.im W A. r :" '3W TOJ .K CL KV. T-Vi -wb T?-SriM r " ' , -, "'. :". ; semi-weekly, -f ,.. . v',- 'v r-lwvw- 7 2 --. -.- ,. A- t.- " 1 "S-'.M - - . . . - - . - .. . r .. . . - . . ' - . l i - ' 'I " "J .' i . ' m - -i . .ip i f m . -i n m ,. - , . , . . , i iM mimim mi n j - , , - . . ' . . . EDITOR AftD PBOfBIETQIU ..-'. ' - ScscairrioK. 'Five PpHart per bnDutn liairin Advance. .,VV v u ADKTi8EMEiTi.ror. every, Sutm JUnct, first ioaettioo. Out Boltsr j ecL uLMum iticwikx Twentyfiv Centi - - - - CocmT Orders and Jt'&iciiL Jt&vntTWEifcKTt will be charged 25 per ccr. Uglier ; but a JeJdctKm of S3 1 per cent, will be Jiuu'.e l'roua iLe regular price, for advertisers Vy tli year. ;.; v ''-'-J-s Advertisements, inrt4 in flic ScMtWmfXt RroittKR, will also ! i eur in tLe Wctxi-if Taper ree ofcbarge. - ' . , .. . . (p- Letter to tUe Editor tnule tTAf-w'j- THE PARTING KISS - Hu act did notVertake hu bad intent, ' " AikI therefiira nat be buried ail an iateoV That periatted by the'way-SAJC. :v 'Hie drtrer sounded Ins! horn, and mlime t.iir mtrm I mam- lit rfmi'ri in llu lni'"'iif my iialife blale i he iue:t of rcvtiiung uirj home of tuy chuuliood, of i meeting wim ajy brothers and sisters; and beholdinff, otce more,' my aged parent,-, be. fore; Ui& gtave should hide thetu iorever from "my wewv&lled "me with rapture whidi 1 never had expen.' enced before. Already transpiirted in iiuag mation ever the long iourneyi t received die joyous welcome ip tlte .fcappj" !UjrfiM gKd old lat::er met pe 1 the jjate witU ll ktudesV demons tratiuna o! aQocuoft .my tno ther, now'feeblo with years and -nrembiing' with anlictiott, ' had -iottered 'Iwtf way down the steps to gtp tny haau and unable ta rest train her. feetiugp, burst into teat avw Ui)at my Itttte serious, -CUra, iun:to ,my. arms, and folding hers about'mr Beckf couht not refrain, even in the middt of her staduess. from afieetionaleU ehtdirVk me for not answe :n her letier." Biessed Jiu'. sister ! : I kU.i ed her beautiful foreltead,; while;ker::p(eUyT3 black eye beamed upon me, and promised to do better in future --and there waa a.o aye, a rapujre -eveu InUiis reverie, of ithag-. illation, which," if it Wuld ' but last, ( bold not barter for the wide world wealth! ; and all its tioMrfcesdes;t- But every bliss has its bane. Th'reflec tioa thai 1 had to pari .with Fannys Morrison; whom 1 had so much loved evert onto adora tiiin. soon out ari.elid 4o this ifow ofshaonr feehtig.and spread in my beart. a eortespoad mi poignancy of misery. ' ilits is the nature of happiuess. There is not a glad emotion of the breast which is tint quickly chased by some obtrusive care; TheiTisitsii of joy are as short as those of the vwuries of fashionable life ; and de bosom that is elated by Iter Iran- sitory presence, will assuredly experience au equal depression . ai lier epartarei d Her smiles are like the vivid flashes of. lightning that play upou the brown elieelt of ui;ht; btii banish in an instant.. and leave-behind!-lour fold darkness. 1 thought of Ihomef : my soul ex panded ; I thought flf Kajtriy and it : lank ished mind, and above all, because of her into dejection. 1 loved Una fair and eicellent tne aervant ner woraa were as a dagger to ereature, - not, thai the, beauty of her whole mjf heartif Why; have you nollreard, aid sex seemed epitomized in her form and faeev- she,r ihai thw ij Miss Finny weddding but more for the hisher brilliinct of her 'floU oigM:r---- l'-critdii. hear no- more t ttie' maid unsiphisticated purity f heart. . My'ioysi' and I fetr poA the uoor in state of insensi reciproeated. Daily we renewed our vuws bility. ; Jl w loing; I3 feniairt in that situ a of perpetual constancy and the gfeen eyed lion I know net ;l bntHwaa awakened from mons.ef,t jealousy, never sullied uur minds it by vho entrance of a tall young-gentleman, or disturbed our retMse ; but, mutuary ctm of handome deportment; aiid fhlendidlv at- tidiiig, we enjoy ed all the luxury ofieuder; I tired, - with a '.broatl felicity of face,' be est afieethini: unmixed with the bitternesa f 1 speaking a light mind and