; ' : jf , I' " " AND fcllfe 111 vS :" VOL. yTTT S : '-" ' . . " SEan-WEEKLY. - " J'U;.:"-,' 1" ' ' ' v : ' " .'V : TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, HS4.iV jj ' ' CMfc ; : ' EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. vjcBscRiPTioir Five Dollars per annum half in Advance. ' j ! ADVERTisKXKTR.T-For every 16 lines, first inser- jion, One Dollar; tach subsequent insertion, 25-cents r ' t. J -II t . . . uoukt uKumsaaujcDirut Advertisements will be charged 25 percent hjghr ; but a deduction of 33 J per com, wiu oe maue irom jthe regular prices, for ad vertisers by the year. ! Advcrtise'(ients,;inserted in the Semi-Weekly Rkg hteu will aFso sppear in the Weekly Paper, free of charge. ! !'!'!"' fXj Letiers to the Editor must be post-paid. SELECTED jFOR THE REGISTER. THE FIRST AND LAST VISIT TO A1 DRAM SHOP. Timothy Trtiesdell is the fefeme we shall assign to a very; v orthy industrious and thri ving mechanic of New York, who became a burden to himself, anxl a curse to his fami ly ad a nuisance tp socjety at large, in short one of the, most $hameless and abandoned Jruukards that ever took the measure of ah unmade grave in a Gotham gutter. He was not weaned from bis! degrading propensity ty the Temperance, or the Tract or any oth er preceptive Society. Their benevolent logic was lost on Tm, who was not one of your " curtain drinkers." He would have uncorked a bottle amid the quakings and thunders of Mount Sinai, and drained it by the exploding Vesuvius . It was woman's love that cured him,"and all women may get a just idea of their Own importance in socie ty, from reading this story. Though" he had a wife and Eve beautiful children.Tim. seemed unconscious of the fact. He neglected his work, squandered his ear nings, which daily grew smaller, and Rpent bis time at the pot house, till the nigh pros tration oi an nis uculties or the distasteful vords no trust V warned him to seek the shelter of his wife's care and protection. His children could not go to school, because learning was dear arid; rum was cheap : the landlord dunned .Tor his rent, and Mrs. Trues It WdS UUIlgeU lO Keep at nO me, as Sne had l 1 A - 1 I 1 aFpc uruau m, uavmg pawn- ed the last to pay a fine imposed upon her spouse by the police court Misery, utter BBu uu .amine, siarcc xne unnappy lamnyin ,ne iace. iitis impossible to ex- oggcmic iuc picture, eveu itau we room or inclination. Mrs. T. was a heroine though not of romance. She loved her worthless husband and had borne his neglect, the tears of her children, the gripe Of famine, and the railings of the drunkard .without repining.--Never had her exertions slackened never bad a harsh word passed her lips. At night, I when she put her children to sleep, she wept and watched for his coming, and when he uu come drunk as vsual, she undressed and assisted him to bed, without a murmur of reproach. At length, her courage well nigh exhausted, she resoved upon one last des perate effort. Ml At night.having disposed of her three oldest children, she took the two youngest by the .hand and bent her steps to the groggery her husband wa3 accustomed to frequent: she looked in at the window, and there he sat, in the midst of his booh companions, vi ilh his pipe in his mouth and his glass in his hand. He was evidently excited though not yet drunk. Great was the astonishment of that bad company, and enormous Mr. TruesdelFs conlusjon and dismay, ; when his wife, pale would hardly keep in his head. It was pres as marble, and leading two tattered and bare- entlv out. The Yorkers wisely declined fol- footed babes, stepped up to the bar, called ior tnree glasses of brandy toddy, and then sal down by his side; What the devil brings you here, Mary?' saui he morosely. I n it is very lonesome, at home, and your business seldom allows you to be there, re plied the meek wife. There is no com pany like yours, and as you cannot come to me, I must come to you. I have a right to share your pleasures as well as your sor rows.' But to come to such a place as this !' expostulated Tim.' ! ; ' No nlace can be lmnroner where my husband is is,' said poor Mary. Whom God hath joined -together, let no man put asunder,' She took u pi the glass of spirits. Surely you are not going to drink that?' asked Tim in huge astonishment. W hy not I. You say you drink to forget sorro w , and