ljeimmmmaa0Btkh 1 n tmswaasw . "II III log cabin MEirrmo. ; -f r-vword in aEAsoN;.;' v Uur Tippecanoe Club , had brilliant meeting en h We were aboutyreparing a paragraph on the gub I iasu . waa addressed at considerable length j Jct treated of in the subjoined article from the " Stab;' oy Wiixux B, Sbipabd, Esq. Senator fromPasquo. but this is so much to" the purpose; thai we adopt it as v " POLrnCAL- DISCUSSION; , We understand' that at Johnston Superior C this week, Mr, Chabi.es G. Sbbtabs addressed his our own : Let ' - s au xolu " l beins quite indisposed, Mr. J. w; ftiituta: of Una Whig member will be here, ready to answer to his foctually, that Mr. 8hepard found it necessary to ei REGISTER. SEASONABLE RIFLE CTIONJ. -From the, National. Gazette: v (tftfi:- flaua . has . riser!- as -is frenerallv constituents at some length ott the political topics of knowil, the advantages of his position as the day, Mr. Mawit, Whig Elector for the District Minister to the Court of Louis Philippe to make observations , upon the condition of France, which he has. published, within a few months, in a small volume. The. fol- plain and amplify. - But he took .nothing by this lowing is a passage friim it, which may be move, for Mr. Miller, again rejoined with morTpow j new to many readers.mentioning facts which than before, and had the last word. Indeed, we uo- j should be known in this country, especially Mwarp'Mtf paritf rage, to tful veace.Z. -r live like brothers" - I tot illltSIIT. Trrrrjj&JL rixiIRTT lIAIiniSOIJ. i V. . , . . Presidential Termthe integrity of Puttie Znts-ih saMt of the Public Money, and i gtnerai good the rjsufJLE. I FOB T3CX-rBSSlDXST jOJttr i'TYLBtt.. $ -NiTS TH StATBS WHIM SlATSBT DOXS L. cijriwiTHotfr AtsvxrTiox or rowxm,AXB , 0l4tl, 0F A !I'lltMir COX ACT, I0 AHT TttlSO iOT IT, WXtOUT THB COVSXHT T TSOtl f . v. lirsiKBiATSiiT urTxaKSTxn.''-Gen. liar- wniO ELECTORAL TICKET. i CoL CaAi"fMoDowBit, 'bf Burke county. J, Gen. JlS. WXJLliBOBB OI ytukw. , 3 DitiJ Raxs0b, ol Lincoln. 4 DiTii P. CaI.bwxii, of Rowan, i Jii MsaUx, of CasWelLr j. Hon.jABBABAk Rxjtchxb, of Chatham.: 7 JohxIB. Kxtit, of Moore, f ' 8. Dr. Jm 9 Bxitb, of Orange. 9. Csirftw MaItit, of Wake! . JO, Col. iMff I" Lo of Halifax. U. WK.rW.CxaBT, of Bertie. U. Tbobas F.Jowxs, of Perquimons. Z, Josiis Cotiaws, of Washington 14. IM W. BjiAir, of Carteret. 15. Daxih . Aakxb, 01 Axew-xianoTer on tlie 12th If or. tank and Perquimons, and more briefly by Gcohox habskb, Esq. , Mr. 8. is dUtinguished by a fine elocution, and on the present occasion was exceeding ly animated. , He spoke for more than an hour, and poseu wim great ettect tbe dangerous and fetal ten- name. The election of Speakers, let it be borne in dency of the measures of this Administration. He " matter of great importance, and will take ridiculed in inimiuble style the pretensions ef Mr1. pla(? 5 firet w would call the attention v an curen and bis supporters to the claims of exclu- hare but a small majority in that branch of the LeeU- derstand that our young townsman acquitted himse)f at this time: ' The matter is concerning the :- "uw " yrauces auu iwurej anu u u nigmy important that eery one of 1 with such signal abOity, that his friends were more army, system of France, and I exhibits m a proMMwons aioer. xit regarded uen. iuabbisob's I uieui suouiu oe. in nis seat when the roll is called, election as certain, and exhorted all. not already in I The absence of a single. Senator may- give the Ad- the ReoubUW fold, in frh5U L.: U JrtJ dvantage which all experience , The Merchants' meeting as an o&et to the preten- nd before the day of erac was pa. The whole SefiaSc. Tf JtJSJl. Merchant meeUng. witt be helf in Yall street, Speech was recetyed with enthusiastic ' approbation. PIe of fairness and justice. . Every Van Buren man Mr. Badger briefly followed and paid a handsome w " , . not Prescnt ; anJ 1,0 xear hrt rom w J.ooo merchants sign the call, 1 domestic associations as husband and father and merited tribute to the exceUence of Mri Shepard'a Z" t"gr?fr ayVVfI nVun of Wlth lheir of tal,iM" annexed. Danwl Web- should be formed. - , .- , ...,. i . , . " j - 1 uuiHiUHiui wi Aiuericsn to conceive an iaea AN IMPROVEMENT 1 STEAM MACHINERY. -x : . . , strong light the state of society (broughout the kingdom, as it must necessarily be when ctery man is subject to do military, duty for m m wau sireey geven vear9, -t t1A Af lifA wliPn on the Exchange; in New Tork, on Monday the 26th, j hia h:- of :tlflls1.-;fl5 uuatnei nA hi Address. - We publish to-day, with pleasure, the speech deliv ered by General Habbisos before the Miami Con vention, in Ohio, on the 10th inst. 