t- ., '- j :!f hi 5 . til Jad . ' MiiaVi " n omit jt jsxaija at iUHfrOM Tigy the old clock. Clck of tie nouseboll 1 few creatures would tracg Anght worthy t 'Win tb dust cohered face , , v, Th sight of thy -imn4 and A sound of thy bell- ;.. Toll tho tour,enlto ibany 6a all thou ean'rttelLw -:: But to mo thou wjW P160 w&'tb.e tongue of a sage, Tkou can'st tell toe bid tale from life earliest page ; The long night of sorrow,. tho short span of gleo, t All my chequers fata haye been witaeased by thee. They say my first! breathing of infant delight 'Were bestowed orf the Mickey ttirda,' gilded and bright, "Which shone forts on thy case that the cake or the toy Ne'er illumined njine eyes with each beaminga of joy Full weH I remember my wonder profound, .' ,? S, .' W hat caused theeto tick, and thy hands to move round, Till I watched a safe moment and mounted the chair, . Intent to discover the why and the where.7 ' . I rerelled in ruin'mid wheel, weight and springs, , "What sport lor the fingers, what glorious things, No doubt I gained something of knowledge, but, lo ! Full soon 'twas declared the old clock did'nt go. - ' . The culprit waaeized,Tut, all punishment vain," I was caught at such doings again and again, Twas the frrorife mischief, and nothing would cure Till a lock kept the pendulum yacred and sure. The corner thon tood'st in, was always, my place, 1 When "t ahall" or "I ha'nt" had insured my disgrace ; Where my stornVof defiance might wear itself out, Till the happy fongh, banished the frown and the pout. When a playmatp was coming how often my eye -, WouUreet thee to see if the moment were nigh, " And impatiently fancted I never had found 4 , , V , , Thy hand such laggard in travelling round. 4 :.. Tbog bringest back visions of heart bounding times. When by midnfght ' hoof. ehorussed the rude carol ihynes fc ':tl2& ' M If : :T - J When. our Chriamas was noted for festival mirth , And the merry new year had. a boisterous birth, -I remember the station thou had'at in the halL O Where the holly; and misjejtoe deck'd the rough waQ ; Where we mockd at' thy voice' till the herald of day . Peeped over the lulls i in his mantle V grey.. .' And thou bringest back sorrow, for, 'oh I thou, hast - been '-v'-i l "i-H - - ": '.y- ti t,-. . The companionof many a gloomier scene. V In the dead of the' night I have heard thy loud tkk, V. Till m j ear has Recoiled and my heart has turned sick, I hava sighed back U thee as I noiselessly crept,' To the clnee-curtained bed where a dying one slept,, , " When thy'echotng stroke and a mother's, feint breath 8enth61eha'gi' that whispered of death. Clock of tbe hotuehold I thou Wer hait been thrust i From thy station, to dweU amid lumber and dust ;'V Let fashion prevaa and rare changes betide. .'f'fJi. cherishing pride. Thou hart ever teen i nigh, thou bat looked upon all, wn the birth, on the bridal, the cradle and nalL i Te the infent a play,' and the sire turning grey, Thoa hast spoken the warning of "passing away." Clock of the household ! I gaxe on thee now With the shadow of thought growing deep on my brow; For Iceland Irfaiow that "the future" has hours Whicn wiU not be parked by a dial of flowers. "Myvrace may b run when thy musical chime WO be stin ringing out in the service of time ; - And the clock of thfi household wiU shine in the room, When. I, the forgotten one,veleep in the tomb. " -it. BERffARD DCPUr. No, 10, FdyetteviUe:Street, Raleigh , consranuy on hand tLh and fashionable . as sortment of Good in his line, which he sells at New York prices. The' assortment consist. in part, of , ; Superior Gold and Silver T .T . . . . : r 1 " Juever watcnes, vuwi uiu uuuiciuo,,idu ait oiner atnua oi Silver Watches, -v. . . ... . , An extensile assortment of rich Jewelry.' o 8ilv:r and plated wares. Silver Cupi, Spoons, Ladles, 8ugar Tongs, Cocoa! note. BuUer nives, Fiuit do 8ilver Mounted Cat tors, Candletjcks,,8nuffers and Trays, Waiters. Col fee Urcques, Britannia Wares, die. ' r4. f-.;MusiC;c , r, l" "; HTioIins, GaiUrs, Clarionetts,' Flutes, FlageoletU ?r" : r,recepiors ior au tne above. Guitar and Violin Strugs. ; . v - ' ' " :' ! - ' 'f' V '.'ANC)r GOODS. vif. Mantel Clocks; Astral Lamps, Plated and j'apaned Wauers Gold,. Silver, and 8ieel Spectaclee, for all gevGold an! Silver Mounted Canes and Whips, eD Backgammon Boards, Visiting CaVd Case. Gold Ad Silver Pencil -Case., Roger.' fiSe R. r7rT ufTrBwl Pen" S Collars nd CalU, Hair, Tooth and 8having Bruabes. Purs- R-toUv Ac'Sj?11 :Im U, Gun. . v-tsrAf erfumeryV :''f ; 'i,:-''? xiose, rionda, Lavender ami R w.i... . t- rent, Rosa, Camphor and Almohd Soaps Naples ad Mflvina .r 0. 