a .4 V 4 11 -C y 1 V A 1 XT ABLE REAI4 EST Am C IN THE CITY OF RALEItflf. AND, ITS V UlSittY-FOJLSALE. .V aatcrf' .MKori!ioiv: at Executors of the. last .Will M and Testament of Josxb Gaiis, decease d, wilj i xfoW to public sale at tha Court House; in the Ci- leirh, situate on Fayet'eville atreV nearly Jppoto . r if tr:ii:. ur tt.aMt I Kn. and I ine resiuencw im u (unui u. ;nvv, .,, j-j-j-.t-'- set ior near ing ex parte, at uur iicav term uu uie sixui formerly occupied fcy Jane : McGuffie. - The House Monday after the fourth Monday in March next,' U a two story one, with eightroomaixof whb have . -".HENRY'S. tsPENCER,, M. E. re-aceaand the lot haaoa it ' all requisite; on vMacKil843. .V vs, AnW the City of Raleigh a No.:38; but better ;known ft j UJ DOTMtfTy .District Court in Bankruptcy at cfea on'Bff Lot on which tbera ia'dne of the pn- Ctoanohera in FayettevilleMarch lhVl842Lr J uUn snrintra ofwater in "lb county. I of limited means. ' 'V. ft Twentv-two acres of OncleareU liana,' ajommg i a number ot vacant Duuoing ,lfii8.gi rwv" 4ha Cotporadon liri.ita, iiea the preoiue f Charles J ne may be declarea a Bankrupt, Tit is thereupon order Manly; EsqV coAtaining f'oni a uar("rY to vh4lf rr1'eti by, the Court, that cause be shown before the Uoort mm .ml-1 nffcrih cdavenient aettiements for .personal at Newbern?dnUhe 'fouith Monday-in " April next, tne City on the East the Stone QuatT beingf the halfand that thia notice be published, in the vveeKiy extreme bouudary. j The land.1 ia'said to be - of good Kaleigh Register; four- weeks" in succession. -T ,v quality, and has, probably timber , enough, on U to Ct ;JI "V H H POT1,ER Acting Clerk t fence it around; though te proximity to the Quarry il i-c; , of Court, inBankrupicy,, will render rock ' Jence nealy-pr uite as cheap a March44 - i -r V.' : v88w4w ar rail one.. " .-- '' rtJi'-- ;-'t .. . ... -.mn.wr.t tl rm tkt , A wry valuable tract or land, nme. miiea west ot RaleigbTconiaining- upward of "eigbieeii,hundred firJ8 rn ,K5- k r . r . " - " . . - - 1 a acres T .5f n...r,ara. ih trArt wtll h divided inttf t of three orrfou hundred acrca racfc : V'i'hw - J acres racn. . 1 nw r WVJ'BU nd VVil- bodr of land ' fit lieeob the waterafi Swifted WiU liama' creeks,. In es. Jbighv and healthy a region .as there ia in North Cirolina, arid offeraane location lor WTalWS or ine tow couTiXryr-wno aaayoeairo -u.n- mer residences in this pait of the Sute, i breenun- . - dred acrea only ha ve" been cleared :the balance , lies injte naiuratsutc, "Covered with a luxuriant growth of walnut, "hickory,' oak and pinevnThere is 'on 4he premise, a frame dwellingj bouseand all necessary outbuildings ; an excellent orchard, and fine meadow.- A oortion of the tract is rich botuomjaod; and the teaidue atrong high land which producea welLr The range for slock is aUo excellenU - 1 Three hundred acrea of pine land- adjoining tha last named tracV. s -- Thirty-five acrea of land aboutlhree miles North of the Paper-mill, on the waters 'of Mine creek, for merly belonging to Nathan uansnciu Nineteen acres of land, adjoining lie last describ- d tracts -V- " 1 5 : ' ' 1 said Henry C. Ennla be not declared a Bankrupt, pur The whole of tha above will be ' aold without, rer suant to the Act of Congress in that behalf; and that serve, tqtbonignes MOder.v jicqnmuvn .i k. Mi. .mi -1'b.im mnnina rretm. iub iu i chasers gifing bonds Willi aecuniy,.ui oe appigvBi o. by the Executors : v v -i - WESTON REGALES, "V f ,-THO. Lj WEST, r Extitw$ JuSSTS" .; V: J-lLi.- val ..-. :-r7:v'- ; v ' If. B. There are also'several Slaves far sale, belong ' ingtb the Estate, but by he provisions of the WitI,' they ate to be aold private 1 A mong them is a good Pressman, a Carriage D and one' of the best c1llinJa in the State.' ons, 'desirous of por- fir?nr ;it annl tn the ' Executors.'-Six uionlhs credit will be' given to the purchasers of the slave'. --Jy ---.r " Sweeps for the Sweet! ; -is.f f ' .'itf. j'1 v-TV r'- 'v And Mclc'd be,he'tbatiirstcrie$ hold,.enougU; tShaktpeare Revised. ITtC T Arrivals l-f .retnrnedfrom the North, 4 anu 39 now; openmg ? a .''tt- and' splendid -,aa aortmentof Gaociaixs Tots; CeaYacTioa-ARiss, Um aiLiAS, &c &c. -all of which he offers at the low . est CasbT prices. It is 'impossible within the limits of aa Advertisement to give a list of all the articles in large assortment, but a few of the principal ones are ubjoined; and the public are assured they will find 'every thing at his Store that pertains to hie immediate ' line of business, and many rare and curious notions be- 'Amongst the assortment Amongst me assortment are - r v-. 10 doz superior French Cordiala,,in Chin hottlea 4 dot Brass Whips Cordials of every kind - VKrtMjt an1 crhttff Windonr Soana t--i . I Shelled Ajmondv Beef Tonguca ;Percussion Caps 1 Bone Dog Calls ,Dned.Beef ..Bologna Sausages , 1 3 dot large Silver Guards : - 'iT- 2a Iloarhound Candy t ; , ':;.;rCiFaBet Glass Boxes and Dominoe -KieAiriind;8iIk FraeXCprk Screw. &V &c 5 'Bras Watches Harmonicons Oil Cloth Baskets 1fDalea and Brandy PeachfiiVCherries; &tvMacarohi .;' f. 12; doz; Superior German Cologne Wa'ter -1 .1(1 ,dozi Brass Buckets ,.2 doz: Brooms - It Nest .Tuba -.3 doa Wood Buckets 1 ; Fresh assortment of Nuts of every variety j s -S weet Meats and Jellies of every variety fer ' Macahoy and Scotch Sftqff in nladders and battlea Ofangee dc Lemons a fine assortment Earthenwaxe Cheese, Cracker 4V 8egais ofe-ery variety At price . C Sugars jpf -sery quality v Old Java Coffee dt Starch ...Chewing' Tobacco and very aoperiorWai.Candles ; - Table 8alt, Prunes, Pfeserves and, Pickles of every vsrietv ; and great many articles too tedious to men tion, which I will taka great pleasure int showing to any person who may favor me with a call: 1 also rei turn my thanks to the public for past avors, and hope to merit the aamevi t ; ' S L. TUCKER, .r -Beptember 24. 