In f - - . t 1 ' - 1 - v. 9 TUESDAY, BIARCH; 3Qf,. 1841; is' lfS.i-i?s. ,nsm .oi-Z&M. t I- vr V - . i-f m .. - SEMI-WEEKLY yoT XLIL s i - - . - . . . . . .... . ... : . , 1 y-- Hafts EDITOR I AND PROPRIETOR. ScBscairria2r.-Five Dollars per annum half in Advance. ;v . " . . ; AnviaTisMf EirT, Porerery 16 lines, first inser tion, One Dollar; each gnhsequent insertion, 25 cents Cocht Ordxbs and JcnirtAt AdTertisements will t charged 25 percent higher ; hot a deduction of 33 J cent, will be made from the regular prices, for ad vertiser by the jear. " Advertisements, inserted in the Semi-Weekly Hko steb will also appear in the Weekly Paper, free of Wharge. Letters to the Editor must he,osTrPAii). .- BELECTED FOR THE REGISTER. " " ' 1 1 . - THE PARENTS OF PETER THE GREAT. The Czar Alexis lchaelowistch, was a kvidower ; gentle and affable, he lived famil iarly amongst his subjects, and often conde scended to ask them to dine with him, with out ceremony. ; One day, being t the house of a gentleman named MatweOf, he found the table set, and he said to him 4I will dine with thee ; but on condition that I derange no one." Immediately after, the wife of Mat eof entered the 'apartment, with a young San and a girl ;ihey;sat down to table ; the . : t. " I i a. : ; JuZaT cpuivc iiiuc, aic uiutu, auu caai many ooks on the yonng girl who was a stranger o him." - After diner he said, " I know thy ifd, I have seen thy son, -but 1 knew not how hadst a daughter. Thou never told me hou hadst. '",; My Lord, she whom you aire seen7 is not my daughter ; she is the aughler of one of my friends."' " That girl s very pretty she ' has much sweetness of ountenance. 1 can assure your Majesty, hat she is yet more amiable than she is beao- iful ; she is a charmm? character ; mild. Inodest; and intlustrious.' You must en leavour Matweofv to settle her well ; she nerits it, from the picture you have drawn, ind from such a countenance she deserves a rood hasband." I think much about it Sir; but it is not a very easy matter : all require ortune, now-a-days (this was in 1670,) and he has none.' 11 will look out, myself, for match: that may suit her ; think you .well bout it, and in a few days we shall see what s to be done. r - The Czar went out,leaving Walweof eual y charmed with his frankness and benevp lence. vvnen Alexis, some imie time, after. law Mat weof again, .he jsaid to him: Well, hast thou found an husband for thy pretty protegee r Sir,: I have some prospect; but in opportunity is yet jvanting lb speak, my mind ; and I fear, as I told your Majesty, that want of fortune will be an obstacle.' I am farther advanced than thee, Matweof, for I think I have found what you wish. " The match is, in every respect, eligible ; and I hope she will not refuse the offer : it is, an husband tich enough for; both"; a good tem pered, worthy mahi iff a very, respectable situ ation." ' Matweof, expressing himself in the high est terms of gratitude, said Sir, may I pre- sume to ass. on wnom ine cnoice is iaiien y Thou shalt soon know ; go and brbg in the lovely girl;. I will question her myself.' The Lzar addressed her, made her equivocal pro- posais, Duiwiinouiuiscovenng nis intentions; and when she went out, he took Matweof by the hand, and said : My. friend, I will not keep thee long in suspense ; . I am every day more charmed with Natalia so was she named) and the husband I intend for her is myself.1 Matweof immediately, fell at his feet, and alter bavins expressed astonish ment at the signal honour intended his youne charge, he said : My "Lord, I have brought up XSataua ; she is distantly related to me, ' - l' t . -: : r ana l am as mucu inierestea in ner nappi ness as if she was my own child; but I should become an object of hatred and jealousy to the whole Uourt,who would think 1 had usee stratagem, and arUfice, to dxaw. Jw)ur Majesty into such ait alltance. Put off. Sir, I beseech. you, making known your intention " sembte together, according to custom,' tho most beautiful young womejt-of your empire Natalia shall be admitted among, the number, and you. shall be master' of your, choice:, ii will be the same to your Majesty in the end. and 1 shall not be exposed to disgrace.' .The Czar approved this expediehU'and in a short time proelaiiried Ills intention xf marryipg I again, aou ms wa io mane cnoice jrom ne daughters of his tioble subjects.' Natalia was the subject he selected ; he loved her, and tie was beloved again. He sought a wife of simple and modest, manners, he found such in Natalia,, and she constituted the happiness of his life. rHe lhid by her Peter I.: her name was Natalia Kesilowna Narischin. : SUPERNATUAL INTIMATION. Edward Lord Herbert, of Cherbury.a dis tinguishedT Warrior, Statesman, and Philoso pher, who served bis; Kihgi; James Ij tif ngianu,wuii so mucu zeai in me ucia, -anu Cabinet! of France7 gives 'thisextrabrdinaiy account of a supernatural - ihtimatiotf - witb which he was favoured while Ambassador at Paris. 