0 -1 saS: sears.- iTHB LATE CLCTIONO? PRfTfcn TC iHE ii t-v.. -! v z- i trfiM On Bundar last, ia Christ Gbtirch iB fc Mf10 y rjnetiljy (taeirMarsllal 1 afi w-'ilVlH3iJ-Vf ivwi ftLUuii mill uo. . f 1 SI?H DL0J5T UHXSHISX Was aamiueu jr. fc"y I s,ve pprtai n ijnaa uesigiiyr .jiruap recur xo iota Humect, anane uo sp now ouijr .m puuaeuece ui, ui AT round, full riricea baker, wti&bfiiiii hi week! batch of mseratil'rjetir, to this v courthakers; Jiorte4eralakirig, celebrated for benevolence ; eteeil vcntc b , THEmEGISTER. furMiIfal'anyev faexhShtt the externili bf :fcntilitfr preMnted herself to answer h'detrtrfttAHeraihijrht' be . 4 Our' are fA plan el "j air. W'fcsace?" ecmive . candidate would -haxe Wn t-i ' uu no greater tjthsAof.the, .lvucau7 i Vtwarp'd by paHy rugejto lite protAerty; eithef l fjior itA!6(r..6IiMlm(l spared t x s-'1' - - :rf wl? ft Wirightcxjusjy j-'ww.""", ai tiuauuu inv ma proceedings ef. the frVj " "wiiiswiummauya jcnitu- rf r -i-. ' msTsu , ... ."ij' ..'' '.. ; . vi, , if uerjlienli .of ij;Vc?inibiite 'Court-, of Re- quests' in a Loiuloivj)aperr?ii - -A . .1- Vv f" n 1 , ' . , -,, 1-1 - "y4 V-if :!T.AJainU ,.VnaH bona Yecklinijaf relatidri to'the pdSDd Printing of the Rooae Hi; ifewmtveai V-' v -t XA f? to rWto'w w1' DOW' V " "'6"sr I B ra y4"v was cpnimence in avi policy c provtOmg for tbe apijointment ut a, select, comnjottee fvuwsg r jnween tno two; leading candidates. .rWe ' .'tea 'i -- HAnnriB himiiil iiiulu't. vr - mull .i. r. xu i.juvk. . in 1 mti Liior vna ij im v - m mi t - - - jwclKi u . 'w r: Anit . 1 n hm a -1 1 -w . . t . . , t . - 1 t a . avb - ao a I -i;t;.t Wirfare. M.A9TS0XXT nr eT l &Krmi iSf ri w owrioaed U'kM i I : A new and dtstmisinir mnniramtn t'liA TTW!lnrV fit fTtSMntintr til A Ttat' P'ln tT'T, tt-t- rT-nri LffvtMranin.einfyraMtjyfirein3xir -- '. " i i - . -m-rT-1 JOllX M. MOREIIEADf of Cnilforfl. k it' i j 'fJVftS Vi7Afr 'XfMMf rnf Vihi ptrural rood'bj 4 MJ 1. , i or . 1 imTicw Wo xxibt kou YBi OorimjrjtisT er tbs Vkitco Ti riot atiobt or a ottxv courier', inj To to tixtri. ir,' witbopt. tbb- cohbsjtt or tbosc "JII ill I '! ' '"I " ' ' ".' r , : The fanowin? Oplftionj havelbeen'delivereiy.eincf RcrTFnr, Ghicf-Jastice,9in 2oi on 2em of Cfeorge . Zdllicoffer ha' other v: Jalitu IT. Zolliofrear,J from Halifax ; judgment beldw affirined... AndThomM Q. Greeni& Hv SfanSel Johri H.;Cjfockett &;Gerge WiJohnBon'arid others ;fromlCasweU!:. Decision faf firmed m all reipecta; uiiless one of 'the parties. 'shallrt . ciiuosw to vaij ii in uie manner uuncaieu. - j ppvuanw ' to ifay the'eoeia in this Court, : v' , Oaitoit,' Judge, in State . Samuel Poor, from GuO ford; judgment below afnrmeij. ' ' Add, Sam tiol Spru-' .ill, Ex'r. &e.r. Heirs of ZebuloriTarkin ton and others, froili Tyrrell "judgment below afBrmed "T tr" Dakii 4 Judge, ui Hatching and McCauley .sAd ami and McCauley, from" Orange ; judgment below UliminL ' . .. 1 CORRECTION.' It is not true, as asserted by the Correspondent of the " 6Undard,w that w have ever branded Judge.Sius as aFlonch delour own position to apak for oureelfVand not have words put into eur mouth. It wa boldly asserted ' in! jthe 1" 8Candafd" that MTpresent a Petition ttr Congress or . the Legislature; on the subjji et of Slavery," waa too an Abolition "deed, and that the persons concerned should be held responsible. K We proved from the record, that Judge SaWsdxes presented such a Memorial, 'and shewed that: if tried bv the vcrvC test' which mi o friends had instituted, that he was obnoxiousi to tin charse of having done an Abolition deed. We hay no mdre belief that Judge Sacbdxbs is an Abotitioni UUCthan we have that Mr. CtAt or Gen. Habaiso - are, npr have we ever so charged.' But, if his.friends, , believjng him invulnerable on this score, chose to. es tablish certain julea by which to try others, surely they camiot complain oft wantoftairneasui subjecting him to thejsam e ordeal ; If W brings away with htm from the crucible, the f smell of fire on hia garments," Ai friends and they alone are to blarne.t!:''vS JS ' j ,;f t I A PAIR OPFER REFUSED. f. The Standard" recenUy expressed a determination to publish to the world the Memorial presented to Con- great by Judgi ludge! Saukbkks, with the attendant cu :ictrcun- stances. fTo save trouble to the Editor, we informed him tkal we naa a copy, wmcn was at ms service a authenticated and certified to by Hcsi A. Gab laud. Clerk of th6 House. We predicted that hd t j 1 , - - 41 , appUcatioi would be made for it after the.gHmpse which we gave of its contents, and so it has turned out f The Editor would as soon put his head into the fire, as place it before his readers. 