'Had the veteran Herd never said anything else, this speech would have stamped him an one of the purest Republicans and firmest Patriots in the land. ' Every line of it breathes . - f -.. . , . T ..... ;. ,. . , the spirit of the best days of the Republic. , Those who heard the veteran on this interesting occasion, say, that he looked well and in excellent health, and spoke for hear two hours, with a fervor and animation belonging rather to youth than to age. iThe fire of his eye is not dimned, nor has the strength of bis manly intellect abated. The speech should be read and studied by every citizen of the United States. 1 If the General's enemies desire to make up j an issue of " ability", between Gen. Harrison and MrJ Van Buren, we can dnly say that the latter in his palmiest days never 'produced a document that was to Ibe compared in execution with this effort of M imbecile old age."' The improvement consists in the saving of heat by consuming the smoke of the fire.- The projector, Mr. Bennet, is an uneducated man who, on first seeing a Steam Engine, was struck with the great loss of heat which passed up the chimney or smoke-pipe. This impression led him to make experiments, which have at length, enabled him to effect bis object. And the Steamboat Eureka, having been fitted with an Engine, as improved by the introduction of this new principle, sailed a few days ago from Philadelphia for Stoning ton, in Connecticut, with a company Of gentlemen on board to witness the experiment. ' She left Philadel phia a few moments after 8 A. M. with a moderate breeze ahead, and in one hour and thirty-five minutes passed 8ands Point which is called 25 miles, but which, according to Burr's survey is 22 miles performing about 14 miles an hour. She passed Huntington Light, called 45, but measuring 43 miles, in three hours and ten minutes,' or about I4f miles an hour. After this, the revolutions of the wheel were less, and it was evident there was a difficulty in her machinery. She, attempted of Locofoism upon the New York Exchange sad mismove for Mr. Van Buren, so far the city New York is concerned, and the sucress of the move for the market abroad depends upon the capacity of the art of humbug. - The merchants in New '. York needed a shove like this to wake them up for Novem ber, says the New York correspondent of the "Nation-. al Intelligencer. - Gbjt, Habbisov is axosts tbb Peoplb literally. His whole journey to the Dayton Convention from Cincinnati, appears to have been like a triumphant however, performed satisfactorily, but with less speed. J House of Representatives the longest of ny ine non. jjewis Williams, on Tuesday evening last, arrived in our town, on his way Northward. A number of the citizens of the place were not willing that he should pass without paying him some token of res pect for. his long and faithful services in his country s cause, and his firm and unwaver ing support of Republican principles collection of citizens of this place assemb in front of the Hotel where Mr. Williams had stopped,' and enthusiastically called lor him ; he made his appearance, and respon ded to their call in a short but good speech. Mr. Williams has been in the United States The Elktlorf l procession. He was accompanied by ex-Governor Metcalf, both riding on fine steeds throughout. . The long brain of Western teams was stopped at Sydney, (Shelby County) by an immense gathering of the Peo ple; and the old veteran addrened them for an hour. A great portion of the multitude then joined the train EPeleaates 1 -ntl- sT ' 4 - J ilf its progress, which was again stopped at Urbana, 0 thO VVililS LOnVenilOn where acre of People had assembled to welcome it La UliH CO!7Alnl ; fnn- the lowest estimate of numbers being 20,000, al the U UU1 UIU iJKJ v vm. a .VV Urbana Citizen of the 9th assures us. At ltat 6000 She reached Stonington in good time, having consum ed the astonishing small quantity of three and five- ! eighth cords of wood. From 8tonington she started to return, when the same difficulty was found in the machinery, and it was determined to stop and ascer tain the cause. . This was done by taking off the head of the cylinder, when, to the astonishment of all,' a blacksmith's hammer was found inside,, and so great j was the working of the engine, it was broken in two. The surprise was, that the machine, under these cir- cumstances, worked at alL j On the renewal of the fire, I of its present Members. Greensboro Patriot, The next elec the tapis, fwe A pmo aching