s r: .- s & ...... i .'.. i- ..j . r . ' . i . i - immrnm" ntm wn m mm 1 mm ' . . I !! iL c ii . omiurx rxAi- t apo rrBW." 14 " TTT7m ' 11 planteJ wodlif eeaf , ' 1f" flTtr-lmddinflr field Of SDCiDK . t . . liir eIj eummerdajf were TOi..; -.; . . Of inxiooa doubta tad ipnei , . . K Until ifwT kit, tlxroOgb dojay hmta, dMrnHTTmi gld'ni iigtll; thl8aine field, We mid fftpd banett tnu mu jieia rt'C-' X !t:-.f , CbmTv- -Se, fronJBaountain, lull, And dale, ' From eVerr nook r come i " .;A Pr sbooU are borne on eTtry gale ; r WeTl fake the Harris home." HlTaT JPA IX AWI GOODS OLIVER jK SMITH : T.; FavettnUU Street. Iialeirh, A". C. .t ' We fcae just recelyeJ, and have now opened our asual supply of Goods which -embraces every thing new, desirable ctr fashionable. These Goods Jurve leen selected by Mrj. Outik in person, nd cut be confidently recommended to out friends and etwton' ' era. ' Members of the Legislature, and sVpgpte visit ing the City, during: the Session; would find it great ly to theirj advantage to give ua a call, as we are determined-to Isetl bargains,: ' Out Stock comrtzea every thing that! is nsually kept on hand in such Establish. aoantsL of which' the IbUowtng is part: - ; I.;. II CLOTHS. . aup Wool Dyed Btack ' ,; 'd doTBIoev -Invisible Green . ' t Spanish Fly d , ? - . London Brown, ; ' . , OUvejaadUahlia. V r , T , ' " jASSIMERE8..'1 ' Wool Dyed Black, Diamond Beaver, , . . ; ' ' ""dol "do A dps" itBueand Plain,. suit able for Pefto and QTer-coai, Surtovts or Frocks, Sup. Wool Dyed Black; Mned Doe Skioy Steel Mixed, 'I Su&Sc do Log Cabin I, Prince Albert, Queen Yictena. Drab Mixed; i j j - ' t Ttrownl 1 r. ." ' V; 5..t Wastungtpn; a BulTand Plaw Wsrfungtoni Mixed, . ( ' , Plain Drafv. jjVESTlNGS... j ml. Plaua BladkVewef,' d& : MetestiflVdt f . ,'. Blue end Brown Plush, ' .:niirocide;v7 .; - ; ' vi Scirfct Wboien Velvet, ' . Bark Browip do. v vllguwd and Plain Safins, , ..Black and Brown i'1 11 -.-Together Whh an iasortment ofrcady made Clothing an4Faiicy Anicea, 6nspei Stocks, f Light and BlackA French Kid Gloves, Peeket Handk'fs, Black 1 JI ItbU . do Silk Pfi Figured Cravats, Scaifry Shirt Colkra and j jDOSpms, anu many ower wings ioo tcuions to etrumeijate. v --jfy "-v . '; I 'Vt float in our, employ the best of Northern work. n,V!wUl warrant every , thing we manufacture not be surpassed in the United States, either in style, . fit or quality. We tender our thanks to a eenerons public the very liberal patronage we have hereto fore receiyed, and. hope by' attention to merit a con- tmuance. It a fl 1 OLIVER & SMITH: P. 3. .W have just received a Plate of Fashions from the Pxxxa of. London. V Also, the latest N. York nd, Philadelphia Fashions t O. & S. T. ILjlEN TRESS, . 'Merchant Tailor. . TATEtTKVXttK STBfcET. fi ALEICIT. TV.. f. rrnHE 8ubscbes has "commenced the1 Tailoring I h.n 'I 'in ..w , i. l. jjMNuw, ii aui n tiiivui WIDCOBl, W- lOe DoilUing formerly occupied by Mr: ThomjfMon as a Jewellery 8tore, and (wo doors south of the North Gixollnm Book Biore ; .where he, has. very recently received a splendid assortments of supeffiue Cloths - ef almost every color, Casaimerer, Vestioga, and alt Uncf vtyded, ueually kept in eeeh EstablUhments, Thesestticfes were selected by himself from the latest import Uoiia In the Northern markets,- His mock consuu in pan oi -i . t ' ' 8rjp; wool dycoV BUckf ClbfWv1 Olive, InviimleeBoule Green do. Olive Brown and Lonilbn dol Bleek Dlanwnd; Beevers, 'WlraWe for Frock and , c Plain Beavewv f 3J"' ? ! - .-L " S?t CA38IMERE8. Bap. Wool-Dyrd- Black; 1 ttIue;.Dimond, and Victoria. - : ' ' rWashlngtorf Mite.', Drab, Buff, tc.' v plain srjd Agered Velvet; Brocade do,- fignr. v ? aarletJVeleBkle, plain end figured. Satin, (supe-l- not qoaJsty.) - f - . l t , - i v . vv - - Also, a general ioTtrnent of Fancy Articles. Vlxi fci, 8u?penders Olovef, Handkerchis, Cravats. Cti2aer Merinir Bhtrle end Drawers, Bosoms. UoU -.Isrs,&e.K i---.4-f- ,' v -v. . viXacn, iui w iu.j r'.",ws. .unremiuiog per aonai attention to iQ.e raaiaew, ve qopeei by puctuali ty and despatch, L to foert ...the, patronage of- a geqe reus public. Call and try me. r r LT. R. F. ll T - WANTED Immediately v Ky the :l eubscribcr three or four first it' &e Workmen, tot whom Jibe'rat wages and cohstapt JI A N D FOR, -1 h -The aubscriLeir wiaie to U '-'lk Tract of Land, eonsistin of 1 Acres t 1 e - - 1 t:L.jBl-ui-ivonniyB -iiar-iyau.-a muu 11:. 3 i, a Ilcue and unall farm on the Tract A by ftrscr. C-' ' 1 10 pVrciuise, will do ,welj to examine t 3 lJ.Z L ?, ri it will lie sl on aery acrommod tlrT terms. , ."'"CY. 51 tL - "k?i f V'VSt; n fentress;;- f" f. i j (Sandfd3m) --K 'X, . 1 l ' . 1 )i t 1 1 .i . 1 ; .' ..." ' mad vim to i'UmedrCohmiitvtianl wWeh inl- idi tire uoconcioU f &U hate experienced: R- If jilorecoinniendea .in vtarawi Dere me LmiN tnl Breast tte tuppoaed '-to be'aOtcted, and afA m iKA itAnallliiliAn ' , KrXtrn lAttnKv thai Riayx CIVUV vMionMiyu avef ( vivah wviva ' www dm-of Merccrr ofQuwinia. - r . '' The8wm,i; Peiiacea'.llvAa' tecredTted tntldoit lb the ditttnu ptm&r ta IfopiCafkiitudes It) i made bee of on aZif-i)n.aiid iflRSdacea a apeer dier.'at nuirc certain and 'icit. eamermve meoiam w perrect restoration.