0. POETRY. . .' 4,1 ' ."LIKB eillHTKlMS IT BiHBOX STBUBO.' The following attempt at Pastoral Verse, can claim no merit bat from Its simplicity and has .therefore nothing to hope but from, your indulgence. A. L. How bright was nay youth's earlj mom, - ' v- "Ere refection, had clouded my brow : , I selected the rose from the thorn. And was happy, I hardly knew how. Ijoin'd in the sports of the plain, ,' . With rapture I heard the blithe song ; When they danc'd, I was first of the train, ,. . And was the gayest of the gay throng. Tifl true, my heart oft breath'd a sigh, . But it rose from miid Pity alone ; If a tear sometimes stray d from my eye, It Jlowd not for griefs of my own. No sorrows corroded my heart, ' ... No falsehood excited arfear, " For my bosom, a stranger to art,, Believ'd ev'ry friend was sincere. 'v.-;'.'.;";V.re ( Bat ah ! these fair visions of youth, Disappointment has chas'd from by mind ; 0 US Fresh Drugs ana VHef-RJtate of ivorth fCinW.Tfae; Subscriber havtng uonnty. uourt of JSqnuy receiTed his new and large supply of . 1 ne 01 Complaint of Drusrs, Medicines, &c. respectfully solicita the attention of Phy sicians and Merchants in the adjacent country to the tame, as be feels fully satisfied, upon a faithful exam ination of his fresh stock, that in point of quality they are not to be surpassed. And as these Medicines were purchased in New York for eox&'he assures all, that with few. exceptions, .they shall be furnished at Pe tersburg prizes. . Below .will be found some of the leading articles, ta : ' '..;V-;. , fy , ; x - v. .. Calomel, London. Peruvian BarVrl. Blue Mass " , i- Lunar Caustic nnn. Ext. Colocynth, comp. Sweet Sots. Nitre. Rhik..k T...1.. T. J- . ! ' v - . Uo - do Powdered. Mornhine Snlnli Do -Acetate. ' Hydriatt Potass Citne Acid. Aloes--8ocot. Opium, Gum, '- . Camphor refined, i Sulph. Quinine. Balsam Cojpaiva. 1 Phos. Soda. Jup. Carb. Soda Eng. uum Arabio , Calcined Magnesia. Precip. Carb. Iron. East India Castor Oil a new article.entirely freed from taste or smell, and as clear as Spring water. Carolina Fbas Ktis x cn tate of worth fTA.iroT.viv SpringTerm, 1842. JNGRANVILLE COUNTT-Court of Eouirv Sally Mopre,- , - : Sprinir Term. A. D.1842. - , &AC.r&&:K:4': ea, ana Mana Howerton, wife of sakl Thomas and lyfcZ : f : K " ' ? s Ann Mana and Emilv M." Howerton. dan-rhtera of I 1 P. Hawluns of Texa, Henry A. ..Hawkins 1 said Thomas : and Will t " and Benjamin P.: Hawkins' of Arkansas. Juntas - TKrtmoa- AK;i;aM m w.:.u i. ji r.: I x AtfiiB and Hnnetla hts wife, of MissiAftinni Fran. I s;-? his wife. Defkhdakts. , i cw Tfaywood of Florida, and Wilham; Bv HawUns, 1 A nupeanus.io me sausiacuon ottne uonru that 1 r vvraiuu..y r. ' , . Archibald N. Wrie-ht. and V.n,. M : f f i appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendants in this cause, are not inhabitants of 1 Defendants are not irhabitanU of this 8tate, but this State, and reside bevond the inrifulirfinT. f Ki I reside beyond ; the jurisdiction : of the Court. It is uicreupun, un mouen 01 me Jriainuns counsel order ed, tha the said Defendants be notified ' by advertise ment to beset BERNARD JDUPUYif 100 FjkXsrrWLE Strest Rale:gh, IjIias; the pleasure ; ofan- nouncing to his friends and the public at large, that he j ' has received from New- York : and Philadelphia, an exten sive, rich, and fashionable. stock, of Goods, : which he 1 will sell at New York prices The assortment consists in Court: It is thereupon, on motion of the Plaintiff's Counsel, ( ordered by the Court, imat publication be made for six weeks in the Haleigh Register and N, j. Gazette, printed and Dublished in the Citv of leigh, that the said Defendants be and appear at the COIWEC5WON MXX FAiCy my oiu, jx, W C.JLL,lUtX & DRY GOODS 1 - WATCHES 'Gold independent seconds; duplex, ancbor'flever 'TJianilul for fte encouragement thpir k- ff Ted' W heir friends and the nnS gehefaVjhat they havVowned .i thV- e..pu,bllcr n er!?! Hargea Sts, . choice 73 of Gon&itheabdvehranrhpc J, f. i fortnJet - g r " J w v w itiV . MU OtOV tV. . inserted in the Raleigh Register, a public Gazette pub- N; L, STrrH, Druggist, One door above W. & A. Stith. Raleigh- April 21, 1842. . 