v.. -aWaBaBBaaawaaaaa-- . a. . . . aa n I riTCns' p ills; TVtTPdTsare lenjreramoaR those of t P . J:.:. ... r.. .Thrv have passeaaway "V"VhiVr.'dailyUi.nched upon the tide of espriment,nd now .ndbetotr thr MkliA hirhin rfPUUlMm, no Kw a iw sbmw " O employed in .11 part f ih Uni i . Cn.d. Trxs, Uexico,nd the Vt lndi UU .UIR AT tTVv A PRAYER- - !;' : - : : ;oald-thfey Aoald do to w;-, GIriwcoMcicncfromg--r ; i Ttth nf on evtld to aul j : Mi - And turn my htut to thofc-j- Tioo tnoVM tW MOrt teem frnag -.v rer&-N Than dost know; v: 1 tXncnW'ftdge ?; ten-. !: 'y j k& 1 f - i . i ..lat b k&inw aim atxi ftA 1 ' And ihoQ wilt meicy bow ; fnTe' erred, on tord forgive When re been rignt, grit wtule I livo v.-f I la'thattth my tUjf.- :J.4.vJ.; And, onl.wnenetet worldly, pride; , j "Won d lure my. wtnd'rin? AeV edey Do thoadlectjjywy. ; . ; ! forth felier ot iuueriwr mun oeyj iwy been introduced whetcvet it wa roami posuoir t .rv them, and there re bat few .towns tni An not contain some remarkable ,evideneesf i thrir rood effects. The certificatei thi.f have been prev nted to the proprietor exctert twen tr thousand ! upward of 6e hundred lot which are rrorn regular prscucnjc rj'" whA.irt tho mufti comoetent iudfei oi tueir ODcn-htTe ihe curt1 perrormf d Jy ini meai- mXm. r..w...K iitt fopriiioti&i comment, in l VtV lllfc4 w - I - I A." am K . .i. 11 Borfii.r and lournaia anu n -j kind has cvexTece.Ted testimonials uuignc i. tuii rn i ill. r . : " - , tiiuc mail rc v jt ti,.. .nMl use as a lamiiT mcuwi, ...Kl.--ilw.i,.nd of families wno ueciarv i a IIIVIS iv , . I ft. .-w a a sn r the are never satisfied uiess ine7 5 - Ka 1 ... . ml -E-'- - r---- - - x I .iMflJ-Vand nreTentinu ' Tmv hivr no nri iuv-"- - - . . 3 p-i.. and' AsHe.C Dyspepsia, 5fuc I. Day.: Published wteJdjf in tht City As art-fined and elegant repository of.the beUet Idtrts, embracing errry subject wltbln tha lingo of polite litetstura and thefine art me ew.orx wir- tor baa feceiveonue sponianeooa ihiim mendttion, not only of the prrss oi tna uuueu awrm, bnt of Great uniain. ' anu . i...L;ni. s ck Headache-. Jaun.i'Ce, o i.:f:holic. Female obstructions .rl.. ' r.,rrr.l Tonruc Nusea. tHateH- f " a wtsM 1. JaMlf . r.l. w-iah nd ItOWflsT. InCIDInt III. ;finAf4ava- H":.. of Pi.lenc Habitual CosiiVeness Loss ?PllI!Lor?.K,! Pol. J-irait of Bwadiioit. . eathartlc or an aoet enl is needed. Tliey are :Bri SriSs- exceeding mild in. heir, operation; producing ar..nL T f t 4 ' i '-'.'-; - ; 5 :. I neither nausea, griping, nordebiiuy. r. t . -rTneai extraordinary and 5 Jastlv eelebra tedT'.li are aoldin llaleijth,r by Williams HstWood. and VV. It. Mason & Co , na in al itbe principal, towns In the State. ' Retail price. 00 cants per box. " .: ' ; :v !' Tbi. mijicioe f. highly and jijy "jj-Jj v . " . -.1 M.riih a individuals, who haS V VrTTiuZZx Manr who hare been h. Br.a.t: sod h.V baeor aopp-ed by tbeinaelwi ahd zTi- r.V..u r., ,!..nrrd in Co. oaiirtioo,hTe bean iZxi vZorri to parfeci health b, the os. of this taluable CipccxoraBw TIIIitAcnorUI2IlY nnd GLASS U WAREAT- REDUCED PRICES FOR VAH.-rRiekmond, February, 1840 The subset., ber hss now in store and afloat per ahip Madison, di rect fiotn Liverpool, lb . following Good which. he The firtt number of a w tomxiis, ollbis neau tiful iarloor journal, will he Issued on. the, twridy seventh dav of June next, at which time, a th wivk bai.ils.me lot of worn, cosi-iiag of Coaches, Bafa chrsand Buggtesj aU of whiclt bate tmed out of the best ntaferiaia. end are nnwuru m latest fashion. He has no besiution w rfeomnwiu. ing ibem as an cseellehi article, and the style m which the? ire finished fvill,Mie think, hear comparison With any Carriage eter in thi market. ; The;abwWojtK,r jiny paiioi ut wm v l,w. If applied for soon. f . .iRaleigh March 18. 1840. ' law4t & ; lDOO sets Printed Teas, assorted colors. 4000 . Common Painted do. do k- do. 6liB Aox. blue and green edged Plate. Sxtrict of a' Cirtioeaia from R. Dr. Uabcock, late President of Watenrille Colrege. Maine. . m. irinta nersonal aeoaaintance with Dr. D. Jarne a regular stadnt of the Medical Uniwraity' of loners to the trad at prices corresponding with the FefinSVIVSDia ana ID rijiwrenwu nwanm r.Ty...- . Uui. tioner of meuicitte, i. w prric- f k""' nomeroo testiit snials in favour of Wis diflereiit medi at arepsrallona, buch more highly than the great majority ofthoaa Which ire extensively eulogised. On r ihm to mv own fsrotlr and some of them eraooslly.l have mors than reslixed theii favourable antieipstiorri. Tbey are what they profe-s to i net quack nostrums but skilfully prepared antidotes lor Some ef the most afflictive of human diseases. I . know that tbey are highly esteemed and frequently prescribed, ly ome of the stost resectable of the reg. nlsr prsetitioners of, medicine jn jthis ciiy tnd slsc wkerev and I do' not nesitate to commend them as a valuable additioni.to our materia medica, ami a safe, as well as eminently osefal remedy for the diseased. -fjRUrUS ABCUUK., Jr. Philadelphia, 7th June, 1838. 1200 - 2.10 150 200 . 100 , 300 100 1000 200 100 S00 600 H ' Jaim ExDectoranltiVt invite attention to this admirable remedy for PoWouary aflections. advertis d Ui another column. .