0 5 . . . . ,. ...-..' f SBMIrWBEKLT. -v r . -r i 7 . -VL..-. StscKiPTios.rive Dollais per nnnum-alf in Advance-, i - : i ADTEETiSEUKNTfc-FjJt'everjr .fiMrfeenjUne first insertion, GnePoIlL J each wbseqnem insertion; Twenty-five Centi t'rr r TXS. Coott Ordebs and Juria ai.' A-djekTibements wiU be cbarged 2& per cent, higher r lui a deduction? r on npr cent, will be made ftora tbu iegalaftprjce 01 O0 per T.N,,,'vt. . for advertisers ly th yaf . ; :y t - Advertisements," inserted' in. . the Sem?1Wmkx,t Kegisteb, win also ijatomxxfjl free of charge- j :rWJl- ,-' An- Letters to the Editor mustl post-aid. From tha PosthumousvPars orUie Pickivick CruJt A TIGUr ELEC-rioNit. - Well Sim; sauI Mr. Piek wick, a'fi Jiia yalet Appeared at his '-bed room door, as he was concluding his toilet, all alive io-ay I suppose.?' ' -.i: ' "V'-:. v Regular game sir replied Mr. Yellert our people's collecting down alfowr Arms and they're a hollo tfing themselves hoarse Ircsd 'f i Jr1 1 t " ' V'" i j ' Ah, said MrrPick wick do they seem devoted to iheirJpartV Sam,? -; j w r " :; Never seed such'devo'tioii in'my life sir.- Enereetic, eh ? said Mr) Pickwick; o ' Uncommon,' replied Sam ; I neye see men eat and drink" so afore. - I wonder they .ain afeard o'bUitintV-, i: , " ' That's the mistaken kindness of the gen trv here,' said Mr. Pickwick,. jV ,f Werry likely,' replied Sam brie'flyV; ;: " Fine, fresh, hearty fellows, "they seem,' said Mr. Pick wick glancing fjoftl the ; wim dow. . , - Werry fresh replied Sara. me and the waiters at the Peacock, his": been-Vumpin over the independent . woters at supper there lastniffht.' . , , ." t, . -, Pumping over the independent voters V exclaimed rick W m.v Yes, said his attendant, - V every. . man slept where he' AdKdown wwe, drVggek'em out, oue' by one "thist morntn and put vein under the pumpVtnillhey rem ..peg'lw order now. Shillin' a head the committee paid To thai ere job. , - ' T- lCan such' a thing be i' exclaimed Ttlie is-. tonished Mr. Pickwick " ; - , . ' 4 Notliin at all, sir, replied his attendant 'The night afore the last day of the election was here, the opposite party bribed J the bar-maiil at tfre v!Town Aim's, to hocus ihe brandy and water of fourteen unpolled elector as was a stnppin il) the house. - What do yoii i mean .by hocussing. ihe brandy and water ? inquired. Mr. Pickwick. ' Puttin laud'num in it, replied Sam., Bless ed if slie did'nt , send , em all to, sleep tiU twelve hours arter the election was oter.r Tey took one-man up to the booth jn truck fast asleep; by way of experiment but it was no so ' they- would nt -poll hi m f.; so they. brought him backhand put him to bed again.' " J " r r- Strange practices these,' ,:naid Mr. Pick wick, halfpeakmg to himself, -and half ad dressing Sam; ' Not half so strange as 4 a miraculous cir cumstance as happened to my own If allied, at election time, iiuthislwerry place, striTe- plied Sam. What was that T'-inqtiired Mr;-Piekwick; ' Why he drove a coach down her, once, cried Sam, Meciiori time came on, and was engaged by. von party to bring down woters from London". , Night afore he was agoin to tinve up, coramiitee on. rtherstde sen lor mm quieilyj and away he goes -with the' mes seuger, who shows him in-large room-r-lots of gent'lm'n heaps 1 of .papers, ? pens - and iHK, and all that 'eer. : Ah,Mr Weller,' says the genrmVin the chair,',; glad ft see pray sit tiown, sir. ;,o-roy father siU down, and he and the gen'lm'ii looks yerY hard at each oilier.- : Yoa vxlon'l remember me T says u,e gen'lm'n-.? Cant fay;I do, says my father.. Oh, I. koom you.N says iuc Kcu uu.ii, Knowa ye ten you was a boy,' says he. Well I , don't : remcmlipr vo,.' says my faiher Uiafs very odd.V says the genl m n werry says my father iy cm must have n bail merary MrWeller says the gen 'ImM ' well it is a yery bad 'un7 says my fa ther 4 F thought so,' says the cenMm'n. Sn then they pours him out a glass owiue, land! aiuiiiuiia .y uiui.suuiu 4ia ; yriving, .and gets him into a - reg'lar fine humor, and ; at last shoves a twenty pound note into his hand'. It's , a werry bad roadbetween this and London, savs the ent. ' Here and tlrere it's a werry heayy' road, says my father 4 Well Mr, WellerVrgays the cen'JmV. ' you're a werry good "vhip, and can do what you like with your horse's wknbwKAW'ere all vArv tnnA . nv... at frni .