r " -n- .-. . V4 r jS "." -ft. H-V-V-V. 4 ST" -.Tit; - cvy v A' ,-,'A 3 M'r :r:'j 15 1 .'.il l V-. 'II X-N. ft? ' 1 V V1- Va ST -3(k ill . s I ri ! mi a iii i ' - ' --v '' ' - " -t -' - v- : Cr vji.-nrr v.rTN i i - . i m i i mm I n Mt i , -mam w m m "-V,l.' ,;i- C ;t ...TUESDAY, OCTOBER;, -:'" " ' r ' ' ,w -V- " -: iiisfS' .- 1 . i ,i .fivvmrtnt V:: J j . l . Ti vi.u6 cd. WiUl more Ultn ordinar nuantitv nffcul W l J a tsrt- i-AiJiJCki. l! .... cX'criWW IrmilE aroadacfol teRict ,bv thia 5U9CiyTiojr. r ivo juouan per annum-uaii in r Aav- tviftill lliimnfw ADVERTif kminti. -For every i Xiftef first insertkmi: One DoUar i each luUeauem insertion: 1 TrtnmfiTeCen 1 t'.tJi .' WWr4rnw'wr,,r Ut be charged 25 per cent, higher ;,but a dddodUon 1 ft33i peiceoWwitt be raida ihim dje regtflir fices", . ibtad)re4iaenlbr theyeai4H?--r.l-it'!iir Irsl Advertisements, inserted in( theiSEMiWcikiT RicjSTsa walaiso'eppear in tW WKKUY'Papeivl jwgiBTO'w r . . ,r r,.r free ofchareeli . : v lrar MHBMMBaHHHMMpiMHMBMMBaMraaak I i your : prime M auetra Half a dazenmpty-headed f(psl who sit gazing' on' him,; bv stealth, m silent ; adiairi tion, hair Uie;senlimeni with a rapturous ap- flaorar Aiiarc it! the world owes us- good tftnaflyii-ha wine here i 'we Jwbn Vgo home uU jBaOcttinff,' Aey iv WDtie we reouog. v ntyeare -Tor the expenses VI Th consequence: $j fjls Is , the pilfering; ornf oneyvUrawers, the ignb- toinlcrasT of tiplojeiiC l.toafii-, ism; ap3 'so 6nt.t nntil one of tlrese entecpri- tfVj??W8 good Ufinglhe World owes him,' puUihe wioug . inahr name ito a checki Qt some, kindjed ' waleii'stJetr'Uiom at SingStpJId 'e Sta tng'for thoseVionViders'deseVvw just such a tine aS'cnsists whhtheir own estimato orKeir expted . The greaif 'error Id' tins lease is jwe, original 'taaxiiu II ii false1 and detesuble. The world owesf6tf livrngjHow owesrlHaTe ' 7,00 ahieliby oe VffM have whether.'Onv theanvil or in the; jwlpit. as a toiier'orj a teacher yoo hare 'acqairea a jns; ttghVtojli?eliliBut? yoa hate - eaten as .much aayoo have earned; or wbrte ,U1I. hare-ne Ur4e or no gt)ml; lions.andable6yA every ln nothing: to increase l!ii(1su"nt JoJT humarn otot fortniaateiaul oT-th,iw6rlbin yo tHnrbav titI yoti aifioralW panjjupt Mii' t.fe&j;'. f r!' ' ".' Mankind are jast awaking taa consciousness of UiefftyUnSveiyarf tive and usefulitfhUiDherBAn -ar not calledjoig!jeeW'kr,o pfocgh: dr; planei but every? man' has aT sphere- of usefulness al lotted -him by-PrOvTdence,1' arid is nnfaithfu' to bis'tnist if he deserts it :for idle' pomp or heedless luxory;'iOne roan may btffiued by- nature and inclthalioh for ad artiiaiW Another for a sailor, and a third for a merchant ; V but no man was ever born fitted only r to be an idler and urone.r riliose who become so are the victims' ofj- perverse circa nigtances and a deplorable edbeafioiW a u ? 5rHut.has not a nch'man i a nJ-Af to enjoy his wealth I Most eertainly. We1 would .ft m - m a . be the Jast to dennve htm of it. He lias a natural and legal right to possess aod enjoy it In any manner not injarious to others ; but he has no moral righ'f to be useless " becahse he has supetior means of beine useful. Let him ,surround himself with all the comforts and true luxuries of life; let the masterpieces of art smile on him in his galleries,? and the mighty minds! of all agee speak to hira from his library Let f)Iedty!eck his board, ,ah(l the faces of tioge he loyes gailier lioyously around it. Xet him t possess iii- abufwlanee -the means; of satisfyin? every pore and just desire of his nature; and becomevwiser,il(?