- , , , , , ; , - ' v, -., . - ft. ' I r- Trehc&&ertnan Fancy Stott Til rrrt r x j J I r fcY.Wnnrtv. are etteodirirlbeirlmeaDafaCt opened' on Mon jay . the 3 let iosL a NE W T0R B, j- - -h Petition Jto sell Jio4 ,, ..T v . r, r tij Tirtoe of Decree of tlie Court of Eguity, mado in Vbove trained t4se, the Sastriber;wilt kprdcsed to ielt afc PuWie U Kh&qb, to 'the f MihettWdJeTi ppipmodatforj.-arM expect, by jhe opening of he eea son, to be able'io afford foortorlabla ntertaiatoeot to W, hbhdret and ;fifty of tBrf(;hun,Ired ' Their CkbTna if well iamlsbetf, V17 juid comfortawe where rtver,, wui ; keep trnand ja. Jarge assortment of such article especially a belongs to lb JTewel-- aww '. rva aai 'finiaiinnu srw inn aa-t 1 Xlntf jn general. Aa they fntend to accommodate al- UWINffERof AC, uitJS.i'AT4. )?,, I ! Monday, the 16th WyC of Aoiuitjhe Jt i tmioM --their StaWesgboa. wifn.npump pijvywy in the yard. TTheir Bar abaH be rniahed willxlbe tv:w hn,V T.iniinri that can be brocQrdL and grl day f AuiUfCtiimtj Court) wavaonrtne most reasonable terms, tney.BoiieUf a s.-.- c " k share r of public' patronaee. The most of thelf iooda wworaie ano unsurpassed. En 1 .at 1 ! 'Ffcor-HX SKtXX. f , iheir Tabl wlOT the beat aoppUct the countrywill by thla medicine,, fo; biridj of good Jiloaie 'wiba alwaya in at-' are aelectcu w tlh ;, great car ach wiUbeaoldonrea, Granule ouniyt w. J one their assortment areT : WS ?? tfmsure, due when .he U aaJi?.! AFi-the'r of thefalherlew, nd a fntsfot wiJ Baltimore markets; an f . which it God in hi holj habuatjon." fuums, c. o v. . - " i teruiaDCv. iohcuiuctjuuiuii yy YT.-Yft' rL : . . - i- i-if.-2.- -iv- -i -i . . , ' f .n't,--",.ti. At. wQer von wiilibutoq nearoi poungBuvnii.7i. , i.Tinin ineir enoru o rentier im ewu uuucu. Yt 1 vi K ! vlfTTIHr Soboriben respedfallj. mnouixe' wilie :f rmHE.SdWpbewS Wonaeqwoerf f VYitHof jEJalicei arid Ihe ieinttTi that thar I I; ,v ,1.!'. i.nliniTlhMf mMM AI UN I rB .;..,, i.-' "a ' t . . X lav a . m 1 life' 1: - V l-v Iff: ill m if L. 4 - V ft departure for the South! fV . ny.; uoa pemena wj iuuiB i! j 1 1 county 01 M-1 ' . MaV tifiwA if a Ihea.-hovet t4'v -V I TbomaaTV ht't.:,;-S:iuJrMi-Hf'il.W don for t5 ; ? . -v.--r-" A ? . I to seiK Ift i K t ? Ti-y eartbly 1aef cannot gt-weJL. w Li i-- ItV .fr'WMM 1Mtomj'i ikituaie.'!? V TtnliWbir. f id6eabctid thee , I mM eok unto'the orpKan'ra God.; feCnaouthern cUnie roarnr , ;t JRthy ;8teja.d thy n?", ,. V LeithWBV dearnaUte nonie. ; ,f j ftuiif tn M, : f When atranger tanda thea ahalt bave trod " And eorroWe ahafla thy bean eav .-Ol-loofcunto orpl'flodW? , ;.: ' r iCik'&i -?K'ri -"". Tea,ooKfUaVfikUh iaidbaniaVfeaf ii. Halt cornibrt thee, when fl diatrea! 1 Thy Toice of prayer He then will hear , -it. The Father of the fetherleas. . . w Twaa hard tepjart f boU ben. ao v.- T 4We1l kiaa ourratber'i diaaCmnod, iAaauredthat hereaoe'er .tbou'U go ,v . ou nere will find the orphaira God. ; Has just received a gen assbftment'of ladies. tlsaeaand -niwren onoea., - hand a fdrissortmehtW'IiaUiea fine uatl onoea 0x4 .-J.? ,:iytm? nii-ti.'i -. til ShdtsFresh Storing Sutmltt ,rii:Ju8t-r66eiVerJ di- ' reddy from PhQadelTjhia ayery exteh aive aisorfment : of eoar vknd fine - woA cOTswtmginpajt oTtto 'denulmehdois . 1 ? 1 i , . na wo on bhiu wb ue c uj iuci ( 1N Hia rfbHoushairie'well hope to bleai, ; !' rjEHe4 . at'hi. Hia iotyieet 'i i , - . 1 1 V iik Shc PnmpfcdlipP - J&adiGaither Bootawfth J5ilk and Prunella topa1 ' V-w -ilHack JE& Sfii'Uteat'PhuaDhia Style. t Priealrom 6ucent8toS5i-50-' . is' rf! Kt rf Plaid -PrnnBlk do a new .isr- i f x BayMiase S JAJaJ0M.iUVJUJUa( ; 4 .?' KaJeigh. Maj;13iif :rt 40-. m desirous either . in private' families. Ili. testimonials" will be found perfectly satisfactory and Jus terms moderate. Apply a ai. iaa Aliases, rotuwr; RafejghJgay.toV A84l.j !Ibre, New Goods ! !! More Manchester Gmghams, very cheap ", few splendid .worked .Collara and Capes, :4714ire'jiEdgV ' ;SJAMES M. TjptWLES. i 4 AfaySO. 2; &ne&aaeL TVnvlaratldriCmnaiiT. ltwMeifit'!ofth Stockholders wilt Uld ft the Towtf of iFayettevilla, on Friday, the raXKYrr Was taken up.by DamerVY.-Hag. Z'.9&&f. "v,n8 8t w VP0? W .--tv tviiTa rpad,;horopp fe heof 4ycara ' 8briii with vrbite toM'feeC Iraiae4 to r'Tiun-L . V A ? wtii i4-' r DoDars. L . i il-.I i j Old tins Seventy JOBJkLlrER; Ranger. llitltpeetingcf tb8tocliholdejrof the Raleigh, and s GastotfafT RbaeTCompafly wilt tie held at Iba-Cr- fiee of the' Public Tfeastrrerr in tlW City; of Raleigh, on the" 'first MondaV 1 f 4inenext. : The inter esti of the Cpany reottire aiiiollan aTtehdanee its ..caiti:SweWt -il?UI please enstn f PATTERSON; caident. j r Raleigh & Gastori Bail Road OSce, -ft tor J.trf Carolina. ' - . -- .