I. v -3 H 51 11 . . - i - it iik Mint mm at wm TlW1.. .-..rfe iUSTi SEVENTH ENV :.And rW. em&tbetear , Bright friendship-piaster m tbyway : 0 tbat they eye Wught remain, -. 'Andoef tfcy pathway . shine. v " ust eveTiteen !,: The .bowers aw green J:. ? : That wop thee to their, shades ; , , And in tbeistance; flowers of joy,. - - Bedeck the! Ucoming glades : . ' Hope's briliiant meto shiiies afar, ' r And bids thee baste to snare- The glory of jmatorer years, ; r r ' That thy feir fxa may wear. - V ; , Just seventeen V The Jeraptei's wiles. , '; , ; x Thy gtowiiqipath bestrew, .JiAnd&sbiim'ifebe'delttsive star,-: v . rjy jja'ppy heart may woow , ; ' fAnd in thd gilded halls of pride, ' ' i Lured by its treachVous light, Thoult find too soon.' in folly's race, That pain succeeds delight. v Just seventeen ! Tme wisdom waits. To place (bee near her throne, Where gems of purest brilliancy Have ever richly shono. T Seek for the robe of white, Which wearing, thou may'st surely win, 7 A throne of endless light. GIFT BOORS FOR CIIILJJREW ! Just Publisktd and for sale, at the " NOBTH CAROLINA BOOK STOKE. V; ,r ( FOR 1841. . Tiu Boy's Coontry Book. Plants and Birds, with colored engraving. Peter Parley's Wonders of the Earth, Sea sod Sky. v. - -t-' iKambles In EngUuid, tScotland and Irtland, wilh fine engravings. . The Child's Gem, Kurxerj Hongs by Mrs. Follen. The PJay Hooseand Work bhop. Birth day Gift, Willy's Rambles , ' JrliryVAnnna! for all Seasons. Parley's Pictere Book. i. r. - Christmas Gift. Anecdotes of Washington, Parley's Christmas Ta'es. ; Raleigh, Nov, 84.:: j i ; . ' : , 1841. ' " rmURNER & HUGHES' NORTH CAROLI- Ji NA ALMANAC for 1841, this day published and ready for sale by tne single one or by tne quan- t:ty Oct 16. "' - :, v - -y ir Sadies paris riding hats i j-a pfen- j 1 did' article in the latest ami most 'approved tis jast received and. for-sale at E. Uiu & Cx' Hat and Cap Store. - v" aaleigb, A pril 21.1 840. 34 tf TANTJESJ.-opper, Pewter end Lead, for which the highest cash prices will be paid by i will be paid I KIRKHAM. f 8. . : t y j. h. KIJ rnTA HTED, as soon as possible, one hundred XV ' safe frameay made in a neat manner. - En- q ireof -"y :-. J. H. KIRKHAM. AS TED. 20.000 Otter skins, and rV: Furs of alj kinds for which a reasonablo price II bo paid in cakh, or barter) by J. H. Ki a kh ajc, lor.;: ; t x..;-i -:;- - fi ' V...t,..;r( t.. TVl. 68 j ( J iiiv vi s vr vr fc 7IHE FEAR BOOK ; or Manual of every day JLTBeferencef by B BEdwards, for sale by Nov. 10 ' r l - . TURNER & HUGHES. v IfTlllVERSlTT.--Tbe annual meeting of the j Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina, will . be held at the Ezeeutiva Office,' on Anurtday the IClh day of December next. - ! CHAS. MANLY, Sec'v. Nov. 20, 1840- 5 gj lar end Standard will please insert. LIKELY" .NEGRO WOMAN AND TWO CHILD REN for sale. Apply at this Office. Sept. 20. 1840.r-8Otf.y TVTTore Cotto Yarns and Cloths. XVJU. Another loud just to hand from Lezincton . cheap as ever. ; i . , , ::r, ,WILLj PECK. ,t Nov. 23. a,, .. . , , 85 4t , still ( continue tbis bu jQO.'nea with the usual kinds of AgencieTJ. such Tgae selling and buying of Guilds -and produce,. and negotiating all kiuds of paper intrusted to my care. From five to, twelve years experience in such a call, ing, encourages pie to hope still for a portion of the public favour. j , ' v . .,;;,v 'y ' lx -; I",: ; - . WILL: PECK. , Kateigh, October 23, 1840. . ,: t 86 2m. y : POCKET BOOKS, &c TTTINE and extra quality, POCKET and NEE JLP ' DLEBooks-of new style, and various patterns nd sizes. For sale by t';'' " TURNER & HUGHE?: ' November 27. 1840. ' 96 A RT OF FLOWER PAINTING, in Water co lours, new edition. Ualiat i ' . . NO. 1. CHEAP SIDE. T1UTLERY. Rocers' celebrated Pen Kniv-, end Razora---a fine assortment, just opened this dayvby Vv TURNER y& HUGHES. November 25, J 840. ; V ' ; 1 y 06 TTKENTAL SURGERY-Dr.' W; R- Scott res- lAJS pectfully informs the public, that be has return-t eu to Kaleigh, and may be found at the Eaoik HoteI Jnoveraber 3d, J 840. 89; ' (Yt KES A splendid assortment, his( received, i'T: "villi '?H. TURNER & HUGHES: 11840- ,!s v 97.- UNO, Rope and Twine, and elegant Butte V t- voimica, auto, uy uie oos, ana TTI TT Idltnn - 1 .1 .1 1 . - , fcalt by the sack WILL r PECK. Nov. 10. Tp ANK OF, THE, STATE OF NORTH CJ LlV OLINAv---Tbe, annual meeting of the -8toc4 npiuers oi i uus oaam wni oe neM at their , Barrkinjr House in this City,; on, the. first Monday in January next hWAf-lK, l-C, DEWEYCashieris KaTeigh, lBcember 1, I840v; ;y '.