33 next Court of Equity, to be held for the countv of i llsne(1 8t "ft'eigh, tor Six weeks, that they appear at x ran turn at tue uovirt House in iouisburg, en the M "c1 lcrm r court, to oe neia ; at uxtoru on 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, the Monday of September next, and plead answer and then and there plead, answer, or demur, to the or dem0T to the PlaintinV petition, or else the same complainant's bill, or the same will be confessed as to WIU. be, token .confessed. -by them, and be heard tz them, and heard ex vurte and decree made accordinirlv. pane. . . j 1 Witness, Samuel Johnson, Clerk and Master of our I fitness, Thomas B. LiUlejohn, Clerk and Master said Court, at office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th ol sa,d court a$ Umce tbe first Monday of March. A D,1842- ..... : V-I842.--T-. . .' ? . -X ' up at the Court Hoifee. and three nub. w.atcDe f general assortment of ilver do. of everr Go-lhiteriiches.hy far Wer thTTi lie places in the County of Granvilleand also to be Pr?8 W'J 'V ' e f a. they always sell at very rZl - . - - ...... t ., ., rrH ,.i vuejt jwpsu uent a conunuance of fav Gold guards, fob, and neck Chains.BealsjiKeya Part of the ttew supplv consists in ,avws.-. i. tfuu ID Jresn aiamaj 25. bnrM f?.. ; , -.tul aieu HUH : .Diamond Pins y Rings, Ruby apd Emerald do. neck and head Ornaments, rich cameos 4 "mosaic Pins. 4r Ear ions, variety Monday in March, A "... Teste, SAMUEL JOHNSON, C. M. E. June 1. Pr Adv $-5 62 J 47-6w ings,gold Pendlsri'himblesyinigreltsMeall perfumed &V s i gow Hearts and urossesf Jet . tfo, ana a great uii, wmie strained, .best: 800lb i".aV. k 1 of fther rich Goods. , . ' ' ! ' , lemon. jshirbriad ;f best Porter, fin Wi mi y J :t .f SPECTACLES 5, i 1, - French Cordial Cheese 3 T. H And the friends whom I fancied al Alas t can be sometimes unkindi truth. I have seen the bright azure of morn With darkness and clouds shadow'd o'er. I have found, that the rose has a thorn, Which will wound when its bloom is no more. The sigh which from sympathy rose, Now heaves not for others alone, And the tear, as it silently flows,: Confesses a source of its own. MASONIC CELEBRATION. Ala Kegula r meeting of Hiram Lodge, No. 40 XHneiu neiT nan, ra tne Uity of Raleigh, May 16th, A. D. 184. A; L. 5842. it was . Resolved, That we celebrate the approaching Anni- To.Hrjr m pfc joon, (June 4tn; in an appropriate uiouucr, ana accoramg to tne ancient establishjed cus- wm ot taa r raieqiiy : Resolved, That we respectfully invite the Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina w aiiena ana participate with us ; also our visiting ; V- JAMES N i CROSBY, Sec'y. Raleigh, Ma y 24 40-W3W J'AMES PUALEN& CO. Managers. The btUliant success I have met with in the sale of capjtal prizes in the last two months is altogether un rivalled in the history of Lottery adventures com fUfSL lL doe6 Me of $10,000, one quarter of $25,000, whole of $4,000 and a half of $U,6)0 ; these are all capital prizes, and such a collection of $1,000 and $500 and other small prizes as would astonish thapubhc if they were to see the list. The above is sufficient to admonish all adventurers and speculators to send their order alone to us, and under all variety of cirumstances. I promise the most implicit imme diate, and confidential attention to their orders. Offi cial drawing sent to all who ordfer from us immediate y after the reception thereoC v j , GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY Class No. 16, ' To be drawn at Wilmington, Delaware, , June 23d 1 prize of $25,000 2001 prizes :of lv of 6,000 4. of 1 of 3ftOQ ,4 of 1 of 1,342 !4 of 75 No. Lottery 12 . Drawn Ballots nnHESE UNRIVALLED PILLS haying now JJ. acquired a celebrity and a popularity unequalled ra the annals of Medicine, and also havincr obtained the entire confidence, and being used in the private practice of almost the whole body of the Medical Fac ulty in the United States, Europe, Asia, South Amer ica, the West Indies, and a great part of Africa, it is, unnecessary to advertise them at lensth. or to sav anv thing further of their merits, than by statiner the com plaints which they are most effective in the cure of. anu wnicn are as toliows yellow and bilious fevers, fever and ague, dyspepsia, croup, liver complaint, sick head-ache, jaundice, asthma, dropsy, rheumatism, en largement of Ihe spleen, piles, colic, female obstruc tions, heart burn, furred tongue, nausea, distensions of the stomach and bowels, incipient diarrheea. flatulence. habitual costiveness, loss of appetite, blotch or sallow complection, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient is needed They are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility'. The above Pills are for sale in the citv of Raleigh hv IWessrs. 