-The principle there announced of the morbid character of ciariicruma-Ht tendency to oriciiiate inflammation of the Bronchia, and cense qneot vitiation of the natural humors is, beyund dis "' put, tha truth itself, j , The only practicable mode of , rsmoviogauchobrtructlonls by means of ezpectora : tion a nault which we are. convinced can always be v obtained by a judiciooa exhibition of. the remedy of - Pr, Ujne.rhiladelphia Spirit of the Time. , JayneV Exfiectorant-IS y a reference to our adver tising colonMis,it will .be seen that this valuable Medi cine is offered ftir'aalt in this city, by E. W.Bcll; Agent We esteem it a pleasure to be able to recam ', r mend thia medicine,, as the best calculated for the pur ' pose of curing boughs,' colds, sore, throat, ssihme, and all aflections of the lungs. From a long personal ac ' qdsintsnce with Dr: Jsyne,' we know that be is no quack and his medicines are .'but nostrum of the modern cry-op, but are the result of his long expert . isnce as a practising physician.' andthe expense of v jgtsat labur.-itioioraT, Ct., Daily Review, i i From the Philadelphia 8aturday Courier. ' , ; Valuable J&oetnrV e do not wish to commend one good medicine at the expense of another, but we cannot finbearl to notice the vlualfc prbpertiea pos aessad by ihe Carminative Balaam," sndthe uEx ' ptetoranl" prepsred by Dr. Jsyne, of South Third .- street in this chy. We hsve fujrborne to give evi ' dence until after a thorough trial in oir own family. Thai are invaluable in a family of children. ' ; Numerous othi-r certificates might lw added, but the above ara considered sufficient evidence of. its great naefuloeaa. '. c'i -t' 1 Ths above srticle, together withall other Medi lues prepared by Dr. Jayne. are for sale in I RuhiglH by WILLIAMS HAYWOOD. ; fetenburgiDupuif, Rotter $ Joneti - Wilmington, Doctor Ware. do i ' do- , do Twiners., i- C. C. Chambers, assorted sizes. ' ! , Printed, painted & colored Chambers. Colored Pitchers, assoited sixes C. C. -3o ; dp - . , do - Printed 6c Persian do do do T. Fancy do . . . . .-r do do Printed, painb d and colored Bottle, v : - :.assorted aixr.s; kJ; -'-. Edged Dishes do . ... do . t ; ; Printed.: do do do and colors, do Plates do - do , do Twiflers do do i', ! Printed and edged Soup Tureens, Saqee . - do covered Dishes. Muffins, dec , r 2t0 dox. printed, painted and Glazed Tea polo, , ,200 V-1 do L do Sugar and Cream do . h oina, Liverpool ct, lancy Aiugs. as. six. .. 200 sets (32 pieces each) China, various pats. , , 60 -do. (67 do ; do ') A i do w do do S0O do China, handled and onhandled Teas. V 160 dox. printed, painted and C C. Ewers and - i!Basins.iY-!i;::,v-iifV'..:. .-'K:' . -x 800 do. i&i pinttbin Tumbler.. : 350 do dc pint thick do : rough bottom. , , . 450 do. ic pint, do do- ground do , i 200 do. pint f .: A do . do roogh & grd do , 400 do -Black Flssks. - - - J s . ; . 100 do. Drainers. : Together with a large stock of fine and common cut, pressed it plain Glass. German Silver, Britania and Composition Castors. English and American Stoneware, dtc Ac (T North Carolina State Bank notes taken at oaf in payment for Goods. - 4'ir WIUJAM F. BUTLER, a 14 lltwj Late 8myth & Butler. Main at? Richmond, 3 doors above the Bell Tavern. '..Februsry, 1840. V 15 'iL IWFOal.tlATlOlir TO MEU- h CHANTS AND OTHERS The Subscriber having sold his interest in A, Ktbe eonrern of Msjor dc Wolff to Mr. .VsJ Joseph L. Mpore, on the) 24ih dsy of July last hss determined on opening a new Establish, meut for the sale nf Hat, Csps, Leghorns, dec , in one of the new buildings on the East side of Syca - mora street, just below Poweirs Hotel ; where be will ': open, in a few days, due of the Urgent and best sssort- mentaof Hats, Caps, Leghorns and Palm Leaf, ever before ofiered in this market, selected with great care . by himself and purchased entirely fr CSa. , i He hopes, from having taken advantage of the Mar let by going on to die Manufactories early, and pav ing Cash for bis purchases, to be able to offer induce ments to those wishing to1 buy by the quantity ; de -, termined to sell them! on as good terms as tbey will be able to supply themselves from the more Northern Msrket. taking in considsratioa the freight and high .iexehwge''t-'-hii-.'v J: . H hss a'so bad an eye to the retail -trade in making " . his purchases, determined to, keep constsntly on band tha finest snd moVt fashionable articles in bis line in great varietvJ: His old friends and former customers are particularly invited to call snd give his stock an examination." before purchasing ebwwhere. v 4',- i FRANCIS MAJOR. JTrtersburg, Feb. ft9. 