if bratidv has that effec4, 1 am I sole no HTlog creatnre.nas so good an excuse for drinking as I. Besides, I have not eaten a rnonthful to-day. and I really need-aorne-thing lo support my strength.' Woman I woniaji !j you are not going to give the children such stuff as that cried - . m ' : mm 1 Tim. as she handed each oi the ciuiuren a glass of liauor. !i Whv not ? Can I children have a better exam nle than their father's ? Is not what is good him, good for. them also ? It will put them to sleep and they will forget that they are cold and hungry. H ilrinK, my cniiuren, this is fire, and bed. and foodand clothing; Drink von can see "itow much firdod.it does your father. : - i - . With seeming reluctance, Mary,; sofferea I her husband to conduct her home, and that) night he prayed long1 land fervently, which ne had not done before for years. The next evening as lie returned home Ward with n stAnrlv stpri he saw his eldest bV run into the "house and heard him elaim. Oh mAtKpp: fipre com es father, and w s not drunk !' Tears coursed down the v-ttt n n 1 rn a i . k-s- m - , t t parent's cheek, and from that hour he lias not tasted a drop of strong drink. He had never been vicious or unfeeling, and as soon as his emancipation from the thraldom of a debasing appetite became known, friends. employment and prosperity returned to him. ,or Mrs. Truesdell, she is the haDDiest of women: and never thinka tvithmit ;n t ... iiiiuu. jvj aim grauiuue, ot her first and last visit to the uram shop. ANECDOTE OF SHERIDAN. The following compliment was paid to old Sheri- Pas in Norfolk, by an Irish servant belonging to Mr Coke, who attended him on his shooting excursion, and which Sherry re-told with great glee. Shot th? first, (the birds all getting away); More power to your honor ! Did vou see one little fellow drop his leg as he went off? He'll never stand on his tin toes a?ain." Shot the 2d, (ditto, ditto : 1 'are an' acrers there they go ! But did'nt your honor hear the shot rattle among them like nase agin a ... t rm Jii 1 nuiucy j iiiey u pray never to see your honor again on this side of the country. Sh6t 3d, (birds all off again) : Blood and ouns! but they've colch't it !' (After watching them awhile), There's three wounded anv how, for they had hardly stringth to fly over yonder hedge :the divil a wink of sleep they'll get this blessed night.' ouot 4, (a pheasant gets away) : 'Well, I never seen a poor gentleman taken like him: he'll remember vour honor many a 'Ion? day for that. The spalpeen is carrying away more shot than would set up an ironmonger at Skibbereen. Shot 5th, (a snipe gets off): Bother! vou may cry crake my fine fellow ; you may take your long bill to the other world. You'll wake to-morrow with a lumbago in your Soft head.' Poor Sheridan could stand this no longer, but gave his countryman a fee for his inge nuity, anu proceeded on his beat alone. THE Qp SNAG. A couple of blades ' once met a Vermonter at a tavern, rhev had heard much of Yan kee ingenuity and they soon determined to see if they could not come round" this son of the Green mountains. Thinking he would be careful of his coppers, they proposed to him in the course of the evening's chat,that pah nftfiom cftnnM ninn to ,n nmlUnrr which the other two should imitaie, or on th refuel nf Mthr n tn dn. K shvinhl n,v all the damages the otners might sustain, and uie score at the bar. The Vermonter was a little wary at first-bot at length consented. One of the Yorkers commenced the game. He pulled off his.coai, walked up tpthe .fire and threw it on. His 'companion aiti'ttrc same. The Vermonter as they had agreed, must do so with his coat, or pay for the oth- . - . . -1 ra? . .1. er two coats anu tne score, uu wem inc erarment on to die fire. The other New Yorker next made a trial. He off boots and hat, and consigued them to the flames. His companion imitaled him, and to their aston ishment, the Yankee was not backward. Now came the Vermonter s lime to lead. Landlord is there a doctor nearl' Yes, ir.' Send for him.' The erentlemen of York began to stare. The doctor soon came in. 'Doctor,' said the Vermonter, get vmir instruments. I want von to pull out every tooth in my head, and those gentle- men will probably" want the 6ame done with thetfs At the same time ne Degan to imase .:.