-. ,uUU 11 jf uupiur, u euerj au in case, you should have arr flpcident when vv'on're bringing those here woters Jown,anif should tip 'em over the caiTal without 410'rtin' rem. mis is tor -yourself ..says -he; Gen'lm'o you re werry kind,' says jny'ftiKer.fld V iua. your neaith m another irlasa of w ne: ays he, rich he did," and then bottons up the k 1" - nimspii out t xotr wpuia n believe, siV-continued Samwlth alohk inexpressible impudence at jiis master, '.that on, the werry day . as he came down, with mem woters, .his eoaelt . ua onset err 'tWt IkAsi v . m - r a . -.at in Z. j poif ou ev wait-on 'em was ucuin tne canal you, sir; how are your AVerry well, lhanke, eir, says my father ; i l Jhope yoo'er' pretty middlin'sjs he pretty well, thankee; sir,' says the gea'lm'n ; ? sit dowrt, JMr. VVeller 'V Ahdffot bat again -renled :Pickwick, i s.$ AVhyreplied SamVvety Iow1r, I raui- er think one old gentleman was missin ;' 1 know - hi hat was Conndjrbtir I? Vi'nt rquite cerlain;whethef his head1 was In- it or no( Bat what-1 Jo6ks at, Js-the' hextraordtnarVv aml wonderful .coincidence; that afler;what the 'gelm'n saidv- my -faihler'i f coach should werry "day, ;Vi,;? X? SWEETS forItdib S AVEETJ " Cpme" otf MacdufK ; r And kick'd be he thatfirstcric8Kld,"enoiigh Arrivals Ir-Si returned from the IN forth, arkPis how opening a newr and ! splendid as-. ortment'of Grbckie's, ?Tots, Coxfkctiohahits TJacBnELtAi. &c. &c: all of which he offers at the 1ow est Cisa" prteesl ti impossible ' within the' - Jiroits ui nu nuiciuKUKMi iu give a usv u4.HH me uriicie ll a large assortment; hut's few of the principal onea are subjotnrd, ;and ih'e"sohric' are assured thev will find every thing at his 3tpre hat pertains to hia immediate line of busiuess, and many rare and curious notion be Amonzst the assortment are.- "v ' 3.- 10 doz superior French Cordials, in China botdW i dozBrass Whips..' Cordial of every Idmi -Vegetable and white U'lndaor Soapar, , Shelled Almonds . Beef Tontaes -Percussion Caps Bone Dog Calls 1, Dried Beef Bologna Sausages doz large1 Silver Guards v. , - ' - . 1 doz small do do' v-;Tt 1 Porter And every variety of Wines f",- ' j. (' Fine Antique Oil and Octagoj) Soap -:- " - -; . rcase r Jioarbound Uanuy. V Assorted Fancv Glass Boxes and, Domiuos, v Violini and Silk Purses i(s Cork Screws, ,&c, itci a aj rasa w nicues nannooicuns uu lyiotn uasceu i Dates nd Brandy Peaches, Cherries. &c; Macaroni I 12 doz. Superior German Cologne Water "1 10. doz.. Brasss Buckets: '. 2- doz. Brooms - -. Nest Tub - 3 doz, Wood Buckets 4 t. Fresh assortment of Nuts of evervferarietv S.weet Meats and Jellies' of every variety, m . ; Macaboy and Scotch Snuff in bladders and battles -, Oranges & Lemons; a fine assortment Earthen-ware r. Cheese, Crackers &. Segarsof every variety & price ,v Sugars of every quality - Old Java Coffee & Starch Chewing Tobacco-and very superior Wax Candles : lahle SaltT Prunes, Preserves and Pickles of every v I anetv ;l.and great many amcles too tedious to met; I tirin - whir.h T will tabn crrwnlr'nlffrimirn in shnnrintr 1 any person who may favor me with a call.; I ilsoTre- 1 f r i . v v . . I lura my thanks to the public for past favors, and hope jomenc, toe same.. . , t, . i. o. JU- iiJ-J&tiK.J f Septemher 24, J. - 7. ?IRITATE. ESTERTAIJI JIEWT. yTHE subscriber; has' opened a House t i Priv'e Entertainment in 4Jtapel , iIWr I where he will be happy to, accommodate "Tr1"- -- his old . friends, vile, will be able to' board forty or tifty Students, by the.month or year, on a sonabU terms . and bis table shall he - furnished with the best the country affords, a share of public patronage: Ha rn.tr!l ii.Tt. f ' - . I JAMES N UTTALL . Decemjber .1 6. 3 841. :'.' PrnfANTHROPTfi H ATT.. ?j I yxivxBSiTx1 or North CAttoiia-4.5 v I Societies of tha University of Nor.h Carolina oh Wed- mencemenl " .f 6 ' J J TTMMT'Kti'T T'" C W ri,r I J. J, BUM M LRELL, , of Corres- I JJ.MxckS. JrPondence TfTOR HIRE,' the bsJaneer-of i;lheyer,-kFlmalei' Ii VvHOuss Servantjsvho is. also; a erood Ironer and? Washer. : Apply at this Office. , naieign, Apni 1. ' l , Ai-iisMstpaai' , ' 7; .v- ? r ' Jl Commwon Merchant; and General Agent, FOR ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS. ;v. (Except dealing in Spirituous Liquors,) ; . 