1 . ' - 'i" v't; " My book, having been begun by idd in England and formed there in all its jprincij pal partsj' was1 finished itt Fraricerll nay spare hours' which I -cOuld get from mV visits and negotiations being employed to perfect "is worK.a.s soon as u:was aone l commu nicated it to Hugo Grotius.the great scholar. Jho having escaped t IrUhe 10 uunines, came into p rance and was wel comed by me. 'aii'd MonsTielera 6also.n an other of the most famous critics of ChristeB- I ..I' ' "l? . -!?' ., - dom. After these two had perused it. and given it more commendations than it is fit for me to repeat, they earnestly exhorted me to print and publish it ; howbeit, as my. whole book was so different from any thing which had. been written heretofore oilthe same moral subjects, 1 found that 1 must either re nounce .what I had riow written Jcpncerning the method of finding out i truth, or hazard myself to a general censure, concerning the wfeole arguments of my book. . !j . I mtist confess it did. not a little animate mjp, that the two persons, above mentioned, made exceptions to this anticipated general repugnance, and did so highly valine it ; jret as I knew it would meet with much opposi tion, I did consider whether it were not better for me a while to suppress it, ' Being thus doubtful, and !n my chamber one fair day in summer my.casement being opened towards the South, the sun . shining , clear, and no wind stirring, I took my book' in my hand, and kneeling on my knees devoutly, said these word : O thou eternal God; author of the light which shines upon me, and giver of all inward illuminations, I do beseech thee of thy. infinite goodness to pardon a greater request than a sinner. ought to make! I am not satisfied enough whether( ' I shall publish this took. " If it be for thy glory, ! beseech thee give me some sign from heaven ; if not I shall suppress it! , " I had no sooner spoke these words, than a iouu, vnmign geuun uuib caie iroui Ik a . f H S mmm am 1b tv A 4 t-k mm, my m mm. M mm 4 1 HFaveus iur ii was iiiic uuiuuig uu caiuii which did so comfort and cheer me, that I took ray petition as granted, and that I had the sign demanded, whereupon I resolved to print my book. This (how strange soever it may seem) I protest before the eternal God, is true ; neiUier am I any way superstitious ly deceived herein, since I did not only clear ly hear the noise, but in the serenest sky that I ever saw, being all without Colud; and I did, to my thinking, see the place whence the sound came.' . Whatever . this Extraordinary noise may have been, whether a supernatural sigh, giv en especially from the the heavens, in an swer to his prayer ; or an ideal impression on his senses, created by the vividness of im agination ; or a' natural " but fneiplieable sound issuing; from some invisible contact of the elements; it at least proves the' admirable principle of Edward Lord Herbert, that what ever he would give to the world should be to the glory of the giver of all genius,, wis dom, and abilities. Did this .spirit pore in fluence our modern writers of every? descrip tion, we should not have so mnch false phi losophy, so many almost libertine works of fancy pouring from the .press It is well known that when CongreVe drew near his last, moments, ill tne bitterness ot I A .mm. mi -.MMMaMaZlAM M K Wm mAmIi ' ttM AMAMM I con8iuuarFcrvcr.tuiiui uiBgriuus., .c gru: .H alnnrl. nnl HpolarpH flint it tvaa thfl mpm. nrv of thP lirht srpnpji in hi rAavm? Sibhiph sat so neavy on nis. parting squi. ne wouia give worlds, he said, to commit every line of those applauded dramas to the names. It would be well if every writer, whetrer his work be lone or short, ffrave or gay, would reflect when he is writing it, ?on what it may possibly appear to him in; the last hours of his life, in the retrospection of a death bed. 4 -L ,Lord Herbert was one of the most accom