Elections, tion which is to cdme upon are reminded by the Journal of Commerce) takes place on the 5th of this month! in Georgia j for nine Congress men, (elected by general ticket) and members of the State Legislature. There is no election for Gov ernor thjs year. I v sr ' ' a . vv . I Maryland comes next, iter election is j of the true state of the working class, upon whose pas- of sion these men continually operate. Perhaps thirty cents a. day, or a little more, may he the average price of labor throughout France; and out of this the work' man most clothe and feed himself. " And then come the seasons of interruption, when work is almost di continued, and when the starving mechanics are throwrt upon the community, to . seek the ! support of life as they can., Wiih us, every honest industrious man can reasonably expect to provide something in the meridi an of life for its decline. By emigrating westward, he can procure a piece of hind, and dose his days sui rounded by his family. But such sjt occurrence in Europe would be little short of a rniracle ; and in this reasonabloxpectation of an eventful acquisition of property in our country, with the moral stimulus which accompanies it, and in this despair of the future which seems almost inseparable from the condition of a Eu ropean laborer, I trace one of the most striking distinct tions between a new society and an old one, and one or moro of our surest guaranties for the perpetuation of our institutions." , . - . ", y-k--rf'i "An illustration confirmatory of -this state, of Uungs is furnished by the law of conscription, -By this law every young man, after the age df twenty years, is lia ble to serve in the army; - He draws for his chance of enrolment, ' and is then called as bis n'nmbef .end the; exigencies of the public service may require. He served seven years precisely, at the time, of life , when be onjrht to be forming himself for hit eventful duties, and laying the foundation ot any respectability he may hope to acquire, bis precisely the period which, with us, if iost, would be lost irreparably. The average an nual demand of conscripts in France, to keep the ar my at its requisite number, is eighty thousand ; and this immense amount is every year drawn ffbrfl the" class of the population in the very spring-time of life, to be returned- such of them indeed as have the luck, good or bad, as it may be, toreturn seven years after, without any preparation fc eventful usefulness. "But the most remarkable fact in all this institution is the pay which these forced soldiers receive a pay A ed . In this City, oh Wednesday Evening last, by ihe Rev. DruLacyrMr: Edttakd E. , - tlAHRIB, Of Pftfprahitrn- Xrrrir,;. If,-. f" 0fWsvii6xaU2r9 of this City; nl Jackson, near Florence; Ala. Mim Sarah Jackson; daughter oftL uto James Jack- " t GREAT ATTRACTION! The ' Ladies and Geritleden df Raleish: ink ki iauu; ill. gcucnii, uu ; rcspcvuuuy liuormea tjlat ' Mr. ' H. Phillips will re-opca the Theatre oil Saturday ; evening, Oct 3d, for a few nights. Being ever anx ious to please, and to secure the approbation' of his ' patrons, be has entered iflto an engagement for a limited ? period with Mr.DELAROUX of the principal The, atres of Europe and the United States: ; ,- v ON SATURDA Y NIGHT, OCT. 3 ; . v Will bepreserited the popular Uclo-dn'a cf the . , . ; THE HOUSE OF GLENCAIRN. ; I CLANBO'NALD, fHii first appearance in thie ' . . place,) . .! jftDtliAROUX. . MATTHEW rthe Oarlock ;., m tUCKETT... ak DREW. -tCf v' if-rmuiAiraM AUHL.A, Uountetiofuteneaurn Mrs, rilUiiuro. r -:, ? UomteiSongmcc Young.Man Mr. I 0.11111? 9. v ;. Imitations of the following great tctdri jj v;-?? i i;S : . Mn Boom; rUCHAMinitsH$?:: , Mr;FiBBssT. KINO LEAR.; To conclude with the StoVy.of the MtiOned French . To conclude with the laughable Farce of ' i H ED A V A FT BR TH E W E D D INO? 'ill A V- ' ' ' .V ' OR - ;c-:'ft'-i5 A:;'- il WIFE'S FIRST LESSON. - V -' Cot FREELCJVE; w ' " -'. tU: LUCKETTJ LADY EU2ABETB; . - Mta: PHILMP,4;f - For further particulars, see bills of the HjiMX ' ; TickeU 60 ceiUsChildren half price; JMlAiM rojjrju i)tr.