- m " ' - ' I i ' -." S. i - . , ." i 4 t CL. . WE toii. xn. FK11AY ;IJIL;;10j 1S40 mm MO at 'iiiMi miniii.. .BWMMwri : 1 - iv a ii i " " ix' mi.. ' .. i WEST.ON B. GILES, EDITOR AND fROPRIETOR. j - ,. :..., . T Ell BIS. j irreligroa to neglect our ; prayew or -to i i use them in such a manner, as 10 mase litem aff offering unworthy of him. -The short of 1 PRAIRIE 8KET C Jl E 8 ";.;.; I.! A Wft linnr trlnrinnslv rloei the mOOn IlSe V j i " : '.IOHT Owabw. . f;y . upon the prairie! .How beautiful is the moon. It Is mitlniglit and the moon doej noirUe" riling in any elimeor upon any scene But till one. A haiirf iV n rvrk r4 tiia 'titfa I that avmhathv. that notion of comoanionship Iigion prescribe rules and ends tq all the or-J of a sleeper who, Stretched tfoon a buffaloe xhitfi- some spirits seem toJfind in the silver . u , , . , . :- . a a . - - - . ' II - 1 i . - ..n -. - - r - . m aAiinna niniiF ii ip nv inn v n rr - nnr - i MA .r ' t ,jfince. j - ; v v uuiiijr uv.w y .m, 'w..t . ruoff, wun a sauuie benesita bis 4iead and a g1rMeen, can never appear ao use a. reai ATmTiiEHT.--rofeeryl6Kne,firtJner If they oo then it is necessary ;to gavern all blanket above hiirirts enjoying that slumber anC actual w M our actiojs osajus; asjt t necessary .wbtcliia the Attendant only of twr weariness; edlar irom your feUoW menr and feel yonr- tritCif to worsh pGouVU shemm ul'MU foJ f0FicWforad- Tou winch oUr blcsed Saviour Uught m ed, tho aleeper otters a grunt xpress? of Wtatliearen sUIPsm1es i on yoo-thouglinian 1 oruer vmais.o ii uie cominoji uie ui au cnris-1 oissaUsuCHon. sml tUn n.,Knn. ; 1 is distant, and . vour soul whisnera that the kl? ni.ltuns. Is ithot therefore exceedinsl v etranffe. I with ni. ,,! -t, v. v tv , AJ -Jj-Wf I iil that maAe vnn Mn Ln.iiMr' nptluni , free of j ttiat persona whq prolses to believe the truths r Hallo t! Who's Uiat 1- V -:-A -s.-;";' near4to you there tlian when walled aouud i vimfaaiiiij, ouuuiu ncgict uicatuuiiuuu i vome -guami ' is the reply. ty acircie 01 inenas anu muureu. lnmoon ,f,', ! wrT-.-rvrt. i ; . reuwu eeper, Slier a StretCO, and al "t wccr HMjcr. - 11 may ue imr w" v manded in every, page o the gospel I r-. J lolUap berhans a heartv nathl A,lniairru.ni. inserteUilii ukowiww HT. will aUo Pjiir in .VWjl P ar, All letter la tb JSailori.nnwi vm pon-pma. TH13 TKEEILLy SIOITOR. orney at Liw trill attend to the adjustment aul col. lecuonci viiiwia lurouguoui id western DisUict "of Tennessee; and also act as Genl Land Agent in selling listing and clearing old disputed titles. Persons re siding at a distance especially North Qarulintaas, wbose interest is so exfensive in this coantfy.vwould do well to notice more strictly the situation of their 13 I Office at 8omerie, Tenn. . h,- rRefcr' to CoL 8amuel King, Iredell County N. C,?:'v Thomas P. Devereax. Esq. Raleigh. M-: niHtni Hill. S- of Slate. '- . - v '7 V -If the doeuinea of feurislwntty were prac-this bhnket and nnlla htK rifle I'mm KatiMtfi . . .. 1 - V. . " . ' . I . . i . . . . " WV.W-.M. irsea,tney wouiu mae a. man as xiinereni v bis JbuffaloiS robe. After securing his arms, ..TasWT'ofcaMTwJraisWw Tfitha smcereesNto improve the minils tad to promote the happiuesa ritizeD&. it is my: endeavour t liention by occasional selections wuui ; '.-tv"' -T.-rr--:.; r other men in their frailties and infirmities J iniHn- the, rloom to take J.i. i.ti V, m J w uux5 Ue aeuwiueu, me . .1.1. 1.1 t I wiui4Ufc. iuipr co iieniiieua una i niieTCU IFUarU IS iieam .WhlStlmer.nml - v .. s. ' ; - - 7 r- jiofleu incpreu.U5 .,r,u, w un . n,aii tL main .nfl ehf-f riil offfimr U.vU, !,:.... f""rlsnaiera, me loy , . ww - w w 1 uibi a - uuibiur 1UMB aaa mats uiuiesi ji aaiir uuiv. 1 - - m - i.v.-Ws'ir-.i r v-if'llln? lovers or-uod,; . - - -r - - : ITTBLClia m. UI W I " . KTBi S ax I .1 1 W IIIP IIMIlIf Sill . ; J ! From the Agricaltoralist. :;'-;;r..-:MECHANI If any class of citizens can claim equality with the yeomanry of the country, the culti vators of the soil, it is the hart-fite(l and in tlustrioua iriecha'uics. Lops have tiiey been upon a inferiors and , yassals -of ? of the virtuousl the sood. arid the great? No ; but:of the self-willed, -the i -rf.t I ;n;w- 1T7 "y n tne fame tempera and the fame in- a fferent cbaracten ant I am willing to hoped A .t, a.A u-.