---;i.;f .4,v-9J - fl L0BE-Lirlng's New and Improved Globes VTTWone pair, size 9 j inches: ' Just rerei! .i . THE NORTH CA1C0LINA 1T00K STORE. ' "D'cgmr 4.' ISIOw-s-ffe 97 . - ;y .laExupA r? , in clodi e$;v containing , lr sig'e selection frt' the production ortwo hundred Writers,' compilfil b? George P. Morris.' ' ' This dsv received liyy TVRNERjk JH UGH ES T BRUSHES -a ji-e assortment. Fos sale tlM. L CHEAP SIDE. Jr." t'' i . -j - f .; 7 Merchant Tailor " innt.Tlti Street.' baxeigix, w. c j -n B W M AH V 1 9 . - a commenced the Tailoring rrHHE SuSscnoer nas II Hnsiness. in alt hmidinir forroerlv t occopted , bys Mr. Thompson a a Jeyellery Sl,ore, anA jwof dor south of the , North Carolina UouK Biure ; vwnere ue nas wy rrccHMj received a sp'eiidid asMJrlment of jpoperfine Cloths if. almost every color, Cureimere, Viings, and all fancy articles, usually kept in sucn Citauninmenis. Tbee articles ; were selected by h.imself from the latest importations in the Northern markets. His stock consists in pari 01 Sup. wool dyrd Black Cwth. Oliver Invisible and bottle Green do.f v , -Olive Brown and London do. , Black Diamond Beaters, suitable for Frock and - Overcoats. ' ' ' J .. ;. ,' u Plain Beavers. V , . '., , CASSIMERES. Sup. Wool-Dyed Black, " ' Blue, Diamond, and Victoria. . -Washington Misel, Drab, Buff, &c. VESTINGS. Black plain and figured Velvet, Brocade dj, figor ed scarlet Valencia, plain and figured Satin, (supe- rior quality.) i , Also, a eeneral assortment of Fancy. Articles, vix: Blocks, Suspenders Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Dtinoer, meriuo ouuw vr.i, - i lars. &c. The sobseriber has in his employ, first rate work men, and as he intendsjevoting his unremittiag per. sonal attention to the business, be hopes, by puctuali ty, and de sjiatch, to merit the patronage of a gene rous public. Call and try me. . T. R. F. Oct. 16, 1840. ... 84 3m , WANTED Immediately, by the subscriber three or four first rate Workmen, to whom liberal wages and constant employment will be given. None but good hands need apply. 1 rr- T. R. FENTRESS. 4 Never despair of the Republic. v PROPOSALS FOS A NEWSPAPER IN THE CITY OF.KALBIGH, To be called The Southern Timet; And to be Edited by HENRY I. TOOLE. Proposals of this' sort usually abound ia promises: few will be made in this case, but they will all be re deemed. The design -of the proposed paper diners somewhat from that of any now published in this City : combi ning more Literary Miscellany with Politics, than ia customary with the party Press. Its main character, however, will be political, and its doctrines of 'the Jeffertonian school. The first number will be usued about the Fourth of March next, if a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained to justify the undertaking. As it cannot be regarded as perfectly certain that such will' be the case, no subscriber ia expected to pay until he receives the paper. The size will be about the same with the " Raleigh Register,' and it will be published twice a week during the sessions of the General Assembly, and weekly at all other time. The price will be Four Dollars per annum. - Every person to whom this proposal is, seat, will please, as soon as all have, subscribed who may be sup posed dmiroua to patronize the undertaking:, .transmit Ibefr name to the Editor, at Washington, North Car olina. . ' --w . - .,, - : ..v. .-- Z RARE CmSJYCE JFINE BLOODED SI OCK FOR SALE, IN RALEIGH, N. C. "TTO 1 Polly Peacham, by John Richards, dam jQI imp Chance, foaled in 1828, now in foal by imp Monarcn. - No 2 Lady Roland, by Tariff, dam Ball's Flori- I lei, in foal by imp Monarch. Tio 3 Mary Ann, b m by Gohanna, dam bv Sir Charles, now in foal by imp Monarch. - No 4 Lady f :hesterfield, c m foaled in 1830. bv Arab, her dam by imp Knowzly. now in foal by imp Monarch; i v 4V ' " " .-' No 5 Lama; a m, foaled in 1830, by 'Sir Charles. dam imp Buzzard. f , Via 6 Dolly Tharp, b f 3 years old, by imp Bhaks- peare out of No 1. v No 7 Bay Filly, foaled in 1838. by Cymon, out of No 3. ' ' -" No 8 Bay Filly, foaled in 1839, by Priam, but of No 3. '.- ' - ' ' No 9 Bay Filly, foaled in 1839, by Priam, out of No 4. ' ' - . No 10 Trustee Filly, 3 years old, eat of o!d Betsy Archy. ' - ' No 1 1 b e by Shark, out of old Betsy Archy. No 1 2 a c by Sarpedon, out of No 6, 2 years old. No 13 b c foaled 1889, by Priam, eut of No 5. They whole of the above property will be sold by auction on the 24th December, 1840, without reserve, on a 'credit of 8 months, the purchaser giving ap proved bond and security - ! J C ROGERS.' Petersburg Intelligencer, Richmond Whig, Norfolk Beacoa, National Intelligencer and New York spirit of the Times until the 20th inst. and forward account to this office ' ' ' ' - Dec 4 td " mi AI.KIQIl AC4Ii:iIV. Mr. SILAS BIGELOW rcsrtactfully informs the citizens f Italeigh and Us vicinity, that he will ojien a School for the instruction of young men, In the various de partments of English and Classical Education ou ihe first of January 1841, in the building, which has been occupied the present year, by Mr. John Y. Hicks. He is an experienced teacher, amtestimoniMls as to bis character,' qualifications, sud success, may bv found in the bands of Mr. Nelson 13. Hughes al the Book Sloie . of Turner & Hughes,) ta whom applica tion for entrance msy be made in his absence. : Refer also to, Rev. Drurv, Lacy. Raleigh, N. C. Hon., William C . Rives,, .Albemarle County, Va Professor Landoo C. Garland, Tiandolpb Macon Col lege, Virgiuia. . y;v .y . x; ... ' - yt ,;. Ralcich Decemher 1,1 310. . , 97 ILLIARD-' ROOM AND REFECTORY ' The Subscribers, at their well known Stand nn Fayetteville street, nearly opposite Murhat's Hotel, have opened a' Biiifian Room, where gentlemen, disposed to indnrge in this amusement, may find at an iimes an excenenx i a a lb, anp; obligin g attendan ts. Connected with their Establishment is a Kefectory or Eating Room, where parties can be served, any hour of the da of night, with'the delicacies of the Season. ' Raleigh, Nov. 1 6. ifXYSTER8 III FRESH NORFOLK OYS- TERS.