'BO .J I' ,; Y xx'a Irish Tca csuU lU tc-j-, tut fcfej tesa c-e; tfooyty a lady ; 7aiTto if tliii City; arid' Our's areHhe plan hf fair, dctigkifol peace e, f utc ituebrothenr. Vttvoerp'd by party rage. . FOR PRESIDENT," 1 RALEIGH, N; C; - STATE LEGISLATURE,: ..;. Wa have, at lengtbHreceivetl complete return from all the Counties, at to:4be result ec Members of Xs- lemhly , though there ar aevtnal Cou ntie yet -tar hear from, as to the vote, -Govenior.'ltwill be seen that tba Loco Focos have majority of ;24 oh. jomtaItot counting MrMvaaifj of Burke, a one at their party a majoritf safficientlf largeV"6 learo tberrt wHboot excuse, should they Tail fo redeem if il promises iney nave maue -to iua peonie.; -ry: . - i UNION feEftEVERANCE THE; BEfAtlFbUTAnp Hf DE; ELECTIONS; tratt Letter front, a gerUleman of ieatifor rSM09ini VW1 would Am Mmtii hMf iltst Dr HoJsea IwCS beaiea Caen J. O 'K.Williams as SanaMr of this District, I hasten to inform yon of thai fact, anU kwiu tououw Borpisojroo.as moon ae Hitelh Rene frt)m ifatteras Bnk? did " We had alt gi 1 Carteret The result of the Eleplbn in North daurojioa, termi nating as it has 'done, fnbre, lavoaWjf lor tha Destrue lives than either tbey dared to hOjje, or the Whigs sup posed they had . cause to fear, illustrates moat ibrclbty the troth of die axiohi,' that ;Me rt o" liberty it caasei and, the parity of oat : jprinelples, Uie.Wfaiig par- it have always een ioerti" exJept, as inl840,'1vben pressing danger roasod tEeni td an eflbrt; tw effect of WBicn )ras pniy ro nuKtose wetc- uemenaoua strengiu fix the rooment,' atin to lie dormant xtntit rotisedby I7, unpaiteled in t ann laid down tneir nrma tWixno'mpfis if 0"neveriHeip -S'lb&3. Onrnn merical strength, asrtlien. deye)opediocreattbkt otu frieBds.pvetx Where,Ts Is "frpTenl by. recent' e U8, wen lullea into ipatnet security. ; To allow ioM-was made' for fke influence of Jobs Tiritl treachery, and because no changes 'Were apparent, the Vbin believed that Uieifiiscendancr Would be main- ained as a matter of course., vBnt tlus. whole life was intended, and wisely so, to be a scene of. perpetual nriare between good and bad prtnciples1and constant tigilanee ' is ' hexjessary.WkU,- each s. canse is the Wbigi have, Wen 'ordinary industry wootd serve to hand it down unimparea from generation' to genera tion. Bui while tbySpoW W ained, their adversaries are incessantly atVorlr. and ttrir zeal and vity never w borhood has its polmcal leader, Sd ways readj tp aid in measolenw'an misrepresentation, and whose Tocation it is by means? like these, id eauTcooTerts! At sa evidence of the industry anq tact of oor oppo. sents, we ttndeistand that the plan of organization re-1 held in this Chy, was actaally adopted and.acted sp an by the -Loco Focos--il'Utetany"d with bar own "Weapons. If the principles of the Wbie ( jwy are worth preservin gotten 'mast we learn wia- wxd oj cspenence ana iinifue. in some qegree, me i sad aHty of roipoo price f Likfly u eternal .vigilance?! and nnlesa we act upon Hus Bntiment,' w shalilWays U b The t co Focos, themsel ves, adnttU; vthai the Whis have a majority in North Carolina. $hat tbey.cart ont-rna iuge us. This is, unfortunately but oo trne,and the taants of oar adversaries should rouse ps up ioehcertioa, if nothing else will. Let'us now begin, one and all, to rally for the great contest of, 14,. Let ns appoint our Committees of Vigilance' ' jnTevery Capraln's pis trietia the State-:;- .lvnaorganize joiuCTlay-Clube, Le, and we shall soon- see the spirit of 1840, not bntf revived; -bftt far exceeded in enthusiasm y ' TROUBLE Til THE CAiiP.T We understand, that iue certainty Of a Loco i oco majority fn'the nett Legislature has treated oohe'a bnxziagia the ' Democatio,' hive. Every, body wants an ofSce, but every body can't get one. because there are so few to bestow and iienca the; trouble smong the Spoilsmen'? We; onderstand that Letters are flying over tbe Stata'as thick- at haif, from Loco Foco applicanu,aU of whom boast of havingcTender' edtbe most important services to the-, party- -vTbevdi" lernrna.TntQ which the Loco Foco' Legislature is lifeeVi it io eci itself, reiwaae us w-uie veicyr wnt, ucuix tuhered into hi? employees presence,, when bp was at dinner, without being invited to partake, was asked the news. He replied! that " the. old Sow had bad a tuter of thirteen pigs, fcuc jlhaV;sbe Only had twelve teata !" Ah ! said helgemlernn andt what -does the thirteenth little Tellow do hS He" iooimVaid the Overseer, as 1 do,, while tbeotherrcaj.Tliere Nl be a good manylookef imVext wim'er.4 on it up That Gen. W illiams was- elected, but H oms o that .Hodges is elected our Senator hy a.