, - . ? . i , - ' ' j J .ig : . i - : . . - . .tr , ' . " ' ! ' : i - .:--," f V - ' - -...- v. ........ - SI mm SEMI-WEEKLY. "("Mi:'. l3 f 1 Tift - WESTON H. GAL EDITOR. AND PROPRIETO inam-halfic ' TERIIS.' goiscti tiow Fjte Dollari per AaTBtTiiiMirtVT-r6r eteroW juie,nr iner- lioB.Opp Dollar j each ubseoynt inserlion,S5 cents Court Ordera and. JtrdicM A4ertlement will b ttarged 25 pr cent higher .but deduction of 33 J per cenL will be mad worn the regular price!, for ad ltners bjithe yeat. ' ; r ' ' - ; ' V . " t . f'" i.'f ' '.' vt Advertisements, inserted in the 8emi-Weekly Rk. Irri will also appeariu uia cc.i a apvriiv vi Letters to the Editor must be post-pauW v v iiawsuMusimiMiaimHini THE WEEKLY MONITOR.'.' ; OX TBI lUXOBAUTT 0 Till gOCI- J Of all the interesting speculations, on Vhich the harpan soul delights to dwell, there k tone more justly !er)Utled; to its most aeri us attention, than that of its owo immortali The proper study of mankind is man;? tod the mind's most important' concern is, iurelyy to assert its right to an 'existence,1 hrhich spurns the limits of Time; and presses Morwara wim unimpaireu vigour, into all the Lundlesi regions of. Eternity, The.: well known essays of the Spectator, on this sub hare Ion? continued 'to charm eVerv eider of taste and feeling. And I think it r be confidently asserted, that, for ; tlie oos train of gloomy and desponding thoughts, hich are apt to fdrce theinselres on minds mhappily prune to scepticism, there will iardlV be found a surer remedy . than the ani aatlng pages of Addison. " Bishop Porteus ias . favoured the lovers, .of truth witli ; some drairable arguments on this subject, which ppear to me s irresistibly conclusive, that cannot forego the;pleasure of transcribing iiem for the present number of the Monitor. careful revie oi the learned prelate a mas- rly statement of Uiis alIimportantqnestion, ay possibly lead the enemies of revelation o reflect, that while- such reasons etist in favour of the doctrine of immortality noth- kif can exceed the 'folly knddangir. of their KOUUUCl, that alter the present 'uture slate of existence. take into consideration "another, what an al teration does this instantly make in the ap pearance of every thing within and ' without uslThe mist thai before rested on the face of the earth, vanishes away , and discovers a scene, of the utmost order, beauty, harmony and regularity t The moment "our relation la another world is: known, allJ inconsistencies are 'reconciled, -'k&s ' U;.v t .i,n ,C Wfij, then find "oursel yes compose 'o? two parts, a mineral Uody and' an immaterial soul;. and the. seeming incompatible proper ties of matter and spirit,; instead of being in termixed and incorporated together inv" one substance, havejeach their distinc1ttproyirice assigned them reside in.separate substahces, suite respective natures. But though different from ench other, they are closely i united together. By this unionwe- are allied to thejvisible and unvisible, i 'the.? materiarfamT! thef; spiritual world,' and stand, as it were; on the confines of each, and .when the body reverts to earth, the souL betakes, itself to that world of spi rits to which it belongs. Those extraordin ary faculties of the human mind, which seem far beyond what the uses of this short life require,1 become ' highly proper and - suitable to sa being that is desigucd for eteruity, and are nothing more than what is 'necessary to prepare it for that heavenly country, which is"ils. proper fomc, and is" to be its everlast ing abode, There they will have full room to open and; expand themselves, and to dis play a degree of vigour and action not to be attained in the present lifeVWhen once it is certain that we are to give an account of ourselves hereafter, there is then a plain rea son why ve are freeagents; ..why. a rule is given us to walk by ; why we have'a pow er of deviating from or conforming to it; why, in short, we undergo a pirevious examination at the bar of our consciences ; before we ap pear at "the tribunal of our great'Judge. Our thirst for fame," for. happiness, foi, immortali ty, will, on a supposition of future existence, what do these mean, ;my friendr'f was the 1 Wirv fabric which has e.Tnanded hnenuallv nrn question. . m Mans,, your, honor, why. M the drawing-room ; and when, these fair qjii t intn-pae for Pat; and pat for Purdie? ones are called upon to be Wives and moth; t? " " ' ' f" ers ley are i often fouud'to' be doubfrtvant is