- n-i nur u :auy iopuf h .nappmeas in anniner ihit uncommon sirenrtn ol argument, 'per ipicooua elucidation, f and close reasoning. affording conclusions the most saturactor and drawn from premises iinquestionab true, will, in some miada,' produce end lasting effect. Mwe indeed Ible office. The ampHeld of moral ligioaa literature is before me ; and a thou iand flowers, planted y .the hand of Genius and riety, are uiuunnz uicir sweeu on I t - Li : . ers of nleasure more than Ihfe lovers of-God,!wUh which the lirid '.is in- -a a k "K ft 'V.W some messmate vj jf.-frp-.il who has been awakened by the dMturban m":L:: vl" wonaenttiacneni. ;oreaejnpuoii j -ttqw fore the fire to enjoy a delicious midnight i, greaUy differenUn their nature and pendency, hinch. Half of the hot ear is probably broken JT till are the doetrinea and preoepts of our blesaed off jand thrown in genewus portivenesa lit -55 ihon Saviour and bis apostles ! They call us to his wakinr ineasmate. who insUnUv aeizM 'ii uJL .1.: his waking messmate, who instantly seizes 1 iu- .i -.4 -i:r . . i- , . " ... - . . . 1 .if-1 1 ww ,.. in c'tij u-1 anu oevoura ue lavoriie raoraei mrowinp.t nwi r -"Vl.. " 7 n 1 pet n way ox uie, irorn uiepirit apa way 1 back in return, perhaps; a pocket liquor flask; f r aSiaSS. U'tTJ; fdie world; to renounce all its goods, tofea? by way of acknowjediing the 'corn their varied beauties, las to render them not i :u 4 4 um tJLm ia . 1 -i .l. -... .l ' u.. :rt .' nvuo vi w joa ! jyt i9 aoia jhuo jiuau ui;ing arraucu, voo return solemn "Tli . no value Tor its h.ppineas r to li in spirU to thjgood Tl a watching, in holy lear,nd heaven : 7JT. -Tcl U.. lZIZlZTr cross, deny ourselves, to profess tbe Wes- facetiously, to n imaginary, wife; teUing her i sturdy w u w , v.- gCurtess of mourning ; to seek the blessed- to lay over ?nd not nsn both pillQws, to give lure's iiHiHMiHSu : .mi nf mMb and nhiM aniritr tn foraaka I ktm mAM Vm .V:ri-.-l-C.Trw pnde-and Tamty or ricftes 5 toake no I vourself. ' Such are veryt apt to.be hiselpS3)t prajers, ou PWB. -vcyrj-uu- lhou hl f morrowl to HTe in lhe , pro. 1 inf; words he drops lo sleep, and in a fewi I tui. mtv v m w w. w '-r itahhiI..! iiia ni nnmniiv inminiM in Bnnn. i n.ii. .ik mm m mm ton roi He viewed wiih reoroaelu - . a " case that it is consider- and condesceildinsr to in' converse iWahourer.:5 Are comntU4iity f and 4iot cream or the best in days long gone honest man Is the noblest work of God; and ha, this noble eutiment become trite unfaaliioiiable, in these daTS of flimsy refinftinpnt- anil Wto-U . Iif. n IMVtl the . Mmlttfi of those who would tiotdcigti tor violate 4tlie .Deliest, mat jnan suouiu atn ms uv the sweat ofjiis bjrowr" "From tlie that ii wont to oe cast, we are -con- uirii in -, wiiu arc iiicac miunroiiuu mechanjes that; are not rqual to na greatest noblemen? . They are the in the curtain and behave prentor and makers of: all the world's usca- eW STher are the individual that - make iur houses, ; our furnitures, our fixtures, and and : are they ? Tamer St Hughes; - Brown, 8now, A Co. -( y . - W. M. Lwu, Milton, f Eiheldred J. PecWea, PTorthampton, - John Hoske, Favettevillo, r ' " J John McNeil, Cumberland County; ' -Febroa-y 18, 1840. ".-.'. - 15 Cm. 4 Io TV AMDS rcn CAILThe followirig fo 1 1 A able propertjrls Bow oerel for sale, to U - nau juf Ao. 289, ,4ia oVtnct, V.mi?on county r raction flo. 35th v do 2H, Uih . do 265, lo do 258, do f do 52. 