.V V - '-L'.at. ;:(jfi, : I.-'"' THE REGISTERS ar' ore the plant of fair, delightful p m Vnwarp'd by party rage, tajiit like Iro. eaee, Irothers.. ; TUESD i Y, HAY 2G;fisioM v FOR GOrEJiNORi'::M vatsw i?t. Riftrtpnp.in of Cnlirord. fMe Presidential: Term-4he b iWy;Sff Ae aaWw of the rublie Money, and - PEOPLE. -.! : :, S; .1 ; xonu jttx.eii; jtot exists Btoa tbk GovsajTMixT or th TJsttsb ?TiT C4jrt WITH OCT iSSCMPTIOTT Of rOWKB, AX fax tislatioh or a solxmit comfact, so ivr tbihs TO EJtOTB JT( WITBOPT TBICOKttKT (OF TBOSF Vh6 - a i iXMiniATiiT uttsssstsp.'- t?en. iar 'riion'i fyacA atYinatines. t '.. V-;S TIPFECAIiOE CLUB. ; if The Citiiens of Wake County, in' favor of M one Presideotial term the integrity of the public servants thi safety of the Public Money,1 and the general good of the People, are requested to meet at the Court House at 8 o'clock P. M on Friday the SI 9xh inst. for the purpose of forming a Tippecanoe' Club, - I " . Many Citizens of Wake. - rf DawiiVM. BAaaivesa Em. of ..Cabarrus, will deliver the Annual .Address .before Jthe 'Alumni and Graduating Class of the University of North Caro aaa, pn Wednesday, the 3d of June,, being the day preceding the Annual Commencement. -.(T Judge Bavsaiv Tccasa,' of .William and Mary College, will deliver an Address before the two Literary Societies of Randolph Macon' College, Ton Toesday, the. 16th of June. " " 1 f 4 1 . THE CANDIDATES. un rnuay lastne ciuxens oi wis county were ao- w . .: . . . i dit-ed, in the old tburch, bjtwju ..a.. a M. . - ' ' eior uoveroor ; elusion, and exposed in a masterly manner the corrup- j .tioas and extravagancies of the Administration--the sasgereu. feature, of , he pl reported by tarytof War, for establishing a Standing Army-, which olan. obnoxious as it was. received the approba-1 tinn tit tho PmL1.nL 1 TT nmnnnnml it a. fit iiutrn. I ' . " I . . , .i t. meat to make slaves ot us au,--parucuiariy wuen um- tad with the Sub-Treasurya measure wtucb strack I at K m rnnt Afnur .1it arrnrMliirjnr aTl nii. I . ... " . . I M. a m mmmSa Iam jia.awl a.Ml a. -. w W 1IllAni ' ta' I - , T . -C . 'J' an increase of his already immense patronage, to exer- l eiss an improper and crrupunguifluence oyer the eiec. !. - v.. " ..,1 IL i Dona. ii a exDOseu w lin sreai amuiT uw mauessmnca i . ' ; . T7 . .. .. .. . . . . I of the 1 ten. to continue in olUce, afttr the heaviest defalca. I uons, and in some instances, : without even requiring bond for the security of the public revenue. ; . He replied in the most indignant terms, to the charge of being an AboBtionist, which Was brought against him by a cer tain kader of the Van Buren party, in a meeting held ia jhis place a short time' after his nomination, and re auading the Party", that the same process by which this Orator sought to prove him an Abolitionist, would fix it ou nearly 'all their own leaders in the Convention. Messrs. Branch,' - (who ' was run for, Governor, by the Van Buren Party) Marstelleri (Collector of the Port of Wilmiugton) Danief, : (Judge of the Supreme Court) Parker, (late Van Buren Elector) Guinn, Graves, Mor riii, (run by "t&e Party" igainst Mr. Deberry) Mont- gonieiy, (Representative of "the Party" from this District) Kimbrough Jones, (who was presiding at the ' very meeting the Orator, was addressing) and many others M good and true" men to . the Administration, same vikes mat Mr. Morehead'f Address were truly eloquent, and fre quently his caustic sarcasm and pleasant humor elicited the applause e ven of those who were opposed tohis po. 'litical principles; We do not recollect ever to have listen cdto a more powerful and interesting political 8peech. The open, candid countenance of the Speaker, the ear aectneM of his manner, united with the strength and deamen af his anmnwrnt. were calculated to nroduce iTictina nn tim miuU of all wha wnm net blinds br - . ... liia n.n.i -k.-i:. -iJ.jJi .t.L.i-..: - . .. , f . L . . .l . -rr "i wqicu we snail enuesvor to powi ouw?., in we , firl place, in attempting to refute a part of the 8peecb tttdsbj Mr. MALT-ra'8miAfield,he drew the atten- tioaof the audience off from me main quesUon,to-wit: toiweii" inamtutencv. and endeavdto make up W '.tSoiiwnelaVwe a Ktterly" the' policy of borrowing monejf on the &ith f the 8tate to carry on Internal Improvements. vMr. Mt Lj i.' -t-i. J . j fwSi we last Legislature a memorial recommending a loan f $3,000,000 bV th Ktot t J Tb Jnirloat ltS1 it Utterly, Mr.1 Manly theii said, he wasi certain of it for Jude- 8 actual. m..ii in ,- n ' ,n1 .ai -uage is. actually appeared m the House and read gned by him., On Friday we did iwt understand him fothat hediewupand'siened this Memorial and tw im ,T r, t . " Memorial, ?! wmpted to