JGi t . f "f J. H v it , SEMfeWBEKIiY. -4 VOL. XLlIIi is 7V EDITOR AND rROFRIETofc '.jy srBSCBiPTiox.-Five DoUtir pernaoum-jLilf in ADVFRTlSEMENtf .i7 ( . n rflsi 2 each suLscauent ihecHiow. BrttmM.nK.il. v -V ' V. - emy-flve Cents. . V CotinT Okdebs and Jttj)iciav Aeive?ti8EMEkt$ .u 1.i,n.aea23 per c'nt. Iiigber; but a tledpeVton . ii ner cent, will be made irora the regular price, for advertisers Ly the yearr . - - AHtertiseinehls, . . . . - BrtiSTM, will Prear ir. .VKi.VPif frceofcLarge. v 5. J "V - W I cttcrs to duo Editor must be. 0ST-PAi6 ! f iTi" ." I- W'," -i. -' i- I A TnaiLLlNO AND FRlGHtFUI DETAIfc OF TRAGEDY: IN RUSSIA , A W'e hae received fiom Mcscowi'lh subjoined dei tail of a horrible event, woica snow . wuat lac conui- tiori of the serfs continae to be in Kussi. j M. Miefzaloff, a younLientf ihe'Su- roJuburo liegimeut oi rcuifasiera; '-2 years aue, iidierited, early ivl!c first of this year, liv ihe death of his jmcie, a large fortune. consisting of lordships and propejiy; situated in the ffovernmenl of Tafribof Ea'gejf io enV joy Iu3 fortUTie, tre.ypuo;1jcutsnaqt.ipmQ-. diately resigned his Icommissionand' tok leave of liia lellow officer prptoising to iee theoi again, and settled in thev village of" So knlia-S'.aw, ihe pleasantest ahdbestisittjated of the many which had just become Iris-own p-roperty. - ...- -.y'V ; From that moment young. Mierzakiffi : with all the warmth of youtli, enterltj Hpou the life of a Rustiian'Lord, the owner of -2,000 souls; that is to say, 2,000 peasarfts, half of whom usually consisted'off young girlslo whom, it is true, the Imperial ukasea deny the possession of a ?ouI, but who are ool tjiu less among the t worldly goods of a lord and master ot iwen: v-two, lliose,v perhaps, hq sets tne utgnest vaiuejon, , . ' . 'MierzaloffJ. like . men of his;;hirtlr and for. tuiie, led iu iia: chateau- of ; SSokoljn-Slaw, the most dissolute aud licemioiis life,; whei in the moniir or jotyiineyfeflay ot- htSAre verend palron,Saint Aiexsis; approachingT he invited twelve qld comradesiof ;his. regiment of Staroduburo, to come and celebrate Jt with him. The. vfficeis,hase corps wereirsn sienily cautoned a short distance, hastened to comply with the invitation on the. 17th of the month, the holy patron's day ; the morn ing commenced with a grand breakfasU briU lian cavalcades, pistol and gun shootings and above all, a copious consumption of cham paigne. At the dinner, vhich displayed Ori ental magnificencejL and. "every course of which was hrough: by young girls l singing in cuorus tiieir native airs, .what sense -the light brains of the Lord of Sokolin-Slaw-.and of his comrades sliij yielded entirely vanish ed: At the dessert the male servants were dismissed, and Miemloff, declaring his wish to do the honors of all he had to his former comrades., urged therh to chooseamorig the chorus of young singers sucjt as pleased them. Accustomed from the .'cradle ta blind obe dience, and qiihe certain of obtaining- neither protection nor defence amonthe serfs sjof oouolin-lSIavV;, the. poor girls 'on Avliom 'the chance of theofJicers fell submitted lo;theit fate, save one, named Mary na. vperhaps "ihe han.lsomest of ihem. vho availing herself tf luuiueni wuen ine uoors were not yei clos ed, .took to flight s and hastened -towards the country. f) As soon as & he heard of her escape,-Mier ,.; out, Ke jUvan, VAlexis !?has zuloff roared ten m pursuit of Maryna let her be brought back forth wiib I ''i'-V -v'- Of the two menv whomilie.gave fliis order to, one was Maryna's brother arid the" otlrer . was betrothed .to iter, And yet they, obeyed with the blind.ard6urorjthehottiid-'iiiMh'e pursuit of the flying gamehand, before rriaft V minutes had elapsed the? hrousht back the weepin Mary pa o her piaster ""uui 'n wieir ftnpersimoua creuuiityiaiiey deemed. at Ubertv to disnom. nft nntwrihV.ii- livesand mortal remains, but also. of their be mornent M ary na. was trough! upY'she was as wvllasher companiQnsVmagntficenUy dressed, and covered with flowers Tand 4rirt- . , ue? emn? came on, one. of VUU9P1 -"Jo-Bes commenced with the Bus, iu u.e. semi-savage mahners, ca'. hden Suppers. V , , . At midnight tlie music, snnff" "-t .r-:..i. ing had subsided m the mansion - the serfs, wliom their, dutv.thd not kn haddispersednn'tfiviHage r among others! Kcj tvan anJT AlexsiMarynVs brother and lover, had retired U a dublle housfi.'amt, bulged in copious 4J ran ghts "of grain brandy both to dispel- Uie gainful thoughts;, that on- - rr -?., ntciir, (,iiu- xecuaijeir. -eirenctli after die day fatigue , r q Meanwhifeld'thlinoat Tetired part of the Sokolm-Slaw residence;"aud whilst the lights were successivefv vanishiiitr anr!.fni rrinkintf way for repbse, a womaii'-.waa'on tlie watch. 