- man ny, omer racyicme uiuicnw known ot emMoted. - - r r ' ' Thu medicine haa the,tnKnTaffortciiie, joat tn, fcnta to ita Wreat tneriu of boinc reeomuended by t moat celebrated practilionereof medicine m ihe Unir ted Statea aod arope whereaa, not. one 6f the apor rioQS mixtures made in jmitaiioa of it has the least anonnrt from the medical facoltT. This fact offcre to arvnment so Plain and fconelusi, that U needs only u hm mentioned to enforce eohrktioh. - 8waima Panacea is recommended to ". SlU those invalids for J whom phy aidana prescribe 8araapariIU 8y rape, Ex racts,.Sce.-:rr:;.:in ' f . " 8waim's Panacea is in round bottles, dated lohgt tadinaltr. with the followinff words blown in the jla ,8waima Panafcea Philadai having bat one hbel, which covers the cork, with- the signature of Wm. ewaimonk, so that the coric,; (betriDg also Upon it ass a seal -the impression, " Wnv Swaim,") eannot be drawn wjlhooi. deatroying- )h aignalajre, WllDCHlv wnicn none is eenainr. u uitwire - cohseauentlr be known to le genaine when Ihe sig patore is visible f to ounerfeii Will be puobhed PREPARED AT 8 WAIM'S LABORATORY PhiladelDhia HENBY JOHN S.H A RPE, Genfra Agent, No. 4$ Pine St. New York, am sold by every ' WM.8WAIM & SON. 8eptg5. - 78 3m v W AIM'S ,VE RM IFUG E TH E MOST USE FUL FAMILY MEDICINE EVER OFFER TO THE PUBLIC. ' r This' we!l known Atdi-Dvsenienc and -Worn t i ... -. " V-w Medicine has proved successful these twelve years past, ana is .oniverssuy ecxnowiedgeu oy an woo haveiried It, to be far superior lo any oher mediaue, cter'em(4oyed tn )he diseases for wjiidi it isreconv iwciijed. -,J ill is perfectly safe, and nohild will refuse vo taxe it. Wormsriieine: especially apt to- infest persons o debilitated digestive organs and emaciated ,censtitu Uons, tnuch mischief is often done by the ordinary worm: medicines, which generally consist of the strongest purgatives, calomel, that destroyer of tk constitution, hitlers, pink root, spirit of turpentne wormseed oil, &t- dee. Articles of this kind may de stroy worms, but they debilitate the stomach, and often materially injure the trnerar health, without removing the . cause. iHiauns Vermifuge has the peculiar advantage of removing the cause of worms, by giving vigor and healthy Action to. the ttornach, bowels, and orcana of dieestion. thereby 'rslisving measles, croup, hooping coogh, &c. Thia niedicine4 bv invfeoratiac the internal functions, strengthening the osgans of figeation, and removing the primary J eaose wbich-ereatee morbid secretions, will relieve B6wel Complaints, ChoHc, Dysentery. Dyepepaia.and the whole train of biliary affections, Sick Headacb, Acidity of the fttosaach. Foul Krealh, BleWing Piles, &c It is an antidote in the early stage of Fever and Cholera Morbus. ' As a general Family Medicine, it . stands unrivalled, as it is - applicable - to most of the diseases to- which children are subject. . . Swaim's Vermifuet will be found of some utility to persons who occasionally indulge in the conviviality- th'e table t a dose taken before dinner will anticipate the effects of acidity of the stomach, not unfieqeently produced by urine. In the neglect of this, however, a dose in the roorning or theJollowirig morning, will. in most tnstancea, restore the tone of the stomach. . Families' resident in the country, "and isolated is a measure from medical advice; ttavtlltrs journeying to thear' west, or bound to distat iPfte. seminaries and all poblie institutions and-cbanlable auociationa will find this remedy, constantly at band, of great utility, Prepared at SWAIM'S LABORATORY, . Phila delphia. HENRY JQHN SH A RPE, General A gent, No46 Pine Street, New York and sold by every Druggist in the United States. ' " Vr - W M. 8 W AIM & 80N. September 25. ,T8 3m TTp ANAWAY from the Sulwcriber, on the 3rd of LTQj October, his negro man Charlkr. He is about years of age ; about 5 feet 6 inches high raw b6n. ed.and verrocky built; yellow complected ; his nair Is very straight, and turning grey ; has but few fore .'.-. .:. :. -j j - .i s - icTiii , ui nui iiiuu anu iwo "i imtcc i uis ungera are so badly cut that he can't nse them ; - back bfcdly scared ; his eye bne stands- very highown ; Jean faced; lock bowlegged ; his humps open, and has a very broad flt foot. :iy-?,r;;: v It la supposed that be will attempt to make his es cape down the Country. ' lle waeonce,.faken ajp in Northampton County, Virginia. JOtpprelffcnded, he will'prebably change his name. The last time he ran off be went by the name Mf West Brooks. Perhaps he will say hjs name is Locus. ', - !. A reward bf Twenty-five Dollars will he given for bis Apprehension. ! CALVIN UPCHIJRCH. Franklin, October 4, 1840. 82 3t COPPKR, TIN AW1 8IIKEX TROA FACTOnYiTlMS Subscriber havinz taker. the house on Fayettenlle Street.prmerly occupied as the Cape Fear Bank, would respectfully Inform the public that he intends carrying oo the Copper,. