1 I ' ., M ' . . , T. . . . - r ..... ; ... " JF ;rrrr''rartrt.T:-T'T'' ii . . : T, r- rm tTESB PI1I r r: .w.v JlftMiV oflA X)a1r. v PuAw wiJfc,,- A. cv: A -VEGETApLB nd . Unirersal Medicine, V :. ; imDloyecl infll Pn. VILr'wl.rrr LXrT jT vnjrom the utilrerMl root f U disease, twroelr, r ; - i . . --. r.a uex co anu me i m iuuici. i ivi uh iccvkcu iub luunnaeoui inu unmrui coma i . - . l j j Jk..- r i " . l...nv mfOiane m ,v. ..w. UIJI , ..u.Hwiu.wuumuwufiii w .,:,! nr r,,tl. m.. ih.n ih rfr tn A SONG. w Hews r Mcof NortklJend A nJ he Ihtl won't Jrtn e PrT. w , , c i . U oelihtf one nor ttoe. : . gfbrtb.Pel.torule, ti.flMedJrtbslw jLod Wd "P fo Popl. choice Then sboot ior ffnmb for old Tippecwoe 1 1 wKor oIlTlppecino!"" ; DeiVs hUh for Tippecanoe I v) vf. hU '- i : v Hee, ebeat for Tippecanoe V r ;f ; ? r Heree a health to the Chief who wai new jet beat ; .Three roonua for we noncn nu uwi, , j, ; Here's luck to th seed that i sown f ; -, V ! "hnrhs poo iHwWMmieIf ! frien J of the Poor," NAnd takes their rlghta as his own. uV f , .i .Then shoot for ld.TippecanoeI ! ' ? Horrah for old Tippc4noe ! f 4. ! ttVtime td torn oat ail the profligate' herd, )f j And put ik diA Tifei V. lJi C3 4 .! Is generally bound at the end of the year, it' is deal ral'Ie that mtw scaacaiacas should commence their subscription. As It is tho iatenUon of the proprietor to print no more copies than shall be required, this Deriod of little mote than three veai the United States, they Jiave restored ' Co a state . H - . X V - 1 WaKWa& oi iieaiin ano cnjoyroeiu uur.une nunurru Thousand persons, who were given over at 'In- cur&hle by ' PhVucians of t tie first ranK ana ataiwUng, and in many cues when erery other remedy had been resorted to ini yam. ''? v -t- Inll oases of Pain or Weakness, whether H be chronic or recentlwhether.it be deafness or early notice is gien in order to prevent the disap ptiritn the aide, whether it- arise froin constitu. pointment that usually Ukes place in spplicaUons tor itj0ll or fPOm gome immediate cause, iwhethert it be from tniernat'Ior external ioiuryiil will bo ' cured, bv berstverinicinthe use ol these Pills. e u,yt he Cheapest ; periodical in America. Jvery This principle of purging; with Urandretlt's ne of the I number eonuina a trreat variety of oaeftiL intereatinCt J t:iu MttitnW hut th ttlM and Is f higher and amuains matter, on every subject eonnected with I vimr rjarticles from the body .the morbid and U AS this day opened - an extensive; rich U Taikh Battue assortment of lhat lie has ; just brought V IMIIII ACW. tvr BtTHll" ) adelphia, wbich togeth . - er with hia HYmner stock. present a very : rarest vsrietj, which he will sell at Jtfev l'ork Tfictt 1 ! 0? lock consist;, .in parof the following articlesi ftoM tndpnendel.t Second VVafches, - A Deb or do.. Lever dc,rVert?caJ do.; nd feilyer'Watchea Jewelry retf surer ana I'laica Mantel Clocks, d. La ters, japaned and plated.; : . tJPancu Articles. -A ry.at the Worth Carolina, Book Store a ? of all the. reported Decisions of the Oourui- v1" I n !ntnat In Vnna ifia ilAtaHPfninaliAn. f.k- c Che.a.en.ckg.mo I atLw v f tVk Iar9 ' At SmnAroliKA mm tkk.M A -a 1 Silver mounted Canes, Visiting Card Caaea, they are never satisfied unless they ply always at hand. , They have no rival tn curing and preventing Bilious Fevers. Fever" and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, -Sick1 Headache, jaundice. Razors, Kn 4c Guns TTAYri?S E3UECTORAIST,i decidedly e i aopenoc. i any oiner anown conioinaiion oi ' Bpitiing of Blood, Palpttitions of the Heart, B ROM - p ;CHrrihronic Pleurisy, Difficulty of Breathing, j i Hooping Cough, and all diseases of the , Pulmonary -AVrgana. V . : t t jrhism ine pi ih: relief oi-- Bunermg man i uev nave i obi oi ureal uruain -r 'gii'V'f been introduced wherever it was found possible I , Ther number, of a vtwrotuxi, of this bean o carry them, and there are out tew towns that I tiiui parlour journal, will be issued on the twenty do' not' Contain some remarkable evidences of seventh day of June next, at which time, as the work their-good etTeets.' The certificates that have been pres nted to the proprietor exceed -t wen- thousand tipwama; of n. five hundred ol hich argf from regular practicing PMaicians, who are the) most competent judges of their merits. L-r v-v,, is. r - j -- ui. una uui II awi m ui h aa m v aa a. aj m c,.. , .. v , ' cine furnished subjects for editorial comment, in J The N. York Mirror is the oldest, and onquestiou various newspapers , snu journals , an with truth be asserted that r.o m edict kind haa ever received teatimonia value than are attached to this. !t v 1 oolite literature and fine arts:' and the v form. at IM .., t humon of thet blood s those! humoral rUM.... -.i i;.i;a vh;n. iihtr Hnltara. fine 1 .,aw u " They are in eeneral use as a family medicine. iemlnfihaar. n immanM Volnma uf faur hnndreo I ,k...w ;c.ih'v Ima4 ik runrul rr.:- . j ' gu.:. n..h.. D..nJLt' fin I h'y, and atl1 , k.M Aa iKfilil.MfTa AV. fmiliA. aa t .al..1... I a. t . a. I- . . -a " . . a .1 . . - -w v . a I imiBnif niic m iii'iuwiiui v. " mu utkwc I ina aiiieen imperial ouinn nairea. im viinieuB uiie i tinn. r r ih un inv mi ie . nan mat hre a sup-1 page, uble of contents, splendid Engravings, and fit I organ, and .which, when they, settle upon the ty pieces of popnlar music,' arranged for 'the piano I rnu&clca. oroduce . rheumatism or, upon the