plished men of his time. He possessed a fine person, a neart iormea to aenve pleasure from love, and all theelegance of ranik youth and fame. " He was surrounded by nattering friends in the shape of Soldiers, Statesmen, and Princes. He was adulated by women of all degrees, and even Queens were jeal- uus 01 ills smiles, ou iuuiicu, iiuo yuuug and amiable nobleman is seen sacrificing all their incense on'the altar of his Creator; he kneels devoutly before it and casting the first fruits of his genius to the earth, dictates it all to Him, or begs that it may perish ! This humility and piety is as exemplar as it - is admirable. ' ' v ' " ' From the (Tenn.) Farmer i : TRANSPLANTING TREES. ; The proper seasons for transplanting orna mental and 'other trees and shrubs, are the months of October, November, March, and ApriU In this cUmate, it is preferable that they bfe transplanted in October or1 Novem ber ; in colder climates, or when the season commences unusually soon and severe, it is best that the more delicate shrubs ana trees be removed in the Spring. Those which are natives of countries colder than the one to which they are removed, may be transplanted either in the Spring or Autumn-; but plants transferred to a less favorable climate should be removed in. the, -Springs when they - are better calculated to support the change witu out injurynd receive every .advantage that the warm season can anora. l rees ana piants may be safely brought to this and anyother South or Western State trom tne ormern cities in the Spring, and are not more liable to die on the way, than those that are native to our soil m bemg earned iromtne neiu to another. Choice fruit or other trees can oe obtained at the North, and if they are well " . - , I packed, no fear need jbe entertaiaed from the j J J - .w.. -. . I . is our opinion that the Peach, JrlQuli and PfiAvrc!' chr.M u . JatzX-i iWi. 3nf thtiw'siM-nmll. Amiim. S -VWtV Any tree however, the most delicate may be successfully transplanted in AulUQin,if a little protection is afforded them by covering' the rodts with strw, moss, or evergreen bushes', during the) first winter s1! . Maxim Honot and integrity alwava com. raand respect iVoxn the IrididuaEndprofliffate, and they will aUuad when, crowns crumble to the dust "and axe 'forgdtteh ind wn'Man's best monuments have passed away. FLOWER3 SHRUBS. Why does riot every lady who can afford ii auu. wn cannot nave a uerantnm or or some other flower in her window? -It is! yery cheap its cheapness is next to nothing ii you raise n irom seed, or trom a slip ; and it is a beauty and a companion. It was the remark of Leigh Hunt, .that it sweetens the air, Rejoices the eye, links you with nature and innocence, and is something to love. And if it cannoUove you in return, it cannot nate lyou : r it cannot utter a'hatp.fnl thinor: even for youf neglecting it J for, Jhough it is all beauty, it has no vanity, and, such beinir thecase, andlivineas it does Purely to do u i1- iy uuc purely t uo you goodnd afford yon pleasure. how will you be able to neglect it? We receivei "in imagination, the scent of those good nktured leaveS'. which allnw vhii in Mrfv flT iKol, . . i1- . I S? ""i .7r Un&Tr. 'or gpoq natured m?y are in mat respect aoove ail otner olants Land fitted for the hospitality of your room. iiie very leel of the leaf has a household warmth in it something analogous to cloth- ing ana comiort.- Boston rraveuer. PHORE IVEW GOODS! Late arrivals have pla ced in possession ofibe i undersigned, an audi ttnn.t Minnlv aF T A Tks PLE FATTC YDR Y mmtruuu3t among wuicn I f 1 r ! T s,l -1 UiSiSaUnFrmehahdEnglithPHnts.Mua. I m mrm. m m " Una, Flannels, 4c. ?c He has also, to rent, on accommodating terms, an Elegant STORE ROOM, and several comfortable upper Rooms in j his IS ew Brick Building. j B. B. SMITH. January 27, 1841. 9 NEW GOODS. JUol received htly cases . Straw Goods, consisting of all rt tia litia. n, T .bernnm iV Ntrnur j . . b ... ) Rnnnata all Af wtiiM, ... rF I thrown mannfecmre. Also 1000 Nun's BonnetrJ 60 dozen xi and boxes, and & large assortment of Flowers, which makes our assortment i eaual to anv ever onered in this State all of which we will sell for cash as low as can be purchased in New York. ' K WARREN, J9ARPENTER& CO. Sycamore slreet. Petersbore, March 18 - w4t25 SPRIIVC STOCK for 1841. 