justify his course by showing there were re WAigs to the paper than there were YunBurcn- ! N one ever brought the act of recommending ow h, inconsistency in denoonang his opponenu 9? trf of which Ae was equally guilty. This is the ntutional anddangerotta plan for Standing Army, 1 "'iQ 100,000 men, in active service. In his last an I Bul Message, Mr, Van Buren uses the following lan- ' rge : hJ tannol recommend too STao vslt to voiir j VMtideratum rns piah submitted. oy that officer . inroiuetf) the organization of the JkVlitla of United States What plant Can Judge & j P"t out any other! No. Again 11 He contended ! this plan ths soldier could not be niarchW "ae, and shift it as he msy, he cannot evade it above assertion was true ot not. Ii ut never nave a i nnn.m .Mercantile Journal. fHAgab:H. endeavored to make the impression that Kt versaUon whatever withhim, atLv--1 ' u j : , ii. , . i m respect to Gen. Harrison's mission. . h nunOM Cam. We leal un. imu uui. awrwreu irir I WHieH a nn- J. Von am at lihrtv tA ahnor thia Wt ia Mr. Fisher I . I- out cf 1 5j c.rary u '-ndinrj can izzi the 14th Esctlcn cf t..a CcrcULrjr'd tLeme i.i cur.Jja villi tie ITlli, with out coming to the conclusion that it was the intention of Mr. Poinsett to remove the soUier out -of bis own State, if the President ehouIJ bo desire. ; The 14th cction divithe Union intd districts. '-North Caro Una, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida compose the 6th District this State-furnishing 4,400 men. The 17th section of the plan is partly in these words, vix : The President shall be authorised to call forth and assemble such numbers of th actixz force, at such places within their, respective districts, and at such times not exceeding twice, nor, v ' days in the same year as h& may deem necessary! X What districts 1 Evidently those referred to in the 14th section so that the Soldiers of this Stats may be carried to Florida tp be trained and disciplined. Are we prepared for this ! '" 'There are other parts of this' Speech which we shall notice hereafter, particularly in reference to Mr. Van Daren's Florida and Salt votes.' 'IJ "-- Ur.' . Mr. MottHKiD rejoined briefly,' when a humorous sparring between the Candidates, producing much amusement- concluded thu Winflir.t of iTi rlav. VlRaM nartv. asmiffht have ht niMtrted. claimed thet,, 3 . . r. . l . T ney meet igtin 1 Kockjngham tolt weel. 1 " A Whig friend, who was present at the late meet ing in Granville County of the Candidates fdr the Gu bernatorial Chair, writes as foObwa i-i .":-'w . 1 The discussion of the Candidates lasted till night. We were all delighted beyond dufcalealation. . Judge Saunders opened the debate! spoke three hours and a half, and delivered a Speech that did him much credit; for a Van Buren man. it was candid and openy We were somewhat Tineasy, and began to think his Inee- nmty could not be successfully answered. But; soon Mr, Mprebead rose to reply, we foon4 our fears were groundless."; His Speech was admitted, on all bands to equal, if it did not surpass any Speech ever de- Kvered here. At times,' his audience were'enchained bU eloquencei : and then again amused, beyond ex- pression by "the introduction' of humorous caricatures of the Powers thatbieT ltn bis replies to aomV of the remarks of Judge SaunderV he was very caustic and eTrei - which produced some interruption by the Judge. But nothing was gained byit, as Morehead's facta w -W"JS uusuwa oy so mucn gpoo wm- Pr Dd good-humour, that" they could not be success, j fully ' resistedVVt . '?t":'r -'t H - ; Satb nos XT raitjrDS, &c At a Yen Buren meeting in Salisbury resolution was paed reprobating the practice "adopted ly the Federal Lawyers" in addressing the people on their j i -ircuiu. , a ms is a most exceuent recuse to - name i Federal Lawyer" Sra aits k, who abandoned hU seat w yongresa and, as Wis . resolution expresses tt, . - .-'....:. - . i - Uunkuig himself wisej than the people has been m. m, m. m. m. 1 - . ' . " ' m, mmm . M - - " 1 k, ? . . TtV try. f What will - Federal Lawyer," Loins. D. Heb.. I aT.Esq.aay to this unkind cut from his Rowan friends! anomalous in the history of the toiy has tstabUshed a new order of knightho knteht of the Sairt4aiT -how must he feel under w W I Aia rfthnka f ' Wit.UAW Eatoh and Walts F. I f. . ...... t....t.. I Wf -c-squires; uave aiso ueea -yrziummg u, u- daass we people out or Weir ovra counties dO I come nnder the condemnation We entreat our Van I - ... i... t . :. w- ...... I f.nMN 4VAMnrflsl A 4 pAtaTavl ItA A MVS1 KaVaatl 4C ISPM ft : ,fii'il---;t.,-A..-.i.-- marvJ. I too party" such nam anocks. . yv nat was uaABi.as What i r isHiB. U t:.. a utovok mo ivuicir-muus buctuc-u wm .u .: , - -.