forte guitar,- 4 library in itaelf and all this is 1 nerves, produce gout. or, upon I be lungs, pro- afibrded at the very trifling cost of fife dollars a year, fduce consumption; or, upon the intestines, cos a mm almMl inatlnnatj fur thav extraardiaarv euuiva I livtnc or. unnn the lininaT ; Of the blood ve a Asthma, Uropay. uneumUism, 1 Enlargement of reniered to eubacribers. ' i J -M ' 1 i Taels. apoplexy and p ralyais, and all the train of me iJiern, r m, r Fuiaic. vrusuuB, Our frienda are more nnmeronsu our resources more i dtutrders so melancholy, to tue auntrtr ana an Heart-Burn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, nisten -mi- -nA .r ..,rii,n. t render the Mirror the 1 whn hehnhl them. " i aion of the Stomach and Uowels, Incipient DUUr of periodicals ahall be as uuflsgtjing asever. At Yes, purging these humors from the body is arrnes. r latuiencr, . naouuai t,osuvcnes, ., uiss homo we have a Hat of rieailv two hundred eenlrJ. the true cure for all these corop'amts, ana every of Appetite, Blotched or. Sallow Complexion, Lntora. embrein moat of tba talent and eenius Of lorn of disease. This is no mere assertion it and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels, where a merle.! and w. ha Mtakliabd a'nermanent eoit I ia a demonstrable truth, and each day is ex rcspondence both fa London and Paris. ; O lending itself far and .wide it ,w ; becoming Pnnr ,.nrk RnWravintia twill he aiven in the court 9 1 known, and more and more appreciated of the new Volume, from original deaigns. paint 1 ; ; ,The cure by purging majr more depend, upon and enaetl ernrMol for the work. tV tbe most e tne ISWS Wllicn proauce iwenwcw vw purity, inent artists. A number of cunous etchings on woo fljthan may be generally imagined. Whatever will also be eiven. i r ' lH lends to stagnate, -will produce sickness, bo. Articlea from the pens of - well-known and distin cause it tends to putretactioni tnerelore IOC i :. .nhwi ik.t Mn. nm4i I eeulitv of constant exercise is seen. , KUI.UDU mUVIB, WVWM W1T .al.w r. 'il - . a ' J a :a a: a.iun I imlHIllh I '5 ' - IV nPII COnSUUI CtClfiUC UIKUVi us.u l l..:. . ..:.:Lt . .11 lknv cat. the occasional use of onemnr Medi nHmoruD, inu munica ciiuui uwawi a vain - i j ' . . - A Momntia r tvinifim riehmr niiwi a.!.. .! i . iwailk 4th i ahutlutf Iv reauired. Thus the conauita M. rlSpn of Ohio, by Jamea Hall, with a fine American and EngUah ; Scientific and literary iuteMr tbe blood, the fountain of fife, are kepi i from Likeness on Steel. Received this dav at the N.' C. 1 1; , . r.i!i. f rnrein eonntiiaa! atri I those Imnuntiea which would pr vent its - steady . " . : I sr. .L : '--a-..:... I h.. Ilk - ThtiatT mA Caroiina, commencinjr with the earn, n.' Wor4 ciiliudinit the Decis.oi.ibf the8upremetJiMm XH Jane Term, 1837. ' Prepared by Hon JaZtM,$ Attorney and Counsellor at Law! c - Turner & Hughes, the Proprietors, re-peafunV . tie patronage of the publie for tbia workVuhi been pbbHshed at great expense.n contain, J11 thousand pageX'Snd is,- therefore. becfa.!. t into two royal oeta'toalumes of aboat fie pages each, printed on good typeand fine welt bound. Price, Nino Dollars a copy. "'ttw recommended riot on ly4o professional eu. of whom will doubtless possess tbemselres v a,-. . i aireci ana aDnuffe their lalors.- buuit i. n "a. ', I it.- n: ' e t i. - "" tm ana moat jasruontwu, p"" n viKra, ooenn, nd Mr . . - r I jndicial oflScefs, as affording (hem an eipoutin imre.' - I lew words, of the points, which' the 8upre,. r 1 nips, Astral do. TYai- t arounai nas ueciueo in reiaiion to ih,jr 7 4 i- 1 r f T J lie A'Tor a similar reason t is reeommenJea , vale gentlemen, who may have an inclination At a cathartic or an aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their "operation, producing neither nausea, griping, nor debility . . q These extraordinary, and lastly eelebra ted Pills are sold, In Raleigh, - by .Williams & Haywood, and W. M. Mason & Co , and in all j the principal towns in the State Retail price. 50 cents per box. - '."-c:' . '. May :l.:v:'.Vi:. v i X:J MfS7. nivea and Scissors, patent Steel; Pens, and Pistols. $l :- jr. :! J: SpanisK Guitars; Viobns. Clarionets, Flageo. ; Ietts. Flutes and Ffuk Precentors tor ail tne above. Guitar and Violet Strings. , Farina's celebrated genuine Cologne (Water, Camphor. Almond. Rose Transparent Soaps, Otto Closes, St. Helens Water, Court rplatte,' ; r? All kinds of Cloejcs and Watches diepaire in bis accustomed superior style Gold and Sil ver manufactured to order at the shorten no tice. Highest, prices given for lold Gold and Silver. . n .'! . a ... ; . t-Bt law oi tue iana, as imperauve ss any Act of A.. as binding iu ;- their operaUon upon mJI member of the community p i i TTRESH GA9D.EN jJEllDS Crop 0fi83g J IP .received at the North Caiofina'Book StonZ the best and mewt iopular Gardeners and the United States. Also,' Yard and Farm ''Sard. Red and White if lover,131oe, Timithy; Luurbt l op. Herds, and Orchard Grass Seed. Csll ,t 7. Jf'lPfi Book Store if jou would improve yoarmini farms, or gardens, for some one has said, lhat the Ibat.would cause one blade of grass to grow -h. thero was none, deserves more of his Country ihu. wuuie uiue oi i uuiiuans. no was ni "I TURNER & HUGHES, February, 1840..; ' A - . - 13 RARE DARGAIIVt For. Sale A .'MLLIARD TABLE in eieellent accompanied with all the necessary articles for 10 oiaie ose. " Aisoi a set of ratent aUainps. T he whole ' will be sold on reasonable terms. . cash or a abort credit.