II " -o1iV 7: 4. j. , w -J aft..-' ill ' ' a f- ", f ; " .i it 1 It ) - I- 61 or r of i re be I; ,00, (00 (00 )5 EDITOR t ANI? PltbpRIETOR.v Sobscriptiox. Fi ive dollars per annum half in J - ' r- I Aarance ActEfeTiSKMENTs For ererv Sixteen Lines. fenik insettioD, One Dollar ; taghbliuemiiisertioD, Twenty-fiveCentsS Court Orsk&b and Judicial' Adter.ti8XMKnts tvill be charged 25 percent, liigher j Un a dfeduction bf 33 J per ccriu wiU be mad frona (b regular prices, ioi advertisers bjr the year.' r : ; e Advertisements; inserted in the Stm- Wjckxut ksoiSTCS, will also aprni in'tlje.yijcK.i.v Paper ftee of charge. feS . Irers tolhe Eciitor Wt LVV " T HHO U R wQ FFO k T U If B . Weljte?jill a home, mvEmily( though it is poor pue,' fcaid Ernest parley to his beautiful young wife, the firt day they took possession ofjheir lodgings in an, humble Alley in JLondbn, I liu!ext(ix)ught, when we used to wandef in therold woods at Bais. on that I, should take you'rto such a miser able abode M.Uiify'i ; . T Cxi ..; 7 I am happier $ere," (lear Earuestrthan in the woqc&of fialstom v Now,by heavens, it makes meanffry to see you nappy : i oeueve you woutu con tinue to smile and be contented if yr in tail. . " . , Jr&l Jf we were, in jail together, Earne,sibJ . Ah I blesslyou, "my own Uearesl, H JFor tune cannot continue to frownupon Sik much goodness. . ' ' i ' - ..vba&'f , , The Christian calls iFoy jSye by 'IpSier-. ent name. He calls it PronoSenc.' J Well, Proyidence, furtune, (atetnce, or . whatever other name ittejoicw' Jn,- can not sdrely persecute us for. efeuVKlsafe euiltv of no faiih.' X i : - www gius ;j vui.uiikiv nllKV" He spurned us fromi titer moment Ve atfere 1 VVo morri0fl orroinat ;vnn iinnlA't h.;!!- ' united. He must hare some; reason jsurelyj for his 'detesiaon ueV' -t j , ??J .- . vt nat reason can any one nave to cietesV tou... You .were poor had he not told me oyer, and oye:agaiaHhalrtUeid not care or .. weaiiaianopje; oi my aotce x ou were ypaogbeauUful,' accomplished, my equal, i$ birlh- i t .can'tr berit can't be ! I tell you, it must be something that I have done which makes-him enraged it " And what have you cdrineEariiest, that can make him your enemy I You bore with all hi' humors aud capiices ; you were af fectionate to him as a son ; he loved you belter than' any thing else upon earth. How kind he was lo you in your youlh, and bow l well you deserved hta kindnessr No, no? it is me he persecutes me he hates.' L V Then. tojayHhe God o p f': Hush hush ! j&ush! i dear EarnesL. He Relent ! Ha. ha ! Sir Ed ward lent! I tell you, he makes boasts, that he never forgave, .nd never will forgive, evei an imaginary offence. Relent I I tell you he t is vof that stubborn, obstinate nature, the feeling of repentance is unknown "Whim.' " V5' :. r,.'-. K ' Try him, dearrrnest j cunnot be 'so immovable.. Ask hitrx .in what we have of fended him, and tell' blm' we tire anxious tjlo atone for our ojftnce.f t Have I not ' written'tovhim J - Have I pot begged an jnteriewV irttermt which I never thought ' t should have meanness enjmehto address id radrter io crawn uown i ,iu"gnawuniriu nas-.e ever 4deigned to; jsend fanansef.tSlii'fBi lei v our .auuress - nerpwiiins scounure Tor me . - At this door, and in answer to tKnofjTM .rroro Mr, uiutriieui. &AJot9 it wait art answer ?' Earnest UuVfiedlyf labeU oveF .' No. There there: lk saifd s loorrii No. we Th'Merrtfijprtv he said liMoons they were again alone.T Relent indeed ii- Read it.' Sir', I am desiredW Sir tld ward Parley, Bart., to inform yoii that no begi-feiter will be received; aud farther "X, am desired to inform you, that Sir Edward 'holds ac knowledgements from you forStbJMiikof 3,400, advanced iOrtyoa1nleiat45x .ford. Measures will beUakebjuriB(xVctrpay raent of the full amount forth wfflf&T&-' ; " i ,i .Your QbX Servant. MN Then wo,are, indeednttrely ruuted said Emilr. with a si Do you doubt it ? so ve havo been any But can he really clai)n&3;money r v knowledgements for' the amouht.ormy year's eiiuwance, suieiy, ' no saiu. uio epauiB.uiu.i, ikeep his books'. ' As, he ;hacLkliray ? taught ine to consider myself .his heir, I never .had L - i : f -' , yu presence, to-day, at half past ' ba lwilJes lo an ifflporuntdeed.: - I l the; appointed hour Ernest was puncta Hy at Mr. Clutehem's la an easy chair, to his creat surDrise, .uiiitip.