11 -I I : v :,: ,!,;; ": : .. AWD NOHlTM-CAJiOLIMA GAETTEr - , .'j '-' .,.,.)',...., .' k , .' " ''ii'' - 1 ! 11 ; h ' ,a v - r ' - - " - " L - : ? ' : - - - . r: z r-r V 1 T " , ;" VUIj. Jklil.f.;. i; , , ; .; , . . ' r-orttJisSBAY -JUNK 9,1840.- " '".'- . ' "V - A" ' IV B S TON R I GA.LES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. S Btcfti FTioir Fit Dollar per annum half it AiTTUiiHTt-Por erj 16 lioea, first Inaer- lioo. One Dollar ; each sabaequent inserUon,35 cent. Court Order and Judicial -Ad verliceraents will be tkirged S5 pe cent, higher ;' but a deduction of 33 Mrcent. will be made from the regular prices, tor u Srtiam by the year.'; " " AdvertiMtnenta, inserted inthe 8emi- Weekly Kie. trriB, will also appear in the Weekly Paper; free of All Letters to the Editor nan oe pw-puuu -;:; ;ggt8;a8Q.j-t,; the wise man; ' --' Frederic and i Philip, - with their sisters Jalia and Kale, were , amusing ' themselves logether one evening wnue ineir.iauier anu mother weire engaged in conrersalioo. i The children 'paid no , attention to what passed, till Philip, (who was very lively arid inqaisi- tire happened to hear his father sayv of iome person no was rpeamng oi, mat ne was truly ,a-wise man. J These last words, which were uttered emphatically, struck, hia atiention. t-v''1 'A: - - ;'- -ai i ' '' ' A wise man 1 'said he to his brother and sisters; whp Is that, I wonder," that papa cii be talking about?" " No body that we know yoa may be sure," replied Kate. " No, bat papa knows him,' and I should tike to know him very much,' said Philip; ' and he bten to conjecture what kind of a person this wise man' must be." , He thought of the leven wise men of Greece; but he did not lm igine there were any oi that sort in his own eountrv. As soon as there was a pause in the conversation, he asked his papa what this wise man's name was, and where he lived. . He lives," replied his father, "not verv Jar off ; aud his name is Johnson." " Johnson I 0, Some relation to Dr. John son, no doubt," said Frederic. ;f "That' is more man 1 know," answered his father ; "but if you are so curious to see a wise man, I will promise . to take you all to call upon mm to-morrow ; morning ruiriitnitv oi eftirjff uiai onerauon Deiore. to as uir miim or :- : f, i m u inan saxai aw j 19 7 7 wwiw f a f m AAltalll 4a W 187 f IU iV I w v . ana Wlin a toua ii trca euuu iidiurc ai uia merely oy Pro eSSton. but in prnc.f Hii t .i...L. t. r . tive to them, as they ' had never had an op assuming deporlmenu; Bdt above all. and VplOODSi GOODS!! GOODS j!! Jlfore Goodt lue oaiMcriuer naa.iatviT If ew York, with a very geue i for the retail trade. Also, au .r r.nJ .,t:.. .td - . . . J. J , .1 I V : w-w . I uwimi, MWk Ul till IUIU U fIUlt UUUIUI, VIW yonng ioiaa, iranjcuiawiy conuucieu mera w religion, you see, is of the true sort.' ' It not Wosht af the lowest Auction cash s.le and will be J tne uppermost reora, in tne npuse, j in wnicn i only gives him a hope of being happy : hcie- low to suit the time. Merchants from the he carried on 1.1s business. ; It. was a light, I after, but it makes him happy now It shines j0"n nd ' Conntrj, who may ta out of such lead airy .apartmenv; ana mere was a pleasant ia hts face.i and reigns in his dwelling. r.,Cie8fc w t t we,,.,wic-1 w' Tiewpftlteadjacent untry from low wintJow Ihechiidren were much , ra, think it is punishment tol'pass, an hour, he ibe will find a great variety of finding Rood, con terested in watching the process, .and listen- enjoys daily, the high honour and happiness ting of white and Black SilkHow, White, Black, ing , to the intelligent explanation he gave of holding communion with his Maker, while i-llxtd and unbleached Hose ; all kinds of men inera oi uis. traue ; lor ue was a very mge- tne noisy world are disquietin? themselves ii?"on u,ac.K ""V , ,Tr: ou nious mechanic : and she told -tliem many in vain with TeveW fta..inr vnuv kA t G.,OT.M'Whlei"J PoreJ. Lille Thread Gloves, tKina'ttli;..k ,i,aT, t.nj nta, hi.wl k.fnM ' 1 1.;. il j 1 6 . - Men's Berlin and double-threaded Uotton U loves, VvSk It f 7- "R , V?l 4 1 .d"ly WBJk a.nd convatlon he has the Tape ' Bordered and Worked CoUon and BWop When their curiosity was a little satisfied, testimony, that he p eases God. ?fon hmi&. Ri.rVi WhU and rhiien.drk. they began to look around the the room, I " Now, children, have I not performed mv ed Silk Glove, pongee and Silk Pocket HWfs. Lat where their attention was attracted to a lew I promise children, hatr T nni n.rCn.miiil I Ail R ! Tell me. if Ki nn aAn dies French Corsets. 