-e - 4' - l t v DiAWcnft -.ait. ,r.i- :asi tvik ion r ... Xyilllam II. Ilanvood, Jr Esq. na- . 3 ving accepted rllbe appointment of thia bcnly,' ro ad drea. thaw Wteryietie. o s.-" v North CIia,oWa a ?d Wane next, lConirriencem.ot.i f bewfj th day-before tne Annual; Dtfbjje notice thereof,! ordered fxtW-iven&r.f ; ,wi&rYms.m!lM and .Iyille-Kepormjwill liaert until the first of lQtte;iji:Ymfsj 4 begin ort the eyening of Monday the 3lt .qf May . Balootiant3v.'Friday7th.a4tb ; '1"W IA nnrstfa ' ill Mif nn iMmW ru? in tL- Jialr-thatadentc, to those who fed enfficleni u wouHira, ana wnose iovc oi ieraare ana Science -toat indoce them- to attend, "that evaril ' j ictooSmodatiott; to. oar power which On add to their , pleasure, wlU ha rendered.-!- U;te: r-.: ..t . fon- pirio aeest,ijat Uiepresentris eb asaoat pmerOus of theFor , , '-ia compiewsu u euure COOtaev Of I ' : aeribed by the laws of this Institution; m&m v if. .rv m ALEx. TtOBERT CAMPBELL A. Wi SPAIGHT, iT.DALKfiR IZ-iLtvrv- AkMi-ww - .Sllrf! Ahafioait-.vtiit.; 'J?? 3 DtT .l! Af r'niuw fa nnn tft f hia TTifv nf I InB UltV At rfaleioh. ll thft first tt Jlina T1At lirOVI. I IH DUOllC oeminariBS, ot uj oeiecb -vtasaea, ur i vu uo uumuicu, iv iuhui. uw uiucj ,.r -. i I A- j TTTS , . nedc pntitgreatij? 0:1 mMemoir. tttsr SisteWCEssay on rGe. flirwbi fe: 'S'lS -MrarSigo&rr tlBeaaJA-pj ! s V r 38 ' : J6yv .?eRNE & HUGHES: Pefed,to look a well a. rrafromV Iv-vrm. ; MayU.. v ...y...... ;:,0-; dirtance ere respewtfally solicited, and till l thankv- . . .,i-Mfti' f ." te ii ; " It ixrrs opficb.. i hV'rtJ A" : - t 1 ; . -,,.7 7.- .; " ' ' I AnMxoBs. taeoded, &r. ' - v r 1 " r j - r i . leader eeeeoi mevourx W'. : waae .aioresaiu. - Tnawsin iqb cto w nnt nl nihrr in 'tttair ex 4m' PetUt o.i r T .w .v. c.i..n;u. :n Mwt I . fmiM -mx. - m mini: uicr .uuni-i iuci ...wm um. iuv-vu irv. the higbevtv bidder! at the aatae tune and aboTo . mentioned A" Tract ir!Laii, inir and oe'uitr in the county of Wakeafbre- WhU' Oik ;Creek.taioioinir rWlanda of Howell OHve Perrell Kne; "-and othera, coDtaintng ronr hundred and: 'c"icwe,1F;. V s "Term'aof Decree twelve 'arid eigt-teenirtonlh'a crer dk. Sonde and approved security wlH be .reoluired of thejtarchaaer . .,. ; . jifj;;,. - "1 TB...L,.:WEST; C. & M. E. , , 1?no: Mav 0 1841. 1 v k':vr:;..w6ir EDGElfOUTn SCHOOL. 4 .-'' V7I N tbia InatitoUorj, the Bcholaatie .'year 1a uivjaea "I ibio two Seaaiorjaoffive monjh8ach. Thenext Jsieaaioa will commence en ine zia 917,01. - a "The-; Directora of thia chool cannot too rgently reqdearthoearijentrajJceorPupi 1 The following urancnea wm oetaugaTiz: ' tyeOS TLogic, .. " Botany -, ' Redding, . " Arithmetic, .. Civil. History, Writing,,, MgetttOi r?-(.. , ccwwMcatao. iorie, ... Nat. Philosophy, Drawing. and . Composition, Mentals doi - Painting. , eiie Lettrei,. -Moral - da. ? Wor,Wk 4 BheutUm 'Chemistry,' i Shell-work 1 .. For. Board. and -Tuition per Session, $75. v;' .$v; Extra Charges per' Session.:: '! " X Frfehch. $1 0 Music on PianoV 820.on the Gui tar. 1 1 9Drawing and faintingf," $ 1 0 a coarse' of Instruction in Wax W ork, '-?0sneu iiWO,iso Books. Ktationiry and Muaici tep'l for the use of the School, una turni&uea ai inoaeraie rnces. v . 1 ; 'fhia Institdtion has been est abkbet at ; great ex- ilu.mnWnri exrrienca of 4he j".----"'.--wr , " 7 Z , u :n Teacher fimulfcYed. it is confidently beUeYed,tt..wU 4 The-Facolty bi" the Caldwell Institute. - ' - The Facbrtytof the Univerrfty of Ndrth Carolina. The Judeea of the Soprenie Court. r ; 1 ' U hGreensboroV C;MayvT ' " " ' 38 2m of Floorins FosmtiLrTnerNprthpf elgh. . The Subscriber has the ttote lmberf jmpat Jy aeajsonedi : together with a large and incrmsing aa aonment. ptotber eseHptima4hfeh'jheiIl.laeIlfr. a lower ' price, than the same article cati he Iwught in Wake,feThe larger jihe bill, the lower the price. r coea- in. Menew,,r! w. -, n. rwQUbim PTT aVTT SC1TOOI. W RAtEIGIi; Tbe U 1 bndersigned propose to open a Law S;booIs in The most approved course of Studies will be adopt edV and oral and written instruction will he given; showing, the alteration of the Law aa - lard down by . Black stone, ariai oar f ronr oof Acts of- AsMmUy aod the decision of oar Coorlav . The Stadenta will be re- qoired to undergo frequent and stated examinations; and when they shall have become aefficiently advanc ed, it is proposed that they shall hate a Moot Court, ; achaiotedwilh the fornla of PleaUng arid, Fractice m, the; Courts i)t j.hd State,'- A Complete course b( Stndlea will cinbrace twolveart but' Studcnla will be receiveu tor, any.snorisr.ptrrio-. a ue iwmi.ui.ii. L 'Z;7-' ;...t- 7n: 1 ". siruciiQU, anu ine use oj our orarft-a, wiu.uoiu per annumnor flQ, per month for any snorter; period i Saldgb, lAprU 84I t. ,v; J , TATEW SPRISG CSOODS. J A MES M Jj TOWLES has just returned; and fa now re I'caUinafrombAUiijaf aftd Philadelphia, 1 an extensive assortment of seasonable J FAN C Y and STAPLE GOODS, embracing almost evry -variety and quaUty. v--tv,,; f, - i l AV. w 'V . i" ' ..i i. r He flatters himself that if his friepds will -call at I at " ' : - . i . : " , - i? ; t. .t i u Uliendlalely oceopiedhjr Towlcs A CattafA, e''Wi. krKk doors North of .the New Markel,;they cannot fail to i roe pleased, as bis TJood must be sbld for Cash only. . -or lo punctnai customers, ana tnereiare on the lowest April 29tb, 1841. ,i 37 A CARDw-The vSltTibers bavins taken an HJ? 