: If " " "I ' (j " Ml' ' WW ffTO HULKED ? DOLLARS J; REWARD. STATE OF.'WpRW-CAROLliiA jjiS y his Bxcttp!5.err.fKiiw4kD; k DybLsr, To otf to to0" Jfwen' Geeeting . . m rniini v ...mitt .:ml tout no uibo, aim waerras one juuim uuss o.t.mls charged wiiU the commission of said deed; arid i a6 " rrurc, Aiejxmacr Bishop, Joshua Deer Uopt H. Skeen were pre. -rt,! aiding1 and abetlbig and maintaining the aaid John Go n th etHjtraUon of said felony end, whereas aaid offenders have fld) and aecreled them ia from the guiUti operations efth IwV and Juiic5 i ! . , Nw, ihereforej to the and that the aaid John Goss ,nd 1 accomplices in the .murder, may lie brought to trial I haw thought properto issue thja my Procla mation, offering a rewnl of Two Hundred Dollars f.ir lbs sj-prebensjonof jlh aaid John Goaa, and a lur ther reward f Oqe Hundred Dollars each, for one or either of bit occohiplices, to any person or persona who will apprehend,-nrcauaejlo be appt-eheodsdaiiy or all nf iheoflendVrsSnd fugitives aforesaid, and -ori. jnelhcm, orailhrj'of ibero, in the Jail, or deliver tbtm, or either of them, tjp the Sheriff of Davidson rvsntyUit the SUle aforesaid;' j Arid I -do, rhoreover, hereby re quire allO.Tieers whether Civif or MjiUry, itbiu il.is Stale, to uaej their ( be at exertions: ro apprehend, or cause tA apprehrrided, die fufUivea and ofiend anaforeaaal. ...... . Slt ' .Utvcm ut)lfr. ,my hand aeGoTernot And L- 'o!ini. Done at Wr City of IUIelgh.thia By Command! 41 A 1 "1,"-:''r;;;; " -.i C. v oTTi.t jXTitox secretary. I r - I ' if' Dacription of lAe Offenden Earned in the above. Jon Goss isabout f33 years old, 5 feet, 9 or 10 inches high, dafk eamp!exiwi, dark early hair," and haaaome aptcLt of'gunpowdcr , in his facereiout tnaite and quick of speech.-1 .': - ,fr Lta WmariiJi i alout 2i years olJ, 5 feet 8 or 9 itichf high, ffnir hair and- eompleiidn, his fore teeth broad and swide'apart, largo eyebrows," down look, voice fine, alow fpokeit and Is stoat inada.;-1-, ABsan WaiOi ia alio.it 58 years old, and S feet 6 inchra high, stojnp.shnulderrd, fair complexion, blue avts. soft apokeffland irey-headed. - : : e 4 ' S Joshca Dk i ebout is yeara oldV .5 feel 8 orJ . . . fjj.i! ' Li..' : L' ' .u: tncues nign, laic mm, yiiw.ejra, rpare maun, uiiii see. Quick fpoKen, balr uarlc colored. A let . Baa fcj. Bisanp isaboat 85 vesre old, fair! and pule complijcted, Sandy colored hair, quick spoken, I fwt 6 or 7 rnchehrsh and dark-eye. . J tlors m. m , .uoui oVrar. .u. - 9 inches high, fair eomHection and full face, dark hair a' .a Dd chunky mide, ang speaKS iir ine oruinary. way hen spoken October 20. 88 ; ; The Star; SrjtndaroV Salisbary -Watchman, Greon4Mroog1s Patriot, Intelligenrer. Lexington, Ky. and Banner, NaAyill 'Tenn. will insert the above weekly until Countermanded.. " . v j ? - THE REGISTER. . V- ------- - - , FTIIdy, OCTOHCU St3, l10v 4 " Our't art the ptans if fair, delightful peace, " Unworn'! bv virtv rage, to live like brothers brotherC rag rsiiiikiT, hahtitsoit One Prttidenlial Term-ihe . integrity of Pubhc ServarU-Uhz tafety of, the. Puttie Money, and the general good of the PEOPLE. . 1 torn yiCMXStBTT, JOnH TYMil. II I III. I . -riL 41 MtlTBKU TB' STATXS WaiX BtATXlTiDOXS SST XXIT,'xOa T pOTXnWICMT or T UTXD ftTATxa, cat, wiTnavT isscjasTios'or rowxB,airs THI VIOtATIOir Or Li SOLXXK COMSACT, BO AKT TH1KS TO aiifOVX IT. WITBOtTT TUX CQXSXXT 07 TH0S1 wao in imiiauTKT iHrsnxsTxri.' Gen. Har- willO yCTORAL TICKET. No. I. Col Csabixs Mowxiu of Bujrke iuhty. 5. GeOAS. WtiBo; of Wnkesi i 3. DAVin'Ri3sou;of Lincoln; 1; DAVinF.fCAiwsti, of Rowan. " -5. JaJiss MtBAjrx, of Uaswen. ' , fl. Hqn. Asbaha- Rswcaaa, ofChatham . v 7. Jojiif B. Kxtit, of Moore. ,4, 8. DrUs mm! S. 8with, of Orange. , , . , o. CsUbms Mabxt, of Wake. ? 10. Col. Wiimax L. Lowe, ,of Halifax. 11. Wm. W;CXBitTt of Bertie. ... 12. TkoxAS F.Joiss',of;Perquimons. 13. JqsiAH Co ti.iBsf of -Washington 14. Jixxs W."BbtA!t, of Carteret ! " 15. DkiriKx. B. Backs of New-Hanover k H The fclcction is on the 121h If or. frWELPTH OF NOVEMBER, , The Election for .Electors of President and Vice Presiden , takes plaoe in North Carolina, on Thursday, the 12th f next month. 