3d - do 241, 12th dof 100iSd do i iti.nth V 10S6, 3d r do (1041 ics.) SdsecJCbertes I a i r - , ' ' IHUO O go TTOTICE--Loirt or mislaid, a- Note, made paya bleto AVillie Simmons, by Bennett Gooch and Lewis Daniel, for Eleven PoUan and fifty five cents endorsed by. Henry Qiinmona dated the It 7th Novem ber 1836, and due the 1st NOT.1837. i Al persortsJ are hereby forwaroed from trading for the same,'othe owees iro l paying ae suoo ut any person out my. elf or agent Given nder my hand, the 28th Jane, 1840. " v U12iNlJi;4C8UX U? KOUJ5JU June- 2&V 1840C-1 i,' ' 'i o3 3 w. ?TQTICEliandlror Sal JJ ing a wish to remove to the Western country, otter his Tract of Land for sale lymg. eight miles north Vest from' Raleigh on the lower .HiUsboroogb Road, containing 20 Acres, with a framed Dwelling House; and out Houses ; an excellent Clqver Lot and open, ground for five or six hands. A- ftirther des cription is nnnecessBary, as any person desirous to purchase will view the premises. Early application is desired; as the Subscriber is desirous of moving earlv DlYELOrSG HOUSE FOR 8AlC.---Intehuig to remove to . an . "y:- other part of tho City, t bfllt for sale my present Resideuoa on Fayette ville street. To persons, Pot acquainted. with t the 'premises, it may be lemarked that the Lot on which the DwetW ing House is situated, contains about half au acre, in uie neat I oiaue uuiidchsi um piscc, uas an . excel lent Well and tea House in the yard, ami all conve nient offices ard oat houses. The Dwelling ; is in the form-of an L, is well arranged for the accommo dation of a large family,' and all in. eseellent repaid Appurfananl to the Dweibng. but en the opposite aide of the street, is another Juki acre on-which are aitaated a good Garden, Siabiea, Granary, Cairiage House oic!':1- S v A very liberal credk will be given to the porchai-er. if desired. ' tGHA8. tfAnlii, ' Raleigh May 6th, 1840.-wyf 38-" r atn iaaeal If .mm kii sal ' m an Sa alwl as asa f liAtf Sitif IVfA! V 'lit. 4" -I! - J v- I UUUyvSJw VMifV tw astsauMtar y jj a vf I UJU-tAtCUA ;WO U4 U ia AKS4U lTIkfUCU All .4-;lifUI Kdl UKUIB. OJIU HIV IU(I fe ' JVT ,,JJW-:.rT-!T: lyufferingstd reject Uisi jfhe.4eh, lence. -" -v-J hlcedi To Uiem TTTUFFALO t3PRINGa.--These gpringa. .i,o.. i. iiifnra i tm f vr.nt vhn KL lKe .lu8 of lhe wd pride of lift , to" now , piy avisit tithe guard Whorit $oiyeiiience and alnuisteveryuittry of 1U; m ui invtheunty of ckii; v,re 16, tnereiorel-lS Jine .tievoui man, wno LM,fn:u.:rt Mm AnrumemiM. and In - : i i .i ...i? fm, u' mi if farmtr an. with tinHnit vl he al Tied asm ready for the reception of visuors. with some Hrcs no longer to ins, own wjii, ortne rwav Mankind as lod4oveth them : tow' KJTA. :. i.ui;tivr;the back-bneof vHrrelv;' mechaiircs should; . 23 ; Siarksyil.e,Ie co. (lowii tol) j aeyen hundred and tweaty cre; Taitall county on tue A tamahaw River,- adjoining lands of Arabics Gordon and otheraVV'"-. 'v'- - These lands are ofitrel to be solj at private sa, : bat if not disposed of in this manner to our satisfae- ' lion, they will be sold to lhe highest bidder,, oil the -' first Tuesday in December next, at the Court house door in the city of MilledgevUle, opc-lhird cash, the balance in two equal annual payments, with interest, l and ondooiitcd. personal security ' . ' . . J, i We offer fot, sale also Jwo aptendid setlletnentrof land, in Baker county, one contaiag 1250 acres, the ther 2250 acres. The first settlement embraces tile following lots: Jfos.55 and 8, 8th district Baker t If oa. 19, 20, and 22, .7th district Baker 1250 acre. The other settlement jutains the following 'Lola 1 of Land, to wit No.. 225, 256, 265, 295, 294, ?66,1 297, 229, 2522250 acres, ana all in the 2d disUict 1 Baker county 'Uv..k, ' ; h: In regard to the character of these two last name!) feltlements of laud or plantations, it is sufficient "o . ssy, they have been pronounced by competent judges to be inferior to no body of land north of the 8aine ' River. ' . Tbeir . location, fertility, a nd ' production, for corn and cotton, cannot be surpassed tlev lie be tween the'.Chaltaboochea and Fiiat Riter; a section of our titate. that is rapidly attracting public 4 notice, ' and in a very few years will stand nnri vailed as col- ton growing secuon of the Southern cute. 