M -H' j 1 fc 0 ! ! ; .NOffiTIF VOL. or u e si A y.vi a itte ; isi; 1.1 S40 ' - n , - - j - , , - - . , j ' ' I ' ' I L 1 , i."" V ' I jjJf'.KV, 9 , 1 1 " 1 f i'' 4 WESTON a: GAliES, ' EDITOR AND PJtOPRIETOR.y . i,-. rCBLISHJD ITtll TCIIDAI ilt FEIDAT. TERMS.v t 8o BKBirTiK Fle DulUrt per nnaro half in vtnce. I - ; i. . ,J ADVEaTitMiSTt. Fr every 10 linet, first mter- tionjOne D.IUrr each aaequent ioertlon,xo eenia. Uouil OrJen tnJ Judicial Adtertwemeiiu win oe charged 25 per cent higher t but deduction 01 Mt per cenU will be made Irom we reguw pnew, vertiaera 47 the year. Al.n:MmMti: inaerted in the Semn Weekly Kio- rr, will ! appear in the Weekly Paper, free of barge. . .'1' 'r' l; ' " . . All Letters to the Editor most be post-paid. cern are iruui 01 woa, tn style plain and simple, ai irry and cnlated at 6nce to inform the understanding, erfectly; an" nnder the divine blessing, 1 to affect the lesnatehJ near .lt?was his chs torn to go froni ' ' home. I CAN QUIT WHEN I CHOOSE." , These few wordi have perhaps done more mischief in the .world than can be conceited. Youths, just, entering the threshold of life with the brightest anticipation of their friends, allureu oy. ane oyren, jrieasure, , wunine sparklinr cup in her. hand, although sensible of the dark abyss . yawning at their feet, too often stifle the disagreeable monitors, con science and friends, with this sophistical and can quit I link, is the chain bind such nnfortu- false consolation: .'I choose." Alas I link by forffin?, which soon is to nate youths and bid defiance to ;the noblest resolution". Too ' true was the assertion j of Lord Bacnin, that-all the crimes on the-earth do not destroy so many of the human race. nor alienate so much property, as drunken PUNCTUALITY. - THE ROBBER RECLAIMED. i Punctuality, in regard to appointments, is :f ' 1 1 Foundedon Fact. - - - n i, in essenUal part of the, excellent habit of do- 2;4;nn minister, whom I shall tall the in erery thing in an orderly and seasonable M?. Moncrief, resided - near Edinborg, manner No man wiU'eFet be able todo bout the; year 1746. He was - generally hnsinea exnediUouslr 4ndt5orrectlvwho esteemed for his pietyi and attention to his has not a stated time and method for all that ministerial duties. He preached the whole he does. Without thesev if his encern are truth of Ood, in style plain and simple, aN numerous, he will afwavs be in hu confusion: will do every thing jmperfec unrl will, nfterlal - make but lilt ft desnatch; "can. u was 111s custom to ffo Now,' an appointment is the fixing of a' par- annual!)? to rdceitre his yearly stipend; which ticular time for a certain business, or duty. was managed Avith so much care and frugal If it 1e exactly attended to, it displaces noth- ty, that it became just su fficient for the sup yyiit, ui me laiuny, wiwioui any Burnius ai other engagement This exactness in attend-1 ",? inB year Q ne pruaence anu ing to erery. thing in its proper season, is of do'nestie economy of Mrs. Moncrief much of high importance to ali business men, to those :" uo'7:u' puBueHueraneciea who have the charge of concerns that are the nne lly;.; nor did she bring herself into weightyTu well as numerous; it is absolute- contempt by her Turganiy." She knew when ly essential: President Washington was the to sdent, and when to speak ; and instead most punctual man in the observance of an- oflistening to the Mle reports and yam tat- pointments, ever known to the Writer. He Ue of some busy hodies in the congregation, delivered his communication to Congrsss at she heard their tales, and buried them in her the openirig ofeach session, in person. He n ,nd( retal in? lhem tners always appbinted the hour of . twelve, at Tliessoft having arrived when Mr. Moncrief noon, for ihis purpose ;' and he never failed .ok hw journey for the purpose ot receiving i,i hill r nrtnitrAM Whilfi the Sut h,s stipend, he left home on foot, unattended House clock was striking that hour. His " w u8 w wui- invitations lo dinner were always given fpr w? iWsT J habitation. Scarce- four oVIocki P. MHe allowed five mtri- V, had he proceeded half way, beforea young tites for the Variatioo of time pieces $ and he man presented himself before him, and pre- waited no longer for any one. Certain lag- j'w'jr i"u u ... muucy, ai wio ea.uc Id "residence; he" foWardedf two pipesof.ex tiellent wine to him,' but without mentioning ttpm whom they came. 1 When they arrived .at the ffoifd minister's door, he was. thrown Into the creates t nernlelitv. ! observiner, that j IISFORMATIOIV TO MElU CHANTS ANO OTHERa--Th. 