4 Cambricka, Jaconet and Mull shelves containing his small library. Upon according td the strictest sense of the word. Mulin' pJaiB 'nd .fd, MosDns; Iduiog t.- .in- -p.u tt . . " and Lonjt Lawns: all kinds of Bobbi net Laces and u.ug vuo .uH uvuio wium, iubjt wuuu a w man i j VA1IS8 A AYL0R. i I OnHlnVil.. nDi that several of theni treated of subjects more or less connected with his,own line of busi ness.; There were, however, a lew' of a more,, general nature, and such as the chil- uren were surprised to see in tne possess ion of so plain a man. FEMALE EDUCATION V Female education is of immense impor tance, as connected with domestic life. It is at home where man srenerally passes the lar Bat die greater part gest portion of his time ; where he seeks & or the collection were well chosen books oflierage from the vexations and embarrass. divinity ; with a Bible, which had the ap- ments of business, an enchanting repose from I Paper. Gertlnir. Flat Shoe Thtead : all kinds of Pa pearance of being well read. , They, now exertion, a relaxation from care by the inter- per and Pound Pins, best Plated and Black Hooks strain listened to the dUinnrA with their ehflno-n nf n fleet inn? Iim Am r k:- t-, I and Eves : all Unda of Gilt, Silk. Lasiins, Bone and "" I w - w.u ui uw uuwii r. i o.. . - rr can uuuynt, in iuus ui r rcucu, jrvssiug, icea Quiling Velvet, Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Hatters, Binding and Baudiner, Men's SaUn Stocks.' Bosoms and Collars, Heming best Needles, 6 to 12, Ladies low priced Bobboaet and Muslin Capes, Furniture and Stay Bindings, Linen and Cotton Tapes, Black and White Cotton Balls, Black : and White Patent Thread, White, and all cojlors of Spool Cotton. Cor sets and Stay Laces : all kinds of Suspenders, Black and White, Cotton and Liningy Buckrams, House 0 THE PUBLIC-The Undersigned having procured tbo Itooms in the lanrn , ' . . u"u,"8' -nginji u uetndon 4- Farror, and adj.tninff his prese&t residence, haa the nteinre to announce, that hS will be prepared to Board FamKi able manner. ; The Rooms are Urge and airy, and sufficiently r! alet and the undmgrn-d feels no douU that he wiU givVeniire satisfciin to all who may favor bid with their company. , , .s 4041 ; WairtntoK. CMay Ui ,1840 if02tlPililOli'VTbIS8tf.sSSU?i V! Ciotxpf,.The Mouse Book t or A Manual of Jinmettc Economy, by Miss Leslie ; containing di., recuons lor auiulry Work,-Removing stains, l lean ing r umiture, WaiUnc on Company, Carving, Ma. king up Linen, dee. .This day received at the North Carolina Book Store. ' m .JWfi TURNER & HUGHES. 4 May 19, 1840. (8tar.) 4Q ' 111 ; ' . ' ' i ' . - 'TVTOTICEThe undersigned wkhes to hire, 4 JLNI mediately, for the space oflbur or five months, live or six strong able-bodied men, to whom good wa ges will bb given. '-:f !-;- -'P .'Vi ; -..-,. Js .4- FRANCIS WALTHALL. May. 10, 184U. V' .i'I44li-tf , fatlier: and were Struvk. with thA milil and I avmnathieaL tnstes. imh mnnl nA I f lT:- . i" f T.r J - ' . V. " nd Side Combs, Purses and Wallets. Tabte and Tea pleasing expression of his countenance, when feelings are formed and nourished ; where jBpoons, with a great veriety of finding articles, he was tellinsr htm how 'liannilv his honra I is the ireasurtr or ntire diinterted Iava inoh I r..i. . : - f " ' ' wsf wttsvia) w v v OUVIi I HiUHVUW IUI MSI'O D1TELI41VG HOUSE FOCI SAIjTC Intending to remove to .an other part of the City, I ofibi for sale my present Residence on Fsyetteville street. To persons, not acquainted with - the premises, ft may be remarked that the Lot on which the Dwell ing House is situated, contains about half an acre, in the heart of the business of the place, has an excel lent Well and lee House in the yard, and ail conve nient