'j;nes ' were selected with great care and expense, by one of " the best judges oisucn property in His me ume, jor bis special -use and accommodation . ,The undersigned are -very desirous to dlepase of these two bodies of land, in two separate plaotadona, and wilt do so at private' sale, to a fair parchiiser.' and on aood lime. But if not so arraneed. they will le itfiered at lb Same time ayd )lace, and on . the asm - teraia, as the. first mentioned acattering Ixnus, lot by , lot, and they era offered to, the public at this early no tice, in the hopo of their ieceiving the strictest penoa a eximiuatioa. , ou'Vv ' .: t;, ; . v, , w R. 8.- WILLIAMS, ) ! " f; : f t J-J. . WILLIAMS, CExror. ; ;.'.f In tegard to the character of these lauds, reference) may be mad to Gen James .Hamilton, Charleston 8. C.-f, Cowles,. Macon, Ga.; Thomas B. 8tabbs, MilleJge ville, Georgia and 'Wiliiam IeQoard, Ba kler County - Georgia and the ,last. named' ge ; leman wilUbow the lauJ- to.any rson desuvus'of .'personal examination. All , eommarncations on . . tlii aubject addiessed to either oftbe Executors, or JoeepbV -WiUiamsy IlilleagevilUj, 'Git -v.j; " . Miltedgevill. Jlareh, d.itiMt&:bOmt additional imirenients, since the Lis t season. Of j TVTOUG TtCVr CCC3. Tb 8obcnberS XVJLL bav received their new Spring and Bum mer Goods, consisting hi part of the tUowing arti- r 9 &m a . a . ' - a a -a. '-m '':.a.. nnrl.t..!hUvnrald .r.v!.r 4V1"' -T i wuwaaTo wfjcisCTiwji.wrii muv i ored ditto. Bleached Domt. e ciuii Kwliich ' IUS loiutviixui v.iuip wu iyuiv . w ... J., , . ; i c ' t 1 " "V ' t '" 1 ' 1 1.-m .;HU't. ui rri- r I Li . -a.- J:.t?V -lw ,lw; t ne term is ironi a woru lit ureea. wihcii W . sT 7 I V fttlV VaVWaV aast V w.hwbbw i)'a 1 . a ' - .nd snirlt of tha wnrlJ. bat to the ol will I TTTT. i? 7 n " j . Z:":: . .V'? the healinz effect of ibes water Tn cases of dyspen JOoU-'wlnsidersGo . w at r- i min him ai iirna v nrr. i - i. i i rr . i'. ua H tha nrti aU sm.m lif narta rlf .nisw. 1"M " " -- vr;r . 1 eye OlSUngUian JOWB iwawca l OWng i : T MS .B)V ftsra wm -w awaw vwnftiw v r w avaaaaw w sav ty doing every thing tn the name of tod, and under such rulefi as ; are . conformable to bis glory,;-,, -v. 1 , - - We readily acknowledge, lhat Gad alone U to be the rule and measure of our prayers, that in them we are $o look wholly unto him, TANKEE DECISION. ('8ome time between the years 1812, and 13, when v (iiatinaman .u. . t,m' . );. .ki.lDiust be considered ; that- mecuanicft u. a : . j-.--i.j- ' :. .. lu I Arienrekwlnck hai claitntKi the atteillion.ut white torw, but otheVwise yoo might . m - . I--- -- . ---- a 4 ii.;- -k- r ik t.-.v;-t. 4 . 'i : ' . . i f'i-. .-.I I sismnes a maciune, a couirrvance, anu aaibjew isUck.What:is beardf aexnuies munen-t -"v h . :' - IT 7:? iiuyv iroi in uiuiiuii. -u inc iiniiici v49 are treated Hf undr sialics, and in die Jat- ler dynamic?. Tli first machine construe iiitLae.icl fi rnt. efficacy and virtue, more fully and saUsfaclonIy.lhan Gloves of ver kind Ladieaoperior rwrs-skln da it can possibly- be done;byc an dvertisenient, With aUd whjt lnd black Silk, while and black? Pickwick" other amuwinents for the nterlaiijment! of. visitors. Gloves, Handkerchiefs' and: 8carfs; Gent. Summer w have provided a aejectbaud of Muc,;and every etching ttf eVery desaiptron j tra"r Matting i La- iwesa.ry ,to .render tha iil of tnae Wlio may C11oom I shoes. aho blact cfKto. Printed : looked upon the ; Yankee a bat little better than ifl flr1TlP' T-1 lvta wara laai Knlir srva- . I t al rtl S, ?J V iA. .1. niv thaw aTfMMfJL 5 F tt 1 nAAf A Vilfpr C ft II ! ia inch manner, Bit neb lhi2, nd tueh wy ".? TJ ""T r " " "1 : 6 SrtJTI-iiTLuiiii past season, will be able -to give general satislaction. Tlie charge ibr board per day $1, for a single meal 60 centschildren under 12 years of. age, and aer hear. Vbu lieai Uheir low belfowihsf; Ute U IH"n "K hlntf. balfpnceiiior.es 75 cent. .aai1ay;-?l distal an surger like ir i - : .' - . - .-u . vf -w - Jutr.' 13 . . . .