A I m ill . IS'; il U ... ;. a ,4 - ' ' . ' ' . : J L." t-W'-;i- -r'?fw-- " . , " -,,', '.,,,1 Hi "HU itJMl I III BW Ml bBiii Willi BiHIIHl , For Old Vintr iiciiack ; . He care, not ih. for f8 j- He whirtles'bU chills With woiiderful knack, fft he coact Irom a col cpuntrc , Jix t;. .1 V witty d fefiow this, Vintejt43-r V A migbtj odd fellow for glee ; , . ilrcaki hi. jokes W the pretty aweei Mi TTit wrukle4 old maiden," unfit to kiss . V J freezes the rfev of thfiir lips for: this U the'wy With oU od4 fellows like ! . a j ' . Old Winter's a fro'.insoroe blade, I ' He is wild in hu humour, and free! Ikllvhistle along for the 'want' of his thought,' And ruffle the lacee by pretty girls bought ror afrolimefellow:iahe! - Old Winter is blowing his gusts atortg, ' And merrily shaking the tree! From morning to mgnt n wm wug u mimS ow meaning ana snort now un u. Ilis voice is loud, for bis hjngs arc strong A inerry.old follow is he ! Old Winter's a wicked old chap, I ween A wicked as ever you see I He withers the flowers, so fresh a6d greeny -And bites the pert nose of the Misa of sixleen, As she trippingly -walks in maidenly sheen ! A kicked old fclloVUbeil ' 'i Old Winter's tough old fellow for blows, As tough as ever you see ! , He will trip up our trvttiA ami rend out clothes, And stiffen our limbs, from our fingers to toes He minds not the cries of hi friends or his foes . A touh old fellow ihe ! . .' A cunning old fellow i winter, they say, A cunning old fellow; ia he ! ' He peeps Itf the crevices day hy 4ayf f,, " To see how we're passittg-ovir time away j "t And mark all oufdoingis, froin grave to gay ' i'm afraid be ia peeping at mo! - fTnKIS DAY "RECEIVED, and for sale at the 1 M. ivortn-vfaroiin uoofcoiore, rfcirwio A fulUudiarranged Diget4 of the Cases decided in the Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts of.,the United States, tVotnj tbe Organixaiioa if lbe Gov. ernment of the United States'. - .By IticHian Pi YEtisCounsellor si Law, and Reporter of the De cisions of tbe Supreme Court of the-UJuted Stales The profession by this work,will be placed in posr session of a:ms of decisions of tbe highest authority in tbe United 8latcs, and of the deepest interest. The arrangfment and division of the subjects iave been most carefully and dSUgentlyf xeculeJ. It is believed, that so minute end -various a digent and di vikioii of the decislons of he Oouria of, thr4 Uhi States, has never- beforebecM fatie ; et)f that Tariff. tin for a yeference to the matterof the cases, furnuh eJ ff thVJabour thus bestowed on this work, will-be eritirely'8Titi,fictrx to sll. i Tbe first volume Jias' re fivod aptrovst from the highest judicial officers of the United 8tates, aud fiorn the roost distinguished n; embers ef tbe Profession jof the Lsw. , The work conlainslheiycisions.of the .Courts of the United States, rcported-ln upwarda of silty-five volumes of Reports.' TbeUf volumes are,Crancb7s Reports, 9 vols. Wheaton's Reports, 12 vols. Pe- ters' Repojts, 13 vols. Gailhipn'e Circuit Court Re ports, vols. Mason's Circuit CouitReport S vols. Sumner's Circuit Court Reports, 2 voU,? l'sifie's Re ports, 1 vol. Cases decidul iivlhe Supreme and Cir cuit Court, in Dallas' Reports, 2 vo!s " Washington's Circuit Court Reports, 4 tr's. retera'jCirfuitCjourt Jieports.'l vol. Baldwin a Circuit Court Rewrts. t vol.- Peters'. Admiralty Deciion? 2ofs. Gilpin's Ubtrict Court Reports, 1 vol. Brock enborough's Re ;ris, 2 vols. Bee's Admiralty Reports, 1 vol. Burr's Trial, 2 vols. Case's in Day antf Cuok'a. Repuis, vol.' Hall's Law Journal' 4 vnfa. J Each volume contains upward of seven "hundred pages super-royal octavo.; - ' . - BLACKSMITH. The Subscriber has comaienc- J2J7 ed the Blacksmuhing business lu this City, on liis own account, and Will be prepared to carry it on ;n all its ranches. 'He occupies one Forge in the large Bhop of Riclad Smith, Ej. neaf lbe junction' of Wilmington .arjds Market Streets. He has had mr.ch experience ki the business, and will faithfully execute all woikentrusted to 'him. . : At1 kind 'of Coach Springs, Eliptic and others, made to order. Iron work of Caiagea neatly arid substantially done. All kinds of Edgc,and oihcrTooIs, made' at the short est notice, v A portion 6f puMic pathinage is respect fully solicited. . Reference Is made, as to my silt as . w orkman, to Thomas Cobbs, Esq. " j JONATHAN .MILLER. Raleigh,: June 1, 18401 ; v - " 45 nno THE PRESIDENT AXI DIREC H ' font of the' Cape Fear Rank at Yllmington: Take notice, that I shall make.ap plication Ibr a new , Certificate fr FIVE SHARES f Stock held in your Bank by Frederick Beto, in three months from this date, I ho original Certificate being !'