- ma jority, of 5 Arotes over theNold General, and has received tua vertiucate or Section. 'lelt.jyitilX5a!e Uiat tpe LocofoCQ Pwss of thiiTown 1 VVashlnctonVmost recall the assertion in his paper of lasf week; that we have elected Gen, J. tK: Wiltiams over IftSYF. 3- Hodg , the Wpig nomine"-i-tltreby. making the' nTtptes, eion BDroaa, nnattne jjdcos natf defeated tne- Whig candidate tor Senator; Tbat paper alsc claims Dr arjanwin (tne commoner elect in Hyde County) as c LocofoCo : but ( am credible informed this is en error. and tbat-Dr . S i' no Locotbco, and lias only giyen one vote with that party since its party organization;- ;The geriflemaj whotirn,ished sf withiue-abofre ex tract, anil who.it well acqoaind wi te ater of-pSf ties in Ueaufort and, Hyde, assures oslthat the result of their late elections, afibnjs no true test of iheur relatjya strengtbc Gen. WHliams Iras enjoyed the representa tive honor of his County ; nearly "thirty years, afid no man in r, is more behoved for bis personal worth and had he-not actively enlisted in the iupporf of tJbe Loco F5qco ttet'foK the CpmmMs,. (although atai himself an avoweWhtglther ed of starting J t: Bo toed tbause or hisjeyagainst him, .U m? wonde therefor in Beaufort did pot vote at all-or that inany others voted, as they here tofomhalllao f uig ww uy in, noages, in.iaeupperpan qttiyae, was caused by; tia facrt, that -be, UitelyeovuT there and his itumerpua bills' for an extensive practice,' wemvtut into officers hands for collection. These cause rieadjly oceouu the?Iate election. - CoL;J.' W. Williams one of the Common ers eject in Beapibrt, is Gen, William3irother, and has Jjeretolbrei 1 1 wo 'or idSref T times,lrepresented hi County in the Legislature. But le thotrial be maHe I in a .(unties of nbetr streri ascendancy of the Whig m DILI FRANKLIN. r ; 1 Every thing is InteKsting that relates to the memory of this illustrious man Terbapsj there qjsver Irviodan ndtvjdual, the employments of whose active and pbw- fui mind were a various as hlsl ' Pirvi, 'we :'ee him a Prinierrmaking his, own ,lnk fbonding hU own typ( carving wood-cot engraving eopjwrplatea,and eoostiroctiog his own PressesJf Thed, lie acquired in fluence as the Editor of lan able ' prinf, -and exerted bfmself tdwtaUUh in Academy and this public fenee by a nsilftary force an.fo'rtuicationi Al leianre moments he intmdaced the cukivatHon of the Willow, which he chanced lo find roming in some wicker- work brought frbmabroad ; Vadhappen- iag, hccentaUy; ; b discover a - grain-of brora-corn, npon an imported oofn-wbukr he seenred and plarjt ed k, and made it the parent of those vast Planutions of btoom-corn, which are now found in so many parts of'the coofttiyVf The Franklin Stove; hicU ue: finC as4 W R3t"tV garded. Wbelwvevas of th npon me vast nre-ptaces 01 fUden tune. He tnen be came eminent tor his Electrical discoveries, and amu sed hfms&C wHh bringing a Itghming rod . into-his chamber wheretby lacmg chirne of bells between the two ends' of the divided iod they 'iverer rang hy the paJng clouds. When travelling,' o stretched sUken cords over crevice in ionses, which admlited tile wind, and thus provided rhhasetf with - the' music of the winds.' 'jOnce happening to pas one sach boose ogsiu, aiicr a topwsjDi jearay us tounu ;& .aeserrea-ou account ef the straage and melancholy sound heard wuum jiwnica, n watnoagnt,cO(ita proceea irotn no mortal bandV Scanjeljr, Indeed can any incident related ex f usuw, wnico. does: not ulustrate the praoi'jcal and searching turnof bis extraordinary mmd. ELECTION RETURNS : , - 1 ICURRITCCK. , John B. Jones, (L, F.V elected to the Commons, MACON AND. CHEROKEE James Whitaker ( VV,) elected to the Compon. ABEA0FORT"ANJt HYDE." It tnrhs out that D Hodges fW. f a beaten, JC5en; - O'K. VVilliams in tjii Senatorial 'District B votea. So that Hodges, and not, X illianis eleed W learn