-. Apply at ibis OSes. ; Raleigb, February, )2lh 1840. 13 K Book Store, March 8 i-vv ill inedicine 4a highly and justly recommended, , by ;J: TURNER dt HUGHES. 1 I the varioua ,11840. ; - ai - . SA-tO'- elaborate and beautiful , -rrriRGINIA 8TATB LOTTERY For the ben- by numerous smf respectable individuals, who have h V efit of the Town of WelUburg Class No 3. for iBVr 1 o oe urawn ai Aiexanuna, v a. on oaiuruay 28th March 1840. , : ; ' ' i , .GRAND CAFITALS. $30,00010.000,000.000.000 soo 2,000 1,747 25 I'r izea of $1,00095 of $500 38 of $300 300 of $200. &c. &c. , Tickets only $10 ' Halves $5 Quarters $2,i50. o 75 No. Lottery 1 3 Draw n Ballots.; ' Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tick's $130 D t !' vdo'Y4 . 25 Half :f do-'S"" ' fevad relief from iu use. Mny who have been Is- j :' bottripg under protracted Coughs and Pains' in the ! Breast, and base been supposed by themselves and i their frienda far advanced in CoiiaumptioD.have been happily restored to perfect hearth by the use. of this valuable luxpectoranu, u . . . i i Extract of a Certificate from Rev. Dr. Babcocjc, lata 4 rrwuuent oi : walerwHle voljege, siame From intimate personal acquaintance with Dr.D, . Jayne. V.regalot atodent of the Medical University of Pennsylvania, and aa experienced, auceesaful pracli- AH Do do .25 Quarter do . 32 50 Orders Tot TkkeU and 8hares or Ceitificates tinner of medicine. 1 was Prepared to appreciate the t of PackaccS in the' shove 8plendid Lotteries, address jumeroufc ScauiEDniaia iu lafuur 01 uituiucicut ukui-,-. . - y a, o. wnxiuvni alio, iiijicif, cal tnreDaralions, much more' highly than' the -great! ''' " ''''? ': ' Washington City, D. C: vjaieritv of those which are extensivelVeuloglsed On J f . .- i Or Richmond, Ya. trial of them' in my w'n family, a pd some of them Drawings sent immediately after they are over, to personally, nave more uun reauzeti uieu lawoaraoie i an wno oraer as aooTc 11 for some of the most adictive of human "diseases. 1 1 know that they sre highly" esteemed, and frequently a. : l. w. . evraa. ..L:J productions in the fine arts; Uurrent ministering ic neaim. a nu,moW .. specimens of art, engravings, mors sre preventea iromoecoming m,r w.t- r . - " I . w turiiili is thll tltislLirl 1hMIIh iir 1 IlllSltllV WIIIVIS se ll"a- a -- awwB.. the means and outlets which she baa provided 14 A music, etda ; notices of the drama ; tranatationa from the best new works in other language; French. Gar man. Italian, Spanish, etc. and an infinite variety of miscellaneous reading relating to passing events remarkable individuals, discoveries and improvements in science, art, mechanics, etc etc , will be puhiianea in the- course of the volume.' r ' ..'' A la catering for the general Uate, we ahall never I. A KBi.U a'alaaa. raajvtlnn af .IUM ttT th-MlwSar. cial amusement snd edification of our fair and gentle o mquent that they country women, in the aunahino of whose favour tho Mirror baa so long flourished aa a lavoume journals In issuimr this new Volume, we feet confident that while we continue to merit, we shall continue to rs- ceivenhe liberal support which wo take this occasion to acknowledge; snd we shall commence a new vol nme with renewed aoiritJ and a ateady determination to render the Mirror all that its most; ardent friemf for herself. . - vf: .;tvf-'y ; - Qt tfyotUObSl VJ 9 VJ -aawy -rw- a F-"W" . srssHTsaT ccman. r ' ' ' ? 1 Durins: tbe month ol August last, Mr. Joshua H. Shields was violently" attacked w ith a mos T . ..:- . ' a ;dangerou dy sentet y. The psssges were ot She most fostid ana aisrminjc cnamcier anu wy numbered as many ar as In one dav. After having taken the pre scrip. lions of two of the mast celebrated phjaiciani in the country, without receiving any perroa. nent relief, hr was induced, ty tne suggt siion ..r . nairhhr. tn trv the Brandreth Pills rbu't n weak h..d he - become by the unnatural evac- . . . . - a av 1 uatiotis of his diseases tnat ne nao no nojna . ii renverintr. However, after having taven a dose of tbe pills, he received almost jnrtnediale READ AND PHOFIT I IHE following .Letter from the .lion. Bsysaiv Tocksb, Professor of 1 Lsw in William & Mary College, Virginia, wss recently received snd affords very strong evidence of the efficacy of Bscxwi va's AnuVDyspeptic Pills, in thediaeaae for ' which they were designed! ;e::ifr:U' ' Sit: An accidental meeting with a friend of yours has determined meno 'ofier you: the acknowledge ments wbich 1 have Jong felt to be dote from me, " foi tbe benefits I havaieceived at - your jhandsr Four'. teen years sgo I wss left by a mostmslignsnt fever with a dtsessed liver, a disordered digestion, and a constitution in ruins. M Physicians permitted mo to hope that with ,care arid prudencjB I might .drag on a lew years oi prtn anoaa exisieiice, ; ana assarea -jounced .by those; ttwatftcBf to judge. One of H, me that the least indiscretion must be atab3m root valuable cncftpilatioJp o the kind ever afterwards Uoond myself becomingf dyspeptiO, snd jd in ihe SutOnland 'absolutely loulspeaii laaaaaaM... aa.a. .aaal Bil.k mtt lliat, an.laaanvikokf A"?MaiaiaI . a. .a aa .! Ll ' . n 1 . ' w -rf w ,(;iiiw.' v,msr i ior ma laiimui oiscnsrge oi orociauaoty. sl, grew upon me, though less rapidly tn-n n most cases, becsuse a consciousness o("nvi danger put me on my eusrd. snd ezoerienee had madef me familiar with the roper .magemrat of myself, By' the constant, use of the 'most! spproved Remedies the pro cress of the disease wss retarded, and my life was made tolerable nut not comfortable"- .1 'rarely ate vvTa4ing . IVortli CaxiiUn Justice, Containing a .aummary ststemmtj of - the ' Btaiod snd Common Law Of this Stale, together ail! he Decisions of the Supreme Court, snd ill $ most spproved Forms snd Precedents, relafiiw i .aw a t . aa n t lam nice ana ouiy or juiticeoj' me react &)' . Other f ubuc UracersHtccordiug io modrrn practice,1 THE Subscribers Hsvingt purchased of the Ai. ,tbor.. the' whole edition of this . valoable Worl now offer it' for Sale, r to the lubhc. , It is pn i t 5 i ...