offices and out houses.' The Dwelling is in the form of an L, is well arranged for Che accommo dation of a large family, end all in excellent repair, itTraT,nrTMt' a r . passed in that solitary chamber. , : las is seldom found in the busy walks of a ' JOHN PRIMROSE. : I often think, sir," said he. that I can- selfish and 'calculating worlds Nothing 1 May 19, 1840v 41 3tw not be sufficiently thankful that my calling is I be more desirable than to make one's domes-1 TVTOXirK. TAKEN UP and committed to the of a nature that j allows me so much retire- tic abode the highest object of his attachment 1 INI ' Jail of Anson County, on the 17th of Decern-1 A ppurfenant to the Dwelling, but on the opposite men anu opponunity tor thinking t so that I and satistacuon. wnue i am laoounng tor the meat that per ishes, I am also- able to seek, after that which will endure to everlasting life. In deed, Sir, continued he,' ' I am a happy man. The cheerful hope of another life is surely enough to make a man unspeakably Well ordered home man's best delight to make. And by submissive wisdom, modest skill, " ' ' With every gentle carensruding artT . To raise her virtues, animate the bliss, 1 , . And sweeten all the tods of human life, .' -This be" thej female dignity and praise. I ' r Neither rank nor splendid mansions,' nor ex- ber inst. a Negro Man, who calls himself TOM , and say a he belongs to JOHN SMITH, of Alabatnt. and was bought of Daxikl Williams, of Robeson County, in this SUte. Said Negro is about 5 feet 10 inches 'high, ' stout built,' copier colon rel, and, apparently, about' 24 years of age. " The owner ia requested to come forward, ? prove . property,-? pay .charges and take him away; or he wiU be dealt with as the law directa.. , - t. H. ALLEN, SheriflF. ? Wadesboio,' Dec, 14, 1 839. 8-6m side of the street, is another ' half acre on which situated a good Garden, Stables, Granary, Carriage House &c. .-, .t , 'A very liberal credit will be given to the purchaser, if desired f CllAS,' MANLY, ' Raleigh May 6th, 1840. : 38 ' Lffj"The Washington Whig, and Wilminglon Advertiser, will please insert 4 times and send then bills to me.-G. M. ' t: li-'Si-iiy'';: - TT ANUS FOR SALE The following valu- are over, 1 want no other recreation than that of going down to her and our dear chil- Philip and the rest thanked their papa for Ldren, whom it is our ' delight to train up, as this- promise ; . and very much pleased they far as we are able, to wisdom and virtue. ; I were at the thought of it. ' ' ' ; have great pleasure in reading to her and to , The next morning the children talked them, such books as we possess ; and thus we much of their expected visit; land wondered increase our Utile stock of knowledge, as op- ihey did not near their father give orders for i portuntty allows. But, sir, though I men the same, with our charges from tne consignee in Uc. forwarded oh the es of elevated principles, from the nttbilit of virtue, from the splendour of -religious and moral beauty, from the banquet of refined I Richmond, taste, affectionate deportment, and mtellectu-r Manufactured Tobaccoi al pleasures. Intelligence and piety throw imost favourable terms the brighest sunshine: over the dwellings off w" ROULETT, ROPER, NOBLE. private life, and the results nf lemale educa- H"" 1 "Trn! land ned ; . : ; . T .,.s-,--t--w rw. . - ttuu. i U lTmr Hal, finals Aro. r I I lvuivw iv suvisinv4i vac a ih ami v mam iff . . . . . 'll:-W. ..nU,... f?rw.rf'TU., MlSSSTL.: hre(ofite. navinv I " - 1L"3 ---' - v - JTT.J mSa.mm-.Umm,m m'.l A .L . mm Ummmi mf.rn, I SII AiOI Vl Ok, mUJmLm-mm . O. It m A - m. A ---1 .. .llLr.I FraCUOD NO. S 3, til il Viilign per lull uuau uu i.u.i urn iwiicviuig - ' '997 ltlh 255, do; 256, do 53. 