- a ucir oiv- e saw his uncle. He DDroached. -withVa fttsh of feelini at his hearth bu? thef1)arcii2f I I tlii.. I. - .l t ' s .1 ..' ' -I'll i I )00l feul ty av jou looked ooltjis, other page 100. W the note!' ; U-r. 'h ; P, S. 1 , am 'further requested: teg 'it J lficclr ordered toinvbackj Stani'thereAe aid, f till I tell you the reason lbr which I have sum monedy on here to-day. , Yott 1 recollect ; the old long-tailed i pony you rode .whea you were a little4 boy at,8c!)ool,'which I tqfuedrput for life at your W do said Ernest, wondering ' to what inrs request icuueu. '1 I t)ad hi rrshot the daj before yesterday. Your dogs 1 you no doubt recollect -them well ! Bruno, and Ponto, ani.Cssar and the old Newfoundland that, brought Miss MerrivaleI beg your pardou, fMra. Ernest Darky, yur amiable wiTe, out ofthc lake, when your awkwardness bpseVthe boat?! , ' I do the faithful and noble creature1 ..: Iifehanged Ihe alatllxa sam.etimer Yrelkct Abrartt Andrews Whm -ya iftttaHedt diet fatiy coUage in thePtffki and hi motherland h is family that f oa were so much interested tn ? - They have left jthe cottage,; they have! been pau pew on thet par ish some .tinaeV.. : Z f; '-'p" . moned morherV't3 listen to the v recital, of such' infamous, inhdman-- .X. : 4 . '"' : Spare your heroics, young man v you will listen: tOvSomething more before werpart. Bq come.XweVe wasting ttwNowi hear" me. . .You marnedthat nirl, Yoo askerd'no leave-bf ine. j Dof kuoiy, Sir wtiol she, waswhane) you know, sir ir, fvia(asdmlhaye late them? v An- wie $m .Iter fatheranojmerayOy leatLkir, I never &iajeei;4eould; S toMj. dislike mV&m$df, uisiiae: use joeuer worus, sir. oay fiaie detest ' abhor flfem. Oh l ytt dy riol: you ought to have asked, siry6tt'wDuld jaVe. known, that the mother ruined my. ha p- pioess that the father, attempted to take my J life that 'If loved her eir-fiproely tr5y4 and UiJrt?he laugh J. me tc jbel le vet that iehe applied to the mother .of mv.wife.' foiir wife.! 'Ob, is'sheyowr wife, sir T auu. lias iter vuuiyaecs, uv uuuuu auu tier country J.h'oute aod 'her town honse your J ..rsiir-)iiiaeoo lo'figej sir, -. Wait, way Mr Clutchera, is the deed 411 properly prepared ? 'word it so that the law can find no. flaws in it! It is sir Edward. " i riieO give me the pen, Ir. Clutchera, it wants hut mysignaiure to make it efficient. c'i'h is deed M r. Etne'st DVrley, is my will, by which I bestow irrevocablv, land. houses, money, goods, mortgages, &e. $c. on certain charities, for which 1 care nothing Sir, but I know that my' bequest will be less beneficial, so applied than by any other means? and I leave you, Sir,' and your ines timable, -wife; the baronetc oh J I would not have you'deprived of that V'anua vjailt intbe insU nd,keepfng1iis eye still savagely fixed hnh is unfortunate nephew. The clock structTsix-a sudden light flashed into the room and Ernest thought he heard, for one flfioment, thefcreaRing of awbeef 'V position his eye Mill glared upotf the cbuh- : . " o -T-s! . i i v.