n 1 "' " 1 1 1 1 " ' 1 "mml . . ' " ' ' n i in m In n in f'- ' 11 11 -" . ' 1 m i n ! i i if .I'll i 'I i ' 'J lT ' "Ji '-" ? 1 ' " 11 ' V 1 ' 7" f 11 1 i . .i 1 1- , . . . . l . t . , , ., . , - ' i MiiA. i i ii i i , - i I M0 EDITOR ANp-PR6ralET0R. Advance. -ABvERTisKMKKrrFdt wry Sixltm Lines, fir9t insertion. One Dollai J each tubuem insertion. Twenty-five Cents. - -rr r t; - - & V Cockt Orders and Jvmakp AvyjnrwxMxnra will be cbarged 25 per cent, bigber ; but a dedoctkwii f 331 per cent, will be mad from Uie regular prices advertisers by the year. . ' jv Advertisements, inaeneu in,iue o" RidSTER, will nlso appeal to tbe Weekly Paper free of charge- .-'.(- a i . 'kt; . ()t- Letters to tbe Editor must bevoSi aid. - S 5 3 aiLA'Sf 53 W S NURSERYJMAXIMS. The following " Nursery Hints" we have recently received from !a distinguislied Mi s eionary in East Asia. I We are surqjhat pur readers will peruse 'ihem - with interest.- When tltefamilie of our country arf Irain ed up under the influence of such maxims, domestic sorrow will almost unknot n." 1 J Religioui Magazine? ' Judicious mothers j will always keep -in mind that ihey are the first took read and the last one laid aside Trt every child's library. Every look, word, tone. and gestitrenay even'dress," makes an impression; J V ' Remember that children arex men in min iaure : , and though theyyare,' childish . and should he allowed to act as children, fetiit all our dealings with ihetn should be -manly,' though not morose. 'f Be always kind and 'cheerful'injheir'pres ence.plajful, but never light, . comrounieauve but never extravagant in statements nor vul gar in language nor gestures.' 1' 'S Nerer trifle with a child nor speak.beseech-' ingly to it, when it is an" improper thing, or when watching aa opportunity to da so. ' ' Always follow commands witli a close and careful watch, until you see that 'the child doe? the thing commanded allowing- of no evasion, nor mocificaiion, unless ihe child ak for it, and it is expressly granted Never break a promise -made to a - child,' or if you d give your, reastms, and if in fault, own it, and ask pardon ifjiecessary; Never trifle with a child's feelings 'when under discipline Children ought never ta be governed Z by the fear of the rod, or of private chastise ment, or of dark rooms. v Correcting a child on suspicion or Vi thorn uoderslandin; tlie whole matter, is the way to make him hide his faults by equivocation or a lie-r-to justify himself or to disregard you aitogetner, neeause ne sees you do $ not understand the case and are in the wrong. ' Never reprove jrhildren . nererely in cord pany, nor make light of their feelingsi 'aor hold them up to ridicule. ' - Nsver try to conceal .any .thing; which the child knows you have, but by yourr own conduct teach him to be frank, an'd manly, and open-rnever - hiding things in his hand nor concealing himself nor his designs. . ; KiuJness and terideruess of feelings to wand insects, birds, and ' the young . even of . such animals as should be killed il old (excepting poisouous ones,) are to be -carefully -cherished. - -m , e -' 1 atnpleased with such' children aa alldw those roses and other flowers that .blossom on the Sabbath to remain on. the tree to praise their Maker in their own .beauty and sweet ness. 'Ihis is the incenseof iheV heart; whose fragrance smells, in heaven, 'i- 1 Much is said abut winning souls to Christ; ore HiHiiing in uie jiuie aoQUi urivrng them. This should he ever L-pnl in mind in the management of children: Every thing like severity vr constraint? defeats theV very object in view. ; -j " Wi w;. Always speak of the Sabbath Reiigion, and of death in such a manner as to how that you consider them desirable, r subjects of happy mejIitaticTn, and show by all; you, do.tbat the Sabbath and Religion, are' your, great delight, and that! death is the gate to Heaven-and dying only going home.' 1 he natural heart is alwava ready to rise against the truth, and especially when apok-' en so plamlyastobe capable of personal application, and more 8peclaif when there is a direct address Of course when' chil dreqre addressed in strong and alarming languageone of the . two tiling viz --they will be convicted and overcome, or theywill resist and harden them 8eWe ln order to secure the- former. Parent. Guardians should always tuke the part of the exhortei, or -Preacher and if the lamma has been harsh they shobld word the imnnr: Unt truth in more mild aud. winning language oui oe carpiui to make, . the . .child