(s90ua 2utxiA .Ptra sidcam P!H'iS3tpn dns qsajj aaAlad3Htsn I 1 Si V! .I -!A . " : . M J! a1 " A Hereagain the procession received an addition of the maebmery resim iU prevmus workmg, am for Government for indispensable supplies, amounts to on 111 V 11 Wi tli in Un ren 1 ftntr each bf a Friaxtiiifi: Office are most earnestly request- w, '1 1 CSi jV " ncre again lam procnuoa rewncu m iuuiuuu 01 i Jie StatC, (tnOSe eSpeCl- thousands, and when it reached Dayton, the whole Peed of fii ' 41 1 J. If .v r TPN I to Philadelphia, b were there more than two-thirds of the People on the ground. Every house with a flag was a hotel with out price the strings of every door being out, and eve- latch unfastened. f ' - - i '111 a aV ' ; The return of the party, (aitertne two cays at way- (1 to tCaii at thlS UtllCe, j ton) wwchAracterixed by similar exhibitions of the Ufl finiliYlll7 iKpTnQplVP P0?01" "e- On Saturday morning the General aOU lUUly lUeillaCl V tJingatA umbly f 8000 at Lebanon, S3 miles and as be proceeded the roads were lined and on horseback, banners and flags marking the whole distance. , It is said that at no time was the cavalcade less than a mile ta length, j Thus gees the man of the people whom they delight to honor. was as great as ever. She returned IpUa, burning but three cords of wood hav ing performed a most triumphant trip of experiment performing to the entire and perfect satisfaction of all -on board, having consumed but one-sixth of the wood used in the present Steam-engines in passing the same distance. This we believe is the first great experiment of this principle, and thousands who have studied it must be gratified t its success. tieiegaies IO me lower House Ot tne lglS- en a day, twenty-five dollars and a half for Mveti lature. and also for seven Senators. 1 j years services. And yet thu proeeW of military sun- In Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey, on 1 Pl7 eems firmly established and engrafted on tbehab- , r u : ' .1. t.. e I its of aocietv t nor hsra I iceii kmAn alt th HHi GoVeroorn? members or CgI?ssJ.nd memoers ot tne atate igisiaiure ; in renn- rtitutionsiof the country, a single allusion to this great; syl vania for members of Congress and of the est of all practical oppressions And I cannot account Legislature, who elect the Governor. 1 The for this apparent indifference to a subject which strikes Congressional election in New Jersey does not take place till November. with Electoral Tickets fromDayton. I :'WfV' i ';.-- 1 . a ' ' wjutteamsan n sumpent numoer 10 umiih ! each County. n former Presidential lecfipns, many votes avelbefen lost in conse- Ah tvNiTirr iiv citt has been decided by Judge Bermudez, of the Probate Court of New Or leans. The point of law arose in the settlement of the estate of Alexander Milne, recently deceased, who left an immense estate to be distributed in ac cordance with the directions of his last will. Among other testamentary dispositions, was a legacy of one hundred thousand dollars to the city of Focnabers, I PROM YERA CRUZ. The barque Eugenia, Captain James Bis coe, arrived at New York on Fridayfriorn- inc. one leu v era wuz on me xoin au gust every American with astonishment, unless it results from the conviction that a bare support is all the' labor ing classes can procure by the most fortunate exer tion, and that this may as well be in the army as else where.' ." -K--' 1L - find ibe members of tle t.cg;i"tn U tnrc;I sKaU bVprebsred to' icommodat twenty-Jive or thirty of, you with Board during the i session m tne lepsUture. J have cnlargeU my lim ing Room - since 1838, ini as I do not expect to take transient boarders, and my bouse being within two hundred yards east of the CapiloL and no pains or ex pense being spared eh pty part, I do pot hesitate, to say, that you will find my aeetimmbjduUons as good as any ether houte iri the City: As regard my uute, I can only say; thit U thill be as well protided as U was in 1S3S. - " ' : ' ' - : j Any Member ..wishing to keep bis horse or horses can do sd, as 1 am prepared to provide for them also. jbHN.HUTCHINGS. . October " ' - 1 - 80 6w Such is the system in France, and with certain modifications in other countries of Europe; the governments of which ori ac- The Government conducts, consisting of count of its operation are said tb e "stronff." .SkMAvAAA 1 . w r -13 t . 1 I rn 1 Z 1' a 1 about $ouu,uuu, naa leit mexico on tne xin- o our appreaensioa a .inigo standing1 army THE BOUNDARY QUESTION. The National Intelligencer of the 25th nit, con tains a very interesting Article from one of its well-in-fcrmed Correspondents,! accompanied with a Map in Scotland, the birthplace of the tosUtor. - Allo.nl destined tor Vera Cruz, at Which is at rince an index of a despotism feeble in IU uw uo 1 . , J . . . .1 ' x X I. . H r I e ths snlWiatar 1 110f iT this nMf i.l.l.. Jl.w mond. to whom, it seems tne atv of r ocnabers oe- I owing w receui. revuiuiiuuary uiutcuicuu ui 1 o wmisi;. w luwuoiutuwuucs An application to the court of probates NOTICE. ; ' ANA WAT from tke -oWrllf bh the 6tb cf the present month,' a ' Negro Woman named ANNA II. ' She Is ibbdt five feet . high ami very blaelu She has lost one fit her upper fore teeth, end Mas a remarkablv renod face. I will tv ten dIUre . 