'and Aecounts due the ' late 'firms of B row n c S and3rownr vSbow; & 5? we earnestly' fnvite iiij frrm Aa??n Tys0ttdfe Cfc,' Murdock Mc concetned, to avail themselves of this Botina1',!?J?.K ; save themselves the call from a Collecting Officer. j ; --7: ' - ; , j.- brown,. . . - - ; . ii. MiV A fl.. tt aleign, 19th May, J84i; - - rr i v:42 St To ' chiUrm of tJohn Sturdivani and -s r-t-:-v- - r jL jr0KW. f " - W" Wrvrar tr' Vl OTICTE. The Sbscnler. aiAdmmiciniAr.r Uoooty of Wake and Stateof 'North Carolina, havlng - settled her estate and Da Id over to all her ii;rii. J. thMi propoftionate fhare. extent the children of John I Hnardivant, and hehildren of Amy Hobba deceased, hereby gives notice irf emrShfer in proper person or by Uwful attormea, to come forward and received their ; respeetiye distribnliye fcharea; as'he ha the ife SarahrHlAiiDBioWrtiet and wife' Euia; WiHiam tFtSHWfSfV.' ,BejWWt imdwife Faany, -v Fanny Tyaon Johh-'Ai-ftt thereon. 1 v y . v v , i - J.Ik ,stfmaMVifeLvdU.JohnTBAn.MAraTvrMv viiiTf : ; : HSTljRDiVANTAdril MayaiJC: w. ,AZW ! OR REST.-A comfortabfe l SjoryJ)wel- immediately Apply; at Office Vi;:-is;j j ; Kaleigh, March 5, 1841. 20 I lv tl ea-w-warrantea no to do aneciea py aamp- I f receiveq py v:tdkner:& 'Bcttiiwi; m .- t-.n- aa ai nn a ia a a v m ;fk;ttroo!t7oeti arid WhwW RaleighVif 13 ,an t'.,tQ.wait: m- the House. Possession driven 1 tdead.arwe; ! I 1l J I T b h T?5k r "":en it Office oeafthc r , cra a .vr ; TtP.T t. ir..i.r ! 1 I T f . 7 wrew nacii, i wih rent the tine I lh,-.r wwness,JottK LiHaiTnxasOarr Cter rifa.lSrSi ??m prtydc i I at officeViaeCityof Ralelghftbis Bthlof April t ri I -f T ?' i'v 7k - xilSW K i W. MILLEB5 5 A . .o-.r, 7-1 1 j; WHlSfvllERSON. Cfe;l , tkks's tii.is or: are tou ncnumu iubi LDiiWi 7 - : - . ... . MSMIvi xiVpij . KeaUTr lnW not cure so many, - - Ii oat w-ickuvI Vin tn t! ctring!hnndre of persoM death. 1 Bat now its onwaru course is unp.uvuB. 4 -It ia ai ia impoaaiaie 10 way w 1 leme.asHQnuan mB iusmng wuiw. vyoy. : ; 1 A life medicine, that will procrastinate death for, ma- j ny jears, hall it not enter every,houae V Shall it npt L be used by every individual 1 .' Let no toan aay.'I don t ! want if, X ou know not what to-morrow may nu orth. All ahould ose thia remedy ;and remem&er ua health -is the first Wesaingr from too. ... , The immenae and increagpoputariiy oi "meae 1 PflU, ia, Inother proot of the iniauipuuy 01 H1-, i 1. that troth, is Tjowerfnl and will prevail" Oth er PilLi re onlv Duffed, but Dr. Peters's are purchased and -raised, and recommended until the demand for them has become almost universal.' - 'Dr.-Peter would imoressthis fact ipoh the public. that hia Pills are not auack medicine s but a acientific compound of simples, which haa been the result of ma-, wr veara' iiitmM annlication to a profession in which he waa regularly . bred? hence it is as popular with the regular TacuKy aa with ine people ai large. . . One df theinanr coliar virtues of the Vegetable PUla,- iv'that whW very pwerful in their effects, they are particularly Vrid and gentle irr their aoton. Unlike tho generalityof medicine their application is npvftr attended with nausea or eriping. ' v j -. v Feten'a yewtahle PiiU are now regatded by thoae who hayei had an opportunity to decide upon' their me ritai as an inestimable public blessing. ' Without an exception irt any age tft cduntry, no me dicine has spread with such rapidity and given such universal aausfectiorul-. -a rT? ' The above Pills are for sale in the .City of Ra leigh, by' Messrs." WniiAMs .& Hatwood, and VV. M. MlsOa & Co. : and in Fayelteville, by E. J. Hals, at New York price. . . - - - ... - - May, 1841. 38 y iiitte of Itfortli CarOllna.SUPEEMB COURT.The Supplementat Bill and Bill of Kevivr of-Beniamin Tyson, surviving Executor of William Tyson,'dec'd. who was one of the children of naiuu 1 Ybou, uvu u. , u .nmiui ucicu, cui nuo 4y;-Who "was the relict of WiU'm Tyson, deo'd Aaron Tysonimeon Geren and wife Mary, and William P. Tyson, heiraal Jaw. and distributees of, William, Ty son, dee'd. : of Joseph E vans, Adm'r. de bonis non of Rachel Branson, dee'd.." one of the children' of Aaron Tyson, dee'd. : of Jane Evan's, only child of said Ra chel Branson, dee'd of Benjamin Tyson Ex.. of . the last will and testament of Cornelius 1 ysondecu. who was one of the children of Aaron Tyson, dee'd.: Af T.i. T T1.,..