- bier, larger in soul, than h': less,t fortunate ueignoor. t xjui never iei mm logea??" properly tiainedJ 4i0loevern--4hatiitis his solemn daty to be easeful to his fellow ereaturespecially to tlie depressed an&8uf ingtoiabonV.for their benefit, and ?suffer if need fce for fJieirelevatlon'-; jlyV The sertile Ldplalry with which iterance and vutgarity have looked up to .Fower and Weal th the hosao nasT wbich the' tram pled million have sung before the ears of conquer ore and i othee' 'scourges I of v the- earth--are fa4ing-aaa flitting foreveri Ia the i twDiffht wrucjiauceeeos mis gross -darkness, f there cornea a season of moral anarchy,- when men navinr siosiaitn s jeggiera who ohce blini ded and boundthem, resolve-to believe tith mg .oecryywia , prostratet an Wat arises above! the lowest level . No w the laborer with his sine wSJre4imsbairtd fot the coc tempt once icast ujh hteend says V4r lut good is Uierean ahy thu fmanuaf laor? sway with, all else-1 4bose '.Mr hose Wkbour is neither meriul or physical are bet moths The world 3 ooa learns 'iter respect ft benefac ia wnatever.spnere,i soo f 10 realize imi ne wiio truly: and honestly exerts hiaself & oie department of useful effort, may justly "m. tbe? 3ilnst re warU,oT merit. m -.tT (pOT-TOri DAGCirSG, very hey, . .Also, vwueuspe nna -jrrrine, ; ; tgaW, a foirsupplyoC we followmf vsiieiy Wfht Havannah, Light Wpanuh E0; Fins' Spol Ism . 1" t ; s sr ja1elAmVa, IThOCTOn STTITl tenders his ser. JUr nee to the citizens of Haiti ffli, and tha idiaMnI ountry in the various branches of Medic.l Scienca can be found at all times, unless professionally en TW Dru Slofc door below WiUiam C. ijh, June S9, 1841. ! ' 53 W8bei!uxurio fe'jw;.lir5i .iftSf t! tural grur, and 1 KArftiurrA.fi-T'L.'JSLi4 I ueaur7 oi me surroanuinff? scenes. hikIj in tM?t:u lira utueSRCQr in jarofpl me iaiiejr s jtaifcfll H IBpi tHl1 inchie there Whrach more haled l-4inr ti i ,th-:.i;it " u."Lr r rcT ; r -7 M The ceaieieM hom , totrdedwUh,muliUue!iDoas lifeline dinfc - The dweller fa the popaluiu eity meets'. ' ' iisjr, nearu, mere is nnquesuonaniv.iar never hpant. tfurp i nnniioiJAnKI f. tur vupjawcju.yei unciOYtnz rueasures QI UO- whichvalt the;' finer and" more exalted aentt- menu ofWhich'hi9 nabre-in its unsophisi ticated. state,' nearly approximating divine -is susceptibr?, are beautifully anti , harmoni ously' eiitwined. y ? The dull never rTineands'basinz roa- tine of icily pleasurea'ahd city engfossments, weakena ariddesiroya the'mrddr ,n ' ' ; ' Happy' is' the individaal, 'hoTappreciaU ing with jim dtscriraination the miseries in- eeparably atuched to' such' a state; can ex claim with -the vraamoreu poet t i i These have I left to seek the cool retreats Of the antroddeb forest, where, in bowers Bailded Kauue'sliand, inlaid with flowers And roofed, with ityVthemowy seats '1 - Kaellnrnff I etuA wbil iT th hniir i i in sweet coQTerse with okl books, or save, -f . jay inoaxnts u boa-or lanciet jugaive " Indulge, White over ', me their radiant flowers1 !nf niMrMiuuimi tha Klit Imu KVa fnnv ' And, thanki to fiini, ny meditations crown." 3 V To a mtndlia1)ituaHv familiar "with" the fresh bVeltneiis of Nature, and which Ts so constil tnted?"ai to expand into" 'eraUtude while -oc-' eapied in he ratemplatioti of them.iaa eVe area; e yery honorable aspiration of mati may, Wttfieliidjsbe .beaku4 fui aedlirnent of disuhguisbed poet, man; mar.- ? . .t . ...iH . . a j!ave".withoat satietv. and die whboat remorse. jLnev wumet.uiaxvinere is a Diani -wnicn thrives the :most wlien .trodden oponl A plant which one of our revolutionary heroines designated as the ''rebel plant." -There .too is a nooie irau in .mantWnrcn as wortn Wi toe gold In the W(rld, and will, if lbdWMinli. ieau 10 nonor ana ame, nappines auu-ue good of ' mankind Ji ja perseverance. &J$. 1 ne youin who citngs to mis prize, -win rise above tlie frowns of the'world, riojnitr ter Mmi poof he may ; have been in the start. Without this, and the twin-sister virtue, none ueeu expect 10 soar aoove toe, vmgar, crowu 1 - . 