' " - ." . ff; - V -:r-'i ' AiW a rh.'. icxUS- MV-1 EDITOR-AND PROPRIETOR.) r S t7BSCR iptiok. Fiyq DoIJan per annum h$iT in Advance.- ,j ' - , z"T,vfj Ai!Kti8BmtrfT.-For ivntfySiaith Lines, fcrtt insertion; Ont Dolls fi eacli BuLequjnt insertion, CocftT Ordcab am ivsicxAXr AbTc&TittXMurrs trill be cfiarged 25 per cent, lifgber ; but a tledujjtion of S3 per cent, will be tnade iron? the tegular pHcei; fnr artrertisers bv the Tear. r' t- Advertisements, inserted; hi the, SEMWc Rigistir, will also, appear in ihe Wfiixty free of charge. ; 1 :t (ICS- Lettert to the Editor oonsj be yo$T-pi 2 s 52 aaScoWS '4, MURDER IN ' PHILADELPHIA. A roost dreadful murder wa perpetrated )n Phil adel phia about vO o'c lock no Wednes day morning, the 28th ult : It seemel that a young man of about 2t years of age, arrived in that City on the cars, at 5" a'clock in the roormng, by way of Baltimore,' arul register ed his name at the Franklin House (Sander son s) as " a. bmith, Ky," but whose real name bas since been ascertained lo be Milton J; Alexander of Berk vUlev Cumberland "Co? Kentucky. ,' Soon after arriving at the Hotel, he called for semVpeach brandy, v on being told, that the bar was closed, asked for some port wine, which wasr; given himiVandr he drank it off. ' He; then told the porter to take care of hi basgage, and walked bu.t. ' o r ; i no ureaaiuj traseuy - net hen enacted, is thus desirrtbed bv.the 'Philadelphia Spirif of the Times ! - 1 ; : r - ' V He proceeded from SandersonV to Tliird-st. and entered the office- of "Mr. Noah Loueee, No. S7, tnst above.Chesnut streets v Here he I offered some Missouri pper tole exchanged, Auiapute arose as to its cnaracier. He main- uined thai it was genuine. Mr insisted mai n was cuuuicucu, suu milieu suui us i nicions as to his (Mr.f Alexander's integVity. :l The lie was giveivby Mr. Lougee, ;and: AJx drawing a dirkTroov4iis vest instantly ,streteh-1 WZ across uis punier, piungeq u wme m i f ... AW.- M - M ft IJ I in the bosom of Mr Lengee, just abovejhc jeit nippie u euiereu oeiween ine lnira ami four tli ribHand penetrated the left anrtclevof his heart. The wounded man ran roand hts eminicr in'purfeuitloC theassassint holding his hand over the wound, cry ing murder, aud moaning a i) in great agony, until he rtacn ed the pavement, He their attempted ttf re tarn, and wa? met by Wm Br.oom, who at tracted by the groans, enquired what was the matter. Mr. lxjueee was nnable to reply; bat walkedAack into his office, went behind T his counler, staggered with his breast against! the end of the counter near the door, and uitru leu uackwaniswim uia ueau unucr lire i dpst. affllrrnfr lh Inlfpr S hm fpll ' SpVrl : i:.i.t" .j ; L. Mr. Imgee had expired about a even minntea from the lime he was stricken, and their ser- vices were useless The deceased Was insen- siblc and died without uttering-a word The mnrderer ran the moment he disco - vered the dreadful effects of the blow he had given. He run down Third to . Chesnut SC A porter, who was standing on the tide of Third street opjosite , M r. Lougee's seeing Alexander run, eried stop thief 1 r At that moment a young man named 1 eese, had his attention "arrested by tnev-cry, and lookinguplte perrived the murderer tTwhtng by.eryinf.hiin.elltomwrftfe uiiisi .UUi.utuWUu,.M.vw..vu..! : ; .V- StiJSsC flx nlde r i t ifcrf .fcV?555 if, alleyi,aQdfinallyenteredthopendoorora store, and run up to the head of the 3d story . - " . " . v . . v ' m : .-.'i stairs, where he was arrest tea nv. ieee. anu ecveral others in pursuit Th. lM.d 4ft vaar. nf ir had a ;r .,rfrt;,..Ki1.-y1f,--.M..?unf i-rl youngest about ten years ol oge. had been a broker originally in Cincmnatu, -Ay- "v" m'uiMiiM:',, " v " i weii, vQuppose e mao,.wiui uccuuuug ;prui who had his office robbed during the nbbari.l; am-es.v 4WOfnan:witli, and fprine- i, was . inderatlga - I kept bis office' b!e. shrewd and industrious- ...;. : .-J - i. you.he cavflr.me the lie, and I plunged , it u.w .,r. " P searched him, and found on his person . the scabbard of the dirk, ten dollars in gold, and : $7,50 in silver, and some papers. ' The lat- ter ;he snatched frot destroyed, declaring , inem. i j be papers tetters..' He gave Bmith.