Sill EDITOR AND, PROPRIETOR. ..'".yjp-'SfflLaousa - . . SfcBScairno. Fire. Dollars per aannm half in advance. ' i U ABYSTls1tIlI,rT8""'0,ieTer7S linesi first inser- Court Obbzbs khd Jcdictai. Advertisement will he charged 25 percent; higher ; but a deduction of 33 J per cent, will be made from the regular prices, for ad vertisers oy the year. jidvertisements, inserted in the Semi-WeeUjEso- ffiTER Will aisu r us iuw ti vjkij x si w ui i charge. j ; ... .. .. - . Letters to "the Editor mast be post-faib. . SELECTED FORTHE REGISTER THE VAULTS Oil ST. MICHAN'S. i " " " " . , " . It is not generally known that the metropo lis of Ireland contains a very singular ;sub ter raneous curiosity a burial-place, which, from the chemical properties of the soil, acts witti a certain erabalosing influence upon the bodies deposited witfijn It. 1 speak of the Vaults ;. beneath SuM ichan a Church, a scene where those who have ; the firmness to go down and look death in the will find an instructive commentary upon the doctrines of moral humiliation that are penoaicaiiy preached above.- 4 ; .. : . . j You cescetvd by a tew steps into a long and narrow passage. that. runs across. the site of the church ; upon each side are excavated ample recesses, in which the dead are laid. There is nothing offensive in the atmosphere to deter you from 'entering. The fiTst thin that striker yon'-is to - find ihatT decay hal been more busy withi the tenement than the tenant. In some instances the cothns have l altogether disappeared f in others, the lids or siues nave myuiuereua wav, exposing mc re- mains within,' still unsubdued bydealh from ihpir nritrinal fnrm. Rut ihp orreat ponfioero r i i . i I .' : .1. I of flesh and blood, and hv human pride, is - ., . u5 l in i u - '. - tr. . i- not to be baffled wi.h tmpumty. , Eyen; hts mercy is dreadful.. It is a poor privilege , to be permitted to hold together fur a century or iso until vour coffin tumbles in about your 1 ears, and then to re-appear half skeleton, I half mummy, . exposed .to the, gazes of a gen- eraiion that can know nothing of your name land character beyond the wowog lradition-of i some moralizing sexton, Amoug Uiese rem-1 nants oi numanity.jor instance, mere is tne He body of a pious gentlewoman, who, while she continued above ground,, .shjunned the! eyes of men in the recesses of a Convent.- spot to inquire the cause. - The first person But the veil of death has not .been respected, he met was Henry Shearers.who with looks She stands the very first ontlie sexton's list and, tones importing extraordinary peiturba of posthumous" rarities, and One of, the most tion.implored.him, if heyalyed bis turn valuable appendages of his ofilce. She is back. It was with some difficulty that the his "buried treasure. ; Her sapless cheeks yield him a larger rent than .some acres, of arable land .and what is worse, now thatshe cannot repel the: imputation, : be calls her to her face" the Old Nun.' I ft point of fact; I understood that her1 age was one hundred and eleven, not including, the forty years that have elapsed since Uf second burial in the St. Michaus." . M j Death, as has been observed,, is a thorough Radieal, and:levels all distinetiods. It is so in this place. Beside the Nun there sleeps not a venerable abbess; of timid novice," or meek and holy 'friar, but an athletic young felon of the 17th century , who had shed a brother's blood,; and was sentenced for the offence to the close custody of St. Michan's vaults. ? This was about one hundred and thirty years ago. The offender belonged to a family of some consideration which ac- . . , ?-' . counts for his being found ; in such respecta-1 ble society. .! I . ' The preservative duality otthese vaults is various in its opatloninpon subjects of d if- ferent ages' and! ctfnstitutioha With regard! to the latter however, it dpes"hpt appear tha-1 persons wno iiau oeen lempcraie uvcra njuy r f. , ., mi j a't any peculiar;privileges. 1 he departetl tpper resists decay .as sturdily as tile ascetic t JtJ.p- plying : Captlin Morris Wjth . anOtber. ' rea- son fair, to fill h' glass .again.- .But ft is 1 1 1 . i. t: : i 1 ascertained that childred are' decomposed al- mest as 'raptdlv here as elsewhere. ' tifithis, a loucning illustration occurs in me caso-.ui a female who -died jn .'child -birth, about een-1 turyfago, and was deposited in SuMicljans. Her infant was laid in-'-heramn-iTbeilblX ers is still . perfect ; exemplifying ijyj.berjji - -V . im.i 1 jui i;miu ua tuug Since meiieu IS away from her embrace. I inquired her name and i was' rather mortified to find that it had not been preserved. .. 