l ' J , , P . . . ' . ' l" , . -m ti 4- - - ''A 3 estett B ii f'A- & T- EDITOR AND 'PROPRIETOR ScbschiptIox. Five Dollars per annumlialf in Advance. ' f - . . Advertisemknts. For: pvtry Sixteen Xmrt, first insertion, One Dollar ; each suLsequem insertion, Twenty-five Cents. ; . " " CotTRT OaDF.ftss and JtrticiAL ADVERTIKEMENTS Will be" eharzed 25 per cent, liiitflier V tut a deduction bf. 33 J percent, will lie made from the regu prices, for advertisers by tlie year. ' Advertisemens ' inserted inv the ' S emi- Wexklt . Rkgister, will also ar jear in the Veeki.y Paper ree of charge. . ; A ' . ' . ' Letters to the. Editor rrru'st. be iost-paib. I MY FIRST JSABBATH AT SEA. : OK BOARD TH1 I SI O AT UWI TK 8 TAT S 8 The service of the Episcopal Church was gone through. AfcusUwited to its' forms and familiar with its very words I was yet nev- erio much impressed iviili its snblime and poiemn cfiaracter ;" It s :tve thing to be at a Church in the counfry-r-sarro untied by fa miliar faces, and the noise nf chifdren and rdogs-some of the congregation adjustinsr a piece of finery some thutubing a prayer book some ascending to, and others des cending from the Galieries-p-antf among" the younger bretheren; esperiaUr the Weaker vessels, some furtively casting- love-looks, c.-7-while around us all i perfect security , and appareiU'exemption Jrom those dangers wjiTct i more impressrveIy;rVminil as of our mprlality ; and aitother nd a very different thing to be here, on the bosom of the grat deep where above, aud, around, and below, the heavens, the ocean, and the winds, re mind us of the Innumerable agencies by which our brittle thread may be cut forever ; and as at this instant' (tor the sky is clouded and the winds are wp) wht?per in their ap penlly suppressed atiand jooklnjAheir half smiling, and Jialf frowning aspect, that they have lost nope those terrible eiiergies which have qarried'rnjiilions U a watery grave. There, a powerful principle t of Mhe human heart s unacted upon for fear is absent ; , and, man according to his nature' reposes in the consciousness of present securitys wiih.' out looking to the future. Here; ho who thinks at all, is forcedly the snfronnding circumstauces to lurn his reflections td the shortness of life-the certainty of deatb-'the miserable meanness of the theory ,which; dis carding tjhe idea of an ore r ruling Providence, teaches him, that tfhen be diesi.be diet like a dog compared iedbrime fauh; wiic1i inculcates, that heas a'principle of immor tality that sprvlvesgrave i that lie lives under the econntny'of a God'who holds the ocean' in his hand afldJa(rwhose fil, the storm in its (ury ieeasmai instant, and becomes as harmtesl'Qdii -peaceful as the pore spirit of t3i'at; religion itself a spirit that br6athesijekeKtence and peace and love to all a spirit, wliicirmeek though it be, yet exhibiting-itself in the eloquent arid impressive service of the Episeopal Church, commands respect ancflTeverence, not only from the virtun; 'the piotisr'and the well informed,(for we have all such here) but it fixes the attention of the' illiterate,, the thoughtless, and the depraved. , T he Minister in fuH clerieal costume stands before a temporary desk, nicely covered with a decent cloth, and holding in. his hands the prayer- book and ! the bible; There at his right hand stands the manly form of our gal lant Captaih-talT, athleticV and erecN-a son of ever glorious Kentucky and looking eve, ry inch, a warrior, iworthy? of tfie dark and bloody ground." ' Fr a third bf a' century, jn peace and in war, he's iwrne his country's flag on all the seas; - For liira there aie rib terrors either in the battle br the breeze; and he would esteem it a most preciouspfivflege to die uder that flag when ever duty requires it. But he thinks not of battles ndw-he reverently attends the hodman's prayers. A little to his risht Stantf 'ttiA W9ntrm; v the gay'Xiemeriante , ir eaeu one is remtndeu by the sol pure and devoted heart" mr -w - Vi v;' f nourinff May it ascend Heaven. to OnftitnerW the right, atinds ,Vull muster of tlie Jmle Middies, the merfv laugh ing dpgs. But tbevydo nt Uu2k now for inore than one tries, to, escape observation as he brushesawav the. tear, that ?ltna eye.' It is not thefltn pulse of. religious, but oT filial nietr. that moves theJittle for lust now, he .tUmksWand- as !' trtini. his heart throbs .witbr ai lioliert feeling than it will ever realize again of ah at deanMplher -who, a verv" few vears asro. made him knenl: , m . u - - " T " " ' j ' ''-f'V ami iih jis head ifri her .labV. .ta'off bl him to lisp t'ie IrdVayejfT he4s presented; to hiui now precisely as, ahe looked a few weeks since, wiien she badejiinr fafewell; He feels again, the tong .embrace, .ardthe warmtear that dropped ttporilhisjaw, as she bade Jiim adieu. He khowetIiM every Jay ttoat the deep; fountain pf that; maternal, low there is poured forlh to Heaven ao earnest suppli catioritrforblessingrTn hk fead r He'eels that he is Tiowetermlned to b goodMay he car if outSusurpose. t; . leftfiahdifano 'ranged' frontrts we whole ship crewSaliors, AppjfenUeei ; and Marines. In the front row stand the aPprtntices half grown sailors these : each emn cene, tnat at tins moment perhaps far away in her bwii closet or jerchance at the same altar, heV fervent and pious pray. ersforhis-safetyanaappln & fenrtff, the deen liCf I. - i : . - v luir .ia Jipvnipfi 1v 1 1 A Atlona nn 'j'WHh his" prayer book hi lits hand, and all in i nencci uniiorro. a nev resoonu noi verv it.'. r - v.-...- ---J- - i j:r-j regularly, but'thet are new beginners then, without and precisear'rangement, the great mass,' lidilyJand cleanly dressed,, profoundly silentand perfectly decorous, presents tb the observer aA .singularly, striking Vspeqtacle. ptoefl they are .natt ve " Americans but il is easy to, see that,' that rpund, ruddy face, with shoit trumpct-sfiaped nose comes from the Emerald Isle. And it is not difficult , to de cide, that near hirii Germany is represeuted, in t1e broad, heuvy, sallbyp-loqklng sailor, who stoops a , little in his "shoulders a ml whose 'face is pf enared 1 for tle rigoor v of Cape Horn, by that eobrmous'growthybt'Vel low hair and whiskers which hangs, over his forehead and curls up .his cheeks. Close by him stands a negriwho "might .sit for the knight of the ruefuX He comes from llartfofd--and six and thirty yea'rs he has sailed npon the seas of every latitude. Away off upon the outskirts of the rawd. as if it was his nature to dwfll 4nnn ihe frontiers of civilization, is a full-blooded India"n-7-Vall, lean, and s'lraighi-the weight of six ty winters hag "not bent his form, nor bleached in the slightest deffree the lonw suit of "Ifairi which even more than his tawn v complexion oenotes Ins race. Qiie old sea-dog a boatswain's mate, is 'Of?! and a Httle but of thecongregaiibn." .!For nioref than for ty years hin home has been upon the deep of schools,and rhurches arid books he knows but Utile. The voice of God has reached him, only as its murmurs on the breeze, tir thunders in the gale, or in that still, small" whisper which he brdv. but he ever hear. His first intention wis to stand aloof he S "iT - T-1. iiwn I. la iujigcu IIUIIl IS smoothed lie lelaies hisonderbus (ttreniardi irld leans to hear. AU-all conlessVthat in,lhis clirTstiari Religion there is something Hivie iiiaii uvtllllgw III . tllO. HJ'BIFUISJ U OlllCr portions of mankind that in truth it is the religion ho less of reason than of revelation. AN EXTEACT. I It was a chilly iay of winter, . and we were ail seated in a. comfortable seuool-room, Anan of most : wretched appearance was seen passing by, - dra w ing a baud-sled, on which were several bundles of woolen rags, the remnants of garments - Worn ;till they could be of no . farther use. He: vvas clad in tliose but little belter and Was apparetiUy so weak as to le scarcely able to draw his sled; Some looked out of the window and began to hmgh. I'lie instructer saw hint, and remark ed; the school may rise,- nd ail look at that wretched man, passing by,- All did so, and nearly, all were diverted to laughter; ' Af ter alt had seerr him, the master told them the V might lake their seals' and then re mark edl was willing you should look at that'man. ; Possibly niy object was very dif ferent froni yourtVas I ee the effect on your feelings was very diffeeut from what, was produced on mine;. -The miserable man, yob perceive, is crazy. -He has - bundles of raos on his sled, which nerhans. he valopp. . o : f ' ; but which Can be of no service to hinu You perceive he looked. pale and emaciated : he was so weak as to be scarcely jable to draw his -load. He : is very poorly shielded from the cold of winter, and will very probably perish In die snow.' Now lell me, my schal- ars, noes lineman ex cue your laugiuet ,r tie once was a school Doy no was ungiu and nrlive as anr of von.' "His return" from school' was " welcomed by joyful parent's, anA Im nrptpncp rrnvf TVleasore tO tfift X'niith'. Tul ttiro n g who "tne I ' each bihec In; a wi nfer evenrng for merrimenit'-PT''' fuk at him now. And can vou sport with hitn who nas . lost his reason, ana in: losing mat he nas '-r ah be; crazy, and roam about a -'w retch e.d maniac would yob , rathe You saw fne affected when 1 began to spak -rifwill tell ybu why;' ibuce; had a friefid. every .thing lf could "islv.jTrjitidj ; 'Hie character of his mind was such as fatse'd him lie ww ucar iu rue -as a uiumcn - aiu aj In ,his friends jitgh rejcectations. 1 have n deed, seldom, if ever seen bis,: equal., Jle could grasp any . subject,"-abd: what others found difhcult. onlv served as amusement for lm3 : J (ive ahyiub inch ..i.i- . !!... i .. Although;' written, by hiin vbtn' lie .was school-oov. , l-exoecled to see -lum takin? itip lean in the affairs of mpn. and that- his nnt rifrtio tirniiLt Ka. nnnlail Vltr nltiora ',1 e-itir hun afftjr art-abseqce lof two years.H.Wiiefe, r do y ouy jask lit was in . a cage ; , and eyea then he was chaineofvHe was a tmania& of the - mst,",decided ehafaeter, - -The moment he aV4iie be seizedmy hand, and left" on If I It A n mm n am nl l-k m . .wrm n .. II t la vested pf the ki a: by v'constanll j-ubbing;; it in:the other;; For, years betj-wandered about when.it was safe to liberate bimV ; But be is how, and always will be;,Snsiei'v V I have , known sorrow Tj'jl have- seen friends, die th at were as iiear as fre nd'cou)d be but thevhur thaV l- Sat byjthe ? confined crazy , Ben net was . an hour : o th'e . great est anguish I ever kknew.. Remeaiherniv pppilsywhatjias passed this hoorVtb rendcj, unfeigned thanks to God for contjnafng your reason li i therto, . and if y bn re,'e y er, again disposed to laugh when a crazy man passes, ,t,.vw..TM.. .ji -ub yourown cunaiuon nereauer. C. - - OCCUPATIONS.' - - lucre isnota more, foolish notion attoat in v the world, .than the' One that it is ecopaiion that gives the character lb man. One occupation as the means of getting a : fe,HH ' precisely as .. "-iuuic aa anomer, provided tnal n iMjoonoraoie and in accordance with the laws of God and man. The man who holds uie plough, hammers the iron or drives his peg, to sttpblv his famflc Wirh t!,o o.e,n. ries of life, is hot a whit below the one who measures tape behind, the counter, mystifies ,r i, me uar. or nresiiis mgr. iho rn,nnia orthe nation. - There is a vutgar and perni- : v .'"S "wau in ue community on uiis snoject. fathers must educate their sons tor one of what is called' Mhe '"learned proiessions. Daughters rausl marry a law J'errfdoclor or clergyman .-.Horror 1 The good lady would as soon think of marrving her daughter to a Winnehagor as to an nidus tnotis nd hohest meelianic. hy, the fami ly would be disgraced, the noble name dis tuinorod No ! no J The business of a car petiler, a blacksmith, or a farmer is not so respectable as that of gamblingishaving notes, drawing stolidity from the desk, pedliiig rot ten pills, or selling snuff or tobacco ! And yet, the duties of all the learned nrofessibn. las well as those of merchants are performed ihc tue reason that a shoemaker waxes his thread, and the farmer plants his potatoes, viz Mri obtain a living. -Still, a set of nitser able, upstart ftiols who are almost universally, low bred people themselves people who haveJegun li!e in "the ditch, entleavor to establish in society artificial distinctions, which they hope will elevate them above the common mass, from hich they were fcikiMi, -aftdgivetb" them an fmpbrtance, which. innate worth and honesty could not command. 