'ifVJLMUVGTOJV, fJV. C ! v ' Govr e;-B. Dudley ? W. A; 8iith: . sxvxaxarcxs i A. Borden ... -V Rev. D.Vrhompsoii, v Weston St Harrison, Rev, j; McDanrel, February S$.:'-"t" ir tMyf fTJ raitdrctli'S sPiHs- We have a fresh sup JJjJ ply--we -Were.;- aloutisay, Medicine but to those who have would be slow perhaps' to believers. It is, however, a serious feet, that we couM name at leat-t orjefamily, wbere'their regular use for several vears pasV has whr'hpir rnUr fnr Aor.l Mn naat h.a mad the Physician's visits Tew and far .between Our new boles Contain 3ff-Pills eich .'the old' onlv Our new boles, contain 25 Pills' 'each the old have 211' -VW1LLVPECK. RaleighMarch 1st, 1842.' 18-ly ,NL. ,ST ITHV,; DEALER' IIT 4 ,.T if 1 PAfNTS.1 OILS, DYE STUFFS, 1,' a.c orerrev' W A S-iMia CHEWING TOBACCO and ?Jin'0ry47,l84ir ln DCCATIOar. f A Gentlemarvand bis;Wife ICi virho have had severalyears experience in Teach- n.. .i . . . . ki..u B, uewraui w owttin a khusuuh m .iim viw- una or viTttinia: whpra thft services ot do ta would he bducation.. Address A. BPattonsburg Virginia, March 18, 1848, y , - V - uVs55lpd ' ; -4"- ' ASTATl3.I.Ilxfi tnv N jc person, who may have Books belonjnnff to the quested to return them, forthwith, iate. ' - , t v &5 rmHE How; JoHir Y; Masot, of a. has accepted I Taihw sn pm nrt th -ia-hV.t Hnir- v.,.: L : the appointment of the Philanthropic Boeieiy sjo,- white: yellpw. casUle. perfumed, &e.- Sperm HeTti reanrr -- t us.uigucsi auu mu o.iwiuvw" j iv.miii-i- i - ... T . - - . ; " , 7 j traction VJ jliiucr iu nuutcr,' iriuuiw y can be given as to the -competency .of the parties, I rumpeta..iftlagic ,j lantern, rmuoiia,' wagaeue ., human body.1' Brandr. .Vesetable . to conduct a Male or Female Academy of good standi Toys, ; False Faces.annons., Uolls. Malescops,. versal PilK attract "all imparity, of the blood to ing, ;and, tov leach the Greek and. f Jitin. Classrca, lMicrocopes, paintejVTrunks for children, ete t&r', I gowels, Which organ expels them from th'e body; rrencn, Music, oc a, rery extensive course of Matbe l i v , 'J I WJSulKKX -Z -. -hractiori and -disease are both Units. All matics. with ih iianat iiintA. kn.liM nf ' flniihut I-. Fine -pnld awd ailver. as welt as eerman stlver-viz. I :r,:.. ..u .ri-!).. i. ;Aiivi'Mii .v fTIYPrrvi7 r , C i; . ' i. -;i - .- Fi '-. .ucrunnniirivuiiiii ""i'i fvifi a.wia7S P1616 el T lno Pc.8bJtean, Watcbgnwds. Chains anuV Beltbuckles, Spec XV Boaroof Pubhcation, are for (saTat the North ta;w . '--V Usnrolina( Bookstore, it WMU...Pi"f; 1", -V - --j- CWL ; The wh wish top'K ,ViaVrW call soon, as thev am .r .1. y . I'2 Pantaloon sul&, Vest patterns. Handkerchiefs, 1 'T 5;iv:jrsv!-! ' Ti-nuiiin?; - rtttntrrra :M uamiet.' jeans, ijinen uoiiarsvand liosoms. oiocK8. rse! " -Mkfch 9. 184 ; , S-a, 7 ' I Gldvei, StocWngs.1riah lAien.Satinelt, bleach and lis .A ieet Raleigh t lhe,pleasoTeofaft- xvo.vlv Fx ETTjeviiiE Street - v , Has" thevDle '4: .ttJVrilt- "iAk I diamond ms vings,Ruby And Emerald doT.heck . - . .... . - J 1 an. nead, Ornarjeuts,- rich atteo inosaic Pins 4 - -orijui AwIjuO, :-, .- 1 rSPEUTACtfiS. vUoul, SilverttUi. and polished steel Spectacles U 1 wit, all persons, and, all t-yes. - Very superior flint glasses, thatmay Iie adjusted in any frame, at a mo- menl s noticed r ' - ' V- ' - - SILVER ANDPLATED WARES. 1 Silver Cups, Spoons, Ladles, 1 SujsarTjungs, Salt and Mustard Spoons, -Butter Knives, silver .pountj ed Cocoantots,. Castors Candlesticks; Snuffers and Trays Waiers, Cake Baskets, Coffee: Grequesy Bri taonia Wares, in pelts and single, pieces, &t. A A - - ; .v FA WCY GOODS tf , , .Mantel Clocks; and Lamps Plated and Japaned Waiters, Gold and Silver Mounted Canes and U hips, Chessmen and Backgammori Boards, Visiting Card Cases, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Prenf. Steel Pens', RogerM superior. Razors, Congress Knives and SrixsnrdSanr' (1hrit,0l rntnr Klrn Tlinr f lt. lars, do. Calls, silk Purxes, Pocket Books, imitation FrpitSi rGuns and Pistols; Ladies! Toilet and w6rk noxesr louei uouies, anu iiAUitisui creasl not Medalaj Canes, and Boxes, &c. &c..' ; iy f Farfna' celebrated eenuiite Cologne, Rose leaven der, Florida; and Bay Waters Guirlain'a Crf am. of Soap ing Soaps,pearl hair. other artieles for tha tnilpL - - , f. ,,MUSIO. r, . v": . Snanish Guitars.