3 r?y ljjf lousy and fury, -ItlwAsa. young ,"u uoine, girl, named ftlarfa',' who had . been a year past Mierzalofrs' favoriteand whom he taken; Vgood care VioVto: intro duce to his .guests; and above "all ,1 to kCep .euuieirv.su A slave,- attached'to ihe yonng voman Jad. byjler con'miandsatched alt l-dnppoprlateder inn. it Jiv,vi Marvn "T iT r Bhft' had tfeby .beard: or Mi ,l fffyblA"d reln a sq.'th'at wierzalpffjfiiscinated bv ih-nnn tri. . RsaivedTuppn revenge', iWjealbtis Marfiit I;ue- "f6f v Marvna's - Vroth e r . and-, lo'ver, and fntinJ.-thero'abmii:inidntghtrirt"tle'fotcsaid' 'putlichdusi.f Sbp; reproached iljc'trt wjih ifieir infamy ;'and?rwardc kindled ift-their brjea;s51he feelings 't of . revenge which" jsbe ouldpoi,TMlra1Ha8dlcceededmHwswg., tltein from; ihe if a patljy tuxd-; i tiftamt ag them to $uchj al degree ihat ibev dashed f heir-gf ass ea tor jlhe ground, aid putting Ih'eir fure'rigers tCtfcthef in the shnne'oL a' crofesmsW6r& solejnn'a MufcoviteTioor ap i pake, Kej'i van 4 Alexsfs lefi Mrfa,andinVtever3';honse in iheillge?,exciliri iheicb'uhtrymerl and lellinff (heir design;" -JV- i-VT ' J: : About ah ree hours aricr,this sceneyjnst M lawitnvhen the, iiimaresDf the chafeai were slumbering,a band oltieaf Four Jiundred-pea' saiils, each one carrying; a Oarge btrndle ipf tiry straw, spreau rourjaine resuience, wnicn likeoiotf.tli6se:iti.ifie.-distriFct-W.TamBofv vas-.butUoLwtrodAl'va.'giyenVigriaKanU be lore -any. wunini cniuu ; gtve ne aiacm, ue peasariis-f ef fire in. directions to ttfelstra w w hiclv they heaped- u p. , close to 4he" sides Lot tance,, they waitedrmed ..whhz'purt9i axes; pilhforksi and 'scy thes,- till 'the illumination roused; the ord of $6k olin-SlaW and f his guests from their slumbers. - Z ? .V" v. r Mierzaloff was the fi Pst disluVbed.", iTerri fled at the siffhtWf the encifcHrW firer lie rush- i nta ; the too rt; andkatle rh p ted to . m akev: his, way throngh; .the. gate.- A shot which brought hiin to the .ground;,' taught.1 hirri- what, fate HWSUCU 1115 EUSIS. -t.-l UUKSUUN IWlIO kiicik inpearatice sword in handiantTstrove to open ihemselves "a;"way th'rodglr'lhe flames.and the ciose -ranKS oi. ine peasaBis.a. -irecuutw?i slriifflerensaefttfVitthieh'.liMveveri-the-qni. cersiwere'fbrtonate enotiph to lose onlyrone of theircomrade3i a' captain named Dranberg Harrassed 'ith fatigue, ha vi nr their hair -and clothes burned IheyvSucceededi in reaching', a little wood wjiere, beyond -the gcaspL of the peasants,-thev were enabled to give assistance to" - four of them whtf Jiad been dangerously wpunded.' - ' - ' '' : U The moment the peasants had seen' their lord,- alii were aware that "they would pursue thev oflScers iit vairt; they rushed !? inter the chaleatrr to save the poor girls, theinnocent victim? oi tueir master ; as ;ior me.iaiier, ai; ter-raising-hfm, bathed - in his blood, they gratified their long -restrained hatred, and in flfcted oji liim atrocious torture, an immense wood; 'pile was set. lire to, and 'Mierzaloff was cast into the furnace. In vain did Maifa, repenting too-late the. revengc'shs-kindled, implore, in behalf of her unfortunate jnas ter, whom' she believed was still alivei she was herself thrown into ' the iire with re proaches of her tiatirig loved.her .opprobium. ;TJis , ferrible execution ; being over, he peasants'Tury raged against . everything that had helonged to' the lord of Sokolio-Sli w-r- I he hpusewas burned jdown along with the t tables,:: liarnsand breweries ; ' and lest any tinng tnat jviierzaioa UKeu suouiu survive, they. destroyed his horses and hounds. '.s f 'rThree -days after thistragic occurrence, an iprAwmicA: captain; (the police chief of the aistrici.i arriveu oa iuespoi, comimssiouuu i t ... er.il ' fil to inquire into nie aaair. ; waNaccoin panted by"lwo companies Dr inlantrv snnd cavalry ;,to enable him to quell the rebellion'. TT: - -J- u i -:,t ' : ' his- urprie iiiav uc inigi(icu wucu, stead of havinf to ileal with rebels' he heard on his arrival, that the-whole.popufati6iV of Sokohn-yiawweie-corvgregateuiniiiecnurcn, w h ejrein twelve m arriag;es were bei ng sol em n ised - between f the.