7 bor is labor honest . laboi; Is honest labor. Honesty and honorable are the same: whether performed bv the kin or the beggar, and it is jusi as honorable in one as in the other. It is true, that all men by Jiabit&hd by taste, are not fitted to pur sue the same vocations, and there are natur al divisions, not distinctions, as the word is commonly used, created by harmony and taste. 'This is as it should be, and fits lis Tor a discharge of all the peculiar duties that devolve upon us as members of society. But to say because a man performs any gi,ven duty, however humble, though, necessary, it degrades him or renders him less meritori ous ifian his deighbbr, who performs.anblher duty, yet not more faithfutly is io say we still adhere to the monarchical principles, of thevdd world. Let the father educate his son tp some honorable Calling, arid, if he has predilections for any particular business,' as often is the case,-lei him follow it, if it be possible. Il is the man that ennobles the business,not the business that ennobles the manjaod not spend a thought upon the distinctions in occupa tions, honorable and honest, that fools have attempted to build up. Let children be taught to be honorable, honest, upright, to set a proper value upon the riches of this world, which are,' at best hut a bubble, blown into existence to day, to burVt to-morrow, and to:understand thai the only true and real distinctions in society are those bf virtue and vice, and the only true and enduring riches are an intellect duly cultivated, ' affections schooled, and a heart that knows no guile. C HE Ell Y BLE BROTHERS . . f - - - i This firm, which has been" so worlhjly pourtrayed by the gifted author of Nicho las Nickleby," is.said to have really existed, but under another name- ami not to have been merely the offspring of fertile imagina tion. The following anecdote respecting 'these noble mi nded originals is taken from me aiancnester 1 imes. . The . elder brother of this house of merchant-princes amply revenged - himself upon a libeller who had made himsetf merry witli the peculiarities of the amiable fratern iiy. This man published a pamplet,- in which one of the brothers fDj was designated as 'Billy Button, : and represented aisV tailing largely df their foreign trade, having traVell erkWho regnlarly visited Clwwbent, Bullock Smithy, and other foreign part3. Some kfnd friend had told W. f of this pnmphlev? and VV. had sard that the ;maii wonld livedo" re pent of its publicatiob. This saying waV kindly -cbiiveyed to the libeller Who said drat he should disappont them, for he should take care neyertd ber in their debt But the man in business does not-always know who shall be'hrsUcreditbr.The author' of nhe naninhlethef!&me bankmnt. and the hroihprs hdd an acceptance of hi which had been en dorsed tolbem by the drawer,; who had also become bankruptr'1 Jlie ; wantonly libelled men had thus become creditors "of the libeller.! Theynow had it in tiieir power 10 mike him repent of ins audacity. He could not obtain fiis cermrcauss: wrinuu ineir signature, anti without it be coo Id hot enter into business againi" .He had ObtaiOed the nnmber of sigi' natures required by , the DaiiKrupt laws,' ex cept one. i? It seemed folly to v hope that ?the Urmoi brotheri would supply the deficiency V ' . ; What 1 ihey- who had cruelly, beenfi made tbedaitghiifg-stoekf of the public, foget the wrong and favor the wrongdoer t' He des- Oairedbbt thlairrift of a urif nnd rhildrn forced him at- last to makolhe applicalion. Humbled by roieryi hepresented yhims'elf at'the coaniingrroom of tl wnmged.l - W;, anir Ln UJj. -i. delinqneftt-were 'Shut; the. doori strT sternly uttered.rhe'dor -was ehat and the libeller-stood : befbreufte ;libeired;i He Hflld his.lale; abd p rod need his cenifieateii which was . instantly clutchedby ihef. merchant. ' You wrote a pamphlet against us once V exclaimed alheW;' .-.The supplicant ex pec ted, 10 eee n is parchment thrown into tire, fire ; bhj this was not fa deatinaUon. Wi took a pen, and. writing -something upon the. docu ment handed it back to the bankrupt. He- poor wretelr? expected to see there rogue, sconndrel, libelrer inscribed : bot there was. in fair, round characters the signature Of the firm ! VVe make it a rnle.aaid W. neyer to reiue signing; the certificate of an honest tradesman, and we have never heard that you were any thihg else.' The leafs started in the poor man a) - eyes. - Ah l said my saying; was; f true. 1 1 said vbu would Uive to repent of wriliug that pamphlei, I - " - . .3.