.:! or mislaid. - .1 . , , JOHN C. ULUM, Ex'r.tffred. Beta. A 0guet IS, 1840.;-; iY' d:JkJi a CTT. The WnraiuaforAsWaUseY end FavclleviUe Observer will inserf-lhree norUb& f jftt C.. tTJt ouse & lot;it:x)J salew-i wm aeii SLEL very accomrnmlalinziermsiM:pieasknt and' on Sre- rj ,cpi vjenienj Residence orfc-Wilmmg t en Street, near c-i uiiumg w me.iiew: juspysi vourcn J ne nouse is two stories high.ViJl three ooftis below end-two huutb oi.ana,Bii naving-ure ptaces. "j ueviiner uuuu Das aro good and convrnktu ThoV 4. fin nr. deri spot sutficieuOy large,? Tbos VwhingUo buy wouim wen xo can fuo examjine tor tliemselea. .Appiy .to - i ! t A , battle;.;. i Raleitih. May 9th. 1S40. , iS- 4. ... . LANK BOPKS, PAPER;&c-600 Ream, wrapping aouL, tion, vix: Ledgers, Oay-Biooka, Invofcef 11.1 H . 1 uooks, memorsnauniaiu o&. t-lss Uooks. Cvnher. .M.,.,i nM.R.t. Arm ja,- w. .. Jr"";" For sale low at tlie JK. C. Book Stored -'.a. . N. B.- Book Binding executed, in, a-Hits varieties wkiy neatness and des?atcb, &C. , j H. u " i a 'j. 5 isvyss i. i . Letteroois Iteieint .Jn-n I menonea distressing cjHOplainls, we feet that we can""'"'. T V.T . kV T " - UMI ruuMtmun,! ,lk ll,.nlmnri MI,C.lan.. ' I Wit A- V WELIJNO IlOpSE F0R8AIiE.l PubHc, at privste .al- dst Ja&oT S,inV SJan-K, c1 of money due to lowing Traci of unlisted Land, for tbJyears 1838 and ber ib, Ilouje an4 Lot j(l iieCiiy V Ralefgfc atp& in itZ?? ""f, T8 ?P' 'V iQfient l e.due there.; aejM qocupied by n,e4 p..r;. jWiron. f u,h. 'i T- d- rnolc will 1 pleaded in lr of any on and cost, v: . . t cA If oi aold by thii lime sited' lalt SEi' d' UMJee their, demand. ' . . on tbe Waters of Mark Creek, adiomimr vf it at pubUc auctio? 11 A' '' " WM.J CHAPMAN theof John Wry and 8U0 tRNAN. Rockingham. Richmond Co1 f - . - '". ; J AugustlO - 66-lawtra' 75 Sept 12tb, 1840. $ Pr AdT- 25- Mtm. - waa x ui -it.' f.r.iiitrAi.rvUnr ,a mm, i . " . . . - : -r; ..- i --."""-J " k-wc uul wuiucu ui uio jui f Vxriv A H MOKE'S WOK9rComple 3w i A1-" W received bS,--";.'-f-r r'--u'i C j i f rcVTOYELw a TAixua,py Maria i ri" HE-juiwc!-iir f j redtvpe Edition, m mn Tola. v" f JL.t.lhe whole edi Thi dav TeceiTea oy- a ot" --v- . i nowi -mTier Jl lr Dale, v A NEW HtEROGLYPttlCAL BIBLBWStliT)e-1o3dAl' hf thoV' competf nC lo. judgf ,ne.ofi the : .. . . ' .- i t' U Fay. ;irat fcccivid ai the. N. 0. Book? t.'rr; liKindinVwr3fllh 'h? fta,ieweil August 3- . " ,.? " : tjii , -j tjiatulea. - -fcacn i.aaier :ccBiMaJywi.uioc-,.iriv' AID CIDER ANDTIPPECAKOE AJAi klalcd;v2d!a " coiise statement oObe ViUi nu. r saie ny - TURNER & HUGHE'S, No: l, Cheajfide ' I , -.. H ..fnJ. H,...i limihed'irtUe 6u - preme Court of North-Carolina, in' Law and: Euh j. December Term, 1833, , -j. , - .-; $f.o: BURNER .HUGHES. ,Junc 19i l. i 4tt MRa! SIGOURNErS WORKS-tettera to s Young Ladies, by, Irs . L. H. Sigoumey. Ditto Mother's,. f do do do s .. -do ; s This day received by; .TURNER & HUGHES. 73- TTTANNY with othvr Poems. Ky IJalleck, re-nub- lh Ushed from tW Edition of 182 1, this day rcceitt. eTlv , ;- 4 TURNERS HUGHES August 2rh. 1810. t .70 V tV,wsotltioii of CburchJxMusic 19th Edi uon. with additions &c Just-at hand. Sept, t . vfc i.J' ITJl'S-iCrEOGRAPIIY.r--G,gTaphy 2 on tbe Productive Svsiemj- fof ', School, Acade- nuea and c am.ilis, revisra and improveti ny rvoswati. VvSmitu, accoirtjinied by a large; and valtable At- aif ' F6faate.t XojiUby i&V''' i: ' " : ,TUKNER HUGHES. April 17,' A" NTHON'S JACOBSXSRKEK READER-- Wilh Engluh Notes, just iy.eivrd by" , August 7. .-G TT OG -CABIN ANEtDOTES, illustratingJneT- M d.-i'itw in the Life of Gen. William Henry If r- nbon the People's Candidate, day received by ' A uaiu eiiniittt thitt A -X- - TUnXS KU & 1JUUHES fTnilE llQTUfiT. TTiOOUi-A seriei of Ii Saiea and Sketches" of Ameiica'ri Life, .by the author of lleberaoVa -tegeinl ot the Moving Build ers. 4c with iiiQsiratioria by Dick This day receivedTky " ' ;.- 'J . 4 Jlyi3. 57 Vll EORGIA SCENES, Characters. Inddents.&c. Al IT by a native Georcian. Second Edition, -with Engravings.' This day received by . TURNER & HUGHES ' ' AttSllSt'3. 63 " Ai RA YSLAER, a Romance of theMohawk, by MTHT U.r. Houtnan. I bis uay receive!, ny . . TURNER & HUGHES. August 3. 63 f 7TAMES LAST, tbe King's Highway. A Neyel U -byXainca. Thla-dtytreceived by TURNER & HUGHES. ATiirust3. 63 TVrTARIAN.qr lbe Young Maid's Fuftnee, by IViif MreTC. Hall Just receiyed at No. t, Cheap ii." iue. i August 3: 63 TREASURE. The Treasury of Kuowlclge And Library of Reference, a new edition of this vatuaile work. lust received at the A ortbv Carolina Book Store. ! ,: j August 7. . i ii. A 64 IV.--,..:." r-fZ - : i TO) AIN'S -LinkTEIlS.-i-LeUers and MediU UP liios on Religious and ether subjects by Wil liam T. Bain. rdr-saleiv 5 - r TURNER & HUGHES. TT AND PIRATEL Slewait'a Adventures in cap. U A turinafurrell, with an account of the execu tions at Vicksburg, ike. &C7 2d Edition. For .sale by TURNER & HUGHES. 