7 t . v Ait i if f sT u V I, I i i ' ;iiv CH? t hl I .,. . ' TrTVVHWT s-XYTW TT TTUlVtD ' ' i 5 ScBscaiVnK.i-Five Dollar W wtiua-litlf ia AdTance.; t ? ?" , , , : ABTiXMirTf'.rror every J6 line first inseiv lion One Dollar each iubaeqaent insertion, 25 cnt. ; Coct Obs and oiciAK Advertisements will t) charjed 25 per cent higher'; hot ft deduction of 33 per cent, will be made from the regular prices, for ad Yertisersby tboyear., k i 'S:.' Advertisements, inserted in the Semi-Weekly lif will also BpjTfcar in tbe : Weekly Papery free! o( OCT Letters to the Editor most be ost-fai; r 1 . - 1 t pi ! ' ; J cdusiIt mLYs bet A sooii as th ' Harriibarg donvfenlion tiomi'natcd iha fce of Tippecanoe as a 'suitable neison tp p.'de oyer our beloved country, FraukSmiUi looked around among his female friends to select a suitable Individ uaf to preside orer his laffections.. Frank was a whole-soyled Whig, and reposed, the utmost confidence in the success of the nomU nee of the Convention. V He, was engaged in business and ohl declined taking a-wile on account cj ihe uncertaipty of the. time.- He kept an old dirty bachelor hall whicii was genteely furnished with . every thing , requi sile, for house-keeping. .-All that was - want ing to' complete hwljiappiness-was ?i,beauti M companioii wuh aheartlike his pvnj.fr Frank was as fine ; a, young . feilow as eveir rallied around the Tfjjpfecane flag.'and might have ut quite a conspicuous figure "n tire world, he had been gifted wkh less . diflS dence.y;V ,,f IVPh kMl t Frank -ioion cami to a decision, ; He silent ly nominated to the highest office in the gift of Ms'a'Cpnsrii.youne;, lady rwho was, in every particular, worthy-of his noble . heart. She was a distant family-cnunexipn, a. charm ing "cherry -cheeifed cheerful, capricious crea ture of a cousin about as old as himself and endowed with a proper , share t;of thali good common sense fori which oof.fair Country wbinen are so eminently -. distinguished all over tbe .world.";!-- risv mHs:- Frank Smith embarked enthusiastically in the double care'.ofjoye and politics". He car ried both with UioH hand in hand ; i butl It nigbt have i been Vbsef veil, that, he condacted one cause, with eloquent wordsnd the other Wim eioqueni ioui". oiu; uiu liis jair tousiri Tilly, that iqeneral Harrisoii ww choice for the highest office in th nft-'of the neoule, but never, once did he tell her that she was li ipnlyr choice', :for the highest post in his qufu gift." JBut wh should he, have teltihergb l; ; She;knew it as well as he did. His. jye had maby,ajlijne told beta ; storjf too plainly to be niisunderstood. v . -1 Frank made at least a'-? dozen attempts to disclose his feeling! i to ; his cousin, but his hps in variably . retusea to obey the prompt ings of. his, heart. . , ,- J j ': : : : vi .: t4j ' O ne evening , j us t before the Presidential ielection, the two. we je togellier, engaged as every body else, was, in talking aver ptditical inatiers, for Tiliys, like all other pretty girls was ajlhoroagh-going Harrisonian-Jx ; i Cousin Tilly said Frank, ' it is now cer tai that Old Ti p will be our next President; The people will then, once more be prosper-ous-business .will revive, and those .young men . who 'have all along ; hesitated about chinjing their condition.uiay now jusi as well look out for. -helpmates. What say your to I certainly think said ; she,i , that our isez should now; that this long,.- contest is about to, close, receive a share of .their alten tions. 'i :? ijh4 ;.' -;' ' : Yes, cousin Tilly, Harrison is good for the next: four years that'a certain :3jTou have noticed, cousin Tilly, that I am heartily ired of this confdoiided bachelors life : and ft-om , the aUentions i have paid to you,, the object of my aflec-Hhat is the the that you ate the rl .yras abofut to oh ! . listen to that glorious Tippecanoe song in the streets! . For all the wrkl seems turning round, : ' For Tippecanoe and Tyler too J - I Franka. incoherent love-speeches were 'put short,' fortunately for him by a crowd in the street singing lustil y, the famous song of Tip . pecanoe and Tyler too ; Sli';; vV."a- j Keally, cousin Frank said Tillyf you are not fit for any thing but to .talk politics i I am afraid there s too much truth in what pu say, replied.Frink, 4buf jalkt must in sist that I , tned j my best to tell ibonghts upon a different subject.'