- J . ..--. oiu uoi mean 7as, a threat; t oniy meant that some day you ;wrjuld know ns better, and would pent ybitSiad tried to injure us I see you repent bf ft now.' I do, Illo,' said the grateful mn, Well, well, my dear fellow, said but you know J us now How do you getji ? What are you going t do?' The poo man slated that he ..had fHend3 wlio couJtllissist him whenlhis cer tificate was obiaiftcd. But how are you off in the meantime? ' And Uie answerlwas that having given up eVety farthing to his credi tors, lie hadbeenk&mnelledWstintfhis fami ly of e ven rbm'moMnece8srie. that be miaht be enabled to payhe'cost of liis certificate. My dear fellow.snid W.. this Uv ill nm do your familyijistot sufler. t'Be kind enough to take thisC ten pound note to your wile from me, .'i'bere ; there, mv . dear fel- Je.w hay, don't t-rv it will be all well with you yet Keep up your spirits, se to work like a man,, aiidyou wilt raise your head amongst us..ve.llhe dverDow'eredlman en deavored in yainiWi express his thahks-r-lhe swelling in his 'throat forbade, words j he put his handkerchief to his. face; and wpnt out of the door cr Hng like a child, r . SwEETspr the Syeet! Come olP Macduff. I w . And kicked be he that first cries holdienotiffh! ; iShauspeare Revised. ' J JYtw S4lM?rcsh Arrivals TucKe r has just returned from the Norlbl nl , is now epenin a new and n1nlld no. SOrtmeOt Of G'rOCKBiI, ToT8, CoNFCCTiOXARIKSi R1.1A8, &c. &e( of which he ofters at the low est Caw prices. Jf ifirapoasible within the limits of an Adwertipemenl ti ev a lita of all th Wirfe iu a large assortment, but a few of the principal ones aie subjoined, and tbe pvjblic are assured they will find every thins at bis Store that nerlaina m rn immprtiai line Of business, and mtnv rr and rnriana imtinni lu sides. v . ; Amongst the assortment are . 10 doi superior French Cordials, in China bottles f do Brass Whip Cordial of every kind ;' Yegetible and whiltj Windsor Soajw j Shelled A Imonds Jf eef Tongues Percussion tkps Bone Dog Calls Dried Beef 9 Ann l v:i..i r. i Bologna Sausages v uu laigo oncer lUHlUS 1 doz. small da , do! J , Porter and every variety of Wines j ; Fine Antique Oil atjd Octagon fcoap Pease's Ubiirhound pandy AssfTted Fancy Glass Boxes anf Domirios, Violins and JSilk Pttrses Cork Screws, &c &c. Brass Watches Harmooicons Oil Cloth Baskets Dates and Brandy?Peaches, Cherries. &e. MacaroDi 12 doz. Superior German (Cologne Water 10 doz. Brasss Buckets 2 doz. Brooms " . KfPtTubs 3 doz Wood Buckets j Fresh assortaient p( NuUi ofevery variety weet Meats antl Jfellics of every variety Maraboy atid Scoti'h fnuff m bladders and battles Oranges t Lenions; a, nneassoftnwnt Ea'rtben-ware Cheese, Crarkers St Pgars if eery ,varieiy & price' ; Sugars pf every qTity Old Java Coffee & Starch " Chewing Tohacc& and vtry superior Wax Candle Table Salt. Prune Preserves and Pickles ofevery variety ; and great lia by articles too tedious to' meni lion, which I viH taef great pleasure in showing to ahy person who may; favor me with a call, j I. also re turn my. lha oks 10 tb public for past favors, and hope to merit the same. i J i, S. L. TUCKER: , September x4. : x . . ; 77 im vvtc concern. ; SUCCBSSOa -?f,0 OLIVER -die SMITH, ; MEROfTANT TAILOR, I The undersigned would respectfully inform the eit izens of .Raleigh, the public generally ahd particularly, the friends and patrons tfc O u vn &. .Sith, that be has booght out the eniire interest of said firm, taken the stand occurred jitMD'imi''9n. the business iri all its Various branches as heretofore. He has engaged the 'services of Mr.Ojuvx; and those herelofore patronizing the establishment ma v rRf a snred that no expense, or pains will be spared to please. blciind I wilf keep congtantly on hahd A'sripj.iy of the lst go ds the ISorthern markeu afford.