1 Wholesale. I am now in possession of a large and well selected assortment of HATS of the Various qualities, - manufactured ex presaly for me. ; Having 2 visited )he ilil&mit' Uaniifoifnrioa nrlv in. Tanna. Lyf fiveB out my oroers that sufficient time might be given for, getting them op in a superior manner, f Saa1 MA: Vasl4anitll in MTV 4xV t9 T tf AtSl W W4imfmTt-mf tXrYiSt I f r,"j vVzr'A. " 1? JTiL s II rrZ-il lmena purcnasing meir uopu in wm rwnwuiswiu Richmond Markets, but also those who may pass thro on their way further NorU to an examination of nay I stock. . i -:' ' . . I hayO also an unusually large assortment of Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats, all of which I am determined , to offer on the most accommodating terras. 1 -p PRANCI MAJOR, ! 8ycamote street Petersburg, March 18. w4t25 - ' VARNUM, EGERTON & GO. ! STCAMOE ST. PKTBBSBXraO, VA. , A RE now opening a more extensive, complete and A desirable, assortment of Fancy , and Staple DRY UOODS than they nave ever had ; selected witn. great rA An A unflar thA mrct favmhlfl riwnmtlflTirp fcr wholesale and retail trade. ; They would respectfully J aik the attention of dealers to their stock. 1eine Confi-1 dent' that their prices are as low, and their terms at liberal as any House in the Slate. - - i JACOB B. VARNUM j ROBERT C. EGERTON, I JOSEPH H. PALMER. ; March 25 3w25 BOOTS SHOES. t Having considerably extended my business in the manufacturing- of I BOOTS and SHOES, I am now . enabled . to keep constantly on hand an assortment of Gentlemen s bhoes of dinerent qualities.! ' I would thank those who wish a good arti cle, and are disposed to encourage our own Mechanics, to gire me a caH, with the Cash ; as in future, I shall sell .on no other terms. . ; . CC?. Gentlemen wishing to see something very su perior in the Boot line, will please call and examine for inemseives. , . v. vvniixu. Raleigh; March 22 6t25 ; i ' ' atZ ADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTa 9 RY' Citizens of -The undersigned respectfully infbr., respecuuiiy inwrl Citizens lof.Raleigh and the rtjacent Counties, that he has jecenUy opened an JMajisnoqeAton X ayctte- tabuahment on Favctxe-I ville street, four doors North of the Post Office, whaiQ he intends-to keep constantly on hand, as well a to make to 'order, the ' following articles, which he will dispose of to Cash or punctual Customers, on as good terms as tan be parchased elsewhere, viz: - Best stitch ed, plain and ahafteaa Baddies ; Common, do. Undies, Martingales and Saddle bags, together . with every other article usually kept in similar Establishments, His materials were selected by himself, and are Of the best' that can be purchased in the Northern Markets. From a long experience in business, he feels justi fied in saying that, for nearness and durability, his wont eannov oe aurpB8eu.v eysuuujj nuiuu m from persons wanting articles in his line, previoua 1. . 1 tt r..ii i: t. fry exertion on bis part to give enure satisfaction to an who mavl favor hirh with their rjatronage. Old Work fcMV1 j r . g ; repaired With neatness and despatch j, Also for i sale, an, Excellent , Brass mounted SULKT GEORGE FISHER. March! 25 3m26. WHOLESALE: The Subscribers would inform 'Merchants' and. others, that they ' have received their: Spring ' supply of Fur, Leghorn and Palm Leaf DATS, f the latest and most' approved styles, which wiH be oflered at the lowest possible prices. Petersburg, Va. March 20. 25 4t ... i -. mi ta. Watch and , Clock Maker . JEWELLER AND SILTERSMrTH, 1 RespectfcNy informs his old customers and friends, pnbh eeneralry, that he is prepared to repair lk,n4ff Walcbe8 JeweHery; and Silver "fJTT 817 I' 6 hV kilful and stead v workman and will besides also gi,e the business hi. persona! attention ; ami from his knowledge of all the different branches of busi- n8 he flatters himself that he wiH be able to give general satisfaction. ma ouop is in me oivre former- 1 Iv occUDied bv HazlettKvle. deeeased. taearlv Anno. lheewAlarketHouse: ' " :"' - visiting the City would find it totheir interest tO'give him a call, as his prices will be such as to suit the times. Raleigh, March I, 1841. '91 15 tai rtate of North Carolina. Craven Coun- 3 (y County ,Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. February jerm, A. D. 1 841. Tyrannic Tlrttxni nor Jnhn T)rnnor onrl Jnn. Yia wife, rthe said Jane the daughter and only child of k ' I Dawson Dowftme Bernard. John. Edward and Jane Lionnelly, (who are the children of U arbara