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufactory tn-JtU ita various Itranches. He wishes also to iitform the inhabitants of Raleigh and iu vicinity, that ho can, anil is deter mined to tell his.Wareaasldw as can be purchased in any Northern city, bv wholesale or retaiMb .Gash. , MercJianU and others, wanting ankles in his Mite, ere respectfully invited to. call before they purchase else where. Uld work neatly repaired; and et the short- l Muutr, n icw -Hiit on a anu wnicu win oe som at a very small per cent., for.cash, ,' j ; : i ; , i mf . wm ra mm . ' .a copper, i invinoxiine Koonng on toe host APPKOTSD TLkTf. --r , f. J . Jf.B.'.0rderfrcmicthe country will be promptly eitenueuta. ' , - -,?' r-r in V!V L C V ' J. H. KIRKHAM. Rileig July 26, 1840. a. IfUltnAII'S Patent CHInItlller. J'be Subscribe also pffers fpr sale at bis Factory; a few of thorejvery valuable Steamers, (mown to be me surest remedy for elearfng Uedntesds of these tbr- m.nli e nji-, a TPL. r.t-1 O. i i - 1 - ' by ttmaeltVand'Ie watrartfod ftfver'to buret, and at all urBKuiiK.wuKa.il i lie Asuincc oieniuCT n miuo oniv I best meana that has f er hettt fennmt f.r deairoviac mdi mfi$)$Wtti3ii (o use it 1..T1? ' Utlfr, jhaving'freqnenllv "tiwiiF Jfrtrfe (Virkhan a vhinee Sleanaer. TrKawrrf'nii im n m rirt .- ,1 TT Taalicp for ji1s-'iki fk-t--1--rl.-... -1 IHr W Milea NorthW Raleighyl firgeuami of exeeHeht LumbePridiiar t .v.Vm. pvr niinoreu. AJl hTderi addressed' to the ebeCPj M. Wake.Tc.V mW. iSd at tne jniiia, wut oe promptly atteiid J io.'. -f. kte ;:r;:;f: - a.-: footer. April 10; 1840. v: vl - . 99 ly tiafti to cWr" Bedsteads perfectly without the leaj danrtagtto ihe fine carvrd workic'r : BaHng had In Wth' abevej Ma'chfnSf.Wh y aaral I hi mi l..iiit.i i ..- ., t.i (:.. uiniauuii lir . m y mx. mat it - iu. Jw' TI. I V"W -m e w" 10 destiby 'SyfD1W.oh FnVnilure,: ;xf a )K - CopUtmng umtnarj ttBfeA orthr tatote.; and Common Law of Uus Btt. togeinrr wjvu :s itha Decisions of tha 8uDreme Coart. ndU the iiiiioft approved Fjira n4Precedentiii relating to ioiher PublicQfficeaceorduig to inodm practice. f?HE 8obscribewavmg' purchased of tneAO 4U thpr the whole edtflen of , tbie vabaable Work, now ofler it for Sale to the Public: It is pw nonneed b thoae. t eonrDetenf to judge, one XI: ne moat valuable eoaapUatioaa o -inrw . f lishedjin the h8ue, ,anj eUolutely indispenfapie to the faithful -discharge ot official daty. r. , - iFor convenience of reference, we wora is uivi '.ni-intn ; rnantera alDhabetienllv erraneed. cdrres- ponding precisely with those of tnenevrtjsevisea Biatotea: , Each Chanter eonsuta vjt XDree gepan- anenta t let. aumroarv of the Statute vlaw, twieny atated. 2d.r concise statement of .toe points rela ting o the subiect of the Chanter, so far as settled, either nv tne uecutons ot toe fjonrts, or ot we uwaa - ' . . . ' a .a a f (he lushest authority on the UonunonX.aw. A i the Forms and Precedents, necesajarj. for applying the subject matter of each Chapter, accompanied with acta ryotes anu observations as appear sarr fo render the'whole intelligible. " ' This work will be" found not only useful to . every class, of public Officers, but will prove .. valuable source of information to the' general reader, furnish in as it done a olain and intelligible' digest of the Law,as understood and practiced Lin this State. . The retail nrice of ; the JusUce ls TiS Poi tAaa. hot a liberal discount will be made tb those wbo boy to wll again. TURNER & HUGHES. ,RaleighkDecember 1839. - - - -6 TTTALUABLE REAL E8TATE ADJOINING V .THE CITY OF RALEIGH, FOR SALE. 1u a- a! mmi;mi i tke lsMJtAasftM VMaeoJ pal Church, that valuable property known as the & piece pat School, toeet her with the Laud attached lbereto is now offered for sale. . TbVhuirditici, consisting of a large three story Brickiltfuse; with a basement completely finished ; twd 8tdne-Buildings of two stories each, with att ae- eeasary Outhousrs, also of bnck, are almost entirely new and in good repair. They are aituated at the Western eitremity of the Cityof Raleigh, on a high, healthy and commanding site, and - have attached to them about 160 acres of LarL the greater part of wuicu 18 wen umiernir t DC7 auimrauij ubjjih- for a large School, fot which . they ' were originally 'designed."" A more minute description is deemed unnecessary, as those wishing to purchase would of course desire to ace the property, which will be shewn at any time, on application to the subscriber, who will receive proposals Until the 1st day of November next. The most liberal terms will be given to the pur chaser.. . GEO. W. MORDECAl, Agent. September 23. 78 UN Tri-weekly National Intelligencer, till 1st November. S JLNOS FOR The following valu J able properly is now offered for sale, to wit : If Lot No. 189, , 4th district, Wilkinson county Fraction No, 3, 5th ' do do MOUscO 227, 13ih 255, do? 256, do 52, 3d 241, 12th 100, 3d 161. 