-Violins Clarinnetts. TIaenletf Flutes. Ortaw. . Fifi, n.l Arnnt.nn. Pri.. I tu,s fir tall the above." Guitar and Violin atrincrscx. I ,r" Vinlin li.mi ' An (rt Clocks tnd Watches of all descriptions cljaii I ed and repaired in his rn,t..mr.l .nnerinr atvl Gold and Silver manufartnred to orders with expedi lion and Punctcalitv hishest nries aivan for aid !! and SSrlvsr,, . t- - v . . . . i , . I COWFECTIOIVARY; PAWCYsT .i,flt'ivtn lniftnt t'thim . !nn,r nnAnx'n ? I Thanlfnl Fat ti Mimnnff.mant iKocr ftava ViartX I fore '" received, informftheir friends an the public' i ....... uiiHr generah'that tbe have opened.at the hew. stand, com- " argeU ?! n,s" cf-0Ice ssortm"t -lerly kept,apdas they always sell at very moderate prices, thev hope to merit a continuance oi lavors. J ra,t of tne Bew ul'Plv consiste in : v . . ; r Hemon' 'ship-bread bestPorter: fine iKS rrencll orma, ; , oeese sorts ; unewtng Tobacco; J V'ocoaiiuia, .imuuu,., wre r reserves, t Brandv Fru L Oranses. Lemons. Seid etz and Soda iT.,..,.ii, i-.rT, fnFntc iT tMb.'qnn ikr.v,.i: I ;."wnouna,vandy ;? ;vnooiate, r.ppersaoce, Tic.it, ijcmut, juK, x.utuic, liinuwi w, wun- mon,Sardincs,.Anchyies, Bologna Sausages. Smoked Tongues, Very best Mustard, March, Tea.' ' . I ; . - rjsnrusiivrix. . I . nserwitKT wnoi uoars, .tj acj'ssar.uears, Antique J 0ilsCologne. Florida and Lavender' Waters, Shav: I..I.1a. O J3 1.11 I White, Frecklewash, Bergamott. , J . ; - 1 rvi . m . j t mm n I nn p. , i . .3 j . Tw& bridges screws, - Fingerboards .Guitars; Flageolets, " muicL i.nrua 1 s,a iiictkb w luiiiis.uuws sirir-5. J S itesi tef, Aanonetts, Accoraeons, urassTrum , . bUUKtS. . .. Grammars And, Readers Almanacs. Geosraphy,. Prim- i (:vi'aui.u 4. nvti, witiiMii ..anu . XiiJSlloa Tods, Swords, Gloves, Masks, Hat, Breastplates . - ' : , - -tancy ods etc JfVr ' - Fainted Glass, Mugs, artificial Hair and Flowers fainted Was MogR, arUUCtaUWair and Flowers.! Mohair Caps.Ladies Work and , Fancy Boxes, Look- tng-glasses and 4 feet - square, Baskets, Snuff-boxes i I from 5 cts to if-4; Combs, shell nnd other ; Chicks wooden: and -, metal ; Walking ?Cnes, finest Razors- andv shaving ; utensils. - Thermometers, - Compasses, Dirk; Pen and Pocket Knives of the finest qdality ; Pis tols, Teeth,' Cloth,. Hair,' Hat and Srwebrushes, Black- hig ; Slates Bells, Fishing Utensils, t'offeemills, Pins, Needles t 6 cross ' Matchsi Fireworks; G lass' 1 4 1 R 1 ..inn ami t ndtrfkflL Purma: PnebMhnntr'a Nflirht rercus-1 is. Inlr and Inkstands. Wafefs.Seanngwax,Letterslamp,Pen cil "Buttons, Pict0res.-u" . , ; t r . . ; 4GiiTES,:aa JOominos. Chessmen, EackgammonKe- l no, Tenpins. Cup and Ban, Ursces for LAdtes, slip. ping ropes, Tivoh.billiard, Kollet.', :y. j v,, tiivs j " j , - (. .T 'g,r' tt ' ' h ;.;i'TS 01 every itesenpuonv ss j maruiea, xiuaimina: Breastpi Tea Sn nnnianciiru voihhisi k lanuu bic-' . ' i. 4 v.wb .ad T i,"' j .Irrfact the.Tanetyot .artKtee is loo tjumerons- Vuhet public at Jaigetthat he City; of Raleigh, N; C, on Iheasth day -haareci'lvedfrom KeW-York ofMay?next, '-'Zi VWT' jj''" i t and huadelphiai-an eiten Parti of V v ' .."T- .Jihe School Buddings, sltualad in a beanttfurtod .t- ,rr ie:,Jr r-"""' elevated Oak groe,' fhmish ihe tns spacious accom- ; . wAT.CHE8.f V, ; modations The Dormitories are separated into. Af- - Cold , independent seconds, dap1erafiebor,W COves, for twj Young Uaies eachojra-constroction w atcnes, a general assortment of -&ivei do of every to secure privacy and at the: same time, a free circula- price and quality. ' M'i " ? Uonof air. V HS.v. E .a;V : EKY.; , ; ;; Evelyariicte of furniture U provided bvtheScVool. v'l. guards; ioto: nd necfc Chatns. Seals. kera lux WAW rwi u:n w r.'iil24. ,ISaplesv and Saponaceous compound, firShav-1 vVhiteife Biume v - f ' ' ' t , Rose, A I mond, Ca m phor s nd . W indsor tmlettj Nti-f.JZThn T?v n M if!1 lr Powder.coldCream.Pornatam, liar's sil, janj "Ran. ,- - . ".-- o"' , tooth, and shaving-Bmshes, and a variety, of! - . 1 wnimniintfwi " ri f ' v of this aiuabitf ?(,9t v; ; J;. . .v ' I wraSrwIhno- Picture ami hon? Knok -Kv nf HMtn tried them, it is urwl TT",. ' j r.. 1 r : 9 V- r . . "... . . . ,h I 4l,,CV.IVIia VUlf uww. .JUw innil .w.-JflV7fHvli.. insvar stqgs, rencus, r inSe rprinica. uini-. oceagion. impurity of the blood. I -X r " "l ' W german sier;a,ud piiichback, ;5rabl and The bowels for instance" are cpstivethisrittbkt ons. Desert. Knives an! Forkt S,J Pket, 'piJrtiflt orgarU 1plised.the : consequence, i a creat nnu. oiBfrs.., ierman stiver .tyomnm iimiu onw, -nmhlntinri nnmniiriiipj. wh ch. as thev cannot ' ;-:f -Mirfact the.Tsriety.of lartkles is loo numerons T dna so extensively iwi m yc..B , y.- .... , . , , I U , ri-r7-T " V" ' ,7 I v , Sut 't.ihrar..r tPrma far cash.-'. i. I, ' ' h". tw. a 3erent,hgUre, wuriii in-irpiace..00nja 1 , Jz; . - . a IZL?! " ' -if "J iHf'?'V V:.. ""1. - JJ- - - rt . totbiof .V - ; ,1U W.