-it Hi r -. - ' 1 iv' ' .. - . . !fl - " ' Ml -til ---BBWasaas-ss -...''' rilers, having l ..':r thetrn cl JONES, have "a a Tl Pf FW ::a sr.J ictaiU.rviii-- 1 1-. V 0 rp-t r thee well !. THE BRID" .'M m-daughter T do these fwom -. v 4' .j, And ou w . , .-: .- . j& tiJL Camber her who grisvea , &pWsa Parent fo;S i' , ' " .? -Li thae bereft Whose loneiy i- . ., - i:v .-me desert. lone and wild, - . : ' : Where erst . simple wild bird sung J Now lonely, dark, wd detoUte ! II No-bird or flower its ebedee oft. y r NC ri.lMriV.TLs! nm iJY. .:OSLU Tr FSTADLISintT, lb Couth-east cor. wbro they wW be f'-iaed Jo tZ9 their o!J ..J oew friend irom Ue couuirj w ! .them atifrt'on.- ' - - Uoontrr MercUanw tnu rnjcian nre panicuiar- lv invUed to ealU . -1 " r .. r ; THOS H. ROSSER. TT;i,.Z3 UCIi" 2JLZZZ;rb. following tt!a i O ' property U now cCi'rel for sale to wit: : UaltLtOt fo. SSV, 4th Cistnct. . i:ilniMi court y Prtersburj March 1. GEO: W.JONES. AUUlAJUiiv 1 13 tr.ornua - w - I - - ,n,i rtora. ..a of ihe Hair. I iw re an , ry, at i..s ionn enuna u,oit Si cbi!1 Vtind i't f3sfin. st KakfTn. W inecar , , . rTTlHI3 DAY RECEIVED, and for sate at the 11 K I North-Carolina Book Btore, PETERS VDI. v. j.-1 . Fraction Ko. 3, 6th . do . do (104$ acs,) y . 22T i3h , do Lee. , . .-255, -do- ida" . do ; ,, -' " - 258, do ' do do - t .- . ; v 52, 3d do .J-,,-,,. ; 241, 12th do ' do . j i - r -", 1U0,-3J do - - y' -do -.& . 161 14th UT, . SdaecCberliee 1086, 3d da lstdo-.do' Nos.23 & 30, SurltsTille, co.' (town lots ) Seven hundred and twentv acre, Ta nail county Ion the Ataroahaw RTer, adjoming lands of Ambrose Gomfon and others. ) ' " These lands are ofTered to be sold at private sale, but if not disposed of in this manner to par eatisfac I iIah. tfiev 'wilt be sold to the bisheot b dder. urf the ,r.Iii irt inamMi next. inn i;inrt hnnu i imnonra ainrK' :: .r if :ti..i..:i. u .vr i :,r.Ariit tm-b from thelsfahles of the Enidib Lrds. uiLniitw - - w aillOO to $1M the Season, and want other testimo- c.iwth cf Uir oa tLe hei i persocs i . . .. .1.11 .j .... . -1.-.;, .", -'Vi. . ,- :f, . ranfethe ii miwnce due when the Mare ii ascer. t uu " . . lure, a for deli i Lc let lo Mares at l-eisa- xcrt m ..pmblVat .he expiration thereof, and f!i-K iv. Irfon rtf the Cot,rt in w iih the earliest KrDnn.. taiued to fee with fonl. .An exchange or trsfisfer ot a Mare insured, will entitle the owner of the lloue to the insurance. ' Hardlui k was never trained, and w hop the puUic will not judge his blood"by the low tatet kt hich be islet to Bfares: j'Wi;theref.re re. ferthem o the distinguUhed perfoTrfmnces of his son Grey J.tomos, to speak the SireV rjnerita. a particnlar acsounfofwhirh may be" found in my largo ;, Bills ; and we aver that there is no horse in -America.? ha ran b.tasi of Vuch a son who does not stand at double the amoanl. Hardtack" is proimeed tolhe publie. We invite tjie atlentioit: of brenltra t call nd ;ee Hani lock and lu'dge for themselves and think rate expe rience has iroven or native stork superior to the at least we nve naa enoagn n me ny of their thorough brelsw . -TDE'SCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE; HaKllnek Is 'liht Gret 8 years old thU Sprins. fall li hinds hisrh. combining, at a siHgteitance.ihe easentiala 'of the Race Horse bone; sinew, ami mus cte .with si beauty and syrnmetry of fum. btond-Iika nbtl eam'e "ariDcarance. nnehrpaaped. i He Has but one cilt old ennoglt t appear tbe Tort (Grey Momus) a faetimiU oX his Sire, which he got in bis three . v . J" ' It 1 I ..t....,M. Andwben tby children climb tie kev, ; And whisper - mother, mother dear, 0k j then the thought of her recall, : Thou leavest broken hearted hew i And as their sinless Seringa rise ' , . TaGod's own footttool, let them erata A blessing on her memory, : ' . 'vhealaini)er8 ln' thpeacelul gnt. v;.rt.? ? bencare sbsJl dimthy funny eye, ;. ; -5 .y v r V And one by one the tie arej brokett xWbmdthee to the earththia lis r 'STi - Will Unger yet thy mother'a token-r" ' :i Twill pesk,berchangUsalove for thee T V I ' f Speak what she strives in Tain to te v -; ; " ' ' The yesrrung of k parenta heail A..ki i. My- only child fereweU I farewell -' - j HOME 8WEET HOME: , I How "cheering and tweet in! a! cold world Uke ihU, ; Where joya meU away lie the aboee-drivea foam, T feel that one's heart ia a planet of buaa yv Kevolving in Ught roand the centre of Lome.. 1 The soal may pursue the bright meteor of fame, . The phantoms of glory, ambition, or pride; . Bat their gtitter b false as their pleasures are tame, Compar'd with the bhn of one'a own fixe-side. R ! AD joys are delusive save those of the heart,. , " The grass may be green while it grows on a tomb. Bat me verdae of feeling can never depart, '.v. . J When the soil where it springs is the garden ofhome. The world may have pleasures all sparkling and gay, j As the crystals of snow which the branches adorn, Bat the first breath of sorrow will sweep them away While the heart like the tree is left bare and forlorn, Oh ! then when the bosom baa caret which annoy, And the fair sky of lifo becomes cheqtuerd with ' gloom," f 3v.'' -',-'::-Vy How blissful to think that a fountain of joy ; Aa a welUpring of pleasure is