-TheLSulcriber has resumed the Ovi ter business and will continue to- receive fresh Ovs- Lters evavy M ednesday and Fridsy evening through the season, t amines and others can be supplied at $1. 37$ per Gallon, or 35 per quart. - . f , . . . t . JORDAN WOMBLE. ! . December 1. 1840. , - ', 97-4t - ptHURCH MAN'S ALMANAC for 184i; Just SU received, and for sale "By y 1 UimiiU OC I1UUHLS. Decrmlvr. 4 1840.- ' ' 97. . .WTAJOR JA.uk DOWNING' SONG BOOK, jyjLLiHiil's celebrated Yani. o Stories; John Smith's letters, wuh rictures to match. For saie at theW , y . OUTH CAROUNA BOOK STORE. -27, 1840. y. y-y y'::'"yu9$-y HE TREE OF LEGAL KNOWLEDGE; de- signeu as an assistant in tne studv of Jaw. A w ?plj..ot M-jp6viei .work, just received atthe ri "vwvuiwnp pon,' naieigo,; oy t.- . uystcraregularly received from Norfolk, every day. The best Liquors and Cigars always on hand. y,n tfrv r .i y - FlNfiLJATER -& MILLER. WAlifS VERMIFUGE TE MOST USE- FUL FAMILY MEDICI a jvr,n, w"' Thia "wVl VnowW Anii-Dvttnieric nd Won JM h proved w J"h" nave tneu u, to pe rar superior iur "v; :r T iT.aaes for winch U ts recom mended. -It is petfecUysf, and no child will refuse I Worms being especially apt to infest persons pt debiiitaUd digestive organs and emactatcu cons,iu tioiw, much mischief is often done by the ordinary worm: medicines, which generally coisist or the strongest purgatives, calumet, rfhat destroyer of tht ny,,i;tt;,rr, i.inr nink root, spirits of terpentine wrmied btL &c. &C.3 ArOcles Olims amu nrj uc- rorm bun thev debilitate- ihe stomachand ri mirlllv iniure the ceneral health, without removing tJieT cause. Swairn's Vermifuge has the peculiar advantage of removing the cause of worm?, i .ivinv v'uror and heallbv action to the stomach, bowett, nd organs of digestion, thereby relieving measles. crouD. hoonine ceush, &c. . This medicine, by invigorating the internal functions, strengthening the organs or digestion, and removing the primary .ne. nhtrh rat morbid ' secretions, will relievo f2omn1ain!s.Cholic.Dveentery,Dyspepsia,and the whole train of biliary afiections, Sick Headach, A,idi!V f ih .Storaath. Foul Kreslh, Blewling Piles, & . jt l9nn Br,tidotein the early stages of Fever uiid culera Jnorou. - AS a general r amity ic;wc, u aiand unrivalled, as it is applicable to most of the diseases to which rhildren are subject. Swaim s Vermifuge will be found of some utility to persons who occasionally indulge in the convivialiiy of the table; a dose taken before dinner will anticipate the effects of acidity of the stomach, not unftequently oreduced bv wtne. in me necieci 01 iui, iwtn, .a dose in the morninij or the following morning, will in most instances, restore the tone of the Stomach. Families resident in the country, and isolated in a measure from medical advice, travellers journevin? to the far west, or Iwund to distant ports, seminanea and all public institutions and charitable associations wil find this remedy, constanily at hand, of ureal utility Prepared at SWAIM '8 LABORATORY, Phila delnhia. HENRY JOHN SHARl'E, General A gent. No. 46 Pine Street, New York ; and sold by every Druggist in the United Mates. ' WM. SWAIM &SON. September 25. 78 3m WAIM'S PANACEA FOR THE CURE O SCROFULA, OR KING'S EVIL, RHEUMA TISM. Ulcerous Sores, Syphilis, and the host of painful and hitherto incurable affections resulting therefrom ; While Swellings, Diseases of the Liver and Skin, General Debility, 4c. and all diseases a rising from Impurity of the Blood. This medicine is p.irliculaily recommended as an alterative and a purifier of the blood. It gives a tone and vigor to debilitated Constitutions, which inval ids are unconscious of until they have experienced lU effects. It is also recommended in Diseases where the Luncs and Breast are supposed to be affected, and also where the constitution ia broken down by the use of Mercury or Quinine. The Swairn's Panacea, is an accredited antidote to the diseases peculiar to tropical latitudes.' It made use of on all plantations, and produces a snee dier. a more certain and less expensive medium of perfect restoration, than any other medicine hitherto known or employed. s . . J . , ' This medicine has the singular fortune, a just tri bute to its great merit, of being recommended by the most celebrated practitioners of medicine in the Uni ted States and Europe ; whereas, not one of the spu rious mixtures made in imitation of it has the least support from the medical faculty. Tbis fact offers an argument so plain and conclusive, that it needs only to be mentioned to enforce conviction. - Stvaim's Panacea is recommended to all those invalids for whom physicians prescribe Sarsaparilla Syrups, Ex tracts, &e. Swairn's Panacea is in round bottles, fluted longi todinally, with the following words blown in the glas Swairn's Panacea Philada." having but one label, which covers the cork, with the signature of Wm. Swaim on it, so that the cork, (bearing also upon it as a seal I he impression, Wm. Swaim, ' cannot be drawn witbont destroying the signature, without which none is genuine. The medicine may consequently be known to be genuine when the sig nature is visible; to counterfeit will be punished as forgery. PREPARED AT SWAIM'S LABORATORY, Philadelphia HENRY JOHN SHARPE, General Agent, Nn. 46 Pine St. New York, and sold by every Druggist in the United Slates. WM. SWAIM & 80N. Sept. 25. 