'Williams & Haywood, and at the Drugstore ui cuio, ana in r ayetteville by E. J. Hale, at m. "DISEASE A U1VIT . Impurity of the BLOOD the only Disease. flrfOW simple, yet how wise, how good and beau iQt tiful are all the laws of nature! Simplicity and troth are stamped upon everv law of the rretinn The mighty worlds which roll in space in every de gree of velocity and direction are all governed bv at traction of matter to matter. This principle governs the human body. Brandreth's Vegetable Uni versal Fills, attract all lmnurities of the hlnnd tn tU bowels, which orcaii ex Dels them from th hnAv a. -, m ' W J mmj m A S V traction and disease are both units. All acciden ta fir infections only affect the bodv i Occasion liopurity of the blood. The bowels for instance are costive this most im portant organ is closed the conseouence is a irreat accumulation of impurities, which, as thev cannot 01 out by their usual passage, are fbreed into the blood. occasioning impurity of blood. Thus Fevers, Che I ics, Rheumatism, Coughs, and Colds are nftn nm. duced. But let Brandreth's Pills be used in such do ses as will effectually evacuate the bowels, and healt is restored at once." The unworthy have counterfeited the DocWs t. dicine so extensively, that his travelling Agent ianow taking In all the old boxes, and putting new ones of a ainerent ngure, with 25 Pills in their place. 8ome are just received at WILLIAM PECK'S Office. Raleigh, March 1, 1842. 18 lv -I - ! ; J fiJtate of IVortli ty. March Term, 1842. Original Bill. Carolina. Nash Coun In Equity. John Ricks vs. Arthur Whitfield Samuel Brown Ruffin H. Rk-ks Willie Bunting William Hunt James Walker and Lawrence Battle's Adm'r J In this case, it appearing to, the satisfaction of ihe Court, that Arthur Whitfield, onethe Defendants, is a non-resident ot this State, it is therefore erdercd that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for sir weeks, notifying the said Arthur Whitfield to appear ueiora me nonorarue Judge ol the Court of Equity for uic vyuumj oi asn, at me uourt House in Washville, on the third Monday in September next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff's bill of complaint, or Judgment win oe entered up pro conjesso as to him. Witness, S. W. W. Vick, Clerk and Master of our said Court at omce m JVashville, ihe 27th May. 1842. S. W. W. VICK, C. M. E, . By B. U. BLOUNT, Deo. C. M, E. Vr. Adv. $5 62$. ,45 6w of IVortli Carolina. Nash Coun- March Term, 1842. In Equity. John Ricks ' vs. Arthur Whitfield Original Bill. Samuel L. Arrineton and I "Willie Bunting. . J , In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, thai Arthur Whitfield, one of the Defendants, is a non-resident of this Stale, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for sir weeks, notifying the said Arthur Whitfield to ap pear before the Honorable Judge of the Court of Equi ty for the county of Nash, at the Court House in Nash ville, pn the third Monday in September next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff's bill of complaint, or Judgment will be entered up pro confesso as to him. Witness, S. W. W. Vick, Clerk and Master of our said Court, at office in Nashville, the 27th1&ay, 1842. . w. w. V1UK, C. M. E. By B. H. BLOUNT, DeP; C.M. E m i . am. 90 0$ 45 gw THO. B. LITTLEJOHN, C. M. E. March 21. j . ' :24 6w 25 bor :Seeaw. Fi?B.' P, Tv..:rtt . cc f3vi. -"rjy'i"' ,ous, emon. shIIi. ..i-e., V s -i?zsES?&K4 rowdera. Macaroni, Currants, Citron "Vftntk o r Gold, Silver, Blue, and polished steel Spectacles to PeaseVJfoarhound Csn.1v ' -XI , 1 2 ,b Jndi rt TATP rrt vnnmir r . t . ' 1 KDit all nonon,' .11 -ir.- flint I T:lrl. V c FHrhau kl Cnnntv-. i S.,ro n..- c t-.: I classes', that mav he adinsfrul in ririif fram. nV TOO- I moh Snnlmoa A t.i. - ' H e Wn- Term 1RA2 3 . 3 1 5 tnents not ce.-:: - I v wit Tflnmi(J-: xr i , , wisages, Bmofc Isaiah Williams and yvife Jane, William Bland and wnts:.iizaBcin, rieiumg Jtillington and wite Jan- tr-,if i . . . ..." cj, imam oeymour and wife Aaomi, and Alex ander, ihomas and Charlotte Lewis. . s notice. ; v V. rir i T ongues, very best Mustard, Starch Ten. i, ',. h.. t M r e t.J e.i. . , r rblit UMERY; Silver Cops, Spoons, Ladles, Susar Tones Salt u,. muaiara opoons mmer knives, silver mount- l 0ns. uAben P!nr,M, ! .j' ...i"' u ',;il V . ' - t - j , . . aiers, Sh.. PxPFtrarsBT. Oil of Rasps. ;l ilI ri J j ! i'i " "cars, Antiqml 03. 