles, and that front New York to Georgia thus wincing for their Sire a reputation as the gelterof Race Horses, which should entitle him' to the consideration and patronage -of flreeders. j This 1 will bo the last t opportunity of sending to him in this State, as I have had' several of fers for him logo to other .States. O, P. HARE, t Petersburg, Jan. 1, 1810.', , . - " 8 oawBf.f, iTTDST PUDLISIIED, and rea.lv: Sir dclive QP ry, at the North Carolina Bouk Store, a. Digest of all the reported Decisions of the Courts in North Carolina, commencing with the earliest Reporter and enliuding the Decisions of the Supreme Court at their June'Term, 837. Prepared by Hor James IredelL Attorney and Counsellor at Iaw. ,:. : 00.0j0a i . Turner & II oghes, the Proprietors, respectfully ask he patronage of the public for this work, which has been publtsht'd at great expense. It contains near' a thousand pasesr and is, therefpre, necessarily divided into two royal octavo valumea of aUut five hundred pages each, printt'd on good type and .doe paper, and weH bound. . Price, .Nine Dollars a copy.',--'. ',- ''I It is recorhmended not'otily t professional mrn,all of whom will doubtless possess- themselvee of it, to direct and abridge their labors,..but it is also urged upon Ibe notice f all J unices, SherilTs, and other judicial officer, aa affording them an exposition; in a lew words, f the poiqts which : the : 8upreaie Court of North Carolina lies decided in relatiuit lo thrir du ties... For a similar reason, it ia recmniended to-private gentlemen, -who may have an inclination or . fet-l J an interest lo know the determinations of th SuiMreme T t-!t . ... . r . .t . . 1 .t- vvun, wnieiv connuuir, so lar, as iney ueciue iuo lavr of the land, aa imperative aa any Act of Aasena blyi and aa binding- iti their, opeuliiMi.updn vrry i h jo nan K'oiaioes. a emails auppiy f JJ.thia valuable and nighty esteemed PoUtoe, jart received, in fiue order, and for sale, by " va- w : - ' 0m0:TaOS. L. JUMI.H : GCj To prevent disappointment, an early appliea- uon wiu dc oeairauia. i a- a"a . -1 ''''-'' a. Price 25 cents per :pinmd.'-' rJan.,28,:l840.:vi;:i-,Al!rta if. CI OTTO 2V ; X A II 2S freah aupply from yj tne uecla 1 actory. lor wUoieaale, or retail. , ., January 28, 1810. v I $ 01 9 t( IsVSl SAIr. W. & A.' 8TITH have, at s Way nesborough about 300 bushels Alum Salt, whit h they will sell; delivered there, at C5 ceuU per bushel. To persons wanting ' ten ; bushels or more, they will sell in Raleigh at $1. J, ? vr 0 - Ay Raleigh, J an, 28, 1840. , , - . ... . if. r TtOTICK. The publication of the Wiisiif : Toa Wekkit Ch rojviclic, will l resumed o soon as I can replace the materials of the office, last in the late &r6.0: 00f, 'j ;!.f-.iuj':l s3 vi A II. indebted to me fr sabacription. job prmting. or advem'sin are deaired to H make: immediate pay ment, aa 1 shall need every cent due to enable ma to re-establish, the paper.:A:' . I occupy, for thepresent, a room over Messrs T ourr & son s Auction otdre. ... ' .. -. ; , , . ,;i.; i y A. Ai BROWN. i- J". 24 A 840. - .'. M- ziivkh ft r-. lO RlilVARD. Ifl my house and employ my son Jil MB ROUGH JONES, on the 9th of January. He is near 18 years of age, but poorly grown, haa dark, sandy hair, one eye injured by a hook from a Cow. 'He wore away a Box-coat made of Kentucky Janes. All persona are warned agalrist harboring or employing said boy, aa I will enforce fbe aw against any such offender. I will give the above reward for his c onfiiieTnt in any Jail, or delivering him to me in Raleigh : I . i i - - MINTOiX JQMS8.1 . January 25, 1840,' 00. ' !, 9 3t, Aj U r IJ1. The notes and accounts now due lJ the asaigncd.eslate c.f S, W. BOAG, are placed in ine nands oi James Simons. tua. Atiotney at .1 . a. " a a ... .. , - , iiaw, tn iharieaton, 8. U. Ir collection oltice IX o. 51, 13road.strcet, 4 - doors bflw- Dr. Colen's Drus 8tbre,' If the said de ta be not prompdy pajdV