78 3m NEW AMD CI1I2 A P GOODS, Received by JOHN PRIMROSE,, on Fatkttxvili.c Stbxxt, the 2d door from the New Market House, and he has opened lately, a very general assortment oi FANCY DRY GOODS, which witt be sold to suit the timet-. Customers of the City and Country, are re quested to call and see for themselves. He has also addeu to his general stock of Family Finding Goods. Merchants and other purchasers can be supplied very cheap, by the quantity or dozen. " s . GOODS ! GOODS ! GOODS I ! ! He ha3 a complete stock of DRY GOODS for a Retailer's business, consisting of almost every article in the Dry God line, amounting to about Thirty-six or Seven Hundred Dollars ; that will be sold upon ac commodating principles, at Six. Twelve and Eighteen months, with good Security, and interest from the date. . STILL MORE GOODS ! . He has also, a small stock, of DRY GOODS, con sisting of a considerable variety of articles, which is suitable for a small country business ; amount about Twelve hundred Dollars : all of which can be seen from the Invoice, and will be sold at Six, Twelve and Eighteen months, for a nou? with good security, bear ing interest from the date. ' ' v " 1 V " .. MORISON'S HYGEIAN PILLS. He has constantly on hand, a good assortment of this valuable Medicine, of the very best and the mJ3t genuine kind, which will be sold by the : Package or Single Box, at his usual Prices. , . . .. ,s . 1 Raleigh Nov. 4th 1840. , .90 . ; HATS HATS ! HATS 1 THE iutscriber beg leave la inform bis friends and the citizens of Wake Coon ty, that he has resumed the Hatter's business injheCity of RaMsb. where -Gentlemen can supply themselves with Wool Hate for their servants 'He will also clean and repair old Hats. He will also .make smooth Coon Hats, should Jent!cmen tiring titeir Furf he cau be found at the Shop of Roger Fitch, 100 yards South' of Dr. Wm, McPheetersV HewrJJ also dye Ladies Dres ses, black. . . yy. NEAL BROWN. Noverrdvr 24, 1840. , 964t ; HJJK It F ML E H Y, O A P S, aj .- ' I r AjMjJAJUi if HAYWOOD have Istel r ceived, and offer tSr sale, a large and handsome as sortmeirt of the choicest ' " - - -i (- PERFUMES, TOILET SOAPS, FANCY , r u 7 .ARTICLES- A ; - - and and e the Toilet and Shavlna: : Bear Oil V RM,r- . Macassor Oil; Italian Jiaie Oil ; Pomatum; Indian -S?5-Vt;r5i?W.-w.of the hair j o a So ot R W Cream'; Lip Salve ; Freckle t Wb. (for : remo-ing ; freckle t!; YegetaWe Rouge t Pearl Powdery Almond Pow d r; o . 7 i. Koswt Safia of Rises Preston Saltan To..ih Poders BmM fr.W n,n. "i Kalcigh, Aov. 161840. - - ' - fiajtll I uf.iBiin5 in pan oi me lst American, German French Cologne Water. Florida, Lavender, Rose ... . 't f aiers s .a treat vantv aF tt. iw. T3ATT?Trw AnAQTTfTlAIL R04D.Sf is: Expedition increased and no detention.'' J: ITnOE. Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road ia now corn pletcd and in full operation. This road con nects with, the Greensville and . Roanoke Rail Road at Gaston.;wVich road unites with the Petersburg Rail Road near Belfield. A continuous line of Kail Road and Steamboat communication i thus formed between Raleigh; N C and Boston. - ; Passengers travelling South-Jeave UaKimore at o'clock A. M. and arrive at Petersburg at 1.A.J1. next mnrninir : leave Petersburg at a A. M. and ar rive Raieirb at 5 P. M- the same day making only 32 hoars, inrludinar stoppages,: from' Baltimore to Rateisb 338 miles. : From -Kaleign to tue bourn. there is a daily line of stages running in connection wiih the Rail Road Cars. fro tne anum west anu West, there is a daily line of four borse post coaches, which leave immediately on the arrival of the. train. and run via Hillsbbro' and Greensboro, to Salisbury from thence a tri-weekly line via Yoik and Abbe ville, 8. C.c to MilledgeviHe, bx. i nere is a:so a tri-weekly hack line from Kalcigb, via ruisnoro aiso Ashboro to Salisbury.; From Salisbury theie is a tri-weekly four horse ikjsI coach line via Lincolnton and Rulheifordton to Ashville. and also a tri-weekly hack fine from Salisbury,: via Statesville and Mor gantonto Ashville. From Ashville to the VVarm Springs there ia a four horse post coach line six times a week, and from thence a tri-weekly line via New port and Dandridgo to Knoxyille, there is also a lv line via Greensville to. Knoxville. At Greensboro'. N. C. a tri-weekly four horse coach u'ne l branches off and runs via Salem, W. U. thence across the Blue