3tatc Have you a Cough ? Don't neglect it Are th safest, most sure and effectual Colds, Consumptions, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Tightness of the Lungs or Chest. c. JSrc. The nm. prietor has never known an instance where they did hot give perfect satisfaction. Several thousand box es have been sold with the last year, restoring to health persons in almost every stage of consumption, and those laboring under the most distressing colds fate of Korlh Carolina. Ashe county wuuenor coun Ol Law. HnnncrTArm IS49 r.i - . -n .. . r o " w. C Petition for Divorce. Melissa Farthing. j T- ... . appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that iue jerenoant, Melissa arthing is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be madefor three months in the Raleigh Register and North Car olina Standard, published in the city of Raleigh, that me iveienuani appear at the next Term of this court, to be held in the Town of Jefferson, on the 6th Mon day after the third Monday of August next, and plead, answer or demur, or the said Petition will be heard ex parte, and decree made according to the prayer thereof. . Witness, Richard Gentry, Clerk of our said court omce, tne bth Monday after the 3rd Monday of cu.uary, xx. xj. ioix, and the eoth year of American ...uepcuueuw. u. U1SIN TRY:, Clerk. June 3. Pr. Adv $8. 46 3m orMoIealOOO - . proportion. Wholes 88 00 Hal ves S4 00 OnnrfAra K On All orders addressed to us will meet the most prompt - BfcMHlMUU. , " & FRAN . E, Agent for the Managers, corner ow st. and Penn. av. and coughs. They do not check and drv n.. h cough, but render it easy, promote expectoration, al 500' Jay the tickling or irritation, and remove the proxi mate or exciting cause. Tbev are mu! frnm m as , m ) " Will' Din a uon ol the most valuable exDecloraihi. ttnn I ! , .. .. - T -"-b" ut luruicines. ana are nnuout)teiiv anrurinr ..,.i,: - J - r ' ,jV HUT lujuy in mam - t. 1 TV - O m iih uiyw cumpiainis. xiundreds upon hun- ITATE OP WORTH f!ARm.1WA I Randolph Countv Superior coun r.flnn, sri Term, 1842. . " ' 8 400 300 Petition for Divorce. won derful virtues, tfott those who b.a.ve beeiJ saved from Eltha Vonkannon, vs. John Vonkannon, It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thatihp Defendant John Vonkannon is not ah inhabilant of uu- owe, it is ordered by the Court that publication do made for three monihs in tha V!zo, ,h r:,, tifying the Defendant to appear at the next Term of an untimely grave,: and restored to perfect health. Ibis Court to be holden for th rnnt. r .1 u wl HI)I1UUIUU at the Lourt House in Ashborn nn iKo a.k a a , I -m ii i . by using them The above Medicine mav be obtained at ih Tim'. Store of Messrs. Williams & Haywood, and of Dr Olim, WItn IUIl directions nprnmiuniin. ok " .....uriiii;iiig B1.U the 4th Monday N box. Court House in Ashboro' on in eeptember, then and there to plead, answer or de mur, to said Petition. A copy. Witness, &c. J. M. A. DRAKE, C. S. C. Pr. Adv. $8. . 463m . William Thompson, Cabinet and Furniture Ware-liouse, Kaleigh, N. C. nnHE Subscriber has now on hand at his furnish ii. lnS Ware Rooms, just in the rear of . Messrs, i urner Sc Hughe Book Store, a general assortment oi Articles ra bis line, made in the most faithful man ner, alter the newest and most fashionable patterns. and which will be warranted. They will be sold at wo prices, as to leave no excuse for sending to the "wu r r urnuure. can and look, before yon se; Jrom homf. WILLIAM TH0MP80N. Baldgh, April 4. 1842. - w sa. 0" Walnut, Birch, Maple and Poplar Lumber: wwwwBCB, laKen in exchange lor f urniture. Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c. TPPTJlLLiAMS & HAY WOOD are now receiving : V V fr(n New York and Philadelnhia. lrM ,i ditious to their present Stock of Drugs, Melicine and '-uemicais, rainr., uns and JJye Stuffs, Window Glass and Putty, Petfumsry, Fancy Articles, &c All of which they warrant to be of th W and having been purchased upon the most advantsorl! us terms, they assure th ir friends and customers that they will be sold as cheap as similar articles can be procured in the State. Orders promptly attended to. 8cda Water kept during the Summer and Ice fur- TfTNITED STATES OF AMERICA NORTH UJ CAROLINA DISTRICT. " Unitedtates Dis trict Court for the District of Pamptico; District Court in Bankruptcy at Newbern, April 25th. 1842. Wil- L W-.TA of Ka,gb, Wage County, having on the 2nd day of April 1842, filed a Petition, duly veri fied praying that he may be declared a Bankrupt; It is thereupon ordered by the Court, that cause be shown before the Court at Newbern on the fourth Monday m October next, why the said William W. Gray be a oanarupi pursuant to the Act of Con gress in that behalf: and thaithia . .u iiwga ixegiiiter tour weeks in succession. . tt JERE'H. BROWN, Clerk. Jane 14, 1842. 