- -V V." , ) rn1 ti: il'vCV ... I ' a - - i.' 4 :- ' ,f 4-j"?r 1 ; V-J lis' ;i W ' "X , 1 'a ' jJ T - - ' ' . - -r ----- - - -- : . , !. -w . . s - ; - . V L ! - ' t "s ' J mm - 1 tOE.XLir. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Ssbscitio3I. Five Dbllaxa per annnm half in Adv wtTitsxxxf i.r-Forievery 1 6 linw, iBrst Jnser- tion, One Dollar j each suUequent uuerUon, -25 cenU Cora Oibui nd Judiciai Advertisements will be charged 25 percent higher ; but a deduction of 33$ per cent, will lie. made firom, the regular prices, iqr au Vertiser by the year. ' - - :'""' AdTertiaementa, inserted fn the 8emi-WeekIy Kae- iT will also appear in the WeeWy Paper, free of tharge; ' : -" ' - ' L: ' (J Letters to the Editor must mobt-baid : SELECTED FOR THE (REGISTER. FROM ANNAr SEWARD'S LETTERS Written between the years 1784, and 1807, in 6 Vols. WASHINGTOX : ; No, dear Matfaine, 1 was not, as you sup pose, favoured with a letter from General Washington, expressly; addressed to myself; bnt, few years after peace was signed be tween this country and America, an officer introduced himself, commissioned from Gen. Washington to call upon me, and to, assure f i i i r . i. . : me, irom vue uenerai uinueii uiamu w comstance of his life had been bo mortifying as to be censured in the Monody on Andre, as the pitiless aullior of his ignominious fale; that he had laboured to save him, that he re quested" mv attentioh: papers on the sub- ject, which he haa sent by ins omcer lor my perusal. " -V ' 5 ' On examining them, i iounu uiey entirely jacquiued lhe General. They filled me with contrition for the rash injustice of my censure. iVYitn a copy oiaue proccemngs oi iue cpuri- martral that determined .ndrtj s condemna tion, there was a copy of-a letter from Gen. Wdshington to Gen.k Clinton, offering to give up Andre in exchange for Arnold, who had fled to the British cantpV observing ihe rea son lhere was to believe that the t apostate General bad cxposdJat gallant English of- ccr to unnecessary Uotiter, to facilitate hi wn escape : copy of another letter frpni General Washington to ' Major Andre, adjur- ner him to stale loathe Commander-in-chief lis unavoidable convicttoa.f the selfish per- dy or Arnold, in suggesting mat plan oi ais- uise. . wnicn exooseu APare. -ii lajsjui. to hertaln condemif vn as a spy, when, if lie Lad come openly m his regimentals," and an per a flag of truce, to the then 'unsuspected American General, he would have been per lectly safe: copv of Andre's liigh-souled an swer, thanking , General Washington forpr interest he took in his destiny ; but obserr- Ahat, even under conviction of Gen. Arnohrs inattention to hit safety, he could not suggest to General Clinton any thing which might influence hiiri to save his Jess important life by such an exchange. ; . ANDRE. r In the first paroxysm of anguish for the fate of my beloved friend, 1 wrote that Mono dy under the belief that he was basely mur dered,, rather than reluctantly : sacrificed to the belligerent . customs, and laws.: I have a . ..r 1''a . ... -T " ismce unaerstoou ine sucjeci Deiier. . ueu. Washington allowed hi aid-de-camp to re turn to England after peace was established, and American independence acknowledged ; and hecdm missioned him to see me, and request rny attention to the papers he sent for my perusal : copies of his letters to A., and his answers, in his own hand, were amongst them. Cooqern, esteem, and pity, were a vowed in thosevof the general, and waim en treaties that he wonld urge General Clinton to resign Arnold in exchange for himself, as me oniy means to avert a sacrince wntcn tne laws of war demanded. Mr. Andre's' letter breathed a spirit of gratitude to Gen. Wash ington Tor the interest he took in his preser vation, but firmly declined the application to Gen. Clinton. The other papers wer mm utes of the court-martial, from which it ap peared, that Gen. Washington 'had laboured to avert the sentence . against Andrer and to soften - the circumstances of disguised dress and of those fatal ' drawings of 'the enemies outworks and sittfalionwhich placed hint in the character of a spy rather than that of a negotiator. The General' next fruitless "en deavor was to have.: obtained the grant o. poor Andre's petition, to die aless disgrace ful deaths) His voice, though commander of the Amencau armies, counted but as one of the court-martial. General Washington did me the honor to charge his aid-de-camp to as- snre me, max no circumstance in his Hie had ;nf hint so much pain as the necessary sacrifice, of Andre's life, and next to that deplorable: event, the censure passed upon Inmself ' in a poeci ; which . he admired, , and for which he; loved the author t also to - ex press his hope, that,? whenever I reprinted the Monody, a