11 But V was chiefly affected by the relics of two peronS of whom ther world has unfor tunately heartf too much ; ? the ill-fated broth ers, John and Henry- bnearefs.- 'i tfaor been told that they were here, and the moment the taper fell upon the spot they occupy, 1 quick- iy recygoisea .mem py.Qne or .two . circum- stances that lorcibl v . recalled . Uie-close 01 their'cireer i-the headless trunks, and the re mains of the coarse, unadornetl, penal shells, to which it seemed ..necessarv to TbubTia-ius' tice that they consignedHenry's head was lvincr bv-his brother's RideT'iahd .... r . - John's 1 had not been com nletelv detached tv uC uiuw ot tne execuuoner iane ot tne 11 7amnf&irilik ML.Ir .i;il Mkk-.r:ix::ir iu. body, '. f knew nothing of thesevictims of ill-timed renmusiasm except frorri ' historical ,r,l,i uu ww-companion 01- my -visit 10 their grave! bad beenHhelr cbntVmporary'and friend, if'ftp bote of some tears xwhichVvnrths dis. ance of time, it wmild nnt Fie frriiffortt in - - . - - "T-r vr f-"-- -r- i : . ' : K lung Desidethem, and seemed to find sad gratification in? relating several particu lars' connected -with their fatea. MaDV. of the anecdotes that J&.. mentioned have fbeeh already-pablUhed. Xwo or.t hree. that inte res ted me, I had not beard .before. ?Mt was not to be expected,! he said4 that imch a man as John1 Shearers "could hate? -escaped the destiny that befei him. , Ifis doom . was fixed several years before his death; His passion for Freedom, was incurable ; for it was consecrated bynts" association with an other passion, to which every thing seemed justifiable. iYou have heard of the; oncer cele brated M amoiselie Theronaue. ' J ohn Shear ers was in Paris at the commencement of the Revolution, and was introduced to her. tShe was an extraordinary creature ; wild, imperi ous, and fantastic hr her patriotic paroxysm ; but in her natural intervals, a beautiful and fascinating woman. He became deeply ena moured of her, and not the less for the po litical enthusiasm .that would have repelled another.' I have heard that he assisted in ther uniform of anaflonatgaardi ip the storm ing of the Bastile.and that he encountered the peril as a jneaqs.'.o7recdmme.nUIng:.h).dseIf to the object of his admiration. he returned the sentiment, but she would not listen to his suit. Whenhe tendered a proposal of mar riage, the produced a pistol and threatened to lay him dead if he rene wed the subject. This I ha4-from himseif. But this rigour did not extinguish his passion. He returned to Ireland full of her ; image, and, 1 - suspect, not witnout a nope mat me success of tne fatal enterprise in which he embarked might prpcure him, at a luture day, a more tavour- able. hearing ; hut of this and 'all his other hopes you see" ('pointing to his remains) 44 the lamentable issue." I asked whether his mistre had heard his fate,' and. how she bore it. My friend replied, 4 When I was at Jr?aris during the. short peace? of Amiens, I asked the same question, but I ; met with no one: that had personally known her Jbhe was then living ; in a condition, boweyer, to wuicii ueain wouiu nave ocen pre.erape.- She was in a miserable state of insanity,'' mid rnnfinorl in n nnhlir-instilntinn " Jnhn t ; j i , . l iii" i . r li. I Shearers.'Vhe continued flung himself in- . ; . , r i " i to the revolutionary cause from principle and temperament ; but Henry wanted the ener- gy of a conspirator: aqd of this he was fore- warned bv an incident that I knew to have' I occurred. ; Shortly after he had taken the oath of an United Irishman, (it was towards the closeof the year 179) he was present5 at the election for the Civy of Dubhu .a jriot tooJc place t tie,h inter- red, ana uie neopie neu in contusion : :3.i tradesman; who resided in the vicinity,. hear-. ing the shouts,. hastily moved towards Uie, interrogator": could obtain an' Intelligible ac- coantof tbe cause and extent of the danger, As soon as he had ascertained the fact, he fixed bis eye on Shearers and said, Mr Shearess,! know more of some matters than you may be aware of : take a friend's advice, and have nd more to do with politics ; yon have not nerves, Si-for the business you have ensued In. But the infatuation i of the c o times and the influence of his brothers char-1 actelr and j 