- 4- I. . - L 'r W iknMinced tome Ume ago, that ourtjniyeriity f w vrWla daily expectation of receiving ; valuable j& Cabinet of Mineral.' DttTchased- forthe Invitation ; to AasbyAIr. J.1 RiBOtuCtAt,mcrican - Secretary of Legation. J rWealsQ addressed ' note .toDrt 'MiTcaiii, atChapeUHill, requesting that ; he would fvor a. with some; account of tha'cok : Section,' when if arrived. ; In replyto Uat apfilca- ' we hav been favored with the fallowing Coia- ' ft J-... -.J. . f-.1'-- 5U' CJtrEiTT or Noara Casou jta, 7 - - t .r: . Chapel, Hilk March 1 I, 18.f $ f . T DbAr SibYYou ' requested some account of the collection of Mineral purchased for the University, whenever iisnouia,arnve.--It rs now some days' th at i lit, .has-keen, here, and though the arrangements, tbatare toren " der it-available id the business1 pf instruct tipn; are riot yet coinpleted, U has-been ex mminedsufficiently to ascertaiu its character and condition, , . i "i ; . VYou are aware' that tbe early history, of : the state, ana oi sucn institutions ,01 waai ever kind as date half a century back;' are : objects of no littleinterest to many of our citizens that certain learned Thebans are . hn Intently engaged Jnahunttogiupthe old I- Gazettes and Kegisters that communicated the newa ofjheday- to J the generations that ' are gonei preserving buch as retriain,andxit Z terinff melanchblv I. lamentations over.those . that hare perished, and oyer that apathy- of our fathcra which permitted them to do so .. little to satisfy the rational and lautiabiecu ribiitv of their 'descendants! Tliat theAn. niquaryV who shall Investigate the history bf the University in lbexea,r may, nave ? oq such ground of complaint, but ample in formation -on at least'op:, point, I.will, enter into some details. vV.lThe--'.atudxioT-sMiaeralogy; has formed; a i nart tit our course for man v - years,-!; but. has been pursued under circumstances of great difficulty and embarrassmeut.1 Tbere Js jna departmerit of .Natural': History,' in - which -samples of the different species for compari !oa are so necessary Jt: We had such pnl? as there had been an opportunity of collecting within the limits of f the State, ..with some i small parcels from other parts of tHe United, States, and a very few. fronv Europe. rDu CAiDWEii. sent a small box' from the Alps,11 . oui me-specimens coniaineu m n wt?ic mwi ly .of rthe rocksand f '' but little use in Min eralogy, Some ol tr. were lnteresung on account of the intimate greemeritj; of which they furnished evidehce,"between the Gran ite ofChapel Jlillj anjd a variety abounding in the AIds; to which Jurike pave the name of Protogine the first begotten of the rocks me, Aps oeing ai tuataiuic rcgaiucu as the very oldest of Geological'; formations. It seemed, to follow that the seat of tbfr Uni versity , was the most - ancient portion -;of North Caroiirta ; the central nucZeu around which the rest of the .State had been gradu- . ally formed. But, later 'observers regard the High Alps as amongst the - more: recent formations, bt the' primitive rocks, and Or-' ange. is ,now, compelled to . acknowledge Wake as her cider sister, and the' counties '. near, the Blue Ridge, as bid enough, in com parison, to be her Grandmothers - . Th6' attention of -tbe -Executi ve ; Commit tee "of the Trustees was called to the' subject of a' collection o Minerals, and an appro priation made for the purchase of one, about air years ago. A Gabinet was then offered t for "sale in one of the Northern Cities,-to-li . warefs which put altention1 was directed, but I --it did noU on examinition, prova to be such t. an one (as,was waniea j ana . we were, com- pelled to wait and trust to the chapter of ac- ,cidejitsvor run the, risk pf being over reach- -. vjC'Jr Va bargain for an article, no exact mar- ' ''Jset fri ei for which has been or can be es iTJ, tab'.is! edl and in negotiating for wlrich, the Vy bu : r li'verynUch at the mercy' of the ven- Pdl'ihtsr k'?-v -,. ,h.- r j f ; -V .v r Ki- .' ! . In 1.839, Mr. Bissel, of Charlotte, visited 1t(tEurope for.-the purpose of examining the . N :- processes of Mining and Metallurgy-practis- ed there with a view.tdlmprdvementsln the ' r business of obtaining; Gold from tbe; Mines of North Carolina. f -At, the,, suggestion .of resident fewviiw, ne-was requested to make r-. enquiries upecting the purchase of a col ecton Minerals', and" meeting: with Mr; r . J. Kandolph Clat,' then; as riowJ'Secretai - -.' ry of Legation at Vienna, and who had devo ted a good deal of attention to the subject of iYj ineraiogy, . ana inio;miog nira 01 wnai was r v ' wanted here,-that 'gentleman entered ? at ., . .' once and with much zeal into 'the Jhe'busU ' , ' ness and a letter, came to Gov. Dudley with a tendeV'Of bis services for. making the con V templated purchase. It was just what was t wanted, and although the remoteness of the i-, point at which the negociationswere to be yi'fS carried 6nw caused ; delay b( almost two ' ) . iliua Vi tUVUI) II UUD' Hilt ttltt IIU1U WflCU . tion made nby Dr Baadeb. ot Vienna'. v. Tbere'are Cabinets which surpass this'ih. rt me rize anu spienaor oijine. specimens, out - jours are oi a convenient size f many oMhem V rar? heauiiful'at ' leaat they will appear so to ibe; eye of a Mineralogist all the known ? "-..,! iipecresapd Varielies(a yery few rare, obscure auu uiintiui i.ui wiim cAcjiif;u J art) twlJIm edin it, whilst'.