feel that which was said is true or contains an impor tant truth and intended ror the. salvation of the soul, -and,, rau8t be ' attended 'to. - This secures the Parent's cnt-operauon and prayers and the blessings of God.. -But if the. Parent K.iMnk the chihi abused; or takes never ? speak - in nt imotm r fri.tr., I itr which t beylv bavp ; When a child break V glass or cup or does anv otherlamo tJ KM l -i-. . , ' ' r j 97 Waning jfljeciiBie.,. Make Uie we.V '. wnav cannot be . mended-i-ari 'M jt Mt'it until yousee.bow the childwn mimt s. wected ia view of it, and thn gtveeproof. or iadvfce as may . seem: desirableV always avoid' putting the chiUrirr slavish fear.? ;7 rNeyer? say io a ch"ild,CMjI ; dbnt : believe what you say;' no espress'doubtsl.lf-you have such feelings keep'y our -own thoughts anu wan wnn waicu:uineF8 , x iuui 'wivi 1 Repeating ihebad language or 'telling the bad 'conduct orofhecs7)'jn the hearing of chiW urenf'orfailQwing''themorepeatarvteLior- what' they-;tfave' heard iby Jhe wayof idle talkVis impressing orr their minds knowledge vrhicHhe vvicked heart turns into a sad temp tation which inay follow, them, through life.' Alt witch stories jand the telation of things frightful or shocking to' common feelings,and all extravagance - in expressionV; -shbtild ' be carefully : avoided 6ij tbti? Parent's, part, and 'disapproved in' the child. V; ; ' ' ' v ' . Never, speak evil or suspiciously. of your neighbors before your children ;; and more especially never speak to the "disparagement of tbefr ' Companions irplayin,ates,'nor allow them "to speak or write so to you. If V there are evident defects which the child must see mention AneiD oy ,', way )i caution as tuings Acit to be imitated, and not in such a way as to lead the luld to ihink-itself superior. c. -Alt com pulsion in oxaking a child attend ta such duties reading ori. work as are - pecu. liafly unpleasant to it, is a sort of teasing which not only sets 2 the child against the thing itself, but agatnst'yriu tooV ' Such forc ing-leads to dissipation; of mind, and to ,dis couragements: u;nOt sulkydisobedience. "In such cases; Parents or Guardians may uhank themselves' for dull children,' and for all the dislike to'the .Bible and" to ; various other books, which arenot unfrequently seen,, not ouly in youth but in manhood. ; i V y-' ' . , Giving paper tusmarchildren to tear for amusement teaches" them to (ear books - - "Allowing children .to-play with fire or".' a kniferidaiigers their ownlives' and the lives of others; T' ' c ' " ' -: ' ' - Beter send children , away , at Prayer lime, than to allow them to play " with books, -4c and make a noise. The former is an evil of absence the ' latter of thoughtlessness . to themselves ;and of disturbance td t others- both of which should ever be avoided at such times." ' v ; . ' I have often been in doubt about the man agement" of a? child when tick or ir. feeble health. Bm having seen, in some few cases the effects if indulgence; l am led to-believe that even; for lh& health of the child as well as for the good of his ?, temper and .'morals,, a gentle but even anu steady government is bet- ter inan innuigence.-'" - v -2 When a child is angry or in a passton, nevs er; speaks -to-bim about his soul, or try to im press upon hirut he fear and love of God. an aiiu.i3Ke anouier opporiunity. 1 Never. JdisappoinlAhe confidence a, child places in ypUi' whether it relates lo a thing placed m your care or a prorrttse. Faithfully and promptly fulil 11 such promises;' and show thai you may be confidently tru:ed.' ' Always , give prompt .attention to a child when 'he speaks, so as to prevent repeated calls, and that he may, give prompt attention when you call him, ( fcitnef-gratir or.-deny him, or show him that his remarks or ; re quests are improper or untimely; -rhe child whocalls'Mamma ! Mamma ! Mamma I with out attention, will give ; no attention ' when called- '.f . ' 'f 'At table. a child should be taught to set up and behave in a mannerly '-manner, not al lowed to leave his ehair or take food without asking;or to tease wheneniedi The bare expression of a Parent's wish' at such time should be lawrfrom which, no appeal should be made. " '- - . . Give a child his choice of such food on the . table as : his fParchts think healthy for. him, considering times' and circumstances ;tj the sametirne, guarding most carefully against the propensity so-common among children . to have things .nice and t weeu 1 he maxim will - hold' good among men; that