'example, prevailed. When the j catastrophe came, John Shearers felt, when too late, that he should have offered the same advice. The reflection embittered his last moments. It also called forth some gener- bus traits that deserve, to be remembered. His appeal it the 'Court in Behalf of his brother, as giveta in the report of the trial, is a model of natural pathos ; but I know of nothing more pathetic in conduct than a pre- vious ecer.e, which Cujran once described to me as he had witnessed it. When Curran visited them in prison to receive instructions for their defence,-John Shearers rushed for- ward, and embracing his knees, implored him: to .intercede for Henry ; .for himself, hej uuereu iu neauguiuv, auu 10 uic aw au iiuur . . 1 11 .w . u 1 :.i ,l. notice 1 to reveal all that he kne w w ith the exception or names ; to do any thing that might be fairly required o( him, ' provided the government would consent to spare his. cr i i 1 " j ed to plead gdiity; and to die at an hour's brother, -j ;i FOR' ALE AT 'THE RALEIGH REGISTER ET M - - - V AUD NOKTH-CAEOUN A -GAZETTXS OFJFICJB. pile fits of Courts, Attorneys j She- ii : " -. . . iiormeo, inai - largu uuumuu ums "ecu uaw the assortmait of sH.AWKS usually kept for sale at this Office ; arid that all Orders for any of the fol lowing kinds, will W promptly attended to : ; T ; 'f Supekor Court 'WanMf7; j: Writs, Execution v Jury 'and ylfitness Tickets, Pros ecution Bonds; Ca $as;lndlctments, Venditioni Ex- lnB3t Capias', 8ci;Fa's. to-revite Judgment,! De- dimusses oubpo5najci:vjtiw-w r ; ,1 - fSf Court Wlarikss 4 s. v Writ. neSS UDedimn frAS. "Til. j:,.B, ' Jsdentures. Ma. TneScLP. .for Forfeited RecoirniMh, NmU i h;n-: ' . X ....-- ill : -jniXCPLLnnpfvit lOonstAbles 'WarranW, Do r -Lit I:!..: :.HmT '. LlMmm-,: i r.l I ments, iieeas oi xTtisu'cius ot SaJe.CeAnf ; Deeds of ConVeyapce, ForUicoming BondsiSarifiV nitRnrf(t;TlMda for" Idraold fnT.r.. ww. ?orEirfnMbt,nInsolfiiBebtor riooakmdscEqu, luuiss aisibth - j , , ? :MW.59. iMr:?rlfe V , rjj-imiers-ior any Tina 01 dixit ks, not menaoneat in tha aliova list, will Imi xccutd with the ntmosll a desnatch and neatness. . Tickets, Prosecution BondsCaiSa'S Indictments, MAVVUUUUDi (UUUlAiillOOt UI V - ACABD. fTTHE Sabscriber begs leave ' to inform his friends i u JLL BO-tbe pnbhc generaUyv that he has taken and fitted; up the House on .the .South-west comer; of Hillsborough street, to, the City .of Raleigh, opposite toe State Capitol. (formerly kept as a Tavern.) as a HOTEL ab HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT, i ror tbe accommodation of Travellers and others, un derthenameandthleof the - 1 " PEOPLES HOUS." H has been at much expense in repairing and rr fitting thej same and therefore earnestly., solicits a share of. the. public patronage. The "undersign ed has had 'considerable experience as an" Innkeep er, both In' this tate and at the North,' and Batters himself that he can please those who shall honor him with their custom, k His charges shall be in conformi ty with the times, and the prices of provisions.. It is usual in such annunciations, to , make large promises to the public, which are in many instances' never realized -the Subscriber will ;make none,' for "to those who have known him as a Public house keep er, it is unnecessary : . And to those. who do not, he would respectfully say, come and tryt and judge for themselves. The Public's humble servant, t : . . JOHN ZEIGENFUSS. Raleigh, May 24, 1841. ' 43 N. B. Genteel Regular Boarders, with or without rooms, can be accommodated at the People's House, onjreasonable tenhs. , . - v, . . , SPLENDID LOTTERIES. D. S. GREGORY & CO. Managers. ' UNIQN LOTTERY. ? .. . , Class 5, for 1841. i To he drawn at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, 12th I June, .. Grand Capitols : 3,205 Dollars. 8l0,000--$5,000 84,000 3,5003,292 V $3,000. '' ' ' ' (KT40 Prizes of $2,000. 4 . Tickets onlv 10. Halves $5. Quarters 2 50 Certificales of Packages dt Sf Whole Ticket 430 v lJo ''do f'f Sa Half j do 65 Do do JJ5 Quarter do - 32j vlrglllia ITjLOnongalia JUUH.ery5 ;:- . Class F.for 1841, T't Anam t AloTandria Va. on Sattirdav. the 19th - r -bv ' -w' ' I . June, 1841. ' fimim civitur- a-aTa 3 O , OO O JlOlIars. $10,000 $G,OUO $5,000 $4,000 $2,500 $2,0Q0 $1,747. - . . 25 prizes of 1,000 Dollars. v . 25 .. do 500 DoUars. 28 .do . 