1 . , Let it remembered, in this Election.Vhat we vote by General Ticket and, of course, every vote.will count. No man! need be discouraged, if it should happen that most of us neighbors are against him. Nitheahould m t a i u- Ic. Sji Leemdiv people m to PrfAa. ry are pearlvi all nf the same . tmnd. tEvery man's vote is - : Jr- . " i - - . r ii-rl JI UI unpOnMlCei U DiMUI fi ivww the S TL-9Mm i:fmU Polls Lwaasv tot the friends of the; South, td-die friends of ha Union, "u w me irtenus ox vonsiuuuonai wuwy.- i-vo-ery mai votej 'whas a heart lb his cauatey.'; - tad; E&ctoral Tickets may be bd at fhis Office, in any quantity, i ippxcaboi:, m our next. THE', ELECTION. WltU all the .iAdueementa that the. Whigs, have for xertinb themselves m the approaching Election, what c&n be wanting to-a full and fair, exhibition or the "wn'gtk of sound principles m 'this State f j ; Nothing, tut Uurk every rnembeVWtta,pwT hodd feel thene - cessityjof hia personal cb-)eratkn, to resist and eoun - tert, U 1 .J1 .1 - fkaym. f ci ana acuviiy oi u uwiuwim, ,r-v. .....-v" ,T icements ef W-mi tntat whCstimulate the i- r . . . . . : : ,1., , sna mmistration gfCCywp" of oflRte, to exertkm and we shall then feel morel W ih Departmonttfctt en the 1 3th day of No tVmher. 1839, brje N sTBab LAMla-rav of David- f , I, . u--.. ,", . i..i.: ' -S i;,r r jiniriinr it in, r .... r . j. ...niMi fm I nmii I mmt I kiiu luui ujt . n wv. 44m u m vu. m w j - mp i r r j , . : - - - - - -r . - - r - . . - in uw m.n . i. . k f.ili .1 in irzRi.- 1 L - . , ; m-.m - v - - t- T -. v- . r OHIO K.'K.p.T.K. MaWtWt: ,...tli L, V1, u e"c0, wmcH Hare taken place throojh- f WT vu,w OWCT "9ni naa provea so I dlaaatrwu o the -hopes of the Adoiiniatration as thai I oi unio. . up to tbe last moment. Mr. v an Bnmn I , a w - ' - .'y?' .ent VcahyiBf' that Bute. But what haslbeen the result t r Corurin i elected by orer.T wmtt thousand majority, While 1 sitae last Gubernatortal election in f838, his oppo- nent, 8hanoon, carried the 8tate by yJre thoutand eeven hundred and twenty-nine jvoteav making a Whig gain of 31,000 otes. , We be besides car. ried the State Legialatore by n overwhelming msjori ty, and, as fai1 as heard 4 from, fanned riraf xraahi or Cbxeftkse .' Irwen.beam0 Ohio t vindicate the character of one of. her .most distiharuished citL xens, who has beat most basely calumniated by, the Administration press througnoot the country, and by .. l- V . .t ut mcin yoia saa.nas lorever du im aesi m mn. i demaatioH on these vile and maUdoTis falsehoods. On Fndvnklt,' e0tv Harrison ; and Reform wUI sweep the State by aHaiiIl gmter majority tnan has been obtained allhe recent election., , The people have willed a fhange in their rulerS)nd their decision mist he obeyed H''"1 ;'; ''' r' . ' J-est some ol our readers may be at a lose to un derstand the meaniog of the K. K. &c, at the head of this paragraph, we will - explain. At a recent Whig Jubilee in Ohio, a Banner was exhibited; bearing these Letters, which! were thus interpreted" JConf Kome it. oeer Tom Korwin" r Xi i - , The most gratifying incident to, us) however, in the wu iccuon, is ine ueieai oj uacioui mouinea Abolitionist, Dr. DorcAir, who is i left to' catch -Tnin- nows on the, banks of the Miami. In imitation of the Doctor's own Doggrell, ' ; "'l - Mary Rogers are a case, ,. , - ... And so4u-e Sal?y Munkin, - . V- ' Martin Van's a used up man, And so are Doctor Duncan. PENNSYLVANIA. " The rehjpns received since our last, confirm our im pressions with" regard to the vote of Pennsylvania. All ine counties are not heard fiorn, but it is establishd. beyond cavil, that the Whigs have elected Eight out of j Eleven Senators, in the same districts which last year j were represented by eight Van Buren men and three I Whigs, being a Whig gain of Eight Senators ' Ih the I House: f( i Representatives last jrear the Whigs "nad thirty.two out of one-hundred members. Now they a majority in mat brancti Of Seven which, add- to the majority in Senate, gives them on joint ballot a majority of. Thirteen. There cannot hethe iiigiuen aouoi inas me uarnson juuaore urui car ry the State by a decided majority on Friday next. In vie w of this great triumph, we can find no language adequate to convey our estimate of its importance. We beg leave, therefore to borrow' the bathos of the "Suuidard" pn Wednesday hut, when it was suppos ed that the State had gone ibr the Administration : . o. w. . GSKST THEK WITH , . io,ooo csukjksi: TrilAIvT VOCKAT8v S TH E EARTHQUAKE OF HE R CHARIOT THUDiOtlNG UP Onward xt bound with .Lightning SPEED!.'