Ridge to Wythe Court House, Va. where it intersects with the Valley Line.. From this line ihom ia nliu, iri.weeklv hack line which branches off at Salem, N. Cam! "runs via Huntsville, Wilkes iMiro', Jcffersow, N. C, Eliza.bethton and Jouesboro, Tenn. to Knoxville. " It will thus lie seen that there are three staae lines connecting Tennessee with the central ports of North Carolina, and two, connecting South Caroliua and Georgia with North Carolina. All these lines final ly concentrate at Raleigh, the Southern terminus ol the Rail, Road. ' Travellers from the upper parts of 8outh Carolina and Georgia, the middle and Eastern portion of Ten nessee, the Sooth Western part of Virginia; ami the Western part otpjorth Carolina, wishing to go north, will find the route by the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road cheaper and more expeditious than any other. The following Table will show the distances, the time of travel, and the rates of fare ontwooftbe routes leading from Knoxville to Raleigh, to wit: From Knoxville to Raleigh, by way of Abingdon and Wythe Court House, Virginia. Miles. Hours. Fare. Knoxville to BloujilvUIe, Blount ville to Abingdon, Abingdon to Wyihe Court Houso, 110 29 $10 20 4 2 68 12 5 118 29 10 84 21 6 390 95 $33 Greensborough to Raleigh, From Knoxville to Ralei, laleieh, by way of the hevWe and Salisbury. Warm Springs, As, Miles. Bouts. Fare Knoxville to Warm Springs, Warm Springs to Ashville, . Ashville to Salisbury, Salisbury to Raleigh, 75 38 136 136 15' t 26 36 $6 10 10 385 94 $30 The above ratea are believed to be accurate or nearly so. The route from Knoxville, by Jouesboro, Wilkesboro and Salem, to Greensboro N. C. is something shorter than either of the above routes, and the fare perhaps a little less. Q3 Fare on the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road less than six cents per mile. Cautiojt. Persons travelling from North to 8outh by the way of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road should be careful not to enter their names or procure th-kets further than to Petersbuig, Va. TTA YIVE'S EXFECTORAirr is decidedly fy superior td any other known combination of medicine, for Coughs Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Palpitations of the. Heart, BRON CHITIS Chronic Pleurisy, Difficulty of Breathing, Hooping Cough, and all diseases of the Paunonary Organs. ' This medicine is highly and. justly recommended. by numerous and respectable individuals, who have found relief from its use. Many who have been la bouring under protracted Coughs and Pains in the W . a J -: a a "" oroast, anu nave neeo supposes ny ineniseives and their friends far advanced in Consumption, have been happily restored to perfect health by the use of this valuable Expectorant. Extract of a C trtificate from Rev. Dr. Babcock, late President of aterville College, Maine. , , " From in ti mite personal acquaintance with Dr. D. Jayne, a regular student of the. Medical University uf fennsylvauia. and an experienced, successful practi tioner of medicine, I was prepare to appreciate the numerous testimonials in favour of his different medi cat preparations, Tnuch more highly than the great majority of those which are extensively eulogised. On trial of them iu my wn family, and some of them personally,! have more than realized theit favourable anticipations. J hey are what they profess to be- not quack nostrums but skilfully prepared antidotes lor some of the most afflictive of human diseases. know that they are highly esteemed, and frequently prescribed, by some oi the most respectable of the res: ular practitioners of medicine in s this city and else where, and 1 do not hesitate to corgmend them as a valuable addition to our materia medica, and a safe. as well as eminently useful remedy for the diseased." KUFUS BABCOCK,' Jr. Philadelphia, 7u June, 1833. Jayne's Expectorant. We invite attention to this edmirable remedy for. Pulmonary affections, advertis ed in another column. The principle there announced of the morbid rharacter of obstructions -its teudency to originate inflammation of the Bronchia, and conse. quent vitiation of the natural humors is, beyond dis pute, the truth itself. . The only practicable mode of removing such obstruction, by means of expectora tion, a result which we are convinced can always be obtained by a judicious exhibition of the remedy of Dr. J ay xic Philadelphia Spirit of the Times. Jayne's Expectorant-liy reference to our adver tising columns, it will be seen that this valuable Medi cine is offe red fr Mile in this city, "by - E. W. Btftt, Agent We esteem it a pleasure to be able to recom mend this medicine, as the best Calculated for the pur pose of curing coughs, colds, sore throaty asthma, and all affect ions of the lungs. 