1 Some friend 'of Judge: Sauxdkbs was fortunate enough to recollect the circumstance, that he protested against Jidge Oabbocb s running 'for Vtce-Pemdent - whil4 exercising the functions of a Judicial etatiori ; and the. impropriety of his retaining office, under simi lar circumstances, was so apparent that he immediate- ly resigned. .But the recollection of hia friendj did not go back far enough. : He ought to have 'recDllected, whoever he was, that the Judge had been in Cngress and had done an Abolition deed." ,. 44 We thank thee, , i . I - i .. . .; t - . - - Jew. for teaching us that word.'? i Does any person be lieve j that if the Argus-eyed Whigs had disclosed thi item in Judge Bachdxbs' nistory, pat ne would nave beenfnoiinated by the Van Buren Convention ? No ! so far front it,he would have been whistled, to the winds. What is the consequence 1 ? The rnembera of his own party think that they have been badly-treated,! and ye heard one! remarki the othefday, that "SiTOSxae had ou ght to have iold of this.' TherwiU be told of it enoo gh, between new and the Election. THE MEMORIAL 'AtifAIN; MfffZ The " Standard"'eTOwi desperate. Fmdihsr ' that Judge SAyBDxas' Anti-Slavery MeinoriaThas1 mvolved the whole party in a dilemma, from which escape' is jun practicable, its Editor seeks to blink the whole! matter, and divert public attention, by the introduction of ex- traneous toatters. ' Hence the" attempt' in WetbiesJ dayfrjpaper,to involve -me in personal explanations, jicvivuig suue aianueiB, nopmg laereDy to ojaw me off from the true point at Tissue, ii But I understand uc game, ana am noi 10 oe XQUS cnecc-matea. ; -Ivor 5an he, even With -the;! assistance of his ajtiohyrnous ficrijbbier.'shiekt Judge Supxis1 feom the penalty of Aw acts, by false mnuendoes agaixiBtothers. i - v "Vyith regard to the extraet quoted from the' " Re gister" in j 1 83 1 ,1 have only to remark, wha I have! before asserted J that 'however objectionable mey :' jnay be deemed. I am neither answerable for the language uscu-,r uie tjenumenis avowea. a was not wftain tne limits of North' Carolma When ed, nor had I. any agency in their publication- direct or inaitrect. More it does not become me to say.f, K r But suppose J had written every. line quoted, Com-"1 "uuicauon ana an, m wpai way uoea 11 Denerrt J uage SAiBxa) j Does proving me guilty of using strong language on the subject of Slavery, make him tnno- tents? I am no candidate for office or statiork oT any mq, nor do t expect to be. f-What then nave the sen- timenU of an humble uvlividuaL in private Jifia, to do with this matter f It'inVtM iforTjfesent a memorial to Congress, as charged, jet his friends show; that the allegation' "is 'lanfounied ; but let; (hem? not hopft to make others the ; scape-goats for his political v. b.I ji:a,-A . Skt4t Af aTlftfJirtffWThn miMtHrkn V" mungaseB, nor on mercnandim " " Hha nnu ha heart I r. JTir.. us.is.yi ujuuuul wuw. . . cjm , : i v .umv, -4flirri tact to the DeoDle and tte'AOTtf Elertwns I T1 peaaea, ana a general feelihgT orimpenaiiigl lioppaea.laJay.oiii.tabIev all, the fMQOmiqnuJfJ? win ddubUek tWoijjt,tMBiya r'FMV'r h ' 1, T"'". prumng, wiu,, v their coUeagnea Mlif hla, fcr lunUiimi W5 W bringing the. House to an express voteon thibWi trataoiT, candidal rl-r"?? Sphnaf Blections,hether la.mtends Jake, hare tn thfthonar of dectinr a..WaIB1PmileJlt-, nan with bouthern reelings" ano: we are at a Sobs to L W Jioany'one iwiOnfcJ Southern votes TJfav.-haTeE -we: not Must seea-hn f successfully feel" the pulse of the great Mulliler of j the'SmitK Ho"w tnany. xaore uch magical effects h iWfedtngi are to produce, is a littler beyond our pre sent ken; 'd :fft!,UWr(E, .' LettetiiaUd f ' ti yef are In thefmidsf of another severe spell of weather and Snow storm, which tiuows a damper up on pur already depressed trade.1y Si:j -.- . -.