note miffht be added, which would tend tq acquit him of that impuledinex orable and cruel 'severity "which'bad doomed iu igiiuuuutpua ueaui a gaiiau auu amiouic prisoner of war; f i MOLLY ASTON. v Johnson' appears much more amiable as a domestic, man-Tu his letters to Mrs. Thrale, than in any; other memorials .hichk Hastjbjeeh given ua, of his life and manners; buithat was owing to the care with Which Mis. Pidzzi weeded them of the prej udiced and malevolent passases on characters, perhaps more essen uuy wormy man nimseu, were mey to De mea by. the rules of Uhnstian chanty. I do not think with; you, that his ungrateful viru. lence lffainst Mrs. Thrale, in marrying Pioz z arose frort his indignation against , her a his deceased friend's account. Mr. Boswell told me Johnson wished and expec ted to have married ? lier himself. . You ask. who Molly .Astonwas, jWhqjn these letters mentioned with such passionate tenderness ? Mr. Walajsley, ray father's.predecessor ."in this jioyse was, , as you have heard,' John son's Macsaas and this ladyi hiswife'epsis- ter a wteroC 8irjTh a beauty, -and a toast." Job nsoii waV always fancying himseltin 16 vi-wiAjome priqeesi or other ',. His wife's daughter, Lucy .Porter,' so oiten menuoneu in inose letters, was nis frrst love,.wheirb.e wras a school-boy , 'under my grandfather, a , clergy man, 1 vicar, of St, Mary 'a and master of the free school, which, 6y his scholastic ,ability , was high in faraei ana4 thronged with pu pi Is, ft om the first gen tlemen's .families i in tbis . and the adjoining counties." To the free-school the boy a of the ciiy.naoa rignt tpcomeut every ppay Knows ho w soperficiai, in general, Js unjpaid instruc tion,, , However, my grandfather aware of Johnson's genius, took the highest pains with him, though his parents were poor, and mean in their situation, keeping market stills as battledore booksellers. T Johnson has not had the gratitude once to mention his gener ous master, ia any. of his writings ;. but. all this is foreign to your enquiries, who Miss Molly Aston was, and at what period ' nis flame for Iter" commenced ? It was tlurihs those RchobTjcjays, "when the reputation of Jbhson's talents, and rapid progress in the classics, induced the noble minded Walmsley to endure, at his elegant table the low i born squalid youth here that he suffered him and Garnck to 4 imp their eagle wings," a de lighted spectator and auditor of their, efforts. ii was nere mat, miss monj asxotx was ire quently a visitor in . the family of her brother-in-law, and probablyamused herself, with the uncou Ui adorations of the learned, though dirty: strippling, w hose mean appearance was overlooked, because of the genius and knowl edge that blazed. through him ; though with " umbered flames," from constitutional me lancholy and spleen. Lucy Porter, Whose visit to Litchfield had been but for a few weeks, wds then gone back to her parents at Birmingham, and the brighter Molly As ton became the Laura of onr Pe'trafch. Fired however, at length, with ideal love, and inca pable" of inspiriug mutual inclinations in the young and lively, he married.at twenty-three, the mother of his Lucy, and went to seek his fortune in London She had borne n in different character, during the life of her first husband.' lie died insolvent, ' leaving his three grown-up children, dependent on the bounty of his rich " bachelor bro'tlier inf Lon don, who left them largely, but would never render aid to the "worthless wido w, who had married the literary cub, as he used to call hiin. She lived Jjilrty years with 'John son ; if shudderinsr,' half-famished, in an au thor's garret, could be called living. . I JJanng her me, the lair and learDed devo tee, Miss 11. liootnby, in the wane or her youth, a woman of family," . and genfeeV for tune, encouraged him to resume' his, Platori ism. After the death of this wife,, and this spirtualized mistress, Mrs. Thrale took him up.- He loved her for wit,- beauty, her lux urious table, her coach and her library i and ane ioveu nim joi ine iiierary consequence his residence at Streatham threw around her. The rich, the proud, and titled literati, would nor nave sougnt jonnson in nis ainv gtrret, nor the wealthy brewer's then uncelebrated wife, without the actual presence, in her sa loon ftJlppollon, of a votary known to be of the number of the inspired. D'EON, THE JMPOSTER. This is the period of inconceivable, char acters; as well as of .unexpected and ' prodi gious events. ' The modern Thalestrig is now in this city. Mademoiselle 'le Chevalier D'Eon,1 exhibiting, for two, shillings admit tance, her skill in the art of attack and de fence with the single rapier. !hr Melancholy reverse of human destiny, what an humiliation for the aid-de-camp of Marshal Brogho ! for the ambassador during five years, from the court of France to that of Rus- sia : for tne envoy to ours, and tne:! princi bio I ' Pnr tils onvnv if rti ' nrA tfto npin pal planner and -negotiator of the peace of 1782 ! In the German war, she lived five years in camps and tented fields, amidst the pride, the pomp, and 'circumstance, of high trust and glorious contest. In the-American war she was in five battles, fought 'against General Elliot, and received-sixlwpunds and all this before her sex was discovered. 