21 4w DRUGS AND IUEDICUVES. NEW FIRM. IlieSabscriber. having aMoetated themselves under the firm of DUPUY. KOSSER & JONES, have Aliened a wbolesale'and retaiM POTHE- CAR Y ESTABLISHMENT, the 8athai cor ner of Sycamore and Back Streets, Petersburg, Vs. where tbey will be pleased to see their old and new friends from the country and town, and hope to. give inem satisfaction. .. - v ,. .Country Merchants and Physicians are particular ly invited to cslL . . ; WM J.DUPOY, THOS H. ROSSER, UEO. W. JONES. Prtersborg March 1. ' 23tf trriRGIIVIA and KOtiTn CAROLINA V UVI'KL, The Hub-criber respectfully sn- PRIAM. This celebrated impotted Racer sud Stallion, now in ihe finest potttbte oraer ana keatth .mul cover the present season at my stables, 80 pay mares at $150 cash, with a dolUf to the groom. Having .increased my lots and accommoda tion for all mares sent, they shall be fed ' without stint at 40 cents day, snd attended to by trusty and experienced grooms Black servant will be boarded free of charge, and white servant csn procure board very convenient in the village. Every care will be taken to have mare Minted to the horse, and return ed in good order, but I will not be responsible for ac cidents or escapes. Priam is beautiful bay. full 16 hands high, and posesses matchless strength Jbcautyform and action, a aa a .a X . ana is too wen Known as me unrtvuuca enampum for 3 year on the Knglish Turf, where, he probably never naa an equat, to require a aesenpuon. In. 1 837, 1838 and 1 839, when his oldest eolu were three veara okl.be had more and better ttrinnjtr decidedly than anyTiorse in England, arid this inde pendently of thesplendid .running of hi -.three win ners. Monarch, The Queen, and Cot. Singleton's Fit ly in America, and the capital running uf Jus colls welfare, R.ing- or Kelton, and another, all winnera in Ireland, and several fine runners in France and n the Continent. ; Tbey have won all distance op to 4 mite heats on the Beacon Course at New Market. and under the heaviest English Hoeights. : In 1837 and 1838 there were only 4 stakes with mora than 90 subscribers for 3 years olds, and his- colts won two of them against tbe get of Emilius. Sultan. V-fori, pede, and every crack stallion in England t and 1839. his colts foaled in '37 won every laree stake at New t.'ananli Kiimd at the end of tha year, it i desi t-t., .i.ai ral,L that it BCBBCB1BKBS SUOUH1 V"MIuicuvc .iu.riMi, km it ia the intention of the aroiiriVtor rami lj ,wa. . . - .w . - k , to print no more copies man auaii , iu.i., i n,.t;M la -iveii io order to prevent thn dUp- . - - aa - L -.1 . I. l!l!.a ff. pointment thai usually ias piaec Fi.iivmu- the first numoere ui w twi.wm. The N. York Mirror U the oldest, and1 anqoestiou ibly; th ; chepestv-periodicalN in America. Every number contains a great variety f useful, ioterestinei and amusing matter, on every subject connected with polite liiersture aoJ fine arts ; and they form, at the end of the year, an immense Volume f four hundred and sixteen imperial quarto pages with vignette title page, table of content splendid Engravings, end !fif ty pieces pf popular music, arranged for the piano forte. guiUr,.'d-c a library in itselfand all tbi 19 afforded at the my uifling cost of fie dollars a jer a sum almost inadequste for the extraordinary equiva lent rendered to sulscribers.' r f ',.. '..'; , . ' Our friends are more numerous, oar resources more ample, and our exertions to render the Mirror: the first of periodicals shall be Uiiflaggiog a ever. Al home We have a list of neatly two hundred cohttS. butora ambiarins most of th talent and eeniu W America; and we hate established permaneot cbr reapondenre loth in London and Pari. ' ; '" - Four stinerb Eneraviims will be gtven in the course of the new Volume, from original designs. painAejl and engraved cxpremly for the work, by tbe mosjt em inent artist. A number of curious etchings on wood will also be riven. ..a ' U' Articles from the pens of well-known and distin guished writers, upon every subject that can prove interesting, incloding onginal ory, tales and essays, humorous and pathetic r critical notices; early and choice selections from tbe best new publications, both American and English t cientinc and literary intel ligence; copious notices of foreign' countries; stric ture upon "the vari-ius productions in the fine arts; elaborate and beautiful specimens of art. engravings. ' music, etc. t notices of the drams 1 translation from the best new work in other language, French Ger man Italian. Spanish, etc. and an infinite variety of miscellaneous reading' relating to. 'passing events, remarkable individuals discoveries and improvements c ' - . a - a., a " a a ' 111 science, art, mechanics etc. etc , will be puwuneo in the rourse f the volume. - ';?--K-' In catering for the general taste, we shall never omit to set aside a due portion of space, for tbe espe cial amusement and edification pi our fair and gentle countrywomen, in the sunshine of whose-favour the Mirror has so long flourished as a favourite journal. In issuing this new volume, we feel confident . that while we continue to merit, we shall contin ue to re ceive, the liberal Mipport which we take this occasion to acknowledge; . and we shall commence a neWl oU ome with renewed spirit, and a ateady determinaapn to render the Mirror all that it most ; ardent irHHia could wish. ' '.'