. '' ' ? -'. II . I .. - : " i.t-- x--" .IIH--I i -in i r i-g j.-.w,.ftli.?rs & t vr it tin V . , : , V r v x :i J V J.- "J.i' gg,'MV"wBwMMMt4'jp! r T". 4"""r'' '"" j" 1'.',-' ' -"-l''" ii mi mi win in' 'i pi 'i j 1 Hi nil" ' " ' 1 ' ' ' , . , V'i 1vt ; 1 4 .J . it r- I in : , - . r i I, ii -I r" 'T inn mi iiMi Win i linn iii iii liiii waig mi n , mm . , ,': ,iii:i 3: .i'J 'tliJji WEST01TU; GALE i - r r TGRI18.' lion;6de Donr) jwch .ulieqaent nrtion,M cent. thtrged 25 per eU higher! .deaucUoo of 33 pr cent will benade from the re8a!ar P'W for d: AdTerUwiwati, inrted in the 8mi.WekIj R imi, wiU Iao tpper io the Weekly P.per, free of All Letter to ine xmuot mm w ' TIIE TfEEELI-T .'i- i : ' "Thas will you avoid mentf of unruly affectioa aad. the ' thousand penalties of sefih. celibacy,, Thus will yon please Oodr and you to wci . heart, if it be a rood one. and displease none, but kri ill jadginrtnd'wicked :oftdS?T- fr UUCIl IO 11 "' n , . - ...... ujckvi youftany, jn':f tfron,..o.picyi M9D. pn Iiis. deatbTbedaid, j iPKACTnPAIi "u WMVVr to fee fi?e princes and-hae iXU; aerawe. experience In , , - . , i i, a TOUltrvior v ia haI mU. rifieen .nnvv niinAllnr (n Tnnr nf ihm !il w raion 1 , . . !-'! 6c lavuriw .uii?uK i-.-,Tr" r':; 't1: "f !i. ?, 1 Aiaoama; ne would havena A D T I C TO A T. - . - - - - v - Never- did the inspired king of Imel de ivera sentence more full of ljie wisdom of Heaven, than when he toI4 the young roan' to Remember hi Creator in the days of hi$ yotdhS'-'Z-tit find this admonition in the conciudingxhapterofthe workt of Solomon. He seema to have reserved itir as Vj3Aaxim af the ntmosl importance, and selects it as a final effnrt to Dersuadc " the "lender minds of the dyi,i morning of lif, it Is more precWthan? ni hZ It he would be happVere or hereaff St: PWW and scontenV and4es if he would grow in grace as he grows ' . Cat, really;, yon nave not so i m fear from th r.yiolence of those affections, as from vanity. The perverae ambition , of ar riving ait the character of a man of spirit, by vicious audacity has of late universally pre vailed, and has ruined, a great part of the ris ing generation. T- Frora .s motives of ; jranity, health and peace are sacrificed, fortunes lav ished "without credit or enjoyment, every re lative and personal i duty neglected, and -re-' ligidn'bbldlyiet'attofianc I have known many ydung inen i boast ing of misfartohea . which are attended ' with the greatest pain and misery and ougit'to be accompanied - with shame: ' Far more have taken pains to shine, T amidtt the Utile; circle of their vicious acquaintance, i the 'hu ter ofji gay libertine, than to acquire y 'use ful qualities, the esteem.of tie good. To be admitted into the company of those who are superior to them in fortune and condition, thousands plunge intov;'debauchery without passion into drunkenness without convivial enjoyment, into gaming wttnout the means in stature, and find favour in the sight both of Gc! and roan; letfim ponder Rewords of thisiv ?e king ; let him bind them about his ififci, d write them on the tablet of his 4 The virgin innocence of the mind,' saya a ne writer, a sacrifice, more acceptable to the Almighty, than if . he should ome be fore him wtUi the cattle upon a thousand hills7 and withlen thousand rivers of oil." Yes my young friends it must be so : and let it animate jy our noblest exertions.. Most assuredly, if on this lower world f weakness andMmDerfeOtion, there "be one obiectworthy of the joy of angels, and on which the Deity! himself looks! down , with k am'de of eompla- r-jr. eveninff'of Iife.s.i"f kiir-tehhi--Ji :- Have sense and resolution enoughphere forei to give bp all pretensions to those titles of a jfine fellow, a rakeor whatever vulgar name the temporary cant of the yicions I be- stows on the distinguished jibertine4 Pre serve your principles, and be steady i in your conduct and though yonr exemplary; beha viour may bring upon yon the insulting and ironical appellation of. a saint, a puritan, or even a inethodist, persevere in rectitude. It w ill : bej in your power soon, ;not indeed to insult, but to pity. ..Have spirit and display, it. .. .But let it be that sort of spirit, which urges you to proceed in the path in which yon were placed by the faithful guide f your knights; of the buskihr and all srood fellows, M'gn" jpartsV L aridf have been present at most' tionaof the and among, tl)e rest Hunch- Oackikiliea Uie rage in- Boston, -where P the joke occurred Fanny Kemble wai'at that : timeff delighting jlhe; ' towa'withl Jbeir iJulia? ; nA erery body was .' well acquainted with .the celebrated lines .j i; . --..