73 AMERICAN ALMANACS. Complete sets, se ' veral sets in ten Yolsa commencing with Vol. 1, in 1830, of the Boston American. Almanac which, is now scarce, and seldom to be procured, bound to match. For sale by TURNER & HUGHES. SMPORTANTr .DISCOVERY ! Hedge's; ecle brated Rheumatic Plaster, an . infallible cure for Chronic and inflammatory Rheumatism, to be applied in all cases to the soles of the feet. Recommendations from Clergymen, Merchants and others, with, full di rectiona .forjwing, accompanying each box. The a- above is for eale at, the North Carolina Boot Storey " - "-"?. TTTRTCTTT? Jtr UTTr-TTPtl Jary, 1840. . - rmHE TREE OF LEGAKKNOWLEDGE. de- W H - signed as an Assistant in therstady of Law. A l-'-f .1. . U V. "A L!-'"l t 11 "cw BUtiy w iue mjuts iruri, jus, receiveu ftl lUc ortn fJarolina Hook Store, . KaleiRh. by . ' ; . TURNER & HUGIfES. TnRS. GORE'S NEW WORK. Preferment; lY-lL r Uhele the Earl, by Mrs. Charle Gore, this lay received a f TURNER & HUGflESV, A.ngnstSih. 1840. " : j t 70 IVptSCii.vVlTH'S JLLS Fresh supplies- ol LJ il these valuable aud, well known Pills may al ways be bad by apnlyinz at the' Drusr Store of Thoa L. J.ump and William M. Mct3&7ii Coiht his City. fay22. V- ,- ,V43 . . TEln ATGlfEkiMGt,9ceDie,a Patent Friction7 IVIJ Mstclres auperiorlsrlJcre, for sale by the CS? Wfmalfcruantities, at the North Carolina Book Store.' f'Ul vi - ; J HUGHES- TT7lCONOMY-W'ay land's PoliUcal Economy. 3d .1, i .i i . i i i i I,, fj 'A c4iiuoa. f vaii at we n . u. iiooKstore.. j cPK. - ' 73 nnilE KKKSET PLASTfaR-Therele-jL brated Kenset Plaster, whose satory proper ties in alleviaiing or removing pain or weakness in the breast? vide, back, or limbs. Also, fur Rheuma tism. Liver CdmrilainltC -and Dysnensia. hvi lan amplvuested by nfuhftudetUn the w de spread uonu- !.; ... f w-i-.. r.i : . , -.1 .i J ish. Danish, and British West India Isltmd. For sale by TURNER dc HUGHES. .k I'A A. VAIVUIM UUWM. kUVIC k-jnuvki! imu, l oiu, . ... . . f i r - ng " ' - " :. m ...r- i wtv. IBM j-m . r . mm. ; 4TSJO PICE. Mathew T. Ford or his heirs at Law - l x are hereby informed that I, as the administrator of I IN 1 l J. TxeSl.S.rS H& Surn- ? from 'f rBeciu in lb. atore- l a - wnu .v..- jwr- i . r ;- . : . i kit- J 1 . . f . -heroMieOmcerBjIecordig to rnodernfracuce. t,JD, pyrcliascii -;oi wio v a., jioaof thia valuable WrV. '.'W Voiivehieirfc of.rpferencc thia wrtH -1 divi Klue subject of tbe Uu pterv sp Jat as setsieu, wiw ihe decisions of the Oourw.r tbe looks .ih - j-ioh! auihoni . Vh Llommon Lasf JTSd! - r. 1 ir thfi aubjeel matter .of each Chapter,- tccompamed arr to render the whole intelligible i This frork. will be fiond not enly useful to erery ciaaa oi puturc umcrr. uut wjii iroe, source of information 16 lbe eencrar reader, turnun ine aa it does a nlain and ialelliaible -di&rst of the L.awj uniiersioou anu pjacuceu in iu ckuic t nr mail -price . i' iud JUKo VWT iam: but a liberal discount Jwill be made to those w1m bay to sell again.,' T TURNER & . . T . i7 J. .Llxh. Kaleigh, Uerembet 1839. . . -, D AIVDS POn SAI.E.--The following Iu A able property is now offered for sale, to witt. Halt cot Wo. 28, 4tn district w iiRuison county Fraction No. 3. 5th do do (I04f acs 227, 13th ; do 255, ilq do . 256, do do $2. 3d do 241, 12th do 100, 3d do H 161, 14th do 10S6, 3d do Liee. do dov do do do SdsecCherTtee 1st do do Noh.23 & 30, Starksvillc. Lee co. (town lots.) ! Seven hundred and twenly acres, Taall county inn the A tamahaw River, adjoining lands of Ambrese Gordon and others. These landi are offered to be sold at private sale, but if notjlisposed of. irl this manner to our satisfac tion, they will be sold to the highest bidder, on the Ursl Tuesday in December next; lbe Court bouse door in ine cliy oi fliiueopevure,jne-uira casn, iuo balance in 1wo equal annual paymerflS, witti interest anifcindoubicd 'personal security. We offer for sale also twu splendid settlements o land, in Bacr county, one cotitaing 1250 rfcresjittie lhcr 2230 acres. The first aettl.'mcnt embraces the following lot: Nos. 26 and 3, 8th district Baker Nos 19,20, and 22,7lh district Baker d250cres. Th other settlement contains the following IjoIs of Land. to. wit , Nos 225,256,265,295,294,266, 2g7, 22U, 252 2250 ajres, and all inotfe 2d itistrict Baker countv. . -In regard lo the characteixif these two last named seuhjtncnts of laiidoT ptanrlfoiis, it is sufneienfto say, tle"y fiave been rdnoOnced'liy comjetent jQdges to be inferior to no body of ian horih of tbe Sabine Rrver Tberr location, fertility, and product iort," for corn "and cotton, cannot be surpsved ; they lie iween ine oaitanoocuec anu