1 IS ' 1 f'l .M-.",U ' - m. . .. r' -w - it iff II, " ! H - i 1 M SErin-WEBKIiY. T - i "f ) t. 5. XLIi t- ; ; N0i V 4 '.f it At fl?UsLT - r ' . r-r- my mi. r. 'i roii 1 9 IN VES.TON 111 GALES, EDITOR; ANT PROPRIETORJ " ' ? 50ijciTio Five Dullara per annum fcalfit AsrKRTf KMKBTs.-rr Terr 1 o line, cm inter Oil uraera aou Jouicial AdverMsemeiua win io Ajrjfd 25 per cenl Ligber; iiul ileJucliwn of 33J uf cent, win oe mada lrum tne regular prices, lor au- jrrniaetiif nt. inerted in th8rroi-WeekF Rtm llTu, will alau appear la Weekly Japer frea of All Lettera to the Editor must d poai-paia. PRAISE AND CENSURE, The truth and practical good sense of the following 0u from the Trenton Emporium, give, them (jjin to our notice.. .There are not a ' few who may profited by the wholesome instructions they impart. worm, aoiuo peopie say is ceasorious Land it to a certain extentt rue. Bat the world sometimes complnneuta very high lyand I have a strong - iucliuaiiwt to. y9 lliat tw praicB u mule uiisuiiiei man 115 eeiwurp I will y it. Censure, when ap plied w lie re 11 19 uicrncu uen uas ;a sjiiU' tary effect. - When bestowed where ft is not dwerytd, it produce nd 'injurjr ;onj a," well reflated mind. The strung and prerailtnf Idispoaiuonainong people to think mote high It uf iheiutfelve tlvau they uugtit to tliink, need some general corrective Hind Censure thuDgh ah unpleasant, ts often; in these case Praise, on the other hand, touches a moie aueroui key it nurses instead of suppress a genius, people sum 01 my young ineim jUciUzor - and it got to , Alcanzor ears, ,as such tilings wilt niue cases out of ten. - The roudi was protnising fair fiir manhood -with judustry and pradence to follow up the ad rantages he enjoyed, he would hae Ibecome in ornament to society., But the idea of be ing genius haunted him njght and day. He put on a thousand ridiculous aira and felt liato as man? ridiculous Dracticea became puffed up with vanity and self conceit,1 and el slip all his golden opportunities in grasp- latter the foolish phantoms that flitted be lire Ins bewildered brain.' He turned out fmrereaiure7 Praise did mischief.. What ibeautiful girl ! the young gentlemen used. i say when they passed Jane Seymour a nndow and got a glance at her fine face and I pretty figure. It was no wonder they called lser beautiful for she was ao. But persuade lijwpg lady she is beauuiul very beau til ul j-anu sive.musi oe a sin oiextriMrutnary good sense if she doVitJet th tiiuig run in her head to the exclusion of mdtS&ftogsP . thoughts. Jane once cultivated her mind wd iiidustriouii and jugenioiis jwith her oeejll; bid fair to become an excellent house keeperand she wonld have been a rare prie, if left to- the guidance of her natural judgement. But she soon began to! conclude flu the 'was beautiful-lhat beauty coin pen aWd Uir'jivery . thing and ahe jneglected etery th inf .. else. Those of the beaux who Were worth having thought differently the Olivers she. would , not accept, - and this mis nuderstinding lost ber'a husband. Pnie has made more fools and cpxcomhs, tlian censure ever made misanthropes. Thev are both good things in their exac places i rmu re a urni iii(ir.i.ni -tt pee them there. When, misapplied, the first HOWS TPIlPrMlIv from a Kl tar Tnt..r tliaa the last and it U 00 One Hnnthtr an isepar TriAa Uvmni. n'1 to be always borne in mind.! THE SAILOR AND THE ACTRESS. ...... ' -,: ( ' . I ' ' 7 'V hen I Waa a nmr orirl. aaul thr- (tiitrhii "'St. Albans, working very hard for my 30 "imngg a week 1 went down to Liverpool linn... .1.-1 1 .-I'm' fl . me iiouuays.. ' wnere -1 was always umiy received. 1 was to perform in a new r -v, r.imcming ime tnose pretty , utile ai urauias they get up now at our mi- Dr theatres ; and in my character I repre i "f iiiviihi... uilflliu KII1 K&MUV ft t.. L . 4 ru ' ine most wretrhPfl . mttvrtv. A hoori - WW va , V V I m raWMB i - , BENEFIT OF CLERGY. , A As the meaning of the term may perhaps, not be generally known, to our : reaoers, we cive the follow mar definition . Irom a cor EFFECTS OF PERSEVERING INDUSTRY. , , GicaxBii, Joa BcttitAw -" j - One of the roost distinguished officers in the f arm v of the i Revnlutfon. ws awnrui respondent : Felony which comprehends ; f rtI"1 ocllivan, a man of obscure parentage .. i i " .. r r ; : : bred .: in th; hitmKIa :r..itb. r: : - ' - ww aHaaauBU i aiiavn m.mm aiiawaraaw.. -i w s m almost numberless species of crimes, is sub divided into two classes with or without benefit of clergy." Benefit of