aimosc unnecessary to add. that the ing. " ' - f - evuience was rriniilrUi -o-.l, I - . - - " '- - . s.. . ence was crinsiiiorwfi nni..: :.. oio iayor, and the coat returned to its right own er. . - ...... - . " I - ? DISEASE, OF REFINED! LIFE. , Dr. Stewart, an English physician of eminence: has recently published a ork entitledon the tendency to , ; . ' HASTE AND HURRY. - -Lord Chesterfield remarks, that "a man of sense may be in haste, but is never in a hur ry." Thedistinction is important ThWe are occasions when haste is necessary: but in no possible circumstance is lit expedient " ;r?. r upie tn jouowing passage : er tails m wliat lie attempts, tox perform, or In the course of his remarks Dr S with performs it in such a way that it bad belter many oiners, insihis upon the evil efleclsof " ,CI1 "muuuc. ii is generauy guou iu oc a . - . . - w . . inujscnminaie repletion ; lut the especial design of ' the present publication (VmU l.'i.n to posh on Tiis objections against mental, as J well as bodily cramming. Dr. Stewart con- tenusi that the great secret of avotdihg net' vousnesi) is lo encourage in ourselves, and to impress upon our .progeny, the high value of independence upon external. morl. Har piness and health, he intimates, are too much Peml his former labors and engage in n pew sought for in the abundance of tho ihinos w. I task. He finds himself limited in time, and possess; and were ve, in respect ol passive Vs co mpelled. to hurry more than ever... indulgence, to recede somewhat from the becomes confused and perplexed, and is march we have made into the alluring nni- of vexation, commits blunders, is forced . b . . quick ia the management of business, but he wiin auenus iu ma anairs in a iiurrieu uiau- nerbfteh does less" than the "veriest idler. One of your hurrying characters engages in a; piece of work with tempestuous energy, and, perhaps, When it is half completed,! he remembers that there is something else which must be done first. He is obliged to sus- t - . vinces oi iniaguiaiion ami (aste ; were we to refurni rn some 'measure,- to' that state of rude simplicity. from which our boast is that we have extricated ourselves ; we should find that the nervous organisation would be in a fairway of regaining that condition of tone He full to begin anew, and finally discovers that he has accomplished little or nothing. The way to despatch business' is to attend to it syste matically. That is the great secret.' Hence it comes that some persons wfiot appear tp be slow, actually do more, (besides doing it and strengtlu of which a forsretlulness of the i much better.V than others who have the lap- very tenure upon which enjoyment is held, pearance of being quick. We consider a has deprived us. v r?i i hurrying "disposition almost the worst ;busi- ; We quote from Dr. Btewart'a book the foUowing ness quality a man can havei A person of just and lively remarks on the modern which inroads m mPr s always losing, rais.aying. ur we coosuntty made on our physical and moral well- soroeuiing,- am, w rju.rc, i : i : i , u,cuuuuBppy conencc neglects.as it Wuld.otherwise take to do eve Hie opportuimies ana the conveniencies,' rv thin r in a iieadv and orderlv war. ft is - . i . .i l" i i -a. . . ... - l ... ... . - ecrro euiue oeiier purpose man 10 uisappoim remarKs lire writer, - wiucn crpwucu cm economize time occasion tCf, Which CrpWUCll Cities not anrnriainir that hnrrvinnr neonle rarelv and distress us. .They are alt natural desires, offer to various pursuits and appetites, keep become wealthy. 'Their mistaken efforts to nuu uujcKu mdi kuwcciuuu iu .iiciu ; uuu a inuucjf snai 111 tTiiiiui uic tunc ui ns mi? will each of them meet with thai gratification traction.. . Here . the maa of letters and the in another life, which they in vain- look for sensualist, the drudge in -the lengthening in tViitf '.'INIawr Avan Kaf a aa 1 1 Vialmltni!AM t 1 1 1 n raaci riri n rl tl.a rrotvaKlut 1 1 , who act as il tt-were a decided pomt, of good and CTI$f at which we are- 80 apt to fiaj the factitious atmosphere where they !r the present life, .there la tO -he n li.