-j: : The long expected Iron for tbo Raleigh and Gas warded to compktatheBoai fU . ; . a "Xxi election of Senator yet-the matter has been wi-LA Ji -- t -it .uuik; i-;n . uuuu.kij riKu, uur uiBu awwiuu;, m i oe resumea uus wmier. , a snameiui siate oi uungs. , 4 i . 3 . ' "Destroy hia fib and sophistry in vain,. s j; The ciieaUiie's.at Iiis.diitj.woi,aau K.jo:- . The charges which have been brought against Gen. HabbisqV by the Loco Foco Press.1 have all been so signally refuted, that we wonder they do not, desist from further experiments. - Of the numerous allega- tions manufactured for effect, against the - old veteran, not one has been sustained. The fewest emission" of Blander, is the charge that he- was a "black-cockade Federalist." . Hear, in refutation of this, what the Gene ral himself said in 1812, while a Candidate for Con- ,'. "wuwuui "- iwjraiiiwii, w ! commonly called the old Jeffersonian School, and be-1 ."A oeemtmyseu. says ne, a .KepuDUcan, ot wnai is heveintheconectoessoftbatmterpretationof the Con IUUUWU WlllUt 1MB lroi glTVU lJ IUC WKAUUgS U UXttb enlightened statesman, who was at thejhead of the par ty, and others belonging to it, particularly the celebra ted resolutions of the Virginia Legislature during' the Presidency of Mr. Adams.'' T ' . '. i-:.k 1 EARLT HISTORY.' ' " t j -A few,daysdW Gen. Wasbjs to took the Oaths of: Office as ibst President of the United States, a! Committee Wbs appointed, by. Congress to" determine under jahat title it will be proper to address the Pre-i sidenti,' ThU Committee Bubsequently reported that, in their pinionit wijl be proper thus to 'address'- that ted Static of America, and Protector their Liber ies." The Report was not concurred in ; but had it been inapprrjpriatc, ai f tins day, would bet that portion of the title 'which hails the President jm the'' Protector of- the . Liberties of, the People? KNAVERY IN CHINA. .! .-.: It is common to talk about u Yankee tricks," but it seems - the Chinese can. give them two in the game. A late Traveliersays One of my, companions bought jit Canton a very rare kind of Chicken, the feathers of which were most beautifully curled. In a I , - few hours, the feathers were growing straight, aid the Chickens were found to be of the most common kind.'' Accbrdins) to this traveller, the counterfeit hams'of the Chinese areidso curious. They are made of a I piece 'of wood .cui'ft the form of a ham; and coated over with a certant kind of earth, which is covered with hog's akin. The whole is so curiously prepared, that a knife iaiecessary to discover the fraud.'! . BEAUTIFUL SENTIMENT. ;i r : The venerable Pxtxh Livurss-rev, in- his deeply lmnrwastVA nil 1vinnl wuwli in ltA TT.m.knnt vention, said in allusion to Mr. Clay : I envy Ken-1 tni1rT bIui mTl onnn )i v Yiia ..Kaa W A- U have hb fame." ' , i SAGAJfJITY OF . GEN. HARRISON. ' memeelmffTimesniakeame which ch places a new fjbwer hi the bright chaplet of the WestetnYeterant v; ? & "It was owing to the sagacious advice and entreaty of Gen. Harrison, that a fleet was placed upon Lake Erie,' to co-operates with the army onv the frontiers. President Madison at first hesitated about the Dronrie- ty of the toeasure ; hut at last yielded to the urgent ap peals. dlBounJ, arguments 'of Gen. Harrison. , , The fleet was placed upon the Lake and the gallant Per ry Was appointejd to coramandahd the result proved the foresight of the illustrious General who planned the movement ! The letters of Gen." Harrison are on file in the War!Department nxdesB .destroyed by the irruption of the .enemyimto the Capitol on 1814. .i OPresh Saxs .were sold in the Wilnungton.Mar kit on the 28th nlt.-: , . -af ' a.' .'Jf if.'