r iiut mvjrr., wciwu of our State that is rapidly attracting ppBTic notice, and inji very' few years will stand uprivalled aa a cot ton growing section of the .Southerti States These growing section were selected with great cere and expense, by one of the best judges of such property in his fife time; for bis special use and accommodation. - The undersigned are Very desirous to dispose of these two bodies of land, in two separate plantations, an will do ao at private aale, to a fair purchaser, and on good lime But if not so arranged, they will be offered at the same5 time and place, and on the same terms, as the first mentioned scattering lands, lot by lot, and they are offered to the public at this early no tice, in the hope of t.heir receiving the strictest person al examination. -. . ' "" ' R S. WILLIAMS, ) J J. WILLIAMS, VBx'ors. N. G. WILLI A MS, j In regard to the character of these lands, referene, m.iy be made to Gen . James Hamilton, Charleston S. C.J, Cowles, Macon, Ga. ; Thomas B. Stubb, Millcdgeville, Georgia; and William Dennard, Ba ker County Georgia; aud the last named sen llemnn will show the! anJ o any i-ersnn desirous of a; personal examination. All. communications or this subject add tested to eitheiofthe Eiecuib'roiI Joseph T, Williams, MilleJgevnte.Ga. . Millcdgeville, March, a, i4U. z raium ptENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION UlT BUSINESS. The Subscriber has located him self in tbe Town of Halifax, for the purpose of trans acting Commission Business otVill kinds--Receiving snd Forwarding Goods and Produce. He is well ac quainted with lbe business affairs of Ibis and the ad joining Counties. Those consigning Goods to his care, for the purpose of sale, either private or by sue lion, or those having debia to collect msy depend up on the faithful performance-of hi duty .s Hhr Store is situated on mam Street, and his personal attention will be devoted to the interest of those who may en trust mm wun tueir iommissions. Kelerence may be had to the following persons, viz: 4 Henry VVjIkes, Jaa. Froiier & (Jo. VTown of Halifax. F.. & Marshall, S iame,immoo EsqA ti H.-Uee, Esq. I Thos. Nevill, Esq. Vllalifai County. LNFaulcon, Esq. j ' HF JasTTPerkTlis, Esq. J Whitakcr & Batchelor, Enfield, N. C. ' JOHN D. MINGA. Halifax, N. C. July 7th, 1840. 76- 3t TATE OF NORTlt CAROLINA, Gkan- villx Copstt, Court of I'leaa and Quarter Ses sions, August Term, A. U. 1S40. John S. Eaton & Co. i Levied en f bed, 4 furniture. ' v . 4c and H. Fow let end ethers W illiam W ilson. summoned aa Garnisheea. Mm Pr. Ei A. Jones,T Same. 3 NN. Southall, 5 ' . e. J Same. Same. S . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant in the foregoing cases, William Wil son, has absconded, or ao conceals himself that the ordinary process, of. law cannot be served upon him It isrtberetbre ordered by the Court, that publication be made in tbe Kaleigh Register, for six. weeks, sue ccssively, for tbe said Defendant to appear at the Court I to be held for the County of Granville, at the Court I u..... ;.. n . r. .i .l.. c . m i ikr Li. I next, then and there so plead, or replevy ; otherwise. .a .a az l a a a . a . a . ginriu uui win oe renuereu against aim, ana ine perty lexitd on condemned, subject to Plaintiff 'a ness. James. M. Wiggins." . Clerk of our aaid Court, at Office ia Oxford, lbe fiist Monday of Au- gust,-A. D. 1840 .75 JXS. M. WlGCfUXS, Cl'k. HERIFPS SALE-WUlbeaold at the Court House door in Rockineham. Richmond County. fy-rr h!Nor0j Caroiki Book Hlorer ig of 1l 1 be fforff d? lecwoDi if ibe Court in North iQafoIlna, cbmmeDct ig . with "the eairlfot Reporter n'(l AttamaV.and C Turner & 11 u'chesthe Poprietrtrs. respectful! aide th parroiTpgeof the publre or ibis wbrk, which has Ixjen pUWuhru at great expensed ,it contains neora thousand pasea. arid is; therefore. necessarily divided Wit Is recommended net oulVoDrofesiiional menall of whom wilt loubUesi posers thenjelts.nf tt to direcl'and" abridge tlwir labors; but. it Ma, also'irrged tpon the notice of "all Jauices SherifTs, ano;' tirher' judicial officer as aflordilig them' an expoHiorifiri a few- words, uflhe points which tbeSupretne Court etNenlL Carolina has decided in'relation' tolheir du- lie.r For a similar reason, if a womroended to pri vate gljeiaerjrTwhil may .have aif incli nation r 'fptt auibterest to know jheleteronnAHOHS oflne 'Supreme - i.: -i. :.'