-n;np ami lKn hiv fflict.nnili,. .Amo. hnvpbpKl their bi?.n and ttivi.tinf-tliimatlvp times press so hard on the best of men. are each' to the god of his idolatry, become vie- In the first place, then, fsays this excel-L nil caoable of in easv solution, the moment! t'un.s to the great Saturn that devours all '.his ent prelate ) if We admit thai this life is the I we take a . future life into account. This I children. The palh each follows to cxclu- vhole of our. being, what a strange and nn world then is only part of a system. ItAvas I sive goodt i9inade to him the road to destruc- UFFALO SPRINGtSTh-ris ' ,ted id the Uountv of ot lhe P? cftthoriih some additional improvemenU, since tie kit season, i 01 the healing effect of these waters iQ casear dyspeiv sia,' liypr complainis, and cotarieoua afiVctiona, ii i needless to say any thing as the numerous -visitor who have experienced their "benefifs, will attest their efficacy and virtues, more fully, and satisfactorily than ran possibly be done. hy an advertisement, With other amusements for the entertainment of visitor, we hate provided a select aand of Music, and every necessary to render the visit of thmw who rosy choose to patronize; usi both pleasant and beneficial, w i Mr.v Field wilt ngain Uke charge of the establish menf, and flatters himself, with the experience of the past season, will be able to give general Jatisfactton.? - :r The charge for board perday $1, for, single meat pu . ceniscuutiren under 1 years 'of , age, - and ser vants, uail prjee -borses 75 cents per day. - - 7 I ' i JOHN S. FIELD, - : alex; s.' Jones. Jee. 13 .49-waw IVTOTICELaiid for .SaJet'T: The ' subscriber Jiav. dr4 iog a wish to remove to the Western country,' W lit. M. w. UUXU V OOIQ lj ILlg Vlgllh 1111168 north west from Raleigh on the lower Hillsborough Road, containing 280 Acres, with a framed Dwelling House, and out Houses : an excellent Clover Lot and open ground for five or six hands. A further des cription is unnecesssary, as any person desirous' to purchase will view the premises. Early application is desired, as the Subscriber is desirous of moving earlv n tne ran. ' : -. ,; . - i .--v-- .:, '. "HOLES ALE AND RETAIL BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT IN PETERSBURG, VA. James Woodhouse & Co. deal extensively in Booka in the various departments of Literature. " I . " . Country Merchants and others 'will find at their Establishment, in addition to the many Books suited to their want, a large and general assortment of Sta tionary and -Fancy articles; and proBoance that they will compare in price . to quality and kind with! any house, Sooth of the Potomac. I I CCx Music, Musical Instruments and Musical Merch andize of every description at wholesale mnd retail. June' 16. 49 I '. , '1 - 'i " . 4. W,& C. Mr WEi.iLir?3 iforsn for saie iti THE CITY OF RALEfGH. I ciTcr a the i-uulie, at private eate, otii the 1st day of Septero ber, the House and It io the City of Raklgb, at pre sent occupied by me. Persons desirous of purchas. Ingi will, of course examine the premises for them selves. ? foot sold by the time slated, I shall dispose of it at public auction to he highest bidder. - - :r . i I V ;? RALPH SMEDLEYl t S lcI B t mi ST0'N, from my . tStaWes irj ! w Mn'vnai,13ouii;y' young gin AX MULB, three y ears oU, she is of dark cordr.wrth wmeiight between her fore .a hind legi ' The bove desenbed mute wi purcbW from a Kentucky lao last all, amd in alt probability m.y .ttempl to W back.- Any tnfomation ; respecting the said rauW wlll be thankfully received, and the informsiU " oiently remunerated.' .V ? JAMES E METT8-. July 13. : ' , 4$ tft - . MATCHES-SO GroceDoieV Psrfent Friction' Matches-- superior article, for sale; bv the Groce or in smaller quantities! at the North Carolina ' - TURNER & HUGHES. ! MOIIEJMKW GOODS. The Subscriber; 'have just received their new Spring and SuuK mer Crowds, consisting in part of the following arti , cleaj 8upcrior blavk and blue-black Silts, fnnrv r.nl ored ditto. Bleached Domt. upbleache do; GenU. Gloves of every kind i Ladies' suoerior honta.sttn tU i'- also white and black Silk, white and black Pickwick" Gloves, Handkerchiefs and Scarfs c Gents. Summe Clothius of everv descrinlion Straw Maitiiiir 1.' dies! fine colored Shoes, asm. black' ditto f, PrbUf! Muslins, 4-c, 4. '.v v - . - " '.'"7 We are determined to sell for the smallest advance- for Cash. Those wishing to buy any of the abots ' earned srticlesi will dd well to cslf and. examine out Stock. : ., TOWLES it CALLUM. . ' XFayettcvilk Street MaySO.1840. iU,;,?;"-1 45: r. immense losses thereof; and ,time" ii (noriey.'V I Moreover, your hurrying folks are tliey. wlio commonly meet with outward accidents. . They are tool mnch hurried to use the proper precautions, aiftl they lose their properly. They 5have not time to attend to their business, and theii becomes involved : They are not cool! and - " -wsasyCssVafteaaM.. 