. you my And why did you not finish telling them! Baid his cousin archly. . ! ; JP te ;! : T Because I was, too much of a blockhead, " (ptaeoward.r";".""j' J-Yl j ' 4 A.bold 'rjppcauoe "soldier truly I You need hot fear toe, cousin Frank ' I am only - a woman -j; 4.'Jr 'ilvviVt : '' Sb you are, cousin i1 butl must 'confess thai i am the greatest coward on earth when I attempt to open fay ;heart to ypu't j I " Moist astonishing aid Tilly. '. :.;.S.J VaII very !trujnyj cousin. YuIpjww full well I know you do-- that I have long entertained a deep .what was I going to say I I donV believe .Van will "get fljorel Uiari qc -State at tne outside. ivirf: I ; Cousin Frank; I shall KaVe tppinvjjou charge ofVold iTip's keepers ;yoa are goingcrazy.y -Mrffm 1 believe so myself.' I amin a bad box I assure you, Cousin Tilly A tell me how to get out of this confounded 'quandary! .You knewwha( Iwaal to ell you. Hov ahall I llon't tnnw ajl.Tiiiir , Cousin, said Frank impbhngly. a" 1!U bef yon ihat Harrison w be elected? said Tilly. f - , sOh! but would, bet thaCway, myself replfekl Frank." V1 V: i, -iv ' r- You wished, roe :tof help you ont pi your r rank,. , s v . k - Yourself.' But let' me see 'said Frantl whowas somewhat pufcgledjn understand the ppqrauon of the wager If I should lose,, as I urely will, how! will it then be J'V ? -- Iltyod lose "vaid jshe I. will win you ? and ilf't lose you wilwia rhe itber way will Eoiit yoti, I suppose. ' 1 V :'h, " it 35 t'We through it,! ekclaimed Frank in an ecstacy ofiov. Done, .done,' done,,.. Give raTour hand.Httrrah for'Ap,' an'd' t.Vi and 'Till.f t Consinyou have done the busi ness glqrjonsly j . I am happy. The election fea'u&Vnd. Harrison carried the day, 'Of cpurseicousin : Tilly won the bei; and cheerfully, was it paid and gracefully was if accepted.. .V; . - -.'. '! - . 4 Thy 'celebrated old Tip's election ft w eVenings ago, by a luerry weddings-Joy be ' .i a. :''" v;- i-jz-vt-v Xr witn tuem. - . . nuxvi. I A GLORIOUS RECORD. At Rew liondon, Connecticut the following vin scription. U found on , grave-stone .The record ,dfi ahcleni-' Rome or Greece do not exhibit a nobler, iiuJ stance of patriotic iroism:,. (,. .i;,t w-jvjf i " . Cfn tck October, 1781 j 4,000 Eng lish, fell upon the- towijrfwith. fire: and "sword 7-700 ( Americans defended the fort for a wholeuday jvbut in. ihe evening, about 4 ocIock j it . Was taken, The commander; of I the besieged delivered up his sword to an ngitsumau, wno imraeuiateiy jBtaooea mm ; all his cptorades were put to the sword A lin of powder-was then laid from the maga zine of the fort to the sea, there to he light ed, .thus to hlow the Ifort into the air. Wil liam. Hotman, who lajnot far distant, woun ded -j, by three strokes of ; the bayonet in his body, heheldit, and said to one of his woun ded friends,.who f was .also still ali ve, ; We wilt cndearouritd crawl to the lines; we will completely wet. the powder; with but blood'; .1 '''11 ' . "M"l ' .m . urns win we, witn ine iiuie me mat remains to usjsave;the fort and magazine, and per. haps, ia. few of our . comrades 1 who are , only om$sh;M3 PPble design. 1b hirtteth year uj;.ujeu uu uie powuer, wnica ne over flowee with his blood.i His friends and seven of his wounded; companiona by that- means had tiiieir lives preserved? Afier this -simple narrative, are the -'following words in large characters, Hebs, bests Williji HoratAir. HENRY CLAY,. , . When this distinguished Statesman was Secretary of State, a dapcing.master, by the name oi ticnry wiay,' nappenea to ne travel ing ill some part of the State bf Virffihia. Alighting at a public house,' for some refresh ments', it so.happened that rnme bost j acci dentally learned his'name. Supposing him to be, the .Secretary of State, , the principal men ibf the 'village were invited in yf pay theirjf respects to Mr. Clajr. When j" they camel into his room, the dancing-master per ceiving' the mistake ; which had very, natur ally taken place, he addressed them as fol lows l"-' Gentlemen, I perceive there is some: mistake in this business.' .You. doubt less suppose me to be the Secretary of Slate. It soi happens that we have both tbe same name, and are about the some height,-but thenithere is just six feet difference in j our talerttsifor his lie in his head, arid mine -in i' ik r- v 1 t I j. is ...7,-: XLm(Hwce Conrad says truly, " that dangerous errors-have frequently re sulted from a loose and 6areless construc tion sf the emotionsof the person accused Innocence should be brave, but it is not al waylso.1 It is often palpitating and fearful when guilt "confronts the eye of justice with a cold and brazen hardihood. It is, after allj Erore a question as to'strength of nerves inan;puriiy 01 conscience, ; i v f - J; "i Wt'M a wra- t-r a wuii ,,jM.kmw aiar uuuusi - Received If JOHN PRIMROSE, on Fa xxTTXTt ix- Srairr, the 2d door from tin New Market House: and he has opened lately, a very general assortmenr of FA NC Y DR Yi G OODS, which will be sold to .suit the