'From a long personal ac qoaintance wilh Dr. Jsynewe know that be is no quark, and his medicine are not nostrums of the modern cry-up, but are the result of his long expert ence as a practising physician, and the expense of great labour. Hartford CL, Dally Review. From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. , ,;, Valuable Medicine VV e do not wish to commend one good medicine at the expense of another, but we cannot forbear to nmice ihe valuable properties pos sessed by hvuCarndnative Balsam? and the u Ex pedotimtiT, prepared by Dr. Jayne, of South Third street in tbis eily, We. havtv fHrlome -to give cvu dence until after a thorounh trial in o..r own family. Tbey are' invaluable in a family. of children, y ' . ? Numerous other certificites might be added but the aliove are considered sufficient evidence of its ' great Usefulness. r - ' f- ' s 'Cj The alwve article, together with all other Medi cines prepared by Dr. Jayne, aro for safe in . . tr t "RaUigh, by WILLIAMS HAYWOOD:' " 1' WHminirton. Doctor Wars February; 1840 . " -ITAYNE'S HAIR.TONIC, for ihe'wlS,'; pre- excellent articIeVand has, in numerous inslanceaprp- doced a fine gfoww oi nairon wjo uaua oi pwuu who had been bald foryeaW f' From JIr.Graharn,Editor of the rWladelphia Saturday ; V Evening PosU- 7 ' Haik ToHicWejcallthe attention of those af flicted with' premature baldriess,Ho the excellent flr Tonic" prepared by Vrl Jayne f ibis City. Having used it ourselvea, we can speak of its -Virtues by ex perience, and we unhesitatingly pronounce .it an in valuable remedy to prevent the falling off of the hair, and to restore it from a dead, fo a fine, healthy ap pearance. We can also speak from personal knowl edge of the eases of two - or three friends who were predisjmsed to baldness, who by the so lof Jayne Hair Toqic; have now luxuriant hair. ; Weiiave. no disposition to puff indiscriminately ;all kinds of rcme- , r e :, i' uK Pch ia hoir In. lint when we have tested the virtue of an article, we are free4o say it is good. Saturday Evening Post, Scp.7, 1639 Jatsk's Hai TowicThe efficacy of ibis l ganl preparation in restoring the growth, of lh a'r in bald places, is truly wonderful. . Where: the hair has been jworo offfrom tlie ton of ihe.. head, by the careless practice of carrying things in l be crown of the hat, it is generally consiacreo luujcuu u not im poesible to restore it, but it .is found fry nomeroQs ex amples that the Hair Tonic reaches these cases very promptly and effects a complete cure. Every .gentle man (we say nothing to the ladies, it-being fa' presumption that their hair is always in rfull luxuri ance, at least it always seems so,) every gentleman wh finds his hair growing too thin, or becoming loose, should place a bottle of Jay lie's Hair Tonic in his dreasinir case anil spply it with a free use of the hair brush every morning. he result will be a full. strong and heallhy head strong and heallhy head of hair. The cases that have fallen under our own'observation warrant 'us fully in asserting this. Weekly Messenger, Cj Attention is called to. Dr. Jayne's Hair Tonic, for the presentation, growth, and restoration of the Hair. We are assured that several most remarksble cures have lately been effected by this remedy. It is certainly worthy a trial. -"Philadelphia Saturday Chronicle. ' Jatne's Hin Tome We have.heretpfoie.nom bered ourselves among those who believed that the ?Hair Tonic," prepared by Dr. Jayne, was one of the many quack nostrums whose virtues are--never seen beyond the fulsome puns of their authors. We are willing, at length, to make public acknowledgement of the error of our belief. An intimate friend, some two or three months since, all the top of whose crani um was as bald as a piece ofpwlished marble, maogre all our Jesting and ridicuhvoTnie idea of attempting to cultivate so barren a spopurcbased a bottle or two of the Hair Tonic from Dr Jay ne, and according to his directions applied it. During the present week. the same friend ushered himself into Our prestencc,and uncovering bis hitherto naked head, astonished us with a thin, though luxuriant growth of hair, from one to two inches in length upon the very premises we bad believed as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless sand tnal SKiits tne Atlantic ibis la no puff, but is righteously true, and those who doubt the gentleman can be pointed out. Wnat is more in fa vor of this Tonic, the case here cited was not one of temporary baldness-no sudden loss of the hair-but was one of years standi ns, thouch the gentleman is hut f. . t ty-fi ve years of age. Philadelphia Spirit 'of the Times, October Tlx, 1S3. fXj The above excellent article, together with, all others of Dr. Jayne s preparations, are for rale in Raleigh, by Williams it Hay wood. . 1 " Petersburg, Dopuy. Rosser & Jones. ' ' Wilmington. Dr. Ware. " ; 81 St C S CL SggSga TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. BY HIS EXCKIIEHCT EDWABD B. DUD1KT, GOVEKNOR, &C To all towhom these presents ihall come G ceding nn J HERE AS it has been officially reported to V V this Department, that en the 1 3th day of No vember. 1839, one Natb:ak Labktb, of David son county, In ibis Slate, was so beaten, bruised and maimed that he died; and whereas one JOHN GOSS stands charged with the commission of said deed; and whereas . Lee Wharton, Abner Ward, Alexander Bishop, Joshua Deer and Hope H, Sheen were pre- sent, aiuing ana aoeuiug anu mainianung lue said John uoss In the peqt ration of said felony ; and whereas said offenders have fled and secreted them, selves from the regular operations of the Law and Justice t - ' - - . - .