we should eat Jar the strength' of the f-ody and nt u please the iastO f; Delicate appetites are those made so by delicacy of taste, V - - N A P OT. fc O N. ::.Napoleon professed maxims ' of absolute power,;ks,ntuqh,by Vtemrte'r al.by sysiernr Lnsunct asi well as necessity taught him to desire, a strong? government nd tliej enact ment. of severtt aud strinjent lawsi. He tho- rtiughly despisedilthe-nopulace. ; He'ioved tfije armyv"as' being iheimqst compl?ie--.stan dard of nationality; the most concise formula 01 poyer anq uo most active uociir,;aiju concentrated instru ment of go vernment; But he Jieaher liked Uie press; ihe advocates,' nor the saloons of Parisjtbis is not; surprising, inasmuch" as the press; :-and theadvocates vof raris always; nave Deeu, aim at ways wm iie, peculiarly obnoxious Io'deSptts. He r felt, and he affirmed, jtliit the', imperial 'institu tions did not afrd any guarantee qf stabili ty, and , that a cqpora) at the, headbf ai .few soldiers raight easily ( as Mallet WasCver nearly showing him) Seize, the throne , oy a coup de main. He reJied upohtmself ajoqe and it .was on thai account Ihat he Jortlfied his power at ihe expense of libertyf' ; Yet, stranselv enotio-h. atthoiioh he affirm ed hat men oug.t to be managed ' by excit-. ing their fears and their,feelino;s of self. In terest or vanity , he cneveTthelcss couU;only place aeqnfidenee.ln , their .disinterestedness and their virtue! He wanted in mate them slaves, anu jet be was indignant at their vility ; vHe scoraetl, pnblie opinioni and ser il vet lie dreaded U-aboVe all things O He wished to esiablisl his, power fpr ever, ind -y ei rhe scarcely Delieyed that it would last hitrt Ms lifetime. ;' THejdespised mankind, and vet.htf was ijuiieirjioxieaiea ;oy the jionorf ;wbtcn f livere heaped cnon hirn bjV mabUindl pipil ?-Hf desi red to hive a'Xegislati ve Assembly neither so strong as-' to be tr'onblesonie,' nor so weak as to l?e of no .use to -h inn ; neither so, wealiliy as at be independent,; nor f so poor; as Ji be extortionate. , - ' ; -r :' A. man, of genius himself, he did nbf'fear meri of superior talent : he looked upon "all shining geniuses as belonging to himself, and as destined or Jii? use.' He stretched out his hand to thern J- He drew them from amidst the multitude, and attracted them to himself by that magnetic and fascinating influence which ws so peculiar, to him; ;and which neither Carnoti 'Benjamin "Constant, Mac donatd, nor Lecourbe, was able to resist. ; Napoleon had more extended ideas of ci vil law'than the oldest lawyers of the bo so che or-lhe chatelet.: A II his observations, were replete; withsense, and they astounded the civilians by their correctness and original ty-.rf;., . All other men, no matter whether emperors, generals, or statesmen, appeared inferior beihgs in the presence of Napoleon t " Tltere was a toW of command, to his voice,1 and sometimes even a sweet ness, an insinuating tenderness, which pen elrated the very soul ! It was by means of thfs incomprehensible mixture of grace .and energy Jbonhommie and dignity, 41 icacy and roughness simplicity and pomp, that he ruledvthe ? most rebellious spirits and soften ed the most prejudiced minds. It may well be said that he conquered by his words quite as much as he did by force of arms. - - His eloquence, which to him was a source of power more than a stud v, - suited all times and circumstances. He spoke to the soldiers who belong to the people the language of the people. He traced his War like schemes with assistance of his marshals, and with his secretaries and ministers he drew up diplomatic notes and articles for in sertion in the Monti eur. ' Tie passed, with out the. least effort," from the discussion of civil and political lawy to the minutest details of- ail enactment respecting the baking of bread! He presided at the committee of public works, the committee of war, and the miiiisieriai councils, ne uiscourseu uuuver--ature and science with the members of the Institute, and corrected statistical tables with the clerks .of the various offices. At the Council s of State, he drew up enactments with Tfonchet, Treihard, Merlin, Berenge'r, Cambacers, and Pertalis. . ' ; Whilst the councillors, weary with toil, allowed themselves lo be overcome by sleep,' Napoleon took a savage pleasure in prolong ing the sitting, until the middle of the night. He was alike insensible to hunger, the calls i of nature, and lassitude. . It migirt be said that his indomitable will prevailed over