-i; ; " Clifford; why- don't you speat to met : : ' ' v- t u, iunorL u it you? &c &e. Which are ranked am onir the Dnit! lived in, the palace " for anhours " enjoyment -VJ. Uk'U 111 Hi lfUJC favorite points of thelDlaVV f m?.: . - .'i Going, goinglast call .fifty-two any; more! fifty-three tliank you, sir-r-fifty-threc dollars any more t fifty-three go on, gen tlemen fifty-three dollars going at fifty three dollars last i- call once, 1 twice any morel gone jlrWbo is it IV There "was a! pause, and nobody answered. . Who it it! who bid fifty. three T" , Fifty-two was my Kid'isaid some one. - " Who bid fifty-three! some one said fifty-three: who was it! . Who bid fifty-three r? , , V : Clifford", said a voice near the door; O, ; Clifford, is it you Vl exclaimed the auctioneer, dropping his. hammer, .and clasp ing -hist hands laFamy' KembU. f The Joke was irresistible-e very body recognised it, atchiing the spirit of the thing, the audience, followed' up an extacy of. laughter with three rounds of applause, while the auc tioneer deliberately drew out his handker chief, and wiped his hose in burlesque , imi tation of Miss Fanny. Cliflbrd,did you sayj 8iri T yjixioru: . sam me auctioneers wuen, the merriment had a little subsided. ! Is it cash, sir!" Clifford, the purchaser it seems was a bashful person, unacquainted with thea trical. things, land had become somewhat alar-. med at the unaccountable good humor of the crowd, so that he was afraid to open his lipa again, lest he should excite another burst of furi. Is it cash, sir!" again enquired thel auctioneer, i j lnfancv " "Rxlnhit n nnfilff ftrifiArinritv in tlar. cencyj it must be that of a young jaaii resist- -fogVaiiifcprtf' inS the argent solicitations of passion,j and proaches f of the vainwho labour tcl' make flying jfrom the cWms of the syren pleasure; u a nTert tQ fonyZja order to keep them s ruggl ng preserve . tne , nw recmuae: yieiuiog: w, rauKiuu . hot stlem von in Iheir hearts vm" while rjw 3uviu, . u;uipcraucc , uie ,vpa piiy sic, muu gobd' conscience the bss t esUte. And we re rl to live, I would change the cou rt for a elois er, my, privy counsellor :jf:poatio.ior aoief nit's fctirementand the! whole life I.',liave I fcf an f A nnlrtAA rnsiAN mv i aw m AmS duced bv the world, and elowing With all the generous f feeling, of ; truth an honour ; Se. T. ; '3 UIiffbrd mad bolt for the door and escape and.preseipg both rusoula , . ;j : WOMAN. -V m lovely and blameless offering, at the altar , of .cioua etithde insnireanable von to Besnise t. 1. .L. J tJ-- M . I '. , I I - I E ' . ..' I 1 L IHI1ULU1B B1U11CB Ul 2& I11RLIV . IXITK. II Ul ' ' r l ... l HIS jrO0. . A. mournful conviction of the dangers to which youth is exposed, has directed my choice of the subject of this day!s? Monitor: and. I lay before my young .readers, with feelings of affectionate concerns the following excellent address to a young man, from' the works of a late writer. May it restore' to the path, of virtue some f thoughtless , wanderer, and fix the aeal of goodness on .some y outh ful breast I ! I cannot, I would not, . conceal my anxiety, on this subject. The veteran knows t the perils of the war -our fears ; are noi ior mm -oui wno uoes not treniQie.wiui apprehension when the young soldier, first marches to the field ! For ' the experienced pilot we feel fio alarm; bnt, when the young . mariner embarks, we would, if it were possi ble, bribe the elements in his favour, and. our hearts send y p to Heaven a voluntary prayer ior nw saiety anu success t and, neglect'the assaultsof ridicule. ..When all other modes of attack' have failed, ridicule has succeeded. The bulwark of virtuel which stood firmly against the weapons or argu ment, has tottered On - lis basis, or fallen . tO nor that endiantinir vbn. whirh thnn dart. the "grmmd touched byAe wjmd oft, magic Kg,, iustre od the man thou deem- f? After Mr. Clay had tdellvered hisifile and etqqent speech; against the' Sub-Treasury the yice President,; warme':Vi'tW:p6wer and vigor of the effort ju st made, exclaimed That's Harry in his best days that's Old Kentucky." s.- Gazette, i - A OU. TTFO "WEEKS Oil t YECON- OAfY IS WEALTH.' !: B. SOLOMON, XOTHES DbESSKR AKD K3f OTATO E Of JjOTldotl. and, hie, ofjlfao York jaPkiladdphV8 feet fully Wgs leave to inform the citaena of Raleigh, that he has opened an BsUblishcnent in this place, .