clergy at pres ent, signifies an exemption from capital pun ishment, in all felonies7: where the Legisla ture has not taken away that benefit by ex press words. --The imgjn of tins t principle, which is very little; understood, lis as fol lows:' At the time the Catholic. religion was the established one in thin country, the cler- gy ciaimeu an exempuon irnm punisnment for.all secular offences, and the legislature was so far duped by them as to grant them that jpri vilegN v therefore, wlieher J priest was convicted of a crime,, for whtrh another mart would; suffer death; he was" jilischrged without punishment, on "proving himself to be an ecclesiastic;? The clergy, did not" fail to avail themselves of this nil vantage ; f and, if any credit is to be given to historians. were guilty;, of all knds of ennrmittett and depredations.' This induced Parliamfnt, at various innei, 10 lunieci memip capital punishments firr particular offences, by lak ing away from, those offences the benefit uf clergy In those dark superstitious times,' every person who rould read was presumed, in law. to bo a priest in orders.and till the reiVn- of Anne, a, man who was not possessed of that qualification, was liahle to hange'J for an ofv fence which one possessed of it would only ue uurut in ine uanu lor, out since mai lime, laymen are allowed "the benefit "of tlergy, and, are entitled to claim it as often as they havei occasion, and. are exempted from rthe punisnmeni oi ourning in me nana ny me statute. I Edwani -VI; which extends ihe same privilege.' to Peers of the Realm, whom it also exempts from capital punishment for the crimes of house-breaking highway; rob bery, horse-stealing,"and robbing of church es, t Felony, without benefit of ;lerey4 are capital offences,"nf which Sir William Black- stone, in his time, enumerated 100, and since his death upwards of 50 have been added to the? cataloguer s We trust; that in" the; altera tions in our criminal code about to be pro posed by Mr. Peel, these circumstances will receive their due share of that , gentleman's attentive consideration. EAghth Faper. 44 M .. ... ... piugriuicv aaiu ... nrruiue "r a heavv (UKt ani n.:... i... for have no WorldV- In ' - - ' ! ', I " rnson, unless some one will be bail "c". 1 hi ctipI Tl t .. n, - inn a inenu in tne uJatl will no one be bail for you to save ?nu from prison ?,r asks the stern! creditor. e navet,(JyouI have! not a "rlh; was my reply. But just -r,? Ule words. I saw t aailitr in ih nn. r-Mllery sprinirinir over the railins-. Ittinir i n..ir r . - a , - : nsrii Unwn fram th nna S. .l Ilnti'l I 1 ' " VIIB . HI IIWtll&l f. "I . ,"'t(1ed plear over the orcheslraand nil placed himselr besiidi me ; in v t t. DISCONTENT. 7How::iJhiversal it is I we never yet knew the man who could say, I am contented." Go where you wilt; among rich or poor, the man of competence, or tlie man whq earns his .bread byy the daily sweat of his ; brow, you Jieaf the sound of mourning r and the voice of compIainU 1 he other day, we stood by a Cofffl w,lu war piayiiig i.uierry MiiiB. around the casCw;": 8a n " mine is a hard lot forever trouinfouWl? a uo driving a hoop. Heigh hb, sighed aTaew smith; in one of the hot davs, as he ? wiped the drops ;df J pefspi ration from his - brow. while the red-hot iron ; glowed on his anvil. thU is life with a vengeance it melting ami frying one's self over a burning fire." Oh that I was a carpenter,,, ejaculated a shoe maker, as lie bent over his lap stone, here am I, dayafter djr. wearing my soul away in maaiug soies ior nuiers, coopeu up in a little 7 by 9 room.' . Heigh ho! I am sick of this out-door work, exclaims the car penter, broiling" under a sweltering sun, .or exposed to the inclemencies of UiC weather ; "if I were only a tailor 1 V This is Umt bad, perpetually cries the tailor, to be compelled to sit perched dp here plying the needle , all the day' lone ; would . that mine was a more active lire. Jast day ol grace, Banks want pay, what shall I do ! rum bles the merchant, ! had rather be a truck horse, i og,ny thing! ffUnhappy fellow! groans the lawyer, as he scratches his head over some dry musty record, I had rather hammer stone than cudgel my brains on this tedious question. And So through all tfie ramifications of society, all are complaining of their'condition, finding fault with their peculiar calling. If I were only this' or that or tha other, I should be content, is the uni versal cry, any thing but; what I ani. JSti wags the world, so it has wagged, and