SBMI-WEEKLYi in VOLXLII. TUESDAY AUGUST: lOr.lSI. i Cfl 2! EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Scbscriptiok. . Five Dollar per annum-r-half in 'Advance H ..)' I AnyEBTissKiBirTs.roreTery 16 Jines, first inser tion, One Dollar i each irabsequent insertion, 25 cents. Coubt OaDiBsnJ Judiciai. Advertisements will be charged 25 percent higher; bat a deduction of 33 J per cent, will be made from the regular prices, for ad. vertisere by ihe,'year. - Advertisements, inserted in the Semi-Weekly Rse. isteb will also appear in the Weekly, Paper, free of charge. . I vf-'ii ". . (Cj Letters to the Editor must be post-paid. SELECTED FOR THE REGISTER. ANCHOVIES ON TREES. 0 If X Or SH1IIII13 9 8 TO Bill, " A. few years ago," said Sheridan, an Irish officerjiwho belonged 4o a regiment in garrison iat Malta, returned'to this country on leave oi aosence iznp, accoraing to me cus tom of travellers r Va fond of relating the wonders he had seen. . Among- other things, he one day, in a Coffee Room, expatiated on the pxcelleneypDf living in general . among the military j But said he, 'as for the an chovies, by the powers j Uxe,re is nothmg to be seen like) them in the knowni world !' Why, that is a bold assertion said a .gen tleman present for I think England can boast of that article in as great perfection as any country,! if not greater My dear sur replied the Irishman', you'Il pardon me for saying that your opinion is founded on sheer! ignoranco of the fact ex cuse my plain speaking ; but yonM soon be of my way of thinking, if you saw the fruif growing so beau tiful -and .large, as I : have seen it many's the day;' '" Welldone, If at exclaimed his opponenf, 4 the fruit, growing so. beautiful and large ! on a tree, 1, suppose ? r Come, yclu wont beat that, iiowever '.r . - Do you Idoubt the word" of a gentleman, sur V retorted the officer.' ' . 1 1 doub t the fact, sir answered the gen tleman. ' , ' ' . - : vn... : .v,v -:: . Then, by the powers t .:you only display your own want of understanding by so doing; and I take it uncivil of you; for Tve seen the abchovies grow upon the trees with my own eyes, many's the: hundred time ; and beauti ful is the grove of them that the Governor has in his garden pn 3 .esplanade ; besides the whole of the walls of the fortress are completelWcovered with them,' as all my 'Jbrother officers could' attest at this present wriung, were iney nere to tne tore, to ao that same. : 1 , -. ' Upon my soul,' returned his opponent, laughing, heartily, you out Mandeville even air Jonn mmseit and ,ne was no mncner at a fib. He it was, I believe, who asserted that oysters grew! upon trees on the Malabar coast ; but you give us anchovies ready pick led, from the same tpuree 1 Huzza for Si Patrick the day ;of miracles have returned. 1 Then, stir, returned the -Irishman, bri dling with; anger, 4 am I to understand that you doubt myword V - ' You may understand sir, wbat you please but though the lieense of travellers is genert ll : 1 1" li . r - - - . . . any auowea to oe: pretty extensive, you must not suppose that gentlemen in this company are to be crammed with an absurdity so pal pable, as that of! anchovies growing upon trees.' 'J - j ? - . " "'; As much as to : say.suriri plain terms. that I have tould a lie t-say; thei word, sur, and I am satisfied Fni ' not quarrelsome, sur,' by jny Sowl t only say that,' and you had better been born' without a shoe to your fut, or a shirt to-youribacfcr i: . 