(for . hort time,) at the House on Fay elteTille Street, re cently occup'ed by the' late 'Alexander Campbell, where he will atteud to the cleaning of Gentlemen' COATS. PANTALOONS, AND VESTS, of eve ry description, on an entirely new plan from that pur sued by Dyers. By comparing the aiiicles cleaned :hy him, they are pronounced by competent judges equal to new, and which btis been noticed by the pub lic. , Spots, grease, &.c , taken from the cloth, and apparel put in complete form. , When requested, he applies a stiffening, and restores the color to fuded teams..., lie canp restore a garment to ils original beau ty, without any injury to the fabric, The steaming process is not made use of. j, .'. ... t s - TOTHE LADIES. . 4 Ladies' Habits and Cloaks, spotted or faded of their 'pristine beauty, restored to i their original colors with the greatest care. Specimens of his work may be seen at his shop; where a fit person will attend to the jreceiptof all work with punctuality and dispatch. ; : To persons disposed to patronise him in his business,- he pledges himself, if any of his work is not done to their satisfaction; be will make no charge for his labor.', i i . - I a .. u--f i- V (C Gentlemen who may please to patronise him, can have their clothes returned in a short time. ! ! Baleigb, Ian- 28, 1840 ; i 9 J iJ ' iLf l : , - All eyes-were turned upon Clifford, who ITrta AL12IG1T FIRE CffcMJPAHIY--The looked Terv tnuch as if he felt that his moth LnL Actof the General Assembly for the better pro- er might be Inxious about him, but still he ten of the City of Raleigh from losses by fire, pro- made no answer.) The merry - auctioneer IT'" , ?.a " " p-j ... . ; ..u 1 i i , . ' - - i w following manner; , ,a am loienunu 01 rouca ana " .ii ivoo na wswuiw . iii.il,, n.mm -L.-.-.h. in th- month nf Jannarv. enrol joke, arid he suddenly exclaimed imitatingf the free white male inhabitantsof 21 years of age and the fiery-eyed r anny, r t jkapwards, and being thus esrolled, the said Iutendant : m;flTol ! h- mn v.v n m t Hi nd Commissioners shall publiclT mnte sucn citixens rhe assenibly now fairly screamed with lauehi 1 7?mM- t in.t f f:w memhr ThU in.ita- ier,anu,amia an uproarious oursi oi appiaus-5.1 t,on is, therefore, thus publicly made, and it u boned will be Dromntlv met. bv sienifvinz assent to the Clerk of the Board. . v ,. .. . : A '' . Tn case sufficient number of volunteers do not offer their services before the last Saturday in February, die. Act directs that the Inieudant and Commission- i ; era shall, on that day, make , a draft from the enrol- ment, of such number of men as shall be wanting -to form said Company. J. GALES, Jan. 25, 1840. 1 t Ihtendant of Police. PIUNTER, who has had eon- conducting a Newspa- t newspaper establish Carolina,' . Georgia- or obiArlinn :t .Miwiit. himself with any gentlemen embarked is the Prinlins: uuwiicbs, m pimer 01 me outes last named, as. : he is very anxious to plant ; his . person,: permanently, io Georgia or ; Alabama 4 His politics aro of tha Jeffer sonian school, and consequently,, at war , wtih many of the leading measures of the present : Administra tion, '....ij ) r.' . j j ' i : ''"- i uucxccpuuaauie wsumony wi goou cnaracier can be adduced. Address, P. Q., North Carolina,' postage paid, ivj Jan. 28, 1840. f jU''P Hillsborough, A CARO. MRS. HARDIE, grateful for the .X."hre of patronage she has always recerved,woold take this method of informing her fiienils and the pub lic generally, that she has made ample preparation for upplyinx Families with ICE during jlhe ensuing sammer, on good terms as if it possibly can be obtained, r .r $ vk hi :r-'-rfl r lu Those whij have applied for several years back, but could .not be supplied on account of the limited size of her Ice House, need not fear a like disappointment . r- She weuld lie glad to have as early application mad as possible, as she . is anxious to Secora a sufficient number of good Subscribers for the season through. ; January 20, 1840 ?.4,kU --if. .;a 2m c ' HE 'EDITOR OF THE WUMINGTON CHRONICLE, havinerbv the five df the 1 ,17th of January, lost all the materials of his office, on which there was no insurance; and being desirous of resu ming the publication of the paper as ; soon as possible, in order to enable him to do so. he makes an appeal to the public for an increase of his subscrip- uon ust. J he potiUcal , character of the ' Chronicle is Whig. The Editor has ever aimed, however, to diffuse what he conceives to 1 be true political senti ments, with justice and lair-dealing lowards those entertaining diffeient opinions, and to discuss matters with a courtesy proper among all men-! This will be iU future cousae. But independently of these con siderations, there Is- bow so large a portion of the State connected v with Wilmington by the 1 ties that grow out of frequent intercourse and . commercial dealings, that .the .