his physical', constitution, as it did over every thing else. . '.. ' , ' . He delighted in setting the councillors to gether by the ears. He provoked them, in a manner to dispute, in order; no doubt, that their anffry polemics might remind him of warfare; or that' the trutlh might be elicited by go active a "discussion. He himself oc casionally ran a tilt against Trehard, on ob- j t in ate logician and, an uitrepid aulagomst. who by no means feared his Imperial adver sary ; he nsedrlo sav that one victory over Treihard cost him much more labor than onegained on a field of battle.. ' ' Napoleon was born to govern rather, than t conquer; to found Slates rather than upset them.v He will be much more admired by posterity as a precursor 01 iner iuiure, uiau as 1 ' . ' - -' r . 1. - I a ravaffer ol nations : more, as a politician I than as a" warrior J more as ar It more as a legislator man as Vcbnquorer ; .more as an organizer of in stitutionsHltan as a gainer of victories I. ' i itnon. - rr AMD FOR SAtE The Subscriber will sell, on accommodating teram, a .Tract of un cleared Laml, King within 3A or 4 miles of Raleigh. The .Land adjoins Judge Saunders, Major Collins, vviiuain run : jq. anu ouiera. 11 is uueij uiowieu 1 with Oak, Hickory and Pine, and contains 140 Acres. r Also, another Tract of 100 Acres un Barton's Creek, in sight of Tippers Cross Roads. ; .... ; - -WESTON JR. GALES. ( Raleigh. March 7 - TTJRESIl ABRIV A This day Wived LPat N. C. Book Store, Nicholas Nickleby, with Illustrations ; Pickwick Club;' Oliver Twist ; sketches by 1 Boa ; Barnaby" Rudge ; Ten Thousand a year ; Book of Passions, by James, with sixteen Illustrations (3arly re's Trench Revolution: Leibig's Organic 1. hem-1 istiv of. Agriculture and Physiology jLife in China V j Life of Richard Occur De Lion, by James;; Frederick I the Great in hia times 4 Gibson s Rambles in Europe, &c. 1 T ' l . 4 r - Y TURNER & HUGHE-. . j March 25. 1842."-.- - y ' " : 125 j , a noon i'annisk;anu uukkiek wanted. m W whom liber.. Ul.b. Also 100 corns 01 tveu ana .anisa Wa aris, lor : . .. m 1 - r r . a . . 1 u a r a. it ; his Offire.; Raleigh April. 5.6t TTTDGEWORTH SCHOOL-For IP A' MUSIC, eqnal to any ever: for its superior excellence ana will be furnished at rates to suit Greensboro', March 26. TTTltMIlVr ROI2 UERRIiVGS IP- Barrels of Vai. laxt season, in prime order, are ereatlv imrjroveJ bv age as a .relish .vyVva April r I 7TT)I4OlJGII. Still pn hand; a; few of Rich; I IT tiMmlV Mlebraied Cast Irorf Ploushs. " Also.exi tra ph nts and slides: ?' JAMES M.' TO WLES April 1. Female Bricklaying, Platsleriug and Whitewashfng. AVILLPEl, Marchr25j A Jj 4 DXV who can produce the most sauVfacto tX-rf recommendations as a 1 eachef, wbea to pro cure a situation. Y A line aldreed. to L. P. at t .April V Uurce, wyi Tocot wjiu immcuiaia aiuruitou cneapness. . ieacueri n rt . f ' - " .ajv'i -, : - - TTIOR HIRE.Whe balance of the vear, a ; I K ha.,o- K,...i,, ;kA i. ? mZ.l harm and 4 eafons, teervJvnivMi ami r oras, owe. rocnei, portt organtt closed-tae . consequence is a great tiJdSrllhhS fT and,oihers. , German, eilver lCombe.. H.nd-Bejls, tiori of imptiririe which. tbey cannot get pSi, S f S - - ''' .Wattbgutrds',Chabpnd KjBehbockles;Specr eatby their usual p3AFge, are forced into the blood, ,yrfpnf iV.n S...:, t&cle. v;:; ,5-- occasioning impurity of blood; Thus Fevers, L'fact. "rrTTTE SHOULD LIKE "to gel employment ear 4" J.y DR GOODS.' 4 r- e r f:. ' Ic!i Rheumatifm, Coughs, and C.-ld, are. often, pra home; for a hand who umlersUnds Masonry; ; ri,JtL; ifffU.vVi4t ntterns.' Handkerchiefifi duced. : Butlet Brandrelb's Pills be used in snch do- 4- i - imt m u k m m I i - w - a . . JNO. 10,"' FArnTEVUXESTREXT, "v ft Has me pleasure oian - nbuncingjo hisfri!nds and " i,fc ' nf (lU. h.h ,vill sell at New York prices i SE.-S7.l,-The assortment consists in part, of, ' I '. a' pviiuciiiecivuut, uupiMt BHt:uvi.i4Cvvr f ww;urs, B general assortment 01 liver UO; 01 every price and ouality. ' . - , i. T, ."""litiiii. ; uW eoards. fob. and neck Chains. Seals. Kv iJiamond gins tfr Kings, Rttby and Emerald do. neck u y , ,,.r,,, nru ciuiem, cr mowic rini qr btr-nngs, gold PenciU, Thimbles, Vinigretls, Medal- ions, gold Hearts and Crosses, Jet do. and a great ucu yiuiuiniu, ricu cnuieonq- mosaic rini Varieiy 01 otner rich Uoods. . ; ; " - , T.v "v"".