-of the important pectRS thereartf many'sbecimenVfrom different lo- ' cali ties.' It is of course richer in the Mine tala of Austria than of anyrother country, es pecially, in those'of lhei Eastern Mininp dU- frict. Hitngary.Transylvania and the Ban j ;:'-nat ; but Siberia, 'the tVral Mountains, Swe- den, Ncrway,aXony, Italy and the western f"t. Kingdoms of Europe, furnish some speci fr$ Knehs---the United States bat two one from 1 Wthe V.-" '-borhobd pf .Baltimore, tbe other li 'V v"?m icat oi, i-ew.AorK. is accompanied T f by th 3 ivcrti ncate ol jur.-xtabtsch, tbe Cura V? tor of th e .:perial Cabinet at Vienna, V that t it ts'wcrta considerably more than the "sum ' ptidJort rtjiascme to hand in excellent ; V-ode ft i h o j aj u ry us ta ined from the voyage K roat".TriC3te,vaud JhelweaT and tear incident !' I0upward3,cfi4wd Abndrded miles of land 0-caTrta- in' rcne and AtnfericS: not exrt: f rau8t De.. sel lown one less than the - I r-v ing'or J-.uUit" th'Qriginai'V r : Tbe w 3 t fneM ihe,purchaseappears , - SGl an Coatlb parV459sorl??yd .r.raVe be?n qoijilucted wtthintegrityiud:fs l?atihe rueuotieiit which rfs460:. jri an mserti - z ntqand skill- V, , : - : ".Tj I n?. 7 exaciryjdwsible by 4; it is leap ' hrtimf.Anfvnirfiinvirtir trie vcrV fiast.rank" iif point "of Mineral .Wealth amdngstthe States of the Union, the beds of Iron Ore in the vVestiand' especially; in; Lincoln, the Gold 'Mines' of many C6untieV;t0 PPcr of Guilford, tho JUead, Uopper, Xinc ana pur cr wised frpui a'single Miiie rri Davidson, the Coat Of Chatham and? the .Graphite of w axe, ; raay4uej nne.iiiuucu f j .vuuehuq umi North .Carolina is in this,particulars inferior to fewof her sisters. ?None of the specimens pf Carbonate of Lead Isen't from Vienna, will compare , wan tnose- wnicn Uol.t lviso is bringing to thef surface from the -'Davidson Mind. '. -A' decent collection" was ' wanted for reference" when a questioil arbse jespect ing the nature'and Value'of what was-sup- posedio be a' valuable Mineral,' as well as lor tne use ot, Hie Students of tbe;Uni?ersity. We have one t it is sufficient! foir the wants of the State and of the College. . . i t HavingT firs cone with Mr. Randolph to SuIPetersburgf under Geni J ACKsoN's-Ad ministration, and been - afterwards removed to Vienna and "continued by Mr; Van Bjetrei Mr.' C'.supposed.Kejntghtliejequired to yield bis place under a new dynasty-to some one whoi with less of ability perhaps; and'of disposition to be useful to bis country', might have higherxlaiins on the score of party ser vices and partyzeaL'i If 5 the amountol un remunerated labour performed by hiin'ttin making out a" long 'descriptive Cataloguepf the collection and getting, the whole ready for. shipment bad beeh'generallyrknown, it is supposed that the good "peoplejof North Carolina (if they believed h?tn, Q care any: thing about tha matter) would; have been grati fied Vi th read ing.at Ihe end of the an nottneement that Mr. JENirKR had been ap pointed Minister to Austria, that' Mr.ptiv 1 . ' .- - tr. was to dg continued asoecreiary oi xgaiion therevs1 v-''r - I'am verv respectfully yonrsj '- ' :.: rV j - t . ; :. E. MITCHELL, t To Weston Til Gales, Esq. - -t Mr. Gales. In your paper of the7th of January last, ;1 observed a Kule laid down, furnished you' by a Subscriber ; purporting to be a Hule by which to ascertain on what day of, the week, any given day of any given yea'r, past,fresent, or the future wbuld7aH. This'rule being both new arid cirioua,witb me, I was induced to scrutinize its merits; and ljiave found it to be iroperlect.ana cal culated, to' decicve ii will state. the Rule, and then proceed tbshew its Imperfection . RULE. To the givetr year.' add its ne-fourtb.'and its one- four-hundredth part (omhtiuff fractions,) also the num ber of days, from the .beginning of. the year np to the given data inclusive. . 'From this amount, subtract die one-hundredth part of' the given- years, throwing off fractions then divide die remainder by seven ; and if, after this division, there W any remaining, the num ber of tbe remainder-will be tne number ol the day ol the week as reqsTrred. Thus if tbe number be one, the. day is Sunday ; if two, die day is Monday, and so on, but if there be no remainder, die day is Saturday. . 