-....... I sistency is a jewel. 4 UNIFORM BANKRUPTCY LAW. . Mr. Wbbstxbv concluder his able Speech in favor of this bill, in the following touching-manner s It is now twenty years since you, Sir, (addressing the Vice President) in your place in the Senate, prompted by your sagacity and good sense, and more especially by that kindness of heart which outruns sagacity, brought forward a . bill for the abolition of imprisonment for debC Since then, there has been a wonderful change of opinion, on both sides of the Atlantic.' No one woujd now dare to propose imprisonment for debt The States have nearjyauabolisbed tne innumanprac-l tice,' England no onger imprisons for debt. Next! to this subject comes the Bankrupt -bill, and mends itself to the consciences and honor Can we go to our beds, (said he) and lay our .ntia 'an.l aimnfi-atji tliA Almicrrttv Htn fnrnM us our debts, as we would be I forgiven by our credi- torsanirefiise to tode of men who are begging assists nee at our hands! Let us make a jubilee let . us open : the prison-door and set the prisoner free. Mothers and; wives are passing feverish, hours by day , and sleepless hours' by night Fathers and husbands too, are careworn and anxious, while we deliberate, imploring the passage i t 1. M t!.k J a. - LI ' a I a- '.' V I J - r T - . " - - ;-v. W.w to their wives and children. - , " CHARLES FISHER. Esu ' I. ... .' - I niwriTbiC. Joaas. Esq. of 8alisburv Droves to what I jl In MitmntiM aUrhatja tlia Van Rn. w-r""w . ri;, rea leaders (and parucularly Mr. Fish sajresort for the pjuTposwi i of lessening Gen. IlAaanoi. in the esti- mation of his countrymen How honest and "candid men can countonance such mean, ieot conduct, was run asnorign gentlemen, you cutting your own throats rapidly.! H " " ' srs jow, Mat t2, 1840. Dear Sir t I received your Javor; stating that Mr, Chatto Fisher, the inember Congress from your 0, in a public address which he made; to some of I VS. ,nrfitnnt. rtAl that I hsd oDDosed the an- pointment of Gen. Harrison, as Minister tp Colombia, because of his utter incapacity Tor toe appointment trnth of the assertion. f have no hesitation in savinff that there is no foun - dadon whatever for the assertion.; The appointment of Gen. HarrutW a. Minister Plenipotentiary andEn- JnJrfin to public of Colombia, had mTenurcolicu tiaV j entrusted to his care a private letter of General Bolivar, the President of that Republic ' I know not on what authority Mr. Fisher has un- ' wua ,1,, ib. nwnt bn. of Con- j gress, to ascertain from "me personally whether-the li ut never nave a 1 himself; or to make any use of it. I am, respectfully, your oVt serv't, ; H. CLAY. H. C. Josxs, Esq. What do Mr. Fisher's Constituents think ' rrT It is reported in Washington that in favor of the election of his old fellow-soldier, Gen. Harmon. .1 he oUovrers of an Buren ousforhurecaLbutthehtUeinancanottakethe responsibility 1 : V". r I:,-.' -.3 cf.the Ccnerl AsseaLIy for the County cf c.-aviiij:; v . : . -Vv . For the Senate. Wffiam A. Johnsori. v X I : For the House' of- CommonsJRobeil DGIIIian ir. James A; Kuosell and Horace L RobarJi , ' RAT,TClf;Ti a vt rs . ooT v.-';3-1 "I uAOiun ItAUiliUAU,'- 1 T) , . : . , ... v .-,;.. i Hale, ph. Mim 1R40. , I i ti... R... T. ' . : .r. .. t 't w 4 " jour paper ot tae 10th of -April VOX published schne hotes which I gave you about'lhe Ral-' eiga and Uaston Railroad. Among other particulars mentioned the extraordinary performance of the Loi comotive, Tornado," manufactured by Messrs. I). J. Burr & Co, of Richmond, Virginia ; in drawing 30 loaded Cars (gross weight 162 Tons) from Henderson to Gaston encountering grades rising at the rate of 20 and 25 feet per mile. " - , 't,:- , . It occurred to me this morning to ascertain and give you the number of miles' which thii Engine has run and the amount of repairs which it has reeeivedV' ' - The Tornado was delivered to' us about the 25th of November last, wnce which time it has run 10,6 SS miles ; and the repairs done to it have amounted to SO dollars., Thi$ is wonderful when we reflect that we have had tbo most severe winter ever known in this a . - : , .. v . country, and at the point to which the road Was then; in use, there were no means of sheltering the Engines from the weather. U During the last 0 or 0 days the Tornado has been tarrying the mail at a speed not less than 1& miles per hour. " . . ' 1 1 X think it nothing more than justice to the enter- poising manufacturers to let these facts bo known!