-. f f Gold, Silver, Blue, and polihed steel Sneclaclrs to i kuit all persons and all wee. Verv suirior flint glasses, that maj 'be adjusted in any frame, at a mo-1 """u iiwuvc. : , ' ,; i SILVER AND PLATED WARES. l. Silver Cups. Spoons. Cadles. Soeai Tones,- Salt I and Mustard SpnHis, Butter Knives, silver- mount-1 ed Cocounuts, Castors, Candlesticks, SnufTers and Trays, Waiters, Cake Uaskels. Coffee Greques, iJri- tannia W ares, in setts and single pieces, &c. -4 1 rANCY GOODS. Mantel Clocks, and Lamps, Plated and Japahed Waiters, Gok! and Silver Mounted Canes and M hips, Chess men and Backgammon Boards, Visiting Card Cases, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Patent Steel Tl . S V - vr . rens, noger uperior nazors, uonsress Knives aiu Scissors, Sanders', celebrated nizor Slrop, Dog Col lars, do. Calls, silk Purses, Pocket Books, Imitation Fruits, Guns and Pistols, Ladies Toilet and wprk boxes, toilet bottles, and HARRISON Breast Pins Medal, Canes, and tfogrs, &c &c. PERFUMERY. Farina's celebrated genuine Cologne, Rose Laven de Florida,; and Bay Waters; Guirlaiu's Crcamfof ?!pi,N'P,e84 - ,Bn 8Pnac7u compound for Shav- ing, -Rose, Almond, Camphor and Windsor toilnu Soaps.pearl p nwder,coldCream, Pomatum, lear's ail. hair, tooth, and-shaving Brushes, and a variety of other aritcus for the toilet MUSIC Spanish Guitars, Violins, Clarionetts, Flageolettr, Flutes, Octave, &c Fife aud Arcordmr.s. Precen tors fur all ihe alwve. . Guitar and viehn sinners ex tra Violin bows, occ. . i nmr a nn .nmn. . I Jhe public at large, that he w-iiym Awicigu, i. K.f on Uie; IXtn day . U haarecfivedQroniNewYork of rMayhext. , ' r ,-4 : (0- Clocks and Watches of all descriptions clean """" " V i m T , li.-1 . j . i Mordecai and Charles Manly, Esquires; DrS Mat ed and repaired in his arcastomes suierior style , i.r.u n. i n- n r r Gold and Silver rnanuiarinred lo order with ex edi lion and punctualttv highest price given for eld gold and Silver, i , .v., t : ' i i ' i COIFEC TIOI AKY, FANCY MUSICi JEW.ELLERY & DRY GOODS. Thankful for ihe encouragement they have hereto-1 airs V -1 ivi ict) lUl'n iu well lliciiuo CUU tUO puutlv 111 I general, that they have opened, at the yew stand, corn- I er r ayettpville & HargeU Streets, a choice assortment I ui uuuus in me auove orancues.oy iar larger man rorm- I erly kept, and as ibey always sell at very ; moderate prices, tbey hope to merit a continuance of favors. Pait of the new suplv consists in: J 30O lb fresh Raisins, 25 boxes Candles, Sperm 35 cts. Tallow 20 els. and the celebrated Hull's patent; Soaps, . white, yellow, castihv perfumed, &c Sperm un, wmier atrainea .oest; buo id crackers, butter. lemon, ship-bread best Porter, fine wines, and French Cordial; Cheese 3 sorts; Chewing Tobacco, , WbynMoorougA- R.W ashington, and James Grift--25 box Segars. Figs,- Prunes, Dales: Filberts. Palm. I wold. Esquires; -t ' . , " -. v: ' ' Wall & Cocoannts, -Almonds, 8wret Oil, Preserves,! Brandy Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Seidletz and Soda Powders, Macaroni, Currants, Citron ; 300-lb Candies 1 Pease's Hoarhound Candv : . Chocolate. Prnrjerfnure. ! . . . ' . . fickles, Lemon Syrup, Nutmegs, Liquorice, Cinna- monardines. Anchovies, Bologna Sausages, Smoked Tongues, very best Mustard, Marcn, l ea. PERFUMERY. Peptumxkt, Oil of Roses, Mac:issar,Bear8Antique I . Oils. Cologne, Florida and Lavender Waters Shav- p ing soap. Essence Opodeldoc, pink Saucers and lilly White, rrecklewasn, Bergamott. . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Mustcai. I8TUMKMTS,FinestViolins,bows8trings, bridges, screws, Fingerboards Guitars, Flajeolettes, y,fe- Flutes, Clarionetts, Accordeons, Brass Trumy pgg BOOKS. . Books, Spanish, .French, German and English Grammars and Readers, Almanacs. Geography. Prim ers. Spelling, Picture and Song. Book, Key of Heaven, (Catholic.) I ' -r , fencing and,lsoxng Apparatus.. Foils, 8 words. Gloves, ' Masks, Hats, . Breastplates -'cy 1 Jrancy iroodsetc. -Painted Glass Mugs, artificial'' Hair and Flowers, Mohair , Caps. Ladies W ork and Fancy Boxes, Look- inglasses 3 and 4 feet: square. Baskets, Snuff-boxes fro m 5 cts lo -4; Combs, shell and other t Chick s. wooden and metal; Walking Cnes finest Razors and shaving utensils.. Thermometers Compasses, Dirk, Pen and Pocket Knives of the finest quality, Pis- tola, Teeth, Cloth; Hair, Hat and Sh.brushes,-Bla'ck- tm:.r' - rv r D - ; -3r 'rr -" WZTMESLZEZXTSS - . - . SKrtlh-,l4 ,. I jusb a - -.