3d do da do do do do do do l$l ; do up the chaise t tion these things, my happinessj I trust, does j bad n call-a wise man, living here abouts. iJVedrfc.No more had I. 1 ' Julia. I jmink I know where he lives Intelligence and animated discourse emi nently exalt the dignity, and multiply the i r r. i. .1 . i tliat vtad harm which sweetens comfort, and V uiai cB exce. M softens every trial." v , Itkj . !.,.., , i -i Aavberaalamtyofwakiiigbua v; The father and his children were pleased 8he vho can 8D8tain an elevated course 'of wuu weir vilj wmcn, ior apme iime ir Mnyenatiin.whoM mind-swim above the tri April 81,.1S40. en.) S4 lsw2nv Ho manytnilesotTisit, papar said not depend upon them ;-bat is fiied; upon n'n PtiHin -;-' : v I that o-fo(l hone vhir.h sweetens eomlort. and I ; "-" . r- Not half a tnileV' said his father. , Philip. Not half a mile 1 Well now, I 4 m m t no idea that there was, rwnat one couiu they took leave, form ed the subject of their A rl 7.-1"' j 11 ? sidios; at distance, especially North Carolinians, door in the city of MUIedcevil e, one-third cash, the approaciiing rresuienufi coniesi, tMUH- , J. Y? . !Ai JlT. . . j. if Aw nd common things of time and sensed .h y u nl;M tW- coantn. would 1 K.i.in tA Mn.l .nna.l MTinent-. with int-rt. a will cordially and xeafoualy sustain the claims of TT ATT NOTICE 8t GETCERAli XAHTD XLi AGEIiCr Htnar B. S. Williams, At torney at Law, will attend to the adjustment and col, lection of claims throughout the Western District of Tennessee) and also act as Gen'l Land Agent in selling Hstinsr and clearing old disputed titles. Persons re- -.r Dt,;i:n 1 r -"--"M whose interest is so extensive minis cooniry, wouw r:: ,K.; r : " WVI wbo disunguished for well digested opto do welt to notice more strictly the situation of their yw: 12 M?e ;! laaMMl,. Bt m:e.liot MO(.tosce,tM I i---rt0J . MH.tadnaaat. 'and a'-vielFaur . 0atert"8wirtBnw all alone T. that is the place 1 dare say. once. I ' . ,u r k i.ikM :it 4;.w of Km. .k-n ri! , k: i vi it- . e i. that none oF her household will need or wish LffiWSTCL".! d' .tlrJJ! "k either, for Kippin.,..' They wJ "tCw.--"C. ' " j "Z"""-- be .ble to drink water, out of iheir own ci, . 241,13th .. 100, 3d 161, 14th. . 10B6. 3d ;Td Nos. 23 & 30, 8tarksviJl0, Iee eoi (town lots.) Seven hundred and twenty acres, Ta xall county on the AUamahaw River,' adjoining lands of Ambnse Gordon and others. . .v...y.. These lands are offered to be sold atnvate sale, but if not disposed of in this manner to our lion; they will be sold . to the highest bidder, first Tuesday in December next, at tne Court: bouse door in the city of Miltedcerille, one-third cash, the The Subscribers Drarjose to establish in the Town , 1 Ut BAeaooaTiuk, Wilcox County a weekly News ; : - paper, entitled tne Alasa ma Hsbal, to rje nevutea to Poliiicaf Agricultural, literary and MiwelUoeoua - uiieiiigcncev -. . ; , i;.:: -- r y ' .la t Mition to the importance' of n Press in WU-' . - ' f political point of view,' the convenience and : imereat of the people .npf th'ia ind the neighboring ' counties require thsta Paper shouU be eatabliabcd in Uttaregi congenial to itefeeUngs and devoted; to . its interests. TJ growing importance of thjaaecUon ' of South-Alabama, and the wanta of its citizens, .give ; every assurance that we will be liberally sustained In . the enterprutet ? And being praiaPrlnfy,we 1 flatter ourselves that we wilt lie aiIe to render tie y Paper at once respecUble and jateresUfgf j- . , : . . While we disclaim any intention to act UTiberalb towards our political opponents, or to reruseltUera ia ' opportunity of defending their principles, in sn hc v iy.V jest manner, through oof ccl&mns, we wish not tocon- ceai tne iset, tnafeur owncenumenu aie in accora- euce with mosaof the Wms paftyl and ef courae, ' upon its merabers'.ye must thiy depend for encou. -agement and support In c6dmah . with the great majority of the American People, we look to Whig1 , principles and to Whig measures as the only mcana ' oi restoring the Government to Its former parity, and ef eradicating the pernicious and factious practices which corrupt Administrations "nave innlrted upon the country.) We have witnessed, and still witness the tenants whom, the people have called to admin ister the aflairs of the G overnment, disregarding the J clearly expressed wishes of tbeif constituents, and openly contemning the known will of the people. Naf. we have seen a President of the United States, chosen on account of his load professions of -Demo .'in : ! t ce. l.k cracy ana, cpuuu, carvum, anu