ha is instructed to commence auila. .', . Jan28.l840. a . , , : ; 9 ow2rn.j Trr) ALEIGII FIX1E CJOMPAN Y, Tlie Mil Act of the General Assembly for the better pro- lectiun of the Uity f Baleigh from losses by fire, pro. vides that a Fire Company be annually established Jn the Collowinj manner : The Intendant of Police and Coromissionert shall, ih the month of January, enrol the free white male inhabitants of 2 1 veers of ace and upwards, and being thus enrolled, the said Intendant andCommissioners shall publicly invite such eft ir en a as choose to volant eer their "services toform said fire Company; to consist of forty Wmberf Tbi in vita tion ia. therefore, thus potihely made, and it is honed will be promptly met,-by signifying assent to the Clertr of the ' Hoard. 0000'W0f0-00 in ease a sufficient Aumber,ot volunteers o no ouer iheir services before the last Saturday It February the Act directs lhatthe Iiitedant -and .Commi!i6n-ers- shall, en tbat-day make 1 a .draft'Tf om lbe.nreL Tiieni, 01 sucii numoer oi men as suaii oe wanting o form" said Company.' "' ';Jaii.-25;i840T:;V.f: 0 Intendant of TatieS To David McDaniel, and his Attornics at LawGeorge W. Haywood and Charles Manly, Enquires, and to Ajamca Cooper and Thomas LewU & Co. of Ox- -. ford, N. C, Benjamin Thomattson, Isaiah Pascal, ; James .Hunt, and Ieslie Gilliam, Sheriff or Gran ville County, and John Y, Parkers 000000tl0 ,Take riotu-e, llial Ihave been arrested by virtue Jf a Co. So. at the instance of David McDaniel, aed tliat, thereupon, have given bond and security for my appearance at Wake County Court, on the 3d Moin day in February," A "D 1840, when and where I shall apply to s-iid Court for the benefits of the oath of an hiHirst deUor, and that I 'shall; file' in the said County Clerk'a Office a schedule' of my property, ac cording to the Art f the General Assembly, in surh case made and provided. e(r ran 'attend, and shew cause, if any you have, against my intended apjJica tion. , WASHINGTON H. THOMAS. - Granville County, Jan. IT, 1840.1 0'00'f 9 tfe - rTore nWO WEE1CS ONLY ECON- ll OMY IS WEALTH J B. SOLOMON, CiTothks 'Dsisser AD Kkovatoh -Of JLowfon, fully begs' leave to inform the citizens of Kaleigh,ihat he has opened "anBaiabishmer.t'm tins place, (for a short time,) at the House oh psyettcyillo Street, yei ceutlyoccuped .by the late Alexander Cam juell, where he will attend tn the cleanincr of Gcotlemf'ns COATS, PANTALOONS, AND VESTS, of ere- ry uescnptioiia on an eiiurriy new piau irooi,uuyurr sued by Dyers, a By, com pa riner the atticlea cleaned by him, ibeyare prontuinced., by;, eompetent judges equal to new! and which has been noticed bv the pob. lie. j Spot, create. &c . laken from ithe cloth, and apparel put in complete Ibrm.. . ,When n;juested, )ie anoliea a siiffi-ninz. and restores I he "color . to faW seams. ...He can reatore's sarment lo its orizlnal beau ty. without any ;: injury to the fabr;q C,I he steamiag process is not made use, of. - .v.. J ,S!STO;THE LADIES. Ladies'! Habiu and Cloaka, spotted or faded of lliri pristine beauty, restored to their original colors with the greatest care, jv Specimens of his work iriay ibe seen at his shop, where a fit person will attend to fie receipt of all work wkh punctuality and dispatch. -.t .1 To poraorut disposed ; to patronifo hhn in his bizsi. nesa;a he pledges-.himself. if any of hia work- ia not done to their aatisfaction, he will make no charge for hia Jabor.; ?