77' jrDr,irui'- pr16 tave fre8h 8dp pi plywe twere aboul aay,' '-'of thiayaluable' Medicine--but to those who have tried them; it is nn ' necessary to say so,snd those who have not tried them, would be alow pethapa to believe us. It is, however a serious ibci, mai.we wum na.-iB w umjr, where their regular Use for v several years 'past,, has made the Physician s vwils i few .te.tweeii made the Physician s vwils . lew attd v tar between,". Out oetr boxe$ contafe 25 . Pill; each,: Jj og o.nly bAve2t ;4 .vJ-:, . WILLT PECKo Raleigh. March fat, 184r'JiV'i- 18 ly ; Kf QLEN from the subscriber, at thtf aiabfe of M. I yjCilmore, in Cumberland county, near 'the Bluff, ; m large uAl nuiwo ConsKicraoiy marseu oj the gear , Bald horse was sto'en on the night of the 4Jfipthjnstant,jiuppo8ed to jiavc been, taken by . a.mol atto'fellow who was making jiis way towards Raleigh. a no negro was seen with the horse on the l Jth inst , end either 'has hlm; lill ,m his possession, ortrated him away. A.hberal reward will be paid for. the re- covery of the horse, and detection of the thief. i Ahv- ; infA)rttaiion will be thankfully received if addressed l?sfe' DAVID McNEUX r Ccmberlandco March .14,4842.;,..;, 22-St L' TTN pursdance -of two deeds, in . trust executed to me " VK I I k S uV'Sproilli 1 shall offer at public sale before '"the Court House door in the City of RaleigVonTues- W - a . - AT- " . ift? t . .ft ft ' 4and tract oiLarid contoinrog about .foir hundred V exrea aituaie'in the County of.Wake: and lying on V R.5A Creek.-- 1 - -X ".'-.' i - eireuear of three montha from . this time, forare-rsaiia ft a ...... T - ,.?S . .1. T alslV AT A Tiril FIFTH Lnninir LrlH miViTifl rla ? S.-L!-m i i. . v,P ;,l S TT Snrnill fhemv bl interaat in fKo I K3 iVvfDdwcr f T!r; Spruit) in. and to, dwellipg. house hi : . brick store and wt in tna vuy oi Kaieign. E " Terms of sate, six months credit, with bond and ap ' ' riyeJecn'rityV - J ' CA2tNQNTrostee,, ' ' :" 'Sthnzjj3', 1843-c?-- ;17. ' : HHMwMMtaMVHBWHMaalBBBMaMaiaMawaaMaavBaaaa F r v.T-!r'v-f kmwhv. B-iven that: hn'in(r Inst' th t i r - ' r tv V " 'w -'-V- . Tv."". wrrt aaiu reuiion.or - , cernncate lor r my onaros oi oioca. m iae ianx i inai it win be taken as confessed bv him and heard cf Cape FeartpaaiiViXbe'isada; : r V,'f.':v Sector and Company of stfci rank at tile ex- -Witness, RicBaVa P;Ffnen. Clerk efosald Cri fTATEcf IScrtXi Carolina HYDE fcCOUNTY-rJohn B. Smith ye John Spencer n Equity. .--V '?-V:V ; , It appearing to the satisfaction of ; the Court lb" John Spencer is not i Wdent of thetate aforesaid, it is ordered tliat publication be made in the Rab-igh RMrutcr far'air enreeseive iWeeks: for the. defendant and tAaoA mrarror demur to this cause, or ludcmeut vroeorifetso will bo taken against him and the causa . r - . - -. i ..-.. il: s- .l MarUndale, of Kaleieh, iri the County of . Wuker hay wny me sain justm Mamnaaie oe not uecjareu, oancrupi. pursuant tome ACtotuongresa on ioai oe- I r 1 niiJ-rairTrt Court n BankruDtcv at vV ST'T L TnlS' ?SPt?5 Cfaamberajn Fayet'eviUe, March 8thl842.--rhom. 1 1 m at 1 m w as am, 'araM 1 a n a n 1 ni Jiii 1 UBmDr, m "Jel ' rr;' . .::r m, ' ':flr4 ; ' 7 r-" - yjl'j ' -y-' ZrXZS-u; . . v thmmiA Thftm - Gan fee notdeclarw , - .ii : - - 1 ... - f -. cu.a iJBMJH,riipi uurvuaiiii,u iw fA vi vuiigivo tnai oenaji. anoi mai utunouce oe puDitsueu in.uw Weeklt 'Raleigh Register," four weeks : in auccepsion. , of Court iu Bankruptcy. March U. 22 'W4w .fTTJi IT ED STATES NORTH CAROLINA M l DiSTRICTDis-raicT Court, tir Biricaup-r ct, a Chambers in Fayeilevillc', ' March 5 A, 1842. Henry (X Ennis, of Johnrton' County,' having this 'day filed a Petition, duly verified, praying that he may W declared a Bankrupt ; it is thereupon ordered by the L'Ourt, that cause be shown before the Court, at iNew. ber0t on the foiuth Monday in April next, why the r-tqis notice be publwhed in the weekly' Kaleigh Kegis- -r.... . u ... : ,n.: v.'-V VH. H.fPOTvX-ER,l . t'j'x.' ti Acting Clerk of CouiUn Bankruptcy. , March 10.1 . . r,--;- - . , 2t w4w UTTWrrEnSTATES - ORTH CAROLINA IJJ JJiai'Kll7l-lJlSTBICt,L;oUB.TlWlJAKKRUPT- ex, Chambers, in , Fayettevilk, March WhK 1842. Eusra Habrtsoit, of Johnston County, having this day filed a Petition, duly verified praying that he may be declared a Bankrupt i It is thereupon ordered by the Court; that cauxe be shown before the Cbuit at New- bera. on the fourth Monday of April next why the said Elisha HarrUon be not declared a Bankrupt, pursuant to tne Act of Congress in that behalf ; and that thia .J5JZzP weeU? HVH. POTTER, "t - POTTER, Acting Clerk of Court, in Bankruptcy ; March 10. 