'Neither, you, sir returned the gentleman. - nor any otner man suaii compel me to say ;nax i oeueve tnai wuicn is oy nature imposr Then,uri sl'IVbeg leave lo address a few words to this honorable company ;auer which as. "ray veracity and "honor are concerned, both a an officer! and a' gentleman if you ao not retract your words, and own your conviction that 'what I-have said is true, I shall insist on vouf meeting me in another place, more: conynient,' may be, for settling aisputes man thi? room.-. V;. . ,V Go on, sir said the eentlemen.' "-;V' In the first place then. 'gentlemen, nnon ray honor and conscience ! as I have a soul to be Saved and to escape the pains of purga? tory i,t swear by ail.the samte in the calen der, and the devil himself tolboot: tlwt -I would -scorn to iteJl A :falsehood to man or mortal these very eyes have, on ten thmi. sand" different occasions! seen , the 'anfthoi(. as plump as gooseperries crowinr on and plucked from the trees in ;his Majesty's Is land and 'fprtressf place-'ii'r.lt9 - ;- Imnnssihlp- !?'iTiIaimWd (Lh nertinnnmn opponent ;; I tell you to your facev and be fore these crentlemen. ; that yon never, saw any such thing v:'7 :' 4; 'f'W . t he,dtrect by the rod of St. Patrick ! is mure man a itJinsuan omcer can near: hut I'll keep myself cool for the honor of'the torps: and to : advise you surjjf yon can't ue aisv. mat von a better b aiv na vnn ran: for if you; spake such another disrespectful and mi a ri oos Word. I'll not wall vnii Vint t u,oui,oy tne powers! i ll smite your eye out vii uie HDoi. una Piaster in with vnr blood ! and so you had better take care of yourself and not be cantankerons, my dear oney. Butjtq return to my argument, sur, wnich yoii So uncivilly-interrupted ; I was 5uig 10 ooserve, in the second placeto your 8e, thatfi is a rule in the army, and more particularly in the, honorable corps to which I belong, that no gentleman shall not presume to doubt the word of another, unless he can positively prove that he' is . wrong and that, too on the spot rherefore, sur,' even sup pose I had tould you a lie, youhave no right, according to the laws of honor, to challenge me with it r because, you never were at Mal ta, at all, and of course could, not see the thing with .-your own eyes. But, sur, by way of, conclusion to- my discourse, I have to remark to ye, that you have tiot ohly in sulted In Officer and ,a gentleman, but ah Irishman i therefore, I trust, that every ; one present will see that I have sufficient reason for requiring satisfaction;', , ; . . Satisfaction pooh ! pooh 1 for what ! for a mere difference of opinion ? Nonsense !' exclaimed several of the party I : ' I beg your pardon, gentlemen, no dif ference of opinion at ail ; he has given me the lie ; and Cornailiua i O'FlanaganV own son won't take the lie from man or mortal even, as I said before, if it was untrue. Do ye know thejway we begin fighting iri.Tip perary ?, Ill tell ye, if ye don't ; Paddy chalks bis hat, all around the riml of it ; and down he throws it, on the green turf.. I should like any body tu tell me now,' says he, ' that tliis is'nt silver lace ' So then, away they go to it with the shilelagh ; yon understand . m.e, sur, that is bur way. Ah Irishman's honor is dearer to bim than. his. life ; and when in the wrong, he'd, sooner die than have a lie thrown in his teeth So now, gentlemen, I'll bid ye all a good night, and as for you, sir, there js my card, . which I shall be be. happy, to exchange for yours. Z .The Englishman of course, gave his ad dress and the next day