......v; .ii'.r1t ...rn. w. attTATE OWKQBTH CAROLINA, 'FaAsaiLm i z w i - ; - y Cpvjiri--lSuwjior Uoiirt of j iciin unu. mil iui tbh. v uaiiti. - . . - Nathaniel Dunn. Tranklin Countv. Ann' and1! William Merritt infaBtaToy their cuard'un, Daniel R. I merriii. oi tneoiaie o nvemucKT. comuiainanis. t gainst ry Cooper, John DuBtt. JGray Duttu, John It annearrnar to the aatisfactiori of th Courtv that I Urt two royar octavo yalomes of. about -five hundred pages each;-pfln.letron good tyte and fin'papef. an j Well1ourid:'Price. Nine JSpluirs oW.. LCourt. which ioislltute,; Aiii jfp the f 1 fa'w of the la ad, as imprati a any Aetof Assem-"! (, Diy, and at bmuing iu ' ineur ,eperuuuirTiion vevery L- i ' . r- 1 ' 1 , . I C John Dunn, Gray Dunn, John Broom, arid his wifyKtrdng and healthy head of halrThe case jhat have Nancy. Cbas. F.Deloach and bis children and 1 no, r mas uunnjrnve oi tne uetenuants in,,tnis cause, are i not iuhabitante. of this Mate and reside beyond the jurisdiction of this Court. It is ihereuon ordered bv the Court that nublication be made for siuoc- 1 m 7 w ' ass? t cearife weeks in Raleigh Register and N. C. Gazelle thatyhe said defendants make their personal appear ance at the next superior court or luquiiy, to ue neiu for the Coonty of Franklin at the Court-house in Louit-bure on the 2d Monday after the 4ib Monday in September next; then and there, to plead, answer, or demur to said Bill of crnnplaiut, otherwise the same will be taken pro eonfaao and beard x-parte as to them and decree made accordingly. Vitness, Samuel Johnson, Clerk and Master of our, said Court of Equity, ine seconu jnonuay aucr the fourth Monday in March, A. D. 1 1840. SAM. JUHNSUN, U. JV1. . 4T1 OPPER. TIW AUD SIIEEX JUON mJJ FACTTORY.-The Subscriber having taken the house on Fayetteville Street, formerly occupied as the Cape Fear Bank, wonld respectfully inform the public that he intends carrying on the Copper, l in and Sheet Iron Ware Manufactory in all its various iHranrhes. He wishes also to inform 'the inhabitanta of Raleigh and its vicinity ytbat he can, and is deter mined to rell his Wares aa.low aacan be purchased in uny Northern city, by wholesale or retail, for Cash. Merchants and others wanting articles in bis line, are respectfully invited to call before they purchase else where. Old work neatly repaired, an4at the short est noyce. A few Stills on band which wilt be sold at a very email per cent, ror casn. 1 fTT Copper, l irfandliinc Koofing on tbe most NvB. Orderkfrom the country will be promptly attended to, J. H. KIRKHAN Rakigh, Juljf 26, 1840. fIRK.IIAlg9S Ptftent Ctilnce Killer. Tbe Subscriber also offers for sale at his Factory, a few of those very valuable 8teamera, known to be the surest remedy for clearing Bedsteads of these tor menling Bugs.- The Chinee Steamer ia made only by himaelfDdU warranted oeveMo but,andetair times" to cler Bedsteads Derfectlv. without the least Having had in use the above Machine,1 for many . 7 ' i . i 1 Y . . a - . best mean, that has ever been formed forvdeatroy.ng Chinees, and woeld recommend every person fVuke it J ' B. F. HALSEx. r-T?,JU JihaT,ng rrTenr,Sd1'8e1 MrJ'??; K!fkbk,n hincetcamer, I cheerfully recommend it.1 10. ine puouc as a simple anu easy way 10 aesiroy them, and without any damage to the Furniture "v.. F.G.MARSHALL. f Hafifax. July 25,1840. 62- TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chatham Cocxtt, Court of Pleas and Quaiter Sessions, August Term, 1840.' George W. Thompson r. Rob ert GrcVn. Attachment levied on hand. i It appearioa tothe satisfaction cf the Couitj that the Defendant, Robert Green, is iiot.ati inhabitant of this State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Raleigh Regis ter, notifying him to appear at the, next Term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter. Sessions, to be held for Chatham County, at the Court House in Phtsboro'. on tbe second Monday of November next, then and there to replevy, plead, answer or demur; otherwise Judgment final will be entered against trim, and the Land levied on, condemned to satisfy Plaintin eclaira. Witness. N. A. Stedman. Clerk of oftr said Court. al Office, the second Monuayof August, A. D. 1840. 68 V Ni-A.STEDSfATf,C. C. C. TATE OF" NORTH CAROLINA Washins ton County Ik EatiT Sprmg Term,' 1840 sarah Ann Keith v. William Keith ; Bill for Divorce vu motion, anu appean.g to ,ne a.oun .na ttwo 8ubpoBnae to answer tbe Bill of Complaint issued to - . t . - . . . . . . oerue couniy, seal us i wm. xveuu, nave oeen reiuru ed by the Sheriff that he is not to be found, in nh county ; and also, thst the said id William Keith ia not an inhabitant of this State, or not within ihe jurisdic tion of, this Court : tbe Court doth order that adver tisement be made for thirteen successive weeks in the Raleigh Register and North Caroliua Gazette." ad vising tbe said William Keith that, unless he appear before tbe said Court, at lbe Court bouse in Plymouth on the second Monday of September next, and plead, answer, or demur . to the Complainant's Bill of Com plaint, it will be taken pro confesso, and