1T " ""I . f- . Ctroa3 snA Watcheaorall descriptions clean ed and repaired In his accustomed superior style: Gold and Silver manufactured lo order, with expedi tion and punctuality; highest price given for old Gold and Silver. , ' i - ' - ..; , ..." - - April 10, i84dj ...... j. , . - 30 SNORTOCAROIJr,Gi.ii 1-" Cf 1""' Ooart Wesi and Quarter Ses sions, Augurt Term,- Ai DHR40 John ffVo.f Levied on i bed. furniture; WilliSm lr:fo.: C rr""" " UW'CT ".na o"rs, 3 summoned as Garnishees. - y aievus : rEA. jQes, J , 1 . . Same. .-, i .A ,N,rLlouthalL5 e.' 4'- i: Same. 3 ' .iC-5if. Sam. ... . ."v i. -w w ' . same. 1 ; i j . , :. . . .. It appearing to the Mdsfn'rli' the Default in the foregoing on, has absconded, or so conceaU M-tr .1 . V1 , - 1" bsiimbb; innr Ilia wJiO.ij prea .f ha cum UmwI .poT hin - wr six weeks. n-J W --a bext, property ? I J.VS saiu ieieiwant to appear at the Court .1 ana Msnet Sessions, to be held for rr"OTUemenof Kaicigh, and the Public in '"1 TTn he d lrbe, Granville, at the S3 V the CUrt H ln KAtW. lHf furnishedln VsS .Hpuse In Oxford, on the first Monda. in r.---u! .n he second Monday of Novemiu. .k 1 nianner, their BILLIARD Itnnu .n?pirior 1 IUCD HQ UIM In flu, im..-.L. : 'UI?V imCTV. Dllrf .n.... .1 .1 - . wo UU OUm. mn-n. Oi . " .V ' ..I"- T" ''uiTOI than 1. . . ... IWii luu ,1 ... "I bluu lAQl.K.at 4.1 Will W red;, ftWK t OfficeTwhich' baTZ levied on condemned, .nbiect t Pli .W on,condmned to aaiUfV Pu;i7; son. And they will b hZrtSZwuaS -; claims, i - ' " - . -1 witness. N A. Ri-.i-.- ,"7"- ; w..u. who jfj m thos , c" ., n 1 " Clerk of onriiid !a .. . W J - e. 7ft JA9. M. WIGGINS. Clt. I- fTHHIS DAY RECEIVED, and 'fotinleut the North-Carolina Buok Siore," PETERS VI; A full and arranged Digert efpje Uses decided in a.- the Supreme, Circuit, end District Courts of the ; United States; from the Organization of the Gov ernment of the United State;' By Rjcman Ps ' Tias, Counsellor at Iaw, and .Reporter of the De cisions of the Supreme Court of. the United States. - 3 Vols, d k-::i41rm 'The profession., by this work, will be placed in pot- sewion of a mass of decisions of the highest authority in the United Slates, and of the deepest interest The arrangement and division of the subjects have lcen most carefully 'antT diligently executed. . It is believed, that so minute and various a digest and di vision of the decision of the Courts of ibo .United States, has never before been made ; and that facili ties for. a reference to the matterof the cases, furnish ed by the labour thus bestowed on this work, will be entirely satisfactory to all.- Tlie first volume has re ceived approvsl from the highest judicial officers of the United Btates, and fiom the most distinguished members of the Profession of the Law. ; The work eonlains the decisions of the Courts of tne United States, reported in upwards of aiztynve volumes of Reports. .Those volumes are, Cranch's Reports, 9 vols. s Wheatons Reports, 12 vols. Pa tera'. Repoj-ta, 13 vols. Gallison's Circuit Court Re ports, 2 vols. Mason's Circuit Couit Reports, 5 vols.' Sumner's Circuit Court Reports, 8 vols; Paine's Re ports, 1 vol. , Cases decided, in the Supreme and Cir cuit Court, in Dallas Reports, 2 vols. Washington's Circuit Court Reports, 4 vols. , Peters' Circuit Court Reports, 1 vol. Baldwin's Circuit Court Reports, 1 vol. ; Peters' Admiralty Decisions, 2 vols. Gilpin's District Court Reports, 1 vol. , Brockenborough'a Re port, 2 vol. Bee's Admiralty Reports, 1 voL Burr's Trial 1 mntm ' f. in T1.J r. ..' T a vol.; Halls Law Journal, 4 vols. j Each .volume contains npwarda of seven hundred pages soper-royal octavo. -. ' ; TqjAPTIST NOTICE-SeverarBaptist Church tfp es, now,- or recently, members of the Raleigh or Flat River Associations, but dissatisfied with what they are compelled to regard as the 'maJ-4miniatration of said bodies, have lately held a preparatory meeting, and ordered, that notice be givrn weekly,' for the space of four week, in the Raleigh Register, Standard and BibJ lical Recorder, that a Convention of Baptist Churcht wui be new at tne vnemw wove unurat. near a a at a - a -.M 1 af . aT ft I t Wynn'sfc Roads, 'Wake County, to commence on Saturday, the 7th day oj JS member next, for the purj pose of forming a new Association to protect the Churches from lawless power, by a return to the old paths of safety and peace, radient with the wen tried principles and usage of the Denomination, under which the Churches grew up, prospered, and were hap py. And they invite all their sister Churches which prize tfieir freedom, safety and peace, to unite with mem in wis great work, ot tfetorm, by sending to the Convention their delegates, (the more the better :1 and they invite their brethren in &e Ministry to be present with them on that interesting occasioo. to vreach to the multitudes that wiU piobably attend. . JOILN B. JOHNS, AND MANY OTHERS. SepLMth, 1840.