' 'r. . S- ft.: , ' I ' t i . . . M .. (Wff; k WWJ rw ftbiiltt tifeO Sk I - : ..... . ...., i. .... .. J.I i f --' ' - - - " !'-'' 't-' - . tfW HiJi' i : t ' -JF r - .sit' t EDITQIt AND PRORIETOR. gpuscuPTioa. Flvp Dollars per antium -half in Advance, .. j . J:..:. --...i... .. jjon Ooa Dollar; each attisequont interttoq, 28 cents. Covbt OaDXBjt and JcstciAi. AdtartiaemenU will '"'''be charged 25 percent higher but'a deduction, of 33 j; ', per cent, will be maJo from the regular price, for ad- VerUaer by the year. a,: V . , AifertiernenU. iiwertetl in.the Sami-'W'eekly Rks- isTtn ' chorffe, y Letter t the Editarinua j TTOTICE Taktip ami commtted to the Jail . l- etfiU county, on toe. 7tf4 Betember, 1840. two WEGRO 110 YS m Runaways from ' 18 to 20 ; fyeara of age. One who call himself Hchbt, if about 5 feet 9 or 10 inche in beigbt, um made, Jight com- plexion. 1 ne otaer callnimBcst jobjt, u about 5 feet 'seven or eight inches high, rather siout made,' and f Very black. 0ota say they are of free Parents that , they are from Nausemood cotinty, Virginiathat they " were hired t Mr Jason. Holland of said county by their Parents, who hireft them to the Contractor of the Pungo I :ana!;now cutting in N. Carolina. 'Also, on negro man, by the name of Pkti. taken up on'lhe 30th of Octftber; 1 840, about ' 6 feet 1 0 niche ; high, ' black complexion," rather slim boilt? from 22 to 2' years of age, who aay htf belong -to KichM Hebsba, 1 formerly of Rockingham ejaunty, N. C. Jle says that Hobson ha gone to Texas, but be has two brother in the County. , The owners are requested tF com or warfl, pay charges, and take them away, or they will ' be dealt with as the law directs. ' ' : B. M.'SELBY. Sh'ffPUt Co. a : . rut ' November 14, 140 II ERIFFS S ALE.-TV ill be solj at the Mill River Academy,' on the third Mondar in February next, the fojlowing TRACTStF LAND, er so much thert-df, as will-satisfy the Taxes doe for tb yelrs 1838 and 1839, together with the costs and ' cost of advertising: ' - . 3 Tracts belonging to the heirs of Lewis 4 BanjaA roin, on the wjlers of. Little Ritef, l joining landsz M. . TbmasaiMl olhe, containine 7Q& Acrs) for . the years 38 and 189 not assessed. ' - One Tract, belonging to the heirs of William My er, dee'd. on the water of Clear Creek, joining lands of Phalby Mvers.'conlaininji 50 A c'res not valued. : ;-- One Tract, joining lands of VV illiam Lauing and Athens, containitis 90 Acres One do. joining lands of Jane Younger and others, containing 60 Acre no valuation, One do. joining land jvJohn Jacvi, jr. and others, contaiaing 200 Acres no valuation. . - 3 v One do. joining Iannis of Hiranx King, containing 600 Acres no valuation. . . . One do. belonging to Thomas Edwards, en Clear Cnk; eootaimnar 7 tVcKt,- joining tmnda of Samu el Nei'ey and others no valuation. One do. belonging to the heirs of Davison, on the waters of Clear Creek, containing 300 Acres, joining lands of Jame Edney, valued at $450. Taxes due for 1838 and 1839. - . Also several other Tracts, belonging to the heirs of "William Mill, decenpetff containing 807, Acres, oft the. waters of Clear. Creek, joining lands of Asa Ed ny and others, valued at $1225. 1 axes Uue tor will ako appear in thA. Weekly Paper? free of sm. JWunsfc. ws. ' . mn . .t M.-'um. 3 .. a ,&- - . ? " " 4 , ...... iv. iuuinn,Daui Henderson, November 10th, 1840. fj3 Pr Adv't. 6 50. S6 lm TTTIUITATE ! CtASSICAI IISSTTLr0 TI0I5. Xt!?:,Su'n8Cribf bei"B p.h suitable accommodations in a retired location, proso' ee to teach a clflssof. FIFTEEN PUPILS, eight pr ten of whom can be accommodated with board in bis own family.- -" ' ..-'' i V The i4an of instruction will embrace only the stu dies preparatory to a College education. And'in or der that the attention 'oC theJostrucfor may not be dis tracted by a multiplicity 6T eiigaemems, the pupils admitted being' of the same grade, will be associated in one. ora( most. 'in two clas. . . The clau with, which the 8chbol will open on-the r iK S'fYMOHDA X OF J AM TJA Rlf N eIt, will be expected 4i tegiu ' "r MHI'feOJti Of eX?A'8 COMMKITTiKfESj with the usual 4inct sludies Latin Grammar reci- lations Lat n Pr.isody Mair,s5itroduclion,cVo.&c. Hoard aid TuitiiWf for-the Scholastic year, of ten month ooe-fmF!' pat aCfc in advaiicek $175 V T)educ TToiiawillbe made in case of absence dn 'account of ptoiracteu sirnness. - ' . To vopils' residiae in the Cily with their, parents, v . the terms of Tuition, fieir esxiin. will be. a heretofore. The longj varaliou will t'ake place at the closi of the second senon . .., ;.j ... i J The claims of the School for patronage, will em brace, rt least, two particulars lhe small number of . the pupils, arid the onetteott the object of iher un . ' ,r' tr..