therparties met, at tended by their seconds. They fired, and OTlanagans shot took effect in the fleshy part of his opponent s thigh, which made the alter jump about a foot from the ground, and fall flat upon his back, where he lay for a few seconds in agony, kicking his heels. This being observed v by the Irishman's se cond, he said, You have 'hit your man, OTlauagan, that is certain; I think not dangerously, however j for see what capers he icuts. ' . Capers 1 capers I exclaimed the Irishman iOh I the heavenly powers 1 What, have I done T What fa dreadful mistake ! And running up to his ? wounded 'antagonist, he took his hand, and pressing it eagerly, thus addressed bim : ' My dear friend 1 if . ye're kilt, I ax yer pardon in this world and the next ; for t made a divil of a mistake ; it was Capers that I saw growing upon the. trees of Malta, and not Anchovies at all! The wounded man,, smiling at this ludi crous explanation and, apology, said, My good fellow, 1 wish yon had thought of that a .little sooner! I don't Ihink'you 'have -quite killed me, but I. hope you will remember the difference between Anchovies and Capers as ong as you live, . , . ' GEMS OF. THOUGHT. 1 w c Y1 A wnriTrraS PrtJLS: JTti We 00 nol want Dreceots so much as naU II ry Thia is to certify, that about two yeara rfW In pursuance of the provisiolis of An Aci or Assembly pasfed fit the terns',-, . r..fc-- g6, while we bred in Wake County, 10 The' worthiest people are the mostiniured lS 7 , .- " : ,r - j. ' i i . . .. IWT I1U JUM1UU9 UM jancu buu tw . .iau.K bV SliinnAr f as nro ncnllir Kn1 tr ha lta I ... . ... . . i. ... 1 . i-.-T, best fruit which the birds have been picking The best Physician in neighbothbod had exerted I aSt Sessiotl, entltlea An Act for the estrblisnment aha petter TtUla- au i - tumself to core ber; but wttftout snccfess. Ai a lart, i tinri of I nmmon HchoolSk77 thft frasirlfent Ant! Jlirecthrs nr. thft IJdtPJkfeTl, A inisergrows ricbby seeming poor, anlW extratmnt manirTOwiwor bv seeming rich.- 7 . ? . "T-. ?" "i V5. v v:r rr' V ? " ' . r. - v - o i nom atter taMtifften of ttem,neuiicnareea aquan- . 1 T1(T la nA ttla.lai ittaranaa halmahn1 lha I ......... w . .. ...... . r 6'w"l",!,'B vw.?B-.tily4tfftlilektbllBv-l waa evidently mudx reuewl.f th&'nimo F Art living and the dead, than . between a wige J Another dese of eight Pills, gave her complete relief ; ine; P.sape ?a3.a Apl. Pg? denceweene tity tldckbiWand wa evidently much relieved. a-i. v Ca n4 M5l Ant n lhp i?Ann; Another dose of eight FiUa, gave her complete relief ; IrV""" 1'" V' , -J T- 1 7K t she then recovered fast,, and soon was more healthy j is entitled, accordiiiz to its'FedeJfal Population; and j&aKinf mown that man and a blockhead. jlhe difference between a rich and a poor man is this the iorrner pats when he plea ses , the latter when he can get it. , The Weather is- not a safe, topic of dis course ; you?? company may be hipplsh ; nor is neaitn your, associate my. be a . malade imaginaire : nor is money you may be sus pected as a borrower; " ' When all is done, human life is, at the t i.i i i.;ni:n: b..k..i. - .