- ',x.,:i:-A : 49-w4w to paironm us, bob pleasant ana Ix'ucpeial. -I Muslins 4-e"c?'"i .i : KJ -t :lit-r'f ,WF. lieid ww agaia taae cnarg .iM ment, and flatter, himself, with theexfrieiice of the f, Cash.t Tlnwe wishing to buy any of the aboy named articles,'wili do well to call and exatnloii onr Stock. t - -TOWLES Jc CALLIiM,- ? w " FdyettevilU Slreet 1 W any one but nd out the reason .why he .ns I A Yankee of considerable dimensions en- to be thus strictly pious in his prayers, and! jtered the oCSce and informed the ofBcer that le will find the earrre as strong a reason to I he wished to enter his load and receive a be as strictlr pious in all the other parts' bf passport. The officer .east a sarcasUc look ms me. ror we uuiy,reauu way oux pray-cr fit inm. and said mat 11 was customary ion . vir ..ii-t i- 7 .i- - I ihould have nothinV Jn them tot what ,U r-,r.lhen'- thev entered his office -toWra--JJ.-TO.? lravc beeii Dut IVirih. allsubjectto thesame " ' i sw w '-- i a-v a r noop'nni ii i msaw iiHai i iixpi s i in ia. viirirs h - - . - i-.a - . - w , - - . - . - ar Ceive baasports. to take off their hats, ; and .M-Wr rVre .tilt: - l vl a liAun tvialr Al lllV tt 1 1 r aaf IX ill A ite .sentinel whistles or sings a merry air, -- , - i-J l i- t i i.-.-. .- i t..i.- .-i . niri.-n..;l ery wisdom and might are display eil, bejond but this tnight serve to iraide an enemy anI ...: r - w .i3 . ...... -t.i suiuprciicnsion oi iiiuu. huuus uiwh nuuu My SO. 1810. S AliE. That pleasant sit oat ion. TOLA Wranvw II II a a .in. a a ii wise, anu .noiy.nu; neaveniy, ia, that our I Ceive passports II lives mav be of the am natnri. full nf thfll --,.1A.i-.t K;.n ia tn an infm1v : I .t.li-i . l I i . ' I 7 , i ir , wl : Ilii.h rflKittrva I Tha muln hoiulA fhp same wisuuui, noiines, anu neaveniy. iem- m jo; JL tnaQa-ypur aaiO tne iangeer.V l i mm v..--. -v pers, that we may live unto God in the same paid four dollars for that hat to keep my aenlinel rifts its head from-the grass, gives, spirit that we pray: pnto him. . Were M not head and ears warme r ' ' v ahor,- b.with;iu;iwslrns,:p our strict dutv to live bv reason, to devote ' v mnoriinnnf minriv v tha nfR. ears and.stares before it into darkuess Mark - j - j ajpaar . a aaar aa mhvu a y - .---..- v.. . . - - . i -all the action nf mir livaa.nntn.t.ivl.-is'i're it I Mm .rf inin nnirl'nM a 9 1 theaentinel 1 The instant he observetr.thej 1 w. w .v - v vv v - - -ri . niltaiMfi- iSSSS va vy wyawvi wysy ,, I . . a a ' - i a Mtabsolatelv necsssarv to walk beibre!W croucheanpon Uie id wi.uora anu nouness, aoing every ..ining i wiih .your hat immediately Lgrouuu .w vwmu iiw nuc, .ms name, and for hjs glory, there .wcruld Xo sir, can't do it. keeps my bead proper ptw jvnat intent waicuiuiucas ijc peers iou be no excellency - or wUdom ; in the jpost j warm.' - ' " V r' --. A.:, tji.pitehy.pth.n:e.ar ncavenly prayers; m ay, such prayers wouLd After several orders of a similar kind, ac- oerny .A.:tootsiepis.,neara. approasingt.nnu' absurdities; they would be like pray era compahied itiv "curses arid tlireatef which ihstanfly ihevStillnessis broken Jy the uick favfog; when it was..no part of our dqtyj Uhno better success, 'te steptflp to challenge of the sentinel- 5 Jll "is sure, therefore, aii ; there is any wisdom ;the Wijacent comer of the room. - ; ,.: TheUnswerlshow in pr-vinjr for the fcniritof God. oure ij itJ - The Yankee paid no aUentioo to this 4ut captain or sergeant of the guard, taking his that we are to'make- that anirit the rule of all 1 waited Datientlr until he had - received ihW I solitary; walk round .-the encampment antf our actionj. As sure as it. is onr duty tori passport, folded end jdeppsited it safely within now thejentiuet is sure -to wanva drj; cap look wholly unto God in our Dravers.' so I his wallet and was ready to pa rsue his jour-1 for Itis ri8e, .or a bifof tobkep, or the ; Ioar ure is it, that it is uur duty to.ive. MrhoHy I ney, when turning to the officer he rec vjrou in OuJ. llVCS.:. DO inai.nreaSOnaoie I mm lO pica ujr nia.av,.auu jiuvu uu u-iiedu.l .myiucuw ;,MMfrv t.r and ahaiinl r-i:i : ,k.iU ;nfkni':l ' friia. Affioe'.miih.wrotlr. owIrl him trtl thfl aero-eant he in a . social humor. beThaDt or .diversion, whether they consume our leave the office or he might get ino trouble they may.bothet down upon the grass anf nine, or oar money. nd .absurd oraver. ience uato God. i i ; i i, ;-,i I-aay:misler?''ays Ui0.A:Xanieet.yoii. thevdangerqus,cunwy.nere,no