'Sobacribef 'having sold his interest in the concern o Major & Wotfit-Mr. Joseph 14 Moore," on the 24h (lav of July last, has determined on opening new Establish. for himself he could not afford to drink wiue A merit for the sale oriTaU Cap, Leghrns, &e.t in ne nau no ceuar in wmcii ne couiu niace ii, i v " ' uox oiu ne: possess to scud him so valu'i thfierore, was a mistake, and the , wi ne was before ufiered in t jpbyioUsl nie Jersiri. by himself, and p ;..rr tW r IJItpIw mow street,' just below; Foweir Hotel; ...where he Will ,uv, ... ,. j i -i-.r.v- .. u.. W send him so valuable a present. The whole I Z.,.-rii... nl.J r .;..i p..i i r I luusiirfcvi, sciecicu wvu gcai .care purchased entirely fr Cisa. He consented, howeven to allow them for the He hopes from having taken advantage f the Mar- present to lie placed In his stable; " ket by going; on to the Miof4et6nearlyj and pay -3 After making every nqu ry to J scover the f V"" - rkvur; r7 ' .-."T t v.;, j-sT?. fi-- Y- i"? , ?---vt. I menls to those wishing to buy by the qusnuty ; de termined to sell them on as good terms as they wijl be able to supply thenMlves from' the more Nortnern Markets, taking jn corwidcratioo the freight and high exchanges '--hi.fj-. :. '-C?' P man alifflited from his carriage: and rcoues- .: n" ll.d n J " f'11' " Wf titWa . -o ikV irot,i 1 purchases, determined to keep consUntly on hand flie aaid he had been brpugbt up m the coun- great ,arieU Hi 41 frieh.ls and formef customers i , , la's - f ' . a I J. ' - r . T try,-anu nau constantly recoiiecteu ntra wen are r- rticuiarly inritcd to call and gle h stock an Antaam nl AKAsntmn Un hnf hilran tha 1 TiintnillAII hpfnM nnrrhttinir MtawhsMi - ' of bringing a few trifles for the accep tance of Mrs. Moncrief; , The presents con sisted of some choice fruits, silks, &C.1 of no realowner of the wine J and obtaining no in formation whatever, Mr. Moncrief concluded that lime would de velobVthe. iny stery. ? Afi ler aiew uars, a respetuaoie moKing gcuiie frimr mmhranrPnnrr tnmBlimea nnmoin "me raiSlll? a piStOI lO en.IOrce hl9 t.r j;tirr L. : i t ir - - i 'pl: 1 I he liffht of the mnnn prinhlpn Mr. lvTnhe.rifir demand. when dinner waa nearlv hnlf niprJ The wrl ter hn heard thn -Pmiidenf m tA them With to recognize in the robber no less a charac m mi1f f3ent!emerfl W trnt nnnetnf.t te than Saunders M aitland, n lineu draper,, fnr vAn T - 1i9v : n rnnf wim npr 9atr who had Tecently failed. The firmness of ness. J l expels reason tiro wns memory--is whether the company has come, but wheth- llle &ood minister astonished young Maitland, the beggar s companion and the true ; and er the hour has come !V I " J his, sir," said he.f ts my first attempt i onlycause of the vast increase of crime in the woyrVv- 'vyu.:.r I have beeo unfortunate, 1 am-uestttute of world There is certainly no character which About fiAy thousand species of animals every thing. Your character, I respect, and appears So -despicable as "that of a drnnk- have -been detected and described by Natnr- jt . is no intention of ray heart to. . offer you ard; he displays every little spot! in his soul alisU, besides several thousands of species either injury; or insult; but distress impel Is in its utmost deformitv: When once Uie which tha- nheil eve nanrtat discern, and me to this action." I hese words were tie-, youth becomes a devotee at the-shnne of which people - the invisible regions of the j nverea in so modest ana nurapiea tone, tney, Bacchus, and fond of his libation, it is time J waters and the air. And. as the srreater.nart confirmed Mr. Moncrief in" the sentiment.' for him to tliink. Let him not lull his coji-iof the srlobe has neverV vet been ; thorouffhlv Jthat he was not-lost in "vice; and prompted; science with the Idea of, qnitting whenf he 1 explored, several hundreds,, if not thou- ny nis sacreu omce, anu a uesire 10 ueter ine chooses.but take a noble stand, and from that anU,- of species unknown to the scientific young man from his purpose, he began to moment ! cease lndiilirin? in hi cuo. and I wnrM mav orUt in th Hfnth nf the ncean. h