gushing at home 1 1 A full and arranged Disftt of the Cases decided irr door in the city of Miltedgevijte, ooolhird caah, the tM Supreme, Circuit. aitu.Dwtrict Uourts or l fie J balance in two equal annual payments, with interest, United States, from the Orgunixation f the.Gov. I and undoabud personal security, ' ' ' " eminent of the UnheStatea. By Riciuan Pa- 7 , We offer for sale also two splendid setltemenUi of Vaiia, Counsellor at Law, and Rejorter ot the ve-1 (and; in Baker county, one containg 1250 acres, the cisinne of the Supreme Court of the United States. ! ther 2250 acres, : The first etlliment embraces t' e 3 Vole. - " . j lolbming lout Noa. 26 and 3.8th district Baker ; !Vh r,r.c?t ibU work will be placed in not-1 No 20, and 22. Vih district Baker 1250 arres. I The profession, by lhia worit, .will Pi P??--1" nhafc -Mitrsnsna --..tsifn.ti.ii.Mv. z - r ,- jm if.MA a mrm n i cr riaai iiiiniiritw - - -ib i FT IT TV.' 3 of thrdDVsterest-- of Un,l. to wit i No. f 225. 256V265, 295, 394. 266, i U. the United btatea. ;f?:.fPl1? ot: 229. 252-2250 acres, and all in the 2.1 d -trie J be arrangement anu nMHon 'U,. 21r "J,f. j a ?-j ;:fC;h yT SvT hSeind virion. aXend ' regard to the character of theW two lastnamed year oto form. 7 whose dUtlnguished f . . m s a . .;, a .j m. sr. it sisi w i itavv fiawH riKsFn iirnmiu iimi irr riimiiaamii iiiitsvaasa i hie s.iiaxrasuari w un sscaea j - j SiatrS. has never oeiore oeen mae j anu ma larni- i x --v f'V . ' . i ... . . ,l .n..rinr .o. r..- r-,.- . thm m.nftf tha fnrnL.h t U be Interior to tto.MNiy.oi tana norm or tne salune t ineuiw suaj v. w . -'--- I n. nL .:J j"-:is... J I him tit rwt thnronpu Drea.TBreiT d lr ihe labour thua bestowed OO thia work, will be ' locauou, eru.y, anu prouucuon tor .T-- " " ' ; ' .jf.i . .:Lit ri. corn and citton. cannot be surpassed: thev lie be- I to be met mMfyx.Kl fcii. . 1 . - : . . .!... Hu 1 iwtnii Luts v. UIII.U1-A urw ,uu k ii . 1 . m Mxiiuii r-i ruiiir w n vu, uv iiiuiiiuu iuuii r mw... ceivcu approval inun hip uigum iuuiswi uiui,hi ----- --- - . ... . . . . . 1 -v . - ' . -- 1 iki iT.t , fiom th rnr-t .1iiinffuihed of our State that w rapidly attracUiig public nonce, ( Antoketie or Lady Washington.) by Sir Archy I . i . .1 .:n.l I ,1 1 n . .1. Jl k. TI.II-,- , members of the Profession of the Law.rv , anu m a very icw year. w... ..-.. wmw,. granua P ny umi mumu, The work contains the decisions of the Courts of I we growing -u, -i.-- ;.-"?. n j bw i uan k f -fiajor. Ma mhi v t-i. .. w. ii. IT5tl Si.t iMr in nnwarda of aixivfive I were selected vttn great csre anu expense, ny one or .....-. r - . . ,i:.l: J .rtH.Nnt.nfH' rl k .fib rim."Ci. t vnumee of Reports. Those volumes are, Crancha urMJ"u6r- v T. " T " 1 . .... n I i... .....t.l .... t.J nmm1liin .J j .1. D w-l. n VA. h..l.n'a K.rwrt IX - Kfl. t BI1WI . v .-..-.. - v . ' 5 ...... ..V n .... , -it- r..n:.--L (-- !?: I The "undersiffned are very desirous to dipoae of I Sumner's Circuit Conrt Reports, S vols. Paine. Re- and will do wat private sale, to a fair trrbakerand fc. jok w., t by the Celebrated American poru. I ol. Case, decided in the Supreme and Cir- ogooa. ; . n-.,r tn -n.llaa RpiNirt 2 vols. ; Wa.hin.ton'a I -reo p - l'- - ""' ... r. ..,,- - - t- ik--.'ii..i -t in... i-t k Cirrni Curt Renorta 4 o'a Peters' Circuit Court 1 u,"""ul " I RcDorts. 1 voL Baldwin's Circuit Court Reports, 1 of a!l the reported Dec! Caroliiiu, cm rnliudin? the Decisions of the Supreme Ccurf at il iune Term, 1837. Prepared by Ilonl James iredT Attorney and CtmhseiTor at Law; i t- . ti... i .u i." ....'.. ' . Froo Mr,GraUam!itorofthe rhilaJelphiaSaturditjf .... ... i r9 r iii v riii. -- --...--? U : Ifce attenUon of those f- ner& 11 a. be-.tne ' " W-X-teifcn, ai - ---- . . .,,., ,i.;- I iae Mtronase oi tue pui.iic iot im worl. -l.-i. Cictcd with premature bawness, w .c.. . hef Mihf( B( t , -"ir Tnirw prepared by Dr. Jayne , , .ft us J-J tWJ v&&ti U.eTefbre. neceS ! uaed H ourselves we can fpeaa-"! i tlwo ryt ortavo Valumea f almt five'fcuJr! perience. and f ui.besnaung.jr pr - ' - page. ea h. printed o good type and fine twwr valuable remedy id prevent the f-Wwt.fcW welLb.,unda Price, NU.eDiS.Ji rWft,? and lb testore it rrom a ueau i " ' ' .--r pearajice. We cn alo speak from personat knwl edge of the case of two r three friend wh were WmJuA hldiieL who by theJuse of, Jayne a u ....ita. t a o nn tniiui-iii ii.ii . dixposit dien,foi n. hmtaiMtu! tins virtue ray ii isgood.Wtfrfay EvaPosft Sep.7 1633 if Tonic.'have now loxuriani nair. r w . positioii tn puffindisrriminaiely, all kind of reme , for all di-whkh fr sh ihcir to l ot when have tested the virtue of an article, we are free t noted Otic horse 8ir Solomon;) Ue dam of Vesta by Tatlrn a DreadnoV but of -Bandy, by J . Porter s rlnrllrtt. Americual Fearnauftht. Jollv Roger, Wor- tn ti.vp!ler. out of an imnnrted Barb Mare. Fori si. . . . .;. ,. ,- . -k r -i-o .-w l..-3i - - rol ' Petera Admiralty, Decision. vola. iliini District Court Report.. 1 vol. Brockenbotouaha Re ptrts vols. Bee. Admiralty Reports, 1 vol. Burr. Trial, 2 vol.. Case, in Day and Cook. Reports, 1 vol. .HaU'a Law. Journal,:. vola,;; --.;Jj-, ;V j Each volume coritaina upward of .even hundred page, super-royal octavo,';'. V jjtjnEs imanojr, : : : . j . CIVIL ENGINEER, , : . ; Inventor of the Improved construction of Rail-ways Addrtu, Batttmort. - Maryumcu E'ora.' "rVTi-TT XT OnHS.