- Jwelve - young victims of the ford's last orgies " and 4he yooifff"imen betrothed -to them prevfnws - to the dreadful occorrfence,0: the.4pprobriumVof.whici they ttrus hoped to obliterate.1, ; The vicVence. of the-mu rder and fire was palpable and all the peasants, confessed their ffuiltjVf Two -hundred land eight3r.-three: of themif incJuding'Kejvan "and Alexis; were arretted and thrown into the v I pmb oi Jns "aonsrwhere the? criminal tribunal continued theluYcsiigationrf ' r v'y tf - Un ;tne4iWit ot septemner, sentence was passed oni die.pVisoners''ookolin-Slaw-,.. Thel583 vhetberi old or young,; were indisr cnmiuateiy conuemneu to receive cacui;one nevertheless; 'Hfter oasBinfflhe'gehterice, die tated B')V -i d fl bil itjr . 1 ih e-- J a yaddre ed.a i petition to" the; C2ar, i w hereiriy-af ter i m- partially 15upimvitiigMW;fiW.iiuii?auj,i1i.niej.. Em oeror after Teoasulting the:- Council of Staiei sstie4akase, in pursuance-of. which tne - wtioie population? 01 5oKoim-cjdw;-was itv-ne sent lo;tlie colonies,. 01 tne . vaucasus, where ahe nien were, to,be mcorporatetlwUh the regiments of IfJossacks of iheHnevfc 'V The IiTOetiaf Ukase w'h'ich Iras been hail; with saifactloirand gratitude by aU'the n- lightened men of rMorcaw Jbns, on thereon trary,'-excited greo't-tliscoiitenl; among the MuiB,uoouuv,wnacnnjr 10 iTiejr privileges? so muclvo. that the- iToverrior. of Moscow, Oeneral JSe-Hart,- has ordered the decree to be carried into execution: without the usual "5, A traveller'rom this citv. ' ton rita? t ian jimtlo wnieHst,as' asled hmy;', the hos'tness menlti NtYtTecft gettihs alonfr. Oh said the traveilery mauy of them jiave got u lKirles tfffain.-A How so-haV-trade come brisk $ ' o, ho I I mearuhat ;many who formerly rode in their coaches, ate now obliged to team' tp w-alk.' s V; nunureti stripes 01 ;tne Knout 1 anu-fuco. as might survive the punishment,' were to labor forjifaiii tlie mines of Siberia :'Tfie''JuJffes, implorea .01 ms avisuoot anu mercy a--commutation fjfUhe J)Walfy;; or' at least; a' 'mil -ffalTonof ngors' ihe j were doomed to.; .The -. ; ROM ANTIC stORY.V I W VTl'teBoston. Tiraeasiys Ath"att3rme'one .-u;.ii5.u,.h uiDuruer a werHmS wuu. IV O k fi, II Ml A .m - ... ' .- f aa. ... aW'-M .k n. f ? shocking a1 circumstance was iie'ver .Heard of efovev'V This is-ii riiistake," A mote remark? Ht - able nstance occcrred . some Years ' ao". iu Virfftniil .AVe-nersotiallv'-kn'ew:-an DarlieK'uOTV .r"'ence baa not oaken.-dUiasenrc. - it - ri"u-ni8irengtiienea atwi cOi.fjnneU I Hem lya omesons ami ! a'very beaiiuftil dau about fifieeVyear of a'ei'The widoW,atind jng herself destitute,opened a boarding house m ue roomy. rsraj,' anu among ; ueruoarpcrs was: Mr.4jVi a wealiliy inerchant,.in the mev ndiaa Voflife; and avvery fine Jooking 'man. 1 his gentleman was the prop and stay of the farnfly," cave ernnlovmeijt to the sous, - fur nished irieans to educate the dabghter.in the most lashionable mainerf .d conceived for her al'Fioleif ''passipn.AOh her return froih sehoot i he, address ed h er, - b tt t sii e ; re sis ted alike Vhi appeals and t!ie importunities of her ;tnother;! and"' friends." ' She bid ' indeed,' formed an aUachment forti very nice young man fn the same iowiK hut he was not to be hmtr in competition with the ricli merchant, in; the estimation, of the family - vl he young Iadyyrperhaps,hought"OtheWis6.r'JPinaIly' however; fler.two years "of assiduity and delicate f gallantry on the part of M r VV. and the j combined tears, entreaties; v threats rand persecution of the family,the fair'girl stood before the alar "and became,hia -.wife., vThe next'eveniag'a large paC- was given "them, arid iit the midst oflhe, dance Air. JV;. being smJdealy.attacked with, vertigo and sick head acjje, was-compelled to withdiaw. His young wife :hung- over f 1iimr; in f tlie; silent watches of nTghtt apparently m deep distress and, insisted on-giVingV him apotiun. She pouredrout a'wirie' glass ' full -of laudanum, and rhe'swallowed -it -wuhoul: knowinji tits' ii'atttre'PrQm'-some cause, it