1 -EXAMPLE.;,' ' " 4 Question 7 ;. On' what day of the week did the 2d- Of May -1798 fall , . t 1738 tue given year, , i- 4491 -4th of the given year, fractions omitted, ; .4 i-400th part of the given year, fractions 122 the number pf days from the 1st of Jan uary to 2d of May, r ' , 9 2373 sum' - V ;:- ? -"17 100th part of the givep year, 'fractions omitted, 5 72356 remainder - - : i.; 336 4 the remainder Answer, 4th day Wed- JVot& I f the given year be , Lea p Year, . the nnit must be subtracted from one-fourth of tbe given year. Thus, if the given ' year be: 1820, the first quotient mast be 454,' instead of 455? ' the proper quotient- If tbe given year be exactly divisible Jty Jour, it is leap year. .' Will some one give the rationale of the above Rule, for it is both curious and usefuU- American In dependence was declared ' on Thursday, as may be seen by calculating it by this Rule. The example given in, andworked, but, by the foregoing Rule is incorrect, for; the 2d day of May 1709 vfell on : Tuesday and not on VYeanesaay. .uiKewise, American Independence ' was " declare! on '- Wednes day instead of Thursday; as . slated. -That Rule will not apply, except to the 10th and 19th centuries; and the number, or number of days tot be added to, ; or - subtracted from "theotirtb part of : the given year, varies al- paost ! lor ; every jninereni1 century wnich proves its'jraperfection. ' : ; TheVaiionaJe of the" foregoing Rule is this j that.the date, or given years, are re corded by this Rule as so many days, con sideTing those year to have contained 365 days eachV and, there would be one day lost in every fourth .year. ": Thus it becomes riq cessary ;to add-to tbem one ' fourth of their pubaberV (except it be leap year, for the giv en year not having yet pasV, the extra, dsy should hot be included) and the reason why the past days in the year J up " to'tbe given' day, are included, Js,"that it"will complete the estiDiate of days'up fo that time? and the dividing, the amount by seven, is because there are seven days 'in a week;- Thus I have tried to Explain the rationale of ihe Rule as to' the ,' adding the oheifour-bun dredtb .part pf the given year and subtract ing the oneihundredth partffom (he anidun't, itisr.entire1y..Buperfldous1indnly.WveaTtd make the Rule more complex'andnnceruin. ilU give a rule i foundeii upon the rationale of, the foregoing one,' thai is simple ahdeo?-, reef;. "To ascertain n what day of the'weefe" any given day in any yearpast present, or to cotnewill fair, add to he given year,vits fourth part (omitt jng fractions,) likewise the number of days in the year up to the given day inclusivejand "divfdei the amount-ly seven. If there be a remainder, the' '-number; of thatemainarwiU;be:jthe''Qumber -of i he day of the week on which the requir ed. day will fall"-Thus, if the remainder be one the day is Sundays if two' remain, the day is Monday, and so on, Tut should there be no. remainder-the day.is; SatuVday."'-;t.JVoles-rIf the uiven vear be leanvoar thft first quotient, or fourth- part pf theiveri r - V- ex ample: day of the week, did my tiiriii-Uay fail .rV 176Srtrie riven rear. 441 1-4 part ol' die given vear; v ' . t190 nuinbr ofrda?.m jU tear ablUe SiU of ' j-;:S42 5 remainder." Ausveer 5di'"dayThur8V day. J- , 1 - r , '!" n4. ii' a .mil. i.L . . i.-jf j ,.i-i.- ,K .law ihagunu-r v obi uoy oi uiu wires uiu -iiuo uiu" of March in tbe present year (1842) fall ow? '1842 the givetfyeari'V-";: s;.' 460 1-4 of the riven vear. fractions omitted, i 5 r .; rf 8 number of daya in lb year up to tbe .Qtbf March, (inclusive, v. - i j. u 72370 . ; , T '"i . C,' ' 328-14 remainden Answer the 4th day," Wed. fle3day.'; - ' ; -l '. r - - rf" V ' f : 1 J" As I can vouch' fori this Rule; being Cor rect from. the first day of;thelChristiari era, td theend of lime, LdoTnbt fearof: dffend- jug) uj' OuvQviiiiuc U,-'I ,wr 'iMw-.'i. r ., .; , , ;ZADOK DANIEL. " Wake,.County, Mafch je, 1842. -- ft-.- ? The'BettFhv motion. - ' V v; r BLADEN COtJNTY.' . r 'r 1 tOn Saturday, -March 12tbj; not withstand, ing .the unpleasantness'bf thevday,: a ;jrery respectablenumberpf;WhigSTtnet ,at 1 the Court House inpursuance ofprefiousadver- ;On motion; of Col. 'Alex.' J. Byrne, Jno Bryan, Esq:, was called to the Ghair andjD. Lew "13. and R. E.JTr6y Esrln. were appoint ed Secretaries.. ' . - t- ,6The Chairman, in a brief and appropriate Address, explained the object of the meet , On motion of Dr. J. S. Richardson a Com mi t( ee was: appoi nted to frame, and su bmit td the meeting, Resolutions expressive of the sentiments the VVhig parly in this county. i he Chair appointed Uol Alex. J Uyrne Pr.: J. S. Richardson, Geo, CjJromartie, Esq.y and Thos.1 J Norman, Esq. who, after;.re tiring for . a short time reported tbrough.Dr, Richardson, the following : -' m Resolvedr Thai we most cheerfuUy concur with oar friends of the counties of Brunswick and Colum bus, in the fall of a District ,: Con ven tion r ,lo be held at David Taylor's in the county of Brunswick, on the 17th instant, for the purpose of nominating a Candi date to represent this Senatorial District in- the Inext