j Customers of the City and Country, are re quested to call and see for tbeotselves. ' Be hss also added to his general stock bf Family Finding Goods. Aierctiants and other porcnasets can be supplied very iaG6ap9J(Di I GOODS n He: has complete atock of : D RY GOODS fat ' a Retailer's buaness; consisting of almost evert article ta the Dry Good line, amounung to about Thirty-su: or Seven Hundred Uouars ; tnat will be sold upon to cominodatmg principles, at Six,Twelve ana Eighteen montiu, with good Security and interest from he Ausk STILL MORE GOODS 1 if N He.hasalso, a email stock of DRY, GOODS, con- sisting lof :m eonsiderabla variety of articles, wbieh is suitable for a small country business ; amount about Twelve , lpidredpollara, aUofwMch canbe aeen from the Invoice, and win be sold sit 8ix. Twelve and Eighteen inonths, for m note with good, security, bear ing uaierew irum nw oaie. ?. il 1 . ilHC has conslantVoh hand, a good assorbnent of uia Tainauie ju-ujciuo, ot um very nest and tne most genuine kind, which wHl be sold by the Packaire 'or ftRaleigh No 4th 1840. i CIVIL s-ENGINEER, 1 fn vector of the improved constrUetion of RaU-ways K - t! l AW 9. Wa' - tr , , 1: ;i i i-Mwe, jomiataorcp rryRi, qusnaary, cousin lore uke itie-ocu ' , t - - t -''What dd Vou, want to bet, enquired M"Welf,r!"c,'a -i-J jwyseir.- , tlt t.f Against whatr t5 J K t I -7 it- Qi'saperiur lo any other known, combination of Spit tin of BlW,PIpilatioO of the Heart, BRON CHITIS Chronic Pleurisy, DifDeuItj of Breathing, Hooping Cough, and all .diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. ' , - J 1 j This medicine is highly and -justly, wcommendedi by numrou t nd respectable iiidii JuaU,; who hive found relief from jits use. fi Many .who have been ia bpuriog under 'protracted Coughs "sod ; Pains in; 4he Breast, and have JbeenUbpoSed' by themselves land theif friend far advanced to Ciinsumptioohave beeii happily restored to perfect health by the use of this Extract of a Certificate from Rev. pr. Babcock, late ; - President of Walerville Collegei Maine, r From iutimale personal acquaintance with pr D. Jaynei, a regular student ofibe Medical Univenuiy of Pennsvlvania,. and an expeiienced, sgcpesefut racli tioner of medicine I was preparcl .to appreciate the aumeroukiestineoniaU in favour of his different medi cal preparations, much more' highly r than, the great majority oftbose wbkh.are ex tensiveljr eulogised. On trial of them' in my own family, anil' some of Ahem personally,! have more than' realized theii favourable anficipations. r They an! what they profess to te- hot quack nostrums but skilfully prepared antidotes for tome, of the most afflictive of human diseases.' t know that fhey'are highly .esteemed, and frequently prescribed, by some of the moat resectable of the reg ular practitioners of medicine in' this eiiy and eboi where, and . I Jo not esitate to commend them as valuable addition to oumateria mcdica.and a safe, as well as eminently useful remedy For the diseased." i ' RUFtJSBABCOCK, Jr. rbiIadeIplua7Ui June, 18U3. : Ifavne JBjcoectorant. W e invite attention to thu vdmirable remedy for Fulmouary affection, advertis ed t another column. ' The principle there announced of the morbid character of ooarwciionj it tendency fi on;tnate infiarnmatioit of the ,lironchi, Uo; conse quent vitialion of the natural humors i, beyond die. Pbtefhe truth1 irself. lbe only practicable) mode of removing such obstruction, is' by means of ex pecfora- tion, a result wbicb ,w,e are convinced can always be obtained Jby a judicious exhibition of the remedy of tit. Jayne. TJuladelphia Spirit f the Times. t - n ... ' t jtvzi ' v:- .;' v.r--' JJayrie'a EzptctorantBi a reference W our aefver- luting colomus,it will be seen that this valuable Medi cine is bflered for mI in this city,, by JB. XV Bvu. mend this medicine, as the best calculated for the pur pose of curing coughs, colds; sotf throat; aathfcna, and all afieclions of the Iutags, t From a long personal ae- 1' ! l TTkl , - . i . i a " i" qiiainiauce wiia jr. ayo'V we .now uwi ne is no quack, and his medicines, are not nostrums of the modern ery-up, but are tno result, of his. long expert eni as aiiir-edsiriikhvaieien. andf thecexueiiM af great lbour.Hartfort SJtJ Vmly 4vievr. ' . From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. ) Valuable, MedieineW 9 do not wish-to commend one good medicine at the expense of another, but wfr ea nnot forbear ! to 'not ice the valuable properties pos sessed by h"Carnunative Baltamfund the - Ex pectorant" prepared by Dr. Jayne, of South Third street il this city.