such decree made thereupon, aa shall be considered just. j " Teat, TH t TURNER, C. & M. E. Antbon's Series or Classical Works.' FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Fir Lessons in Latin, first Lessons in Greek; Gram; mar of the Greek Language ; a 8y stern of Greek Pros sody ; Csssar's Commentaries on the Gailie War ; Sal lust's Jugwithine. War, yrilh Engraved Notea ; Select Orauoni i of Cicero, with Engravings, 4c ; Works Of Horace, with Nolea, &c. t, Jacob's Greek Reader, whh Notes, Critical, and a Classical Dictionary, with Notes explanatory, in 1 Vtd. Royat 8 vot (nearly ready) ; The above valuable Work are for sab) at the North Carolina Book Store, by - , , ' . , . . xTURNER & HUGHES. August 38th, 1840. ' 70 lJUXICE 11 1 CHEAP HAT AND SHOE Xl oiUKii! ! JS. Hall o Co. ! would respectfully inform their friends and customers, that thev are nnw opening a fresh and beautiful assortment of Sarins uiiu uuinuKT uoh, cmoracmg every article usually called for in their line; all of which will be sold at reduced prices to suit the present hard tim. CM and see the bargain which ihey are aeJIing,and judge Raleigh. April 21. 1840. 34 tf ; . MYnim.in my ' fj j i ilXj . j aien up. and entered a- trrfv t. XM Thomas Grisson. livfne 2 miles two Mules, one a aorteLor mouse colour with a l.laze lace, tbe other black or dark bev aitrfMvad Lyeare old, Tbe sorrel is valued at'fifir dollar ami the black at fifty five dollars.-' ' ,r . k E. Bf RTON, Ranger. ' uranvuie county, . 2 - j r August 11 ... -j 64 - year., t nave nooraiisaton in wrymg, wai u ;DeimMn). ,-bleindividiiala., whir have JfAYKE'S HAIR TONIC, for the grewiri, pre .servat ion and. restoration of the Hair. This is an excellent article and has,ln'nuiherousiiiBaiicra,jro- Iuceu 6oc gfowth of hair on the heads of jrnfM who had leenaiaiory ears.- - - ' ts" fiiciwHwilh irematwre Imldneaa, to the r iceflent IXair Toniprfpbirv??:. yd ft ourseWf srWrcamFpebk 61 ita vsriue bl- Urience, an weiiheaUatingljl' pronounre it an in- valuaU rerncdr to prevent the falling: off of the hair, and to restore ft froroTa ilead. tot.i fiie.bealthj aj- France;; ? y can alqpf alt irom personal ,wwf. edge oHheWes yf two or three friends who .were predisposed to balduess, who by the use of Jayne nredisuoaed Hair Toniev have iow" luxuriant Jiair.: We have no tK.ffwk.ttinn-i noiridiacriminaUly. nil Ut0a;offeriie- diesfor all diseased whicfesh is heu torf but when -we-have tested thekiue Tan ftkle. we are, tWsj. to say ,H is &tty&$ '. v. -1'..- .- L ",.' i . ; .y. ' ... ' .'Pi'i r..,i .narotiAn Jn Mstorlnfe "the crow th of the. hair i. Ji irulYwonderful. Where tbe ' hair amniM.ini . wh. anJ effects a complete cure Every gentle. marwc say nothing to the ladies, it. being a fair nmnmniidn iim ineir uiir ji hti aace. at feast It'p!wiyiaeie-,)-i-verj gentleman haibruah eietr mornihg. .The result wilt be a fuJL aHei under our wn onservauon warrant us iujij in asserting uus. vrtxtiy Miaacngcr. , rr Atteationr ia called to Dr. Jayna's Hair Tonic, r'-r . . ? a a for the preservation, growui, anu restoration ot w Hair. We are assured that several most remaraaoie cures have lately been effectetl by this remedy. Il ia certainty worthy a triaL Philadelphia Saturday Chronicle. Jatsk'b Hi Tosic.We have, heretofore num bered ourselves among the whtt believed that Ihe fff. Gold and Silykf MooOteJ Cane, . and Whip,, Hair Tonic." prepared by Dr. Jayne, war one of the many quack nostrums whose virtues are .never seen beyond the fulsome puffs of their authors. We are willing, at length, to make public acknowledgement of the error of our belief. " An intimate" friend. some two or three months since, all the top of whose crani um was as bald as a piece of polished marble, rnaugre all our jesting and ridicule of the idea of, attempting to cultivate so barren a spot, purchased a bottle or two of the HaiuTbutc froU Dr" Jay re, and according to m- direciioiraapDlletl itTPunns the present week, I tDe samerieivloshered himself into our presence,and uncoverirfgvTi.te. hitherto ludted rheadV astonished us with a thin, though luxuriant growth of hair, from one to two inches irf jcrigth upon the very premises we had believed as unyielding to cultivation aa the trackless sand that skirts' the Atlantic, This is no puff but is righteously true, and those who doubt the gentleman can be pointed out. What is more in fa vor of this Tonic," the case here cited , was not one of temporary baldness-no sudden loarof the hair-but waa one or years' standing, though tne gentleman but Mity-nve years ot age. x nuaaeipnia optrw the Ttiftea. October 21, 1839. rr The above excellent article, together with all others of Dr. Jsyne's preparations, are for sale in ' . . Raleigh, by Williams A Haywood. , 4, retersburg, vupuy. nosser ac jones. Wilmington, Dr. Ware. J. TTAYIVE'S IIIMOTOnAlOUdiJedlT OU sQDcriur la wnr other kftdwn combinmtioa of SniJn !r nilUlA p.inli.tinn. of the H.rt. BRON. raswiisiine Ca PAnivhsi llaliai I !AnanmntiAn A aihrn' I nvvwn.fk V r.n 1 I r o o- - . - 1 hIam. 1; ,.,v!t 'iHKraiSK' tl I 1 n rjS. I f. ..