- i ; k .ri v JOS. J. BIQG3. February 1, 1842. - 10 - 3t fTn(HE" s!iihscfilers;n taking leave of the public, re J tam them' their Unijere thanks for the patronage heretofore bestowed .ufkrt them 5 and wootd earnefcrly recemmend ihir successor as a gentleman every way worthy" of confidemeandsappoft. " ' j " OLIVER &' 8MITHV Fehroary". I, 10 St" . . . - -v NOTICE. -;v TTN pursuance of two deeds; in - thistexecated to ma II; by S. B. SpreilJ, J-slialJi -offer at public sale before the Coort House door in the City of Kale'gb. on Tues day ,the',22d tlay of February text (being the second day of WateCoam rCurt) ' air flie'iighl.' tidtf, and Interest of saitfS; BL9woih (Jbein his inunsstiri the' Dowerof Mrs. prutlt in and t m. dwelling 4wue and. lot and brcltstdflj and lot in lhr Ci'y'of Raleigh, anda traet;of jLatod, cotttaiping about four hundred acres si tpa e in tbtf. bounty "ofY Wake and tying on SCreek."; ' " .J , -X .V.V'- - - erms'of saje, sir months credif, with bond and api proved seenriry I - V H; J. -CANN ON,TrnteeV 1 ; Jaduary ggr 1842i J J j A I i , :-' 10, . at 1 uriC:)- f Mt -' ' . -s-' .t - v '., -vrr. .jm .. 11a Arug ouire, Next door to W. a A. Sthh. - - ' February 1, 1843 10 ' '. .. y c TfUST received a. perior article of Linseed Oil andl Oil ' Wnila Lil: fol sale low at ' ' J i C; v I MUSIC, JEWELLERY & DRY GOODS. f u Thankfol foi ; the encoaragSment they have hereto fore received inform their friend atd the public in generaltbat they have opened.at the new und, corn er fayelleyille '&Hargea 81 reels, a choice assortment of Goods in the abovebrani bes.by far larger than form erly.' kept, and as they atway sell atvefy moderate prtcea they hone to merit a rnti.MVnnro .( ra... s . m- .. vww.w v. iu , w.i a, ' rart of the new supply consists f n : , Jf- -; 301Mb fresh Raisins. 25 boxes Candles Sperm S5 cts. Tallow 20 els. and the celebraUH-oUV patent; SoapsJ white, yetldw. easUIe perfumed. &e. Sperm Oil, winter strained best ; 80O fo. 'Craeters; butter. wmon. ,snntn-ad ; best Forler,- fine ' W ines, -and French Cordial ; ; Cheese 3 sons ; -Chewing Tobao', . uux oegars, r igs,: r-ronjea, Ualea, Filbe.ts, Palm, Wall otoanujs AlmondSweet. Oil, Pieserves, Brandy Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, 'tSeitlleU-and Soda T.tx;. i' - .... . - - . n, ivoloiuui, currants, nron; 3UW lb 'Indies Pease's Hoarhoond Candy ; Chocolate, Pi-ppersaoce. ernun oyrup, f utmegs,. tiqiioriee, CTnna- mQn,esardines, A nebnvtes, Bobgna Sausages, Smoked uug ijaf very oesi jvi ostard, p larch, Tea, ; j PERFUMERY. . k - , . i PirvrMrttT, OH of RosmM Oils, (cologne, Florida and Lavender . Walers. Miav- his oap, essences, upout-iuoc, pink Saucers and lilly MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. McsiCAt In srinw E7rTs.Finps.t Vi.-.i;o bridges, screws, Fingerboards GoTtars, Flageolettesl iiuien, vsiationeus, accomeons, Brats Trum pets 1 BOOKS. - 13QOKS. narilfeQ. Krnrh. (TArman T? i: l Grammars and Readers Almanacs. Geo-raphy. Prinv 7r tTt 8' riclure ana ooug boor, Key of Heaven, Fencing and Boxing Apparatus, .Foils, Swords, Gloves, Alaska, Hats, Breastplate; ' Fancy Goods, etc, r-U r "... . . . """"i , oiiiicvi vjiusa. jviuffs. arunr-iai Hair iui irin... muuair yapg l.aoie vy pTB. ami Fancy Duxes, Look ing-glasses 3 and feet square. Baskets, ' bnoff-boxes' from 5 rtt to 4; Combs, shell and others Clocks, wwuw.apu cmeiai ; vvaiRing U-nes, finest Razors and shavios lilensiis. 'i'hrmnitui.M rrt. Dirk, Pen and Pocket Knives of the.finestijaJity, Pis tols. Teelll. Clolh. Hair Hat di-.i. ing; Slates, Bells, Fishing Utensils, t .'ofleemilla. Pios hwmct, o gross AtaicD; rrreworfcs, Ulass 14 x IS Lamp and CandJewicks, Parses, PockeUMdVs, Night Tapers, Powtler fiaslwi Sh.rtlieltSk Birdbags, Percos sion caps, SmokingJPipes43ofksrrews,iM( bips, Sci,.: sqrs, Necklace and .Beads,, Paper, Peas, QudJJat andlnkstands, Wafer:sWujigwax,Letteiatnn, Pen cits, Buttons, Pictb res. ' ' . ; ,. . games.;. Gas, as Dominos, (;besemen, Backgammon, Ke no, Tenpins. Cop and. Ball, Graces for Ladies, slip Ping.ropes, Tivoli billiard, Rollet. " TOYS. v . Tots of every description, a Marbles, i Humming Tops, Drums.nattles WhistlesrMoutb Organs. Harps. Trumpetx. Magic Lantern, Paintboxes, Migneiic Toys, False Faces. Cannops Dolls, Malescops, Microscopes, painfed I Trunk for childreo, elc etc. - ; "V JliwELLRKY.: 1 .vW Fne gold .and silver, as well as germart silver, iz. Breaslpjnsj Er sin, Peneilsf