so it will w air. . raised, himself by his talents and industry, to the highest offices in the gift uf his country. "He wis the son of Scotch-parents, who resided :at Berwick in Miine, and in , early life was 'the architect of his own' fortunes Desirous of. procuring an education, he went to Portland, and offered his services to a Mr. Ltvermore, a-. Councillor at La wi r He of-" fered to take care of M t. Li vermore's horse, split his jwood, cj-cif Mr. Livermore would board him. and give hiuv the privilege of reading Ids books. The bargain avhs conclu ded J Jho -as faithful to his trust ; ahdVaa enabled Vssendm ployer't j library, - One eveuing,, however, Mr. LiyennoTe" returned from an excursion, and Jhn not at hand to take care of hi horie7i Wasfounit on : inquiry of a dimes ticr thai; a cUenCKad " calfed jiir Mr Liver more to maiiajre a case to'be brought before a Justice that evening," and as- Mr. L. was absent, John had offered his services, and had actually gone off with the man. . Mti) iverinoreaT curiosity was excited, and after taking care of his horse lie slipped quietly into the court, without being perceiv ed by John. The case was managed with suchyabiiity f and:- ingenuity, and so much native talent was displayed, that after his re turn, home,' .Mr. L. addressed him. Johii; my kitchen i. is no place for you ; follow, on with your studies i give them your undivided attention:, and you shall have what assist, ance you need from me until you are in a conuuioQ to repav it. - .; . ; - - .i . riie result is welt known that he became eminent at the bar; and at the call of his coun try,, he niadei a great personal sacrifice i in' leaving his profession to. enter the .army. Here ne anont as a star oi tne nrst magni tude; and will have his ' name handed down to' posterity as the compatiion and confideh lial friend of the Father of his Country . After the close of the Rovolutionary war, be was President of New Hampshire 3 years, in : which State he has many, distinguished dtacendanU.' ' ; ; 'f. ' James Sullivan, brother of John who was afterwards Governor: of Massachusetts, was; employed as a boatman on the " Piscataqua River, between -Exeter and Portsmouth. He was encaced in this-, business when both of his legs were broken, the marks of which he ever afterwards bore. "7 t-" ' T;-" ; : : What noble examples are here given to stimulate young msn in the acquisition of knowledge, and the improvement of : their natural talents. 5 , : , "- ORIGIN OF GENIU8. Columbus was the sou ot a weaver and a weaver I hbaif If. Rabelais the 'son' of an try cook. Motiere son of la : ' m nend on as I was INGENIOUS DEVICE. 7.1 The folio winir curious story is told of an old lady in Buckinghamshire, (England.) Her husband had died without f making his will Jin consequence of which neglect, his estate s would have . passed awsy imm Jiis widow, had she not resorted to some expe dient to secure it. - .She hit upon the follow ing. She concealed the death of her husband N-iighu 'nnient. Yes, you shallhive one "friend and prevailed upon an old, cobler, her neigh ai I. : , ' raV poor young woman, I said he. me greatest expression in hie 1 honest. "'"urnt countenance, "I will go bail for you . '"V amnitnt: ; Anil ,ne, W'tened actor,) if y ou don't bear a hand . - -in your moonnsr. vou luhher. it will ne un. r. - i r. .! ' . - i ir you wnen i come atrtwari your w. Every 'creature in the house rose "i bor, who was in person somewhat like the deceased to eo to bed at her house, end per annate him; in which character, U was agreed that he ahould dictate a ; will, 7 leaving - the estate 1 to the wife. ; A n aUotnerwwas " sent for to draw no the 'writimr7 The .is widow. who, on his arrival appeared in great affile tion at her fiood man's danger, besran to ask " I'tiiw iiT tuuctiiuiiir,.pcaii in ner preicnucu iiubiiu,- "taw i screams of terror, cheers from d to elicit the answers she expected and wny messmates in the gallery preparatory desired. The cobler groaned aloudrv end Smr?j)Lnf! "f violins from the orchestra ; and looking a raueh like person about to give up the ghost as possible feebly 'answered. T intend to leave you "half my estate, and J ithink the poof shoemaker who lives oppo se is aeservmsr tne other lialf. for he has ai He was only persuaded 1 ways been a good neighbor The widow; b of me by the mart ager'rf was : thunderstruck : at receiving a renly so" - f . . - ' -A i.m I 1IP .S a m h m , ' ' . with a 1 "inereni 10 mat which he expected. , but dared not negative the toill. for fear the pretended htishand . would expose her, and she lose all, so allowed the attorney to record h. "''t the universal din there stood the un '"'cinus cause of it7 sheltering1, me, the "'dressed young woman, and breath- "IT (laK , ' . . - " uii r.R lanil n.itpiiAlion'.' tiraimt mv pereciltor. u ri h...: i, Preteni!m.. 1 . .. 