reason with him. and pointed out to him in shun those cemeteries of morals ! and renu- 1 and tri nneTnlhrpd reirinns of the land: All strong, nervous language, the crime he was talion with which 4Hir cities unhappily a I these species differ froni one another in col- about to commit- the cruelty of depriving a, bound. Drunkenness.1 that fell drstrdver of nnr.' ie. and shane in the internal sfrne- minister of a whole year s subsistence for mind and mnrals has elicited the! exhortation tiire of their bodies! in the number of their hiriaself and family, and the awful end Hhat of the preacher the wairying 9! the pfVvsi- sensitive organs, limbs; feet, joints, claws, awaited air who pursued so dangerous a cian-i-th bleaijingf ot'tlie wife and children winw. and fins : in their dispositions, facol- course. Often he recalled to his mind "the with tears 111 their eves' the remonstrance 1 tip, movements: and mode of subsistence, convictions . ot his conscience, ana me aa nf ihp nnrpnt' mid lh' vwninff nf the wmvp I Iiovi'p nfaU niTPa fmm th.! mite ami lhp -II i-Li T lJ.. i.ii-L1"- .Ll I! :T.-'.ij I t .LJ . t. ; l , - I in nnhlin anil ortTal nritli a firm vftini "tha ui an win ni f ;. 1 11 nas rnirneii an awiui gnai, up 10 me eiepnant. anu ine wnaie, anu anu auuvu .7 and alarmmgjieiglit f; it daily TnereaseK It fmhi the roitej downwards to those5 invisible end .of these things is 1 death " ; . is known to reaiiire an 'extraortlinarv land animalenla. a hundred thousand of which MaitlaHd linened'wlth attontioni and, durv noble firmness of the heart to resist its blan- would not equal a grain of sand. Some fly ing the ad dresst his'eye and his pistol often dishments ami allurement, is it tnenf tne through the atmosphere, some glide through 1 c oeww me piam ui mc wintvu. temptation.. vnu are. so easily to withstand, the water", others traverse the land. Some For some time an internal conflict was maintain ed, between the desire for, the money and the- sin of taking it. At length his conscience yielded, and in the -most peremptory manner tie aemanuea Air. ruoncnei to surrenaer ois monev ! . .The minister, aware that resist- examination, before purchasing elewherel x -'- J ; FKANCIS MAJOR. PUersbure, Feb -29. " : , i 214s small value; ' The' stranger was invited to a tery piaiii uinncr, 01 wmcn tne family was about to . partake, and at the conclusion of the, repasUpolitely reauested a class of wine M"r. Moncrief apologized at not having any, t . yi liicuiut wn allowing mm to orinK . u. ttis true," said he that there ire ; pipes of wine , in my stable, directed to me. taut I do not know to whom thev belong ' r .. .. .. . . . ? 'jue guesi repiiea mat ne itnew wno sent tSiem, and that Mr.rMoncrief was to consider tie; wirife as his own properly. . Some wine Jras immediately produced, and after the par ty had drank health and happiness to their nevolent friend, Mrs.. Moncrief and her nnQ. PUBLISHERS-T-For more than sevenyears U we hatre borne Uie combined and perprexing du ties of Publisher and Editor of a public Journal.' At the commencement, when 'our circulation and correal ponJence were amall, we got along with our work preity well. But now we have quite eoough on our nds to occupy the atleni on of twu men. lit'siues this, we contemplate an enlargement of the Recorder both as to its form, and the extent of its circulation. Under these circumstances ' we have concluded, I4hI ide the resHnsibilities of the concern with some "per son,, wno can lake entire charge ot tne rubucat(on Departments ' In addition to the.Ncwsuajier, the lor cation aflurJs a commanding "Held for Job Work of every aesciipun. Anu more inan-aii, uie situation u healthy, pleasant, and favorable to cheap Jiving Under the above circumstances, t peruii h Can come well recommendtMl for ability, industry, prompt fTAYNE'S ilAjJTOKIU, firih growth, pre. ffjj servation and restoration vf the Hair. tThia i an excellent article, and has,ianuuierous iuttnice, pro duced a fine growth of hair on the heads of jMsrsutis who had beep bald for years.' tL f '' r . From Mr.Graharn.E.fitorof the Ph'iiadetphis Saturday '.