-.-- -i fc, . t ' w-T- i.:- . I - - - rv. - Lk;. j- t,;Ai.'.'J ;i;wMm.,t.,i X- A Htaufvurviui ej imkwii u jwwii evwseMuwrMf hband Hef Many who hwe been la- bonrioe under nrotrkcied Coueha and Pains in the Breast, and haie1eeii antiposed by themselves afnI PJ OTPd Ap '5eel health brtieWt;iis JXtxiiJ'.' -r ' o Extractbf Certificaic'from Rev. D Babcock; late President of .Waterville College, Maine, v -' From i nli math persona acquaintance witfar DrDr Jayne, a regtitat .student ef thejenjeaf Uuiversity xpennsyivania. ami an rxpeiicnceu. succession pracu1 tioner of medicine, I was prepared to aWreiare the numerous testirrnjaUTnYavour ofhis differeoiffnedi calreparationstnuchtnore highly: than the great majority of those whienareextenstvely eulogised.? On trial of them in my own family, and-some of tbi personauy.I have more than realized theji favourable antictptjons. They are whet they? profess to be not o,uacK nostrums tui saiuuiry prepared antidotes for some of the rnostafflictive of human diseases. I know that they are highly esteemed, and frequently prescribed, by some of tbe most resectable of the reg ular practitionerf of medicine in this city and else where, and I do not hesitate to commend them aa a valuable addition to our materia medica, and a safe, as well as emiuently useful remedy for the diseased. KUFUS BABCOOK. Jr. Philadelphia, 7th June, 1838. Jayne's Expectorant We invite attention to this admirable remedy for Pulmonary affections, advertis ed in anoiher column. .The principle thereaanouncetM of ,he morbi(1 character of 6oartwn-its tendency t0 or:riniltft iflimtlonof the Bronchi .mlennJ. nt ,;,;.,; f ,K- u i ,v. .-h 'iZm ..k i- mJ S . i removing such obstruction, Js by means of expectora tion, a result which we are convinced can always be obtained by a judiclohs'exhibition ' of Ihe remedy TV- t - Til J-I I . Ct il wwm.' , - ut. jaynK.rnuaacipnia opim oj ine i imtt. ; Jayne't Expectorant-By a reference to bur adver tising columns, it will be seen" that thia valuable Medi cine is offered for aale in this city, . by . E. W. Bull, a genu iy esteem it a'pieasare to be sole to recom mend this medicine, as the best calculated fur the pur pose of coring coughs, colds,' sore throat.'astbms, and all affections of the lungs.. From a long personal, ac quaintance with Dr. Jayne. w knowthet'be-tso Prom the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. ' - , Valuable Afedtanr-VV o.do not wish tocorrnnendl 0f u cleared nd ths talance very finely timi (T The above article, together with all other Medi cines prepared by Dr. Jayne, are for aale in Raleigh. by WILLIAMS HAYWOOD. : Petersburg, Dupuy. Rouer 4 Jones. wuiHtngion, uocior wart -VCr Februarv. 1840 lOTE iEAI. LINSEED OIL, &c- p The Subscribers keep constantly on band an ex teusive assortment of Medicine. Paint. Oils. Dye- tnffa,'Brusheif Perfumery and Fancy artidra; with yrhieh : theypply Pbyeicians and Dealer, on -the ocucc', rane " PAUL O. CAM tnoat.tceommodatimx' wbplele Jerms, All- orders. with good mereticewilT meet prompt attention. DUURQS8ERyHES, Diggis, -V . . S. E. corner of Sycatnorend Back Str. 50 . . Petersburg, Va ' " v, - HOTEL; rmHE purchased-tbatC JeUndwn h S the Washington Hotel; where he Cm ?U "I0"1- n Wd 40 Members-bf ibe nelWyl),ei k lj.romPIete order by tbeex, personal attention will be given (o wer. , theusinessJIis stales are. numeftU8 and convenient ktt aiid faithful ostlers i,'.! lS Theellfuateatthe SoSVo'S' CapiKd square;' . Most of hi, room. square. He Intends, therefor, tLre ' 2?n expense to make, the estaUin,, desir.blfP,,n, flatters himself ha, shall receive lilnral , public patronage t p !!!r'0f il .N.B, ;Ufs bar Mill bewellsopa-quors...-. -;. 8ili. Augnst 1st. .UC?1 Standard till forbid? 63 BEB:WAtlD DlJPUv - otk pnces ;iTh assorlrneit cotuw.. .in part, of .. mt '-4 superior uold ni Sif , Anchor and Dup" lei do.;anaUiiiwkiiid8 of'siU - i jjcirr ww Dish.. An extensive assortment of jich Jewelry. ' SILVER AND PLATED WARES. - Silver Cupa, Spoon,' Ladles, Sugar Tongk LW rtats, Butter Knives, Ftuit do Silver Mounted Cy tort, Candlesticks, Snuflert" aud Trj vi, W'tiieri IKV UICTJUCT, U IIIKUUU1,' n UCI, ae. -i... , MUSIC. - Violins, GaUam-CIaripneits, Flutes, Flgeoleiu and Fifes. Preteptors for all the above. Guitar ani Violin Strings - V Wancy isaoDs. Mantel Clocks. Astral Lamps, Plated anJ Japanrf tm . sr .