Genera! AssemMy, and that the Chair appoint nine Delegates to said Convection. - 4 - - " Resolaed, That we approve, of the State , Con ven vention, to be held at Raleigh on the 4th of, April next, and request the ' Chair to, appoint thirty. dele Kates to represent this county, r ' '1 -, Resolved, That we highly approve of the course of our Executive, Jufin M, Moreicad, and cordially re commend him to'tbe attention of our brother Whigs throughout the State, aa a candidate for re-election to the Office of Governor, as worthy, of: their suffrages, their confidence and their highest regard : - ,-4-. -: The Chairman then proceeded to appoint delegates to the Conventions mentioned in the resolutions. ' , v, v- To the Convention at Taylors he appoint ed James Gillespie, Jno. A. Roberson, Wil- lOiai UlUSi ittl AlIUla . VlUbDUIVs V and David T. Melvini To the Raleigh Convention,' Thos.r C. Smith, Col. A. J. Byrne,. Richard S. Gilles pie , James Gillespie, Joseph Melvin, Daniel Shipman, , Hayes P. Shipman, Patrick: Cro martle,, Duncan Kelly, Wm. D. McNeill, John ; McDowell, Edward, Lewis,, George Cromartie, J. S. Richardson, Isaac Wright, Thos." J. Norman, A.. W.' Atkinson, James Mcivin;pNeill McDugald, John" Smith, Dr. LWrri";- Andres, Saltar Lloyd, Thbi. Fort; Sen., Duncan Cromartie. Albert Gillespie, J. O. Lucas, Wm. Lucas, Edward Richardson, Jo seph Allen and J. W. Russ. I i : , .: : r On ..motion Jof George Cromartie, the Chairman was added to the delegation. On motion of Col. Byrne, - ; ; v Resolved, Jh&l the proceedings of ihia meeting; be sent to the Editors of the -Fayettevilla Observer and the Wilmington Chronicle with a request to publish the same. -. . " . "J - - . p.t On motion, the thanks of the meeting were tendered to the Chairman and Secretaries; - ' , The meeting then adjourned. . ' . ' 4 JOHN BRYAN, Ch'n. v Da vip Lewis," R. E. Troy, Secretaries. IV. . ..i,i k - COLUMBUS COUNTY. .On the fifth of March, pursuant to public notice,"a number, of. the citizens of Col urn bus; assembled in the Court.Ho'use for the purpose of appointing Relegates to meet del egates from Bladen and Brunswick, to norn-inate-a suitable person as a Candidate to re present the District Composed of the coun ties of Bladen,' Brunswick and; Co)umbus, in the next Senate of the General 'Assembly, y- On motion of William M. Baldwin Col. Jo siab Manltsby was called to; the Chair, arid on motion of A. J. Troy, Josiab Powell was appointed Secretary. , ' " - t.v-V V On moiion of W, M Baldwin s Committee Of five was aODointecfbv the Chair to prepare Resorutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, consisting 01 vsum iw w Smith, AV J.; Troy, Dou'gald Clark' and W. M. BaldwinT'whoi after retiring few min utes,' reported through M. Baldwin, the folldwi ng Resolutions,' which ::wero offered and-unanimously adopted. v' tVl -v J?'dZf,ThaTwe approve of the Whig Convention', which is to' assemble in ltaleigb on. tbe '4th of APri means to promote the election of the nominee, and that we highly approve or ttie course pursued by the pre sent Executtveof this Stole, John M- Morehead. C x Resolved, That the" Chairman appoint fourteen del egates to meet the delegates from Bladen and Brurts wiekfei David Taylor's, for the purpose of nominating a'snitable person; to represent the 30th District in the .Senate of the next Legislature. , I . ' v - ; V Whereupon, the- Chairman appointed the following delegates, to" witt Daniel C.Camp' bell, Alfred Smith, William .Baldwin';-; Volpi tine JlichardsonV Jas.' High, David Register John G Bellamy, Henry :-Lfangj John MearCs, Jas Blackman, ; Bryant Coleman,-A oirustQs Smith, John Harrison, and Wright Lennop, w inoi. uu uiq 14111 ui maitii itisianuVi. r: On motion of Col.' Baldwin, the Chairrnan mcwicwi jcwcrcauueu to me list ol uek --. if- tT t JZpsoftf,Tbat the proceedings of fhfs'meetmg be me uaairman and secretary, and forwarded itor of the Wilmington Chronicle, requesttna JOS1AH MAUTTSRV riafj "next for tbe'pu'rpose Of nommatmg'a' Candidate for Governor oTtbilStdte, V ! ? -',. -i- Bsolted.TbM'vre will nse aU fair and - honorable Y?:'f 'RUHsvfi,? COUNTY -; r, 'At a meeting of i-he.Whig party, in Si i,u' jilie, Brui nominating appointing iigb, ort the 4ttyf;Apri Iciest also, to the v ehtioV to be ti 8d: at Da vid Ta vloc'al ta Rale select a;canii fdatfe 1$ the en'ate fpf.this Dis Jrict in "the" nest Ljf jislature ;;t i-;f i J :i DayidipV'Ailertijras called the Chajr, and Sr BEverettpointed Secretary.! r;Pre vjoijSly to ; epering upbii T the proper business" ot tbtMxng9&rFj)l Kfil en tertaiiicd the rneeU tg in almost-; felicitous, strain for Jiaif an :h-UT;.iao.texpj33ing:.the;c4 unjnie3 of the.Lo'cj Focb fpribts,' and ;then sumbitted thef tol$ ring Resputionswhieh were unanimously dopted;;y X ? .,It is incumbem opoi verycitizen to endeavor to understand the prmcipl !f..of the Government under which he lives, and it ft his privilege and hi duty, to look welt