! WHIGGER VlIGT)mi(0)ID:! THE BLACK FLAG OF ILiAIIBmW!! . MARYLAND. - Tt is ascertained that the next Legislature will stand 60 Whigs to 19 Vans in the House ; and in the Sen ate, 15 Whigs to 6 Vans. Last year, it stood in tjie House of Deleaates. 46 Vans to MrWhigs. It must', indeed, just now, be a Merry-land. -a? V; GEORGIA. i In 84 counties, the vote stands thus : Whig 88,162 Van 34,025. Present majority for the Whigs 4,137, Nine counties to hear tkoax.J- . -. i NEW JERSEY. The defeat of the Spoilers is overwhelming. We desire, especially, to point out as a striking proof of retributive justice the fact that each one of the five usurping Representatives in Congress,'-besides being odndemned by the general popular voice of the State, has been condemned in his own'coUnty, at his own homestead, and by his own immediate peers. ' plt. Rtall, a resident of Monmouth, has against him the,vok n of tnat county, whiclr hetolbre, for i years, has-tern wiOi the Administration ; A Mrs JCiLt-x, cf -Salem, fta that county, last year With Iran, ndw? against him ; Mr. CboFia.'of Gloucester, has that eouaty agamst him by an increaseu majority ; '- .at ri Mr. P. D. ynooM, of Somerset, has that county against him by an increased majorijyj and ) Mr. Phiimoic DiCBJtBsor;:of Passaic, has that connty against him. . ; ' ', : 2 ' HUZZAH , PO R A RKANS AS ! tTHe Louisville Journal says, that Passengers wmo arriTtd there on' Monday Tening, state the Harrison partv have carried eVery thing before them, No doubt was entertained that PowixB (Whig) Jq by .barge majority,. nd that was electeu to iengresa vj . I " - a H " thmrm tnlH hhl maiOrttV OI T tE MJKmm tnre to elect a United States "senator.. -V- , - SOUTH CAROLINA I Weiaa'ta'eara how she has votedibnt as wrtoUW ih-t hm das' cone the furore for the A&min- utratton. The Democracy are rousinsr and rallyina with ex i traordinary spirit. , , yfo have strong hopes of die redemptkm of the State, on the 12th of November. r -. . . ... Standard of Wednesday. m amusing to witness thr nnsuooesul. efioTta of I some, of the leaders of tne Van Bgren parry, w ian up tfmAnir thir lorces a little entousiasm ana zesx..s as well might they fonthelcohergs of Nova ZemUa, with 1 the hope of kindling a ufJ be party W dee dead, 1 dead! The People have cotoe a?lhe ,rescne I ;-Ws.i. w:il I .s, r u,ro " ".. r- -a --r-v jIt Snn.v last a ASMi diatancS Au de bf Halifat. r?;Z-f " 7 r -; . ;- --.- . . ' I tne Xjocomouye ran qvw a negro ijiag -p ,MM,jjg,aMjMjMjMin "r. i:4nfi4raBiBtfaiaBrinaraa ' - l " - I a desnotiam. - SmTr. erancerronimatuirai- Con8 dorn vhich has enslaved the -will i taken away the freedflia if Uiookbt mUl mn ri 'j . o ajfci uar inu nil rnii in n rviti h ivw tern." Let terminate ibrewrVtheabatlbn of attempting tocooirol the Peoples'rofe h the influence of their own money. Let ua put down this aieeal and unconstitutipnal interference with, the Currency. L Ye old men of North-Carolina ve whn aided to establish Liberty and free Government let rwtneelect of the oWigations of patriotism reproach your declin ing tlays I ,. , . i young men of the Old Norththe ornament', the strength, the glory of yoar country to the resBueto the rescue ! " Let no' man find anv ezetmei hat a bd .T1J reatber hosiness, erigaeraents-away "uch piUrnyapplogies for'triffi Sent Crisis. jNnthmar twit tli irilititinn nr Dmiillmi. , ' . can exense'ttny man. -.;. Again we say,' the hour is come ! Whigs of North Carolina strike home, and let your rallying cry be j Aran Cos TIOJT, X5D THE BtrTRKMACT OT TElUWI,; RALEIGlLyEJPPECANOE CLUB. At a meeting ef the Club on Monday evening last; the following Resolutions were passed unanimously Resolved, .That, we hail with joyous satisfaction the cheering news which has reached us from the recent Elections, and that we regard U a an earnest ef the vet more glorious triumnhs which are to' be achieved bv the friends of the Constitution, in No- irembernext. " '- Reeolvtd, That we accept with pleasure the invita- tion of our brother Whigs of Henderson, Granville County, le- attend a Whig Festival at that place on. I .the S3d iqstant, and that a Committee of three be ap pointed to report on Wednesday evening next, what number, win attend. ' - Resolved,-That we consider it, the bounden duty of