if yJft-f ts. .it '- - -1 rtrlTF1 auVt.wi .riJW-l?mf.i ,,4 ifrKTr1toUwl!c 55 J'-- 'ft 5? EDITOR AND. PROPRIETOR. .-it . .so ' "8ctemiiis-rwT Dollars per inmltn hilfin ,.: AayxjttMT,,qreytf3f WlineHfi"tMVw i tMQ, One Dollar; each subsequent insertion, S5 cents. r v t!armVOaxcaatiJrJtTiiriAx: Advertisements frill cod wtulw miie from, te reffular price, for d' Wtiser br the Tear ' . . i - m tTa-wia alio tmear in the .Weekly Faper, free ot frr Ecttere lo the Editor must be posT-AtD rJ ELi:CTE0 yOR THE? REGISTER. . . SAM. SLICK A XAW. MAKERS f rvs'AVo'commend 'the "following; to our resilers.? We extract it from the third series of the Clock Ma- i'ofsaytnisand, doings.of,Siuai uextIa. these BCLt times, if you want to laugh, gentle reader, - praj read it ytmA it.4 V ' J i"in the' course ofou'iiJotnlnVj.driye,,! ha pened , to ask him if ie ;Uvterfere(,mach" in- - polttic!twherr hc -'-wrin SUckTilie.T Norsaid i but sinceitill jinn 'uj pflljticsJjetlTlis and prtrileges sq uir& Thero & always -plerttyof chaps 1 volonteeroitdr dd tha'VToiit cf noire re23rd torj(iktVdf is lit sddwn Jor ve Pi Tea that .p. i- locK-masin 19 a oeuer irai;r A . by halfV l)ear, dear; L shall neeJfbrgt the day T1 wasectedTtelwoInc jtnd iabont little' theibjgsfe mari invalt Slick e VUleI Juewr so much uisexpected of me, couidnt sleerr -tiyth$tnake; sechis ; and when I Was InHhehop I spiled airry work by not 'harm tnyV mind on Save yoor country, says one ; sare it from rura i Cttt own; salaries. I intend to,says h .Watch the officials, -says another j they are the big ' 'jrestgoesl 1 iberty, that, pu W ic j8emnU!shooli:; belthe , rnasters of the publtc.r iquipcorjeixivith 'vways':I!hRedtice Lawyer feeayf isomertljey are atin'np.the,veduntry . like f lorJstar. Jisf so saitl I. A? bounty on" wheat; aaysthe'farm tax.the, mechanic tn ! sayflRihe tnanufacliirer. Make a law agtd thisiles,:saya one f a TestiUtor about -temper : anee aya another r we hare a right to' drink ifwe, pleasetaVs a thjnL Ddrit1eglslate toVanch.'sajrs a f(mrtli 118, jhe. eurse of; the . State ; and so onl without eend.- I - was fairly bothered,.fnr no two thOdght alike, and there wtja ,navfdeasinfnOibodyTherrfe5fefy " man that Totedfor.raedwanied some favor or another and there, wua no bottom 1o the tob? listinn. t was most squashed to x!ath with J the weight of my care; andMhey Were so heaVv. - -. ---Sflt " At last the gfeaajt cam ernor. and S.-paie, and ReprcscnUlires; alt j walked in prtcesion, and tha artillery firedj and the band of the caravan- of wild rbeas'ts waa hired jo playfor us and we brgintzed in duel form,r'a nd the "GoveriiorV message wasiread.H T must Mflhe day waMhjs bap piest one of my life; .1 felt fall of, dignity and honor, and wast fiHedOwithvisions of Tglory to comer sWelfesays-l Wmyseirnhe game is now to play in rael airnrsL' amino mistake ; what card shall TMayfe n'sii oential chair and . the highest posts is jpea to ine, i a-common w j ih other ciiizims. Whut .is to prevent .me a com m in in" bv: honors', or if I have good luck, by the odd trjckr What shall I lead off with tf t laid arike all iuglit consjderin! of iuf a rollinl;ruwsiD 0erl 'like cramp in the stomach, not kno'win! what to. do ; at last I got an idea. 4 h l .'Extension of suffrage, i says h is Uie eard Til play. - That; will uke the' masses and fv walseafisw.errforjmaj mavuiucj squirt?, we i iiau ine lony sniuing freehold , qualification, and it. extended, no Xanher; ?jo I went for universal -suffrage j lor, tntnRs l, it 1 can carry' that, 1 can go for ? Governor first, on the strength of the ne w vOtea,nd praide sioam vslhtiB 1 . I a asps Mi, ft ' I'ivk 't l 1 fT&. all appearanceM wak iWbel?car& in the : So out I jumps front bed, a-walkin up and dowrthe roonrf In my 3 shirt tall; kiw6rkin.f 1 i&Kjf-.EtooV; iusasiet;t urge iron any urpe man a speech, especblty Dotnerea apujiorget where l .wasi antLhate to begin .apn ; but when day. was en about breakinV 4rwai juat I drawin' to a closeCend had nearly scored and rougli-hew'd it a tV when afl of a sudden I run agin the bed-post. in tbejtlark, f jaid pearly