1 for Hsinah if taken in Ibis 8tte shd delivered to me or connnva ii( anyjsii in ius oiaie, anu iwcniy . dollars If taken out of the Stat, i f 5, v . c : . f.. ..-,-.,,, . t JA MBS BUNN,; 5 ;"-"v'; . Mar Wafcejield.' , rept: 30, 1840-8btf. 1 . ' . Slilndafd fall forbid.1 - - 1 Unarinil Cf 1 nnlllll lTT itk tho disputed Territory, by thoj'Brhuui Comnris- 1 lll:", J ' I skmers, which comes to conclusions, drawn fiom their - i : I.-,. . - - . . , - - j v PrOCUr0 PriTltd 1 ICR- Map, directly opposite to those of the Commis l T O .A . 1 sionera. The Editors remark, however, "that the tnre convictions, on the one side or the oth- KH if V nrfll ffl 1 cl) 1 1 0Wrir. er to U appioximBto matters to a settlement UllllUIlUl lllLiaiJ "liv between parties wbarnnst meet otob a conurion ground I vClJ. OITCS Jill ' gijJlJJJgiJl I rjmore we mauw canoe yoaw---r5iiccMjr ana as to any otner uiau jcmwun aujusiwi v "i if tbere be any man in either country who desires to see h, he is a madman, upon whose propensity to mis chief a strait-jacket would be a wholesome restraint. OT tmt that we shall all keen cool on this subject : Rajeish Tippecanoe Club are that, in the-end, each party, however posiuve in ks own conviouons, will be found ready to acquiesce with cheerfulness in the result of the arbitration to which, tailing other attempts at adjustment, (01 'XJho Members of the .1 -Mr' sil..K -.-.at mneciiUU renuested to convene ' i Y- -A . ( ,. tit their ILog Cabin on Saturday (tlie 3d m8t.at 11 O'clock pre- between the two Goyernmenu again lone. His erace, at least, is the feudal lord of the J the J? ederal party at tne capital. s our repuoncan instuutioas tiiiierirom all oth corporation, and claims the legacy as his own. To The revoltof the 5th and 6th regiinents, er forms of ci?il polity in existence; Its this application the heirs and other legatees of Milne, on 15th July, had been compromised .strength is intrinsic. Its safeguard is the made strenuous opfoauon. - nd, tUd OQ 27th the lives of those affections of the peoplei Every where but Tdecuton of the Court was against the claim of conccrped ntied by the Supreme in the United Stateshe municipal author- The heirs of Milne, opposed his claim.on the ground Government; but the principal chiefs had ities are .protected from the people; here that the Duke, and the city of Fochabers, being aliens, received their passports to quit the cpuntry, they are protected by tHe people. The ope- were incapable of taking the bequest, which was there- and were preparing to leave.' ) ration of laws amng . us is through res- foeJroi.d . : -. . . ' ' ,. , . ' 4. President Bustamknte had asked to be pectful acquiescence in the necessity and dares that donations inter vivos and mortis causa, which Congress had not granted on the 19th through the Organized coercidn of a military mav be made in favor of a stranger, when the laws of August. : His . Ministers: had sent in their force. There is a spirit of truth and patri- the country do not prohibit similar dispositions from I resignation, but continued to discharge the lotism in the subjoined remarks of the Amer- being made in favor of a citizen ot ix)uuiana. functions of their respective offices. ican entnelt which we warmly commend IncaitwMhel Tranquility prevailed at TampicH on the The subject is kindred to Ihe matterin hand: betne Sth of kf "volt of the trSop having Where, 'but , in this Uniich ruffian cies bv the deceased, and to which he gave a prefer-1 been anticipated. . 1 scribblers abroad have held as semi-sav- ence in the order ot payment over una, naa exnauswa 1 ne l exian navy, or a part, ,tnereot, un- 1 age wnere Dut nere would tnousanas and f hHERE are many persons who WoOId purebaso - U Piano fortes if they could be iUre ef being sailed without having to come to town expressly for ' - the purpose. Tosupb I would Jty, that there is not 1 (he slightest doubt aboui their Uing plcaieJ, and U i that is necessary in ordering an Insttuineht. Is, just to name tbe price tbey wuh to give. I have Pianos at iimost all pnees; and therefore can supply almost all ' brdersi . ; ;---' "i-T-j'."' -J The character of mv instruments' I how so well ca. UbUshed thst it is entirely unnecessary to pUblish the ' numerous letters which I am a'lmost daily rreelving from penons who hive bought add tried them. Having sold about twonnndred instiuments, air oi, which have beed fairly tried, I can truly say that their" ' menu nave oeen worougaiy icsiro. v 3 " if B.: r. N ABU, . . .ndok and Pisno Forte seller; Peterlhiirg, Ta Oxtober 4. 