- We navo forborne to give evi dence until after a thorough trial in onr own family i They are invaluable in a family of chudreru : - , : .numerous omerceruDcaie migni ue auueu.puiice above are-considered aufficieni evidence of its great Usefulneaa.ts f.f j (TJ Tbe abovjticle together with all other Medi- cines prepared by Dr; Jayne, are for sale in f RuUigh, by WILLIAMS HA YWOOD. V Petersburg, Dupuy, jlosser $ Jones. t Febraarv. 1840 RIUERIFF'S 8 ALE. W in be sold at the f3 Mill River Academy, on Ahe third Monday in reoruary next, we following, TUAiiJ3 ur l.AXi, or so much thereof; as willsatirfy .the Taxes due for the years 1838 and 1839, together with the costs and east of Advertiaiag : ,-ux I tv ' - '-; 'r .. 3 Tracts belonging to the heirs of Lewis 4 Benja min, on the waters of. Little River,; joining land of Mrs. Thomas and othersconiainins 700 Acres, for. the years 1838 and 18?!) not assessed. ; i ( ; , One Tract! belonging to the heirs of William -My er-, dee'd. on the waters of Clear U reek, joining lands of Pbally Myers, containing 0 Acresnot valued. One Tract joining lands of V tniam Lauing and others, containing 90 Acres.. t One -o. joining lands of Jan Younger and others, containing 60 Acres---no Valuatiouu t scM One do. joining lands of John Jarvis, jr. and others, containing 00 Acres ne valuation. . One. do.' joining lands of fiiraa Ktng; containing 500 Acres no valuation. ;',7 , One do. belonging) to Thomas Edwards, on Clea Creek, containing .75 Acres, joining lands of Samu el Neiley and others no valuation. , .; i-; , -. v r; . .t' um uuu weionging la uv ucirs oi -avisyn, oh iuc waters of Clear Creek,' containing 300 Acres, joining lands of James Edney, valued at $450. Taxes due for 1838 and 18391 v ' Also several other Tracts, belonging to the heirs of WHIiara Mills, deceased, containing 807 Acres,' on the waters of Clear Creek, joining lands of Asa Ed- ny and others,valued at f 1225. t Taxes due for. 1838 Od 1839. . I, W-' i ' 7 f' It-,- 4 ' R. THOMAS, Sh'C ' Henderson, November 10th, 1840. -fXjPrlAdv't. $6 50. rt " -961 m 1 nTTTARRENTON 1 MALE ACADEMY. The V "xercises of this Institution .will be resumed on Monday the 18th of January next - . ; -.TERMS of Tuition for the session of five "months ; . Lower English Branches );:-" ' . - . $12 50 - Higher do do .Including Mathematics. 15 00 Ancient and ModerryLanguages -'t 20 00 - "Board may be had in respectable private fnil es at (8 per month.' " ' - ROBERT A. EZELL A. M. 4- s " , '; ' r "PrincipaL v- Warrenton, Dee, 8, 1840. f " - J 1 EXTRACT FROM RULES. ; - 8tudents from the country ' will not bo allowed to board at publie Hotels. I'-t 't No Stud-nt wilh be ; rjermiitod to visit the Hotels, Stores, or Shops in the village, except on business and by ihe special leave of the PrincipaL -V rV"i r No Student who is known to be of irregular Sabita or of immoral character, will be stu-ered to enter the School, or,-iffoand'td be incorrigible jr admission, wifl be) aUowed toreinain. itfrXil te Ca ' ; December 8, 1840. iAt'i-l-'ld TT AND FOR SALE. The subscriber washes; to U lseU m tract of Land containing between 300 and 400 acres, lyingjWithin four miles of the City of Ra leigh, directly , on the . road Jeading r from tkencO to Payetteville. About 250 acres haa been cleared, and about 100 acres of Wottlknd.'well timbered, st4tt: oil of periot; qu&tj.ll: A'-";"""? ;. Those wishing to purchase a'Faha weQ' watered, nd to near the Capital xf the State; would ijo well to call on the subscriber, end ww the , prcmi asl ne is idiemuaea to mi ocvery accomsaouaung terms. ' Raleigh, Jam. 7; 1841 4uf - JBtar aad Standard, 4 wreka.7' ' ? fMTATE OF NORTH CAROLINAGranvine No-vemberTerm:t840. i3 :,5 f f, r (, fff V L.wlaandRufuaT.'HellinEx'ri1") T, . I . V ill' , offositxtux -taaKxr movss. Tfcf. yjitv i vsJV0, ' Caveat. ' fmHE Subscribera'respectfullv . munde to the . r-1 nomas j. mim ana otners. ts . i-: 1 1 - a t - 5 Q A paper wrftiosr purnortine to bo the last Will and Testament of Charles ; Hcflin, eceased,' wal offered for rrobute, and Thomaa J;8miib, Green FulTef, and. the'rhildrenlif James II. Cawthorn, by. their. jguar diani Lunsford- A. Faschalf, appearing and objecting t her r to, an issue was rnsde Up j and it appearing to the Court ibt VVnii Hefiin and wife Susan,' William Heflin od James Msnn and bis -wife- &farylMun, other heirs at law of Charles Hefltrv deceased, are non-teiJcrfts." , It ir! therefore ordered ihat'publica- fionbe made So the (Raleigh Register-for six weeks successively for said ) non-residents to . appear at Ihe tourt of fjeas am) Quarter. Sessions "to be held for (hi County-of Granville', at the Court-house, in Ox ford, on the firat'AfoiidW in Feltrnarv next, arid then and I here ahew ci, if an v lEe? have, w liy said pi: per writing; sbslljiot; bo admitttl to Probate, as the last Will and,Totamont of said Charles cfljp, de ceased." "'"'.;' , 'r-, r t I t Witness, J amet M, Wig.lns.': Clerk of said Court; ( Office, thi first Wdndsyin NovbmneK Al D. 1840. ii W f 1 JAMES I. '.WIDiUnUlK. November 34," 1840. r, 96 6w iTATE OF NORTH CAROLlNA-Oranville 3 Cuautyii- f'ourt 'bf !lleas and Quarter Sessions, IMember;Jrm A D.TIS40- n l fIr-,, .m; t Fleming, wife.and oibcra, : fof Edward Bulbckraniolher;.4 $ lNf ,i It appeatingo iho 'satisfaction oftHe bourr, thai Mrs.