- fijfcwTl?L6j suit. - i . .,..,r- M, Mtrnbsit.uiw. v Raleigh. December 7th; 1840. j. ."V-Mft3S t 1 IIEniFFM jSAtiE. I will 'expose, to sale kss aj ruiuic Auction, at ine AJeyn-pouse io noca -tnghain, Richmond Cunty, ofi the .3rd toaxlayVin 1 January nfa1,i mu ofi he following Tract of Land , unlisted for rar 1?39, as will satisfy tbel'axe , .;'Iae,the.regelher;jv'ci and charge .for AiK ; Acres, lying on tn head water or the South wang or Solomon" Creek, ad joining the land of H. i ' ,s""l i"ionj eu vnvve;vcju VI eJUICel iAWett,ir;,Te 48 eenta,! l'--- , ,W:r' '- k, - 300 Acre, lying on th water f tarW Creek, , jano Joh Ryiorraerly the property of Daniel Hicka. Tax'96 cenU. '- ' 'j!' -- f7 52 Acres, lying ofipr near Bridge Creek, said to .tieloug to James Stuart, ded.-i J'M I6 cents. SAMUEL TERRY, Sh'ff. November 17th.. 1840. ' 98 : . P Adv't -$i 50.- v ' ' . 'TV TV 7" ITCnCS FOR SAXiE, very lAtc. V V GEO. U.ALLEN, (lu merly connected ih the House of Benedict and Benedict, Benedict, Bene , diet & Co. and 8am' I. W, Benedict,) importer of .Eii- aTliah . ti 'tenolk ' twil .Mvalcrsi Aj aifiKsl anri lairallavB 0""wf ' VIK'U eUU nOS I IVH SJWVUI T Wholesale and Retai0 Well Street.' uDPtairs. New v -York, offra for sale all descriptions of Gold and ail i yer Leve Duplex, Anchor Escspemerft, Indepen- ( ' dent oecoad. Iepiae. Kepealiog, and Verge Watch es ; also. JDiamond .Pins. Kings, uohl Pencil, and all descriptions of Jewellery; at retail, at twelve per centi oeiow toe ujjnce jv. r: , i; , VVatcheapd Jewellery exchanged or bought.; . ; :,V-30r Street, op lairs.New York. New YfVi Dee. 14: 1940. " SmOSr i , - -- --. . rtri s - a aa II inc. exercise oi my ocnooi wiu -commence on ill -Mnnt AtU r 1mmr.mvm nni. 1 More an aad Salisbury syeets, in the House former V'loeeupied aa tbe Beacon and Omnibus Office. '.V- ; S. Mra T - 'if '.. c u'.l I, Ml-- - l.'.id. 1,1 cffiu riff fi iinnn rvnnni ' win riimmpnrfl l t the same ttme. , " t-r PETER LE MESSURIER. u io. . - . - ?;,:tll ileigh.Dce, 15, 1840. - '101 aosmaaisBBBBBaaaBBaBBBKaasasBK French "& German Fancy Store PAYETTEVILLE TREET, RALEIGH, THE; 8ub:ritrswsrtrulfjf : announce 'to the citizens f lhi place.' and the vicinity, that they witi open on Monday the 21t insUa NE VV 8TORB, where lliey trilf keep on hand a large assdrtmentW ocb artir las' especially t a bebng to the Jewel lery , M Uic Cnrectlonar y andJTsiucy Line in general. A- they intend to accomraodate al ways, on the, moat" reasonable terms, they solicit'' a' bare oT puU patronage. : Fbe most of their goods are selected with great care, at t be New York!" and 13aUitnore markets, and among tbem are great ma ny articles ,sultiOfe for Christmas and New Year's Presents.' Among jiheir assortment are LadM's Ringlets, Wire4 Curl and PuftV Mohair CaM, bcauti,ul-Btffieial I YtUct FUws aud; 'oher, Sc?4k ;n4fcjm JUexea, mthUyrltunv Glasses, lice .,. ' JE vVELLEK?offine goldlnd silver as Breast pina. Ear ring; Tingefrhvr, Thimbles, Pencils, 4;c.' .GERMAN .SILVER as PoCt Comb, Set of Knive and. Forks, Spoons, Spectacles, Ilnd Belli, "PINCHBACK GOODS a varieiy. lirn Steele Whalelone ' Sword and other Walking (Junex, Coral, Gol'Alta Beads, Necklaces. . MUSIC fClarionetta. Piccolo Fifes, of : EWnJ. jjluies, Accord epas Violins, Strings, Bows, Harmoa- tcons. ... . , , PERFDMERY-in French Fsncy Boxei, Bergn- mot, Macassar,' Bears, Antique and other Hair OfliI .Cologne, i land. La vends r Water, Jessamine, Wind sor, Rose and transparent Soap, Freckle Wash, Oppo dekloci JSssences, a Cinnamon, Lemon, Peppermint anu J3eTjgamoL.-'.. GAMES, Domino, Chess-men, Backgammon, Lot- U Nine-Pins, Clip A Ball, and a very great. asbrU raent of other innocent play s for children, in Jboxea i.Uic, DoiU of every description. Marbles, Ham ming Tops, Drums? Rattles, Whistles, Harmonica, Youth Harps, Trumpets,'Magic Lanterns, Paint Box es, fine, Magnetic Toys, Watches, Trunk, False Fa ces, Brasa Cannons, Microscoiefc Medallions, "and a' quantity of other German Toys. v- ; - Double and Smgle barrel Pistol, Percussion Caps, Whips, Knives, Scissors, Sun-hours, Shot Belt. Pow der Flask, Corkshrews, French Smoking Pipes, Snuff Boxes, WaJleta, Shaving Apparatus Urushes, Black ing,, Buttons, Uomhs. Ink. faner. Almanacks, Uml- dren's School and Picture Books, Prints, Needle-cases, Spool-stands; Purses, Razors, best quality, Slates, Bells, Blowing Uorna, Pencils, Matches, Night Tapers, Mot- ilasa Mugs, blass Flasks, Glass Lamps, Steel Fen. DRYfeOODS-Vtfmall assorfment, iz: Yellow, Red White, Flannels: Fancy Print. Bandanno. Children! Socks and Stockings, Silk Cravats. Stocks, Lomfons. Handkerchief Suspenders. Shawls, Belt, Ladies' Stdt-kinas, fine white Linen, etc. ."." - CONFECTfONARYia very large assortment, and aTiof tha btVuality, viz: Macaroni, Raisin, Dates, 1500 lbs.: Crackers-and .Tea Biscuits, 10 different sorts, . l)0T lba. Nufias Almond, soft, hard and with out shell.Tilbert, pooberpeas, Palm, Wall, and 7o coa Nit'Nutmegs ,400 lb. Figured, French and other Canilie, 12,000 Cigars, Lemons, and Syrup, Brandy rTuit Citron, Prunes, r lgs, Preserves, Ca- penPcpperMucaV IbkJsa, Tobaccq, smoking phew- ing, and nutt, Mustard, liquorice, Sardines in Tin Canisters, Richmond Tea Cakes, 50 Cakes Green Swiss, or Sap Sago Cheese, a new and superior arti cle ; and a variety of other good, too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold on reasonable terms ibrCash. ' G. W. & C. GRIMME. December, 1840. 