-: newspapers of. that . place should have an extensive ctrcnlatton. f -Jr.-. rv- .y 1'he price of the paper was $2 50, in advance, but experience has proved that a paper cannot be afforded in Wilmington for that sum, and the subscription of me nronicle will therefore be hereafter f3 V0 in advance, v ;- ''M - -f-r f -ii i-vf: .. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1840, ! ' -11 .' if.'.'? CAPITUL PRIZES-50,000 $20,000 , Lottery authorized by the State of Maryland to rceta Town Hall and other buildings in the City of R.himiM r?i.. Tvri 9 v. tain ta j ;' -. 'iujvv vni. A . v. V .V. .WW. J .IV w Ul.Vtli Baltimore, Maryland, p Saturday, 22d of February, 1840. D. 8. Gregory 4-Co. Managers: . ' 14 JDrawn fios. in reach package 0f2S Tickets. - 20,000 3,859 600 t too u 150 eavaJTB scbxmk. 1 prize of I t do 6 prizes of 5 : do 5 do 5 -I"' ' do "' 1 prize of 1 do . 40 prizes of 50 do " " 250 do '' the . tint .of thy , complexion, nor the beauty; and symmetry of thy person, nor yet the robe and . decorations which compose thy artificial beauty, that constitutes thy loveliness; no,: A rOTfiCE OFi!ARSHAL OF( THfi Uf SS . jV,;-' . Rakish, February 1, 1840. .,-$ 'The following named persons have been appointed Assist! vt Mavbhiu for the several counties of the State, to carry into effect an ' Act "of Congreai "for taking the sixth Census, or enumeration of the in habitants of the United ; 8tates, to commence the fst er Jnns next , :? a ta-Kn wsxr s, . Asita . '-"-?, - Anson. :.'i'jr Bertie, J. ..Buncombe. j ...Bladenf, rl , , Beaufort ,,,.-4. 4j Brunswick, ,;i , Tt:- . l-l . .-.'.' , :.v ,Wm.SriProden,i;.?- KK.jf. 'E.H. MeCttnaV 'aJf :"--r '' '. - AMam ur. rauersaa, Daniel Reed. ajavia a ay ior j Burke, r - Camden, . ' Cabarrcs, . , Columbus,.. , Cherokeoj'v-:,- Carteret, y.... - ,.;.,. Chowan, ;; ,v Currituck, , CumUrland i .. Craven, ,:. , Caswell, Duplin, . Davie, l(-li . ..Davidson, :v ; Edgecomb. , Franklin, : Granville, ; .Gates, gv,., A. Green, - . ;i Guilford, in' c - - I will suDDOse. says this excellent moral ist, a young man'5 present,' wh0? has passed through the forms ora liberal education at school; 'and who is just entering on the stage of life, to act hit , part according to his1 own uCr t ' -it .JJ.'..'t.i .TT ta jaurineBWt i r. wui auun uiui.fwji aim Ridicule.- In the school, in the college, in the world at large, it is the powetful engine which is used io level an exalted character. You will infallibly be attacked by it J i if you are in many respects singular ; and lingular la miDj respccH vwu uiut uc, it jj.ou bib eminently virtuous. Love truth, and dare to speak it, at all events" The man' of the world will ;.tell 'you; toti must dissemble znd so you. must. u : your . oojecis anu spursuits , are Jtae nis, mean taiid selfish v But vour bur noses ' are e-enerons. 'and your . methods of oDtaihiner them, are undisguised., You meaniw'ell. Aow your meaning, 11 nonor requires , tne avowal, and fear nothing. , You willj indeed, ; do irlirht to wish to please ;, but yoif.will be. anxious to please the worthy only and hone but worthy actions will effect that purpose. With all your good qualities unite? the humility:of a christian. J .Be ..not . morose. I est worthy of thy, affections. - It is thy pleas ing deportment thy - chaste conversation- thy sensibility, and the punty of thy thoughts thy anablp and open disposition syrapa thisinsr with! those in adversity comfortin? the aniicted relieving the distressed, and. above.all, an unfeigned humility of soul, audi a sincere and perfect regard of the precepts of Christianity. " These virtues constitute thy iv , , isoiTiari?s xotice. To David McDaniel, and his Attornies at Law, George W. Haiwood end Charles Manly, Esquires, and to James Cooper , and -Thomas Lewis & Co. of Ox- , ford, N. C, BenWmin J homasson, lsaian rascal, 'James Hunt, and Leslie Gilliam, Sheriff of Gran ville Countv. and John Y. Parker s k 1 I ; - Take notice, that I have been arrested by virtue