-a . soi"s w a at . waiiers, -uoiu, Aiiver anq oieei (spectacles, for il numm hju uu watkKtuiiuvii iuii'us, , IslllflK Lilrn Cases. Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Rogers' iinclt,. zors, Knives and Scissors Steel Pens, Dog C$m and Callii, Hair Tdoth ahrl Shaving Brushea, pUfr es and Pocket Books, Imitation Fruits, Gum and Pistols, etc. fec; f' ! 4ERFUMERY; Faiina's celebrated .genuine Cologne, St. Heleni, Rose, Florida, Lavender and RJ Waters ; Trinspj. rent, RoeeCamphor and Almond Soaps ; Naples nl Shaving Cream of 8oape. v . " (Tj Clock! tnd Watchea of all descriptions cleat- ed and repaired in his accustomed superior stj; Gold and 8ilver 'manufactured to order, with eipei lion and punctcafily ; highest price given for old Gold and Silver.! jfe; - --rf-f-f-.j-. April l0 1840. x q j 30 TtNTEW AND FASHIONABLE MUsIO-Th iNI Log,CabiBs5iaick,fclep ; The Noiih Bend i, do;GeB. Harrison's Tiunccanoe r Grand March v tiao Til PaV Do- danced by MadgmeFannT EWar; - L love the Moore ; I cannot daiice to-night; Wifk ,. -J- i(f theCas(ahett' merrilv 'tnnndlri'r El ' tlebrated Spanish dance ; Sittin' on a Rail, villi vauaUobs; Come from Alhabra, a song by M.rl marts; Tjbe, Summer Night; Court Waltz, by Stiiwi. The Happy Meeting ; Fifth Regiment March ; If (bou bast crushed a .flower ; Husband LvcTDeai, The .Jiorii of my loved . one I hear; Away Bodm Bark t Oh blame bet not, her love was deep. -The -above iaot ely new-music, it is alwtfei most fashionable music i every plats in tbe Ubim, particularly are Fanny Elsler's dances admired. Wi invite mlTlhoae whet wish . to get the latest, and bus Store. A HUGHES 36 Tf7ALL RACES, 1840 The Races over the P Lawrencevillo Course, will commence on ib secentt Wednesday in September next, (being the 9ta day oflhe month. and cerntinue three day. v Firtt Vcy A Sweepstake for colls and fillie, three y ears 200 entrance, half forfeit, 2 mile htaU, to name and dose on the first of September next Second Zpy proprietor's Purse, enlranti f i o i a mue heats. . . Tiirat'Dfly.Jofkey Club Purse, $500 cash; en trance S20 i 3 mile heals: f f..r rolts and filfo. three vears old: SI 00 entrance, half forfeit, whicb will te run for on tbe-ilrst dav. if made out, to nana and close on the first day ofine Race mile heat. The Proprietor laving fitted ui the old I.awrencet ville Race Course in new and complete siyle,pllp himeelT a the Spr.men of the Tiuf, and all rni who are fonil of good racing,' that he will have ewj rd. BUl w. v wv swm n ,hv iruij esse and litter furbished Race Horses Gratis. Tf -: P- J. TURN B 0LL, Tropnet 48 lawtf. fftn S A F.R.That Dleasanlitou aBSi 4 miles from Raleigh, on'tbe Chapel n ' i J .i it i,n.,,rv . tlin Stntir nlace. mJk. contains about 140 acres.35 or 4U oi" are cleared and jn coltivalion the balance i There is a small orchard of first rate fruit of early aofl ate Apples, besides pther-lruits, and an orcbw" tOOO Jluliicaulis, whiclvloKe, will, (when J bieak next Novembe od , the people petto i again,') pay what i asked forlke place. It w de t acless to inentiflrall jt1 advahtages of tbe situstw tlhi fine : rang 'ftffccjtticv &c aa whoever purchase vtili look at the premises. r wiATT. 54 June 29ib, 1840. TTSOU -AtOn Tuesday of Chatham , SsJ J H WConrCSn'SeiWrttbcrxrexl, I ball '"J . J ' k. ...'' i m " ; r- quack, andtua toejicinea are ,iiot; Lot id theT-J modern cry-tin. but are the result of hi Ion e evrjeri. 1 .rr:ii:K j.t '-k:ni.- mm of Mff-5" ence aa a. pranjV.? WaUfaaed' Ala, 40 Acres of LaMadjjJN Mouses, aAiso, zoy Acres oi kwu,- I one good medicine at the expense of anoiher, but we ;.,. iue Lot i peaotly located on an eminence cannot forbear to notice the valuable properties pos- 'Kkokl,, the Yillaie has icommodious P sewed by the" Carn BMmTia the B& .House and all neceaaary ont-kou., n"" pcetorant vrredbs Dr. Jayne, of South Thfrd of water anil excellent Garden. Tba4f IrM. in id a nit - W' Ii... Cptmn. In ' - . - . ... r- ' II T.l la SlIH r , r v .. TT- 6 I I adjotifloar may be laid on mio .inpia V " , r. . V , V '. , J chasers. This property js praw"'" - " udA They are invaluable in a family of childrerw; ; , - borongh whether intended for a P' Numerousolher certificates might be added, but the or , gammer reUeat for genllemeo from the k r above are considered sufficient evidence of iU great ir . v. -in u. ,-ij acredit of I monUn, p" Ancrnst 18. 1840. .. " '' m I ..rliilv.fr1! . B-M-wm a vrn on trie em ' ' m . b a ami m Mir the lot of D. C-merori, , j - 15 CUy of Raleigh, , bngn k- black mane ana w - - an eye. , .-c9te Th. ShTilw.r will aatisfactoriiy cu., a .Mmnrup' person for the defivery of RaNp - "r . ia riifn - . Wlttt I r.. Kt. father's lot, ne-' .- . 1 "'"v . -1 Aturost 18.1840. f BALES" more of thexibgn Vn4be article speaks tor ttaeii. 73 Sent. 7. v '5. V'H.