1 . ' 4 Cmr.. "T1"" nd' rescue me, r ..Miiicai oans: notes . : To lewn tdValk; weli, learn first io hear. i i 7lRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, for the benefit i r, of the Pfterehurg Benevolent Mechanic A saoci ati'n. UlasaNu 5. for .1810?. t o be, drawn , at Alexandria, Va. Satarday. May 3Hh, 1840, y . . .. . CAPITALS. $30,000 '$ 1 0,000.-5 000 3 5003.0703,000 ,2500 40 Pnie.ot $1,50050 of 250 60 of 200 Certificates of Packages of 25 Avliole Ticket $130 i.7Da 4t ,,U -.,,25 Half. ..do.V, 65 -Do , Mr n -s 4to A 5 Quarter do t r 21 -- r. OruVrs er Tickets amlbare nr.,Ceitiflcate of Packages in the alxive HplenditlLnUeries, address , i. o.'GSEGORY & Co. Managers . , , " ' ; Wasuins'n City, D-Cr, a. . f - x- 7.r . 3 Or Riihmond. Va. w ;Prawinea acnt immediately 'aAerihey are over, to all who order as above . . . v So -MIMTAUY NOTICE--Attention .OIfieera4f ilbft- 35ih.Rgimeiii: of, ;Nrtb Carolina Militia t Tou sr? hereby ordered; to appear at the Bati4 Grave, in lhe.l;ity of Raleigh, at-13 -oVIock the taut Saturday of Ulsy instant,' being th 30th 4yi fully uniformed and 'quipied . lor Jgi menial Drill and Court Martial, i Hereia fail not. v W.. L. OTE Y, CoL Com. r . I hf rad Quarters r ? -f:' Ht h ?h Rateiah.' Mar- 7. S -;t--K f ' -W"". SATuE. li tcpding to remove to - an oiher'part bf the rlty,I bftVi for sale my : brese'nt Residence on Fajetteville street. peron, not acquainted wiin4 tne preroiaea.r u m? V be remarked that the Lot on which the Dwell ing ;Hhii is sUusteJ.cbntaiiis about half an acre, tn tfi I beat t of the busines of the place, has an exci l- t Well sod Ice House m the yard, ; and all couve M offices aiid out liousrhr Dwelling " Is ,iii th t form of an L, is well arranged for the accommo dl loir of a large Rimily , and" sit In excellent repir Aypurtenant to.ine uweinng. nui me !(. ..r tti st rert. ia amolher half acre on which - are al 9ated a ood UardVn, SiableaGrahary, riage H wse &C.&C J- .:.7t.r , n V wy liberal credit will be given in wp. it aerei : , v CllA. MANLY., .Raleigh; May .6tht1840.,-Av7'-- tr Hie Wsahuigton .Whif.i and mdmoigtoil A iVvrtiMr, will pleaM insert 4 times ana seua locu tfotit tn me .. - . j APE FEAR NAVIGATION COMPANY The Annual Meeting of the Btoikboldors in .. - vom " a Will - & b7i ComiMinv will be held tn tne I own oi r ayeue- V41eJ on Friday S9tk May, inatanU t. ; ; ? . rhE. 7 'r ''SSL. RAIL ROAI N OT I CE.-The W. third Annus! Meeting of the tnckholtfc-ra of f iT.. RnUioh tiastoii " "V: Rail Koad " uompany. will le held at the Office of the Company, in Raleigh; oii .Mnndav.the firat day of June next. A punctual ailepdance ia requeued in p ron or by proxy. 4. -; I By order of the Board, -77 .7 ' 8. F.TATTERSON, Pru " Raleigh. May 6. 1840. . 38 Sw, I ti3T Petewberg Intelligencer 3 weeks. I maker. Cervantes served as a common soldier. mer was a beggar. ' Hesiod was the son of a Ksinall farmer... Demosthenes, of a cutler. Ference ? was a slave. Richardson Was f printer; OlivcrUrom well meson or a brewerf. Beni. Franklin a Journeyman Printer. I)r Thomas, Bishop of Worcester, son of a linen draper Daniel Defoe was a hosier, and the son of a butcher. Whitfield the son of ari innkeeper at Gloster. Sii Cloudesly Shov elrear admiral of England; was an appren-, lice to a shoe-maker, and after warns a cabin hov. Bishop Prideanx worked in the kitch en at Exeter College, Oxford Eng. Cardinal Wolaey, a Son of-a botcher, rerguson was a shepherd. Neibher was a peasant ' Thomas Paine, i sou of a stay maker at Ipeitord. -Dean Tucker was the son of a small fame? in Caniliganshire,and performetibis pmrney to Oxford -on foot. Edmund Hallywas the son of a soap-boiler at Shnredilch. Joseph Hall, Bishop of Norwich, son of a farmer at Ashby. W illiam Hogarth was, put an ap prentice to ar engraver or pewter pots. Doctor Mountain, Bishop of Durham, was the son ot a beggar, j-iucian was me son 01 a statuary. Viigil . a potter. Horace of a shop keeper. Plums, a baker. Shakespeare, the son of a woolstapler Miltmuson of a money scrivener. Cowley, son of a hatter. -Mallet rose fnm poverty. Pope son of afahopH keeper! Gay was apprenticed to a silk rher cer. ur. csamuei jonnson was tne son of a bookseller at Litchfield. A kenside son of a butcher at Newcastle, f Collins the son of a hatter. Samuel Butler, : son of; a farmer, , Ben Johnson worked sometimes as a bricklayer. Robert Burns was a plough man in A v nh ire. i nomas C hatter ton, son 3ni a sexton at BedclifT Church, Bristol. iThos Grey was .the son of a money.; scrivener. Matthe w Prior son of a. joiner in London.