of a Co. So. at the instance of David McDaniel, and that, thereupon, have given bond and security for my appearance at Wake Couaty Court, on the 3d Mon- dav in Februarv. A. D.. 1840, when and where I loveliness-' -adorned but with those of nature 1 shall apply to said Court for the benefits of the oath and simplicity,' they will shine like the. reful gent sun, and display . to man that the love lineas of thy person is not tobe -fdurid in the tinsel 4rnaments of the body, but in the Re flection of the rectitude and serenity of a veil spent life, that soars above the transient vini. ties 01 iniswonu, ana wnen tny(aays are ended here upon earth, shall be the prepara tion of thy spirit for the' regions of eternal bliss. -;- ' -!'': ' -:: .-" allowance for the vices and errors which you ffv?! BC i0U? yotnrseE'Make Wehaveseidom seen a more powerful appeal to the lowing manner . j . sl . ; allowance for the vices and errors .which von .2 4 lr. wv 4itnct from tn address delivered by Johbt Hout ss Esq; before the members of Saco Lodge. , , ' Temperance is a Masonic virtue; And let it ' be 1 Held in everlasting, remembrance, " Yon have violent passions implanted m -will daily see. Hemember that all have not yon ny nature, . tor tne accompii.snmenif os had the benent ' 01 instruction ; that a great her purposed ;' but conclude not, as many part of mankind are in effect orphans, turn have done to their ruin," 'that because they d loose into' theuwide world, without one arr'ainlTit i'lnv -ara irrociattKl ' thW am a r.tt.rVil fnA ' tn nva ; iViam 'A,t i l.ft n nature whichjejave you passions,' gave you also reason,-and a love of order.' ' Religion,, added to the light -.of nature and the experi ence of mankind, has concurred in establishv ingit as an unquestionable truth, that the ir regular or intemperate indulgence of the pas- of an honest debtor, and that I shall , file in the said County Clerk's Office a schedule of ray property, ac cording to the Act or thelueneral Assembly, in such case made and provided. You can attend, , and shew cause,! if any you hate, against my' intended "applica tion, t WASHINGTON H. THOMAS. Granville County, Jan. 17, 1840.; 1 b.fttfe ' A NDRE W.This distinguished Racer" and Stal- J lion will make his next and last Season 111 Vir ginia, at New Market, within one mile of Petersburg, and be let to Mares at f 75 the season, payable when the Mare is taken away 4120 insurance, with $t;o the groom in all instance. ...The .insurance1 money will be reauired as soon ai the Mare is ascertained lo be with foal, or parted with. The Season will com mence on the 10th February, and expire tne ist iay 950 000 6.000 2,000 1,250 1,200 1! 500 Tickets only $ 1 0 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. Certificate of Packages of. 26 whole 'i ' ' tickets, V 1$130 Do do ; 26 half do ? 65 "Do : do ! j .26 quarter J do Ii 32 (T Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages in the above' Splendid Scheme,: will re ceive the most prompt attention, and j tan official ac count of the drawing sent immediately after it is over, to all who order from Us. "Address - ij '' V ' if J D. 8. GREGORY & Co. Managers, r' - -;- s -.tVvii: - Richmond, Va. i ! Or, Washington City, D; C. j i. ; , ' f. ,' TO.ES from the Stable of Mr. James Co 3 man In ; the suburbs of this City on Friday night Iat, a Bay Honss, 4 years old last Spring, has one or two white feel behind; about 15 hands high and has a scar on the right side of his neck, 'adjoin ing his head, where he had been lanced for the dis temper." Said horse is a RidgUng, but would be ta ken by many to be a Stud., I will give $50 Reward for the apprehension of the' thief, or if 10 fori the re covery of the horse alone.-. Any' 'information con cerning; the horse,' communicated 'personally or by letter to the Editor of the Register, will be duly ap preciated by the suhsenber. ' - :f " 1f f v - t. DAVID THOMSON. 1840;i-:.-i'U'1l:.if.' , . ; . ; .- 1 1. Raleish, Feb. 3, A IJCTOOW FURN1TDRE, CARRIAGES, Ml TOOLS, &c acc I will offer at Auction, on Friday the 14th day of February next, at my shop, in this City, aW-rav house-hold and kitchen FTJRNI- TUBE, amongst which are, a large Mahogany Side board and Tables, Secretary and Book Case t one nrst rate eight day Vlock (an excellent time piece) ; one paur large eilt ILowring ,ixlas8t .- a handsome Mantle Glass t together with a great many articles, too tedious to mention, u . W-.