300-Dollars. , 200 do 200 Dollars, &c. TickeU SlOHalves $ 5 Quarters $2 50 Certificales of P'acltages of 25 Whole Tickets $130 Do do 25 Half - do 65 -Do ' do 25 Quarter do : , 32 3 Capitals or $25,000 l"J 'amountiitq to 75,OOQ DOLdb ARS. On SATURDAY, 26th June, 1841. UNION LOTTERY, Class 6, for 1841. To be drawn ' at Alexandria, D. C. GRAND CAPITALS. 1 of $25,000 Y3 of 25,000 Dollars 1 of 25,000 C ass l of 25,0003 15,000 Dollars. " 1 pri2e of 1 prize of 5 1 prize of $10,000 5,000 2,477 1,000 50 prizes of 60 do of 65 do of &C $800 250 .200 60 prizes of &c Tickets only $10. Halves $5. Quarters $2 SO Certificates of Packages ol 26 Whole Tickets $130 Do , do 26 Half do .65 Do do 26 Quarter do- ' 32$ .Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages will be promptly attended to, and as sooi as jthc drawing is over an account of it will be forward' ed to all who order from us. Address D. S. GREGORY & CO. Managers, , Washington City, 4 ' D. C K STEWARD! I bought from a Mr. oD Cox. of the county of Chatham, in the I month of February last, a negro man named Bex, of- the following description, as near as re recouecteu, viz : " ffei mree.or our incnes uigo, m a light brown tt . a , , . complexion, knock-kneed, vtry large flat feer, combs .j hPa?r bac'kwilh a high'oreheadfabout 1 wentv-four yearg of age, etutters somewhat when be talkB,and seems humble and obedient when spoken to, yet live- ly sod pert : Baa ranaway from me, on the uight of the 2nd inst, bad on when he left, a yellow homespun Coat, velvet cap somewhat tornj shewing the fed padding, &c. I tliirik he Is aiming to go rn a Northern direo- tion,as I understand he has been in Washington Cityt and that he is known about the City of Raleigh by the name of Be Dovsa. tam informed he has been sold , out of Waka Couuty Jail, Xor bis prison feew 1 1 win nav tne 1 I will pay the above Reward of twenty -hve dollars 1 Totl go that I 'et Jail, so that I eet him again. ..5,, umur- ISAAC BULUVAttT. Wadesborough, Anson Codnty , N. jC. . .IMayi 14th. 1841. 42tf Iano'Foirtes, Caitars, Violins, V loll a Strings, Ac The Subscribe would respectfully -announce to - their friends and ac quaintances in Ralpigh, and throughout North Caro lina, that they have now on hand a large assortment I of Nuiriis 4" CtAmV8 ( Piano Fortes, which, fortaiU, I liancv of tone and unparalleled touch and durability, - l - .:J -ri t-W noi surpasses. ucj vvi , boj, mm hj demand pay for any Piano sold, until it is tried kc P TXhaser rfor which- they-will allow any rea- 1 onabnae; nnavoao v io ms w, -upenor sonablei time; 1 hey-have also1 Violins ot a superior -"?J "AZJZ?? V?m V rou hS--'8 ' ,.r'l Tu...m(AU IM MllltSrV tSannR-ma xlOlmUJ du- WW IUU IIWM J ' . ' inuuvipciiiuu uHw.wupi,tw Flageolets, single 'and double; French Ac- soltmenrot TiTOUAU ww"p" f' n I The Sob&ri6em,v be gladxwtaTOBeihonlaand I Ktw. 4;H Mmrir I tand bwnff bothr Teachers of pe PiiuFortel weyiAlrfo beena . t, i 'Clordeotts;iM VMUBn na tos never dwotb seen nere, formerly belongea to the estate ot 'J bomaa Bell, dead 4 :f. if l na-nMl BWDroms, f aU dHAensionsian asBortr raria jvas bofchased bv the.' forrjonathsn Belf of A&L iCsL1 8a.iBo:tisli.fineat of supriorlGaltars,4iogfther wpithe largt (1.; &m$&ied -of t! :fclim .nW,-' 4 .St fi'.Tfl'OjBElJS. proving. " 1 oey wprj - 'jr gaftiTiaiJaiiqGesttearFo turougnoax tne otaie ' """" CHARLES BERG & CO. 28. 1 PetersW " 1 3i; 1841. i Petersbu" KesDefctfuHVinfdrnls the Ifesr Raleigh, that shehas just received a smaltut very Hen and fish- lonalJe assortment of articles m her hne, wmcn wiu be sold for a small ad vance on cost. ' Her assortment consists of jibe following articles, 'viz r? ' "' '. Fine Florence, Braid, Leghorn and Straw. Bonnets Modena, do a new style and splendid. ' ' ' Fine Silks and Lawns for making Bonnets. A splendid article of Silks for dresses, i r ! Very fine Black Bomfbazine for' dresses. " ? French Nett Shawls and Collars. Silk Nett and Kid Gloves, Flowers and Ribbonsl . . Crapes and -Muslins,' assorted. All kind of materials for making and trimming Bon netsj and a variety of other articles. ' ; '' ' : Raleigh. May 14th 1S41. 40 tote of UTortli Carolina,4- Ouslow Coanty. 'Superior Court of Law, March Term, 1841 ? .; i! . 1 - Rebecca Harrell,") . Petition for Divorce. Peter Harrell.