.: :-f,f--?i .f;--"!; U ; ' Cobbittohs The Mirror is published every Sat urday, at No. 1, llarclay-etreet, next door lo Broad way, it is elegantly primed in ine extra superro ai quarto form, with brevier, minion, and uonparidtyue. It i embellished once every three months, with a splendid super-royal quarto engravhig -and everj week wth a popular piece of music ai ranged tor.be pino-f .rte harp, guitar, etc. For each volume' an exquisitely engraved vignette title page, and, a' Cvpi- us index, are furnished. The terms are five dollars per annum, payable, in alt cases in advance, ' It is forwarded by the earliest mail to subscribers residing out of the city of New-York. ; Communications post paid, must be addressed to the Editor, .No subscrip tions received for a less period than one yea-. V . ; (TT Nxw Soascaiasas will be furnished, gratui- tbuslv.' with Vorotif cooin nf two of the most msgnifi- cent enxravinga ever published in this country, tiiit- rd by Chapman, and engraved by Danfortn ; tbe first being a representation of the Landing of Columbus in the New World," as described by Wssbingtou Iry ingi snd the second the Landing at Jamestown, in Virginia," as described by the Hon. J. K. Paoldiug, the present JSecretsry of the Nsvy. These besutijul pictures are Intended ciuer for framing or for the port filio.nd are particularly valuable, not only a illu traiina tbe writing of two eminent aotbora by Atneri can artist; but as perpetuating events i the history of this country interesting to every person of taste and refinement, and to all who feel a pride in. their n live land. ' " . : . ' tr Post-Masters generally ire requested to act as agents for th work. . ', ft CO Kememtr, ail letters ordering tbe Mirror. - . . 1 '- m --,j d musi contain o. anu oe posv pahi. anu mat : f (Q the terms are always m advance. . .: TVjOTICE. The notes nd account now due l4 the assigned estate c.f 8 W. BOAG, are plicetl la the hands of James 8imnns. EsqV Attorney at .L...I. ai r. r ... ... . iiiw, in Juarieion, o. j. lor coi lecuan oxiice :n o. 61, Broad-vtreet. 4 door below Dr; Cotten Drue Store. , If the said do t be not promptly paid, be 4a' lnstrucmi to commence salts. OOPER'S LAST NOVEL The Pth Finder, at th Inland Sea by the Author ofth Spy &- Everv Day Life in Ltnidon by J. Grant, author of lb Gieat Metropidia. The Husband Hunter, by the author ofth Wit Hontere.6xc. r ,' T . - ..... . f .... . . 3' The above are tats usy receiven oy ji. : , : ; - -TURNER dt HUGHES. 'J. March 20. . " . ,-.... ' v TTTTA RDLUCK-Thi thorough bred 8ulUon illK wilt sUndVthis aeaaoii, t Raleigh, in the care oi vol- "ley. and mU'im lei 10 merea at tow lue w ion, payabi at the expiitatiou thereof, and $6 inti. ranee the insurance due When the Mare is ascer tained to be with foahlAn exchange or transfer of a Mare insured, will entitle the pwneroi the Horse to the insurance. : Hardlui k was never trained, and we hope th public will not judge hi blood by the low istes at which ha i let lo Mare; We" therefore re ier them to tbe disttnmiiahed performance of hi son Grey Monjos, to speak tht Sire's merits, a rtirulsr account of wbirb may be found tu my large. d 111 ; and we aver that there is no horse in America, that can boast of Mich a on. who does not stand at double the amount, Hardtack i pfpsed tn the public We invite the attention of breeder to csll and see aru- j luck and judge for theinselve and think late expe- j rience ha proven our native stork superior to the j imported stock at Irsst we have had enough of the imported stock from the stable of the English Lords, st$100to$ir o the Season, and want other testimo ny of their thor6ogh lire!.- ' " ' ' ; t ' DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. : - I Hardluck i a light Grey. 8 years old this Spring , full 16 hands high, combining, at a single glance.tbe essentials the Race Horse bone, sinew, and mus clewith a beauty and symmetry of form; blood-like nd gsme appearance, unsurpassed? He hss but one coll old enough t appear on the Turf, (Grey Momos) aac simile or hia Sire, whieh he rot In his three year , bid - form,: . whose distinguished pertorminces spesk in louder terms of otramen Jst ion of his Sire.t hau all that may be said. jThe hifty head, the fiery eye. the fine silky appearance of hi coat, and superior ac tion, st tmce denote him to be a thorough bred.rarely to be met with. " '" ' 1 ; Hardluck was got by Randolph Roanoke, bis dsm (AntoineUe or ldy Washington.) by Sir Archy. srsndsm by Old Potomac, a a darn by. Brllair g g g dam by Msjwr Cook's Ohl Vesta, (the dam of tne noted Rare horse Sir Solomon;) the dam of Vesta was bv Tatom s Dreadnnt. but , of-Bandy, by J . Sorter's Clockfjst. Amencn. Fearnausbt. Jolly Kflger, IMor ion Traveller, out f an imported Barb Mare. . For Vesta, see Edgar Stud Book, page 616. Roanoke wss srot by the Celebrated , American Itace Horse Old Kit Archy imported mar Lady Banbury, by Trumpelor Theopha, by Highflyer Plsvthing by Matchem Vixen, by Kegulqs Hut ton's Spot Fox Cub-f-Bay Bolton Coneyskins Huiton s Urev Barn p-Uyerly rorx. see .usar s 8tnd Book, page 430. JOHN M. BRYAN. March 9, 1840.- - -2S HASthifdat onenert an exteuaive, rich , & Fah rble assortment of v ""thai he has just brought Li from New York & Phil' adelph'ia. which, ;togetb er itli hi farmer stock. nrevntaverv r;ret variety, which h wijl ell at JSTsv, York, prices. 1 bSiock::jpjnt; par," of the followinjf rticle : . r- GolAlndrpndrM; Second yjAneJ-T dcW J-yer di,VertidaI do4 t Jewelry ruhest andytfaskU Msntel ClJcks, d. ;Lamp, Aatrabdo. , Wai; ters,' japa'nedl and'plated" ,: .t:;, Chess men, Barkgammon bourd ;G6ll fwl Silver nioredrtCnes, yisU.r,ard jCaae. Carriage nk Riding Whip-, t Dog fjnlt Je Hairi Tooth jnd 5havJnr.Bwidvev.ttgeir.. R4sV.ru,' ves and Sensor, pstcnt Steel Pen,-; 'drc' Gang nB'Pioli54r. w.1'?.' : j - v.. j JtZusU-M'-tf-' ':. Spanish fiiitar-. VmU n. Clarionett. Flaifeo letts, Ftend F.ls.'islrec.ptpr? forlltlie above. fluitirandyoUntnnKa. ; . -.j v ': - JPeriUnteru , Farinas icelehraied genuine Cologne Wfter, Camphor. Almond,' Rose & Transparent cap. Otto Re,f St Helena Water, Court Plasier. XT All kind bf Clock and watcheraiepre r bis nrcusitomed aunerior ftyh t Gold and SiU er maniifcliired to order t the short rM 1 I I ; " m aa' a n ice. IIiffiiet prices givenior oia tim any Silver, j , - - rr i t : i p "i , . . of all Car, culiud IN Jan 28.1840. 