1. . ,t , 1 mat aaiiy tnrong nts pain. . 11 was oy perse verance mat our noons suiesmen anu scnoi afs have .risen to the high stations which they enjoy, vv unoui weatui anu out lew irienus they nave cleared out their road; and now hate reaclied;t)ie desired atatlon. Wealdi is a necessary "e vil, but is a poor recommends tion to pels! Terance. ' Thousands have been deluded; fwoes&i' Uiefotherfbandltne 'stdTWorroeislW, characters bavfj fisen widlontiChoosejren ye ranee wiui a rrnyht : ami v fihal tfiuaTttfi the prize; tiooiufyd4fme tpesiiiahTc that you have Irf urae gathered; do not joe discouraged, but raake the best use of U yod can, and ypu wil sX, ilntf LmK'Sa w 1, . msopesioU he' at last will' have Che plea suranui te4nnir mm cucuiics cuuiuuuueu, .sou : -ss. . JIM Jb vavvssv a a it Dunnfit the cessauotf of iioiliuss; an inci dent of rare occurrence jnwgrijroduced an sd through a part of , tle balUe .ero anti separated," tlie combatants During, the oaiue mai liib neat ox inc weauier sun . xuc weakness pCihe oopa bd, produce both . armies went, toioe oanxs 01 oe rifuiei ft?; wate The,, men approached each j othe, fearlessly, threw down their caps and mus keticUatteredHo each other like old acqoain- tailfdoxehaiijer find wine-cask. All asperity or feeling sci forgotteW To" a trahgeinhey would1 apppeared inortr like an allied foreel than in'en hetCfrdoVsi reibas"eon9rctta,ddttli uicriug sircngia anu energy to eommeace itirWi' But a still nobler rivalry fov the time ex:r!5u ?? me interval was emplored In barr ,.u;hait: nieiledfieldanaWe hcpoTfctbofiS ifdthitleHSMeavofir. 0eXti$Cidmnw koved thl:r hateftendsnd wc sonndedf Uidrorni beat to arms itmaliyti ine - riVtr xoiuiery'snoosr . z ana With . expressTons of mutual iL.eof wn inmes.aijr luey were sgaui hts tipper any floahtitr nf Foreieti Ainr ooxofficc! of the Ameanatrev ibU ask W rV?wti jthexcJtisive nsB ofmrp vale jbox. fo;5 which he was. williBff to paf opii of la beue France, member of the Lee ion of Honor, by. gar." . ; ... "Monsieur lie Courit,w said the talL bil- lious . looking manager. , in a tone of Voice affectedly grave and deferential, ! feel fully sensible hof highly - onr theatre would be honored by your lllustnotis presence ; but I regret to say;5 1 eannol disappoint the fur Aine'riat mechanics and their wives, who lLaye Uie bbx already; engaged, to gratify the Bbservant turn 6t mi ml, you Win find it to b a lacuiav in tnui repuoiicaq country, ana in Uiene eases, we go in strung for the yuanHty not o.vAvrnJ' V - - - - - ? The" Count said hzcrt meHcak t withdrew." ' ; . ? ; How little do they who have grown op" td mana estate, trouble themselves about tlie feelfngs of children.' JtYWo.u7d'tresUyrseelh as iT.they fanciedi children were destitute of those hoe and delicate s pnnga otemouon, r.-i r-.7--- 7. which -are recognized in matured lifer, ' and sre-the sources of all our joys and sorrows. ii is lime inar me-grown .up woriuweni. 10 scnooi to some one wiip nas not lorgotten me "tender susceptibilities of childltoodi tbat. it 4nay learn, to sympathize with youths ; This germinauag bud has within its folded recess ea all the beauty and the fragrance of the flower; .iheiende' distillations of heaven singn as" sweetly in 'its secluded shrined and the'J Jirabeanujalitnere as soothingly, as on the proper-petals tnatrwouia claim ail to toem selves; soWvmany sweeP spirit 'withers beneath the bliihtinjr fni'wd of an : unsy mpa- ithizing (haardianf hd.w many, g one" retires to weepr.in solitude because it is not loved as 4 it would be, and is not comprehended in its affection ! - We UtUe. imagine what sreana w tesd, when the words- of such' ia " the kingdom of heaven," pass par unheeded tit- lersmce. .-u-f ........ . "WHAT O'CtOCK IS IT?M When" j was but alad; my father one day called me to him; that he might teach me to know, what oclock. it . was. . He told me the use of the minute finger and the hour hand, and described to-me the figures on the dial plate; until I was pretty - perfect in my part. No f. sooner ' was'L quite ; master 'of this great additional knowledge, than I set off scampering lb join my companions at a game of InarbleM but my fatlier, called me back again. Stop William,"' said he,' I have something more; to tell you." 1 ;' . 1 " ' ,t! Back again I went, wondering what else I had otUo learn, fot L-thought 4 knew all about the clock; quite as well as my father QUdV )..;!--,3V. "t :-' : u ""William said he,v.I have taught you to know too time of. day, I must teach you bow to findouttbe time of your. life: rA - All this was strange to me, I waited rath er impatiently- to hear how my father would explain it; for I wanted sadly to go to toy marblea. - - "s U-K: v, "f : ".t 'The itfble," said he describes5 the years of k man1UhrcV8cdre;a;nd,''lert,tor. four score yearsf NdVlifeT is very uncertain-arid you may not 'iivtfrtinjtfe to we UIVIUO Uie jour score years ui an uiu uim lifeifto twelvrparwf like the diai;dT4 clock irwiirkirbwlfclrodslia TdrVverjr bgure. "Tflr nen a opy. is even -rears ,"fu iWrtnecToofl.i. lile; add"tWU'. the case1 w1tHyW WtierTy..ii afrlveliVlbiirteeri ji&fw&it bVwb KrocVwrthlrotj -nil lwlie eutyeaS.1t WeloctT aii4rityhearl.Mt'wir'be v? i fv:iiiii t .v iCtHiZtzZt Y-ttn'k stir- lOurorciocK ; siuiiny-iiTe, ," ur" SVroeli at forty-tWoit wtlt slb'clock; mvrariafatherat eleven; and - faiy XaUiir c mi. a. - - eai AtwhalhodMir6dWIli:ai inronly vhnm -all thin s are Known. ; , ... Known ouiry -V yv nat f a ciocav' M.jiA.nvf ; tninx inai i nave ioo.cu ai uq ijm.- j elpck witboutbeing wmmded4 - wor JnW frt v-rVrotd hiffht.stood S cloSjB lp the nre tnat ne.ourneajiia iwu, ,;a wlioWrtftheMm T -vrfi.tr -iJ::ti k-tin' the imsff rogne, tity wCMuX tlreadS 'vv. j cn S OOMgattonsia UU Mfj swowa assonmeni w ouver upr. ei every, licSajBu-iripd himtd-'9$SJk: Vf.&; . ; bo.iFyAwilliBg4o.ccedv to hls-offeri'had :-?EWS33R :. ) oot four'tneehattic just )aidtitm for 'thl last lW5nsUoliviBe '(Seafs; Keys'' box urigaged, with : view'of bringing their Daed Psk, RintCutj CdiBtald'iisek rzrVZ.fJ'WW Ear-rings, sold PwidlsrniimLlesiyini V Yese.yesef Said the 1 man ' with tlie mustache, ""bat theybe iu tariatili; the bom .mW'rkople'iibeldr 1 be one irfand Count exciu4ej'leelingr,or"everTrrer.cli Uounu I douft kno wwb4ther your 0oimtsh ip hai ever peiceived it., but-should ' you be of an i fe pkrVodFlife.fand idotWg'atf IheT clock hlay rhaps1 remind rdtf of W. "Mf Wreat pindTithriejl'aecoY(l-J rigfir blf alcdlatlonr"twelvr blbcri at .Ube paUfCrat i'faig, Ibat he f ich ami faebtanable' Siocjt orOjoda. which h JwllteHsewYork frices part, of Vii iNsj 1l5fwH ia - jtti:KtTtf 1 a assoTUneat consists in L3.r.,w '.tf 4f -;;?" ? -?fT i t rrtls. WeJtl- irtns, gold Hearts sndoaaciC Jet do. and a great variety ofbtherVlchUcstV1' ; y ' A- ,; 43.ad, 8iker, Blue, abd polJhd steel Bpedaci to oit all persoiisv an sU;eyes.VnlIo giaaees, mat nay ne aujusteo inJQiy frame, ai a roeoi notice. 8ILVER AND PLATED WRESi'v Silver Cotrtt; - 8poons, Ladles, ' Sugar Tongs, Salt and Mustard SpnonsV Butter Knives, silver wtoont ed Cocoanots, VnkoT. nillestifki, 8riufleV' and Tray a, . Waitera, Cake Caskets. Coffee Oreques.Br i tannia .Waresia etu and single pieces, oie,- -; : 4 KfIOT-jClp60&. ..... v -; Mantel Clocks, and Lamps, Plated f nd Japaned WajterGold and Silver Mounted Caneaid H hips, Chess MNsnnd. PackganVmon. Bearish VisitinrCard Ce, Gold and Silver Pencil Ctfaienl Bteel Pens, .Rogeri' inperiov ltszOi Congress, Knives aiid rSefssor s. tianders celebrated rssor