also,' thai Vr. ShsotuBffileted fa- tbi Louty, and claimed as p. Loc5V "wCI vote whbv'VM b- uu ie so pieugea, y :-.,. RTERETV ' Tr MarshaU (Loco elected a JThf loai CARTERET ANIX JONES: IT Ho"J CWbfg eeeted.Voatoi- ' . ' S, BirdLoco elected; . Cbmmonef. -1 - . : ONSLOW,, f- v - - - nnothy HasVins, C v: v t fcsse Cooper, S. Ms Bir,. Or . ft ; -4 - show the overpo wermj both; Coumiejk: . . t;: ; t Cdh-Sinee the foregoing wurin type, we Jjavelre- $&Mr tncia Radiitatia ? Permit rnfrtocorre an er ror youhave made (copied from a. Loco Foco papet I presume) in your list of returns.' You have it that Gen J j O'E. Williams ia Senator elect' from this district ; DO'snCb thing., The reguJat-W4ig candidate! Dr, ,VV B. Hodge iseiected by a majorjty of four votes. You also class the Commoner elect .from Hyde, Dr Shan.klirjM aLoeoti he was and is considered. a Whig by both parties in Hyde.-- . ' , ' ' a lam, very respectfaUy. 4tc. --'. iliSAUr'PKT Chowiri ftevt'. for .Governor, as cn' ad with the - betweeniiorfeheaJaiiei.-sra.- - , .Oovtcsln jcrehhjjganJ-rrlUorehMlHenry. Anson Ashe . Coneombe: j& Henderson " y berti - ; Claiea - -" ITfuaswtck Besufori' r Burked CaVarrtjt Camden 1 . . -v- -l r Caswell"; Chatfiirt1 tJ noV art Weaveland' v Colutnbua.' Craven t 1 :nrrinrft 4 Ueidsoirr? ""s Edgecombe r r raakua . Gates . f tA ' 483 1 1 10 m -445mj I-1: av.-i -J 48 1 . Granville -1 28 mi 4409 234 ; Ul :383 212 73" Greene . I 1 - SO HaKfajtr-, rk HayWiKx) , I ,43$ Hertfo j:-66ny Hyde, 4 -1 485 Iredell .:. J' -J 132$ wit 1 I Jonnston I 674 Linroln Martin 'Macon4:Cher,kee Mecklenburg ; Montgomery .v Mwore. Nash "f- r New HnoverX Northampton OnsJw; . Orange ' y fasquotauk! Person . - , Perqairaons :tt ' Randolph , ! Rowan dcDsvie t Richmond?. ; RoheQn-u Rockingham 4 v Rutherford Sampson:'. Stokes -Sorry Tyrrell. Wake , Warren , T Washington Wayne. . Wilkea " 5.: WINES AND SILTCS.' r The fTrna Wbig! can Ihe attention of the people m tlie vole in the Senate' On the proposed amendments - . . . .r to lha Tariff, reucmg the duty: on Wines and Sflki Let ns hear no more of rhe cry that the1 Locos am in favor of collecungrevenoe from the imported Juauries thaf are merely used hy the rich, r The following vote tll the whole sret They are teketr from the. Goiv which make a bungling atfenipt to josftty tbem-v -4Oo the onestioa to. reduce theifaty -on: 8ttk 'ftom (2 ?W per pound to 30 per cent, od valorenv-Yea 19 "ot---Messrs.' AlleB,-Benton', Buchanan Palhonn, CotubefV-FuUon King, LinoicRoberts, Sevier Smith, of Coonecucut, Stueeonr .Tappan, Walker, Wilcrtr J Wiinamr Woodbury. Wright, Younjr.: v yVav---filessrs. ft icner, carrow, ijaie,,.j5ayara C UOaie t Is lay ion, vwirnu, vraii, vrtuouuvji,Bjtv, Evan Huntiagton,-Kei'r, Mangara, filenicV, More- head, MtUer, JPbelpaiPorteT, Kivegimroons.mui, of Jitdiaua, SpraguejTalhnadgeWbiW v , . 'ba the proposition , tb?;.atX Wjaeafn cask's from 12 cent to 9 W pVr gaUonVw W, vJaMessreotQfts Calhoun, Fulton; King, Linitj McRoberts,' PrestouRiyes -SevkrSimtb; of Connecticut, Sturgeon Tappan WitcoxiHTjrlghti Aajfs-Messra. vArcher-BarroWii Bates;-Bayafd, Buchanan, ChoateV Clayton, Conrad, CraHs, Critteu 'dii, Darronj Evans,- Graham," Huntington, Kerr, Mangum, MerrickMiller.MocelieadV PhekrtlPorter; Simmons, Smith; of Iiidiana,'Spwgae,-Taflinadge, White; ;"'ts- "tf X4-, ' 4 WhoVtheni are in ivor of taxinstflxurie, and non essentials, for the support of the Government, and who are opposed tot r. 1 ne awve vot? answers iue quee tiotr, and let it not be ftrgotujn ,? . e ,- , -C3 I the wrsejpf a Speech nponJn-Atioi-D , bin Mri,BoirT. aid he went for a,ieoctiort of mile- "fA U now stood,' he 'szid'some ctjsmea'j'e oeu ?I9 1664;, . 666 1 AW 945 m 1613, 672 - -. 1 IBS2 . 1167 . 161 mi 1030 - 68 : 879 263 1425 4i 40 . ,.46S '451- 363 6j; '3 ;?73; '. 400 t$ot: 9 288.i h-' 952-: 52'- 47a, 766T;; 129S ' 63$."; ;5sJ: ,469? r 446' .202 ' -386 "-. .slOOsyl ?71 fly a?3 . 217 m 817 ; 782." ,"899 . ZS8mj ,222 271 67t 79 00 244 m 1157 "705 95 777 I2T' ' 22iiH 2546 5-T50 V 15U' 610-. 244. 100771 129 -649- tT3i ;736ai C178 ,363 901 1615, ,667 465 212 679 796- -..r -:" '': ,..l8ml 501 Vl02a 187, J676 ,631 . 30 ,1154, J363J 65 383-, 1366- 578 1129 983. 288 953 ,113 364' - 316 t333 3453 372 627 465; 47 .438 v 26. 