happy heart. It doubtand distrustu'dif there be such a puS- itive happiness oftearth From my first acquaintanjriew never been separa week at a tune j nossiblv forever I had already takeitt.IeateMMr..oa;tb evening o(the preeediuday;; Jwojdtal 1 was abrfutto enierrupnmy tJoney '1, most imntedtateiv. I couUl not resist the in- clination which increased in ardor Ma time of departure Arc w neurer, once more lo most delighted to hear t and' she could ntaV.! loo, with aucl)feneliaiiUagir ins to the heart ! As 't-'fentamdia he, ceased de musie. hui 4.utelv-'rfanie4 it at my request, aS;accwropanu3d Kjie'lov .ruuii;u wih a voice, mat ureatlieil all Jlne wgie.;aruiofiy(. t " Para thee welL sines Uioa must leave tee uut v, iw ou parking grieve thee,. -. -, - J?r- Z&TT&ZlZF . 1 ' ? And Uier'as ftijhppUcatU to myrsituation iiult it sbitablenese br'aetj'tl?. men! o the oecaintit tna deep iir mybu cannotsayhat tlmtnus drew au angero'oyj sang like an angel, and ffor. r LUeeeesiial lovdinesss of one. ufuMihe" so close, aiid.hepauhew ask for a onihter heaVeir r As he: finisbed ttt's3iratnVint'tei lid bf ;the piano; and riurninie beaMUftd face; ; bonny blu ey eg,' tria me, she SB now Have m task lor 4 And wbati tlrai task Said cliff: . M fTAtitrvlinti made a Irmffttme -otoWrttsn piece in my Album t tlie evening is fa for a- blefbr poetry and riwist,imnyrWwrttr g.' . At first,:! UibughUhis w meTeiy teuded ta divert myf min4 tmihelnelin- choly l wlimbttbs) 'pertyeiirV wound 1 Hi for I irasofrofieurjbeing guilty of writing 'poetry, Mijknff not believe Tor a mbmeht that she feriously ted from her etep tor one L funny, vrromptea by iieieraUon, 1 sejred lu oart het nowt aUd at e villains wiroat ; n tied, lle w mjr -il Bfemcil :iIkeeatiL - iOfcirtt: we were 'born in the nauie illjpe, seize tne lair soli nana, auu; say, lioou ove' ie was, uie vj m TiiiU uw vumiifu. I hastened to her dwcllmg -She! iwast'lirr' ntcaied theseciret of mf tacbmeht Ito Faiv piano, ; playing uie , piaiuiive . air oi; ? oy;jl ty t: ne awjcu ouMew? w wpnii v lie, - tue .very ,ioue,wnicu,.aji ,0lher I I me w ner a ucriuu. - a im a M . a uuw ih thotiffh" jne capabTe'of Whrpirpelranon ; dui if) lew minutes sne ioox. irmn nte dooiv cafe oHtty bmibU AtbHm, anil, jprpatjjiif tv Vr' ine table tefepett andjnkwere'prew tiou8lypTatedfi"in?Heil:' Ute task w iih ft; air oftorf mu T(j - wltileuti Id nol fait l "coiivificenie4:itat ttW; .rtqtir?lL w made mrvre in earnest than Uirough cortey. yihiiii CuuldJ 4 l1 wot "Utfr Ueart tat jrefusei rur lUc Ui:itQ;mbply .My ,bjfaiu"ii,a at drv at a lite rciuuitider bUciiil aftct A toy- nee. ; Neerdrd4 stand sa much in peed ;of mind; fr dehlore ihi want o tuch ' t& vi i is wcflRnm. . 4 rur fttivTf vnin ,wa acreiic 6rehaf ha abttciltii tut mine had ho! tUHrmaui ihspinhff' h presence ermtdvrenw abilit v tr rWoSe Tir attempt it, I kne wsery well th$t the-fHure would 1 OHComitetety shameful that 1 shoultf loiieimudtt of hr -esi; leemahd yet riot to do h mttst inavitably Uk IeuV I ler nmst serious displensure. I deiermiti- ed however, ti mk the attempt J and,; seat ing nivielf by tlie table; 4 eeizeil ttie pen tit despair, dipped it in the srtantl, and ' Jturnittg ling,: I began CQgitaung - on , w hat ant- jcrt.I.aliould. tix my fait'c.ifut effusion, v I Iwu remaineU in this tiiUude but t short time,. before my inuingt appared to be un cetemoniously interrupted.' The Whole fami- iy were .ma ousr aproarv ne servants were running, ,iu A every A direction, , liroi room, all acUvely ftirazed i cie decorating:, the nansioa4 Some were hang ing new damask curtains' over the windows ; some regulating tlie glasses on i welMoadei) side66ard ; others replenishlrig the flower. pts with water anu fresh roses ; whilst Fan mentin a pair of large andfcticks. ; WMb pa. 4 he t or key carpet -was remov ( and "the floor dry rubbed, indeed, all the preparations ustiauy made for a dancing par ty Were going on, and apparently for tliatonr pose. Presendy a; servant girl entered Uie room 'with bundle ! of . evergreens; with whtcirshe commenced decorating the mantle piecei and