-"".u .h.u, w.a. ...ui uc Fiij, - for gae; contaiiiing'1230 acres. It is one of the most ed with and humored a little to keep it quiet pleasant situation in the State, j Th$ Dwelling till it falls asleepc and then the care is over, house is situated on an eminence, surrounded bv a It is a common fault never to be: satisfied lafge Grove. There are aj all convenient out- with our fortune, nor dissatisfied with our h."sC8' !nh fine. od .Ic1 . u . Vhe nnflprcfonW. I viiii nas just Deen Duiit, ana is varuaoie ; mere oeing uiiuersianaing. t h Timber immediatelv ronnd in the; adiacent A titled nobility is the most undisnuted L.,t than she had been before, and contbuessotdthwtime. tl1A MiJ cPVPrl cnm wilt h TiiililTA' fK Woine V.w,nlv Wiilfr1 tn Inse neither medicine in my famfly itot; the Pills, "" "r" ' '! ' V ft',f"4,""43r and those, with the most dearabfeeSect, : j"i .. . , THO. F. OHRISTMAN; Johnston County, 26 miles from Ilaleigh, " Junfr24tb, 1841, ! 3 53 4m i TVTaluable Liind and Mill for Sale. j The Subscriber, havioc determined to remove. offers his TRACT OF LAND eight miles north of receive the same, on or. after the 1st day Of pepteinber nekt. f i CouiiTits. Federal Population; bum to which each County ii - efitided. Bum reoeivw ftdbyech Cdnnty.' ' Iirum4ueeach Ctottntyf 1st Aag. 184l.t: f Amount f overdriwfTby Counties; ? . progeny of feudal barbarism. Virtue knows no distinction of sex. Brave men little regard big words, they value threats as nothing. ": A good conscience is the finest opiate. and DRUG AND APOTHECA RY STORE. Dr, N. L. Stith hav. ing rented the Store lately occupied by Wx. M. Masos & Co. known as the sign of the Golden -Mortar, andV immedi. ately adjoining the Store of WrLtiAX C.Tucxxk, respectfully , offers to the public an extensive assort ment of ' DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, Ac. &c. The greater part of which is just received from the North; and he assures his friends, that whilst the quality may be relied en, each article shall and will be offered for Cash, at fair and moderate prices. v : . Having engaged the services of a competent assis tant, the greatest attenUon will be paid to the dispens ing of Physicians and Family Prescriptions, at any hour of the day or night. . ' The Sodt, Fount has been thoroughly repair ed, and is open from 5, a.m. to 10, p. m., daily,' (Sundays excepted) on which day, the doors will be closed during divine service. N. L. 8TITH. July 5th, 1841. , , 15 Manificeiit Schemes I '' Ml I 11 ' i I ' ' II II '' , 4 prizes of $25,000 amounting to $109,000, FOR 25m SEPTEMBER ; awb $ 50,000$ 30,000 $ 25,000, FOR 23d OCTOBER. From the New. Orleans' Picayune. IMPUDENCE PUNISHED- Never was a piece of impudence more beautifully rewarded than yesterday, in a ease which came under our. especial observation, We record it for the benefit of the rising generation, as well as for the benefit of the veneration which has already 'risen -for a neater rebuke was never yet administered since the adoption of the Federal Constitution. About six . o clock last evening . two bucks. well known about town for their very; free and easy?, deportment, were seen Strolling upon SL Charles street, near rivola Circle, They-ivere evidendy in search of adventure; if one could be permitted to judge from the manner in which they surveyed every house they passed, .as well as every person tbey met, temaies especially, i ne conclusion to which we arrived was, that they Had man aged at the dinner . table to deposit an extra quantity: oi- wine wnere moore ept nis heart, videlicet beneath his vest. -.' At length they met a lady who seemed to suspect, be fore she reacbed them, that their object was to gaste into her face, and as she approached them she discovered 'something wonderfully interesting upon the opposite side of the street, which she had not fairly surveyed un til the gentlemen (?) had passed her. ! 