It is for want of knowing, or ai' least con- must pick dp. ray ..bai and ihat in just about able 'duty of guarding is considered rujcessatyj siderin? this, that we a urh a miiinm of W rninflti,9 time, or feel the veiffht of-the dThe sentinel is asrain alphe and, hush ridicule in the livpa nf lornR n.nnl: Yon I d-ath maiiti:" ahakinflr liis fist rather nearer AWaintheTgraaing mule shows tokens. i! see them strict as : to eomeiiinea and. nlae ofl his loVdahioV face thanwas i jffreeable alarmf Tou hear the faint clack of the rittei devotion; but.when.the service of tha chnrcli I The officer raved and swore all to no.effect, as the' guard suddenly cocks iW; and agatnhe ' - ii . t 1.- i Z Z C . L. I ..,.. Limnalt an flha at ct srtt n hia Iibwa gravitating jMiwcrlliat hulds each n its place, ami mis siuiuiu aoi peniinisiiins; .wieii-we feflcet tlutt it wasuus Arth-Mechant that stretched - out the - north over the empty v " - "'- . ' .- 'a " Va !.. Ilm I. m Sitill.lHw a a . - . - . . m aim iiuir- iuc cull upin iimiui.g,, i breake next November ana me people ej to wora yrT.o.rr ninnivr.J-k. finwtM again, pay what ia asked for the place. Jt is i deemed jja pfj inform 'lhe InhabUaiiU of ibis nd that it is He who has "measured the waters irk the hollow, of his hand and meted out' hea ver! wijh a apA. a.id comprrhended Hu wist of the earth itt a measure, .aud weiahed the mountains in scales and the hit U tn a bal ance." This is the pnl y evidence of an il- ustnous niechanic. Jesus Christ Jiimself was a carpenter, and ,the Arne rau a teut-maker, liut ttnie woultl fail to speaK Mover, they are like those that seldom or and-finally threatened to cane ;him, if he prostrates himself in the grass, with hi head ever come there.' .In their way f life, their did'nt deparL; -ft- -sp ' cautiously raised and his.eye fixed, in theM rsanner of spending. their time and money; ' Mister, says.theYantee, time flies rection indicated bythegaze of the stareijl in their cares and fears,, their oleasnrea and innir1irabJe ! kinder fast" and at the same mule.'- Something' moves no the ; sikef it3 ladulgencies, in their labour jand diversions; time; beginning to nnbuttorfhis coat, : and jmooa is nsmg, rbutthelight ; is et sainsi they are like tberest.of the world. It is this you had better be going after that hat., :5 tinctasto be evert more; perplexing than -Irre which makes the loose part of the world After several more threats, which had the darkness ;1ut. something dfes move. Jt j i point their ridicule, against those that are de- desired effect noon - his ODOonent. and the hot the waving ofa tuft of grass in" the nlfM ?out ; because they, see their devotion goes! time set beiho nearly expired; he sneaked o& I Jbireese, for .it hchangettits position, fl lje - i - . : . - .. . i . - . i -- , r .1 i i. -. : -. I OttereU It to:lSl guara. JS cerwia oi una, anu ansaui.y aisjspig itisnea wun i mat, J nia riuo aiiucu a w.wi'D mjh h?! sv i !!.; ha iiM.1 iha. 'fthallenii-l.' W f-".? ArS--kJA r! t.--:-- I .'- i. Whn irnoi: llmra tf! na9rf---ctnla Kl" 'Yankee,1 and his fore finger is ,eurled around the -thjr- . about to I ger to fire, .when he takes an instant more j p lr1 tnl nanae. &tid as the moonltsrht falls mor hoii but. that of pccasional prayers. j j , I place it aa he (bund iu ' ' ''' y upon the earth he becomes aware that tlje . Ann indeed,: there cannot any thing ;be 1 v , Here,' says Uie .Yankee, tuck this intruder iS a wplf prowling ronnti the can tp .a . ." - a.?. w a r 'w i search 01 tooa. tieueveu irom niaaiacax the same moment that the cheering jnofifl- beams cane to enliven his solitary duty, . tjie sentinel laughs at his. jnistake, and perhaj Is examines bis "watchy peering t closely at il hy I the moonr'or "feeling the hands with his a f Bit f . L .!.. .1 . . I . .1 .-wmw m mcir, jayc , luav tney live i and picked up the Iiat anc Dy the same humour of fancy, and in as full owner t bqt he . was not s; n eniovment of all the follies'tof life, a oih-l .mt AlLu:m .-. -.1 : j r . ...h --.uvmu IHUIKI pidkbO III ? People. Tbts is the reason why they arc cisely as he found it. The Uie test nnri idnrn Af tha irrfllflrinn . nnt kaJ I Un .U. Ji?l.: e.L.