knocked but my , braipf V WvU nextnighj I worked agin, only t Jefi Abe trntnji spf to be a atumblinV Uft igtrt tiifngTthat worked at it . - i -. . not way. ray I felt as weak as ar child fnr want of sleeo. Iwas wiih pueu w ui cjj ivfiiai to uo on -ao- A6uiDt .tiObaUplagufj hwher to,s wait tilj, itgot better orj Btriltp ;whathttroa waahot and hissing fori feared f ome rr ihsf1 speech would leak out, or te Iwht'et jiaUf I kept in t6b fon solfas Tjsoon as jhe.',h9ue .;wasropened makes a IV lohMiff felt t It seemed! . i. . , a : , -1.. . . . too tlnck for my; mouth, like the clapper; 6 their lives to agnt yoar.caose or weir Una, ifvlhey! hati any, either, qIeha t yua am v orougnten up to tUe busineass, - d ro! iVpver olteft. an old horse) til hie propb?nihhfr resotulion,4 sir: says 1' all Wert re free and vqfS-f No drill tr in perrJ irhtn-l fnaft ait coblilift"pight'a Veil hang urfhia l addleVlhar la factllafe 1 ireetlom 01 speeeiii sir, or nave, t-fluiTw.:; that lasrray of liberty torh frorrjjthe mzsiM the cohsthotidti too ! I stadd . slock1 slHM ai1 watinV forvmfr aaswer, sir. -:Oh sartain,' aiu- ne you like he so everlasting fasti what's the use of jocip- inaforevou come' ta'lhe fenecT" It's a lie wrir-n oit the face of the constitution'. N 0h ! ho 1 'eay a tlney is that it f 'Tfei, sayfl, it is, am! contradict in if Ton-JatrsW We are not free"; unremorseless rants slaves The Alie cold tickle foa out; 4 UD. went both barrel of roy'rioai agin Uke iler ff fairly wisetl hha dnstl front tlie than . fioori lif a eload lfkahir wiod 10 thetreet afore raia.1 it roaue allispinvgtn.- a verr ;-tiastaiL rb.rer the- nierabersi 4 L a..i ..ijt' lihoUffi mfnltiVml thtf4iexl-rieh'flo coonish I had li;df a mind 4ft at the ineaker and knock ) i,;-f1nw ' . -I did'nt iist ctevtrlv know what I I. t ...L. l...ti..AtV' : n'..l lk..a.l I blood 'of the land flow fof forty shilling?? I Waa'Bunker Hill fotishtoot to loosen Untish Lchain merely. toVtvet American ones! W as I it Tor til tar tne peopte covercu wiui gore auu 1 one flouotyu oiri oiicKfaiu auimt iCTiiuvsr -no one, denies that i its.;trbem. I didn't Bomehotesect tha4niefruttcn i '.It kinder ptit m ot?C an J I ere got & coinraltpget!H. w rilrt avin Tfterw. ttot I IcJsl mv tem- l.. . Ann Wir nf n ia IvniVil UhMII nriniinlM oln'l ti!l Eii1iAV(1 inVnrtM)i; Zl" '.. ' v'T -ftnfpplin j nerheann tvl lioldin ffrounu.-leU the-retii nft'i JriTt Lioii - - u . , 1 . . firtd ile ufenrDerar.. and the other half Kheir;;prolessiona plainer ihan-thevia a-'F- TnPrtiMjs.0oof&c. &c. . IndiftM - T l t. ----!- . 1 . ... . - - rr.r --'iM r. ;, ' , . . . 1 dt aiu oinera. valued st Kiaua. 1 tfxes - abiecl.tolserabtaruegradea slaves; tminainv4n--xne sin pi iner w , 4 -7 . h-mV mns hssin-to tickle, tickle. the n tareeieoaur o.r,Bur urn aio-tmie .f . ni " L . T:. , iiil -w"' ' - - f t-Mki inai iieltftrtlotffireraud let worst of v 11 neether, A man - a ; ant to be- - : KS'tWJSiKWUttTU -uakulia -uA-,a-i;Viyi k ttr ff B arf I Tf tl r A DD. r: HCf (on votinzv.1 is JcauiTT ran. B,rfwa; .VV'VVV;A - 6sTsh. Ann Keiths WaiiamKeahs jioraai imw r n.V 'V M--r Il.0.1HIZEa OF-810.000. OninoUori. nitpoearins-u the -. -' - r 5 s ta T-i - s u a. s m HA'atAa F w ahfa u sw .iu a! -j. - . r . , - ... - m - T - ... ,P sfc : c " r . m s - -4Wiirst argomenr is tna ir s-vuu mu w luumii. ui.u.ycsau miuu vaciuuuer up . And 14 OrawnTNoa nn nt Rw.tUZ?i f 4 SnhnrHn -to'aliswea: t5e.Bill of GomrJ revuiar sneezer t ami weysuouieu aunwpii;uuiiwy vim isrucu lucu in u, ed like anvthiftlr.r 'r ' J? rl; property tb?tepfeint itVor utit ih'ouffttt I should a died t for shame one work is nothinT but high life gtoryf on We oeu Ot nonort Sw 11 tne loriy 1 who spenu vio nigui m a nacK rmim or a raur 8hiHiri9tOe tha foughtth kei tavern with the key in rned, drink jng bail iha Polls It I'ami for-lhe- Polish Taxation and reoresertlatioo should co hand in hand, I and freedom and fcoualiiv likewise aUo I How dare 'voa' t-x the rolls without 2 their eonsnlSopfe th him !ihAiit nriPrtt-' whv ijrhcriwntiid 1 j w" " ' j ;.- .