102 .TVTOTICE The fallowin!? article at nreaeat on v . . . r : i " hand of the Subscribers, will be sold by the bar rel or dozen only: 20 dozen bet Porter, in quart and pint bottles 40 " Muscat, Claret and French Cordials ; 6 - Barrel New York Sweet Cider and Al bany Ale. " i G.W. & C. f5. "HOLES ALE AND RETAIL BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT IN PElRSBUKG. VA. James Wtodhouse & Co. deal extensively in Books in the various departments of Literature. - : Country Merchants and others will find at their Establishment, in addition to the many Books suited to their wants, a laree and ereneral assortment of Sta tionary and Fancy articles and pronounce thni they-will compare in pricp quality land kind with muy uue, cxiuin 01 ine- rotomac. CCr Music, Musical Instruments and Musical Merch- kndize of every description at wholesale and retail. U Uhe 16. 94 . r- . J.-W.&C rrmiE F.XfeRCISrS of fhe Willramsborough tl remaie Bcnool -wui commence the ensuing year, the eleventh of January, under the direction of Hiss ELIZA REA,nrm Boston, Mas. Tuition in the various branches for the Session of five months. .. . . - . a follows: . . Spelling and 'Reading, . . "6 00 Reading and.8pdliiig, with Emerson's first part, - . ; . V. - ; - - - 7 06 . English Grammar, Geography & Arithmetic, 8 00 , Phloiopby, -Rhetoric History, Botany, c, 10 00 lusieerthe Piano Fottet' - 15 00 00 00 00 00 Painting, , . - . . - ; - , - - 5 ,Wi Flowers, , r - , . 7 Wax fruit. . - " . . 6 ' Japanning,' ' ,f - - " - 6 . Board oiaybe had in the place at $9 00 per month. Every veertio.n will be made to make this Institution worthy of patronage. . It is hoped the low price of board and Tuition,, and the heallbtul situation of the place will induce Parent and Guardians to patronize I tf,e School. . (T Reference to Hv Towiu, P. M. Williams- borough, N, C. , -.:''','.. ' '; rr December 18 th, 1840. - 103 4w I'll sk no pay until Ihe Piano is, tried. -If there sbold happen to beaiy one so incredulous a to doubt the quality of nrw Piano Fortes af er the abundant proof which have been presented, of their superiority, I wilt agree that such an individ ual may take one of the instruments aiuKlry it thor oughly before-pay :ng for it, think there can lie but hllle risk auy way in getting a Piano from s seller whoj nas disposed of upward o Two Hundred without ev er selling a bad one and certainly no risk whatever where payment is not reanired until satisfaction is given - . t r ' . 7 E..R JNASH. ; --Book arid Piano Forte Seller, Petersburg, Vs. -i, Dec. 01. 1840v- , . ; 10e,.4w..-v FOR RENT. From the first of January to the first of June, next, the building on th Academy Square, used the present year by.Mrt Hicks as a Fe male Seminary. ...... ,. , I ( wibii! iJSUJ$:,Agent. 1 Raleigh, Dec 15, 1840. " 101 3U - TrjfAIVAUJTIOItE A CAD EM IT is with Hjoata Governess. A Lady well qualified to take charee of this ' Institution, would mteet with em ployment by applying, post-paidXa the Subscriber at Serecta ?. O. Daplin, N. C. . - , J, PEARS ALL. December J9th, 1840. ' r ' " !04-3w flTIHE BOOK; OF JASHER; Referred to jn J, Joshua and SamueL . Just received by :. j 1 ! TUKINftst fit HUUHKS. Deeembsr 33, 1840 . 103 Tip ALEIGO ISSTITITTErf The citizens UXj of Raleigh aiif North Carolina generally, ar reieei fully informed that the Raleigh Instituted an English, Classical and Mathematical Frtparalory Day School for Boys 'of every age, will be opened, (agreeably to the wishes of Parents and the absolute necessity of the occasion.) in one of the Episcopal School Buildings,' so delightfully ituateu,d Vithin ten minutes walk of the Capitol, oh the 1st day- of January, 1841. , , . tebms; : Per Session of 5 months, payable in advance will be as follows: . '. - ' i COStHEKCIAIr DEPASTUENT. . For the uual Branches of tb' English Course, in cluding Composition, Letter Writing, 4ic. . $15 00 CLASSlirjAI. DErARTME. Fof tbe Preparatory Course for entrance Into any University ji'phe UnitfdSlateSjiftr hiding iUeftdl En glixh Course, with Mathematics Elocution, $20!00 No deduction will bemade for absence, unless pro tracted sickness be the tause," The degradation of corporal punishment wilUe en tirely dien8ed with, except in very obstinate cneg, which the Proprietor trust will be very few, providing the rare nt act judiciously. , l v i? charge made for fuel or servant hire. Hours ."Katttnd'ance from 9 A. M. to 12, and from 2 P.M. to 5. KOBT, GRAY, ' ' v Principal. . Raleigh, Deel. 184d. , . 