- Henry Kirk White, son of a hutcher at Not tinsham. Bloomfie'.d and Ginord-were shoe makers.1 Addison, Goldsmith,' Otway. and banning, were sons "of. clergymen. J Persprj son of 8 ' parish clerk. The mechanic - arts especially -rliave reason . to be proud of. the Vf?1 OODS! GOODS!! GOODS !!!Jlfore Good r thtvi Cah The Subscriber has lately re iurm d from the (lityiof New York, willi a very gens tutfattaortment f arliclea for' the retail irade. Alsbt Si ixtensUe atock of all; kinds of family finding good b usbt at the lowest Auction cash aales. and will be iitd' low to soit" the timea. ' Msrchaiits from the Twna and Uountry. who may le out of auch ead- artrcles, will d well to call at the well an wn FayettevilgBBf r tlu,,9 BOOda. cin- tsey will find a great variety wti.te BlacV mount 01 nniie anu u'arK on, nojf, Blue. Mixed and unbleached Hae; all km Cotton Socks. Black and While,; Snd; Colored fcilk Glvf. While and Colored, Lille Thread Gloves, Men'a Berlin ' and double-threaded vUotton Giovea, Tape - Bordered and Woiked- Cotton and ; Biliop Lawn H dk'f Black. ' W bile and (Stored open-work-etl SilkGlovets Ponge ami tJilk ..Pocket H'dk'f. L Uies' French Coraets, Cambricks, Jaconet and Mull KMuslms, Plain laiid Figd Swiss Muxliii. Linings and Long Lawna; all kind if Bmbinti ! iMcvm and Qoilingsf Velvet. BoMiiet and Cap Riltbona. flatter, liinding and Banding, Sleu'a Satin Stock Bsom and Collars. Honing heat Needle 5 to 12, Lsiiiea low priced Hnbbonet and Muslin Capes Furniture and Stay Bindtnga, Linen and Cotton Tape. Black an.t Wiiire Cation Ball, Bluck and White Patent Thread. White, and all collors of Spool Ctio. Cor Sts and Stay Laces; all kinds of Muapenders, Black and AV bile,; Cotton l and Lining'. Buckrura. Houm Paper. Geriing. Flas Shoo 1hicad ; all kind of Pa per and Pound Pins bent Plated and Black Hooks sod Eyes ; alt kinds of Gilt. Silk , Lasting, Bone and Pearl Butlona ; all kind of French; Diwing, Tress and SideJLJomb, Puracaand Wsltets, Table and Tea Spoon; with a grat veriety of fiuding arliclea, not mentioned, for sale by ' JOttiS PK1MKUSB. - --'J 41 StW 7,-. PR08PECTU8 " '"s'i The Subscribers propose to establish In the Town of Bab BoeRTi lxs, Wilcox County, a. weekly News paper, entitled the Alabama Hks. lb, to be devoted to Political, Agricultural, iiiterary and Miscellaneous Inuingence. . : ' . 4,' In addition tn the importance of a Press in Wil cox, in a political point of view,' the convenience and interest of the people' of ihi- and Jbe neighboring connties Vequire that a Paper should be established in this region; congenial to its feelings and devoted to ita interests. 'The erowiue importance ol this section f South' Alabama and the wanisrof its citizens, give every sanurance that we will be liberally sustained la the enUfitrne.' f Abd being prattical i Printers, we flutter ourselves that we will- be able to render the Paperal bnce respectaMe and iritrresting.'' 7 . WhiU We disclaim any intention to act illiberally towards 6cr poruiral ppon nts. nr a refuse them ma opportunity of defending their principles, in an h'on est manier. Lhrough our columns. !we wish, not to con ceal the fact, that our own aentiaaents aie in accord ance with .those of the Wme patty ; ai.d of course upon its members we moat chit-fly depend for encour agement and support. Lr common with Jbe great mj-.rity of the American People; ws look to W hig principles sod to. Whig measures as the only means of restoring the Government to its former purily, and of eradicating the pernicious snd factious practices which corrupt Administrations have infih ted uikd. the country. We have witnessed and till viinesa the iervaitU whom the people have called to admin.' inter the affairs of the GovernmenVdisrezardinff the clearly expressed wishee of their constituent, and openly contemning the known il of the people Nay, we have seen a President of the United 8iates, choNeo on ncciunt of hia loud professions of Deno enfey and ifc?u6tccntm,aitdconiing inti office with hvporntual declarations ol . attainment to popular ) righta. presumptuously