-. "t. prescribed, by some of the most rrs(ectable of the reg f Uiar praciiuuiirrw u, iucu ictus u t,'J u via where: and I do not hesitate' to commend tbeni aa tsloaWo sdditipn to. pot materia medica, and a Safe, as well aa eminently useful remedy for the dtsessed.1 , v PIadelph'Tlh"June,: 18381, U .'-' ' ' ' " aaaawaaaaf'' ' '" i" ' ' t ' ' 't ' ,J I r y "Jatmu fixiotctarant'Wm invite attention to this admirable remedy for. Pulmonary affections, aulvertia ed in another column. " The principle thele anndohced of the morbid character of obstruction it tendency to originate infiammatioa of tbe BroUcbis, and conse ouent vitiation of the nstural homors U, beyond dis- . 1 puts, the truth, bself. The. only practicable mode of removing such obstruction, la by means of sxpectora . tion, a result' which we are convinced can always bo obtained by a judicious exhibition of the rmedy of Dr. Uiue Philadelphia Spirit of the Timer. ; ; " fc!',.. hm!;. ' . , :-. V-.ajL-i- ifA -U f Jaynt Eajxeioronts-Tij a reference to bur adver tising columns, it will be seen that this valoable Medi cine is oHered for sale in this- city,' by" E. W, Bull, , Agent. We esteem It a pleasure to be able to recAm mend ihis medicine,' as the best calculated for the pur nose of curing coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma; and all sCections of the lungs j - From a long personal ac sl : w ' e? i ! s .at ' ,1 . quaintanco.wnn irr. jsyne, we anow mat ne is no meek, end hie medicine are !not mMrum ' of the modem cryop, but are the result of his long etperi once ss a practising physician, aiid the expense of srreat UbourfoWora CtIhdly Jfcticwi '' '"i "'. ' 31'f;H ?i'-'V?'':- 11 ' 1 ' 'T ' , ' 'v' ' ,1 From the Philadelpbia Saturday Courier. '' "' Talitabte lltaiUcine We do not wish tq commend otie good medicine Tat the expense of another, but, we cannot forbear to notice the valuable properties po sessed by the Carminative Balsam ", nd the u Ex . neetorantr prepared by : Dr. Jayrie, of South Third aireei in mil cut. . . .,,"'' ; a'" dence until after a thorough trial in o.sr own family. Thev are invaluable in a' family of children. ' : Numerooa other certificalea might be added, but tbe above are considered sumcient evidence of - its,- great oseiuinesa. - , , ' ' . . - ' i rxTbe abov article, together with all othe( Medi InM nrensred by DrV Jayne; are for sale ih!" A'l ' V-' - ' RaUizKhv WILLIAMS HA YWOOU. 1' i2rT'?Z n..i; ia,av.-r KTm.y. h T5?Itfffon, voctor ware :Tebruary;J8IO.V,l T XV A RE AT REDUCED PRICES FOR i)A8H. Richmond, February. 1840 The sobsai ber has now in store and afloat per ship Madison. dV red fiom "Liverpool, the following Goods which he ofiers to the trade at prices corresppoding with tbe times: Tf:- jji r-i ,;'f-kv .; ..r.h?-v v? U 1000 sets Printed Teas,' asorted eotors. '4 4000 4 H Common Painted do do do. ' v":;: :' 600 dox. blue and green edged Plates. 200 N do - '. da J Ad .Twinere. AAA ,50 S1 C.C. Chambers, assorted sues. 1 150 ,200 i MOO j "300 j?, 100 1000 . .a -. - . 'i wsy. tl ts elegantly pnntea in ine exua aupern) quarto form, with brevier, minion, and nonpanel type. It ia emhelliahcd once Overv three months, wiin splendid super-roval qusrto engraving, and every week whh a popular piece of musie.' arranged for the piano-forte, harp, guitar etc For each volume att ezauisitelv ensraved vignette title pace, and a copi ous index, are furnished. The terms are five dollsfs per annum, psysble, in ail easesi in advance. It Is forwsrded by the earliest mails to subscribers residing out of the city of New-York. Communications, poft could wish, y-i ' H y :i isr:' '-r ;v i 'VCJ 1 i:r n.inn,fl tn take them until: thevl-two meals in lesulsrsueeessiobandlbr -some hours t , -km. tta-av a a n a i iciic u anteu wvh w w -r- -a- 7 a - -" GoxniTioas. JHe Mirror is published every oas-i ctA a perfect cure. If ny individuajsl of almost every day; wss incapable .OC ny exercise onlay, at No. I, BsrcUy-street, next door to Broad 1 . nAhn.a doubt the eorreOtness of ihe "a-1 of thought or feeUur . A ItiibJmpatience of x. bnveir cert fieate in every particular, they arc I istence occupied my whole mimL respectfully referred fo Mr. J- H. 8hields;ilop-j Two years sgo I met with" your Anti-dyspeptic kinsville, Christian County, Ky. ;. . , j Pills, and confiding in the accompanying Certificates S October 12, 1838. .rnVnrandreth, M. U. Peer Sir For the bene fit or my fellow sufferer, I wish you to publish the particulars of my case." You know when 1 l dia not vaa m loutsviiie iae apnniti a uw p ii'. 