- BEET ROOT SUGAR. ! ' . It is. Wtumtedaccording to a paragraphia the Phil adelphia lB9rort thal Beet Root Sugar, manufactured trt France during fhe last year, was 10Q. AAA AAVllf J( m -rf-t . ; - 1 a.. 4aa AAA T,'- VUU; j t ne Michigan, season", land valuable coun sugar might be manufactared :'frdni beet raised bh the fertile oii Af theV . innanitants of that fering with other products, 'li'liitfij? jiM periment in the inanuiacture bf Beet Root Sugar. . ? fano witnout ner, Dot jot xije saaa joi jaxi4 i proportion of the jtecegat fires m thew otincendi" 77ry Tl -n" tTTZpr n TH nwTZJul U r-r f- rf Sl"!!!7?: f 18 mf WnR:i A m,which:tt would Ibe (Uuv ids. in rrussia ana uermany,du,uuu,uuu ids, " V'e Ml cnuun us set uu it ,uo aiucvi cc- i Ajfoy VVniB states thar" in the Westernfnart of L V ! . iTtTr V. ejTrfv. - j"-t a - rT s.i 'y 'iiiwiiuidt-wprirf ur uiircwitiis -cuuivaiciu. oy i - 240,000 lha, were nanii&ctured. the last . ri?WWSt -...r f - . - ai- iiiv:, a ;j . tiously to ab3tjin Jrom,iaii poiuicayaiicinti rr'r ' " " " ' ' " - portion ot the nroducts ot that section oi tne f - , - .iA-.L.Ji' ' v r wa 4 a oicurj-, - un . - . . . j eonni.rv.'ai uiib time. ; are ueciueuiv lavorao? i i, i ; -.. .1 bry.'sIndeedtherolieiioouU i.r'J.-- v-g JL -P"' '" '' " Abo. a -7 rrv .T . : tnevwesteraLparvi i-ennayivania,, . rogiont; and this, toot without mter-I Jaaa nfnonnlar enth)."mKm enlisted in sufil v f -. ii. i fr, , , v. . - bwvwi wmwj uiai ai teasxTBBKB xutuoirs of t poswortaofrrfopertyJJxasW fafll , 's : .tti'. f' vT7 ..if f - - 1 f avxetipk aaam olA.alt--tu J ' Ti . tj- . . . i 1 deaco and in case of conviction th naniohntfthf heretofore been slight, 3f any at WWhjat'lhw furnishes ju$t a pleasant exritananliaxletii 7L. it-tM Tk iT?,:7:f vi VT tion, and a,certainty of capital punishment conyicUonur atizena would he able ia sleep ennoWanr then a night, without bg disturbed by thegi beU,:and the now familiar; but never mora u&X&S cry of -Fire" ; wuu rAomM.n jail., jjkkv JTY. HWf At m - t i On the 22d ofr Anril. vI790. RnnnHi k. n in 2Kl -xirji'-ikir.i i iv.. j. ::.r4t....i..L'i'.i ii ' '.. 6 rTTI MuiHiur. m.i.Hus uius announcea ine ueam oi ; . ' Ti - ' ' . . '-ii 1 luusuious man, dexjaxix riiVKUi, to tne uouafff ofltepreseniaUveBr. , ... ,,f , lEZS Arect.coinmcation, .deeeaae an iWnpu rvHx a ws wye oeen uuormea, noi onjy,4 ' trt tIlw M1 - u;., j:" i . . ... . , - . -t ..i 1 erai iou wiiose hxituuc services nave coninoaiea n "ig ucgree w me luuepcuueoce ana uwphww j unscounuT in uarucuiar, me occasion seems ioca upon us to pay sometribute to his inrawry expressiv of the tender veneration his country feels , for such dia- unguituieu menu i uivmvtv hjwvc uie juuiwmg xc olution:. ' j..--h ik'.d"'.' ; " The House being informed of the decease of Bijf'" jakib Fbaxklijt, a citizen whose native genrus'wal i "Ul w iu. v; : a. T- . i v: if freedom, and to his country, do resolve, as a mark oi. the veneration due to his memory, that the member! wear the customary badge of mourning for one month? The St Joseph's Times, in recording the arrival oi the. bloodhounds, mentions that while the vessel wa at sea, the cook slaughtered a pig, and the dogs, exen .... .M tecl by the smelt ot tne blood. uroKe trom tneur conhne 4 , . 1- ' v ' i jt t of the blood, broke from their connneH ? ss"s je- possession of the deck for several hours before they could be. pacified : j ' , fi 7 ' : ' ATTEMPT TO BURN A BANK. ' . . On Sunday night last,' an attempt was made to bum the Farmers' Bank of Petersburg, in the following mannen A straw bed was placed in a closet under the: stair-ease, fire was then communicated to the bed,. and the closet, door locked. ' Fortunately the smell of the smoke alarmed an inmate of the Cashier's family, who broke open the closet and extinguished the fire before any injury was done. The fire was discovered at "an early. hour in the evening. " ' : " ". ' " ' ''" 1 , !. ;. " V Daniel A. Wilson has been chosen - to be a Judge of the .General Coart of Virginia Tor the eighth Judicial districtvice Judge W DanIEL, deceased, , I ri:r . I : si L Tt has been said of Gen. Harrison, and said truly, that he Jighta toe, speak weUttoriks well and ploughs well combination ;f well$ rarely found united in "the 'same irtj--:vidualnerer met with inany one in tlls connlrv since pen. Washington. . "t ' u, ; 'f i 1 Richmond frhig3 . ' JC7 The news from the North Western part pfjYirginia is cheering in Uieextrenie., The name of old Tip works like a charm Hundreds of the sturdy yeomanry of that re-. eion' served - under the old Genercu" and they can bear personal testimony to his yir tues as a,pairioi, ana ms neroism as a warrior. Brook,MarshaU & Monongalia are going it. with a looseness, Even Harrison too. talks of rallying to the rescue. J&irf. ; Latjdable kfforts to save Property We understand: that sreat