- y . It appearing to the Court that a subpoena, duly is sued in this case, was returned HnOt to be found ;" and proof being made that a copy of this process was left at the last place of abode of the. Defendant, in the county of Onslow; and it further appearing, that an alias subptena has also issued and been returned in like manner,- Proclamation is publicly made at the Court House door, according to the Act, in such cases pfovi dedand the. Defendant failing to answer, it is ordered that publicatioh be made in the " Wilmingtdn Adver tiser' and f Raleigh Register" for three months, for the Defendant to appear at the next Term of this Court, and Dlead. answer, or demur to the said Petfc tion, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and set for hearing. 5 .. . . ' ; . Witness, BryanS.Koohce,Clerkof oursajd Court, at Office, the fiist Monday of March, A. D. 1841. ; bryan s. koonce; C. s1. C. Pr.Advt.$10. 40 3m ft ate" of IVorth Carolina. -Ohslow County.' Superior Court of Law, March Term ; Henry Dickson, ) . ' : 'vs.'1 ! Petition for Divorce Rebecca Dickson, j " 'It-appearing to the Court that a subpoena, duly is sued in this case, was returned " not to be found ;" and nronf hpinff made that a conv of this orocess was - . t. " . - - . left at he last ptace of abode ot the UeJerotant, in tm county -of Onsjow; and it further appearing, that an alias subpoena has also issued and been relumed in e-mnnr, iwi.siion - n P"' Court House door, according to theAct, in such cases provided, and the Dffendant failing to answer, it is ordered that publication be made in the Wilmington Advertiser" and Ralei?h Register" for three months. for the Defendant to appear at the pext Term of this Court, and plead, answer, or demur to the said Peti tion, or the same will be taken pro confesso, ad set for hearing.' ' j ' f - ' - - ' '''' Witness; Bryan 8. Koonce, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the first Monday of March, A. D. 3841. BRYAN 8. KOONCE, C. 8. C. Prl Advt tlO. j " ; 40 3m OLI POINT j COMPOKT,- VIRGINIA. THE -Subscribers most respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have taken .that eligible, externa v and well known es tablishment, the HYGElA HOTEL, which has been fitted up in si style for the convenience and comfort of .visitors, not surpassed by any house in this section of country. - Considerable alterations and additions have been made to tbe Establishment it has now between seventy and eighty rooms, all neat, airy and well fur nished; besides a spacious Saloon, Ball Roem, Billiard Room, Reading Room and Refectory, with various oth er sources of amusements to suit the tastes of all their visitors.- -t' .-i They flatter themselves that from the long experi ence of oneof the Proprietors, in one of the largest and most respectable establishments-. Jn the country, atfu their determination to please,- they will be enabled to give entire satisfacdon to all who may be pleased to give- them a call: i - " - BiTiivci The Bathing houses have been enlarg ed anl fitted up in a neat and-comfortable maner, both for Warm and Sea Bathing, which will be carefully attended to and kept neat and clean. Regular Boarders will be admitted gratis to tbe &ea Baths, and will be charged a small compensation to the warm A moderate charge to both will be made to transient visitors. . The delightful situation-of Old Point for the enjoy ment of the, Sea breeze and Bathing, the.fine Tish, Crabs and Oysters in eveiy variety, the convenience of procuring every delicacy of the season from the rich Farms in Elizabeth City County and the Norfolk mar- ket, from which can be procured -supplies of Fresh Meats, Poultry, Vetretat'les and the choicest Fruits daily ; the view over the broad Chesapeakef whitened 1 with the canvass ot vessels, 01 every uesenpuon. rom I the line of battle-ship, bearing, the broad Pennant of r t . .. some gallant Commodore, down to thejitue canoe, la- dened with the choicest deUcacie of ifc season , the mihtary reviews & stupendousfortincaUons of Fortress Monroe and Fort Calhoun ; the, on the ramparts and the pebled beach, ftnder"OId Point 1 cms of the most desirable., places w tbe.couQtry to re- sort to for health and pleasure. , ' ,-, ; Their BAR wUt be supplkd with the choicest Wines and Liquors mat can be procured. -They have in their cellar a, few dozen of that superior old Wine that was so mnjit admired by ma pincers at Fortresa Monroe, and which has been s highly extolled -by some of our own connoisseurs, to which will be added, ; Pemar's I pale and brown aaeraes, tn uia tlope jaaaeira, ana French.xf French's Hotel and other-judges, and they arc determined to put them at such, prices (according to quality) as cannot fail to gjve.entire saUstaction. IrThe facilities