200 100 300 600 t. ;5L 15 BALE OF ADOIVIS. In purso- ance of an Order, made by the Court of PleaS and.. quarter Sessions, for the County of Johnsten,st ils February Sea 1 t.lU .1 .H t . . ! .... aaa HHitsxatui ; lUBi wBii Knows oiaiuon -anrtNlS. Sire of ihe AmericirEctipse. will be sold on a credit of six momhs, in the Town of Smithflcld, as lbs) Court-house, on. I oesusy, the X4th.or March it. beintr Tuesday of Johnston 8uperloi0ouit. The said Stallion ia the" joint property of Goons dt BeiaOKBB, nu w orucrru iu w wnu lur pariiiion. ': .TT.,--; -i i.j..'WH.!D; WATSONS ;.!. ' March 3 - ."i ' Clerk df Johnston Co. Court. 1'- TT, AX7 KOTICC & GCa1CHAl4X.4WD . i 'A AGir:Cir-HsBat.B. 8. Wiluas,i At- Tomey st.Law, will SUend td the aljustment Sod col lection of claims throoghouUhe Weetern Diatrict -f' ees r; TenoesseeiSndslsosttMCenTUndAgentirtselling customer Printed, painted dc colored Chambers. Colored Pitchers, sssoited sizes : C. C. do do do' ; Printed & Persian do do - do Fsncy , do . S do do Printed, painted and colored Bowls,' . - assorted sixes. ' j . ..J. -x Edged Dishes do ..do , v Printed do . do do and colors. " do Piatee do " do1. 'r ' w . do' Twiflersdo do T " Printed and edged 8oup Tureens, 8soce ' do, coveredvDishes, Muffins, dtc ;.' '.,- 200 dox. printed, psinted and Gbzed Tea pots, 200 li1 do do Sugars snd Cresm do Chins; Liverpool dc fancy Mugs. ss. sis. 200; sets (32 pieces esch) China, various pats. 7 60 do (67' do ' do ) do 1 do ; do " 300 do Chins." hsndled snd unbandled Teas. ISO dox; printed, paiuted snd C. C. Ewers and , Basins. " " ' "' ' 800 'do.4 dt J pint thin Tumblers. 350 do-i dc pint thick do rough bottom. 450 do1 A 4 pint do do ginund do 200 do. i pint vs . !" do; do rough ic gr'd do 400 01. Clack rissKS. ' 100 de,vDecsnters. i 5 Together with a laige " stock of fine and common cuU pressed ic plain Glass, German Silver, Britanis and Composition Castors, English and American Stoneware; 6xc ore i ' i j fX? .'North Carolina State Bank notes taken si "par in psymem, ior uoous. . ' - I m il - i WILIJAM F. BUTLER. s Xl4lltw-TT-: ' Ute enryth'dk Butler. tr a " in s- 'W ara O - . maiai au ivicnmonu, a uoors aoove tne Bell revern. out or the city ot new.xor. , ommumcauomv po t , it ronK? my bones were almost protruding paid, must be sddressed to the Editor; No subscno-l . h h flatulency, besrtbura and lions received for a less period then one year. r loss of sleep had reduced me to a akeleton. 1 Nsw 8oascBiBsas will be furnished, gratoi- efcr much of your pills; but I did not be lously, with proof copies of two of the most ingnu eVe tbst they or any thing: else would cure cent engravings ever published in this country, painty mf. 10 At you, know, I bought ; "a box and ed by Chapman, snd engraved by Danforth ; the firStUinAa. tim. aince which time I have taken six .aa! an an sAtrir'SA4 al in aT wiiia vci"Miwiivit w : i-v Doxes. ana i now ,- in the New World," as described by Wssbington Ir v;,h,. ent0. in excellent state of respectable gentlemen whom I happened to know. I took them sccordins to directions. , The reSuh is thst I now eat what I please, do what 1 please, sleep soundly, and enjoy, ufeM much.ss ?-any man living. Your young friend, who bu been tarith me a week. will tell you that he. bss never, seen my strength or spiritaSag, or my elasticity of mind or body fail for a moment. For this it gives me pleasure to say you have myk thanka: and to add; the assurance' of my Ugh respects. . B. TUCKER. Dr. Bscs: with, -f " - ; v r'4H Far. convenience of reference, this work inSil ded ' into Chapters slpbaletically . arranged, conn. ponding r precisely with those . of . the new Retinj iStatotes. if jsscn Chapter eonsisU of three oVmh. menta ;, 1 at, a aummary,- of the . 8iatute Law, bridh ststedr 2d, a contise statement of the points res tirig o the subject of the Chapter, so far u aetil either by the decisions of the, Courts, or by the fab of the highest authority pa the Common Lsw. the Forms : snd -Fjecedents; neresssry for ipp!in the subject matter of each Chapter, sccompsnR. with such Notes and observations ss appear wJ sary to render the Whole intelligible. , Th f a warvrlr Aill lv fiuiiut ha' akIw nufnl . --- 1 clsss of nntiTa Officers, but will nrnti a silmMtl source of informstion to the 'general reader, furoiaV ing as it does a plain and intelligible digest of th IWaOsmlersfood and practiced in this State. ; The retail price of the Justice is 1'isn m XAls, but a libersl discount will ; be msde to than wbn boy to sell sgsin. . TURNER & HUGHES. Raleigb, December 1839. , I TTV0 TANNERS I now ofier for sale, lost hibi U : some building Lot ;oh which my Taa Yardi situated, imroe.liately adjoining the Raleich ft Ga lon Rail Road Depot. It contains one acre, wKbiM . a . . met and the second ine - landing at jamesiown, w .; K.t 1 can nerlorm more laDor ana enaure more Virginia,', aa described by the Hon. J. K. Paulding, fstitrae than 1 have been able to do for years the present Secretary of the Navy. These besuUlol previous, to my tskmjr your medicine. w - - - . - - -war aei avsrew m r m no an TSJO iDOMBINATIOlV.QUEENSW ARE. 1I GLAKS aV'f 'fJV A: l,v,a 'atLTivnar. I neCMaarv rtnnana fur Tannerv tnircihor wilhitld. lrfl.,ll.i."a,n5 79 VVr S- New York, begs respectfuDy to inform I fix(or's-sny ohesrble Table, and Tools, togetto :a .II.i.Vl -l hb old customers and frienda, that he ia now opening I with at Bark Miir, d;c- wltb an abundant aopply sf pictures sre.inlended either for framing or for the port luiio, ana are panicuiariy vaiuaoie, wh omy mm niuf trating the writinga of two eminent suthors by Ameri can artiaU ; but aa perpetuating events in the history of this country interesting to every person of taste and refinement, and to all who fee! a pride in their na uve tanu. , . .... .. ,..'