SIV5 pLEGlSIiAJREv I biilMAiJt. a to n . J . TV . . - . ' I . i-HURSDAT,irec; ibw'-v: The bill appropriating one thousand dolr lars 7eaf frifiT. yearsi to purchase a Mr brary for ihe State was taken up, rejected, reconsidered, on motion of Mr. Wilson ;pn potion of Mr. Spruill, amended and passed 39 to 8. -. - ; Mr. Hill introduced the Memorial of the president and Directors, of the Wilmington and Raleigh Halt Road Company, praying the Legislaturoto grant them atoan. Refer- reaV ' -jM-.. '. '" 4''",':-' The bill to prevent betting on elections, passed its third reading,;30 to 16, and was ordered to boicngrossed. v3 : - The bill tojauthorise the construction of the Raleigh and Western ; Turnpike Road Was read the second time, amended on mo- tion of Mr. Clingman,-; and postponed until Tuesday next. J - Mr. Shepard introduced a Memorial from citizens of Perquimons, praying for Leg is- lative restrictions on me practice oi retail- ingopiri.uvi uuui wicucu. i On motion of Mr. Gaither, the Committee . T.l- -L !. ..,... 1 I 7 vided with a copy of the Revised Statutes, s first volume of the HOUS& OF COMMONS. Reported frofa the Committee on ProposU tions and Grievances ? A Resolution in fa vor of the Clerk if Brunswick County, which n motion of Mr. Hill, was laid on the table. A Resolution in favor of Philip Hodnett, - i i 2. ' . late Entry -taker for the County of Caswell ; which was read tne nrst time and passed. A Resolutionl in favor of Robert Wood sides, Sheriff qt thz County o'f Bronswick, which, on motion of Mr.' Hill, was amended, read the first, second and ' third times, and passed.- pj ;' Mr. J. T. Miller - presented a : memorial from the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, praying the aid 'of the State : which was readand referred to the Commit; tee on Internal j Improvements. On motion of; Mr. Biggs, the following Res. olution was adopted x Resolved, Tl .at the Public Treasurer be directed to report to this House the whole amount of stock held by the Sate in incorporated Companies ; sneci fying the amount in each Company, and the fund to which it belongs, with the net value of the same, as nearly as it can be ascertained ; also, the several sums due the State, the! Cherokee Bonds to be included in one item, specifying the Fund to- which they belong, and whether the collection of any part of them bo in his opinion doubtful, Z.".- . . v Mr. Moore presented a Bill to , expedite legal. process. :t ' ' f Mr. McCaughlin, a Bill to amend an Act ' 1 1 . passed, in 1829, concerning a Poor House in the County of Iredell. Said Bills were read the first time and passed. ' t'-ty' ' - The Bill to establish a County by the name of Cleveland was tcad the second time, and passed. '.V'rf-- v V . ' ' On motion of Mr. Hi C Jones, a proposi tion was sent to. the Senate to unite the Stand ing Committees; oh Education of each House and form them into a Joint Select Commit tee. ; '-' " ' '." Mr. H. C. Jones presented a Memorial from John Louis Beard, Administrator of Peter Faust, which was referred to the Com mittee on Claims. v v . Mr. Guthrie! presented a Resolution in fa vor of James, S. Smith. Read the first time and referred. ;L, ; "?. Mr. Fleming presented a Bill concerning Jurors in Yancy County, which was read the first time and passed. : Mr. F. Taylor introduced a Bill ' concern- ing the collection of debts by the Banks in taw fetate, which was read tne nrst time ana passed. i - Mr. Fleming introduced a Petition from inany citizens of the lunty of x ancy, pray- ing legislative asiion on iueir remww i ition from Market towns, which was refer- j red to the Committee on internal improve ment - j "r . J Mr. Bryan introduced a Bill in favour of rpor xeotors, ana ... .. . -- - Jr. J, Walker, a Bill to prevent me Be- ling of unmatured crops. : These Bills were read the first time, and referred to thejCommittee on the Judiciary. The Bill to provide for the more conveni ent administration of Justice in the County of Wayne, and . The Bill to provide for the more conveni ent administration of Justice in the County of Burke, were read the second and third times and passed, ! ' '' The Speaker appointed Messrs. Menden hall and Retd. on behalf of the Commons, to form the Joint Select Committee to su perintend the making a list of votes giren for Governor, "- -'' 'v ; , Mr. J. T. Miller presented a Memorial from sundry citizens of the Town of ; VYil. mington on tlic subject , of the Inspection Laws, which was referred to the Committee P Propositions and Grievances. Resold. tb.t a if MMM be sent to the Senate pro-J inouon oi iir. uaiuuKci Ping t raise a Joint select Committee of five on the I eacn Mouse, to enquire mwwe necrwuj u i.Jd.!"g n ion SL?:!7: "I'.ww on ma inmninnwai oi nruicwuwuii m w i Cenerl Assembly under the amended Constitution of hi Slate. ' . ; '.;' -ij. " ' Mr! Patton presented a. Bill repealing the passed. A Message! was received fromi the Sen ftte, informing that Mr. Spruill is appointed Teller on the part of the Senate to make . a usi oi votes guen for Governor, SENATE, FniDAr. Dec. 4. Mr. Morehead, from the Committee on lhe Judiciarv. to whom was referred the bill C0Jlcernin2 fines' and costs,' reported the bill JV an amendment, , which was read and UDOn th' aKla The two Houses voted for Colonel Com- - u vui ve uuani brigade c Bcon of Horsi.; t VRnharrla. of. Gran- Vm, I ",'.' -;a ? on the J uaiciary were instructed to inquire air. .oynum presented the memorial of the into the expediency of so amending the law, Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company, that each Justice of the Peace shall bo pro- asking such relief as" may be deemed suffi- ct relating to the Public Road in Buncombe explaining the Law pu the subject , oi vms k County.- SaidBill was read the first, sec Settlementsrwhich was iread the . fi"ttime, nd and third times and passe : ; t ; ':l nd referred to the Cqpamittee rn the . JVIr, Bynam panted a Resdlutfon, ia- inquire into the jxnr1iAnv f mn;r, we Jaw. relating to. witnesses, in State cases. . J ... "'.I ----- so as to provide that jn all indictments for misdemeanors the prosecutor shall not be entitled to compensation for his attendance as witness ; whichas adopted. V" Mr, Morehead, from the Judiciary Com- iiMtlce, to whom was referred the memorial of Thos.H. Bloii nr. rnnrfpH n Kill tn e title to, and grant jurisdiction over a tract of lanjj on Boyd's Island, to the United - States;: which passed its first reading. The bill to incorporate the Concord Man- ufactojing Company was read the third lime, passed, and ordered to be engrossed. - The engrossed Resolution, authorising thq removal of the map of the Cherokee lands from Macon county, was read the third time, passed and ordered to be enrolled; K ., kMr. Morehead, from, the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the Resolution respecting the sale of land held by tenants in common, reported a bill to proviae lor tne distribution of he proceeds llS) vr iauu wiu wr pariiuoa in eenain caseswis which was read first time and nassed. , 0 .... . . cicnt and consistent with, the interests of the State. Referred. . The biir to pureffe a Library, was read the third time, and on motion of Mr Al bright, amended, passed, and ordered to be enrolled. Mr Shcpard presented a communication from the Hon. William" Gaston, statins that a gentleman proposes to repair the statue of Washington, to receive pay when tbeAvork is done, and will make no charge unless he succeeds in its accomplishment. Sent to the other House with a proposition to re fer. . Received from the House of Commons a message, stating that Messrs. Mendenhall and Reid form their branch of the Commit- ee to superintend the making a list of votes given for Governor ; and that the Commons are now ready to receive the Senate 'into their Hall for that purpose ; Which was read and adopted. Ihe Senate then repaired to the House of Commons. Mr. Spruill, the Teller in behalf of the two Houses, report ed ; when Colonel Joyner, the Speaker of the Senate, made the following announce ment: Gentlemen of the Senate, and of the House of Common t The returns of votes given at the late election for (governor of this State, have been opened and published according to law, in the presence of a msjority of members of , both Houses of the General Assembly. The Tellers, appointed by the two Houses to examine the returns and to make a list of the votes, have reported that forty-four thousand, four hundred and eighty-lour votes were given tor John Al. More- head, of the County of Guilford, being the highest numoer given ior any person , ana iuai xninynve thousand, nine hundred and three votes were given for Romulus M. Saunders ; and that S25 votes were giv en in the county of Currituck for R. M. Saundereon. No objection having been made to the said report, I declare that John M. Morehead is duly elected Gov ernor of the State of .'North Carolina for two years from the first of January next. " The members of the Senate thereupon re turned to their Chamber, and after transact ing some minor business, adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. On motion of Mr. J. O'K. Williams, the Committee od: Education and the Literary. Fund was instructed to enquire into the ex pediency of amending the Common School law, passed at the last Session ; also the ex pediency of making a further appropriation, ana report Dy diu or emerwise. I-, Received from