- , r-kw. VT;ll n1 -1A M.nh htr V, VaUK J 1 f VUU at law and dJstriButees of Corheliua Tyson, dee'd.; of Aaron Tyon, admrr. de honla.non or Jacob Tyson, dee'd. who was one of the children of Aaron Tyson, dee'd. : of Daniel C. Mbrdoch and wife Ameliay heir and distributee of Jacob Tyson, dee'd. ; of Archibald T. Smith, adm'r. of Jane. Smith, dee'd., who was one ot the children of Aaron Tyson, dec d. : of Archibald andiMordoch Mcintosh and wife Ehza, who heirs at law and distributees of Jane Smith : f NevinMcLeranand Rebecca his wife, who was the' daughter of Aaron "Tyson,, dee d, j of Aaron -Tyson, who is one of the sona of .Aaron Tyson, dee'd of Oenjaitjxio Ty son, who ia one of the sona of AaronTy son, dee'd. ; of Nevin McLeran, admr. ot Archibald Ttson, dec (L, who wu one of the sons of Aaron Ty son, dee'd. ; of Joshua Camion, and wife Ann, the re lict of said-Archibald Tyson, dee'd, ; of Alexander Ty ' -son and Margaret Tyson, the only.chUdrenW : Archi bald Tyson dee'd., who sue by their guardfan Joshua Cafmon j! of Nevin" McLeran, adm'r, with the will an nexed of Lydia, Tyson,1 dee'd.; who was one of the daogkjfcrs of Aaron Tysbn, dee'd. t : 5--:: (ii 'y a'H-:, k -Against " '' -;.; ';" . ; ,s Lydia McBryde, executrix of -Arch.' MeBryde, 3eCv who was surviving executotof Aaron Tyson,' dec'dV ne of the executors of William Tyson, dee d, and al so surviving partner of the several firms of Aaron Ty son & Co.y of .Murdoch, McKenzie dt Co., of McKeh zie, :Tyeon ft pxi and of, William Tyson & Co.? James McBryde, Archibald McB Mc Bryde, Charles Chalmers and ife Mary, Green ? J6hnl)eicStan3 Lft wife Fannyi Dohal h;MAm lUtk .t tnack ami- wile 1 ancy , ' James A Iston and wife Sarah, and wife Eliza,- William Diotrtnet and Dbhald Street and Wife Lvdla. who were f iK;Mrn 1m t.n .n JU.:kHt. .... a u:t." Tyson;' dee'd, who was ohe ofthe executors of Aaron Tyson, dee'd. and of fWiuiam Ty soA, dee'd. i - Fanny Tyson; widow of said John, and John Alston and wife Lydia; John Tyson, Mary Tyson, Edward Rollins and wife EHxa. BlakelirTysotC : Edwin' Tyson; William Tyaoti;;ahd Fanny Tyion;' children distributees and heira atlaw of JohnTyaon,' dee'd. ; Henry TWcKenzie, executor of Murdoch McKenzie who"was oWof the 1. mHI,M.H l4l. W. 1 m- . I. of said Murdoch McKeniie filed in thtf office of th Clerk brthe Sopreme Cdart of North CarolmiL on the 28thayWMarchA:!D1841 i e : r i v . " ' i! j -' " Ifrappearinff bvthe affidavit of '.-on of the tJninW: ?PIS' this catwe, that the Defendants, James Al ston and wife Sarah, John Dejourhet and wife Eliza, : WHnamDej.urnet and wife Fanny? Fanny Ty fK Afc ? .jk - riM ...m.. r f Edwin Tyaon,' William Tysd Fafrny Tyson and 1 wvrir-u-v. iu ..iT ri . and the lHnitiinzZ -i-4.-? and the Rainliiffs having Iheretrnn tiaeinent to made for the appearance of the said De- fendants, aSccording to the Act of Assembly in suchi riaarrii Tanit nrnnii!!' ik, tV. '11, .M.t re made and Virovided: ih ilriif i t Rollina and wife ElizWBlakWsonEdwiAT. W.Ty8oii,Fanny Tyson 4" Henry McKenzfe'are ae- f by some Sohchor -wf said Supreme Conrt.- to be an) mi i i i m - t .a. -r . a a - - . - aaia v"rr, u w noiden in the CJlty of "vwuu i.iuuuaT in duw ucju. ana r or rfcmnrlo fi 'Ptti'flPVrit t.?H j against te aid TOtmaant-aia theiri aaf fail to appeal ih.m .. .v.n f ::i .2 il? ri - :-ii ... r. Mr u vtha Tjnhi-e, iha w -.iifrv:.:!;: 4.iaTirKir .. . - - rr-Ti t aia -bm. a i its naaBp. v i vvsjAtTnii'a Ua l 1T,' .X-.". Aato the medicinal propertiea of the Buflalo waters it mrgbf be aufficienl to refer to tBe,"aubjoind. state iruinwof DriHafris ind Veikhte.t'woBeritleinetf of die- (inctioD tn their nroiewjion ana wen acqyamieu wiu jm " .'. Lit in an diseases. acts, the sub. faet as coming within hia own knowtedae to wit s Thator the last on a.-' fvWvi;Vfrtf!.n tnrfrftA tiave reaiJed af the Buffalo Springs, and" tnat no instance 01 ouious or a'n and Fever ever occttrredjo a tamii? Tesniing thi tB's4oiin3e'tirtiri' the owners of the aover- p5gn j-, f this water to ;Ague,' ano-Fevef,. and in ao qtrice bate they witnessed cures (generally is a few dayaTt without erer knowing, it to fait tn a - ,e ti thatthey aay to any perapniwho will JiMine an Aue and Fever jo Buffalo SnriBga that it - cure, that ha ahll pay nothing for boards They miKhl .ayrmnch more of-the efficacy of these waters in many, other dieeasea, but (hey will only refer, to the certificates of Doctors tiarris and Venable, f DAVID SHELTON, : - V CLEM. R. KENNON. Having5 practiced Medicine in the nefghbothoodof the Bttnalo. Mineral opringf tor the last years,.