- t Yours respectfully, ."' - cn as. r. m. g a-rnett, c. e. r. 4- g. k. r. - Jlemp-seed, I sow thee Burnt. . We do not often find the attention of men called to those products of the soil, the subsequent manufacture of which weuld properly' repay them for all their labor tad trouble. : But there is one instance we gladly aa- J coan. - oyreierence to the American Farmer of May, '"i m ccu, wu G-jtuumort owariwouij i was in that vear buailv ensased in tha cnltiTaiion of HEMP. n - ' From the Maditonian: , v" . fhft fnllnwinp ia tbit RT.Pntmt. n.n.nP. firf movement " for the benefit of his health."; Twenty thousand copies of the following precious confident!!' letter are at this moment preparing for, the mails; Amos calls UDonall the office-holders to hln him nut I , . . . . . : . , r, W I rirtam Ulna riannv nu4a nAv maVino" K V. . V.n. I rla to conquer" ihoe who are in possession of the I Treasury. It will be seen that he says, if you can't 1 spare a dollar, send a nalt-douar. If this appeal does J a a at a a a a mm a jm mm . not enanie Mr. &.enoaii ana nis federal locotocoxon, 1 . . . j j A . ' I rpu-r:. . J . vwraw. w w w - win w. ill wl w wB VIIM WlUlt nnruv liMMm roinieii. mrui aji nnr um arannintr tr. i - . if a - TJ .T. V A vway.v . w a v a w - V a .- WWI MW. a muiU then bring out the blood-hoOnds , vi ; ? WAsaiTow,May 20, 1840..,, I M Having embarked, witnconsctou-1 BeT assistance in rendering mv efibtU effective bv disseminatim? the : enclosed - address, and, obUining subscribers to wo JtSxtra ; Ulobe tbroug&out . . " - r . . .. . your region of country. E - fcrmert mechaniCt Md workingman sitoqld one j uj r uej cannot well spare a dollar each, two or more should unite totrether to tabe one. . "vr ' . ..... .... . .1 . & .- oumuiatea oy an enwususue aevouon to we j-ure pnnapls.? of deioefaand.by' the daring ets i..i.i:..-...-i: t-.:ti uumuii uu w uu.uni w....wW. w (lvf W , ... ... . i . j 1 L . : j. J repent their exertions. - - 1 ' .Your friend and feltow--ciiizen. - - . , . . . . AMOS KENDALL LivfrpooxA April 16. W,-fF ,,. MM 1 Travelling at ffy.-itx mtleian hour.- I reu I f 53 mea an hour. On Saturday the ..8th nit. the Fire Fly, a new engine on this Curia ciple, manufactured by Messrs. Jones, -or 1 OUt W3S CQ a seconas, or an average 01 ni ly mi ea anu half per hour, two miles of the road . nowever. cot over at ine raie 01 oo miic j. au hoar. ? This is the greatest speed aLpresent attained in the history of locomotive power ; what will ultimately be the greatest, U l& ixn- possible to foretell ' Messrs. Jones Co. have since forwarded a second enginelfrom their works to London, and thev -have four I . a ' . r . a " - '. i as I iu -prrc crccuuii i.r. the Great Western Kail way Company. . .-l ' . . t.' ' . .IL i 1 ... 1 lieru was UVilvy. iiuhu "am? jaivca 1 t.. I n oa.ana ttthifaattomnrtmr t. mfc r .1. . -i TT.i. : , 'ri.a,-.-i'-. lT"-.!.'--' iiib jjhiiiwi iimuu,-; a .v.""vin.i ukpuus in attempting to, make the same - porK; Was driven ashore, and one man drowned.. ;.Wjl LIAM PlKRCE, of Boston, Massachusetl was Josl overboard .from the brig;Ilhnois.lrThe and dry on the beach: of Lake Michiin. -The'schooner Gen. AVarren, a high ail i jdry at Presque Isle. Nat, Intel. t The Father or the Clergy. un derstand - that the Re v." , Dr. Ripley; tenior pastor of the first Congregational1 Chujch, i Concord, Mas$. entered on Ins UOth ylkron r. j 1 o..-.i- t.- 1 .A.mA'n ... l.t- z" , KA .. . . . . - l:n irnr he declared his last, but we trust It Will rove otherwise ; and the spirit of the performance was such, we hear, as to justify this eipec tatjon. . The venerable Doctor is notr tn the mitythirdymrofhisminiitryinConcdrd; J of rare occurrence, f We do not kno w wi be borne in mind that lhe Doctor, has 1 never relirtquished the active services of. the tv m..l tn . nifrtntil house 111 this City, from Arkansas, which embraced van. w. w. " - tt smnll atnmint Jh cin. consi.ling of' doub- . .... ' emi.ion of - bas'e HI , . . i .i . HmcumaueniuoB w iuuu jiicreicuw iv ureu. anu ne sunjecieu ui mows anu airipes, as it .-u"s-, , - ; - .7 tie engines employed on the Great Western . athalfttwfora and af- may siiit the arbilrary.will-then let the evil t Board can be hid in : mpectible farailie. at x fsXsmiS1 ZVA tocela hUSne.rn be bared forth, and Us remedy be applied by , d -t - ' ' - 1 i , ! expectations ot the IJireetors, toey naV$I- ...... . j . - . r, . , . a- i r ni - e .- - J 't0 1 sabsenber deems s it unnecessary ' to burden j tered their plan, and in future wheels -(7 o'clock, when a mouon was made for the Committee tmmediaj change. ,rius act of mutiny is a the public with a twHlious.adVerti.emeht,Vtu'nRfimh wa w mw mm--mmmw a w w m v v iL . ' J a.!