-; He now asked iffi Iig ueau, i fright, his quertces open late in me evening, anu openea i an Exercise of .affectons aided rbv- the enjoy unusually early lioof in the morning. Hence ment , cf hei: ma; will ?faot " create in-her this calamitous eyenU ; ;; v lusband a feelini 6respectaAdgard,'thal The murderer, when caught. rliietly ytel- ebuals; if It does nbt become, affection i Let ded himself to lira i captors. He seemed much 0J d0 iustic0 , lo all.' - We have seen a great agitated but made -no resistante To xMr- ja Vtrriigei formed: vas Instated, Tor reese. who d,d. nol; know what deed, had mQl y :aftd 06a whoCi: we bavoUodnd been committed, be said Yes I will po with JA - . .tni. f riimnal thanni. d deliveredao thef nigbt;watchman who vSuld treats her Worse Ifv she yJ-. N, Gordon, 15 ; locked the prisoner wpjn a cell., t ' hati rt ' -,-V vMw'v VV m. H, Wesson, , ; t jGastonr'N. C--' - At 7 o'clock. HMftfnl officers of the "L mW ? J ; .V, v ,8.W; Pughr ' : 4iua8? , ,:t - night watch.- Mailed the ' prisoner.. .TJiey . " A fifihbeing old;.t wei'7;:r V. Wlnfree. Henderson; N. C. - - , n thfl officer 8 ' Ilflttd and I J ? Muisr auttcuunait? : icajcKt yi mvu.- j j riw i j raveis in Europe aim. mid j; r v..-i thatibodVihonld "see e (iJt husband olflet than thraselvear, ' Buckmgbanf . Travels in America; . thatnoDoaynouia see l fiA(i f5r Z.tx i'M'n1.Kih 1 Historv of the Great Reformation of the sixteenth .appeared td Je bUI and WffiiEZl . ' century.ln Germany, J . ' ' Jlt name, here is John wi ,m nas usn Switzerland &c By J.H. Merle DeAulegne,- mu being aisored ofit;exbibiledrnochlMPw "r. "vu,c juwgmeni vi-iuo . uao.-M j5ngianttiq.,Dy,rettvanBaumar,: nr v -' expressed the keenest ifonlriUon for has ; made men happy,' and iore;:Tepectfu :.Crabbs jny , r- alV d lamented fc iWhen ouMtmrii.1 vrtii.Jw- im . W oeoy any atwraputexhibiUn? lnuepen r r.V?"V "Tr a aittBtf. said thauhe had good connexions his aeo--dBncf.?r periority;,. - r.V .j Raleigh pie harJalwaygone right by-htm thatnor There arttf great mantVteisofts wyaLlr who owuuiu Kuowwno ne notiserace his Darerrta.! his friends lived fn Missouri acknowledged that they lived in Kentucky. riLtefl you all, crape aUo- ethetv I had-a falW raf People. Thegirl that I wcournnprefqaed fo.haye me. RicRea" ii ihat was waatiff J left lidme -4leyn4'W get wealthy atT all hazards, Tt if aJ to kill some person to obtain MA went iota f the broker's office,- We had" argument The lie passed. Tii an irisSn I struct hirir with" dagger The alariVwa xaiiedso quicks I hadn't time to tat anv rmoney, nut ran;; I xras caugnx, ana re I am m l he Worst fix I was eter ut, in my me . . i. .- . , A. 11 o clock CAtM... Ihfi pnsnnerwas brought before the. Mayor.and after the, ex-' aminaiion oi ; several ; wimeasea, ' waa uuy . committed to take his trial for murder imhe 6 r?t degree. The office was thronged to uf focatiotf. by z dense mass tjf'v'human", :betng also the pavement and streets every where ad jacent. The prisoner seated himself behind bis counsel, where he sat Unrtng his examination perfectly; composed. -Every one n tlie office appeared struck with his youthful, interesijng, ingenuoas countenance anddfpor tment. ; -.P.'S We. hve lust Tbeen informed that Alexander iskhowntn. several business gen- 1 1 e oi e ii.. n -f ii at k e v street, -wuu wnom nia la ther has been in the habit 4f , dealing largel v once or twice a vear. Hts family lsWjavotLi ihe first standing', very numerous aud origin any ironi v irgmia.: ii . f . ... . .. . j . ..-. .. 1 -r. ABOUT MARRIAGE. We suspect that the oTdi bachelor has got backr td the editorial chair of . Hie" Boston Transcnpt, (we hope he has rhav there be 4 perpetuity to his humor, and restoration hang its J. medicine on every prescri ption for "his complaint,) for the following outbreak, worse than GoTernor Dorr's, in Rhode Island, ap peared in ihat paper a short lime since ; - One roan marries a woman because she looks - yell; when she dances-she never dan" tees auerwarua. : -- - - , s,; 2 Another marries because the lady has a nanusoine iuoi anu anKie, woicn, alter mar riage. he never takes the trouble "to admire. - A third marries for love, which waces with the- honey moon. ; . -. . . ' V . ' - , T . - . -.v.