-r'Y'VEfenlBt P' Haisi Toitic; We call the attention vf those 'afc filctcd with premature baldness, to the excellent "Half Timic prepared by JJrV Jayne wf lhis Uity.s Ifavijif used it ourselves, we can speak of its: vir;ues tiy ei- penence, and we unhesitatingly pronounce it an in faldable remedy to prevent lh fjlling off ot ihdhair, and tor restore it from dead, to v a fine, headliy pJ pearance:i'We can alo speak from peiaoual knowl edge of the case of two or three friends whf were predisiiosod to baldness, who by the two of Jayne's Hair Tonic," have now tulnriant hair. W mve'n disposition to puff mdiscriminaW'ly, all kinds of remt dies, for all diseases which C-sh is heir to, Lot when we have tested tFie virtue tf an article, we are free 1 say ft is good. Satxtrda v Evening Post, Sep.l. 1 639 -"n;i.V' - t t, ' '"jATinYHiiw Toit The eflicary of this ele gant preparation in restoring the grow lh of the hair in bald places, is truly wonderful. ' bere 'the hair has been worn olf from the top of the head, by tho careless prmcUce of carrying things in the -crown of the hat, it is generally considered difficult ir not im possible to restore h, hut it is found by numerous ex amples that the Hair Tonic "reaches these , cases' very promptly and effects a complete cure, . Every gentler man (we say nothing to the ladies," it being a fair presumption that ihfir liair u atwsys iri full luiuri ance, at least ii alwajs seenis so,) every geiitlrtnai, whe; finds : hi ha5r growingtoo; thin, or liccomiftg loose,.1 should place a bottle of Jayue's Hair Tonic hi his dressing case an J apply it'With a free -use, of the hair brush eycrT morning.- Tlie result will he 0 fall. strong and healthy bead of hairiThif cases that have fallen under bur owiTohsVrVatiorr warrant us fully in' sisertiig thK-rref Ys' ..wj,.v. 1.,w.h:. , hude, and good moral character, may findiVpleasant children retired, leaving the husband and the andin Utne .hansr i lucrative iituatioit:? tidmmu: ttlrnntyp Iri ilioTtarvoat fPtia tnrnnA: unii I :rfai-l-' .t..a i-ht t.i:.:.i iaivMS"isas9 ns mmj uo uuicssvu iu lliu JLJU llvir stranger .to themsefyes.; The- surprise and astonishment of the family Can scarcely be imagined.! and vet thev could form no idea of the uarae or character of the guest. - v. Scarcely. had the two gentlemen been left alone;" when - the stranger became1 visiblyr thoughtful, and laboured apparently under ffreat mental perturbation. As lie sat the cry stat tears flowed in rapid succession, and his heart seemed read v to burst. Mr. Mon crief became greatly alarmed, and was on the of the Reorder, None need apply whou hot know mat ioey can commanu reenmmenuauons ot ne mgn est order. A professor of religion and a Baitisl would be pretvred. . y v Jiditor tsibhcai Recorder. Raleigh. March 6. r . r I 2 1 T 7VTEV B00KS-Marrvats Diary In; America, second eeriest I'-ambouron Locomotive Engines, a. -I 1 - 1. 1 i 1 in: t'MPra iiiirmi f ill ill- .Miv"nT.niii i.iri'i- ,uui aianucuuiiy wars;ica.. 1; ' r. rT . -Z. v"v , Lone to iwoincnes in ien - . iJlenrlMf Koasrnl0n I h rnnvrTDla lrntr - Vt r . ' f ti- - ngenf sorrow lor tlie past, ana kL'LL ' :T, r':: wc m'm nM.An ln ' .ucitv. ,r . .nu.iiwk, trackless satwl that skirts .; vickui uvv.r,.' ; whirh i in vf.lno.Iilo : .Klorial'a tioido . .ArAIihnn'i ir i -,:.' '.... 1. . ' T--T-T -. i - r 1 - 1 uuu. uui la iiicmruiuivv y- Attention is called to Dr. Jsvnes tlair Tonir, for the preservation' growth and restoralhn of th Hair.1 ' We are assured that several most remarksWe cures have lately been eflectetr by jihis remedy. It is' . . T -r; .! run.. J.l' l? . o..'J-..r- ceriaiiuy wormy a tnai. a tuuwcijjHiu Kxuuruau .VflW V.ftt.ftb j , jt ! J its ka It t a Tosict Wa have, her eufote nurnv bered ourselves among lhitiM who believt'd that,' the' 1vHair Toi:ic," prepared by Dr. Jayne, war oiie of the fnlany quack nostrums whosd tirtuus are nere r seca beyond the fuUwmo puuVof Their autliors- ; Wo are wilting at length 'to ' make pablie acknowledgement of the error' of bur belief. '"An' imhnalc friend, some two' or Jhrcc months sitice,aH the ton bf whose raui una was as laJd a a piece of polished lnarlle(' ma Wgre ' alt bur jesting and ridiculs of the idea " of alteinpt ing ' to cultivate so barren a spot, purchased a boiile or two of the llair'Tonic from Dr Jayne,' and accordmg'to bis directions applied it.''': During the present week,; the same friend ushered himself into bur prCxencv,ahi uncovcrinier4' hia rJiithcrto naked! "head, astonished us with ttun, tboUgh iuxbrim gin upon ine very