14th 10S6Y 3d do do do do do do do do ljee. de t do do;;-" v "v 2dsee.Cherkee 1st do" do Nos. 23 & 30, Surksville, Iee co. (town lots.) Seven hundred and twenty acres, TaxslI county on the Altamahawr River, adjoining lands of Ambrcse Gordon and others. . . These lands are offered to be sold at private sale, but if not disposed of in this manner to our satisfac tion, they will be sold to the highest bidder, on ' the firet Tuesday in December next, at the Court house door la the city of Milledgeville. one-third cash, the balance in two equal annual payments, with interest, and undoubted personal security. We oner for sale also two splendid settlements of sod, in Baker county, one containg 1250 acres, the Jther 2250 acres. The first settlement embraces the following loU; Nos. 26 and 3, 8th district Baker ; KT ,IA -....I .!. ... !.... iMn ua. Wj $ v, wni m t u uikui " w acres. ThcOer'seltlemcnt contains the following Lois of Land, to wil t Nos 225, 256,' 265, 293, 294, 266, 297 229S5i 2250 acres, and alt in the 2d district Baker countyv -- In regard to the character of these two last named settlements of laud or plantations, it is sufficient to say, they have been pronooned by competent judges to be inferior to no bod ofjand north of the Sabine River. Their location, fertility, and production, for corn and cotton, cannpt be surpassed ; they lie be. tween the Chatrahoocbee and Flint River ; a section of our State that is rapidly attracting public notice, and in a very few yeara will stapd.unrivalled aa a cot ton growing section of the Southern State. These were selected with great, care and expense, bj one of the best judges of such property in his life time, for jhis special use and accomihodation. The undersigned are very desirous to dispose of J tne8e two oouies of land, in two separate plantations, and will do so at private aale, to a fair purchaser: and .... . -1 on good time. But if not so arrangetl, tbey vrih be offered at I he., same time and place, and ort the same terms, as the first mentioned scattering lands, lot by t.. r.i . t 1 . 1 . . . 101, anu mrj n uurrru 10 tne puDiic at mis eany no tice, in the hope of their receiving the strictest person al examination, .j. ; , , ,4M.jC't "-. . , . 4R.8. WIUttKVr-: J- J. W ILLIAMS,h C Ex'ora. , N. GWlLLIAMsf tn regard lohe charicter of fheeoans; referene, may be made to Gen. ; James Hamilton. Charleston S.C J, Cowlea,-Maconr Ga.r Thomas B;rabb, Milled gevilleGeorgia : and William Dennard. Ba ker; County ,Uoorgia; and the last named gen Ueman will abow. tbet an b any person- dfftirpus of a personal yexaminauon. All communications or th'm subject liddieved -o Vither of the Executors, on Joseph T. Williams, MUledgeville, Ga. MHIetJgevUJe, March, 3, 1840. : 29 mlOra finHIS BAY-DECEIVED, and for sale at the U North-Carolina Book Store.. PETERS' DI a mu ana arranged - uigest ot the Cases decided in .JL II , .' Jft '. .... tlie Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts of the United States, froitf jhe Organisation tf the Goa, ernment of the United 8iates. By Ricraao Pa- r at . w s . . 4 tks, vounseuor at j,aw, and' reporter of tbeDe- . cisions of the Supreme Court of the United Statea. ., ,r. The profession, by this work, will be placed in dos session of a mass. of decUonof the hia-best authority In the United States, and Of the deepest interest FUm ra.n ... ,:,: . .i . m us miiugcmcm iuu uitiiu ui iue sunjects nave beetr most carefully and diligently executed.. It is believed, 'thsf so "minute and various a digest and di- '.aa - - ' - - vision or me oecisione ot tne . Courts of the . United oiaiea, nai never txeiorc been made: and that faeiii. ties for' If reference to the matterof the cages. urnith ee iy tne labour thus bestowed on this work, will be enti rerT satisfactory to MX ,The firaf volum hae re. ceived approval from the highest judicial ofBcers of mw. uniiea oiaiee, andtioip tuo most- distinguished eaembers of the Profession of the Lawi . . - - ! ..The, work conlains te decisions ejf, the Courts of id. tT-t ;' :.:.: - T":r "Muea, icporieu, in upwards ot sixty-five Jelumes of Report. Toee volumes are, branch's fejwrta, 0 yoW Wheaton's peports 12 dt&'-pZ teraRepojts, 13 vols. Gsllison Circuit CoarfRe ports, voW ' Msaoii's Circuit Court Reports, & Vols. Bumnere,OircuitCpqr Reports, 2 volAf Paioe'a Re- rVf HMeg wcdcd in the Supreme and Cir- vvn, anaa-epocta, SLvola, Wasbuigtofi? Circwt Coua Reporta, 4 voja. - pierf Circuit Court Repoftr,, 1 vol. BaUlwinV Cireni tnt P... " bU.; Peters' Admirallv'DecUionA 5 4 -jr..ilt. Dbirict Court Reports! vol. - Brockenboroogbs Bo- uirfQ Al. .'. A. l-.:vl. ;... . . T TT Each Tolume contains upwards Afaeveft fantuhed per-royal octavo, r, - J- - pages super Trial, S tola. Cases in Day and CuokV Repeats. 1 vof. ' Hall's Law JdurnaL-4 "vols. " t jExvtditian increated and no detentioA. FTnHE Raleigh and OtaionU'Rorf is now II r.Vi -1 u,lfrf fntl oner&tlon. This road COOH "eon necta with lfiereensVille and Roanoke Rail Road .i n mat nii hUwnA unites with the Petersburg w. w ."f w . - w . . . ! I7:i Rail Knui tiir HaiBeki. A coniinuoea two Road tud 8Uamboat iommunkaUtm, ?.Jhua formed between RaUigb, .C-and Bostorf. ; , I Psssengers travetfing South leave Baltimore at 9 ..Wtr ; a": M: and arrive af Petersburg at I A; M. Petersburir at 2 A.M. ndr. ; Rimrfa sifi P.J.1. the same day making only 32 hours, iacludinff atoppagea, from Balti more j to p.t.il.