1 say, Jacki' said one ot them with a genteel hiccough, did you see her face? , I 1No, Tdid'nt, did youJ If . U T A f Nov but I should like toVBhbuId'nt you? How like a Juno she steps off, and what a beautiful shaped woman she is, isn t sher t f Fine upon my soul I'm bonnd to see her face 4 there's nothing like boldness, I'll eo and.'show her my, handkerchief and ask her if she' han't dropped it.': ' .--. f Capital! take mine, it's a better one, cost me seventy nverj dollars a dozen ; it;nasn.;t i Jack toot the nicely folded and perfumed handkerchief, and hastened 'after the lady, now nearly a square tri advance. I ' J beg your pardon? madam said Jack, nat on, I think yqu dropped this The lady cast upon tbii.'gUheS: frbnia pair oi me Keenest eyes in the world, fdrOp J, G. GREGORY & CO., Managers. Splendid Union lottery, - Ckass 8, roa 1841. i To be drawn at Alexandria, D. Con Saturday,Sep. 25. . brixuaht acaxxs : 1 prize of 825,0001 a . . , - - - ts nriTpa nr s.z ifini nni 2S nnn i . v . w examine for themselves.- -For terms 'apply to the Subscriber.; JNO. II. HRODIE. Burlington, Franklin County, Inly 14. ; ' 68 I tale of North Carolina. Wayne I County, Court of Pleas and. Quarter Sessions, May Term 1841. : ApsiUa Exum, J Administratrix of Wm. Exum. f Petition for vs. ( Settlement. Distributees of Wm, Exum, dee'd. j In ibis case, it is ordered by the Court that pubti i cation be made for six weeks ia the Raleigh -Regis ter, requiring Charlotte Exum, mentioned in said Petition, or those representing her, to come forward and file their claims on or before the third Monday in August next; otherwise, the Court will proceed to make distribuUen of the share to which said Charlotte , would have been entitled, among the other I distribu tees of Wm. Exum deceased. ii Witness, John A. Green, Clerk of said Court, at 4m mm mm m i M m f"7 J umce, sa Monday in May ibsi. . - n June 16, 1841 JOHN A. GREEDY, CHc It ate of North Carolina, Ohi tow I County. Superior Court of Law, March Term, 1841. - . - . Rebecca Harrell," . . ( .. t.. vPetition for Divorce. Peter.HarrelL-3 . It appearins W Jhe Court that a subpoena, duly is sued in this case, was returned " not to be round ; and proof being made that a. copy of this process was left at the last place or abode of tne Iietendant, in tne county of Onslow;: and it farther appearing, that an ouu subpoena has also issued end been returned in like manner, Proclamation ia publicly made at; the Court noose uoor, accoruing io me aci, in sues cases provi ded, and the Defendant failing to answer, it is ordered that pubucatwn be made in the u Wilmington Adver tiser and " Raleigh Register" for three months, for the Defendant to appear at the next Term of wis Court, and plead, answer, or demur to that saidfeli- tioh, or the same will be taken pro eonfeuo, and set for heariBir. I' Witness, Bryan S. Kooncf , Ulerkof our said Court at Office, the Gist Monday T March, A. LM84W BRYAN S. KOOWUJS, U. . Pr. Advt. $10. 40 1 do 1 do 1 do 825,000 1 prize of 810,0001 do. of viaa wMitMM i lira iisin 825.000 r. " ",tt1"" wvvvw - I I dollars. 