- - --- wv w liLut a ir:rnc BOT8, netnatra wiu .ucaus. i npci, , pus, WUIIIK, IIIK sale.a Stock of I and Inkstands." Wafers. Searing wax, Letterstamp, Pen Bered tn the Siate 1 cibj, Buttons,' Pictures V -V them. ; 7 "' J ? GiMt.s, as Domino, Chessmen, Backgammon. Ke- 26 no, Tipm- Gip and Ball, Graces for 'Ladies slip A -few PS ropes, Tivoli billiard, Rolkfc VilY, ' " er, wmcn -M-' , - ; . .. . - Tops, Trumpet. Toysvn false ' races; Cannons V: Dollar Malescops. I iuii vi ,rnjuKr.uiuvu, , himuih, uuuiuuuii t (frs a velocttv auu uirecuon are ait k,ctikk, 1 Drums,RattIeirrWb'istes,Mouth Orgahs. Harps. tradion of matter to mailer. - Th vrrndph epverns Magic V Lantern, Paintboxes, e Magnetic I ,u- homan bodv.. - "Brandreth's'YegeUble Uni Microscopes, pamted Trunks for children, etcetc" v' J bowels,' which organ expels them from the body At . : N j- JEWELLRRY, ' traction and disease are IkjUj Units." :AU accidents or -Fine gold and silver, as welt as eerman silver, via. Breastpins; Ea'r-siriws. Pfncils,Pinger-fioSs;,Tblin. Wcif -rtf nan ; silver aud pmcJibacki v i ame and CamW' JeShs. Linen' (JrtlUrs v and Bosom, Stock. i Gloves,' Stocking. IrishVtnen, Sadnettr 4 bleach and 1 I.-li kJi-rrtr,iift' Flannel fr'- c-' , r y UiiwiTiHini v"-"- - ... :. .s ti -r;.:, Iii faei' the variety nf, anicies is too nurnerons to I mendonjelfof which wilt be sold on vtiy teesoiMble J taking Jn all, the pld boxes, and putting j new. ones oft .jr, JO G jDitIi . j taia I term tor can . t- r v. r - ioiueen nfture, wu -. ruau iiace. u-,j 'f,, ffvVrT8irisa.ii - JltCfT-' ' 4 ".i ' J T. he HevA Ii D E R T . SMBDES. of the City t - C.k- v - V " . . t Wi AVU5 . wiue ue can. woduu. S.hrtrT V A OTf , A WSSLJ VI.IU Wll rAJiUICM I eievatfd Dak erove. furnish thn mnsUnarmm tMorn I inVAa. trr twrrt v nnnor I .o tiasi a i-inalrrttiAn n nr nrivi.r n) at K m ti'mft'. fr nivn ,: tion of air.- ; . , . L u, ' - i Every article of furniture is provided by the School !.Tni h.AA; -tvA. ;iti j TKks.-For Board, including wasbirigihd v2 iy incidental expense, witu J uttion in iurigusa,'. in, &c $100 per Session, payable in advance..' - The extra charges wiQ be for French.Tulitri, i tv incidental ex Dentw. with Tuition in En 2 lish. l.at- Un. sjc. Drawintr. Pnfi4 and Ornamental Needle-worfc I at me usual Dricea ot the M&sters. laere tuili b ftw other extra cJiarge., - - - j-- fupils will be admitted at any age desired. :a.r..it No Pupil, except by : a writtkw request, of ihe Parent or Guardian to the Rector of tne SchoeL will be allowed to have an account at any Store tr Shop in the Citv. A disregard of this Prohibition .vrilf be followed by an immediate dismission, from School. lyuy-ocnuiars wnj oe received Lrom suca rareLiisar Guardians as residi in ihe place. ' ' - . V l The year will be divided into two terms of five month each. v The former commencing, after the 1st term, on the 15th of May, and terminating on the 15th of October: Ttie latter. commerieinB on the 20fh of XM ovember and terminating on tne: 20th of Apnl.- "V - REFERENCES. x ' . m'u. ilP(v-v.i.L't. nr.rB.-:Bi'v rJ- .i n "n -t- n ti ?m.vu'.;-. tt.v- T.vlor.. Chief -JnrfU ih Hnri O R Vr. planck and R B. Minturn, Esquire lt . NEW JERSEY. Burlington The Rev G W Doarie, T D jl L Princeton. The Rev G E Hare and John Potter. Enquire.- " -i , VIRGINIA; Richmoncl-The Rev A Empie, D D and the Rev William Norwood. ' , JJ'.. - ' - Petersburg The Rev N BT Cobbs and Messrs White & Dlume. , ' " . Norfolk 'The Rev B M Miller," and George Row land, Esq. ' -' , NORTH CAROLINA; ' " The Rt R.-v L S Ives; D D and the Clergy of the Diocese generally'. J - - tr ' '" toXciffA The Hon Duncan Cameron, the: Hon James Iredell, the Hon Richard Hines,ihe Hon Geo. E Baduer, the Hon Romulus M' JSaqnders; the Hon I l ir T . txr:n: it i- .! - r nun Btiu urciLwtiui vuariea niiuwii, vv- i yjaica, and Edmund B Freeman," Enquires. -- '-- .v-i FayetteviUe.-LouJ) Htfnry, ;hftrles. T naigh, Charles P Mallett, and J Haler Esquires. WiYi nffoa William C Lord, Esquire, and Dr T H Wrishu ' Newhern Hon J R Donftfll,' Hon Charles Shep- ard. James W Bryan, and John M Roberts. Esqr's ,' WaaAi7igfor--DrB C Freeman, Major Thomas Blount ant) Eli Hutt, Esq - jltkmib uovjm av'asas'i wat . . r :. Plymouth B F Maitlaml ana John Beasley,.Esq- ' Lake Scuppenionglion xi Pettigrew, and Josian uihub, xjshj,. EdentonTin Jamea Norcom, M Paee, and Wil liam Warren; Augustus Moore, and Joshua' Skinner, Esquires. ,t V' ' " ' -" ' Elizabeth City. The Hon William o Shepard, Charles K. Kinney, and John McMorine, Efqutres. , - iembraBenjaniin frkmner; and T r Jones, Esquirex. ' . - v - ' ; - qWindsorJ 1$ G Ronlhac. and Wm Gray, JSsq'i Pollocks terry- Jioanoke I P DeverenX-Esq.