-.. - . -. i i nrennratmns for the ooeration. i ne uocior and the others r-t - - . were coniounueu. oorae doctor don't wait, ' nn1 efitilnrT nnffn hl mouth he discovered to the company that he (Hilt 0VtlllC vkrvks w had in his head but one old snag, which lowing suit, paid the Vermonter for his coat, hat and boots, and went on quietly to Deu. 05-TAXE8! TAXES!!-C0 . . . . .... 1. I -t nrTrp. ia hATPhv eiven to an tnose persons wno have not paid their City and County Taxes for the Dast and current years, that I shall attend at the l J XST3TT A IT unU in thn f Titv of KaieiErn. our AtvAx nuu MATiTBnAY. the 2tla and 2Sth of Aneiist, a A.;D;n. thA same. Mv lormer notices to uus effect having failed in inducing persons to pay up, I can only repeaVffiat'unless the same be settled on the days above named, 1 6nau oe reiuciamijr r thA me. in the mode pointed out by Act of Assembly. J AS. H.MURRAY. Collector of City A Co. Taxes. 7 TVTVTHITE SULPHUR WATER. A WW Rtinnlv of this celebrated Water in bottles hiehUj recommended for DyspstA, Liver Complamts, Chronic Rheumatism, ocroiuia or iving ix-'u, u.u.i- ic Diarrhasa, Bilioua states of the system, Cutaneous and Mercurial diseases, &c. has just been received, and for sale at the Drugstore oi WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. July 22hd, 1841. 60 7T7JXAMINATION. Atan ExaminaUbn of the ATA Pupils of the Raleigh Institute, held on Tues. lav. th i?th nf Ansrust. the Culver ;,t ,n tnn 0lAtho seconu rremium w J - --a ' , r ! j . . t t Louis Saunders and honorable places to jauio dell. Jnliua Gnion. G. Hardie. P. Hardie and . bnep ard. ROBT. liKA, rrtncipat. Raleigh, August 19, 1841. THE Subscnber has just received from ! Phila. a laree assortment of Fashiona ble Misses Kid Slippers of superior make and suitable for dancing. Children's and Infant Valso. THEO H. SNOW. August 16, 1841. 67 4t. The Subscriber is desirous to become Agent in selling a first rate ! ' ' article of family Floor. T. H. 8. rnall and Party at snocco. t here win jjDbe aBa.ll and Party at Shocco Springs, on the 30th and 31st of August instant. 4 ANN JOHNSON. -I Warren,, August 16V 6S-2t BLANK DEEDS, 1 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR SALE HERE DRUG AKD APOTHECA RY STORE. Dr. N. L. 8TiTii hav. in? rented the Store lately occupied bj Ww. M. Mason & Co. known as the sign of the Golden Moriar. ami immerii. ately adjoining the Store of Willia 0. Tcchkh, Uent of reppectiuiiy oilers to the public an extensive assort- InRiins a tvti nnpurpiio -a tvto mro w- uuumivanu, 1 Al IO, VSlljO, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, &c. &c. the greater part of which is just received from ihe North; and he assures bis friends, that whilst the quality may be relied on. each article shall and will be offered for Cash, at fair and moderate prices. Having engaged the services of a competent assis tant, the greatest attention will be paid to the dispens ing of Physicians' and Family Prescriptions, at any uuu ui me uay or nigni. , The Soda Fount has been thoroughly repair. eu, anu is open Irom 5, a. m. to 10, p. m., daily (Sundays excepted) on which day, the doors wil be closed during divine service. L. STITH. 55 July 5tb, 1841 Cj We invite the attention of all who desire a chance for a fortune to the following mAOrVIFICENT SCHEMES. 4 prizes of $25,000, AMOUNTING TO 100,000 Dollars ! Fob 25th September axp .70,000 $30,000 $25,000 Foa 23d of Octobeb,. J. G. GREGORY & Co., Managers. ViTguna "Lfcesbwrg "Lottery, Extra Claes No. 23, for 1841. To be determined by the drawing of the UNION LOTTERY, Class No. 8, J 841, to be drawn at Alexandria, D. O. on Saturday, 25th of Sept. 184K BRIllIATfT SCHP.XK. 1 t 1 1 Prize of 25,000 dolls. 7 . . . tf - . .i nt win-Lit. 4 Prizes of 125,000 do 25,000 dolls, f do 25,000 dolls. J making 100,000 Dollars. I prize of $10,000 8,000 6,000 5,153 4,000 4 50 50 50 100 prizes of do do do do &c $2,000 1,000 500 250 200 do do do prizes of 14 Drawn Numbers out 78. TicketsftlS--Halves $7 50 Quarters $3 75 f Eighths $1 $7. Certuwif Packages of 26 Whole Tickets $200 Do do 26 Half do 100 Do do 26 Quarter do 50 Do do 26 Eighth do 25 $50,000 $3O,000 25,000 Dollars. VIRGINIA MONONGALIA LOTTERY. Extra Class No. 25, for 1841. 1- J -A -, ' .... m.mf, .'..er - -rrXt LOTTERY, Glass No. 9, for 1841, to be drawn at Alexandria, D. O. on Saturday Oct. 23dt 1841. 