48 4w ttate of Nortb Carolina. Nash Uoun- Kjy iy. may lerm 1842. . Matthew Bell and wife Wilemoth. Oran Mitchell sind wite lelly, Howell Mitchell and his children and heirs at law of Mrs. Mitchell, their deceased mother, to wif : Eveline, Elizabeth, Lydia, Sally, iviary anu . jiliamson Lewis. ! Billfor' Salt of Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the, Court, that me above detenilants are non-residents of the State It is therefore ordered by the Court that miblication be made for three months in the Raleiah Register that the said Defendants be and appear at the next Supei nor court of Equity, to.be held for the Count of onamam at tne court-house in fittsborouirh. on the 3rd Monday of September next, then- and there to plead, answer or demur to said Bill, otherwise the same yvill be heard and judgment pro confesso entered agaicsl them and decree made accordingly. . ., Witness Joseph Ramsev. Clerk and Master of our said Court of Equity, at Office, the 3rd March, 1842. ! JOSEPH RAMSEY, CM. E. May 6, 1842. Pr Adv. $10 38-a- tatc of North Carolina. WAKfi JCounty, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Feb- ruary t erm, 1 84a. ; Elizabeth Abernethy. ''''!.'' vs. , Hubbard Abernethy and others , Petition for Dower. In this casa.it appearing to the satisfaction of the Honrt that John Jones, and wife Lucv. Behiamin Abernethv. Aancy Aoernemy, mark Abernethy. James Fish and wife Susan, E. F. Gibbs and wife Jane. Josiah Bium and wife Uourence, and Smith Abernethv. are non residents : It is orderrd by the Court that Dublicalion be made in the Raleig!Register, and North Carolina uazette, tor the space of six weeks, notifying them to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions fr the County aforesaid, at the Court House in Raleigh, on the 3d Monday of August next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to Plaintiffs Petition; otherwise the Petition will be taken as confessed by them, and heard ex parte. ' Witness, James T. Marriott, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 3d Monday of May, A. D. .1842, and the 66th year of American Independence. JAMES T. MARRIOTT, C. C C. Pr. Adv. $5 62$. 48 6w 1 MpstCAt IxSTUMXNTS.Finest 'Vblina.hni- bridges, screws, 'Fingerboards Guitirs, Fla-eolett? Fifes. Flntea. f Harinnptto A.,nr w. oieiles, Books. .Spanish.'- French." German- n.i r-.. ... Grammars and Readers Almanacs, Geoaraphv Pr;!? fate of IVortli Carolina. WAKE County, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions -m ...... may i erm mix. . N Thomas C. Jones, to the use of William Peck, : ' 1 j ' vs. .'''.- Allen S.Wynne; Original attachment, levied on lots No 160 and 144 in the City of Raleigh. v In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant, Allen S. Wynn is not an inhabitant of this State, or so conceals himself, that the regular process of law cannot be served, on him1: It istherefore,' ordered bv the Court, that be made 'for six weeks in tha RaWh Reo-;, North Carolina Gazette, notifying said Defendant to appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, to be held for the Cnnntv ',fnrM ot tha . J w.vw.u, - UUUU House in Raleigh, on the 3d Mondav of A ..L r . - a- men ana mere to plead, answer or renlew : oihprwU . . . j y juugmem nnai win be. entered property levied on condemned recovery. j Witness, James T. Marriott. Clerk or nnr hM Court at Office, the 3rd Monday in Mav. A. D.. 1842, and the 66th year of American Independence, J AMJS8 t. MAKKIOTr, C. C. C. Pr. Adv. $5 62 48 6w' Mantel Clocks,- and Lamps Plated and Jananed vv oners, uoia and silver Mounted Uanesand VVbiDs. Chess men and Backgammon Boards,. Visiting! Card Cases, Gold and Silver Pencil Oses, Patent Sleel remSf Rozers1 superior Razors, Congress Knives and Scissors, Sanders' celebrated razor Strop, l)oirJ Col- ""' u- aus, aim curses, j ocKei uooks, imuauon I era. Soellinfr P rture n,l S,r r?w v 1 r",; 10 Fruits, Guns and Pistols Ladies Toilet andrwork f rCamSi- " ey f Heavea. boxes, - toilet bottles: and HARRISON Breast Pin P .. J-.-' .. :' . - y Medals, Canes, and Boiea, Sec. Sec. 4 I f Kv fMCtngi tmd JSoxtng Apparhtv. ;:;;- riSItr.UM KK ; 1 I "V?t"" vu?, ves, .jnasas, nats, Breast plate farinas celebrated zenaineCoIofnre.Rosi Laven der, Florida, and Bay Waters ; Guirlaio's Cream of Soap, Naples, and Saponaceous compound, for Shavr ing, Rose,!' Almond, Camphor arid -Windsor Ipikti," Soaps.pearI Powder.coldCream, Pomatum, bearjs oil, hair, tooth and shaving Brushes, and avariety ' of other articles for the toilet, -.r - j J J ' ' MUSIC. ; .-;:'.):;. Spanish Guitars. Violins. Clarionctts. Fls Flutes, Octave; 6cc Fife add Arcordions. " Precen tors for alUhe above.