33 r 3IM i-t trX 1190 70T --2l . - 4 ,;. ' ir .351: 56 886 '443 744 .646 3 485i; , 1 c2I6 252' - J5g0 , ,129" "37T 1579 '677 .363 ,418 165. J3& 681 "1472 -144 ;545; .379' 0ft" 973 ,92 ,557 "954 173 '603 1180 950 ; 106 1185 730 ' 58, .'680 .109 r f orrrcLaX teelicatiox J Katuitrs-rila1ibecoierxwsessedofa.Pam- oxdmay pleasure'. After ilie mterminable din afctl ac. CiinKfekodCU3sidQ of politlaa that has a6 joh g oveW whelifled tftrLarJtlQifcStetf ei rich repast irrtefvinvibii. fbdetHoma tb hlddeti secrets ofocc'ult science and I Xwfwr diverexl. bad' I irtmJaginanioor gone . Back with the Crator, to the -early history of hh . wpfldi.wbenhe Ijrsl dawn' lugs ui ocicucs ucgdu u, luuiuiuc . .tue uuinau miou, anu 10 ue.moutoeff inio;supe,oi. uumy o necesstry,; tho great, m'ptbvrof 4 all invenUori jandlhccoparued 9,866 Showing the reanlt of the Election In North CaroHnt tor Members of Assembly , and the Whig gam 4- toss.' Coanjue" WTK T ioanaton . ' Granville x Pranklin jCDmberland Halifax Wairen. . , Craven y Wayne " Duptitt -r Orange J ' -Brunswick, Sampan ; Robeson arid Richmond S" Bladen ' Brunswick,' Bladen, dec; 5 Chalham - , Randolph . r Davidsoa Rowan Greene & Lenoir Greene- GaittmTY ' Wilkes -Rockingham' " Caswell t3toies 8nrry Miklenhurg 1 Cabarrus H ';' Moore - " ' - n Person H ' Ashe S Hertford - Anson t Beaufort Hyde i, Chowan 5 ttortbampton .. Gates; Lenoir V,- r . Montgomery Eilgecomb. v Jones - Rntherford ' Burke . -!t Lincoln 1 IredeA 1 fc Pasquotank - ' Washington . BerQe -Tyrrell; ' Haywood - . r-, Boncomher ' Mfp - Camden -v ,- - Perquiraon'" Uorrttnck Carteret Joiictdc Carteret Cotumbus ' Martia - Nash1 V ,s,,t New flaDeet Onflow- ' Yancv ' .-.'7 WhiRlLocoj Whig gatnf Whig toss -4 3 3 3 4 3- 4 3 8 2 3 3 3 '8 3 4 1 1 - 3 as -1 ,l" .1 C 1 3 3 2 ;;i 1 , -1 1 v 2T r-1 -i 1 3 " I. 1 5 ' 3 ;-s "4" x4- 1 3 1 ;l I 1 r -1-1 5 1 8 2 . - 8 1 3 4 T 18 j - t-3r . . :.. 4 ?V." ' X y : - --: . . - - - I : - ... - JJ -t-.. . " v -;; ' 1 1 V Hi,, Nasi L- WjlUtrqataJ electsd Comrao,.-t eiU:al rrriesrs -we not over CIV) t He rcctved 1.3, wn. tt con mm but -J.to .aoare 4. r tU'j. Tfcs ver?- cf pay' aVul mUsz-agave acra? tj'raewiot less i&m.4 V diy wh;la: ilrB ra ceived only C3. 1 x. t 4 1 - VA D& 6r'Bspttiioif.A: good story w8.ioloV thr BdJtpriC l)c 'eipen of' kn lUatera gentleman whi caine la otwity on a maUtraortiar ppcculatioo J ne iiniortu- hate) subject of this pracUcal joke, it eems, had been married in fb'a -iftorfiing atjnei"of fleWjdegree; she fcad left; beh'feticular.f babe cao, ana aespatciiea ;our inena in pursuit. Yvbile in Ibe cabthet'teainer bftt to ths great csortificationoC thhusbantl, io toreTo-dnd lilce a rnadmarrihreateftinj alljiorts-of eh r;encei,Ofire capli1o;f nj t age, kovr ever,' rs tppeasedf oIx he. re turnip Iq wail fr ite. hex tr. boat' P It ;aTemarkedi that the jlancel which fci;fes:psaHybtsti)Tred- on the uu fortucif e Veiicula were ajiyV ti: i&g but Ctopacehf- iVip .JeTi J2cprts3.r bride; oti Dpaja a eteamboai tO iiase passage for horoerwuen the wife recollected that ia the'coofusion of herrairfd,;o natorar to lier imeet with a far; hearuer welcome, than;. he would in hkrt through all.th dnTerentages of .the worlds fipm tbe ereatien-to the present tune f tracing the diaeove rle's and progress -of science and art, fioirt tUa'tr rudfr iiKiiptepcyi Id tEeir ppesent-rfectev V J; sojomied wuh him in' Egypt,, that early " cradle of science ancJ the arts, as roeupugld . he learnedly and jngeniously speculated ort the cwigin and. purposes of her mighty Pyramyds and Obelisks, ' tleV.jestic -Temples and bet my steriui Sphjnxes-tose wonder ol the wrid, whme juratory Jaahiouded Jn tlie.niglxtoiC unpenetrable darkness. T listened to him, as With deep patboa, Ke sympathized with old Archimides in his grief, that he could find .no Julcrum whereon to rest liis lever; that be mightoverturn the eanh irom .its base. , 1 lad iowedihim to the classio shores jofXreece, and was listening to his elegant discoarse on the matcblees.AjN chitectore of the Parthenon, when I was suddenly awakened from my reverter by-encountering this Par agraph, frqm which it will be seenlie travels greatly out of h' wayto vilify, one of ther purest Patriots that ever lived , and certainry one of the , first Oratot :aud. Statesmeii of thepieseut age. 4- ' t r We