16 Draws Ballots. HAOH iriCEKT SCHKMK. Grand Capital Prize of Splendid Prize of do do do do 50,000 dollars 30,000 dollars 25,000 dollars 10,000 dollars 1 prize of "Si $8,000 10 prizes of $1,500 7,000 10 do 1,250 6,000 50 do 1,000 5.000 50 do 500 4,000 50 tlo 400 2,500 100 do 300 2,311 100 do 250 2.000 170 do 200 1,750 &c. &C do do do do do do 4 prizes of s uo 16 Drawn Numbers out of 78. Tickets20 - - Halves$l0 - - Quarters $5-Eighth $2. Certificates of Packages of 26 Whole Tickets $260 Do do 26 Half do 130 Do do 26 Quarter do 65 Do do 26 Eighth do 32$ Cj Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages in the above Splendid Schemes, will re ceive the most prompt attention, and tne Drawing oi each Lotti ry will be sent immediately after it is over, to all who order from us. Address J. G. GREGORY & Co. Managers, Richmond, Vd. TTAILOR'S NOTICE. A npgro man, call, til ing himself SAM, or SAM JOHNSTON, (he .. i i ..1 17 n n savs no matter wmcn i was lasen up n a tkumn.; Slave on the 3 1st day of July, near Plymouth, and committed to the Jail of Washington County. He I 1 - r 11-1 : ik. ll. f Wtnlll nnnn. savs ne is iree. anu neiuncs in mc 5" tv. Va.. that he was raised by a Mr. Jacob Dutk, of said county, and snows a scrawl, Dauiy wriuen, uur porting to be a pass to look for work, and certificate of freedom, and signed by Jacob Duck. Said Negro is ieei nign, uiaca., uw vuil.. i, ui.iivu. full laree eves, and his back appears much scarred by the lash.. He has on a brown homespun frock coal, and tow cloth shirt and trowsers. The owner of said Nesro is hereby notified, that unless he shall claim gaid Negro, by proving his property, and pay the -harirea aecruinir aarainst him, with the coat of this Advertisement, within the time prescribed by law, he wiJl be for tne samCf ag ine law uirecis in sucu cases. R. B. DAVIS, Sheriff, By 8. DAVENPORT, D. Shff 65 6m August 3, 1841. 1 IV FORM ATIOx WASTED. A distress ed mother appeals to a humane public for such in . r.f . . . . .iL. . i formation as will lead to tne aiscovery oi me proem situation of ber son, Bshtow Stakks whose mind in sn. unbalanced, as to be unable to take care of him self. He went on to New York recently, and was I r - . . . . ... , . . l c followed by his mother and orougni pac. r FrwWirtsbunr. Va. since which nothing has been hMrd front him. Any information touching his whPTAnhmits. addressed to the Intendant of Police, Raleigh, will 1 gratefully received by an afflicted Pa. rent. . Raleigh, Aug. 11, 1841. T 1 THE OF WAS HI UU run. IFVfsman'S duplicate ot akovas gr sTatti. or WASHiKOTosr, and the PtxLestai with its I u (ne whole appeared in the Rotunda of the Capitol at Raleigh, prior to its destruction by fire in ia! h Wn at leneth published, and is now offer ed for sale. The fidelity and beauty of the Engraving ,.t.ftarlAdrad by all who have ever seen the origi nal The Price of this only duplicate of the great s.-WA,',ii'rottrre is Five Dollars, without r.w.l if f.me are furnished, the price will be in nmnnrtion to their richness. Orders may be sent to this Office. July 17, 1841. 59 TTDROSPECTUS of tbi OXFORD MERCTTRV jJl The undersigned intends to publish in ihe town . "xioru, Uranville County, N. C. a weeWy news paper of the above tide. In soliciting the patronage ii me puoijc, ne deems it his duty lo state, as wel his motives for commencing such a publication, as al so rne manner in which it will be conducted. He begg the public to rely on what he says, and to be as sured ihat they may certainly expect all that is pro mised. In the Counties of Granville. Person, Cas- weii, Kockingham, Franklin and Nasb, all of which are in the fame vicinity, there jtfnot a sins'ei press in operation ; and the citizens of these counties mnst of I . ! ... - ? uvm reauing men, are compelled to subscribe for for eign papers, which contain none of the home news. most interesljng to ihe subscribers, and to have their advertisements and job work executed at such a dis lance, as to be inconvenient in the extreme. The undersigned has therefore thoueht that a DSner siiu- aieu in uxioru, wnicn-rs nearly in the centre of this . 