1840. Than Race over the- TTTAtJ IRACES, IT. Lwrenceville Course, will commence bn the -i . .TAn.n.i.ol r second Vvednelay in September Jiext, (being the 9tJ every department, of Jay of tbe month and continue three days? r f' r business necessarily ; First Day. A Sweepstake for 'ehs and "filliesj iruc- ..ir.,........,! nnrt o-a Uorofnro rtornvriinlt v 1 ti name and close on the first of 8Dtember untable scene .of things presents ilsein never intended for state of retribution, ; but tion It is not by occasional excesses, but ffetl;ff themscWes into some embarrassments StcondDay. Proprietor's Purse, $200. enavu, iniavcase,.uii active principle 0t probation, tlere we are only tried ; . It IS J conmiueu cucrvuung csiiauatiuu cr- llw .nh. QP nn. r;ri.nm$n( nn( itliin na arhinhiha avan, imiiri n-iKla an: I L - "1 I J r.l'J I vilil ruiiiai f lift f : I III Pf 111 llmrill m (t . till vi . I : - -w -- '. ' .i.iiiu T.ii.i. i.a vr.x-i j nunjiiiiaMiu.au- i nereaiier wtc arc iu oe rewarded or nunisneii. i , uvum, w. .w ... r .1: -..ri".' i. .t. j4 I . .. - .. ... . . . . . I i r.. i, ...,..!. a r. tarauce vi uciug uiwnci iropi -uio. douj. i 1 ne evils wo meet witn. cnusidered in this uiiiIiu.;.nuMr . .. -nt ..f1M,I.V...i:kU. V-t .j;!:.!. Ii-!.. m. ,.f BBril nnntiratinn Ift tli mil ttf Ai,irr. - iwiBawt. u .u.v..u muiavciiai, iiiuiowti pkiuic,, u.ii9 u. 1 ugni, assumB.s.erytuuerent. aspect. r uey i ' fr - .-iitnm.ju vuig lia nntliinir mnrft than rikm mnltor. PndiiArl I -7.. . u;l..r.';.i.i' Sin?. Care Of VOlapillOUS - niOYietKS W L:,u 1:.:- -v; .:ii. :.i 1 iC.A-rJf-.-1.M - :., .Lv I wlmlR fleshv fabric is relaxetl : the muscles . - . . a. I. ' and toneine SKin smoothness, the ex- with qualities diametrically opposite to its pat our virtue to the proof; to produce in wiioie.nesni ;unci iciacv most essantial properties; it is dissolved with uS thaVtempk-rna" those dispositions, which .thetrdefined shape and 1 ensat on.' conscious I ;-'nirpniratSrin f'lmniAruA irlnrv, natural .sunusiou uuu . . the body, and. loses all sensation," conscious-1 arenecessarY DreDiarations for immortal glory. sess, and reflection forever,' in the grave. I r.,Thus. does, the supposition of a future We are evidently distinguished . from,, and fstate clear up every difficulty, and disperse nisea aoove tne oruie,- oy; a variety on as- the darkness, mat otnerwise nansrs over mis tonishing faculties and powers,: which ?seem I part of God's creation. For, as in the ma- plainly designed for some nobler scene of terial world, when we find that the principle adon than this; yet,with the brutes we' per- of gravitation upon being applied to the seve iib, and all the rich endo wments i of - our ral parts of the universe,- explains, in the live- minds are wasted on us to no purpose. We I Uesl and most elegant manner,' the situations, uay. a oweepstaae lor cns ana 4 nines. three years ; $200 entrance, half forfeit; 2 riim heat. nest. entrance $15 : 2 mite heats. ', Tkimrl Dsr .1 Anton. T1u1. V.irm Cfift oo.li 1- f cautious m their dealings, and are therefore trance 020 ; 3 mile heata. f - h He I . ' There is also a Sweepstakenpen for colts and fillies, Wtxe T I I three vcars old : $100 entrance, half forfeit, which aamiiMli VtaaliLW i . , L . 1 , rt(n rr nri h firt !: if mfi,l nnt tn name The Proprietor bar'rni filled out the okHprafra ville Rsce Course in new and complete style.pledges himself to tile Sportsmen of the Turf, and all persons who are fond of good racing, that he will have every uccommodalton that the country ran on and litter furnished Race Horses Gratis, P. J. TURN BULL July 14. ' 48 lswtf. GRAND LOTTERIES FOR AUGUST ' U. S. Gregory if Co. Managers. BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, Ac fiOO Ream Foolscap Paper 600 dot Letter 60 doJ wrapping 2cf. BLANK BOOKS, of every deecrip- tion, via x Ledgers, Journals, RegUters -fos Cxurtsvv V Day-Booka, Invoice Letter Books, Receipt and BUI v Jooks4 Memorandum, Banlt Pass Books, Cypher ing and Copy Books, &c &c ' Sv . - ror sale low at the N; C. Book Store. N.B. Book Binding executed hi all its Varieties " With neatness and -despatch, &c T. t tate of north Carolina;: fuuv Cooktx- Supeiior t Coutt bf Equity: Sprlnrf 'l . tom v 11'n r i.'lfi!;- ? ci ui loiM," uiu ror saw w .tiina 1 w ! , 'Nathaniel Dunn, of -Franklin County-,' Ann.andj, William Merritt infants, by their guardian, Daniel R, Mcrritt, of