1 I learned from herself, that 'a destinv so astonishing was not ' originally the result of voluntary; choice. , Her parents bred; her up as a boy, to avoid losing an estate entailed on the heir-male. ; " ' ' . She seems to have a noble, 'independent. as well as intrepid mind ; and the muscular strensth and Activity f her large frame at Rittchma ara urnnriprl 111 Pshft teneea in tne French unifornv and then appears an athletic venerable, graceful man , In tne lemaie garo, as might be expectedr she is awkwardly, tbo U04 VUlgariV, masculine.- s. . --It -. ' In three dava bi tA have aailed for Z, ne was to. juve auea ipr Jf ranee,: the order of the late unfortunate mon- arch, to have resumed her male dress and to nave ; taken militarv command as : General, when themassaera at ih ThnJIUi-ina. anil im - prisonment of the King, lamentably frustra- ted that design, andbabl v?tlrnnt an ,elef. nal curtain oyer her eareer of glory.;; Adieu 1 u- r 'Sli-' ' , surtatn over her career of i-lnrv Adieu i adieu i yw After deaththis lady was ibuhd to be of the mas- cutn? gender. .. ' - ' -;-"Ij"" irmWO MORE WAGON LOADS of cheap Lex U ington Cotton Yams and Cloths, just tto: hand. Assortment : complete, and we Intend to keep it so. We thank ?the public fof its past- encouragement of our Southern industry. ; willj PJSCK. Raleigh, Feb 2 t& TUESDAY, MARCH 23) 181. TATE OF : ROUTTJ CAROLHA, County of Wake, in the Court Of Equity.. . uncan Cameron and George W; Mordecal, Pffft, The ; CommitrioBen of . the City of Raleign, . vcA ' ll- ifthera,;defendant.!.;r s 'rfs w- j Te Plaintifls in their bill state mat John Rex, late cf W ake County, by his will, appointed them . his Executors, and devised and bequeathed to-them an hia property real aiid personal, m KdrmCaroDna Lupon troat, -as to his shwev to use them to be re- raovea to ponw colony u Africa, under ihe charge of the American Colonization Society ; upon- trust, as tu certain of hia other property, to defray the, charges of such removal, and of the' support and establish: ment of such" slates id Africa ; and as to the whole residue of his. estate, upon trust ; for the erection and endowment of an uifirmary ; or i hospital for the sick andTaffficted poor of the City of, Raleigh-, ; That the plainUffs have caused to be removed to, and -established in, the colony of Liberia, in Africa, negroes' Hub bard, Dick, "Ben, Asa, Ellick; Abram, Sampson. Hen ry , Tandy, Hagar, Jenny, Martha, " Becky, Creasy Ruth and Eliza, who are named defendants in the bill, and are ,Tiow free inhabitants of Africa. The questions 'have arisen jon, the Testator's Will, as to the amount of the fund , set apart for the removal of the aid negroes, and "whet her"the who!e interest therein is given by the win to ihe said negroes, and whether' the remainder thereof, now in the hands of the plaintiffs, belongs; to the said negroes, or fall into and parses with the general residue devised and be queathed in trust for the erection and endowment of the charity mentioned in the Will And the hill prays thd opinion and advice of the Court, exhibits account of the administration of the plaintiffs, and of the state of. the fiipdsin t their hands, submits to any accounts orv reference which the Court mav deem proper, or the parties may desire, and prays that their accounts may be audited, settled and . passed, under the direction of the Court, and the plaintiffs motect- ed by a decree, and for general relief. -And the plain- uns, navmg niea wiin ineir Dill an atndavit in wri ting, showing that the defendants Hubbard, pick, Ben, Asa. Ellick, Abram, Sampson, Henry, Lindy , Hagar, Jenny,j. Martha, Becky, Creasy, Rum and Elizai are not residents of North Carolina, but of Li beria, in Africa beyond the jurisdiction of this Court, and having" thereupon desired an advertisement to be made tor the appearance of me said defendants, ac cording to the Act of Assembly lately made, the said defendants, Hubbard, Dick, Ben, Asa, Ellick, Abram, Sampson, Henry, ..Lindy, Hagar, Jenny, Martha, Becky, Creasy,' Ruth, and Eliza, are accordingly hereby warned and notified, personally, or by .some solicitor of lhe jsaid Court of Equity, to be and ap pear at the Court to be holden at the Court-House in the City of Raleigh, on the first Monday after the the fourth Monday in March, A. D. l&il, and p1eadt answer or demur to tEe plaintiffs' said bill, otherwise the said biU against the said defendants,' or such and so many of them, as shall" fail to appear as aforesaid, will be taken for confessed, and be heard, according to the course of the Court, tx carte. Witness I nomas L.. West, Clerk and Master of said Court, at his office, this 28th day of January; A.D. 1841. v - ' - f - ) i TH. L. VPEST, C. M. E. rFeb 15 -6wl5. ; I . ' .Jjmt TATE joF NrtRTff pARjLEVA, Wake County. Coubt or Eatrrrt Fall Term, 1840. 