Strob. Dos' Col. -foVOVCaU,ViJk Cdrsefs Pocket Books, Imitation , f'uiff. jDonS; erid PitoU,Ladie,.T4H.Snd work lMes. toilat routes, and JtAKKlSOil; Breast rins, Jrledals, Canes; and Uoxes, &e. : dcc. ' it&l4irinssetlebrats)d gednilisCdogiie', Rose Liven der, FUtridaand, Bay. VVaUys ;.X5nirlain's Cream of Sfoa,' Naples and Shponaceuos eosappnnd, (or Sbav t.ios. nose. Airoona. Aaroinor ,p- ninuwr unci ffjbaarriwdencold'Crew Oil, hair, toothadf harinf. Bnibe-aada variety of : eJsaii; ftoSns, Vln-. nM1 Ar'Vtfn Jl riettsC FlageoletU Thites GetMeeke?'Ftfbs & "Accordions. Precep. ton for aH the above. Uuitar aa4 VoUf rfligs JSx ira VioUa htw jsYeini-i-s '' A -f QC?-. Clocks snci'W-ichee of aU descriptibnslesn ed and erw& in i 12 ILreia ana enjn ;:. wovec4.izxirui-. nn anipunctoali j j hunesl price given lor old gold ana onver. ; i ... . Noember , 1840 - ' FOR1 SALE AT THE RALEIGH REGISTER f ' AND N0BTH-CABOLINA. OAXSTTB OFFICE. jflerlui 'oT-kmrtm9 Attorney Sbe- Lv rins ana SJona tables, are hereby in formed,, that , large additions have just been made , tr the assortmenf of gUjAATIUS usually kept for sci st this Office; and that all Or Ten for sny of the lowing kinds, Will be promptly attended to: Superior Court Blanks : Writs, Executions, Jury and Witness Tickets, Prof ecuUpn Bonds, Ca Sas, Indictments, VendiUoni Er rtonas, Capias; 8ci.Ta. to revive Judgment, ''Uc dhhusses, Subpestias, dec. eVe. , County Court Blanks. Writs, Executions, 8obposnav Jery and Witner , t lckets, f roeecntion Bonds, Ua. oa . Indictmeno (Ruad, Aasault. and Battery and Affrays,) Vec ExpV, Capias, 8ci. Fas, to revive Judgment DedimrJsses,' Road Orders,' Guardian" Bond; Ar prentiees Indenture, -Marriage Licerus, cl. Fa f for Forfeited Recognizance, Notices to Guardiacr Bastardy Bonds, Sci. Fas, agauist Heirs, Admink trauoo Bonds, .Appeal Bonds, Appearance Bonder ' ' ' Miscellaneous:' Constables Warrants, Jty, Ca. jBa. Bonds, Attari:, men ts, Deeds of Trust, Bills of Sale, Cenuna Deeds of Conveyance, Forthcoming Bonds, Sberiffi Bail 'Bonds, Deeds for Land sold for Taxes, Writ of Ejectment, Insolvent Debtors Petition and Oatfc various kinds of Equity Blanks, Bank Cheeks, doc RAlties RaoisTsn Orrics, . - ' (O Orders for any kind of B lav as. not mentionei in the aIoe list, will be executed with the ulnux . despatch and neatnesa. FRESH FROMTHENORTH. HE SUBSCRIBER Is odw receiving bis Fan and Winter supply of Goods. Price unutuaU Amonsthe articles iust oDenetL mav be found soms oi ue noH spienuiu aou iasuioiiaoe 8ILK8, plain, striped, figured checked and chang j vkfdusUa deLaines, flgtned and plain !- ' I jAlpacca, a superb articls, silk warp and lonble ! . width', ' ' ' : ? " j, new nvHtupm f Merinos1" ' 1 ' Italian Crapes r n., Insertingsand Edgings : J v ' .1 " UIOVSS w r -. Mi, -i i ',1 !, i Thread Lacs , . ! 8earfs and Handkerchiefs new styles fatirfta 'new tMatterna K -t. , - Henutiuhad Handkerchiefs, dee. Slc dee. . --r I ,-fc, iaiff ' ; j. ' '" n ri t )su vi..?iXt JfeVAxot?i t-.f tilxi.?. jtir. GeAtlemana Gloves. feStoekaJ 8anendM. ...t t TT.nlr..Kifii kith nMMM i , ; , i '" , fhiria Rrifima fTnllara Jrr Arr H .t4-. i Next f-. ths neWUsBdassi i QtfWr It ' ' 'Hit ?it ,! Jjf I'M if' f7TjkC013r; a good 810(1,104 nice Lardstso is UleighOel la.m iU -TATC E1tfSIC.-This day reeeivsd.a splendid 5 coUectioti ofehoiee rew Pieee. for the'Piaue Forte, j u Call at the Worth Carolina Book Store, aid jexamine.them. . 