-'':"' ; '. ;! -ST m J. . r (jp Gentlemen , who may please-to patronise hiin, canhave tlicijr; clothes returned in a short lime. Z-z .; JlafcigV.Irr,,23, 1840 - , -... ... i ,9 ; . TTTAIIE FOREST Pleasant Grove 0Admj:-T0 TapsTsas 0ot - this Academy have the pleasure of announcing to the Public, that they have engaged for the etiauiug yeat Miss MARTHA K. RICHARDSON, a young Lady from the North, who comes highly recommended, to take charge of Uiis Institution. l ' l-0 ".The Session will commence on the first' Monday in February, next, 00r:::00 0f00K ' rl ' : In addition to the nsuaf hrahchee 'of Instruction, the; Grtek, Latin, French end" Italian Languages will he taught, together with Brusic," Painting; tie f. Thia Academy is situated in Wake Forekt, li mires NortVof Raleigh, and within 4. miles of Wskd Forest College, in a healthy section of country. , ; Board can Je had in the neighborhood, et $3 per month. !or $35 per Session of five months. ' r : jA TUITION-PER 'SESSION.' , ; . Latin and Greek. . ' 0 7, i 510 CO : , ,s English Grammar and Geography, -..7 50 ', Lower Branches, &c '! a : , 00 ; )Iusie, . ' --: ; -SO 00 1 -n Drawing and Painting will be tapght to all who desire U, hut there will be an extra charge' for the same, as is usual in other Schools. i . LlGON.SeeV.: .Pec, 20.1 859. . . - ,8-lfeW. PlaCtDIDlAssortnicnt of Piano Forteav The Subacriber has lust received' ao aiibiTioxAL supply bf PIANOS, of vt-ry superior qualitica, which he oSers far salo on rcasonble terms. Ilia assortment is as full and , complete aa any in North-Carotins hd he hcsMatee not to say. that the Pianoa are equal, if not superior, to any ofTered for saje In this section of country. 0-y';i.:i00':t I i nn,onsw "e euiieiii.Hi are 2 KU912 WQOD PIANOS, 1 ZEBRA WOOD-(etriped) and' t MAHOGANY. These lnatrumenia have each two Pwlala, a loud and a soft or Harp PedaVC i 00 -? Persons wishing to purchase, are referred to the Rev,- Johii C. Jacoison, Principal of the Satan Fe rn a!e Uoarding School, or Gen. Davidson and John It. Alexander, of Mecklenburg county. V. j . ,4 T - JOSHUA BONER. Salem, N. CJ January 10.: " 6 St 1 i 3 7NTOTICE to SIll Growers 1 hive foi-' XNI 10 or 12.000 Moru MultUauli. Trees of good size and warranted genuine, Persona wishing tt engage in the Silk Culture, and others, can he eup. plied on very favorable terms; - In order lo obviate that great difficulty, the scarcity of money,) I am willing to wait one year Tor one bait or the Hirchase money,1 where the sum is '$ 100! arid ever, provided ' good security can he given for tKe payment of the same with interest. It is believed, that more than the amount that the Trees wilt cost, may lie" realised the' Bret year, by makm; Silk from the leaves they . will produce." The Trees may he seen at my place, In the ,' Eastern Suburbs of this City. 00-f Arpift-' w I have, also, a few thousand Silkworm Eggs for ale.' Persons wishing any further in formation. hvT addiessing me, (post paid.) will receive immediate' A-Haleigh, Jari: 17. A CARD. M HARDIE, grateful for the 1 share of patronage she haa always received.woold tabs this method of informins her mends and the pub" lie generally,' that the has made ample preparation for-. supplying Families with -ICE during the-ensuing summer, 011 as good terms aa it possibly v'can be obtained " " " , - Those who have applied fr several tears baclt, but could ot te supplied on account of the limited siza of her Ice House, need, not fear a like disappointment.1 " She would be gtad to have as early application made aa possible, as she is anxious to'"ecure a eufHcierit number of good Subscribers for the aeaaoa through.'' - January .0,-'t84U-"W-AiA S00i Jm . TATE of North-Carolina. Johnston i County, Court of Pleas and Quartet Scazious,, ovemberTerm, 18390$ ?0nwXz0r000w:i . Young Bridgera e.- Wil-") ' 00-' t''0A'V ' 0 -liam O. Goods, ExV of PU" S ' 1 f John a Goode. 00$ ha Ai" ?' 0-1 ' ' Upnn motion made ly PeUlioner's Attorney, If ht I ordered that the filing of this petition be advertised ia 1 r ! i he Raleigh Register and Prtersbtrrg Intelligencer, for t 00- six weeks,' notifying theaid Defendant J who is'not a resident of this State, to apiiea t a?t the nea t Court ef 0 '0t , Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to Ie held for said Coun-J al i ty,' at the Court-house in iu. Smithfield,!n the 4trf! ; Monday of February next, then and there to plead toiA w ! ioranswer said Petition, -,6f the same willj be hciirilfy '00; 0 a? parted -iM feWr f0'0Xi"r'00jfy:40y000:t I Witness: AimwIIT WaTso. Clerkiof 'our said1"., Court;tttt Office ia" Smithlieldi the 4th iMorfilay; of -00. Kovember.'i.A.1 D., '.839.: mA0; J00 fZ; Ami WM. II. WATSON; CO. C. - f - 0; a , y ;- ;y ' i-Jfl Tlerce" Beef :lqaafity" Rice; - ;H:'-ef.: , " 0 ::" lftHatf Tiercea a do. :doFdraale by !;;!:Ar-;;pIEEMAN;k, 8TITHS.M- ''0y0 Jan, 28 1 840.