then -proceeded ta a-large mirror, that hung on the1 watt opposite to mef in ucb a position, that it reflected my view the, tdiage the qfa,in a thougluvt ajid pensive manner. Her eonntenanee wae frequently tinned with slightiTtteianefloiyf; Amai now ,itv eemed pu wear. a Ueeg oora r seeaji it waiJaJe, lieye pbi on mind appeared no notice of what was going on till Ue ser yin m thj.Wli T .'li:a.yw"'jple Ing. fro'iii 'tuebCa-shdiertjIie' rooin with i tear m I thought quivering In her soft bt&e ej.1:H tr"-" ' " ' ' -V1iatwa die meaning f thist I could form nof possible cdnjectnre, I enquired of wmild fiave proceeded, -but my brain reeled. was for hs coming that all: these prepations were made ; for he was my happy rival, who was that very night to be-married to. the fair. ,eouateu.t. utame, ;seQoojan.fiaortMerf. Jtjwite"(rjw''dtf rnif m eakt rendJint cireumstance had 4jver transprred, OBtit the present occur. renee; Wealed that 1 bound us fogellrer;t , Of all my acquaintance, rradinir '. htf milialidlt t6 the wrong f Nb faltere in Cursed be the eutrvetti!fe. WithHmpcations on my :rivar head t fled the' lrabfutioi t" " V 7 T AH weaw i journey wp nrw Hiuiisnea 'w tm saw- , war 1 toted to revenge my heart waS a fiirttaee of t exaspcrnieu passioos ray, ycrr :okmhi otwrea witlt yengeaiicev Reurmgf to my jrm,yl whette'd my dagger and reloaded mylptstols: l WHI foajf his mirthsai-l to myself- nrturuport him anticipated heaven like an tioexpectEd et- iia,WileiitwVmbta alt 'mroaB)eiahceas rnirighte6tfs.syri serpent is crushed in the earth beeauslp his guile yvhiclioverted tKe into a'wlderlhl demon aull be crushed.' When, forsakihe hi shmf e assttnjtheilihiB j an:sads; over the paradise of tlie jieata? j wrtti!desbla -wltfcmeij doJh; V X ttit 0W tiigbr laltbid flovr pme bnBressittJmy ' alf wrkltsv ljs'tfiiter I f!Jtr?7 fr Wi': oui author of my nusiy The guests" Irau fereiinff; etief pt hf 4hi aiwre awaken, and ' iwSV nor tlie" fiwire; vihiiiimb'8t'dpW'-tKFatuiir V atsenihled.1 and the puptiid hour had almost arrived t the bridesmaid! was placing the last qowefin tne onuai irreath vas she termed it in. "the." Vminz crueU 1 heard her distinctly tin-iing the beautitnlTmes by MrV. Hsinsns, 1 4J?"n l0,rr hritag Uwer for the bride tu wea; netware bom fo btosh in her shin'mg hak 8be jis leavbf th scene f her childish mirth; Her place ts by another's aide 7 Bring Cower for Um Uek of the fair young brtdV 'The long. parlor was i pTendidly ilium i na ted. -rllie chandelier, sustendedm the cen tre, threw around a brilliant light, which the nuiiuia argumcnieu py rejection, "wiiilsf.tne warm flashes from the sparkling eyes of the f atri kiii gjrf s etli padded iti the btaiae, and niy Je the room' glow with thr lustre of the sVies The light of heaven was tliere, arid merriment was 'there. Tlte voun yoicer rrtiingng ill sprigfid many, separate tmie of meKHiy j and mirth, w ifl alhall ' was gladnrs ; and to , oie witose heart had not been rendered impene trable ibjyl it "was sti wet to look upon the innocent fatesV and the unaffected viva riiythaVlirefsjteu.l'Ouee could have en joyed the scene i but the chord in my bosom uui mtgiu have vibrated in unison, was now snapped asunder J and amidst all this gay ety and joy and beauty; my tirai't reiained iu midnight darkness, stil I brooding over its rmn, and nourishing Hs gloomy wrath. I oiixed not with the joyous-cumpany ; but retiring to the "remotest corner of the room, 1 . folded my - arms, -and impatiently awaited the eoming of the biidegroom and his bride, when I' might take, even at tlte altar of Hy men, lhat sanguitraiy vengeance which des pair prompted, and my wnmgs justified. . They soon came. There wasa sitenee in the hall. rl raised my eyes arid beheld- the happy couple standing on. Uie floitr, their 'at tendants ranged on either side. I he whole cdmpany pressed forwardiu' Wk upii the fair yoting brre.! Never had ne "shone so beautifut; never had Fanny appeared so love ly to mv eyes as tiienv X hmg white veil lell ligbdy over her forehead, -like a milk white cloud floating before the evening star