-.Womin'i Mission, edited i XI bv the Rl. Rev. G. W. Doane, Bihou of the tj.ocee of New Jersey. Coleridge's Aid. to Reflec tion," to which is prefixed a preliminary esaay by John McVickar, D. D. Por aale at the N. C. Pook Plore, by TURNER o HUGHES. April 17 1 lot, and they are offered to the public at this' early no tice, in the hope ortbeir recetvingine strictest person- examination.' 'h' ' ' r- ' BjS. WILLIAMS, r'- r J J. WILLIAMS, -5 ' N, G. WILLIAMS h regard to the character of these lands, reference may' be made to Gen Jamea Hantilutn, Charleston, 3. C. , J.Uowies, Macon, ua. ; i noma, a, oiuihm, Milleilgoville, Georgia; and William Deunard, oa ker : Countv. " Georsta ; and the' last named gen tleman will ahow the lar.d to any erson desirous or a f personal examination. ; All communication. ort this subject, addieseed to eitner ot tne jxecuiors, or Joseph T : Williams. Milteilgevitl., Ga. ":::M ;Milledeilte. March, 3. 1840. , mtom - l TTAHri EXPCirrCIXAHT ts decidedly fell superior U anv other known combination of medicine, for tloaxhs Colds. Consumption. Asthma, J TEI1IENSBLUE WRITING FLUID Just received a new eontriv of Siepheo . oocbnge.ble iirht DlUOOw nting nuiu pw npin larga ot. amati bittilea. For sale at tae X. u. book cKra - April 25th, 1840..v-:-.j.v.':?;v, ; 34. -TVrOTICR I ! ! CHEAP HAT AND SHOE 1( STORE !IB.'UaUd.Cev would respectfully uifiM-n their friend, and customer, that they are now opening a fresh and beautiful assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, embracing every article usually called fi in their line ; all of which will be .old at reduced nrices to suit the present Aortf timet. ; Call and mo the bargains which they are arlliog.and judge for yourselves. i . . j. . w Raleiah. April 21. 1840. 34 if : : ' Hvwtcu. iwr ooiiw vumj, wi"r- ""- j l' '-.---. -.-r-r --a na !eia-!!'Sjl t iavnromc rieunsy. wcu.iy -n.nn, ---- - - . . , ,. ,!; Usee Horse Okl Sir Archy imported mare Lady Bdnblfy. by Trumpetor-i-Theopha. by Highflyer Plavt. he bv Mslchem Vixen. bvL Kegulua H 01' ion's i hot Fox Cub Bay Bolian Coney nkins Hatt fa Grev Barb Bverly Turk. See Edgar. 8tuo 4 hok. paw 430. JOHN M; BUYAN. . M ch 9,1840. '.V :J"'r- C";T.:2 iWi nSve enHARDLUCK, and can, with pro- nrieti .reeommend him 6 the public as a pure ami thorofah bred Stallion, of rare and unexceptionable j Pedigree, of fine form and action, and' f supenoi borieiSinew and muacte. 'J.C.ROGERS, &-Jm- : r DM'DANIBL; P -' -,.-W. MCARGO; J Br'M mh'f Wi' L. OTEY - " jjTwaVHi Tic fhraele gint preparation in restoring the growth of the hair in ImiUI plarea, is truly wooderfuLt Where' the bair ha. been worn off from the top of the ; head,, by the earelesa nraa ice of carrying thing, in. the 'crown of the hat it i. generally considered diSruIt if not tn poouhle to re-tore it, but il i. found by huroeroo ea- ample, that the Hair Touc rrai he. ibeae cases very ,i.m,.tlv arut eH-rt. a complete core.' Every gentle;. man (we say nothing to the ladiea. jt being a fair ie.umptiori that their hair i alwaya in full luxuri- lit it atwavs aeema ao,.-. every gentleman h.. finds his hair .rowing too ihirui or becoming t.ir-hnnl.l olkce a boitte of JavneV Hair Tome in hi. dressing eaue and apply it whh a free use of the Ki, hr..h everv mrnine. i ire reaun w 08 -V strong and healthy head of bair The caae. thst haye fallen oiider bur own observation warranf us fully in aaerting thi.. Weekly Kemenger. r Attention is catted to Dr ayne's Hair Tonic In- the nrea-atin. eruwth and restoration i uie Hair. We are assured that several most remarkable i(irk have lLeIv been effected .by'thitf remedy. ; It i. certainly worthy ; a trial PAUadeJphia Saturday Chronicle.' It r recnimei.del not only to prolemtional mV- X of whom will dotibtlera pnscM thenwelvea ,f " direct end abridge their labors Imt it isj alw ijrJa upon the notice of all J attires, .Sheriff and judicial olTtcers a. afTordin them an exporiiioa h, few .word., of the points wb'u h the 8upreu,f f0l of North Caroli ha has decided in retain, u t6 ihWr tie. . i For a .imiUr Icfson. it b i)omhended to in, I vate centletnen, whojnsy have an inclination or M I an interest to know the deteru-inatioti of ihe ufM i Court, which constitatej so tat as tbejj deride, law of the land, a impe'ratie'a any Act of Aen ! -.--. ' : -.li--.t-' ' j bly, and a. Dltiuing in iuvtt opeiauon Ujxhi memlter of Uie community. - J eter ThU medicine is biahlv and fustly recommended, by numerous and respectable individuals,', who have found relief from hs ue. Many whu have been Jaj bouring under protracted Cough. 'and Pain, in the Breaal, and have been supposed by themselves and SVStl necessity o stating thia fact at the counter, give no tice, thst vr a shall sell in future for CASH ONL Y. ; -. - w. x A. oiii n. Raleigh; April 1 28, TTTTTH ITE SULPHUR WATER The under. VV signed annoQiice to the public that they are extensively engaged In tisnspnriing tnts ceiemateii Water, both in Bottles and Barrels, a. may bedew red by porchaxer.