praise is due to tie. temporary residents for their daring and ine- MUMO! CHOW WUppreSS... UIB IBie UKi hs solely owmgo the exertions of several . .. ! . i .4 s'UsW unpoasiDke to resist theciinHnfiion thatalare w'T,,t WAfi'An'm;. l destroyed. And-We are happy to learn .thai,heff ave ad spintingr effect upon the the Directors nave manitestea tnetr aense 1 the servjef s', of these gentlemen bydirectirtg the , presentation to eacn, ot an appropne .e piece A&i-Jflmington Advertiser - Every movement which is made bjte -1 --- - 0 ed in, tnust- in the end ings of attachment and citizens of all the States by pqmmuniiyf interest and dangers m inV ar ofthe rflevoluaon Avhichj ws t ' foundation of iour Chappy union. -andbyvJ continuance' of whieh,: itcart aloqe be : pr I aonail , T ntroit vAit1'lhpn.tta':-TmWn'nnrlSl-;l the measures, which are4o produce results a mueh it .fcjemecaU&JGeyrsHaM dia(nftifSlatt ' - V;w-;-J TheuAlexahdria Gazelt of 4hisJ mornri uegree u.w ""r'1 4" 7 port M Harrison; Ural 4. ad not expfec v have coinmerrceiUJti I hsa Ka roKAtwlrnrromarU ;n in ihp nrriirrei i t ..I.aa( .I,a.,I.I iw. kn i,A.:.lAr... I 1 u me cici.uuitt ui ucu. " 7-i. I , a no lioruiem Aiau couonueB rrregaiar.'. vv AJearn 1 J... V -lkT-l Vl- a-M.:? - T-il.Li5 I - . u . . 0 t it 1 1 imn r 1 ri mw T nrk - lasiifi. .iiiuiaiin. i m w . " .. . - , .1 i ' - - - i indications as mey exist at Ihis limei.; m I ' - ,,, - i . ... After; senne discuasioi, and a good leal of .warmth J on points of order, Mt, Davis succeeded at lengthv te mbvini? that the Housed now proceed W the election " .... . . a Sixes rjiO iVotekF-pale &' Beaton .$2--scattering;5 oteat Necessary 't6: a ldeckion'iJ04iSo Bbir-J & rmifv jtfcr WntW If hev axe to eo throusrh M ojow.a, ..una., ,u, . teiboaabmh hvv tJv i i -, ' -1 ; - . -"T T..,-7f--';- v T . . Si nonAntii. nntmli will mmntha hmfliunmM: hut rth . . ' s .... Aj;, T..-'m k J- .. ' J ; " J . r I - AJ oaa --tf Kn aaa'UuL.- I be decided. And how can! Com avoidthis t Committee avoid this ..- 1 Tt : imnnstjt rn Am tn a,,,; J catigaie j aa4,tbX Wn.W prooas. b?: which diey sly their, own jadgmenuZ or fulfil their duty V?01!8 iaw ew Jersey, ana tne people oi au uw otaiea o Uie u mon. , 4 T fr r.nm rrfm . -r-,,! nmWi:.fjM, urWnm tk. mku nf navinn. Ktat. lahta bad fe ;made Rgt concurring " with, the Resolutions rtfarred. ? Mjr Benton moved that 30,000 extra copies of the Report, be printed. - After an anima ted debate, the Report vwas recommitted.,; v t & - ! In the House to-dar; Mr. Davies, of Pennsylvania, 1 wished to present a Resolution for going into- the elec- I tion or unapiain : bus ids, imaix snuea inai uie nouse i were in the execution 01 m resolution aauptea yesreraay, a part of whicn, tne election 01 a innter, naa oeen aeu 1 ed upon, but it Temained! to elect a Committee of En- I quiry concerning the mode of executing the Printing. Mr. Grave stated, that hehad held a conversation I a - witn several 01 uie prominent genuemen 01 . me aq- 1 ministration, and it had been suggested, that as a mat- l ,auua,i s - r- 1 f.bers of the Opposition, two of me A dminiattion, and J ter of fah they would be willing to place two mem- the gentleman from Georgia asUhamnanof the Uom- mittee. Mr. G. mentioned this circumstance in order ta BAVa time in the election." ' .' ' I After considerable debate on points of order, the elec- tion of the Committee, viva voce, was proceeded with, anu uie can oi me run wan cuuciuaeu uuuui a ijuii- ter past 4 0 clock but the result was not announced, When Mr, Pope moved, that when the House ad. journs, if will adjourn to Monday next ' For half an hour the House was in a state of great disorder, hut the motion was at length carried. And the House adjourn. ed accordingly, without reporting the issue of the elec tion of the Committee on the mode of executing the printing. ' J ! S In the Senate to day. Mr. Clay presented two memorials, one from Pennsylvania, the other from I Ma&sachusats, asking the influence of Government m I the creation of a Congress to put an end to war. Mr. C. stated that one memorialist had requested to have the memorial referred to- a select Committee,- but he ' would not do it ' He much doubted, if in the present state of society, those memorialists would obtain