- . - tenancy ot .nis nepnew- sni aeap -suence reigned id the rtwin. f At iast'-Mr. Clutchem advanced How a this T bless me! Sir tiil ward is' qufte cold Helplhlre run fW Sfr A.sllejr..' Ah ! thepassftni- iras tqo much for him cone off in a fitC Dead as an unsigned parchment. Sir Ernest, I shall he happyir, i the'service ff the familv;. The to continue in rnvroti 4fn my oeta, oir toufieeariaoji sand a year. How .would. yW like jjilpfU'n'ei fai condocied..4uite .private of course. Hon or mtf bv aecebiintr the loan this two thou- sand pounds for yopr immediate 'expenses. flivish vou long life 'Sir Ernest, and joy-ofl yOttTue, oir rrncsi Sir Edward shall be this day week. ipCriSE ElAUNAY.. Vitlaa ibn'the I4tK of July, (Frenchmen PfelSii mbef the d aVJ; the G b vernor fiad bee q summoned to surrender, ana nia reply was laconic ' never without the couiraaud of my King." In a. spacou's and splendidly fur- Hished room within the j Castlei two person mighrMje seen in earnest conversation1 one a tall thin man,. very gray, apprelly' about fifty-jyas Achilie .Delaunayyefnorpf the Bastile ; r the" other a beautiful woman tf about'tweuty, she was his daughter,' and her nama Louise : when something like the fol iepheb in a low but fine voice) do you nptHrwe aJngfier idutv to Vout-pod, and f do your think :he wqnld aanctionybur: obey- iu uie mcc ui ,h ly ran i v; j iv viu- mand hdndisof yourOfelrowxreatures are groaning in chains..'',. .Thinking she had gain ed a temporary advantage, she proceeded fD.oeanot tfie7Arro1ghty r!bear the clanking of those thalnsaifd do.yoa n'ottlnnk lie will Vewrird tlicse;: who assist iot aevering ;thein 1 Yes, ;iIea-Ven Heaven wijl" re wafdyvrjos tertiy'will honor your name tmake then ji Virtue of necessity, (for we 'caaofierjbuiv r feeble resistajice.)j4ld the .XJastl&and ali Franca will' thaufc Voji,' '-Delauny aufed. but it asrfor: a montent;; lhe reason of1 tin moralist toob Tell hpfore ?the stern duiy '.oi lhe veteran." My d4ugjfiter" he .replied have I;' not; worn never no yhtd this, for, 'tife&'bavbjto and are no caths heard iu Heaven as well as chains. reiurneu my ioyo ; uu uitx ii snuea .Tier purposes, :atfJ s0 proved iniraelf 'ff v i C . Siay i SiK L will hear ho such ' language n , . "i'loiit-fluu 4i.eic, oir, l nave uaucu rouw uc a i lie cuiiiiuuru, ouu no uciu uu ina ucu u um lowing discourse took place : Lotfts'e it .tisrih'taJnywa plead, to defend tliis fortress rWuljni''4if3. is ' a .dutyt-which I owe to jny Loui ise, Kinged been cou ih.er you to tarnish our spotless escutcheon, whfch lias been bo rrie. proudly aloffr 'tor tluee cenjtpLriesf " uan Biiaiui oe saiu juat Acnuie veiaunax unaciyucvryy.cu iiie .irusi reposeu in lUCuy his king, and was frightened at. thevthbjjt and threats of a laoaiHe IvJio. if evert fhaili the lUliarifru have ;seror.f3EUfl ARB -DUPUlT, and therftbet of trait6r1iasv- never 4'IcC l'0., FixxrrWix STaxsr'ttAuiGH, would navosuuvahatrlairnanil -; -.tr.VN M nntnieinc ia hi frfend. there-was w.TmVilfvatf Fiance wa8lhunlfarVof post wfiilfr I had atrenffth io wield a awofcfrT But, my, beloved diild what ,wUl becohfe (here; bis voice faltered, and -tlie beautiful sophist findijngllraiaU neeWijhioN ofntiusiaj'vfnai- het fatherlnishejj lire'sentencehe had comrileneed)- Otjn&r ratherneyer fear, Louise Defanay witlithls: day prove.hers'eif not nnworthy of the bfobd that flows tHrouffliiier-veins ki ihis mo- I merit they, were interrupted by the entrapce (6V tellinr him he had come on behalf of. the, people" to. 6aeisbu their Hveiwrj rthey woiild iaWo wit ithelrJr ms. ! It ts;fef- lessvi say tnat iue ienns.raei wiui a uHugtri tyrelusal irpm the old soldier., lellnjS 7e0ple that-1 received my "awdrd frptn'Jjouts i1rsixteeath,'''iCtrd drily mtli JiliftfD3. deliver ii'&yojfiti the Jiwfulbnsequ'ence prefusati'rljre fkedth attributing could ofthe ,1p'eoblewheik ?bnct' rsed3u4he GSycrnor ir'a noiltrintValluted.XliauJ ueenr terror took .which the last vheri lievwlUidreWr was Iuise Such was.relpatiencerv bf ithe-ulace' that longbetbreihe officer returned, the Avork of .destruction fia'(commencedi ; The gar; rison.of the Castle consisted oteight invalids and thirfy of jhe SwissJGuard. BuQf every man had beea Tell, what resistance could they have made against r thejhoiisandl who opposed them tiffin every part oCt8eCastie was the heroic girlaeen anim a ting-and en couraging. ihe troops ; thre1tfmes5iwa8 the vhite flag hoisted onf the donjon tower', and as, many umes was u lorn-uown ay a oanu, miKei snowy than tne nag itseit. ;g While preparing wadding in a part of the castle, where a very few of the .troopsv$e?e stationed, a breach was made in the ivall, and although she was gal Landy defended by fpur noble Swiss, ho -fell bleeding at her feet, the enemy succeeded in carrying her put of the Castle.