to those repi Mentinff hiai In the Council of the - Nation by ' wWm lEese principle's areto1 be j; carried outF. We belli fe; that, .due observances ot these duties Is the ordy Safeguard of liberty; and that it prodqeed that pcaceble hut. glorious revolution which swept iver the tf ion'try jn 1340;,-., v INow althobgh the. rind anticipation of the patriot has been, blasted by the death of that great and ; good m?,' chosen as the agf 'iQt reforniand rthe dealer--li iofbim who succe ied to the highest' honorsiof thecountry, yetlhe nr htyi principles -for which'we then contended, reinai.''unaltered, and;We,the Whigs of the Ctuntyofi Brujpwick," ..hereby - declaring ;Our unabated confidence in the same, and believing them 16 be Indispensable to le;perjetahy . oft our Republi can institutions, a&d Ut theecUrity- 'of the blessings of freedom, do Wemnl pledge ourselves to each lh er, and to ottrWhig blithren throughout, the, Stale, forever to defend and I iigently ' use all eonstitutional means to estaolish anj t preserve them. - But to act 'successfully, it is neces1 kry to act in concert r4o ac complish thi fmiortar object, ' -Therefore ' ::.?''- ;:-ResotvedrTh&Vwe fe iartily approve of theConven-; tion t) Be held in the : itj of Kaleigh .' on the 4 ih of 'April next, and we wil 1 send Delegates tp represent our f elinga and.wTshef. hr. the same.: - ; ' v t ' - Resolved? That thei.tdminis,lration of ourpatrtotic Governor, Joas Af Mbhead, meets our: unquali fied approbation, and it- y he deserves the support of all who-desire the pros rity -6f the Old .North State. - 'Resolved. Thatvthe iV hig' "Senators and Represen tatives 1n Congress ar entitled to the thanks of the country for their teald a . and Untiring1 effort to' re-' Ueve the distresses and -promote tp.e prosperity and happiness of the PeopU. ; and especially do we admire thajnflexible firnmess, Ihe magnanimity, and? disin terestedness of HE ft R !--CLAx,-pfiKeotky; the Statesman jvho,:'throug evil report and good report, as v efl amidst the stort Is as tbe sunshine of political lifehe good, of ht s coj fity his aim- and truth hia guide, has come -out ut Scathed the bickerings of party, true to his priri Iples, true to friends, and true to his country. j '1 On motion of DrJ'Hill, Robt. M. McRakan waq.unanimous'chc pen as a Whig Candidate to. represent the , C'.aointy: in the next' Legislature."- 7. . (rS . On motion bfCfiWm. Rl Hall, the fol lowing gentlemen 'ere chosen to represent Brunswick county rat the Convention at Raleigh the 4th oH April next David : F. P'i.:.."'; i:--: ' J:.n- t: Z-Ait ' . r-l Flowers; Stephen jjalt, Jaqaes Moore',- Dr. L." Frihkf J. G7 Ba 6Fo,fd,.E.,BozmanrPinki nev Millekin, Sari Potter, Dr. F. J. Hill, T 1 r ' Y - ' t 't -, ll : T " 1 m ' 1 TTT W: Rourk, S.. Fhtter,-Wm. R Hall.-. The following persons were chosen to meet at David Tay mtli m the 17th inst., viz t Dr. F. J. Hill, Col.' W-OL Hall,D. D.7 Allen, D: F. Flowers, Most Hewett,' Wm. P. Robe son, SamU RowelTOndaU Hewett, Dr.JL Fririk - 'j ' "j- . . . t DAh)D. ALLEN? Ch'n. .: - o, jj. XiVEEETT, 1 secretaries, . RUTHEf ORD COUNTY. --, Pnrsant to previt usnolice, a large portion of the Whigs of Ri therford County convex iicu 111 iiic vuuri ij uuat; at . j.iuiutiiuruiuut sidering the subjec'-rof appointing Delegates to the Whig C6nv i?ion to be held in Ral eigh on the 4th of i p'fil next. On motion pf , Col. W, E. MilU sAchilles. Durham ,'was called to the Chairj and Thomas Jefieraon, and Weldon Hall j sqr'a were appointed Secretaries. .-f -v " - The meeiingwai f.then addressed by Col. were then offerellb; Weldon- Hal I, Esq. , and unanimously auop u, , Whkrias,' we the 1 fhigs ol Rutherford County, in meeting assembled, , heartily approve of the prp' position made by a largO: portion of the Whigs of the State, to hold a Convert loto at ihe City of Raleighon the 4ih of April next llr the purpose of nominating some suitable candidate lor Governor of the State hj the ensuing election, val d4 for ..the purpose of organiz ing the big party foCction in such contest, and for the support of tho.e 'p tliiical - principles which we deem essential to thepn e, -administration of the Gov- ernment, and the welfa)2 i.of our - common country; 1 LjResolvedt That we, t H1 cordiallyeo-operate with, the Whigs from the dot-rent sections of the State, in ineetimr appoint four Delegateai jo attend ' the ; Convention t,o be held in the City of R Jeigb, on4he 4th,of April, v ' B; MesolveThit IS high' trust reposed in Joalr MVMobxhba'o, by theT big of North Carolina, has not been misplaced,, and' h$tt our confidence it hU in., tegrity ability and .6delt jr- to' the interests of bur State, continues nhdiminikbedi irtd-ihat we ' respectfully re- 1 commend him to the Cif mention as our preference, uo 4ivuiuiet ui uiai uu f , a wKUUMiaie or fo-c mo lion to the Gubernatortf jCbatr.. -'HtlA ? rt:?! power, at the late Extra Sessioo of Conit ess, prove that Jork Titra has forfeited all caimt p Ihe 'support of the AVhig Party, by whom he w .elevated to the, Vice Presi dency.: ; Cv.l -y?.,'-, t. Resolved. That w earnestly recommend to 'ih WJbigs of the State th (nportance of -sending llele galea to the projiosed invention, and adopting.all honorable, and necessari rmeans . for the -, pa rpose of VTilkinsV,Esq.lWe;3oh .Hally and,AV. ij; Miller.v;v: ,t ?Li On motion of, Col E. Mills. ftrA) ofoeA.Thavtbe p? ftceedingg ofUhis meetingMI Bln-rwKrl k tile-. - - . . . . I? . f r's-vMj . vunii num.. inu oecreiaries, and publish nitbeRutheffoTdtn2aelrlgence.t ' v On motion, pf Girt Williani E. Mill the meeting adionrned--?'