t she blushed, and the carnation on her cheek -shone' like the '! glancing sunbeam on the 'Hill of B4nlomen. Her tresses were darker than the raven's wing they rolled in glossy curls down' the neck, and spread upon ' her ivory shoulders, i Her form was the perfec ting of human symmetry; she was the statue of Medici animated to life by tin warmest, brightest fire of heaven, exhibiting a consiel iation of beauty , where everv charm mingled its right in one unbounded 1)1 axe. I gazed ujuin her, arid the recollecthra of former times came rushing ou my soul. I thought of tlie many evenings I had spent with her in this same hall, under hai pter circumstan ces ; of the many protestations of eternal love exchanged between us as we walked arm in arm to church of Sabbath mornings";; and 'of the times' that we had loitered on the bank of a neighboring river, and sitting beneath the umbrageous oak, would talk of the fair est jropeet 'iff happiness wheti we should be united in marriage as -we were in a flection. Often has she told me, in these delightful rambles, that Heaven had designed us for each other,---aid tittle did dream tliat 1 shotdd'ever behold her the : bride of ahoUier, 1 should ' not beludd it. A thousand times would I have' rather ffohe - with a - spriff of nweriiarv in my: finger u view" her11 in;, the ruins- o death, j ' And here -. let me beg ' the reider to forgive ' my weakness. Mot k not my misery. If you cannot sympathize with the affliciedJ let us in. 1 write for tlrose of a solter mouta, witn more ot tne vmnis oi huinan kindness in their nature, ho can feef another's Woewho love to bind the-bro keii spirit, and pour the balm of consotalKin into the r agonized bosom of desmdr There are such ; aud, ve generous few; t thatik yoo in the name of the afflicted, whose somwsi yoii delight to soothe ; I thank -you in the name of all who have experienced the blight of ruined afleetioo. Cheer iheiri by kind ness if thou canst, for their hearts -have be come 'desolate, and they' stand to need- of all .Uie cbiisblation to be derived from- the tenderest syiiipatlues offrieiu)hip ; ttie vir tuous will ever extend it- the vicious have iwVite to bestow. :;' :-; 1 Bui to reWrn to my story, The venerable minkter:wlio was to unite tlte happy couple in 'wedicw floor; and ill" a mome'htall Was ; Sileoee. Whilst he; Was! addressiitg' ti themj a few 'rirefiil'alblf if adm6tthns,lI silently tnide my wJty vt1iroog)i the eioWtli: &!'. planted mysel f byjoirtival. Inlaid mybaQH upon my dag f V - " - '. . l .at- 'J . - ,.w S ger; U was strange, my iicart iwgan to miter i hi w ciuiii?'.ij T .7 r. of tlte act which 1 was about to jierpetrate flaslUd across t&jf '.mind in ral its horror. He still loVed like the iriend of my vyouth; to imhrdewliam himi seemed too hbrnd; firebibled itt eyV ery jbtntUntl a4 ebld prspiiaiim; bedewed mv loreheaUi ; Ana yenmisi ne-iriuuipu in mV ruin ti?Hih he iwiI-TWwn':'' nbt Veiigeance mifwandilhall I sbrihltfrom Uie meilittted blbw I Tbere was a mignty conflict in. ny biiebmi bet weeu if tn1 V1 pulses and its artgr passions; iribnlplieltioughV audio Wlohtch b besiolred, there seethed 4 tf nirrczu llefiaehatmgb Beloreiriall me i'pnibua imltWlib ad ' merbilessly rpb to; bfU tiuolswn.prbceedTO riVylf ty itjn poupio suouiu mt 00 jtuneu in .iHjr; t ilfatrimpyi letrrett speak, He pauseu ailf W i rely. Nowwasv iny: :tune--1 MenelhelbTide" bpdn 7thb ibbolet -j she turned. Be 6tr larmed " I cried, forl meditate no. inj ury VO, Tannyi--When I admired Uie 4Uinnd..;bjightneit:rvy6Ait beauty; ! did not thfali 'jr our bosTm had A the diamonds' harneMoo'feould say no more uiverance ttnooK me ami in tne irenzy oi des pair. tr is ting my f tgers t tt the lockfr eT tbe bewildered hridegrim at one -convulsive efTurt I felletl s hira'H tlie floor, anil planted my knee on his brejt The whole company was petiuteu to miie tfeiore tney coumi suiHcietitly.: reco jer froni their panic, tA ten der astutancr to .tin imploring victim "at rn'y teet, l rnalcuei . tit pistol -worn the belt, and coeked it at bJfeiWolbing tempe. At this moment the Yaif'lanny caught me by the hand, and givjn it gentle and affectiooate pressure she ( ?aidlf Jpomef "eomei are yoti not goinj? to wriie ji has been almost an vltotimee" you seated, yours self down forihat''3tpo$e. Write in your. Album, fair ereatuqt; sa(d !; r why yes ( Will write in your Juni. 1 roused me from tkreverie inte Wtcb Iliad fallen from the tim;l ipbk iny seat by the table, and was muc relieved on finding tliat the, above dreadful fcpm$Un'ces'eIsfra ly tr a dream ,bf iifliiginatibn. 