- Guitar and Violins Irings ex-! tra Violin bows, &c. ,. i 5 ; i '; 03 Clocks and Watches of all descriptionB clean' cu aim icjiaireu in nis accustomed superior Jstyle Gold and Silverjmannfactured to order with xpedi tion and punctuality highest price given for bid! gold and Silver. ' '. - ' . - - ' -... ' ',1 - mV'- ' 1 v';? "r rm WOLVAtlJAfffiE Tracts oriiMd JLL for Sale. The Subscriber offers for tsale. rP e x '1 . . ? . two valuable Tracts of Land one lying in the county of Wake, 16 miles north of Raleigh, on the waters of ; Necse River and BigLick Creek, principally. Said Land is as valuable as anv on Nonut Rir tn.n adapted to me culture of Corn, Tobacco, Cotton land small train,! There is excellent water at hnndjend comfortable improvements, with open land sufficient for several hiandj, to be worked to advantage ; j it is considered as healthy a residence as any in the coun ty, and contains 320 acres. - t -'; j 'j ;v.. ITie other Tract is 17 miles northwest of IJaleigh, between the waters of Bhr Lick Creek, and T.iitti. Lick. Creek,' containing 317 acres, well adapted to the culture of Corn. Cotton, and Small Grain. With comfortable j improvements, and open Land sufficient ior several nands. The situation ia beauiifcl, good water, and well situated for two families, in irh r Free School house. - The Road, as a line- would near equally divide the Tract, with a good Spring on each. It is now occupied by two families, near threB-fmirth. ot a mne apart. ' Cash or young negroes, would be received in riav. ment j with the chance of seeding Wheat in' good time. Possession given on the a5th of December next. Those wishing to purchase healthy situations, would do well to come and examine for themsfil-fML as I am sure Aey will not be disappointed in obtain in,; as healthy location, as can be found in the good Old North State. ALLEN ROGERS. Jr. . May 16, 1843. ' 4 . 1 p 8 B not sold before the I Oth dav of October ach place wiH be rented out to the highest bidder, at i the macKsmim snop el the subscriber. A. R. Jr. Goods. Sic. - r&miea rjiass Mugs, artihcial . Hair and Flowm Mohair Caps." Ladies Work and Fan t .l ing-glasses 3 and 4 feet: square; Baskets, SnulT-boiei .from 5cts to 4j Combs, shell and other ; CUVi. vooden;dmetaI; Walking ;C.nes, finest Raion and shaving utensile, s .Thermometers, Cornpasset Dirk, Pen and Pocket Knives bf 'finest oualht- fc. tola, Teeth, Cloth, Hair, Hat L,v-ooebrushes, Black. ing j 8Iales, Bells, Fishing Utensils, Coffeemills, Pim Needles; 6 gross Matches, Fireworks, Glass 14 x 18 amp-andCandIevricks,Pnr3, PockfHobk's, Kwhi -Tapers, Powder flasks,; Shot, elts, Biroags, Percus. sion caps, SmoHng,pipes, CrkscrewaTWhips. Scii sors, ISecklaces and Beads. Paner. Pna Oniik- ii. andlnkstands. Wafers, Sealing wax, Letters p, Pen cils, Buttons, Pictured? - l:U .v-v,j4eGAMES. t Gamxs, as J)ornjno, Chessmen. Backemwrnon no, Tenpins, Cop and "Ball, Graces for Ladies, slip: ptng ropes, Ttvoli billiard,. RoIIet. ? . : : 3 y ' '. s; toys... ;v :- . iToTS of every description, as Marbles' Hummini Tops, Drums,Rattles, Whislles.Mouth Organs, HarpsJ Trumpets, Magic Lantern; Paintboxes, Magnetic, Toys, False Faces,!. Cannons. Dolls, Mal scopj Microscopes, painted.Trunks for children, etc. etc ' JEWELLRRY , ... - Fine gold and silver, as well as german silver, viz. Breastpins; Ear-sings, Pencils, Finger-rings. Thini. ui german silver and pinchback. TaMe and Tea Spoons. Desert RnivHB ami Fori si.L and others. - German silver PnmK, WoU.i n-iu STATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA, . ' EDGECOMBE COUNTY. In EquitySpring Term, 1842. 1 ' ' iWlXIFBBD WaBEKS, . ' ." VS. ; John WAnasx. ; Petition for Divorce. fipHE. SHEitirr, having returned npon the Sub U pEna3 that have issued in this rnsA. that tho rw fendant is not to le found, and Proclamation having I .... ovuiuiiig iu law ; his ordered tnat publication be made in the Raleigh Rptrinipr f,,r thrA months, requiring said Defendant'to annear nd n..:A" .. .... . " nwer HHiu j-eimpn, or u will be taken as confessed hy him, and heard ex parte. ' Ki H. EE WIS, "C M. E (fr Adv. 8.-) 46 3m Bicugoarus, vnains and Jtevs. Be tbu cklPS Krwr tacles. ' . . , r . . . . . - DRF GOODS. Pantaloon, stuffs, Vest patterns, Handkerchiefs, Camlet, Jeans, Linen Collars and Bosoms, Stocks, Gloves, Stockings, Irish; Linen, Satinett, bleach nd unbleached Cottons, Flannel, etc. ' 4 In fact: the variety of articles is too numerous to mention, all of which' will be sold on rerv rpncnnnhU terms for cash.;t-f "v-: y ; Corner of Fayetteville and Hareeti IStreeU .Warren. County, North CakouWa. ITnilE Proprietress of thi EstablishmeDt AL akes pleasure 4in informing her friends and the Public, that her House will be opened early in ne, with every convenience mat, may be necessary to the comfort and pleasure) of those who may favor her wiA meir-paronage,:.54:;"s: i'J,; ry! iThe virtues of itiM Waters are so well known, h and pamtme of the wholt. -ont BM rt.