100 tf nijRIlFUlllERT. SOAl'S, J3T: WILLIAMS , $ HAYWOOD have lately re ceived, and offer for sale, a large and handsome is, sortment of ihe choicest PERFUMES. TOILET SOAPS, FANCY , ARTICLES, Ac Consisting in part of the best American, German and French Cologne Water, Florida, Lavender, Rose and bay Waters ; a great variety of the best Soaps for the Toilet and Shaving; Bear's Oil; Bear's Grease ; Macassor' Oil ; Indian Hair Oil ; Pomatum; Indian Hair Dye jfor changing the color of ihe hair to a hlack ) Milk of Roses; Cold - Cream ; Lip . Salve ; Fret'kle Wash, (fur removing freckles, tan, &c,) Vegetable Rouge ; Pearl Powder; Almond Powder; Toilet Powder ; Otto of Roses ; Salts of Roses ; Preston Salts; Tooth Powder; Superior Ivory Han dled and other Teeth Brushes; Head and Shaving Brushes. ,? Raleigh. Nov. 16.1840 . 94 til. mALtir.U ACAJK1Y. Mr. SILAS BIGELOVV respectfully informs the citizens of Raleigh and its vicinity, that be will open a School for the instruction of young men, in the. various de partments of English and Classical Education on the first of January 1641, in the building, which has been occupied the present year, by Mr. John Y. Hicks. He is an experienced teacher, and testimonials .a to his character, qualifications, and success, maybe found in the hands of Mr. Nelson B. Hughe (at the Book Store of Turner & Hughes,) to wbom applica tion for entrance may be made in his absence. - Refer also to, Rev Drury Lacy. Raleigh, N.C. Hon. William C. Rives.. Albemarle County, Va Professor Landon C. Garland, Randolph Macon Col lege ginia. Raleigh. December 1. 1340. 97 Tf AND FOR SALE. By virtue ofa Decree II A of Wake Court of Equity, I fhall offer for sale at public Auction, to the Jiighebt bidder, on Friday, ibe first day of January next, on the premises, upon a crcdi " of six and twelve month, jttracl of land be longing to the estate of- Mrs. M. Parker, dev'd. lying on the waters of Poplar Creekadjoirilng the lands of David H.tnlon, Needham Price, Lemuel Cook and H. O. Parker, containing two hundred and sixty-five MB -v acres, i here isaaisu a new iwo story iweiang House, nearly finUhod, and other neiesnary Out-houses on the j.remises. ' Bond and approved security will be re quired of the purchaser. TH L. WEST, C.M.E. Raleigh, Nov. 16, 1840. Tf A VAfLfLKE FEIVIAIli S?91l N ART. gj The exercises of tlie aliove- ixstitution will be resumed on the second Monday (ltth) in Janua ly, un.lef the caro of Miss S. H. Hubbard of Troy, New York, who has bad charge of the Seminary for the l ist twelve months. Miss IIuhba2l, by her high literary attainments, dignity of deportment, and amiable disposition, has sustained the high reputation us an,lnstruciresf. giv en her by Mrs. John Willard, of Troy, New York. Terms as heretofore! Board, per session of five months..$40. ' English literary tuition, $ 10 French, $7 50-Latin,$7 50. Music on Piano Forte, $15 Music on Gnitar, $10 music on Harp, $30. Draw, ing aud painting, in water colore, $5-oil colors, $ 0. ' Mezzo'tiuto and Japauiug, $ 1 0. Half the board in advance. ' TIPPOO 8. BROWNLOW- .Halifax Co. N. v.. Dec. I. 1840, 100 4w4 Trustees Rev. Sidney V eller. Mason L. Wig gins, and Isaac Hilliard, of Halifax. J. R J, Daniel, 0 Raleigh, and Samuel Arlington, of Nnsh. tTTTARRENTON MALE ACADEMY.- The y exercises of this Institution .will be resumed on Monday the 18th of January uextz-f 'T TER&JS of Tuition for the session of five month '; IraWer.English Branches - $12 50 Higher do do including Mathematics 15 00 Ancient and Modem Languages 20 06 Board may be had in respectable private famil es at 8 per month. ROBERT A, EZELL A. M, t - - ; . , '., Principal. Warrenton, Dec 8, 1840. . . o kr EXTRACT FROM. RULES. ' -. Students from the country will not he allowed to board at public Hotels. No . Student will be permitted jbo visit the Hotels, Stores, or Shops in the village, except On business and by the special leave of the Pnncipai. . No Student who is known to be ot irregular habits or of immoral character, will bo suffered to enter the School, .or, if found to be incorrigible after admission, will be auowed to remain. , December 8, 1840.. 99 TATE OP NORTlf CAROLINA WosAtnff Ion County. Is EauiTr Fall -Term. 1840 Sarah Ann Keith WBliam Keith . Bill for Divorce. On motion, nd it appearing to the Court that two Subposnas to answer the Bill of Complaint Issued to Bertie, county, against Wm. Keith, have been returned by the Sheriff that he 19 not to be found m that county : and also, that the said Wtn. Keith, is hot an inhabi tant of this State, or hot within the jurisdiction of this Court:, the . Court doth order that advertisement be made thirteen! successive ' weeks in the M Raleigh Re- gisieranu loruj varouqa vrazette.. anu in iue wa.su- mgton. Whig:, and Kepublican yazette, advising the -aiQ W iliiam . Jieith that, unless.be appear be fore the said Court, at the ' Court House in 'Plymouth on the second Monday of March next, and plead, an swer or demur to the Complainant's Bill of ctmplaint it will be taken pro confessoj such decree made .thereupon, as shall' be considered just. ' . : '. . Test, TH f.. TDRNERC & M. E. JNov. 3d, 1 840 ; V; (Pr. Adv. $7 60.) 89, ILLSBOIIOUGII ACADEMV. The Soring Session will begin on the' second oudsy in-January, . f sv ; . : . : W..J.BINGHAM, & li ; v - . ;.?1N0. A. B ING HA M.i. 3 English Department conducted by A..C Lindaey DecBmber .v p t MOl-flr ew fai ?aki TfiirrEn goods OLiyER fc ,SM1 1 tl, . .z, MEkcHAirr "AfLoaS, rFayetteville Street, Baleigh, JV". 