- At length finding they were unable to maintain their: position, and fearing ihathe Governor might coptinue to defend himself until troops should arrive from .Ver sailles to his assistance, it was proposed t Jul theshould burn the daughter in the jires. ence of her father, unless the place was sta'ntlv surrendered, and the heartless rabble prepared to execuleaheir infernal 'purposes.' sue isiaia upon a roauras?, yje matcn wap plied (uo martyr at the stake ever appeared more calm and resigned), her frock is-already in a brightblaze, tteidcer who sa?v hef in the castled now observe s,"!iej ?; he sprinW from ihescaTade, and- alUihugh bayonets bristle i oivery side, and Gannistefaiftl rape fly arbuiJjBefjlie rushes darting like Hghtninthl66ghf4luro wd, aud,t dealing ii trtiimpha ntly oflVrhat mWaw!i wore ';:-Hbf of the gion.of JibnOr. iWJrei my father" was ihe nrstf words, she'uttered.ii 'JL wUl saTWhlffl," replied the; oxneer : out u waa too late. ;xmi: nay iiie. bffiierapTedieted that, there would betia re- straining wit? jury ui uie rauuie.: . ueu tyo daughter looked agaq!.u6 wards tbe tastle, -lte' saw . ihe'he'idless :rrunk;t)f her father. hanging front tfife-'haUlements.V -while his peatr Ihat shout ia;5tliai which rends the airv 'tis the longUfled shout of liberty,' 4 'tV4he F tfiirrnphahLhuii of rdem bcracy over the grave tij ieuuaj, iTauiiy auu iruuiauinng j iu the wbrldilt,Jtheasiife is tiown.'V - SADNESS, 'There is a mysterious feeling thaltVequent- Iv nasses ' like 2ckud -overiUie v spirit. It comes upon the struHrX the buy. busUe oriife, irvihe Jsociat crrcle- in the calm and Vilent re- ireats ui supuiua . -1 jiuwci? .an? mo ,u preme xiver the weak and iron-heartedviAk onerriit is caused by the flitting of a single thought across -the mind. A gain," a doleful soynd-wilKconie booming acrosp the ocean of memory, gloomy and solemn as the death knellVl overbading all the bright hopes and sunny reelings oi mc nean.,, vwwvcauue crihe iL and. vet who has not felt lis bewild W - - "at " TjJ erinff inflavnce!-Still it is a delicious sort oft sorrow ; and like a ciouu uimming me sun. shine of the river, although causing a mo mentary shade of gloom, il enhances tne beau ty of returning brightness.' . v- - cDr.Humm was once aent far to attend ari bn fortunate thief, who,? to, helping. hlmsel from a neighbor's wood pile, hatj leefrtfipf pen up . oy a line attaenea to a springy gon which eun thereubon went bflT wounding the nrnstrate roirua verv satllvlt was a-vervnre f - O J JT, ' v markable case,' said the Doctor. and J-think the only one on record of a man's coining so near losing sing his life b"y a trip tor the Spring in onion 'iuere lssirengpi said when h poured brandy ii ueriu? .at me gates. i wouia maintain: mjw - ? pra.vpung omcer in. uje. utuiorm oi ine.r tjpn.9r0tiaid?e how WW. iayaud a Military sal fhehim. dishonor, to ad. Thebm tef4 iis leave, r6ut iVjsbbject, .upon ueain aiviy mow tu ere Miucrccij ment hadjeaclied: herjankelie 'fbrltn lief earei 1 piapea 'poii apwie wa canicitaniijusi tlfn yells "of trjumU 'urj'he.Centsal Commiltee at the f placti tti Greve." ''K : . , ' ofafli and tlu'vpublic At' 1st pe, that t ; . has reci-ived from ti ew-Xork - Sh(LPtiiladelphi, aa;e?4enH tjve,. rich, and fashionable stoek ol Uoodi, wtiica-De will sell at New; York prices s.f-!' nfl luorineni eanuuin -r s. -i-. y , GoW ind"peride.t second, da p16xf anchor;; Watches, a geheia a3sortrnen of Silver do. of every price and eaahiy. !' v . 44Watrj4 Wna' neck CliainVeaIaVKeys Diambnd Pins 4" tings, Ruby, n3 EaoertW Uo.cvJ aud oeaii Urnsme rj, jitq cameos t mdgic rinst " GohlSilverBlif, , and polished Btf el Spectacles io. w.j.