- 1 be ngtitoewho wrong thenl" Uao two wrongs i tA.1. a: J..i a VI flrf mnnk, nf mtlinau iiir l-t, A-iTx- of one and half a dozen of the oUier. iltrhats tliat members A, ' U -: . . Russia, savs iiMf no t me ouite ont.v and lotrtled tne ao. I I itililnt make another line stmiU cou d'flt - - -- -m- - .affsaa 'Ba see the Sneaker no longer! for - . ;JX;rr. ered as if I had been a sli iogin' reekadd I had to keep blowininyjtOse;lhe s - I whole blessed time, for tthO cold in it eurkeu Herf as tisrhr aa abotlle Whoc calla them feutfaavaSIi iwho da zens because they: are tjot tort shillingersJ You couhrtit treat them wos if they was nas tt, dirty,aispis4ble fniggars;, and yet you boast ot your glorious consuuiion.1 r in any member answer fee -this Have ihey blood irftheirveins T-and if they fiave, it roust be ftee blotHl Vrttl if.lreeit moslboilHTickle Mckle gia mv'noseagim and I had 40 atop in sarcn ior my nuse-ra. a-uv-- iiwHumuic wontlairl'ait ! c!il'lltniff ffllAV (IT anAI llfr.- for AWII..V..UU1., A T " - - - -- B blioddil. I shMld bave gone vin distracted mad, - I knew l'Was talkin nonsenses that 'I had I run off ihr tracks with U ateam on; and was a-plougliin'nhroub' thrtinid tin' thefieluV like annhrnrhayeiaMl you scoundrel, if you dare to aay that agtnr see if I don't, :so there now. Oh dear such ahomirf?Toarin, 'and -clapping? of hands 4 nv,rl.. mv Iip.I rnn ronnrl liL-A immJ nin whj..! r itn nil, htirrV hnrr: hnrei htT--? u..a. L;. ' i , t: i"Y :":-V ou" ouz.; -mjriureawfc tov aeep cool ; I felt I waa on ibeftedgef'Ol 'affWharf and only one step morefwasover? head'atid ears .ehewallonuin- the Watpr ". i Rmiai 1 tnfnvs1f .k a itiri f !w Anlibo nrrAt 'nf? rrinrnf T Oi'f AinAKat rl. 7 r.s'-rTV.T uwu , g roy-otner iapeecn aftrfeuitane tliat 1 horl Urnorl hir hiiip y o nt rn i v al H k a I a r U ' iim as. v uvot t - tuiu fll l a vu til Q r , I W w MJV . fetlet talkie ,a,0tSya. fiMf!' (,JJ ,,T'-Jt! ( f voteto belp jhePole the other: What a CUised fool he the West, offers for Mle that very' valuable Establish.' I h.il ..... I.hi...i .J-mL.:' Jr.. i . I ... t.. , o.1- I.- t . I .f vp, - ' j III , ,VUIUI ui uu nuuiii getheC all an a ravel, n JThlSljeS, n 8aVS J ff is fS , ,flnn..if lnrl rtf iM. n o,Nrtr SWln . 9lle- f"1 , JtmU?a;2. bwlofore-- a, Advertiser indDr. KuhPs Pamoblet.- eic. A... I " h? object of Uhebane bf fall trood., husbindrVArJJvtirnaip U.'V0Yn- " ' r respectable iamii.esrcan do auu on mode. iTh(, lh.M aiul -tA, tfiZ. rl min bhtho .fliemmieHaiMl ff theV-.are - ilSUrmn'.the .Waiiam Sbintv ' . :,V' '. . ... . WZlaftr. .L' Dr.lTnhLinSichlmdhd.Yrcan be had 'orthe'Aaenlsl placeabf irrai :,'VWT '.V-:" . -?2 .XC?.-ri W, it.r.. v,;t t .the led witbPollsAi Ifilley W riovoicr in ard A Parham.v 7;: ' u M'V, k7 W YATT "CAN A DlT it T ORIMMB,- J ' KS'S this' assemble how can vorreioeci them tn - In lIu CMe'11 TP61"11- the aaUsfacuon of the : s wn T iam n whitV rl ' ofFowy ore,oeV i f7?V s! 7- y9 'ffi i CqnrtthatAhe .defendant Edward' A. Par ham bath ' ' 5 -3 c! a11 fr.W Ef t 7' January 23. 1841. , 1. A A f' V - obev'fthd laws thev never, made.- Com oel ..a a'u isw: r ,wu4a.A. M ,k-- r .. ,v t HUGH W.HAYJBS."J.r -i li ' vJan.' 6ttt4. lolkaloctlt tVera down' in the fuH. or the 4 1 ! n r- nrwvH itf lawcjunrmt h mrvtv nivui Mm It Januarv 15. 1841. - , . . . 10 3w 1 7Tn aslt lia pay fantll thePlnnn la V-nri-Tht 4nooni and they'll all die : I bave tried it mv-mtheremre';6rdered by the Courtrthat publicaUea bei. 'self with-universal suflrage atitTthe Ballot.-; I madia,mRaJeigh Jgister VTp i. tl.l Kni.a riZtirf'tk Tt notifying the defendant aforesaW, to he and ap- tne noise me memoers now..maue--ti was am nft.M...i.A i:l.t ::.t. .i:..-.ii iLT.v i:i..A.rr j I iuiu4ftti iijiiicu w-H', iimuucrjui iignwiing. j tne iJoart.UOBsejarltUeigheontns I never heerd nothing like it. 1 felt I wasl February, next, then and there to crazv : wished I f'waai!eadTa.m6stir7rnriti1 1 to issue, otherwise judgment by sink through' U floor, rinto the iniadle of the iA 9 oCJeh: sea nr a.,..lU.-tfi;,ii subject tor the PlainUffs recovery. tyy:r?i?i g I nary annoalry) such;Citrenr as are witling Wvol sea, pr any where but where I was. At last vTmhnAt wnninLrV .r-i.1 r;., I 1hr..i,,f...1itmi-, r..iir-n.n.