immediately acted as an emetic; but- left him stupid and "wandering-..IIis senses1 reeled. :':Oiemo ment lie would lay "motionless snd comatose as jf on the borders of the spirit world, , and then lie would shritk and leap up conyul- sively like a strdn rcan in hisqagony,' Mrs. V. denied all admission into the chamber. At length he felt into a gentle slumber. She then 'stooped for a moment over the smoul dering embers appr)aehed the b?d, gazed at her sleeping husband, and holding a heat ed 'ladle uf her, band, calmly prepared to pour a stream of melted lead into his ear. - At that instant he moved, and the hissing li quid intended "' to penetrate to, and scald out his brain, and thus cause death, without a trace, fell upon his cheek. He shouted iu excruciating, pain, and , the merry revellers, mother, brolhers'and friends, rushed in. There writhed the still stupid husband, -the lead rivetted deep m his check, 'and there stdodlthe jiend wifei her bridal fillets yet upon , her brow, the instrument of death in her hand and an empty phial . labelled L u- danum,':'lyington,- the floor., TIiq fearful realfyest of the case tlasheu ;on every one, and in, thes confusion "of the moment, she dis- appeared arru was hurried loruiwitu out 01 the -Commonwealth-'; to a , distant State. On searching theToonran old French Magazine was found containing the death-bed confess ion of a woman,' wJkk' had murdered nine husbands by, pouring feadJn their ears. The laudanum and lead; it was ascertained,', she harJLprocured from the store of Mr. W. a few daj'S before .the marriage, and the ladle Used was a part of the bridal present. . The Grand Jury nex t morning-found a bill against the ' fugitive; 'and'ihe v Legislature being in session Immediate' y dt creed a final and ab-soJotO'uliyVcev-Vhat:-renders this case the mo'reCsinffular is,lhat Mis3 T, was proverbial for;-the blaudness pf: her Cmanner, and'v the uniform4Softne?s of her tempeT. , She was a blond..' Tlie rose leaf tinted her lilly cheek as ' a sun beam elow"onsnow,' -Her blue eyes' weie. indescribably sncetjand her gold en baif ? floated like drapery of gossamer," around i'form ,'more perfect and voluptuous. than ever : Iiaphael dreamed, of or Petrach sung.y viten' tmve:we gazea, - as sne stoou the: cynosure of everv ci rcie, and wondered if angels could be so fair, v- But 'Ihe' sequel of this1 romanee.Tis more singular stilt. r ,: Years rolled by and Mr. W. continued a'wretclied'andvSolitary-manBut the spell or tne. enchantress was stui upon hisoul.i4' He closed his fitores-$old out his e3tates--collected his 'ample ineans and fol lowed tier, to- her. distant aooiie,: to make -a nev-)Urr6fihis' handl":She; bad just mar ried a man of higU standingaw'areof al)he circumstances, bntlncapable f resisting tier eharml"Poor V-!-Then fndeeoV lid the iroDenter r4pts ;(uU ThCdeadly; arrow, nuiveredin his side.Jt HJs earUlpve-4hi's tiuciuatingwurtship--rntsnunpn anu tne tragettyjt o'ccasianedthe flight, the divprce his-years of misery-he new" .birth ofjits passiorV andjnowitsHd forever "camroshihg over, him like' an ava Unch'elTin'thV.tides.' of bitter . memosand painful sorrow-i Wd Refnrayed for'death ! .WhetlteHhiVpniyer "was answered we-know not";' He Vay; vet wander. rbrokeirlieantedj over' the earth but one thing, we .do ltnow : lreroeieauf .mre wretctjcti, vein purer, r TXe' betteribQtf The ori .of Ihe' poor tlie rich wliilC thelorisof the rich die poor VV nai an eucouragemeiu 10 ton 2; .inrougir iihs ir acquiring welth?lo .ruin, .our; chUdren.-' BetleFlS.wU.u(n.oney as we 29, along, diiate'our 'sons-Wfeecuie .their virtue'- by h.hiiii of industry and studV.'and W them " 'takecareof thentselyes, Wirt-;, j, and . hhbtef spirit ueverwtn gzd its flifinT to .-. ,:? s-v----i .- i.'.'-.