-ttmiiniiita9 !mAnr, nil AnU l!iat h& wife does not choose to die, to com- pele bis satisfaction. '5. And a fifth, being old in wisdorn. as in eats, marries a Touuff woman, who soon becomes a suitable match;' for himi by, gruw I in old with at'tHf- 'rV ' t c . I -; We are bound in honor," lo answer erta tim the above assaults " ' v - 1. If a:maildoe8rfnarry 4 woman bficapfe J sne oances weu UAne. gouuesa is .anown by. her ait'-doe-iti follow tbat-ne.ha: no other nose for the goddes than to keep her .MrfeT jnrouemng irom morn mi uoonj irom noun 1 ua whj - v . -,-r ,.v ; . :. v ...i O .tf 4 li.nif.nma fnnt ' ilannta, tio . Av 1 I' - v , ... , : I that; the likeness of 'Villiani Penn had an vngentlemanlif leg')- well, if a j handsome foot" is die exponent of a finished form; does Jtt follow tbata man must, always keep his j eve on tiie foot. '-It is classical and denotes a refinement of lasle, a practical -knowledge cf anatomy,' andperhaps of physiology,- to judge cx pede '".;" " - : ThVse two modes of cltoosing; which the id bachelor condenras. denotes a iudirmenV; amj we 8UgpccV yfa that exercised by 1 - V i ,jL;i rt,f ' tk j;n-rn.te 08lf be trusted in these matters. 1 S 3 A third.mames for love, which wanes wirblhe;heney moon ;ThaVs e reaL old svs thesamereason that I portion or tb6 lads 'of our City Stobke : r - ;hfcS. Unfis.. W bL- . n I marriage and smokinff f what a luXtaDnsilion! ,;;;;.MoaWrer years, , ana me tegar anuij - i :r . " .'. ; 1 Btion tP out ine , noney flf affection, wbtcbis stneere, rural is a pnn.u I , 4AnotherBawies for ' money &6 Very dence. marries tf. woman: with, and for mO' iey j ; does l follow" tbati because a WOmanUs rrh -jnal be"a o6d wife I Or that the I ? . 7 . -o . .. . . - . . , h oihefj( .jj man4s brute enough irt mJana- -P noWt W fd WhOSO tfittneV United States Gazette.' -t.l JT J ll'tT- .t. Rn..n 'man't I TTaOU BALE "'"ana. aariing .maw a : LC -BdtlerVcompl slave. - ?We would not advocate an unequal I "DfMottg Travels I .r I. .. . ........ -i.-.-. . ! . - - t": ' . . ' . . , ee'.wsspu --AHttneioveiy dependence otwre wu-1 Lifeof jeflferBob, in vU. . ik.t k. Mil i.i i mon iniv m irrv. mora man tnD t4tpi n i juw wvuiM r - v, vrr-r , I injplf.tod Will put themaS loWas Ma KMt awi.ihot i rtur j esteemea coniemDorarv. nut wa nevpri.r-:.".c c , - ' ArtovftfmtKA I hiiarrl nthntons whv ha did not marrr. 1 i - . .c , WfT.7i V WUUatti Thompson 5 H Cabinet and Furnithre Ware-house, TrnHB Subscriber has now on hand at his furnUb 'Ji 'Jog. Ware Rooms, just in . the rear of MeMK. J urner & Hughe Book Store', a general asortment if Aniclea in hi lme,'made in the most faithful man ner, after the newest and jinost fashionable patterns, and which wilt be warranted: ; The j will be- sold at soch prices, as to leave no excuse' for sending to . the North for Furniture. Call and look, before yon sead Trom home, - ) '. WILLIAM THOMPSON. Raleigh, April V;1842: . ; 28 r Walnut, BirchJMaple and4 Poplar Lumber, totllstasontd, laken in echange for Furhitute , SPJLENDID LOTXEUIES l , ; FOR AUGUST, 1842. . ' ; ; . P. GGREGORY& Co.' Manager : $24,000 $12,00030 -of 81 ,500 30 of .-:.:s'V vaioo;-;, -v-.) r--- v t DVT k mt rricort i1 TP n 1 nTTPBV - . To be drawn in Baltimore on Thursday, August 1 1th 1843. ' " , -.y - - SFtSHDIS SCHEKC. v - I Prize of ' $24,000 1 prize of .$3,000 1 - ,'do ,-12,000 1 ,do - , 2.50Q 1": do I' 8,000 ldo 2,058 l- do ' : 6)00 30 prizes . 1,5001 t ' , . do ; 6,000 30 " do - 1,300 do ' 4,000)' . &C. y' Ac, 'TickeUflO Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. ' - CertiScateif of packages pf S6 whole fickets, 130 .' -Do do ' ; 26 halt -do . W v. Do do 'S6 quarter do : 32 -60 30,000 Capital 40 prizes of $2,000, ' Virginia monongalia' lottery, fc ' - " . Class K, for 1842.. v. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. on Saturday; August x; . , . . . 13. 