5ion Fergusbn ' and Wife Martha, and James, Sid neys Viney and William, infant children of tiion and Martha : Ferguson, who sue by their Guardian and next friend, Jeremiah H. Buffalo w, , ""- Agaitut: " . The Heirs and Representatives of Wm. "ft. Hinton, dec. ' If tppeanhg to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants reside lvond the limits of the 8tate. It is therefbre'totdered, that publication be made to the Raleigh Kegister for six weeks, for the said defend ants to appear at the next' term of this Court, to be held at the Court House in the City of Raleigh, on the first Monday after the fourth" Monday in March next, then and there to answer, "plead or demur to the com plainant s bill ; otherwise, the same will be taken pro rim feaao and heard, eaf mtrte aa to them. Witness, Thomas L. West, Clerk & Master of said Court, at Office, the first Monday after the fourth Monday in September, A. D. 1840. ' ! i XI t Jj." VXol , J, OZ Jrl. C February 18. i' -I"---' - f ' 16 Tf TA 1LIJ ABIE Citv ProitertT fr Sale By virtue of a Decree of Wake Equity Court, at Fan Term, A. D. 1840, I shall offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder, on Monday, the 29th day; of March next, at the CoUrt-huse door, in the City of Raleigh, the following unimproved Lots in the said City, known and designated in the plan of said City, as Lots numbered Eighteen, (18) Twenty, (20) Twentyhe,(21)Twenty-four,(24)Twenty-five,(25) Twenty-six, (26) Thirty-six, (36) Thirty-seven, (3T) Thirty-nine. (39) Forty, (40) Forty-one, (41) Forty- two, 1 42 j $ making in all, Twelve Lota, belonging to me rtaie oi; ivooert w luiams, ueceasea. 1 cm lis VI xecrcc pju auu iwtito uiuuuis u cuii Bonds with approved securities will be required of the Purchasers rn: JU. wjscn , u. M.s. Raleigh, February 16,184K & 16 ta O tate of .forth Carolina. Wake Conn I 3 tT. Fall j Term, A. D. 1840 Hutchins Atkins and Wife against Lewis Helloman and Bennett Ra- san It appeanne to the satisfaction of the Court tbat Bennett Rajran, one of the defendants, resides beyond the limits of this State. IHs therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh Reg ister, for the said defendant to appear at me next a erm of this Court, to be held at the Court House in the City of Raleieh. on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of March next, tnen antf tnere to pieaa an swer oi demur to the complainant s wQ, otherwise the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex-parte as to hun. - I j . . i . j . - -. Witness Thomas L. West, Clerk and Master, of the said Court of Equity at office, the first Monday after the fourth Monday of SeptemberA. U. 1840.. ' i - ; xh. l; west,c &m ti. Feb. 16. .-15 Cjtate ! tate of North C3aromna.--Wake Coun- I iy vt ourt of Equity,1 Fall Term, A. D. 1840; r nHeT:. T nUppearing to the aatiafaction the Court that William Roles, one of the defendants; resides beyond I tne limits OI Ulia otaie. u ismereiore oruereu mat PUDiicauon oe maue iotsu ww in ireiBn cg- d -deleltolip-ia-tt- the next Term of, to heldat , Court House, in the ci, ar Raieiah, on the first Monday after the fourth I Mondav in March next, then and there to plead, answer l or demur to the complainahta bill, otherwise the same f taaenpro conresso ana neam xp w nm. V 1?MISKK?S? SSS! I said UOUri i Juquiiy, u oxuee, we 1 ursi .wn 1 7", .v.-a t ioia . 1 fl .Til. Ii. Wti!r, iA5f.- x-.- NTTt TAX r,ISTS.---The inhabilants of U J Rabahare hereby .notified; that their Lists of Taxable PTOoertTiwill be received at the City;Hall, on caxnTuay tne 1 m wsuu,( uedwaca uio wnui vi 10 A.MndlVf. 