coming in w vuun iw hyppcritiiQdeclarations of aUachment to popular rights, presumptuously accusing a large portion of the people with bribery and corruption, beca use they expressed. In a coiistitutiohal manP-r, their opposition to one of hia propositions W e bava-seen sycopnajr- tic omce-boldera and unprincipled peculators, plainly encouraged and prelected in their acts of plunder and . corruption ' We hsye beardj Democratic Presi- irom loeir own uovemmeni, ana Lnai-it as iuo uu ty of 'the GoernmentMhimself and'his undorlings ! Jt to tke. care only ; of jUx-own ausirt, andT leave Ihai people to extricate themselves frbm Uifir embarras menu embarrss8roeuU which his own and his il- : lustriuus predecessor capricious experiment bad fastened upon tbsm. ' We have' seen honeat andta pable publie servants contemptuously dismissed front . onlce, because they dared ' to diner in poHticat ojin. . ion with those who seem determined, to rule the eooii try .with a rod of iron. And wa now behold the au thors of these wrongs, the perpetrators of ibe$e mtra-, ges, soliciting an approval of their course and a con tinuance of their power al the hands of the Ameri- , eaa PlBo4evly, 'j-ii ''Vi-.f'1. 5 ' It is against these practices, these doctrines, and these. Man, that we intend (if our undertaking shall ' meetvith the avor of th publie) to raise our hum ble voices. It j taopen to the tituehs of Wilco andtbeadioihinffcountiesaraedium of mat inz known ,:.r' ' f and defending their political opinions, that we make . J this aUempt to establish a jrVhif eurnal In Barbouri irt;houa. '-: V--"l?- S- V'rf de Cl04iacs.) iiee. ! da do do do tSdsecCherltee It . . . . . riasses, and ausoru oi apparatus, i - y Z PhiHp.BnU papa-I thought . PAiip. He will not be very well pleased I vfhU xvt.i .k,i did c'nn think t I am afraid, to be interruptejl in his studies PAtftp. Why, although ho appears1 very .xtbact im terns, and running waters out of their oWn well." ssBjcoir, bt mav, Refer to CoL Samuel King, Iredell County, N. C. Thomas P.? Deversux, Eaq. Kaleigb, " W illiam Hill, Sec of State, : Turner. & Hughes, - , f " Brown, 8now, & Co. W. M. Iewis, Atilton, . ; ' Eiheldred J. Peebles, Northampton, " John Uuske, FayettevUle, 44 John McNeil, Cumberland Pounty, February 18, 1840. ; 16 6m, t in the i and undoubted personal security hu i.' f wjb, uenrv mmVrt$on, and, yoAtt i, - eiiBVinj - We otter for sale also two splendid settlements off vunu io pouursi ojwwn,ipuiuo,.i,-i,. UTnd, in Baker county one coptslng 1250 acres, the efV.fPab,a, WrBl -? Pe U'ff1!! FS ther 2250 acres, ithjkfiist settlement embraces tl.e cheerfully and honestly sopjiort their elccUon. following loin Nasi 36 and Vib district Baker ; " Whigs of Wilcox;- of Monroe, Clarke, dec.' will yoa , Nos. ID, 20, and 22, ?tn district Baker 125g acres, r second our efforts J r-.Vill you lend a band in estab- The other settlement contains the following Lots i tishing Journal devoted to the advocacy of yrf; of Land, to wit i Nos 225, zae, 265, 295, 294, 266, 1 ownjMliucal senUmenls, andjnseparably a;;3Ctc: r 2q7. 229, 2522250 acres, and all in tb2d district I thexause Snd Interestr tf the people 1 1 The cause ia J . -m-m,-- " I usxer coumv. vr - .iii:i.3iS-i tos i.Anl .nd tinnv ,nd i nrlnstriniia. and nil I . vi: .1 . :.i t:1. . .. ' - ; .. - - .1 KVUU, SHU "CFJ , , . ... - nl!Vian UDEI J1U CUIUiai 'III 1IIMC IlIbB' Itil.rt ita. mr nav, 1 .hill lalrai on ha ... . ..,,.. t o l ari " that, vet he certainly is not at ait tne xina oi I tw and triflinir rii.iinoiinn-whirh nith .u. ,o.w r ti. ,v. vn c-5..n m,-. - - - - w ... : . "1 1 miwmmmun t CU UU, tUV IVIU VI esw Wi uw eais wvsvivui aw d to SCC ; . f influence the heart not concern the oraclice: i terma. for board and tuition. wiU be the aame as here -1 ?r 01810 V": ' nor in the bbservance 4r reiection of particuU. 1 : ' SmS?! which we are eosased demands ' thai two should, be In regard ty theharacter of ihese two last named j ranfe active a2d zealous m Nanclng our. politff " settlements of Jautli -r, plantations, it is mcientifto I calenllmenta ;iet Us then, iraate ltia zeal and "h- say, they have Been pronoonced by competent Jwlgesjduslry of our opponents ; let ni jas ci. to be inferior to no body of land north of the Sabine 1 laling aud defehding r!itiealrotIi, as they, t. - 3 ly esewses of th School w.l cl byttr sent session on tne itn oi June. anu win ne rtsurof i . ... ' ; . . . 