1 prize of '1 ; do of 2 prizes of 4 do of $6,000 5,153 4,000 2,000 0 prizes of 50 do of 50 do of 100; do of ,000. $1,000 500 260 200, 4 14 drawn numbers out of 78. Tickets $15 Halves $7 60 Quarters $3 75 . Eighths $1 87, Certificates of Packages of 26 Whole Tickets $200 Do do 26 Half , do 100 Do " do 26 Quarter do 50 Do : do 26 Eighth do 25 50,00030,000325,000. ; . ON SATURDAY, OCT. 23 The Grand Union Lottery 9 v Class 9, for 1841. ; ' W ill be drawn at Alexandria, D. C. ; 16 drawn ballots. itate of North Carolina. Ojrsiow County. Superior Court of Law, March Term 1841. . . v-' ., - Henry Dickson, ") ea. i-Petition for Divorce, Rebecca Dickson, j v - . ;f - :' It appearing to the Court that a subpoena, duly is sued in this ease, was returned not to be found r sad proof being made that i Copy -of this process was left at the last place of abode of the Defendant, in the couutv of Onslow :' and it further appearing, that an 'aHa subpoena has -elsor issued and been returned in njiae manner, rrociamuuou i yuuumj aus ws Court House door, according t6 the Act, in such cases ! nrovided. and the Defendant failing to answer, it is ordered that publication be made in the " Wilmington Ad vertiserand Raleigh Register" for three months, for the Defendant to appear at the next Term of this. Court, and plead, answer, or demur to the said-feu tion, or the aame will be taken pro confeuo, and set forheanne. ; ; " L Witness, Bryan S. Koonce, Clerk of our said uourt, at Office, the first Monday of March, A. D. 184L BRYAN 8. K.OUNUJS, V; Pr.Advt. $10. : 40 3m Anson Ashe Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick - Buhcdmbe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Cafterel Caswell Chatham Cherokee Chowan Cleaveland Columbus Craveti .Cumberland Currituck Davidson Davie Duplin Edgecomb Franklin Gates Granville Greens Guilford Halifax. Haywood lender ton lertford Hyde Iredelt Johnstob Jones Lenoir Lincom ' Macon Martin Mecklenburg Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange Pasquotank Perquimons Person Piii Randolph Richmond Robeson ' Rockingham Kowan Rutherford ' . Saihpsoit 8tanly. etukes Surry Tyrrell Wake. Warren Washington ' Wayne ' Wilkes Yancy If "I2J99 7,182 10,515 9,496 0,661 4,404 9 ,'568 14,413 8,560 4,950 . 6,045 j 1,839 14,045 3,33t 524 3,515 11,158 13.184 SM9 13,587 6,820 9,847 12.984 8,860 S.704 15,454 5,412 18,153 13,095 461 4,955 6,024 550 14,093 923 1 3,838 6,138 23,020 4,736 6,435 16,236 5.077 770 ,540 i0,752 10,25 6,43 1 21,568 7,4oS 6,144 8,056 9M2 1S;303 t,359 9,216 13,799 10,761, 18,147 10,420 4.T09 15,167 14,368 AI06 1774 9,639 3,88t 9,422 12,006 6,904 "T623"9 v 596 10 872 75 ; 798 16 552 86 365 53 ' 794 14 1,196 27 710 48 410 85 501 73 982 63 1,165 73 276 97 433 59 291 74 926 11 .1,094 27 487 12 1,127 72 66 06 ; 775 80 1,077 67 735 38 556 43 ' 1,282 68 449 19 1.50r69 1,086 88 . 403 46 ' 411 26 499 99 460 65 1,169 88 ; 765 60 . '318 55 609 49 i,910 68 893 OS 634 10 1,347 58 421 89 61171 , 625 82 892 4t 881 87 633 77 1,790 14 614 6d 609495 668 64 789 49 1,021 14 610 79 ' 764 92 1,145 31 893 16 : 106 20 . 664 8d 390 84 168 03 -1,192 64' 340 79 1,491 84 800 03 823 12 782 02 996 41 490 03 $54,608 99 . 80 00' M00 00 I 920 00 880 4)0 s 10, OOl m $0 tit m 720 00 640 OO 760 00 I : t r - i god 06 1,120 00 coo Co 880 00 440 00 360 00 481100 680 00 62O ud - 40 50 r 1,062 39 v 696' 10. ' . 552 86 ;' :f $85 63 . . l,t98 27 -" 710 48 ;, , 410 85 ; ; 601 73 C 981 63 ' 1,165,73 246 ii ;. . 1,094 27,. 1,127 ,72 - , 775 80 v .56t43v ; 1,282 68 K - 449'id ', . 786,69 .. . U088 8$ , ".49$ 99 - .460-65' 1,16 88. , .765 60 f : i.sfl4-j5w V609 45V, JIO 66- -r434",io:-'V lJ34768 ,:Ba,7i- 626 82 -, ; 88l?8t ' 633 it 670 14 5 '614 69 ' 609 95 A 66S 64 78 49 - ' 785 81 893 1N ,106 20 ;884 86", ; "290 84 4 158 03; J 1,192 54 $12,200 00 61184 -125 81 603jSl m $4 848 74 5 - : 971 84 ' 600.03 322 12 782 02 ' 958 41 490' 03 $45,190 34 .1 - - r 26d'2t . - ? .... . 