&CT.GmMMfi, , arsjrredWlLUAMP , K ; V, . ' April 4-6t. - ! ' . Corner of FejetteyHle and Hargett Streets : ataieign,: narcn 1, imi. 1 ty r V-V-- - - ' MV"T TV - ... .tfv ;0 , h Bi JX e vA'X DsE R T Bj'' M E UJB S,,f the City; ' lv- 'Vlw ' Tlj- fV V11U Jf UK .' X V U W V JuAXXJ!S . ills LUC, W?eM,I,' to tbB bestjhal canr5iq r wvw & a uvaj. w in au s wi riMHUi a t Taxs.For Board, fincludinff washinir andve- ry incidental expense, with Tuition irl English, Lat. vance - Italian, Mu- nff and Urnamenlal JXeedle-work. at the usual nrirM nfiha Msn T . 7. other extra charge' j , - . 5."t:"r I ' n Pupif.'ejcept bv a writtkit" reauestTbf.the ha 1lwfl n ,nnni : t.w s.Xr i kk id the Ciiy, ' A disregard of this prohibition, -will he followed by an immediate disinission Trom School ,: : 'iWv-Krhftlnra uriifh udniAr Guardians as red in ih nl.i ' - .V j'he rear will Imi disidml into twnr fivi month each. The' former com ,r3ncing(- after the 1st term, on the 15th of May,andterminating5onthe'l5th of Qctobcir. The " latter commencing on the 20th of November and; terminating on theSOtn' orApril. : ' P REFERENCES. . : i.Citv of New YorAAThe RU Rev B T J Qnder- donk. D D. The RevDrs McVickar, Hawks, and ! Taylor. Chief' Justice "Jones, ihe Hon" G C Ver- planck and R BrMinturn, Esquire. . ; (;'NEW: JERSEY. - ' S i-; Burrmgioh Thft Rev G W Doane, D D,li L D. Prin 'cetotu The Rev GT2 Hare and John Potter, Esquire. 'wf -J P : ', Riclunoricl The" Rev AEmpif, D D and the Rev William riorwootl. The Rt-Rev 8 Ives, D 13 and the Uterg; of the ttoceo generally. 'v- AJ - y, Raleiehrl he Hon .Duncan Cameron, the Hon James Iredell, the Horr -Kicbard nines, ine Han treo Joa 11 ' B7an,v William H -i Haywood, . George -W. Cj U8ui;er, ine xi on i,omuius m oaunuers, ue xion Mordecar and tbarles ManlV, fcsquires JJrs MaU on and Beckwith; Charles L & intone W R Gdes, land Edmund B Freeman, Esquires.? . 'n eyctcpaic jjouw xi neury, uanes x xiaigu, Charles PMallett, and JS J Male; Esquires. WwoiVVUUarnCLord,- Esquire, and Dr XI W riSnt. .' a ! ': . VV- v v -: i-i.if :i arci. James vy. ury an. ana jonn M itouerts, jisqr s v . Wn.thitijHtnJLDrTi ii ' Freeman. Maior Thnmna ti .T. . . Tnr , n: : ' ' Dinuni unit r.ii 1 1 iv l. r.i. RoxA-Joseoh Bonner. Esa Pn,,f ATl F Maitiaml f' Loke Seuppenionglloa E Pettlgrew, and Josiah Edtnttnni James Norcoro' M Paee.'and Wil- Equires - - i ., , I - Elizabeth CTZy. The Hon William ,0 Shepard, ujxunney, ana joon mem oriner squires. 'ard Benjamin "fckinneri and T -F - Jdnes, J b' ..il' t, ,W eso ruA-R Washington,and James Gns. . Polbck'i Ferry. XoorwkcT P Pevereux, Esq. . ti..v.e.. v q mk .it ,i tjL uiti m r . rnL v. n. , -r, vv1 I'KinstonrJ-Cf Washington,"? Nathan G (uunX finrv WFiilfiflfd.' Kan n I red . . GremmlleDtB. K Jovner and Georee D Basket ville Equisea. t - : v , : Henderson-. John-S Eaton, Esq. ,r V'.y-twj. mtoam6or(rtiffA- J nomaa i oraer.iSsq. . 4 Kl r 1 . .ri r . : .... ' .... .: . - Orange CouaitCJiief-Justice-Ruffin. Hon Wit vi: I . . . .. . H .1 ii . - .1 , - . . . h -piaioro, William' H Hardin Cj and Dr.Hall. llhnneL t rresiuect.v-.nvr - !- 'J? WnJesiorry- William E Troy.? Esquire and Dr W v Salisbury William Chambe"K, EaqV . ' .V C Lincolntan -Michael Hckev Esq. ! s Beattie's Ford Alfred! Burton, Esq. Rutherford $ G,i Bynum. and Thomas Carson. Enquire. ' 1 -',' '' , ',.V- .'"i ; Margantert Jnhrt Avery, iiisqj. . v ..icrf iZocA-rCbarle Baring.-'Epq.-.xvx- vj,i, V, ' ' owuim ynwft.rv DftllTH PIOnTTM CJarfofon-Rt U 1 : . 'f. New Or&aw The Rev Dr Wheatonw' 'VV--7U - -r-,l!OltIA . ; ' Savannah" -The Rer-.E NeufviTle ALABAMA, 4 .MnoiK i ne,on.Jme jnanin; ? . -, '...s -4 . Applications for admission ' to -the School, may be made to the Rt Rev L' Its, D D, t the" JflevR I 8 MAsOIfi D D at,Ra!eigbv Ren Mf "Jterjthat "msdessc itew, iui, umi 1 perwd to Mr Susn es;, at Kali . : ,2 tL.nr ' " Mi lie . J - I ..rCU r-Hi i4 .T , . lmpurttti or the-1 mnW aiinhlei'veL now good and beau 1 1 M 1 fifoi'M n the 1 ,t nature? Shnp1iciy and t trulh are 8tamped opor .-ery Utr-'olv the creation J- i . , , r t - . I 1 pa miguiy worms w .mroit iq space in-every pe i vvr.1,i invt .1 : t..m r all nBn,aJ KV'CI U9 Uni- the At- accidents or they "lout tyttheiriesoa) passageare forced in tothi blood; ot bloodu'This Fevers; VhtU i . . ' ' . r. -.. ' ics, Rheumatwmr;ougbs,anoti..ias re a ir Aiimti Bitt let Brahdretb's Pills be used, in such doU I ss will effectuallyevacaato the bowels, ann neaiui restored at ncej,j V- 'I'W'j v -ij f f TWnArthv have coonteneiieu tne Joctora Me- to! dicine soestensiveiy m ,m iraycumg -.