1842, '- 'J' ' . - - ctriTAXs. -. , , 1 l pnz do .do do of of of of S30,000i 1. rize of $3,327 10,000 1 1 40 do 3.000 2,500 2,000 5,000 do prizes 3,500 Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50V Certificates of packages of 25 wholes $ 1 30 Do do. 25 halves 65 Do do 25 quarters 32 50 Capital 835,294 making-$30,000 nelt. 5 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, r " CiaarA.'for 1842. To be drawfr at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, An-1 gnstO, 1842. $35,294 12,600 .10,000 5,000 3.000 2,500 ; 2.000 ' 1,975 1 prize of 1,600 1.S00 150 1,200 1,000 500 400 1 - do 1 . do ' prises of do "do 'do " rdo - -1 ; 1 1 h r .2 2 20 20 20 IV OO do do do Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. v '.. Certificates of packages of O'wbolea $130 . ' jjo do oi zo naives -. wo - V DoV i V ' dor of 2B quarter " 32 50 t $30,0001-100 prizes of $1,000 V. Vv. UNION '-liOTTBRy. " . - Class No. 12; for: 1842. i Saturday, AU- To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C. on . imt27. 1842; - - "ixeof 1 pro. of .000 , 1 prise of- $2,500 1,017 i do . -5,000 1 00 prizes of 1000 l'do- : 3,ooo'. , ,&c ; sc. Tickets' SlOHalves 85-Quarters $2.50. .:--riirrtrrfsattflS: V l;o ' ' " . 25 quarters" 32 M. , For ticket, and share or certificate, of package, in the above sph-ndid Lotteries, address - 4 I v - - J G. GREGORY & CO. Managers, ; I ; , . . u; .t.: :; r i 'k . ' wuuigwn, v. jjing, Wntimmediately after, they ireover to all who.oider as above., ... . ..p,. . Nn r - oMiviTRSinNr,imTTRR.l " J - --- - . - - - - - .. ' : JfetertbWgt wa ' , -mtkI M Jt AMIV.a RTfST! A Wn.t.TAMRfiN1. hftvintr bL I 1 1 Uaociated themselves together forihe ' purpose of conducting the Auction and Commission business, of fw their totheir friends and the public gene- ..4 ...... tK.M Ih.t Ihei, niulioiHnl .ttsnlinn rally, and assure them that their undivided attention will be given to all business entrusted to them.' - JOHN W; RICE, f ,' ,.-'"', . B. F; WILLIAMSON. Petertburj", inly 28, 1842. J 6l--oaw3w KsrsasacES : v - 1 AT THE IIOOKSTOIIE lato Works,' one Vol. ' in Eorope and the East, . ,July1;1842.. frnacpn and, tjarwy- We bave a good up- Wa can lor 4- -k FECK; --t Ralalgb, Aniast.; . ' Paul.Mcnwane&Co.-; :Ueto-bar - ':f IHJ in which I t present Hve, near the Gam Spring. . James LV Cabell id D "Professor of Anatomy, TwlT , Peebles, H.U& Co; v-; WWV-mediate possession given.V v ' - T- V Pkysirlog, and Surgery ' . I -'f. . , J .t;, aiJ Sf f . MeIlwai.e,Bmwney&CoJ V; , r . . - r-.. ; H. KlRKHAM. , i WIHUSH' W90DLEYr- "wmH; Wesson T : ' ' ? V ' ' A- TEACHER, qualified to take charge of. an En TfTXlYEtisITY OP MARf LtSD. Register, , r? v 4 - r. lPROSPECTUSr.-. Tlieetersburs 'Intelligencer X1 $5 per annumPavabU in advance, r r THE INTELLIGENCER- is devoted to the tra principles of the Whip Party, and will support for the nekt Preidetncy, ;HENRY CLAYthe man who, of 1t !..! iv t .t UT-s ftjt.z-: all men living, r is b&t qualified for the Chief Jflagiawt traey or this Repnblic -r-" T'-r- - , The Agricultural Mercantile aid NaemTadurins interesls wll always ;lnd an advocate in the Tntclli- r gencer ; cand Subscribers in 4he Country wtll.be regu- larly furoished, wim art accurate account ofi the Mar- Kets ami Mercantile transactions of Petersburg and her Commercial Towns. ot Petersburg July 23. - f trf-'tr. ; n Ai iiiX i(cU.i v ijLt:a Jtanusome auppiy or U t-uu( toib.u vuh.ib, vugrugB. Wiu (usci - tions. v Also wide reverse do. " ?x " Thread Edgings and Insertion; fine plain' Swiss I. . THEO: SNOW. Raleigh, July 14. i fltO PARE1STS.'--A Gentleman, kwell qualified X for the duty, i desirous of taking charge of J ScHoet, wherein thorough English education, to gether with the-Latin and Greek language, are taught If desinbK ?ha Lady of the ad vertisrr -would also in struct a small number of female scholars in all the v- nous branches of a useful edacatipn.