9 ow2m. TnACON HAMS, dec Just to band, a lot UP prime HAMS and other BACON, well dried a..d smoked. Also, LARD iir kegs and a feW M at 01 rtu. aud Jars of PRESERVES. The fruit w. d sold low. WILL: PECK. Raleigh, March 9, 1840. 21 We have seen H ARDLUCK, and can. with pro priety, recommend him 16 the public as a pore and thorough bred Stallion, of rare and unexeeptionableJ Pedigree, of fine form ' and action, and ol superior bone, sinew and muscle. f J. C. ROGERS, : .... . V. M DANIEL, , W. M'CARGO, ' - - ' W.L.OTEY. THE following Letter from the Hon. B tviaiv TcCKsai Professor of Law in William & Mary College, Virgimaiwas recently rexeived, and, aOhrd very strong evidence of the efficacy of Bacxwim's Anii-DyspejAic Pills, in th disease for which they were deeigned: . ' 1: .... '' " f - 1 Zeeis Spring Virginia, Aug, tihl 1839. Rix: An accidental meeting wjth a friend jof your has determined me to ofier, yon the acknowledge ments which! I have long felt to be. due from me. for tbe ltenrfita I have received at your hands.' , Four teen years ago I wss Iclt by a most malignant lever with a disessed liver, a ; disordered digestion, xnd a constitntioii in ruins. ' My Physician permitted me to hone ihst! with care and prudence I might drag on a few years of prerariou existence, aiid assured me that the least indiscretion must pe iawt, ooon afierwsrd I found myself becoming .dyspeptic, and became acquainted with all that indescnbaWe mise ry which dyspeptics alone can know. 1 ma, as usu- nl. grew upon me, though lea i rapidly thnn in most cases becaubc a consciousness of my . danger put nw oc my guards and experience bad made roe familiar with the "pitoper management of myself .s " By . the constant b' of the most approved remedies the pro gress of the disease wa ret anlrd; and my riu was made tolerable ' but not comforUbler I rrcly ate two mrabih regular succexsion. aud for some hours of alont every day. w incapable - of . any exercise of thought or feeling -A peevish impatience of ex ? . . . : .. ' t l , ' - -i'. ' - unence occupied my wnoie mmu. '.f't.f.. Valuable Property for gale, ,. TTN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF RA LI LEIGH The Subscriber effer fur sale, the UwBtLiH Hons in, which he at present resides adjoining the premises nf the Governor, in the Southern Wuburbs of the tTity. There aie few mor eligild) situations for a Family residence, here about The House contains 2 Rooms below above 8tirs, a Dining Room in tbe basement. Pas sage above and belowj a Piazza in 'the rear the whole length of the building and Portico in front, The Kitchen and Smoke House are of brick, and there is in the yard a Spring which furnishes ' a eo pious supply of fine Wa'er. There are three br four acres of . ground attached, including . a good uardrii, and thriving young Orchard. Also, a comfort ahle Residence in the Eastern Suburbs, nesr Mr. Cult bub's, known a the Lbacbxak place. There are 45 acre of ground gool House with 4 Room, Kitchen. Well dc. I bis property will-be soul on such terms . as can not fail to be satisfactory to the purchaser Apply soon; i JUJMXM uurrALuw. Raleigh Dec. 17, 1839. 8 A Memoir or William Henry Ilar- Al. rlson, of Ohio, by James Hall, with a fine Lnkenessou Steel. Received this dsy at the N. C B.k 8tore, by :i TURNER & HUGHES. ; March 6, 1840. .; 20 n IICAX AWD PROFIT ! JCT PCCXilCnED; and trail, for , , ry.ait the North Carolina Book 8tre I i? the reported Decisions of the Conn.' I1 ulinf, commencing with, the earliest Krp, uding the Decision of th Supreme Coin .J'1 lone Term, lSU.; prepared by Hon Jam, f T attorney and Counsellor st Law, UKi) 1 Turner dt H ue bes, the Proprietors. ren,..r. 1, the tiatronsge of tbe pnMic for this work Y been published at great expense..: It contain thousand page .and jsi thrrf fore, ntxesMriTy into two royal octavo yalume of alawt & i,. page each, printed on good type and. fine paper wrii pound : ; mce, xme dollars a-coibv. " It I recommended hot only to proreasiorial fn of whom wilt dobbtlrss possess themselves nf ? , direct nd abridge their labor, but it is .U . k n,u,n ilia ,ilia f . all .lttktb.a KKm.T. . 11 wf.. w--? .Iir) . ,i judicial officer, a affonlint them an expoi.itu,B few word, of the point Which the Sunre i..i r 1 of North Cerolina hai decided in relaiiou toiiJ? tbiv nHucuKii, m W.J m -w .h uibiinailon m fcj ...l.l .1 I. I ..nu llu iIjIm., tlMliu.. .r .L l. Court, which constitutr. law of the land. iw; the determinations of the 0pr" 11st1tntea.se 1 Jar t a they deci V? a imperative any Ad 0f l.f ':' mn.l am lithjlltl.1 Ill Ifflal AMI.Il.in VI j , anu a v"H t ? "i'". . Uiu y member f the cimmunity.i ! I . walm's IJortii Carolina Justice Containing a summsry siairmeni; ni uie isinwH 7 and Common Lawof Ibis Snste together Z -the Decisions of "the Supreme Court, and ill Z - the . office arididuty of a Justice bf the Peace igj other Public OfficeiMCCorduig lo modern prtctie,. vB?fltt;Qunscruer naviug. purcnaseu ot tba Ai. tnor tne wnpie eojiion 01 Ainin . valuable WoA -ham i, r... k.i. 1. 