47. ... j ) ; We have just 'received, and iarve now opened our usaal supply oft Goods, which embraces every, tEtog new, desirable or fashionable. These Goods havj leen selected by'Mri'OiLirx ln'T.nV:sn-tafin''l)e confidently recommended to our friend and rmstom era. memrjers oi ine ijegisiature, ana stranger visiip ing the City, during the Session, would, find it greau ly to their advantage to give us a cajl. a we are deter mined to sell bargains. . Our Stock comprize every thing that is usually kept on hand in such Establish, ments, of which the following is a part ; -' CLOTHS. 1 1 ' Sup. Wool Dyed Black, . L.doBlpe, . , : " Invisible Gree0r' ' . ? . - - -' :S Rifle.; -de ..:,'. ' . . .. v Spanish Fly do , London Brown,' v : u ' Olive, and Dahlia. ! CASSIMERES. Wool Dyed BlackTDiamond " Beaver, do'r-rfjrddv.'.., do . suit-Blue and Plain able for Pelto and O ver-coatrockes, Surtouts or . Sup. Wool Dyed Black, do do Buckskin, Mixed Doe Skin, Steel Mixed, -Suffolk do Log Cabin ' ' Prince Albert, Queen Victoria, " v 7 Drab Mixed, Brown, Washington Mixed, Buff and Plain Drab VESTING. Sup. Plain Black Velvet, ; do Moleskin, do Blue and Brown Plush, Brocade, Scarlet Woolen Velvet, Dark Brown do . . Green do - Figured and Plain Satins, Black and Brown ; -Together with an assortment of ready made Clothing and Fncy Articles, Suspenders, Stocks, ( Light and Black,) French Kid Gloves, Pocket Handk'fa Black Silk and Figured Cravats, Scarfs, Shirt Collars and Bosoms, and many other things too tedious to enumerate. ' We have in our employ the best ef-Northern work men, and will warrant every thing we manufacture not to be surpassed in the United Stateseitber in style, fit oHquality. We tender our thanks to a generous public for the very, liberal patronage we have hereto, fore received, and hope by attention to merit a con tinuance, OLIVER & SMITH.; P. S. We have just received a Plate of Fashions from the Psais of London. Also, the latest N. York and Philadelphia Fashions. O. & 8. WAKE FOREST Pleasant rov Academy This School will be resumed on Monday the 1st day of February next. . The Acade my is .'conveniently situated In a healthy and good neighborhood, 12 miles north of Raleigh, 4 miles south of Wake Forest College, and 150 yards from the Ral eigh and Gaston Rail Road. It will bounder the su perintendence of Mis Martha K. Kicrardso , from the North, who has discharged her duties to the en tire satisfaction of her employers. The last public Examination evinced unusual im provement among lrul upas, and ailorued great de- ight to all who were present. . TEBHS OF TUITION : Spelling, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic per Session, - '- - - f5 00 7 50 Geography, History, English Grammar and Composition, - Natural Philosophy, Khetonc and Astrono my, Watte on Ute Mind, . 8 00 Intellertoiral and Moral Philosophy, (chem istry, Algebra, ueometry, Iaturaf i neology, Physiology, Natural History, Political econo my, Logic and Botany, - 8 50 5 00 5 00 15 00 Ureet, Latin, rrenrri and Italian, (additional; Drawing and Painting, - (do) Music on the Piano, - (doj No deduction of Tuition for loss of time. Board can be had in the neighborhood, in respects- hie Families, convenient to the Academy, at six doll ars per month. v JUHiN -sec y. December 23d, 1 840. . 104 fjj" Standard. T OCXSRURG ACADEMIES. Thedu J J ties of these Schools will be resumed on the first day of January next, under the management of the same Instructers, . Board may be had with the Preceptress, for, young Ladies, at $50 per Session, Tuition included, except for Music, which is a separate charge ef $20 per Ses sion. Male Student can have accommodation in several respectable families in the. Village, at charges ranging from $40 to $50 per Session. ; Mr. Guilford Lewis, who ha? had under his care Students, as Boarders, the present year, and given general satisfaction to all who bave entrusted thfir Children and Wards to him, ha taken a large and commodiou house, consisting of some 15 or 20 rooms, for the special accommodation-of Boarders, who can have separate apartments, if preferred. Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Fulixb, Jtlr S. Pattkksojc, and others, are also prepared with equal accommoda tions for Student, male or female. . ' . The orderly deportment of th Pupils of these School for the last several years, combined with the healthi ness of the Village, and the known good society of the place and it vicinity, justifies the expectation of a liberal share of patronage. ?-.,n -': :. '. kx-t By order. 104-2w December 18th. 1840. SPLEXOIO EXGCISII ANNUALS, ' And other illustrated Hooks', for '1841, ' Legend of Venice, richly bound, H..( ...t : m Heath's Picturesque Annual, ' ' ' ' ' ; The Keepsake, elegaridy bound in Silk, .1 : ' : ! i Book of Beauty, 16 Engravings, f Portrait of the Children of the Nobility, ' : Book of tlie BoudohV I s .r ? '. 