-t . .v. .wv.u " ""c ' v- uui iccmg me ucvcriniuation pi uio use they are really devoted to fJod, but he set' it u pon his head, and was Because they aonear to have no other. devo-Jdeoarti when ha vm MUrA ri, . im.i. .a at a m , - a s . a ---Kiaea rcoreausuru in itseu man wise ana i ear unaer, no w tue ottier one, null it down a I in wiine rand heavenly prayers, added to ; I little more in front, &c." AH of which or- at me of Vanity and folly." Por to be weak and dera the officer reluctanUy fulfilled. vThere I ,()0'h in spending onr time and. oar moneyf sir( Utats about right,' says the Yankee, 'and I hhU-Kreat n'utake as to be, weak and fool-1 now friend, before I leave I will give you a h in relation to our prayers. And to allow I word of good adviee never meddle with a Driel i-. . . . 'ie r 1 U4 l- ' : i. ..!: , . ;. .1 l. 1. -.-.. -.m n --..wa lit Miiv nivi ni iiip. inn nciiucr an.cn uik uuieu Tuuire urcurcuiu ue irera. in iee now luiiir no u ut mw - into futurity, ' Uood pay sir." v on guard. - " " ' .? V 1- rs nor can be offered to God, is the same a peep LANK BOOKS, PAPER, AcSOQ- Rtpntt i FoolscapTaperbOQ do. litter do-Mi do. rapping doBLA?iK. BOOKS, of every descrip- .: : n ! ' -. . i -.Ji s :.i..: -.k-. r..t i -w.a I "Hi "TJ vwm re cie.reu au vuiumiw nww;(i p. t i , .. v n tv fitr. 1 . 'v -n..'isan sia. $t$$& VVV S UlUvawilV' VT"""S"t -aaa"wf 7 useless to mention all the advantages of the aitoation, the fine fange for-cattle, U. aa whoever wishes to purchase will look at the premises. fty J. i . WWIA I 4 . June SSiK, 1840:- 64 If tbe adjacent Cpnntie, that he atilfccarries on the Book Binding business, in, it various hi inches, (tom jlaiti 10 ffrnamentaU and at Northern price. - ?J rGreat care-wilt betaken ta bind all PcrioJicaL pattern and.jnaich voIuwe.;s.; A,:-vr;:f"cj ''4' Uraieful for past layors, be still hopes to receive s -tTTWWO.il A CIA Tb 12 ITI V2'. Of rOnw-.. The II exeri-ioea of this School -will cloaa fur tha bra. I share of public patron ire. ra-,-. . . . '. - . . . - a l r.L f-i..-t.r. .1 ;.j ' .ibj .-. His omaery is vsca-ai. in viuga jieBimer vcr . where ad orders in tb , dMve Una will b proinptly. .4 st-nt session on the 13ih of J une, and. will be resum ed on the lih of July, for the Fall Seaaon. The of lhe hou'oreiU aadr truly honorable tncchan- J terms, for board and tuition, will .be the same as bere ics of the" world. -The uame of Franklin, if itexZ not the example, is deeplv graven upon lhe o . preparatory collegiate wurse, . . name or Judge uueK Wiu ueyer e , oeiaeeq T .oard caii W-.faaa'4o tespectable-' fkianie. at six fro'trt 4be jiieinryltd- the mtnolic an iliej 4 ; : ;v cood as was the luatv wh'o set his own-, type 1 . Tha subscriber deems it onnecesnary I to harden .md worked his own- Dress, while he Was ac- I tha nuhlie with a tedious advertisetneut, setting forth , .... . '-. j - , . . .. T . . ----- --7- - . - cnmuhltng the nch-Stores Of knowledge, the JoeI adyantages. .and toe;.nsoai et.teeieraa :i a i ndgnce; - v: 1.1. . e : : -r ii.;i i mIkhmm rtrv i h nratir.ienev or nis acxioiara bioiib id i h t wun tvnicn ine.rnuiixconiinuuiij uayc oecu ;"" 7 t - -Z v- -ii- . . .. i -.'- 1 -. -r-.tkli- i.l-ll - : V , . , ? lisebool nonce tlmt is wdlinfto base h laime- v ?. , , , , v 1 . , He would be clad th thoe who design sending- rl Ujusant:i pi .exsrapips are launiuwy re wouid j0 M ,V4U Mriy .taeof tha sea- corded iii -the Uvorld history, of -men who on. r : ; i ; JOHN R. HOLT OraoseMay to. - .-r-i .',-r!: 43 onw8w. T . auemieo ik v.-,-. 4 -w;. -r f. S. Blank Books; nf every description made aop : 5 ruled to any. pattern, and Quickly idoae, and a liberal tilaconnt'made ba larsje job.-; V - . . - - ;,: . , 1 iOHjTH DEX?ARTERET. V HOCCO BA-terevill ibea Bitt ol at Shocco 8pririgs;bn Wedlleday;eveBing lh I5lb of July. A find band or Music will be in aw W4rreni C nnv.Jun '17.' ANN JOHNSON. TATEDP NORTHrCAJlOLtNA. Tbwkms Couxtt -Supeiior Court of Equity i, Spring ; l erm 1840; Hill for sate -of Land.; have distihguishetl '- tiiemscl yes for their khowiedjie anif uscfulsiessi, that have cuided the plane,' driven the' shiie-maker's awl, and. - it . - - ..'