of reaching and departing from. .Old Point give a. great advantage over most other places of resort for invalids. The steamboats from Norfolk And Portsmouth, James River. Washington and Balti more, touch, there daily, Affording ia, convenience for arriving and departing at pbasure. f :.v .' ; .,:r; v JIUDGINS ArMOpDY. ti Oli Point Comfort, Va. May .6 ,9. wtJstA rh,KwIll5WARPI--Ran'ay ? from; the TrrlaHV Subscribei, living near Grove Post Office, -Chatham County, North Carolina, between the 15m aa xutn oj jaTrosiTr Wttegro.Doy.ny tne nam orjvttti.aoou yearsoiu, Ket ft or 6 in 1 Fa nigu uffiMpptiK y Pti JB a I " ; T fflTr - -T . - i"w m J .iu shM nn hn.insdtf uittM hiult an1 K jaei uie cyiumoa, one. , ap uau ou, wnen ne leil, good warm woolen Islrigi and 00liKif, If e en to any personwhoiU deliver said Hoy tq me, .or confine him lit Jail so that I get Mm. Anv informa- - i jfij.uioijp. - , : u ' 38 $t l'TCCliratt his just Teceived atlas lot ef Ladies French Baskets; also, 24 Kits Pickled Salmon- first rate article. May 244 i oasoeve ttewauoi toeniy usuarsm n be rit- Tuition in the English and Classical branche uoru, room, luei, ngaianu au uccenfij ijwu;. Except for Books, Stationery and Clothing, tor lads under twelve, .$50 'pet qbsiter ;ribr those ovcr tha ag $60 per.qua'rter.payable is advance ; ,rlhia. charge a deduction often per cent, will be made wheq two are admitted from fhe same fimily '"or" Deigibor hood. Instruction in the French, Spanish", andTtal lan Languages, per quarter, $6; ;! Music indDraWlrig, at the charge of the Master.-! Board in vaeatkh,: $4 per week; The months of April and October are va cations, the terms beginning with the months ef May and November. . The number of pupils is limited to sixteen, and co one will be admitted who is over four teen years of age. ' Vh - The Institution' offers to Parents and Guardians an opportunity of placing their Children and Wards tin der the care of s Physician, whose, whole time is de voted to the School, at an age when errors in diet and regimen often lay the foundation of disease and. de bility for life. A knowledge of the human frame and constitution, and of the laws of health, seems indis- pensable to those who are entrusted with the' mental, and moral training of youth,, to whom too much or loo little exposure, excessive ot deficient bo dily, or mental labor, are alike productive of eviL For want of this knowledge j the child bora with a fee ble constitution is ofteri unnecessarily doomed io phy sical weakness for lifeand many are made to experi ence in hypochondria and insanity the evils of over tasking the Drain in childhood. The Institution of fen also another advantage, in the opportunity given of secluding lads from promiscuous intercourse with others, and from the influence of older boys; while it gives to them all the advantages of an education in a community of equals. "The plan of tbe School is to secure, first, as most important,' perfect accuracy of recitation in all cases admitting of it full opportuni ty for every Pupil to vmake such progress as he may be able, without regard to that of others, and,' only in entire subordination to these two objects the advanla gesof study in classes. It is believed that by a pro peharrangement, the latter may be to some extent cured without detriment to the former. ;The ordina ry mode of measuring merit by the degree of approach toward accuracy, while, the Siudentis forced through an author at a given ras, puts an end to thapteaiare and. uUlity of knowledge, and to certainty, its very es sence. A person educated1 under such a system, knows very litUe." His assertions may be generally correct, but if not admitted immediately by others, he begins himself to question their truth. 'The Pupil is said, after a certain time, to be fit for a College or a Couufing-housc, but is found unfit to enter either, or obtains admission only to drag along nnderthe fcur den of past inaccuracies. The svatenV adopted in the Famiit Scaoot has been tested. during an expe& rience o several yars, wun enure succbss, even in the case of some whose habiU.Were forrned under ut ferent instruction. The English, CIassical'..SciebtiEdJ and Mathematical branches, are taught solelv bv the Principal, who ia thus enabled -16 seeare unifprmity or teaching aSd uiscrpline asd sSTar as possible, to guard against exacting too much or: tfjoi-Jittle, labor from any pupil. One greatj object aimed, tat, is to give a knowledge 01 principles, anq toe power of sp plying them ; and the test of merit is the. ability to produce the results, and not the mere repetition .of a role," or the exhibition of a solution, effected partly by chance, it may be, and partly by the akl of Otlters.