-1 hae had yrfeouentopportanitiea of testing the etSca- cv 01 ne water m varioua uisea.es. n.a o vumc wu uinretic it is not Vr fari if at al!,vurpassed y any water in trie United States. Its action on the Kidneys is bromi arid powerful.' It is else-' sudorific and slightly aperient. .These Wedicinaf properties combin ed, render it useful in all DropaicataffectionsvisceraT obstraction prticulrly;6f tW Iryer arid spleen, cu-1 laneous diseases, dyspepey. convalescence trora lever, derangement of the secreting organs, intermit tent fe-4 vcr and female. C6mplatnts. In all chrome diseases in which the digestive .organs are implicated, as cause or effect, this .water acta with the happiest results. In Fever and Ague, and protracted remittent. Fever, it rarely, if ever, fails to, aftordrnianent relief. , iewaa; in reierenca; 10 uM" v' a ii-inA,. wm m mm nn in pj . a a i nnmnr 1 111 ra w 1 may 'bo regarded as a pOwerTuI remedy in V?' all the chrbnie diseases f thoae organs, a5')ikew!e those of the Bladder and appe edy in chronic female complaints, it is no less worthy of public confidence and l will ,herererniaik, that long experience has taught me, that in the catalogue Gf humaii ills, there is no cfasa of diseases more ha i raSSing 10 ine pail rassins to the patient or more- perplexing 10 ine nny sictan than1 tVeeerobstinite'. and painful affections. The important organ 'peculiar (o ihe ex ', when in a slate of derangement, exerts . an .influence,r which, If not timeryvarrc8ied by proper; treatment, involves ve ry often .inj'one. commonrujiy both the. rrnd and the hody. of the Jiapless i sufferer. It needless here (to enurnerale these disease ; Suffice i it to aay that there ia Bcarcelv one. deDeudiaa on a functional derange ment or lision of the organ referred lo, Jhat is; hot ei tner permanently cureu or muigaieu ny iuo um u4.aui water for a month or two, .The "deler.minatioh offlu ids to.the region .of the pelvis consequent on iU use, renders, it a prompt, miki and efficient emmenagogue remedy in youthful females. Its powers are equally conspicuous in removing those '.diseases of the other aex, acquired by habits of disaipation - and debauche ry. . ITie first effect produced on. strangers by drink ing the water is a alight giddiness of the head, which soon paases off and is followed by an increase of ap petite,, bealthlul glow on.jthe surface, exhiliration of spirits and- a pleasing consciousness of new we ana vigor infused iuto every organ of the body. , V . ( ' j' , v s. H. HARRIS. .CIrsf Uie,Va. AprU 81, 184i; :, . H-M . r t have for several years been attending to the effects of the waters of the. Bufulo Mineral Spring and can readily subscribe , to ibe above recomnvendation, and would, in addition, rematk that after, having noticed the effects of most of the. tonic, waters of the United States, I have .no hesitation iu pronouncing 3t altc 'jtether'tbe Wesf.5 Y- V'fi P. CTENABLE. BlaeSUine, Aprim; iSft. V f 5 STtj.! ADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACXTO RY. The undersigned' lespectfulty informs' the citizens "of Raleigh and tbe adjatent Counties, that he has recently opened an EstabUshment on Fay ette ville street, four doors Nonh of the Post Office," where he intend to keep constantly on hand; as Well a -Co make to order, the - foUowingrtides; which . he will . 'M . " 'a ;T '.' . . a ' . v " - oispose or to uasn or punctual vusiomers, on as good termf as cart be purchased elsewhere, viz Best stitch ed, plain and shaftean.: Saddles Common do.' Bridles, Martingales and Saddle bag,7 together;-with 4 every other. ' article usually kept in similar Establishments. His materials' were selected by himself and .are of; the best that can be purchased in tbe Northern Markets. " Trom a long experience in huainess, he feels justi-- fied iq ..saying that,' for neatness and, dnrabuity,- his work cannot be surpasped. le respectfully solicits a call from: persona wap ting articles in his line,' pf eyou8 to parcbaain dseyVhere, aa he is disposed to Use'eve ryTtxertion on bis part fo give entire aatisfactlon to all whoraay favor him With their patronagej, jOJd work." repaired with iieatnesa and despatch. . . J !v; Also ;fos sale, ,; an ExceUent Brass mounted GEORGE FISHER. H MarchJ5U-8m26. sN ta te of IVort Ii Carolina Gbakvi-ws CottntyJourt.of Equity, 5pring.Termi 1841. Stephen tJakley and others, Atrainkt . . . John.Smith and hi. .Wfe Dorcas Robert BuddlestOn "I "l his Wife Chaney.Marcas Oafey, John Oakley iand this'" Child reii mnk imniv ifntrf7 illlim- and the Children and Heiri at iLaw" for AVflliarni OakJeyl'dee'dpSt r.?j5 ? ;7ai iit ; ivuji repetition fbK Division ijLamdrtK I ;7J It appearing to the Court that all the Defendantii in thia cae are not inhabftahtaf ' 'thia HiatA kn heyond the jurisdiction of the, Court .' It ia'therefor ordered by" the Court'that publication be taadrf for aivr aaccesslye weerki thiRWgaegisterf for the aaid Defendants to appear at the Court to be held the.