1 y-v l .... . . . I vacancy, would afford great facilities and advantages to this community, aside from its merit of apolitical, miscellaneous, and literary character. In addition to tliUMhe northern mail arrives here as soon, or sooner, thanVifdofs :n Rdleigh, and the paper could thus spread through the country, the latest news from Washington, and from the north, quicker than it could posably be obtained from any oiher periodical, or publication in the Stale so that if it were to be nothing bat a mere transcript of the latest intelligence, it would e almost as valuable to this community as the Washington Intelligencer or Globe, and would be beside., much cheaper. But th undersigned intends Ihat it shall be inferi or to none in the Stale, either in point of mechanical execution, or editorial ability. He has made arrange ments for exc hanging with all the most valuajue pub lications in the United States; he has type arid paper! ot superior quality, and printers of great skill and ability. The editorial department will be under the exclusiv control of C. H. Wilet, Esq. a young gen- tlemao whose name, to all who know him, will he a sufficient recommendation. His pen is already favor ably known, and it only .wants an opportunity to be come the most popular in the State. He will spare no exertions to render the paper amusing and instruc tive; and with his varied acquirements as a scholar. a writer, and a man of extensive reading, is able (and he is certainly willing) to afford his readers a Weekly literary treat,, with which they cannot be displeased. Mr. Whet is also a firm and consistent Whig, and although the Mercury will be by no means, what is called a political paper, in common language, yet, it will be ever found advocating the distinctive! tenets of the Whig party, and the genuine principles of '98 and '99. Every thing, however, like parly rancour! party prejudice, and misrepresentation,, will be care fully excluded from the columns of the Mercury. Th Editor is one of those who believes that ho par ty is always right, and who is not disposed to look on all, who differ with him in opinion,, as blinded, cor. rupt, ice. If all parties were as degraded as tbry represent each other to be, they would be fallen in deed, and all our boasted free institutions, nay all the restraints of law, nation.! I, civil and divine, would soon be pros) rated in the whirlwind of contending passions, like rootless stubble before the sweeping blast. While, therefore, the Editor will always be found true to what he considers orthodox Whig doc trines, he will look with an eye of respect, on those whom he deems the wanderers from the true faith and though he may conceive them to be in error, he will alweys regard the great majority of therriLai hon- umns of the Mercury for the exposition and defence of their views; convinced", that truth is only to be ar rived at, after a fair and impartial hearing of the mer its of both sides of every controverted question. With this exposition of his views and designs, the undersigned now submits his Prospectus to a gene rous public, and respectfully solicits their patronage. The community whom he particularly desires to be benefited by this. paper, and for whose support he confidently hopes, are evidently as intelligent, liberal, and patriotic, as any in this or any other state. He firmly believes that they only want an opportunity to afford a triumphant refutation of the illiberal asper sions which tome would cast upon them, by-coming forward and manfully sustaining all laudable enter prise, cherishing and rewarding merit among them selves. He is convinced that the fact of there being no paper published among them, does not prove either their inability, or unwillingness to support one; and only an evidence that no one has yet given them a fair trial. This the undersigned hopes to do, and ne ardently trusts that his estimate of the patriotic zeal and public spirit of this community, will be lound rather below than above the mark. He only wishes them to try him, and if he does uot fulfil, to the let ter, every promise made in this Prospectus, he will not object to their abandoning him at once. W. E, WRIGHT, Proprietor. Oxford, August 1,1841, YAUUAKI.E CHATHAM PROP ERTY, for Sale. Will be offered for Sale, on Tuesday, tne inn day ot ceptemoer next, the Properly of the Subscriber, viz : That large and commodious Dwelling House, built in 1837, well constructed, situated in a fine grove, about half a mile from the village of Pittsborongh, having a comtoanding view of the. same and the sur rounding country, with