accusing s. large , portion of the people with' bribery and corrcption, because ihey expresaed.in a constitutional manner, tbi ir opposition to one 01 bia propositNtn. : - vv e nv aen aeopnan- tic omce-holuer and uojinocipleu eculatint plmnly encouraged and jwttlectcd in thVuf sets of plunder and corruption.' We have beard - a t Democratic Prei- dent tell the people. tbH,ley x peeled too : muehT from their own Government, an that H v a the 1k ty of ? the Government bimself emd his underlingal) to take care only of it own afiair. and leave tne people to extricate themarlves frotn their embarrass, ments embsrrassuients which h& own snd hi "il lustrious predt cesor,aM cspricHJs experiment hsd fattened upon them; We hsve keen honest and ca- ltiie putmc. servant conteinptunusly dimtssed lront office, because they dared .to difer in polilicai opin- 10a with thoee who seem determined to rule the pun trm Biilh r.ul nf lon Anil. r'.noW behold the ,n- tliors of these wrongs, the perpetrstora of ibexe outra ges.; soiiciiing an afproval of thejr curee and a con tinuance of their power, at the hands of the Ameri can People,, ;;.iy7;'t S"7777i- It i against these practices, these doctrines, and thee" kk.M, thatfwe jutend (If our undertaking shall meet with the favor of the public) to raise bur hum ble voices. It is to ojien . to lhe citizens of Wilcox', and the adjoining count iea a medium of making known' and defending their political opinion, lhat we make this attempt to establiah a Whig Journal in Barbour ville. . . ; . j.-.-- : y ; , la the approaching Presidential contest, the Rsa ai.d will eordiatiy and zealouMv sustain tlie claims of Wau Henry Harrison and Johek TyierBeiieidg ihem souud in political opinion, and above all, hon est, capable. ; and fMithful ioviheJri8timUn.',,iwe shall cheerfully sndneslly surrt Iheireirtion.v ; ' Whigs id" Wilcox, ei Monroe, ylsiae. &fc will you second oureffirts1 Wdfyou lend a hand Jn.estsjb fishing a Journal devoted jto lhe advocacy of your own political seutimenla; and inseparably attached lo the cause endinteresta of the people! The caune in which we -a re engaged demand Jthat - we should be more active and - selous 4n advancing oar politi cal went imenla. K Let us then imitate, the zeal and in dU8try of our opponent ; let us be as sclive in circu- atKl oeieiuiing; political . iruin, ; .as viiey bio in ..Im .iiUMnfuMilitiAn rj! artA, Anil hilw lasemmaTtrrg rjh.n by the estab can this object be belter enWleasasL-. ' lishmeut of an independent Prne 1 We at"c-onu' R ALE OF VALUADLELANDS;The Sub tOcriber Will ouer for sale. on,A! onday.'aAe' 1st day t Juoe. next, at the . Dwelling House lf the late Nswton W'bod,Ue followih Tracts bf LANP, fai Wake County; pursuant to a decree of the Cebf t of Equity, diteciing he sale, for the purpose of 'divhiion, viar,.- b-'fA'rH -7' - i TJ Manor Tract, contatniog 1 0C6 acre,1 aujofd. ing Hartwell Hbrton and othbra, on which there is a comfortable dwelling house, afid all other Accessary out heaseey--W.1tv-;.vfc. 'wi.4'?-S 'it-' " . T One ether Tract, of about600 acres, on bafialer creek, f on which ..(here is a good i Dwelling and oat houses, and a good lrit and Saw MILL adjoin in the lands 6f Paul Ferrel, Benj; Marriot and others.F1-;-'? . ;- --.j-i" Another Tract, known as the Chsmldy tract con taining about 900 ceres. Von which there ts a Dwell ing.andut houes---aJlotDing thb Uhdsof Beni. ' Marriot, snd ntbe'fi. ,j 77.: Another Tract, knowo aa the Morpby tract, eon taining abbot 160 acres, adjoining the lands of Joe. ioites,'and-olhe'rfc"i'';pf And one other Tract known ss the Rabun Tract, containing about 200 acres, and adjoining the Housb i The foregoing Lsnds wUI le sold on a credit of 6, 1 2. and 18 month.; with Jnteiest fro.n the day of ssle. S ' H Master. April 2i, 1 840. j S4. ii. fTnO BREEDERS OF HORSES. The imported U and thorough bred Race Horse' Flexible, and the high Wed Americas Race Horse TuakenoVone of be finest iookui'sr Horses in the Coantrv. wftposland at Wilion the present slawb (l84.). For' terms, se-hsndbUls,;:;;7UED. H. CARTER. ; Wilton, Uranville County. Wt C ;? .9 v March I, 1840. 