premises - ine Ming, to cultivalion as Mhir AUimltvS Tjiis'.is trueond those who d6ubt the and the habit you are , to quit when yon walk on two, some on four, some on twenty. choose 1" Ah I no, my dear voung friends, 1 and some on a hundred feet. Some have hearken to, ray advice ;jj when the seductive eyes ' furnished witli two, some with eight, rohlet is offered to von 1 lins. think not i von some with a hjindred and some with eight wi l once more sm the Tiantd rmison.hecause I thousand distinct transparent Globes, for the money 1 .,1 ne minister, aware mat resist - r ' v... . l , ...i. .... " 1 ' ..1,1 k .:: ii.4 .i.. rVOU CAN QTJIT 7HEK TOTJ CHOOSR. i DUl I Dlimose Of VISIOn. ' uuee wuuiu uc m vain, iuokcu at uie , uwhji v . . ... . i . . . . j 11 1 - - 1 . . ' 1 f . ' Icons der that enp may 'probably be. the' one t , ' -A. . , ; : t.v-A. --.-v mat was now ponueu at nun ueuvereu, nis Jthat will estahli&h tnat habit with your which "L.ite is snort,: tne poor pittance 01 aeveniy money 10 maiuanu ; anu requestea uiait ne lyoti will never be able thereafter to coirquer, years is not .w,prth. bemg ayillamfor. What would listen ,to hun for a lew , moniepts. End dash the proffered cup with indignation maUersit if jour neighborl.es interred in a You say, young man. that this is your first to the ground. ' ! - 1 n ' I spienuiu lomo, sieep.youwim innuccncc auempt iaae my .auvice, anu , tu prevent . ' v " l5 " IjOOK oeniua you inrougn tne traciLs ui tunc, y cur ueairucuon lei 11 ue uur iasi. vxu auu vcLOAa snaoa. stijcviatiwo xnictirx. a vast desert of, unnumbered ages lies open use the money now obtained, in an indostri Frorn an ignorance of the rules of health, in the retrospect : tbronahthis deseit. have ous manner, and you shall have not only my and their consequent violation, the integrity your forefathers' journeyed on, until, wearied forgiveness, buj. my prayers.' Ir,. Moncrief of some internal organ is impaired it can with years and sorrow, they sunk from tne then raised his reverend eyes and, hands to no longer perform its functions with that de- walk of man.' : You must leave them, where heaven, and implored. mercy for.the.'robber.i "gree of perfection and regularity ; necessary.) they fell, and you are to goon a little further They parted, Uie minister to his r allectionate new edition; Memoirs of Wm'i Henry Harrison; Hoi land's Life of Martin Van Buren; Walks bn Wan derings in thit world of Literature, by iha 'aolhor of ?mt ofl?nglng r assistance; when by Madame Tussaijd;T)ib of Mrs. Hemans, by the Stranger, looking: wishfully at liiin, Utter- her Hater : - Vols 33 & 34 Enclish iJommoii Law- cu 111 wruikcu ucueais, ; excuse uie, uar aiiuj uuuwuwv &o0!ii v,""";crJ ixop"ri, s i reverend oirrbe at once my pu .my gratitude- for oiiiusiain ue urcwuui uis nursu, cuumuiu.y American Uardeninz. p. : . ... . t .:. : ' . j. - , a ' 1 r - i.-a. 'r- Jf'V'V (. - I la. sj ' as wi a-w iv-fiMu wrst vr s"t vsivi w pum visuuiioj, auu wiiu jMtr sue uuuo iij just uupucu ,miu mi Mic in iuc r vwr 01 nM UTainc? me case aerecHca vai noi one veeuing to mane calculations, men ntaceu onr w- oivic wucre inatiie luunu no 01 me nemporsry lialdness-no'-sudden ts of the hair-but the table a second sum.,-; Now. dear SirJ woat splendid collection ol Books and Stationery ever wasWof yea said he,..withai expressive look-of Jfralitude ; wTr.:" :u':71JrZ'LiT ifpBi.?itf j. . . ... . . . . v i c iiiviu uii.iutisc. wuu want chiuiu imiusij ui ran at No .4, Cheap 8id,dttikj.ae jet theaiUt thejf own prices. All new publications regularly received ;. j : r , TUIKER c HUGHES, N. B. Book Binding done In all its variousWaoch- es with neatness and despatch - 1 T. 4 H. And huniUitv, 'behdd your prorfertv reslor ,ed, and the interest due; thereon. Maitland, once the robber, otters you to-day some res- titution fr hi great offence, I did not re lect the a J vice you gave me on that occasion, .Your image. Iias beeu constantly before my lieyes. Frequently have I sought pardon oF ihi, anu prayeu trial Diessings itiigni uc scend upon you.. The Almighty has, I trust; answered my prayers', and made me prosper ous in regard to 1oth .'worlds, JMohcnef looked with astonishment, first ar Maitland' at then at the money Time Arid a" sea-faring life had left no ' traces " of his .jriuer appearance, 'yet, irom uie moment he