- Now, therefore, to the end that the said John Goss and bis accomplices in the murder, may lie brought to trial. I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation,- offering a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the apprehension of th' said John Goss. and a fur ther reward of One Hundred Dollars each, for one or either of his accomplices,' to any - person or persons' who will apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, any or alt of the offenders and fugitives aforesaid, and con fine them, or either of ibemjn the Jail, or deliver them, or either of them, to the Sheriff of Davidson county, in the Suite aforesaid. And I do, moreover,' hereby re quire all Officers, whether Civil or Military, within this Stale, to use their best exertions to apprehend, or cabse to .be apprehended, the fugitives and offend ers aforesaid :' i r' '-4 -' ".v . n ' , ' ' . ' ' tt, viivcn unoer my uanu as u over nor anu .t - . . . .... . me urreai oeai oi me JMate or Ciqtla Uar olina. Done at our. City of Raleigh, this the 20lh day of October, A. D. 1840. - EDWARD B. DUDLEY.- By Command. . .i u , j C. C. Battie, Private Secretary. v : '. Description of the Offenders named in the above Proclamation : , x Jouir Goss is about 33 years old, S feet, 9 or 10 inches high, dark complexion dark curly hair." and has some specks of gunpowder in his face stout made and quick of speech, i . '. ;v ; Lkb Hmarton i atxtut 23 years old, 5 feet . 8 or 9 inches high, fair hair .and complexion, bis ' fore leeih broadand wide spart, largo eyebrows, a down lok. voice fine, slow spoken and is stout made. ' Abxer Wan is altoi.t 58 years old, and 5 feet 6 inches high, slop stinuldercd, ifair complexion, blue eyes, soft spoken and grey-headed. , f .Joshua. Dtw in about 2Sjr ears old, 6 feet 8 or 9 inches high, fair t kin, blue eyes, spare made, thin vis age, quick spoken, hair dark colored. ;y C A,kxAHn ti Bisaor is about 35 years old. fair and pale complected, sandy cxdored hair, quick spoken, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high and'dark eyes. J?xyj Hor H. Skskv is alcut 35 years old. 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, fair complectioii and full face, dark hair and chunky. rmde and speaks in the ordinary, way when spoken to. 'v- ' Octolier 20. ' 86 . EXECUTED IN A-SUPERIOR STYLE, AND TCUS LIKENESSES WARRANTED CORRECT. , BY J. JVJLSOJV, 1 ' - - . , . r' vyy """ ; Who may be found at the residence of Dr. Fabius J. Hat wood, opposite the North Carolina Book Stm-it. L where Ladies and Gentlemen wishing mgood painting at a moucruie price are invited to call as early si pos sible, u Mr. W 's.stay will be very ahort.i i ; ul . Raleigh, ftoWAxj&&fi : . -.:96.i oil ce, lo all whom it may concern: As Bxecutor of the late Joshua Cole. I hli tMion the Superior Court of Law, to lie held for Hat. ifat county, at the KprjngTerm,1 1841, lo emaocipate slave Mary, a woman abtnit Ihe age .f 19 years, and her child Jodah, a girl about the age of 2 yenrs. The same. bejng:,dj ected. to. Ie. done , by the will of said Joshua Cole.,: My intention is to send thetn out of the State, to the colony of Liberia. . y ' V ROBERT GART. Ex'r. 4 ? I - ' " ' ' . " '-. , 1 --l nanfax.Kov.TS, IA40. w wmii our. nEHWAHD DlTPTiv Ha lhe p lewe f nouncmg to hi. frien(U tJJ the pbl,c at ,a,ge, that has received frrmi Kew v ' and PhnadelphC; ve, nch, and fashionaU. stock of Gon.1. . a-- The assortment comi.i.1: part, of " - - "y - WATCHES. , - Gold indenendent ceennda. dnnlAv y etches, a genera assortment of Silver do. of ev nrice and oualitv. , e7 JEWELERY. Gold guards, fob; and neck Chains, Seal. linmond Pins Sc Rinirs. Robv mulP.mu.i.i i ' ' . o J .natu UO.j.L and bead Ornaments, iich cameos 4- mosaic Ping x Ear-rings, prid PencilsThimble, Vrnigretis. . I - .nl.l lTmrt. .nil M-. ' 1. t . .""SU ions, gold Hearts and crosses, Jet do. and 1 great ariety oi ouer ricu uoois. 1 SPECTACLES. . S" A I Vi I Gold, Silver, Blae, and polished steel Silcctaclpi w mit . all persons and ll eyes. Tery sui-erior flinL glasses, mat may lie aujusieu in any tramc, at a nu.- menu nmire. SILVER AND PL A JED WARES. 