-.'rty rmHEisEFdU haver now", been' more tharf eight .k-U -, . year iwfore the;PuWic,-ad-Wirkt prete. i'i?ed and test d by a-$ret nuinber f perstins, ri exam- 16 in IIigenrto be -.des-ived, and too' deeply, interesledjn jpws m t. obsi-rve with care, and judge" with- aony of such respectable character as had anvcoUrU Dusnensia., ctimmilPJv "dtpends.. They were however f.und.Jby rv""' ' '"-v pwuiabu auu ttitvcaiiljr Miotic -of acun, to lend-greatly to a ward off those ,bifroua nuack ti which many are- liable,- but not as an An U-HtUMis fill, in the common: signification of the terra lV . j nose, Uierefore, who eipected in theov an activcspivgattve hough ; to many i they , are such,) pin.y.uaY msappointeU ; yet lew ;mstancea , ot failure have been ascertained among ihose who ; have faithfully empIoTed the article according to the- de sign, where relief might Veasonahly have been exnec ieu v in aomijou to' tne. habitual dvsDenltc. those who fiom custom Or from necessity as in traveling or business, lake their J meals haslilyi 2nd. m thp use of tnese f ills great protccuon :nr relief, from conseaucnt occasional attacks - of indigestion ? and,w indeed, all whose habits or pursuits are sedentary, may .Cake thenx with safety and benefit,. . ' . - . , . The chief objection urged against them iVithat they encourage ir. diligence in the. pleasures of the Utbt by the inimuniiy they Rive from the painful effects of ex cess. ; -That the public may feet assart d that no im position is attcmted to "be practised upon them; the PropnetOT-Bas obtained perrrussionto- refer to the fol lowing entlemenr (among many libera) wha from personal ex perientfe .of .the efficacy - these Pdls; are willing' to recommend them to their friends, -rfci Mr. rc.JS-enJalePreklentof, the. U. States, H en? George. E Badqer: L L. D., lat Sec. Navy; lit. Mev.UzS i hea, ; D. D Bishop ot Worths GatoK na, Hon James IrtdelU late U. S. Senator and Gov ernor f Mi C, Hqn.iciry Potter, District Judge U. s. Uourt;.rlon,;feryc!iuccer,',-.Law rroiessor, William and. Mary College,:? lion. Wrn. ' Preaton, TJ Senator, S. O Hon.' John-Renderson V. 8." t'en. Misa,, Hon. JV. F-.iTalmadgei! U; K. Senator; ;Jfew York, WmJS. AibafoBeq Tenri. j -Hod! l&:Stan'hi M , C.;' Hon J - H, Brockway, M . -C.- f Connecticut Hon. jiichewd Hines, late M . C N. Hon- Ckarle Fisfier, late MU. N. U., Hon. J.' e, tTm ur Judge. Tenn ; Rev. F. Z. Ha'wAs.'D. D. New York Kev. Wm. McPheeters, D. D.N. U., Rev. George TV p-reemartf u. u, iJoiumbus, Miss., Kev.-JS. 'i'. Blaleef WNfcr.N-.jJ.Kev Stephen Cocke, Lenor (Jastle, Va; Res.Z?, rocZru?at,Conn.; Rev,-il. AarsA.Cnn;.Revi J K BuftK Ky., Kev.R. Wake Forest, N. ur. K. U. tioiicL, Hatifax, XM. Wr. jbVjdA" C'ro$- oy, Indiana, jJfvJ. T. xcne-,. tenn.. Df. Jwt.iUan neu, Beaufort, N. Cn Dr. T. J. Joknston, Natchez, Mifs., Dr. Calvin Jonc. Tenn. Dr. N. L. Stith.- Ra- eigh, N. C, Dr. E.'Marks, Columbia, S. U;, Dr. E. G. MystUt,. Hannibal. N.-. Y;, 1V Irving. Hutlop Esq N. YJC 7. Gwwn. RalcicVN. C.tVm. ILIU Esq. Sec ry. Sta e, N. C, 46ner Neale. Esq. Vyash" ingtorr, N. C, J. Bonner, Esq. Bath; N. C.;J,' G. &taniy, tsq. ruewbern; IN; u.; ivarAcr. Anderson Eq, Florida; -T PyDeveren& Esq. Roanoke; Major Samtiel MeComb. Greenville. Georgia J.S. Skinner. Esq. Ass t P. M. Gen. Washington City,; Mai. John Heard, Florida, Thos : UhoIson.Ksqrv V a.t JJr W R. Sc.tt, Raleigh 'W. R Gales, Esq. of the Reg ister, Raleigh",'! Geo'. W ; MordeCa i E q.- Raleigh', Prepared solely by the Proprietor Dr. Johx Beck. with; at Raleigh. N C. to whom alt orders must be addressed. " - " . - Raleigh, Feb, 20, t842. " . " I63m SWEETS for the SWEET. Comb on Macduff, And kick!d be he thatfirstcrics hold,enofifirh v SZakspeare lievised. - JITciv 3 Fresh f'tHfl E. TttcMicr haV iust returned trora the North, and js .'now.: opening a new and "splcn3!d. as sortment Of GHOCKRIKS,.ToY8,- CONFECTIOKABTKS, Uxb it kixas, &c. all of which he offers at the low est Cash prices.?1 It is impossible -within the limits of an Advertisement, to save a list of all the articles in a large assortment, buV a few of t the principal ones are suojomra, anu me pnonc are assureu-xney win nn every thing at bU Store that pertains to his. immediate me or business,' and many rare and curious notions be- siaes. - - k , . " ', ' 'i .: Amongst the assortment are - J- -s t.; i 10 doz superior French Cordials', in China bitllea - 4 .doz Brass Whips .Cordial of every, kind ,..