'i' jj m -o TnuiVKP s nnnnfia - No, 1 Fayetieville, 8t. Raleigh, N. C. m m 'VMfrpd. & 5 'sTti ( Jtoe poWic-t ' fie. that be I -"-rw 11 MV 14 l t the grot; TJh 15svet A IVf o i r?srsfs?rA I .rfly last light's train,! I have wned an sildionai fUpply 'fa j my .; already, heavy .Stock of :.JJew! Goads, anMngst which may . bef ibund some beaatiful new tt?aii4 Tk-LiJ jitji.kl cinil4' 4 Soper'plain 'giMalgrs 4nm Rich hlaid IsowJde Sotat lldd' " Ribbed Uoe-Uack gto d'Algie . . SnperiCord, Plaid artd ChsleoaTlrcvats. ' Rich broldered Moosnifde'C' ChaBisi Faney and Sylph" iBfc&V i Linear Cambric Handkerchiefs, and Glovee & JseonecUnd Swiss Edgings and Insertinga" ,j , Men's colored Marat and tloskin UMtea , Ladies fillet Mitts. Uack and white i Washed Blond and Mecklm Qui Uisgs 1 ZephyrH Worsted, dttCinm Cords (for embroidg) Tanes,Cirds3iigs;Fhge Laces4IaoksdcEves, And a great variety of small and. esefulr articles which cannot be eonrenienuy mentioned in an advertisement. all of which I desire to present to such ;etoners as fa vor me with a can. M v 8tockis complete and extensive. amounting b value to upwards of $25,000; hemg pus chased with great care and UjeBtiosv shaU- be sold at exceeding low prices fox,Cash, ojrn Jiberal tmie to punctual customers Ja, '':;f '., . . , i Raleigh, September 14, tan i 75 6w tate of Nortb Carolina, Wake Coo n- 1 ty. Turner Pollen, : Daniel Cuthbert & Co. Richard Smith, ; vt.'iohn W. Miller, ah absconding ; s4Jase of original AttachnMnts-TetrjrWdlfoTftn)et Levied. on aract of Land, lying 09 the head waters; Pi Manins s Creek.: on the Fan Rrtad.'adioinina'lhe ' lands of Qrsy Jeffreys, John Harp amfnrs sttpft posed to conum S00 Aeres 2i. l?vt 11 is oroereo inn nuouc aoverasement no maae rn the Raleigh Register for i ccribive weeks.' and cootinued nntil the next pejritf Pleas juwl Qnartsi Sessions for the County aforesaid to be held on the M.Monday of IVeinber' next,, that unless the De leaaanx snau come lorararu ana replevy, ine saia ai tschmedts and Levy will then be renamed to the said Com t for a rrorderof sale of said Land as above de scribed. wGiveironder my hand, hie 21st September, 1841.; . J. WOMBL1S.J, P. Raleigh, Sept. 24. ..,",.4' , 77 CNtate f ffortn Carolina SUPBE ME COURT-The Bill of Renor of Mary McCain, Constantine Payne and his wifeAno PSyn3,.Jajnes Watt snd his jprife Mary 8. Walt Msthaniel H. Mc Cain. William Al McCain.Gunn'ahd his wife Ssrah Crsmw' lamHi WMeCstnv Caroline Brll(t; Cain, Elizabeth A. McCain and John S. McCainw. jvstgwsjef-r" t ?vV t. . s : James Wood and his wife Edith, John K. Wood and bis wifeAgness, Charles P. Hill and Green L. Hiu. the wsFlwo of whom are devisees or camoel USIt . vtu t T :' A nuiii - uiro iciiu, Court that the Defendants, Green L. HiU are not inhabitants of thif State t It is. therefore ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Raleigh Re gister, for the said Defendants, Charles P. Hiliand Green L. Hill, personallv or. by some eolieitor of said supreme Court, to be and appear at the said Court to be hoklen n tbe City of Raleieh on the last Mon day in December next. and. plead, answer or demur to tbe Pbiniihs -said Bill, or the same as sgainst the said Defendants, Charles P. Hill and Green L. Hill, will be taken for confessed, and lie heard according to the course of the Court, ex parte. W . . mm mrmr mlmm. m. mm 2' w itness, John L. xienderson, uiera nt saai cjourt, at office in the City of Raleigh, this 28th day ef Au gust A. D. 1841. J. L. HBNDEK80W. TTUST received at we Edcirortb School, SJa largeu supply of new and fashionable M UgiU, conmsUneof Songs for Piano and Guitar, Engush, French and Italian ' Marches - , Waltzes .- ? . Cotillions and Quadrilles : Dances- i ' . . . Variations, Overtures, Duetts, dee. dec. &c , ; Otto Torp's and Hunter's Musical Instuctors Barrow's Musical PVimer; ' ' A liberal discount will be made to Teachers sad other wholesale fwdusars. , Apply to . t " r XI. r. WX51K. Grernsborough, N. C. October 1, 1841 ' 81 MtTuEdSTCtVOrth 8JlOOl, Grcentbonf N C An assortment of . PI AW OSJaat received from a cele brated northern, ManaractureE, which in, point of tone and finislv cannot Wexceiled.J ' Tb wiU.bS sold at the Philadelphu retail prieev .Ai4Pysjsi. Gxecrwboro'.N. CPctobeji.l. 1, 81 ,nt.. r? ? .ii q iJ -T""V;ui!.- ifijft fTHHE present Seso of Oxm lJd greteorlT. XL School wilttioss; TJtnrsday,UJlat s5ctober..,..r 'M haiit rut T Tha Winfr ies ion will eommenee on Tussdav the ll th of November, and continue fiv months.' 'It ut dWrsble that bur pupils ahduld hp prsaentst the beginning, or as earl to the Sessioa airposaiblsv Gifdashsro', Oct. I. ,: -1 5 tS j r:Sffftl4! rTpCSff,-TOOri-COCIIS.--Jast rs JJleived at the North Carotins Boukstorao. 1, FsyettevUJe Street. Jlaki;h,N.C. , - The Tefcaa sad AlUatie Souvenir, ioe lg4t, ess i bsllisfaed with beamifulngravutga, ... , . HaJUm'sLitmwrsofEurope, V7' Buckingham's Travels AmCTieXr V ; Dvesoeraey iaFAaaerieav by DeTecqoeVUkv1 In i "jvohvl lA nsw isdKloBV I j . Is i Incidents of Travel in Central America, Qhtaea, I- raaidToaalaiiiriBy Jelut J,8ifxil)ens. iThe Modern' Builder's GuideA mw worVwuJt 7 engravings, by Minard LiFever. ' f 'r History of Ferdinand and Isabella, "by Presett. -! wTURNER dc HUGHES. October 1841. , It afearingttf the Charles P. Hill and T ?-a8ijW t.Sit ;.?'! I coedloine,' Ji. are the aH engroesrsnbjectB sf 4he hisfmrO r War KalVSi -w M aaa7?l an4 Wiltl nSf Ai hAertasja Its a3nJK. a.(Jn hanhen enied bv'Dr- PETERS? YEGETJ fBirjIX.I;froakriow Mrs,Srda w,ssst ' thtfpt c;-, she hsJ beeircured by yr.TE TERS'S PILLS ( i. are Jos not glad tlnat iss tistelieeai leatonAehealyD Really, this.nedcnsamnsl bft-very good, orit eenkl not cure 'sb maqyl It' is'good. FocKoaay years k u wmwi wu iu iuc cvcif, kjwj wihii ,vuw ","J . i death. But now its op-ward eoures-is impetaoas; t ' fit is m unpoable tostayrtha demand br tUsg9L icjne, as. fa hush.tbe sijsWHf-wind. I SWei ji A life ,medicine,Uaat w U rastinati deafti mrfm ny years, snail it notenu i.ynoose jr.- Bnall it not be need by every mdiTidfLet ndltsay,! wantiL' You biev nottwhaltOHno v forth. AU should nse this rsme!,Msjtoecliertha t' healthjjethe .JieasintrettAG- ? ;eiminense. and mcreasur 'y if thess- " ?. ruiii w anwaer uproot oi ue u pi ine - 014 adage, that ' traii is powerful a4 u. treyaiL!' C3w eTinuXareinly pufM, tuvPPerss sre pCrciiied and praised, areeofBjneflded nntU thedaerand&r thettas liiseiinsjl.v Dr. Peters would im this tact uwrn thsrrhbe. f that his Pills are not piack asedkine ; imt S4,scientifl compound of simples, which has been the result of me ny years intense application to a profaspipnln which he was segnlarly bred; hence it ia sapors-lay Wt&lhe regular faculty as with the people atfr One of the; many peculiar tirtoea of ' jTeUl4e ' nils, is, that while very powarfnt in iheiefTsets, they are particularly mild and; f entle in thek action. . Unlike thegenerality of medicine; ''their applfcgegis never attended with inseaeesjTipmi-? Peters's VegetabW Pius are new re-aided by ThoW . who have had an opportunity to decids upon tirir t rita, as an hiestimable. puc bkssriflgvv; $ namrt aaexaepuon in ay age or cuonuy, 119 nr The Subscribers, thankful for past faVora, into rn las public, thatheV have now, opened their Jargs -and . " cnotce coiiecuon oi uuuira orongni irom me.xorin and flatter themselves they have as flns?an saaortmeot - in the Confectionary and Fancy Ih'aa bsa'fter: been mflusniaAeL f.llie finlowmgan articles Jt-M -,vtW' w?'