-A no Dalby, Elixa Bullock, widow of Dr. Benja piin .Bullock, Albert Sneed and winVJUaria F; Wal ter Mangum and wif Eliza ; Erasmus. D. Bullock; Alexander IJ. Bollock; Walter A. Bullock, Robert Harris and wife Catharine; Ann A, Bollock and 116 ber Lee and -wife J aiie Teaide' bey onil ' the- limits of this. Sute : It is, s therefore, . ordered by thfe Cobrt that ' publication be made- for .si x weeks successi vely in the Ralergh; Register; for said ' Defendants -toap- ear at the Court of Picas and. Quarter Sessions to be held for the County; of Granville, at the Court, House in Oxford, oo the first Monday 7in j February nextj then and there !ta i'ead answer, or dernu' to said Petition otherwise, it will be taken pro tonfa to. and beard ex parte t lot them, ' l- 'i J Wilnes. Jarriea JM. Wj-gin-, CWfc .otlDo COUH aforesaid. St! Officii the first Monday in November, aUBC IMOT' IAMESr M."WlGGIN8,Cl .November 24 1840.- ru V Ki Jf 6r i RJTATE OF NORTH , tJARotlNAi-Granville v3oant-r Cort of Pleaf and Quarter Ses-ious, November Thm 1840. ' '-v- ? y : J 'r;: r Auderson H. WahVer, .vaii XT r Otiginil A pchaienh Eaton J; .White-. It . aDDearina- to the satisfaction of the Court, tha tbe Defendant Eaton: J.VhiiS 'resides beyond the liroiu of this State : It is thetefere drdered that pub Healion be ntade trt the RalciKh Register for six weeks ftuccewt vr iy for the said , Defends nt to! appear at the Court of Pleas and Quancr S8saions,lto b-beld fv the County pf Granville, at the Court-hbd-in i Ox- fordrorj the first Monday in FeoAiary pe-i, thctf and .mere to pieau or repievjf omerwiiw, iiuuguicm unw wilt be rttnUcred. (aint mm. and tne amount in tne bands of the Garnishee, condemned subject to Plain tii& 'eWiiBl'Wii.nes "J-tn"! M, Wiggins, Clerk of said Ooort, at Office the first Monday in November A. D. 1840. JAMES M. WiGGINS. 'ch. 1 ' : 9fi Car. November 23. 1540. TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Graiville County. Is Eatmrx Fall Term 1840. , j ; Stephen Bridges & wife, & others, Petition for sale -I .4, ta. t ?; ur LAndandiie r; ,.;Henry Morris & ehers. -J- groes.4t It 7 appearing to the- satisfaction of 1 the Court 'that the defendants, Henry Morris, John Morris, Stephen K. .Sneed, John Bynum, William By num, Morris Bynum, Phebe Bynum, Granville Whitlow aind wife Nancy, Jarrat Morris, Groves Morris, Leroy Morris, John M. Morris, Abram WJH orris, Josse Hoddleston, and the representauves of Mitchel Morris, are not in habitants of this State, it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Raleigh Register, for the said defendants to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the town of Oxford on the first Monday pf March next, and plead, answer or demur to the said petition of the Plaintiff, or else the same be taken pro confesso nd heard ex parte as to thera.T v J - j i-i Witness Thomas B Littlejohn, Clerk & Master, of said CtJurt, at Office the first Monday of September, 1840. THOS. B: LITTLEJOHN C. M. E. . Oxford. N.C. NoV, 1840. ($5621). 90f TATE OF NOltTH C AROUNA-USran vilie Obunt'y. ; Court of Pfeaa and Quarter Sesaionst ovember Term, A. D 1840. - . 71 Daniel A.Taachall, 1 . - ! vs. ' . . V Original At achment, . 'iParkefPi Stone, tj 4 VL''-'-' " , It appearing to the; satisfaction of the Court, tha tbe Defendant ret-idea beyond its jurisdiction : It is therefore,' ordered,' that, publication le niade for si weeks, successively in the Raktigh. Register ; for the said Defendant to apbcar'at the Court of Please and Quarter Sessions, to be held for ihe County of Gaan ville, at the iCourt-hoise in Oxford, on Ihe first Mon day in February next, then and 7 there to plead or re. plevy ; otherwise, Judgment final.will be rendered against himi andwthe amount in the hands of the garnishee condemned, subject to PJalntirPs claim. ? ; U iti.ea, Jamea M. Wigains, CJeTk of said Court at Office, the first Monday in November, A. IX - '' f " i JAM ES M. WIGGINS Cllu , ' NvmW 24, 1840. v. . A LEIGH ACADEMY, Mr. Bietow will open his School in the Raleigh Academy pn Monday, ine-ini januarj. .his terms win oe $15 for the English Department, jand f JO for the Classical, for the session 'of five "months,' payable in advance. 