His Excellency, the-Gav- ernor, a Message transmitting a report from George : E." Badger on certain suits lately penw in the Circuit and Supreme Courts of lhe United States, in which the State of North Carolina is interested. Said Message antJ Jteport were sent to the Senate, with a pr0p0sitjOn tp refer them to a Joint Select Committee of four on the part of each nousc. ; ; Qa motion of Mr. Whitehurst, so muclmf the Governor's Message as relates to a Rail from Raleigh to Waynesborougb, was referred to the committee on Internal im provementt On motic On motion of Mr. Caldwell, Resolved, That the Committee on Public Build ings and rebuilding the Capitol, be instructed to report to this House, all the fixtures and articles or furni ture purchased on behalf of the State for furnishing the Capitol, specifying each article and the cost ef the same, Mr. J, B Jones presented a petition from sundry citizens of Currituck county, praying that a law be passed permitting them to hsh and hunt on the uninclosed marshes of said County. Referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr. Mendenhall presented a Memorial from the ' Raleigh ' and Gaston Rail Road Company, praying the aid of the Legislature, which Ws read end referred to the Commit tee on Internal Improvements. On motion of Mr. Patterson, the Judiciary Committee was instructed to enquire into the Expediency of altering and amending the La W respecting wants. , Mr.'Boyden presented a Memorial from a (jourt Martial ot tne jviniua wmcers oi Rockinffham, which oh motion of Mr. Biggs . . . r.i-- i was referred to the Committee on Military affairs. Mr. Hoke presented a Bill declaring and JudiCtaTy. I The two Houses ' then proceeded to' vote for a Colone of Cavalryttachcd to the 16th Brigade? , ;i , ' :v:,' J . vv pereupon, it eppearea inai tioraou , jj, Robards having, received 142 votes being a large majority, was duly elected. iThe two "'Houses-' then assembled in Gene eraJ Convention in the Commons Hall, Mr, Speaker Joy ner, of the Senate iq the. Chair and the Clerks of the two Houses,i ri presence of the Tellers. -vis r Mr. II. G. Spruill, of the Senate and Messrs.- Mendenhall and- Reid the number of votes given in tne eevera rViithtiM f the State far :Govcrnor.-i;; raw! The President of the General Convention announced the result, declaring John M. Morehead duly elected' Governor of the States SENATE. ' ': f SATVKDAYf Dec. 5. . . .. Mr. Spruill presented theVollowing Reso lution, which Was read and adopted: ' i Rtmhtd, That mewaje be sent to h Houm of Commons, propeainy tiiat a Committea of one on the part the Senate, and .two on the part of the House of Commons, be appointed to wait n John M More head, and inform him of his election as Governor of North Carolina, for two Tears from the first of Janaary next, and to ascertain frera him, when it will suit bis convenience to appear before the' two Houses of this uenerai Assembly, and take the oaths of office. Mr. -Wilson "presented Resolutions re qucsting the Governor to lay' before the General Assembly a statement of the whole amount of property received by the Universi ty of North Carolina, ozc. &c. and instruct ing the Judiciary Committee "to enquire into the expediency of repealing the second sec tion of the act giving to the University the property which may hereafter escheat to the JifcCttVi at IU - CHI up LCU. Mr. Wilson nrfsnntrl 9 hill nnnan'.nt the Banks established, and those which may hereafter be established in this State ; which passed its first reading, and .was referred. The bill to compel Militia Officers to hold their commissions three years, and the bill directing the conveyance of the commons ad joining the tqwn of Murphy to the Chairman of the Court,! passed their third reading, and were ordered to be engrossed. The proposition of the Commons, -to ap .point a Joint Select Committee of five on the part Of each House, to enquire into the iicv-coauir ui uomiug ua extra session ot tn& Legislature, to legislate on the subiect of iae apportionment oi representation in the General Assembly under the amended Constitution, was read and agreed to. Air.' Mitchell nresented a bill tn amend an act for the better regulation of ih tnwn - - - - - - - fTO:ii n j T- j Z" T of Wilkes. Read first time and referred. Mr. Snmill nr0nt Pccnlnt!nn Anrt ing the Public Treasurer to lav before this - w wwwaa wa - AVWova UU UU Uii w fc Legislature" certain information concerning the sale, &c. of Revised Statutes; which was adopted. Mr. Whitaker presented a Resolution in structing the Judiciary Committee to en quire into the expediency of so amending tne law relative to the appointment of Coro ners, as -to raise their fee, when called on to hold an inquest over a dead body; which was read and adopted. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Siler presented a Bill giving to the County Court of Cherokee, jurisdiction over the State-vRoad in said County. Mr. Winston, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported a Bill providing for res toring to the rights of citizenship persons convicted of infamous crimes. These Bills were read the first time and passed. On motion of Mr. Fleming, Resolved, That the Committee on Education b in structed to enquire into the eipediency of dividing the annual income of the Literary Fund, among the seve ral CounUes in this State, in proportion to their Fed eral population. On motion of Mr. Graves, the Committee on the Judiciary was instructed to enquire whether or not the laws on Usury, in this State need amendment. Mr. Young presented-a Petition from sun dry Citizens of the Counties of Iredell, Meek lenburg and Lincoln, together with a Bill to carry their prayer into effect, entitled a Bill to lay off and establish a County by the name of .Graham. Said Bill was read the first time and passed, and on motion of Mr. Xoung, re ferred to the Committee ou Proposition and Grievances. The Bill authorising the Governor to ap point an Agent in tne county ot niacon or - jm er Cherokee, was read the second time, amen ded and passed The Bill to repeal the Act concerning the Processioning of Lands, the Bill to lay off and establish a County by the name of Yan- cv, .and tne .bill to prevent tne cutting oi timber into the Rivers of Cherokee County, were each read the second time and passed; Received Trom the Senate the Engrossed Bill to purchase a Library, which was read the first time and passed. Also, a proposition to refer to a Joint Se lect Committee pf three, on" the part of each House, a Letter from the Hon. William Gaston, on the subject of repairing the Sta tueoi wasnington. concurred in. The Bill authorising the several County Courts to provide for compensation to the Wardens of the Poor, was read the second time and passed. The Bill to lay off and establish a Coun ty by the name of Stanly, was read the third time and passed. leas 62 IN ays 40. The Bill to lay off and establish a County by the name of Cle veland, was read the third time and passed, xcas oo -JNays 01. The Bill to lay off and establish a county by the. name of Caldwell, was read the se cond time and rejected. Yeas 42 Nays 67, Raixish, Dec 4, 1S40. Mr. G a its I discover in your Paper of the 4th instant, that I am incorrectly reported in the remarks I submitted to the House on the passage of the Bill proposing to alter the appointing , power for. Commis sioners of Navigation of the fape Fear River, I did not slate as reported that to my own knowledge the Pilots had been toj&'nnlest Aey voted the Van Borea Ticket ther would be removed from office" but that such was the report ia the community, and that from my personal observation of the occurrences of the occasion, I did not doubt the correctness of ihe gene ral impression. ! presume the error in your Reporter onginaled from 1h difficulty of hearing in the Hall ; and request that it may be corrected by inserting this communication in'your nextpomber,Uv r r . Respectfully," v.! ; - - ARE FOUEST COLLCGE.-Tha present Session, in this Institution, will close on Thursday, the 17th ef December next- The Ex amination will occupy Tuesday and Wednesday pre ceding. ' ' . ' The next Session will commence' on ' Monday, the Ilthof January, 1840. v . -r 'M ' By adjournment, the Bwd of Trustees are to meet at the College on Thursday the 17tb of December, r JOHS B, WHITE, Secretary. ' pec. 7. 'i - 'v:y.'-' THE REGISTER. Our are the plan of fair, dcb'gktfulp ' Unwarpd by party rage, to live like bm eaee, . ; brother $? Tuesday, December 8, 1810. STATE LEGISLATURE. The proceedings of ibis body begin to assume snore importance, and to excite greater interest. The Com mittees are now hard at work, and the results of their labor are daily developed. j ,"; : Po Attorney General has yet leen chosen, though ona trial or more is made every day, Since our last, the two Houses have voted twice, as follows: v - vt:-. - ist 2i Hogh McQueen" 63 63 J. R. J. Daniel- 60 66 James Iredell - 26 26 Scattering , - . 