- ccrasiA Woodberry took, pityon ;4ne, and .-tvr'.v w.were . -.was, . anq.eaiu oam, jjin'? downthat's a good feller ? you 41011 I f know Mrhtt vou arataoinir of trou look meari enough to put the sun into 'eclipse, ahui aiicu turi luiu iiih imtWfK a., .-.Ia.i a 7il" . ill" ' ill i ' . .-"i u-'UiiMrw ui iiias is puuou era ngiu eaf and made an aw - I m WKS-k, A WMUW M IUIIT Villi Uhhant me, you slave! laid I, inch '6 me not, or Til adrafice yoq on tlie attar of my "ebon- try ;lnd with Abat I Wt fisf s knocks woouherryover as flat aparicakefahd T" bolu riehtbut 6fthe hall; - , ' - v - ( . - . h. ,. ... . .-.lit ijeau iu rara toseaier I- eould'nt ee -ho 1 . - r T . t . J ... a - 1 - - - a . - . - : I till they are ItadyfW bQr?VWith:thei, Itnbor;! ftanoe, don't convene with selnn' tape, by the yard or loading onl carts, when tbety.t return I .l- - .--. " - , 1 ' In ahort,sqnire, a Country o'uht to be a rich -:ai. :'a'. .a.'.j Ll j ! auu men . oi else assembly below stairs, ar terall. itl- eould poibryou otft legislators on this here continent where the speaktn isf all kltchin talk; all trtJt,-,brap.and vulifar, i ti.il.nM' 1 Tr. .nrini.li Ia' niol'A .u.l n.lf l. hear, fellers talk of independence who are mortgaged over head and ears in debt, to 11a- ten to the - chapa jawing about publie vaftue. wmperaHcer cuuchuou, auu wnai noi.au uay. storm and bad mm, of plavin? sixnennyloo. mankind onlrJ knew what fool Ihtfi wert, and howlhevhehed folks Ihtmsehet to fool themJhere wouldibe tome hone of ihem. for the jifrt1 lesson - of wisaom. , n .., -tit t .iv.,t. t -TALUADLC CITY PRO PJE RT FOR aaent. in tbe Uity or Kaieign; k nown as the CITY HOTEL. Having jmf personal charge of the Hotel, - . - . . , a " tTiir MMnl ,nnJ th Kuhtfi hur ran mim Wm KL I knowledge as to the producUvenesand wilueof lue prvpcfij. a wt ciuu. wuu is wpm acquainiea 1 wiih the nosiness. the certainty 6( a orofiuMa Invest. Intent of bis money wi be nsured.i Hi 'always haa commanded, and,, from its eligible situation; always nfusjt command fiair proportion of custom, "' ti ad- vantages as a rubUc tlouse sre oa nunterons to be detailed in an Advertisement; but ran be demonstra ted to any one inclined to'. Tmrchse. The terms of sale, 'which will be very 1 acciunmodaling; may" be known ou application J- i !r in. DAIikUL MURRAY. . Raleigh, Jan. . 27,84 1. V? ; JO xw. f. , uui.0,1 iimi Tfiu mirt men ma laaiaiicni 01 I "1 ,ejr ?t niiies ii s- a V ' I i, . , r I HI. 5 1 ... ry.M..AA.V'VX 1Q4 1 of the I LUeraryt Fund, H was ordered that Debfora to this ftiard, monies loaned, l requ red v renew ihelr 'Wr,y at tne tune ler Mot wa(,.w erfeele& m forid to meet the current -erpenses.of draining the SWampXands now itf prosress. ?lTb correct an erroneous im pre .. . 7 ' - " , A , f.'"2 imixiumuiiwiuii wuicil vrcuis w prevail, ir we numoer or spnii "JW1 bst they, have picvqHf MU HK JIWUIWI VI A 'll I wi I VI JA u ihkiuw iwa U" authority, to Jendanyjwrtton jf .theunda eotrosU' ej their care, excerH suchiortion of the $200,000 appropriated to drainh8wqinip Tands, as may hot the wanted ,for Immediate use. All this fund has been rtianed sometime since; and thef.are how compelled draw n portion: 0JVI1 to meet! the necessary x- rW eil Odfoloan. .,--,,,.. ,JA8: T.UXTJAEJOHN.-ASec'v. r. cfc fitar iD.et . : i, iJ0-3v I 1 i ' pear before the Justices of oWJ next Court or 'Pleas and Quarter Session to be held Tor aaid County, at 3rd Monday in MdIovt hnd nleaal deiault will be enter-f office; in Raleigh, the 3rd Monday of November r840 i? oy ff ia CJt UvTEli t IV. iraVnkiii'i..i. i. .uloons and Vests- cut a - ieni,. for eiota do. 75-ettU 1 25 cents, arid vesta the saWnrke- JUaArmjr Clout found SAMUEL NORTHINGTQN. bv natut et SO cunVd va and so eonsaftif: 1 w.fc-,..-A-Ji i.L:t L..iift: v.-. -f 4 - V 'or. the world, most rejlicolqafjtti'f hjleiheml ; I II V 1 1 1 w A I . K" Tha N,.1.a..;K. IB I naiii v ? Aw ,a viVrm ln 4hf .fteop,,, br the parpDseef draftin-Cr such HT "io t . n T . T,;3 4 MOTICU-Wiir I tsoldat Peblia!S, art-e Raleigh, Jan. 36, 1841. Iaw9tf- P'StettaDiii LOTTERIES1 ; V v " v " ft J Vkir. i-Swv?' i irt.irt 4 -i i' 11 n. rj a 1 1 a k v r. . 