21 w4w Mnnnnctimrc wnnTUti i fnr tu i UiDlSTRICT-DisTBirr Court tv BAsaRurr- ct,o suamucratm uyciicvme, luarcn oui, tot. Etrxlvrxd Nichols of Johnston County, having this day filed a Petition, doly verified, praying that he mar he declared V Bankrupt ;rit is thereupon ordered by the Court, that cause he shown before the Court, at Newbern, on the fourth Monday in April next, why the said E the Wred Nichols be not declared a Bank rupU pursuant to .the Act of Congress, in that behalf ; and that this notice be published in the weekly Ral eigh Register, lour weeks in succession.- - v- 1 , X , r - H. H POTTER, ' -! - ' Acting Clerk of Court, in Bankruptcy; ' March 10, C " - " - I- - "2lw4w TTTIilT , IM jjA ejat Cha TTTlinTEO STATES NORTH CAROLS DISTRICT. ' -District Court in Bankrupt Chambers. In Favetteville. Fbruarv 23. 1842 ... T T . - . .f iM.. n u :. tbjgday filed petition duly verified, praying that he may aeciared a bankrupt; it is thereupon onlered by iheUoart, that cause "be-shonn before the Court, :at Newbern,' on the fourth Monday .of April next, why the said William U. Bagwell be not declared a bank rapt pursuant to the Act of Congress in that behalf, and that notice be published in the Weekly Kaleigh Register, four week in succession. H.' H. POTTER, AcUng Clerk S , of Court in Bankruptcy, UMarch' 1; 1842. " - W : - 18 w4w TTTNITED . STATES NORTH CAROLINA UJ. DISTRICT. District Court in Bankruptcy, at Chambers, in rayeUeville, February 24th 1842,' John S, Powell f Johnston having on the eighteenih day of February, filed a petition duly verified; prayingtbat he may .be declared a "bankrupt it is thereupon Or dered by the Coort, thai cause be shown before the Court, at Newbern, on ' the fourth Monday in April n'exf, why the said John S. Powellbe not declared a bankrupt pursuant to the Act of Congress in that b. half? and thatthis notice be published in the Weeklv I Raleigh Register, four weeks in succession. v J , ' - ' Hi H. POTTER, ' ; :u ' ; . t' .'"Artjng Clerk of Court InT Bankruptcy ' -March 3, -1842. - 19 w4w TTTNITED STATES NORTHCAROLINA UJ DISTRICT. . District Court iri Bankruptcy at Chambers, in ray etteville; February 23, 1842. Si iAS Btei.ow of Raleigh, in the County of Wake, ha - ing on the fifiermh (Jay of February filed a Petition July verified, praying thst he may be declared a i iMmuropt, it s ihoieupon ordered by 4he Court, that I foarth Monday of April next, why the said Silas Bi- f0nnn Monday low be pot deel 0fConBrein ftoUlisb8ej in declared a bankrupt, pursuant to the Act that behalf; and that this ' notice be published in the Weekly Raleigh Regiafer,' weeks in saccessi.n. H.H.- POTTER, -Acttng'Ctetk of Couri in Pankrdptcy.4 -L Marctr i; ,1842. -' r . 4,-- y f ; - 1 9 w4wV" TTTNITED ST ATESlNORTHCAROLINA UJ DISTRICT.,. District Court In Bankruptcy, at Chftmhera in ; Vaptiill,: Fabrnarv : 2fith '1842.' I Augustus W Stevens of Johnston -county, having on 1 the nineteenth day of- February, filed ti pelhion dOly J verified praying that: he may be declared a bankrupt, 1 1 it ja thereupon AJraereu oy me; rouri, shown before, the7. Court at Newbern. on' the fourth Monday in April, next, "Why the said Augustus Wi Stevens be not declared bankrupt pursuant to the Act r t . I .U . -1 . itiifr f1MHiktH4 'tui hnk.i ui uuiims ui mat utuuh wiu inn iuuiivi'i": lished in theWTekly Raleigh, Register four weeks in? succession. . t-, . - n. n, ru j i r.K, v - A ' J.;, CUrig ViCrs. ui vhi.uiuim iwiiMupwjt 1 ; March 3.1842. V " V' 19-w4w tsit of IVorth Carolina. Wake Co un- Superior Court of Law; Fall Term,.; 1841. ; - ' r s.-vroiine Henry S. HilL Petition for Divorce'? t Th'e 8heriff having returned npon the 8ubpbienaa that have issued in this Case that " the" Defendant is net to be fuarrd,' and proclamation navhig been blade lor xum accoruingf to law j n is ordered- that Adver risement be made according ta Act of Assembly for let Office the Rrt M onffi a uAn-i..'.r T'iTTr.TFVV" W.nW. t-V- .. J.- .- J Welt 30.000 Dollars TIRGINfA MONONGALIA LOTTERY; : " V: - . - Class- D for. 1 842. - i -i; 5 To be drawn at Alexandria, Val on Saturday,'1 March if : ----"26ih,i842.;r0 z."y - : T; BKlLMANT.SCHEJtE. ; . : 5: 1 DollarsNeU,0,p00DpUar3. 1 1.7G4 UOllarS lxetl lu.uuw ;uuara. I pri2e of - -a76.00Q 1 'i?flC ,2,500 I'-do ; 60; do i' do . 3,000 .vX,000 s Tickets only $10 Halves $5-Quartera $2 60.r, Certificates of Package of 25 Whole Tickets $130 DaJ - do ' . - 25 Half r'rv. da - , 65 ":' -Do :-c;"'do , : 25 Quarter do 4 :33 .' r For Tickets and Shares or Certificates of Pack- ages m the atove spienaiaijouenes, auurea r. G. GREGORY & Co Mcmagert.' r' . . .P" Washington City, D. C: tr The Drawings will be sent to all who order as above. as isoon aa over. ;x - r fa : t: mAp.Dr,r.MnQ i - i , , 1 1 U A KD Hi JX Hi 1. v . - . Vj IMPORTED GARDEN SEED. 9 U - ' ' : PTHHE -Subfcrilier has just received a large supply JJ of Imported Garden Seed, which are warranted I r resn anu uenumc , iw jhuui ui wuivu w i in the trial. S He invites uardeners, and tne puDiic in eenerai; to call and examine, as these seed will be dis posetl, of on very low terms, for - cash, or to punctual customers.'" " " ' ; Among them will be found the following, viz t Pkas Ebditb. Early Six Week, Green Curled. White, Scotch Kale, Rape - - " ' ' Obiok. ' White Silver Skin, : Bu'ton White and Red. Sq,itash. f, I Early.Bosh. v , . . " Ckjuxrt. - White Solid. . , SpIH A0K. Large Dutch. v --.. r Pabslbt. Curled,; Double, . - .j - " .