the State; of Kentucky, complainsnts, a- gainst Mary Coo per," John Dunn, Gray Dunn, John' Broom and hisrife Naney,'Charlea F. Deloatch and his children and Thomas Dunn, allpf vyhoin, except, Mary Cooperjare non-residents.:, t , , ,. . , , . . ' : It appeai-fng to thsaUslactiori tlie Court, thai John Dunn, Gray Dunn, John Broom, and bla wift Nancy,' Cfios. F. Deloach and his ' children and The- jf, mas Dunn, five of the: defendants in; this cause, are I "i. not ; inhabitants '''f this Stale and reside beVond the 1' jorisdicUon o,i.,.a Court. '; It is ihereuxn orderedf by the Court that publication be made : for siX;qc-( cessive weks'iu Raleigh Register and N. C. Gaiette that the said defendants make their personal appear" ance al lhe next Superior Court of Equity; to be held ; $20,000!! TOyrfARYLAND STATE LU'11'JSKX. laS IMo. .;jyj84, for 1840. To be drawn at Ballimore Md. iy,Htu August, iou. j 1 TATE OF NORTH CAROLINArGaaisvitt I I . C .' Tii.ii Vnmtlttl 20 nnol 0.000 15.000 3.000 100 prizes of nr..... .i 4 TickeLoly$10.Halve.$5Quarirr,$2fO I fiJJ'Cj tremities burn or freeze, : the heitd throbs, and the heart flags. Without declared war fare, all the elements of our system rebel, and threaten; to set up apoplexy, insanity. or some other form of disease, if attention be I H-iorda .8th Aueust. 1840. not turned to their wlmlesome government 66 No: Lottery 10 Drawn Ballots. i." . V'1 iir.i:.: '.j.;lA .-.n,r OA PIT AL V C liaC uijij i ivitv a j iiu us on Chaee. .or in the societies of the dis ,wi . . . ' . ,1. 1 n-ui ' Ait m.L'.r. .,lv.n. - KAti.- in tnrtai.L . wi fl r I si nateil . to we the out 1 eyeaiiu uauuv . coi-t ri?fci onlv ww HHiir luanMfJL w u.9f ' wsi " I aUUC(U4UUCa ailU lUUUIIkbO uwaiviu 1 1 " - , - 1 I - J ' " " , .... . . . ledge and virtuejwe have a-large field ofim- bodies, Vand even accounts forall the seem- puiency leuiar 01 ".,ge" L T.a ore our eyes ; yet, in tne very raiusi 01 pur 1 Hons. we. mate o scrupwt .01 allowing -inei --- -. . i,t - i r 77. - " 1 ; . " ' t . . . t ' . . . 1 . . I MAas llral TAXI " 51 II II I II f llfst I I II V ptogress, we are stopped .shor by the banU ecistence and operations:, .o; nn the moral m .vw , v , . ; when we see that the admission of H '"if"- 3 ? are insensioiy, ; uul giuuuj ."V" " drawn at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, August the beau ideal of an ex-- 1840. Ihil unlock, .very intricacy, anJ open, to i. elusive nblid btcp. .turned I out .- f it 11 XSiZU bCoonjiyof Frantlin ' atthe 'Coun-holrse lai..- ' in SejSTn or demur to said Bill of fwimnlaiuTolWfw'SfJlff ' ? . I u IA hem inri tleriws miiM awnrrlinRl. ? 9 ' " ..rr ' . Proprietor. I 'CAVilneas, Samuel Johnson,. Clerk and. Master of t jour 'said Court of Equity, -the second Mondsy after the fourth Monday in March, A. D.1840. ; 4 ?-Is SAW. JOHNSON, U. M D.; 1840. r Sarah Ware vs. Henry I CI BWU aAl-lS. i e lollowins for Divorce d-c - This cause I JJUI awe property is now pnerea tor sale, to wit? coming to be heard, and it appearing to the satia- ; system. ; A.fKA lito mtfPfl on finv enlnlinn cit Ihp mnat I "rt:5:si ; auUMtvt asavefcawwssi kvMMv w v w . i - ' t 1 surprising and otherwise; unaccountable phe- extinguished. omena ; and is, . as it were, a master key, How niton has th -r.-!.i i1- . t -111... - .ukJt'itnla Tnr o. vrovtuence ,n tneurn,n a- . a ! 30 of $i,B0(5 of $00-50 of 400-50 300 lan auairs, we can no longer, i rriisimig ""' -. : - - , 1Q0 of c-qo 65 of 100, &c. &e. f I Tickets only $10 Halves $r-Quarlers $20 of Death, and never reach . that state of per eclion, of which . we seem capable, , and which we ardently Desire.", -We are formed wun lueas ana expectations at nappiness, i nomena which are everlastingly, disappointed; with a thirst for future fame, of which we. shall nev-1 the o-reat olan er hft rnnapinn. - urilt, o niiiinnslA Irtlltrtni I nitmn nf tiiimdri . ... . I . . - - T I . .1. T T I .... : .Inn I ( I III. lor imraortality,which was never meant to be without doing injustice to every rule of just rv one' icpasi: now oiiuii, ai. gratified ; every part of our constitution reasoning, refuse our assent to- the truth and conviction of the necessi ty for actively pnr- sliowg that we are accountable for our con- reality of sucha sUte. : j ' suing the'ohjects oflife, corrie later than the duct i every remorse; of conscience, is a proof , ; When to such a collective body of evi- fit season for exertion and enjoyment I that we are soi there U a Superior, who has dence, in favour bC4his most glorious and From a state of listlessuess and irreso- pven us a rule to walk by, who has a right important doctrine, we; addj the infinitely lutiori, tlie most dreaded evils may spring.