- I r tTi: x . '"8 w itpeaieu suacM, DHin, has a two story Plazza, m7 fau wvfn Paona and wry rooms, and is one of namWrKss InsUnrffect the best constructed buildincs for comfort .n.lron.inC th wm-...a:T?fa,caIe., -.. t-..: 1. . : " ..- t t j. uiina . wiiu uiih nflnn turnout tir 5uCe mat mere is in me State, There is a lanre douW theif n ih w r.,2ir.t :r i. "" . - t 1 ro" iuuuuni 11 11, were opfm(Hi ncpi- sarv- r . . - for sale or rjbjvt: iuinZ A f INEIBOUSE AND LQTiri Pitsboro W , subject to the Plaintiff's -R !n co.mP,ete order for the reception of -a family navmff iasl comnletAd n ti;t;nr i . u o:. xvuenen and other necessary eut Houses, and an W- Oeilent WI1 nf rooi T , r. . . . . - v v vun juut, u cenainiy is a very desirable situation for. a family, or any person living in the-Eastern nart of thia Stt tK.- desirous of procuring for themselves a Summdr Resi dence in a heahhy country and where thev ran UhiW the advantages of good Society; but the character of - .Uui , iw wen anown tnrongnout the State, to need any comment from me. Should anv n..k sarv. r v - As a place of resort for those who seek pleasure and relief from the cares 'and anxieties of business, it is un surpassed in the State.' -J : V Having procured an ample supply of wuh a Bar, furnished with the best of Wines and Li quors ; a i able, witb. all the luxuries of nn abundant sire any farther infymaUon respecUne " this'LoT. thev I cOQnt,y 1 think I may safely promise my patrons ihek; uau oe accommodated by addressing the Subscriber t 1 y "uvi, j cnarges snaU be as loJJows : . PiUsboro', Chatham Co.N.. C. May 16,1842 L..S. TOWER. I. 416tw Board for single person per day,' weeit- June 1, 1843. SSr 1 Pound or bushel. June 16, 1842 426 w William Hunt, ' vs. James C, Stevens It Original Attachment. Worms Uorms- Worms i Sherman's iWormlehge8,profoiD LNmart than 4fta Ann ... . . , . ... ,T.. .,vuu lo, lu oe lniaiuuifl : tne TmTOULD inform his friends and the public gen 1 V T erally, that he has removed from h; a ly certain worm-destrovirnr mi1i?o 1 .n,i .ku.i.-r ? , . ' Dln, ,- ? v... uiacover 1 - , um us uu received mis dav. soma yrv i. ifany diseases arue from nrnrm. M r-h.n -.i jr, some very - ' - r viuia biiu im 1 JiMiiin a wNria' uiiu DESIRABLE GOODS, " N to which he invites the : attention f f-lli- men and tha nnMI rcrMM-.ll.. . . A . . r- - " assonment con sists In Part, of thn fnllnnr'mir .K .t r.if . . . . ' - ... . . . appearing to tne safiefaftUr, r ik. r . .t... K J-fi,- : " -? '""wun, mai ST,,: , f, r . '8.n.?1 4,0 inhabitant of this p7iir.w d! . lDai AUD,,raUon made in the -.?.5u vCg.sl;er six weeks, that, he appear at bur j o.Awcuoa, iin a i rom ann m.i - erally, that he has removed from his Old stand. nnarwiil be taken ZSZZn? ' i 9. REMOVAL. tlLant long andintense suffering and even death, without their a a Iwimt n.n.t..t . . " ;-mpiwu , grown persons are very flen affl cted with them and are doctored for varS r r ' "UJ "enent ; wnen r one duse df these Lozenscs would soeedilv r it.- W - J?.m Rllgh fcy William- & Hay wood ani .GooV viz t v N.L.8uth. 'X,::-,: , J kganf French Pria Tilawlcnl and EnglisU School Th Pr. Adv, !4; . - "iiu. w irntiM w . ' 1 1 ... .u V . . cu"l- orown. uierfc of our said Conrf the 2nd Mon.W r m- . 8aia ourt, - - -J w. lO,.-. , SAM'L. BRO WN, C.C.C. " ' 496w fl A r- sr-Mr . . a a avap to tbe Jail of Cabarrua County, North Carolina, on 25tlf o March last, a netrro bov Dirir t, says 1 he belongs to Col. Thomas Bot- TtTTrrATV. Ancient or Modern Languages English brancjiesiH n.:'." Raleigh, JuhVloQi842: . 1 a TfiM- LOVEJOV. 49 4 1 JJLQamnel Perrv.-and pnfart tt. "p . d7 ffine. . " general assortment of goo -rear. v I XZ?1"?WT ,no - 1 fine new style prints, Manchester and Earls- IT Shef Amelia County, (Va.) He is aborf rhhtoa. Lac n.l MLivw-f:-' r, . f.1 1 20 years ofe.'vr-iJ.Mb i ViT. . aoSLu anrf J-.- amDricHa J Tm-Tno lT' 'V ne wM miiowing ilr. --- .,, ,w we . jmtt! ( s n . , VSJ, uu was movm? tn sAtno uf etv: Wh Ut nn,1 t r , " Tn- rrorww r: . 7 . . J . . iuti u . x-taiiiTri ani i M.m'n ... i r" -t y ua iiit? r.nartrcka .-. at AthAMi. a. :ii i. laitmmfnmmmSm 1 . Jfc - .""W-UHIIlnM. rf ? "OWll! Ue uTW'TnP-i . : ..... " ' cu wim as me law directs. CTuaierv anu r-.trsr, . STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, : r ; :. edgecohb county. j In Equityi-Spring Term, 1842. j j THOMJS IfADtT, '! 