every true Whig to exert himself to the utmost to ex I pel from office those vtf-ore now contemning the wilf of the People, and endeavoring to establish in this country the Government of rone man ! Messrs. Thomaiit f Gorman, Robert W Haywood and William F Clark': were appointed under the second, Resolution. . . The following persons were appointed as Marshalls of the Delegation to Henderson; and requested , to make all necemry arrangement for the occasien, vbt Col Reeder, William Ashley and That M Oli ver. - Robert W Hsy wood fieln introduced the following; Preamble and Resolution, via : Whereas a body of PoUticians, terming themselves, "The Democratic Association , of Virginia," hive, through an address lately issued; attempted to reprove I the People of North Carolina, for 'the condemnation I they expressed by their recent electidfes of this corrupt and dangerous Administration, and have impudentl presumed to dictate to them the manner in which they should vote in November next; And whereas, me said Address, so issued, contains tne most gross mis represenUtions of , the political principles of Gen. Wiliiax H. Habbiso, and the basest imputaUons on the.- motiWof those who have determined to sup port him for the Presidency, and knowing that the voters of North Csrolina,are fully capable of exer cising the elective franchise," without the teaching or dictation of any body or set of foreign politicians, particularly when composed of the servile office-holders of the Administration Therefore, Resolved, That we denounce" in the most unqualified terms the said attempt of the Demo cratic Association of Virginia to interfere in the elec tions of this State, and we pronounce tbe Address is sued by said Association, a tissue of impertinence and falsehood. , , . They were unanimously adopted. . Mr. Bowers then moved that each member of the Club be requested to give notice to our friends in the country that there will be a meeting of the Whig t thei Log Cabin, at ten o'clock on Saturday next, when Mr. LetgA and Judge Mangum, it is expected, will address the People. The Club then adjourned. H. W. MILLER, President. A Willi AM, T. M. Olivbb, 8. W. Whiting, A. P. Hughes, Vice Presidents. Secretaries. i , SOUR GRAPES. Of tne States which, in 1886. votel aeainst Mr. Van Buren, wi arx cbbtaib to gain South-Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Maryland, New Jeisey and Ohio." ... ;,.-.v ing positive production appeared in Ae a few weeks ago. -Smce then, aU me. ?The foregoing Standard" a few weeks ago. -since men, au u States mentioned haver voted exceptTTennessee, and in every one, the Whigs have triumphantly succeed ed, except-in South-Carolina a State, where scarcely a ripple agitates the " calm, smooth sea of despotism." And reader, what, think you, this same Standard. noy has to say on the subject of the iWa15""!10 defeat winch they have sustained in these States, of which U was, scarce one short moon ago, so certain. Hear him j MabtxaWd. The news from this State is not to lavOraDlC. 1 nis oiaro, n win w icwtd-i, v.v-v . . r - Z. 11 I. buAllMtl wMMf lw Gen. Harrison in 1836, and if she should do so again, toe lose nothing. t Mr. Van Buren, and if we tail to obtain; her vote tee Ipse nothing. - . ; ;01.y. V,T ,: .... -si isnGii.-iiiM 4ixa.i t iniiu, u. w, Nxw Jebsbt. The vote m this State, as was ex- pected, is very close. According to the same Whig pTper from which we have already quoted, theremmf, ib, received, exhibit a Wikie. gain of only 26-U I . , ; . U-t, I- 1 Ucn WO recriro cuiucunii.ii.u d wii; k j to find in a JJemocratio paper, we have utile v. ? rTT T ;f tWo exH oy wny of :oinmehtary,-that toe C . OiUe-From this State, the f Standard-has, as oiieJ yet, heard nothing, but as she voted against Van Bu ren in 1836, of course, in their present defeat, ' they lose nothing." ' ..The philosophy with winch he , Standard" re ceives the evil tidings which be&l hs party, calls forci- Wr to jwafit Pbiboub's lament over his lit- de pj. . Jemniy Prgle had von leetle pig, , . lt TBsh not" very leetle, it vash not very big. Xrm ie aA alive, he fed him on clover: r Hr Aow A ii dead, it is aU over r:-:. : - V :V'4' i, i ',-y.rrii.r.': '(. Vi.-X .ft. ;4i! BANK RESDMPTION; j 3 The Philadelphia Tnqunw'aayf-- We can now state wT entire confidence, that all the BankVof this 1 aiiLV win nKniBB omciB niTmcna on u 1013 dinnb i nminm w irrsni .h innuiann iinx. i iun -ra.nir i iu w a .