bear a great deal id this country," about the "poor -sgaiisC4ba rich and t be rkrlr against the poor.. "This cry, fit only! to. bo heard among the miserable' populauon of the Old World, and fit only to he ut ?tered by Daniel O'Connelt and his Base subalterns is a disgrace to the country and the Age- ' . t;Ai the author lias given his Lecture to the world in print,'it is entitled tS no apology for any comment w antnuulverrion it mayreceive. .Rut as rnyr phject is merely to correct wiiat is la some measure a popular error, I. shaU deal withlte author as charitabty. as the subject wiiPadraU, - - V -, V , , The remark, in reference to the great climpIon of frish liberty, is a proper echo to the cry of the high To ry party of England! but eenainly comes wiih a pe culiarly S grace from anAmericanand aRepubttean. 1 hat great jnan , who tor tbe last thuty ' years, has given hhnself With all his powevfat talents and toi inanding ctonuence, -vitholb to his WMtiiryV regardless Of self--who ha given np' his - professiooTf withihe hopes of its higliesf bohors-which hlsjiWlrtftWoOld have easily secured, who, abandoning the ease and domestic felicity which is bis, to labor, night and day ' unsednced by the glittering trappings of othce---un-- dismayed at tue frowns a :meuawsfpowwrnoti roraeuaggmnui2ent,.pntrior. tuajugu and noble purpose of the eroancipatiou of-an. entire" natiori-of giving liberty and nationality to eight millions of souls of bursting a thraldom far more degrading and, dis tressing than any slavery we know of sorely deserves; at Araerban. hands more of courtesy rhan uie, author of thhi Lecture appears disposelmaaid hhn;: Kc' ; . Tbe author "of tbe Lecture must be ignorant of the history of DAaL'0Coirv or be woold speak of him with tnora reverence thanba does. He quit the bar, when a' young man, wth only a -stuff gown, -to engage in the cause of his country J but even then, he was in; me .receipt of a professional income of X8,000. He would, in a short jine, have been called tohe h oei bar, when that income would have been doubled. This, alt must admh was disinterested . Arid. vthis too, was at the time when the eyeof England was on every man, sqpected of liberarprinciples ; and when. mere suspicion often furnished a- ready passport to flie ' asafiblfh- it was in those days, that the blood 'smoke : of Frrxoxa Ai4 and Emmett ascended, a holy in cense to Heaveni for doing what O'Connell is now doing a bloody sacrifice on the altar of liberty. Bjr his eon sum mate uct and knowledge of the law, he has, hp to this time, continued to evade all the mils and snares set for bim hy tlie Government, until he is so enshrined in the hearts of the Irish people, diet he cati and doe, now daily, say and do, that wkh perfect impunity, which, a few years ago,' would havehVoaght bis head to the block. The late lamenteJBisliop Eng land of Charlestcflun a Priest1 and Kduor (of tbe Cork Mercantile Chrooicte) was- irlicted for a libel written Jby ' 0CcaujuRjefusin the; name of the author, he was convicted and fined 500.0 The British. Government,' finding that O'Cos ntxi. wa hot a man to be intimidated; souglrt to silence him j by-a method of policy that has unfortunately .been too' uccessfof in, Ireland. Proceeding ob the- principle ' that every man lias his price;" they determined to buy J Hiffl ay; . out,, nere again, ruey wereai ratui. wiwei iha Yice- Royalty of the Marqui Of JNorinandy; he wa offered first the Mastership of me. Koils, and af ter wards e Lord Chief Justiceship in slmlaadrThese high ofiices. O'Con.nell respectfully, declined .prefer r'ws his position as the chamnioO of Irish liberty to the highest pointtf judicial dignity his country twould'etB- : tin . . h i 1 . .t.: vaie urm w. vTerean panuitn ,iw luunum wh disinterested and self-denying conduct, in these omce seekins times i ' " r-' l ' Ba & Gormen isrfght. -Heia' the Idol of -the erf; tire Irish nation. At this memsnt, lie wields a power more despotic and invincible than, the Great Autocrat of all the Russia and more to be relied on, because it ia 'a powet set in motion by - morel agencies.: The 1 neonlv haira confidence m h. integrity, 'anq raer im- plieiilv foUow Jw teed, without ask? whaher k.may carry them Indeed, he ia - but ttie -advocate - at, tbe uar oJ cngiana-aemanuing--iusucB. isw .iretaivu... with all IrelShd for his clienta v . f But k ha become popular, Of late.Wahcnss'O'CW nett, because of bissupposed opposition to slavery. On this subject, lie 1 mtsrepresetited. .Let turn speak for himself, Ott'alam.occaikm before: the Loyal Repeal Aascbiattoft Of Dabl'ui, reference having-been made to 1ms supposed-' ami-slavery sehtintents, in an address from New. York,6e said, berwisbed it Understood, that ha wa the advocate, of universal Ohreedont Jn its broadest'acceptatioai but that h was not ' in, favor of UHeriermg wttu exjsung tosuwiious excp uy iair, jc gitinsato a eonftimttonal om liberate the slave, only toitk the eoHsentofhe mas' Isrs Ha apokeflb a taoatical incendiarie tor whom he felt tm sympathy,' and reprobajed uieUdiabolical plans as strongly as any bbihem maw ooo speaklof Amerk andTnsi enibuaiafflic admirations " He Is constandy poiuunaf his country melt U? the giant RepubliO of be , West, a a giorious example tor their tmitHiorw ' Bat' the other' day speaking of as before a large assemblage of Irish men in; Dublin, be saidTlieAknricattODckerdw- ing from tfaer other aide otjthfri Atlantic, nan awaken Ireland from herdistressiflg sluimbeng and bid her are to enjoy a day of light and happiness. The tie that bind America and Ireland; m me closest embrace, 04 brodierhoodare too nomerous and too stroaff ever to be sundered. V- America ia comtnengmtinidAwul nev er" forget the ftepds whoatood beside bsr" own sons in ine serneu cuturuna m: m uuu uewia ot.uie ivevoiB tionl' While Irish aecttbn will ever v Cling,' areen'and Ireh, around the country that has a235iUed ta so many of tueic persecuted brethren a retuge and a home.. In tors; never lob never I wbito memory remain will Ireland torget the home of her ennrant and the asy lum of her exile' no oan, who has not travelled in lielaiKlrcancoriceive of the affectioo and veneration with -which the name of America isLevex "mentioned, and permit ma to assure the author Of the Lecture un der re vie wrtbat sboutd it ever be tus eood JOrtune- to travel among Irishmen trsim -Smmcan. that he wilt Alt ACT to re'ulata arriic.T rr :ss3 prnee"jsT id the Be it oicafJiv S Zdizli:iCz?tif;T?prb ienttttiva of ike United Statu of America in Con- grm'MMumhlceC. That hereafter no, persoii shaJP 1$ held o bail in any ctvi! sii id "the DistrTrt of Colom bia, unless aq affidavit r.fited . b; (h pliiribff oY,hit agent, stating m ease of 4fi or contract anonnt of which be' verQy belief es io'he due;r-and ttat tbe same lias been contracted by fraud or falae pTetpncea, or through a breach of trnl,6r that the defendant tT toncealing or has. concealed hi ; property h the Ditk bict or elwjwhcre, or is ahou to remove the earn front lW District or he place of hh((resrdencei in ardi-r bit evade the pay ment of the debt, or ih at, , being a resi dent of the Diatrirt and domtcded therein, is aboatto abscond without paying the dehw and wilii a-vlew t avoid the pavmmt of the -same.-. setUnrr forth all -the fact on which said allegations' of fraud or breach ef MW trust are tounued and -tn"au caeeaetting forth ,the4 grooiw-, Jwure,i and pariteoiars of the d aim. The sufficiency of theafSdavh to holJ to bail, and the amount 01 oau to ue given, suau,jupon application ot tbe defendani,Te decided by the cotlrt mt ternviime, and by any single judgl in -vacation. In all cases in which ihf affidavit required by this ac i not, filed Drevjoutsiv 15 issoine the writ; the defendunt. Won its service, ihall not he requfred torgive' bal. hut merely ; w aigu an oruer 10 tup ciera 01 ine court vo mer, uia a " .Zt miry.'. 'ii said shaU be, and .hf re '-v u,na e& TsV And-ls iifJ. T.:r .. ' af :oninfia ilt&'l c....tLtr.J '..; v bays, and harbors, from the wert line of AfvsUj-iivtr,-t kftiudurg tnrbl2aa!;PoteriVi:.'flal"rr,ir.k, ixt , the townrof Groton, b'Ute of .Vczzzz'.'S-l, tjil! east -line of Pawcattfek Vtfsr lucludint thd town of ' Wes ferlv," Btato, of Bhode Wand, i"y tl"-' frf any fcrrr-rfiw to tfcetraryrw;;,' - T ' f'-'r a&er4he-thirtieth, day-f Jqlyresenti'lhe.f .T-s of f the survryoTSf.theporlf Stoninstorr af;... 