1 i - : w. ,: . ; . ..'' i Charies Cor.KMA.ir and Joshua BaAkes, ' 1 A Orieinal RitL : . : ims case, ; it appearing that one of the Defend- uus vuniiuj vutriiiati. in not n rfKi(iirir ni ino Ktata It is therefore Ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for six weeks, notifying the 'said Charles Coleman to appear before the Honorable Jinl of our Court cf Eauitv. to be held for the Countv or o . ' f wwu. lAtfum. ui Jt n uit j , I me second Monday; in September next, then and there to plead and answer the said Bill of Complaint, or Judir- uicui, win oe renuerea pro conjesso as to mm.' ; ; tv. K- M. LKWIS. C.M.E. - June, 1 1842. ' (Pr. Ady. 5 62. ) ' 46 6w tale of Aorth Carolina. Nash Countv itepecca uavia, . :' A UK. i he Taxee due on the lonpwmg desenbed Lands in the year- ia4o. be ng still unpaid, I wUl offor them for sale on the 3rd .onuay m juty next, at the Court-Kouse in Car tbage, for the purpose of paying tbe Taxes thereon uecessary contingent expenses . . No. of n".montn 1 25 i 7 .50. 55 0Q " familiea of 2 or more persons (each) per day 1 00 ; week . 6 00 Horses will be kept as low as the price of Provender ! ill TW.rmlf . , . r r . Acres.! Owners. Names, 800 ; 200, 500 400 200 40 125 . 40 150 100 isv I On or near what watercourses Heirs Lauchlin McNeUllRicEland Creek Hugh Black ;i,JHaB;feins net rs pi i. inompson McKenzie. Tyson ArCo. Do : Do James Monroe - Heirs of Mrs. Riddle Tax !due Crooked Crawley "; - Pocket 1 - Little River f Deep River . t Carrol's Branch Mclendon's crk Purgatory creekl Kds Creek 27? 56 140 11 56 15 50 .12 : 28 85 85 will permit. .ioperson&or familiMihnnm. i, th .Kb. eral deduction wiTJ 1 made. " tXfi'l would re"mart that I have employed1 a superior Female Teacher, who will devote her whole time to such children as may be 'placed under her 4re. MSKNN JOHNSON. - "J ot ; : .-,,,v s, - ; 4U lioj 7 IgUlCmTfrtJAROLINA ; nnHE undersigned respectfully informs the public, ju. 1 ' jnouses wm De open for the accomm-w-Uon of Visitors On the first nf Jnn anA ihm no eiff tibn shall be spared to. render comfortable those wbo rj.r" turn., wiia meir comoanv. xlavinr w Henry :Blaylock,i . wiiuam Griffin George Graham 40 Heirs, of John Eccles i A M t 9 m .- .... Jonn M. Dohh n . "w ' f A : ' ALEX'R. KELLY i Sheriff A " - 1ml0Tetaents, he wDl be able to accom Carthatre. .Mrtom rnnnt. . -k i . M" ' iniodate a murh lamw nmW r hpre. ; ,-. ; .tune lsi IH42.. Adv." $7 49 J4 Daniel Davis. April 8, 1842. L-B KRIMMINGER, Bbenff of Cabarrua County. 30tf t Petition for Divorce. V Ini this case, it appearing fa fli eWtiofw.fe:- '.tt Court that the Defendant is a non-resident of this State it 1 ordered that publication be m,l r. .kLtT. ir u ti-:u n" ; . . " ""rpnioums s cgter and Xv orth Carolina Standard! cent, on each g been declared bv ihe' PrPMo -Uj tv-Ir thereof, the game will beVaid ftwentv fiV -t.S. retained on each shar ua.. 2, V . -l . o. . v . .7 " . ""uui ior j inodate a much larger -n amber of persons than here-. 'c, ne Virtues 3 of the -water are" said by competent White oui- IidJ who bae ' exnreas themseTvM hie-hlv nleased wiu it effect. Having laid in a large supplv of and made the necessary arrangements to furnish hi' 4 aoie witn ait tne.laxurtes of tbe County and season, aWtO.T r,"."; wniteiBad- Raleigh. Mav.20. ; the tax -1 f :.K- .,AV. , . " """f " Joana on tne first llon- dav in Into ...I . 1 . . . T? M. ion- . . . .-. . y order. - v 1 1.- . .. - ... . ;.-r - .. . ir' U' rf?!.5-vi4 ; ftviirvw?. PP"eT "-wiinin ,ieven miles or warrenw RateighqefefeliSE ff fivfR Springs, directly en the Stageroad , ' - -47-8t:- to Louisburg, and thpserpersoni who come by the Ra- 4l-6w w aiiiiM m a a; -1 v r t - a - v 1 a. 1 iiji 1 v 11 u nrr .. . UUvOAClC: Ant rhir,Ar .n .n I -vi4?JiAiilJ I fiTTl n 1 nnv. , ah! 1 wiuv w va u uiu trvii nn nia 1 a w aa. n a k k i a. w 1 . . rrr2iW..lH:i Saidhorse . f-We find floottb klW"? f W l-lana foSh?re more Uable to shrink notice hrv. t fortjv. Dollars, J""K "T" to caution the public, against Honorable Judse f 1N( itradhrgfor alote given by Jphnin Har held S Se WrdVo? Wbe (,;: Of Marble and Sanif V "eWarrentoff. Depot for theU accommodaUon. PrindpaV and Ezra Gill and James Hfct. s2i? CoUri U Famflie. of nwe ihal two nerarma. who board by J... Ibr I)iv8toX,nr kfr i notice hrg: ken an Raleigh, May 20, 1841. i fv "R ri:.T J ; . -".v'-..': wi-'J iwem 42 3t . tl. BLOUNT; Ci K n'; : ' : 45 3m promlJv,! May 28. i. v'' -T-,-'; a. 4 .