first 'sum was laid do wn; a daTvn of hope rrose in his mind that the object was before i-i-.V ... a . . . . . . N . ni the Timet, October 21,183 9 - - - v i T. The above excellent irltcief tgeihef , with others f Dr, 3 ay ne's pre pa rat ions, are for stile 1n' Raleigh, by WiIliinMfcHaywobd. ; jjW3 PVU rsburcr. Dunnr Koas n-&j4iui,)t&vlt- Wilmington,' Dr Ware. W. 4-.s- .ti: ho the system. If it be an organ essential to life every other suffers with it, and the Jindi Vidua! is incapacitated ' from his accustomed bodily or mental 1 abor . . . A ccofd ing, to " his pwn .account, he is in a state of debilitv,- fhis, to a certain extent, is tme ; i-but it is a Pehility that can he removed only hy restor ng to neaitn tne organ primarily. anecujn ask for which the experienced .and skilful physician is -alone cpmritiBnt. But Jtht? of crer it nimseu pi a ainereni opinion : jnets flebilitated ; all he requires is something to where you will find eternal rest.,. Whatever yon may -encounter .between the. cradle. and the grave, be not dismayed, t iThe universe is in endless -motion: every moment big witn innumerable teyentswhich .come oot in elow succession, but, bursting forcibly from the re volving and unknown cause,, fly over this orb. with diversified influence; wife and family, and Maitland. to alas knew not whither ! . he; yv The world was all before him where to choose His place of rest f M it VUf lie could have looked tp Prdvi his guider or prayed .tfor" 3irectioni dence as but he could not pray.1 AtHlcted with the most 'dutresstng fetgsepsmle 'of hitf crime, and aware of the danger rt6 which liia Whenever we find ourselves ohl tved .tr Uie was exposeti, ne wanuereu aunut lor snpak , of the haraete1n' 1 of other.: j lei be some tlmeundeterminetl Iwh'at would be his GOVERNMENT OP THE TONGUE. ITATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Greene i Couuty-r-ln I?quUy,OcUher Term, 1 839. John K. Derring vs. !aae Horn. VVyattiMoye and Wm. A . Dardon Original "and Injunction JJill. It appear ing to the satisfaction uf the Court, that Isaac Horn, one of the defendants, is : not ' an inhabitant of this Slate Ins therefore .ordeied by the Court, that pub lication be made for the snaco' of nix r weeks auecfislve. ly, notifying the said Isaac Horn lo' be and appeal betore the next Honorable Uourr of Equity to lie held for the said County sof Greene: at .iheouVt House in Srtow liiU. eti the secdad fonday after' ihe fourth TTTTA RDLUCIL This - thoroitfih a Im-d yjj will stand this aeawMif at Raleigh in the f aro of Uol. Otev, And will be let to. Mares at ,J3aihe aeW, son,'pfly able at (he expirat ioa-lbrreof and . tnau. ranee the iosurance duo when lh;, 4lar;' j-. ascer tained to be with foad. Ao exchange or transfer of av Mare insured; will entide the owner ot the Horse to' the insurance. ' Qlardiui kwas.never4rainedr aiid Wal. hope the puV'ic vilt not judge his blood hy he tuwi latesntwbien ueis let to Mares. we lorrciura re fer ibem to the distingoished performances of his sont - Grey MomUs; tq speak the Sire's mems,' a particulari. ae.mnt of whkh may be CfUnd' ii ' my targe r Bills tV ana weaver taat mereis nnorss-in, Ameriravoati tmorttvhdse salvation he had 'so iStistip- V"? March ,tf3th,: and there, to plead, an, J iVMinS blicated J swer or demur to complainant e : BUL oiherwisb; it will , boa"w. t? C& ,? -iwfa,,a n iTl rfifhiS. roItr taken pro cenfesso anJ- hearoWe a lib. Vf? ft? Proaybeetter t ht chleS EdwarderV f T'T t f f " Jnceiye4 tlian, described j The pious mm, ( ..coorf- at Office, the Second TMbnday Rafter ih ?ck' ndJuuW thediselvesand think lauxpe- isjler beheld his fu-ayers .answered,; He, that fowth Monday in September, A; IBiiL raT f,ence W,iVlf, stolen wrought witk hisMiands and restored s. ..i .f , ,;H c..EI3WJCRl .Jm. n.JL l"1 fT :e r i - r r ' T I imporrea sioca irom uiesisotes oi me citguu iiorafy what "he. had Vnjhstly 'taken "a Way." God prusncrcu uini to-iiis enueavors to maae res t titution,, and the "robber. rbecarnV not only; a. it . a m a . m ... a Honest,. but the luena ol the-man whom he wad -tniured. Hi..s iv.ff'-AI i It Jias been a standing theme of merriment with the ? Locofocosr. that therpartv opposed restore aireneih t: hSa avafm nra1f -'"art... re if ouslv carefu to sav, nothing but, what! lutureproceeutng. ine solemn parting worus i totne men in power is fnultilarwus m names. ditional and more stimulating ifoosome we know,tOjbe strictlytrue ltjua f faltltthre minister still sotinded in his ears, and J A great many poor Jokes Jiave'Jbecn cracked cordial S iriumn' as if. we were nnon oath, for God, sees and i his kindness melted .his heart. .At one time t on' the subject,. Our 'parlVi some times.