1 ! "i . ..': nil . . - and I still liar rites nd forms, which a man may -use ax vu Bpeaa. one wuni wiiiib wo ic in uw rwuui. i nergoQ expecte PhuL - 1 tinna. l.a. mill lr n, .nvl irerferC-rNot at all. . . ' - J I . Falhtr. cannot helo. that : FredtAc-O; a. to Uiat. yon may depend that what Isaid ofhim was perfectly disuse without prejudice to real virtue in hirn- m upon it he will tloinS "ll??lh1nJ fT . Board eanjl- bans nftl in mnoli a knnv w IM there. ; I PeCt W; 86 I Kale. I am afraid I shall laugh. ..t i i nif'i n: i l : l . .r u . i Ea - i u. ... tveeti 106 LDliODoorniv sira uoi mm ; 'B wcuqim iwumcut w iu luucpcuucui i w i , iiv no , ...... ot our State that is rapidly attracting publie Notice, f dent in the hope that our call for support will neet - V rr i. , . ii ;. ran erowiiiK "wuuii ui '"V4u wm-.-j i - i na mksai.ii win ne incur j. rn an imreiiai saeei. SIS fiQ I . - 7 1 " - " i wovu mm m wtuxit;iciiii iramuci ui ouueciiuvri vn l-t v r. 7 r0 the best judges of such property in4 hia life time, for obtained to justify the adertfikinr, and wiU be pri had in resoectabte fomiUes at six wgcw rrrTi! ' . ' wttftgooa type end on finepspcr. s z or angry abhorrence oi, tn is sect, or tnat t dollars per month. , v f rburrh. in which, as in 1 rriost other fields. 1 The subscriberdeems it unnecessary to burden un a teuioue auverusemeni, sevung luria . Dl.'L'. : TVL.M ma t..i.t.t ThA 1t mTHWV f MJ 4 poua, WO IllVUglll 116 wuuiu - - - 1 . - , - , . , V .U. ..l.fu. ... - . - a; IT. a " ai All NASM1 aVi Sam as n (VI A VABBB aann Binm AX . Uf B1 1 fllll B B aw St'waraaw PAtfiD Lauffhr if vou do though, we at least be a Scholar yon anow With hlS head r .ir. TV.C the Local sdvtataRea.nd the-.iisnal--et .eeteraa fa ball alfget turned utTdepend Upon; it; t; stuffed full of Latin and Greek ; or a philos- something more excellent ana aiv ne. i Nat gehool . i, wiiring te,bsse ; his claims to 0a those remarlu. their papa made no opher or something of that sorlT? ? ' n wordp is true Mlifeir thatmakesnxof p.tr,mage on the proficiency of hU echoUrs alonov comment-he only iinUed occasionaUy, and Father. -Woa mean, that ytm expected to .wnf P.aHl! 'f v ? l4tb Ttor 5X1? yiour,lnevolen Ae,rns, would AjUu panyJiiraorl his visit to Uie wistf toan. was your own fault ; I promised you no such Mew ht?j temper and manners, peaceaHMo r.nge.M. y 15. ; " Ac.t no U9CU UJC aaia IWIMilUK V aMa. -wai a Ma.u v - ' - - 1 passed the turn leading to the morvand kept straight on towards the town. tt Now I have no idea wha in the world : if canheV said she : When they entererf-the town, they looked af ,most of the5 principal houses as they passed, , expecting to atop every instanU ' Doctor Somebody ;V said Philip, endeavoring to .read the name on a brass plate- This is it I dare f But no ; his falhier passed on, ' and soon turned owna narrow street, where the dwellings "ere of a humbleiulescription j and knocked important end. ai tne aoor of a roeatr lookmg house A plain rather. Very well. i fSlast Tnonth, a 80RREL MARE four years old The undersigned are very desirous v to dispose of I these two. bodies of land, in two separate j4aotations, and will do so at private sale, to foir purchaser, and on good time. But if not ao arranged, they will be j offered at the aame time and place, and on the same ! terms, as the first mentioned scattering lands, lot by lot, and they .are vfiered to tbe public at this early no tice, inthe hope of their receiving the strictest person. ai HUOUWUWIb , ' - , .v'-V' -' .-'R. 8. WILLIAMS. " ! - . ; J J. WILLIAMS, . Exors. - N.