ioser-rik TWm bles, of germ an silver aud pimUlurk. Table and Tea Sp.Hiis, Deeri Knivrs rl Fo'is, Side, Pockel, and others. -German 'silver Combs. Hand Bt-fls, Walcbguards, Chains and Keys, Bet.bc-klcs. Spec lactes." v ' ;-v- . . DRY GOODS. i .. Pnnlalwm- sio'BT -Vrsf patterns, -Handkerrhiefit, Camlet. Jearw. Lineb Cwtlnrs -and B.woms; Siorks, Gloves, SliK-klngs. Irsb Linen, Satiueti, blearh and uuharhed Cwtioiis, Flannel, elc. . Iti ftict the varieiy.of artirjes is loo numerous lo mention.' all of which wilt be sold on very reasonable terms far cash. ' ' ' G. W. & C. GRIM ME, ; Corner of Fayetlevitle and Hargett StreeU. fipiU E woDderfot cures effetled ly t.ts medkine, JLrt"T AeaW engfossKig subisjif ihe dav1. -Go where yi-u will, and you .hear of nothing but Mr. Such a one who has been urej by pr, Peie.a' Vese table Pills, orfyooVkubw Mrs. So pd So was at the loint of ifeaib, hot she bad hern cured by Peief fills; , or, are yon not ghtd tbat Miss -has been resiored 10 ftealib y Dr. Pelers wond'ous Mt-dh ine not has hundreds of persons whr were' wraiialirifir wiih fl?at.h But now its onward coo iStrfs impetuous '''' "!! It is as impuKripteto May the demand for this med icine, a to-o la rtshajg wind. A , life 1 njed:cina that wiljt.procrasitoate death fof many ye-irs, shall t not enter eye,y houfcO ? Shafl h not betfsifVy SVeryrindrvlduaf X'l no roan 'say, I dri"t wantit; I Yotf kn.iW iiot what to-mor row may bring forth- All bowld tj,tbis remeJv and ri member ihe fiealifcl ibe finrt. titessiinffrom Gud,'' immeDse and increasing popularity of these Pills, is another proof of tke infallibility of the oU ada?e, that truib is powerful and will pre ail." (Otb er Pills are only puffod, but TJf. Pe'tiHrs's are p'nrcnased and praised,- and recomtrterrded uhtilthe dcroand for them has become alniost'oaivereat' ; fs r Dr, Peters would, irnpress this, fact -upon the public, .that his Pilfs areinot quack medicine ; but. a scientific eomfiound of simples, which, has been the result of ma ny years intense a'pplication to a' profession in V h ich he vrai regulariy bred hence it !s4s popular with' the One of the many; peeafiar virtues f the Yegetahhl 1 they f re particularly mild and gentle in ibeir action Unlike the generality of medicine, their application is neve attended 'with nadsei'lgping - PrffTs'a VeTAtahlA Pill in nAor wmhU t.Xi-: - . -.3 . wba have bad an opportanttjr to decide upott their me- rus. as an inestimaote. pupuc Messug. 5 , Tyt r 4 Whhoul an exceotion inSm im.mn (bcine bas spread jWUa audx rapidity and giren anch unuyersal sausfaction. : 'r ,J " rT3 The above Pilht are for sale in & Cilydf R leighv b Mws. WrtLiims A HairrWi) 'and'W; Mf Misoa & Co.;' and In Fayettevllle,bt fS. hnktt. it NnwYnrlr nriw. f. i.- , - tffiOCrrOU TT.TlTtr Wrflitajser- I viinlM. 1 ill l ' jL ft.-; T .k. '.. a. . . HeVan tie aawvnofla.icneMedi gaged fat bis Drug Store, one doorbelW William C iiuuuuwiy uraes, oniess prHleiiori ally o-l 1 his Drug Store, one door below William C. I Baleigh, June29 1841. J t? 53 tiy. mis meuieioe mnsi be vptv crarwi. nr t ..ii.i eore so M.aptv II s good For many . jears it Ja-sed on in the " even ieiibr of iia wav." rnrinW 7xi I.' "A-r JlTI AVlJfG purchased the entirt assortineill of Ll llll-qnors hitherto bel.mrinir to Vo6i & VVr. ' , 'GA'. .m0 t.--. t;" " " f I rn i - - tbe subscriber feeU liiflisdf tothorised jJassoring to rublie, (to conjunction with his stock on hdrkLl tlhit o establishment ia this City afford a. man? ftmle- upply,or one which will eicel eitherln quality or priceT " th articles he offers for sale. The Toltoyins articles comprise a part of bis stock 1 ?J ;" v , t 1 French Brandy a superior article? ' "l- Holland .Gin, besCqfislity . r . Jamaica Rum, excellent " . : V, , Irish M htskeyT direct from the Custom BIo'riseV; : Apple Brandy, old Nash" 3 : . ; ; V ;; Peach do of good qualify f c ; . Common Metliuin, and other liquors', of every titld . Scuppornong Wsne . . - . cM.mpngiihela, Whiskey . . ' ' t, Best Reeiifiprl A-' ' - ... Madeira IrYinei recently imported - Brown Sherrv. "rl "v-rL ' 4. Champagote Wtn, Fountain brand, and Jthera tWv - er was t better artich) in this market . v Malaga do r ; "'tamp On. wiriter strained ' f"' Double Rectified, Loaf Sugar : - - Commdn ' 4o do - - - . -Best Orleans' Sugar ' . V Java Coffey, and other qualities ' Green Hyson.Teaj good article f! acon, Lard, Meal Flour, Potatoes, and ui feet ery thing in the Grotery fine' - - Millers be-t Lemon. Syrup , t- "f' Best Chewing' Tbacco-Hcoromon do. Smoking &o . Snoff. in bottles or by Mail Hardware,.Ciockery and Qaee'dswSra .'