-Halifax F S Marshall and Thos B Bill, Esqr's. TarWo'-Theophdns Parker. Esq, Kinson J C Washington, Nathan G Blount, George Whitfield, Esquires. ; -jf--S i.V - Greenville Drs. N Joyner and George U Basker- ville. Esquires. r J ; - Henderson- John S Eabn, Esq. . - . ; . '. Williamsboruugh -7-Th o m as Turner, Esq. K"' ? OxfordJohn C Taylor and Russel Kingsbury, Esquires, " 5 -v -. Orange CottyChiei-Jusiice-KnrIin,-Hon Wu lie P Mangura and Hon Wm A Graham.' . . nape t Jtui rresiuent owain,. - - s r . ' '. -;' Pittsboro William H Hardin, Esq and" Dr Hall. Wadesboro' WilUam E Tioy, Esqtnre ahdDrW G Jones. "V . J- v 'A" Salisbury W iltiam Cbambers,Esq- 1:-;: c- ' -f Charlotte-W illiam J Alexander; Bq.-'V; W Lineolnton--Michael Hoke, Esq.:. "tV - Beattie't Fwd Alfred M Burton,' Esq I " Rutherford 1 Q Bynuto and Thomas. Carson Esquire. " . t,-"-' - V c--vV Morganton Jvhnvery; Esq."r-- - ITArf JtaA-Char1e'Baring, Esq.;; ? , .:--- ; SOUTH CAROLINA v - ' - Charleston Bl Rev C E Gadsden. D D ' : Louisiana? v.i No Oriwn The Rev Dr Wheaton.. 1 "-'' '- GEORGIA. ci' 'A . Kx The )Rev.B NeufvUle-. y . , " 'ALABAMA"; t;:n Mobile The Hon Xmea Martih.' sv ' AnDlications for' AdmiMcntu'.the School, piay .be Mo. P ' O t' Rtefgb',' of bf th -Rer Mr maue to oe nt ev i o tTMri vi uw , .'', .'., "i.-Tr. . -. '.r, T, T . . - wr . .vr . a . v a, --m Aa nis. at lew xora.unut is waju-uu i -Feb 21. -j 17-tf 1 ' "DISEASE A CHIT k- i 'i tf Jmpilrtty f te'BLOOpAhe?pnhi Disease. TTTI O W simple- yet how wise, bow gooil and beao I HI tifnf are all tlie law of natorel -Simplicity, and truth are stam'ped upon every, IaWfof the creation Thetnighty worlds whit hTrolI" ill space in every de-' body. or,r Pi!li atiract all imDurities of the blood to ihe I infections only affect iheL.Tidy in- proportion as thev I oefgion bopurity of the blood.lv" - .2 y,"X'i l-- 1 xhe bowels for mstanee arexeshve thu most un- I sesas wUt effectually evacuate the bowels, and health j is restored at imtx....i - . 1 ' - The un Worth v have connterieiled the Doctor's If e 1 z ,- ..v.- - rf . : , r , leucine o extensively, mat nts travmiiQAgsnt unnw fmHEsB '-Piltf havevowTieeac&6r0-'iba-KeQt'' II ? years before the PubUci xnd their iust pteteo-' , won to the character claimed fir ffcem closely xata-1 ined and testrd by a'great nenbsr cf perjon; tooin teiligent to. be deceived; and loo. deeply nf " ( in -the results not to observe1 with cife,' 4nd ju, itlf.' out favur.? ExierieDce as" not weakened luc di.- tensions, but strengthened and confirmed Iheia bj W . mas of testimony cf such Vespectabre charactei asnas : , DCT V ?Mwied any artklo i'n,thi form irr any coun ry5 : t h" or,an1,degi' 1&lHK9.pjfpepmiai and . those functional derangement oiin? which It commonly depends. They were howeveT furd, byv 1 preserving the susmach and bowefa In aTiealtny state . of petion, to fe-nd greaily to ward off those bilious " Bttacka to which many are h'able. but not as an Am UBdious Pill, v m . the ' common ngiaficatibnof tbe term. Tboae therefore who expected- in them an -uctm pvrgatire (thoagh : to many; they" ire aach.) may have been disappointed f yet4 few iiutahces Vof faiture have; been ascertained among th'tise wh hav faithfully emplmed ihe article , according t abe -deC sign where relief might reasonably bfcv teen eipee- ted r K In ad.titiofi ' to the habitual dvsDentM2 ih. Who from custom pr from necesitv. aa in tiaveh'm r v business, take their tneala hastily, find fi the use of these Pilfs great protection orrefcfl from conseeuenf occasional attacks of indigesuoo; 'and,': Uideed, aIF wnoee nabita or pursuits are.aedentary, may fake them with safety andJbenefit. ; ' v. . - l The chief objection urred aaam'st the ni wth'ai thn encourage indulgence in the 'pleasures of the table by the Immunity they sivefrom the painful eflectsbfex-' cesg. : That the tablic niav :el . asstnvd that nit itu position i attempt to be practised upin Ibem. tlie Proprietor ha obtained permission to refer tle fol lowing gentlemen, ; (among many others who; from personal experience of .the' efneacy' of" these ' Pills. are willing to. recommend thera to : their friend, vii ? :m& vatt Buraii lalft-Presfdfnf of the ? U; tate; Honi George 2? Badger? U I. D4' bite Secic Navy. Rt, Rev.X. 5 . D.iD. Bish60 oliJfbttS CahV na,; Hon Jamet Iredell late U. ?. Senator and Gov-j ernor of N. (X,- HorjJFenry Patter DiVtricr Jndge Vi iourttoni Beverly Tucker; Law Professor.: William and Mary College, ' WniS Preston, tK 8-enator,S. C4 Hon: John Henderson. U: 81 efv Misa., Hon. N. P. Tulmudgt TJ . 