- A -Tennessee - Spinier with six spindles, and of July.. Mares will be well fed at two shillings per Carding Machine! both in-good order; three setts day pasturage which is rich and extensive furnished Blacksmiths' toil, Complete; ith8waV&c'&c. faithful friend to give them advice t left to lderhes&--witH ;nares;ndj quick-sands, aridchasma around them."- Be candid, there foirei v jtnd among 'all the i improvements : of education, and refinenient of manner!, let the beautiful -christian traces' of ; meekness " and """"i a,ffjo wuuiu wiiu paiu, in sume i oenevoience. snme .roost conspicuous. . xve .w.w vtMsi, n uivii icauj i, COCCUS pleasure. Vrtiir nia.iAna Wilt. 1. a a m. vu. uuaivu, m vo.tTMiiv rcsuaiiieu . i : it ' find dieif yown war; in a dark and rugged 1 ,1?mM m iaiaI , r u?lzuc" irp anH ftnil'-.nTirU "V Vice. i i uo vqmuwiwua auu utiuo.uiw this adversary of our peace, the treacherous arts by which it flattera us from the path of rectitude, and the syren song by whicn it. lures lis into its 4fout embrace, surpass - the powers of description. .' The cursed, .fascin - -. . a v - --------- from enormous excess, if you really - wish. and honestly i endeavour to restrain them : but the. greater part of; young men study, to auudiuc uieir iury, anu give mem a aegree lorce which, they .possess not in a; state nature, they run into temptation,' and sire ndt to. (be delivered from eriL They " Be cheerful, and 'mtefaUy, eBjoy the . ... M;tfeM4 j hnniM: end a H . . . : - . -. " ' j KCl 19 UI0 lUV V vvti . VMwway w . m9 , aawwwaw i good which rovidenceaabesmwedtnpon Jle willinci victim is irretrievably lost. Fl itn tha I - t . . : ; . , - -' - . -. oat- - a v ana i ! wmm-i iiiinir hut - - uhuudi aVLiuu a ' an w c t --a - j . - - .11. .a a aaa.a w , t .t .; . :-tt - . . i incr o-entiv aown a imooui ami aeiicuuui Th; n via sr ' - - a. a . 1 - bb t w.i - - , w . . . i sja uicBUMst lawi oi. enjoyment au oeyouu is noraiiuu i .Awafrl.t thii-Mirink' of. iremendona-1 ZAUt Kim si hi. A" I "a ... ..fr . 1 1 VUIIbU r ww: w ... v- i kuuiii. v uimi u.i oi pleasure and real pain. - rt' - i 1 it, a rw.itv nf li-paVatTno-1 Ar.&r him foco to wr I I will not multiply jny precepts. Choose 1 w; , . l jLisiJ 1 .u-lii-ii Pcwrsburs. Jan. l. good books, and follow their direction, r Adopt T-i r 3 .-. i - i' , -c:. a.j.I;i;71 ' knowinglyjanf wiUjngly Sacrifice to mbmen religius; ylrtUoni, anly princi grauucauuiw; w .icomiort oi ait . wniCO should sweeten the remainder of life. Begin, then, with; most sincerely wishing to conquer those subtlejand; powerful enemies, . whom VOtl p.irrvlin vonr nniAm.i. Prav tn T)l!n. assistance; Avoid tolitulle the first moment advice iuubb vnougnt ,insinnaiesiueu,. anu : ni to the com pany of those whom you res Converse not on. subiects which lead to Pure ideas: have courage to decline reading thiaj jeold season," J should be careful before immonl books, even when they fall into b.!nt':ftem,jo theitin-the hand fleets - that; he is approaching the danger. -titmiint iti. nnma, gnil inolinatinn tfl them deeply. in your bosom,, and led them go . f diminish whUe the daneer is increas- with jrou,. unloosened ana unaltered to tne d . He WDDroaches. perceives theldash.ng. grave?r;iJ U HuUvhnn i t hr the roaring and feels the ttremblinir. r ull- -"aV';i;:'W?r Cw:itt.w The current is accelerated, it becomes t irre JThero is much:huraamtf , .i, t0 the brink, the: abfas your hands. , If,al a properiage, von form "nMW w.am a strong attachment to a Virtuous woman; e.'fS,.mial 9 V so ldrthat the ,akin dare with jthe sanction' of parental approba- W1.10-. Tr ie Ktlf tA Wm nnnr than u vowuwu giTca uc autuiai a sore rauuui, 7 WVM. W W , W W marry, much pain, and causes it to feed badly for sons to prevent it? Yes. .Let them adnun ister correction with the hand of friendspp. Let the ''' admonition he honest, faithful nd reasonable '.To provide against possible dan ger, let them often try the'experiment upon themselves,' to discover the first symptoms' sratia. No charge tor servants seni wiw marcs. Every precaution! will be taken to guard agamsi acci dents or escapes, but I cannot be responsible for either. This renowned son ot Sir Cnarles, tamed alike lor bit own and the performances of his progeny on the Turf, is now in full health and vigor. He is a beauti ful dark chesnutj without white except the near hind font, risina fifteen and a half bands high, of, peifect symmetry of form, united! with immense power, and UQnTUIICU (CUVUi IU ninui avict jwihvuiw b. .tvi all horses I ever saw, : - His own. performances on the Turf are too well known to need a recapitulation here. His get are now before the public, and although they are eenerallr from obscure Mates, have distinguished themselves at all distances, from I to 4 miles, and that from New York to Georgia thus winning for their Sire a reputation as the getter of, Race Horses, which should entitle him to the (Consideration and patronage rill Ibe. the last opportunity of i State, as I have had several . of- other Slates.: -O.