-". TuRiriB. "v Large Norfolk, ' , " ' White. "' , '. ! Cabbot., Large Orange. CrjCVMBXB. . Early France, Long Green, , , Early Cluster, " Gherkin. V"" Bbocoli. : Purple Cap, : - . Whiter do. v CBE88. , True Water.': " Tomato. Large Red.', . ; v ' 1 StJKDBIXS. Salitify, . - , Asparagus, . . , Nasturtium. 1 , Caclit tOWXR. ' Early and Late. Charlton. - J--, Hotspur, r ranee,---. J Washington, Dwarf Marrowfat.' --, Bras8 or Sxajps, Early Six Week, - White Kidney Uwart, Red Speckled, i . V , White Butter Beans, China Dwarf, . ellow ditto, , . White Lima. . . Cabbage. . - Early York, :, bugarloaf, . t- Battersea, ' Red Dutch or Purple, Large Late Drumhead, " ' ; Flat Dutch, .York," ' Battersea, - Savoy, ( - Bergen. T-'s. BlKT . Early Tornip - Long Blood, - ; Mangel' Wnrtzel,. Sugar Beet. Radish. . Long Scarlet.. White Turnip, . Early France, ' Red Turnip,' : ' ' : j . LltTTOC B. : Brown Dutch, Large Curled, . Green Cross. ' --. February 15. - ' N. L. STITH. "DISEASE A IJJJIT Impurity of the BLOOD the only Disease ri n OW simple, yet how wise," how good and beau Uij tifulare all the laws of nature? r Simplicity and truth are stamped upon every law of the creation The mighty worlds which roll in space in every de gree of velocity and direction are all governed by at traction of matter to matter. . This principle governs the human body. Brandreth V 'Vegetable Uni versal Pills, attract all impurities of the blood to the bowels, which organ expels them from the body. At traction and disease are loth units. All accidents or infections only; affect the sbody in ' proportion aa they occasion impurity of the blood. . :.v - ; The bowels for instance are costive this most im portant organ ' in -closed the : consequence is a great accumulation of impurities, which, aa they cannot get out by their - usual pasnage, are forced into the blood, occasioning impurity of blood. iTh us Fevers, Che I. ic,' Rheumatitm Coughs, and Culda are often pro duced.tr But let Brandreth's Pills be used in such do ses as will effectually evacuate the bowels, and health is restored at once." '--V- V," . - The unworthy have counterfeited tbe Doctor's Me-' dictne so extensively, that his travelling Agent is now taking in all the old boxes, and putting new ones of a different figure, with 25 Pills in their place. ; Some are just received at WILLIAM PECK'S Office, ' Kaleigh. March. 1, 18 42. ' tV : 18 ly hi BLACK LEAD MINE FOR .SALE. One .of the .richest Mines of Plumbago, or Black ead, in the world, is now offered for sale. ' A per son well acquainted with ' the manner of gelling the Jbeau. nut,oulq make a tortune directly.- it. is situa ted within five miles of this City, from whence there is almost a continuous line of Rail Road to - Boston, Apply at this Office. 'V .... Jan. 1 1842. FT AMD FOR SA14C. The Subscriber will It J sell: on arrommodatinflr term, a Tract of un- cteared Land. Ivinsr within 3 or 4 miles ofRaJeigh. The Land adjoins A Judge Saunders, Major Collins, William ' H ill. Esq. and others. ? it ia nneiy ummw With Oak, Hickory and Pine, and contains 140 Acres. i Also, another Tract of 100 Acres on Barton's Greek, in Bight of Tipper' Cross Roads. t ''-'" "i J V. u rC WESTON vR. GALES.- 'Raleigh, March 7. -': ' ' -- 1" vOTICE. .'lV.;' BTTIHE subscriber having at the February Sessions y . A. D. 1842 of the Court of . Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the County of Wake qualified aa Execa- tor to the last Will anu lesiament oi jonn ougg ae- ceased, hereby1 giveg ; notice- to : all Arsons having debts, claims, or demands against the said JohrvSogs deceased, to present them to him for payment proper ly autheatfeated, within the time prescrilied by law,' otnerwise ioib duiikb wtti uo .jieuu iu imt ui ;iueir re covery ; and those : indebted ; to bis said Testator are requested to make immediate payment;' t-V" ZV'';?':i-l' O. SUGG, Executor. -v Raleigh; : March 7? 1842. . e:' " ' 20 fc TVTOTICETO Bim.DEUS.Havmg two JLN : flf8t ra8 Bncklayers and Plasterers, . (formerly belonging to Henry Gorman, deed';,) and Well known throughout the City of Kaleigh to be auch: I how ef.f ferto undertake Bricklaying and Plastering; -4y the y ara or joo j iiiose wuming to nave work done,' would TFTNITE P 8TATES-N 0RTH CAROLIN A UJ DISTRICT,, District Court In Bankruptcy, at Chembersin Fay etteville, March. 9th, 1842. -Jo at Gatrristof Johnston County.' having this day filed a. Petition, duly verified, praying'that he may, be de clared a bankrupt,, it is" thereupon -- ordered by "the Court, that cause be shown before tha Court at New berri, on Ihe fourth Monday in A pril next, why the said Joel GrUSs be not declared a bankrupt; pursuant to the: Act of JConeress Jn that behalfe and that this notice be published m the WeeklyRafeigh Register, fourweeka in succession. ' ' - t'i k ' t . -H.' Hi- POTTEK,- Actiog CTeTk ' - ' cr of- Court In- BankruDtcv. - do well, by calling on the subscriber,' at Kaleigbif l 'P A ''' : " '" -E. ' E. HARRIS-.: December J0, 1841.' --V - 1 w3m y - Ujo,,' j.aCHRito(i, for eenara purposes taereia menuanea, a im v r-y , - (he House and Lot now XJhrtf anaers; being immediately in the rear of the Cape Fe; f . Bank, at the corner of Wilmington and Dane sti jsts end Known anu uewg- nated in the plan of the O iy a? part ot l-oi numir 8 1 1 togerhef with alt the kproeementa. thereon. .; AU so, pari ot.ijot iio. oy.i- ujy"".8.. street, with the Corn hoq. &c, thereon. A too one fourth part of 11' numb. 175, pet 1 adjoining Lot ! owned bv Bryan Buffiloei Also three Negroes; Jim, 1 Tenerand PompeyrAIfc roneTfetferit ;t6getherwith: all the Household and Kif hea Furniture .pf the eaid Christophers.