-.. S" ALS. IB m M thAVM . I 11- 1. T - a I ' a - a- fl ' I T 1 a I m S a. 1 ' I. m - A feet diameter bnlv are to be emoloved. ' The . -D-nae, whicn was tirst negativeo, out aiterwarus car- u-u uio uicai auvantagea. anu uie usual efeeteras of a ..c- . ., '? ... mA ao ntM trt fiR ' Tha YTnnm thin x.innmAd. I premacv oi me law win db mainuinea.; vu 1 ocnooi notice: hot is.wiibnie. to base his claims to ii lias urcu iiio :aiiaiuuiciii i iiio -ik:cu i w. ' . . - i ,.. - T -r. v -: . v. - . 1 f . ; I loons anu nail eaeies, tne wnoie coi j wmrn, - wiuui w; u i - j ,u;--r- L 5s c- J . i"' & - ''-.. . m. . - Carre. Market du!L . We quote 6 a 2 atex- 5AaJ? upon examination, prtivea io De'cnunu-nriw J--, . :.r- U-mi nrices-avera sales at Sicents. " ; v - I th rpmittin? oartv had bevonddountDeen . . . - I w..aa,.. n.i'rn' i f.rt - Cov.Cis : T " I" .1 nhv.nn.r. thpr U rea- - The senate of UonnecUcut have confirmed the eiec-1 "-"rftT,ri:. "o.. - ijn .;SrBrobA1- a atee one. Mias been ' m u?i ::WeiT co: guess. - WasHiireToar, Mat 21 On the openingor thfr business yesterday, a shan I . , , Kib;i viliuu LUUik JiiaLO utmu a cumuu, a a- I dy, 1 hompson and others, on a moUon of, Mr. P. to . T : . ... . lmena ine journal uy luserunjr uuj jacw reiaunsr to t . . .. . . J . CT t msnavin bill UA witK Jnrfrninn. to suite out we Clause giving wo uew; Treasury, dictionary poWer to ' consolidate' under certain circumstances. The motion was lost, and the j wh passed,, . ' : ?.-"-- :.V : tittee on Public Lands, e, -granting pire-emption mendation that it do not Mr. CAury, from the Committee reported a bill from the Senate, rights to settlers, with a recommendation pass. A debate arose on a motion to commit the bill to a Committee of the whole which continued until the morning hour expired. '" - " i ' "' - The House recurred to the bill to secure the free dom of elections, the pending question being, M shall the bill be rejected !"' Mr Brown,, of Tennessee,' having the floor, continued his review of the several sections of the bill until the hour of recess,' and after the House reassembled, he' concluded his remarks. "The previous question was then called for, and the bill was rejected 103 votes to 63, The TJouse then went into VCommittee of the Whole on the state'of the Union on the Sub Treason ry bill ; when Mr. Cashing moved to strike out the first section of the bill; but, before he entered on discussion of the bill, he invited any of its friends to enter into its merits, before he discussed its demerits. Mr. Jones,the Chairman of the Committee of Finance, heing absent from sickness,- and Mr. Atherton, wh " ?' we.mu, uecupngwcnwrnii uw r-j . - r - l hdiness to proceed then, or in the morning. On motion of Mr. Briggs, the Committee' rose and reported' pro i gress, and the House adjourned, ' v . ; . In the 8enate, the bill for establishing a uniform system of Bankruptcy, was again discussed. Messrs. Dixon aid NorvdU delivered their senUmenU on the bill. Afterwhich, the Senate entered on Executive . : '.: -r t f . ? r , Business. .. . . ' ... . ' Washikotoit, May 2. The first matter attended to in the House,, jester. f I day, was the biH from the ; Senate upplementary to ....;..t. t. -tiUn-nn Dm 1 UJO C KKsallUtlK wisySAaapfcavs on which io question hid .V "w -. Mn ncminnM on l'v bluicdubt . a uo upcuci iucu a,T: , .."sTI .:.. - J .,.' ' HPTlilPn I. II SI L. I llfl IfTTV UJllB UUCBUUU flUUHl KLTLfl W AM. Ulf) T - not 0 iu e " ment . U . - i. w 4 a "a- .Att- " , , T.... . - . 0- .,h- .rrrr? 7 eomiminwDu an nmeauiwm tu . .. J A L AT . anal aa Ka proposed but the Speaker decided that a proposition for amendment was out of order. This decision being objected to, aii appeal was taken, and it was confirmed 100 votes to 91.' - , Sf called Mri Gentry to order, The result n"9? U1 success are calculated U inspire. was, iob aaopuon o uie mouon, auer a moamcauon, uiganucu uy uie appuiiu and a call of the previous question, yeas 80, Nays 57 menVofiWi R,ht4oa,jSr EUqi as Chair- if. rn.1.1 r-u:. I u : . .v. The morning hour having expired, the House re- tipn of 1 military, law,, and strike "by the ter Iveditself into a Committee of the Whole on the rot of its , punishment the' repeution, of. an t. ' i v .--i-lL-liJubTreasurvbill.and Mr. '.Cashing commenced his Mr. Cushmg commenced his . .. . . . I : v: v tit address- on his motion to strike out the first section of DepartmenUby deferring the Appropriation bill, which wmrm mrmt tn lv mnmA ntvin tfia Administration narfv in I 1 r-.-v HiQ9e must ta hei aMwerable for blingin8r on The Senate, after acting on several bills of minor i consideration, resumed the consideration of the bill for rThe appointment of Mr. Cambreleng as Minister ' to Russia has been confirmed by the Senate ; and Aaron Vail ffonrierly Charge dAftaires at London, and lat- terlr Chief Clerk in the Department of Stated has ben appointed to be Charge d'Aflain at the Court ofSpain. ; The mission of Mr. Eaton tothat Court, of course, will now cease, ; 1 - t- - - s ' fVn.lt. Prelate District Attorney of; N.York, i j - . ,i , T7 , the returned defaulter, has. been, arrested by the U. -. . 