-vm irriKuui tnu j au eyes. . v eryoperiQJ :kii snd Mastard?pou Baiter Knie8:ilermdun 7 eu oocuanois, -.V8f jots. yantjiesurs,i?naiu ers and Travs; WaUer.li&&wktt CoHee!fQes?&ri' tannia Wares, in t Mid single pieces, t - . - ' v.. : . .. .. . - l "MaineV Ciocks. tA'mpsPlated abd Ja paned 3kahers;j0okl andpttver Moiibuanearo Chesroen and Ba-TlpmmoO'BoJrds, Visiting Cord Ca'seGeldanif S.fvsr Pencil Ci8t8,Eatenl ' :'Seel P&mI' Roger t? supoff Ealors. Conaress Knives sik! SMMf Mafldera' iiEebraYed riixor Ktrno; Doir' Coli laV'do. Calls, wk$ ft$ckt Books, lVieid rruits, (Jam aMd ?uto!sfIJaihefr'.Toilptl4imlrorlc lNtet:-'toiat botijiARRt6qN BreasiPjms Medals, Uajie andVxe &e.- &Ciri: " Faiin eiJebr9till!j;enuineCulogne7Rose Laven der, Florida;. and B Waters ; XJuwfaiRs Cream of 9uap, ii spies, ano onponaceuoa unpona, iur onav ingi Roe Almon Pamihand rbidior toilet ooaps.peari rowdeiy old reamer onttttun,oears nu batr, tooth, and fiairijr Broshei, and a vanetv ot wm m itv . iui . a vi tea I MUSIC. Spanish' Gaitars,! Violins, Clarronetta, Flageolet is Flutes, Octave, jdfc i?ifcs Sa Accordions, precep tors for all the abovl juiur and Violin strings x tra Violin- bcrws, Set ; i. - Qj' Clock . and '.'ailchesof atl descriptions clean ed and retired in. Iii j; ccnfciomMluperiof style. Gold and Silver ma lyclMrej lo order vivk e:pdi tion and punctualil lgbest price given for ojd gold and Silver. ftii ' t GOODS. JOHN T, rilT. 'FiTRTTBvtui StaaiT next Stare toihelpi HALL, has juat receiv ed from New York,-hf ; winter, aupply of Dry, Goods Shoes, Hardware, series, &c. &;c. . ' SILKS, watered, !.ttTd, striped, figured, embrotd 1 ered, Changealde, and kaftt. libuslin de Laines, piajo vhi ugarvu. ineruui,jf 'rocuc Eiiigusu. Duniuazinea. AImcms.- "American ?ipnch.and. EngUsh.GaTicoes, Plald 4 striped loslinai' Swis Mull & Cambric'do, tRiUbon?. Artificial Plot?e. Scarfs and Handketch'lg (Thread and Cottoo c . Hemstitched Handkerch'f u loves Qi various i Ii fyf eWKf W 4MfD Qd tOCU9sY. Chects. Woblert feii l. KeOtoetr ensr Wegto Cloths. BTogansfrJO-cuCto $1 S5jr jpairc.' Ready.made Sbirf w j Readynade Bosoms. .Ready- made Collars. , S;ilin 4iu ; Bombazine StockL3upenoV era, Gloveg, Silk PoJtQ 'Handkerchiefs, c. &C.&C. . "ft : - . . . ert) up I' I- UXVI! m tne mest approved factory TEAS Green f aMi 'I '.lack. COFFEE Java and other kinds. . HUGAB-fvIjoaf; Lumpand Prowu.. Ujtund Ginger, r;ep e r Sp6rm Candles, Fatm "0ap, Starch, l ofwcco, AUb. dillef's best cMcn Bnutt m ottle"andaIfert,f4tidtc. re. ' V:.' JaNClPk'SZ0MXn quarte'r boxes. "Walla brand,-'Truly the -gsw ne artitlo; Imported by Holt JtHH! fixtSe6sii h4r Abi efeUbnshmcDt w com; Jl mfcncjB, on ibe v irVt TVInday io J amiary.-.U -; aa .a rotLowar i r.-: Ti' .a i '-a . -.u Ur-?jrFor English ' C th". I le-40 X Or 4siajSlC8I O VIS, y f xso fuptl received u less aan one isessioor or nve months. If withdrawiffow4tJB expiration, payment to be made for theful'liaie; " . -v ' ' Half the session tcMM tpakl lor in advance, and the htMM at lne And oiAliifl monthaJ 'The "School Buildf.is bow undergoing sucb sait abld repahs aad. addii 1c p f aaomfort an J con veuiehce Kaietgrt. uecxi. t-f 111 It" ubfwriberswoUl ii 1 resDectfull v v be leave iaut" f(m-JtheirVeiiai-ni bavel ust opened at 1 M i store t Wbly owa pied by ; Jl t); Roy sttJnext;d9 j iliI6aaiaaywifei genefa-VaasrtlBeiiMF WeH wobdefte ti mear ; J intending Ji RK'ai isinaprfii; they deeai h;jneceaary tastaUfit,they;aJc -hat.taw px-ce for weir uracertes uom.iLcq uiey wui an aeviate, and aialtfimesLe jo(;t)TrrRs, may. always una tne very iwiiuirjKKovirnuu.oir: t taieign, van. o,ai wr ' -VT : . -iii ... j i niS&AXT SCll--Tha Jnlantpch'uo der the Supetinterd Ufc ofrs.eSwiinepe on lpDday tte ITUanuar;, rQ-&Cil9? First Class Second Alphabet fnel tier fid pupil anttUttea 4 m. ies saan -h oepwon, cejH. discrelioo;of tt l I!cber. rr , W - W - . ' i t T"-: " -T a - . IS Eaj-rng J gilsThimbles, VinigreJtslWedal