- . ..l tt - , :.-.. - i . t.wr-rjwi. -ttu.r t -rr i: --t r -,. ... Northern Man tinthtSouthrji prineimeti . f. UeMte for J)b Wu-p Clistot, in opposition to ?jAt,rMAnisojr; the Southern and RepubUA eaJundatelcithePresk - , 3. Heiupporkxl RorcsKisofor the Senatortha, United States a Federalist and a Missouri restriction- 4. He voted ibr instructions to the New York -Sa- ! nators, to oppose the admission of any State into the Union unless slavery wall prohibited therein. . 5. He voted to restrict the Slave trade between the Southern SUtes anl" Florida! r : . , 6 He. voted in the New York Convention ef.l8il, for free negro suffrage. - 7. He declared irJhis Speech on -the right of suf frage, in that Convention, that to extend the privi- iege of voting would be cheapening it . 8. He approred the introduction' of negro evidence against white men, in two instances, thereby showing reckless disregard of the wishes, the principle and feehngsof the South. , v . 7ff ; 9. He has recommended Jo Congress " the Plan ' of Secretary Poinsett for re-orgnnixing the MilinWef the tinited' States-a Plan which is in yiotatior of the. Constitution, and virtually creates a Staito Abxt, under the directjcontrol of the President.,, j. 10 He sttempted W skulk from' the responsibiUtyf when he found the People condemned the ssjdTlani' 11. He has forced upon the People" the an U-TlepuorH lican policy of the sub-Treasury avowedly to reduce wages -and prices, ant), destroy credit. s'-iV-'.-J ' la- He nas increased the expenses of the Uovern ment to nearly $40,000,000, ' j 13. He will have received -from the public oV- fers, on the 3d of March , next, the enormous' sum of $184,999 ! and has done the country n aertteei'. : 14. Tiii ah. t We can put a better man and a truer Patriot in his place ! SINGULAR DEVELOPMENT. We invite attention to the statement outhe.preced ing page. It will be seen that a Senator and a Represen tative in Congress, called together on the Secretary of War, and first sBquested, and then demanded in the name of their constituents) a sight of a public doc- nmehtnled in his office ; all sxcm to which was pos- ravely refused them, though he had previously given the Globe a statement of the contents of that document, under his own hand a statement evidently garbled and false. No. candid and honest man can read it without condemning Mr. Poinsett's course, even if he has told the truth to the Globe; and doubly If hoi has garbled and falsified' the record. , HEADS UP. The " Standard" denies that the Administration party about Raleigh give up tbe election of Gen. Hah- bison as certain Indeed, the Editor declares that he is in better heart about the result than heretofore. When we read this, we involuntarily smiled., A reasonable degree of confidence has,., we dare say,, a good effect ; but really this is " cutting it too fat." All we can, say is, if the party have not given up the ship, then no re liance is to be placed upon the expression of the human countenance for in the faces of our Van Buren friends about here, the perfectibility of uner hopelessness is personified. . ' SUICIDE. Wiluax 8. Raxsat, Esq. one of me. members elect to Cong-ess from Pennsylvania, (an Adminis tration man) shot himself at Barnum's HoteV in Bal timore, on Sunday laaL . j v. ARRIVAL OP THE ACADIA 4 i This Steam Ship arrived at Boston on the 16th instant, in twelve days from Liverpool, with ninety-two Passengers. We perceive nothing of interest in the intelligence which she brought. "The most extraordinary item iathe abdication bf his Empire, by the King of Holland, iiecause of his love for a Lady whom his subjects are not willing that he should betroth. - ..'--. : f ' CARTERET AND JONES. ,' Both tnese sound Whig counties were overlooked, we believe, by the Register and otar ui tneirnouces oi tne delegations at tne Convention. Without havinsr seen a i man from either of them, any Whig journal at all acquainted with the noble, consistent and patriotic course of those counties, might safely have announced the presence of at least. a portion of, their sons on. an occasion so interesting. And they were thcret though not in numbers sumcient to be considered l an exponent of the Harrison strength of their counties. A few noble spirits from each raised their banners in tbe procession, and , m would 0 . J mnaaA:.K fk-llarit Whio-oTwJtK . - MSW efVrV1tne Wh;l5l, I . . 