1 - . 1 x "1 ' " i- - . ; . I -T2J 1 " . " 1 j ..4v,oi ltOvOtuoiiars j , - j i 25 Whole Tickets 13(1 $5Qoartef do f .. Tl. V M.a Av.-.. rrize.oi.$4r,iJuuv'i.f,:,'ii TmjfmicriA leesddrg lottery, aiss b. 1841' Tu bedrawat rAleuDdiis. Vs. oh'. .tAe2VUt ebruanri 1841. 1 rv4 tlr - J IS mjy J, mwia WUfc VSJw. UCIClllWtll Vff. i , . . c i. ' " T f 'T--a ionpnlla ljOttln m..n -w csl .c -t-M. '. " rn ". nr 'aa '. . f k j - A ' ? ?r ; ff : . (f. -" 5 mr' 1 hit w- v..t?..- a 1 t -A Jl ' o 1 o do arawn at am ""Tu,u' .'f-wwroji-TOOTi Febniarv. .1841. ''Vet 10,006s DOLLARS l . 6 PRIZES i a. f 10,000 a, .tm-v 1 j' I .of lo.ooa). j. . -v OlO.'OOO, I AA. I Aa ' I V r J' ' " i - - " I -.a ua 'iu.uuif . .Tt 'At u ;0O,0fi0 DolS. 1 , prize of $5.0002002,1 20.' - - a r ,l 25 nnzes ef 1 000 dalUra. 20 of 500 dollars 20 of 400 dolhr30 of 300 dolls. . a . 40of250donara, OaO: r. ' a Tickets Halves $5. Quarters M' CO Certificates of Packages ol 25 Whole Ticket $120 ,1J0.?- J I j do r - Jt; 25 Half' i i"do ' -etf ,Do..t; t do , -25 Quarter, do ,'30; J & "ft t A GT For Tickets and Shares or Certulcates 1 age in the above Sidendid Lotteries addres ? rrT f" . .M)rawTnM aht'imm,.!if,W .ftprib..M t aR who order as above.: . -,f.4i . T - I rrtTTt ALE ACADEMY IN WILLTA MSBORO I IV U The undersigned having ngased as a teacher I Air. w alia, a gentleman wna oornes well recoramen I tied for bis moral and literary qualibYaXion, wut open - Male School in Williamrboru' .Granville county, on Monday the 25th of January, . .fs I "t .u: ; . me rollowing are tne terms of tne sen 001 per s sion of five months i 'v ' Soelune. Reading Writme and the fnatmetonf 1 fUhi.ViUl ll.Mr' Ji" JjSr M?.! I Geography and Arithmetic; ' T,50? j hf JSewraphya English I uiammar anu fiuiory, , . . ; , aiu;ur . Mainemaucs, xnaiorai rnuosouny, inemisiry. ami ,be LaUo ami Ureel. I.angUage, . . - 1 I5,t)0T ; The village of Williamsboro is decidedly healthy. T: Board can be had; if desired, of th3 Sahscribers, and it is presumed of others" in the village at $ per month'. f . . . ..- at w . a SvT JNO, BULLOCK. i January .2 1st, 184 18 41 Tf , AXD FOB S A IaK.- II of Wake Equity Court, 3840, 1 shall offer for., sale t :t r t'-i. -t--!.-.;-- of - Cflortv tho hiiht btdderit the I.rui rnnfininr 21ArrL-tinininrth landa oflM Xand containing 2R acres, adjoining the Jandtnof I Herrod Stanly, andotbers, belonging to, tbe estate ol Kberron Goss, deceased. '.Terms of Decree, one and 1 two years credit, tne purcnaser giving oorw wiin. ap-1 years credit,1 proved security : T TH. :Li WEST.IU. M.B; - I : I ht Jan. i. I84l---ts Ijli Exercises of this. Institution will be rcviveoTihe first A Monday in February: aexu,nnder the Mperinted-1 dance of tbe Subscriber. . The usual branches ; pf ,fn j fcnfflisn fiducauon, embcaathr tne X.aua juangnage. j I artlt K Imin-Sf 'iinil imInl fA1iirranfr fmm SR In I I " ' " - W i 1 Bin n,rtfBnnn nFfivo mrtnihtff ' 1 J T . . . L A A.-1 .W ! & . ' A . n fc. . : $6 per month, and. perhaps at other respectable houses 1 not quite so convenient, for.5. L r-. januMv9tr40; " - - ; ' ftt. " O IS D CIS E E K ACAD liltl Y M r. 1 Wi-niit P, rFosrEaT, '.who has 'erv aatisfacto- nly condueled the Reboot for the last two years, will cumoience w. iu, pi.w i next, All the branches ol an English Edocatjon will CTj Standard copy three times. "v- w Jurcaat 25V184K' fWff - tf-t . t I a. " ' . L . i I . f . - as ivapuua oi ine vunvn uompsav. oitidz inionn- ed the Jntendsiit o( Police ; thatthf , Fire Company if ides ibat the bid Company shall continue until a fare hereby invited to give in their names to JoavJ. uasisToyaKasr.viCTa-wne-ijosrd ot. uuy coa missinnersron or befpte rriday, tbe 5th, or February, as e geaeraf iheering of the Citizrna Is hereby called nn4.be foOowing ilay, at tbe CoertrbAueevi VfTock peck; at blic;auc4wn,,ifthe l":uw.?y"-.;a. . tgAadnErim . - t"? number of memlers as may 4o necessary W rie up T? .7 .","7-,77 -? I Uourt tl0US8 ,n 4"e11 Pf a'pJ4jn,;on.if and made fbeapand 111 the .ated tiumber of 40 " ? -". .Tt,? f jTSt? J "ondaT of Felwary next, if not prey.ou.rj - 1 or komesnnn Coats. 