- . TitTk. mi.i wwoa - Art, nnifini, n.ot jihm a. I Peersiu .The -,Rev N H Cobbs and Mc&srs TTTIHESE PinshaVenoW .leen more than 'eight Ji year before the Public; and their, hist preten sions fLq the character claimed for them closely exam ined and tested by a great number of persons, too irJ lelligent lo be deceived, and too deeply interested in llhe resuhs. not to "observe with care, and judge v wiVh out iayor.-l.Erperience has not weakened these tire tensions, hot strengthened ;and confirmed them by a mass of testimony of such respectable character is has never sustained any article in this .form in .any conn try. Tbfr original design was to , relieve Dyspepsia. and tHo . functional derangements, --ouoni which U commrxdependi.VThey.;were-hweverft preserving the stomach and bowers V heahby state of action, o tend greatly,o ward .off those bilious attacks' ol." which many are jiableVbuJ not as an An: Pilf, j in,; the common v nnificatiotr of the .erm.. Those; therefore, who expected .hv them- ar ipurgaurc wovgn v.a many . xuey -are such, 1 sign, where. relief mighty reasonably : have been expect ted.n Jp additiott . to, the ; habitual-, dyspeptic, those who from pustora or from necesit v. as in traveling or business, take-fhetr 'meal na'stily, find in the use W occasionaV attacks ofjjndigestion iand,; indeedriaU whose hahjts or pursuits'are sedentary, may taketherd with safety and behefiC f? " T 1 r , : y The chief objection nrged against CHemis, that they encourage Indulgence in- the pleasures of the, table by the irsmumty fhey give from the painful effects of ex-' cessX That be public mayi feel - assured that no, im position; is'at tempted to be ; practised upon ihemi the Proprietor har obtained permission t3a referjo the fbf Iqwing gentlemen (amon rpany others who, from personal . expedience s of i the efficacy -jrtj these Pills, are 'willing to recommend them to ' their friends, viz ; na. . lion 'James lrtfcu late 8. Senator and Gov 1 ernbr orN.'.C.." Hon- Jfenry Potter ' District Judge Uw'S.C)urt;'Hon Bjrr(y Tucker,' Law Professor, William; andi Mary" College; HU Wfljt.'; Prtstorti Vi S. Sena er, S.,CH lion. Henderson, V. S.'Sert.' Miss. Horiu iJf. PsTalmadgcj, U. "8. Senators "New York. IYm. &cflfoo, Eeqi Tehn y Hon. E. Staitlyi M. C, Hon. J- H. Brockway M. C. ConnWUcctt; Hon. Richard Bines, late M.'C; N C.:, Hon. Charkt Fisher, late M. C. N. C .'-Hsj.,' Jl? HeixkdL Cirrnit Judge. Tenh Tteit'FSL'. Hawks; D.D, New York,' Freeman, D. D. ColumhQS.' Mi Rev. JR.' Blake Wotie.N.C ,iRev-SepAeri pocke Lenox Castle, Va Re v ,27. Brockwav,Vpim Rev. A. larsA,C4tnnReV. J.JT ; ifUrcA, Ky ReV if, iWtey. Vake Forest,. Ut C Bonct. Halifax, N.fDr, jStVoA Oos. Jy, Indiana, Dr..J..Y. YoanrTennDrt JiM. Jlcn ney, Beaufort, N,r C? Dr. .?V :X Johnston, Natchez; Mimr Dr. Calvin Jones, Tenn Dr 2V. LStith. Ra leigh. K'.CVPt.fi Marks, Columbia;. CJ, Dr.. JS. GMygall, Hannibal, N. YWilL Irving Murlon, Esq N rY ?. T3. Gw'on; Raleigh Nl JVYot; ifi Esq. See ry. Sta:e. N V. pner A'eofc. Esq. - Wash ington, N. C.,. J. Bonner. Esq. .Bath,,, Jt, CV.i (?. Stanly, Esq. Newbero, N., C.," WalkerAJiderson . Esq; Florhla, . Ts Devereux, Esq; -Roanker Major SanticSJIcComi Green ville, Georgia&.ui.ner EaqfAss't P.M. Gen. Washingtohr City. Maj. John Beard, Florida, Thbs: 8. Gbolson.Kaqr Vai: Dr WJ R Scott, Raleighy AY. R" Gales. EsqoC the, Reg. ister, Raleigh, Geoj -WMordecaH Efq. ' Raleigh. Prepaj-ed solely by the Proprietor Dr.iJos st'-Brck-with, at Raleigh; N. C. to whom all orders must be addressed , ' ' RaleigK Feb. 20,- 1842:' .', r; ' V ' , - 163m TT71XECUTO RS':i JT O TICE The .subscribers fjP having qualified as Executors ofj the last -Will and Testament of Jdgjit'U, Gales,, deceased, ' late of this City, give notice to all; persons indebted to the Estate of said deceased, to make immediate, pay menu And, those hating demands against the. said Estate, are hereby "notified U presenttUe'm for payment,' with- i 'Rareigb March S.T 843 I 21 6 w TTTvISSOLiri'ION, The' co-partnership hereto fore existing under the firm of E.,IIALL & Co. was this day dissolved, by mutual, consent. 1 All per sons having j iaims against the ' firm- will , please pre sen i mem top aaiusimeni, ana inose maepiea. are ear netly requested, to come forward and make payment. as we are anxious to close our JJooxs.i., -J.v. .,, ,: - ' .tEVERARD HALL,-'. t l.r,hWZfr ALFRIEND. .iJ4M t.S T. A LHllOD 4 -- Having purchased the. entire ' tockrof -E HALL & CO: will continue the business at the New Store, one door above B. B." Smith',1 where he respectfully soli cits a share of public 'patronage.', '. 