-G. WILLIAMS, S Z;, i In tegard to the character of these lands, reference may be made to Ceo' Jsme Hamilton, Charleston, Tsaxs. Four Dollars per annum, if payanent oi. ' made within thrcf months after tbe ; cbumeneentent of the subscription; or five Dollars if made after that , , Communkatfrns should le addressed to the Sub- . . scribers at 8ema. f; V w '8-: V J-. $.V:KZ&' i -JAMES SS. WUKIW. JVU?i tJ.MAtl.J AnriliO.1840. C3" Editors 'friendly' to the t undertaking ire re j ' quested La gfve the above 'an Insertion. r t hainifi aia t. and lhat man mav- hj aria I Ewveriliucu wi : Hiiuscii, pauciu in .Aueinr , i v;. k.. l.A who is neither the one or Uie other ? a ie. "u v ?n mi cw"u Jeo!mc.Yes, wise in some things. relations in me. wnen yuu, fw tion iepectmg hetwiH be tiiaiis lecetTeo, am n M;M8evnje;'Gtvrg1s;-. snd.WilHam.OBard, Jt JToAer. Wise in every thing with Which acier, yoaay. obiicvb inav rcugwa uim 1 f!,n mn recnllecti Frederic! When you find this to be your character, you into I,- UiA.l .n,n rellect' FrederieM W nett VOU MO WIS U DO your that dennitiori of wUdom we met with the may rW(lo'n has enlere? oHvered to me al J. W. Harri, Wake Forest Ni C. reasonable reward wUl be paid.. W. F. FOKT. April 20, '1840.fa 7--' i 34 5w. other day ? , Frederic.-amttli.iig of thia sprt,'.was it not t--that " wisdom consists an employing the best means for the attainment of the most Then I think we your heart.' ' f Ynn are to -1 ,;..,.-- '"u,"t.-r . FT" disti A TEirnER. An experienced Teacherjrell between truth I A versed in the Greek, Latin end French languav and errori and to embrace the one and rej ect ges, the nseful branches of the Mathematics, Natural ihm iher Lj Rut nr,hv W soetVAi . PhUosopby. Mental and Moral Science, wishes to en- things which have no relation to. practice; nor make light of small thingf.which areiih- roeuiateiy; connected wim uuty. klir" rountv Georsria: and, Gie last-, named, gen teman willsbow the land t wjhM desirous of a nersonal examination. AH communications on this subject addieswd to either of the Executor, or Joseph T. Williams, aiiiieugBTiiie, w v vC Milledgeille, March, 3, J84.,t ioW Philosonbv. Mental and Moral Science, wishes to en-1 ..i " - ' ' ' ' ." -"L !t gage in an Academv or family, after lbe 15th of June. I pinELJlTIll--Our Domestic Shirt a tiharal aalsrv will be exDCCleiL Address. Irv leuer. 1 U J inas are offered ill ches per. We will thank in of the Editor of the Star. Ralekh.i, jk thus who want V artiCle.Hp call and see how low and Friday. Raleiah.May 15, 1840. v , 4 i 4041 NUi. JOur t;otwn7 x arns are aiao pu iu iowst. i i-- v - -r- Tt kiwj. rxaoii . -1 1 ... Aaieisn, - a dth , aov. TAGE Faro reduced front xial elsH to Waynesboro' and Golds vonc From tbs date hereof. TWO DOL- . LARS, onlv will hm denunded'rom Pasienre rs for ' Stage Fare from Raleigh to Waynesboro or GoUj boro,' r This ISiage leaves Raleigh three A times ,M week, eta Smiibficld.1 ixi on 'Mondav. WedueaVav ST . ii yuu ecu a i - ,; invited Ihrln VFhZ WeTT eeee obernaue OFMORTI1,WOMliJAtBff.nvcf " - la'Wiin u.t.:,T ill ODjectoi.tow. iiuuiumu . F- .u., , , i anfj promote it among others, you may tntnK February Term, .1840: James R. Rayner ir, James lguet -County fijlf,2-'ij : " I roust hy evcryjone oe atioweti to pe tne most religiuns, !pur,;whehiswifeassiitin lh.. wo, wnue three oUierMUe giris te H ' . V; . m. . Aa A UUtUlli . '.K23 liters, were seated on a reading their lessons. The . '.. inn ia,. than Aternai . iii i' uiu ia - mis ' ena. i i r,, j james t . iuhwh form before her. "j" lu-t".;- :-. .-l ou c r?!'."'- .HV'Wffl thia 8tate - It i. therefore ordered: that publication be . a. 1 .neipnear.w cuP.cj -, . rfnWilO rtm not at ae opeMWsy . . th luiekhRlirister for six weeks, for the wuu uww..uv.t - i jh sowing Aiiw eccus oi uuscuTu, naa im. wis dom, which is from above teaches hint to I :nff divisions among brethren,5 and more teal- to mage proseivies to nis party ana npin SALE. Oo the Monday of An- uourt next, i anan wi.w vr-j Tr;nL-.V. . . a iha nitv-of Ralniah m Tract of I V " - . . T TlTTA. , . T j lands of John orne and John Smith. 448 acres, or toereatiouta, Dejongmg jo uie aeu- fnai KM.wn: f.-: .t . ' II' -.1 Ml" 1 1 I 1.1 mmmAmm m I aevisees KirrTCr;sxAZ,rt' leign, :Mw of .bove, sent to us from "Charleston,, S. C on . 8ym, Sotomcc Pricv 5 eentS per seed. ' Those seed were , f f& lC?-tJf,M growifrciis a - nli v' ta the heir end i .t -.,.a. j..-? . - aa ftf William PhiHrna !mL and sold Under S I -r. . m. . n . ' . 