.. ' - - " . inaeeu' tn - louowiiig , every . working ,pur uit, by vvhich mat has been able to procure n. k'nniiit livinr Vi hurt tit & tli time M... '1. www "." " v -- ' ' . w . ' "-- ' . . . - - ... . cime when rrfechauics will be esteemed, Ay 'TirJ the tnost intelligent, as rankins htgli among I it-w.nb.rf-- p tv.t.-,i. j the usefttl and respected citizens! Uie land, his cbildren and Thomas Dunn: all of whom, except Let the yoitiig be educated and trained tor I Mary Cooper are hon-residents. " 'v r" J some mechanical avocation, instead of the al- J It appearing to the satisfacuori of the Court-that wne rmrflOLESALE ANU RETAIL BOOK AKD '. V4 8TATI0NERV ESTABLISHMENT Jtti '', PETfiRSBURO, VA. Jame Woodboaae AiCM deal extensively in Book in the variev departmentr of Iiitemliire-itM?'? V: -- :- .Countrv MercbanU and others will nd at their- EstaUUhmeut, itt addition to the many Books tciteJ - av a w' . .- - r " .. m: a a . w a : nauianiei.uunnr oi c lanaun vouniy,; Ann anu i to their wants. a laree and Keaerai assortment or C.'a- William Merritt infints,by their guardian, Daniel R j tionary and Fancy articles and pronounce that Tho- most useless and empty professions, and their fn Dunn, Gray' Dunn, John Broom, and bis . ;n Imii ... 'i.v; Kt. -r..1 I Nahcy, Chaa. F. Deloach and his children and , table. . i - . .i f .r ik:.'iu.i..iiil muli hcvan- iIk fnriurifSAn f M- n-ort I Tt i therouooil ordered 1 oal,Ptc I .V . .1 . !.?;.:..- . mmAm f.ir -' .it son- I U-TIIC they will compare in price to quality and kind with "; any house. South of the. Potomac '.--, f t" -05 Music, Musical fnstramenta and l!usical Kerch-V andize of every description at wholesale and reiaiL -June 16.- :i--49 ,i V-t i--'V -' J." WliC TATE OF NORTH C ARO LII A T7aiAnr on County Av UauiTT "rirj Term. 1840 arah Ann Kflib WiUiam lieua : V i for Divorce. a sls Banna aiiiim. waa cm ins a zar imim lama bib uiw a a aass va was w . . . . - 'J not 'inhabiW W . thUeand rd. Wyond the. 2.K to;aBrt4b twe vr A hne'AtMl crv ia tnatte aenilnat Gen. jarudicUon of this Court. : It U thereupon ordered I "u".r . ViaV" f " - t . r r r t - i - . ' . a . r - p . r a lerxie rnu 111 w arrstniT vm T-eifrt fi-Mr rvMn rsrnni - ieorge Washington Teceivea omce at uie ance at the next Superior Court of Equity, to be held I " aiianj pi is oute, h r not wr.um,ujqnaiue,. hands of Mr. Adams, yii:1iewaapw)intedf lhe C "..' - .-i-. ,- . . . -. v. '.. .. - .t j.i. I lisement be maJn f.ir tliirtan sneceasiv weeks in tha tanranvnr nnipa , wtiii m itmmiiiitap -. a v .. am w m. rw uimnaw saiir ub ' tu akauBiajaa w a . - - in Rnimt. uert: I hen and mere to nteau. answer, i . '"r , ' or demnr to ail Bill of complaint, otherwise, the Chief of the anny: Who darr impeach lhe name ofl Wash ington fnt. ! v , tvv . "John Alarshall received office t ihehaniUl of Mr.' Adams, viz : he. was a ppoiuted Sec retary of State otlveUniled States.it' s ho dare impach the .memtMrf . of John ! Marshall. Wilmington: Chronicle. ;: Hiaaisoar Stock is rising so Cut, that there ia no keeping up with the prices. Now is the time for Tan Boien peculators to make their jack by taming. ad- visins tb said William Keith that, unless te appear . . . a w - m- -ni iwi taken ore i tmfeuo and v beard ex-narte I before li said Court, at b uort nouse in i lyraoutay. a to them and' decree mad accordingly. oa tht ecopd Ilonday of&-pteinber next, and plead, " i 'f1.ni:- iMi-A W if -tW Ar nswror demur loth Complainant's f Com. knson, rand Master of painW Uwill b. laken w m:'-o, and decree r?rt Ldehereuaaahaubeeoi -Ij.sL;; fMoiulsym March r f - THiTURr Hi;E. K ,"T ' ; ' ' , ' ' " ; J rTATCHPa-oO Croee Dm nl Friction; l XJiJSim Traill l XfstchewsuperiorarJc: .. rtlslsf lb l ;r::'. I 77: ' . .'f .M:tTas aiMttlil i-a aft -'K raaaiAfa UfW va as ptiiasissajw hwumhv ' fUVIf.r TKr.l. T Inventor of tb improved cc.,:ruc yti of Rail-ways 1 Book Store iCarc'Na TrRNciitftursai: ' - v 3 I!

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