5 5 We tnow of no other election of importance to come before the Legislature, but that of two Judges. They will hardly be chosenintil the fate of the bill is known, now before the House, to locate the Judges. It has passed ihe Senate, but we can form no idoa' of its prospects in the Commons. , 1H THE MAILS. We are not in the habit of complaining of the ir regularity of the Mails, because it is sometimes beyond the power or human means to control this matter. . . . sucn derangement as now exists. We nave bad no !L , . . . "um "9na OBa asion, since rnoay night. OUR RAIL ROADS. We publish in this paper, the fifth Annual Report of the Wilminstoa Rail Road Company, and the Memorial of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road. Com pany to the Legislature. Both treat of matters,-which interest not only a largo number of oar Subscribers, but the public generally. . "OLD ORANGE FOREVER." The Special Election held in Orange, to supply the vacancies created by the choice of Messrs. Makoux and Giiiix to the Senate of the United 8tatesf has resulted in favor of the Whigs by aa increased majority. Hugh WaddelL Esq. is chosen in Mr. Msngum's place, by 188 voles over Dr. Julius Bracken (Van) ; and CoL John Grahams, in Mr. Graham's place, by 382 votes over John Steckard, Esq. ( Vsn.) Independent ly of the gratification which this election affords, as furnishing additional evidence of the soundness of eld Orange, it fives us great pleasure to record it, because it summons sgain to the service of the State, one of her most devoted snd talented sons, in the person of Mr. WaddelL-- -I DEATH BY FREEZING. A white man was found frozen to death in this City, on Saturday morning last His name was Jobw Car- soil, 'of Johnston County. He had been here with a Market (yart, and having indulged too freely with the bottle, became incapacitated from taking eare of him self: ' (CT Congress met on yesterday. The President's Message will, most probably, be delivered to-day ; in which event, we shall either get the document itself, or some account of it from our Washington Corres pondent, in time for our next. LEGISLATURE OF VIRGINIA. The General Assembly of this Commonwealth as sembled at Richmond on Tuesday last, and was organ ised, by the election of John W.Nash, (Loco Foco,) as Speaker of the Senate, and Valentine W. Soutball, (Whig) as Speaker of the House of Delegates. SOUTH CAROLINA. , The Electoral vote of th State ha been cast for Mr. Vai Boasjf as President, and Mr.'V-izxwiix.of Va. as Vice President of : the United States. Qu ! Would the State have so voted, bad Virginia gone for the Whigs! Mr. Caihocx has been re-elected to the United States Senate, by an unanimous vote. THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. There is no doubt that Alabama has pone for. Van Buren by a Urge, and Illinois by a very small ma- jonty. Though we have no, returns, Arkansas has ,- doubtless given him her 3 votes. His whole strength, then, in the Electoral Colleges, is 60 votes to Gen. Harrison's 234. Gen. Harrison's majority is, there fore, 174--the largest ever obtained by any Presiden tial Candidate. POPULAR EDUCATION. The following Resolution was adopted by the high ly numerous and respected auditory, which " attended the series of Lectures on Popular Education delivered by J. Oaruix Tatlo. ? v v Rusolved, That the thanks of this meeting be ten dered to Mr. J. OaviLLX Tatlor. for the able and in teresting Lectures be has delivered in this Hall, on the subject of Popular Education ; and that we most cor- dially recommend him to the, kindly reception of eve ry community he may visit, in furtherance of his pb- Jectti " ' . , 1 CHARLESTON WHIG MEETING , It is with pleasure we have read the proceedings of the Vhig of Charleston (opposed es they are by Mr. Cauiovx and his friends, who, at present form a vast majority of the citizens) called for the purpose of in viting their talented and patriotic .Senator,- MeV.Paxe Toi, to a Pubfic Dinner at which he is expected to address them on the Polities! situation and prospecU of the Country. We doubt not Ml P, will convince all who hrar him, that the course which he and his Whig friends' have pursued, was the only one left to them far savings the Country," fropa.,tiie 'distress and:' ruin, brought upon it by the malministraxion of the Go vernment for the last twelve years ; and; that the'decr tion of Gen.'-HABiss ,to lhe Presidency wHl be considered as a fcleing, net only by tbe- Whigs, but by all classes, whatever their opinions may have here tofore been, from the happiness end 'prosperity which win soon j"penrade"; every "portion of our. extensive NORTH CAROLINA ELECTORAL COLLEGE. Stole of North Carolina, el. y . J. Be it remembered, that on'this, day, to wit, the first Wednesday ef December, (being the, second day of tne same month,) in the year of oar Lord one thou sand eight hondred and forty, the Electoral College of North Carolina assembled at the Capitol in the City of Raleigh, When the following Proclamation by His Excellency Edwaxd B' Dtroirr Governor, &c; was exhibited sind read i t:l . ; - 8TATE OF CAROLINA mrj eoTxavoa. W hkkka it appears by the returns