11,. . t. uun lute, , waic, . iw luo uimk, 11 m. nouncetf uy inose,- competent to liioge, one of K most valuable C44npilation4f the kind ever lisbed in ibe State, and absolutely iadiapenia- to me launiui annarge w wonai umy ; : - - Per convenience .of reference, this, work u m ded into Chapter aJpba!etical!y arranged, cona ponding 'precisely with . those ! of the i new Ke.'ij statutes. Each Adapter consist Of three d. ments i lst,a summary of the 8itut- Law. WiA aiaieu ,. iu a concise eiaiemeusoi.vine pni-uu tm ling o the subject of the Chapter, eo far ! a settb either bv. the decisions of the Cntirta 'or bv tfia 2 y. iiisur,iavuiwii vi 111c lyoillllioil IJSW. lr the Form and Precedents; f necessary for sppljiut the subject1 matter of esch Chanter, rarcoirtDiiipj with such Notes and observsl ions a appear na-. sary to render the whole tntelligihle. , I This work Will be found not only useful to class of public Officers, but will,, prove a valuabkj source ot information to tne general reader, furnii in s it dor plaiu nd intelligible digest 0f the Law. nmiertood and prartired In this State.' r The retail price, of . the Justice is I brei Di. lias, but a libers! discount will be made to thj wlMtbuy to ell again. , TURNER dc HUGHES. RalergbDecember 1839.Vf ;, AIit SUCH Sam Slick Letter Bg,ef the 3 Great Western; or Life in a Steamer. - - " u- Just reeeiveil by lUKnt,K& HUGHES. IS 20" March 6. 180. TTTBlDREltaLiAS & PAR ASOLS.-W. & MJ W.H. RicHABBsoN.No. 6,Sooth. Third Street, Pbilsilelphis. offer for sale a large atock of 0)eriir manufactured Umbrellas and Parasols, at th loweit price. j;v . , :. " ' . ; j ' ... . " Merchants visiting the City are requested !rt call and examine these Goods, previous to purchasing, aud would find an adrsntsge in doing so, ss til as sortment is complete, and we are determined not to be undersold. . , ' - Jf . ; N. B. Orders faithfully executed; ; ' March.1840.- l9-5ti TTK ENT A la SK KG EU Y-Dr.W.R Scott Uy informs the public, thai he has returned to this City, ' ' --.--i ... (;;'f:: Raleigh Jan. 28, 1840. 4 i v'9 tf CIVIL ENGINEER. L - a a- - w ' w wmw " - vaa mrr.t aa a-ua me aftunc BBB. 11 RW - - -rw-.- . f . - . ltZ T mWwsRtner"y. kh-e .' Markef and . Giiodwoud for their age, the two most Inventor of the improved construction- of Rsitwavs - teK11 b7t?,r BBiB- WAWi ftdiionable course. WBorope, about dozen in ruim. U;,, Atdre.-JBammortMaryland.- SlulSUa near Ins ,mm r M,n 1 r?,i,a fi i . t.1 i . . n , . . . - i v "7- . 1 . , A ""7 . . I oer' acJf w " " angiana ana America eve. ",n.rf,r .now!!y he aame of tbe Tireinia and tv rate of tone distance exceit one. A--a.. JvertA Carolina HaUL hi,k Mi.M..knr. v w i . zz.r c Two year ago I 'met with your :s Anti-dyspeptic PiU. and confiding in the accompany ing rertificaU" of re8pctstde gentlemen Whom I happened io know, I took them! aecordrne to dirrctions. The result i that I now rat what I please, do what I plejue, sleep soundly, and enjoy life aa much a any than living. .Your young-friend, who baa been with me k week. will tell yon thai, he ha never seen my strength r spirit SagJ or my ebiatirity nf oundor body fail In nwHnent.L - rw tbw it gives m pleasure to' say yon have my thank, and to add the assurance of my high reBpect. ; V ' B. TUCKER. " D Beckwitb. ; J-- 49 v Isr 1 11 1 n" T . , S 7TOCOrtini!VATIO?r-QUEEN8WA RE, 1 GLASS dt tJHINA-Jajis. A. Tatuob, No. 79, Water St. New York, beg respectfully to inform his old customers and friendu, that he ia now opening a complete assortment of Rich China, Cut and Plain Glass Ware and printed and common QaeenstDOrt, which, is tillered on term to oit the state of the time. . Being entirely discotinectfd with any combination for tbe uHport of high prices, the Subscrilter' will re sume the msnner of conducting his business, in which he Was so successful sohie year ; past in the old house of T. J. Barrow dc Civ. and hope, to receive the sup port of thej former patron of his old firm. In order to sflord Goods st th lowest possible rte, it will be necessary to confine all sale exclusively to CoA, or hort City! peper. , Virgini, NorthCaroliuI nr Penn ylvania Funde received in payment fort Goods. Merchants visiting the City, are invited tecalL Ot ders, by letter, Hromptly attended to. J i - l; JAMES A. TAYLOR, " r i 79. Water St. near Old 81 New York, March 2, . 