-'x' ". Vescetfiblrt and white Windsor Soaps -. -: : '. . ' . - Shelled Almonds .Beef Tongues ; Percussion Caps , Bone Dog Calls? ..Dried Beef Bologna Sausages , 3 doz large Silver Guards -'r '.' . - J I drx small do - do . . .v - , ' ' J" f - Porter and every-variety of Wines V,- . -'. - Fine Antique Oil and Octagon Soap-' Pease's Hoarhound Cahdy. ' ,- - ' '- . Vioiins and Silk.Pnrsea'5 Cork Screws, &c.y&ci 1 Brass Watchea Harmooicons Cloth Baskets Dares and Brandy Peaches, Cherries. &cl M acaroni ,12 dozi Superior German Cologne -Water '- v :: N.t Tub 3 doz' Wood Buckets -J. J Frpsh assortment -of Nuts of every vaiety". ' t"weet.Meats and Jellies of every variety , 'y'r ' Macaboy -and Scotch iSnutTin bladders and battles ? '-; Oranges & Leiuo'ns; a fine assortment J3arlhen-1are L Cheese', Crackers St. Segars of every variety & price Sugars of every quality 01d JavaJUuffee & Starch Chewing .Tooacco rmdraupeVlorWax Caudles r' Table Salt; Prunes, presences and PickIeof every varietv and: greai "many antcles too tedtous to men tion, - Which Iul, take-"great pleasure, m showing to any ijerson who may favor, me with a call'? Lalsore turn my thanks to the public for past favors, and hope to mertt the same. .3 Septembers. T tr. TfTi rsitldrelll' vI?511'Weave Jt fresh dp 'JO? py we -vvere-, abcu'say,'V'flf,thi valQable fueuicine uut-iu uiose.wuo.nav inen iuem, tv ia uu necessary ta aay sb.Wnd. those who nave not tried them. woaiu on, siow pemaps ra Deiieve,us. it 4S, owererrs serious' factythat we -ceulil name at leat ; One family, where the? e regular osc; "for ie vera! -y ear-past, haa jOuf newTwxes contain 25 Pillar each tfhe old 'only have 21.'". t -0' ,v wiii. rjcvjv, Raleigh,1 March Jlsfl 842.-.: 18" . ff "aW FOli SAts The Subscribed iR tj sefk on :aceonjmodating'term a sTKt of on .P.rl Land, tvinar wfthhli 3i4 miles of Raleigh-; Tlie-; Land, adjoins "Judge Saunders, MajorCoIIina, WUIiam Hilt. -Esa.-and-others, i It is finely timbered with-Oak, Hickory, and Pin, and contains 140 Acres. in sight of TippersT. Cb Roads. a . : f-.' t. f - l ' WfiSTON : -Raleigh; Taroh T,. - 'V i Has' lhe plea'sofe .:of an K,-, - lun.cio5 to bla friends anJ AasUV 'lH PuW,c t "lMge, that' he has received from rvewYork. .!Tbe assortTOt'ht consists in - w watcher; GoIdZ. i ndf pendert t etondi':d u pic; nviief . Leer VVa once Ear-rings, goU-Pencjls,Thlrottes;.Ymigretis, Medal- Hearts ,nd.tVfosJeCdnd i great ions,ofd GpldJBUveri-Bilae, pod polished steel Swectaclfata f nit all persons. -and -:"al:.yes.-d.e.ryuiriorjbtin jjiusmsb, uiai- may . je iiojusieu in any, irame, ar .uiMt SILVER A N PLATED WAftES;-:' SHver Pups f"poons, Ladtet . Su5at Tongs, SiH ed tiocoanut,; CastorsrfJandlestk-ks; Snuffers .and o. . r ..". t tj- .V- - . i bu, w; up.-riur itiizors, yongrebs graves anu i r laWi drtCalJsi.silksPursesj rocket'Books, Imitation j Fruits:' Guns -nd Pistols, JLadies Toilef and work V boxcUtdUet boltlesahd HARRISON i Breast Pin? Medals, vanes, and Boxes,' etc. o?e, '- - j ': . m- .:"fr"r PERFUMERY: tJ ; 1 anna sceleprateu germme vologne Ktjse. leaven der, Florida, and Bay. VVaters Guirlaiu'i Crcf mof Soap,"Naple8, and Saporjaceoos CompoHndVfirtShav., Kose,: Almond,-(Jam phor and vVVinosortoiIeif; Soaps,peakt Potfder,t6.rdCfam Pomatsiniiars oili ha irr toothy and shavings p rushes, a nd a variet y .f of other articles Joe tacloilett- i. " r."- -vY.;".. ..-MUSIC- ' Spanish Guitars Violins. Clarionet Ti. !.. 1 A .1 0, tens ,r all the above.- .Gaha.and, Violin stringserr l ra Violin bows. &r. V V CO" Clocks and; Watches - " i' -, -i, . . V-" of aitJWmt ed and repaired in hrs accosted soriortyle l Gold and Silver manijfarlnrcd to order whb xriedi lion nd punclualilv highest price given for old gold and Silver. - - -f- - ' ; - , ; 'MUSIC; J'EWELLRV & DRY" (SoODSt. , ' Thankful for the fore- received, info Iches; a:generil assorlmeni of Silver do. f every 1 yvcs. vwq x ouag laate each,-f construction: and quality, v ,-.,.;vi r"' u satne unie .a fioo citcuia- . y, v jewelery; , 5 . -f z - r-vr f "Gld goardi,-fob; notf-nek Ubairm; Sear,Tvey I i -.-.wwiurwiure s provioeckpy tne ocnooi; Diamorut Pina Rings; Ruby,indEmeTaU itd.iteck i e?P6 Wr, , tbeda wUl beumiW) andoB, .wt rtmMii -iK .wum mnrtiPM I.- r ellMSt'Pr ".oarc, Yioctudimt' washins and eve- Variety of other rich GxIa..-V . V - t' .' - Wul wuan, u. .'. -V - SPEtrrAt'LFS" ,V sr6J)rw,'!,e PaIrtbng and Omamentat Needlework; - 1 L-rV - - - ' ' 5 at" the usuy prices 6 the' Masters. tThere toiU ben iV.tv ' oyic ? ertncfukgSr: J -r vJf . j - ' "r ' j-jr-ftl:'. -. jr'. ;. Papna-will be admitted atany agt desired;,; i , V kS&fjS& ''SS --f'- ' No-Pdpif,' except by k Nvairrs - request "oClhf, . . V - V TT r-. 