--- Artifiaal Flowers, 16 dos Fancy Mugs, ffdos of Olass, Britannia snd Silter plat tedl Ladies'rRingHBi - Puffs Snd Wire Curls; Mohair Cpif4nsl7diaod Fanev: -Boxes t Jxrakine Glasses, from the smallest to 3 and 4 feet sasare; vWith nkied fra&iest Baakatst - - diclne has spreaj snth such rapidity and fiven'scsh . - j4 tjidvelitisSceoni- r-fn Wgh. Messrs WfWW st New;TsA;pvics . - Msy;t84tc'yt L ifij. it- onua oozes, iron a cents to 99 boei ja,n VMHnoa, v, t. -. and all other soils ; Fans; large Woede ej4 email ' ' V- uanes j x men snaving utensiis, nermomerertv Mathematical Instruments in boxes; 8ua DUtsvirX v Pen and Poeke Knives; PbAols; Teeth, Cloth, Hiir, f . m m W a m a - tiai ana onoe . crusaer; siacxmg ; wates; snest Rasora ; Bella ; Fuhing Utensils Coffee MUI 1 Pins; Needles snd Cases 8peottanda t Silk, Bockakin U Bead Purses Miniature Frames; Lucifer Matches Night Tapers V Powder Flasks ; Shot Belts ; Percus sion Caps; Smnking; Pipes; Cnkaerews' Wallets; Pocket Books; Whlpsi 8chworst Beadsand Nsckrscea; Paper j Pens Quills 1 Ink ; PeriftoUersi .Wafers 1 8ealiiig-wax; Lettertampr, Pencils; Buttons; Cmba; inkstands; Pictures,. .i-5..4,'KwH GAMES, es Dominds, Chess men, Backgammon, Lottery, TsoPins,' Cap '& Bsfj,' Graces, Juoipin Kopes,e.-;?fr' '-r'--"?-?-, T0IT8, of every. descrirjdon, as MarUes, Ilam- ming Tops, Drums, fiaUles, Whistles, r M-vJ0rt gans,Haips,Trumpets, MagieLanterns; J?ainla xes, 'v Magnetic Toys, False Faces, Cannons, cj ItoUs, Ka- leidescopes. Microscopes, large Trunks, tor ehnjren; ' CONFECTTON ARY, e very large assortment, vis. 8eidlitxand SodSPowders, Macaroni, Dates, Prcses, ' Figs, Oranges, Im-ms, Raisins, FilbertvPalm, f and Cocoa, Nuts, Almonds, Ground Peas, Currentsy : Citron, Candies, Chocolate, Pepper sasee, Pickk '' Lemon 8yrup, Sweet Oil, Fine Apple, Tjreea Swiss ; and Common Cheese, Preserves, Brandy Fruit, Nut "' mega, Cinnamon, luorice, Mustard, SeidinesuThi' Canisters, Anchovies at 12 ctsVpwdsaVbacct ehewing, smoking, and Snuft: CigMSy Flphisj Porter, N- J. boiled sweetpidef, ChafrneJltucxt, and Rhrnish Wines ; 8u-ory, s sobiuiejor CcC feRlchmoiid BugaC'snd Ginger CskesC DWU eele? btafed ' Sugar.- Better si ' WaterVricUrsj-SpCrTn" v and Hulls' Tsllow CMlss; tw& . : . JE WELLERY of fiue golj snd sdvesUss New' v Silver Table and TcaSpeens, Desert niTesr and . Frks. Side, Pocket snd otler new Silver Comb.- Hand, BelK"Breat Pins, Ear-rings, PeocilV Finger Rings, ThlmbtesTWaieb Cuards, Cbains nd Kea Belt Buckles, Spectaeles. a-r-lir- ' PERFUMERY Ceoniae Oil of Jse. Macassar. -A Bear's, ; Antique Oila, tl s.y Fidf I A widaT -Waters, JesMmine, Windsor, RoTansparent, ;Oss,' tile and other Soap. Bergamot, Dianamon Lemon. . PeprjermlBt Ences, OppoldocV Freckle Waab . r;J PinaTsaucers snrf Lilly While. i . mm 1 1 sei 1 1 :s 1. mm ari kiiu - " ;.w mmtzimm .i t ffavvsvsaaesevv tswiaftf s w- ai mrm w h ea bbj ena fc Bewa,Stnne Undges, eierews, rmr tieJOssrrV. oerrv Enrepe," Prirners,'(::iQt,' Pkture sJtJ&Hig Booas hr At Heaves r Manual Prayer ( Car tatcy j ! FENCiNG AND, bOJrJINQ. .APPARATUS j rNK Bwori),ru vf s axs, iiais,,uresstpiaies, sM . j , neing nuugni ar Auction, yir'-''''.'r vr'fJE;'T 40 pieces of PrifiU, fm 10 toSTcc net VJ. X 40 dox- Cbillrm'si HtcdicrcUci, st gt'eeat s Mottsbn do lice. Ullys,. CambiVv Jeans, Jri'J-f ingsandoiber PanUloonetus,Pan' hcaietsLjnr, en ColUrs,'Beaverteem'Ctinctt, IrLa LisenTwhjf " ed Silk, VeHng. LsiUs' CrW fViaUckingy't this. qoacUty of Dry Goods as tuaaSy tept hich wUlbssolj set reascaxi! tsnsstVa Ctiw aH f which w cv;acriw3.4ij s.j PjTpsstif ike llarJutJIom sir 1 - . : JFST BZCSIYC3 OS C05OM?r'L -1 ;tnwrcfRcgyuB?wede - C Besses snotfjssrocymei' taCciscjl-1 f her has disposed of SO f the above invalusl'.a rfe: d noneiia. Awruvons. jdiw j nnirpew. i r, si iuro gpanisn. r rmcn, urmwn sou tingua Grammars end Readers; 'Geographies; Russetl's "ttm. andtofery instarwfrortbs n-htsfr liss. expressed enttre-satisfactin, pet oiilyef UsBti!it7rbit- . ' particularly Of its eheapne$a't as it aavea both tiv. 'SS" ' :' money which speaks Volumes ini ts favor. - JA4UW lu J UiVJuA JtmeJLO, 1841 4 ':' -a- V IIP .'"-:''tr. -A - ''4-- -'i- ' --ir. A v," iW.-Jg.'- 1 - 4 ;w,-''J V r- ; ;1 y. 1 r v ... w