all the necessary Out-build; ings. a Pump of excellent water, a spacious garden, 2 Orchards of ckoico fruit trees, and about 7 acres cf land attached. ' AH the Household and Kitchen Furniture. ' Abo, a number of valuable young Negroes, one of ihem an excellent cook. , Also a valuable Farm, in a high state of cultiva tion, about 2 miles from Pittsborough, on the Chapel Hill road, containing 200 acres, about 75 of which are in woods, 10 in meadow, well set with Herds Grais; a good stock Farm. 1 . Also, all the Stock, Farming Implements, Crops, &c. Ac, consisting in part of Corn, 0i&, faaffj, Fodder, &c. &c. Tun four horse Wacrons. I one hnre Wrrnn. 1 Cart, I large Barouche, harness of every description, .. a portable horse power ior unvinguiucieijiunn a pas; of iron gTey Horses, well broke to any kind of harness, perfectly gentle, about 5 feet high, and 4 years old this next spring; 1 Horse, 1 Mule, several J ... . .... IT -r IT -f iha lm godd Ubwsj halt Ayrsnire nenera, nug nroveJ Ayrshire, no bone Bedford and snap breed, a nroved Avrsnire. no uone umiuiu mu .p ----i - half blood Ayrshire Bull, beautifully spotted red and naii didou Ayreniro uu , . white, IS monms oius, nuuiucr wi lyuBU", noditionsofsale: 6 momh. credit, note. with .p proved .ecarity. Person, wbhing lo itow the pro- perty, pieviou. to the day of sale, can do so at any time. In case of rain, the sale will take place on the next fair dav. HJSJXKx A. LUlil.Ull. PitUborough, August 13, 1841. 61-U frflHE Subscriber, having engaged the services of - U one of the most svcoomprished Cohfectiow ers and Bakers in th United Btatea, is prepared 0 the very shortest notieerto furnish all kinds of Cakes from the plainest up to those of the richest description, and ornamented in a style at once noveland elegant) FaWCT CoayKCtl05ARIESVJEtl.tI!S,,CORl'AtS, &C1 dee. Persons, desirous of giving Parties and Enter tainmenu, can be furnished with every thing requi site for the same, on moderate terms, without harras sing and fatiguing themselves to death with the pre parations so necessary on such occasions. S. L. TUCKER. Raleigh, May 7. J VJYITBn.R. D. LINDS & CO.; pleasure or announcing to the Citizens of aieign and its vicinity, that they will open their in this place on Tuesday, the 31st of August, and con tinue ior tnree days. In the Menagerio may be seen many rare BEASTS-AND BIRDS- The Circus Company is unsurpassed bv anv in fha u..irj. j oe ocenes in trie Uircle will I produced in the utmost order and regularity, ami will 9 r J J VVIUUII1V HOItSEJf ANSniP, VAULTING, TUMBLING, AIR DIVING, PYRAMIDICAI. DEVICES, OR ANI3LATED ARCHITECTURE, JUGGLING, DANCING, POS TURING, ANTIPODEAN . EXERCISES. Grand Cavalry Mdnattvrcsx Comic and Negro Songs, Sfc. The whole Exhibition, taken together, cannot fail to prove a rare treat to the Naturalist, as Well as the over of Equestrian Exercises. The Managers pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting, on their part, to render the Exhibition boih agreeable and" interesting, Doors open from 7 to 10 o'clock at nieht. Admis sion 50 cents. Children under 10 years of age half price- t he tixnibition will be open on Wednesday and Thursday, the 1st and 2d of September, from 2 to 5 o'clock, P. M. to accommodate those who do not wish to visit the Exhibiiion after night with their families. The above will be exhibited at Lduisburg oh the zm, at r ran k. union 00 ine xm, ana at r oresivuieon Monaa, . 30th of AagUS,, ins, from 1 4 o'Cock, P. M. See large bills. D August 19. 68 And Western Gymnastic Arena Company-. Under the immediate direction of the Proprietors, MESSRS. ROGERS, SHAY, MATEER & JACKSON. The Managers of this establishment in offering their unsurpassable list of Performances for the public patronage, assure those ladles and gentlemen who may honor them with their presence, that the strictest scrutiny is paid to the nature and character of the scenes selected for their amusement, and on no occa sion whatever will Ribaldry be used by the Clowns or Singers, nor shall any immodest act be exhibited by any member of the Company, that can offend the most delicate or sensitive ear ; but every thing shall be morally entertaining, that heads of Families may in troduce their wives and children to witness those manly and agile feats by the various performers, and the magnanimity and docility of the horse. , The Scenes in the Circle will, combine Horsemanship, Vaulting. Tumbling. Air Diving-, t .m;.. n Ti..