7, -Jr: Parent "or G uardian to the.Rector.of th SchooL w ilf JT"? .a ners, vuaweuj vouee. weqfna ot ucioiwtf i tj lAt,tecommenctn on- th "mm Of tannia Wares, in ietts and single Hccesl&.4.' November and" terminating on the 20th f Aprils --.;J... fangy;.goqds w, , -r :"utp-rpitprp : Wahers, Gold a nd. Sil ver.jH on nled Caites and Yhlps; " f' tyhess men and Backgammon Boards, Visiiingflard j 7 " -S- uasts, vroiu aim ouver rencii leases, xt " nZ"jr sniTmv?iaitnu' -T f ard. James VV BrVan. anifJohn At 'Roberta "Esar's - - v i . i r - rtiuningum-T-iJi w r reeman, itiaioi x nomas . encouragement they Aave heretflKt Blount and Eti4rlMj?t,Esq i'-.!' " 1 -?,"' ,y rrn" their friends and the public in t jBaMJoseDbBoimer.l3jsdV'f'"i "'" genera!,' that they bsve opsnediat the ncwtarid, eorn;f yAiouA:F.aitlaiid' and John Bea!ley, Er, j or Fayetteville &. Hargelt SireeiSi a choice assortment ofGoods in the above branches,by far larger than form- erly kept, and as : tbey,a!way& self at very '- moderate prices, they hope to merit a cotAituiance'tt: favors," Pait 'of the new supply consists in t s 30U lb fresh Raisins, 25 boxe Candles; Spenft ,5 ctstTalIow 20 cis. and the.iceJebratid Hull a parent;! French Cordial;! Chrcse.S sorts f -t;hewlng Tobarco. 25 box Segars,,FJgs,s Pronesi Dalea,FUbeftJ,'Plm; VVall &'Cocoanats, Armond Sweet; Oilj Preserves, Brandy Fruit," Oranges, LettionvSeTdletz and' Soda Powders, Macaroni, Jtirrants, Chrpn ; 30(Wb aijvifics Pease's Hoa'rhound Candy ;'hocoratey"Pf)peTsauce, Pickles, lemon: Svinjp,'NulmeM,-XriqnoTice,Cinna- monSardineSj Anchorieai Bologna Sausages, SmtJie S "ongues, very best Mustafil. tarchTea.' V" rJH .'- c piiKf u-vitSKrr- - :r Oils.'COKi Florida"' and.''LaVender'-!I-Wat'ets:,haV' 3 tne aoapf.-JiceSi OpodeTdoc, pink Saucers and blly: I Ei White, FrecklewashBergamott.'- ' ; ' MUSICAL INSTPvIMBNTSrrf,!40 Mtrsicxi lsreiF.T8j,inestio"Utis,bowsnngrJ bridges, screws, Fingrrboards Guitars; TlageoteUes, andVshaving ' utensi1s,,,;Tht5rmomeierJiJ'Compa8se8, sion cilps, Smoking !Pipes Corkscrews, Chips', e'm sors, NecRtoces and - Heads, J'aper, reus, vuri ink l and Inkstands' WaferstSealiogwaxtetteMtamp, en i cils;BaU6ns. PletaiaW- r,lJC 'lA sors, Necklaces and iseads, 'aper, Pens, vurlis, ink Trumpets 'Magio lantern, Paintbores, , Magnetic Toys, v raise -races, uannons ,.ioiis. Aiaicscops, "Microiscopesf painted Trunk for children; etc . etc. v '. VW- JF.WELLRRY- . f ".i f ine gold ano surer, as wen as german suvcr, .viz, BreasipiHEarirt?s, Ppcils,- Flnger-ringv , Thi m Mesr of gerrrinnt -silver aud piuchback--,-Table? and TeiSpootis, Desert Knives fend Forks, Si Je, Pocket nd others. German silver' Comb. Hand,, Bells'; Watc hgurds Chains and - K? ?; TJehbucklesi Spec tac!ei4.ii'c- CVTft-W '-t. v'i -1 Pantaloon 'slurTs,- Vtrsl puttema', I.tadkerrhiefs, CamltV'jeans, Linen Cdl:i5 and Bnom?s" Stocks, Gloves, Sto unbleached IivJact Oil, w?ner strained.- tet ;00 lb ' Crackers-, ljuiter, Esquire'K . : ' fcC , - I lemon; ship-bread ; ' best f Pprterr fine" ; W ines, and lWin3s9r.l. B G Ronthae. and Wm GraV, Esq. FifeH Flutes, ClarioneruAceordeons, Braa Trum- utovrQ mmm esquire . - 1 rwfs l" -'.- ' v. G Jones: -.' . : t. . . I - v'- --re' V;B6blt Vi--" :'i f&fiJUWimini CEmbert,rEsq.f.;(.' "i-r-: V J -BooW, Spnish.,Trenchr'Wraan'arid Qharhtie W illiam 1 Afezaiider; E4 v -'""T'' 4 r Grammars'and Reader Almahacs. Georapby,' Prim- Uncolnton--Michael lfoke, Pq -V " er SpelUng cture and SongUook; Key of Heaven A KiT M rwn, .sq. - - - .l fCatholic;! ::..-" : kerford-SG Bymn-andr:i'bomMrexwvT J spoils, Swol GlovesU HBa ' V. 4 V- a Fancy Goodv ttc.r : , - . ? . SOUTH' CAROLIN A: X' a v J V--Painted u lass.. M ugs, "arUhctal ilair. and", JIowerst rx ing-glasses 3; and 4 feet squared B askeis? SntrfPboxea 1 lOrTean- frOrao-ctato 4; tombs, "shell anuotner; UltiCKs, l , , v j. - r';- wooden and ;metali;jV alking Cnes, finesrrKazora SrrmiinhTha Dirk, Pen and mfeet Knives ott nnesiquali tola, Teeth, Cloth,' Hair, Hat and Shbrwhes Blacki - pnh'cauons for admission-, to the School, tasy ks? ingrfilatesens,PishmSlnsiKI,o madatoihe Rt Rstri; S Jvis D D; or1 the Rev R,Vlf-"! Needles; 6 grossfatcVs. Fireworka;GIass U x IB sfA; DD. fct.TUlergK and .to ie Rev Mr'i'v Lamp and Candfeicks, Purses, Pckbook a, Night i $njL1lnt t ewryoVk, tnut 1st 4 Mar, and'afUr thst j .J xsasDo rSWnT for,adie slip- jj- u w e all lawa f twtpmyt4, twT1T.fafti??efc;'i:Jv f4i". tm.h ore stamped eport every law of :tha creatl- . W- "C -iv V-?"1 Vm" tt " Tbemighty world, wfIth roll, inspace in er ' '?i TrfeCSS VrT' H?TTn1 creeofelochy aTidaireaioni an gove c.SI Tops,l)rm8,Kattlefi,,vviiislles,ivioqui urgans. uarps, irnt(1 ckmss; Irisli Uf'feu.Satinctt,' bleach nd 1 U restored at oncrrw 'Z.Z Cottons. FlanueL etc.. ' . V - I ;rhe unwArtby hava cotrntcr: .ted the Jo?r ete-rra thevariHT of articles is' too numerous to luTeine so extensively, thath: t.ae,argrnl unQW, ; - V. r. terms for cash. T-,' ' "? -.