'J fe. t ' ad the. aainests, her. ty, abolished ; and aTcc.. - Kr the aforesaid d islncleh af I be appoin ted to .Ve ? i aii : : the port, of ; t5tonlcton,;ia.ho; In $dlf'Son (off c hr emolttrfnts shali'e rnti'ed vlo receive;'' j i ..'Vy -r. t now allowed PJjlavfr fo the surveyor t "jresaiil,acdiua( -;: " '"-' morej1 and aid c4 eeioir ehUaso psrr;rra"fbe dat5e-- :-s. beefofore rnjoicedort'lb'-s surie'yir;., . -T ; ; " ' v- ' - rTXi---"- - ' : -j- . .- ; s- i- ... v- - - . j - appearance Inthe canseV wJiiclf.Vhe refuses Jto do, be may then be heldJfo bail as io other ease. 1 Sec.' 2. And be ?ttr enae.Thst-anypr- 4 spa nowneTd to bail jn'a ctviliuit ir laoaid Districtl r:.u'..t. vr J'r w..-r-- s.' I term time,"6f Itojsny judge thereof " hv vaTation; for role tosho cane why he shall hot he dlstShargedojir fiSn a common appearand arid 'shall . Jle so di1 charged unless the tflaintuTor Jots, eent 'halfcrfir! sufficient affidavit," in eoaibrmity .with th1 provision of -L.sj.j. "... : .11: ' i 1410 oeuiiig eciioo, wuum a reasoiiaoie ponou 01 time to be assigwdhy the tonrt or the judge (o whom the applieaftdtt is made. v - . john -.white; ; '7 Speaker vf the House: of Jiemenlaihki. WILLIE IVMANGUMV . - 1 .J Presidents ihe Senate, pro tempore. Approved, August 1, 1842. , "v ::- - ; ; :: jjoS'ntyle.r 'r-n thaO'luo S te I ournal o August li!-; JfrJpportltmment ZiUp&skrJti&tSiaXvfde IVMgMtmlKr ef ike Senate taut House of It? ,ft wUl scarce produce ftrmcftion of jrfrfi-6n tte . pan of onr dis:fini retailers 4o.1jb it artivbanced, ihrif iu-;0..nion. LegisUtnrw now in sesibi Lasv . .a- f arretted, and that no bihMbr the!apportionmih " ofthafJiailojttte idttofVtiiembersV ' members of Cbncress :Thecoursep$ir8oed; Ly rQ lfri.n t .. . rim polrtical roajoriry ,V je two Honse,has partaft : tpiaglarmgry'ofpxSmtjdaatedfmadanftrimti rf have pripared-tiie ..piiUie.aiixd Tor aueh n eventi ; -.The cnita has occurred, and the agony ii over ? ""' ' " Soon aficiho.ptetiminar4bhslness of Hie wo Houses "1 ' had been despatched tbi a7 morning fte resignation ' V 'AJFAr mewbet iin both branches fwiih oieOr - - . eawKaasi wxs tenaerea 10 ine xpeaxerr; anar s oatn, nouses cMjcquy:ieJt trttoittu oty- -. i be laid LeTKfe digtbT.c deuii: It wufhe errKh- StrateJItl.e rrfpt cobctasivd Wnnef r that If tbe-ml- nonty had notreVedn'hlsreasnfe,tr have deserved Hie sw'erext tondemnalionf their cbn-' ..-,-. X - fc"---i - !-.-. i. .J., . . aytujn.r iuKuie aaa'v reoreanr to tne irnsx renosea in thfir hardk-..-! V -r.''?-; Vf i ,S .? s , f Every effort has been- made orirhVrwrt-of'tfienri any atrange part of hisOwn conritrv. -.' And how. LectncTude Mr. Editor." with the remark; -that "wberj the aathoff the Lecture, end 1 shall have passed fromjthi fitful, stage of existence, ;and 'our names and oar frame shall have alike mtnlsfed wiw their kindred dust, and..-be -no mora . remembered among riie thin that f. ere. the name of JDaniet O' Connett. theinconruptiblo Piitriot. tbe nrival!edOra tor; the e-eacioys- Statesman, and -tbe. disinterested AN ACTtto extend the prov'wions of, an act ejUUled, r Aaact to rcgalate prtn esses in he; courts af the .---iT-.;i .t sa.-it-. a... -.:r-.i-iW' thousand eight hundred and, fiwenrtgrnife . 3 it-enacted bv tU Senate and 11ouc of Rente- tentative of the United States of America inppn gtmmbIeafU thf proVision jof n '"nti tied An ael to regolata process in Trtciha United Btateir passed theoineu thousand eight' hundred and twenty-eight, shall he. j and they are hereby. maoV Wl aa oavp ueeu auuui.u ww uie umw wnce.uiexuue 91 saidact; ? 3 "r .;;i A pjproved; A asttst' V,.l 842. AN ACT granting- to the eooMy of Johnson, in! the TerritotT.aflW raet of land Jot a seat of justice for said county jand repeahng the second secti third day of March, ei thteen hundred, and thirty- ; aino,rnuuea r'fln aci masing a aenasioo y f no . to tbe Territorj of Io we JoT the purpo-e of erectiog oblieliuin k J&Uewutid by.thepaferand, J&ute ofRepre sentatipe f lie United Si.of ,Aineru4 in. Con gre ttssembled, That the right of prtvptian, at the minimum price for whiciL thpu berjehy granted toju Ter ritory of Iowa, for Uie fxactionaj 'ndrthwest oiarteii ea4 of ma rijrerofJseioo seventy dne, of range- six, west of the principal ;me ridian, as retried to the kuid flicen it Dubuarts, 4n said Territury ontamm one hundred apd sevenieen acres . and sUty-foo oqediundredui. of an acre; more or les-y on the same