- ;y. 21 tf. ' - TTTvE If TA I ; STJKOER V. Dr. VV.lt Scott i U V informs the public, that he has returned to thie ; Raicigh'Jan, 28;; 1840. 0:i00H, :-000:- fi'- tf ., TT7IRESII G ARDGTV srrnw, Ma 4",HAwoeD have just received their sunnlv of . tou ujrum oeeoa, .raiseq oy i aoaacav, of Wew L York, in 1939, and which are of e superior quality, vr j i.' i. ri Li o-- tt ... . ' ' i A Raleigh, January 30, 1840.- 6t fTnRUSTSAI.E.By virtueof a Deed of TruatV r JLI. Jt me executed, by yillian W. Gray, fiirpttrtr posea therein specified, t shall prw-fidj lo sell at, hiav -1 residcoqsV.on Wclnewlay, the fithday. ,of .:Fehroary i :' ;! 'ti: nextall bis Household and Kitchen Furpiturel' ,f 00 . r-r- ; ' -r THpS.iEST;TiuteeVU- 0"7 January 31, 1840.;. '00fi0 ' "'M EMPOUTAWT SAtl-Tire SubacriiH-r hav ' ing Wen appointed Trustee in Deed frrn Joa 000 iiotiowATr fr icertaui purposes therein epreascd i 00 will offet for sale. Wore the Court Hoaa door in th I ' City if Ralcigh,n Saturday the T5ih day ojf FebrtH r fl7 ne,, the NegroV, of ihe ssid Hllowa, therey hy conveyed, among which are 3 good Shoemakers, ; arri agoml Seamalress f and at the same time, ho, 0 will sell a Lot, to the Eastern, part of the City of Ral eigh.adj -inin Wm. Dallas Hay wood anJ othersvf ' containing two acrra; and another: Lot. of Ground." containing 9 arres.atMtut half a mile East, oflhe Capi-T tol. adjoining Mrs, Eliza Taylor and othei(XThe- sale will be without reserve. :i000-A r0- -0 t ""' ,Jf.,i SBMS-OJX months credif.r-ii,: ... v January 77. 1840; aa,; , ; , 10,: ; r j -O APaTTAi; PniZES-$60,000 f 20,000.-- Vlj. Lottery authorized by .the Slate of Maryland Ur : " arret a Town Half and other huildingsiu the City 'of 00 i a Ualtimore. Clasa No. 3, for 1810. To he drawn at-: Baltimore. Maryland, on Salurdav;22d of Fbruary ' I840L:D. S. Gregory f Co. :Man"o2ers:, ; 0 7 ' '"7, 0- , 14 Drawn Not. in eaehpadMge ofilOTtckks0"i'0 -l0 0! V ni0p00r'm:0 I prize of . 1 " 5 prizes of , 5ii -. 0f 5 , "do- 5 da $50 000 ' 6.0Q0 a-1.000 7 1250 1.200 n-. (JO 3 prlxe of $20,006! 0' I ; , , : di ? 40 prizes oft! 60,, do . 350 fa; : 0&bU&0 tOOt' .0'.isa ' e. cv fr-0 s Tickets only $!0HaIvea $5--Quaiters $J 50 i;ertiucates oi rackages of S3 whole iiekete, v. . i a-,a i -.-a a. k taA t ' - mD.. ' do' f 5t?'ha!f Ja -f CS : - Vt : ' do - ;58 quarter il f ! - 32 r (C Orders for Tickrti and Kh'arci and Cettacsies) of Packages in the atnive Splendid Scheme, will rei eeive the most prurnpt attention; and ah oGcisI se 1 Count of the drawing sent immediately after it is over f toall.ho crder from n .Address 0-0- 0 00'',l; D, S. GREGORY k Co. ManageriL . -7A V 7 0- ' Ricluiuwd.-ralV't;,.- , ur ..Washington yny, . . . , ' ATTESTI T W Officers 33xn-REcorr:;T r "T7"OU are hereby cnmmaiM. " jjGfove of the Uapiit CbuA , Ibe. second Saturday of Fobrc-r; A, M fully unif.irmeJ ar J Court Martia:s s'- WALT . - . ' . - 00: Cvj. - December I , r10 ,000'- 0 Zlitnu,0 t rr'" " t ' the . ( , on , i 1 i ' fM. landl 'j l-ot:;,;;-'; Co :.,;iJ.aifi .:. i- TTTTJXJIir-.-. I i1 puffing eV . . a est ' E t. yjnutry 13, IfilO.; - C t -A rrC f. Jv 'A- A.-- f S?KA vf :-0-J ; . .- ' r' :0000 00A 0 :a! 0:: - 0 - y A . r :' :'. I i -A .. 1 : '"' - A j - A A.v':'...- . .A- . '.'';-.t-f..Vv; ; 4 JJ-" -'.J -rf' ; A; .-.-,.V.:. r:!-: l r I' - -. ' . A-; ; v ' - 'i .. , , , . . . .. -A..T- -J" .;, ; -. ... Ji . ,. .' . , -. , v j- - ": .:t'.i !;.; ' "; ;t 000: :000 : :-00 "' "'; 0 '' 000 -00 - a -i,''"'0-00:-- -001 0 . '0000,r:0'0. 0-'0