- . For .tern, 1 ana reierences, auaress, n uj letter, post-paw, to u aii this Office. Raleigh, July 15 58. Worms Worms TTorma R Herman's Worm Izcn?es. proved in Jmore than 400,000 cases to J infallible ; the oni ly certain worm-destroying: medicines ever, discover ed. Many diseases ar'ue from worms and occasion Ions and -intense suffering and even dcalb, without their er being sasbectrd ; grown persons .are very often afflicted with them and are doct6red for various cumplaiots, wnhout anv benefit ; whro. one dose of 1 these Lozenges would speedily core them A i For sale in Raleigh by Williams dt Haywood and N.'L,' Stith. ' ' " - " I. Braudretll'S PillS We have a fresh sup ply wey were, .alout aay, .of this -.valuable Aledicine--bat' to those who have tried tbem. it is un necessary to say sond those who have not tried them would be alow perhaps io believe us. It is, however, a : serious fact, that we could name at leat . one family, where their regular use for.': several years past., has i made the Physician a vntit H few and : Uur new boxes contain 25 Puis each have 21. ' , WILL Raleigh. March 1st,' I 842. ICE! ICE I MCE!!! iTTUST received and will roniihue to receive by thrl mail train, a daily supply "of Boston block Ice, I which can be had by the pound or bushel. . : ,y - J I. 811TH, Druggist. Raleigh, May, 16; - t - 40 , N.Bt Families supplied daily on reasonable terms. ) j " '; - 1 ; " ' r- T l fTTlO Gentlemen of the Bar.There I few sets of the ReDOrta of the Supreme Court of N. I Carolina. Those who hsve broken seU, now have I an ODTMrtunitv of coraDieline them. ' -". - r : The Subscriber also offer a . venr extensive col-1 lection rof Lavr Books. anT are prepared to supply J 3-. , .i . . . .1.:.. ! ! anv IjS w ttooavinar, is in print, at snort jiuiicv, i '.inn. ? ' : tURNER&HUGUEV TTftITE?I7A.0. S1nYlVf3:-.Th SnhBrrirwrn 1 bavins .made consideraMe additions to their im. 1 lprovements since lat Season, are now prepared to j ac'commodai an increased number of;Vbito;,;-;"r SHELTON.dc KENNON.s Buffalo SpringMeckleuburg County. Va. V ' , , , May 3, 1842. $ , P. 8. -For, particular, information with regard- to the Buffalo Spring, see Hand bills. . - May3. 37--1 7w 1 ; ' 8..&K. "TTYi ANGE R8 NOTICE. Taken up' and' entered jXon the Ranger's Book of Cumberland County, by John A. Cook, a bright bay : Horse, about nine years old, 15-hands high, three white feet, a small blaze tn bis forehead, two of three saddle spots on his back. Appraised to $40 - - . 1' , . , - - , T, MALCOLM RAY, Ranger. , t July 29, 1842. " ' ' t6l-2tp - rt zOOv BARRE:i3 IIFRItlKGS.dirett I liCIIIIII,, 1IIUV IU US,I, IVI "M VH .UWICI, (so, Roe Herrings,' put up expressly Tor Family use, in Half Barrels, a very fine article at $3 Uashs' .Call July 22, 1842..- r - - v w. V 59 2w : Qtj! Star and Standard, two weeks.. tJ'.Af tVW c. Li... 1t.i itL,! i l.. r iiiif. KUinnur av aier irom iie wtiie ply of the White Sulphur Water by the Box, Barrel A uuiiiJiUf urar iiicffr U0 a (.wm vcu sk ibi kbssiii April 18 NL j&i.gUsh s3chrU and to give instruction in theordi- nary branches, may meet with a situation, on applies- tion at this office. : Raleigh, July T. awaifa " . ii H i if ! TT7I DGE WORTH SX3HOOLFora1e,a Stock i LPJ s MUSIC, equal to any ever Offered In the State for its superior, excellence and cheapness.;, Teachers will be fcrnUbed at rales To suit them.' : ' - - . . J Greensboro, March 26. " ctAir, BY THE 8 ACKi-COTTON YA RTf for Carpeting WILL S PECK RaTefgh,'Jolya. 7TOTlCEr?Tbe.daties of the School under UN f the supenntendancei of ;A, w.tisnks, tu pe resumea on jriwiuay i ,umj. vvnugwu - w - vv MOUOl r.easanm.i vutvm - InW1i . - V,; JQB P.RINTINQ'.; Executed with neatness and Uespatcli? Aiusims, mansion anu American umOTff-2s, iiauies iu uo mi i years of age s oui ,iu bcuuj tujr une oi ctagea irom Dytisnue lootannton.-. ' r , ; first quality Philadelphia makelrffthick .sole dispense iV hia.; requisition in favor if one whose v This ia now ihcheapbst and bestrevifo the 3ifJ;v-o, t and Walking Shoef, French G, Jons, a new and brother Limjdeni , V, ft .1 v--- -? fereni Virginia Springs, and offers many Other induce beautiful article, White Satm aKid Slipps-for ' 4E very student is free to attend theiebooU of his mems to travellers for preference. 4 -i- V h: TiinrcasiTY, oF;TiRiiwiA.