-Vv- -rv-V if i ; Achillea hjrhaW chmwH . r .-. .. - . vr . ht.n..n' nnnnint i n r llulp AV. E. Mills, Gen. M. Edney, and John Baxter,' Esq. r: K 1 . - '"The follow in ir P eamble and Resolutions appointing Delegates to Utend the same, ' and 'carry ing into execution the bLgects of said Convention; t s 9.'tCe8olved, That tlf Chairman of' this : 4." Resolved, That wf ihatene cbn6dence in the political integrity of Jo ir TruBi and that the ir. Cumstances attending, tiU diMofutionof the Harrison i;abtnet. tne exercise ei ihe Veto vender trte seconf'.ttesolution,ihe follpwij ing-gentlemeVweri iipdointed bv iGe CIirii "Delecates.-Viz .: C t s Wm: jhaVnn "rtv;ii i T A- meeting of a portion of 'the Whigs of VrUowa ft 1 was.-: lie ut 7n xvuenion uu ri -uv Court,, forthepur- gates ioy represent siid County Jn the proposed ,Wbig;Con Ven tion, lovbe:.held in Raleigh ""on,the4tb of April next, klf "1 : On jiiot ion yDr. Jn mes orcpniwasalled ta the, Chair,;aha R; BCreecy appoiuted aecreiary t- .0 :; 1 v. -i iCThe object pf, the ineeting haying .been explained. iriv.a, bnef aud.; pertinent, manner by4he. Chaifman, a iDommiUee of threcvwas appointed by the Chair to lraft .Resolutions expressive of ihe gense of; the meeting, con fn " Tt L 1 1 fn-o riotr : .... rfnd.A. SpenceJElsqrs. who reported the fol- jResorc'-That, we high approve of the- Whig Convention proposed to lheld -in Raleigh on the 4th of April next, and that we will appoint Delegates Id represent us in saui uonvennon, noping xaai toey or a. ; jJiesofved.vThtt twefveiBelegates bf appointed ;to xepresent'Cbowan County Jn said Conveplion.';.' ; i-.iWhereupon the following persons were apV rv t J '1 a r-- ' 1 r" T .'O poiiueu xciegaiKs as aiyrcsaiu via -.v.a. Creecjfc H W Col Iin s J as. Norcom,4 Jr.'; T. G.wHaughtbht7n S. 'Hoskrns," AlSpencer J. C.:Bond;.T. Satterfield, JasCofficldrf Job Parker'i , F Welch, and Jacob .Cullinst V" :" KResolved, That the Edertton 'Sentinel and Raleigh, Register be requested to publish these proceedings. .,5 - "On motioni" the'Tneetirig adjournedy;,' A R,B."CitEECT, Secy.;. X -V retrenchment: rrr- There is Mr' Sum mere report on the sub ject of ; red uci ng the ex penses of ; the iHbtrse of Representati ves. 2;The discussibnTindthe votes ; thereon denote ajspirh f r.eforq--. The first resol a tion accompanying the report; 'riot only lessens, the number tq be employed j but forbfds the calling in "of additional .clerks Iha't'shalLhot be 'Ordered by a-vote' of the louse. f Here is tne oeauiy 01 tne tning - disposition to arrest this business of contin gent appointments-'ahld' contfiigent- Salaries, that are m' unfriendly Vd the Treasury as well as to the puritf of ihe'Governaienf,5'; .This is one. good ' stent, r? T. ; fv' ''y3 ' - f- Another-cheeririg indicalion.5fiWhen the approprtationpill .was before-the ' House ra short tiibe -since, Mr. Gentry, of Tennessee, submitted a proposition to recommit the bill iwithiinstructions to strike out every appro P.i.:- 1 j-i" t.i nl.i i.j.. jjtj" Congress. Sufficient vffghts has . riot; been accorded to this movementsfit is a telling blow at the corrupting and anti-economical, system 01 contingencies: wuicn nas oeen so long pursued.' It is pregnant wlth'Refortn: And.the country, should know thaCit suc ceeded by a larffe maiority, and the' tofo cos remember that it was a Whig proposition and sustained bV the almost unanimous vote of the Whigs of Congress. ByTthe way, I should like, to see' more of 'Air; Gentry ih the doings of Congress.V- He is not Only a Whig o; ine ngnt stamp, put nis snrewuness- and vsagac ityu a 1 i f y.bim' for d oi ng m uch -for the party to which he Js attached ; and on whose shoulders so. much responsibuiry-nests. . Again;. Afc standing, committee of Re trenchment, has been raised in the Senate a Whig proposition; and one that affords Ear nest proof of a f determi nation ; to retrench. . Whenl l crave to' know, did ; the Locofociaf party, when "in the ascendant! propose so se-' nous a measure of Reform T .., . - Yet another evidence of Whlgintehtion to retrench.