received from the Sheriffs of the several counties in this State that a majority of the votes polled for Electors to choose a President and Vice President of the United Slates on the 12th instant, were given in favor of the persons named below Now therefore" I, Edward B. Dudley, Governor of the Stat of North Carolina, ba e thought fit to issue' this Piocbmation, making knOwnlb all whom it may concern,lhat James Wellborn of Wilkes, Charles McDowell of Burke, David Ramsour of Lin-1 coin, David Fi CaUlwetl of Rowan, John B. Kelly of Moore, James Mebane of Caswell, Abram Renchvr of Chatham,' James S. Smith of Orange, Charles Manly ef Wake, William L. Long of Halifax, William VV. Cherry of Bertie, Thomas F. Jones of Perquimons.. Josiah Collins of Washington, James W. Bryan of Carteret, Daniel B.' Baker of New ' Hanover, have been duly elected Elecibrs for and on behalf of the State of North Carolit a, to vote for President and Vice President of the United Sto'es. ' ' ' The Electors are, required by law to assemble in the City of Raleigh, on the firatVednesday of December next, and then and there give their voles. ' Txx ' "Given under my hand, as Governor, ana tne great seal oi tne fftate. ume this, the thirtieth day of November, one a thousand eight hundred and forty, at the jiVf oi itaiesgn. JSUW. B. DUDLEY. C. C. Battix, F.Ses. Mr. Mebane moved to organize the College by pro ceeding to appoint by ballot a President. Meaera: Long and Cherry were requested to superurtend the balloting. . ' , -; . . Mr. Cherry, from the balloting Committee, reported that Jazne Wellborn of Wiltea, was duly elected. ' Mr. Wellborn was conducted to the Chair by Messrs. Ramsour and Smith. '; On motion of Mr. Manly, Edmund B. Freeman was appointed Secretary. ; - The ro'4 being then called, it appeared that the fol lowing Electors were in attendance, to wit ; James Wellborn, of Wilkes, . David Ramsour, of Lincoln, .J : John B. Kelly, of Moore, : James S. Smith, of Orange, Charles Mahly of Wake. 9 William W. Cherry, of Bertie, Thomas F. Jones, of Perquimons, Josiah Collins, of Washington, James W, Bryan, of Carteret, Daniel B. Baker, of New Hanover, ; William L. Long, of Halifax, ; Abram Rencher, of Chatham, , James Mebane, of Caswell, '-; and the following . Electors abMnl, to wit, Charles McDowell; and David F. CaldwelL : On motion of Mr. Bryan, die College proceeded to vote by ballof'for an Elector to fill the vacancy occa . sioned by the absence of Charles McDowell of Burke, which resulted in the appointment of Gen.- Edmund Jones of Wilkes, who appeared and took his seat. On motion of Mr. Baker, the College proceeded to vote by ballot for an Elector to "fill the vacancy occa sioned by the absence of David F. Caldwell of Row an, which resulted in the appointment of Dr. Samuel L. Holt ef Davidson, who appeared and tookjhia seat. On motion of Mr. Rencher, the College then pro ceeded to vote ' by ballot , for President of the United States. Messrs. Rencher and T. F. Jones were ap pointed Tellers., ': Mr. Rencher - reported that James W e llbom of Wilkes, had voted by ballet &X William Henry Har rison of .Ohio, for President of the , United States ; David Ramsour, of Lincoln, voted by ballot , for Wil liam Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of the United States ; John B. Kelly, of Moore, voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for Pre sident of the United States ; James 3. Smith, of Orange, voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of the United States Charles Manly, of Wake, voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio for President of the United States ; William W. Cherry, of Bertie, voted by ballot for William Henry -Harrison of Ohio, for President of the united outes ; -1 nomas r . Jones, oi rerquimons, voted by ballot for William Heqrr Harrison of Ohio, .a . mj si v m ry 1 for President of the United States ; Josiah Collins, of Washington, voted by ballot for William Henry Har. rison of Ohio, for President of the United States; James W. Bryan, of Carten-t, voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for Pesidentof .the United States ; Daniel B. Baker, of New Hanover, voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of tbe United States f William L. Long, of Halifax, voted by ballot, for William Henry Ham- son of Ohio, for , President of the . United Plate ; Abram Rencher; -of Chatham, voted by ballot for Willsm Henry Harrison ef Ohio, for President of the United States ; James Mebane, of Caswell, voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio,, for Pre sident of the -United States; Edmund Jones, who had, by vote, been duly appointed according to law, Elector to fill the vacancy occasioned