- ,. . - . 78 RAIL ROAD NOTICE. -A special meeting of the Stock holders of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company will be held at thebtate Bank, in the City of Raleigh, on the 15th of October next. A punctual attendance of the Stork. holdera in person is particularly requested, as busi ness oi importance will be before the meeting. . uy order or tbe Board of Directors. ,r -ib W WHITING, Treasurer. Rail Road Office, Sept. 10, 1840. 74 wSw tr Petersburg- IntelUeencer and Richmond Whiff will publish 4 weeks. -:;.. ; TTftROKE JAIL 1$25 REWARD ! ! Broke the LLW jail or UranviUe, N.C. and escaped on 8unday ni8h the 6ih instant, the following prisoners, to-wits WituiK P. HoBooon. confined for robhinr tb II. Staiea' MaU, aged about 1 8 years ; five feet eight inch- usn , wen grown pi nis age; has a down took when spoken to, and speaks very quick in reply. Alkx aitbm Hoicpbkts, convicted at playing at Card with Slaves on the Sabbalh dark complexion ; about six feet high a great singer uu uiimic, parucuiany oi Uwla; and Haaais A- . i a nee negro, charged with murdert hair I -wai5ui , ery nngni complexion ; about five feet eight inches high, and very impudent ; when he broke Jail oe wore a neat bine Cam not i frnt-h ..t wore a Iietit blue Casinette froek cnt. H.i. Shoemaker by trade. " aac .Bvw W vva vafveaaj A reward or ten dollars each, will be given for the I arrest and cononement jn any Jail of the said Hob- ! goou ana Am crwn ; and five dollaia for Humphreys. n preaumeu mat Hobgood and Anderson will eo in me direction of Petersburg, Virginia. AH tbe irieuus 01 goou order are exhorted te be on the alert. I a. . ' J?A E ARNOLD, Jailor. viioru, ii.u.. oept sin, 1840. . 75 3t ;: .t-r. Adv. g3 oo.i I fn a mm ' m Aia-jtij, arc reduced from iri eicn to Harncfiborni nni T m , ... lm ,,ne ua,e oereof,TWO DOL- hn,A rk- b -.c.gu w vvajnesboro' or Golds boro. This Sjage loaves Raleigh three time . ia Si and Friday. ;-J.vr viz: on Alondav. Vedn. E. P. GUION. 29 Raleigh, April 4, 1840. ' j'iaiiuvf anu dyspepsia, have bee. amply tested by multitudes in the Wide spread pTpu latmn of our Weslern Conlin-n ,nA -i. .L Spu wh, Danish, and British West India Islands. The abovn Plt ta i -.t ""::." r.""tmion OI "n eminent "-a " irum us saiuiarv fl-t. .1 - i """d tressicg complaints, we feel that . . ... hi. aiure- recommrrnl it wSiK u ... w - we can -,... ..., ,UD uunosiconnaence. , For sole by TURNER & HUGHES, : A., io,u N" Caronn fiook Store. , . - .uiu, lOtU. 67 Sr!!Lew, T-- ai.heir.-at Law Mrs. Jan Jan. m,; , 7 " minisirator of ""-uvmiormi ihi t -. .1 . . . .1 .have In --. k T ' "va."cu e 01 Hampton. Vs tb. ?JubTand,m wrtin isura of money due to them, which I am read .n,t .:n:. t 9J, on.e on demand. This notici wil, bipleaded inar of Cfcum to interest on said IIIAnaw '.' a.1 " r J CHAPMAN. f - " - Admmutrator of MRS. JANE CHAPMAN. August 10 66-1 aw 1 m fvA.j ur OMUKTH CAROLINA. P.. ... rrnirnn w- -. I ertGreenaVAttochnttTe 1hlTfttK 1 tifaction of the Court, that the Defendant. Robert fir.. i-. tvt... . al thi. R..I- s, t : ."V 'i o. -.- . tucreiure oruereu mat publication be njaueur six successive week, in the Raleigh Regis- r-"7?-7 sppear at the next Term of our I Offi-- tk- , "'era 01 our said Court, Office, tha second Monday ,f August, A.D. 184o! .".-. c N.A.8TEDMAN. C. C. C. . j Fnp ..ANK DEEDS ' FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. a Girnlni)o "1S7A.4S. rin1lHn'TnliA isuuisiuiiig m summary siaiemens oi wib-oiaiuiea and Common Law of hh Stale, together wUb ; svvwivui Vi- IUV uu 'icuwywuitiaud ;u imv tinff a ; -w -Kii w va isssf asja a avB'a,"" . other Public Officersccordiitg to modern practice. f j jftSjMjf -i..c.;3-w;- 1is. - ?i - vvj?.:...i. - 7. - ir'Vir flHE RnniriKM ,nrrh--d of the An -T --f H f lUtt .. vm - Kr Ik. kAra ,r..: r k:. ,.u.i. Wnrt now offer' it for Sal. : to the Public. It ' i tro - I nounced by those, competent I most "valuable com 1i.hed in the State, ; and absolutely indispensable 1'" honnd; Fnce, Wine Dollars copy 5 fW. and to restore iCtTOtn a dead, 10 nne,;neaitny op to the faithful discharge of official duly. ; -i f M recommended not only to professional men, all pearanee. ' We can also speak from personal knowl- For- convenience of .reference, thU work isdivi uea into Chapters alphabetically arransea, corres-1 . . ...... . ponding precisely with these jot the - new t Revised Statutes. Each Chapter, consists of three depart ments : 1st, a summary