- They deem' it proper to inform the public, that the result of long and careful experience. haa fully established tbe tact, that by carefully deprt ving the wood of which tbe barrel is made of all of iu arid, and otherwise preparing it for the purposc the Barrel ia rendered completely effectual for transport lag and preserving this w.ler in it. parity and medi cat efficiency. Peraona wishing the Water in Bottles can obtain it of our wholesale agents, Alex, Du al, Richmond. V.4 Charles E!hs Co. PhilaJelphis; Richard Noma, Baltimore; or of the Atthecaries, in Petersburg. Va. : Those wishing it in Bsrrelai must address their order, to the undersigned who will deli ver it at any convenient .hipping point, to , which it may be ordered, i V 'F- r -'K1-'- ' I! .WILLIAM B. CALWELL & Co. l White 8olpbur Springe, i . . ? ; . Greenbtier County, Va.; March 16. S Fayetteville Observer 0 weeks, and charge (y, W. B. C. & Ci . ILK VN ORM EGGS. A quantity of the vt hite Silk Worm Kgga, price J10 r ounce, two crop. a year. Uall at tbe a. v. oooa -tore. . ; i ,, TUKK-iK&UUUil-O. April3. . " I . . . 28. if gTaluaMo Property; Ibr aie,' TTN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY Or KA- II, t.'enn H Thei Subscriber offer, for .ale the Dw.Li.iao Hi.usi id which he at prewnt resides -tnin iK tiremiaea of the Oovermr. , In Ine r-v . z-. " .... t . - - oathetn nuburba or ur i.nr.i i nere wn i more ftligililf situations fot Family residence.., here abouta v Ihe House OHitains t Rmm. below 2 above 8tairs, a Dining i Room in the b iwement. Pa Bavea above and below a Piaxxa in the rear the whia tenath of the buiblinci and a Portico in front The3. Kitchen and Smoke House are of brick, and therai. in the ard a Sprina which fumuhea a co pioua supply of fine Wa'er. inere are tare ot fur acres of around attached, including a good Garden, and thriving young Orchard. . Also: a comfortabla Reaidenca' in tha Eastern w . . TT..L. T lU...ih YmimiIntA nnm. ("tlI wufvr " bered ourselves among thiae who believed' that the Hair Topic prepared by P Jay ne, wa one of the many quark noatroma whose virtue aw never wen beyond the fulsome pufb of their .uthora. Wo are willing, at length, to , make puldic acknowledgement W the error of our lieliet An intimate friend. ome two or three month, since, all the top of whose crani um was as bald as a piece of polished marble, roaugre all our jesting and ridicule of the idea or attempting to cultivate so barren a spot, purchased a turtlle or two 4 the Hair Tonic from Dr-Jayne, and according to hi. direeib'ine applied it.' During the presenl week, the Same friend ushered himself into our presenc 'uind uncovering his. hitherto naked head, astonished us with a thin, though luxuriant growth of hair iriun one to two inches in lenath -Upon the very premises 'we had lielieved a. unyielding to culliivaiion aa the trackless sand that skirt, the Atlantic . Ibis is no pufC but u rigliieotisly true, and ihoee who doubt the IteittienMM can t po nieu ou- w nni lamara in i.ir vnr of thi.; "Tonic! the case hero cited was not one of temporary baldnese-no sudden biss of the hair-bul wa. one of yean' atanenhg. thmiKh tbe. gentleman is but f liy-five year. jof age. PitiooIepAio- Spirit the Timet, October 1 1 , 1 839: . ... ?, ? .v , v , , i tr The above excellent article, together with alt others of Dr, Jayne. preparations, are foraulein ; . ' f Raleigh, by William . Hay wood.' . " , Pftoreborg. Dupoy: Roaier dc Jones. - Wilmington, Dr. Ware. -v. ' ; Conlainiiig a . .ummary sisiemeni r ue Nat.tc ' ! ' tha Decisions if the Supreme Court, 4nd a , r f f most approved Forma and Precedent., relating ur "5 the office and duty of a Juttite of the TeOct in j Other Public O-ficerMCCoriliug to modern wacii. . ' vi'HE Subscribers having purchased of the Aq. i I ; Ihor' the whole edition of thia valuable Work now idler it for 8-le, to V the Public. It It ia ifdunced by those, competent to judged one uf jj most valuable compilations of; the kind ever j. Iihed i in iho Btato. - and. absolutely iadispeuiaijf -to the faithful discharge ot .fficialduty i ; ' ror convenience or rererence, tnia work isdivf ded into C hapters alphabetically: arranged eonni pomling precisely with thoao of the V new Reiij Siatutea. Each Chapter 'consist, of three depirt menta : 1st, a summary of -tha Siatuie Law. 14 ' stated - 2d. a concise statement of : tbe pt.iut. rr ting o the -subject of the (Kapler, so far as teftW, : either by the decWons of the Courts, r by the luoki j if the highest authority on the Common Law. 33,1 tlv Forms and Precedents, necesK.17 for applying the subject matter of each Chapter, accompanied with such Note, and observations ae appear nfxet aary to render the whole intelligible, r - : . ' This work will be foond not only useful to every class of public OCcera, but will prove a valutbli source of information to the general reader, furnnh ing as it doe. a plain and inlelligible digeat ol lh 1 . mm Wf.l f rwt n.t litor l ...-4 im i.i. i ... ji mm at, viie. . ... . . .