jJonneUy, otherwise Downing,) Edward Donnelly, son of Mary Donnelly, (otherwise Downing,) John, Samuel, Robert and Edward Downing, (children of Jane Downing,) f STITIOSEBS-f . Aeainsi. John M. Roberts, Administrator of Edward Down-1 ing, Kose Quin, (widow 6t James Qom, and danghter I of Mary Donnelly,) Michael McC lemon and Sally his wife, (the said baHy being also the daughter of said Mary Donnelly,) James, Dawson and Francis Down ing (who were sons of Jane Downing aforesaid,) Defendahts. It being proved to the Cbort, that the Defendants, Rose Quin, (widow of James Quinf) Michael Mc Clernon and Sally his wife, James Downtne. Dawson Downing and Francis Downing, are not inhabitants of ,u - T. : -- l v .v.-:.i rt-- ui: -ww . 11, la wucint WT UiO WaUX VUUIU VUttl UUU1U t?"0".00 mfac ' "w". successively, m me """'P register na tne ua ose uin, Micnaei iTiviciuuu auu daily uia wue, dames UQwmng. 4aw- son Downing and Francis Downing-, appear at the bounty tvourt ot fleas and Quarter Sessions of Craven County, at tne Court-house in Newbefn,'- orj the sec ond Monday of May next, and plead, answer or de mur to the said petition, otherwise the same will be ta ken pro confeewr against them and heard accordingly. Witness, James U. btanly,- Clerk of said Court, at rsewbem, the second Monday of February, A.D. 1841. v -rr - J. O; STANLY, Clerk. Pr. A,dv.$6 25. , :, 20 5w ROWTON, nf th SUIZA TSTVECER j . - This celebrated and nnsuTpaased English Race Horse and capitar Stallion, will stand the present sea- son at Wilton, Granville county, ,N. C at ,$50 a Mare, and. $75 to insure, due whenhe is ascertained to tie with foal, or isparted wiih,withl to the Groom. The season money will be due the 1st of July,' at which time the- season expires. Mares fed at 33 cents per day ..which must be paid before they are re moved. Black servants boarded : free of 'charse. Great attention shall be used to prevent accidents and escapes, but no responsibility for any which may hap pen. I pledge ray sell to my friends and patrons, to do them justice in all respects, If they will send 6 Row- ton. For his racing in England and that of his Colts, see hand bills, . , EDWD. H. CARTER. Wilton, March, 1841. 26 Uune t. A,r 3 VT- TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Pitt Goun dou rt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb ruary Term, 1841. William R. Somerell vs. Rufus K. Hearo. Original Attachment. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Kufus JC Hearn not an inhabitant of this Stale; It is ordered bv the Court, that tmblieatior be mla in the Raleigh. Register for, six weeks, that the said. nolus a.. Hearn appear before the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Pitt, at the Court-house in Greenville, on the first Monday in May next, and replevy or the Court, that publication be made in the Raleihg plead -to, Issue, . judgment final will be entered Register for six weeks successirely,' notifyingaard de against him, x . .;V. . . . fendant to be and appear before the "Justices of -our Witness, A rchibald Parker.CIerk of our said-Court. I nt f ?onrt of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions tobe held at Office in Greenville, the firstonday of February, j A. D.1841. ' " ' ''! , 1 ARCHIBALD PARKER, Clk. ClTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Pitt Coun- ty Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb ruary Term, lS4li - Wnifam Clark vs. John Sailer1. ' Original Attachment. ' - It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John Sailer ianot an inhabitant of this Slate 1 It is ordered by the Caurt, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register .for six weeks, that the said John Saifer annear before the Magistrate of the Conrt'of I Weas and Quarter Seasions. to be held for the countv I of piu m. u,e Court-iouse in Green viite," on the first e o;, .1 k. fAnr. ;n r.. u a . 1 Monday in May next, and -.replevy or plead to issue, or ludsment final will be entered asaioet him. Witness, Archibald Parker, Clerk of our said Court at office in Greenville, the first Monday in February, A. D, 1841. ARCHIBALD PARKER. C Ik. -rrm-wS k w a rrwgfw Tk. r.. s.i, I . ' I be rejected,' and the plan of Pcstalozzi will be pursued as much as -possible, namely, to develope the powers SMW mm ' -mr w. vmrw IflW aw mrw WW SHf of the mind by presenting: ideas and not s mere mass of words. The memory will be exercised, but not over taxed. Aa central a location as can be pcored, will be chosen ibr the School. . : . - -'h )'' A Children will be admitted from the age of three to seven. .. ; ; . t 1. Tsas Th first C!ass,which will embrace the elements- of Natural Histdry,Hitoryt Natural. Ph meaUb osophy, Arithmetic, Geography. Grammar. Writinir.l eral share of lheu1 poblic patroaage, and ITv- merand lend Drawing, perSesaion, I Drawing, 'peroesaion, . ; . Hlo 60 Second Class, - ' - " r-: jf 50 VSTaird Class,'.