'a-a- T1:-.K 'M not snprised that the Rafcigh Editors should have" forgotten or overlooked some of the delegations, but rather that they were -able to reoort SO mucn. ivo preparaiiort wnatever-I Kd cxVaV Vs- .k nmlf;n of ihtai A-ontlimAnr.f th Pr..0 .-w ew..rH.r7 7l or we wpum nut lutvts occn,ao ucpcuueui on me laDoursoi our oremren oi ine type lor A.I A-tt ''' - ' - proceedings of the GlorioutTwo Day. 1 - - It -I Newbern Spectator? A OITCHING Ijf C1DENT. Mr. Custis of Arlington, while address ing the People It the late Festival in) Fair fax, alluded to the objections made id Gen eral Harrison's fitness for the office of Pres ideot of the United States dn"account!bf his advanced age. " In tbe 'American t Kepub lic," .observed Mr. C. " a man must teVerbe too old to serve his Uountrr 1 v 1 hem torn inrr! to-XJol. Broadwater, a veteran -: bf 'the lWolution, who wai63tte W the jpiatfprm, and who is up wards of . kixctt, th tbraQr continued : " Sav, venerable r man, thou be ing of a by-gone 'age Say, soldier oC the Revolution, thy Country's defender in 4 her hour of trial; blessings be on thy! silver hairs,' and miy the . choicest charitiei-r of Heaven cheer the remnant ol . thy fdaya Say, is an American citizeQ eyef too' 'old ;to serve hif 4 Country rf o - . v r; .: A pa'ase' czrsued, when tbe veteran slowly rising from his? seat-d resting fponi hit stau, exciaimeaTO a nrarana auaioie'voice, No f Never tpo1ld"t(Merve his : Country T! 'And hxsrer. ensued, a scene , proudly to 'be re- rnemaerea ny. jne reopier oi j? airtax.i ane Ladies waved their tcaris. while the enthd siasm, of a thousand hearts burst-' spbnta ; THE GREAT VHIQ i COrj trfiNT0N':; v Is orcr but its fruits rerriin .to be" rathr eredj and ' thejr" ire jibumlanlanfisirutary Never before diCw witaesaLin ortti Caro Unasucb. turnout of the ' borie-And-sinew," tfrt rtaJ peojlef-with A':4offir3-boUcr airjoTug tHcm, as we behei inlateigh,-ba the ota irastaiit j ;noi in; any fctiaate, myr0 iicceived tad iasqitqntjryK lTjeV inore cccssuue teast sent exaiues, tne-spuui c uuuureuSfritie ine norm ana too- west jbured in thef:-thbTjsihfl4ltll interion the nb comrjton etent could 'barednwnovelE r froriilhiBatreme4tpM oraeriy puiie in immense mass of tho oro-, ducpeJaesTwhom-wl Raleigh.' I oucm t ,uit?u as wotb iruin Aaeir Homes and (heir avbcatious only" "when oof country and Ber. institutions! aipe in dgerlTQrrnedVtbls'. great- Conventtoa.The pxor xnau and, the, rich, the fanner-and 'the mechanic,' the pro fessional man"' and "the" ' dar-boureri were there all inspired by pne c6mmdn impulsel tne redemption of oMrcounjrpm grasp of the ruthless spoilere,"tliose whonAve rendered bankrupt our ; national, resources destroyed? confidence and r credit, trampleq on ouf .rights, disdained all constitutional restraints, jnd intrpdrjced, as a jparty-pde, misrule, agrarian immorality, and cbhseqiienl distrust and saspic ion. In the petty back I roomcaucttse&beld by the tools-of this wicked Administration, by which this noble land has been ' so long 'misgoverned, eyery-one present apparently wears a' faco 'of fear.'pf conscious guilt,, and seems alarmed Jest the, plots and schemes of the party should be o yerheard by the pel;v'At i'-Rleliitdtr. different the aspect of things I i'tie- pold Speech, the erect gait, and open countenan ces of all present,proclatmcd that the " Lords of the soil,4! independent American citizens nave taken their own affairs into their, own hands, and "determined to conduct 'them ' ti the j deem best, without reference to tbo wisheg of Martin Vaii Buren and his. host of dependants. Toee from 10,0015,050 weH behaved, respectable , and intelligent citizens, meet and commingle as a baodwof brothers, would even ton a holyday occasion be a cheering sight ; but to behold such an ail semblage convened ibr the holy purpose pf rescuing our country from misrule and petty tyrranhy ; to readmit their proud glance, to learn from their hps,5 that; they nave deter mined to ' effect this , rescue, determined to preserve those liberties which are the birth rightof American citizens; what heart would not inroD joyiuuy, exuiungjy, proudly I A more animating scene cannot well 'be ... . ' i Sands, were incessant ; every ; latch "String was out, every door open, and courteous and noble hospitality, on the part of tberesidehls mei every yisuer, wnerever no lurnea, ieay-i inrr an abirlino- anH favnmKl mnron nn 1 P. , .,r, ,e , V . T. ."