by the absence of Charles McDowell of W ilkesy voted by ballot for William Henry Harrison of Ohio for. President of the United States: Samuel L. Holt, who bad, by vote, been duly appointed according te law. Elector to fill the vacancy occasioned : by the absence of David F. CaldwelL of Rowan, voted by ballot 'for William Henry Harrison of Ohio, for President of the United States. And, therefore, that WHLIAM HENRY HAR RISON, of Ohio had received fifteen votes by ballot in manner and form aforesaid, for President of the United States which report was concurred in. v s : - On motion of M r. Collins, the College then proceed ed to vote by distinct ballots for Vice President of the United 8tate; Messrs. Collius and Kelly -were ap- pointcd 1 ellers. wv Mr. Collins reported mat James Wellborn of Wilkes, hsd voted, by ballot,' for John Tyler, of Virginia, for Vice President of the United States ; David Ramsour, of Lincoln, hsd voted, by ballot, for John Tyler,' of Virginia, for ? Vice President ot the United states; James Mebanfti of Carwcll, had voted, by ballot, for John Tvler. of Virginia, for Vice President oC the United States ; Samuel L. IIoJt, of Davwlson,' o hy ballot, for John Tyler, q V lrgmia, for rVlce Presi dent of tae United States : Eel maud Jones, of Wilkes, voted, by ballot, for John. Tytet.: of Virginia, for Vice President of the United States ; John B. Kelly, of Moore, voted, by ballot, for John Tyler, of Virgwia, for Vice President of the U. States: J.S.Smlthof Or- anse. voted, by hallotfor Jolm -Tyler, of Tirgfniai for Vice President of the Usdd States ; CharleaManly, of vvaxe, voiea. oy oauoi, wr;ona ijKf, vi ihiuio, for Vice President of the United States ; William W. Cherry.' of Bertie, voted, by ballot, fbf John Ty let, C Virginia,' far-Vice President of the' United States j l nomas f-.'4ones. or rerquunomvvoieu, oy ior John Tvler. of Virginia, for; Vice Presto! the United States: Josiah tlhw, of Washiostori,.Toted, bv ballot, for John Tvlcr; of Virelnia. for Vice PreH sident of the United SutesI James. "V, Bryan, of Car teret," voted, by hallot for Jonn 'JTyler, of Virginia,fr Vice President of the United 8utest Daniel B.Baker, of New Hanover, voted, hy balloWfor John Tyler, of Virginia, Ior, v Jco 'rewcnt oi tno unueo oiaies j n liam L. Long, of Halifax voted, by ballot for John TyIer,.of Virginia for Vice President of the United Stanw f Abram KencherC of Chatham; voted, by ballot, for John Tyler, of Virginia, for Vice President of the United Stateer ; ;; ' ; V t f i r " And,' therefore, fhai JOHN TYT-ER.,Qf.Tirginis'. had received fifteen votehy . fcaflot, in. manner aad form afbresaid,for Vice Prwidenl of the United T;. s; which report waaconcurh-d in? : y ' SiLOn motion of Mebane, the College Lrotedfjr a messeneer to take charrre of ani '! 'iver to the- Pre- i sideni of the'Seneie of the United Lutes;' at the City t of Washington; the ctrtiSed list ef tbs tote giyen by the College fot Presi Jcijt ttoi YkffnuAm ef the Umte4 States; when, cpon counting: the ballots, if ppeared hat Dennis Heartl was daly tpjointed. On motion of Mr. Collins, v ' : v . That the thank ofthle -Cofiege U "ten Xfr0 Jonorbl the Senate, for the nse of their Hall during the 8ession of the College, and that they also be tendered to the' Homwahltf, the Honse of Cow mon, for their courtesy in the offer of the jose of their Hall for the meeting of this Body; - ' - , On 'motion of Mr. Smith, the Collese ad lonrned icf 7 o'clock. . , - - .5 , WxSHKSiDAT, 7 A'dock : ! . . v . x , it e ' 'i .- .- i .' ?""J ' " College met pursuant to adjournment. - ' . . On motion of Mr. Manly a Committee was an poirited to examine the CertiScatea and attend td thai signing, dec Messi Manly, Long and Collins were' appointed. rfv;:ri;lH:v;p;. ::'-hiv- I he Certificates were then read, sirned, enclosed sealed and directed, according lo Jaw.- . r. On motion of Mri Smith, . . Resolved unanimouslvi that the thanks ef the Coi US are due and are hereby tendered to the Honorable James Wellborn, for the mannef in which ho has die charaed the duties of the" Chair. W ' v , t The CenvemidVr their aVIJooriieaVfte f5-' : - JAME3 WELLBORN, PreeV : ; Tftfi POPULAlt VOTE,' Mr. aw BciwV Electoral vote miry possibly reach 60 out of 294 U cannot exceed that number, and may fall below it, tho ii U not 1probabfc But small s this vottf is, it is out of all proportion t hie popular vote; Compared with that of Gen. HAaaisov. His popular majorities will be, excluding fractions, about -: r K1''.' 6J00O in New Hampshire.' " v w i,soa in Virginia, ! a i,,:-v ,v fiOO ih ininois, ' - ' ' 9,000 in Missouri, - , : - . 1,000 in Arkansas, " " . ' 6,000 in Alabama, ' ' Total. 