lows, gold Hearts'! id grosses! Jet d. Jand a great ad(y orotherrjc? C?vx!a. - : . ; v giaf ses, tna.i. may a. adjusted in any Jramefit a'pio? V Silver Uitn.;8ar ,.n: T.flllM YSi?o.r Tnirni SU StockingsSewiflg ! ,U Bpool 0Uoaf Flax NelePmsSc&c. ote-?5Poogee of They have alad refitujfjie bar, and futnUlied it.vnUf the yeryjbesf v( Uqwa rwhere genUemerx can 14 4 ettimodVed'wU of every, kiiid,' Winter SeSi iA. -.B0 lit the discretion ia ivyv fff "I tw ur0 PUUUC "vot. r 5v . : j io,wrii, rjy cai..DgottXQssuucrio-, - u. . r , - j . as ine -cnap 1 Vimtert adrmtte its aiwess ine exercises, oa Aaee--'-" . ,,.-.-s AViLr, 4lit;ii.vi' , ' :: -w c u.riiAttlUJ!! , .v- - 11 Xtilifawlt,eriuornipof Vt-rW ! " --H iMusicr,aEWExiRy&-DRyjcoQpa;: fate ;received',inform" their friends and ' thVpablicin ifeneral that they have opened , at the nevr -und. corn-' er Fay e&evtllcdc Hargett. Streets, a choice assortment oi uoQus in e jtoove uianrunsoy iar larger -man lorb erly kfpt, a6d a4bey always sell at VerV moderate price, iey aope lofueiii vpuuuiiuaucu ui layoa. i Part of the new aifrpfr consists in : ii SsL 1 J .300 lb fresh laiainA 2 x boxes Candles, Sperm . 35 -rnar-20 cisvaneune celebratwl Mull patent iU whVreftraiaed best s 8001b CracksfS, butter; lipnyBhip-nr'ad ; best Porter.jGne Winest and. 25 toxarvETga; , Prunes, DaieFilberU, Palmj" .jT 84i,K vocoanuiv- Auuonus, oweev j-reseryes, iirjuiily TruiC draages,,vLemof4 . JSerdletz and Soda PjrtderjvMacarbjnj Uutf r Sutt lb Candies reases noarnound i-ancryi nocoiate, r ppersauce, Tongue ery peBtTKIcsurd, te'fafcb Tk. CPintrJeiaT, GUor RjmmJ Mfloasra of RpPsJMfloVssar.tteaW. Aptiquft Oik; Cologne. FlojhdLSvender Waif raj hav- "?MusicVtJ mT,Fhikt V iolips bow strings, oriuges. screws? mseraoaras boiiars, r lageoievtev Booka,' SpaQisJMTrench, Getmahalpd JSngflah j 'Grammara. andiieJra,Alnanacs. GedTaphf.PHoa- waopeinng, icmrefmofnir tKo, .ev oi eaveo, f Boxing J&ppqrotvs Jf" a! MaskaTHa Breastpfe I"! wlsSwords, Gloves, - Fancy Goodstc. ..Painted Glass Mugs, artificial 'Hair and FIbWers, Mohair Caps. Iadies Work and Fancy Boxe Cooking-glasses 3 and 4 feet square, Baskets, Knuff-boies from 3 ctsvlo $4; Combs, shell and other CJocka, wooden aad metal; Walking 4 CunesneslRazors and, shaying'otensHsw TbermomeuJCalp Dirk, Pen,and Pocket.Knives of the fipest quilUy , Pis tols, Teeth; Cloth, Hair, Hat and Sbiebroshe8,'BlacJr. ihgj Slates, Bells, Fishing Utensil. Cofleemills Pins, Needles: 6 cross Matches, Fireworks. Glass 14 xll8 Lama. and Candle wicka, Purses, Po'cketbook's, Night Tapers, Powder flask, 8hntbeltg Birdbags, Percus. ui T: ft i t, u:jt sors, .Necklaces ano Beads, Paper, Pens, Quills1 fnk add Inkstands, Wi fere Scaliagwar Letterstaxnp) Peff ciis, Buttons, Pictares. ' ' . ,v !U 'I , GAMES.. ; uixtsTas Dominos, Chessmen. Backeammon, Ke- no, Tenpins. Cop and Ball, Graces' lor' Ladles, sap ping: rppes, Tivoli billiard RolleU v Tors of every description, as ;laules(Hammihsi lops. Drums, Kattle, Whi8tle8,Moutb Organs. Harps v Trumpet. Magic Lantern JaintlK)xe Magnetic Toys, J'alse FaesCannons DoUs, Malescops, Microscopes, painied-Trnk ilbr childrer etc etc. . JEWEtlLRY.f JwxtiKiiT, firrt gold TOdl silver as well) as aermah silver;viz.rBreastphs,Emga;Pen Th tables A Ofeermim Slier and. vinchbatfoXablt land Tea Spoons, Desert Kfliveaad forks, Side; Pork-' 1'. 1L ' J 'jivi j-t. ' rii'-"rl'.Lt. ' ei ana outer y. vu,y. womiw, narju jaeiisw v aicnguaruar Chains aim Keys, BeUhucklea, Spectacle, ' .1 Dat Goons, Pantaloon srufia. Vest jpattem Harul- kerchk&,CamleUvJeAps, Linen A'ollaw and Boaooia; StockaVvGkrvesw VStoekmffs.j'Iriah ' Lfnen,- SaiiiaeaB bleach anl unbleached Cottons, Flan nel, I -1 ,4rj!Brtief ?w pi.' i.'W 1. , ilif .1 ' v v . fulfil ilJf iHn.ji ITPtH E woriderfal core"erTcted 1 taiibediclne; the point of death; . ah.haa'beeri eotcd by-Dt-'Pfi-: I fc--1 - i- . i .i,h.4urt r v l unwcu p,wiwiy tectum u 11 , iiik ,vudv. - cveauTyuiiauMMicuiejBUB. ve ry