-'. '. v 0 60 r CI? Those who wish to patrooixe the 8cboot, will be so ood as to send their names to Miss Memsb, at Mr. LreMessuricT s, corner of Morgan and Salisbu ry streets. . Feb. 12. 14 I Rotates of JTorth Carolina Lenoir Coqn- tr. Codrt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jan v Iwy Term 1841. ; - '; W. ' c . r- Stephen White, . - -.' T.I i .- v-,-v - t - j-J vs. .r : ... vunguul Atlacnmeni, levied, c. Bryan Burnet. J ' . i 7 , . it appearing- to the satisfaction of the Court, that Bryan Burnet is not to inhabiun't of this State i It is ordered that notice be given; by public .advertise mentintbe Raleigh Register; forsix weeks, thathe said Bryan Burnet appterore the Court of Pleas tnd Quarter Sessions, to be held for tho . county (of Lenoir, at the Courthouse in Kinston, on. the firs! MorU?fl V flf Anril nTi. ami Mnla mnA nlon1 tniun. or jndgmerit final will be entered uri against him on m attachment. Witness; LewbC; -Desmond. 3!erk of W Court, at Kinston; th first Moiiday of Jar a n id.ii ' . ivwrac xvatrfJr on. . 'V P7Adr $5 Tea . H 6W gJTATB OF NORTH CAROLINA Lenoir rs7 " j m i wu ucuwt umivui January lerm, t4i. Daniel Andrews, , vs. . Original Attachment, levied, dec. Bryan Burnet. . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that. Bryan Burnet is not an inhabitant of this States It isjprdered that notice be given by public advertisement in the Raleigh Register, for six weeks, that the said Bryan Burnet "appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the coo nty of Lenoir,' Uh.? Courthou8e ifa Winston, on the firstMondayof r wl I aAw nl AVlAwvt And rtlaA Sa inniiik m,m a..L "!u. F-'V I"P ment final will be' entered up against him on thia at tachment. Witness, Lewis C. Desmond, Clerk' of said Court, at Kinstoh, the first Monday of January,; A. D. 1841. LEWIS -U. DESSMQND, Clerk. V Feb. 18. Pr, Adv. $5 62 14 6w , ?tatebf Nortli CarbllnaLenoir Coun Olv. Coutt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Janii'' ary Term,. 1541. William Fhiliips, William Jordan, William Ormonil. i Danieh Mary, 8tephen and John Fish, infants, by their Guardian, ' Petition for partition of the Viands of the late John Fish', Samuel H. Coward, deceased. VS. 4 Abner Coleman and Mary Coleman. " It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Abner Coleman and Mary Coleman, the defendants, j are not inhdbitants of this Slate : It is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh Re gister, for the said defsocants to appear at the next term of said Court, to be held for the county of Le noir, at the Courlhouse ih Kinston, on the first Mon day of A pril next,! and plead, answer or demur, of the petition in this case will be taken pro eonfesso, and set for bearing: - r : ... -. ' W it ness, Lewis O, Desmond, Clerk of said Court, at Kinston, the first Monday of January v"l84l..' - LEWIS .C, DESMOND, Clerk. Feb 12 PrAdV$5 2J " : U6r- jTate of north Carolina, w am 3C00HTT, Court -of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Vbruary Term, 1841. - j Samuel G. Smith and Wife Sarahs Isham Baucom, James Nott and Wife Gillv. Gray Dunn and Wife Lydia, Wesley, Johnson, Berry Johnson,, f ark H. Whitaker and wife Emily, Willis Johnson- vertui. . t ; TJriaa Baucom, Ransom Busbee and Wife Har riet, Gustin Banks and Wife Candace, ' and Sidney Baucom.... - ; : i - - . Petition for Division of Land. ;'v It appearing to the salisfaction xf the Court, that Ransom Busbee and Wife Harriet, Gustin Banks and .Wife Candace and Sidney Baucom, who are Defendants in this case, are not inhabitants of .this State ttt is therefore orderedhy the Court, that publi cation be made in the ' Raleigh Register for six' weeks, uccessiteiy, notifying said - non-residents to iei and appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held, for the .County of Wake, at the Court Heuse in Raleigh, on the third Monday in May next, then and there to demur to and answer this