5 pioin PA nioiy to ia iss le sLi e's yYJ Cookery!. The House Book ; or A Manual of Domestic Ecouomy, by Miss Leslie ; containing di rections lor Laundry Work. Removing etaina, Clean ing Furniture, W'aitina on ConrpSny. Carving, Ms king up Lineo,"&c" 'This day received at the North Caroline Bobkitiore.fr-"t;:.;r! v-' i . . MsyJ9.1840.;:77' ;7(Sun)'; 40 ' iMsy 10, 1840. AND FOR SALE. On the Monday of An euat County Court next, shall sell at the Unurt House door, in the City of Raleigh, a Tract of ItmnA adjoining the lands of John Sym, Solomon 'Walker. Joeph Horne and John Smith, containing 448 acres, or thereabout, belonging to the heir and devisees tf William Phillips, decd. and snjd under a decree of the Court of Equity, for the County, of Wske. . , : v '. . Tsaas. Six and twelve monihs credit, with good security. H. W. MILLER, C. M. 7 Msy 22, 1840. - ' " L 42.6w. HOCCO SPRINGS.---The Proprietress respect fully inform the public that she will le prepar ed to receive visitors on the 10th of June.' Addition- si accommodations hsve been provided end tbe great est attention will be paid to the comfort and convent- once of invslids7:vf :. fiw-'-Ji.'5 5 Families can board at tne very ressnnthle price or txteen dollitrt a month for each person ; children and aeivaitts half price.. ' . , ,,. contributions which - their pursuits,' le-din JlixJ" The Springs are 12 iniles from Warrenton to a direcUiess and practical exercise of thev. n the R-Ieigh and Gaaton Raif Road. whence intellectual faculties, have added to the glori ous constellation of taleul.which has illumin rated. the wbrl4f ?:-:'-?477 - l rNewsPAJBRS-Newspapersalwaya tt eite uri(aity7No;nne ever fays one do wif without a feeling of disappointment. 7i7 -7l "TVfOTICE.- The undersigned wishes to hire, inr LNI mediately. ftr the space of four or five months nve or six strong able-bodied men, to whom good wa ges will be given. : -; FRANCIS WALTHALL, f May 10, 1840. 41 tf; 3here is a hack to cthocco three times. a week, en Iondsy, Wednesdsy and FmUy. May S3, 1 840. 42J7m. ''. - BANK OP CAPE FEAR, V .-"f 4 1WA May. 1840. WrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO DELfN JJ qoent Solwrribers to tlte Stock of this Bank, that unless full payment be made on or befire the 30th day of Jone next, alt the unpai I Shares wilt be rx- pied to public sale at auction, agreeably to the pro visions of the Act of AaveoiMy. to amend the Charter or said Bankv passed at the Session of 183S-'39. , f . C: ?-. J. D. JONES. jPresV. I Mat 23. 1840. :: . ! 4-4w. t " , . !, . MOT1CTE. TAKEN UP nd committed to the Jail of Anon County, b'h the ltih bf . Decern Uerinrt.a PiegroMan. who call btmself TOM, and save he . belongs to J OHN 1 8M fTH, of Alabamt.. and was bought of Dasisl Williams, of Roleon .-CooniyV- thisifta1e; 8aitt iegro .is about 5eet 10 inches high, stout .built, coper coloured, snd, apparently, about 24 years of sge. , . The owner fi requested to come , forward,,' prove . property, pay charge and take him awsy: W he wilt be dealt with as the law dut-;ii..Yi.B;-.ALLBNj Shernt Wadeboio Dee. j4, 1839: 8-6m ' TATE OF SOUTH SJAJlOLIWA.Ber. tie County, Court of Plbss snd Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1 84't7 Jsraes K. Jtsy nef e. Jsmes V. RufselL, Attscbment. B. Ii. Rttll, GariushCtfi v' It, appearing, to the satisfaction bf this Court, that Jsmes V Russell ha removed beyond the flmiu ef tins oni-j in, inererore eruered, trial pubucalion Be made in the Raleigh Register' frS sis weeks for the said James V. Ruasell to make his appearance at oar next Court ot Pleas and Quarter SessiobsV end defend the sskl scut, or Judgment by default wfll be entered sgainsthinvi;r7f? :77m:.':.. SOL. CHERRY,-6k : .May 1 54 840.VV-"-. :.-v in ' 40 ; . ATT WOTICK & GEXEliAI LAND AGE3IC f Hkst B. 8. Williams, At torney at Law, will attend to Uie adjustment end col, lection of claims throughout the Wrsterq District cf v. Tennessee and also act as Gen'l Land Agent in selling; listing and" clearing old disputed titles. Person re- ' siding it a dUUnCe, espWrfaflly , NbYtb Csroltntans, 'whoe Interest is so extensive in this country, wottld do well 10 notice more strictly .' the situation of (heir Lsnd .clsims.,.i;it-V;A 'pit igij & -- h Office at 8omerviilet Tenn v 7 'T' Refer to Cot Samuel King, Iredell County, N. C. ., Thomas V, Devereux. Eq. Raleigh;. " i.ent in the hope that our call Ur : aupport . will meet with a hearty and cheering response. The Hcrald will be issued, on an Imperial sheet, as soon as a sufficient number of Subscriber csn be obtained to justify the undertaking, and will be print ed with good type and outline paper,' 1 - - Tkhms. Four Dollars per sanum, if pavment ob made within three month after the commencement of the subcriplioo or Five Dollars If made after that time. . .. ii-,;;-:. uV-ki-iw. .CSiS;'ii Communtcationa should be addressed to the 8ub- scribera at Selma. t J - . JAMES H. CURTIS. J 7 7J0HNH.MARTIN., April 10. 