13400; i I ! , .. ciseltjltoimarcli to tbe Cai vhererthe ceremony of pre- sentinjc 'te Banner t rom the Ladiea of Raleiirb to tbe Club will tiikl place., y , ' ! Cj Ttf afford the hands employed in this Omee question. I.. . . . . 1 a , . . . n t An 1 J , 1 V . I a 1" ' T .1-' - , it has been agreed the personal estate 01 me testaior excepw "Vl" ier the command oi tjommoaorei Moore, 1 tens 01 mousanas 01 men peaceaoty assem- to submit the i"."?1 re, WT pp "J" :f was cruising off Vera Uruz on the 5?4th Au- ble, peaceably discuss questions of the most Louisiana could not have received, under the imw o( .,anmrl. ith anV fcAatiW exeltintemrlorarv intet to thWn..: .A 1 Mviani. a Hanen leu ui uiia iu tusk 1 j r MAINE. 1 We have the " Eastern Argus,' printed at Portland, Maine, on the 22d September. That paper confirms the intelligence that Km (Whig) is elected Govern or, but by a smaller majority than was at first sup posed. We have the Legislature and four members of Congress. In two Districts, where no choice as (M J-uL-. Zl. WW . nrrt.initv of leiiOCiea, U IS connuenuj ueucTW tau mi n.-wi.-JL- :2 n nftha st.t. rnn,n. be elected at the next trial, givmg mnur to their two. tion, no Paperwill be issued from this Office onTues Scotland, a bea inch circumstances, and as the Lousianaiaw allows such donations to a stranger only when the laws of intention. peaceably disperse tb their homes, as ; men do dailv throuffhorit our vast territorv ? Rei. his country do not prohibit a similar gift to a citizen of J Another distressing Fire in New Orleans, publicanism needs than this no higher eu that Stale, the Court decided that the Duke and tbe i-The New Orleans JBee of Tuesday morn- 0rf - no better proof that its foundatibns city 01 x ocnaners couio nos u&o uuuor mo . lnff Iast sag) inal on monaay nigni a nre are eternal truth and enuitv i . wa, a -a- 1 j 1 : Mime, Gen. Scott's Opinion of fire i broke out in Bagatelle street, which consum- :itche " It must certainly be regarded as a most gratifying sign,tnai wim au u excitement woicn now pervades the country from one end to the other, oh the Presi dential question, there is little .to offend or alarm the Well does the Argus remark- , : 1 The result of the late election in this State start- tn j 'if n . . , . ii.i.-i.k . 1 me result ot me laie election in ww ouue-B S - FdJ7f,We t ling e the dcathJcnell to a convict, to the party full tccoont ef the whole afiair. As we have never I . mj hiWnn tn thtir nnnnnnti before asked such an indulgence from our patrons, we I gpeaks a lesson of practical wisdom to ell, such s is interesting to me, but my public duties at this time J jy felt by the unfortunate sufferers Gkn. HAbhison. utlu"W7.",,w I Knrlr.bnibbnas. The fire: originated in a Saratoga'Springs, Aug. 20, 1840. house in Craps street and extended to Baga- Dsa 8i : Xour complimentary letter of the 10th I telle, from thence the flames destroyed near- lovers of good order, or threated the security of re'pub instant, inviting me on the part of the Harrison Com-1 y ajj lBe buildings on the right hand side of Kcanism. Millions df people are in unrestrained mo- minee 01 vbrb v Bagatelle street to union, lhe nan ot the you, and be presental a ConvenUon m PitUburgh, ha. de8troyed. The amoujt 6f loss found me in tXM piac. n . , M, A tour through the Keystone state wouia oenigmy 1 es, aiiuuugu nuiwusmciaMic, vv. tn cerum.it will be extended most cheerfully. 1 ; 'f'j r Delegates to the .Whig Convention, desirous, of' procuring Documents for distri bution jarriong the People, will please apply i imsjumee.' . . a. ;! THE CONVENTION. Our ity u qyite in .. a bustle, making preparation fa the fifth, j! It is now certain that several Delegations ill anile tomorrow evening (Saturday.) - oddom read in events of human origin and accom plishment." . . . i . ? POSTSCRIPT. By last nights Eastern Mail. 1 We received last nieht the Boston papers of Tues- day morning, bringing the latest accounts from Maine. It will be teen that the returns are all in, and that Kent is elected Governor by 345 majority.over Fair field, j: -' .. 