'VST . 1. tl "avT .1. 1. 1M a. . A I . m a -vrf ' A . JT la short detention, on giving bad to the amount of U82,000. Newcomb, the abscondmg Teller of the t-u u 1 1 Kim.,Tr .4 ,-. given nauin iu,uuu. f to have his account setUed, insisting that he owes nothing to the Government. . ' r i . .;. Washikoto k, Mat 23. : On the Journal being read, Mr. Atherton moved to SUspecq ine rules m wruer w uuer AeiHuuuun UUU , , , . w . tp n- 1 ! -L 1 the Sub-Treasury tall be made the order of this day at 12 o'clock and of every succeeding day at the same hour, tiQ the bill be disposed of. . The yeas and nays (eing taken on the motion, it was negatived 83 votes to 86. , v. - - , . " r v The Speaker announced that the subject next in order was on seconding the previous question hereto fore moved on engrossing the, Pre-emption. bill from the Senate.: " A motion was made to lay: the bill on the table, which was negatived. - The question on seconding the previous question, waa also negatived. as was also a motion to commit the biU. " Mr. Lincoln 'then moved to amend the bill, and the amendment was ordered to be printed, and the bill was laid over till Tuesday next. ' .y -" - The House spent the remainder of the day sldering bills of a private nature. ' 1 . The Senate, after acting on , several bills of minor consideration, again resumed the consideration of the wuauius -jrui u uupicj, wueo wr. fit . t i . i r . i t . ... .... 1 aiimaage maae a opeecn in iavor oi tne mu. Altae conelusionoi wnica, Mr.trange moved thattho hiU ! n of Judge Huntingdon to tho Senate of the United nrte A . , . . ... . . . . . . ,k . ment assigninff, at. leat, the motive influenc-1 u to the bill, observing, that it would not be expected that . . i - i r i . - . u '! " I - . - , .... .. .. , mg men to such a violation of dutr. - Should uL so important a biU could pa without being fully dV itCe found hat there tn CXercise of au- i . ; 1 bated $ and, u any . inconvenience waa sunerea oy ine i States. So that hs may be expected to take his seat ri , ,u.d?-. . V v-K : - ::tc:g. most entfuisiastiri mptir PrPrfr!i' Mint!. on SaturdHV evening laet.'Amon thfisft who . - - - vis iicscui . wo uui not II II (J Ouo wiiu was nuiaarougnjj warmed wlUii thai heart V zeal m .n.f,.i.k:ai ; ; .tV " 'usuom which a frorod cause anu me f ... ' . -. . . ; . " iUB 8oecretarv. I le fA-- - . ' T" ",c 30088, tl Welt ClO HuciiMjr auu iorcioiy upon the necessite- of a Chanffe of ruler -:.r-ii i ' . ine; aafa bright prbsbVcUnrt nf"? is endeavoring" to'' effect the much npil t !? , aKnan concjoded hU addres amidst the loud and. long continued applause oCthe;fheeling.V, : r Thir reports of ieyenlsntComTOittees of c,.a5cfearmanconclodedhusdd tne Vj enerai Uomnuttee of: y teilan;ce havin been received and adopted GenVJames W. regram ino?ed that the, persons now pres nt organize themselves into a Tiptiec a Club." f Ins motion uerti-P.'aceompiinied with some eloquent and spiristirringremarks: When tie finished, ' the motion was put and carried unanrrnousIyVand lhp names of all the persons present. were subscribed as members or the Club ' - U f Committees to draft a Constitutioh and Bv Laws for the 'Clubrand to' select a: suitable place for uslmeetinswefelMieh anu tne meeting adjourned to meet again, on next oaturuay night. ; -Kk In an account of the proceedings tof this raeetihffi it is impossible trt describe the great enthusiasm which; seemed to antmate'aU pref sent! IThe v s b Deafed determined ". to nlay manuuly their part in the coming struggle, and leave nothing undone which might con tHbote' the uum.iU of th jfjons'titution arid jthe Laws in the election of lhe people's can uiuaw;, ucu. vi m. i. narrtson. Petersburg Intelligencer, j ' , 'J -St. Augustine, May 8. , 1"DINJr. T 1 x-iMTKAuunng iqe- last ..g..o.i . uuiuary m' V.l VV. mo (.uuiiuauuwj uuiiici ui Vila puai uictei Major A8HB7, was absent, and the command devolved on Lieut. M krrill. Some order was issued to a non-ctmriiissioned -'officer respecting the removal of prisoners, who peremplorilly refused to ciarry it out; The - . - rnmnanv ortrrl a !n,.-.l. u:. i w--m L " w v a v . uuiu.uii auu Its tm they refused-Lieut. MerriU at the sametime f w - - 1 " . . h ' - . i -w.