'Again f dip ped my pen in the tand and having riotliing p about ;ntet ' Inii4VVWe Tlie tage- horn u mmoir, fd me as I finishet!, and I instlhad time to ptttt i bitJPaanyV lipTHB rAKiino (visa. Conic bn riacdsiff, And tcicVd be he ttfirst cries hold,ouh ..,T. ShaJcspear Jtevitd. 1 I TUCkcr has just returned from tbe Ixortb, and now onenniff Mfceas new sad soleaiid -j a- ortmentrof GaoeaSiKK Tdra, Caar ectis a ai m; Um a KLtaa. Ac. &e 1H f which goffer at the fow- ert .Cam prtcea. It ufo hnpowrtble , within ibe Jiits ot an Auvflrpsemenl io?,tive a list of all tbe article in alanrei assortment, but V Jew of the priripal one'are subjoinfd, and the ptlie are assured ihey will find every thing at hi 8orfeuW pertains to baa immnliats linsof busiuess, and m 3r:rare and eunous notion be- suie- f- . .'.i .J . . V ... ... Amongst the aasorta-ait are 1 ,.; M l 1 0 doa superior Fre :h Cordials, in China bottle 4 doz Bras Whip . Cordiala of every kind j vegetitbltt and wbitef jl imlsor Soap Shelled Almond . 'fi.'ef Tongues - Fereosston Cap Bone Dog Cans B; Isd Beef' Bologna Sausages: .' a.daalairgS KibnsrSsrds: -'..; - - ; j y " v l.dos cmalf do J-j-dJe f r . . .; .Porter and evffy va'k of Wines Fine Antique OU snlc'Ugpn 8oap " teae HoarhTOndrHiy ' - ; 1 Asiiirted Fancv GlwyBxes arwl Domino 1 Violin and fcjlk PnW . Cork Screw, &i Ae.:'--, Brass Watches Hi inooicons Oil Cloth Bssket Dates and Brandy P( aches; Cherries &e..Macaroni 12 doz. Joperior C'-uian Cologne.; Water ' 10 dox. Brass BucIh 3 doz. Brooms ! Nest Tub ' Sfdoal-Buretsl"- ' . Frrh Jwsortmentof'l'oUnf every variety' . Kweefr Meats aqd Jea of every variety ,; Macaboy and r3cotbnriff in bladders and bailie Oranges at Lernonsr neasKrtmeni Earthen-ware Cheese, Cracker 4t3 igan of every variety 4t price : Sugar of every Vliaf Old Java Coffee & Starch t ?hev i njf Tobacco 40 eery soperbr Wax Carnlle V Table 8alt, Pranesy Reserves snd Pickles of every varietv : and ereat niliiv article. too tediooa to men tion, ; which T will Mkcreat pleasure1 in showjng V any person who jny ft -Jor rae" with a calk I a'w re turn my thanks to the ? Aiblic for past favors, and hope to merit' the iam.wV: i S. L. TUCKEK. - September 24.' " tate ofltforthlCarollna.Wake tJoun- Superidr CoC t 'of Law, Fall Term, 1841. Henry W. 'Ml lr Asignee, etc' - . 'K V ' VS.'. ' - ' ' . W. H. bibaH's Pai'rence W, Southall, f.V' Original AitdehmeA levied on ,W. H. Souihat) and. Patience W.; jfulf right In the tract of Land ori wbtrh P. W. Souirll r ently testded near Bp field, adjoining the laiHpf Levi Beeman M. C. VVhit ak.r and others.; ';'v - V K- , It aboearins to tbe .sisfaction cfth Conrt that the Defendants in ih'ucase tWV H.Soothtt and Patience W. Soulhall, are not ri iident of thj State ; it ia or. dered, therefore, tlial (hcation he made in the Ral eigh Register tor sis teks succesisiverv; notifyiiitf then! to sipSar at our .xt Superior Criurt of Iaw to be held for sR'ht 'C.iorJfat Uie Court Hase in Ral- eifeh 011 the fiit Molfi sfte the fourth Monday of March nexti. .beb .0?plevv or plead to is sne. nr Judgment finarviilbe cntereu asraiHst thm. and the land levied conxlewned to satufy the PlaintuTs demand f... Witne: Richrd'$ RUclCleTk oT obr ssid Ctmrt at office, the fi'si lobday after the fourth Mm dayif Sepwrnbepv 184 k'. W j ; . , , . ;.