- ? r; ''v'-vrv . ;The Dwelling ia" a . two- rtory House with a shed, and contains six largo . sri t .convenient Rooms,, each l ha vine a fire-place, and is! shaded by a number ot nn6 Tees. ' Tne mtcnen is n- w targe sou wencpiruc ted; and the otherouthrtses?re in good i repair There is also in Iheyard ?Vell,ofthe best wa.er in the City.'Onhe same It, there is an.Uthce xon Uining three Rooma.wnl a will be sold either swuhv the Dwelling house or se irately.; Thia prpperty,be- ine situated in the heart K4he City,' nieasant nefehborbood, at I within a stone's tlirow ofi Court House; xi. a Ums tion tcullariy desirable for eenUeman of the'legal t .'ofessionU-s The Furniture i mostly new and of a t erior quality The uegis gM characters and 'cr tnprise an,.excellent . Cook and a good Tanner and ttrrier. . . V ' - ;n A ,The terms of saleere a icojpmodating, and will be milliA known' on the Jar f f fl "; ; Persona wisbinirMo fcfcjge; n the mc&n tii .'; can toako .proposals to tQC gUbatriber fir i - WHjLJ lM J CLARK Trustee, r Raleigh, Marcfc 3," 1 84 td 19-U O TATE Or iN,OKU-S UAUULIIM A. Franklin Fall Term XD County, Superior ( purl of Equity. 1841. Joseph Kearney, Comphunanr, John J. Goodloe, Rol l .H. Goodloe, Theodore H: Goodloe, John R.Hendi sand Mary H. his wife, Dab- ney M. Goodloe. and ' Ad line, Goodloe, hie wile, Aitil la Williams. widow of hard ; Williams and Nancy Bulloch, Henry vBuIlocf ? Mery Bulloch, and James Rnl loch, the last foQ of i ihom - are " infants .under 'the age of twenty-one years nd are the children and heirs of Julia A." Bulloch, dee srd: Defendants,1. - 2 ' -f Bill-fori ale cf'-Land. v It appearing to the sal sfaction of the Court, that all ih iletenii.nia in the aW ire cause are non residents: It is therefore ordered by the uourt tnat puDitcatian oe . ' I - 1- . . . I I' 'It'll l made, for three months ! d the Kaleigh Kegister, that the said defendants app ir at the next Superior Court of Equity to be held for the . County of - Franklin at the Court-house in Louf ibhrg on the 2d Monday af- rter the 4th' Monday, in , Jarch next, then and there to plead, answer or dmur Jr the said : Bill, filed against them, otherwise the saB will be heard and judgment ore eonfuso entered adihst ' tbcm and decree made accordindy." - ' iV: J " t ? . Witness, Samuel J mpn; Clerk- and Master ot a - -a ' j . . a Aft ft-? ' 1 our saiuuourt ot x.qu y at umce, ,ine ,.a xnoauay aner ine m monoay j, aepiemoer ioi. :.'-, : r - -i PKAdv. $10." .".8 AWL. JOHNSTON,' C W B. 3 tale or IVorlh Carolina;-Wake Coun ty. Superior Co-rt of .Law, Fall Tjerm, 1841 --Henry w.'M ,uer, Assignee, c J; 1 W. H. Southall af idataUence VS. SouthalL Original Attachmtf levied onr W; H, Southall and Patience WvSoutl Ufa right in the tract of Lod on which P. W. SowJSatl recently lesided near En field, adjoining the law of Levi Beemao, M. C, Whit- aker and others.: if - - ' ' J ' It appearing to the allMaction cf the Court that the Defendants in ihiscael (' W,i H. SouthalJ and Patience W; Southall, are not i isidents of thia Slate ; it is or dered, therefore, that p iblication be made in theRaU eiffh Reeister lor 'x tveeks' successively; notifying them to appear at .jr. Mt Superior Court of Law to be held for said Count jr. al ine Court Hoose in Ral eigh on the first Moul ly after the fourth Monday ol March next; them amLtbere to replevy or plead to is sue; or Judgment fina ?vSl lw entered against thtm". aqd the land levied ' ftp condemned to 'satisfy the Plaintiff's demand. I-1 : ttv. - - Witness, Richard ! P.; " Finch, Clerk of our said Court at office, the fir Monday after the fourth Mpn day of September, 184 U- , . r i p FINCH, C. S. C, Pr. of Adv. $5 62$ " : 1T ATE OFNI'HTH-CAROLINA, Wakb kSl Co rjiriT. Court il EauitVrFall Term, 1841. erm, 18 others, ,r Jr Tigual Jones; 1 rancu i Jones and othei e. Betay tLeathera,, wife? of William Leathers ; James . Newbern and wFf: Martha ; William Allen and : wife Ann; Thtw. t f. SCarbroogh and wife Mary, ; TAugustua Hunted t jrd wife Maqa, ; James A. Wad- dell and wife Margj let i Franklin Douglas Hodges and wife Ann V. . , " t' 1 Petitiai to teU,Land.. -V'lt appearing to lhef Ulisfadion of the Court that the above Defendants! reside without the limits of this Stale, on motion. 'it ii ordered, that advertisement be made for six weeks si 'teessiveiy in jbe Raleigh Re gister, for' them to aptear at the next Term of , this Court, to be held at He Court-house in the Cjty 9f Raleigh, on the first tfondy after the fourth Monday in March ,next, thei'4nd there -to plead, answer or demur to the said Pefnion : otherwise, th cause will be heard ex parte, an I Judgment jfro awfesap enter ed againbt them. 1 ' - , '--' ' Witness, Perrirt . H B uabVe Clerk, and Master"; in miisaid Court of Eomvi at Office, first-Monday af ter the 4th Monday f f SefHember; 1841. Jy v PJSttlalv H. BysBEE, C. AT. E. -. December 2, 1841m- . -99v6t- Office of Hcljatant General i Ra iian,' March' 12,1842. .Tt rt A HERE AS. arteancv bavin ar recently occur- V V re n tbe S qf Major General of the Sev enth