-vMr; Merrick: submitted :Teceiitlr a Joint Resolution requiring that no amend-. ment shall be made to an appropnat ion bill; if the effect of such amend ment ;belo add atiy appropriation not called for by an i exist? ing law. This, Resolution received every. Whig vote in the Senate, and is an.; impor tant measuretin, this that it prevents-fall tacking on of irrelevant matter and '" brings up every approp r i at i on en i ts naked meri Is . It puts a stop, indeed, to the Worst species of log-rolling . in Jegislation--lbatwiich carries through unmeritoribussubjects of, expendi ture, by connecting them with those tbat are meritorious. V J ' - s'"' ' ' "c But the cheering omen of alibis the grand1 propos i tion of M r., C lay : ta" Ii mi t the crdi n a ry expenses of the Governmept tO' twenty two. mujf ons. Independents ' TRIBUTE OP' RESPECT. V Iittle Babe ! thou earnest iut the world weeping. . wiiiie all around thee "smiledcomnve so to Jive . 'that-thou mayest depart in smiles.' while' alt around! - tliee weep dncent BaptismahJLdtnvnuton. :- ' The melancholy hews of the death of Ihe ,Hori."f Lewi's ",WiitiAMs. ha Tig're ached Huntsville, the citizens of. the village and neighborhood assembled, on a hasty sura inons, to 'interchange their feelings tn the sad occasion, and to propose a'wfder pression bf the public"; sympathy upon ihls loss io virtue. and patriotism. : ' " . 'i h The'meetingjwas organized by-' a mitiort from Col. Richard G.-Puryear that Henry P Poindexter :Esq.( take, the Chair,, nd that William Hardin Esq. act as SecfetaTrv On t aki ng- hi$4" seat, the -v0hai r man, j njpe rfect keeping with tbe spirit of the meeting; made a few louchlng remarks': brv the Well-earned character pf the deceased and; hisi sense "of the public calamity.,' Kz?-- ?AX -"r f'y ' Xn the company: presentwere secn: some of the old and: venerable1 genUeme'n of 'ltie community;' who had t known "Mr.Willtams from infancv;$6 efey hairs, a3 also those who were his- CQtempbraries in years." 'A'deep ana solemn silence prevailed, aha learsMikc rain drops,vwere seen to irickle down their furro:ed cheeks, while a gentleman - by -te uesif reaa jrom i.ne. puniic newspapers,' tne pr6fceeilirig3 of Congrces on; the death of a fellow'Member slvlediliv ton? service The p.iL,'"-.f .lit. : Vir 1 i.- ui 1110 xiouse, s anu me glowing au uresses 01 several eentiemen oi- tneMsenate and Hall of RepresentaUves ppthe "merits jtuu seryices 01 .'tuts n amen tea son 01 xojtn Carolina. Z.i 'yy"t i Ona. fur ther'rnoVion ;-the Chai rman'l a p- "pointed.a committee, consisting of Dr.' Plea sant Henderson." Col. Richard C; Piirvear. SamueT'L.;pavis,JohnWrelsh-lin Hauser Esqrsb prepare and teport Resplu", t i oh s e x pre ssi ve ;d rth se rise- a nd des igni 0 f the meeting; Who; after retiring short time. reiurnea ana prcsenteo tire 101 "wing iveso t ionswhieh we'reVrqad an it ini mously Resolved, That the .'cUizens of 'Hai.tn.ai. i ; . vicinity.-with tbe' deepest sensation - na gret have heard ofhe death Of tbe Hon. Lewiflre liams, tlie kntf -Uied and faithful Riini. r il' district, in the Conxress of tbe Uni,i s... 01 thi Beiolved;?ttn.t we most vesnectfuUV in;,J .1 . zens generally.pf hU HaGye eounty,of Sa'rrr t Clu with us, his i.-ntaeaiate neighbor MdTrimiTtte jneetmg rfKock!ord,-orr' Tnesdiir f a,u lioc -Court weetrf in-order to express and 4f Pe" tlio last ofilcas of esteem ?and nflUnilwn , '.ruora . servant, : who, me penoaoi ; a entire oen.r,T m'theJ.raof manamid the dazahog allurement ambitica arid the Varied temptations to vj indutgenceirpfiered to those in highlaces-of .onKvf uttiU the bickerings of. party spint-Hn tbe bitter" lentjonsorseciioiTal fechos or popular excitement" amid the duhious mazes of political trire,beretr perceptions of right and wrong! are so often blend S ;t in the, flucwatibns of national pplicy in the vicw tudes of peaceror war--ha ever tood,Vacrediv bv w country's honor and interest, and like a faithfili . ;net; has literally died 00 the watchtower. " sv JtiesMvedfurlAer; With a lik-intent-in this ial of love to the- honored dead, we invite the othA. r "lies of the district to hold aimilar meetings aa th. . ot iu& ouuf 1 at-cesivciy arrive. v r . - J&aolvea lliat we most affectionately expr. ihe HonWllitam A. Graham; and To tbe Hon. He to r Clay of the Senate, w the HonMr. Rayner, the Hw Mr. C, Johnson.nd thaTener&ble Ex-presidentAd ams.of the House of Representatives, our keart a&i" homefelt gratification fb? their manly and eloquent ad dresses to. both houses ofCongress oh this mouri.t,"i eweajionrtv-' " . ' ' It iMing weir.ondffrstoodthat the remains of Jate Honorect Representative will be brought aWaT from )Vasbingtoni to be mtefred, ia his naiive soil the family nlansirtn uVthe neighborhood,' . ' XRetoliUd therefore (That we will attend the Fane ral of Jhe' deceased, at - ft iday hereafter to be named" and we most respectfully invite the attendance of oui frieuds generally. Jo participate iA the last solemn du. ties 10 departed worth, c - ResotvedljMX this .meeting begs leave to Wer it, deep and sincere. Condolence to the Relations of the ri. iasiedOn Jhis efflieung. dispensation of Providence UIU mail 1U vuumiuu wim lutuvjncauaic llie pleasintr consolation ,1o leam1 froin' those Who lingered 'afthe bed: side and, i watched hut deparung hours, that he suljirted.to tbfr filial stpkesiidden as it was, with .the'digni(y of a man and the. resignation of a christian. Resolved finally, That the'se Resolutions signed by the C bail man enxi STectetary, be: pabhslied in the Sa--letn Gazette, with the reqnest that tiiey be copied by ihe Newspapers of the State'generally. , i VlK'PPOINDEXTER, CAVn. WnxiASi-ijAJinis Secretary , tl rTRfB DTE OF. kESPKtiT. 