1840. - 1 ' C3. Eiditor friendly to . Lbs- undertaking are re quested to give the above an insertion.. ' fTAGE Fare reduced from Ral. 3 e-S- Waynesboro 'and Gold, borongn.- From the dale hereof. TWO DOL. LARS only will be demanded ; from Passengers for Msge Fsre from Raleigh to : Way nesbore' or Golds WoA This; Stage leaves Raleigh ihree times a week, via smithfield; viz: en Monday, Weduesi'ay sud Friday w . .f h.-. - -1 ;-"j-,E.P.GUJ0N.7 Raleigh, April 4.1840., 7 . 29 ' fpiOOKING STOVE FOR SALE. The 8ubscri- Vl ber has for sale on moderate' terms, a first rate Cooking Stove, or would exchange for a smaller ons his being too. large for & single ramdy. ( -u; v " . 7 WESLEY WfflTAKER. May V." 7 kV.v ; ; S 36 8w. A LVAUADO OR EICLTIOOLLEO M CTITOH SEED- bavf a small lot of Uie above sent to us from 'Chsrleslon, ; S. C ' Oii sale. .Price, 6 rents per ad Those seed were grown from seed which sold fori 50 cents a piece in '.Seoih-Carolina and Geireie.-tif Jf-Hrt" ' I CJCII at the North CaroKn Book 8tore. April 17; mm Tf ATE FRANCES STURXlYANTWThe 8ab II iscrit'er; sdministerel to tie Eute of . the Iste FTsuces Sturdivant, of Wake County, snd is reedy to pay Id John Sturdivant. brother of the deceased Or to the other Heirs of said E-Utwhslever'is coming to them therefrom, on sppliesion- 8ome of these heirs are reMiients of the Ute jof Alabama," or some other of the .Western States, end will take notice Ibis advertisemeTit. HENRY STURDIVANT; Wake Ceonty May, 1 8th 1840. ' - 18 3w.' irvrToiOins&o EIAD- jvtJ ame Blallbran. by the Coonuss De Meriui. JUt pubtuned and tor sale ny ' - " " - ' TUKJEK & HUGHES., May 10, 1840. (ttr.) iMqJjQll, SeaofState; .. . 77. " '"7 ' .Turner . fc. HugheC!?-5i j s.' ' W.'M.'Lew4s,.MtIt6n-.w7 '7'': 7' , Eiheidred .4 Peebles, Northampton, l '.V-'-b.H0-vTayettevtllei -v ' 7 John McN. il, Cumberlahd County, ' February. 8. 1846. ; r .. i'x " : ' 15 6m.' ' 3TBA YED, Frem the Subscriber; some time Slast month, a SORREL MARE four years old this Spring, about"four feet two inchea high, her left hind leg white and a blaze in her face. "Any informa tion resDectinar her will be thankfulrv received, and if delivered to me at J; W Harris Wafke Forest N. C.T a Reasonable reward will be paid. W. F. F0RT; April. 20, 1 840. j--!; S-6vt r 0JTATE OF NO RTH CAROLINA---; Washing County. Ia Er---Sprmg Term, 1840 larah Aon Keith e William Keitb ; Bill for Divorce. Ou motion, and it appearing to ibe.Conrt thai two subpoenas lb answer tbe Bill of Complaint issced to Bertie county, s gainst Woo. Keith, have been return edby the Sheriff that he is not to be found In that county Snd also, that the said William Keith is net . an inhsbiUnt of this Bute, or net within lhe jurisdic tion bf this Court: the 1'ourt doth order that edveV- lisement be 'made for thirteen successive weeks in lhe Raleigh Register and North Carb ine Gazetief ed vising tbe ssul Wiilisui Keith that,-unless be appear, before the said Codrt-at the Court house in Piymontn ' on th second Monday of September next,' and plead, snswer or demur to tbe UompU'naut's Ltill of Com plaintv it wil be pro cbnfemi snd sacb decree made therenpbn, as abstt be considered ftist; ' ? - v .J 1 est, TH t TURNER. 6. fc tt;Bf TTTNIVERSITY-rThe PaUie Anniversaiy Zxu'--Uj sminadon f the. University et North Caroline wiU be held at Chapel Mil on Monday the S5ih day of May next, end be continued 10m day to day ontil Thursday the 4th dsy of Jone, being the Crtt Thurs day in the month, which last mentioned day is ap pointed tot lb Annual Gommeuteiaent of the Col legb x ' t - j t t , , ; Th following Trustees compose the Committee of Visitation.- . . : , ... J , v Hi E'tt ey. Gov, H Bv Dcnttr. Pretties officio. Hon. D.. I. 8wAisf. Prttideut mf CnUrtre.. - : of College, - Hiehael Hoke r - Edward Jones' 1 Willie P. Mangum " Charles Msnly; v ' James T. MoreheaJ Samuel F. PalterstVn . Remales M.- 8aundersi - Jsmes H. 8miih l. Richard D. Speight John D.Toomer j . Lewis William . 7-1 Ge.sge E Badges Simmons J; Bakei John L. Bailey : John H. Bryan Duncan Cameron .' James VV. Clarke Isaac Croort v. John R-J. DanUf . Robert B. Gilliam , John D. Hawkins Louis D. Henry fTK.-Ua f: tr;..iAn ' Bf a " resolution ofmelJMrdthe Comt&tioners : are desired to sppeer at Chapel UWca Jloud.y . j r 7 preceding. Maei -'7 . . CHAaLMAKLTi-aewf f . , .... w ?.J.. . - - . . .... v-j : 1 : i l - 'i i7rf V: -. . f ... ;..-..--. mr-i- .UT. V - . .,. .I. . ' . 1 ' ' M