8ilvcr Cups, Spoons, Ladles, Sngar Tones. S.fi' and Mustard Spoons, Butler Knives, siKer mount.' ed Cocoannts, iCaslbrSr Candlesticks, Snuffm Trays, Waiters, iane uaskets. Uottce ureques, BrK tanma Wares, in setts and single piece, &c. FAUCY GOODS. Mantel Clocks, and Lamps, Plated and Japanei Waiters, Gold and Sjlver Mounted Cane and )jp Chess men and Backgammon Boards, Visiting Card Cases, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Patent Steel Pens, Rogers superior Razors, Congress Kr.ives and Scissors, Sanders' celebrated razor Strop, Dog Col lars, do? Calls, ailx furses, rocket Uooks, Imitatiou Fruits, Guns and Pistols, Ladies' Toilet aniLworlt hox, toilat botlles, andHARKISON BreajUiini, Medals, Canes, and Boxes, &c. &c. PERFUMERY. Fatinas celebrated genuine Cologne, Rose,LaTen der, Florida, and Bay Waters; Guirlain's Crratn of Soap, Naples, and Saponaceous compound. forSbar. ing." Rose,' Almond, Camphor and Windsor toilet 8oaps,pearl Powder.cold Cream, Poinatum,bear'g Oil, hair, tooth, and shaving Brushes, and a aiiety tf other articles for the toilet. ,..; ,. -y ... MUSIC. Spanish Guitars, Violins, Clarronetts, Flageolstu Flutes, Octave, Ate Fifes & Accordions. Precep tors for all' the above.' Guitar and Violin strings. Ex tra Violin bows, &c. ' ----- - ; fX Cbck and Watches of all descriptions clem ed and repaired, in his accustomed superior style Gold and Silver manufactured to order, with eipedi tion and punctuality; highest price given for old Gold and Silver. . -:: ,-V- November 2, 1840. SO IEW JtiWEIIiEIIY STORE. ? "ITOHN C PALMER has commenced the abort y business in the new building lately erected by Mr. Richard Smith--on Fayetteville -Street, a few doors above his Store, where he intends to carry it on, in all its branches. In a few days be will re ceive from Philadelphia, . a new and fashionable at sortment ' of Jewellery, Watches and Cutlery, con sisting of gold and silver Levers and Plain Witch "es, - Watch Chains, Keys and Seals, Ear Rinp, Breast Pins, a fine assortment of Knives and Ra zors, and all other article 'toot necessary to men tion, all of which he engages to sell as cheap for cash as they can be said in iMs part of the coantrj, Watches repaired in the best manner. He flatten himself, from his long experience in the business, that he will be able to give satisfaction, ha bu in his employ first rate workmen. Watches and Clocki that can be made to keep time, will be warranter for twelve months " y ;He hopes the citizens of Rakii4 and country around, will call and give him a trial and - find ut . for themselves. Call at the sign f the Watch, nearly opposite the Log Cabin. Raleigh, N. C. Nov 14, 1840. lf TXT) Y virtue of a Decree ol the Court of Equity, Hjj will be sold te the highest bidder, on a credit of one and two years. on the Premises, on Friday, the 25th December next, the lands belonging to the heirs at law of James Webb, dee'd. lying on the waters of Tar River, -containing about twelve hundred acres. Bond with good security Will be required, and title re served until lhepurchase monev is paiJ. ; JOHN BRADSHUR, C.M.E. Person county, November 17, 1840. 95 4r OvN the same day, at the ssme place as aboe, I J shall sell the land belonging to the Estate of Ann H. Webb, decfd. containing about four hundred and fifty acres, adjoining the above mentioned tract upon the same term a. - A. L. WEBB, Ex . November 17. 1840. 8 C Riclimond Whig and Enquirer insert 4 weeks SMPOUTAWT. TH E WEATHER AND ITS' EFFECTS. The sudden changg of ihe weather will be productive oPmuch sickness, unless people are careful to attend to the state of the stom ach and boV? If this ia done no danger will arisej but on the first feeling of headache, pain in the side, back or bowels, have recourse to Bbabbrktb's Veoi tablx UirivsMSAL Pitts. 8ix or eight of the Pills will in most cases be sufficient. And one dose of this kind, it is not improbable, may prevent moulhi of sickness. erhaps death. . They , will, if used during the prevalence of any cause for disease, entirely prevent fatal results, be cause Ihey remove through ihe stomach and bowel" all morbid matters that mjy have accumulated hi system by inhaling impure air, or from eating un wholesome fiod. -tU? -ifiiv : - It is at all times ;asielto prevent than to curt dis ease, because by taking; a preventative course we do not debilitate, the natural functions of the body, but rather sirengthenVnd assist them; the peculiar ac lioo of BRANDRETH'S VEGETABLE UNIVER SAL PILLS, is to rleanse the Blood from all nnpu ritiew. remove every cause of , Pain or Weakness, d PRESERVE . THE CONSTITUTION in state of Health and Vigor as casual changes caaao ci&ct. . ' : . ' ; ' Eacli Agent has an 'Engraved Certificate of cy (signed) B. BaAsruaiiTH, M. D. ? Kis Office for supplying Virginia and N. Carolioa is. now kept at D;Bulrick'e Shoe Store, six doors be low the Market," Richmond; Va. ' K The fcllowing are some of bis Agents in N Csrs- lina: -WILLIAM PECK, S. P Rosers. ' : , Raleigh , New Light, f LouiiduirkT, , , v Fjanklintori, Favelteville, 'piugborouch, ' ' ' Chapel Hill. Hillsborough, , , Mseon Hall, Smithfielil- . k B.& H, Baker, R. W. Godwin, IT M MGary, .1 Stedman Ramsey f J.JL McDade, k Dennis Heart,-? G. A; Mebane,;.;, :A A. D. Northern. - Th bIwiva A centa. and all others who are not A"- vertised. have receutly received a fiesh supply- ;.; Rememberl never buy of Druggists. f.y October 9;4840.f t Jli TSTOTICK S I ! CHEAP HAT AND JHE INl STORE ! I E. Hall Co would iwWJ iuform their friendaand ustomcrs.that W'J'rYf opening a fresh and beautiful assortment ot and Summer GoooVembracing every arucje called for in their line;, all pf which wi w c-fl reduced prices lo suit th present hardt imes. and see the bargalni whic they are selling .snu j :-or ,ewreeNee.-.?J4.tJ. T ;B.H. Rakigh, April 31, 1840. 34 If v "-