Division of No h . Carolina Militia, to fill wBich an election baabeenj ie,d according to Act of Assem bly, in such cases m ide and prdvidedVant ;it"ap pearingj from the rei rn of- votes made to me that Dab i sx, Si Cr saf , W resci ved the highest number of totes for. said of fee "of- Major; Geeralrend is duly elected therein I hive officially made known the same to Hi; Ejl sejleicy, John, .M-Mprehead Governor of the Slat I, who has issued e Commission accordingly, Noiic jisiberehy given, according ,to the TPqutrementa of i 1 ih section of the .73d chap-' ter of the Revised -states; that the said Daniel S. Crenshaw is duly cWjniasionedas- Major , General of theSevenlh Dinf North CarolinaMjiilia, and as such, all ofiifcriv and soldiers, are required to yield him their re a dxil e nee .' ' . H " V " ROBtSIlTW, HAYWQOD, -7 'Adjutant Meneral." ' March-15 18-12, TT TJST-. RECEI5 iUD ' at the North Caroling Boot 91 Ktore. Cheap 8 dt; No. 1 , a fresh supply of Uar nxx Saxna of all kii d Also, Orchard Gras?; white and red Clover, blur Grass and L.ucerne oeeos..; RaielfjQ, IH1j. -.21 r CI HE WIN U I OWAOCO Justtjeceived, on U ' J cohaienment,! toxea iofTbomaa; Roanoke Tobacco, and for tfttf- at the North; Carolina Book Store, at a low rrrii hrf' - To those who liWil ehew.good Tobacco,: We eay i call and examine Tiliirjaa Honey, Dew .trhicttLroaT be had, by the plua; oi by the boi, -the North Cat rolina Bo. etore.' ?XU K JSK fcMi UGHES.; Raleigh; Feb: C pNW COftBESrr.Plain brown Silkj VlJNice' figured Muslins in variety : Striped.'Check- Edgings Woflaetfa Morocco and Cloth Shoes ; Mefl uv oou cfutHMeo v.igii&uis , pioe ana tea common Checks ; Cotton Flinei variety of Bobbinetts ; Foot lags; Inserting Triaimings; Laces of different kinds i Terk , Tbe price, etwbf tbtwi Good. are. offered ptcyrJnotbutenaurfaaleJB ,i.f,.'. t' ,-vr 1 riZSutlicyrcrilr V Will niake the present i .Season of IScemmen ., einff the ' first:, day of March;' at my Stabfe iRaleigh; at Ew'd- Prices; in Johnston county; and af Eagle Rock, and will be at earhratand every ninth day,Vunks8 on public day whieh will be Teserved lorexhibUirig hiraKi HeWilf be let jto mares at eight dollars ihe scjason, and twelve. tloara to insure a mace to.be in fbal ; the season mo ney to be paid within ibe.eeason,.and the insurance when the . mare is ascertained to be. in foal, or parted wiihvFifty icenu W the groomM ares from adis- Unce will recei ve good attention, aa every preparauoji; necessary has been provided s Pasturage gratis and tfrt nnmi urain ar inrenivnvs cenis uer.uv.i.ji It Rutherford la six years Old iniJune , His eot ia a deep red sorrel. He is. Upwards of.fie.feet two inch es histhr and withal a; horse Nof superior activity Those wishincr to paUonize thia horse will be assured thy!!are bre'ediog from i through-bred stockfhorse uoon terms more- moderate- than ever .Known.??, xie has nroven himself to. be a euro fbal-cetter; 4 5' PEDIGR Efe. Tt Rutherford was sired by YeSman-, the imported Ara bian ; dam by, Wabhington,a son of the distinguished race norse anu ioat-gfiter i imoieon ; ner-oara uj-uiu Sir AVchyV her grand dam was by Hstch's Gray Dio-; med, and he by old imported eorrel Dtomed ; hisdarrt by old Flag-of Truce, Mead s Pilgrim t Imported Ja nus; imported Valiant, imported Jolly Roger, import ed Sharker imported Sober John ; gteat. grand dam by ' imported Dare, Devil ;; g. g. g. dam- by imported ShtrkeV -: "XlS -WM. Fi COLLINS.v February -25, 1842. . ; r , k M wlm IlIARIOJVak The Sire pfJohn Bloun,r.Cy- mon: Virginia.Cary, MariatWesC dam of Waggoner and r anny, ,Misa Belt. Z AV i Francis MarionT 8asan Lindsey, American .Citizen: and other winners, having recently arrived from Alabama, 'wi!l v stand at my Pngh Plantation, (in Northampion County, JN..C". fi vemilea below; G aston, -fifteen -miles from Belheiq sixteen, to the town of; Halifax; sateen to Jackson and twentv-hve to warrenton, and vwui , renoer ser vice at SsyssTY Fivs 'DoiXABs ; one Dollar caA to the Groom' in every instance'. Good . and extensive pasturage.1 with v fine water - sream,flTa;iMare well fed at forty cents perday; ; Every precaution wil bility for either. r : . ' r ' ' r w . ' 1 MARION has never served more than tw enty-fi v thorough-bred Mares, whilst other distinguished Stal lions have hard their 50 or 60 a season- The dams of John Blount, Cy mon Virginia.' Qary Mwa Bett, Z A, Fances Marion American Citizen, and -Maria Westwere aent tO vdUUnguished Stallions, yet the above, named Race Horses;- by Marion, ' Were; Jthe best Coks of their' produce jand whenever M good Mare is sent to himbe ia sure to eet a Race Horse of the' first water, : Eight thousand dollars haebeen pt?' fered fir Blount- heavy sum tor cymon xony-nve hundr-d for Francis Marion Z A sold fot two thous and du.rara ; Susan Lindsay for fourteen hundred dol lars. "Think of that'Master Brook " end patronize Marion: T ;J0HN M..MOODYv Mount Forest.Ti'orthkmpton Co'7 f-mji7 , March 10; 1842 . ' - t 5-- " REWARD; Stolen from the Subscriber; on Tuesday night the 15th inst. an iron-grey HORSEi twelve years old, 1 hands high,shod ail round; , in, good order,., with. --tolerable short, JaiL having been docked when a colt ; some white spots on Ibis back, caused by the saddle V 'a good deal windgaU leu-; one OI nis uinu pusiernv-juinu is larger- uiau uo other. I believe