--i- Occasional pedestrian excorsiops will be made into the country, in the company of the Principal. The location of the School, at the bead of the New Haven Bay, is health v and delightful, combining every faci I- iiy ior exercise mnu sate c uaming, m a suicaoie distance from the noise arid temptation of a City; at the same time that its proximity to Yale .College ena bles the. Principal to secure the aid of eminent Teach ers for the Modern Languages, ' and the more orna mental branches of Education. Address, . " .' WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, il. D. R RrsBKcis. Faeuky :- of Tfale College : Rev. W. W. Eells, E. A. Anderson,- M. D. Wilmington, JX. C; Wm. H. Washington, Esq. JNewbern. ICew Haven Conn. April,1 1841. .v-. . .' Oxford Female J A cademy. i f niHE first Session in the above Institution, for the Jy present year, will close with a -public Examina tion on Thursday, the 10th, and .the second Session will commence on Monday,' the 28th day of june. next. ; '. j J,"- - - This School is under the. control antfdirectidn of the undersigned, who superintends its operations, and who is determined to spare nn pains or expense to make it a Seminary-of sound and thorough instruction in all the usual branches of Useful and elegant learning, and deserving' the full Confidence and the liberal patronage of the friends of education., .The Ladies to whom the business of imparting instruction in the Academy ia chiefly confided, (Miss S. Al Nichols,1' with whom is associated Miss L. T. Jones, , in'(h$ departments of Literature,' Drawing and Painting1, and Miss J,KY Watson .in the department of, Musio, have proved themselves eminently qualified for -the parts assigned them, and have gained, for the School a high and dis tioguished reputauon in this community'. Young La dies who may - be entrusted to the care of the under signed, will find in his house another home, in which Teachers and Pupils live together as one family 1 erms by the Session of five months : For Board, Fox tuitfon in Arithmetic, ' f 40 00 Reading, .. . i". Writing and 7 60 i Reading Writing, Arithmetic, English - Grammar; Composition and Geography, ulO 00 All or any of the -Above, , with -Algebra, ...Geometry, Natural, Moral andVJniek J t r lectual.Phildsopby, .ChemutryV'"Ba,'ii, ; i- ology and Geology W . T.atin ; HmaV - m-tiA IPMsnlt T n'n iriin mum 50 uiuf ivvo wisu --a, 1VMV14 ' i IK uoavo tJ Ll 1 ! r:' each. e Urr-u i(l-'lft 00 ; Piano Forte, iwaii hi'tuw ' 00 . Guitar, K. . t . , 4 3 " , r 1 00 ;DraWing'and Painting;!i ' ly .?! -iryK J Yocal music and Needlework taught without charge. - ..i x-sf. t'-BENJ8UMNER. Oxlb'fd,-N:'ail8tlirsy184t .mid- 1 kv h -n vs-i : REFERENCES. 4, rJZs--.i -Hon. R. B. Gilliam. OxfcmL Hon. W. H. Battle. RaleigB. Hon. L. D: Henrys ;TayetfevnieC Davif Outlaw,E8q. Windsor AjMoortEsq. Rev.Jbhn son, Edenton." T. r . Jones, Ksq Hotftrd?''-X K. KinneyEsq. Elizabeth Gityk :. C. 0.Lamb,.:Esq. Camden. .CoL J McLeod, mithfieM f 43 3 - Pv4 1 'fiom the Jail of Person County. North Csr- ' .the nighjt Of lbe:21st slt WILLIAM M M.VRRYi who wm committed to said Jail on an in dictment for Forge ryVl furnished for eoiockingnhV oof tbeJaiL ( f .The above reward will bo given forlbepprehfcn sioo and confinement of the saidMeMu so that j gat him again, or Ar hb dettvery t the Jail of Person' ! vrill also igiveTiftf UoUars for the detection Of the persoa whd furnished the implements by whichTie was em bledf to inak his escspo? W4 VWitUA'MafvaaV is1tweeV45ind ?5 fears of. see; AboutTstx. foettiich.. stouUV'builfc TwsichM apout vvt, pounuo, upaq consweraoiy grey sxarumets consMcrujr, wucu u naa ,-xvh woenopeq tnai au good eiuzens wiu endeavor to arrest houi oHer thai I hi blir mtv taltn ila mnm tm Vim - - , i - - 5 H. WATTIS, Shenff. Person County, IT. C. Mayl, 1841; r 8 3t m the f aDuc ariafgeVihsVas -itatk rm. Wvwl, .v ana rnuadeiDhtr. an sxtph aive, rich., and. fashionable stock or Goods, Which he J wlllisllJil New Yorkprice. 