-tlia rnilra. From Raleigh to the Sooth, aiviaii7yv V - . - ' - there ia a daily line of atages running In conOectlon mm'., tfio t?.n tiasJ Cant T the South West and Weat, there ia a daily line of four hoveei6srCXcbes, whiebfeave immediately on the arrival of tU train, and run via Hilbboro' and Urtensboro, io,aiisoeix frsxwn hne trUweeklv line via YetkjnC'Alibe .in. a 'it .A M nuiceville. Ga. There- is1 also 1 tri-weekly back line from Raleigh, via PilUbore ind . n " ' . -Si- Aabboro to Salisbury., jrrora oansoury inen. tri-weekly four horse 6st coach tine.via Lincolnton .i Dii..r-it.m in AkhvitlA. : and also a tri-weekly hark lina. fram .lii.hnrv. via Slatcsvilla and Mor- iranton la Ashville. From Ashville to -.the Warm Springs there is a four horae post coach line atX Uttief P . . .". a a a? 1 - T4T . a week, and from thence a irweeuy une v f port and - Daudridge to KnoxviJIeir-there is also aemi-weekly line via Greensville to KnojwiJJe. : j At Greensboro1. N. C. a tri-weekly four horse coach line branches off and run-via Saletn. N. C.- thence acres the Blue Ridge to Wyihe Court House, Va where it imeraecta with the Valle tUne,. From this line there is iri-wwkly hack s line which biranqheif on atoaieuvXMtVy.ana rune via nuDinmr, u boro, Jefferaoh, N. C, Elixabetkton and Jone.Wri', Tenn. toKooxville. n,' It will thna be aeen that there are three stage lines connecting Tennessee with thecentral porta of Nprt!v Carolina, and two, connecting South Caroimalind n ;,; w.wk r..v.n Alt ifhn linM.finaU UCVIltt w sae Aivi tu wearies w- ly concentrate at Raleigh, ihel Bodtherlernuiiaa pi thn Pail KoaiL . ., . .;, ";. . "' -- I ' Travellers froni the upper parts of South CanTina and Georgia, the middle and Xastern portion of Ten' - . . f,V.. nese, tne sooin western pari m nirginia, mim v Western nart of North Carolibr, wuhing to go north, will find the route by the flaleigh and Gaston Rati Road cheaper and more expeditious than' any other. - The following Table will ahow he distance the time of travel, and the rates ei lare oa two oi inp re6tea leadina from Knnxvilte to Raleigh, to wit: From ' gjnoxville to Raleigh. By way of Abingdon and Wvthe Court House. Virginia. s ' Miles. Hours. Fare; Knoxville to BiountviUe, 110 Blountville to Abingdon, . 20 Abingdon to Wythe Court Houso, . 58 Wythe C. H, to Greensboro' N. C. 118 Greensbbrough to Raleigh, ' 84 29 4 12 29 21 $10 10 I 6 390 95 $33 Warm From Knoxville to Raleigh, py uay of the Springithevillt and bahsbury. ' Miles. Hoois. 1 rare Knoxville to Warm Springs, 75 15 7 56 S6 Warm Spnngs to Ashyiue, , 38 4 Ashville to Salisbury, , "136 Salisbury to Raleigh, ,,156 10 10 383 , 94 $30 I a .,' A i ne above rates are teueved -to, pe accurate or nearly ao. The route from Knoxville, by Jonesboro , Wiikesboro .and Salem. -to Greensboro H. C. is something shorter than either of the above routes. and the fare perhaps a little lea. ' .1 i.1 err 'are on ine nawiga, ana u anion iuui noaa ww nii.:L r l. n. tb - n w a less than six cent per mile. '1 Cavtiov. reraons travelling from JNortn to sopth by the way of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail tftoad ahould be careful not to enter . their names or procure UrkeU further than to Petersbuig. Va. Raleigh $ Gaston Rail Road Office, Aognsflt849 (T The American Sentinel; Philadelphia fr-Nih tiooal Intelligencer; Charleston Cquner; Auguta Chronicle ; Nashville Banner, ami Knoxville Times, will publish the above weekly for two tBonthir'and aeud their accounts to thisofpee for collection. f.V : August 11 . -1. B4 TTUST PUBLISUED, : and ready 9 defive 911 ry, at the North Carolina Book Store, a Digest of all the reported Decisions of the Court in North Carolina, commenciag with the earliest Repbrter'snd cnliuding the Decisions of the 8dpremeCourt sit their June Term, 18371 Prepared by Hon James Iredell, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. V I Turner & Hushes, the Proprietors, respectfully eik the patronsge of the public for. this work, which has been published at great expense. It contains' near a thousand pages, and is, therefore, necessarily divided into two royal octavo valumea of about five hundred pages each, printed ongood type and fine paper, and. if''t a w-fc w w-v 11 ... S - ... wcK-Dounu. r rice, ine uouars s copy. It is recommended nut only to professional H)en,all of whom will doubtless possess themselves of it, to direct and abridge Jheif1 labors, but it is also; urged upon the notice of all Justice, Sheriffs, and;! other judicial tfficers, aa affording them an exposition, in a few words, of the points which the. Supreme fourt Of NtXh Carolina haa decided in relation to their du- t.2 ' TJJ ; ! a 1 a nes. r or a simitar reason, it ia recommenuea 10 pri vate gentlemen, who jmay have an inclination or feel an interest to know the"detefminations of the Supretne Court, which eonstrttile. ikr far as they decide, the law of the land, jis imperative as any. Act of. Assem bly