--: (adiiTerent fifttife.wilh 25 PI U in thc;r praco. '.Som-' vV. RvGALES 4 T ; r''0:VV,&;. GRIMME,; t are Jot received at WILLIAM PECS Ofilc ;i v'-' ' "',V-'V, - ' Corner of Fayetteville and H argett. Street : aunga, marcu , - - - --v4 --r oi i eiy i orjt,aesigns tq open ; ; gant Educ-atioh; equal td the t'estjEat can l: bttain l in the City otiNesrork; or; in any Northern School. "r'. 'i C?.' -'V I'he School1, WildmW lituafed in a beautifui and cleVatt,Pak' frroveuTurhish the most snaciou accom- ' ? modation.v.t".Jl'he ..Dor'nutorics' are sraaraled iht Afc. V le.;T0? -W EnglUbt . W - .pajaHain .JvanV ' be i allowed td have an account it any Store or4 8hot the Cityit'A'disregard of thi prohibition wilt b jonpwea.liy an immemale awmission I rota pchoot, . GuardrahsasreMuiniheplSce :u Tbieyvar will ' be "divided" into' two fexms of ftv term; ool the litrio MuyVand terminating en the 15th Cit'y. afJFcw- York Toe Si. Rrt, O T dader-. Chief Jortice' Jones, the t Hon- Gr C -Yer-. Pianctt ami r m. Aiinturn. L.6imre:vi -, ,? i.T,'-A i, f , Burtinglorii---The Rev 'G V Dohe.T) Di L tD. - PrincetoiU The'Rev G E Hare and John' Potter; ffisqutre, VIRGINIA. Richmond The Rev A Empif,- D D and the Rev i Petersburg TheRev .Jj . H Cobb "and Messrs i ' White st Blume'l' . , , ? Norfolk The J?evB' H Mijler; and Georg ftoxi JiacIl,kl' - ihttx ichaid Bmeshe Hoo Geo. e t "P Qmums i pannoers, uie non !" con and Becktvith; Charles h Hmtort, VvR Gales, and EdmandB Freeman; "Esojres. T': 7 V": - - FfiyeMeviUc. Louis D Henryy CharTei' TMIaigti.7 Charles P MaUett, and i Hate, Esquires A- " ' i Wttminelon--, Vitlian U Lord, -Esquire,; tid Dr-" t n Wright. -:' a';: ' ; 54 1.1 iVewoem-Hon J KDonneIl, Hon Charles c hep-r :'take Scttpperuong-Han E ,Pettlgrev,-,and Josiah j Colfiris;Esq."'7Iv - 4?4-tJ',4Ss ':Ji ,vV-' J ?cEdenion jDrs-Jam Norcoro M Page: and Wfl-. "r liam.VYatrenjAugUstos'Moorend - Joelioa Skinner, ' Esqnires;. EUzalelh Cily.-Tti Hon WtiUara .B,Sheiard. Charles I-KiHney'raiid'John McMorineErquires. i Wainesbotou&h-t R, Washington, and James Gria A- "W 4 Pollvck's Perty: JRoShgkeT-R Dever'eot . Esqr- Halifax-V IS Marshall and ThoS iS ' Hilt, EQa.- .7 -T6or-o--Theophitus Parker. Esq' t . t- TGn&hn-l C - WaslurrgioO Nathan' G Blount, " George WMtflefd; Esquires.'. ,rstfi f v -V -" GrstnhWt DraN Jovrierand Geore-e D Basker- ' E4uire.Xj:",fci c- .--:v 1 ' - encfern"i jo!m,Xawhi OrafieC bounty Chief-Justice RnffinV Horn Wit" angum.na jioa wm a uranam. , . ftPresUfiu Swam.'V V ' : ;7 V. 1 VPraJ"' .V Cfiarlesfonm Rev IE Gadsden, D .D : Louisiana: v. tee uev ur neaton 7-:., . ... GEORGIA"'- : , C. ' ' r : Rev"E.JSTeufvine rr St ALABAMA - t period - . . . ; " 1 J-'j, DIEAI1. A VsilzK r2lf"lr iW .r, tL", the ..human body;-.; Brandreth ; ; ; -The,Rt;R 1 IveaTlf D and the Clergy of the t MaleiefiThe Hon- Dnocan Cameron, the Hon n Qxford-r3 ohn O-Tavlor jindRossEL Kingsbury, -v- tT,U SMsxts-at Raleish.? - 'i ' T .s ' - -T VegetabW -Unw'l, 'of the blood tot W ? Versal Pi!l. attract all irmmrities bowels, which organ ezpekVthem fottD4ebody;-''At-''J"',i', iraciion,anu disease are DOlq unjta. ju eaarsvvrii infections onlv trTect ihe' bodv in prooorlioli as theVji -i - . ' .1. 11. , r ir... :-. . t-. -i1 X ho bowel for instance, are ccsUve l&ia most, im. nortant nT n 1 rtnspilthr 'ponseonenctf ts eat-4 j. 1 , .accumulation of impurliesf which. as they airootf" , j out !y their usual passffge are trced ifitathpbloc , 'ftif v- ocrasmmngtmpunly 9f bloods -1 hus J1 ev. , ics, Rheomatiprri. Coughs, and Cold are .. . - , ' I scs as will elTectaaUyivaettate the bowel; and U-'i J , ? ; uuecu k " i li ut ret Jjranorpia jtjus no w -m. . ... . i r-'i Mi'' -ii 4 1' ti f "f if. A "V5

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