their humane wishes. : He thought these associations,' tem perance societies and others, useful, when they ,orv fined.' themselves within due limits but when"1 they attempted to influence legislators in the performance oftheirpubhc dntey got heyond proper Mr. Grundy returasd e Report of the Committee on the state debts with some portions struct .out ana other parts amended. Thesubject was again discuss ed, but not finally acted upon. -, i v' . The Senate then entered on Executive business. k - w :;, ' Nbw Yobk, Jaby 29. Another alarming fire broke out last night about ten o'clock, in Pearl street near the Pearl street house, which by aetive exertions and through the defence of brick cornices and iron shutters, wachecked after doing .about one hundred and fifty: thousand dollars dam age, there were two fires last night Iris highly probable that the British Queen has given over her winter voyage, We.,have . i 0J"-"Lr rir ..T r & . gone do wn.T Ai. Intell. ; . r s-t .it. ' Unaccountable Deaths Mrs. Elizabeth B.' Randolph',' of the city of Brooklyn, fwife of John B. KandolphM of the l,nited;S tales lUvyt.dieu on; Wednesday fassuddenly, ms.jS J ailed u, Mpoved unavailing, and shord "f F"1"3 V i'cf"P" " " "c IllO Were maX betw (he mind and the muscles; time and eternity; aence. not however at all imirtRnt.exci.nlrCtton has a ,, . , 4 . ...TTr. .vjf. . J.- f4 ... itBdentornn this State," in the place of Gen. l "H lTf xvaxvvwwj, wx nw s$i vv.4.v t -y--Aal I ataA7c; VI UMUUC UJLU J NiThe -Committees are jrasilr at work. The business t ht'duiWl tofe the CommtttW 6a Elections is" sufficient to bo-j I nonr rivn nn lnnkintr fnr news hv hnr. anil I :; - r - ' -i Wc hpjcuiiwh lie. suiricu iiu in a gipav are wontng lor tne pacRets. - rage, and exclaimed; thatlf no notice was to ,nt I The great losses of the insurance Compan- be taken of his motions, ft honed the HoW rs unicr suuerin?s-: anu me curus ui .f L s.t. 1. "-i .t - -!- r- i 1 TH : - i i ii me uiemuer irom xiawaiinacuose io aat io . ..II '. . - is ii-TV I ha raiactilail lhannnM.iln.an 'I lia . (:uid aucation. In order to nroduce as far as 1 . .. . .t v: t. be. the propebl9nce and adjustment 1 SSSSSEw een the affa rstf the soul: and. the bodv. W-XPA .nTrnr-rn-: lind and the muscles', time and eternity, j . . V' -L a . fl B a I 41 I V'"68' wcuoiiald, proseriua. ; f . . .: , uiuuo;iuwi1h! juucacy to. parade having ijistinguished themselves over giying; theUPtea ,to!th Admras- for" the ! PrintniiL fw Georgia Members to, whom.t aUudes,V had, voted with W1 ?J) Ztia ua. iuab " " - uBKa ii.BuiB h.i ir: wzirm .1.1 k 11 viiiiiii iiiivm 3 i'distinctly.'! understood , tbit, we tne votes ot toose Membera," or election itbeing:4 rnht- 1 1 unbecoming in us either 1 to conduct of siii v one..: vye onltf state what is our Impression from, the facts before usi Z (whoC we can Very wefl Imagine, would WhngliH have nised with hi eulogy.) in votes for him. wanton- tHS National Ihtelligejncbr, iJ - 'tSSr - jnLskJl. 'LJ.itL:- from their u,u Ff ,wue.noaojpy weu 'Kf 6loyi The particular passage m. the Globe's Wticle to which we here refer is as follows: Li:M .1 ...ji . uIh the Dresent crisis! too when Pedei4llsm 'lied "itself with Abolitionism, to 'bring new. and still more oangeroua elements into tne sume. to xvermxdw . t . i .' .. i . - -' i tiitidna of Geoiin: nnH tb wfiol KriiVK fSTnhi t... rJS' been found contending against the riyar press,br if hich the majority of tljie Georgia delegation vof&leC press Which, has not mamtaincd the cause of any party inthe coutn at any time within me 4ast . ten . years. v. 1 tho course which the jninority of the delegation have thoxight fit to take in choosbig between the Globe and the In- teiligencer, we should thmk they could, hardly fajl to meet the approbation of all parties in Georgia.'' , , , ; ' Now, if there be one thing which more than another has 'er.dtogh&e- character off . National Intelligencer, it is its steady unwavering conscientious support of the real, rights of all the States? and of hone more zealously than those'pecufiar rights of the South -i.vivu.t.