- j-j i yrunuuicut jLevmes or nrumtucu ATcnucciurc.JUg' i gling, Vancing, Ainging, fostering, Antipodeait Exercises, Grand Cavalry Manoeuvres, Baumcings Banjo Playing, 4c- A c., in all their various branches, and with all the effect a splendid Wardrobe, appro priate Music, Properties, elc. can give. TllC Horses for beauty and docility are not 1 A WWi SmSPA . w fitted up wither ery convenience and comfort; in the boxes, 6eats will be securely erectedi 1 GOOD BAND QF MUSIC during the Per formance, will erecute n variety of piece of Musical Composition, selected fiom the greatest Composers of Europe and America. From the variety of pleasing Performances offered, and the high recommendatory praise received by the Press generally, they hope m merit a share of patron age so liberally bestowed in all the Cities and Towns North and West, in which they have exhibited. Will be exhibited in RALEIGH, on Mon day and Tuesday, the Qth and 1th days oj oepitmuvr ; jor a rr uuyS , . Doors open on Monday at 7 o'clock, P. M.; open on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and 7 at riiht. No smoking allowed in the Circus. For particulars, see bills of Performance. The above will be exhibited at the following placru in this State t At Windsor, on the 25ih, at Wil- liamston, on the 26th, at Washington, the 27th and I 28th, at Greenville, on the 30th,Tarboiocgh the 3 1st, and 1st September, Kocky Mount, the 'ia, -Nashville, the 3d, and at Wm. Iigh s, IS ash County, on the 4ih of September. Admittance 50 cents, Children and Servants half price . 68 20th 37t h 3d A FEMALE TEACUKR WASTED the Subscriber wishes to employ immediately. a Female, who is qualified to teach the branches of Education usually taught ifl ourSduthern Institutions, and Music, to take charge 6f a small School. For terms, address the Subscriber, at Eagle Bock Post Of fice, Wake County, N0. N. PRICE. August 19. ' 68 3t fjj Star and Standard 3 times.' TXTOTICE TO SADDLERS A Jotra- h siMAjr Saddler, who is a good workman, may meet with constant employment and good wa ges, on application personally to the Subscriber,, at Fayetteville, or by letter, post-paid. JOHN S. RABOTEAU.' Fayetteville, August 15, 1841. - 68 6 Cj Standard 6w, and send acc't to Obg Onicgt4j rmilE KTTWlSCTtiriEIl having II taken letters of Administration on the Estate Israel Bafev. jr. dee'd, hereby ivea notice to all per- . .... ..MDj... . . sons having demands against aaiu w prencn them for payment within'lhe rime required by law ; otherwise this notice will bo plead in bar of recovery, CLEMENT WILKINS,d r. August 16, 1841.- 63 TOkTOTICE. The Subscriber will sell to the! SODSCTiner wm x . . . . ...4 1IT k first dav el IN highest bjdder on Wedne!.y. the first da, ot I ssentember. at the late residence of Israel Baiey.u. a 1 - - i. , ni and Wheat, l-rg- quantity of Corn. Fodder, OrtrfW ?JJ'f bond months will be given, by the purtnaser gi us auaaj1 aAAiiriltf t ry t oA 1 68-t8 TTAOAIN FfBKOR8AM3 (which in an exceneni untsy mww possession given immediately. To.one wishing to grow siik.ii is panicowny u.r ti- ; ha trie iesi wiuiDeny unuiu . ' i.-. n,T wictitnnr In TmrchaM Will eim COUmy? !" "J r . r,ir themselves, it useless to mention an ine au- vanUgea the place possesses. ; V e.- J. T.C. WIATT. i June 17, 1841.50 . -j i j.w. cos inv; Civil EGn?EEit and ArchitecSSt Raleigh, N. C. St it toners, M ubl is ur s , AND GENERAL BOOK AOEN NpWt John mrat?gev, ot,4 r No. 1, Fayetteville Street Haleigh.ihxrik CaroMa' F0HKI6.Y a,VB DOMESTIC BOOK. 8, nTAXlOVAir. Ccl ' all lt riow forms, wit nUiwmH fcyirt, f JUMjh. H.D.Tuiiz, N.York.- N. Bx Hc.hm. RaL,VK . , - 7 --O"" ABKyCT FOR BECKWlTHg PILLaj.kW TOK' fhocTou jr. s-rrrn m&niu LJ vices 16 the citizens of RaWL tA tT, mAhxt ' Country, in the various branches of Medical Science. He can be found at all time, ntilooa a.a:.ii- eaged, at his Drug Store, one door below Wifliani C Raleigh, June 29, 1841." ' 53 - TTjlREStt TITRPJI SElrtJost received from the United Society of sLk-ra. p-m J. ' Conri., a fash supply of Turnrp Seed such as Early Dutch. Early Garden Stone. Enirliah fWfi.lb. xtZ White Globe, Dale's Hybrid, and Ruta Baga Turuijk For sale by .---a-; . TURNER MO GHESi booksellers. Ac. July 0 Raleigh, N. C. Barrel Cut Herrimrs. 