..j, which will be long and kindly remembered. Of the Ladies of the city, what shall we, what can we say,' to express the gratification which, their, cheering presence afforded to the Convention 7 We would not pay the empty- unmeaning compliments ; for th deep interest they manifested in this gr preparatory step towards the-deliverancef our cuuuiry, snows conclusively mai, juey tninK too oeepiy,aiscnminate top accurately, to be pleased wi tt-such. Instead . thereof, we will respectfully implore a continuance of their guardian care; of-their inspiring sanction of the Whigcause, a.sanptipn which j at once stamps its propriety and promotes jts pf the patrietic sohgif irably inthe Corjven-1 success, in tne words pi toe which they sung so admirably tion," Heaven's blessings attend them ! j. Newbern Spectator, At a Meeting of the Tippecanoe Club,heldinthe Ijg Ccbin,in Nswbern an Tuesday Evening last. It was rBAViBorstT RxsoLVBB. That the thanks of the Craven County Delegation be tendered to Messrs.JbAn 'Zforri.f Craven, Lewis, O. Des mond, Joh Washington, Nathan G. Blount and James- CraonLot Leneir t CoL McLtotL Maior Hut ted arid CoJ. $rmnyof JobiMonrand; torseve4ral other gentlemef pn the road, whose names are not .re membered, fosifre hospitality and assistance tbev ren dered to the Ddegatioirf while on its way to and from the CTonverition:' Also,' to the citbens tf Raleigh, for their friendly rcepiion, and jMurtaqn entertsjameat while m the city. ... -.-' . r ; .. ., . -4 ; . :. :A. j GREEN M. CUTHBERT, Pres. pro. tern,.. D. M- Vab BoxxsxBir, Cor. 8ee. ';iv WHATAU YENfW When I think of tbe mad infatuation, set to say suicidal policy c4 Boo thern Whigs, I cannot lap. press the boiling of my blood. What! shall South er n men men whose alt depends on the stability of uinera.rnsxiiunons, merely to gvauiy a moroia per. shiial htrT to Martin Van Buren. leatro lhHDMtvM with the Nood-thrrsty Abnhtionists of the North, to down the foir fabric which was reateJ at the In uiis QUy, on Tuesday evening last, by JZe. Mr LacyvMr. James Ms riot, to Mis Rebecca High. In Rutherford 'county, CapL Thomas R, 8bufard, to Mrs. Esther NErwiru ; ; V''a - In Mihon, Cas-weU eo. CoL 'Andrew, Molar, to Mia Prances Dodaod of HatonC . , W ' MT la Rutherfordton, Mr. Edmund Donnell to Miss Margaret Hanrtiltoiu. . .Also, MrT Woodhum ta Miss laoiwankin,, - M-f V; In Newbern, Mr. Charles H. Poy, of Joees2 county, to Miss Elizabeth Smi.?!, daughter of the late CoLJno. 8. 8midu- Also, Mr. John E. Posene, to Miss Caro line 1 Foy, daughter of Enoch Foy, Esq. ell oft Jones eonntyrUso, Mrvj James M. Russell, to' Miss Ann McCoy ,'danghter of Wm. McCoy, Esq, i. . , j s 2 InOuilford, James McNsiry, sen. a pronunent ciu ten of the jConnty.: IcV "' 's5 v ; - - -'In Newberti, on the I3tb' inst. inthe SUx year of his sgsvMr.iU nTiam Pritchett Ah,on Menday the 6th inst In the 64thyearof her age, Mrs. Mary Mc Kinlay,reuct of the Iatelsmes McKbfay, Esq. forma ny years an eminent Mcrchani of thatPlace. . -IntMecklenburg; Conntv.on the CA inst. Jsraes Graham Alexander, son of Dr.4M. V. Alexander, in the 16th year of bis aga,V. Amjaliala dIjo&Uion,dJ--itnt inJib er eTry pursuit, te had 4tr-t-rc:pect ef auaining erUr. in any sirica r f L's to which he might, have be 1 '-ZtjL A.lfwcrjizii'A, wai; never imagined than the'eity of Raleigh presented grand schemk. v?"- during'the-CnventionV Crowds of i lacesere to;be met i cheerful salute, the heart irrasi of friehdlvi t$ll expense of the blood of out fathers l-Corrispondent M At -. w w' ... . ; . .t:. ... . hk t t a . ii. :.v i - rMi"? w,r W o axes fand facluen -slexeenr.'i m o- afat ary, no wonder thai he rosrs andfo-xnu iXolL6we, frduim J ' hkeamad butt. -r-:--..f " v 's , ued $100,; pelf Ts!, 7ll ' , I H iHIi I T ll 1 II I I j " - The-Whi V &u fnwtii is.ir &L Ctokes County, 0ie"idjoining Cou!itiss, crtf the Stats' r aeneraiiy, or all -poIiUcal parties, !e jmeef tt..-u. u.V( fini ITCBAUSCUSSlOrt'Drt the great polucal qttcsUdns- ef thf day: Ii sohcited This Festival 4s EtTeti in theti soirtt ArT Ut hberalit. ofWhiclr we Invite sQ parties to parU' IC 1 wamcspeaaujtuivmuinnujf viMKtm oi Ul8 tale anil Revolutionary Wars. t 1 U H.Shetnferd.K Joshua Rarwk . i -!