16,000 To oppose thisj Cleneral Haskisx will have a ma. jority of r' "5 1 1 V 23,000 in, Ohio, . - 56,000 ; in Kentucky; 1 12,000 in Indiana, , 7 " 20,000 in IklassachuseUiF, 600 la Maine, - tOO in Pennsylvania!, 14,000 in Vermont, - 0,000 in Connecticut, . 2,000 in. New Jersey .3,000 in' Rhde Island, tit1 'I '' it if '1- t .(. . . 51 ,.i 6,000 in Maryland, ' -;'IJ'1" - W.00O in JJonh Cttoliatiit : V 3,500 in Juisiani,' ,000 ii Georgia; tS,000 ui New York, , 2,503 iii Mississippi 1,000 in Delaware, ' -2,000 in Michigan", ' 12,000 in Tennosni, .f f . ' 163,700 ? . , Leaving nearly 150,060 clear ma jority tot ITarncon In vain, may the history of Party politics be ; t tarcbed for a like popular triumph - Nevsr bsfors, .have the People spoken in such tonNr of tauader . -i'l'i'f.i'l' ' PUBLIC EXECUTIONS, We find in one of the Virginia Papers the sutyoinV ed Petition, which ia circulating Utert for eignaturee . and is to be presented to the Legislature of that Stat at its present session. - We have never had any doubt t , ourselves, as to the demoralizing- influsnce of Pabllo ' -i. Execudons;; Instead of impressipg a selema admoni-1 j tion upon the spectators,' and deterring "from crime by J the exhibition 7 of its eonsequences, thsy have .often j proved; instrumental ia prodochrg a dirccUy opposite - u. We should liketoaee oar orn Legislature , set upon the subject and have no doubt that a raforsa of our Criminal Law, in, this particular, wocldvprars , : acceptable to the people t &$j:Kr.&,; .; - To the flan, tlte Senate and House ef Delegate of . "The undersigned, citizens of the county of ITocay bridge, deeply ' impressed with a, convictiou of the e - feet, of Public , Executions in hardening the heart . of the spectators of those bxrrid and wvol ing. scenes in ; perverting their feelings,, in barbariaing their cha factors, in withdrawing wheo communities from their proper and useful avocations, and in the scenes of os . sipation and not uafreanently of crime, to which they give occasion, respectfully - petition your honorable ooaies ior ue passage oi a law req,umng persons cony, victed of Capital offence to be hereafter executed, as V der proper rsguhuions, within the yard ef the prisons 4 in which they may be coaoncd. The authority of the laws would, they believe, -be strengthened fey th vague terror which the appalling idea of secret exe ' cutioiould. inspire, far more than by the appr,. sion oTa scene in which the criminal was to xL t ' himself as the hero of the occasion, for the everuiS ment ef thousands of admiring spectators The i: v ' ' taral effect of these barbarous exhibitions is, net to in spire respect for 4he laws and a salutary fear of their awful penalties, but to rob tbe gallows -of its just tep rors, to harden the heart to every btsnaner emxxtonv t and to make it alike" reckless of the hv ef Cod anj : man. . Your Petitioners,, therefore, hope that yeur honorable bodies will follow the enlightened example- -of our own sister States of .New York and Marjhr.Jr by reforming our Criminal code, ocording totls p:y er of i heir Petition j and- as in duty hound (hey will . ever pray, dee. dec """ -'. . ' ii a I. ' V . " ,-' , i .' i.i.-j UMUjt UtiJ In Washington, Hi O. oq the Sith ait fry the Kevy M'A. Curtis, Wr. Charles VV. Bonner to MB Caror h'ne D. Redditt, daughter of Loderick RcdJItt, Ej-J. - , ' Also, on the same day, by the Rev. John Sir;l:ury, x Mr William Armstrong to Miss Emily llawkiss. In Lenoir county, at the midece of CcL N. O.' Blount, by the Kev JshnJSingletaVy Mr.-Li;tlr;chi : Topping, Merchant, to Miss Msy E, Jfocn q .Orange county, Mr WiUiiWs Trner l ,!!". Catharine Clendenin. i "I , . . t , Abo,Mr. Gec. A. Faucettto MissKascy A. TacrtU, ? ' i-ltt Somerville, Tennesseev on the 23th ir", Cc4 , James A Carneey tff Sins Ehzabeth M 0 r c1 Mrt E M Jenea, colsrt of' "W Watt Jc -'J, ; lato'if Wilming&n, N O. " . f At Edgefield C. H. S. IX lltJSmzn rTtarlotte, N. C. to-MJse Sarth Jane, f , Msj John S. Jeter. ,.'V ', - i ef, , . . r; . , Vlf a lingering i": .Hewrt Hlkok,Tme c or oldest jrsiJe r.tx. r-la. Yancy v' Caswc!1" ...aty aitcra f -7"--ess, Jit; Daniel Loc icAlpwv. .r i. . snt Beaufort count t ladrach Allen, izZtzt ten c f- a Uwry A. Ellison, 'at, infant son of Allen C.-f.rJ, "Zs" ' Near Oxford i ?Jississippif Mrs. Ani C the Ui ye . X her ac , cIJcsl Liz - : v : 'esburg 'County j ., ltO,i ' . r "r iSTOKY OF SOUTH CAK'JL!:. its first n-cuvery to C s r ; : : --: t oiSr're timrr:. -Just l' '.IkI.pJ. sr. ! f-r v .- - f - 'A i a 4. k J jj ed a larj conignift:t' t.l 6eVrrovr sa of" 1 fi i 3, I . i is per liUel fr ihe Cash, Tor. Carolina Book Store; ? v:" " 3: -3-. '. -i-r . v- r -1 v.r"""p-" . i ' .

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