53 if. i- v ?5 c; t " 4 . . ; J1 .Ha informs bis friends and the. public., that . from I t- .v. :- wl." . n.uAtsJlSW.- ' i ;atalooaWfiM1e :y; 1,;' il- Uui sites the ISth.of January, 1841, hi. prices iTSXTLE - I (l.mmM ir- i-wir.ntMi r ir.) I" !dU?w , . - . . .. to-ihT w H tha STAGES nd.IiAr,!-,- . iTza ' OoaK5.?4tide; " SUM :InWSvia condition.nl Hn;i:-"-c IS VWfion rZ'r: "7 ' ?;r,T-;,; I. vH8, r . - Vt r;!U2.C0,i laia frCu:d' fc?. credit V.f r r-l t -rlvo. . , yestof the It-iSXJaiL 1 VI J and otreted Joto Tor CtuJL . I rr-i-The Fsvettev Hi Orrrr i fi,. n... I lfiiro t!.e i rbuHtv i T "r- 1. . -?w L RiW-Acadcmr.Nui tbe third ,Monlay, in , . , 7"- Jr 1 j, . rebroanr f mttcB: ihcteof as w ill satisfy i tha Tate 4ae f"'' the e 138 tnd 183P together wii t&e costs aud cpnof 4vpdising,j -W.., ci th ,3 Tracts belonsnn? 4o 4heneirs of Lewis $-JBenia- mirf.'on the waler4'ovLitile RivWjoinina Tsnds of J. 8. -rhomas and olherf, cohlaininjr. VOd J -fOne 'doi joiuing landf of Hirani King, containing C0(T Acres no vsluatton. ? V. ' ? One dbi belonging to Tb6ma.EclwardsVibn' Ctf ar Creeki containins 75- Acres; woinSr lanilsf Sauiu- el-Neilev an4 othersndalaationnv'3 il .. ; o . . . . 7 A '. ' '. - ft yne uo. beioneing to toe aeirs ci usv!on,,onHiAe j waterf of Clear Creek', containing SjOOAcresi joining J ext,t&eWlowfni 11CAU1V OF LAXIU. t TMU 'UUJTDRED DtittlMttit'yifitVJlItJi. " Hiiua ii names' xtuiieTTauieu at fou um,i imu jT;-iriiiiwirni ih vaiu jonn uotr, soda tQTt forl83aifd.4839.:' s " " 1? tMlhr fard.oC OBHonted Dollars esth. for one tr' Also leferal oOr' Tracts. lieLiruilnB'to the hews of I uiiaiu jn4Jis.meceaseak coammos ou(wtx, u 1 s of Clear jCreek, joining iand'f Asa fEU le uue tor lKss i S) m.mW.m AB U - IIIIV f PWlT? S6 !nf ? I Term, 1S40. Bill for-Divorce Court that two Knitv4 arot issued to wy Ber'Je wanft, aaalast Wm. Keu&rhave been returned I rsS-nw'i)n'WiTmw; : w --.a . 1 sir 1 vf a' t t r . i a t s - - matt ranfar ins' aoi,tAm. imtti. 11 Tim in innara i tiiof this Sate, or not wUhia the iorisfiictloa of this Urt i Cwt doth order thet Advertisement b&. , made thirteen, snccessiv weeks'irtrttja ' Raleigh Jle-' F sister and North Carotins Gazette." arul in tha Wash- lUVUIIi . WW . XIUI lUUUUllUIII UUCLUW. t WlfUlUK the . aid William Ketlh that, 'unleW he appeaWbe- 010 Court, at the Court Hons in riymoutb on the second Monday of March next, mnd plead; an- wer or demur to the Complainant's Bill of einplaint it win no uxen pro amicmoi ana saca. , ueaw maue uereupon, as snau oe consiuerea jusi, r . Test," - V " TH : TURNEK, C. & M. fi. Not. 3d," 1 840.- ? 1 . n (Pr.f Advi ff 50.) 89 i ITATE OFNORTH CAROLINA; FaasKtix CocTV4CBrtof Pleas and Quarter' Sessions; ember. Term, J84&S- . It appearing to the sstisfacUon of: the . Court, ibat ouaanjW - Tiin. Mary oieonian, jinamaouim b!?tjK,fe 5nd - Tts . m' Defendants - m 'this esse, are not inhabitants of this 1 State r It is therefor ordered, .hat publication be made in the JRaietgb Regitsr for sir weeks,1h unless they appear at the next tTourw 01 : rieaa anuHuirier; tses ! sior.s, to beheld for the County of frautlia and. State I of North-Carolina, at the Court Houseiii Loui-hurg. on the second Monday in March next, then and there to answer,' on"' oathTthe r several allegation-contained in said Petition, and especially as vwhaClvarice- aaente havo.been mada thetn respecirvely JOOn o. Kf tMfU. tlCC U. III -IUS litOr rime. 1HSI lUilS I fnent pro wjewmil be iiaken-atnmAan (tecrMi made- acaordinirlv. Atteaf' tm m PATTERSON: tX C: tZ? fJ7Pr.tdvyg5.