of 'the 'Statute Xaw,' briefly stated; 2d, a concise statement of the points rela ting o the subject of the Chapter, so far. as : settled, either by the decisions pf the Courts, or by the looks of the highest authority on the Common Law. ' 3d, the Forms and 'Precedents, necessary for applying the subject matter of eaeh Chapter, accompanied with such Notes and observations as appear neces sary to render the whole intelligible.. . t 4 f " This work will be found not only useful to every Class of public Officers, but will prove a valuable, source of information to the general reader, furnish ing as it does a plain and intelligible - digest of the Law,as understood and practiced in thia State. The retail price of t the Justice is Thrzk Dot labs, but a liberal discount will be made to those who buy to sell again. TURNER & HUGHES Raleigh, December 1839. HOTEL. finHE Subscriber very respectfully informs the , JU. Members of the next Legislature, , that he has purchased that well known stand, the Union, now the Washington Hotel, where he will be pleased to board 40 Members of the next Legislature. A force auuiuon is now aauing 10 toe esuoiisnment, and it will pe n complete order by the next Legislature. His Psona! attention will begiven to every branchof the business. 5,re!,!!feinomeroua'whhl!are L lOf. anil ZAlthfnl rat l.pa r.fn.l L. . and convenient lot. and faithful ostlen In ntlnl than. The Hotel ia situated at the Southeast corner of ihJ Capitol square. , Most of his rooma will be 20 feet square. He intends, therefore, to spare no pains or expense to make the establishment desirable. He flatters himself he shall receive a liberal share of the public patronage. : v T. C. JONES. N. B. Bis bar will be well supplied with good li quors. .' ! , . August 1st. 53 t AIVDS FOR SAEE. The following valu able property ia now offere-l for aale, to wit: Lot No. 289. 4th district. w;rtr;nan .nn.. fraction No. -3, 8th do do (1041 acsO 247, 13lh do do do do do do do do Lee. do "do do 255, do 256, do 62, 3d 241, 12th 100, 3d 161, 14th 1086, 3d do do 2dsecCher'keei 1st do do Nos. 23 & 30, Starksville, Ie co. (toWn Iota) Seven hundred and twenty acres, Ta ttall county on tbe A.tamahaw River, adjoining lands of Amb.xse Gordon and ethers. , , 1 hese landa are offered ta hm nl,l at nrt.a ..i. but if not disposed of in thia m.n.. , -.t'?'? Uon, they will be sold to tbe highest bidder, on the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court house door in the city of MiUedReville, one-lhird cash, the tOaIsaaaiaak aa. ft - & 1 . ' one-third rash th. I ""'-" wu equai annual payments, with interest, and undoubted personal security.: We offer for sale also two splendid settlements of land, in Baker county, onecontaing 1250 acres, the tber 2250 acres. The first settlement mK. .. following. lots: Nos. 26 and , 8th district Baker: SvS The other settlement contains ontain; rtVfolte" 5, 256 265, 295, 294, 266, of Land, to wit t Nos 225, 297, 229, 252-2250 acres, and all in the 2d district Baker county. In regard to the character of these two last named settlements of land or plantations, it is sufficient to say , they have been pronounced by competent judges to be inferior to no body of land north of the Sabine Kiver. Their location, fertility, and production, for corn and cotton, cannot be tmrnaoaa,! . k.. i: i lwen the Chattahoochee and Flint Ri of our. State that ia rapidly attracting public notice. anI in a Vn.M rnBaai a. 1 Vr SB OAaIia. ,u . ,cw Yr, wiu sianu unrivalled as a cot ton growing section of the Southern State. Tbi wereeelected with great care and expense, bj one of "r -vis cn property in hi lifetime, for -iv- in accunimouaiion. Tk. ...1. I . - . . - u.,8ucu are very desiroua to dispose of l"7" oi land, in two separate plantations, r." 'a,e' 10 Purchaser, and j 2T 80 rran8W. they will be ottered at tbe same time and ida - .u terms, as the first mentioned scattering lands, lot by ot, and they are offered to the public at thu eaV J nl tice in.the hope of their receiving the strictest pe?so al examination. R: s. WILLIAMS. - J J. WILLIAMS, C Ex'ors. N. G. WILT.ta m C 5.3 In regard to the character of thewland. .f. may be made to Gen. James Hamilton i'K.,i, ' S. C. J, Cowlea, Macon, Ga.s Thomas R.SmKh B1I mmm - .niiiedgeviue, lieore a : and Willi. m n j i ' ker County Georgia ; and r the last named gen tleman will show the! an J o any person desirous of a personal examination. All communications or " Executors, on Milledge . uv v.miWi, uio uow receiving. nar 1 ?:.rT,""v?L.rom A north, their Fall .ddb of P ? 8 UA'. which have been .elected with bi care irom tne manoiactories. Their etock this Fall will be verv extensive. i I U! . - . ' aiucio in 1 .3-1 warrantl in -;-. Tn-t I S2XSte nt..r,,i .i. . i .