7. 7"- 7- vh-'v- ; T-. j7 77- . No i Scholar wUI b received fijr, a shorter period, than from the time of his entrance to the close of the session, and no deduction made for iibMace except in case of aicknesa. V Ti wf'' . . U" v I Refer to Rev.'DmtraT Lact, Raleigh, '3P 4 X; I tm, mHon. Wat Ci fiivxs, VJrginia; , 1 YV ..' ro L-jrpd v C. Gimiat Randolph - f a t ... . -ea Haeon uoiiegev h x w,-; r" w? 1 8ILAS BIGLOW. January 2iiaVI84 I A TeaClier WttntetL The Subscriber wiah l es to employ a Female who is Qualified to teach Muac'andlthe ioLoer Inwiehes'nsually' taught in -Pe male 8choc4,to take charge of a small Pemale School at White Oak Grove, 10 miles east of Raleigh, for year 184L None need apply; who caonoi come -i-ell recommended to discharge . the 'duties -above re quired. Addreca the 8ubaeriber at Raleigh, or Eagle Rock, Wake County. -C-'if"' t f : f N. BvIf Teacher can be procured, Che Subscri ber wiU accoramodau x er eight jfhrls with board, at STpera-onth. - '.1 7 sAffij' December Mth, 1840. 7 "" 1 - - tw 9 Staraad Standard, J wcekai ; . ' TTD t4I -citixens' of this place.- and the vicinitT; that they opened on : Monday -the 2 lt insfJaNEWSTORE, wher they will keep ou baml p large aatorl mental ahch articles especially ,L as jx-b'ng to the . JeVCl leryy Music, Cnfctloxutry'and Fancj" Line lngenjral' i As- they intend to accommodate al" waysj oa the moat reasonable term, they solicit a share of public patronage. sTb most of their goods Ve ielected with "creat carei at the Tw; Yotki ami Baltimore markets, and 'among thw are-S gret tiia., ny : arucie suitauieior: vnristmas- ana vw x ears Presents.; , Among their sassortrn'ont are , ' ' juauies ; Kinglets, wir can ana r una, Aionair Caps,'beautiCul artificial 'Velvet Flowers and Vine, fine Work tpd Fancy Boxes; a varietyj Looking Glasses, d;c; i v, on A f - " v j - "JE WELLE RY of fine gold and silver Breast plha. Ear rincs. Finger HncM, Thimbles, Jet)cik, 4e. ' GERMAN SILVER as Polket CeCVSeis JC vwiwc iqu xorKj' opooiiK, opecuipieAxiioa u PLNCH tfACK., GOODS a variety, i Bamboo, Sicc U halebona. Sword and other, Walkiug Calies, Coral, Gold; A Ua Beads, Necklaces.' - s MUSICJ-.Clariohetts.- Pictolo; rifes, -of ' EUihy, Flutes; Accoh5eoa,:VidljBsj Strings, Bows, Harmou- icons. - itl. 1 v ht PERFUMERY in French Fancy Doxe, Berga mot, Macassar," Beats', Antique and other Hair Oils; Cologne, Fterida7Iayendar Water; Jessamine; Wind sor, Rose: and transparent Soap, Freckle Waah, Oppo deldoc, Essences, a CJnnamon, LcmOU; Peppearuilit and BergamQti " "... -'-' GAMES, Domino, Chess-men, Backgammon, Lo tai NinoPins, Cup & Ball and a very great assort? ment of other innocent plays for children, in boxes. 1 jTOYS, Dolls of every description, Marbles, Hum ming Tops, Dfiims Rattles, WhisUcs.Harmonkai Youth Harps', Trumpets, Magic'Lanterns, Paint Dox ea, fine, Magnetic Toyi, WatchesV Trunk, False Fa ceSj Bnu4 Cannons; Microscoja, -MedaUk) 2ttd a '4uanuly of other Germaxi ToySU vf r i ' ' Double and Single barrel Piatols, PercusainiL Caps, vvtnpti, Knuea, Scissors, Sun-hours, Shot Ifelts, row. dejr Fla-ksvCorkshrews, French Snwking.PipeS, Snuff Boxes. Wallets, Shaving Appar-tu',' Brushes, Black ing, Buttons, - Combs, Jnk, .Paper, Absiaiiacka, Chil dren's School and Picture Books, Prints, Need!eksjes SpeoUalaiids, Puises.'Razors, best Quality SlatejiBel&, Bjdwing Horua, Pencibj, MatV hea, Night Tapers, Mot to Glass Mags,G!ass Flaaks, Gfaa Lamps, SteelPensT 1 DRYGOODSt a" Mimll essortment,' vb:; Yellow,' Red.li White, Flannels Fancy Prints, Bandannon, ChildreVs 8ock arid Stockings, Silk Cravats, Stock, tJcorig, Handkerchiefs. Suspenders, Shawls, Delta, Ladies' Stockinza, rfih'e white. Linen, etCj-i ' CONFECrriONARY.Vverylajassortnw all Of the best iuiiity, viz:' Macaroni,; RMains, Dates, 1500 lbs. Crackers nd Tea Biscuits, 10-different I sorts, 1,000' lba.luts, as Almohd-eoft, hard tuid wtt out shell, Filberts, Gooberpeas, Pahnw WelUandiGof coa Nuta," Jf utmegs, 400 Um. Figured, French; and olber Candies, 12,000 Cigars, Lempna, and Syr Up, Brandy Fruit, Citron Prunes, Piga, 'Preserves, Oa pers, Peppfcreaucc'Picklea, Tobaecq, smokmg, cbw. tng and Snufl, MusUrdi liquorice, Sardines.in Tin Canisters, Richmond .Tea' Cakoa, , '60.'Ca"jfjrpeh Swisayot fSap" Sago (Jhfeese; a itbvr and, strperiorarti ctet VtAt a 5rariety7 oft other good too (numerous 'to mention, all of which wiU be sold on reasonable terms for Cash. ; . ..." .,jt ; f 'r HmnJ - 55 0, W;;k'C.GKIMME- -vDecemberf 1840; P-lhurpi C ; - -102 ! ' r- r- : ; . J Jf.WAfl i TOTlCEThe fauowthg articles at present on J) hand of the Subscribers,willbe sold by the bar rel lor daqen pnlys VV mit- ? :?1.t:Kflt I 20 dozen beu Porter, jit quart and pint bottles ; - 10 4 Muscat, CUret and French Cordials ; .