ooujqji counj not'enre ; o maayvi Ir gootf- or jnany-tv aca uh has nasadon m the Xavent siletit tenor of it wav? curinr hundred f oersjhs who were wfanslifti with. veaua.. un uuw uavuwoxa course is iniueuuims. It is as .impoaM Pre Co-stay ibe demand for this med' icihe. as to Jitisb tbe iushrnff wiridt - A'tife rtedicljje that will procrastinate death f rma nyyar. soati u no icnter very bous&i . purlin not ba jctsed "by eery individqal I joj no man-say,! don i now not1 what lomorrow may brrrig forth: : All should, ase this remedy ?and remember tha heahb is the first blessing- froni 4?e42: ' iThe imrnehseandilncreasihg 'popularity f 4bese. ruts, is anoier:prooi oi ine wiaiuoiuiy oi -vieoiu adaie! that " trad ia!pOwerful and will pre vaii" Oth er .Pills "are; ohly puffed, but Dr. Peters s arepurcased and praise'-ana recommended until lhe demand for them has beeomealrboet universal. . . " . u Dr. Peter wdadjimjpreaa this fact upon tJaTpublic, thatbiaPills are-hoi quack medicine but a scientific cooipouna oi sunfijesiwpicn naa oeru iuo irauu yi uw by y earV mtf-nse abnlication to a profession in which he regulariy;bred hence it ie as popular with the egular?faiolty a with the peoplf afterge. . . ! r' ' rr -r .1 ... ni;. .Irln&l itllia Timm.M. PnisT8.;thar; while, very, powerful jn tbar-efiects. thW are particuhirly . mild and "gentle in their action. JJnrifee the jgenerality.of medidpe, their ippUcatiojui jaevejr aiwnaea :Wii.u- nausvm or ripiug. ; w . Peters's Vegetable Pills ere now regarded bythoye Whavqhad;an'opnprunity to decide upon their mei xitsV as an ipesdmable public Blessing. - . - ... ' t . ... . .... ....... fiW unoatan. excepnen in any age or counxry.no m dkrfneJiMsad-.vrith such' rtpidity and given such uniTersal satisfaction. ,w v " f 9 4 r fe'tT TbJahbve Fills are for sale in the City of I?a lekh. by' eWsiWf Lfciaxa &lHATWoei. and YV Jf. MASoirifc Co.; and hi Fay ettevUIe, by.E. J. Hiaa, aaJfew York pricea, i'-,rv ' " ; .J rTM n3 AI AGSIVG V-FoT moderate iav. h5T' " tiflAco'ntinueWerve""roy distant friends who ha te- businVsa a&eur! Banby as well as c&llert and e- ' - nun uie raeiic 01 - prum; vioooa ar.: Piodoivori c.mmission amNfc aaction. -1 think th puXnie-lor iti patronage, for the'laiil twejve years, end in me aoqve uusinests . cope suu to ue lounu worthy - -.1. l"l:.r 1 . Picjilestiecwon, JsyrppKuUhegLuonce vtnria on.tdmeiv' AneboVies Boton San sages, Smoked mg soap, xssepce8,uouuioorpinK oaacBfrana uiiy lu'Fwklcwaergarrjpu f.rl'kU irV: MCSlCAltKSTJRUMeivTS j' mention alTof WMch. wul be sold o teasoMbiemr I where yoiiiwiJ andy ou hear of noUiing buA.M e, Stich B1& MLZSZ tnwr:bwa .4 v 7l t- TTJTAYlpbrtnased4he ebUreBssortmenl Lis JLlLL quota hitherto belonging to CoosTt WicitKR. tbe Subscribe? feels himself tiafiorisirf w asstftifig the Vlpofftloi The following articles uipiio tri pi niesioca: f v --v ; J&: vs r- ti ? . JamaWRifcellenV, .li?. ' IqT Vf hbgieyTdirect from the?qMhimoul Apple" Braadyi bid Nash k? ? -PeacbJrI:''4ov--?''6f.e6oUMati -; ,'!!' t ' . Cotoroen, Metliurnand other Liquors, of every klil4 S Scuppernong Wine Tt' ,-,' : Monongahela Whiikey: , .Best;RecifitJ. do J'r, - t Madeira Wine. recenUv imriorted Brpwn Sherryr 'do do " ' Champagne VV'ine.Foontain hradd, and theri aev - et was a better article in nWketT - '.t - T , -Port -Wine, sqpenor . alaga do. . X - ?: - " ' . Tidmn Oil. air in tar ayfrftinawl " ". V rr"tK w naMVU vmm mble ReflfXoaf bga : ;l!ltajCjaao oilitle ' ? .;, GreertyaTffeoo ,s arQcle v:v,V;:;; J Baeon. LaMsal'flc&PtSeaVandih. fact sv 1 erVnhuin'tneJGjrvlat' : ? MUlerabeti Lemon Syrupy i -;;-k--,..J. IC hewing Tortom'on d0. fiftofciejr Hardware, Crpckery and Qaeenswara .PoVers 4Vare do ,ly - , . . . Stunghtbn's Bitters, PickJes,' Wingrates (London) ' 'beat ";:. v .r-.w 7 Candles, Segars, Spicef, Indigo, Soap, 6tc. Sir' . . wsii, muii .ns- . . . . 7 neese ana crac&ers, r owder, Lead, buojl e. r xiorse i a uars ana enaies . 