1 j ! From the Boston Atlas, Sept. 82, ; ' 'MAINE ELECTION. TO viVtarv in Maine is complete. Mr. Kent is elected Governor by a mejonty of between three and frhut and'1 onrht to add. that as an officer of the Federal Government, I early prescribed to myself the rule to abstain from taking an active part in the conflict of politics. Hence in thirty-two years, I have not once been to the Polls, or to a party meeting. This official reserve has, however, never prevented me from discus in in the soirit of a freeman, in the casual intercourse of society, the merits of all public men and public mea- sures to bear tion, and even ferment. Frequent conventions of zeal ous partisans, attended by ten, twenty, or forty thou sand, listening for hours, and sometimes days, to the most impassioned, earnest, and eloquent orators, are held in all parts of the land, and nearly with as much order and quietness as a Sabbath gathering for religious Gen.1 Jobs Pasteub, of Newborn, Chief Mar- bal, amvedere on Tuesday, and is busily engaged J fouf hQred votes. - Every lowrf and plantation has to bis aerangements for the occasion. . Evert indcktion promises a brilliant and glorious CelebrdiottJ " - - r . Cj Mr. Mattbw McCciiaas and Mr. - Gbxt im t.r '!.:-r nfRnlMl with fK j been jeceived, and the result is fas follows : For Edward Kent, For John Fairfield, 'Editorlof' TCiinra maioritv. t..i i .ii. i. m , .1.-1 Kiwh ia uta intelligence dtouku uk uiku 01 ihia (Jountv. seem amte onenuea wim uie - z r. It r. ' " I HanivAD . ninf nintr , fsTIiUH iUHB3 UWU aoaJ,aa amauw 45,397, 45,052. 345. i! ..." I naniror, 1 ih .ytm ..run nmarT A, I . . . ui ,!3u iier, uwuw ,riiyiH...vi I cpecnnir tne eiecuon iondretls of; Committee men for bur great Conven- Washington and Hancock. tion i.LLu: w ua v.AUf tV, 1 or XMoyea eiecuon. . v 1 .Lt.i.; t : t .u . v, s.. AU the glonoua newa we 5iicr nau ucen present, wnen tuo wuuiuuca w of a member of Coneress in No doubt is entertained present. Ppoirfed,!1 he assures them they would have been Pttei?: complsint. j , THE THEATRE. In additjpn to the other attractions which will be .offered during the Convention, our Theatre will be Pil fo a night or two by a Company which has tueaj it tor the season. There are some excellent iTrforlners amonflr them t and as there will probably htid(e4s here who have never been in a regular TMift fine opportunity will be afforded (of grati- hefr cunosity. . . " Starting Children in theWorldMany I purposes. No other country in ithe land could doit. an unwise parent labors hard and fives spar- j he"f etaiw new or Europe would reel Uke a !. -ti uf. r.iu u kc I drunkard woulJ be convulsed with revolution and ingiy .i ius ii if -r-', y drenched with blood, in such an experiment upon the enougn to give nis cmiaren a sian in me popolace. Think of such conventions in ; Paris or Lon- world, as it is Called, betting a young man I don, with all their note of preparation, with all their afloat with money left him by his relatives I pageantry, and ah their freedom and eloquence of Speech, of mv time. Thus it has often fallen in my way I i- nt v;nov Madders under the arm 6t one 1 aod you think of a revolution, j To the enemies of re it zealous testimonv to the distinguished services I t---' . nr.a tn La h0 11 publican forms, the pojaical agitations of this country of General Harrison, both as a statesman and a soldier. I . . . j 1 may appear precurnve of ibis end. To us. it is the With those services I have long been familiar, and ose nis.Qiaauera uu go vuuu.m-- MDliDg prpermanence and power, that a nn onlv attribute to ooss ienorance or toparty malig- Teach him to swim, and he Will liever neea p- aembling; as is the wont of ours, like nity the recent imputations to which you allude. ': the bladders. Give your child a found edu- waves or storm clouds, are yet so far the intelligent If at tbe end of the late war with Great Britain, er cation, and you have done enough for him.- masters of their passions, that they can deliberate end at the end of that so successfully waged by Gen. Wayne See too that his morals, are pure, his mind retire from the most exciting gatherings in peace and asainw mio j . ...iiivatari nnri hi hn a natiirA maaa ran. e w . . . . e ij : 1 iuiM unwi ..... -w - shamelessly impeacnea me coursge 01 wen. nay, . . . . mari m hewould,Iamfunyrrsuaded,havehadnotonlyAw 1 lorneat-"""V..6 "rjlZ SOCIAL INTERCOURSE. ,T .waasTaa. W ahnnlrl rnakft it a nrincinle to extend memoer tne aumirauon u? j v--- fortune can - deprive Him ot. M ne earlier the hand of fellowshiD to every man wno dis- .yiiiMin anna for theJiero of lippecanoe. ron , . . . . j . It ;. , . j...