-!, i . r . . - . . .' ? ne retail pneo mi in. .unicr m i .atl Uot- tias. but a liberal discount will be made to rthuw who buy to sell .gain. " TORN E R & H UU H E3. Raleigh December 1839. v; :( t "TfirT corsFECTioiy a nr. fruit & Jl4 CATS DTf STOIHi Tbe Subscriber take, ibis method of informing the Citizen, ol "Raleigh tal iu vicinity, that he ha. jutt opened, neyt dour l tin tniiiuing recently mcupiea oy tne urn urn oi the bint uf Cape Pear; very es tensive aaaortineiit of anicJa in tha aliove line, which he is determined to-aell ht small advance on costs and charges. Well acqHii.u ed with the detail, of the hui pert, and! aoliritu far a .hare of publie patronage, no exertions will te left untried to give satisfaction to the puWic i His Mod, which ia kept full and fresh by regular addhioo,coa- sut. in part of the following articleaV . Sweetmeata, of various! Pickles, in Jars. ' kinds. - V" ' '-.lv Lemon Syrup. ,1 Candies, of every dcsciip-j Water, Wine aad toit their friends far advanced in Consumption, have been I T valuable Expectorant; .' ' '' i '"' Extract of umber for talC The Subscriber has on .... ...... . . . M..-.U .. di.;i. V , , . ... . , . i hand, at nl. skills it muea onu m naieigu, a Wity restored to perfect health by the we of thii 'w." r a.eellent Lumber. Price at ihe ' ! a Certificate from Rev. Dr. Babcock.late President of Waterville College, Maine. From intimate personal acquaintance with Dr. D. Jayne, a regular student of the Medical University of rems;l-anija a nd an experienced aucceasiul practi tioner of medicine, I jwaa 'prepared to appreciate the tumerouktestiifonulain favour ofhiadinereot medi' Mills one dollar per hundred. AH orders addreaaed to the Subscriber; P.' M. Wakefield, or to W. Alford at the Mills; will lbs promptly atteuded to. - v; :y..: -, -rr..-;;:; A. J. U3TEK. ApriMO, 1840. 19 iv I TATE OF ! NORTH CAROLINA Covvtt I oa FaAtraxia Ccwrf of Plea and Quarter StaaumM. Marth Term. 1840. Drav Edwarda el Jno. a.ffeDaralions. much more highly than the great J Jones. Orieinal Attachment levied on thehou- majoritj of those which are extensively eulogised. On J pes and lots, lands and tenements of the Defendant in wiai oi wem ii, uij .;-. mmtifj .u-wj ue town ox j-touisDurg. ju personally,! have more, than realised then favourable ;. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, :at ' . . .: . : vl. m,mm ... aih.l II.. it tipufi. ,.. . I .t , - , r r 1 1 1 . L a aniicipaiiuu. ; - ..- ..jng aeienaanun uiis vase resmea oejonu uic nuuw oi not usek nostrums uui saiiiuiij prepared annuotes j this Stats, it ia therefore ordered tha publication be .foc.tro. oi toe moai Bx.icu.e oi , numan ciiaeases. ; i i nade for sue weeks in the Kaleigb. Kegister, that un know that they are highly esteemed, and frequently leas he be and appear before the Justices of our County prescribed, by some of the most resectable of the reg- Court of Fleas and Quarter Session, to be held for the ntar preciiUonere of medidnoin this city end elan- County of Franklin, at the Court Hoase in Louisburg, where, and I do not hesitate to commend them as ! a on the second Monday in June next, then and there to b 'Valuable addition to our materia medica, and. a safe. " "' - ft - l..,tl. M.f..l .m.1 t.. thtt atia.l a V N il KU'US BABUUU,Jr. ; Philadelphia 7 Jane, 1838. . , j c.,., " V Jayttf JKxyecforanfrf W. invtie attention to this admirable remedy tor ruimonary auections. au vertis-. ad in another column. The principle there announcid 'i of the morbid character of obstruction--its tendency . 'to originate inffammation of tha. Bronchia, and conse t iouent vitiation of the natural humors is, beyond dis- 1 pute, the truth itself. Tbe only practicable moda tf ' removing such obstruction, la by meana of. expectora tion, a result which we are eon viaced can always be ' -.hiained bv a Judicious exhibition of tha remedy lot Dr. atrhUadtlphia Spirit of the Tttnee. , Javnee Expettorcmti a reference to our adver . " . ;n t ....: I ,. !i; replevy and plead to issue Judgment final will be entered up against him, and the property levied on con demned to satisfy the rUintiffsrecovery. . .-.;. - Attest, .-c;,d, rAt i xinauiM, u. U, C. May 1; yy 86 TCrTATCHESwi-60 Groee Dole's Patent Friction 1VJJL Matcheai-a superior article, for sale by the Urwce or in smaller quantities, at the North Carolina Book Store..-. - . : ' -v; .rr:r? TURNER & HUGHES. April 28, XiWOS-j; IB LANK BOOKS, PAPER, &c 500 Ream Foolscap Paper-600 do. Letter do. 50 do. , n BR If AH D DCPUr, y No. 10, Faytttcvilk Street, Raleigh, r Keeps constantly on band a rich and fashionable as sortment of Goods in kis line, which he sells at New York prices. i Tbe assortment consists, in part, of 4 .Superior Gold and Silver ; . lever Watches, ' Anchor and Duplex do., and all other kiuda of Silver Watches. , . . - r . An extensive assortment of rich Jewelry. v ,- SILVER AND PLATED. WARES. 1" Silver Cutis. Spoons, Ladies, Sugar Tongs, Cocoa. nuts, Butter Knives. Fruit do- Silver Mounted Cap lors, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Waiters, Col fee Greques, Britannia W.rea, &c "t1 . - m- MUSIC. - - . - v ' Violins, Goiters, Clarionet! s, Flutes, FlageoTette and Fifes. Preceptors for all the above. G uitar and Violin Strings. " - - 14 - - i' " f FANCY GOODS. - ...i Mantel docks. Astral Lamps. Plated and Japaned Waiters, Gold.! Silver and Steel Spectacles, for atl ages. Gold and Silver Mounted Canea and W hips. Chess men and Backgammon Boards, Visaing Card Casec Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Rogers fine Ra zors. Knives aud Scissors,1 Steel Pens, Do Collars and Calln, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Biosbea, Puts esand Pocket Books, Imitation Fruits, Gun. and Pistols, dee.' dec -' . ' -' j- . -: ' U - PERFUMERY. t, ; Farina's celebrated genuine Cologne St. Helena,! Harrison & Tyler " ; jf t l 1- V . l 11;-.