20 do Roe do. 10 do Shad WarrahU d genuine just come lo hand this day. TURNER & HUGHES. -frr.n BaTmrT pi. , -1 JM I ii ' . .uu ...j wui. uimx, nui rent after the ist day of September next, en which day possession will be given. For terms, apply at this Ulbce. June 28, 1841, 55 FOlfc SALE. -A framed House, 18 by20, large enough to run a partition for a small family Dwelling, which, if applied for immediately, will b sold on moderate terms. It can be seen dn the prem ises, by application at the Register Offtce , fl ceuld be moved very convcaientlyi August 4, 1 841. "T: 64 -f- fjno PLAIfTEllS AWD FAltJrlERS. . JJ The Sobstriber will be ready, this Fall lo buy any quantity of loose Tobacco at his. factory in Hen- idersoh. ROBTi Bi SMILEY. August 1. iSlK ' . .651w4wr A CARD. Having understood that a rumor ii extensively dtdulared in different parts of Ihis State, that my Spring bad failed in lis supply of wa ter, it is Only necessary for me to SaV thai the rumor is without foundation, and. that there is an abundance of water, sufficient for the accommodation tof thou. a.n.lj ' tr t mma ' ". - . . . v. JKJVtSU3, White Sulphur Spring Warren Co. Aug. 7, 1 84 1 TfTORIlEXT. A comfortable two 8 toryDwpI. UJ, ling House, in an eligible part of the City. Abb, for hire, 4 good Cook and Washttr-WOman, and Servant-boy to wait in the House-. Possession given : ; .11 I ! I. " I . Having taken an Office near'thn Cout Hours, ; T Will rent the one I for merly occupied. . "i : IIENRY W; MILLER. ' April, SO 1841 , i 30 SLiTK Ploughs iiria IOt extra Pplnts, Ull If at the reduced price of f 3,50 each, and "25 cents for the extra points, Cash. Commission article.' For sale by TURNER dc HUGHES, t June 25 " - : - ". 53. eOOKS recently published and just received by Turner and Hughes at the N. V. Bookstore- T T . ' "C . i ; .1 . m m i Thoughts in Past Years ; an elegant volume in -Poetry. Sacra Privata. The Private Meditations, and prayers. of the Rt. Rev. r. Wilson, D. D. Reprinted Entire. t jjiscuurse concerning r ray cr, aj a.- rtvnOK, Ui U. Leam to Die. B"y Christ. Sutton. D. D. ' 1 ', The Origin and Compilation of the Prayer Book. 66 Raleigh, AugUst 13. :. iTlbLOVRGD MATTIKCr. -This Jay rei cieve'd a small lot of Checked and Carpet Figui ed Matting. Persons wanting, will do well to call immediately, as most of it was bought to order. ' ti JAMES M. TO WLES, June 30th. 184i:, " ' 64 Incidents of Travel in Cestral Axrai ca, Chiapas and Yccatas By. John -XySfpi pheni author of Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Ara. bia. Petite and the Holy Land." IUustratedbyBeven-ty-twd Engravings, 2 vols. Just received by ' '" TURNER HUGHES. fc OST About ten days since, a fine Gold Bow A JS5M2ASP2&2ECfa with an Emerald set. The finder shall be rewarded, if left with the Editor of the Reoistir. 5 ---" . V'l;; June 24, 1841. 8 F6R IMMEDIATE RE5T, A .newly finitbed arid eligible; Office. It froutthe' Court house yard, and would be an admirable tecalkn for a Lawyer. Apply at this Office, , r M Raleigh. July 26. -f ' ?; '61 OTICC St4t ot North GaaoinFA Caswell County.--Taken np by WjUianV;l Wbit more, near- thg Kpykwatom liii;vys jQj is a Sorrel, about seven years old, both hind feeVjvhile, four feet six inches high, a natorartrottertatqed at forty dollars. WILLIAM LEE,' Hanger July 30, 1811. -. TIT DITCATIBL A Gradoale of toUoIversS JJji ty of Nonh Carolina, having already wmfljexi penence in leaching, ia desirous of procuring tu- ation either in a pumie or ,pnvaus ovxi'ui-.r ,w.;.i,ai.m .iw. KUfl. -ll l,t:" w'""""'" d of Cla; tisjactorj " w--:-." ikAA,l'Pkvtw v-?. testimonials will be given. Address T. B..W.,Fay etteville.N.C. " - ---- July 26, 1841. ' Al.T by the Sack? CIGARS by the.Boxi, , r WlLVt PECKX" .Sl nice wtic i j . . , - ' 6ft I ,. , -u 1 . , f . r i'S'- txt u 1 1 Vti. onwj irpro, me xwenu , . waKe vrouaiv.soma ume m c wtwj y'i - I .mm iiiaii''iifMA'ai .Wuit ft& VMrii'of SCe. W haht ,mm,.mm..m,tmm7r:TT-.m,-- , negro compleiton, walks limplpg, on accouni oi his right irf. Iireiuine he is lurking about sy 7 ign, at blf wueiiveaitf 5Riliigb. Hiw-MWfaja baa been seen abouMhe mouth of W alnut Cretkpn Neuse Riv er..He may haye tMmjmmtfr I will gtie a reasonable reSrard for pphoaw delivered in Raleigh Jan. TIGNALns? r1 x. -':'T

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