-..' Pot'er Ware do .j a') Stnughtors Bitteri, Picktes, WingVaves '(tendta) .best,,,' i, . -,,.. rSi Candles, SegarsSpice, Indigo, Soap, dce i . .; ; , Ionaon Porter, Albany Ala Cheee and CrackersPowder; Lead.' Shdt, : ' Horse Collars' and Bridles " -1 ' Rradv-made Clathinoyrit StaYiU Tl J ogelher with a cenerai assortment of artii-W tint Km enumerated.. V .-. -..- . si he. Subscriber hats mad- snMwmromini -Hl, Etentleman. in Norfolk- to sunnlv liitn MiUrli; tA. f .wk wi'hJFresli rial! & Fresh oystcrp, which he will sod it artv ti'mn in rh-iboth nu,nM - A n orders filled on WednewJa v mnrl Prirl. ,tm Oysters, and alf other eatables WHl b served up at ai Eifbanee. atanvJnorw- i Hl Plah wl n,a. nt the supply of -families, will he carried :to Ufekr doors, The Subscriber tnlnnda Aevm'mr t9. oi! ti, the busjness, and will be aidediv aa'Asswiant-aJwyr c , . ii.iuu. ,v uebci C lUUtlG paiTUilBgPji ii. win iie uii enueqvor-io mem me support o,r a. genev rous public iHis terms are cashrbnt. r'rd'it will T exleaded to those irh&meet their liabilities with nrnmnt. . Itudft. - . , , . Of SUfiO: Antl . Nd -- 1 - ' " mF 10t FAreTTKTILtS StaiKT RAXElCtfV "4. yHsAtne pleasore -ofan- houncingto hfa friend any the publiiit targftbar he , barecvedfrtrri Pfe-York' Sfid PldllJerpbhV ad. eten4 . jf' , strirk of Goods; hleh hka'. '-III- OV it. . 4w? mi bcii ai frnrprices The issdYf merit 1-oniiKi In pirt, of " ; - -7-" -v- ' - , WATCHES fC'v Gold IndpendestsecondU, duflcxVantrfLavrj Watcpes, a general assortment of Silver dei of tr price and quality. ... . .'r j JEWEL ERY. GM guardsVfobr arid neck ChalnsSr atseyl- - . Diamond Pin 4- Rings, Ruby and Etnerakf do.neclc i and bead Ornamrntitl tiihVavn -PiW'.A.ii Ear-rings, gold Penc'0s,Thrmble, VirdgtetiSiMeJali fans, onlit Hparfa nl ermur tt J . variety 0 otherrjchGooda. ; , ' , A sPECTACLEfiir 01 v. Oohl, Silver, Btae.'iWp fcuit ,all nersons ndaJl. Mrt.?.l Vprt .iainA it,kl: glasses, tbaj may , be adjusted Jq. any frame at auh4 ment nni W '., .:-v,r :. .. SILVER AiVD PliATED, WARES. .1,;. , , Silf pf Cd PS. Spoons. Ladlek Surar Tnrwrs. ' and Mustard Spoon. Butter Ktdves silver mount eii'lH-OtinBtS. CTorS. CAlltl(alir1i Rni.fTar Triya, Watiers,X3ake Baskf fs.-Coree Greqiie; Bri- ' '1 ...... w sm.v (Jiwcvy . .. -.. , i Ajigjr: goods; ') ; x i-t ti . Msnte) ClkvindIampsfsTlate:d sniTjaptneSl - - 1 .,.1 inwum.viiminv.iiuiiii llfiMi mon srid T7....l wn It 1. . s. Cases Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Pai Steel - rens, der sup:ritr Razors, Coneress Knives and' Scissors; andtfrs cr)eliri0if razor tfrSpVpog Q'ofS -tafs, ddrfJalls, silk PufserbVket Boo&sf mifstloii Fruits; Guns sn.LPistols,' LaJU Toilr-l 'Sod wdrki boxes, lot la r bottle.'-kn.1 H ABntnif, T;- , MedalSjXJaneajand.UoxesiStecVc 11' '' .'. ' . nnffivi-iM. .".'' "ia --i-. . Fna celebrated genuine tUAarni Xtnltt i te 5. der, F.orida,nd C.y Waters'; Guirfaia Cream f , Soap, Naples, and.Saponaceooa enrapotied. t Sbsv- ' oiaer articles iot taelieleileU., SDarnsbXSnltaTs 'Vrnlfi rtd nqtes, Octave, dec Fifes & Accordions Precep-' 8orfns,pesr Pnwder.told tcimoniornJj.arOII, hair.tnotb and aavtntf ftrti&tiMJ fr...;.r. ? wrs wr wi ine apove, Ajitarana VJioIa trings E? txa Viotm bows, &c. i,. i - ' . - . r. i ;r ; Clocks and ,Vylhespf all deTiptwhscID-t ed" and-repaired in. bis' accustomed soperior. styled ' -Gold anltnmf JMKiiiM.-i t mt:-i.AvL don aqrd pUHClunfit j1; hifibeit pVke given for oli gold and Bifver, -y i r rW,j f,; 'J . ' ;-fco y Wo papa anmhteJ Ibrlsss Own lawori, except at th rKvrri'um oTh fMbt. : , - . ' Visiters admiited to tsitnesa the exetxire,on Toe-" day morn'ng of each week, froml0 to 12 asJoi. ' TfwrAVsi5aftoiTbthfantScb ; JLLfet lb Sspenstendene of Mrs."Pear, vein te-sU 1 -'' onjsfondaytba ttib of Januarys V "5 r .1 ' ' TESXS PB SESSION ' " .1'. il ii - h (i Ii -it v. ft