- . f -. I .: - '.a. . - f.vmnm nine, m i -hub, tjavenuer anu uay vaier, a iiop- i .- ; i - .rw . reaL Rnae. Camihor and Almond 8od. Naples and 1 ; White Linen ' Shaving Cream of Soaps. j - (ET Cbks and Watches of all descriptions clean- Suburbs, near . Mr - CotBMsa'e. known as the LxACaMAH placo here are 6 acres. f ground, good .House with Kooma, Kitchen, wen rc - I ; ,1hi. property will be sow on such terms aa can I hot fail to be satisfactory to the purchaser v- j ppry , soon."- ":'v-':'.,;:' JOHN BUFFALO W. ttaleigh ; Dec If. '.iSAt ; rTKOMESTtC SHIHTINGS Oar stout Dome. fj V. lie Shirtings are- offered at retail. V We will iiiank those, who want the article, to call and see bow; low it is. On hand also a bimm! supidy of Cot ton Ysras.;i: 'r's-:;A !-';v WILLY PCK,Agt. : ; naieign. Apni au. aa - : 3 HUTU'S CCOGnAPHY.-.Geography l oil the Productive 'Sysiem, for . School, AcaJe- mts and Families, revised end impmvetl by RoswxlL C SaiVa, accompanied by a large aud valuable At as. For sale at Io. I, by 11 f :A ' - . : TURNER 4-HUGHES. April 17. M ' 33 I.!.', ii ' i mji.'h' '.m'ii'i il. ill 'l ll 1 I I NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. V;' 1 ': OLIVER & 8MITH, :V 1 'MSSCHANT 'TA FLORS, pkj Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Have just received from the Northern Cities, and are now ! onenitiK, laree and beautiful assoiimetil of Goods in their line, which will be made up to oider 'o punctual customers in the best style, and in the tnnst fishionaMe manner, of which, the following comprize a part : Superior Wool, Dyed Black " do, do - Blue 1 do : Rifle " Greene A do . .Grass - j - do rAnd Spanish Fly' ... Superior Wool Dy'd Drap'd'tee's A splendid ar do;. " Black Green , I tide fr Sum- V do' Black French f mer Coats and . ;&o"" Bombatiues J Pantaloons. Sbterior Dove do Black do ' light Mixed f And Dark do CLOTHS. t . V Singe MilTd Cauimcrc. TTDDIOC4-IATIOW. By the Gover- I JR nor of Wortli Carolina. 02OO re ward. here as. tt has been ufncially rriwrted to this Department, that on ir about the 10th Feb ruary ulu. a nexro : boy, the property of Col. Luke Russell." of Craven, county, wm supposed to have been kidnapped by John and Samuel 6mith, which hoy was discovered, len Or twelve days afterwards, near the road side; in Green county murdered 'and partially buried a ball having been shot through hi head, and his throat cut from ear to-esr; and as the said John and Samuel Smith stand charged with the felony' af.reiiaid,; -f rst.-'V-'4 ' Now; therefore, to the end, that the said offenders may be apprehended and brought to trial I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation, offer ing a reward of one hundred , dollars ' fr .- either of hem. to any rsoo or persons, who will apprehend and confine them,' or either of them in the Jail, or deliver them to the Sheriff of Craven county ; and I do- moreover hereby require all officer, whether civil or military, within this State to use their bj t exertions to apprehend or cause to be apprehended, the said lugitives. . x , ; . v under my band as and the Great Seal of t he State of North srk a .--'' . a - - m k- VPH - Carolina. - none at our wry oi ttaieign. March 26. 1840. . i rffift - ( EDWARD B.DUDLEY. By Command, , . t ; ; C. C. BATTLE. ' ' -I- aiTATa SacaxTxaT." JOHN SMITH in describe- as a man of near mid die ajre, about five feet nine or' ten inches higb.stout ly built ruddy complexion and healthy appearance -dark hair and ha. ioal an upper front tooth No de cription of 8amuei is glveitil'hey Cwereborn and brought up in Craven but r moved to either Georgia or Tennessee sonte years since, but returned under pretence of visiting their relations n and have beeri lurking about under very suspicious ; circumsisncea for several moio:hs.'They had, when ihey kidnapped Col. Ruxsel's Negrov a ' sorrell horse with a flaxen mane and tail, wilh white feet aud (ace, and are said to have a variety of coversio their Cart and to change them very frequently U k&iMM iP- rf J4 Standard. iWashington m Advertiser and Banner. (Lincolnton) will publh '? tion. Toy a. assorted. West India Preserves, " Dried Fruits, differeut! kinds. xm;r:km Raiainv, in whole,' half die. Crackers. Cigars, various branJa front saperior ts coisoiea. LoafsugarU 8erm and Tallow Can. nr sintaw K-.w sasi va uuanw aw&w.t: Prnne-,tn large or small botes. . i-v 'v rVK: : Figs of the best quality. . Malaga Grapes. ' Bfandy Fruits, various kinds. Oranges, Xroons and Apples. Preserved Tamari nds. " do , Ginger. VWuts Of all kinds. the purest and best quality. Perfumery of all kind. Fancy Toilet StM. ( . Snufi diflerenl sorts. ' ' Rambsot's best Chew- ling .Tobacco.' . - . Cloth and UairBrashea Shaving boxes & bnub- !a??:M'--' - -: ' -Snuff-boxes, varioaikiok Msrbtes. of sll sorts sad sixes ; with " a varim m ither articles loo tedio.t is Wines and Cordials ofjetinmerste 1 f Do call aad Raleigh; April 8. kea for yourselves. 