and as biading . in - their operation uponj. every member of the community. . -. t TTMPORTAST THE WEATHER .'AND. U ll'S: EFFECTS. The sudden change bf ahe weather wilt be productive of much sickness Joules. people are careful to attend to the state of the storo ach and bowels. ' If this ia done no danger will arise; but on the first feeling of headache, pain in the-aide, back or bowels, have recourse to BaAiraasTa' Vse taxlx Ukivkrsal PjtLB. Bix or eighty of these Pills will in most cases be sufficient. , And one dose of this kind, it is not improbably may prevent tnoulh of sickness, perhsps death. V t . I lbey will, .if jsed during the preyalenee of any cause for disease, entirely prevent fatal TesUtta, be cause they remove through the stomach' and bowels all morbid matt era that jpay have accumulated In the system by inhaling impure air, or- from eating un wholesome food. rV ' It is at all times easier to prevent thsu to cure dis ease, because by taking e preventative course we do Dot debilitate the natural functions of the body, but rather strengthen and assist them; the peeulist ac-. tion of BRANDRETH'S VEGETABLE UNIVER SAL PILLS, ie io cleanse the Blood from aJDrppu- .:... . . . ... t " run;, remove every cans 01 rain or, xv eaxnesi, anu PRESERVE THE CONSTITUTION in Vsuch a state of Health and Vigor " ita casual changes xannot jnecU',--i K'"' Utfai ,m i Each Agent haa an Engraved Cerlifictite 0 Agenr Cy - (aigned) B. BfcAifDRXTH, M. D. , . I , . . Hie Office ibr supply ins Virginia and N. Carolina la now kept at D. But rick'a Shoe Store, six doom -be-low the Market; Hichmond,. Vaw, - uA- s-.-. The following are some of.Ju. Aeeuts in N. Oaro- una:.". . - ... A - r ". , - w - - ;i - . . ,- WILUAlVl-PjECK, JlaMoj 8. P. Rogers ' V New'Llkit, It. Ar'tf .RfiVT;-v - " k A.:.kn. B. dc Hi Baker. Loulsbufg,' RW. Godwin, I u ?.! M. M. f Jary -its 4 -f; 8tedman & Ramsey '". I w if.n.i. - v'jrranxuiion, . .. :i i 2.-. M. -'. .. . Pittaboroueh - f CbaperHill, rin v;. JIMHOIMgU, WMaaWHiilLT - XBrXi Mebanea. jAs.TI 'IC ...il. r-j. ..- " . e .- ": Tbe-above. Agents, sod all others who are.not Ao; vertised, have recently received a fresh Bpptf;"--?' ; jtxmemoerntver cj VruezislK iTT M R t UctoBtp.Sj 184.0,- . el t ITAYNE'S HAIR TONlW,tor tnt, growtn, pre y U servstion ana HmR,si1w,'--i bed Froin mGrahain.EditofTOe raiaiaauiu-y. a -.-.-i ,,...-..-.-.-, ,. a' wfca' W 't ! ttAil:l j HAia-TeirftWeveaU Wf aiwnuoni .. - . ".-. ' .a . m Lk . .a . flicted with pren Tonio' prepared xT ;r oirraetvearwe ... an1 a Tmheaitatitrirlv pronounce it an in valuable'remedy to prevent lkeaHng M fehair, ..) .. Mstnra it from a dead: to fine, healthy- ap- tHrorice,; :Wi can ab apeak from wM JJjg . -'-. r?L .l. ..- fi-.snrls who ' were edge ol tne case? oi i v prIWpimed te beldrteeS, who by the Uae. Jayna. Hair Tonic, have novf axuriant hair. Mff 99 dUposition 40 puff indi wimtnately ikinda of rem dieWfor all diieaa which esh UneDrjo, but when e .. , - . ' ' a " - i - a '.. mt mt' A we have tested the virtue ot an arucie, we m II4 ' ':; .4t!'!t''Vi 'iAV-''4'- gaut preparation Utestoring-the gyowth.ef be fair i iii ia. ia trnlr wonderful. Where 4lh hair his been worn off f rom the top pf the head, by thejl careless practice of cafryifig tningr- m tne crown i the bat: U is kenettlly eesideid digSoult f. w -irn possible to teetere ivouaa n wwjj7ri"",,v,"r; amplea that the Hair Tonic reaches these cases yery, proraptlj and effect a .complete fu'e.; Eyeiy gen map (we aay nothing tb the ladies, it being a Talr presumption that their haiirtf wayiHifuIl luxuyi ane at least it always aeems'ao,vefy geotlemaa wIk finda hie. hair growing . too .thin or becoming- loose, shook! place a bottle or Jayo!TeHar-l onus m his dressing CM)" and apply it with alfre use -of the hair brush verf morning. The result will he a full. strong end beebby head of hair. The case that have Jallen under oar wn ODarrvauootwjarrau ua iu asaertbg tSiWpmif ''Mtmngcr. .' t Altoiitibn " caned, to tirl Jayne's II sir Tonic, for ihe preaervation growth audirestorallotif .thf Hair. We ard assured that several knost Remark able cores have latelv been eflected by tbie remedy.TR ia certainly, worthy trial.-- PMkalfhiar Saturday '.-- , '- '., -. bered ourselves amflng ibose who ?eJ5e.o that" the .Hair Tonic? prepated bjrBfilaype, wtf oneOftbe many auack nostramabose iHuea are neverfjieen bevmrd the fulsome puffs bf their aulbors.: .' W are willins. at length, to make public ackiiowledgemenV of the error of our belieL An intimfte frieni 'spaae two or three montns since, an tne top oi wnose.cron iim was as bald as f piece ot polisbed rnarDie. jr-'ugre alt our jesting and ridicule oftbe idea of. atteu.rangj a -a . a . ' ' . 1 ft . . - ' i to cuilivaie so barren a spot,Tnircnaseu a ooui o; two of the Hair Touic from Dr. Jayne, and according -e his directions applied it. , During lb present week. the same friend ushered himself into our preaence.aijd uncovering hia hitherto naked head, astonished us with a thin, though luxuriant growtn or bair, from one to two inches in length ipon the very premises wi bad believed aa unyielding to cultivation aa the trackless eand that skirts the Atlantic. This : is no puff but is righteously true, and those who doubt the gentleman can be pointed out. What t more In fa vor of this "Tonic, the case here cited was not one, . - . ' -.1 .