-The lj next session or, this lostitotiort.wrtl commence j - on the 1st day of October,' and ferminata: rr the 4tb . ; wbb their respectre Professors, aret ' s ' 1.-A ncient LanEuaces -Dr. Gener Harrisozf t Modern L.anguagev Dr. Cbarle Kraitair. k I k3. Mathematics. MrElward H. Coortenay. J 4,;Naturat Philosophy Mr. Wm B. Rogers. 5. .Civil Eneineerins the sobieets of which are l v divided between the,Profes8ora. of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy;. '' - 7, A - sTkMtMa ..1 aJTa.: If.t.k Tfcs. TA. t - Chemistry and, Materia Mdics.-TDr. John P. pmmeu. v . .7 ,;. - A .' , - Vi '' 7MedjcineDr, Henry Howard. , f-; T i 8. Anatomy and Sorgcfy. Dr. James: L; CabeU. -r , .Meral fbuosophy.Mr . George T acker. OLawirJudgeHeary St tin both Scboola of Langua Geo: .Tucker. Bfc.v.ifr taught the aaguages.'are .aisq liter ature r of the' respective language, and Ancient losophy, Belle.Leure,Logie and Political Economy and in that of aw, beside 1 DranCOCS, me llSW i tence of Government To be adnied int6 . he shall attend "at least three, unless authorised by his. parent or guardiani fn" writing; o: by the Faculty? for j good cause; to attend a less number: r AH students under the age of twenty-one: years are reauired tri bninl within ih nriwimta. By a resolution of the Faculty, .Ministers ':of the Gospel, and . young rpeo preparing ; for the Ministry, mayatieHdany of the schiol8 of the University wilh nt thA Tfvmnf f feem. ffl lh Professors."- 7Therf-nrtment whirh latelv reouired studenta lo wcar a prescribe J uniform have been suspended. i Every student resident within the precincts must, on matriculation, ;!eposue with", the. Patron alt the poney; tills, drafts, &c," under his ' control, intended to defray his experwes white at the University,, or on nis return tbence to fats borne : and ine amount so de posited must be sufficient to pay his fees lo professors, dormitory rent; for use of the public rooms, three months board, a contingent fee to cover fines and as sessments, and to. purchase i the : text books, dtc, he may want at i he comment emeu t. Alt tunas subse- quently received by him must be deposited with the Patron, who hsa"; charge of his tlisburseroents ; and i upon all depoeates a charge -of twd par centum com i mission is authorised-. 5 ' The act of the. Legislature, 'prohibiting merchants and 'others,- under severe penalties, from crediting students, will -be strict!? enf treed..'-The licence to contract debts, which the Chairman of the Tacal- ty is authorised to grant, i confined (except where the parent or guardian shall otherwise in writing request,) to cases ofurgent "necessity;, and these,, it is hoped, that parents and guardians will, as, a ' ?i i . . r r-j. t t ; r f .. t turn from the ' four principal -denominations of the State, - ? v' f - The expenses of the Session of nine . months are Board, washing, Jodgina and attendance,' . $110 as follows : Rent of Dormitory, $16; for half, if occupied by two; 8 Use of nublitf room ami matriculation fee. is 1 Fuel aud candle, estimated at 's" - 20 1 x ees, ii oniy one rroiessor oe siieuueu, uv , ii, , ?f- i r, two. to'nrh Pmffwsnr SL30: if mora than two. i .T I to each 535, say t :- - ; , 701 Total, exclusive jit clothes, books and pocket. : 22ft I - la the School of Law there is an, extra fee of 20,1 payable by studenU aUending the senior - 1 he allowance lur domes is limited ments to $ 1 00, and fot pocket money ; - WILLIS HWOODLEY, Proctor, , v ' " ;.. . -,: . m-A p-,-nn TT. rir-" . I .. t- ,;. 7 ; , Ittnitersixyofvirgiia - medi U CAL DEPA RTM ENTTTie Plsn pf instruc- tion in l his , deDartment of the UniVersit v. presents 1 peculiarities to be found in no other School of. Modi-1 cine in iheUnion The Lectures, commence, on the! firt of October, and terminate on the 4th.vf July en- suing. -3iv . - , v ' Owing to thelength oTthe Session, which embraces a period of nine month, .three Professors are enabled w ucriuciu nit iuc unties wuku iu uiuti uieuiusi lu- i suiuuons are yuauj assigneu to six, arm me stuuenis 1 are seldom required to attend more than two led ares I ' -i A.tOTrn,.tii8iary ; in me- ocnooi 01 ,jnaiucmucs 1 . - . s . . -J a . t s - rv . ' r .11. - w a , . , 1 log, ' Mmeralogy and Geology r in that of Moral Phi-1 Leave L -1. )t mature ana nations, me nj ibis arrangernenu passengers forrennepseeand;,;. f , nd ConstitUlional Law'.' f. rnnvnntlnttp. will not'b dptfliniwl In - Lvnhhnr. ii:-t-':'Kii: this institution the applicant heretofore , Our Boats wiU also connect with thf . - ' far k between: hfae requisite fund, i ' :J - 1 pr remutea to oraer. . , the old only r.i . .r, tti- i July 1842. , . . t 55,! i nnBGiiiica . nrpvtmr irnm d rii rv. nv insr riiiiHiv.aiiiiiiiV' iu i v r . : t v tic '-' T)CPV 1 '' I Jtcueivua oci itc mo iciiuiiucu at mjo wuhw.hi i 1 1 1 . . 1 . 1 ' j . n . '..i n . im 1 .y: 6n the same day -tsBy this arrangement the students lay the tickling or .irhtatinrV,and 'remove the proxl have, an opportunity of being' well grounded, inAna- j mate or exciting cause... - lTiey are rnade from a corn- I tomf Physiology, and other elementary ' branches of mwii science, oeiore uiey mvesiigaie tneir appuca- tinnik in ntmiMtiAn 'with th fit nil v nftha nrsutiM nf Medicine and Surgery . c. v" f. ,1 t . . I TmmliteW before each" Ucture the Indent, fare ... . .. ... - .... . - . . . ' i cedioj lecture, orn portions of approved text books It is apparent, that tho plan, of which the outlines have been briefly aUted,is onwbicbr allows the student to commences well as to tomoleil -his mwIicariodte io the institution and presents a happy ' combination 01 u.B wivum-BC,. W nairin ..ruciiou UJ pn-J vate pupilage and that of puU.o lecture - . Anv oerson of ahnroved moral conduct mav ofier as candidate, and ceive the desres of M.- D.. without reference to the time he has been engaged in the study of medicine, or OMoiniflaf the school,- provbled he un dergoes in a satisfactory manner the various examina- 1 - r- r 1 ; ThePoTessf i - v - . . 'om ' subj:iea to as ion ana rrgia exsminauon on tnapre-ijT umwuw , . w f?. r(..n.4.nll, r.m . n .IrTrvl j.ji. T.l " rsae.' -.- ' - II.jL. r.". r-wa,,.- fc. r. mmet,M: VJ? Professor- of. Cbemfrfry. JarV. - V1?1 t and Materia Medica . ; . V t ,'K.'"; .rf. rr V.' Mn . V-v 11 .M.D.; Professor of Palbology and may iempv 10 tutrij as -a V. j. 1 f Obstetrics and MedicaUurwDru- "V M.u,?,. ,,a . r a number.: w-: IJJ MEDICAL DEPARTMENTw The Regular! - v . ; ' "75 " -JOHN AlAM3.;k j Annual Course of Lectures- in this .Institution, will y" vv'e onty, July 2S;1842, . $ A . 60 5w,; . . iMUM.r-,uQ f irLjumnij f vui ,i wun, jjj Jc?c.,--jusi tet4Ted unheN. C.Book, r 1 I M.t.:.k Cf..i..!.' mt.,ft 1 Z?lT . . , . . . . w . iT. , M ioK.rn. '-tilt MmmniM An lh flret XTnntfmnln H- Y.rw t-. I A's.t,ll.i; -V:, .' lt"A ..,:...,, ' I.' r ' . 7 " i i . j , ww ifiusirauons. v . , Km6er.vThee- Lectures are- whoUy independent of L Barnabv Rnd?eJ,-- A t. - "jv ,! -ii the Regular Course, which is complete jn h$eit The 1 ' Co'riosii j Shenud 'AV 1 1 term will liAonaidared entire to kll tt-DA nt hefor I ; Hi.ii.i, l. rit- . '". ..- . f'V ," .- .w v. , " :- . T -Itte 10A of November, v.' :t-- ; -..-! nt;a,i-:-o vl. till a 3 - - - . M i : . .-' ; . . .i--j . m . : ... u; i...'- ,- .'w" a iicra. una urDa.; : H . j: v r Jheorraod practice oi Medicine v- -4-"- xeee remarks on J elirson t " r- " j-. j 1 KKHASD- wiMioT,iixit- M. DFrJles6r ofl xiawaas LiteratUTa;- . ' v I MedicarJurisoradenc-i ami Obstetrics.. ' -.V.i- Di UlddU-adM.JV-l' t- f":.:' v Witt t ax Ei A.- Aisia-, M. D-Professor of Chera istry and Phjjniacyi V-: 1XT..-V Natbih QxitsM . D-Professor "-of Surjrenr 6amus Catw. M. D. Professor of Materia MeJ- ieaL Theraoeutica and HvrienM.' Josara liOBTr m. P.-T-Profesaor of Special and i . . . - . 1 y ti."' j . Genera Anatomy; PAMUEL CHEW, Dean. Jue?tV -,r-r w-s v; w kC'rsVf cj;trr . f , i . . ...,-- v Vt' .f r. v -r t -J jpmIccI Hoettair Sccitsville r V? r triirftfiitvf ; s C 'A.1,, I; 1 s-frr A' h J . z1"'" . Jk - - - IrTt L? Tr '"-" L T t - ; ? r -Ci. J SUMMER ARRANGEMENT TKUR Mail Packet BoatsV JOHN; MARSHALL, ViJUapi: HuIJ i and J. C CAbET.Lr C3aj.u .front ley, will leaf e Richmond from our landing, at the headf or the Basin, for the above placeson M6ndsys,Wed- jjnesdaysand Friday, at 8 o'clock, Ay M. precisely, and J arrive at SeoUsTiHe Iry.l A.M.:aeit day, and intrf Lvnchburg by TP,5M. V. i-'- x TEt.hburff, Mondays". Wednesdavs and Frti . days at 7 A. M. and arilre at stottsviHe by 10 P. M.