3 ? March' 7; 1 842-' I : -1 - gllOt K A ? BLACK LEA D M INE FOR SALE, One ' nf ihe richMt' Mines "of PiUmhasu. or Black Lead,' in the, world is nowfferedvfor:salevvf A per Son'wetl acquainted with the manner of gelling the I .pad Ant: rrrulil make a fortnne tlirectl v.r It Is situa ted whhi h five mi les of ibis City ,frm. whence there is almost a continuous line of KaU Koau .- to : 11 oston. Anniv.atth S Office. V'. c-l XJan. X 1842 fplHEWINt. TBACCQ. Just, received, on To those who like to cbeW crood Tobacco, we' say, call and examine Thomas' Honey 'Dew which may be had by ihe plug, or by the box,' al the North C-rohn-ook Store. ; TURNER H UGHES.'- TfRESH AUCWTA ISTbis; day received Jjl :atN; CBoo Store,1 Nicholas Nicklebyt with jlftstratians; Picfewicfe'cTub; .'Oliver Twist; sketches by -,J BosV, BaTnabyRudge ;Ten Thousand; a year Book of Passhsk by James, with sixteen Tllutratinis Cartvle s Prefich RevoIuUcn i Lefbig f Organic l.bem- istfy of Agriculture ana: rnysioiogy , ,u xuina j Life of Ricbird Coiur De Lsn, by James ; .Frederick the Great in his times ; Gibson's Rambles in Europe, ir.wT,-;7 TURNER & HUGJE; A March,25w 1842.c Jw -v .".:r-v-25' v IT: ARD FOR SAIA2-The Subscriber wiU jj sell.ron' accomrnodaUngtenn ' Tract of rmi cleared jLand, lying .within' 3 or 4 milea of Raleigh The LafiiP adjoins Judge Saunders, Major Collios, Wfllism -HilL Esrf. tnd others. It is finely timbered with Oaki Hickory and. Pine, and contains 140 Acres. v Also, another Tract of 100 Acres on Barton's Creek, in sight of Tippew ."Cross Roads.' ; - , , ,1 -r;t vw-' x WESTON E, GALES. Raleiglt, March 7.,.. .v . r, A r'v'.- j vt TrnXX)l7GII. Still -en .hanJ.s, few of Rich, ua points and sluiea. - - JAMp i, i. u W April I. t, ; tj , ' V -r - j 27 iuy nave ueen uwappointea .;yet . tewA instances -:ot failure. have been ascertained among those who have faithfully employed the article, "according to the de- ivr, tan pumm late . president of the U Sutes Hon: Gforge E Hndger. L L. D lata Sec; Nivy, IU. ReviX,. .5 Ivea. DD. Bishop ol . North -Caioli a the time limited and required by Act f Assembly. 4 V,EST0N K..4GALE,; : ,h. k th: lwevt, ; - - i ' -1 '"WILL: PECIC. , -. ,r J consignment -10 txe of; J homas' uoanoxe Tobacccand for ale:t the1 North Carolina Book Store." at a low price, v A, 1 V RALEIGH . AND - GASTON 7.t - t.f ' - ft T'Jf . rjTmn ItaMgn :ana Gaston Itatt-. JXItMMf connects with' the Greensville and Roa " 5? - l'olt Gaton;on the Roanoke river, which;. . latM Road eohnefeU Vith the'Peteribufg: Kail Road nearBellfield. 4 Paengers fravellihg South, according -" to the Winter arrangement, 'leave ' Washlngion dally ' f andt Ra eigW N C by P M wVt d.y..rJ ' ; . 1 he foflowtng 8tage Lines branch hff f rota and run " ' m connection ' with' the- Trainson tfieRalefgh and ' Gaston Rail. Road, to witt AVS - From RidgewaxDepot to Boy'dton; Va hack Kne," -tbrwKtimes a weeks leaves Hidsewav "ohsTriicr1.. . . Thursdays and Saturdays. VJu y; - v Henderson Depot t Miltdn Wa Oxford, -hack lins, three times'aweekr-rleaves Heiwn orX Mondavs. cwucauajv nuu.riuays.- , f " Raleigh to Grethsborougb.'Sariabnry, Sa!tnl,vc. ViaAihaper Hill and. liuisDoronehfoiiriorBtviPMt .. : Coaches, daily leaves Raleigh every dayv toon'rftet thS arrival of the Cars, soy about 6 P M. V" " 1 ' v Raleigh to Salisbury, trftf Pittsboro aHd Ashbofo. hack line, twice a week, Jeaver Raleigh -oa-Wsdnes- tlaysnd Saturdava'at 8 A' Mi vir ifi-u&tt.. Kaleigb to GaldsboroVon the Wilmingtori Railroad four horse Ptist Coachea. thrfen lima l1wmJ-- Haleigh on MondaysXednesdays and atprdati. " Raleigh .to? FayettwiUe Cheraw,- tmeVeiit superior hack liner dailyIeaerRaloigh every day if. r ter the arrival of jhe-tJarspV- Is iFrom Salisbury th re are two line's of" SLirea rnn. hrng triweekly j ne'eT'Lrnrom " and AsheyUle, N ,C to Knox vil , Tennessee I the oth er (mo Charlotte, York and Abbeville, 3 U to W II ledge- . Hie,' GeoV - . .,- V- C i T wiivjuji,--i crsun iraTeiiingironi; .ortnta Soutlf by the way of the Raleigh and Gaston Railtoad. r shouhl be careful not to payor procure ikkeu farther ' than toPeterurg, Vew' '4 Train hf Cars leave "the" Depot ih'Rateigl., daily Jbr Pe.ewbo.rg at.lOA M arrive m Ralelgh.frei'tt, reiersuurg, m4 r JM 14 ifKk.Jh r;.y i 'Ratcigh and Gasti Cil Road 01,-' ' ?r-; " " 4 v ; March 10, .