-.. say bre soon ohuined; a momentarv excitement hears nr. If the choice is left us, let urtnen- e. respired tdmuni the H 1-gotJe.n' bov? ttiiey, aw called .Whig, sometimes ppmsmu jPniABlWTais. celebrated imported .uacer and btaJuon. nowmx the nim possible order, and health. yii cover jhe mesent scasonat my . staiues, SO. iy 13 mares at S15Q cash, with a dollar to the groom, c. Having increased my Jots .and accommoila- tions for all mares sent, they shall he ,cd; without slmt at tO cents a day, and attended lo by trustv and exnepced. grooms .. Black servants will, pe ooatded free 01 charge, and white servants ean, pr.wu re board very convenient , in-, the illage Every care will-.be ' at $100 to glf.q the Season, and want etherllestitnos oy of their Ihorouglireds : X Hardtack, is a light Grey, yearolJ this Spring ' full 1 6-hands higti, tMHnbiMing.at asmgleglsnce,tbaf essentials'of the Race Horse-booe; sinw, atvL mtM- crc-with beaaty )nd symmetry of ttrm; Itlood-tikw and game appearance, unsurpassed- He has buLesttf colt old enoogtt to appear on the 1 arf, (Urey II ones); wjac tuntte.or um oirr-, wnim nrrigo m lusi&urew year old form, S whose -.'diuUtgauheJ pe4'louuiaes speak ill louder tcims of tsim;teii!auir of his 8i re,i hn T .it. rhlm lia kftwlt Tli Liitv hMil lira fiatmvm I t . - t .A . k- -jI I ' -- ' T ---'.. i W .-- .-Jt Ss the resu t, to sustain hieh requireslheir Uon their virtues rather than their' failing1 out.tne.w.ne, 'TZYZf aprtaraoceof lut Wat, and superior frequent repVtition : hut sH forS flL SlentaW.'ac. tiSnhio manent advantage resulUng from thetv AumV' ' r ' V. A forfeiture. i r - h-- vV: . f f fff the sympioms stance with increS raSi MOTHER. A Meantime tliecasel cLMr. '5 !. 1? J&!n4 5-i1!t L??1!-TSSS I , V 7"t-un ,nc9aaec f P'MT 'Ai-A- ' j v . m - Vrail 'itn'mmiaeWtil hv" Kli , alTpetiftnaui 1 t'hl 2il. a1 MArlt r?- : Ir ;r.t.w t:Um twssesses ttenahjkm&tform &id tutiaiC (Antoinette or .Lady ; Washington,) by Sir, Arph ity; the individilaLbeenmes more and i more Nearhe Inonument Erected tothe memd: greflS commi',Tl!4.ryi indli' ttyvttktoww &VZrLuepi6Z inadtm by M-r"HV?M',9t s xiiaasteilr.:amlfhe fall-wt.mvdrM KnglishrCwhee3ieroUblv Itiat to tha disease Jtaelf. be fin 'ti;l VtA t. TiAA- .V.k I came.lorwaru. -ana u more tryio-.compensaieu JrIA,lA,AAA.JA-A T j never had an tauaL to reouira a descrimioiu-v3 noted Race h.wse Skolombh;) thedam of Vesta enc of Jn.:' "4.: had justa ned.iSull. he prayed la.:fVr:r7jw",V,.,.,'7"?0-' ,,lr"'-. H awtenea lit Mieosofl -Ol, strange till trt UJnVhim tVam thWr,tha nf llm Hi-airWrate of ihreeDOUndser fleeced tn Vesla, see .gar so noaipage .j rp,,: ns in regaro to oehiliiy, are productive . an - Oblong f . evit eaects.; During health, the same in- hv slab ofstone; m which adeeply.xut cr . i.r:n TrhrThnhTt ftW!HOlrAyIm Moaiciout; means are'resoried to: toariRtain iCZ m ..:;. -,Awt.-l: , 1 , ,: . J . t icugutwHwu.warv. 1?:" 1 BunbiirViliy Tiri-s'heopha. by; Hi-hflye the strength of the system:' aii are ied 'ITS: ,ld ft.W5 W"! b0ar W e re "CCnJa, Wf. l0V,A 171 Plaything :by Mstehem-yiien. by Reguia.- UknaKl-Af.--t--'-ii--;-'Ct: -vl"' loriy-uve ; cents, ine iai. cup::;oi I .Kl.t..:,v.'PK ia-..."..t 'i'.. 2 1 tcveopt-ros.;uiTsviionon4Meysk - . . ll5 w.ien ansent. Tie imkitoef UW Turk See- mil ' i f V AS hu rserv is ton often nam pered into disease, under the tidieolottstfo- f here re no olheF letters or characters to the money he had unwillingly taken, hut lion of mfiiiirinrf tAt'.M,t. k-i 'l b found nn iha alah ar the nilev ? If there I this became every Mayt morexmpracttcahiei , aiiivvniit a ta as w c UlLlt W lIIO Cf CV I x -j r"'7,r gii " x." ji- -t-w- f . t - ' "' - . ry day, the adultir augmenl hisy prevent uebilitvto accelerate di.ti w Kunru ins jviiem iram ira nrtrVktAd t.AbA lain us euuiiiiie iiicaiiiii iiiuui:ii' vv v.bL-tr- hw,! u'ivi r, , -r ,wt - J -tyavivVFIlia)A . T 7 ' . O , "ft 9 . I ' . , ' li SmL 7.M .... ..... a nng, tnnuence o nto his