-""j ... Wi Haa exainine ,, tock, . iiuui ia nnrrnmn. Ainnv . . ... i probability) find it 1 They would not .those from whom rai .i - ... " .' ,...sr, a iiu -JHsuru uem mat noth n. -1,-11 i. wanung on their part to merit a continuance of the some ; WOLFF & DENISON. .1 N H Te'r. t0? wi" U "Pfenwbed by addition al suppRes durina: the season. ' it- w 7 TSJOTICE.The nnd.i- -:-. ... . FRANCIS WALTHALL. May 19.1840. 41 tf 'XZUV - ' EAIL TD AT f nrI' rfllJJ:iKS1GNEB8i Xef those otatt And those ihatal,7J'?ZZ?My . . " " " wwpiay the more:. 68 TiMiS! f ..uams, Miueugeviiie, Ua. Lessons in f.ai!n v 7 ,WT T rTZ i "r; r"? w,wsoii--iis tendency J-L Hie. March. 3. 1 840 ?o 1 n-. ... .wT ; - m. v. reeK ; a uram- ' " mmmaiion ot the Bronchia, and eni Othor of 1 aviaia . asb a ui tun iirwir .anrm.. a w a J nnsiny eta. . . - - w a---r- '-;- 1 Vl.nvnw.n- I KKJV: Uar'li;nmm.nl..: V. - ... . I railai lk ... --.T--a, wjVBU Oil. I - f; ?. AauiuiiaiiLti II a T All 11 i.,. t T. : 1 uu mo uanic war : cjal-1 "w "seii. -ne only nractirnhl I Thia A I ,.-. J!f Jogwithln War. with Enravl i'iS.iaai ntiMiybffattdior.trn-. t. Zlucr9 mod6 1,8 ti$r o ' I . ! . . v.u. , jacoo s VxreelL Keader. with I ("""uw -ay a lUuicioim aKiK.iA-, .. - I Vssa,J The Subscribers are now receiving nar :?8' Vnl,ca a.nil.ui"o D.ctionary.wlth Notes Dr. J.yne- respectfully infnrm tlJ. i - - VU wua imit rtrcn.- - J'" tTITCfW ihhw tpcttiw ...I t.r AaYi!Al fTATNE S i -j iu nu viumi, . v ol ' ' reportea Uecisiona ot tne you " i - " w . T" I ciiIiuumiT the Beriainn. aF the finnremc Court at toelr v i -. - - - , ... Attorney - ' - ,.'jTurner I patronage 1 I I . I been published 1 thousand pages, and is,' therefore, necessanhr divided to judge, One of the j ,ul ,wo rt'jai wmoyiume oi about nve nunqrea i perience, arru we unnesuaungiy prouounco it, an. m the kind ever 'pub- 15" ec1' pf'nd on good type and fine paper, and j valuable remedy to prevent the falling off of the hair, I pwseisinemaeive.-oi u urged other uuctv ouu aunuga iurir lauurs, uui 11 IS SISO upon the notice of all Justices. SberifT. ; and judicial officer, as affording them ah exposition, in it in lew words, of the points which the Bcforeme Court of North Carolina has decided in relation to their' du tiea." For a similar reason, it is recommended tdj pri vate gentlemen; who may have an inclination or feel an interest to know the determinations of the Supreme Court, which constitute, so .far ,'aa they decide the law of the land," as imperative as any Act of Assem bly, and as binding in their operation upon every memoer oi tne community. P-srf' .,; y ,! J COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRO FAC7rOnY. The Subscriber having taken the house on Fayetteville Street, formerly occupied as the uape Tear Bank, would respectfully inform! the public that he intenda carrying on the Copper,! Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufactory ia all jis various branches. ; He wishes also to inform the inhabitant of Raleigh and its vicinity, that be can, and i deter mined to tell his Wares as low as can be purchased in' any Northern city, by wholesale or retail, for Cash. Merchants and ethera wanting articles in his Hue, are respectfully invited to call before they purchase else where. , , Old work neatly repaired, and at the short est notice. A few Stills on hand which will be! sold at a very small per cent, for cash. . -; - fXj" Copper, Tin and Zinc Roofing on the most Arpaovan rur. , . ... j . N. B. Ordera from the country , will be rromntlv attended to. ' - f J. H. KIRKHAM. Raleigh, July 26, 1840. KAM'S Patent Cblnce Killer. I 'ft CS..1 . a. - . . . - ouoscriDer aiso oners lor sale at bis rectory, a few of these very valuable 8teamersv known to be the aurest remedy for clearing Bedsteads of these tor- j menting Us. . The Chinee Steamer is made only by himself, and is warranted never to burst, and at all times to clear Bedsteads oerfecttv. without the! Wt aamage to me nnest carved work. ' i j -.; Having had in use the above; Machine, for many years, I have no hesitation in saying, that it Js the oesi means tnal nas ever been formed for destroying Chinees, and would recommend every person to use it ! B. F. HALSEY. This will certify, having frequently used Mr! J. H. M.mnau vuiuct oreamer, lcneenuiiv recommend to the public as a simple and easy way to destroy them, and without any damage to the Furniture. . F. G. MARSHALL. namax, July Z5,!840. 62 A maYf uirc OF STA- GES.