3e"-ihibectnBiais1n part, oT ;oord intTependenl seconds, doptex tnchf, Leirer Watches, a general. assHmeai pf Utekdokttf fevery , Gold guards, fob, and neck' Chains, Keys Diamoqd Piba Rings, Ruby and Etoferald do. neck end heajl JCJrnamenVs, rTeh cameos f Wosoie iSni 4r Ar-rings, gold Penci Is.Thimblea; YtoTgrete IftUii- ionsv gold Hearts sad' CrossesJcidiSritet ytit SPECTACLES'., glasses that nliay tie adjusted in iiiy Iam I4$1 n)hts notfee.' ;e-:: y i4-,.,i5 . 5?t? ' SILVER AND BAtED WAREsJrc4 SHVeV Cusf SpodWs, feadleil4girg8a!t and Mustard Spoons, Butter Knives, silver? moust ed CocoanWs, Castors, Candlestiekt, Bnane'rlitod Traya, Waiter, Cake Baskets Cofiee preuei tannia Wares, in seUs and single pieces, iti. "f0- Mantel Clocks, and Lamps, Plated and Itpaned Waiters, Gold andSilyer Mqunled Canea'4sd y hfbs. Chess mebland Backgammon Boa rtdsTisidng tjard. Cases, I3dld ' and Sil ver Pencil CasesiPaenr - SMel Fens, Roger aQperiot- RazorsT Congress Knives and Scissors, Sanders': celebrated tori 8nupY Ddr CbU Iara,.do. Calls, Uk Purses, Pocket Bepks;, imitation Fruits. Guns and Pistols. Ladies' Toilet shd voVk boxes, toilat tlesV alid rtA feRlS0N:BreasiiPlnt, Medals; eane,'amS BbxeleVeocc. -M - i Tarina's celehraVe j gehuine'Cologtie,' rtie-,Lv16h-&eriTt6mi shU Bay; Waterf tBtrttioV Cream f 8osp, Naples; and 8aponaceooi compoond; for 8Bt inj Rosev Almond Camphor and. iWiudiOf itolret, Musiril' Spanisa Guitars; vCTidhns, CiarroaeUs; riage Flutes, -Octave &C. Fifoa Accordions - Precep- tefs Torall thi. abbve Guilar and VioSxt ati& to!mM&&r .. t A ' Sr, tJtJIV and WatbS e4 and! repaired 4n i- accnBtomesuriwdiAytA Gold andjSjlver, roahufactoreilOvOjrder wibt ex4i tion and punctuality) ghestpe given. f6r pjdjfgld ana ouaerf;i;v .,r . Nov ember 2 1840;' pvOPPERyOTllS: AJT lsnCET:ltlbS UlFACT01Xir---'4,he 8obcribrhayinjUiBieR the hu8en FayetteviUe Street, Tormxccupied by would tends Iron Ware Manufactory C in: u -itsVarioui brah chea. i Ha wishes also ! ts- iafomi' ihSr; mhabltaqts pf Raleigh ind its vicinity, thatfii cao and .b.deteS mined to fell Eif Ware as fow as can be purchased jn any Northern riy, by.whiolesale or retail, for Cash. Mertbitits ind others wabtin SrticIeS in.hJs Mi Irs respectfulfy invited to ''call beore thej purviias else- whem - Old work oeitly repaired; sad ar thsahott est notice. il A few Stills oh hand diichHla W 1-id at a .very small per cent, for fash.- 05 Coppery Tin and Zine Koofing on the, toT v N. B. Orders from the codntry itlended tOi"' t-Va S.lHtiip& . , Raleigh. July 86, 1840. ; ;iMteJih$m triRKtlAUr S Pdtent Ctilnce 4 pv oaoecrioer ais oners iut rawn Txim i acvory few of those very valuable Steamferfc known tobe he surest remedy for clearing Bedsteads of .these tor taeatuig BUts. JTho Coince, Steamer ; fa mad onljr Having had in use the above Macbih,iot tftttny years, I ihate no hesitation h sayingi 1 that' ifeis; (he best means, that, baa over, been formedfor destroying uumces, anu wouiu rceommeau every person to use it. jbT will certify' having freqnenUyrused MtV jjF Kirkhan V Chines Steamer, I cheerfully recommend i( to the pubtio a Vfjmple unit easy f way t destroy thenr, and without any damage to the Furniturer , 'lHaKfox; July t5,!84o. : , r'HtN UtLLSBOSOCGn, NORTn tA3tOtlttAi7 . . . -, 1 ... - . " Jl School, wiU eminence ml Mcndayths Ui of Junew 'i 't,! " J E4. a t'b Tha vactoiorw wiil bereafter tV place in the Spring an'FaUy in order-tcC accommodate .Pupil fretn . fbm low country, who JLnd it best to .visit home at those " " teaks,' as astrfrsrosi,'" Lji-S: ' Tuition; - " '-VTf W.S0cl -. Mnsic " .f it,o J - i sh jiMiOAff Use of Piano,. ,-6-0O.t . -Drawing and" Tsinlitt A- 1 f 1 French. , 'f; tr,' fj'lS'jOtf' ' r Lathi, " 5 1 Board in the mosfresjbeclabts fomities irf the Macs, can be had sx f ip xnor4hr (ixiclag and rarew wnsmay 2 wisa; to plfce thelUaqghtera undr,ouj care, tn bear of places on application tons. viw ucyuvwr? iuue jof .jaiwenco Ulicr me rvpu 19 Yebhir'irillroaVrliJ John W . Ti orWoodVu - ?i:-Jr& "Mf. Richard Wsilhinglon,' myassbotoeah eriAleiawWjnr ' 5 . ii4 Marbsrlro7 4ixiCT5of xf s, fcc CorLiA. way; Gentlemen of the Old Schoolie. TossaTehy . . TJJRNER A HUGUS; ten rit -aiv , Gol4V$5lBrlue suit ' all Dersons' aM krt a- oap8,peari powder coui UreamPomatnm,bearfp Oil, hatftoeth, and shaving Brushefc aVd a Variety kf otnrticles for thelcileC"" --J inion, ana, nearly xpposite tne fort Uffiee, respeclfullvVinform the nublicVttiat no'- ; carrying-on th'S1 tirf'Titfsxld'ett' try hiroseii, ana is w arran tea never ia ours and; atAll times to clear Bedsteads perfeciiy damage to the finest clrHd work: rs V "1 j. 4 4L ; J j- J

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