stomach i Tect ten Uons of the latte UllfTVn ..J J I ;-;."," .ucuiuiy t'uiwMitu 'cry . portion l si c ;jiiuc r, ivu ii, , . . IT" ' : . r- 7.7 . ' .ii-tiii Jivj'ta -wi -ii. -.ana v of the bodyn U .vik sanguipeBxpecttons,rse ytuut entito tnre mat tajaw v a w uuiiueimi a vucuu ? iiit jlrnaejf fleece ma , .'avyr ..i.Br. -? . . : AaMivai aa wiTftfVaTa ,u n &o rw t rMmmavria .iMinsna ui-4 r " external agents,-ipoorf I o. ot time tip ia , tne resurrection uiorning, t w'wrpi.vww'rrrr t varietyof hrticles,nhe dii h'ii Ihis. C The Ivrl I Uiesailor, ndf j)y grtJat, assiduity and xau: I of which' is io destroy the func names A would- be :W6tteni and tiflea lade ttu,( :?ided,by r orgah, and to speed disease, 1 from t)e-mforyftlie. world ,. UalUecQ whjdieieatnettyj goughU asJweU as,,.4he 4 f.:i!4 .4L.i-u I r,t .amr..tii,t u .:.m. .k. i.:.kilia irat-l noednn.nf his sins4ie.ueceedad bevond hisJ I , oe means or avoiding -disease' temper- anu tne ueares tot all names -iiuijot mtin- aeiernnna"?" rciuitu 4ucjjrutyjiw; price, prerarr, xerci fV',U send a thrill nfrrougH' tHe heart f stolen never forsonk;iinT K the,nimal passions4 areVtlie. only ones' fcaH. every n whVmayVverleau' oveids DVbni tlle'firsfVpportorityiomaking rstitutioh in p We of increasintrand maintaining: the nKvv omental, plle.;;if . anv shall rWsh io thow 01 M6reIih f)'? strength of. the avstem .tfrAttUhfr in I urliierf . her,, wlto had LxKMagrave ed'awalr without Jiresent liens of the cook'; the product of tlie Still,'' or her Jtost endearing nameupoti anckhe.ts j Visif.ing'MrT'Moncriefris: Atiast; fie 6bUined lh e corobinations of the anothecsrV,1 direcilf sublimely teferred tto the? sTnuhdtflgofnne j PP posite effects' invariant rAaulL '"AA A trumpe't.'and- tWisiilrilfthe dead." 'when I ana havinff leaMedfilfertotf laving millions' of dollars. rT. ..An.n. ..r .MAnt .,".1. . giuwiug uituui ui mo preaqiu urigsa of the' article is 'thought to be a good busi ness. The Cultivator however suggests "'itif msejf , of tlie qumi sensibly that something more tliaa. ordinary e-ate suouiu oe extenueti, to the nocks ; and that good wool?" bringing Wod profilsrk not to fee, expected frorriv sheep 'thai get'their livt ing as iiiey.cao,nnu ii, oeing exposeu in tne meantime to alt the vtcisitudes.of a severe and jpaid j Jts'knbwntratHhe'fiU bW giady Irnprtvjeo of attentive nurture and feeding of the sheep. Thefcest uj.nurxvnuiunn uy such "means. rvir.uaae- !iyelt,ypropef taan : 4 s'teni -of erossing,reared'hIs.exeell lEefrl but of ordinary breedsS11 ; W Stud Book. Wee 430, and under the heaviest English vorightsA Io 1837 and 1838 therft wera only 4 saAe with' br than 80 6acrUyor 3 years okU, and lu eolis Iwoit: ruw oJbm against the get f Enulius cSolunr Ve4oct pedei and every crack stallion hvEiigland t and 183y, bis colts foaled in -37 aron ewr Attgev fa t Wew Market i and JGood wood for thek age, JSu twit.: most fashionalde courses in .Europe, a5ou & ot in nunu- beriTheit hove tcou-.tn Etizland and Amertca eve- h'bi swiwnal aS f raeavs avrfaa AWaf afXCTs nau tne nest in jjogiana iori many hwi.w I lrMT'ITlE?'r,Q f 1? ras iera v Nor: For .American Lhdy'; '"Mr" ins EdeirVv ! ' .Jtk ..;w2' a1- T !VeaV4 seen HATJDI.XrCK? iad can,' with W pTieij repoauncnu null o tne f uunc an a- pure anu thorough lired .CtaHion,' of rare', and uueirjHionibtt " r4Wigree, ol tine form and act.jn. and of tKrecrivr r bone, sinew acd muscle. -n.J.U. KOGEIW,,' - r( f V J Ul 15 X -"JL I ian im dl m , t ) I avill dritntU til RaUr ia AiifvTheseirta wll worthy JnThtiavBieAo'Csiy' lh 3d, M oada v fA- u.,. v "7 JT . JT : 'vr-r"" ' ..d J" wt n,ocn of tn iouowing 1 , t veahV 1837 3S, as wia !sauiy ine .AiwJirssssHafKivuawM 'J Unlisted for the tHsTutileW . J Sf5-Jtor-ontt?sfy tr'1 e7 tAdstrUsidgL; tiat rul ;.:6'l uituf Ma,. 4 -.. .1. hlm'H-nn fm''t Vin ll 4 ,.1 J I . in a l.lnLOW. In . tjlfl KVL. Daniel l'KaV. ' .' "-'i . riomi -,.4r J8". ftfCf.1 "' 's'' lJ 4' fiwrlLi ol $i Ti wy -i retvt.,, w.,(lw-i fU4J a ; j w . M IT E L-TERRY, cueriu. : - v. icss fOTp, Virginia, i, - 'r-- .m ,r . . -v... Xfaveh lA.-lS40t:4;v'- .tpfrlj M rM;s s.w lg40.'t : " 'Ar.M "4MTK.'rElltYit;LerX, i - . . l J - t ? 1 I 1 1: i-i: 1 ' !il' JSil fi.Ml I t 1i' 1 ? ii ft ! 3 !ri- E If 1 lit I i it , J '! : I J 'Journal of HeaUhi he may know all. still living with his wife aiid family1 al u;'i , V : S