the left ; his head and heck are much erever than his bind parts ; trota altogethenrf The vil lain stole at the 8ame time an ld Saddle, with the seat torn, two Bridles and Jwq Saddle Blankets. , One of the B rid lea is a, twisted wire bit, nearly new the o her an oldcurhl' ' , ' t s- ' I have no idea Who the ' thief is, but believe it is some travelling ecampu lr 'rs ' I will give a liberal- reward for the recovery of the Horse, and twenty -five dollars -for ihe detection, and. conviction of the thiefr :t , . - ' "Any information of the Horse will be thankfully re ceived by me. , ALFRED BROWER; ? Address Brower'a Mills, Randolph Couttty, N, tX Feb,'26." - vV . .y'' 203ws - Seventy-Fire Dollar Reward, '' ITTi AN AWAY from the subscriber about the, 15th, Ifh. of February last, his roaa-W ASHivoTby.'svbo ' ui. : i i-Ji " . c. : oe -rl5-. is a very uaeiy leuuw, iruuv o w oi jcuii in jjc, iu complexion very, black and sleek, teeth' while, tn sta- lue about o ieei nine or ten incnes, siraignr anaweii formed fn person, though very eltghtly taclined-to be how-legged, weighs about 150. or ,160 lhy ha been house servant, barber, and carriage driver All bis life, disposed, to dress dashinglyand bejrery gc-ntee in uia uciiieaiiur in geueiiu. us waaia.avii in mo oiuue family of Martin County and jvas purchased of Mr. A. Moer some 15 years since. I am disposed to think he has, or will attemnf, to make bis war to the North; haying understood that ho had. purchased or other-j wise obtained ajers from some free negro.i If such, is"t he case he will most probably assume the -hame of Stadeor Maer. : I will gt ve $75 for. his apprehen- sion and sale detention, if taken beyond the limit Of the State, and $5ff if taken within the 8laieV?fT 1 V : J JOSEPHS. G. ROULHAG., Windsor.N. C Jan. 20, 1842; " ':;,fcW3m" Y THIS ; beautiful andthnrough-bfed. Stallion will stand the enauins Season at my Stable. 8 mi lea Sonth'of Ralei-rh- . ana ar Kaleigh.-; I be season will com mence on; the first of March.' and terrain nate on the first of July. - MECZARE will be let to !Marea atf 120 the Season, and $30 to Jnsuie For particulars Hsee large hand, bills.-. . , " .-." Feb" 10,1842. -r-r - v V14? TTKISSOXDTJON.- The co-partnership heretoC L 1 fore existing Under the firm of EHALL & Co. was this day dissolved by mutual" consent. A irper- sons.baving ciaima against the firm will please pre sent them tor adjusiment, nd those itidehted, are ear nestly requested r come forward and make, payment; as we are anxious to close ouBookav-. s', -;-l "033 ,e 'K -V, EVERARD.HALL, . , i- , ' : JAMES T. AT.FRIF.NlV Having purchased the entire stock of : HALL-dc CO, will continue the"bu8iness at the Kew Store, ohe PRITATE EOTERTAIJIITXEBiT,4 ;f THE subscriber has "opened a House 1 1 1 1 1 7 wbcre he wUUm happy to accommodate ' " ihia old friends.v'vHe will be able to board forty, or fifty todenta; by the month or year, on tea sonabl5terms arid his table' shall be- furnished with the bestthe coun try lords'. He respectf ally solicUa aahare of public patronageri-f'5'' ;'J- ? 's '-"-." JAMES NDTTALI.' Decemnerr'1ff,'J84i; 's l 02 r t : DRUGS, MEDICINES; HJr: 'PAINTS, nil. s - nvR btiipph i .CHEMICALS S URGlCALraSTRUMENTS, ; tPE.BFUMEU.Y4, Shtiko and Fakct SOAPS, - 1 W GLAS9t;of airtizea; EGARS-r . - - - V wi a vf JhSV w a ft a 4 CHEWING TOBACCO, and all kinds of SNUFF. T- One door above W & A. BrvnTtT January ,i r. ,ior nr . SS39S. door above B B; femtth where -he respectfully; soli cits a share of public patronage." t r c -HM.rch;7, .1842., .CV'J 2110 TU' IRON NAJL8 ceiveot Jj: ' fc-A . ; JVVILL? PECK - V''"' M' RALEIGH .ANDfCrASTON w-i?r -5, 'C ITTmiiriZateiKh ana Gaston i U : Road conriectsvwith the Greensville and R0l noke Kail Koad at uauon.on the Koanuke river hL i. iii nvau -cumicv wuu? uia .cirauurg itaii near Bellfield ?. Passengers' travelfing South, accordin to ? the Winter arrangement ' leave Washinwftn j.:i? . at 6 A M," arrive ht Petersburg by 7 P M same da anTat Raleigh Ti O by 4 J P. M next day; 'The fotkiwin? Staee Lines branch off from .',! in connection Jwitb the Trains: on '-the' Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, to' wit J - -1 u From Ridgeway Depot, to Boy dton, Va back line three times a week ; leave's Ridgeway. on Tuesdir Thursdays and Saturdays. J U ' )h i Henderjon Depot tt Milton via Oxford, hack line three liinei a week leaves Henderson on Momlaj,' Wednesdays and Fiidaya. , jil,: - ' , Baleigh to Greensborough; . Salisbury, Salem,'4c, vta Chapel Hill, and Htllsborougii four horse Pott Coaches, daily leaves Kaleigh every way, soon after the arrival of the Cars, ay about fi P M. - f Raleigh to Salisbury via Pittsbdro' end Ashboro'-- uavk line, inits nni, icaio xiaicigu un n eantS dava and Saturdays at 8 A Ml T. :' Raleigh to Goldsbbro, on the WifmtDgton Railroad four horse Post Coaches, three times a week leaves Kaleigh on Mondays, .Wednesday a and Saturdays. Raleigh tQ FayeUeville,Qheraw, Camden, .