1 Drawing Room Scrap Book, frincens labieaux, . .... r , Protestant Annual, ,J ' ' ' " ' ' : - ' f Forget Me Not, Juvenile."Scrap Book; oke 1 Thp-above Worki arS 'put up in auperior style. with splendid illustrations. Just received, and for sale by ' 3r v 30871 ER & HTJGHESJ TSTOTICE. Wifl be sold at Public Safe, t th. XN Oourt H ouse in the City, of Raleigh, on the 3d Monday of February nextjif not previously disposed of, all the Stock belonging to theStag Company, now running on 4h fine between Raleigh and Greensboro. consisting of about SIXTY or SEVENTY" HORSES, together w.th the STAGES and HARNESS,' The Horse, are ail in good conditio and admirably calcu lated for Stage service.-" A credit of si and twelve months will he given, ibe purchaset giving bond with approved security belorelbf property is delivered. . T , : r. . J -E.P..GUION, Truee. , RaTeigh, Decern ber SJd, 1840; 104 tf" J fNT ATEtfOF NORTH CABW.lNA-r4Gwvillfl ti Couety.vCoort orjlea ana uaner.easionj", November Term. A.' a ' f Dapiel A, Paschal!,! ") t i Origvial Attachment, S Thomas 'J. Hunt. John jS: Eaton, aton, .? Original Attacliment. ItaooMriB- to the satisfaction of the Court, tha the Defendant in the foregoing case reide leyopd the jurisdiction of ibfa Court 1 It is iherefofe ordered, that nubliealion be made in the Raleigh Register. fr 1 six weexs - successive. iy, nomying aiu a hu"v - Hint, to appear atnhe Court of Pleas tnd ;iJ1iaer Sefsions, to be held for the County of Granville, .a( the Court-bouse i Oxford, on the first Monky 111 February next i "l ben and tlier to plead or replev.y ( otherwise. Judgment final will be, tenoered agninrt him and tlte property levied upon, made subject to Plaintiff's demand.- f, A Witness. Jame M.,Wiecin, Clerk of said Court. at Ofiice, the first Monday in November, a,d 3q - . JAMES M. WIGGINS, CI1!' ' November 24, 1840. 85 6w, ACARD.-rMISS MELISH lgs Ieve to W. form ber friend and the public,' that she ha be come so much attached to tlie'-good old xonn state, as to be indueed to try it another year. - Her School will, therefore, -re-open tbe firt Monday in January. At4be suggestion of some uf her friends, it is pro. posed to have an Infant School attached to her Estab lishment, for the reception of Juvenile Scholars, .un der the care of her sister, who acquired -the system from the founder ana patroness ot infant School. m this country, Mrs. BKTacWlti and. from wbom, and the moslMistinguished phtrort "pf Infant Schools, vhe can tring-the most sa'is&clory testimonials as to Pi ety, Education, and (be requisite talent. Imention rifty, ror an Infant School, destitute oirieiy, it a world without a Sun, or I might 'say any School, What, can tbe blind lead ihe IJiud ! ;Tbe sacrrd psge will answer the. question, Tbey will both fall ia theditch. . . - ,;' v" " " To pious Parents we appeal, in humble reliance upon him who ha stid " Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not. for of such is the king-' ddm of Heaven and w tstt the appeal - will not be made in vain to those hose most ardent wish it must be, that their children should be trained for" their Re deemer's service. , It i aot' ber wish lo Interfere with the peculiar tenets of Parents at all : their instructions will simply touch upon those; points upon which all XvbrtfeUan are agreed. . . . . . , , Miss Msixsa returns ber heartfelt acknowledge. mepts to those, whose smiles baVe cheered "her on, and made the Stranger feel at home.' She i aware : that she came here under very discouraging circum stances. Coming as she did. a Missionary to the poor and destitute, many inferred that che'coalJ not impart instruction . to tbe rich ; not aware, perhaps. jhat eince the North hast been aroused to 'a venge of duty to 1 be destitute in their own JamL the highest talent in the country has-been enlisted in their service i in the spirit of Him who has'eaid, the - poor yoa have always with vou; inasmuch as ye hsve done it unto the least of these, you have dope it unto me. V. If a Missionary volunteers her services to feacn the destitute heathen, she is. extolled to theskie; apdJier talents are never called in questum. If a persorg"'ltb the purest devotion and self-sacrifice, labor flJbsrf wno ought to be nearer and dearer to biro, enliven Ofj tbe same soil, bound by all the endearing ties of Coun try, and who may require ihstructiojj a much as ibe heathen, he or she is set dqivn as a person wbh wants talent for any thing beUer. i hes things ought not so to be : nor do I think tbey will le so long.'.' I see Ibe dawn of a brighter light upon North Carolina, which may eclipse io its meridian splendor all that has been done farther North. Ynnr character .are-more ar dent than (.hose of colder, less favored climes. What ever you engage in, you-do wiih all you-'migbt aod wuat eari you engage in, which, is mure important, than to rescue young immortals from all the horrors attendant upon lives of idleness, ignorance and crime, and prepare them for honor and usefulness t. Miss Mklish would also slate, that her object is not to make money. She neither wishes nor expects to make a fortune ; therefore, she; will reduce herpri.l ecu lu as iiiutirrnic i.i'c as iuu vau, cuusistfjnily Willi . 