- - A'6 V Barrels New York Sweet Cider and Al bany Ale. , ' . s; 4-s 4 ' i ' o. Wi & c.a KETT FALL ATVD WINTER GOOD& OLIVER & S MIT Hi U&rtW: ' . 7' XCERCHAMT iTAlioks, i . . ) 7 ? FayettevUle StrecT, Jtelcigh, 'At 'C.'l. " " , ' l ' ' ' l ' '; - . We hare just received, and have ijo-openbd our usual supply of Goods, which embraces every thing new,, desirable or 'fashionablob . Thcse Goods .have teen selrtited by Mr. Oli vxii in person tand 7Join bo confidently recommended to our. friends and custom era. . Members of the Legislature, and strangers visit, ing the. City, during the Session, would find it, great ly tp their, advantage to give'us a call.' as we are deter mined , to sell bargains.'' Our Stock comprizes -every thing that is usually kept on hand in such Establih ments, of which the following 1 a part; T ,r: : .-. -i CLOTHS. Sup. Wool Dyed, Black, . : - - do . do Blue, - ' ' ' ? - Invisible Green, . : , Rifle doc SpaaishFly do ; . London BrownV " . ; t ' , Olive, and Dahlia. . CA8IMERES. ,. 1 , Wool Dyed Black, Diamond . ( ;iBeaver, ; do f do ' 7 "do' - 1 suit-Blua &hd Plain' ! "able for Pelto and Ovet-coatrocks,, Surtouts or J Sup. Wool Dyed Black, t. - . . ' ! v' I do . . j do Buckskin," t ' ' j - ' Mixed Doe Skin Steel Mixed, Suffolk ido J'r - i Log Cabin, - - v J Prince Albert, t , "1. 'Queen -Yictoris, Drab Mixed, ' -I.;.- Brown,t.' , - i ;7 Washington Mixed, . , i 7 ' Buff and Plain Dfab . , TESTINGS Sop. Plain Black Velvet, - do ; Moleskin do 1 . - 1 ' Blue and Brown Plush, Brocade, . " 2 Scarlet Woolen YelveL ?- j- i 4 Dark Srowa v : . jo".-K ": ' ' f , Green do -V : - - ? .Figured and Plain Satins, - ! ' Black and Brown ;V . ?7 ,. Together -with an assortment of ready made Clothing : and Fancy Articles, Sutpenders, Stocks, (Light and Black,) French Kid Gloves, Pocket Handkfa, Black V Silk and Figured Cravats,6car&, Shirt Collars .and Bosont,' and inany 'other things too, tedious to I Wumerte?33t J We have in our employ the bert of Northern' work men, and wiU, warrant every thing we t manufacture notjto he surpassed in the United States, either in style; fit orqualiry. '. We tender our thanks to' generous poWicor the Wry liberal patronage we- have hereto, fore received, and . hope Iry -ttenuon to merit a con tinuanee. ' OUVER-SfJSMrTIL , I P. 8. We have just received a ?late-of Fashions from the Pxxtk of London; . Alsd, the latest N. York and Philadelphia Fashions. ?y-fWvH:ldJO-8L v T rrORE NEW GOODS l.V Just deceived by 1 1 I - , Xr vi i r -' 1 ored Mot Mouslioe de Laine, a beautiful style of English Print ; Thread, Edgings,&& Silk Umbrellas, large Point BlankeU, large size and very cheap Pecemfiex , 1840, - - . 7 W..'viw.--". i - . r- . . .-i - RALEIGH & GASTOI? UAH? HDAD. ?nt) -iiii - :--lii 1 -Expedition increased andMdfitention at Gaston, which road unites whir (he Petersburg Rail. Road near l!eleld1i A.C0ntrnusus line of Rail ( Road and Steamboat communication . b thus formed betweenARU8hVN;C.and)Bostoi r; -wngera iraveiung Boutn, leave uaiumore at 9 e'eiocki 'A.M.8 ahd arrive at fetfeflurg afl A. M. -next ynorning leave Pi-tersborg Ut 2 A. and ar rive Raleigh at 5 P,; the mme Jay making ony - 32 hoars, including stoppage from Baltimore to Raleigh 338 iniU's FrornT Rahngh to" the South, : there m)i daily. Kne of stagetrannih in connection wiih tbe Rail Koid Uar.TaT tbe (Snath West and West, there is a daily line.of jbuf horse poet Cochea, ' which leave Immediately on, the arrivat of the train, i4t. . in iinnuuiv aim um ikuuiu. w siuuit ittun thence :d a tri-weekly lias Via Yotfc ahd Abbe- - vUle, S. C. to Mildevii:e,. Ga..There is slso a rri-weekly hack line frora.RalaJgbvia, ttsbert and Ashboro to Sariabury, f'fiinj Salidiury theie is a tri-weekly four horse st coah line via Lincojnto n ' afldJRutberfordton to Ahville'and also ar tri-weekly harkTme .from Salhdjuryyjai'; Statesviile r and M or gaiaon to A shville. From Jtshvilld , to ; the Wa rnt Spnbfg thcrb is a four horse pest coach line six times a week,' and from thence a "-in-weekly, line via N ew- port and iDacdruIge, ta.Kioxviil, ihere is'alstf a Mcmi-weekly line viaj GreenavgJe to Krioxville. At : Grre'rrhboro, N, C. a tri-weekly four hdtse coach? line -branches off and runs viaSaleto.'N. CUhenco across ' lb Blue.Tidge to Vythe Court House, Va. where it imtsectswhh the.Valiry LinHVriam thjS 'Hije - there is aUt tri.wecklv hack Jina which branches offal Kdrem.' N, C. and runa via HunLil!e. Wilkes- lWieffe6nfN; CElijl-io i I Kwill Ihua be that thei are tltrce atane lines connecting Tennessee with the; central frU 6T North Carolina andlwOf .rconnecUiilSouU Carolina and ; Geofgia'wlth Norih'Car4IiH. All ibow final- -ly emicenirile at HaltigbV the; Southern 'teniniu us of ! 