4-At a . meeting of the members of the btfr, arifT citizens of ;Lmcoln.County generally, op '-Monday', ihe 7th inst for the purpose of paying a tribute fo5tlie memory of the late I Robert He. EurtonEsq": on nation of B: f . uaiuwcii j&sq. lvoperi vviniamson lsq. was called T4o the Chair, and B. Shipp Esq. appointed Secretary. y. Lv Eiv'Thompsoh; .Esq. - then offered the following Preamble and Resolutions. f -i Whereat by -the dnpensalion of a wise but inscru- table Providence, in the death of the late Robert H. Burton Eq this County has beea deprived of one of f its most inestimable citizens and this Court bas lost a faithful and distinguished Member, r&t it' Resolved, Thai while whh the community in which, he lived, then honored and now lamented, we will cherish- his memory as one whose life Truly wa 1 an example, which; the wise and the good will endeav or to imitate,, we cannot but deeply regret the increa sed -loss i we feel in the death of so dutinguished and useful a member of .our body.. f -' i ItcsolvedfThai we sincerefy condole with lbs tnott immediate friends and relations of the deceased for the great and irreparable Iosj they have sustained.',. Kind, social and benevolent as. . jnan, by .those who knew him in the closer relations of life, none can tell how much he was loved, or how long he must be regretted. Resolved, That as a t testimonial -of our regard aoJ esteem forf the .deceased ,the members of the Court and. the bar will wear the usual badge, of mourning for thirty day sT ---e,.. ' J, Resolved, That Ubipp wmiamson ana rl. y W Guioh E8frfV be appoulted to transmit a copy of these Resolutions to the family of the deceased. . i 'if Resolved, Thm the Editors of the papers, in Lin- I cohilonrCharlotte, Salisbury and Raleigh, be requested to give ihese Resolutions an insertion in their papers. " Janies W Osborne kEsqrose to second the resolutions, 4tnd in avahort address allu ded in the most beautiful and toucliing man ner to the public 'services' and stainless pri vate r character. v6f- the,. .deceased. After which the Resolutions; wereput to the meet ipgi and adopted. unanimously. ' s And then the jneeting adjourned. rv .ROBERT WILLIAMSON Cb'm'n. ; B' Shipp, Secretary. WATCHES ami J etc elry, ; TERT-LOWJ iVThe Sabscfiber is selling airdescriptions of Gold and Silver' Levers,11 Anchor Es capement,' Duplex, Lepine, and Yerge. VVATCHES, Gold and Sdver Pencils, Diamond Riojra and Puis, Gobi Chain, Keys, &, at retail, lower than at.anyatber place in the City. Gold Watches as low' as 3Q to 40 dollars each. VV atcb es and ' Jewelry exchanged 'or bought. . All Watcher are warranted tA teep timeTor themoney retornwi patches "repaired in the best manner, at much W than the usual prices, by one of ihe finest workmea in America., . ! . .J ;r-s G, C. ALLEN, . fir.FEMAACHpiS ; . a .V. A UTIK VS I TU AT 10 Its." -TT AM tequestedio -obtain, situations for several L 1 1 dies of unexceDtionaHe character, considerable ex perience and undoubted qualifications as Teachen tne various Xinglisn trancnes,logeiner wun iw Language Snd Music on the' Piaho Torte. Pawp ?40a, ,and board; for the scholastic year ol ten moniw Others.not so experienced in teaching, but olbersn desirabieSOO ands3S0 and board. :-w Communication addressed to the subscriber, po age "paid, will be promptly attended to. V -V - ;- -' Book and piano-Porte seller. -i V?'!"?-.:-- -Petersburg, 'TI havVforsale abbm Kano Torte. of. kind., alt of which wtUbe sold opon the condition tw payment may withheld .ntil, tbe inwoHieu-... fairly tried. - . - ; . . IP ' . '-,,.r how manV'fearaihey.nUT nnr aValltDe risk of tbeir bemr bad resi. npoa Txl&Wrl Prices 275. 300 325, 350, 400, so on U, 600 dollars. .! am perfectly wiHing to Uk the;rik of efeciing for pore h ws mji eir. ; f InaVeVoU about 30t Piano Forte. wiUioatejf ellioaabadone.,, ' "i Pv7 February'6r 18. ' -TfavfOace foP.rcnt.-Acomfortabte I Lineally finiahed Room; opemng- of tht J HouW Yard; will beMet. ir early appUcation be mjJ: Jf deVired; U will be furnished-with a Bed, ad necessary Furnituro. -App1y,t.thiOffiee. MV8 0" I 's 'importer opwatenes ana jewetry, , r, - fUpstair,J Februar A 184iP : ' 3RSONS ishior-to urchawPiado FoTlej from the subscriber, can hMhe pmdep for mem: ana v-u l, I i fa I osian rowing See i ; c:'..:i;.a-Wioy;iLiLt-rts?r adopted ) 4 v t-.:?, ff - " it' :i .4 -