- Coart HoasHntiirTttwn of Oxford.'on the first Moni f day f September next and plead, answer or demur to r iaujit.,a.Bu,-, er eiserine .same wu be , taken as yrr"ryj:. lwX w.-paruef ianmgo po so, ana be heard ex parte as tor snch' rrt Or nartie. - 4 Witnesaomai B titdejohni FCfcrt and Master of said Court at Office, the Ui Monday of March, 1841. Vr ks rtTv t THO :;B. LITTLEJOHN, &4 ivPr4Adyijf5.82ij ifv01 288w iMM'l!;t,v7! FTTHE8-siarioer, having enga of ft U ooeof the most' amwtpli-hediCQirT-CTioa-sai, and BAXcaain tbe United States, iapreparecLaf - Ye very, shortest Mbiice,fi6 furnish, all kind, of C axs , 'from the pJaSnest jrtp tS Choaeof the richest description, , ahol ornamented M a; style at bneef novel aad Wegant. Fixe St CoHtarribauaiasJ xtLika, Goaarrax, Ae- : iovjtPersen-, idesiraugin end . En ter- tainmenta can b furhAed.wjUhr every thing requK site for the -amfop jrwderatojlen hafrasr. amg aBdj&unlhfrn pre-; pration.spjneoessairy pri such ocasi'onB - - 7. :iS-UClw ; Raleigh, May 7. - -i . '.c. rVi Glasses, Ac ? Kf7 j-h- .j.. n -1 .t-Q.- n 7 JEWELLERY of fioe gold and silver as Breast pins, Ea rina Finger rines, .Thimbles. Pencils, &c. GERM AN SILVE R as Pocket Coml Jt. of Knives and Forks, Spoons, Spectacles, Hand Bells, PmCHB ACK OODS-aVvaHety. Dambob, Steel, Whalebone, Sword and other 'Walking Canes, kraUJoId Atlas lw.NoJaJceaiai jIUSIC -Clarionelte, v Piccolo Fifea, ;pf Elony Flute,, Acxordeops, Violins, Strings, JJows, Harmon- PERFUME RY In French'Fancy Boxes, Befga mot, Macassaf BearsV A ntique and other Hair Oils, Cologne, Florida,' Lavender Water, Jessamine'; Wind sor, Rosa and transparent Soap, Freckle Vaah, Oppo- deidoc, essences, as uuinamon, Liemon, reppeniuni and Bergamot. . V "' , '". . . i GAMES, Domino, Chesw-men, Backgammon, Lot to,' Nine-Pins," Cup c Ball,-a'nd a very great assort ment of other innocent playa for children, m boxes, TOYS, Dolls of every description Marbles. Hum- .ming: Tops,,, Drams, Rattles, ".Whistles Hajraonica, xoutn Harps, i rumpets, Magic ianterns, raint oox es, fine, Magnetic Toys, Watches, 'Trunks, False Ta ces. Brass tJannons.' Microscopes. Medalhons, and a quantity of other GernianTovs. 7 S.- .". t' ' Double and Single barrel Pistols, Percussion Caps, Whips Kmves,"Scisaorsi Sun-hours, Shot Belts. Tow der Ffasks,Cork8hrews French Smoking Pipes, Sntoff Boxes, Wallets, Shaving. Apparatus, Brushes; Black- ihgButlc, Coraba," Ink; PaperAlraanacks Chii- dren'sSchool and Picture Books, Prints, JVeedleiases, Spooliand8PuTSwS.Razors.hestoualU Blowing Horns, Pencils, Matches, Night TaPCr8 io uiass ai ugs, uiass a ias, uia- uauit tcci x cm-. ' DRY GOODS; a- small assortment, viz t Yellow, Red.- White, Flannels : Fancy- Prints, ' Bandannos, Children's Spcka and StorAinga,Silk Crava-V-Stocks, Comforts, Handkerchief. Suspenders, Shawls, Belts, Ladies' Stockinsa, fine white Linen, etc. COECTIQNARY, a very large assortment, and all of the best auaJitv, viz -.; Macaroni, Raisins, Dates, ' 1500 Jbs. Crackers and Tea BiscTit 10 drfferent sorts, 1,000 lbs. Nuts, as Almond: bft, haTd and with Out shelf, Filberts Gooberpeas, Palrn, Wall, and ?Co coa NotSv-Nutmegs, 400? ib& Figured, y French. abd other Candies, 12,000 ;;Car8 Lemons, ahd, Syrap, Brandy Fruit, Citron, Prunes,' Figs, Preserves,. Ga pers, Peppersauce; Pickles, Tobacco, smoking, ' chew- ing, ana onun, .usiaru, iiiquonee,. oaxuines in a, in Canisters Richmond Tea" Cakes 50" Cakes Green Swiss, or Sap-Sago Cheese, a new and ' superior arti- cie ana a varipcy oi otoer gooas, 100 numerous , 10 mention, all of which iviB be sold on reasonable terms for Cash. -s",-T -t' ' , AJRIMME. J0ember,,l840r '.; v,--' , -'.Q2- inno Forte and ITIusIc Store The SubriberB respectfully aunounca to, their friends and the. public, .that they, are now opening, at their Store on Sycamore strest, a large assortmenl'ot Pianosi; of superior qaality, from (he mahnfactbry of Messrs: N osrira CiiaKi NeW:Yofkif whfctithey submit to the examination', their' tViendnd the public, i They have also on hand the largest and hest selection of American arid JJuropean Music that has ever been . exhibited here. Also, superior JSuUars,, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, rites and Urunis a large assortment of Roman; French and English' Harps, tiuitar and Vtoun-Strmga. v - They will receive weekly from -the