-:j ,.r . ...... j,. . . i- tor Hitchrock succeeded in knockintr down I ' . ' . - S- I" several of the mutineers, and something like order was restored, although not before a car biofl was levelled at the Doctor, and missed fire , c An ffence nf this character we helie vtf war. Isolated cases of-disobedience and muuny nave occurreu 1 out; lor a wnoie com- i ' .. ' . a a- a' i pany to be altected With a simultaneous spirit j of insubordination is truly temarkable The I interests of the service require, in this matter, the closest scrutiny ; suchf as will ,develop me causes wmcn nave , promptea tins viola 1 "Cl suoversiye oi aii oiseipime ana commana. act subversive of all diseinline and command 1 euuveraive i aiiuiscijnjne anu corarnanu. . -m-j- -..,r. thoritv inconsistent with law. and an abnsa. I of power irr.conciUbte with the security of I ' ' 1; i .1- ; f. - t? .. . ' hub r iimo-iiianii. generous leeungs 01 he sM are lrodJen 6dawn . lhe5dus, Dishal Swamp Can il.- Gov. Gilmer in his visit to the Dismal Swamp Canal, on view of its whole extent, North West Canal, tiie cross- and ive learn, he express- l ed no. small surprise and gratification at' the; I magnitude and importance, of that interestinff public worK. - Un tnUay he returned and, dined with the President and Directors of the any, i ?e n; V I'fminus, two miles below, Deep Creek. A A tin IS a rt tV BS ff KaS t laV KmalNaa aaa-kl :.u -"W; cpot to a greal extent, of the Canal Com- merce,,the Company have already purchased fes f , , ( ' w , .. ca8Ion lne president and Directors annoonefcd lhe name of lhe new town tobe ..Gilmerlon! nn honor of Thomas W. Gilmer, the first Gov. of Virginia who had fvisited the spot. Norfolk Herald. At Richmond, Va. on the 20th inst. Daniel Call, Esq. one of the oldest and mewt respected citizens. . I IVir. WUi W U11W U UIV WU, U1 tUllUCUk IUC1UUGI, If. O-lt . . .V. . t.. . v .r.rw.ww. M.mU... , . m . ,Aft h-hinil vm -trlintr nrnfftaainnal j mentoes of the high rank to which he had attained in I his profession. V ; tug n akkets." - . ' ,fjraox,xsaLK raicxs. j f . ' - 7- : RALEIGH, May 22. v" Bacon 8a 9; Beeswax 17 a 20 1 Bale Kope 8 a 10 : Coffee 13 a 15 : Cotton To 8: Cotton Yarn 18 i a 28 Cotton Bagging 15 a 20 J Corn 50 ; Meal 50 ; Flour $H a $5 ; Flax Seed Si: Brown Sugar 10 a 12; Loaf do. 18 a 20 ; Tallow 10 ; Whiskey 40 a 43. FAYETTEVILLE, May 20. Ttainm Tl n ft TtwawaT 23 a 25i Bale Kope .8 vv.-,,vv-i- a 10 ; Coffee 12J a 13ft Cotton 6 a 1H Cotton-to announce, that he will Le prepared toBoaid Fsml V "".'-:' Yarn 18 a 24; Cotton Bagging 16 a 20; Com 60 a jt9 during the Kamner f.Ionths in the ml comfert- - i lyincon- 65; Flour $4 a $5 ; Flax 8eed 90 a $ 00; Brown j .ble manner. ' The Hooms are large and airy . and' -' Sugar 7 a 12 : Loaf do. 18 a 20 ; Bait fsacx;; taj a $2 ; Tallow 11; Whiskey 35 a 37. - . r . WILMINGTON, May 18. TCaivwi ft fl fl : Beeswax 22 a 23 ; Cofiie 11 a 12 j Cotton 6aiHCom50 a 65 ; Meal 70 a 80 ; Flour! ino: BfuwnoutM 44a 5 ; Brown Sugar 7 a iu; oait (.tmsnei) 48 a fi Tauow 12 a lSi . Molasses 25 a 37 1 TLLkey 40 a 42. . ; ' Toscco The receipts cf tl:s article tra lars and U,. quaJity inferior, with a docile ia price. Ve (;usU T.r;fi2 a t3i Leaf 3 3 fl f 3 75 . - 1 ar " i V 7 : " supplies of Pf's r v !' . .re cf 2 hot. :, ; .i I his Uityi . . 43 . be bad ly ftf , inra. L. Jump a.'.iJ W'iil" i II: . May 22. -wiLL;pi:c:: pqrOTICE 13 ITEHLUY GIVENiTHAT THE JlV Cpartiicrt.L.', heretofore existing underlflb name of Marshall u Fowliii, is this daY'd&blVed by mutual consei.t.'." c " " ' -7 r""-1?- ' ' ' . JiJ. G. MARS II ALL, ' --., ( . Aj. A U Yt itLiti H Rale ish, May , irfr , &J4 ' t;4S I 7ILLIA;.I L.l O .VLLil having purcbssed ihii V V Stock, tha Li;-i.,rss bq Conducted under t" name, and Co triJIi :vc;i, c'Aing to the pressure of the timei. . . . . " '"W' -i. T. L. FOWLER. Ra!cighrMay 23, 1840. -100 Ba.Vs of prime Cotton ' Jf . i - h 'to vvw, snow; co. "sleigh. 8th May, 1840 ! . ; j: ... .:" 43.31'-. V. ML ings are off. red Mill chespef. We wfl! thankV it iT Tk ?Bt lh" ""ic,e" lo i1 -nd how toW '"V Oar Cotton Yarns are also put still lower ' j - ! WILL: PECK. RTJ,CE"wr:MWu Conlyf-Taken up by Ai -WiiMAx l casaa, in the Southeast of said County, on the 31st May, 1340, a str.y GeldinS..a sorrel wuh the near ey blh,d,-whiie on the bom, star in the fare, several scars on the shoulders', hind fret white half up the lw-gs, shod all roundi about five feet one inch high, ten- years old. valued to ninety dollaisi had on a collar and part of a halier. : 48 WILLIAM LEA. Ranger. ' GRAND LOTTERIES FOR JUNE. ;- JP SU Crcgtiry if Co: Managers: TmRGINIA STATU LOTTERT--rer endows V in8 the Leesborg Acsdemy and foroth'eripuN fHweaci.n fii0 5, (ot lS40-- J o be drawn at Alex andria, Vt on Katurday J3th June I840.t . ' " - J 20,000 J 1 0.000,00(),0Tu20,01 ,0l T 100 Prizes of $1 000, dec &c. , Tickeu only $10 Halves $5 Quarters' $20.) Cerlificatesvf Packages of 23 Whole Tick's $130 Uo . do . vS5 Half do 65" , Do r do 5 Quarter, do . 