4 w Personfiiftng to give in their ItBta of Tarable Pre perty, ai required, will he subject 'Wi fine of two dol- lars. Intendant pro tern ?'3 tate OfTVortll CaroHnct Craven Conn ty.' County Court of TUas and Quarter Sessions. entt7IBArPil84I..:; - Francis1 Downing. John Dowhiner and Jane, his wife, .the said Jane the daughter and pnlyt child of Dawson Downing;) Jiernard, John, Ed ward and Jane Donnelly, (who are the children of Barbara' Donnellv. otherwise Downing.) Edward'Donneliy. ' sorf'of Mary linnnp IT rAinflraru. llAnntn. I lAhn Taiamnol UAhiwI .1 PaTirrottcaa - A . . n I , .s .. -,'. j John M. Roberta, Administrator of Edward Down ing, Rose Quin, (widow of r James Quin, and danghter oi Mary Upnnelly,) Michael McClenron and Sally his wife, 1 (the said Sally being also the daughter of said Mary uonneuy,) James, Dawson and Francis Down mg, rwno were sons of Jane Downing aforesaid.) T , - - - f - ... It being proved to the Courts that the Defendanta. Rose Quin, (widow of , James Quin,) Michael, Me Clernon and Sally hia wife, James Downing, DawBon Downing and Francis Downintr, are not inhabitants of this State : It is ordered by the said Court," that publi. cation' he made for- five weeks, successively, in the Raleigh Registery that ihe said Rose Quin, jdichael McCiernon and Sally hia wife' James Downinar. Daw son Downing and Francis Downing, appear, at the Jounty Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions of Craven I county, at tne court-npuse in JXewbern. on the sec-I rm . ' .:. . . . - . " ond Monday of May next, and plead, answer or de mur to the said petition, -otherwise the same will be ta ken pro confesso against them and heard accordingly. Witness, James G. Stanly, Clerk of said Court, at Newbern, the second Monday of February, A. D 1841 . Pr.Adv. $6 25, - ' 0 6w OfiilVUKlH UABOLlflAt (JcuweU kTS County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions January Term, 1841. Joseph Bracken & wife and others,") Petition for di vi va 4 " Vsion of Slaves, Henry Hundley St. wife and others, j &c In this case H, appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that;all the defendants, to wit, Henry Hundley and hia wife Eliza; John Hooper and Martha Motley; are inhabitants of other States, It is Ordered and Decreed by the Court that publication be made in the Kaleign register for the space of. six weeks for the said defendants to be and appear at the next Term of tne irourt of J'leas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the said' County of Caswell, at the C5ourt House in Yancyville, on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of March. 1841, then and there to answer the said petition, otherwise Judgment pro confesso will be entered against them, and the cause be set for hear ing, and heard exparte. . - Teste, PAUL A. HARALSON, Cfk. Feb2-6wll. TATB OF NORTH CAROLINA Pitt Coun J3 lJ- Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,' Feb ruary Term; 1841. . ' , William R. Somerell r. Rufos K. Hearn. . ''' Original Attachment. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Rufua K. Hearn is not ah inhabitant of this Bute; It ir ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleisrh Register for six. weeks, tbat the said Rufua K. Hearn appear before the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Pitt, at the Court-bouse in Greenville, on the first Monday in May next, and. replevy or plead to issue, or judgment final will ' be entered against him." '--.'' ' " " ' - Witness, Archibald Parker.Clerk of our said Court, ar Office in Greenville, the first Monday of February, A. D. 1841. . ARCHIBALD PARKER, Clk. giTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Pitt Coun v Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb ruary Term, 184 1. V William Clark vs. John Sailer. , Original Attachment. ";', It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court,' that John 8atlef ia not an inhabitarit of this State: It if ordered by the Court, thai publication be made in the Kaleich . Register for six weeks,, that the said - John Satter appear before the Magistrates of the Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the' county of Pitt, at the Court-house in Greenville, on the first Monday in May next, and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment final will be entered against him. ' r Witness, Archibald Parker, Clerk of pur said Court at office in Greenville, the first Monday in February, A.D. 1841. ' ' ARCHIBALD PARKER, Clk. "1 CUERIFFS SALE lotic. I shall expose to public Sale, at the Court-house door, in the town of Rockingham, Richmond Countyj on the third Monday of April next, so much of the fol lowing Tracts of Land as will be sufficient to satisfy the taxes due thereon for the years 1838 and; 1839, and costs of advertising, viz : . , . L, , ' , 45 Acres more or less, 'aid to belong to '" Fearce, Tax, 55$ cents, lying near Buffa low Creek.' '' 150 do listed by Roderick, McS5wan," near Marks' Creek, Taxes 15 cents. - ": 100 do. listed by James Nelson, lying on Carter- leges Creek Tax 9 54-cents.-; , , f 600 do. listed by Alexander Cunningham, dee'd.. lying on the waters of the Rocky Fork, Tax f8 40$. 