-- ji. tt t . : , 9 . ..-1 . mail, fiwore, r .ti, oauman- vtttv- utterly joncs, tfy 4 t i - , .Committee of fnv&atien. w - a . W TVf OTIUE !!-TJje Members elect for tliemsuiag J. Legislstarej, are respectfally infracd, that we, shall be pfejiared to iccomntodite 4o or 50,'irenUo- men with board end lodging.'" Being 'graleJuf Jury pnst favors, we proraisti thai nothing aliaii be wlnled oil our part to render comfort La -those wVo chouse te laor us wuh their custom. ' . -; iZY ' ' - ANN.PULLIAM SISTER'S. Od.it, m-:An C3! 8ur and Standard 3L weeks MTJPPE;ANCTfi!l-Thariir..f j h PU5 Wessons why old Tip ah.old be elected Presjdent.'tV ' ... wr- u,WVi. Arv7Mm Meiocies, atc.t llain. -, tost'AtmanaA for ,1841 1 8onca lot the PmnUf r or. fare at uie Carolina rjoox Btef. : ' is tuts dav received -and for sale bv -v't : r.' vj TURNER & ni'OHES. DCTIONEERING.VI still confiHue this. IniV sjneas with the uaus! kimU" of AcWicws f Sucll. as avllinz and bhvintr of (IatwU .ml iuIkm att.f " Rsleigh; VODer 83, 184Qf - 4 c; RESERVATION OP TH R TKTir :in. S, FfcXASA WTS ha retaraeeirrnin Kw YetritJ sod ean e eoflsolted,W.the preseut at bis Room, immediately opposite Ihe City Hotel. V lie would sjy to profestfionaf men, generally, that -having licen solicited to become ao A xem ttr ih American Journal of Dental Science' most ex! relleat PerJical,rinled in the City of New YdtV" he wooldlM p1eaedtoAfa4mardrbeir names touna-" as Subscribers to the wbrlu fr7 CuPierr may. b seen at bis office. RatoiaVOet 21,1840. . S, Gregory if Co.JtIannrert. I'TtT RCUN I A 8TATB LOTfER YFa-the V fit of the Town of Weitoburn. ClussNo or.w' "" p oe urawn at Aiexaudiis, Vs. ou Satpri iuV'"n ovemoer, iso. rK Do cos ' 2d Half.' do- .65 doai u 35 Quartet A,de- U Do Capital 00O,OOOt A LE3TA NDRf 4. T.fiTris oxrl inlAi . m . " " . 77 - r"f,r,l,"P.ui W "niwn aiAiexsndfisD. U. onSatord 4tn November, j 840 u' , - sixteen Drawn Ballots - SBABO SCBXXK. 4 f 60,000 $30,000 515,000 0,60d-(,f)00- j ,uuu o.uuu fi,U0O I4.0C0 3 500 $2,311 4 Prises of $3,000 f 5 f f I,75d 10 of $1,500-60 Prises of $1,000---50, of 500W &c Ac."' Tickets only $20 Halves 10 Quarters 'vftw Eiehths fZ SO ' " - Certificates f Packages of U M hole 1 ickcts 280 Do do. XdHarf'doJ 131 do 36Qasrter do 1 v 65 ,t do ,&.U Eighth isiawAl 331 Do Do TtTIRGINU 4TATE. LOTTERY.1, for Endow'. V mg u iResnurg Academy. rid;fe.oi her por.'rt 1840. Tb dria .f j Yi' on V-? Tickekr vnly fltWHalvee $5 Quarters f $2 Cwtifiealea of Packagrsbf X3 Whole Tkfcetif 130 ? ;. A...i i.- , .xa Half We .u " " J5 Quarter de U . XlU personal Narrative oT aiife at tfes, irf . eite VwWme, hcln No. 106", of Harper's family Libiary, -suuiung an Kinds of paper ; intrusted to: my wre. v?f . f From five to twelve years experience In inch a call- -3 ' ft .. , ing. encoursgesn to hope still for a WrUpiof tbe. U! poblie favour v ' a-; .. - ft '-Jfv irMv,if'V 86 2m ; jVi I ' I: . vxiikviu !. acaa-jes oi .9 vvnoie I IClitS 9130 WfTrVi For the bene. V. fi of tbeMnDongsIa Acadrmyi Cfass No. lo5 ! . lor iBjo. To be drawn at Alexandria.' Va. on 8atuWf . day, November 28lh; 1810; ;'--- ,tW . ' ;. ' Tickets ilO. HsIvWfarti4 lf(f 4 Certificates of Packages of St Wkefe Tickets flSO'I CJ'.ror Tfcketj and Shares or" CertiBeatee of Pack. sges ni the above Splendid lterit-t!idrese , -1 W X Sbipfo Court of Pleas , rja.Quarter eeaswoaT Ja proceed to sCir for ea.'atllhe Court JIoGa. f! ''H'JliJey. In December next; w 7 iwa or parcels oi Jsbd, or ad rnuxh a.I 4AA . , M B sstaBMA, mfrnrn 1 bt'F'Wl rW"bf Wiat 7idJi new, yaiueuzoo, and a -poll. Tax, o I.. . i UstiTtn; AB.raurrre sevaca Ta, f'Lol Nnrtrr 8trMt:ecmtV.;l f v.rt vT ' ' . . - . -...-.' . ..- --TI 4 valued I Lot Hay v valued S 1 Lot Ptrnan 8lrt flinna Innt.n .lr..t $V. $7Q0.f Tet 4 V",. -.Vi , M 1 Ttf m.1 Hrnut Tt;ilAfi 4Mtn MtiuJ eiA . v vm V.I. v WW mWmf-m : 1 ' ' lax. I Lot Bow Sireet, D McNeil,s, valued $iC0 . ' 'Tax, '"'-r- - ' . ."- ta 'valued $200. Tax, f - , f r,a CDRDOri-DEMINO.CUi- PsyeUeville, N. OctJ 19 Uio. i -: . T rfv.Adf.faeo.-". J-1 "joB'pPvirmrcG ILoWerPsyejPlJrWO - . ued $20, and; I pell Tax . t 1 0 . j -7 -- imtm-m i - I ly.taloejl $.1 Ji.-- . Tit, v i:'v , fiyV 1 1 mm .! .- -.a..:.' 1. . ".''-'.'-,...: 1 -h 1 1 I' v-l if a1 - , 31 4 mi-. . ' ear