Northern Ci ties, every new publication of Mrraic, intending to keep at all times the largest and most complete assortment. And being both of as Teasers, arid having sorne ex periencein wlecg Music and Musical Instruments, we hope to be enabled lo keep such an aasortment-as will be pleasing, agreeable .and useful to' those who will favor us with their patronage: -" r J We heg leave to say also; that we shall be glad': to allow purchasers of our'' Pianos- tc keep , them for a; reasonable time and try. them, Wore Mying for them and we will take back any Piano paid fo?, if proved to be defective,-even after 12 month triaf. Any--Piano old in Town or its environs, will be ept in tiine for CHARLES BERGr& COi "c Kj- Pianos tuned and let on-tura. '-f' -Petersbure. Anril U4s4t. At 28T - tate of J-orlli Carolina.-1-Na-b Couh kTj ty Superior Court 4 Equity, March Term, 1841 t'ne Petition of Benriet Teiry Jausband of Martha Ann Perry, Legatee under the lflj&t Wi& William Boddie, '''T r..?iT.':-iVr: Vr William Willis Bodd Elisba Lotl HM Jonest Baldy Saunders, EsecatpT pf Johri aundervEllsba- uuu huu wire tiH-aiteiu,. yruo, is; luexisevuiEix ana Leeatee of William. Jar and Marv Sahdera arT Coort.: that Dublication. bo made for six sncceti Tempy ArnOgton JJdl . o "Equity for piviaionlof It appearing. to the. f atisfaclion f the Coiirt that Eliphl LoU and'Enzibeth :bjr;wlfw'.jrtiit.ont-' three of the defendants in i this case, rtsidevin the .State of Mississippi, it ia therefore Vordered vhy" the Court, that publication be'maije in the Raleigh Reg.; ister for six. weeks successively, notirvini said defen dant to be and appear before the Honorable Superior Court of EquhyfurOheJUoantv Jf Nash, at the CouW hb-Min;NaahvHle, oa ;tb tbird Monday in 'Septep bervhexW thea and ;theri xo deamr tq aBd;'anwer this petition otherwise it will be -heard expartelas. to tbemr and a Wfit of Divlswrrecreed, according to: thsTpraye tbe petitwner. - Witness, Joseph A. Drake, Clerk and Master: in- EityicX.said Court, at office, lhe 3d MonJ;y of March, A. D.. 1841. X- s' Aatntf . ' -a m. .mm- -a-i 5 JOSEPH A DRAKE C M. E. : VJ Examination bfthe Students of he Pnivealty PiTNorth Carolina, wiU ba held aiCaliHiB. on L'MindayVfhe.'2'4tU day of ;-May ensuing, epd ,becd- unueu irom uay to aov until i nursuay ine ou uayror June, being-thenrst 'ThHreday-iRtba monlbwbich ruei meutioflfu uay is apjHJinieq, tor iu aiiuwii uvi- to-nceroeniefthe College, r-"5 5t t;r" 'The foUowing Trustee eOntpose tbe Committee of 'VUitati'enf .r-''"' Hla-ExeVJiio. MMttaA, Prtstiex off: Hon.'?D. rL.fSwArxf JTrestdenf or- fJoUtgt: WiltiamJ. Aletandef; Matthias K. Manly, ! t., mar s s William: H. Battle, f M Oeo.(CE. Mendehhall. 9t nagn jwc-iueen,' -' -Henry-Pbtterr Wiinafo B.'Shepardi1 ? '.lanuei' Sh'ober I h Joseph Bf tInnerV' K.-1lagc'!Waa.eir,-' L Jaraea 'Webb; -JOTaihir4'Woiflh;: 1" Jarhea WBryanr JdhB R.'Donne V4 . WestorrR.'Gale; John Gneir, V.;v ; WDIi-af A. Graham,' t Jamea C. Johnston,' Csdwallader Jones, Xon. A ndrew Jovtier.-'J Mil. By ordef,"P ;t T 11 ,-t' fOCSatld tJlerTe RIuslc. Price Uj ' radweed to . eent a Pigei .Ndv k the time I I t et cheap Music; call at 'tho Northr Carolina Hookri store, RalefghTMt iiTURNER & HUGHES. May 25th. ""'.vi-Lreii sa''n .'hI ' ' 03r8iaf and Standard. 7? ' iV .tsjQFJs E.VERY, DESCRTI0N 0R:;SAil ! ;i Vat tinsljFFiCE, " 33 fere. ureai ausiJuiMi uiu.vt -v-eu iq prevent acci 1 j escapes, at lio respbosihility for any' which nv pen u 1 pledge my sew lo my friends and rairnn. T D-iostica ir-anspe'ci4 if they will L' i01' them ton. ; t i. i ' ... u Ko. sea hand ind bUla. , , ; .. - ""Colli, EDWD. H. CARTER. WitUm; March, 184L The Ctotftipell In stiuiTT ' . .VWUJSttAAtJS UAKE OP THE PifeBttERY OF ORANcg, HIS INSTITUTION is located in rw, F Guilford County, N. C.and has nn T0' oneraUan for five veara. 1 ne plan of Ciducatton embraces . 1. A- complete course of Engrish instruction 2. The Greek and Roman Classina an,i Ancient Geography, Myihology and HistorT"'' 3. A complete course of Mathematics, viz - n , - metic. Algebra Geometry, Plane and Spu: Trigonometry, with their applications to Jfj? tion Surveying, Heigbu and Dibtanrpc ivcvmku;, vwue.wumw "uiu iiiie.rai Ua ruin. 4atural Philosophy. In this Institution, the claims of Enirlish ou are faily acknowledged. and provided for accor;,; an i'4 nnt nnl- flascimal Stnrtu-n 1.... ' W W. WM.J W.W.iW.WW. .WUUU, Dm . Scholars as do not intend to study the Classic receive that extended, instruction which will them amply "foe the various avocations of active iif- Believing that every system of Education, not fonci ed on Christian principles, must be defective. u,i ; lis nature bbu leiiucMcy suuversive oi te btst into dxJa riPlK enm'mrfcitv: the Trnstpoc tio. . pie provisions for. the Religious, as well as thfc&J w.