1 840. ' j 20 (Cy The Wilmington Advertiser, Elixbeth City Phoenix, New'iern Spectator. Wat renton; Reporter, Roanoke Advocate, Chailotte Joornar,Tarbr' Press, FayetteviSle- Olerver and HUib.Hro Recorder will each insert to the amount of $3, and forward arenont to the Ofce of tbe Raleigh Register. . j. A. T. DANCING SOTOOI Joh- MlBnssiBux, of Richmond, Ve.an exfierienred (eacher of Dancing, i deairous of makinr. ut a Schoid in Ral- ! eigh, to commence sInmi the 1st of April! . Person desirous of enterinsr Pnbil. will . t1aa !. iK-J, aener, uy f esseudeut Tbe Complete Farmer, by do; with the Editor of the Rbsistkb. faJ a a A t ' a - . r I 1 . ' t. ia aaai. .. ' irVTEW BOOKS. Marryal'a Diary in America 1 second seriest I'ambouron Locomotive Enaine new eilition; Memoir of Wra. Henry Harrison; Hol land's Lite of Martin-Van Bnrent Walks and Wan denngs in tbe world of Liiersture, by the author of Bench & BsV, die; -Memoirs of the French Revolu tion, by Madam Tussaud; Ditto of Mrs. Hemsns by her sister; Vols 83 dc 84 Ensbsh Reporut Condons, d English Chancery Reru, Vol. 11th; Peter' Digest, Vol. 3d; New Aro.rican Gar- fl TEE LT -This distinguished Race Horse, breib 9 Cjipu John EulHink, Lunenburg county, and dialed in l8o4will,maxe his first season it bj stable, Granville county. North Carolina, on the Baa road from Oxford toC Boydton," Va. at the very muj rate price ot row mare, bhu siuu io insure, will one dollar rash to the rrnom in all esses, i Tbe son money will be doe dn the 1st dsy of July not, t which lime his services will cease, and the inmi. ance will be claimed as soon a the mare can be certainrd to be in foal, or parted withL. fsstange nil be furnished gratis, and mares well fed at 4 10 J month, and colored ervnt boarded gratis. Nomir will be allowed to leave the plantation until her fed Migexiieseare'id.;r:4.f.,.i:. . Every jiossible csre will bf taken, biith by atjwl and aii experienced, groom to prevent acciderits or raj.es, but I will net be responsible for any that mrj " Steel i of tbe largest clts of race horses, Wi sixteen bunds high, of great substance snd powbmk1 J of the most perfect symmetry of preiortion : he Is au uncommonly nne noqiuer. ami ieep lriket, ml prhps his finest points lie in hi bark and loin; tot ing could be belter adspledto packing weicht duriuj a bro sing race over a heavy track He has a rVa bony head aud fine neck' lii eye fine; s superior! rel. well ribbed out and his quarters and iifle tra n commoiily fine bis color fine bay with black kp man a.iil tail. ' . ,;" Steel, as a Rexe House, was equal to any bom A hi day, winr.ing twelve tiroes out ofthirtreru wkldT was the last at Baltimore when positively oat of tmkj ll.it.K l.a all SfAA iU. ,l, Si iJf lii-vH uv ivwi.n, awvw in uxc fuiaa mm w, u mm horse .-;' I ,. J C ' . N. B. He challenged the winner Immediately! the race to rati her ftmr mile heats, for ten tlxm-a dollars aaide, whic "was declined. He ran stidm from Virginia io Georgia 'carrying lf eve'swKM mmm.v aiiv awa,j vruu inmi one ur iuvr miic ucnn- eept the but, hi winning amounting to 13,93M elusive of hi own cuke." "A , He is now offered to the public with the fallen oj fidence tn hi nrovinc a Valuable Stallion, rot u performances in detail, see hand bills.' Pkbisbsb, Sterl wa got by that rtpitil I Horse and most valdalileMtallion, imported FyUes dam DiBHMit by Constitution, who was alao tbe o nf the famoos running mare-Sally Eubanks; bit pw dam by Batl'a Fiorixrl; bis g grsud iam by rh Tiucei bj a errand dam bv old d-ler: Goode's Tn v v w v - w j impottrd Crawford ; imported Silvereye ; imprWj Monkey; tmioned Uabstert imported iJuite now," bf Bulls Rock' imported full sister. u f V -"EnMlIND TOWNESi , . Near LvnwUle, Grnvilla county,K.C : Tebruary 13, 1840. ; 13 " ivew American urcnardiai i lirmur,' nn in.,k which 1 invaluable PiorUt's Guide M'Mahon American Uardeninffk dr. The shove are just published and for - sale at the ! N. C. Book Slurs, where may be found one of the moat splendid collection of Books snd Wtstionery ever March 5, 1840. f;20 D j. IU.:I1UJI,CV ; R. WM, H. M'KEE offers his Profeaslonal services to the citizens of Raleieh andlts ad. befor offered In an v one House in the United Htai; jecent-coantry, in the practice of the various branch. Ws invite' all those who want cheap' Book, to call M .b f lofession. for tbe purpose of pbtsining at No 1, tJbeap 8ide, and they can get them! stthrir 5rt,! !nf,r,nlioBi he Spent the latyetr as resi ewn price. All new publications regularly received. dfnl Physician and Hurgeon to Ihe Philadelphia K TURNER & HUGHES. N. B. Book Binding done in all ilayarious branch-. Mt treated several : thousand caes. comprising s with neatness and despatch. T4 H. j"erly every "variety and aprcie of disease. His March 13. ; - . - 22 Office ; iF vtwo door North f the- Post Office, on ' - r , FayrttevUle atreet, where he can be cousutted, when rmO MY DEBTORS-I owe money rnyel; nd no Pf0" f Kgd. . . , A., t: -U. y H nouio neip me to pay tt. I also need what ? r"0?' , itSoIi. , l ia aue me, to support Snd raise a family tmmm tuituim - M nn wntrat (run, . - young w long ' a . J: -. Mva - MWniuT ' .(fJ7r tnr' fh,'nSlTnth, frHE Solriberrrwrn.l)i. lh.iit..hU fiieo.l r J..UW. i jvur nmor. im noci liTSJF? ' "dwfi;i,doPitJtople.ie had the best in England for m,y years-t Jbest of ! UhZrttTr WB",m" rrrmanTOt Orders, her sge in lrel.nd-.nd to snj th bW qu2 tony r 5! .VSAt VV of i" America. These mnortant fact, ire weir worth! iRof Norfolk.' M-rch 13 . ! 2A 1m ,I fotil to expect colt by any native or import. '" ; - ed Aftrse- antes first rate in pedigree snd alt other (OH 13 RIFF'S SALn-I will expose to smWraf"ru,0un hCJ e rouiw nuciion, mi lae vAOrt lloose in Riwlr. rmm jnvux. TNTOTICE. TAKEN UP and committed to the X) Jul of Anson County, on the 17ih of Decern. Ingham. Richmond t'oonty , on the 3d Monday of A, pnl next, so much of the following Tract of Lend. unhsted tor the years 1837 U 38, aa Will satisfy the )a..a- JZmm. ,1. . B a . A. T. B. MERITT- t V ; J r .Micks Ford. Virginia. Mcn It, IR1U. . ..... ' 59 . . arf inern. Wgetber with cost and charge, for AMaAri. a. " Advertising, vis . i r , :. T '(T1ttWOIv;:A Rlf f,--A fresh ou ACies; belonging to the Rev. Daniel McKay. M AM laiaaa. O . ' If 9 .a a. : : . . . " "a-vrww., ..UP. VW U U, nrf m KITO Uf aait... .lli ' L. B--J72T"" I aaia 4. 