--The undersigned inform the Public, ublic, that they have estab- a daily line of Stages from org, and a triweekly line The daily line leaves Lou- hshed a. A Franklin Depot to Louisbunr. irom ijOUlsDurg to JUnfield. The dailv tine leaves Lon. "bur ery morning;, and returns every 4av fmm th Pepot ?n of the Cars the tri-weekly Stage !h?e J wu mere m ume ior passen- ers w take the Cars, and returns every Monday,! mSaSOT". U dnvers, and the Accommodations for Travellers are ucu a wiu oejound acceptable. The Stage fare from FnuiUin to LoniahnJ W to infield, three dollar. fi i J vttt v tapt. r JnTJ July SlHiioT " r "S?. puituous Liauom. ai th atnra r..M ji. l Y a"w w BHIU " UVaHU UlO fJ5J?pot of the Gaston Road, underlhe name of BETTS & MURRAY. Now for good and suffi- iu, wwen uis unnecessary at this time to state, notice is given to all whom it may concern, that 8Urrend U my right to Retail Spirituous Liquors Z.SUceM?nddo forbid W JosepS Betuto Ketail Spintnoua Liquors under the same, h And no tice ia also hereby given, that the Copartnership exist in between myself and the said Joseph Bettal ia dia Ived.r JAMES H. MURRAY. XSS4FP STh,t Pntaituation. C miles from Raleirh. on ih. f.K.iUi w;n from Raleigh, on the Chapel Hill ell known as the Streeter nlaeA. It W row, well known as the 8treeter It m . . -e VHV1VVI UIU eontaina aKnnft 1 Jn ... r- i - . : . . . . . ' . -. , -"Mi.iw.i iiu icimju or aii ni ahi.h I ro cieareu ano in cultivation. th h.lan. : i .i I There ia a small orebard of first rate f,nh-T; J: APP,f other fruity' and an orchid of -wV ,uluii, vrnicn, aione. will, whin f. ia u Miia.aiHi, - . m a a . 5re" next November and . . the people get to work !B0 P7 what is asked for the place, h i. deeme.1 . to mention all tbe advantaae of ih airW!-.. wi uqv range ior cattle, Uc aa whoever wishes to . . HHWUVO. fuibuoae win 100a si tne premises, v 1 ; J. T. C WIATT. I June 29th, 1840; 64tf. i . . . " .ivHij,WUu no CT 10 oyal 8 vo. fi nearly ready. 5 n'YJ L! " '""Die Worka are for ale at the North -w-.yte,oy . TURNFR A, HTTrTT?Q ln. . . . --" uu..ju. 3ta. ibw. . 70 '""tu-iMiitfrm tbeir frin.t. .-..1 -i. . i . , V . ","7 VU.D:U'UC mat uiey fere now a new idu naaiitifiii . ml u. ik. 1.. . . . . for yourselves. 7 "M "V seiiing.and judge m mo uirviini tvhi-K K ... . . Ralih n-:t ... ' 4" vo. -,,t ..r. IQ.U. .3 ff A Cinn 1 1 1 V.. subscribers to the CARflT rc 1 tt- paid in advance, .r1 have want of adeauanr.""11 with the Editor tfKSK the receipt of that r-L- 5M( receipt of that paper ia seared T f v J wtof thebnJC.. i!!!1 mount of their r--w:. . 1 August 31. ZEVE.LY. when -oiii , . wn,. ana all 1 wnen called en ; but however unpleasant I future refuse cni: .u. VTaP,-i hen called ,. wwu' u who pay Jnust in o.VJ . . w UUBC Wbo fail to pay when "wu to UO tO, T .Mat. "'J?" ... . . vcuer Mnah .k. i' .1 1 , WlLr&,Ka : " " IZl STtSlP-PP-r, Pewter and t If V whirh iKr-.- t 1 ! na-jasd, for w V iWaicn tbe hisrhcat rh r;-.. nti.J-Vt . SK . . ---- s--m wiu ajBBj uaii i,w aSalaaSML' m -vii's series oiriizBseijcaa'aara..a-. 1 4 . ,am 1 FOR sannnra a ktt jyA0r'" f t. " -."r"'"' announced n n 1 atJLV i. ui j 1 1 r. ! n.A aH'ia.1 i Mw uiuiuui riiaripraf Af Ai.au.j : . . a ------ i ... "6aKc, yBienioiureetl'ro. l 1 w,Mi.ua OI tae natural hnmn-..;, 1. :., I -ra " A- - - . - J. U.- KIRKHAM. 'f fTAYNE'SlIAIR TONIC, for the growth GP servation and restoration of the Hair. I his excellent article, end has, in numerous instances; V mtr nt'artSM I t - L.J k.A Kf.l vaartf "wna aaa umiu uc j w 1 used it ourselves, we can apeak. of lis .virtues py ex ie edge oi tne, eases oi.iwo oC irrenu ynar were predisposed to baldness, who If the use of Jajrie'e tryHp emm TT, , !--ggHE9 Hair Tonic, have now luxuriant hair.1 We have no COUNTESS IDXTTr a I distosition to puff indiscriminately a I disposition to puff indiscriminately; all kinds of I dies! for ill disease which Cesh. ia.heir to, but when we have tested the virtue of an article, we are free say it is goolrSatttrday Evening Post, Sepj, 183? Jatkx's Harm Towic. The efficacy-of this ele gant preparation in restoring the growth of the hair in bald places, is truly wonderful., Where - tlie hair has been. worn ofTfrom tha top of the head, ' by the careless practice of carrying thmgs in' the crown of the hat, it iff generally considered difficult if, not .im possible to restore it, but it i found byvnumeroos ex"? ample that the Hair Tonic reaches these cases very, promptly and effects a complete cure. Every gentle man (we say nothing to the ladies; it being a 1 fair presumption that their hair is always in ' foil luxuri ance, at least it always seems so,) every gentleman whv finds hi hair growing too thin, or becoming loose, should place a bottle of Jayne'e Hair Tonic in his dressing case and apply it with a free use 'of the hair brush every morning. - The result will be a full, strong and healthy head 6t hair. .The cases that have fallen under our own observation warrant us fully in asserting this. Weekly IXtssengert 1 i t ! : Cjr" Attention is called to Dr. Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the preservation; growth, and restoration of the Hair. We are assured that several most remarkable cures have lately been'efiected by thia remedy. It is certainly worthy a trial. Philadelphia 1 Saturday saromue, - . '. . " :' - , . 't-rvC t:..r. f v.B.f i ... .t. . : (, f i t Jaxaa's Ham Tohic We have, heretofoie.num bered ourselves among those who believed that the "Hair Tonic," prepared by Dr. Jay ne, was one of the many quack nostrums whose virtues are never seen beyond lb fulsome pufis of their authors. We are willing,' at length to make public acknowledgement of the error of our belief. An intimate friend, some two or three months since, all the top of whose crani um was a bald as i piece of polished marble, maugre all our jesting and ridicule of the idea of attempting to cultivate so barren a spot, purchased a bottle or two of the Hair Tonic from Dr. Jayne, and according to his directions applied it. During ' the present week, the same friend ushered himself into our nresence.and . ? ? i . . . . . uncs-enna; ni . nuneno naaed head, astonished us with a thin, though luxuriant growth of hair, from one to two inches in length upon the very premises we nau ueiieveu as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless sand that skirts the Atlantic. Thi ; is no pun, nut is rigbteously true, and those who doubt the gentleman can be pointed out. . What is more in fa vor oi mis r i onic." tne case here cited wm nt nn. pf temporary baldness-no audderi loss of the hai'Mbot WM 008 of jears standing, though the gentleman b.ut years of age. Philadelphia, Spirit 'the Times, OctoberHl, 1839. v. 1 ' fc ;Th above excellent article, togeUier with I OJ7 euove excellent article, together wltli f others of Dr Jayne's preparations, are for aele in Haleigh; by William & Haywood. , , Petordwrg, D w.Roswt Jones.: ,A , I uinjuu,if, vvare. , . r- " ' " ' -"" i-- "Penor to any other known toinbinaof medidnV. for Cooh. CoM-.. 1. 71 snitti, nmu,i r ;:rr. OMrri u ' T . M"l r loe JJuiva i-ieuriayuncmty or Breathmg, OrTina? "v airT7 . Th" is highly and justly reconwnended. ? numerous and respectable individuals, who hay w-. 1IWD IU use. - iany wno have been la bouring under protracted Coughs and Pains in the Breast, and haw been supposed by themselves and ! their friends far advanced in Conmmniinn h... i IS aa --a..vHaVU 1BCB2J Dafp,:J r"tored to perfect health by the use of this ta,0tb,e E'PWtorant. Extractor a Certificate from Jlev. Dr. Babcockjate v ;"";" vieriue voiiege, Maine. ; -rrom intimate personal acauaintanee -ith Ti, n Jayne, a regular student of the Medical University of Pennaylvania, and an experienced, successful tioner of medicine, I waa prepared to appreciate the numeroua testimonial, in favour of his different medi cal preparauons, much more highly than, the great majority of those which are extensively eulogised. On malof themjn my own family, and some of them nSSn -m0re than realiled lheil vourable anuapations. They are what they profess to t,-.-. lkJWr P"Pred antidote. w- - . riiiiaicu ail Lull inr um. Mff . . . " . ' azntcuve ot Human Hi-a-. r n0".thst they are highly esteemed, and frecmeni. i!!?!0lne,of th5. ost respectable of the re prescribed " , 7, j-T " "Wl weaiiate io commend them as a valuable addition to our niateria medics, and a aaV . weu as eminently useful remedy for the diseased.7' PK., . , .. KUruS BABCOCK,Jr. Philadelphia, 7th JonVISyvW;! Philadelphia Spirit of the Times. t Jf Ezporant-Bj reference to bur advert tismg columns, it will be seen that this valoable MedP cine 1. offered for aale in thia city; T ff EWl Agent We esteam it . ii.:jr J . . V H,r"t ffufff-0"?8 :co,d8' throat, .sthmr .nd .n.&ct,ons of the lung,. From a loni nerson.1 2:r -S-W. know .thai be 4.- . f "J,cian. na tlie eif 'fordf CtDafy Review. :v:tF'& e.Phi'ieiphia Saturday Courier- K.ed,aM P"" of another, bQ t w2 cannot forbear to not ice the valuable Droneni.- eased by Carmmati Bals street in this citv. r . .- i- I , I r . rous oiner eerUficalea miaht h. fc. . r , ,re condeJ sofficienl evidence of r it. wl! . 0" The above article, iogether wfifi all efbi-ar j mes prepared by Dr. Javne r f 1 . Der "edl ..a im ... : 1 mmingioh, Doctor War. February'. 1840 ; - "tei?? "NSO OIL. ici; it v Th. 8nb-rr exteosi, .arim.. ; r.r .r ,U?"J on hand an 1 !S 5 Perfumery' d F;V. .V uuiui jvi.t !. d:... i' -iuus, crushes, Perfumery snd Fih s.T ' whtch ihey roppT ,toj2m anl n!. e "-T reierence. will meet nrnR..i " " . DUPIIY RnSWA'Lon. -: DUPUY, ROSSER JON P? ,SlnUon.' 