Petition, otherwise the Court will proceed 19 bear the same ex parte as to them.'and to grant an order for partition according to. the prayer of the' Pe titioners.. . . . ; Witness, Alfred Williams. Clerk of said.Court at Office in Raleigh, the third Monday of February, 1 841 . i 21 A; WILLIAMS, C. U. dilate of North Carolnau WakeCoun- 3 ly Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Feb ruary Term, S 841. Ransom H. 8milh, ) " vs. - v Attachment levied on Land. Hardy T. Lewis. y ' It appearing to the satisfaction of the Caurt htat the defendant Hardy T. Lewis, in this case; Is not an inhflhitnnt of this State i It i tbn-efnre ordered 1V far the County of Wake, at the Court House, in Ha leigb, on the 3d. Monday in May next, then and there to repletjrand plead to issue, otherwise jadgmenthy default will be granted against him, and the land le vied upon condemned, subject to the s lainuff'sreco very, r't",! v v 1 j .-.-.; U i. c:it Witness, Alfred Williams, Clerk of oar said Court, at office, in Raleigh, the third Monday ef February, Q TATE OF NOJiTH jCAROLINA,- LTt Cra-vsm CotJirry Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.? February rTerm, A, D. 1841. n.rAr Rn,.n r.nU. 1TUW-,., nl Ami hi. wife. Jniia Gardner and nnnn, M. , n.-' . , '. Gardner, Jfetatpntrst - Lofer w E. M. Wadaworth:- James B.' Wads- worth, and Thomas Wads worth. Defendants, - ' fruuum jar wvuton oj.Liana, :- It being proved to the Codrt that ins Defendants are not inhabitantaef this State, It is ordered by the I . 1.1: : t ' 1 saiu vouri, puuiicauon uo raaue ior ne weess, ll.ihtl M Wm. .ml n..,t., KWMAM. AffT..MM iAM ty; at the Court Honse in Newbern, ! on the second Monday of May next, and make their defence-to tins petition, ' or the said petition Wilt be taken : pro ion- festo agai-sst them; and bear4 accordingly. i Witness, James U. Stanly, Clerk, of said Conn at Newbem, Uie 2d Monday of February, A. D. I4f. - j;s a,w : -v. jtj-j. Qi 8TANLY,iderkl s March 18. PrAdv."$S. ir24fiw;ii 1 V V hongbr the Washington Hotel,- J therefore Iseeu-tdo not use every asetnoU te reaneT ttmileocB- 1 fortable and happy, wbQe iamy, hops Great' rmin 1 tses ' are, seldom redeemed ICawefbre-shttjaala I none; but invite all to ; stop fend, try . for themselves, J My prices will be moderate as osual In similar plaeea. A. 8. WYNNE. pi; va till. May let. :.v.'.'VJi'i Jii. on " k anxious af carrying fhuyexe. cution his long' cherished intention of itrooyjhg to' the West, offers for sale that very, valuable IaWuW 'i taent, in thsfeCity. of Raleigh,, known ari theiClTY HOTISL. Having h&4 personal charge & thf Hotela Ibr several years, the Subscriber, can speak, from Jjiis own knowledge as loathe prbdHctiveneas and yalue of the property.' Xo a person, who lsr weiracqoiintd' , with the bostnessj the certainty if. i profitable Irivisr ment nf his money '-will be erture It irwi'ysx hasf commanded, and, from Us eligible 'sHuaUotpliraya must command a far;propoitienofcaaton'Itaa vantages as a Public House arrtoo Unmerbn ,toJ he detailed ia an Advertisement, oat can be; alemonsurt'. tea io any one lnciraea xo jmrcnase; - i ne j.erma py sale, which win be very aceotnmddatmg;fyb : known on applications i4ftjlt"fa-'Ki:'l iU",ar" 4iAl?lEL MURRAYf Raleigh, Jan 27, 1841. t U-"':&i A.The'fobsiihs'a PIsjhTation'of , 200Acres bf LaridsUui' within. 2 mUca'otvRa.' leiga. Known o in uuiu frnvu:' Standard and, 55tar,-Ul forbid, 4 State of JTortti' Cai'ollnni LenoW Coon-.; ty.; Court t PleAf and Quarter Sesskn, JaalxH ary Term, 18413 WilHam HollarxLT f ? k vs. ' VOHgihal AtUchtnent, levioOe Bryan Burnet. 3 : ' "i 1 -.. It appearirig to the satisfaction f the Cowr. Afiat Brran Burtiella not an inhabhaht f this 8tate.rr . is ordered that tiotice be gi ven by pttblic ad vertWe-0 iuci.i m me naicign negisier, ior srx weeas, nai me said Bryan Burnet appear before lbs Court' of Pleas'' and Quarter Sessions 6 be held for the cunry ht iu uvuiiuuui.