-62.J tsjrcfcfctii- gm TTTO C AL MU S I CTIte' uudeMgned 'will ;? rwrience a 'eobVse" of i nst ructiotr hi Voral Mu sic to a. Class of young petonsornbtb setes, In .the Session Ropra of taeJrresbyiei rian CbBrcb,i Satur I ir of attend aoc. wilt Us I j day, sJie SOtn! iuat.r' Tbnhou Education, may haveran ,opprtuijr. IJ are pejihapa uniuformed,t wahyotieuring;any: J'C"" ""''J 1408- ai Tr1.6" r 7n' hce;thejundcrgueil pro i niHjf raie sum i ' - ar the' undertaking my be patronised. V '9 ; A A. J ic fcssil ,Dr J, CLARK. . - .... i , Raleigh. Jan. 26vh 1841 tTKll. mfliL if S Bl EDICI Restorer I J U ofiKkXBloodL fot Chronic and other dUeuxrj. wtitAen prod bred, by sBHs; Phlegmrowlnfetnal Mttrbul Matters. aciinC: from tJaHv-on-fit olr Uisor- ,lan Fmm tUm nf kJt r,Ttr 1 Animal .,Tt a b : Ara mi,i.llVII.MI WAV '. -. ... V, V. J , J T'.l"'i, A ffl AA , . specified in the. Medi-1 rf J i" I Jlr. .L.n.. i;C ca AdvejfTand in bis . PamphUr?! with direc. tiona fury f.: .( ,yl , vu ,;r 'r . Ahyssliil Anti-Sypb Sypb. .t.qrutV41nf n.ker.:; , , f MiueiJilsam; Powder for preparing As-1 " Gold 7 Aromatic JSatract, K?-nngent lnirrtion. -"V 1 Aromatic Extrlf ; Depuraiive J?owv;''vo .Pr.KuhlV Acouilic Oil , Japan Ointment,. tItttiws, etc. els, I iw..m,m. -;. : : v s,-i,i i TF1 JX tried. W there shrtold happen to beany one b incrrdule;uaas to uoubi he quality of my Piano fortes afier lite of their I a. A I. Ma. i --' --j j ougbly haa disposed ofjupwards of Two Hundred without eV. efselluig a bait one and certainly no risk whatever nuci injuwui i iim rquiniu until saiiiariton w - A A l" .. AA . r..A - " - r- dook anu.nano rnne oeiier, f eirrsturg, v a. ftDee,olH840.y " ' J0p4w "r. a -mm .--.; a. TipCTTU'S ,Ko 8TBSST, Charles- ton,-SoathAQaroliASA fTbe Pioprielor, J. p. I will copy-Cle above f.i 3 weeks, and forward the ac-' . . ...i i. iL. : : " .. .. .! " 77 7 7 1 fetition af Pack-1 ', John LigonAdmioistrator on the Estate, Ti..," . r.-J f Jhn' li., iW,1f otW'l t- J -j. -i. a J from 4 to o'clock, i. etf Tuesday anoSaturdey I w.jpmmi tam-. tWb kWVWJ&BVkh i Brtn.rJC,pecte .... j i.ninVfwri .hi i fi- nonth.i ' - H WltaelaTMK.Xittlelb Clcrtl Tr -.r.cf U fSTana,tA U. J f, : . rt.iU WlTiflkVi: 1 said CourtiOmce,the first Monday if. 'L si .IsS-i next, tit Wnir the eession 1 ?fl"."aatr ehiwren'.tne rauimenrs oi,m. Musical n-, rKiiioIllT ' W V I . t Fnr. fiilt mil ' luiMMfiloWTMuniii ! f T. VaI.1'. abundant proofs which hive been presented. 1 1 1" r:. T C -;7 ,i f. . . - . . ..11 tell l mcioi "u wu.. ..i. utvHct'n vwv ua superiority;! will,agree that sdeh sn iiidfvid-1 "4?77l77ll.-.Ki :.?s . ?r .v- r-u- aT fake oneof fh. iusUument. and lry.it thor, """l? " wTZ TrVCL w. V.JIUE hi i aiwccin iirutti i n.n-(f..fr iL. nL..ii.nai. v II Ian. . - . ..a -t' t it--" i - -T- - i n- ' 1 : " , t-ni To oil to whom thuc'jjrtzerds tjiall cun.Geeeiin'; XmTHiyiE AS it,BMMxtf:ofiici.ll, w'Bortedtta. and. bis accomplices m thu Murder: ma htkru:-hf t . ' t A . . ... r inati Qyet.xuout -iK'r t wsue Ibis m Proc mation.firerfps kreward of t.Two Uaodfecf Dollliif n ' ViVrlhw DeparTient thJ on the 13ihdsy of Ie . einl)er.JS39t one iS'ATtiwi;AjiBrrir, ef 'Dsvtd- V I sou kuhihUI U ihi taie, was so bestcT bruised and Y I 'ibirriJu 'hat He iliedsnd wherparonc JOrIN G0S8 1 ' stndsTL..arg(Hf whhihe"commJBion-of said deed shdT "i? s whtt XJnAb)tcrrWard, vAUiander T- Bk&op, Jfchua tDeer snd. JfoptH.&em vtivpre. ' " "I ' sent; a klip g and abch.inj.npd nsinloudns the "said ''' . 'Joha Goss in tha iierifrtion ofaid fr!fm t-anH - whereat said offendW bWfleJ and" secreted ihefn-r'.; f seltes ' from the Vesitlar opuairdi of the Law add - either bf nis'arciariDirces- to ariv terson rwr-rV- jl who win wiwviazaui oruaw ia oe srnrer'FnuetU ai a 1 sdU'Clhet'Tj'dJersa'nd fuci!iTes8fresai(L.and con-' nue mem, or t.ier of libera, in-the Joii.ordeliverthern this 'State! as Governor smf ' of NorihCr.. Kaleiia.Cia " 1 5 the 20f5 da xf October.-A. D.' 1 240. r- bXri v. , Ti - :t " ' . r w t:- . v - k. r;-i" a. tt- .hv .jaiaM v.maa. ol bm jlsi a ji ... m ...;' ! . 1 T "J ..--t, Sa, i 'V Sj - li 1. ' t : j , a f a a-. - -f -. j" t - 4oax GosS s about 83 ycar fld,-3 feet, 9 or 10' tncbekbign,darb comptcsiorn jdark enily hajr, lani oas some '. made Lie tr inches 4 high, - fain hair! and, 4pomptexldnt his fori teein lirosa sod- wias apart,- ti'eTebreWs- aHlown : jbokt voice fine.sUm spoken 6d jrsToBt:jnade. .:H ? r -,,Aaaaa Waan U ahol S8?yecrj oIJ,;and fcet';ijf r tt. i' A. 1 ,- . : . : , ge, qujckspokeTr4,hairt!rkco!oed;i vf ycrv y4LxiiMBsa fi.JJiiaolp.if abeutf25;yer o!d fair f J ml pale co'mplected, sandy colored bairqiiic?: rpokeji ' 'teei 6 or 7 inches hich and dark efs. . . " Hr H.