- to inquire whether we have - conformed - to stronger proofs which Revelation has" afford- Up Hses the imagination a hideous, unfnn- rale; yet that inquiry is never made.' The e(j U9 who can hesitate, for a moment, to ed spectre, and haunts the, untenanted mind, world in which we .are placed is one con- acknowledge the certainty of that immortati- Refuge . from the fiend is sought in strong ex- tintied scene of probation. rVe appearto be ty;-which has been "-bronght to light by the ckement, which U succeeded by .moping, entinto it'with no olher view but to show gospel Our Divine Master is indeed! in' nervous melancholy. Indigestion, wilh its verv instance, and esnecially in that we have train ofwoes, follows hum too great atten- difficult and 'r1itefiil ' ewiMilitanVei '"into I non.idpriiW. the wav. the- truth, tion to the 'ohlv :"reutar business of the lay wliifh Kir .n. m.An. n. it... .n. I i .l. i:r. k. nUnau. wa ro iomntAril. ositinir nnd (irutkiii?. , It some hasty mn- "j vus lucaun ui uuici, wy w vuu I 3IIU UIC IIIC , auvi iifcuvn r w. t o L o . . " ... i , tinilallv th I ifwtv ln not nreventi suicide is olten called i tnlallw nn...,U "v...r.m . I -.1 : 'r... In'.nir nttior intlrnit.1 in ns 9 rplit'f fl'Oltl CtinUI. Uf," Where but the Judge who has . ried u, - forgets to lor, we have our answer ready prepared for Isuffereris doomed to linger oir 111 1'criorm conseq we are well conceive Almighty Governor, who has given us a sys- wra oi laws tor out direction. Yet he ap- v, ' ; thT! rttlJs H INITIALS. ' fa. L... -f. ..I . !" ' . ' ' I i . . . - T " . . -j. .... ... - - i?-.a w.oe penecuy . inuinerent whether we . t.b' m,t In an acauaintance one -vriRGINIA STATE LOTTEfTSY For ihe town V of VVellsburg. Class XMo. 7, for 1840. jTo be 15tb, Certificates of Packages ol 26 Whole . Tickts, . do do 86 Hall do , da : do 26 Quarter do $130 65 82 35,295 HO LiljAMS. 15 Drawu Ballots. . I . y Half Lot tVo. 289, - 4th district Wilkinson eduntfw Fraction No. 3, 6th do , ' do 1041 acs.).C i " 227,J3th; do Ti:i Lee.r.v ' r'.:. ' 24t.l2th do do;--l- ; loo; . 3d rdo";5 do;:V.; v 'v. i 7.;'::! -16l4th : do 2d'sec,CherTie"?.;i : l 10S6V 3d ?do - 1st do "iri 'tl Nos. 23 & 30, 8tarksv lllcLee co; t town lots.) fe ; ; Scyen hundred and twenty acres, Ta call county j on the A'tamahsw Kiver, adjoinlaj lands of Ambre Gordon and others. '" ... s' ',: ' V; ' These lands are otTered to be solJ at private. aale -' hut if not disposed of Jn this manner, to nut sstisfa&M : tion, they will be sold to tho highest bidder, on ; the" ,"' first Tuesday in December next, at the Court house , - --I.. . . ' iimi i vi . .ai- a " . STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Wake Court I door in tne cuy oi aiuieuitevuie, one.tnira casntoo ty, Court of Pleas nd Quarter Swsions, Msy 1 balance in two edjbal annual payments, with interest f Term, 1840. J. J. Andrews w. Meekins Milebetf and undwioica rrsoMi aecuntyv. , r v Walker-Constable's levy on Land (eleven cases.) ! U We -offer for. sale also two splendid settlements of. ?-. It antiearine te the satisfaction of the Court, that! .., nA,m r.. u H .i - I - . . a .1 IIISr ZAlIU UlylCBb - A U0 UI VytiH'UICUk CUI UK IfCa SkllSB faction of the Court, that proper steps had been .taken to notify the defendant, Henry, of the petition of plaintiff Sarah ; Subprnhas i anl alias Subpoenas issu- Hia and returned - not f.iund. jrroclaroalion waa made by tbeSherilT at the door of the Court House, for the defendant, Henry, lo apiear and answeras ciimrrtamled by the Subpoena. ..The defendant failing to appear, it is ordered that publication be given, .in the Raleigh Register and the Raleigh Star for ihree months, jof the mint ; and. that at - the nest term of this Court, application will be made. that the petition of Plaintiff, Surah, be heard ex parte. , ; A - Witness. Tbomaa H. Willie,. .Clerk of our said Court at office, in Oxford, this 30th day of May. A. D. 184i. THOS. H . WILLIE, C. S. C. Mari . ''.-i;, s, V " 'Pr Ad$7 46 ': Saturday T ATP. OF NEW JERSEY" LOTTERY", Class - - . I . - - . . . 1 K lies XAUU CBa Mo UI Si B. for, 180." i o oeorawnai jersey y,on toe veimamun tnese case, so wRru..,.M.. following tots t Nos. 26 and 3, 8th district Baker . ' :- k n.nd 1 QJ.O 1 - -T i I I ha Almarr nmivunF lam l-innnl 16 cervml .AD Dim. I .. - . .... roay.