-iL'p finch, cvs c 7 00k out for it full-frrown toafer. A &Um who call biHwelf JOHN BOZE, aker. by trade, lefj, tht VPeople' House in this City- withut gaymg ms opj gt or ; tettmg tae rrinetora know of m iruenttonfeave. ; tiers about mx, feet high and weigh ;17u 18CT pound -irad on When he' abscohued.'s bine f4ime-spon cost with a velvet c4larTraimere pantefcpiis and wore a dirty red; silk handkerchief b.ui hirlheck.. Ue i much addicted to the asp of obscene s profane language, saws on tbeddle and exhibits bisj person, altogether, the persomficSiion of a . fufgrown . Loafer. ' A II we ran say- to Inn keeper is, t beware of said BOZE ha is a cormorant eator, an settles his bills by taking ,?rtnch kavelL r -.4: ziEGEiTUss & upchubh; N. B. Wbenever Mj. Sost pavs his bill, the pro"- meter wilt make smt it ackoowlcdsrraenU for; this atep. which ihewlpnnined to take towards all. who serve tbent in this, wav t c, , -.A. J- j: TfUST RECElVEtsSuperWsfticls of Lamp OU OU for the uao oft mimIbw. Far ewe av. i ;OMeoorsboVsWf&A!fath.A RaVtgh, n 8L 1, JOB .rXlNTIiSO , ; . KX&xcrrro air this omc A CryrL Escixeiiji irt AitdtiTcer.i BXHANGK. Hasgstt &t Raleigky C, . Tin AVING1 purchased the entire aswrtttent of fa jjlrqoor bitherttf bebHng to Cook & Wieus. the Subscriber feels himself suthorised m assimng ths Public, (in ewjUBct with h I that tfd eahiihat M uprlyr ou whc will excel eithW in traalitv or price. tha articfeshe ofier fbrMle; Tbefonoiug aiticle comprise a pari of hi stedt- yj-k ? -k. French Brandy, tupmor urtult? v? j; 4 h Holland.:Gia, Aest-qaajhy ...g -0 JsauMiinrceueat-,;:::'.v.: ..vJtl Iruh ,Vt btkey direct from the Custom Xfous . . Apple Briiody, old Jh .r " -7 ' Peach I ds? ;. of sood qiiafiy . ' " - Cbmmbn, Mettiam, sod ot her Liquors, of srery kins! : Scupperaong-Wine , c;v V.p ;;MBonheWhey.....-'. iX-i;,i- ' Best Rectified da ;'.-." ; ' Madeira 1 Wine, recently imported Brown Kherryr do. J do ' f ' ' ' Champagne Wit;Foonlahi braria and then aev er wa a brtiw article ia tma rarxet Pert Wine superior .. . . Malaga do , -... . Lamp Oil, wiater strained ; Double Rectified, Xoaf ftugai.'".. V,'" Xemrltoti"":, do do ' ' r'p Bear Orleans Sogar- v-t: ;; Ce, and other oualitie Green Hyson Tea, good article ; - : : .v,-. Bacen Lard, Meal Floor, Potatoes, and tu tact . .; ery thing in lbs Grocery fine Millers be4 lmefi'Syrap - v K - Best Chewing Tobaicco-Ucdmmon do. Smoking r4 8noff. In bottle or by retail v; . . ; ' ' HiirdwareCockery and Qaecaswars : Stongmonfs Bitter, Pickles, Wiagrtfe London) .WVIfwivc) v4wss-, VMWfi vigW 'wj tmr V Lond PorterA11anHAteS i Cheee and Crackers, Powder, Lead, Shot, 4. Horse Collars. and Bridles ' v. ; Ready -made Clothing, and Staple Dry Goods, . Together with a ceneral assortment of articles not bcrs enomerated. . ' " : The Snbscriber , has made sn arrangement' with a gentleman in Norfolk; .to Supply bun reguhuly twice a week withresh Flsb, & Fresh Oyster, which be will seed at any time to private dwsthng All orders filled on Wednesday u.d Fndy mghu Oycers, and all other eatable will be svnd up at hi Exchange, at any hoor .His Fish and Oyters, for the supply of families, wUt be' carried to thair' doors, whbout aey-sAdidoaat ejmese.'. " " r : ini ouoscrioer uenus oevoiing; nis enure nm v the business, and will be aided by an Assistant alway s aceommodaUng. Anxious to deserve pubncpaunagi it.wUI be hi endeavor to merit tbeMippbr of a genav rour onblic His terms ant; cash, bat credit Will be e x tended to those who meet their abilities witbprompV nude . . T O. SUGG, Agent. .f Nov. t,' 1 84 1. v'i f-'9"n i Ndu 10, FArirrrrViiAic STaxirr; Raux6b, r' .' " ttis the pfeitore of an- tiouneing to au menu anu tha public at ;lsig thairho; , ba rewired from, e wrX otk and Pbiladelphhr, as ,iteo sive, rich; and fashionable stork of Goods; which Iw will sell at Nw York prices Tke asortment consist la WATCHES Gold indrpertdent seconds, dttptes, ancfctor.Lever Watches, a general assortment of Silver 4. of ery pricesad qifflfiHli;r''''jJ& vi:-. Gld ruards, fob. and neck Cbsins, SealsKev DUmond Pins Rings, Ruby sn Eerstd do neck and head Orhaojenta, rich caoiet 4 moHiie Pioa '4 Ear-ritiffi, Pfencils,ThimblM,Wtnigrrtl, Medat. ions, gold Heart and CtrMies, Jet do.' Sbd af gtest variety of ottof icbGoodV -v h ; ; . SPECTAClJgBw t, - ,.V.4 Gold; SilVlueabdpisbed sfeet Siclw ti ghwsesi