1, . f b-i.i. ."J m.i :,; ii i .r"--o-t.--ia r-.T.--- ' . i-t- .r"; -ww -. Trn . T - ' .1 t: rvBiiiuii,orva varouna a.z tiar. ju. j ct orden andhe mother and herj chil- ren were neatly dressed. The onlv decor-rw:""r!A".eT.'r sl'lifTu: i-: wg ' " 8 .-r l1? ?T1 ... - . . v v , - - :ki ---- rnnnuci llimieil wisely tu nu 'Uio wsnuu i ... ia rnaue nrriraelvieii irt his narftr nnn Mrtini the said son. or anaemrni by ieiu wm, in, ewicicu manst nd . few nortraitsof lomsnf ib- m ?1 uie-1 "? " f--- "Vs lons,"tnaif to mage goou men oi ms p?ose. u" .r. f.i ' : ... . ' I Imneat and induatrinns r rsmtl exerun? mi in-1 1... m. .lr ri.5a l,a.arf I I, ...... : i V w,.w?i i Tssas. Six snd twelvf months credit, with good -L aaa aW S1 B aTV security. . . 4,3 , i s. w..J-uivi-.v.. 1 . " May 22,1840., 426w. 4? 40 r i ....1 it snoe rini to tbe tsourt tnartwo rSubpojnasjo answer the oi upmpiauii uaum , I J- Z .1 ,g..a. 1" - ... I 1 'a.ati M MHu t- . . .t . t i ; - - . . j o . i ini Temunucr uuw tew viciuk uiut -uiu oiscrimtnate,! inat tney conreraeu sen- with such.thingsas he has- never attempnpg um tmit how iSiilaf rin. SlDlr. ant rathevJ allhnnirh mnrh I , :l, ss 1 w - -- it. . - Tp .7 1 f Ti; ;;wj'pw,r nor aiming iff wci J'r uperior in ; eugcauon, regaraca . litem tnougnt wnavne is nou site allowed hustelj JTtn respecU '. After i few minutes thus spenW to be aswie man,. by : choosing for, a partner weir papaj told theniaster of the house that a wise wbmajn, that : is.a pious and prpdent he would not deuih him any longer from Ms woman. , And he jsoodoeJii Jiimsef wisely ,a ploymeati tut that he;haJtaken the lib a Jiusband aud father-rguiding ibis 4 house lny to bring hia t children 'witli him, "in Uhe with, discretion, and .training his children - to "pe tliM he would allow them to look on tread in his qwn steps, t He iota stens. He eminently - die-1 r.tit. ' '-1 i v . 'mi i .i tl e.i ? 'H. i 1 iiiio iime. wima ne wai ai wora . ii i nuveu auau onn oi uib mvanaoiei r.naraciena. oatdbei he saidhftth amusfnor and ins true- tir of true wisrinm. hv hie modest and nn. jfcfay,20,840. ft k.' W .j.v. 4Uo v raui a aa, v .. . XXKCUTKS AT TBI! OrriVk, j,f NETT dOCSSTheSubscribers have just received their new op Jog and Sum- uuua, yua..uB 11. 'wi-W-,'.'T"." B-.T.U h.n black and bltie-b!i::; :. fancy col-1 Dertte eouniy, asainsv w ored ditto. -Bleached pomtcnLUatLed db.j Cints. I ebbj ie Sbfriff-thatbetanor, woe. F . W Gloves or every LiodiMJiesuperior horse-akin do ;1 county ; aoa aiso. inst , . - also white arid black ilk; white and blac PkVwkk lan inhabiunt of tius r-w. f ? ! J the jurisdie- Gioves, HandkerchiefAand Pcarfsj:Gents.JSu.amet 1 tiyn of ibis Vounj- ldo v? fw-v--tj tisementne mstie: lor yiuuiuiui.. t-v wrew iu yiw Ksleich Kegiste r. and a ortn t.aro -zctte," a J- vising tbe said William Keith" th: ' , . ... s he appetr hefora theeaid CourU at the Uourtl : ; - i 1 IvmoolM for CasbTbose wishin to tuv anv of the above 1 en the second jwonosyw cptemner i , ana pieaa, II end examine our is-'ef w,uuim, w " - TP 'ATE FRAN CES STimr-ZfTTho Sab-. . IJseriber a&rSi.: i the PsUte of the lts -4 Frances Sturdivati: . . ' ';sntjr andX' lSdy NA1f.w - V-iniji 1 10 ' ' ei0T rs c s i i whatever isjeo.. $9 ion County ! I EaTjiw-rSpruig (Termr to ui, iherefrom. eh - ....uoni.t -.tof t! ah Ann Keitbe. WiirramKeUhjBiforDiv and- v.; t t other of the Western Ctatsi, an this advertiseincnt.1 IXENRr STU. f aCopBty MayJ If ft if- named articles, will do well to cs Stock. WtlA neafnesf antf despatcS. .TO WLES'dit CALLTJM, ' May SO, 1840. FaviUmUe Street 4S UiUof Com. plaint, it will be taken i pro confessbt - ' sch decree made thereupon, as shall be considered j t. iT -. ' a '4 - v- ' 4 Test, TH: TURNER, G. M..lj2Z, 18iQ - rr i iiPBTilRV riV!" ii i . ... in a a xmt m in v aw.v 1 ;entScifiberstorueCtockc' .a V' ., .ffe't ' unless lull payment oe maqe on or i-.aro i..s ju ,y . , day of onepexri all the' unpaid, Clares 'will I c , ; posed (o publie sale al auction; Vref ' f j , j tie frov" . vision of theApt of AssemUy. i . r ...J U Charter . .r-.iJ r.nk. nasse'd at the Sea.., tf t"?3-S3. ,': . - - . - - - ; -42 ' " A x 1 r