55 do. listed by Charles Bowen, near Barnes' Bridge, on Guh Swamp, Tax 23 cents. ; -; 60 do. listed by i Dsniel P. Lytch, adjoining, the lands of Jinnett McN air and ethers. Tax $3 74 cts. f . fiSAMEL TERRy.Shfl;,s Rockingham, Rfchmohd County, Feb. 24,1841. Price Adv! $7 50.; 18 ENFANT SCHOOL., The Infant Schoo Under the superintendence of Mrs. Pbat from Philadelphia, will be opened, as early in the Spring as the weather will permit. ., , , . " ' ' . ' The abuses 'which have crept into the system will be rejected, and the plan of Testdhzzi will be pursued as mdeh as possible, naoiely, to- develops tne powers oflhe mind by: presenting ideas and not a mere maw of words.,' The memory will be exercised but not overtaxed........ -!v ..r ; As central a location as can be pcured, Will be chosen for the School; ; - - Children will be admitted ftora the age of three to sevetli.' .U ' '" ''i e. ' i-i n 4i't If Terms 'The first Class, which wilt embrace' the' elements of Natural H-tory, Hitory, Natural Pbi- osopby, Anlbmetio, Uegraphf , Grammar WtuinS and Drawing, per Session, ; , ; y.; f 10 50 , Second Class, . . :r ;8.50' "T Third Class; ' ' ,' 50 - ' Cj- Those who Wish to patronize the Schonf, will be so good a to send their names to Mia M suss, at Mr. LeMessurier'sy corner Df Morgan and Saliabu- xj streeU. r -: Feb. -12. " 14..,' EC 'HUNDR ED DOLLAR PIAN O.'-I have for aaiA tuatMr at him snbTuiiL BVimuiMriin.M n Fr(M"rwkn ..n mr,ViiK -t-d oa 5 " i t uneonunoiiwia doweU to get '(he ittstnuneat.iibW n fT,.-; TTia -,? ' Most of the Pianos boujrhf front the subscriber, ate never seen by theh purchasers, until unpicked at their places of destination. E. P.NASH. ; 13. Petersburg Feb. 6, 1841. Rotate' orHTortTi C&iUna.Jn&irCovn- Court of Pleas and Quarter Session Jahu iyTerrii.,184U &lM'jSq ef-at taii tephen Whiter ' . vs. (.Onirinal Attachment, levied, occ: rBryan.B"urneL: . i .. ' ' "" "? it appeaunas to the saticfactioh of the Eaart. that Bryan Burnet is not an inhabitant of this State: It VW" "?'6.'ger ior hi ween, mat tne " ...j. .u.u. opjtii uvmrc iuvionrx oi ri(H and quarter Sessions, to be held for Jtbe 5 county of ienuir, at u vourtuouae in Auistou, on the first Monday of April nextiad teplev y and plead toiuet or judgment final will be entered up against him on this aUachmeni. Witness, Lewis. C. Desmond, Clerk of said Courts at Kinston, the first Mbhuay of Janu ary, A. D. 1841; LEWIS Oi DESMOND, Clk;ir Feb. 12., Pr Adv $5 62 ,r -t.IA'. 6w,? TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.Lenetr County.1 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. January 'Term' 184 L:' s ':y-r: pH spiU Daniel r' Andrews -i ; : ?4 -2 : n v. . urigmai Attackment, levied, &c Bryan Burnet. 3 . .. , . . . It appearing to ihe satisfaction of the"Court that Bryan Burnetis not an inhaNUnt of this State: It ' ordCTed that hotice be gi ven b j'publie advertisemehr I.IK. T?.1; I. D .;, . Bryan Burnet appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Lenoir, at the, Courthouse, in Kinston, on! the first Monday of April next, and replevy and plead I'tq issue, or 'juda ment final wdl be entered up against him on this at tachment. V itness, -Lewis Ot Desmond, Clerk of said Court, at Kinston,' the first Monday of January, A. D. 1841. . LEWIS C. DESMOND, Clerk;, , Feb. 12. - ; Pr Adv.$S 32 1 . 14 j6w luv iciSu ucgiaicr,, ivi u w ui me saiu State of If brfli Carolina -Lenoir Cono ty.' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,-January Term, 184). ; , - ... William Phillips, William Jordan, William Ormond, Daniel, Mary, Stephen and John Fih, infants, by their Guardian, Samuel H. Coward, ;. vs. . Abner Coleman and Mary Coleman. - Petition for partition of the Viands of the late John Fish, ueceuiteu. . It appearing to the satisfaction of the. Court,- that Abner Coleman and Mary. Coleman, the defendants, are not inhdbitanla of this State : It is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh Re gister, for the said defendants to appear ot the next term of said Court, to be held for the 'county of -Lenoir, at the Courthouse in Kinston on the first Moo day of April next, and plead, answer or demur, or the petition in this case will be taken, pro confesso, and aet for . hearing. , ;- , . Witness, Lewis C. Desmond, Clerk jf said Court, at Kinston, the first Monday of January, 1841.. -'" LEWIS C. DESMOND, Clerk.' - Feb 12 PrAdv $5 62 14 6 TATE OF NORTH , CAROUNA-AVaM k3CoosTT, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1841. Samuel G. Smith and Wife Sarah, Iaham Baucom, James . Nutt and Wife Gilly, Gray Dunn and. Wife Lydia Wesley Johnson, Berry Johnsop, Mark H Whitaker and wife Emily, Wilhs Johnson." " J " ;;. '''versus:;-,--; '''-y' TJrias Baucom, Ransom Busbee' and ' Wife Har riet, Gustin Banks' and Wife Candace,' and Sidney Bancomv " C V'' 'ni '.''V'Ut r-.l :-:;'V ; . .-- Petition for.Divuun of Land- . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Ransom Busbee and Wife Hsrrlet, Gustin Banks and Wife Candace and Sidney Baucom, who "are Defendanta in this case, are not inhabitants if this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publi cation be made in the .Raleigh Register for six weeks, successively, notifying said Bon-residebU to be and appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas' and Quarter Sessions, to be held ' for ; the County of Wake, at the Court House ia-: Raleigh, orrlhe ihird Monday in May next, then and there to demur to and answer this Peii lion, "Otherwise the Court will proceed to hear the tame expipie as iti them, and to grant an order for partition according to tue prayer of tbe-Pe- titiooera, ..... . : ... 4 . : : Witness, Alfred Williams,' Cterk of said Court at Office irfRaleigh, the third Monday of February,! 841. 21 -AWILUAMSCC.h gatatoororlliCar6lna. WakeCoon- Q ty. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seteions. Feb- roaryTertny lt4 l. Ransom II. 8uoiih,' " : : w. - .. : . V Attachment .If vied on Land. Hardy OVLewisi. . , J - s-' 1 It appearing to the satisfaction of the Caurt htat the defendant Hardyf T.jLewis, in this case, is not ah'inhabitant of this Stater It is therefore ordered by the Court,: that publication be made in the Raleihg Register for sii weeks -successively, notifying said de fendant to be and, appear before the Justices of enr next Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions to he held for the County of Wake, at the Court House, in Ra leigh,' on the' 3d Monday in May next, then and there to replevy and plead to issue, otuerwise judgment oy default will be granted against him, and the land-le vied upon condemned, subject to the Plaintiffs reco very. itiJ ... i Wiluess, Alfred William, Clerk of our said Court, at office, in Raleigh, the third Monday' of February, IOII ' ' ' " -A ' W 1 1 .1 .1 1 U S ' IT : f'3" AwSe : " 'sjuaiuw O TATE OF; NORTH CAIlOiaKA. 13 CsAxtz CouNTY.Court of yieas and Quarter Sessions. February Term. A. D.1841. Caswell Gardner, ' Bry an Gardner, John Klrkman, and A melia 'his wife,' J ulia Gardner, ; and Donna M. Gardner, Piioncr, V.t '"htSdi Lovey LV E. M J Wadswortb Jamea B. Wads- - j- irauum jor jMvuton oj yuana t , . It being proved to Ahe Court' that, the' Defendanta are hot inhabitants of this State, It is ordered by th said Court, that publication be made forHfi ve weeks, successively,' in the Raleigh Register, . that ths said Lovey L. E. M. Wadsworth, James Wads wort b, and Thomas J. Wadsworth apiwar at the County Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions of Craven coun ty, at the Court Honse m Newbern, en me secono Monday of May nest, and make thejr defence to this betilion, or the said petition will be taken, pro eon-, fesso agarast them, and beard accordingly. Msrch-is;-' -Sr. Tr. Adv. $& 24,5w TTT) ESIOVAI-Mas. v A. Ag 4 KC l VMmifnllvTiifonns the Ladies of Raleiah; aad I toe pufclicetieraJly; that ahe has femoved ibejraTf I N.im street, the next corner Sooth-East side of 1 nMnnfr i:KTDiinxxxxicus- vu B. Mrs. P. will pay particular atten'on to clean uig-and sJteirng" Floreoee and 'f Straw Bonnets; Xeg hoins, dec. in, the newest faahic?s. j From herrSVpe- rienc ht thabove business, ahe feehi confident of gW vmg general sausjacuon . . f i tvyitcess, James U, suniy, ciera 01 saia Newbern, the 24 Monday of February, A. D. 14 1 . o-;rt o . J. O.STANLY. Clerk-r if li - 1 ss aaMi'r ' - i V .... J PROPER TT FOIl f JJj,1 18AlJST?.$olj&nTr t ; V' ienirona of 'earryms into exe $ - kution hia lorisr cherished' intention el temttvin-f id s' the Wesl,offew fot isle that VervalttahleEiL'.IsS: ment,:in th City efaleigh kaowh HOTEL; Having hid persbnal chsfe of the Hetey & , for aeveraJyearattheSU ownjkpowledge as ,tHe jproxiuctiveness aod value of ' t the property T.0 fa . pcrsoCwho Well icuajhtedk y ssiiin mas itiiaaftsMEti iris Mrtatnrv a m nMniarHA inirsia ment if his money will bo ensured. It alwayarhaJK"' eommaaded; and.' from its jedbfif sUuatioBi always: f most command affair pTdoruon, f cxistom,t t pdff . vantages . a a Public Hoof are too numeton., to, he . . detailed in an Mvertmentyhut anhe deoaonaira ied lo ahy one incUned; to, purchase; ? The tems-of " , safe which will' be Very 'aCwmhatmg, ml'b known on application." --J 5 ,. .s ; f vs ' v y7. IDAN1EL; MURRAYtt' Raleigh, Jan. 27, 1841. v0 .f T, 1.0 f ? t N. B. The 8ubscribe wilt lo sell aPUnutloiif 200 Acres of Land, situated within 2J inilbl uf Ra-; f 'leiiuaiM eaMv 9 mm w State of JSortli 5aroliiaii ty' Court of Pleaa. and Quarter Seafioiia janu ary Term. 1841. T; M " -' WilUamHollahdT 4 . ; a. 7 : C Original AtUchnwnt,-levied, 4. ffryan Bumet rtW'i'MJ w-vf;f?y It appearing to the aatisfactiort of ihe Courts thatjr, Bryan Burnet ia not, an iuhabitanMf thia Sitsi It is ordered that