-j pieased wilbnw easy. We and safe "passage ; the beauiiful and romanUq sce-ii" nerv.yvill delight the admirers of nature, and the rich, far filmed - and . highly ' cultivated James River low: .. grounds arid, highlands, will. gratify the agriculturist and man of taste." ? ' - -. -i ' " "V r T On ottr arival at VLynchburg;' paWngers.-fcave? a l : choice-ofiwo routes to the M hite 'JSelphui' prifigs wuh an assurance tnat all snail be. sent on tvrolineai - of Stages running oyer ;the Natural Brifge: and by;; " Dibbrel s Bpnnga, and thcoihef by Libertv,FmcasUfll and the Sweet Spririgav .--, .V A EDMONDS A- DAVENPORT. , Richmond.'Jane 20, 1842. 60 71 AVII.f.IAITI (iOKI)O - COMMISSION MERCHANT,- ; - Richmond, 3' a. ' ReferenceftJr .iVl- V 1 ; Bazil Gordon, Esq. ;i-f-.-, "wB.Fickhn.lq.Fal-A ft4 MerTjnoTscottcTs; Messrs. Fry d Co. ... . . J r J Messrs. Dunlap, MoncurV Co.5 chmonf ? Messrs. A. Kevan'4 Brother,' ' - f Messrs. McIIwaine, BroWnley & Cu'.S-- Messrs. Soutter & Bell . . - ' Norfolk. Va. t i Mr. H. D. Montague, an experienced dealer in To . oarco wn pay special aueniron ro ine inieresi Oi. las Tobacco Planters of North Carolina. City on the 6th inst. a neero man nann ed John.lbe assumes lheJTiame oF John rBenAeun He was purchased, fn Charleston CI about ihreo years since. He is. a bright 7 Jfu&fo,ve feet 7 io phes in height, about? I years of age. i He generally wears, bis AoiVion, and h etb, and teeth touch decayed. He. has but liule to "y unless spoken to, and generally holds bis "head i. -'t. -- Mw . n.vmu ,u vmuicuhi, v vi. nd a brother in- New York, and no doubt will endea- Tr w S wnneor we outer oi inese places. Jtie S i "jieuigem anu win enuearor;to pass as a-.iuas perform The above reward of Twentv-five Dollars will be nakl : James Edwards, Sberiff, on his betng delivered at i tT'' retcrsDurg iatelugeneerand, Wilrrunglon Chronicle will inwrt th mVwiva A. limM iut 1,m. . . " vr-7rT-- r,;? -v-. : rr- Have you a owsk 7 -Don't neglect it ?t Qlicrmnn s Cougli Izen?cs, Are the i Wafet, most sure rand effectual remedv for Cotiphk i v jJiutBiL BuvBiices oil Mil vruuu . wiibti in .nana. class. I tae Jail in Wake county " or any Jail in this State so y tne enact-1 w B". r r . .'-', - ' - to $45. 1 Raleigh, July 13, 1842' 7 ' 5H r 4- Coldf. Conwmptiona,yVhotminsyCUmiT .'i-' 7htnfwaf,theLuflgaprChertt4;.fa prietbr has never known aninstance Wbere Jhpy did - "..'':-'' " g,v jwrwrci uuaiaciion, several iDOUtand WX- , - - , eg have, been sold with the last year; restoring toH - ' :V health persons in almost every' stage : of conumptloo,n f -:' aiiu iiivn lavuuug iui iua iiiveidHleuCBSing COlUvv u itvusub.. , , ucr. uo.um foecx-anu ury up toe cough, but render it t asvy promote'expecteraiion.I- pioa tion of the most valuable' iexpectorant or cough, meuicmea. andare undoubtedly superior to evrrvthinff I In n fnr thorn rnmnlainli. tTnrftrita.-it nr. A Vim. dreda of certificates have been pffered of .thefr" won- - A Srom W W W V . - -7 ,-""-.7;, - 71""" -? - - an uniimeiv rav. ana rMarM. m rmriarf hMiih l . . -v ' 5'-"r-' 5 ?--s - !' , ov Medicine ay be obtained st IbeJDrogr, : iiajwoou.ana el JUr, MvL. Stitb,with full directions acconpany irig acbl.4 ; I box.l . "2 ' ty it 11 v V-i-1 4 1 -Vr ; - npw inn T-;- r.' ..- - t KT&M I 1 A;''; Z"3. V I V;.,.::; I -TV ": I AAKU; sMUl-22 years pf, age. v8aid ;t negro ro is about 5 feet t inche: high, nor very Ukely. of the blackest complexion Of negroes, aJ w ithoul nor marks, so far as I know. He carried away ?wjth hint hi ULU s wonune clothes.: a .new etraw ifat. :For can. i v r . , a . a larui sa n v ir , isr iwiMtnia . m'm v . . a . a. ' -1 Fcr aatebT" - ' TIinNT!Tl At' tTTf:nTrf. " f5 "7;0U 8 ALU ATTIIC X. G'EUC. .asiirrj tf Pcd LaY ,tLb C oiwroeTjc-, c t.'VTj-cI a ishments, a c 3 c f rrociJure I -"of rriscrtr ;.V at aud a L r I . ' . . ISdwaraJU, a .;T!K.ib. & it BBSS BfVlT ; . 1 v -i

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