2,781 33 Amount to be paid Amddnt already paid, ie c a p i TV$J&i On, Excess received hy Counties over their sWe Nett IncdmO . . 4 845,11844 ;'-Uf .tii'llii 1,1 i fey .1 C540&-99 1 Grand Capital prize of 1 Splendid prize of 1 - do- ' do - -1 - do do " . 1 -prize of . : 1 do of 1 do It do 1 do 1 do 1: do of of of of of 4 prizes of. 5 , do of $8,000 7000 6,000 5,000 4,000 '3,500 211 '2,000 1,750 ' 60,000 dollars. - 30,000 dollars. ' 25,000 dollars. . 10,000 dollars. 10 prizes of $1,500 10 do f fi 1,250 of 1,000 of 500 of 40O of 300 of 250 of - 200, &e. 50 50 50 100 100 170 do do do do ; ' do do &c. &c. 1 6 drawn hirmberV out of 78. Tickets $20; Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; ishtb $2. Certificates of Packages of 26 Whole Tickets $260 Do- - do t 26 Half do 130 Do do 26 Quarter do- - 65 Do. do : 26 Eighth - do .32 60 (fj Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages in the above splendid schemes will de ceive the. most prompt attention v and the drawing of; each Lottery will be sent, immediately after t is over, to au who order from ns. - Address ' ; -o -J. G. GREGORY 4 Ca Managers, . -Washington D.O. tate of Worth SI!nrolina. -Chatham County. - Court of Equity, spring Term, 1841, fr; rctition jor sale oj mat asiaie. fa TJohin Thompson and Wife and others. "A ucmoar aisjj coMMissioisr -new yi TlCE.''Tbe Subscribers have this day asso ciated themselves together, for the purpose of con ducting a general : ATJCTXOW AJfD CokMISSIOW BTJSnfESS, , " under the firm' of v ' OEDNER & DIGGES. Their Store is in the f Mechanics' Hall,' on Syci amore Street, where they aro prepared lof attend , to sales of j)rv Goods. Groceries: Hard wate, Horses; iCproportion tdits redend Popuia taken from each. .1 f rwl .Huhu. MBuimMl thorn will I f - " ' w vt, uvwiiug .tuEii Know yiwtuii tv mnumtj uwuhui mhu ... XSSSld4 ..'.,V,;;.t:;i-n. upon uoode. wnen - jequireu, iBienuea tor- puouc 1 ; nr m uu, eouuu, tnmu Kptiuur-suu nigmanu meweuger, wiu give we loresouiz inree uuer- So that th6 amount of- $2,781 ; 35, overpaid some of the Counties, .will hare to ba mada up out of tho Funds at this time, and that amount stand against the same .Coaoties, ia the - : next-' dwWutioq' , :f ' ' ' .. ' l.j&:tf?&fkit?2 f The Board aaving no official return of the late Census, have adopted a ltettort nude to the' hut Leglsia-' ture, in wnicn-ine rederal populatiott.of ech in is setf fbith. It is believed; however, to bs very nearly accurate. '.- i-.,-;v.,:, K:J:&fk-' 'v' '' ' "" t4: " -! CleaVeknd willbe entitled to a Jporuon of; the funds shotted Lincoln and Rutherford, fn proportion t its Federal Population,; taken from each.. And CaldweTl will te entitled to a portion of the ytmds pHotttd sale.- In conelusioa they merely state, that their business will receive their individual, attention, and hope to merit a share of public patronage. .' i. . ; . 5 :? .iffO.XPiaGES. : Petersburg, Va: July 30;i84i::;; j 62 3t k - : . : BEFKKEttCES; - ' . V Edwin James & Co. : . L.F. Hicks,. . : . Davenport and Sturdivant, jf . Rev.: A, J. La yen worth,. . JaV A ntlaMnn . V Cbarles & Geo, tteid,. .. . : v; JJoyd W. WilUams, rHaynes & Goodrich tnlbes & Brother 4" Jno. N. Gordon, Richmond Ya lions each, and forward 4heix bills for payment to the Secretary of 'the Literary BoSfd. Petersburg V,' ped half a conrtes took the handkerchief, Mark Snipes and wife DeRlah, Nathaniel Robertson and with a freezing f tharA y0o, siri walked - 'd ynfet Ebaaljeth.' v V: fr inieUy upon her wayemUeso ex- ' csesjapitov.