-' . e.i. "..': or temporary DaKiness-no snauen toss oi me nair-nui was one of years standing, though the gentleman is but foity-five years of -ThiladeIphia Spirit of WW SI m 1 "mm ,m MAfk - -' Hit nmcSt uaoper 91, 193?.' : 05 The above axceilent article, tdgeiber withl ikH ether of Or. Jsyhe'e prepatSUOns, are for aale in Raleigh, bfWiamacVHayaid -Petersburg, DcpuyRosscr & Jones. - WiIpipgtonR-Wjr44' v: : ; t TTAXiin&ti EcferolaAirr is decidedly aU superior t'er mother known combination of ..:" r :u. ri t r-..ii-.i:. ... Hwwicuif, iw vuua zwuia, vubuluviwu,. nBiuuia Spitting of Blood, PalpiUtioba of he Heart; BRON- CHITIS-TChronkt Pleurisy, Difficplttjf Breathing, j-jiinonaij recommended by .numerous and respectable Individuals, who have ibftnd relief from iti uie. . Many trhja-bava been la ibouring'hfidetotracted CooghCnd Pains in the oreaat, ana nay been jupppsea by .tneinseives and ',L.! A!'a ji 1- i r ..." . a I . ? B ! . : 1- a - J . t." . i 1 kl a"? Extract)? Certificate from Rev. DLSabcock, late Prei4pot of VVaterviUe College, Majne. " Fromlntihiate Personal ecouaintance with Dr. D Jaynel t regul stjdef tb Meuto of rennsvtvania. and aa experienced, anccessful uracil- lioner of medicine i ' was' prep'are'l to appreciate the numerous usnuconiaisin uvour oiniauinerenttneui- . ..r ' ? . . eal preparation, much more -highly, then the great, majuruy 01 inose wuica areextensiveiv euiogiseu uo trial of them in my own family, an aome'of (hem personally, I have.piore than realized their favourable anticipations. They are whar they profess lb be teot quack nostrums but skilfully prepared abtUiorea A '.... a . an a a - mm- loraomeac tne most amicuve 01 jioman Tiiseajwt ' 4- .1 .1 . . , .', .'-!. '."... : KTew.uiai iuey are nrgniy eaieemyur anu irequeniry !!. J I ' ' - ' -At. .. ... '.Lt.'.ll- it -.L,.'- prescnoeu, oy some 01 iae nvoi ri'spccinwt; ei-iue reg ular practitioners of -medicine inthis city "and else where, and I do not hesitate W commend them is a valuablevadditioo to ot materia medica, -and a safe, 1 a vVel as emioenuy useful" remedy for the diaessed. : , r '.W t RUFUSBABUOCK, Jr. PtdelpbTtS ; Jone, ISS. c Jdyt aormtyf Invite attention ioJtbts admirable 'temedy for Pulmonary afiectiensltdverti ed iq anolher column- The principle theje announced of thf morbid character of oAamcf uwit tendency to originate inflammatiotpYthe Bronchia, ai4 conse quent vitiation of the uatura bumor-is,"beyond dis pute, t hetruth itself. ' The . only practicable mode"of removing such obstruction, la by ineana of cxpeetori lion, a result which we are convinced can alwaya be ebumed by a judicious exhibition of afae remedy of Dr. Ujhe.Philadelj)kiar v Ja'ynjis ExpectorantBf a refere&ee to our adver tising columns, U will be seen that" this valuable Medi cine ia offered for aale In thi city, by E. W. Bull, Agent. We esteem it a pleasure to be able to recom mend this medicine, as Ihe heat calculated for the pur pose of coring coughs; colds, sore throat, asthma, and . all affection of the lungs, t From a long personal ac quaintance ' with Dr. Jsy ne, we know that he is no quack, and, his medicines are pot'swirtlms f .the modern cry-up, bu are the result of his long experi ence as a practising physician and the Expense of great MmtsHartfora, jCtjJJaily Renew. From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier.. t 1 Valuable Medieinfr--We do not wish to commend one good medicineat the erpeneeef another, bu we cannot forbear .to- Notice the valuable propertiee pos sessed by ihfiuCarminativt Balsam. and the pectorantV prepared by Dr.- Jayne; of South Third 1 ii. A; :?.:! i-w tr:...- f.e-.iT. ,' !: H denee until after a thorough trial in our owul family. They are invaluable In a family of children. V, ... " VNuiSerou bther certificates might be added. Kat the above are considered sufficient evidence of It great: usefulne:j-' yij 1 m T"l,. .t... .M..l . . I L.ll .It -.1 - . 7. avwaiucK, ogeioerwiui an oiner Aieai cine prepared by Ur. Jayne, are for sale in " ;rtl , - rE 1 MM a -. , -i. "1 '..-.. ! Petersburg, !DupytRoeaty AJonei. i cFeoaryj 184Q d'i : rXVMnTrE BAD,-LINSEED -.OIL, &2 , V y i 1 iH.ibscnbeFr nee? constantly off hand an extensive assortmenVoY Medicines, Paints. Oils, Dye .stof&. Brashes, Perfwnely. and Faery articles r-with! .t.i-.t , - r ... "'.' " . , x.m euppi. jnysiciana ami -Aeaer oo. the .".c0? w?tvtenisv All orders, j with good referenced, wilt meet prompt atte&Wnl excelteBtJucieaBBaa, m r! doced a fine growth of hair oa th heada-pr Puna nature baldness to the ex01rt by Dr. Jayneofthia city.' Can epeal m Its Ttriuea -oyx valS4xratef '" V ' f fci DUPUY, ROSIER ONliDruggietmi . -. ...T 8.E-cornetof Syeamor and Back St. ,W . ; . . reterabXi.; '-. Sr I'm"-: ' JJMing to tolk t Roll. WmiB. to ; j-MiuntUji unuorm atyie and, f or sale by V.:4;'M -v; r TURNER &HDGTrp0 ' . Uct. .10, 184084. : , , hhrti'PHtitf-i w,.j 1.1, . Reived by. ' TURNER & HTTrj just r. Ocui6. , ; : . - - rniHE H Art AT ARMS : or Henr. n. rT " - . ' T W VjrAiti. jamea.' roraaleby :Ocr 16 1 ,-,A TURNER & HUGttPa eARRlSON MElDIES&Trr-, theN.C.'Bobkstore. "U l UCf. l.w v - j .ri fe .