1 . . y... r ..';.-., A taking a limited uuhiuer. .: -: .-! .' : " ' TERMS, :. - - , ,. First Class, which will embrare the plain and higher branches of a thorough English Education, tor geiher with French, per Session, $20 50 Second Class, preparatory to the first, in- .. ; eluding French, Third Class, which will embrace the eli-j mcnts of Geography, .(JrammaJHiMory, Natural Philosophy, Arithmetic and VVritiug,. Music, a lesson every day,, 1 - 1 v - "... . ihree limes a. week. '15 50 12 50 26 00 15 00 No extra charge for any thing but Stationery, if i found, fifty cents per tcssion, M. CLARK, who has taught Vocal Music with so much success, is about forming a Class for Children in the afternoon, at the Session Room of the Presbyte rian Church. Miss M. hopes that her pupils will avail! themselves of this excellent opportunity of ac quiring this delightful science,- As Mr, C. excl to leave Raleigh, this is the last opportunity they will have of heneliting by his instructions. A Classical Teacher will attend an hour each day for these who wish to attend to Latin ; and MK Him. iltojt will attend a Class of those who wish to be in structed in French on the Hamiltonian System. rOiXFORD FEMALE ACADOIV.. VIV The exercise of thi School will tie resbnied vii ine Aim uayoi January next, i ne J rasiee having placed it entirely under the charge. of the sut scriber. no pains will be spared by him to renller it a valuable jand popular iiistitirtionNewi teacher have" lieen emploed, and new instrumeTiUwill bo procured, for the; use nf the school "The course f siuuies win iijciuoe ine useiui aird ernn mental tMnch es nf a finished education. The general jupc rintei: dence and direpiioo of the oiierations of ihr School: win ue exercisru oj tue suocrioer ine husines of instructing will be performed chiefly by Mis Nich ols Jrom Vermont. M J one of IN. Carolina, and iM is .Watson from'Vlrginlai Of the qualification of these ladies' to discharge thf duties that av'iII l re quired of ihera. the subscribed-1$ abundantly satisfied. as well from personal acquaintance,, ast Trent other sources, '1 be residence of tile uliMucrjul becon lieuoun id the Acsdemv : the teacher .wUl lw ber of his family i and he will ue'prepired; likewie, to board a considerable numbfT.iif.punils.lt3The scbooL year will ! divided into two sessions of five monlbs ech, . The i-ricest of board aud tuition by me session, payable in advance, wm be as follow. Reading, Writing and: A rithmetUJ j-j.;-,; lf 50 Engfish Grammar; Geography dc Competition 1000 Algebra Ueomelrf.IXatuTsi, Moral and InteU. lectual Philosophy, ChemfehT. 'BotanV, J MineraIogy,iJology, Logics, Rhstorie. and -fHiitoVr t.; ' 12 bO Latin. Grr-ek and' French, each - ' - '10 00 Musiobn the Piano Forte ( ! . nn the Guiir 4 - J 1 .'11 -.-V -r - 30 00 100 Drawing and Painting; each VI . ..10 to BEJ. SUMNER. mmmmmmmtmt nan -em 1 : TATp OFNORTH pAfiOLTNGrsiiyine County.- Curi ofpleas and Quarter Sessions, . uTfinDer 1 erm, 1 00 r - - Xcwia and RufusrT, Heflin, Ex'r.! t - Thomas J. Smith and other. 1 r" A psper wnmtfrmrportinglo be lh last Will Tesiament of Chrle Jleflin, dcea?J, as offered : for Probate, and Tborda J. Smiih.-Oreen Fuller, and If), rl.Hdren of James H."Cwihornby-lheir guar- tl.'sn.vLunsford A.' I'ascbsl!. appearing and objecting-v tbt'to,n'fne was madel ti) ; and id appearing l -tb frirt ihai AVm. HWlin and wife Busanl Wlrn " - Heflin and James Mano and hi; wife; M fry Mann, o6fr heirs fcClavrofOIurtrs efiin, dec eased, are-&oiweiden!S-! lt 4s ithcreforeiordeie4 ihLluiblics- , , Mots 1m joade ibsiiIf1eJgh.Rettse,,s.yw. sbccessively for Xy, - r Crrnn of i leas and Quarts; Sest.9 to bm held for . ihe County of Granville, ai the Court-house in Ox- ford, on ihe rat Monday in.Februar eilj and ibtU : and there Bw pause.'if atiy ihe jthsse, whysaiJ ps per writing afcall not: bd admitted uIPrvate,.4t th ' last Will itnd,TeUmci4 of said Charles IKfiin, : dWv' ccs'ed.v " fw ;.?5.'.5..i'i.V:-' 1 ' .. . ' : ,f r .... ir,i-' r.jj '!.- line, jame m. wiggm, ,ier'iyiwju vu -..v i at Olfice, the first Monday 4n Noverriir,AiD. 1840. v 7" JAMEBMWIGUINCrit. f F -TfTOiTOE ACADEMY--The Fall Session orthlk Academy wiii tlose on tbe 15th of jiext montn, , . and the next session will commence on'. the 15th oS Jfiuary84L--fI &i lsXizLl.?; - ' Thislntiiatioa ts' divided 4ntn two; departments, English arid Classical In each departmi nt the eourae of Instruction' i full and complete. Inth JEvgtiah, are taught, in 'the first class, Reading.Wirfing and Arithmetic, at five' dollar per session of five "months ; anq m: Vt$e ccu&-ut phy, with the use of the Atlas,' History, Philosophy, AMronomy, r&e. st eight dollars per; sessiear In the . Classical department, is taught a full 1 and r complete academical course of latin and Greek literature, the tuition fce i twel ve dollars and half per session. T