- Li2 i; 'i 1' i'rJ '-i '. - i"' of which1 the Eiecutive. organ has. in" the passage which we quotejthe flrontery .to' represent it as an opppnenu vv e cnaiienge any memDer oi . tne 00001- nani party, iromi Mr. v an ituren downwards,, to pro- auce uom tne nies ot tne i ational lnteiugencerj one line which can show any disposition in this press "to overthrow not only the political principles, but, the do- rnesticjnstitutioiiis of Georgia, and of the South?' 'or any uiing mai can anora tne least snaaow 01 ground w r i T . for such . an imputation.' M ......Sir i ' f TiA ?nV " fin. 1aa There etjsts, in la , . .. ever exist quotation. ; rrnel assertion : of itsxistence is a raere party me,' still more detestable, however, . than it ia contemDtible. because it id a device of ennmn? knave. ry intended, by the aid of honest prejudice to. deeive and mislead. j ' - ' t .-t ( - : v- t ; , We repeat the defiance, to tiie Editor of the Globe, or any of his allies or confederates; old or hew, tojpro- uuce uiie ue ironi our -pen 10 jusuiy we yase impuia tion which he attempts to fasten upon the majority of the Georgia Delegation through the sides of the Nation al Intelligencer. I ' 'flf ' r '::. X '. tt c uu uw iiiuc uiia uiaucugo ur ueuiuicc vim our ,own accounthe reader will well understand 'but we cannot pass by m silence this attempt to injure honor able and hich-miBded, men for no other reason; than that they have not choserito "let the Administfation elect their own officers, including the Printer U.the House. Jat. Intel. , . ,4 i- ' ' 4 JE 1 15-' The ScB'TRfiASukt Bill was llius r!uflac terized in the Senate by Mr.' Smith, of Irid Thevnolicy of tlie! Administration I.has heretofore ibeen too NequivottlUabennder?' stood ; but thanks to the Senators who lave- llrtrmrtOfrtlii Kill tliav litiia nma nnf 'ftn'onl ,y ,VVAffrf: and 'haVe torn ; the 4 trom th lj : peasreviit is Tpenly i avmted i anu maiuiauicu iiereTtiiiar. in e policy oiine drive out of circulatioh paper money-td artni .it..-, ill... t:..'Ai-'. ?;..':' ' t nuaie. creuu-r-io Teauce ine qircuiiuon i to coin, or specie to" dimmish the value lot real and personal estate at least one hal fi--to affect llie pice of" produce and free labors iH a like pmportionto arrest all' further tkto and individual enterprise and iraproveraeil.", An amusing incident occufred in '.lhe'-Ten4 nessee Houie of KepresenUtives on .Sjftur-j day, theiSih, ujtilacfcIt seen that Mr.! BAUoutr'of Hawkius, made some motUn,' which in the' cohfusion of the House was!t?ot Would grain liim leave orabsenceduVirigitne rest of tle;sessiomv,T Forth witlt t the Hquse resounded wi,th leavel leave!" Vleavj- the member from tlawk ins' have leave ofJ Ab sence ? ' Mr. Baugh callexl for the yeas jdid nays. ,viien aoou inree-quarters oi ine.roii f nmmo h.nirk .lh HI . 1t I.r proposed Wmseli!tb'.wMdwwth VWP- s"" -' r Baugh, sorely against his wily LOVER SCED.4-A quantity k t n. Kan 19TM iSaaii,.a aopenor artielJ.Jjpi li I few bosbels of "B,AaAS .atxt, ri. J-.IJ rr ula it lha Rlr. Store 17 .T..J , ... TVK?iElHUGlIj:3.u We shall receive in a few days the foUowins.GraH Seeds f ' Lace'n'r White Clover, Blue Grass, 3tci MAM. aim aKWU,'! BIB O- WSnBO UaOSe ar ticles, ltheT on commission, os porchaae. ft - ri on; tittt t . -avrv . 'J r'eb: 6. I l M ? '. , tt IliU A .UaWY r I out of crder ; "thai the roll 'must first be trbhe Kn&g- iAfyl-iimyrmVrl I have only Ui say, on the par of rnTaiher, that he sincerely regfets fiN inabUUy to'lsettle the Young Zat ave ' Ss. tdoflVrsriow and my father wishes tlie indulgencoKjf pay ing me rest at halt a crown a week. father cannot be hr puch circumstances as to make it difficult to procure the fewf inlling !eftnpaidoD Young igpAppearance? ..jar.a,fuen de ceilfutj it ia'cuajty'drstTssihg rny father afldnyltoiidke'irat!- orie dayifibut un expected sickness: in purf family I13W -totally exhausted orir iUle meanfv fi l t Baher (pocketing1 the m6ney.)