.. ... . cry Post-Mssters generally am requested fo set as sgents for the work. "f'.;"'' ,-V ..''T arr Remember, all letters ortiering the Mirror. most. contain (5, and be post paid, and that The term are always tn advance. , 7TT13ACOM AWDj OMlIIlls7S. The Fub Lil lisber of this ; psper regreU to say, that owing to an unexpected tardiness mi forwarding tbe requis ite new materials, the publication of tbe third number (and regular, couUnuatioBjereafter) is delay ed long er . thsn was expected. : Notice will be gi ven of the time of its apiiearaoce; at as early a day ss possible, which it bnow confidently hoped will not tie later thsn Saturday, the 28ih instaht. , , ., ; Raleigh, Msrch 17,1840. . , . , 23 It "TVTOTICE. The notes and accounts now due' I the:assigned estate cfS. W. BOAG, are placed TT .1 l a . o ' i n . ..-.-.a? -i, .- uie nimis oi aiamee oimons.' juao. Attorney at in iia? B4nDE,Enr.-t T4' f PHE Subscriberetoms his thsnksto his ftiends,' J. customcirssnd ihe public in geneial;1 for the liberal patronage heretofote bestowed on himjh his line of- business, and hopes by a diligent attention td business to merit a continuance of the same. : f f There may be, at all times, . found in his shop,- on FsyetteviHe street; one door north of the laree h brick building of B. B Smithy Esq:, geniersl assortment of the following articles, via; i ft Gentlemen's nest plain Saddles, - " f I Gilted and 8hsfte8U,J'-sdo.''Vte:''?' i. f Also BirdVpstent Spring rVaf Saddles, of all kinds, gilted and plain. " ' t; ;f '-" v I Common 8add.es of all kinds; J?' f Ladies'; Ssddlevgreat variety,?, ' 'T, . ' A very Isrge supply of CarriagV Hsrnesi; both brass snd silver plated; ' -. ' Barouche tYarness. .''. :' . N-; ' ' ' ' " Gigde Turkey, do. i!;'x JerM, Wmtrnn J -' '' ' ' SsuMle Bags. Trunks. Whips; and SpursV ' f fact, sll articles Usually kept In such eslsbHsb ucuu, wi wuicn win oe aioposed ot at low pri ten - for Cask; or otf the usual eredit to punctua Law, in Charleston, S, C. for collection otnce'Itfo 51, Broad-street. 4 doors below Dr. Coben'iDniat 8 tore. If the said debts be not promptly paid, be Q instructed to commence auita.: Jan ; 28, 1 840. ':-v-?-'4:-'-'t -ow2m. A CON HAMS, dccvJust to hsnd, a lot Of prime HAMS and other BACON, well dried ad smoked. i Also, LARD in kegs and a few Mats of FIGS, andJars of PRESERVES. The fruit w.ll be sold low. 1 WILL I PECK; Raleigh, March 9. 1840. C , 2t .IkXT SUCH Sm Slkk's Letter Bagf the ureal western; or 1.1 fe in s Steamer. ,j. -t'i . usl received by 4 jV; -; 'iv.L: ;-i-1. Msrch 8.180. i'im4 'miZQ srm jz. V Persons desirous bf aecurins for themaelvea mniH ble BcitBisO Lots near the City f Raleigh, bU now M oppononuy onered, which will not pmbabty be again presented, On Friday, the Sd.of April tl aumg, will be offered for sale oh the premises, EIev4 Acre jams, i weniywo 4 Acre Lots, being pert b the I ract of i.and on which the EriscoraX. 8cli0olt. DVM. THOMPSON, " - Tsylor Creek, Hardio county, Ky. September 29,1833. . C S1Lwti S Yirglnia, Is 195 Main Street llichmnnd, near the Old Market, where the Fills can be obtained at 25 centa per box, with lull directions. , r i - : The following gentlemen nave neen appoint ed Agents for the sale of Brandrcth's Fills. j:Wsnv PeCIc; Ualeign. , r i B. & H B ker; Louisbnrg. ! . i A. D. Northern, Smithficld. ... ; ; ,v , T Steplienson & Bryan. Waynesbofough. : : H. Me Dde, Ch tpel Hill. V ! R. H. Palmer Is Co.; Woodsdale. , T. & L. Webb, Roxboro. - u i - JollctL&v Raines Wdliamsboro. JrTai. H. Webb Co., Oak Hill. , ' 1 James C. Cooper, Oxford. ' , ' W.rr.Cann .dsy; Brooksville. . ' George Herns, linbsnk. . -', , '.uu ,4 - I John S. Eaton k Co., Henderson: : . , ' Norwood & Uesd,'Wood-orth. . . Thomas dc John White, Wsrrenfoni , Wm. C. Clanton & Son,- Grove Hill. 'M Ferrell. Halifax; r, ; ..-. Dniela & Pritcheit, Brmkley , . B. B Dniel, If eaihville., - '" - ' Whitaker & Batcbelnr. Enfield. I H Cok ti Co.; F;.yeiteille. - a ; . . , If. J, Palmer, Milmn.kr .'.w.j 1 Each, of the above Agents have, an engravi cerlificate. (Signed) It BKANDRETH.M.D. - i a complete assortment of Rich China, Cut and Plain Was Ware and printed and common Queennoare. which is offered on terras to suit the state of the times. Being entirely disconnected with any combination for the support of high prices, the Subscriber Will re sume, tbe msnner of condacting his business, in which he wss so successful some years past in the old house of T. J. Borrow & Co. and hopes to receive tbe sup port or the former patrons of bis old firm. In order to afford Goods at the lowest, possible rate, it will be necessary to confine all sales" exclusively to CasA, or short City paper; ; Virginia, Nerih Carolina or Peon svlvsnia Funds received in payment for Goodsv Merchants visiting the City, are invited m call Or ucf a, vy. ivuer, jtruiopiiy aucuueu to. - a r , ,., JAMES A. TAYLOR, . , T?, Water 8u near Old Slip. : New York, Wsrch 2, 1840v, . , . 