-iu.uiiiuuii, viriuv am Monday of A pril next, and replevy and' plead ttf fs- sue, 'or judgment fiharwilllVnunpagiin on tbi attachmehfe '' W Clerk of said court, at Kinston, the first MendayoP Jannary-A. DrtSMih-W'-t Feb 1 " .Pi At$mi'&A iJWfe taite ofXor tlx Carolina,- LeooirCoonv ty. . Cowt of Pieas ahd Quarter Sessions, Jan- uary William lam xiouanu uu, Jh.i!.ii t....t.l . -, - Bryan Burnet, ir ci ty'.fe Yf . f. It appearing te; the satisfaction of the. Conrt that . Bryan Bui net is not an irrhabitaiU of this 8tst t It ' is ordered that oeiice be given by ; public derUse- s ment in' the Raleigh. Register,' for. six weeks, that the , said B ry an Burnet appear -before the Cnurt of Pleas and Quarter 8esionsi to be" held : for the county1 rif; Lenoir, at the tfdurtbouse in Kiiistruv oa the itix?. Monday of April-nxU Sad replevy and plead toitH sue, or judgmont final will be entered ap sajnst.hirn on this attachment.', Witness,.' Lewis C. Desmond Clerk of saidtourt, at Kinston; tire' first " JaniiaryVA:Wl4n V3 rrLuy J '': ' v f. LEWIS. .C. DESMOND,- Clerk.' " Febl2 . r iPr Advj $63 t .r h llt ftwr- ; nary James E. . MetU,". vs. , Original Attachment, levied, oco. . It appearing . to the saUs&ctioti of the Court, that Bryan Burnet is not an inhabitant of .,lhis Staler' If " ifl'orderedhat notice be given by public advertise' meirt in aRyeif hlTester for fcm?t!ii(itui said Bryan Burnet appear before1 the Ctorxnpf Pleas and Quarter : Session, ta be held for the eooqry''cf 4 T - - . a 1 ' - X ' . IT. . . , - , m - ueouu, at iuo ouruionse. in . JDvnaipQ, on me .nrst Monday of April nexu' and replevy and plead to issue.-. orjddgment fihal wiil be entered tip against hint on4 ' thir attachment Witness, Lewis CiDesmona7CIeTk 1 of sskl Court at KirWtoBlhe first Mondsy-of Jana ' fyj A. U; 1841 fill WIS C. DESMOND, -Clerk. iU Feb 11 Pr,A4xJ-62J? it ate,of Ifortb Carolina LeriofrCoaa ty. Court of. Pleas and Quarter Sessions; 'Jan? oafy Term, 184K Daniel Andrews, Original Attachment, levied, dec. , ... Bryan Burnet. 1 Tt appearing to the satisfaction of the Courts tkat " Bryan Burnet is nbt sn inhabitant of thhr State; It1 is ordered thar notice be given, .1 pbHe arnise.' ment in the Raleigh Register for sis weeksthai th a , said .Bryan Burnet appear before the Cortef. Pleas 'i and Quarter Sessions,: toi be held for., toe coontj. of.'. Lenoir, aV the Courthouse in "Kinston, on the fi rst ' Monday of April next, and replevy and pliad tolssne', or judgment' final will be entered tip sgslnsf hHrSfoht -this attachment ' Witness Lett! C. Destnond,lDlerkr i of said Court at Kinston, the first Monday of Janeaiyv,. i A. D. 1841. r LEWIS C, DESMOND. Clerkv; Feb. . u:.;'tfkM-&:in:?.-- iw,. State of Ndrtli CaroUria.-LenoirCotin-ty. .XJoort of, Pleae and Quarter Session Jaa Chauncy Graham,"l t , 1 1 s: ; j - ' V Original AUacteiehtJ'Ievied; 4e. Brjan Bornet; yFp - ttt ietf v.? , It appearing to tha satisfaction of the Coart, that "1 Bryan Bnrnet,M,not.an4ababitant,of lhisl8tatet It is ordered that notice be given by public adyertissment in the Raleigh Register for "six weeks, lhat the said Bryan BurneLSppear, before lbs Court of Pleas snd Quarter Sessions; to be held for the eooniy of Lenoir, . at the' CoHirthoose fa Kinatonori the first Monday e Apt il nest, an repleyytand plead to Jssut, orjddg ment final wilt be entered up. against him on this, at- tachment.; Witneaa' Lewis C J?Mood. -CJefskef, said Court, at Kinston, the filer Monday of Janbary, A; D. 1841, h LEWIS" C. DESMOND,, Clerk. h , . .Feb 12 r . v . Pt Adv $5 etj , T. t y U dwf- tate of North Carolina; LenoiV Coun4 gS ty.'" Court of Pleas and Quarter SewoasV Jaarj-Tt lm& vs. C Original AlUchment, levied, e;M Bryan 'Barnet r -'A!iM4J3t!ia ShmJtil i 1 Jt sppesrinflf to the sa.lirfafetionofha Qonr .jhat Bryan Burnet w doV is ordered that notice be. given by i-ublic advertise- ' ment lit the Raleigrx Register,' lot six weeks, that the ' said Bryan B araet appUr beforit he Court of Pleas 1 ana ituaner essionsA 10 oe new tor tne-cousty 01 j Leaeir. at tb Connhoose la -Kinston:' M the first 7 Monday of Ap4t nextrand repteay and plead taiasue, e r jodgmentnal will be entered up against Jurn, oa .. this auachmero. Witness, Lewis cVDesmond, Clerk', of said Cooit Eofctonthe first Monday otfJannary, , A-U.rlor4I,Ts IiG WI 7. DESMUn D,' Cierav ' - Via tt m d. .. i ,aa m. i . m .. vannei &ianiL--cied of kxouhuuf cpauf for sale at fosrsa's Miitsr 17 miles North sf f! eigfu. .Th'eJSabscrlber M.lhe-alove Lambtr. meet k Ivaeaaoned.' leeiher with a larre" andiocxeasia .as : Cji tate of UTorth CaroUnaLerjmrun-' 3 ly Court of Pleas and Qoarter.SessIensJanv term, 1841i .Vv-''J sfis .a H sortmentofotbodicrii . 'i hfytoe? prlcVihailTmeTttine jirticleeatt bfl)CS;U U'' ' w.b rt i.rthi Kill, las lower' the-crica. - - 1 prompt attention toCall orders addressed tothsuSiU soriber, P. M. Wakenehl. February 12. 4 S7 "4 .s. T 15 x-' . .... t ' 1