-Tr wo and saxpenee a week is not enoug!i., .Yegang urcss, w one : m v wi fe li nvn trn . w ear ; a ?j plaKI ofe riWaaf likes .a b'yo will eat an bq'n.esl rnaayijreadXwVoot paying for it. .TJia fjiie j tippet .ye'.hatf gpt- ton on maun Ifae cost .maybe sax, gpwden ?;Itjstrue,aiHthey)pungla exteuoVroii'm paft'a's Uepemis jie ieuprtsteoce -i, sick? Winer .ami two young jfi8terf.WTlie bakerJshtt his book and lli rnst his ipapera intof h isi.ocW etr"l Asfo's thea "ybuf allttde ioVthat wasple'dged this m6rnfh pay the. five.yo.o. ,ha?e : just s received, and., to pro vide' food for those who bare tasted little else beyond : dry (bread, for 1 he lastil wek The in. a tone of compassiou, perhapa yQu; will agree to the young ladJMeruas J'r vj.t tu'-i ' s O.h, ai-e,'- said the bakery Mwa and sax pence' a month.' Pui it tjown if-yb'rl!iU.w Chairman. -I Two and,, sixpence a' week as fVffered..V T 1 : -'.Y-v ,jVyMake it jist wlrat. you like.V said the baker. aj; i-'4 im-ikvU - ' . ' f The nrder was 'made and handed to the young' iady' As sftf wai leavhig the court the Baker stopped her. Give me. baud V that bit opaper,!', said. Uift Baker) ' The re quest was -complied ,with. '.. .,N(pw,! said the, .biker thrusting! soToe i sllver lntoi her hand,' tak back yer crrwri nlctend diftpa frtsli yourself -at all;.WiJ1tljjfe" e'eklyl rrayrneot." Ye s'halMiae a foiii po hiy shop, and ymatpayjn faid ine young tauy 100 ner ' graiuae. Tlie baker liad yanished! -cl ':r.ii. WUhaV In this County; on Tuesday night last, by the; ReT. Thomas G.-Wbitakri'i Mr. William .fllirtga i to Miss r rancef , uaugnier oi atnanieji yy arren, Jusq. .yr "In Granville County, by .Rev, John. P, Lemay, -Bjr. Ferrymarr Long to Miss Eliza, France danghter of Thosr,Y.;cook,- Bsq:::; t'r;-M,- t wiiiii ii an .ui i iii-ujiuIa ilium . ' j i..f-V, .Sit!e;: jBf. vt. woixsiiaiatCKS) yd m t i , i ; '.' t L&lUtlf. February -7. ; .Bacon 10 a 1 1 'Beeswax 17 a 20 ; Bale Rope 8 a 10; Coiree 13 a 15; Cotton 7 a 8; Cotton Yam 18 a. 26 ; Cotton . Bagging 15 a SO ; ConufiO Meal 50 ; Flour S4Ja$5 ; Flax Seed $H Brown Sugar 10 a H2 ; Loaf do. 18 o20 ; tPorh a f ,f Salt sack) $3 75 y Tallow 10 -W'hbkey 40 45l . ,'k - :J. t J i?4 YETTEr&LEt Fttedartf S, Bacon 10 a 00 f Beeswax 23 o 2 'Bale Roper 3 d 10 ; Caflee-.12$a 13, - Cotton T a .8 Cotton Yarn 18 a 26; Cotton Bagging 1& a 20 v Corn B0 a 65; Flour $4J a $5i; Flat Soed.l $1 10; .Brown Sugar 8 a 12 ; Loaf do. i8 a 20 ; Salt (sack) $2$ a $m Taljow 11; WJuskey 40J, feJrf InJl mjatl.-yid X3t'VU'"i?.'H Jii-'ts-'.'riJ .t71 . . ; WILMINGTON, January sin f . Bacon a 1(T; Deeawar 23 ,d 24 ; Coffee 11 d 13; Cotton 8 a 9 1 ; Corn 55 a 60 ; Meal 70 a 80 f Floor $6 tf 7 i Brown 8iigac 7f a 9 ; : Salt (bushel) 30.0 35; Tallow 12 a 12i Molasses AO a 35 1 , Whisksy ,40 a 42, vJksjw! fc'.a 'M ic--o.wtwi , PETERSBURG, February Cottoit Within" a day or two past, holders have'' submitted to a slight decline in good to prime lots,9 a 9 cts. 89. - -- i .'-' this artiekvb We quota Common to fair 7 a Tonic coi tions from 35 $3 a 4j-Leaf $4?di:'f-&Wif'i W-.&l t Wbbat. rx 0 cnangp itett ana w mte 9 r 4 ft"i 7 - Poaa7,Bacor4 ulif r- Sco a Bit New Orleans, new erop,T' (t 8 cental i,-,!tv.J..-: -a fwtvm - Another fell of snow and frieenff Weathlr h what retaiaed biisiness cerations.i ' ComhriMSiqnsrrhe fcifl 19 fot lread, and ,; fias' beeh siandinlorU' oine timeJndging j , from 'rdu'r.-;: aeannaelt'should-' iliink vonr . ... - j my dress doe appear. rather ?extrairagant, and if- I could witlrere.r88;.-k'fIes's cost, ' I woiild 'Uo'so.' but !uporr ! n res pectable tippet I have on ':-tf as fcmdly lent meby my landlady, as the day is' .wet'n'tl cold. ;' , " Well, Mr.; Bakert;srai(J( ilie Chairman The market Withoutchahge,"Irtspefi to 40 Hbdsl Ut day.1 f We quote Lea AFmalo Tcacbcr ttaofed, to take r . t 'Ajv-ahsrite of the" Bene'volent Society Sl-Ih6L; edni v f; prising from twenty to thirty Fopils. wchftoi to corn- . menceon thejit Aprir. Fer terms; apply-to" Mrs. , Saha Polk; lit Directress. in V t' , RVreijh,Peb,Jl8,(h. C T.fiUt. ' . ' ,!TICBTnt;mrATw . JY Court week; M snail oner lor, sale Miure-uo , .lHitl House rooViAKali'gb. betweVn the Eours-of , 12 aiid 3 a'doetCor, a credit ofJ nloe rhdmhsi a negro . ma n about 55 years of age; said to-be a tolerable feood ;-. Cook and Gardeners - - -rtV!-'' .1 t 'AIso.' at the same tintJand j.hce ahd terms; 1 shall ' : -.'. Btla Hkery tllldil. 9 years i;'Biredb SeWJoisy ,'.5'' S5'(iliaracler;'i' Further V,artie'Jr" maue known oii ':; the dav. . t C'iaiW;- utw cnf.j-s . . 1ftT 8 lJUftJy-Al . .- 15 la aB - a it A3 V "'a I" - 4r t- ii- :.-, a.i v ..... - - - a t , .. . -'- -tK-- - . T-P V. - l-'V . ViX' . - " : , ,n v" ' j -

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