&c 8 auperior hack line, daily leave? Raleigh every day ter the arrival of the Oars! "' , V.rrom ureensborviivs there va a stge tune ron riing tri weekly; via,' Salem JS Cjio',Wythe C H Va. and thence to JCnoxville, Tennessee.:, , From Salisbury there are two lines of States ron. nlng lri-weekly ; "one eta. Lincolnton, Rutherfordton and Ashe ville, N C to Knox ville Tennessee ; the oth er via Charlotte, York and Abbeville', S O to Milledga. vllle. Gea.,"t"--'--',r -.'i'' . - stravellinnr'- Soutli'by the way oi the Raleigh and Gasloh Railroad, ' Should be carelol not to pay or procure Uckeu further than to PeteraburgVV a,? . : " C5 A'Traio of Cars leave the. Depot in Raleigh, daily; for Petersburg at' ID A M, arrive in Raleigh frem Petersburg, at rJM Raleigh and Gaston Uail Road Office, tr. ' March' 101842. 5 21 w6w nTHE wonderful cores eflected bythis medicine 4 Jlr:re the ell engrossing subjecU of (he day. Go 'where yon will, and you hear of nothing but Mr. Soche one:.who1baa been cured by, Drfc;Petera'. Vege table Pills ort you know Mrs. So and. So was at the point of death, but she bad been cured by Vr Peter? Pills ; or, are you? not' glad that ' Miss -has been restored to health by Dr. PeterV wondrous Medicine. .' Really, this medicine most be very good, or it could not cbre. so many.; It is good - For -many years it. has passed on in the h even tenor ofjta way," coring bundreda of persons who were wrangling with death But' now its onward course is impetuous. It la aa impossipleto stay the demand for this med icine, as to hush to rushing wind. ; A life medicine that will? procrastinate death for many years, shall it not enter every bouse ? Shall it not be used, by every,, individual J 4 Let no man mj, I don't want iu You know not what to-morrow mij .bring mr th A II should vueVthig? remedy and re member the health is the first lileesing from God. . The.immense and increasing popularity of these Pills, is another proofof the infallibility of the old edaze. that " truth is powerful and will DrevaH." Oth er Pills are only puffed, hut Dr. Peters's are purchased and praised and recommended until the demand for them has become almost universal. . ' iv Jit. Peters would Impress this fact npon the public, that his Puls are not quack medicine ; but a scientific compound of simples, which has been the result of ma ny years intense application to a profession' in which he was regularly bred ; hence it fa as popular with the regular taculty as with the people at large.' ' One of the many peculiar virtues of the Vegetable Pills ivthat while very - powerfnl in their effects, they are particularly mild end -.gentle in their action, Unuke the generality of medicine, their application u neverattended with nausea or griping. V Peters'e Vegetable Pills are now regarded by those wuo uave nau an opponaniiy o aecuie upon uieir wo rits, as an inestimable public blessing, rf-5 Without an exception in any, age or country, no me dicine has spread with such rapidity and .given suet vnr-AMaI aat!cTat4iAVt ' .w v V. f - t . uiJiroai ootwnvwii'r; 'V. - t. . ( rrr The above PHU are for sale in the City of Ei leighl by MessnCrWiiitAHS & Hatwoo'b? aol NL, STTTTR and in Fayetteville by E. Jr Haw, at New vYorlL prices,- -l . - v j'fii I ' rmTANTED A SITfJATION AS A TEACH- y ; ER. A Graduate of a popular New Ensr- land College desires a situation as ' Teacher in aa Academy; or a Tutor in a private family. Testimo nials of the pighetst character canoe produced; among which, is the following, from a noted Teacher in this This u to certify that r have examined Mr. John Hubbard, (a regular Graduate of Dartmouth Coll-ge in the Latin, Greek,-Engl'tsh Languages, Mathemw ics,&e, and I consider him as welt qualified to $ inatruciKJu ju lue usual orancDes laagoi in cut tnies, as w find ? young men. frprrHjollege. I have good teason. to believe Mr. Hubbard a' moral and cor- rect young marr; from' the short acquaintance I ha nad with binul?' JONATHAN SMITH", - i i j.;, ; J .,;v - 1 eacher in Petursburg. .xOthet testimonials canie 'produced from highly respectablemeri at the North; both in regard to cha racter and "qualification. r V' Ieferen'cct.-Z Jonathan Smithr Re. Mr. Leaven worth and Dr. Beck with, of Petdrsburg. -1 Addrese-JOHN HUEDARp, Petersburg, Va ;rMa'ich'5rt 1843. l ? , 20-4t. Hr "TOTIClThe sbbtewish to purchs jNj "n or two thousand tbushela of clean FU Weed, for which (hd hfgbest market price will be gi enalsoV-a. few hundred buahcla oX;Paim Chritt Castor bean j they also twish to encage two or thre thousand bushels of sound Cotton Seed to be delif . edit their Mills on WcuseTliver;-ncar Rogers" liridg "or at any Gju wuhiri four : or five' miles. Apply Ihe'aubscribergrin Raleieh January 2$. 1842.: ' 8 tf A fVli;ATEACnEIllr'A5TED. 54 TEACH Ecapabfe of reaching the EngUj Bfanchea (tfsualiy taugMmk; Academies,) gether with' the Greek, and who r can come well nj omroended, would find situation in:Jtertie,CountJ at Oak Grove Academy, aboutvtwo mjles Iroro VVi aor," Address Mr. Thoroaa C.Watson, or tbe seriber. -Windsor, J. C. . o.-'-i. : JONATHAN 8. TAYLOE. February 8, 4842. ;.y.l8-6w TmXECUT6RSN0TlCE-The: i&ufafc U2i having qualified as Executors of tbe last vm and Testament of JosEfBrGAtxs deceased, lwr, thia Cilyrgivenofice"to air persona indebted w1 Estate of Mid deceaeedto make Tmrnediate payrop Andthose having demands against the, said axe hereby notified. to present them for payment, in the time limited aid required by Act of Asseoa? Vvtv:;i?. ESTON ' R..OAtES,j K . 1 J -i A AI, AJa v ;." ' " " ' " ' - 1 iiTTiilM - ..iv Marco , : V. ,r j B.F,riKCB,'C,8C. . MVCrt 10, . 'Z3 WW Sl-eir -r-f 'ail --ft : 1

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