'r ; , r Keady-made Clothinar, and Staple Dry Gooos,-" i ogetnef vmn a general assortment ot articles not nrre enumerate!J.,V : ' f;; V.".'"': ' . ThSpbscriber has made ari arrartgeJnent with a gentjenian in Nprblk, to supply him, regularly wice aweekVith Fresh Fish, of Fresh Oyntera, which t"h will seed at any time to private dwellings- All orders filled on Wednesday imC Friday nfghu -. Oyaiers, and all oilier eaialle Vfll beervcdVip at hia Excbanee.' at any hoar. Hi Fish and Oysters, for the supply of families, will J.csjried to their doors, without any addirionaixpense.. v- The Subscriber intends devotmff his entire time td the business, and itt:e aided bv an Assistant al way a accommodating. Anxiooa to tleserve public patronagCy. if will.be his endeavor to merit the opport ef a gene." lous" public,, His terms, are, cash bar rredit wilrbe extended to those whouteet theit liabilities with pfbmpU itudafVV-;0.'BU'GGAgiti f ' . i Nov. 1, 184t. 'H. t' . V 69 ',',' SwEfcTsfforifAe-; Sweet! - Come' on M acd u ff, - And jfc'dhethatfirstcrjef hold, enonghl , 711?u4 Fresh rMrrivals ! 4: I7tceri nas just retarnedfrom theXorth,! and is. now opening new and snleadid as. srhrtoenC.oF Gbockbiks; Torav CojrrrcTibxlaiss, at Csr1 prices It is impossible wjthin the limits of ari: Advefjsemept 40give a JiX of all the articles iu a lajlw nAortroetit. at V few. or the Druid nal ones are umv s ei.ixscc. occ au oi wmcn ne oners ai tne iow- snioinedsijihdi Ah ip'ubficare assured", they will find wty uungai Hi qpi uiai penaina 40 uis imiuriusia sidela II, u h Cordiahj, ta tSJna bitt1es f . i.-i4ialev M iAdsbrSoaps ; Vvv- i " Shelled'ATmenda . BeVif l)nBoe-PercnssionCsT Bona Per Caflrl Drte"Bee;' Bolocna Sauiiaes ... i i& dcz large Silver Guards" '- ' ' ,s - Prf4fa.Nvery'vjirfety6 ; Fir AjqW o1uVaiid;Oc PelVHoarlfburMkCandT'x i , ViounsahiMieVsea Cork ScojwsI Ac. cVe. ' K lasa W Actea Harmoains Oil lo)k BaskeU - Uates ana UranyU'racnes, Lbemes. &c Macarom ""13 doa'npedo:Oeunan Cologne Water lQ-Jdox.Brasw Batkelf; 2 doz :B rooms .. -i .4 fst-Tnb9.ox Wood Buckels'. -.-.5? FiTaiaortmentof Nata of ejeff variety;, v.V . " &w let Me'ats and Jellies of every Varieiyf . .' 4Macabdv aW couh lnuffin Madder, and battles' f-: Granges & Imons? fine assortmeni Eartben-warev Cheese. Crackers AJegarS of every variety dr prica J Sugarstor every quality Old Java Cfteedt Starch t Chewing Tobacco and eery superior Wax Candles T V'Tabte Sajtv ?r'ns; Pweryes and Pckles of every - tiori, which 1 will take great pleasure in showing to any eTTOivwho may favor me with e.'ealLI atao re- turn my : thanks to the public for past favors,Jaiid hbpe : w uiciii ub wuiiri . - f .' : 1 u: Ui ' 4 VVluilii September .77 : Tneulribers'araprVpare to execute" aS'kmds " Imitations jf e very yarieta of ;i arble, and of all kicoV ofeWo6dX also, Wa1lT,afnang, Paper-banri.ig. Gild ing Glazmg; . i .-'dedgto at tha shortest no-, tice, and :ae i.i cuperbr style of workmansbin, , ' MILITARY FLA G3 r uted in the neatest style, on the shortest ih'sw mtjch cheaper than thry canbedofi'eelsew!cr- rnTrRefer to the "Adi at ant rL . v. :. . ;..v . ucaiitj oiaonu-v Persons wishicr7 Ptintin- if satdescriptioa exe cuted, by calling ft the She next. tdoorlo the Bank of the Ctaterrsy excvit ,to fcave it dona to their en tire satisCtcr: .v " X - ' ' " fv. c. &uiiRAzn:iL -r ; 1 RaleTf , ";ibef 9,'1841,W ?3lf - - - ... .. . - ' 1 n - . .....P.r.11. .i w .. rKm..1 loc, ' ,2 to Henry Gorman. deed V and weB known". throc'.pnt tbeX'ity of i.'ia igh to be such, I now of- V r fer 10 endertake Brick!, !:g". and Phwterin,Dy the y&id or job ; Uiose wiJg'.to have w.orklccr.eoiild' f. x? : . ry" , wyuncHon wim ois sioca pa oanu. jf mat -jt no : establishipentfmViRni City tffords'a : more l- ample Tgl sapp!y,oroiwbicb wiir)ioef either in oualitv or crice'. ac .... c . mm. 1 i5 oE It .4 n 4 m - -r: ti a- , 1 HI si 3 1 4 0 'ft c-. - t. J. - r -'J- ; tmy " - "

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