32 60 ATATE OF wNEW JERSEY LOTTE RY.C lass kS A for 1840 . To be diawn at Jersey Citv.: Mil: ou Saturday, 2fl(h of June, 1840. .. v . BRILLIANT SCUBVK. $40.00012.000f Q,00Q-5 0003.000 -S.600. ' ST Haft ' l A A ' ' a.'. .'C -laa?' t . - - , i,.o i.ouu i otuvj prizes or 1,2503 of $1 200 3J of 1000 20 of $500 20 of SiOO- 40 of $300. &c ' - -14 drawn Nos. in each Package of Tickets. " Tickets only . $ 1 0Hslves,$5 Quarters $30f Certificates of Packsges oi 86 . W hole Tickts. $l3flf , do. - ( do ff Half . do . 85 . ' do . do t 26 Quarter do 8S "TTTIRGINIA STATE I.OTTE R Y For the tn V ' - of the Petersburg benevolent Mechanic As sociation. Class No. 6t for 1840.- To be drawn at A Isxandria, Va. on Saturday, June 37th; f 8l0; .' ' :-- GRAND 8CHEVS. y V, : .r 130. 000--$ 10,000 $5,060-3.1.00 3. 07CJi,odd 3.500 XT 0 priies of $1,50050 do ef 250. 60 i.of 200 &C,-: . Tickets only $ 10. Halves $5. Quarters (2 50 ' ' Certificates , of Packages of 2$ Whole Tick's C130 Do ' , - do . 35 Hslf - d6 66 Do.' . do ... , r 25 Quarter do ' , J52) r CCT Orders' or Tickets and . 8bsres or Certificaiea of. Packages in the ahove'Splendid Lotteries', address , , i, S. GREGORY & Co. Managers; - I . ;. - ' . Wsshington City, IX C ' L " ' " Or Richmond Va. Drawings sent immediately after ihey are over, to all who order es above. - ; 43. , "TTTllIOIt ACAOEZ1V, Of Orange -tb I VU exercises of this School will close fir the' pi's ' sent session on the 13ih of Jane.snd will be resunv :. . s a. . . a at a. . . , on Ine 9,n Ja,' th rmU fce.sion. The . EE" 7? t0UT mU , - '4m8 M W . TV , . . ' - ,.;V.T , - .t .- .,. .. ' -. ; fTuiUon ia the prenaratorv eollesiate course.- ' . n f n.J np tm? co"e8,,te T1. ,,v W patronage on the proficiency of his scholars' slone. '; . Hewoutd be glad that these who design iending their sons, would do so at an early stare of the ses sion. . - . JOHNS. HOLT. .Orange, May 15.. - - ' ' . 43obwS-;. TfOIIlV IVT. The Subcrioer is bn.lherofiabn Ivy; a resident of Henry County, Alabama, and ther but does not kn him in CumlM-rlaml C desirous of bearing from and seeing hisb'tent bro-'. now where to find htm. ' lis left County, N. K about seven yesrs ago, aged alwut sevtn yesrs, living with William . Johnson, a farmer, but ho has since learnt that he mooihs ago. Tbis hiB BritlMwpm eitber- U; 0, hear Jfrom . some one who m.y reaJ iL In which case it Is hop. .d b. wiM either ,-y him . visit, or lines staling where be Is, and what is aion. A lelter .jjd to the.Sul . a " a. al drop him" a few ; his present situ-. ' 8ulwcriber at Ave- rasUnroogh, N. Carolina, will be received by him, as - he is st present at Edward lireeirs in that vicinity, and will remain there till the 1st cf Jolv next. " , 1' ' . - - " ' ' ' DANIEL IVY: May 26. 1840. 43 3 1 - Tmr VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST 'TO - uL) me executed by John G Marshall, to secure certain debts therein mentioned, I shsll, at lhe house now occupied by Peter LeMessurier, oiler for sale on . Wednesday, the 17th dsy of June next, that valua- .ble Lot situated between Fajettevitle and Wilmiag. ton, streets,- upon which the said . Marshall formerly kept a Grocery. v The buildings on said Lot consist r of a Store and Dwelling House, and all necessary out : houses. At the same time and placw J shall also in -pursuance of said Deed, offer for sale a likely and young negro woman,, named Cherry, -and two rbiU dren, Cloe and Emily, a Billiard Table and its fix tures, a Hrae and Cart, and household snd Ljtchen furniture. The above profierty will be so J on a cred it of six months, and bund with approved securities ; will be required of the pdrchatters. ..- - ; . r. , ;.' , GEO. W.HAYWOr Trustee. Rsleigh. Msy 25 180. . .. 43 ; "fj3 Standard until sale. -TTV4O TIIE PUBLICwT! e underrgfteJ having v J procured the Itovms in l' 5 I ir;s and commodi- -ous Brick BuiUin. bclt'tn2 t llerndtm & Tutor. - i and Bi!i.iiuinr his nwr.l ir.i lpnr. hum iK nlMwiiiavc aaHicieiitly private; and the . undn-igm-ds leels noj TTDECKWi. douLt tnat ks v...l ive entire sausfaciun to c.l who - -may favor him with theu compsny. , . . -. T-' r "r; - - . GEO. M.'ALLEK. , T7arVcn8n, N. C. May U. 1810 0-4t . BANK OF CAPE FEAR, - ; , tt ::v, mo. 5 TTOTICE IS HEITEBY CIVC:; TO DELlft j ijuentSotiscribers id the Clock, cl i!.is Bsnk, tbat unlss full psvment be. made on or tcfre the Z'JUk day of June next, ail the enpi l Ltirzs w i'.l I j rr posl to public sale rt ancti.in,' r-r; . L!y la the f ro- -l .n. .r,ha Art t.' AafjemUIy t ar ' i V. artery cfsaid Bank, passed at tLe tcf.ioa ri 15: ' . May 22, lUr- : . . . -' ' in in-: .I. A, -a v.i H 1 .,'! I f t ..r ft "1!? k: it; 1 1 1 I ' 't 4 '. i i 1. l f 1 1! "r-r'V 1 a I -w . . '- - ... .-w4? :S"'P.