8, L. TUCKER. :'.J!l'. . " 30 vVSr-r v ' Given under my band as Governor, .PS Z I1'.. - Mi tiaing columns, it will te seen that thia valuable Medi- Books, Memorandum, Bank Pass Books, Cypher- cine IS osered lor aaie in mis cuy, oy ,u. v. oom ing and Copy Books, "etc &c V5V- - . . ..V m i ' wrapping aoui!. fluww, or every descrip-1 .nj re(Mllret, n his accustomed superior style: toon, vtx : ledgers, Journal, Registers for Courts, Gold end Silver manufactured l order, with expedi-Day-Books. Invpu, Letter Books, Receipt and BiU , jon and punctuality j highest price given fotold Gold DRILLINGS. M. - . I Agent We esteem it rpleasure to be able to reenn- mend this medicine, as the best calculated for the pur- dobs Tf curinff coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma snd all affections of the longs. From a long personsi c- quainunce whh Dr. Jayne, we know that be is no ouack. snd bis medicines are not nostrum of the For aale low at the N, C. Book Store - r U - N. B. Book Binding executed in all its varieties with neacnem and despatch, dec - ;- . T.,& IL. : fmHE LIFE OF MAJOR GEN'L WILLIAM 11 HEN RYi HARRISON comnrUnff a brief ae. nKKleriT-op, but are the result of his long expert- count of his Important Civil and Mihtarv Services. ance aa , practising physician, and the expense jof I aixl an sccurate Description of the Council at Vin- i cennes, with Teeumaeb. &c with engravings i litis I dav received at ihe North Carolina Book Store. 1 Msy 13; 1840. :f ; : " 4 f and Silver.' April 10. 1840. SO great labou r Jrrorr, Ctn Daily Review. TVnTTCHELL'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY ahb JYIJ ATLASES, said to be the beat ever offered to lino public : together :f with a very extensive stock of Heboid Books of every description, all ofwhicb will be sold at reduced prices, st the North-Csrolina Book Swre..-'-"f TURNER & HUGHES. lApril 8 1840."- - :-V. 29 Dark ' Jo : And Corded do Superior Figured Satlin Black' . do , . Plain do . do do do 8hatly. Ida . ' White Marsailes -do" Figured do And Victoria 'do VESTINGS. f r ' - From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. ' j I .. . . . . ... -. . . . ' t . . . . ' v Valium u luecucinrw m ao not wun to commena - 7 ' , - one go Uedicine at thsexpenseof another, buY we TlPykow WtlKlvo. A nevv Edition of lKrd fait charges per Rail Rsd and :anal, and collecting Together with a general assortment of Stocks, Ten nam's celebrated make. Shirt Bosoms and Collars. Suspenders, Gloves; Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, and many other thing, needless to mention. Order, fronts distance thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Grateful for past favours, we resueclfullv ; - ' v Solicit a continuance of public patronaae. v . .. j fmOBACCO to RICHMOND, via THE RIVER: f p, 8. Tha latest London and Paris Fsahions just . U We continue to forward Tobacco to Rich-" received, , , . . " ; ; : ni..i..t ka MIAimtiala ... J m mm .a h.aki.r... -..,'-: 'W' a 'a am asv-ssix p a virannasis euia rhm.wv wm u icivusi f-t fJaiJ V JieigU April Z9 ' ' ' V' 1 " 4 fTOi tlEJIf. The Dwelting House and 8tore 'iii' recently occupied by the Bank of Cape Fear. : -I ' Apply to . . E. It. WIN GATE, Ca.bier '. ; April 2. 1840. - . 28"- fmDPAZ Il-FLES. Iane' celebrated Pa IJ ' lent Topax Rifles, (for sharpening Scythes.) double coated, manufaCiured jriia thi real Topax Emery, superior to any in use.' -t-'f T y The ab.ive vatuable artic es are for sale at the North Carolina Book Skire, by r. l, J . TURNER HUGHES. fcAprnigy 85 4w . -.. i .1.- l..l.l. I II l Hvmna WOrKa ComDletatn tlPhl Vnllimra 11 iKflf urn m h finr-h,nt frnm lh.mnii.ni in ' . . I!". ..V- .uo i. n--. iLik- W - Joat' PnbBshed and for Sate bv " T.;M,m.l i ! - ?' fl "AKULINA BEACON, avr ,MKT0POLlTAV CfSCU IST auv vwt wvw amsuws wim a saw Lati . - - . . . , -.1 -j -:.- TnjOUSE dt LOT FOR SALE -I will sell on i ry aceommodstint terms, pleasant and ve fj convenient residence on; Wilmington Street, near est nuiliiing to Ihe new Baptist Church. C tTbe house i is two stories high, with three rooms below and two t above stairs, all having fire places. The other buiid- ngs are good ami convenient - There 'veclorantr prepared by Dr. Jayne, of South Tburd t . - t . ..!';. i i..-. r.. i . : .s I atrT'f in IlfIS cuy . ; . v .,ii, i iitimii no in givo .cvi- i dence until after s thorough trial in o r own family. ' Thev srS InvafuaUe in a family of children. T 't ; Numerous other certificates might be sdded. but the; jj above s re considercJ sufScieht evidence of its great 1 wj ;Uefutneas. May 19th: TURNER imf.H'RS. XXCXVIX OFFICE, ELIZABETH CITY FOR SALEv Tbe whole or one half of . thia ce will lie sold to a Gooa . VVaic. ' To any one ahtn. la nnrebaL tha mnt lilMr.l eredil will ba eiven. . Thia office presents .rest inducements to a 'f TY The above artictd, together with lher M edi . man of practical business habits. - The only reason ' . -' .,- r . . r. ..I. I.. - i i . t . : - .i: nrenareo nv ur. yh-. - Manufactared Tobacco. e. forwarded on iuusv ia-ouraDit ierm -!