- ..: ZrVi .7:i 7"ZZa iT.. .f .K. S....H Nos. 19,20. anu S2, vin distnct Baker 1S50 acres. ui luut tic uan icuidtcu wt uuu i'"- i rri .. ..itl.--. . it., 11 : -It is .therefore ordered by the Court, that pubhca-1 . -. r , . Nj.:22 - 256: 265. 233. 294268i 4 $2.250 J2.000 f 1 ,7nu 1 ,ouu the; liis'loiisdis- his -Our trial is fin shed, and no n. : fn that ytob e and-aSectinff reply of SL ease, lie can Know ucius-ii icu. uences no sentence is : prdnOunced; peter to Jesus, " I.ordi'to whom shall we pose Tlte deep shade. and xontrasr wnicii neith-r ' fiJ-LviimA t.;aib "'tenrfla nf PTternal Life :- labor eives to the picture is not present, and , nor punished for having'acted ill. " We and we believe, and are sVre,Tjthat'thou5 art therejwu.ai:si hut n Dnmeamng; blank,-- : 0() ourselves to be the snbieets ofan .k. r.hrUt this Son of the -.Laving. Uod.'' i steep iiie i .-piuuw, ..j,v..v ... , " .7 r. ! - , he-most alluring pastimes. - A mere pas-1 vt 7 kuixv 1 a 1 .300-:i .2501,20050 Prizes S jQ SO of 220 50 of 200 60 of 1 Rft 1 50 60 of 100. &c OtCi : Tickets only $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. Certificates of Packsges oi noie ijckcis ; AK 25 H.lf J dn ...... .... - .nb r- 1 . . . 1 l.i . . a n r . . . A 1 ......n. .Aiiiuinn ..m 1 wnitsni in iw una an i Km el lf ... il t.,0i;..a f nnr tiPTt Cmintv Court, trt I DEer Uny 01 i.uwt-ou-oi i i . . -. ,. 7 . 1 ; In tetrard to 6n J50 nil 50 I oe liewi lor me '"unii, .iu -toiiii.o i .... 2g7, 229, 252 2250 acres, and all in the 2d district i do 25 Half do do 25 Quarter do $130 65 32 observe those laws or not. IIK TriAttrla nnd I - wt - ..! l e e . T Tv ' I mirnin". alter the usual saiuiaiiuu, uuicw his enemies faro frfinnpntUr wt;b. .1,0 I mwrn,,, . 1 . .T . t ---- --- - --1 ; 1 1 lOrnriPl' q ra nflnn nnn'i.l..1 iit. .1.- I .! . I v" the senser in the ship is passed in disg -Ladies, both tt.t timi ' are narticuiariv iiaoie.to suncr iroiu & oyw 1.1 st w mt s - a - i .1 T- I a 1 000 Dollars. STATB LOTTERY For endow- the character of these two last named ' I 1 - Ki.i!.u' Sa 2 ' 41 a T .ft. f J 1 S A n . K. WJ1 1 's.iawa va aaw w Lisiuisiwf, , suiuviviis , W io and' defend his said suits i other I W l11-! FroJu,on5'.f .comP?? j rrl? ti wise, tne Judgments oi tne be confirmed, and an order Land levied on. Witness, A.' Williams, Clerk of said Court, at Of. fice, in Raleigh,' the 3d Monday of May, 1840.' 51 -f A. WILLIAMS, U. U. 1 .: afflictions, and the latter rewarded with ere y earthly enjoyment. .There has. in fine, been, from the first ages of the wotld, down to this moment, an almost Universal 2reo- jaent and consent of all mankind, in the be c w an Ar r ' w ttff IJtll 1 1 w , ' A . - :.KAnMaaH.a j Atfi Ktr iittnf.fBti yi afnUn r I J ha inadea wonder ul mistaketis jne, passive j "7-:.r" -.na .a : u-- Ltiii ;u SiV much is oresent to captivate their native h nz.". viisv, iiu-.., ,-fv. .r-T -.f ::.i;, C.V ,1,11 r: ; Whvrman,. it has Dy some acci- uencacy Hm "4v.r "V , rr V thenfyur.bfc I tncreaser t2er ousiea wun unnumuereu c-1 him tho i coat tnorni other dent' : .1 1 1" l . rai;ll that in&tanf suouiu nave occi o ...u. "- : .... have freouentlrnoxineen-rossin lief or aDnrehenainn f stence: and vet this torn. ,.t L u aiii. 1."."" Z n W'lTJ i .T"- LV relative; lintf deluded bV the thouglrt r . j w ww nv iniiib 1 ..s..a.MM mm s o a . -kav v nn n 1 iti . .Tii 1 111 tiiir- uui vm - - . - . . . . - ... . Blnn U'lti " .. I lieidlUCI nziiiiisv llic wii uy i -v." man a ueiusive : imagination, impressed so deeply, by nature itself, v uuman Dreasf. l w , s w wrAwvsnm nrr visrm si w ,w s urn 1 ' -.---w - - , 1 m .. .. , K 1 - I fl WW 'iVU jVAtJUsM saU Ha l.ltktAlJ Aim JLjT I of life hi, ek ist.n rV. " fTrS SRrKC IU ISUCIHIml B, 8L Wu.?- tjfe nal .nrl iwiMiinrrnocc I r""-". . . . I . I at mill tnl I f turn .niiisfm.nl nl ml I DIB U9v a iu o , , : - 3. 1 indria Va. on Waturday aatn August i3u. - ""-rJ. . : . T . J ,""--r . it by constitution and educa-H . ; 75 No. Loltery-ia urawn suets. 1 . ; TSmZl it 4" !' 5 tf!tlAViV AtI'riT.8. ; f - 1 V-HSSSiOT -aa avav.i. mm . ... O 1 1 -ii, ftf tU Poaiai J!i bf larior boilr of land north .oftbetisbin 4 ;,;. T. - . . . . .. . I Rir. Thi loaLioii . n-rulitv. and Modurtiin. for ' v At ..r. frr.nT.i a ..II I h. 1 - " J w . . V . . I . .rt.l ' AAMMA, 1 a II.MI II. . - f - i ' r ..-V..