notice be; given by public "advertise ment in the Raleigh Register, for ix wctsVthat fhf ;; said Bryan Burnet appear. before; the CourC; of Pleoe j and Q uarter Sessions,'' (0 be befd fott thevtoeAty iof :: Tenoir, at me rCcrthoose,ioKinslor4 en tha$ra)i Monday of April nexw 'end replevy tthd J14 tfl ' J., sue, or judgment final will be entered up agwhsthini v" on this aitachmenU ; Witnesi, Lewis C, Desmond; "'f Clerk of said Court, at Klnltonthe first Monday St January, A.'D. 181: x r , i 7 .".,7,t ' ' LEWIS tf.'DESMC: ".Cierk.. ' :FU13 - - Pr'Adv ,3 tLt 4 ttate of WorUi Card !na Lemfir CQtfo; $3ty. Cotirt ofPieaf and i --sf,8eoni J;w uary ierm, Ao4. Bryan Burnet ia not an Inhabitant Of this State t tt is ordered jlbat notice be.gtyfn by. pablic adfertiae meat: in the Raleigh, Register, for aii weeks that the ; Said Bryan Burnet PPr before the Court of Plea ' snd Quarter Sesstoiis, to bh hifor the coonfy-bf, ;s Lenoir, at the.Codfthouse in Einstrm on the-first ' Monday of April tnxt, and replevy and plead trfiJ i sue, orjudgmont final, wilLbe entered ap : against hittt ft on this aitachrnent.;; vWitnav !!- P JjlamohsV' Clerk of said Court, at iCinston, the- first Mc3j.Vf' Janiwry,.A.l).l841-:q."rr?t- ; ' XEWIS t3; DE8M0NllTClerk?-" Feb 12 V;" PVAdy$5' B2 4 '6 j Citate of lortUCarollnaLenoir Coon - court or rieas ami uuaner cessions, jan: TiaryTerm; 1841.' amea E. .Melts, ..Original Attachment levied, &e i . ."-5 ' ' . i.-.. unran Burnet; 1 , It appearing to the satisfaction or the Courts lhat 1s ordered that notice .be given hy ipubfld avertiaaJ 5 meet in the Raleigh Register, for six week that IM' tid Bryan Burnet ajpesr before' lha Cbhft ot Flea -and Quarter Sessions, to he, held for the county Of-- Lenoir, at the Coutthonse in 2unetcrn oh the first . Monday of April next, and replevy anl plead io.lsuei or judgment final will be entered up against 'hlnf Od this- attachment. Witness, Lewis C. Desmond, Clerk-1 of said Court at xinonf the ffrat Mohdijr of U&W V A.D.184 K ilEWTS CU DESMOND. Cftrkl ttfj" Feh. 1 II'-vK f - 'PrAdv $3 9ttett$ctz ! .? (tate of ATortb Gailltenbir Coua- ' ty. ; Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, rj&tt Daniel Adrswa;Jy. 1, fi f ?va. r. txprbjpmsi Attachriicnfj leviedi aei.. t BryunwU'-.j:, -C .r;,' '2y 'Q',i "It appearing to j the sitiafa Bryan Burners-pot sn ihhabiUnt of thir SUlf t. U 1 is ordered that notice be gfvettHby "pbbiie Mveidae ment in the Raleigh Register; fat us weeks, that Obeut said Bryan Burnet appear before ihe Crt f Pleae , " and Quarter Session v to be held for 'the coenty of .. uenoir, at ine vounnouse ju aumuu, vu uw jm -.-. Monday of April neit, and replevy and plead to isacav. or judgment final will be entered op against him oa thM attachment WKneas, juewut c. uesrnonu, cistx 7 of saidCoutt at Einaton, fhe first Monday o January, A.D.1841; g j? LEWIS jp. DESM OND Clerk. ip.. eb.42. : r ; Pr Ady fB 62J t 1 tate Of IS6rtllCaroIlna.--Lenoir CourM ) 3 ty, -Caort of Pleas-and Quarter Seasiensr Januv? Chauncy Graham, j . T ". vs v -" Original Attachment, leVird, ej-e. . Bryad BurheL O 4 4 ' " !i 7 It snoearinfir to the satisfaction of the Court, thai .T Bryan Burnet is npt.an InhabUjUit of this Stats i. It ; bordered mat notice he given-by pubU'C advertisement - inline 4WM?igneweioT.sia..w..v urm Bryan Burnet appear rove the voon er neaaanaj OnariAr ctennni. fn be held fot the counfy of Lenoir, 1 -' at the Courlhiouse in Kinston, on the first Mondayo April next; anJ replevy and plead ttt Jssoe, vt . jodj- ment final will bettered Up agalnat hint on tbia.it-; tathmenu Witneaai ; Xewia (Desmond. Clet: ,rf said CsurtatRansbm.the first MZ? i? - t Feb 12K . JrT 'Aav o T s ' 4iAtA oraortfa'Carolllia r-?r-r t? jr.n IjV Court or fleas ana hw', wwiiiu' - JoaekionO ? riJlt & U 1 v. Vrtp.au Aiiacwncni, k vcii cc. I r It appearing to. the satisfaction 01. the Cchrt, .(hat Bryao Bornet is not an tnbal4taut of this Stale l It ' is ordered that notice bs' given by labile advertise-. mentf n the Raleigh Register lor all weekxi that the said Uryen Bet. arpear beforel the Court of Pleas and.Qaartet SmkmSSfiLt IJbf;atnly;f Lenoir, al tb "CoUrtho oh tte first MondsyLApril nexCand replevy and plead to issue, or Judgment final wlir be entered Up againsr hint en this ttachmehtYitaess, LewUCNpejmiohd,Clk of said Cwirt Cnri,lberslMorjda rfJaouary; A. D. 18411 col LEWIS C. DESMOND, Clerar Feb. - ? x- Pr Adv $3 e ..-.-. U 9-1 br ralest FssTia'sMituh ?eotS. h The Sflb.riber has the above Lumber, moatt , rf Bryan Burnet.: MM4,JI Ii appearing to Ihe safisfadibtf of th CourC'lhal ly seasoned. ; together with a 2bweprice,iha the arfielf b bc:ht la acriberPi; Wfkc&A? iFSSSb ' February 12 x V-a. T5vi . I - 'M i! S 1 i I

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