that may be Sdjuted"injiby frae,at a ras- SILVER AND PLATED WARES; Silver Cans, Spooas, Ladle.? SuearTong. Salt snd Mustard Spo.os, Butier Kuives, silver: nwunt ed CtKStanulB, Castors, CaodleslKks. SrVuBers" anil TVayr, Waifers; Cake tlaekels. CoirreGreqae, Brt tanuia Ware,1 in set tit and single pwcete. Mantel Clock, and imwt Wat cd.and Japaried WaHers;Gdld sndSilvsr .Wminlfd Uanwaiid t nips. Chess men and Backgammbu Bosnia, Vwiliog Card Caaesv GoM and Silver Pencil Case. Ptfen ,teet Pens, Rpgerf superior Razors, Consf ess Kniye sjmI Scissors, Sanders' celebrated raxor.Sirp, UM ot- lairs, do Cafaf, silk Pots; Pocket. Book. forifViion r raita, . viwua ami risiors, uraira iw hoxefc toilat VolrteA'andHARRtSON Breast Tin Medal,Uanest ai bxrs, ,ie Ac. . 4 ? -U.;;,:r. ;-PRFUMERT. fre .Vrj'v, PmIm's crlebrstedcenuine Cologb tiase LkvelS' der, Florida, and Bsy Water ; Gairiatik'a Cream t Soap,'NapleSt and Saponaceous enmpnand. for Shav ing, Rose, Almond, Camphor and Wirses,,tdlet, Soan,nerl powdercold Cream4Pomaium,DSSi's Oil, bsir,tontn. ana ; namg,irusnea, aaa a variety Siher article for thshe totiet. vr " . - r music. : - - t V Spanish Guitar; Violins, Clammetts, Flageobtts Flutes, ".Ov, dfcc Fifes 6 Accordiomv - Preeep. tors for aU the above, Guitar and Vtohft strings tVtx tra Viouq bows, see. -.. - , . -Mf - (T Clock and Watches of all deseripiionsclesn- ed and repaired to bis seeusiomed an per ib style. Gold and Wilvef maufaefitred to order whV expr- uob and psmctsamyxugaaat pnrs given for eld gold see -Oliver,., Tf PSPAST fepnOOiThe Infant School po- Jiosf ui oupennienuenesxw Mrs. Prat. win reDen mt lloxulaytha tyth.of JUnoary.- - j V- 8econdCUa - f. , .'i .,Xfi0 Alabet Class - . . ' . . 140 Fart per Winter Session ' V w - iJ 50 - No pupil annulled for less thao a tftsaia exeept at the discretion of the teacher. ' t r ; V Y ITisiUrs admitted to wmieee the stfetiifes. w Tees dar morara? of each wedrJ fkom.lO ta IS oTdock. nart. f --t 1--" 1 fMUStC, JjeWELLERY; ftfX C00D Thankful for iie encotfraseoient 4hey have hereto fore received, loiorm their friends and the pulilie iff general, that uWy tvned;atlh1ew stand, com- - er raj ettevilte k nargea Creels. a cbtce sssojtment ot uood tn tbe above brat'ttes,by far larger tnaa Torn 1 erly kept, and aa they always sell at vary moderate miu:s, wry nope io oieru a coiiMBUsnco or lavunv Psit of tbe new supply eolith Irrrt . : j- v.. 30Otb fresh R,UtM. U boxes CandUsu nena 3S. etc, Tfllow ZO a;, mm! the celebrated Hml's patent t 5fPS. while- yellow, castus f. perfumed. &i'frujL. Uil, winter strained bestf 800 ft rracir,- outlet lemon, ship-btvad j Vbest Porier; nr Wthes; aiid French Cordial; -Cheese 3 sons t Chewing Ts4cP 25 box Segan, Ftgs, Prunes,- Data; FilbaTt, Painty VVall ot Cocoanot. AlotorMLs 8wvet OUPrssetva, Brandy.Fruit, Orangev Uinomv Se-dteti and sdv. t'owders. Macaroni, Currants; Citron; 30(1 lb Candies f Pease's Hoarhound Candy V fiocolate. p ppenoee Picktesi Lemon rop K btmsgs, Lionbriee. innW mon Sardines,' A ncfiAvies; Bologna 8auages, Sowked - ' Tongues, very bt Mustard, btarchTea. j . -f .. ;-- PERFUMERY. PsmrmsfrV OB of Rose; MaCassai-,BeaN.Antlau! Oils. Coln no, Florida and Lavender Waters, taaW " ing soap. Essences, Opodeld pink, Saucers andlilly vrpjw, rrecwcwasn, cejrgajtieju,. itf;.: . 31 esteav lasvraKsWjInM bridge, screws; Fingerboards ; Guitar, flageolstte- Tifes, OrJotea, ClanotteUs, Accordeous, Bras TranK . .; , books.- . ' . "' ;: Boo : Sosnisb-. Frrnch, German ' and : Enasb Grammar and Koaders, Almanacs. Geompby, Prim er. 8pelliagr Pkture and Soug Book, Key of Heavat; foiui, 8wo, Gloves . MaiksJ Hats,' Breaatplaleav Wmted GU Muini, ; artifiUl .nd PfoWera, Mohoir Cap. Indies Work and Fane BtixsS, Look inf-gissses 3 and 4 feet sqwre, lkets, KnuS-boxe from 5 cts to 4 Comri ahelt and other t Cl.Hck wooden and- metal i VValkjng; . Cxnea, finest Rsxors and shaving ' utensils, "Thermometers, Compasae, Dirk, Pen and Pocket Knives of meanest qaality, Pis tej. Teeth. Cloth. Bair: Hat Wd 8h.trnsaes. Bhick-' ling, 81ales, Bens, J-isMng Duasik tioffeemiBaiPiiM, Meedle