- jw - ua.c inane r r ina.ri.i'i ii.ii . , wmiiii .'i.i it 1111 . r n . www.ww- iv ineir ran. lnueoa, me granu uesign oi me rresbytery, iD estaa Iishing Uie VAp.WWttssTiTVTB, is to furnish ill frienraOt iearnmg wun :a truly UhrisUan Semiiiarl m wmcntue Bible snail occupy its proper place, ai the paramount claims of Christian Education be do and fully recognized; f v Every Student applying for. ad mission is required produce satisfactory . teetimonials, that he possesses good moral GOaractet. , The vacations are,-ix weeks from the 2nd Wri day of April, and fotti weeks from the 2nd Wednesi of October. ins Tuition f20 per Session, payable in advance. . Bottrd in respectable families varies from Seven Ten dollars per month.- - The-Members of fheTaculty are Rev. Alex. YY son,;DD. President, and Professor of Greek Langu and' Literature 8. .CiLiodaley, A. M., Professor i Latin Language and Literature ; Rev. John A.Grc ter, ArM. Professor of Mathematics and Natural N losophy.' . Stadenta can be prepared at the Caldwell InstiliJ for admission into any of the classes of College. By order of the Board of Trustees, , - -WM.Dv PAISLEY, Sec'y. Rxrxaxscx. His Excellency, John M. MorehaJ Uo.vernor.of SS . U. i f resident and f . acuity of tbe Un! versity,ofri,;C 7 ci'- -The Trustee of the Ikstitctk are. Rev. Wm. Ml Pbeeters, D.D. President of the Board, Raleigh; iff E. Mitchell D. D. Chapel Hin ; Rev. N. H.HtnW Milton ; Hev H. Burwell, Dr. O. F. Long and j W. Norwood,1 E5. HUlaboro' i .Rev Th: Lynch af Giles Mebane, Esq. Orange County ; Rev, Jesse Rtf kin;Lexiiigton' anf W. 8. M km; FJsqi'Greensboro;- J.LI Leseuer, Esq.. Kockief IwaWAMai na J2tTVat3r IPehn lamai Hf arwivl fljflU44 WUutJ ,m07w m v nun iw jLf-nf mf aiuvi 4w-wa LEsq. W. M. Lewis, Esq. ajid R. ;J. Smith, Esq. Cut weil County Bev, l. Montgomery, Halifax, il : :rx Standarn; Watchnian of . the South, sndM tionallntelhzencec will insert the foregoing twrfioef I and forward their bills to James Sloak, Esq.. Greeu T'boroVGuilford County,!. C. O tate oI !f orth Carol ina.-Gaisyiul C7Coanty.-;-C9urt Of, Equity, Spring Term, 183 jMichael igin'Admr. and others -i r 7?9nia Howerton, Ex'r. and others. It apDearinz ta the Court that the Defendants, E mund Vapgfiatw'Ewhardil. Walker.and WifeKui Joha Vaaghan,Yiceroy TanstaU, and Wife Pol! James Camppellttd ife, Sally, Moses Chiiatenl ry, and AlXMartui,-' Executor of James Vanrk ard not inhabitants of this Stale, but reside Deyow jwisdictkmf the Court t It is therefore ordered ,-vrAui.-MW diftaici&u awKk w " m appear a.v uie Mun, io oe uci- -i In the Town.of 'Oxford, en the first Monday of 8J tember next, and nlad. answer or demur to the M -ifFi hili; else the aaid bin will be taken as cdnle hvihe rartv of: nartie faflin to do so, vulbtm le-c parte as to aych party or parties. J ofgide6art;atOffle,Mlst HOitB. LITTLE JOHN, C.M.1 tfliis'iiih r.v v.- - - - Ji. -r.. .... . ' . J I lrxwVterk of HOUSE AH SIGN PAINTING Irnitations of every m i- ii .r W AnA alto, ' 'Paifilinir. Pinfr.hnnrincr attended to at the shortest notfee, and done -7'.IAMrv iiihTWr-'. Plrittn r 4in JtrhotK ?f cuted, by calling at tba4Sh6n.nextldo6r to tw i of the Slte,tnayexpeet to Mve it done w"! Ure satistatUon;, ; C. &. 8. t'KAii; Raleigb, March 1, .184 1. 18 IMPOaTED FfLl v- This -.lhrnlMl Zm very. .Hate Uerseaud most cap'3! 1i0n will make his'preseht season fat my Pln,,ct) tJT - T - rnrw- -a T --slW-Vl W ecKienunrg eouniyf vai? mues noruw- , ,Wrtelonid la . inile Southwest from Bojfi at. the; very red peed price-of $50 the Seaioo, wfthin.th 8eason. and $100 to insure, due wb' the'Mafe ri'tamtainacCl o l whh foal, or pirt-J auQ a io me groom. - iware win . j ra for3ents per dayV and good and eilen tutagtr froifhed frea of ehargeialM board fJ ervap4vi Every accommodation and f"enUJ be bestowed on fooline and all other fibres. greatest care end attentibo osedto prevent sfj or-escapes, Dot no respoosuHiitv " ... happen 7 1 sbafl llow1 my personal alteny-j UAranif f nrt tti. nrv aanBOIB0 UDtveraal ftAUfifactionno my ndRp, aaB-BwBBI . k -w mm m -k ra " - A D--.C U Imperial size; with Iron Platen ana aedt thk OfficePrice $100. Ab: J juivu rSMimags atieuiuitt-A-iv-a ' - 01 eourse, second , hand ; ' . . March 25. - . - - ii?25 pbunS. ItWUI be sold a J .J'S lor CflwAY. I1 intend toeep-uie aru---f - , a-ia4 Jo dA 0.-n"?' i.3 't, pgCK: ipeni pe day . which niust be paid before thev moved. Black servants boarded free nf 1 wLlvJA L Raleigh, April SO, , 1 ; .'i-'.'v'i ' 1 " - " 1 "' ' i : . 7- 7': '.' .' i-' - ;-'":-"- ..'"s,7- "L7- :.v:" " ' 7 s'"f"7 :7-': ri7 k": Jr'- -:; -7vSKw-i 'i:V -A7S7' 7 '-'j. 'Ji

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