20 ffj The Wilmington Advertiser,' Elizabeth City Phcenii Newborn ! Spectator, Wsrrentori Reporter. Roanoke Advocate, Cblmm Jonma1,Tsrbtov Press, Fayetteville Observer and Hillab.ro Recorder will each insert to the smount of $3, and forward accounts to the Office of the Raleigh1 Registe . J. A. T. 10O REWARD. I Will give $100 for7 tbe apprehension of Beat. F Moody and.Anderson Moody .and a darXchesout sorrel Stallion My Sta ble waa broke oped on tbe night of the 10th of Feb- rusiy, by - the .Mnodys;.; and .my,hofsei taken. , : I Will give the above reward for their arrest and the re covery of the . horse," The horse' is' a'dark chesnut sorrel Sta11lon,"16 bands high; 8 years old, without white, except the left hind foot; when taken, was shod all round with steel shoes, with 8 naila in a eboev--; He ia a horse of fine appearance fine, 'ong bead with large eyes, neck very fine; round bodied snd well turned. I followed the Moodys ' to Chatham snd Meore countiea, but failed in getting hold of them. They hsve a large connection in thst section of coun try, and probably wiU remain there for some time. I beard, while in pursuit of them, thst thsy.slledge that they-bad a claim to the horse and I .refused to give him op, and they took him by force. This notice is to forewarn all persons from trading for the horse,, or: harboutingv the said Moodys, as am oetermmea to runmnsr water. -As there is no Tan Ysrd ia place, and Bark ia cheap, and Hides id sbandanrtl is confidently believed thst few if sny places, offer lb same advantages to an enterprising msn t will sell a treat bargain in this property, if a application is msde. Any 'frmimonication 'diractei to ae on thnf subject, wul.be promptly sttenusd ts .-.-ii-Vi ''..- 'Xrtu, i fsv.-vwoH Rsleieh.Febrosrv 28. 1840.. V j 18 it sej 5..! ILitinx and clearing old disputed utles. persons" re- T UXKenngof ' sll kinds, done In the lest style, jilinT St av. , v .iwiiiiiiiiifc i 7; . - r7 .r... , , - . , whoso inters Usw.exteswe do we,l to notice more strictly the situatwn of their J i Rsleigb, June 28, ----irf)Wlas-. i ' ' . m 1 attsrnfl .ve ri ts .ieew- - - : 4 ' r. :, '' ' ft oSce st ;8omerville,l eein.5.' j f .-svfe .-'-'ri' f.- nAl RamuelKirfi Iredell CoUntv:Na.C.f- V . : -pbomaa P. Devereux, Esq. Raleigh, m,u ' JiWiJl'iam Hill, See. of Sute m t - ; . Li ..Drown, Snow; : t?Jl 1 W. M. : Uwi' Milton U - 4,Eiheldred J, Peebles,- Novtopto,f if . ' ' . : . , f; . John IIukeFayettsytUe' .-':' - j0hn McNenrCumberUndCountK-.u ' Febmery 18. I840 15 6m. Si otto n "sr a i s- ppy: fro ,KU lii ll;Fsxtory,iQr.wH. reu,u COriES MISSOURI nXRMON YJsai J edition, just n cci ved at the North Cam lor, by 7 tJ KiNL.it a uuuiies. l--.a 1 k ' nJ:;!, Fetruary 18 15 Garden, and thriving voun? Orchard.' 1 - A laf- a- ebn-.cirtable Keaideneo . in tne . .juaavern i iCeiaXxaa'ss known aa t w There are 6 acres of ground, a Rhnm. Kitchen.' Well dc . i -' . m fcav- wwww " ' . t .e . . linn r-i V a . , S i nis properly win oe eom on aur-a , i" ; v t A ' "f arM- ") dietortt not fca iVsstisfsetory ? to" the pwcheser- Apply only shoot half a mils from tba Canitol in a Wm; " .T! "w j muw'niTinfiT.nw -- " MtuwMiuuicu UM oeep. opened on " . 8 , " VU ,r7 - "" are no Ijow in tne vi, i .ij . r ... ' Valuable Property for sale, . TfN -THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF RA XL LEIGH --The Subscriber effera fur sale the pwstLixo .Hoosa in which he at present resides, adjoining the premises of the Governor,' ' In the outherh Suburbs of thefCitylc; There -are few mors eligible situstiohs for a Family residence,- here abouts.; i The House contains 2- Rooma belowr 2 sbove . 8tsirs, a Dining Room in the basement, Pss ssarrsssi ' mlvAWaT. . aavit ' SvolVfcvnB ea Xmmm lava tflaa ' Tmm fhaa mwm waa 1 attfirvu siiiu aavcaaa ww . mm. m - - - a aa uv . www a i ,w . wf - whnfe length at thm KnitttNir ami a Portico in frontU l Out the law in force against all Slich persons. H.'l WiU The Kitchen attJ Smoke Houae are of brkk, and give 60 doUara to any person that will get ihe horse there la in the srd a Spring which furnishes a co- and deliver him to me at tbia places or secure him so I pious suoorv . of fine Wafer. There . are three or can get him. - 4Tbe horse is known by the name of four '.acres of Wound attsched; ioctudingaa good Sergesnt McDonald or the Meed -hom.. And I will - . .... .w . ' . ..... ; . . . s' J a m , It a-. at. . ...a ..f aLa 1 . ' . A1 in Orchard- ii v I rive W unuara tow turn mtfK n utm (tiuuurs, ae-ioey Can be brought justice. . Any iufbrmsuun concern ing them will be mankfully received Fay etleville Street,; nearly opposite the Pnat hffiM. .be!IMoo:jm ib, mogf superior manner,, and with the utmost desuatch. . wiu ua. experience wnicn tne proprietors have re w.'!W.N.orth and South, they fiaUer themselves wua fne penei m pesDie lo please all who may favor them wnb their pstronsge.: T he Establishment has i X ' 1 , J . - ntness inferior to nono iii the Slat t! TX Hair Cutting ex ecu teJ in the most fashionable and spproved form. . - , , " 5 -4fl5JC-The Proprietors are prepoved to famish aiuaie of a very auperior quality; either for Baus or LtH' Pati" Military Paratle,? in any part Of Ihe StStS Where thai mnL !.