5 " ' 8.E.cornerpfSyc;mtt " Pf Sycamore and back St. t lean I pro. j - - Just recci9ed froto iv Fob sAa. at the NoM.(Dai! I j - fJT iYl an This day received bv TnpvPff & TTTnT. reme - 1 -4- aJjni . recyed at theN. C Rl to 3 (i f '; TURNER & HUGHES, rniHIS DAY PDBLftHEDTTHiT il of Case. Argued and Det 2 ?.E P.0 preme Court of North-Carolina, in r . T December Term, 1839. I lniMkA. -Tama' ' ' -v bm;i ar, M4' ' " ' .:-r """"V- ' tk June 1. '1ft TURNER &HUGHE8. Mtto. oiuu l J KNEx 'S , WORKs r wioiaer, . ; : dO, ,, do d0 , This day received bv -TTJENtt Septii.:,,, v.',,..,.. " HE8. 73 ANNY, with other Poems, hv RH!T ? ? i fished from the EdiUon ofl82i .k . f' "P" ed by- r . - TURNER 10 1 August 28ih, 1840. : USIC-The Boston Handle andllaTur . dety, collection of Church Music, it uon, with additions dec Just at hand. U &HUGHE8 Sept. 7. !Mra'S; GEOGRAPHY.-Gen on the Productive System, for fw,i. W mill ami Familio. ro..l : 2 A . - nu iniproveu by Kns,. C, Smith, accompanied. by a large and valuable Au as. For aale, at Np, 1, by 18 At April 17. . - "HUGHE, 1 -:'-Tt'fM TURNER nrmm Angoat 7. C4 OO CA BIN ANECDOTES. iUnZTT: nson -the People's Candidate. A new ,nV2 ? day received by , - . w . t tt TURNER & HUGHES. frjEORGJA BCEKS,Ch.t.ct., IndtoS . 4 r ' " - TURNER & HUGHES ' Aogust.3.; , - ? fi 63 V tf-i S,AER' Romance of the Mohawtw OT C. F. Hoffman. This day received, bv TURNER fc HUGHES. f-'.-?r:n - 63 Aognti 3 T: is i 7TA1' of l J k. f all ? An AMES LAST, the King's Highway. J7Z wauica. j a uis oay lecciveu tv AugustS-J'. A-wi-ii 4t tV- " v JLyU. -Mra. S. C.HalL Just received at NV i rvl f'-i if - i August 3. 63 .r u re.ncB new HhUoa ofthi, i -r-" -.j,i i at the North Cuolia l oooe etore. August 64 TJIAND PmATjB-StowartAdveDture.kca. ILi tor Murrett, with; an account of the ex Uo? Yicksburg, &c, dec 2d Edition; For salebj v TURNER & HUGHE& 73 tuvAJi ALMANACS. Complete eli, J$X ?tnlet in ten Vols, commencinjr with Vol I. aTVn -- a . . . ' """-aa-yaawaa-a-ji in i8do, of the Boaton. American Almanac, which rv'Tr seJaom to be procured, bound to mild wuepy TURNER & HUGHES. IHtl TREE OF, LEGAL KNOWLEDGE, is- wguw as an Assislant in the studv of Law. A neve supphr of the - - , . T11 OOOK tore, Kaleigh, by TOTTRS. GORE'S NEW WORKv-Preferm... 1V1L or Uncle the Earl, by Mrs. CharleiGore.fliii u-x received at " TURNER HUGHES'. August 28th, 1840: 70 TnECKWTH's piLLS.-Fre.il .applin Jiil these valuable and well known Pills may at jsbe had by applying at the Drug Store of 7U I Jump and William M. Mason d- Co- in thi City. TTVTf ATCHES.-50 GroceDoie's Patent Frictioa -kVJJ Matches a IDIMrinr art! 'Is fnr a.laKrlht -T - v - - - j'--a'w, w a uvi a wa vva-- VI IT S Cirocii nr in mir. aw..:.! . i kt iuf.Alm, Book Store. . '-g-atwaa4-a-Bv.wa , MW VI - - . J TURNER & HUGHES I? CONOM Y. Wayland's Political Economr. Sd li.Editionw I Call at the N. C. Bookstore. . Sept.- 4. : y.j ;.. r - 73 IIE MOTLEY HOOK; A leriei rf- Sale and Sketches of Ameiican Life, bjIM BehemoL a legend ot the Moving BuiWr with illustrations bv Dick. day received by L find TJAMS'S:XBTTJE1RS. LeUers and Mediia JJJL tions on Religious and ether subjects-bj Wil- liem T. Bain. rwm T. m aa. - MM. For sale by 45 TURNER & HUGHE8. ANTED: aa inon aa nnsaible. one bumlw V V safe frame, maila in a n-at manner. quire of; c - j r J. H. KIRKHAM. (TKN COItlSIlSSIOiV. Hsivr Cottos Bif Hj eiae by. the quantity, and first rale Cisiii a TVTTTAleTED- 20.000 Otter skins, w V V Furs of all kinds, for which a reasonable vntr win be paid ia cash, or barter, by J. H. Ki"-"' 68. .. .- - ' " Fayetteville Street p10L06NE.-A fresh supply of tbe real genm" a superior article. Jortcaii "M f - . . .- vennan cologne, ; a superio: --. !, cneapside. August 7 14 ft BALES more of the Lexington Cotton CWi! V0the article speaks for itself. WILL. PEcK M i a . ........... - ' ,1B8' PARIS MDINO HATS 1 and most spfi" tltU !. .. ; 1 . ti. V HiLl u i .. . . . . t. u lit o " ., juov rvceivea jnu for saie at - Co.'s a and Cap Store. , , : Raleigh; April 21, 1840. gjL VTTUST RECEIVED From New Yot Oi some assortment of plsin 8wiss and Jfr MusUns. Swiss snd Jaconet MosKa Edging n! " serlings, and a few other sesaonsble goodfvtf W. & A. AU' August 7.- 1 AJIu ri ON YARNS, lower than ever, time-We have a Iresh end large mA Hi OTTON YA RNS, lower than ever, ta Msu'""ji we win let it go wr now v . , withtsome disconnt th-nriee': Alsojuftlob. Hhome discount on the price. Ab jot pre, .. in. WILL.PE( 60 ,retersborj,.Vi. J1 r V-

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