8rrator;- New Yorkv Wmt$iMooknt Esqi Tenn? Hep. E.Siunltf, M. u... Hon. J iJiBroe&wai, U C..Coiirteticut&, Hen. Sidiard Hine;toe.M.C;N.C.; Hon; Charier ruher, fate M. C. a: C7KWJ. HeisJcetK Circuit Judge, Tenn , TRev, F, X; Haibkx ' D;D.tTiew YorkVi Rev. Wm. McPhccieYt, D. D. ti.V. Rev. George WV J.K Burch, Ky.rRev.'"i2. Wfevl WakeForesL Nl" C; Dr R. C. Bond, Hafrfa;N. CVr" Elijah Ctos. Indiana, Du J.iY. Youngi TeaiDri Ja.DfatU ney, BrtuTort, N. CU Dr.f 2V JLjohJutontXlchez.-i mm vt. AJatvin Jonesj i enn ut. lJStith Ra leigh. N. C VCE Marks, Colombia; SCDr, E. ary, Esq. NewberoV F:iX.?'.WoJker, Anderson, lUMj.. - turiua, .4 f jucvercvxj Mueq. naanKe. wajor Samuel-Mc Combs, Greenville,' Georgia, J.S Skinner Esq. Aw't P. M. Gen; WasbFitott- CntyMaT. JbJla Beard, Florida, Thos. 8. Gholson.aqr.' Ya., Dr W.-; R. ,8cUt; Raleigh,: VV R Gales. Eso. bf the Ret- ; ister, Raleigb,' GeoV WJtordecar.Esq iRaleTgk. - rrepared solely by the proprietor Dr. Jos Bxcft wiTn. at Raleigh, N C. to whomaU orders most be - addressed. '-$i7 V , ' Raleigb; Feb. 20. I842.vt j .V ; JI6 -.Jtrrr' " ComeW Macduff; J? rf.?i ? V " And Jrici'4-be hethalfirstcfiesn'ofo',enougftJ ft" I l ".Tetarneu from tne .onn, w u ! and is now opening. aV . . 1- ,wm new . and : "splcnilib as-.- sortment of Gocirts Tots, Co'wvr.CTiAii;r f UxBKEi.i4s, ozc&c all pf which" heofiersat the low-vi est Cash prices. ' It impossible within the limit ' v " nuTrruwnieni ra 11st 01 an n aruciea ui ine pf business, and many rare and curious notions ,fce Amongst the assortment are I ? e.vvi -rip dox superior French CordiaJsia China bwtilss Y ; ,r doz B rase Whips . Cordial of every kind' " r : JVeeetabb? and white U'intlsor Soap' i''T- f ' Shelled Almonde TBeef Tongues Percussion Capsfe Bone Dog Calls Dried Beef ; Bologna Satsat a e do? large Silver Guards V . r, t t v&f -l-' doz small do ; do, . f - . ' Porter ami every variety of Wines V . Fine Antione Oil ant! Ortardn Soar ' - Pease's HoarhoUnd Candy; . -t " A " Assorted Fancv Glass Bofes'and Dommos Violins and Silk PnrsesCork Screw!, &c Brsss Wntches Harmonicon Oil Cloth UssksU l ' Bates and Brandy Peaches Cherries &Cv-Macaroni lz doz.SQpenor German Cologne Water 10 doz. Brassa Bdckets 2 dox. Brooms Nest Tubs 3 doz Wood Buckets - ' Frrsh assortment of Nnts of every variety - f "i r Pweet Meau and Jellies of every variety" C f j Macaboy and Scotch n off in bladders andt battles tj !' Oranges Xremons; afinf assortnient Eartben-waie . Cheese. Crackers ficegars of ever variety & price -J-' Sugars ot every quality v Old Java Coflee A Btarch v" .. Shewing Torracco and try superior VVai Candlelri TableSaltPrunee; Preserves and Pickles of everyi variety i and great Jnany articles too tedious to men , tion, which I WW take, great pleasure in sbovrins t4 any'ijersdn who may favor rae with a ealL t Also t.y turn my thank to the public for past favors, and hdpe 1 to merit the same. S; -L.njCKER.' "September 24. TT7 OI7C ATlO.-X. Gentlemarr 2nd Ms Wifd Lijj whdhave had several years' experience laTat-h- ingr are desirdaato'etfttuivW situation In NordVCsro- litia or Vuginia,where the aervleea-of both would be: . reqoi red. Th highest and most sstisfjctory test i mo. - ny ean be giverr- ae la the conjpeteVyyf the parties,.) (a MAn.lrttr mi- 9 miVAiimrm?wmim..A'- at tmAXmm aV-V, t JL. .A A & rf-Y Ing, and a -leach , ihe Greek Wd fottir ;aiesY i rencn. ftiumc, etc; a very exirwnvtcwMvr" pi , W . .k. Ma - liav in -11- r1Seial r 1 ccman, jj. v. vOJOJnnusr ni h-s.i riev, .; I V XMC, "- Wke.NXJ , Rev Stephen' Ccekt, Lenox Oasttei Va.4 Res.D. Brockvtav ,Conn Rev . AfcA.C.nnRev. ' G.-Mygatts B mntit.TiriWilt, Irving Hufhpi i Esq N . Yi, E. P: Guion, Raleigh, N. C4 ' VVmi Miff Esq. 8er?ry. State;- N.Oner IfeaU, Esq. Wash- ington, N.'C J; Bonner, :EsaBatbiN;J.V. t7.'" wisv'huivukui, uai neww.iDe principal ones r 3-; r subjoined,- and the - public mre assured they" will find - . -1 everything at his Store thaf pertains to his jmraediata 1 ; o at ics, .wtlh toe oaJ junior . orawnea. -oj a -unjnmt ij: Education 7 "Address AW BAPif5febufg, , Y'lols, s . r ..( ; 3lareh, 18, ' , Book relorngta-tbetateLihrary. art w. jqutowturnthsforfhw i. a r 1 'II- 1 4 tl "V. 1 Yf if - ; 4; r . . . - - ; ' .f - -. - - s I . v- -i . " Y Y 1 - -' -YY-, ; ; iV - V - ' t 1 . i , . - - , . - . - .... . .. , i .- l V Y ' - t' - -S . ' ' 5 s - - - - ,.I.t ' ' r J ' H , f. I, " , v. " ' . 't 'tis . . t v -. - . , , . . - --Ti. -j -. ' 4. 5 -- -

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