- j : LlKELY NEGRO WOMAN AND TWO CHILDREN for sale. Apply it this Office. . Spt. SOY 18408QtC rtT J- &?y TfSFOIlMATION IfAMTfiDi of an iili Ji vidoal named FBaacxOlcxiBKTi ji ejwmard. who speaks very "broken , English, U ol swarthy complexion, and marked wiih the smdll pbft. ' lie left Sumner county, Terin. about the tOih July last. ; and li supposed to have settled somewhere in North Carolina or Virginili; He if a Segar-maker by trade." Any person having information where said Muinfrey' msy be found; is requested to communicate the same, without delay, to the ttnderslgnea at Nashville, T.nn. " .- : r v. - '. " v -vJt JAM&9 junnsun. Nshville,Sept. 18: ' - T ' 0 8 , MOUSE & I4OT FOR SALE I wilt sell on ' very acfcommodatinj termi, 4 pleSeant intt te.' ry convenient residence on Wilmington-street, near est bfiildirig tb the new Ba'ptistCburch. Tlie bouse ii two stories high, with three rooms below and two above stairs', all having fire place.; . The other boild-' ngsare good and convenient. There is a nne gar dea spot sufficiently lar ge. Those wishing .to buy would do well to call and examine Jor ihrnwelvea,- Apply to . :t A. J. BATTLE. RaleifihvMsy 19ih340. v t-".' i TT AND FOR 8ALB.-The subscriber .wishes to Mil a Tract of Land, consisting of 1200 Acres the ooutn part , of this Uouniy, , near Myall's AWL Three is a House and small farm' on the Tract. Any persons desiring to purchase, will do will to examine the said land, a it will be sold on very aceommodk Ung terms. CTRENA WHITAKER, : July 25. . - . . .' . M tf. . TTpLANK BOOKS, PAPER, &c500 Reams JlP Foolscap Paper-00 dot. Letter dotO do. yfrapping db-BLANK BOOKS, of every descrip tion, vix : Ledgers, Journals Registers' for Courts, . Day-Books, Invoice, Letter Books, Receipt and . Bill i Books, Memoranduni, "Bank. &Psis Books', Cypher ng and Copy Books, dec &cw - . r Vrtr mmA Inw at th IM. U.ltoolr KIam. N. B. Book Binding executed in all ' its varietiee with neatness and despatch, dec' ' ' - T. &U. tb last few davs is whollv guns were fired upon the Common yesterday in. hon or of this brilliant and most nnexpectea victory, ONE HUNDRED GUNS. u,iM1nd the RiverThames. ThU sentiment as lar J"" cav ' t"- uuai8v.rJ . r.7- l.ii;.w i I 11;.. ... M-mmnn thmnrhout sources, tne oetter. . - . 1 I trood order who maniiests axieep interest in nave oeeu uuihuub vi. i u 1 bm uo-."' . " . , , -. . , a I . , - 1 1 j ' I confirmed. An hundred Armies, both officers and men placing inm, wim : I J tne ' weiiare OI genera eocieiy wuus wo-j one accord, in the class of our most gaiiani ana sue- . 7 Boston Courier states, Wo are au- portmcnt is upright, ana wnose mina is in cessfol commander. : .: thorized by the Treasurer of the late Mono- telligent, without stoppingto ascertain wheth- . with0"1 to?.toTTZ!frri ment Fair to sar that sufficient progress has er he swings a hammer of draws a thread. For the Whigs of Maine, were fired from the New onu resoeetablTcommittee. withhold this been made in the settlement of ,the i various There is nothing so distant from all natural York Eattery in the afternoon of the 22d. mst, py . fmm . nA KthM soldier who has accounts to authorize the belief that the nett claim as the reluctant, the backward sympa- their brother Whigs of that city, j r i ' T , n?dv assailedin this latedar of hU fair rnred9 will not fall short of! ?ni- thv the forced smile thechecked conver- renown. ' . I thousand dollars 5 It is with unfeigned sat- 1 sation-the hesitating compliance-the well isfaction that vr'er make this annunciation, off are too apt to manifest to those a little (7 Hevbt L Tooxa, Esq. of Washington, in this State, has become. Associate Editor of the ? norm Carolina Standard." Mr.! Toole is a Lawyer, with a repuUtion for ability, and, having also the advantage, it is said, ef considerable practice-as a writer. I remain, my dear Siri with high respect, your obe- : WINFIELD SCOTT. , SAjnrxi A.4 Pcbviahcx, Esq. on Deaaii oi 4 ippeca, noe Club of Butler Cow F;- ' r The Monument will now go upl Whosoev- down, with whom; in comparison of intellect er lives three yean will .witness its comple- ana principles oi. Tirtue iney irequenuy tionf sink into insignificance. nnO TIIJG PUOLIC.Ths Subscribsr, lo ll tending ia a few weeka to go to Tkxas for the purpose of practicing Lew, would he happy to attend to any business that may be entrusted to kjm. Per sons wubmg bis services would dd well to apply eoos. eltber personallf or by letter addressed to Cafilry, ss bis stay In If. Carolina wUl be necessarily (tort.- r ... ROLAND JON123. ' ScpUcabfr ieih, 1840. - T7 tl - REFERENCES. ITn. Joseph Story,. Dans Frof:scr ia Dir.j Law School, Camhridselass. -- Hon.' Charles Fisher, :-Ifott. David F. CaUweH, Hon. John uiles, - Gen. SainuM F. Pattorson, CoL Edward xarbrou rfCjILbwry 1 ,. f err. a;;S, r

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