-Pi HARE. 1840, -J. -; -..'8 oaw6t MMBBBMMMMHaMaaianiiBaaaMaaaaBS A IATM; SAlVaV-W. & A STTTH have at Ay Waynesborough about 300 bushels Alum Salt, which'they will: sell, delivered there, at 65 cenU per busbeL To persons wanting ten bushels or more, mey win seU in Raleigh ntlL ; V .Raleigh, Jan. 28, 1840. ? " !: 0 tt "TNTOTICE. The notes and accounts how due i( the assigned estate of S. W. BOAG, are placed in tne nanus pi jamea oimona, Xisq. Auornej m Law, in Charleston, S. C. for collection office No. 51, Broad-itrret, 4 doors below Dr. CohenVDrug Store, r If the said de'ita be not promptly paid, he is suits.'-; -.r&it --f,3r iSify: for a Carriage maker ; Coach and Barouche Lamps, .who races ana materials, consisting tn u great man v. Articles: all nav benches, fixtures, and tools; tn the wood shop, together with aU Ibe Harness Makers tools ; one sett Plating tools, with one Plating Mill, a first rate article ;' an excellent lot of Upper and Harness Leather, together with a number of articles too tedious to mention. (rj Several CARRIAGES; Paints, dce&e n "W.i-.i Jtj i' -Terms of SaleSix month credit for all sums over 1 1 0 i all Under, Casb. ' All over SI 00, notes negoUable at either of the Banks in tfcis City. 4 X RaleighV Feb. 4;l840.j:p - ;-' f rg "ITSt Halifax, Hertford, . -Hyde, Haywood, -Henderson, 1 1redell, ji;u I Johnston, Jones, h'-o Lincoln, 4 V ' ' ' Lenoir, : f , Macon, : -. . . : Moore, , Montgomery, Mecklenburg, ." : Martin, - j". " New Hanover, . Nashri. "i ' 'Northampton,' ; i . Onslow, . Orange, Person, - 'Pasquotank,' - Perquimons, t - Pitt,- ''! ip.;-'H Rowan, . ' ' Randolph, . - Rutherford, :, ';. Rooeison,; '. Richmond, ' Rockingham; : Stokes.-:-; 'w.r? (''.'' Wm: W; Atv ! ' -. h; b. Satterwhite. .;-'1.!.'-! JL, V . .- : H-.;.r. j ;; rS'iir;ho. J Burgee.- x,, . v I Hobert KJrkpatiick. .u William H.Baklwiav :frDBM F. Ramsawi. ' wiiiiam . iiunt. r. . , Thaoaas Hathaway. WilUaaaS. Harrison. ; luncaBee.X!..;v;,!' t J m - - : t- :"-,..; t' V' James HavwariL 2 1 Char lea iLel .-;. ,r James K HilL, j -.H-i' , . Walkaciel T. A, ChafiaU k.loseph; Davis;. ' , Robert Rix.V-; -i-,M.. - : WiaC Foster - James Beasly.i-j; ,..K'AsaHULsv--i-.f..5i'i - .- a; John J. Edwards.! - ; CjohiVimnhSW, '-"i; Joseph A. JlsUaaT f SLeonad D'ahie1,';':'r'' '' " ' -- John Edauadsosw.' ,giH-I' ' "c" - -.(-'-'' 4. 'r.- James L. Orhaea. & .. '. David i C Coxv.f , . WttSam W. Battle. , .,,--;.: John. Clay toaw iv ,, r'-Wittiaa l.Cowmfl:ft 4 i'.o.Edwanl Boykin. t-;';- Abner Ucoea .; : ' jDaoM:lea?tr i tUT. 'AbenialkK. f -James WCox. t i'.' H.O. Woodfia. : S. C. Brace.. ., t.i-: , -' 5 James Allen. ,K ; ... ! lean Cfarisiau . PearaaUThompsoai ' ; Jesse) Cooper.': -DugalM'MiltanaWH Jeei Bunn.i i aarael8praill. , ftu '--. v Skhard H . Grant, i Ki r-- )i?i e--J-r. ! . ' f Joseph Allison. Thomas Fsnoetti Thomas Morris. v E. L. Stephens. ;J- ; Miles' KiUoUVitftif-r .''Jesse H' AdanMt-s";:,tf:r,: ' Benjamin Austin. 1'!' :; Thomas Hancock.- '"2 B. FJ Hoover. S W.R. Daniel." 2 John Baber.- ; Archibald 'M!Miues. Archibakl McNak?- -; Peterf 8cales;',?::::J,??"1V ''KobertHill.'1' Rlirpw ' e-''' CE:Hough; 'f Sampson, Washington, Wilkes, Warren; . Wayne, Wake, -Yancey, v s : Edward VaiL " Abram Chesson. instruc'etl to commence Jan. 28,1840. J 9 ow2m. AMD UTEAXl RALEICnFOR SALE. The Subscriber will sell a Tract of Land a few miles from Raleigh. , For . further information, apply to W. D. Haywood, Esq. H J. GANNON. TTUST PUDIilSalED. and teadv for delive Py ry, at the North Carolina Book Store, a Digest of alt the reported Decisions of the Courts in North Carolina, commencing with the earliest Reporter and cnliuding the Decisions of the Supreme Court at their June Term, 1837. Prepared by Hon James Iredell, Attornev and Connsellor at Law. f ' ":' !' , Turner 6c Hoghea,"the Proprietors respectfully ask the patronage of the publie for this work, which has been published at great expense. It contains near a