-;-. . - . : Rrtin.irrp npr.f? w wnttT.p. - i IS. a fin nr. den spot sufficiently large.- Those wishing to buv il... ' - . 'wuuhj iui Mrifii f-.Bl l ana iiiminR tnm ihimu . . - vU i f ll-.i.-. i.AfV. -.. ei:.i.. ' . -ri-ra. ? ?k.N&h7 1 l J. BATTLE, Tbbms. Two dollars per annum for single copies. ' J .ti .. r.- .1 ? . .-. a.. . 'Raleigh, May 9th. 1840.. - . . vwi B s aa r m awra. . m aaisa V.I I.M n . ---.-. - in 1 aa . w no nave on nanu -arwaya, tor ssie, rnomsniown-: wv - "-pic , en dollars for aix- Lime. Lubee Planter, (ground. Jump, and calcined,) e- -1 wenty uoltara lor twelve copies. . Invfria-' 1 j- ' 1 Raleigh, hymitlAZ HAYWOOD. ; . ! l' Vrrahia-irm DuTiuv: Zosser 4 onca, v- i -: inmarr.?fon. Doctor. War V.;,Vv. Teliroary, 1840 18 Tar. 8slt. Coals, ic K April 21, 1840. , 84 lsw2m. I - -- - - - .,-:-.. -L-....I :i . jr-,v . --.'----- : . ivum auuwiiuvra, ana ituwiruin ih i.oh n.:. ..t ".w tmacaaaineu with mm m .-.... . j: ..:. u :...!..- tt.. ..A..i,. m J t-,r.ii ii, k.ir -i r !- - , n.u,ii, vrn -rinu .. o iw livahiiMir i J v iiv, vfii t i- v 1 -VTVM- RAK;arj-w4TT0.vr at r-.i. j. W ,- T TT7" . : 1 . V v " , r iup., KBieign. where be will at tend to all legal business mtrusted t., hi. . ' 'l . . . . . III. 11. Q . i-3u"exeniagioemseiveatopro- uj , w aujuning i-ountiea. Ha re ly cash in advance. of hi. interest, as that by so doing will relieve himself from the businee part of. the concern and thus be enabled to devote his attention mors to tha editorial I department-:-";.:' )-'.:'-s'.Ax-i. J-i enly percent for taming a collection or Valuable Essays on Mictical ard forwsrding clubs : -.. r. , if'.if n . . .. -n-..... : A Crst rata JTZacItSCiIltu TT ADIES PARIS RIDING HATS ! ! A spten Ths Subscriber, as aient, has a fiist rate J4. did article in lha Isteot and most a proved BLACKSMITH, for Sale. II is heal-, tyie, lust received and for sals st E. Haul, db co. s not L thj,yccr.r, larse, and likely. and Cap Store. BETH JONES.' J IWeigh, April 21, 1840. SI tf Agriculture, dec by William Buckminster. Thu day received by Msy 12th, TURNER & HUGHES. TCUTX AT THIS OmCX, L rTslA n$tn$tt mni derpmteh. i allowed one-fifth or the amount "-"hed Editor. Lawyer or SUtesman of North r their pain Those wT ing cf,,' for fidelity honesty and veracity in the dia. of subscribers, at the reduced of the duties of his profession, i retain ten per ceuL for their K,rih, May 2, 1840. , r f : f: n 'prices as above, may retain ten per ceuL for their s sleigh, May , -2, 1840. OBIIW. . " ' One dollar for six month. . t . a J.J ' ' r,T""ns.awoiiT, Musi- mUted, will pa, for .,, aopi ri,' KlSSr uriHTPrv i i:J ? mua. . . it-cuu.ii ofKhines Hymns Psalms. Odes Anibm. ;r.r jl"i.Ti rjsrs 2 . . . - -.. . -hni mm mi, nnn m iun imi, miK Al ---,-. dus. on tns ahova 6errM. . , thia-.Js..r Rxlei April IT, 1840. b ApriJ 25th. , -flS Catsri cf Capo Fear, 7 j. . . 0Sce of WosAton, usth JUarcA, 1840. ) BUILDING CONTRAtrrORS are hereby isk led to offer Proposals for erecting a suitable Bankinf House in this town. Bv order of the Bosrd. 38 6w . , , B. RUNYAN, Cshier. .: A new and bandsotne Daronctie f r "two- Hotses, mmle of the best material- anJ - t-ueo in the mMt faahiouable Style, for sale for Cast or negotiable paper by v ' . W. CfA. BTlTlb April 13, , , . . ..jj" j V.tX-- ": TfCI? ! ICR! ICKir A.PcLtiai S"t' XL bave their exienxive L a House filled, and are pr jar.d, from annrise till Sunset, to furnish Ire at 0fl Dollar per BusheL Fifty Cents ter half BusbrL or Thirty Cents Peck. " -'J.-'- - Hsleigh, April 10, 1840. - ! 1 ? , f D I ; Cf A? m : DR. WM. H. M'KEE offers bis PrrnWa- services to the citixeua of Raleigh and it jscent coonuy, ttthe practice of the vsrious brstw as of his PtofeMiorC For the purpose of oWiii practical information 'he spent the laxtyear :"ss ie- dent Physicisn and Murireon to thm PhitMuhs Hospital iBlockley); dorina which time, he wiu ed and L, triated several thousand rases. eomonsiDf nearly every ; variety and species of disesse. H ClSce is two doors North of the Post Office. Fsyetteville street, where he can be consulted, wi not professionally enzaced '-'" ' 4 ' it -. .. naieign. ueccmber a. 189. T ; - . Ttr A t v a d t, kenoo t boohs V PBtlSUEB 3r Tcalca H 08 Bid, N. IJ. ImraovEO Eni-riaaa. Pufr-oainM 811 Reading Rook. ;-. - , r , ; ; .. ---i-i :. l The Little Learner, or Rudiment, of Rrsdii The Younj Reader to gn with the Br- Bon::,.;.;'f-;.V':-;.,:v.tV.: . -.4 6 .3 Introduction to ihe National Reader. 5 f;44NatiHial;Realerri. ih'K .' ' fi The AmericaiYio T - The ab.ve series is nel in th tXixAat. Scb and extensively 1n those of New Englaud, and pans 01 tne United Slates. . ' A 03 Teachers and Docksrllcra wCl be iC pH ' tha above pa liberal trm V :; V Raleigh .lay J2ih, 1840. ' '' .... nicetw AC0N-A fresh supi.ty , and Hejs. Hour also, superior. Hay. 19, WILLtPECf -A L MAN A C Sword's TocketAlwasss W -f. .l840.thh day received by i C . - TURNER sTrHHCFj ipnceTesdier.trl iliu -n.l Pr-nCH SI fT . .. ..1 ,fth M.ihii-S.ivs iH- in the GreekLstiu and FrSnea I Lranchesol j, Llental and Moial Science c a A .-- Ar f.rnil a-lai tfiA ifilh W AddreS7'"; ft, I , . : J salary wiUris expected.! Address ; - A. O. care af the Editor of tha 6tar, -' V i 5f. i 1 if -t --si.' '.V - I-Aleish, JLUy 1?, 1840.- - J