-SKRsa is aliout SSlvcj:, i old. 5 fet 8 or 9 inches htskfair cbmnlection andall face. "dark half and cbnnky ' msde and speaks in tbeltinaryavay v . wneo spoten ao. t:i.rv ru uouer xv,t.e, aJ41 ,-.t ; -j 5TATI5 OP fcORTH CAROLINA;- 0raaviul:1 5; CNConnLy. Xar EaciTTPall Term 1840. J--; . (Stephen Bridges &:wtfb, cothera, Pethiott tor sals . 0.'J ,' '-T't v.r. rT'-i'v s: Vof Landanda AAW.' , 4IIWIIM UVUIbldlf ft J 'l!' '. ' - '.- 1-"-S- ' V l"V- .(.' - , -i 7 : ! ... -j. -. . M . . . - xfc ipDeann? ra ue sausiacuon 01 me uonn- laaa Rfaiim Pd.tui n..nAi m.IiI'V1 Nahcy JaroitlomOrir JohOtM WoTTUAtsimJ WIris, JessaUudJlsatCr com-iw ui waTiusca rwnnr, ur -- 'all dcefs whether Ci;ll or .. :.!VViV lo Wihelf ItertexcrtW. "ti iiurc,.1e.J.?V ivrxanse tot.be apprehWMlcd,tha fugi;..La and Ci4- f ferp afore-9id-,i -;r j -..r ? 1 !-"'Y ' : "rcff " Given vnder'rmT hand C5' ft Swrpf the State - .r1 Sohna. cL. Valour Citv of speefcs of cunnowdcriia ms lace stool andquickpf speh.7i 1 XZ :tSi.: - W n a 10 i U aUtut 23 vears old, 3 fret 8 or : eyessoft sNtkenatid grey-liesded. ' VVi ' vT' "fJosafvi Dlsta ihit 2Vyearsld,5 feet $ or j inches high, fair kLf, tLj eyes, Mare made, thin Vis. JZ I tbe defendants ;ilerrnr Morns, John Vorni.terhcn br the sauTi '.bni6tihniWnatii,rti&- Mnrrt. . that iuil I ft.Bnin-'TH.AK -i'.''-u'i ;. w ajod thfi eesUu ofWytehel Morrw, are noi babiLaots of this State,; it is iberefiore ordered bv.. the L jt ; Court that pubhcatiorl ;be, Wads' - for, jsl t succwaivw ? 7 weeks la the lAaleigh Rcgtster,toiha saul defendants' - "t town of Oxford otftfca fifft Monday af XI arch next 4: plead, anaes ht demur ts:th' said petition of list ' i w apiir av tu uca wria vt iuu x.uuii, w uo iiciu a f testinii'the i f fr-,r.i : t. i F their .we&lnbwir Fi ?m an J Merca'nlikstand?. f.i r whjtfr is' believed 4obr 'ihw ibeat 'country. sUnt" -; where in the Cotmtry,sTbe-Pirm js a-inply ;r--. cient for three or .four hands the DfveUirig U jsz"& - anu coranipaiotiA,-wiin iurei rooms uetow siff'rsf'i three rboms wUn five fire prices framed kite! 1 1 ' 6t6ne'cnimniy; whh goed' bouses tr setvanU" The Store Houge is sixty3toict tfag, rwKhlt w ' places, and the C tore thirty-etght feet 1 zt. ' . sixteen feftwjde' ;dniAhlort;fae Lt .i,L-.tr of ibe viciuily. JAluaaGin Hmi, twenty-fsar Cct aa.m an.1 YiinJi'.lA.'l.. 'iK . .. .r euty yards; ' There are twides", &!P necessary Out- ' . - KrttlwSl- lnrtt.Sf a4rtiiVlafsi ia alaaavr.s.f rinaiiiAaare v;J ": On applbtion,'nyprrn:can examine fo'lfcaaU ' 4 .'1 .selvev Ilf wehVnikl not settlryUh 1st of,AtaJf-k Z . SA --I.s VYrfE & CO. r ' January 15th, 1 841. 4 . . 6,, , - TVTOTICEA .npnn.t. Mtiw Stnrt M holders at the RaWrh atul G-tnrt Rail Raad Comoanv.ttK hi UM-.l thi. 'offir f tW'Pnb&l i reasuter m ne Uity of Kaleigb, on Tuesdaytne i 6th of February Heilh A puncttjaT attemlanee if s in person, is particularly . rreqaests the Meeting ,i to consider and deter--)reprierVof acceptmg or rejectirT an the General Assembly passed at the late CssV ehef of tbe ' J ajeigh snd oaston lit.! ...... . .. ;-...r .1!i .r i a meeiiiiyoi vhrjihw v. requested at the ame timeani j - aF?ATTEE73N.t; 184! J-j1' ' ' "WT. r ,:r.i'r . Petersburg- IntefligeUcer : V. , c.4 until About 250 acres has been cleared, aci s' of ; Wood! soil of a superior quality; ynvArt faniK!nf In nnw1 Those wisLwg to purchase a Fatm well watered. and so near the Capital "of the Rtal,- would do' wcH to call on v Cs subscriber, and view the premises, as he is dettrrr,:: . 1 to ell on very aecojr rnouatmg terms. ..v. . ., . ,Cm . J0.T,IIUNTCX' ' Kalei2h,an.f, 184l.-4tf I - - ' . ,CUr and Standard; 4 Weeks.. . Dordved ? , i " E.P.GLIOX. 7t..'f. I Tr tKTi VHR SALE. Tt,: . fr'Tr uL1-, a fHMMMMWWl II ' - " . -" , - - I L - A. A Ml. Raleighi Drwmher 3J, j 810. fc.l04fr- j - aI v- - s - .. . -. . imX. JXaleif b, January 1 84,1 . ' ' ; - "V. . . ' luuk iw vjier Uujce V. 1 -. '