thousand pages,' and is, therefore; necessarily divided into two royal octavo relumes of about five hundred pages each, printed on good type and fine paper, and well bemnd. Price, Nine Dollars a copy, t ! ? " It is recommended not only to professional men, an of whom will doubtless possess themselves of it, to direct and abridge their labors, hot it ia also urged anon the notice ot - all JuOkes, 8heriff. and other indicia! officers, as; affording them an exposition, in a lew words, 01 toe poinw.wuiut uw uu)iw uun of North Carolina has decided in relation to their du ties. For a similar reason, it is recommended to pri vate eentiemen, who may have an inclination or feel an interest to know the determinatioee of theiSupreme Court, which consutute, so far as j they decide, the law of the land, as imperative as any Act of Assem bly, and as binding in their operation upon every r Thomas Lenoir.1" - - f Michael Collina.'" H 'I James Griawell. W 'f ' ; '.; -0 Wesley: JoiiesW f :t'r' James -Av WilsdnV' . : The notice of these appointments has been thus ' , early published, thatahe vast; number of applicants " tot these offices may learn the result of their appuea- ' tone, to whom direct replies, even if it could be rea sonably expected, time would not admit of being made. And also, with a view that the attention of . the Com munity maybe drawn to the" subject, S:ji . , From the experience of the past, no ordinary em- ' barrassmentshave attended the prosecution of the enu meration of the inhabitants, arising out of a want of knowledge on the part of t that class of our: citizens,: whose situation and circumstances in life deprive them -7 of the meana of rightly understanding, the intent of the law. Acting consequently, under erroneous: ,im- 7 pressionsof its object,tbey either refuse to answer the in terrogatories enjoined, or .causa much detention to the . Assistants before Ibey can be included in tbeLisfcp A This inconvenience, it is believed,' could in a great measure be avoided by some pains being taken by the . bettei informed citizens, in enlightening the minds of the former on the subject, within the sphere of Ihehtr" social intercourse, previous to the commencement of taking the census; whose co-operaiiooHhereiore, ia this particular at leas is lespeclfolly solicited, in carrying into effect a law in which all aro interested law , enjoined by the Constitution, and indispensable to a fair end equal representation of the people of the Uni ted States.. vV: ;-",'., Jj).ts - j: -). V h""k4 r- -i ' : Blank Forms and general Instructions, and all other papers appertaining to these Appointments, -will, ia doe time be transmitted through the Mails to the several" Assistants. 'j..::.'i nJii ,-S.:vvtiWFr:BBVERLY DANIEL; MmfrZJ ' . ;-.'t Martha! of the District of K Ci j Raleigh, Feti.-3, 1840.' iiilV' ntyMCE.--TAKEN UP and committed to the JJU Jail of Anson County, on the I7ih of Decern ber inst. a Negro Man, who calls himself TOM, and says he belongs to JOHN : 8M1TH, ' of : Alabama, and was bought of Dasiat, Wnuaars, of, Robeson County, , in this Slate. - 8aid Negro is about 5 feet, 10 inches high, stout boitt. coppeT coloured, and; ' apparently, abtfut 24. . years of age. ;Tbe owner . U -requested to I come forward, prove property, pay; charges and take him away; or pe will be dealt with f as the law direcUw ; : ;Y Hi! ALLEN, Sherifl; J' Wadesboio,: Dee.' 14,4839.S;:r---'iw-n";?f' ; "TOTTCEfo glXIi. Growerf I have for , sate, 10 or 12,000 Moras Melticaulis Trees of J .j good size and warranted genuine Persons wishing to engage in the Silk Culture, and others, can be sup- -, olied on verr favorable terms.' fo ordar to 'obviate?;: that great difficulty, ( the scarcity of money,) l am ; willing to wait one year for one nan 01 me purcnasa . mooev. where the sum is 100! end over, provided good'secarity can be gin for d psymenroitthe . same with interest. It is believed, that more than the amount that the Yrees wilt cost, may bd mhzed tn first year, by making " "a ' .T .... Jl- mm. - - mm hlaiNl ' IV win; ., J --.- . . , ., .1,- prodace.iTbe Tree. msy o. Q mi mj 7 Eastern 8obnrU of this City. H ? 7 - -1 have lb. W thousand Sittworm Eggs for l nave, mtmu. - , ir,-.-fi- l sale. Persons wisnins -n, '7 7 "i.i - .1 J ntfl. f DOSt PSIU, I Will attention, v Raleigh, Jan. 17. raccive immediate ELEAZEU COLBUBN . 0 erp y-.j Knox's Essays, SBYerai uaya. of the contagion. Jan.3lr1840. 1 atw member ol the community, - i .Ik 4 ...