In ;. this department student are prepared or any of our UmVerBitie, No day student will be takit in either department; each student entering the Academy i 11 be bound for' the tuition fees, from thejlme, be enter loathe end of the :sesicW -'N dedo"cUen-"wiir-be' made for loss of time,e(cept in case of sick'hess-E ve ry possible ' care will be ' taken' xb 'prqmot'the 'ad- ' vabcement in literature,!' morality ect tyni6i,rof ; I aarh student placed .under our care. J . t, j, '. a ne subscriber 1 prepared jtoaceommouate eignieen , --or twenty studentf with'tlolnCand good 'out rooms,' tor seven dollar and a Halt per Tnontj, exeeps. canaiee and mending. - Good board can t)e had "convenient, to , the Academy: s4 frehvaix tn sir and a'half dollars: per months- -.DANIEL :W, KERR, "Dec F " -' f-1'-. fi-: PriricfpuB- . ITATE OF NORTH" CROLlNAw GraQviilo County. 4 ourt nf Pleas shd Quarter Ssiofi, vemlter Term," AtP .?1840- ui r icniiu, wiiv n oiucis, -T . . .-V - ...... i Petition fortdi. Edward Bullock, and otbersv; fA a It appearing to the 'tiifactiol of the Courts hat Mrs, A nn Dalbv, El'txa Bui lock, widow of Dr. Benja " liBull-k Albert 8need nod -wlfe. JWsri AU": ter Mangum alid,wife,lizat Erasmus D. Bullock- ''. - ' ww er a " ' ' Vt m. . w a . " a - a -r .J": Alexander u. uuuoca, waner a. nuiiocr,'Aioierx ' Harris add wife, Catharine; Ann' A; Bollock and Jo- ' bert Lee and. wife Jane, reside beyond tlie-limit of thi State": It is, therefore," ordered by the tJourt. , ; ihat publication be jnade Tor fit weeks uccetif ely fear at the Court of Tleaa and" Quarter; Scftuf!., tsr' - be ;bejd tfor-the County of .GranviUe, .at lb .Court; ' Houfe in Oxford, on the fksl 'Monday ' in 'February ' ' - mm, iich biiii lueie-ji ifieiu answer or urns urAo . A . ir: ' i 4o. 4 r . 3 a m es aid Peiiuoi;4tberwme it will be taken pro, eonfts ; - so,mtulb.nlexpwte kt6Jihelm: u U? , ' . ' :i t VrMsjames MriWiggio; Clerk" of Uftmt -VJ afoleaiLt Office the firtt Monday. in November. ' i if. wigj iN,criri . : - -; - Novetnbef 24,-1840, TATE O F' NORTH CAROUNAUtfrsnnllo County. Court of Pleas and Quarter SeMiaii. November Term4 1840. C ' f ; " " i Anderson pxm m-dliQU vs. - -'' uugiuai Attscamtnt, J, White, : S. 1 ' r':-: Latop It appearing to Ihe satisfaction of the Con it, th'a the Defendant Eaton J.n While resides! beyond the, r hmifUof Ibis State; .It w therefere ordered that pub. ticaiioh be made in'lnetlaleuth Register for six weeka successively, ;for the said Defendant to sppesr at the - Court of Pleas anu Quar.er Ssaaions, lo be held for the County of Granville,. a,t tbe ' Ceurt-house in' Ox : ford, on the fir't Monda'y'ln February 'next; then and f there to plead or icplotyj 'oTherwie, Judgment final -will l rendered agaiukt bim.'and the amouni the", bands uflln Garnishee, condemned subfert tV Plains tiff clairr4S Witnew.JamcM. Wiggins Clerk of I said .tonrt, at Office, the first Monday in November a;d.,'184o.;- i .'SlrkUi ii 3 Si JaUGB": HZ W1GCJN3. pile, ' . November 23, 1940; . l99J-w TATE 0 NORTH CARORCf A,.qranviuV; si County, I EaviTf Fall "Term 1840.. - - -l ' ; -'f v . ' ."",:r':).'. Stephen Bridges ot wife, & others,") Petition ?fof aaloJV'.' , ' M, yef Land si Jr.. .v..v, Henry MorrUQthersi; n;t,u-rrjea.; . jyjK ppesring to tho satisfaction of the Cort" lliV" UV UUEUUIDW, .SCIIjr 4" k" , WUl. 1I yi lCLul John M. Morris,:Abrani iW31orri, JeW lluddlestoa. and the representatives of Mitchel Morris, arcnot ii. habilanurof this State J k is therefore ordered by the u Court, hst publication be ' mad for aix ucceiv weeks in the Raleigh Register, for the said defendants 'I- to appear at me next term ot tni Court, to be held at . UTe town of Oxfoi dn the first Moiiday of March next, and plead, answer of demur In the ajd Detition of the PlaintifL or elm we same be taken vro ikmOian mJ ' heard exparte '0 oea.iii ttnzn . , .Witness j;horaasB Ltttlejohn Clerk & Master of aid Court, ot Offiii, the "first Moriday,of September, , AB4U. V"?.. I1U, X. liriTLEjaHN-C: M. E. . MX lord nor: go TATE QF NORTH C AROLINA Granville County, Court of Plea And Quarter Session kovemher Term, A. D 1840. Daniel AV Piw&alJ, 3d S. ' i ws. 1 ... .-- Original AUaehment. BnufliyPhejynuijkY tJaj y.' Nancy. Jarrat Morris, "Groves Mdrrk, h- v Morri. !, It anrjearlns tdthe satisfactmn "0 thil"Conrt fk. ' , the Defendant revide beyond hf ' jurisdiction i Itis'-; - iLiwnurp, joruerru, ui puiiun, oe' made for lt weeks successively in the : Raleigh . Retister -fi.r ftt " ' aid Defendant tn sppesr St the Court of Please and ' L ' Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County "of Gaaa,' 4 . ' ville, at Mip CourMinuse in Oxford, opt the firr Men-' nay in Fein nary pext,then end-thr topleStfor r: plevy j otherwise, Jodgroerjt ,final "will be render-1' wr iiit- mn in- loetni'tdA oi tit garnishee epntnsfuWect u Phfintijps cUi ; Witness,' Jame MrWHg'iios' Clerk of M at OfScethe first Mondav in Nnmhur "a T Ceuri- ' ' A. D -V " - " . 1 . JAMES MVYfGGfNS CJV- mm : 1 . kM hi 41 4 1 s A- tl 'A - u i i 4