-saion of the SuisrtetrcVnipose 'fJ gjTATB OF NORTH CAROLINA Nash Coun XJP Courtf Pleas and Quarter' Sessions. : Josnua wauon, , Attachment levied padet tre :tisr y. ; vrirfitin ten negroes in DOS. Joseph Arrmgton, Cfen. 3 session of Martha Arringtpn , Ia this case, it appearing to the Court thai the De fendant, Joseph Arrtogton, General, is a. non-resident of this State, it Is therefore ordered that publication be made; for sit weelu in the Raleigh Register, notifying the Defendant to abnear at the nextTerm of our Oourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 10 oeneia iorine u-oan-ty of Nash, at the Conrt-hoUse in Nashville, on the second Monday of Aagust jtextinen ana jmere 10 pieaa and replevy; or judgment final will be rendered against him; and the property levied on condemned to the sat- IteTens' Travels, to th Ruins arid Amef- utfaction of te -ranwi. r ? S. jv. ? lEn AiquitieS In Central Americs, Cbpan, Pa- ; Witues, B. H.Btountf Clerk of our ssga ' fee;,dbc.d:wilhtoaheh edday at theNor Carolfr ; i- ' 1 Norfolk, Ya Stationers. ttubiisZiCr.s. GENERAL BOOK AGCrJTD, ' J10, joisN toril;: 1 ' ' AND No. ax' No. l, Fayettevi0e Strata Ealdgt, North Carolina " 1 " x ' ' - ' "' - - V IWHW jUfy QMSTIO BOOKS. STAWOTrAET, Vt. ; July 30. TURNER & HUGHES. 50 6w ,r- .t j . ; . . - . 1 ana it is mereion lips a Pjwippeu:uowa siree was a per- fe months in the Raleieh Rerister for theDe fect diaphragm-con valser. . . The poor oeaa I fendants to appear at tho next, Term of this Court, to svvuu iur ttwuwciii uiuuucr eiruciw Dull pe neid at tne uoanniwHui uo u ui (wwmu , a'mosl' heartynavnnaflfec hW ! from k ronrh fellow, who itd'od r9ini wrer oi demur to the PtontiiB'Wn, or theeame wfll tWrlinoirid had Wltnaerl thf 1-k W,W5 operation," rec2lied him to . his senses,, jie joined bis companion: and they" hastily' mov ed away. Barrels Cut Herrings. -oCdy 20 do, Itoodoi w . 5 .:-: iu do enaa ' . - - f - -. Wsrranud genuine just come to hand . (his day. v V -; , ; TURNER & HUGHES. HTcTXCfl2rfrnfiway fiom the Subscriber, la : ll ,Wake Counry, some time in February past, my negro man oaxmoiv ; mooui da jan os ugni xwMta ou SMtoMjWiM, u SMtNMMi ewrslca, ar JUM. H.D.Tvsixm, NTork..If. aHcsass,lialeigh. jteascT to ascKwrras fixxs it jraw voas? TTjtlESa Ttinrn CIDMast received Jjj.roct the Ujutei -Cociety cf Ehakers, Enfield; wnn,t iresa supply ci Turnip eed ; soco as anj Dutch, Early Gardca Clou vEn-lih ISorfo, B4 Top,7hito Cl6bs, J3aleV Hybrid, and BotasBua -, - TURNER & fJtGHES,BooksenrsV& rWitriesst loseph Raiissy, Clerk and Master of said I JJj tfgArOTSrl!!?! Court, at Office, th third Monday or Marcn, A. li, I I be nnder shall be rewarded, 1841. ' JUS. KAflKJAX , Ci. M. 1 ' June 25, 1841. Pr. Adv. $7 , , complexion, walks limping; on account c f m hart in his riffhthlb;! nresome heisf UTkins abc-t Kaleiibi ax his wife tivee In. Raleigh, ' 1 have onderstood. he fN r !?jft7TriT;: iAimtt& n , u a Aoooi tea days since, fine uoutxtow i na oeeas caiww iml mwB4ft w ainutvieex,- on .Ja eiaveda Small lot ot unee&ea an j wrret r irrr- the Register.' June 24, 1841. Ii. r..U i -Ribs fid rmmi tava'V4atnaA fM. ji.nM. II ieH W1U1 UiC juuimm inn nui i inwiwwi lonuu ui- imjj uww.nsiHUB, ; - delivered rn Raleigh J&W M-; 52 TIGNAL JONES. ed Wa&Insi N Persons wanun; wKl cj wt.I to Wl-" immediately, as most of & was tcw'0-t W crJcr. ' - V ... ' . ' MAMESM.TOWLT3. : June 301b, 1841; -VT&M- - A r 1" I - r f i 1 -1 - i 4 1 4, 'r .- VERY TIGHTLY BOUND r

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