-1841. fir tTRNER fc HUGHES' NORTH CAROTi ' - i'!NAULMANAO for' 1841, this d,T Jj and7 ready for aale by the single one or by ihe ouaru rfH EORGIA StJENES. AJT received by.. . TURNER & HUGHP.s iOa8'f-;--t- TT-JvfiMOCRACy IN AMERICA ; PimP byDe.TocqueviIle 3d Edition &c Jut published and for rale by .TURNER HIGHEST Oct. 1 6, J 840. 84. rmHJiABW PAPERS-In three L JI- TKs day received a the N. C. Book Stor Tf-PTANNAH M0RE;S WOKS, complete, in aevca Volume, printed on. fine paper-i-beautitul Ed; U3Q. Justreceiyeapy , . - JV v.". TURNER HUGHES. :OLVEL &TALE8 by Msri Edgeworth, sir IT .IS! AM M.M. V.li eoiype imuwuui hi.u. , vi. day jeceited by iTUKIHCK & HbUHES. . A JfB W HIEROGLYPHICAL BIBLE, with Dt. AX votioaal Piece' far Youth ; containing 400 cuu, rAdarasCCall at No 1, Cbeapide. ; - j.jr v .-' ' t'uiutBK oc HUUHE8. OME.AGAIN.-We have a fresh cargo of Cot MoatYaulB apd Cotton Clotia, at the rame pri- ;, - VLL: PECK. Raleigh, Oct. SO, 1840, r fERICANAEMAWAC end Repository, . - rtPrfor I80 JU8t published 1d4 itEby, : f TURNER & HUGHES. TtPLTXYATOR'S ALMANAC and Cabinet of XLj t AgricuUurXnowkdge,iM1)t thi Jij eved byt ,: ..U , TURNER A HUGHE9.; TmANCROFrS HISTORY OFTHE UNITED Irb STATESi'firtt and second Vols. 6ih Eilitimil For asle bj r' 1 TURNER & HUGH E8. ITU RAVELS IN SOUTH-EA8TERN ASIA, en. I'll. J. ;' .!.- "tot , Lt praciya ,riUMiosian, jjaa,ian inu vniDi; second Edltiotr, by Rev. Howard Malcom. rTor sale by , TORNER dc HUGHES, OU CABIN ANECDOTES, illuslnting Inch dents in the LifMf Geiv. William Heniy Har- rnton the People's Candidate. .A new supply, Jh'u day teeeiijU:.:r-:- :i . , ;TURNER & HUGHES:- TT AKD PIRATED StewattV Adventures in can "' U taring MniTen, wjth an account of the execu tiona at. Viduburg, &c &c 2d Edition. For sale by j .-. .it. Tr . . - 73 . A imiliaN ALMANACS. Complete U,k i Afcrtl-sets In lew' Vols, commencing with YoJ. 1, io.1830, of the Boston American Almanac,"wbich ii new scarce, and seldom to be procured, bound to match. Tor aaleTy-- & $ TURNER cc HUGHES. fTTVIE TREE OF LEGAL KNOWLEDGE.de 1 U . aigned as an Assistuit in the study of Law. A new supply of the above work, just received at tb N6rh Carolina' Book' Store, RafeiKh, by ; ' s --Viv TURNER HUGHES. . iTnECWlTHSt- PltLSFresh supplies ol iQ) these valuable and well ; known Pills may al wayabe bad by applying-at the Drug Store of Tha. L Jump and William At Mason $ Co, io this City. 'Uj22."-A -' j 43 - TfTUCONOMY-Wayland's Political Economy. U. Pl Edition. Call at the N. V. Bookstore. Sept 4. -'--A ;. v v. 73 ' I lUAlil JUC4JL X JC--i-T r. a m mrr a m m .wwi . a Letters and Medita XLD tion on Religious and other subjects by Wil Fbt ealeby t H O 45 livm T. Bain. TURNER & HLGHEa. OTICJE. -Notice is Benby given; according to the nroviaiona of an Act of Assembly in such - made and nrovided. that Ffntend to anoly to tb iiext General AsseUibly of this State, to be held in No VemUr, for the passing of an Act fof the benefit of Wat Forest wege. PZt :--v..-.".'"rrTj. MEREDITH. Prtit. i'eighbcCHl840r 85. "TVTOTICJB. The SuWiber has just added SO Jf-jiewBopips to hif Hotel, and will be prepared to accommodate comfortably 40 members of the ap proaches Legislature. . . :.Vn. f ; . -THOMAS C.J UJfc Raleigh, Oct 20, l$40. 85 TT ADlES FARlSjUDING HATS f ! A eplefr U A did, article JnVtfcif 4aH an most approed style," just 'received' and 'for 114 at E. Hah. Co.r Hot oitd Oaf ) Store . Raleigh. Aprii $1.840. . . 34 if liVeome assortment of plaid Swiss and Jaconet Mealins, Swiss and Jsconet Muslin Edging nd in- and a few other seasonable goods. . . W. & A. STITH, August 7. 64 TAMTED. Copper, Pewter and Lead, fi VV which the highest cash prices will be paid bj 68 .- .. J. H. KIRKHAM "AlSITEli.ss soon as possit, one hamM r r aala frames, made inl a neat manner, quuaof.4 -j : , . JH KIRKHAM HVW MWMSlOllj Haiyr Corrox Bis ViJV iao by the quantity, aqd first rate Ci-" wholeala. : ri ' WILL: PECK- TrnTAW'TPri n nnn-Af fe.r skins. and OT Fdie of aU kinds, for which a reasonable p WUIU paid ittcaa ; ojrbarterby J. tt. '.""L Fayettevillej Vf? BALES more of the Lexington Cotton 1 CWja UP tbe article pejkfbr iteU, 1... WlbU"-' fpepL-7.'; JZ-s: : - ', 1 ftiK&hY .NEGRO WOM A N AN D CHILDREN for sale. Apply at this 0ffic ,Sept. SO, 1840-80tf. . UCLIC WOTICE is hereby that application wUI be made to the next , u , Sril Assembly for nAct of Incorporstion Ralkisk Mccb a wic s Aisoct atioh. g4 HOctober lfi.1840. P tf' ' : WVy ftoni 10 to 18. year, of age-.wouW u &yto juignt coprpieetea oy. w. JZl'T' m applf. bem for. my Own use rn use., .ror nmw r"-. t . :..- ifiJGOpON,EaS"; Uctober -0-3''..5., 5i;rtVtI:ENGlNEEn ' - .'i-...l J. Z. -TT .. -. v--. '.. -f-B.I-wT. inWtorWtheimpryed cowtction o. - f - E 1H TO - Thie 35 - v Adoi-pditimar' story- v.