- - . i ft"' V -v- " . . I VASI I, .IIU VKllVHf .MMW ..l.v ,- B.v . . tween toe unaiiaooocnee aoo riini tuveri apciic i n . . of our Ute tnat is vapioiy attracung- pooue nonce, . n , and in a very few years will stand Unrivalled as S'cot- :"- ion CTuwinK nxuvu wi iuv vdviucih iai. : uvm- -- i. werefelecied with grest csrs and expense, bj one cf V a . " i - a- ....a. ,i i ..a z. . it. i:c r . . . ruiii iiincrasi ui ucu uruueriT in uisi iiib iimn. itar " t cDecial use and ccommouation. s The undersigned r very detirocrto dIpoVcf f v lasMe tarA lLwlias1 slf IslTill. Sn IOTA annrfaa rilavir Alinsl : 1-'' VWhat now can be imagined more no inexplicable, more absurd and' ni ; more replete with disorder ...I ' . . ! - . - I . a ami ret a occyiwi""' tvy?:: r" ,TT , idrobe Joyed rel at iye;4nd xl eluded , by the i ,v s r cMsii iiaw.. i ' 1 -,. knrf -i-rini,- mM Ji.rn.tMl tittea. Peia snd,win o m st.fMvsts to-. lair wirchsserqii.:.vi t. $30,P00-10.0(W0O3- .disu.,cef especially North Carolinian., on good lime. But ,f not ao .rr.need they will; b.- $2500 40 pnzos of 1,600 50 of 250--60 of l interest is so extensive in this country, 'would c.ffcml at the me time and place, and oo the same ? 200-63 of $15063 of 100, &c. . " f , SSSS ZKS IsmsTtt therst tnentioned scstterinj lanlot by, J" Tickets only $10 Halves $5 Quarters 2.60. -. P."??1'' . ! lot,Bd they at. offered to the public at this early nt; ' 'J CertificateaofPatkageaof25 Whole TicVs $130 , w"a"mr.t '"J "B ,( ( . ; " tf v , tice, in the hope of their feceiviD3 the strictest person-rv e- - o - - - - t-,- 2 ' s Do C0 . ..xo meaner oo BW P P' TJvereox Eso Raleiah. " I - - " o. WILLIAMS,' j wi. iu-""'"- .i t. I -r : - r imam eiiii. ow. . . . . i- ... :'.c . 1 1 r u..t... in ih .1m.v Solendid Lotteries ddressl .1 . ti..v, . - ... . .1 s : n. U. W 1L.L1AM9. 1 ' - i us s. sbAffiKw lT : . y a nmir hl iiuicucBa - - - i ' ' a 1). 8. GREGORY & Col,. Managers J " Washington City, UtV Drawing acnt immediately afte they art over, to all who order as above.- T r- ;6l f';h, ps BRMAN BAGGLNG. Just landing, a con y "H" sienment of heavy German Bsgaingi 42 iuches are neverjoiu oi t'e - --T -Si,h wni3u .li M M.onahi t-mW. certain tenure m jcmj: wcauijr . i i n gtore uerman teeiot superior quauty rv Brown, Snow, & Co; ; iVV M.Lewis, Milton, f ! Etheldred J. Peebles, Northampton, John Huske, Fay etteviUe,: v - John McNeil, Cumberland County, In regard to the character of these lands, feferene,. may be made to Gen. James" Harniluvn', Charleston y a" 'Cowtes3lseaV Gs. f Thoniss'Rr StotV ' Miliedse ille. Georc ia i .nJ Wiltiim Dc nOard. L'st, - Jder County Georgia ; snd " Ci last named &n Febroary 18. 1840; l6 6m. tempn willshow the lam) v soy ftnon 'desirous of, personal examinaiiooj-. .wiupuip,.(i J misery: more unworthy the wisdom, the Purdie.' I f What proo J8.tice, the goodness of the ;Supreme Being, coat in queatiomis yours?' -Please your fevemh Iningana tney iar not tne su.i -n the frame of man and the constitution honor, my initials is on ft,' YuV initials small voicti" f iaja. wwb warns them to f.Ae worlds on a supposition that there is let me seethem." Pat tbtk-out his' knife be womenir Untriedand close concealed, o future sui6xfexistence?r; i : v ; and ripping tip a part pfhe sleeve ate the tl character; .1.1 i.L.L-j . lu .;i i ..,'..; ;vKi.K ha Vii.rri in nni nnunr. " h from deficient exercise, ie vm, jlCU, OH llie Oilier IiailU, y uu sakuh i niuij iwm u inu bi, . ..w ... i I'- - v - . . v . r -m A. I Jour view beyond the limits of this life, and ' the magistrate's hand with an air of trjumph. body wants sy mmetry and support ,trom tne f - ---- .. t , a . a , , German Linen, Cotton Hosiery and Sail Duck. I"'-- - -V.-s.'t? B. H.TALIAFERKQ. .73 w) AND FOR SALE. The subscriber wUhra to ltbit subject addiesved to Uher of the Eaecntors, on . a . i if.PL- .M i ill- ruiiiHuiiK u. izuu n t ' v . , .1 luurn ik ii iiainH. iinsut. iii.i vh . f T ' - ... . ... .f- I 11 WI. - - - . c . aw .w-- f. ... 1 F S . n - 1 ' in tne cum par m mi wmj,.w 1 MUtedsevule. Msrcrr 'gv i" j : ; fn. JOB PRINTING ti ; " " ' iTECtrrsD at this omci, tTiia ntdtnes and detvateh: 29 mlOm -j There a House and small farm on me Tract Any I- ,.tailt;. - ' , j Si. person desiring t purchase, will do well to examine I JTnirvnvAnvrto"iTfcvn m amwwjv, ihe said land, as it wiU be -old on .'very accommoda-1 . U 1841, witK Ertgravmgs, this day-received'at tu Ainir terms. - - CYRENA WHITAKER. Ti. Carohns Cooa wre. rS &i 1 i . 61 tt Jims 23, ISiO.r J6

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