$ l 9w , :V4WJABLE UEAIiEiSTATE tJl and Testament of Jovkbb fiiui, deceased, will expose to public sale at the Court Huuseia ih fa ly or Ral. igh,V PaiufJar the 23d day of April en suing, the Mlowln described proierty; via i - x uwpiiiug nf)us.e anu ixn in Hie tJity or KS- " leish, situate On Fhvet eviUe street. s heart nrinncifii f lh residence f William H. Havtrodd. Jri El.-arnf formerlyiMscfipjed.hy Jahe McGuffie. Tbe rus6 -is a 1 wa story one, with eight rooms, six of which have Ava. nfkji mis.1 lit. fa t. ll ij r. . ' iiiv-pavcB( auu tuc ivi u4ivu i ii- requiiulQ- puv buildings.' .- . .v;V iV-AnmiHiproVed acre lot, descrilicd irt (he pfan:r6T the City of Raleigh as-N. . 38, but better known'' as Gales prmg Loton which there is orW of the prji ' rest and most copious springs of water in the county. 1 '".Anomber 6f vacant building "Lb, usi wrthfcoV' the Corptration liiidtsj' neir the premisel of Chartea Man'y q. containing from a quartef to 'half ri' ifra anil:; ifRrirrnr JxnAnSliW ..ii!Sp.. the City1 on the Easl the Stone "Quarrr- beimr the 9 . IN THE CUTQP RALEltiHi' AND iTS Yl i?ri CINITY FOR SALE: '.r flfUffc ol)s,criber; as Executorsf;ihelsVWirf7 - - v acre and , offering. tonveniiint aeuiements for persona" of limited mfans.. CS.Jiy I' ' Twenty-two acres 6f 'uncleared liand adioiiriAat '. extreme boundary,? The land is tfaiofto be of gifad1 ' ' quatityandl)aa,prolably timber, enough on it ti" , - ience it, around ;,thongh, its proximity w the -Qoarry1 ? j ; . a rait one. ; , . , ;tr 4' ' ".'4$ 1 A very aluable tract of land nine miles west of V- Raleigh, 6onteirring'upwardVf eighteen hundred ac.reavO'ej.qit purchase!, this tract will be divided into lots of three o Jour huiidred acres each. ' Thir notiy 01 lanu, lies on tne watere of wia and W iU iiama creeAH, dred acres only have been cleared 1 be balance liel'Vv in its natural bute, covereu witu a luxuriant .growth ' of walnut hickory, oak and pinev There is "ou'ihtf - tasChamrd traciVt in- BJSr man anu- neaituv.a reirfn , i fhere is ui North Caroliiia, and tiffcrs avfine location, "VTjS"-,. for invalids r the low country,- who may desire sornv ' -' 4 ' met residences in tm'a patt of the 8 tare." Three hn. iKl jicmi.w, uaiuo afvctiwig uousc. anu an necesflary ? out-buiidiBge an excellent orchard anj ' tlrt' WaV V . dow.J -A portion f4he tract is rich bottom land. anor- -i. i i.r ..aj ---a. r. - J. w '- . , . hV? V . JL' -.ft. - init rRHiuiiH nrnnr? nifrn isni ttintAti virAiirtnA akATi ... -- , , The range for stock is alo excellent.' - i'V, . ; "T ' Three hftiHlrtd acres of pine land; adroininf? the1 "t 1 ' 5 -an- V ... j -uiv.ww lauu, niwui tuux miiva : xvwrin . r.: -;- pituv r ape r-mii(, on xne waters ii AiiOS ereeav utrjg ' ' merly .belonging' to 1 Na'tbaii Harttfield. . -.' 7. j, jf 4r A meteed ffefes or laoti,,adjoining tLa Jast descrpt , , V ed Jract.U ':;'- i -V - , ' The whole hftbe aboVe;will oeiolarwithiwt'rp.J ' ' serve; to" the highest bidder.-Tbeondiliona f C - salejtvill le Six and Twelve months credit, tie pi chasers Riving, bonds with security, to be sppioved at, 1 by.the Execuiots.' Ny, ''r; J''? ? .v v K WESTON R. GALES, v WILL. PECIf.' 3 4 V if aleigfC March 14, 1842. kN BThere are also several 8'faves tor-sale, hf;.- inglo the Ef ate,-but by (he Provisions of tbe VVilL' '5 they are to he Sold pnvately..' Among them is sgoott V , M rva(USJ, tf f aT TTTrsn s r ,4VU vAi ; VVI W il ai WW,. VrMS xriTer, and one ol ths Iwws ff.Id hand ri theSiate .Tefsoris, desirous of puv. -charing, will rfpply , to' OExeeutorW Six rnotnh " credit will be given to the purchasers of the eUea. : - . R . - j, fTTKr Co-partnership, heretofore existing Mees !l the Subscribers, under the fimpf Lawrtnu -. ChristopherttyrfU-na tlfe'lOth. Fi-bruar last, die. v- solved by mutual consent. ,. A lHboe indebted q the concern, are trqqestea id make imccdiaie payment. 1 ,' i to A; J, Lawrlacewho slnoe is authorized m et;lV J -thesamev $f- ALEX.J.LA Wr.nrttZ; " i ' -, -y ; jno. j. christopjiers :. " A LD ' TISXOSST&s.uWriber willeontinee Hi uioceryand froviion oosines at the out ftsnd cl , Lawrence & Christophers, where be will eiideavpr te4 ; furnih the best articles fn his ImeUfa'at csn be proC' wfr' cured..H wiU ' also wry iilral prices for 'country r -: proJoce ich . Floor;.Mrtil, Bacon; -Beeswax " Flaxseed;' Butter, Laid, &c.r &c' ii. tr, s 1 s - rr ; ;Alex.xlawke::ct:Vs : Raleigh, Marcrg' ' -r , f-tt '- ; 1 Trn4ciii r.ca iii:sr A firvif " '1 J I V1 -

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