3 I,'"!'" , Travellers fromlhe upper mparts of dufh Carolina and Georgia,' the middle nd Eastern portion of TeL- iie!c, laeoouiu eiero jjunoi Virginia, ano tne Wu?rn part of North CaroL7.i, Wishing to go uofth, will find the route by, the Ralelgli '-'aud Gaston Rail Road cheaper and mora 'expeditious - than .any other. Tbefollowiiiif Tab! Wilt Show .the dista'iicea. thii lime of travel, and the rarea ipf -fare 'on two'of the routes leading from KooxyiUe to Raleigh, to wit V- From - KiuxviRe to Raleigh; tnt way iof . 'Abingdon ' . ' . : "i ' .- ,!cA : Miles Hours, F Knox villa to BIouptviHey , ,110 29 Blountville lo Abingdon, -Hi wS0V ' 4! & Far, 510 2 Abinsdonte Wyilie Conrl HbUrf58i 13 I S 1 Wythe C-H. to Greeuboro!N, C,tl8, 1.29 lie IQ Urecnslwougu.tp lialeigU,. A t? V 890 95v?f83 Vom Knoxville to'Jtaldgh, ly tnatf of the Warm Springs, Ataeviue ca Sausbuni Miles, Houis. Fare ' .126 .56 '10 KnoxVUIe lo.Warm Spiing., Warm Springs to Astrviiie, Aslivflle to SalUbury ; . f ' ealuuury to Raleigh,- JO : f sis SP " ! ttA The above riotes; are belieied, lo be raecura Pr . . eo sou z nearly so.) The route from Knjoxvjlle. by Jdabro, Wilkes boroT 'and Salem, to Urevnburo'f pi, ;C-(Aia -j something ahortf r. than citbee of the "above routes, ! andhe fare psa filile Icm. ' Xy Fareoo thoiRaleigh and GoMon-Rail Road , less than S$x cents per mile. f , 4. ; c- ; . . ' CauTioW Persiins travelling from North to South . 7 by the way of. the Ralcisb, oad. Gaston " Rail 'Road V; should be careful not to enter iheir 'names or procure." lit-keta farther than to P4erblus, Va.i .'."- - & fTTlHE Raleighend .Gastair Rail Roadi ftdw com 1 Lj ' pluted and in full operation This road con uwfitU the Grrelisville and Roanoke Rait: Road fiJAI-IXRS.-'WltSpN respectfully I4- - . fyW". forms theciUaeus of Raleigh, that shpuix6ses r opf nia a School for,young )Uujiea, La the house re- i : EnUy occupied by. Ur. LiXct-jrdi at the close of 'the : w ' Mrs. W. . ptedgesi herself to impart a good plam English, ' education- together with Music, French, " . Drawing,-; Fwnijpg ia water -4iors,'jlkIezzQtinto,:Gri-i'' clan Painting, Chini-se Japanaiug and Gilding. Her "; long tendenceon tne European lyonnnent nasenau.ea -he to add French cillalian.wtih aH the Fancy Works peculiar' to theae-cotintrica ; Ibrotdeiy on Lace, aad r : Mualin. plain; Sew iog. SilkWorshd andCbeniel work, Wax Flowers and frjuitemamental wprk, with v- ; 7 , ricWabead.;. V'f ' l sMra. W. w detciiuined vtou - , the Cttyj'and all the energiee f C her mind shall bex erted for the improvement of hjer pu pile. ; On appltear . v f tioh, her terms shailbe found to suit the times. v P S., She teach, the. augufar 'wri-Tng," so faswna- blel&fpa-'aiisttght in iallthe higher Schools f - v cfJfew Yorit-Boetol lessons are sufi , - ; ficient to change the rnbst cramped and iUegtble writir j into a neat aad beautiful running band ' olf fot a coarse of lessdns. 7 For English. Mime, Drawing and Painting and Embroidery, S J4 per session. If French or Itolian awindudlhe1jaygewillUf23. u U Oi Mrs: W, wiit hnard snd jnsiraet a select num.. ber of Pupils rfincfudiug all" the lichcs)'-t: Fif.y. . Dollars per aessiomr ' , '..f - E,. A IT FOIl A virtue of Decree, of Wake Equity i Court, at FaU Terrv A ' ! ' 1 84uv I shaU ofier for sale at pubhc auction, on the, third of the fhrart Loud, eootaining -214 AereA, ; adjoining - the lands C Herrod Stanly, and. others, belonging to tie estate. T Kherron Goss, deceased.' Teras c'. 1 '-cree, tza and; Monday 01 eproaiy oeit, pemsE ua session County Court! to tuef tusacst J -r;jat tne? rj . Honas door m the Citr of Rak. a trzet if . ? two years credit, the curchasee giving bond with ap- " J proved aeetirity. TU. t: WEST, C. M. Z. tJ - J aatmS41-ts V 4 -i-V.-: v I . - r 77in,CTt.rr OTAL'C- . sale by e;p.J : . iJ NASH, Peterorg,' Viisinia, upon the laireUi , terma poisslble. Take the instnnncnto and try thetB ; . if good, kep them 4 if not, return them without pay-1 ,--7 ' f ingforthem. " C'-V" l-:: -t As some Pianos -arlar n-lerior toUiera, and ss -t pnixhasei geiierany;arelKitLacei ' t hfi5!rence in taem xJ ft -n - c jT I tin so cosilv an araele too niuch ei-'-Ca-eanrrtTI f bserved. -' - - 9 v h r; ; ;-- -. -i iJ.IanyMraonaareeTiec (, aents they hsWased, unp so'-3 f : c w - ;; orgets wwWek,Moriswled sc- -r c-it ments i bor srets tbv Kifh thev had heed more tarUc Ttelnessiry jmj m7,Vrf V;?'. 4,' v- 9 'I - I" if r 1. 1?- -j ... -.""- . t

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