1. .1 B mv a a T 9 mm? uw ueiongs jo , JUnxM . j8Mi Ht of a wasoougiit of mam. WtuUn,' wuuihj, in mis Mate, oatd Negro lo uicbea high, stout built copper apparently, about 24 year of age. eharW Poperiypav - .if 1 . .. w.j, or ne will be dealt with aa tha laa .t;- r . . - . "111. T , , . . - - 1 ALLEN, Sberiffi ALEXAViiPU nnDDttcoa ir.i. ot roiw,- your lostiee. Ia ,.r k..A. j t W,,..w o ..... Z - .wu-jir, i luvnt a cuniinuance of the sanie. i, ; WiUuk Pscx, Rale.th, f;;collection - r- - 1? There m.v l .t .11 ,im LiT.r ,T rf ' ' wa, t iuiiu iii-uis iiiup, on f r ayeUevEIIe alreet. one door north of thW J.a K.s-1, 23 6w. building of B. B. Smith. Rani .n.r.i a...... f of tbe following articles, vis: , 7 -uikmj-;- Geutlemeti. best plain Saddle, Feb. 1840. !?in.f,? 8wW eujolning the ands of Laucb. 1m UcLaonn and other. Tax . ; J r ni SAMUEL TERRY, SberiiT. 16 (Pr. Ad. $3; ' tmhtJai ean thHecla- F-ctory, for wholesaU f' - vim WILL PECK. . JOB PRINTING- - - '.wrc ana me patch. - ")- " W-a: . - AVWUflBB li A Kl II I fV A f T S I of Robeson i County . Court of Pie.; .T o.? !" " is about A r ebruarv Term A ! ti ,".1 .um- vwoa if - y "vrea in lauu On I llhlni, 1 ; I . Iffi af lew lb & 9BUSThe PublisbefU.. at length received uch information espectli the requisite new material tor the jSSffi "nwv ircuiairiv rTrrr s l. - i f (O Office opposite tb Presbyterian Churct fiCr mg on the State Hoose 8oo.7 iJL "r??1! tien radvertiaement. . 77 m March 27, uZ. all Allen and mbe.1 u'ZI?. ?nu" m' of .he Court, that Stdtred fMt! rILT' r - ,Q ,hc'm he made in the Raleieh ptorr rutiuui Quarter 8aaaiM. ,u i u, i - of GranvUI at A. " "I ?iaI In.e UoQn lilllfil aiiH Mh.R.. . . - .1 v. A, JBird patentf Spring rat Ssddles, of ajuus, jgiEieu and plain . k. . -. : . j ;. : Common Saddles of all kind.' j ;iv it$- UK W Ladiea? Saddles; great variety, : f ', - :K'' fc.-V;'? i "Avery, large upply of Csrriage Harriest both bras and.ailvef plated,: It-M -?..jii.;-v,. f ,Jlig-& nlkey. ;eJ-ii,.vf;J N- Jersey Wagon, do. si v , i. ... -1 U. : , t ' Sddbsj Bags. Trunk; Whips. and Spura. intact, ill article usually kemv Z . mT . a first Morula i uZr". . m. V,,ow. Bn e . ' 'V "'."'J w. men and ibere to plead or men., .n f , .kLK u." 7 "-t ..V oiuerwiee. iudement fiu.l -;n K- .i i V "I.-:. w owpoaea oi l low m. Mm -S- - mmtm.mmm , ,11 tv a UlrUOl BTEB I'M ? IHW M 'lln . . aViSB jSa SlBaL . S a KafiS oPrtrMvied uponvcondemn -."nun recovery. i Witnes. James M W; j-. r-r.-u Jr -1 ".. f1Anr .. ne i oi our saiu oort, at Office in Oxfni th. as.i. wary, A. D. 1840. J . M.WIGGINS, Clt ces fur Cash, or on the usq.1 eredit to punctual customers. ". . ' , ... '. - t . J- p" RfPnnVof all kinds, done in the lesatylA and at the shortest notice. ' 3 r 1 1 w C. W. d HUTCHING3. r Raleigh, June 28, 1839 35 if l lCV n4RCCR ft nAIR IBE?J V Itiff Eslabllahmettl has been open s Fsyeueville tStreet, nearly' opposite) 4be Past where arentlemen can"" be acrommudated in lb superior manner, and with the utmost despi(r4 From the experience which the Proprietors ceivru ihi'.u ixonu ana outn, iDey fistier tnemw". with the belief to be able to please ail who may M lhaW Mill, t'kat. ...,....- !... n...l.T Lal tSl .. "lit. I paiKIIHigf, VIUB bSiaUIIBUHIVui Ven fitted' up in a style ofmstness inferior l " tn tbe etste. ..:A;.y ' u ' Hsir Cutting execnted In the most fsshiosw" and, approved .foruwAiy, ' ' t ill'SlCs Tbe Proprietors sre prepared b (Wj Music of a very uperinr quality, either for B'rJ UAMcix i'abtiks. or Mi lUrv Psrsde. in snip. of the Sute where their service mar be called j THOMAS Dub f Raleigh.' March 6.1840. HENRY JONE SO O BREEDERS OF HORSES. The imp T and thorough bred Race Horse Fbxibl- thf hiak la.1 l.nM. P ll.ni TiiakeOO, 0 the finest looking Horses in th Coantry, will at.U.'iti.m ik. IQSII 1 Pill I. lllH III, . UimUl JCH1III' I I W?"t I - ,-,,,fl ee handbill; ;! i f i ED. H CARTE Wiluin; Granvin; Cnuntyl N; C. March 1 1840. 22-i TOTI' 'erstol. J JJSJ the lat of January past,; the following -mi; une note on WiHla.n Xv. rran " ,a Pit f.. atit ni .k.01.1 .1.. nf Jim I" -...1 j . . .oi.ici uiir imyanio, - una amy aiier oair, -r -.al., .f sr.. jr.i. . I ,I..Sddl' vi 1 v, u.ij. uouaia wuico ts cutrin m Ham .1 lanu' . : LI BaltS . v.tn,iuuri..ipd3. aa arill BlfUCBI va ... notPS on John Pa.ii. for fifty dollars, and one for three dol!siN g rj 2nd day r September 1839,1 mI pay w .- sfter date.; Also, one note oil the Eiste of y"Tl Ferrell. fur forty-two dollars and thirteen crot ri ..... . - . , . i.iil Hl uie toe ajtn si arc n. IS3 JJ u':'" John 1 bornpson for four dollars, ana -interest One due-hill on Edmund Bkrr in 1830 ' Uw receipt Iroro j rer cf"S"'iofl stable, for iw.-nt vru dollsrs. fia- th collcCV" a bote on David Weaver Willi peiaons are forbid from, trading lr ' ' ,rt and those indebted, from paving ta ,nfjjl ether person except mysclC FRANCIS A. J ta l B.B A .!,.; aSV March, 16th, 1840.