e gnsaMsttbs; Fireworks. Glass t4 s 1 Lamp and Candlewkk Pursea, Pock'ptbook', Night , Tapers, Powder flat t.4belu, Oirdbagp, Pereua Stba cap,mmg Pipes,; Corksr re ws; Wtups,Scii son, , Necklace and Beao; PsperPeni :ltthV Ink;4 sad inkstandr. Ws&rS. SallncwaxLanenraffibPeri ctissaaons, wtmwMfaii w-.. v Gavss, a Domins,CheMma. Backnmtrum'. Ko no, Tertpina: Cyp and Ball, Grace for Xadies, lip. tang topes,' i ivoti btHisra, '-ItolleVvS iy; ; Ters of every dcscnptiorx, as , MarWca, .Hemming,. TbpSiDrnms.Ratils.s WhHles,Mooth prgabs Haips TfumpeU, Magic Lantern, Pamtbotes, Magnepa Tsys,.? "Fsfae'4 Faces; ? Cannoa . Dohsvi MaJracops,'? Microrcopes, p aiiKed Tronlu for cbiWrea, etc eVc; , : ;tr-jiELLERy -iuv i Jswtiiaar; fine gW and silver s Well a gennan stlver,vt JSxessipislriH'arFeB , Tbmbteyerotai ulvtr ond piiteibcck,!' snd Tea Spoons, Desert Knives abd For k,8l, Pork, et and other g ilv. Cib.Hand BellaVWachgaarda v Chains sod Keyst Betlbuckle. :rx-ctaclcW ". " Dar Gooi, panuloon n&, , Vest paUera; Hand-, kerchief, Canileu; Jeans , Linen Collars and Bosoms St Glo: StbckmgsIriah' Lmeaf tfatiUketi- blesaBauableacheil WfiW?&&:r?l db'faet; the variety articles is4 too stunefras tov ' biendert'ail of which will be sold a jeasonabls tersaa l;CeraFayettevKl . is -i ' v i m. i. is 4 l 11 it 11 a r 11 i i ItWto thesll engrossing "sabscbiofA :ih6Jtof'i1iv vae you will, and yoo bear of nothing but M r. Sothv a-OnafaJbioM by J)ri jPKTjS JtS VEQ ETjU:? 4i r; j.xo,, erryea.K9or inrs,eoHiBd-0:Ww sk fha poioVof death, bat she ha been cured by Hr.PB--. TEloS'il PlLLSt yb not gnut tUt Miea-T has been lestored to health byDpztaa's wojraaocs' MSBiClSB. . "5 " - ' K'l'i - Realty, this1 medicine must bs very good, or It eoald not cy r, so maay Jt i good.,. vFW" maay, ytsra it has pawed on fat the even, sile4t o ot. wsyr curing hundresV of persons who were wrangling witk t death. -..But now it onward coarse'is impemoosi., It I sis hhpossiVle to stay the demand for this ined icineas 10 busbrbe rushing wiod; . . rvv 3 A Jifo medicine that will orocrsstuisto drafbfr xosm :. 4 ny years, shall it . not enter.every beassf ; Shall it not! oe nam oy every lotuvmusi t im xto man say, 1 Oon f want ir. xoo krtobot rwhsi ibHf msy bnn.-. forth. All ahoufdase this remedy land remember (ha1 beabbklbb tItaif4hd:'ii I it .. a) .xmaeajB ana iKrting popwarny or'UWwSf rinsvis saotbt proof of, ms ituallipUity M-thaKoldi sdsgs that truih n pswerfut sad vrinmviu'i 0tb4 er fiiu are only puBinJ,bul Uu fetm'sot rarehased an praised,1 and eecbmrnended bn for bent has beebms amtoat iraivsrssi. Dr-Peter would haires thhi fact ttpWb'ths'pyUie; that hai Pins am art oya medicioa t but a scientme compound of simple, which has been the resolt of ma- be was regularly bred f hence it is sa nooutar with tbe v regular faculty as with the neonk at larse.' w tne peculiar Mrtue of the Vcgetabl- ; PCbt r. that while Terv Wwerfat ,iri their iets. r . . uiev arw: parucuianr , mild and eenus in ibrir Mtkui. ,V uniiks um generality of malion. tbeir application hi never attended wfth nausea or griping.." , ;; ; Peters's Vegetable PUls regarded by those' whs have had an opportunity to decids upon their toe-'' . rit, as so inestimable pubJiohlesamsri : - Without an, exception in any age or country, no me.; dicloe has spread, with such - rapidity and gien roch uaierssl aadsfctlon. ' ' -L -I "1 ' 03- The above Pill ar for safe In tlia City oft1; teigh. by Mesar. WilLi A HY swa, andW;? 1 M. UxsssdtCs.1 and m Psyeusvifle, by E. L Hais,- I'm ISim, YJL sXm- ' .-K-'. .. , ft ' ' . - -Vi ; i.- T?i CIwCSAsL AGEtf CJnVFor moderate iy V4JJ I stiH routtnoe to sefve. 07 distant (tfends whoi have btnunes at aWr Bank, as well s collect mtiiau. mit &e am also, hi tbe practice af feCirrj; Gqiii!s jiod Produce on combtssioa and at suction -I ibftnihs.? ' puUleforlts'bairotMge for tbe tas twelvt yrsr,sud f m'chs above busineM,: bops still 4o be found worthy $ si a sbsre or puitue lavor. . . v - - , . . Raleigh, January 4, J84), Wfxi4 rtci va ; i! f j

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