- '... f ' Slste wbefe thett servicea ma bm eniled f J. J J : -f J . , w .TH OM A 8 D A V ES." p ijJ.MlVt rtffENRY JONES: ; Raleigh, Msrch 5f 1840. " go t cimty so weir situated for building, as all musl admit 7IAVCl SECO,A qusotuy of FresA Rsa Who nave any knowledire of them. ? Pnn. fmni th low Country, desirous of removing to a healthy retreat n the Summer, have now a rare chance for bargains, i iOClTitaiS made known on dsy of Sale. - Haleigh. March 6.1840.' , C,V Biandard.)" ' 20 rrTEicrii:L,L,AS & pau asols. w& KXJ W. H. RicaaansoN.No. 6, South, Third Street, Philadelphia, oner ., for aale a larse atnek ef aoBefior manufactured Umbrella and Paratoh. at the lowest ! prices. ' ' 1 v''1, j .f ' .f. I 'Merchants visiting tner City sre tr)uested t ialf f snd es amine, we MoodsV prevmue to pnithaaing, and would find an advantage in doing so, as lbs as sortment is reinpleie, snd we sre determined not to be uiideniold. .- -'t'- -" - 1 "N.:B. Orders fakhfullv executed 'U. i: .r-fiT?- March, 1840, a . . 1 . VJV ;i.ovBa 9ESB, a aupenoi arucic : q Also, a few buahels of Oaraaan Gaiss 8eid. 'Tbe sbove 8eeds are f.r sale St the N. CBook 8toreby - ' TURNEU df HUGHES.: i Raleigh." Feb,' 7- -"i n ''' - ti. 13 f. UWe shall receive in a few days the following Grass Seeds 1 Lucerne, White Clover; Blue Grass, dec. I Rutherfordton, Feb. 22, 1 840. , W ' V 1 1 ' - a ' jiiseph Mcdowell.- i A?fM93t DAI?CI1G SCnOOLa-doav M. Bossixtrx, of Richtnoud, Vs. an experienced Teacher of Dancing, is desirous of making op a School lit Ral eigh, to commence about tbe 1st' of - April. Persons desirous of entering Pupils, will plesse lesve their name with the Editor of the RseisTsn." J 1 ; v t i 'Msrch -V lSiarulJs.jSjj tji.yv? imQ TR. W M .! H.iM'KEE offers bis v Professional AJ services tothe' eitixeni l of Kileigh and its ad- jscent eoonUy, in the practice or the VarioUe branch - ., i' .uv wuiuuw v. oDuinin, l5t. .1 i-( wv Kamwr rm m . w. i ici.i-'is w . w if Hrnax - r . - i 1 1 II , J' . l . ;T r7 Tr . il"1"' iBKaqnuun, ne spent tne last year 'as resi- IIJt Informs the public, thai he has retarncd to lanHdent:Pbvsirisn and Surgeorr lo the Philadelphia V. -w. ..w.- ..5 1 rfa.- r a A id'iCUIIIH UTllTO BeVeTai WOUSSIHf CSSCS Cnmrvrisinv t vl vt . p Jmi&JflES Z2CnnOJmm lV " -nearly i.verj vsnety ana 'species of disesse. -His ' i-l J-.. rlviT.-PNr.ifvjPPr?' .--.j ' v J"Iietris. w dr" Post; Of2ce, v ' 'a r.i. V- . ; sr. ' rJiwuie street; where he can be consulted, when smaWakOftSsaa ataF AWaa a a-aataaMaf a,ka.A.allAa.t ar Vva " . . t - - ' 1 , u,u.w. wa ,u iinpivtcv cwuBuwcinin or nauwsys -not proiessionaiiv engsged. :"v j si. : 1 i i A&trei, Baltimore. JJaryland. jV Raleigh, December 2,1853. . 6 rCiTEEL-This distinflruished Race Horse, bralk Capt. John Euhaiik, Lunenburgf coubty, Ts, and foaled in 1834, will make hi first sessna at vj stable, Granville county. North Carolina, on the mia road from Oxford to Boydtorr, Va. at ihe vernw- rate price of 60 a mare, and. S 100 to insure, via onO dollar cash to the groom in all cases. The av son money' will be due on the 1st day of July sett, at which time bis services will :eeese, snd the instf knee will be elainied as enori aa the mare can I certatned to he in losi, orpsnea who. fstungr . mm, m m' m ' . t A mmW be turnished gratis, snd. msres well ted at r month, and colored servants hosrded gratis. No n will be allowed, to leave the plantation until bar feed ing es penses'-sre paid. rfrl ; I Every possible care will be taken, both by mjt and an experienced gfobm to prevent accidents 01 capes, but I will hot be re-poqsible for any tbst at baotten. a.-.'. i Rtmmi Im infihe In. treat elara at race horses. beH siiteen bands high, of great substance and psweri of the most perfect symmetry, of proportions : so Uncommonly fine shoulder,- ami ! deep Mixket, perhsps. hia finest points lie in bis bsrk snd loia;ns ing coultj be belter sdapfed to packing weight dniW a .bruising race over a beav,tracfcf He has s cV bony' head and fine 'heck bis eye finej's" superior I ref, Well fibbed out Snd his quarters snd tifW are commonly fine bis color s fine bay with black kH mansl'aitdulb "-.'i -ri-t ,.;;.:'; s a "' ' , Steel, ss a Race Horse, wsa equal to any born '" bis day, winning twelve times, out of thirteen, vb'o was the last at Bahimore when noaiiivelv out of oflk though he received t3C3 of the purse ss' th 2J ' W B He chillebged the winner Immediateb; sW the race to run' her four mite; bests, for fen tbioo't dollars' aaufrf. wtiil. .U.i;kal ' H ran and Vi , " jww mtm mva.MW from. Yinrinia to Georeia earrvina off every swef stake and Jocky Club from one, to four mile beaiM1 cept the last, his Winnings smouriting fo 13,V9u elusive of hir own stakes. ''f. n is now offered to the public With tbe foiled fidericei in bis proving a Yatuable Stallion. T w perfoimances in detail, see bend' bills. . ' PtDieaaa. Bteel was got by that cspitsl Horse end most valuable Sullipn,imported FjJ datti Dimont by ConSiiturion, who Was slsd tb of the famoui running' mare Sally Eubanks; hi i. dam bylBatre'riotizel; his grand usm tytj! Tiucr, g gg grand dsin by old Celer;GoJ'i3 impoited Crawford s- impoited Silvereye ; isipj"! Monkey; imported Dabstett imported Bulle RoA" ofBulle Rock's importeJ full sister. , y 1 - ' ' EtiMUNflTOWNES, . ; ; .u. i -1 rr-i-'i.no-.ftai nranvilla county, n February 13 1840. IT TOTICB. The Undersigned having nasi L l J f Ai'lnLlrwiftr n ih Rfatn af Al f" astSte eu hereby note or account, to roase n- psyment' snd thluw having claims agsiust t SHaem Ca Staftl I lomonl Wllllin LllB sv asvrawcajft ftajvessa sw ova,, iui - iggf acribed by lav otherwise, mi1 ttotie will be PTJ !o bsr of their recovervi M 'ib, E. SMITH, . AJ ' j t a- Caleig b IVbruary 24, 1840. -j joB PRINTING , sxxcvtxn 'AT TBis omcx, With neatness and despatch -St t i