ferrns and. conditions expressed in the act of the twentysixth day of May. eighteen hun dredand twenty-four, entitled An act granting tothe counUes andarishesbf each State and Territory-of the United States in wich the publte lands are taa te; the. right pf pre ampUon to. quarter sections of land ft seat of justice.wubia' the same ;bto said right of preemption is Ken o( that to the ipjarr se uon her etofoos located by the cmissioo cooaty wtuea. jrehjaikiliefc " - p4i k' flee.' 2. And be siaviisfieima of the second section of an act entitled Ad ' act ma lungf a dodatioa of UihI to the Terrkory- of f ow. for therposa of erecting pobbdhundir thereon! ap proved the third day of Mafrih. eighteen hundred aud thirty nine, as directed the contiguous satUona jtcKthe section to be aejecied under .said act, ibf the purpose aforesaid, to be reserved from, tale or entry antif the farther acticai of Cbha;ires thef eon, bend the same is herebv,epealed i Pwtttd latarisht ef pre emption shall not accrue to any-; person or pexaoaa who now are or may hereafter aettt to aferd-land under an v exbtiaff pre-emption.' law.-; . . AppfOveoV August ll-4843. , -V -.' AN ACT for the benefit of the county jf Hek-in' -- tQ etate of Miftsoaru a , ' Bi i enacted lv the Senate and ffoiZse ofebrei sentatives of the United Statu of America in' Con- gress assejabUdr:ThAt tbe'u)bper "aatboritie of the hereby are, authorized ,l 'erake entry; at the proper land office, wUhin one year next after the date of this acVatjhe mmimum.pric oath-west quarter of sectlonViiiumhered twehty-sia and the east half of the. southeast .narjer orection umbered-twenty Graven, in towntihip Berabeted sixty, and sragamfaex county of Holt, making one hundred and sity aores npon whwh the seat of lnsuce of iaid ooooty S idea ted in. fall satisfaction of ths.cbimof said eouMy Jan der the provUiona of the actnUued An act STantf ing'to me conrHiea or htorjryof the united rotate in whicb public iand are vkaated, the right of ; pre-emption euailer aec- tions jof landa for seat of justice wUhin the ame, approved twenty-eixth ofMay,' one- thouaand eight hundred and twenty 4boF: xJrovidedTh.l said lands shall not have been . sold by the United 8tates prior to lh date, of thui acL , ' 1 t;pproved.Aognst-l,-!848,j r; ',;.Vh.V AN ACT. to eonflrm the. eate of; a certain school see ; lion in the State uf IllinoM, and uw.other purpoaea $ t k-Bt it enacted btt'the See aad House of -Pme- tentative of Jht United Slate of America in tZm gre assembled. That vthe ate heretofore saadevof secti on aomber aixteen; in wwnsTy p num3t yntty- nmey north of range fourleen, east of the third prince pal- meruhan, in the State of Illinois, fc and cr jer the authority of "said Sut,' with .the assent of lis in- hAbints of the congressional townsLip in vtL.vl; tz j section ia situate, be. ai;d the same ia Lerey coc.ro- ed i frvvi&d That this act shall be const, ued.ts c:. ly givmg the assect of.the United States to silJ and to the pateruabsned Jby'lbe Elate. cf "Illinoi to the purchasers of the same, so far a the Utilcd States are concernea m the matter.' - ' 1 Approved, Aesnst Vr 1842, -f -3 iTW' ; '.t I r. r r!? : i'- rPaiitNo?': :- AN ACT to conrritute the ports ef ?!!?r-n3f.oo, fcfys- ( tcrtv-r,an$ raw?tiicsUjver,a """i t'-'-'.ct. Jj it enacted ly (he Send -end J-J: tentative of fM U-ittd Ctr: r'S -- '--j C - a ..... . cress t-f??tc.M,vJt j t.t t'.s 10.1 1 . ,1 i county 2f fw 'Loiidon, CtaU tf C.. .-w;l-.t, .'-,- he a collection district; from; end annthr tLirUelh - f 1 1 tm fhe-fjart-of - the- ml. nority w conciliate Jlref ,ood will of -thefr.' ormi-nftna- aad avo d iha taiksftxi-, They have Seen anx'toas, most aiwiou-tef earry outihoTenuittn-eri's of me Cba aiimtipa and Jawe good, faiths .The Ur shewn memelvs willkrsttoraaa. Over totb Vstrema" f Of the grotmd of ccc3ciDn . and cemnromW, lit they 1 . - -."v vvcojutuig--ejjiv bs equals . and peers, wuh yhts of their, own and : the rtghts of others to preserve.' Bat uch Viis not the wilt t1 he mjorrty,.; Exubjng jtfce present potsessronof pow er obtained by,ac-eiden- rtoti.whiclr they erpect-to , Jfrtiey had tjprm&l ,be dsririg plol of perI)t luaCg their mnuence ia the' national councils hf the pepe -(ration of a deliberate and orjioua fraud; which strock at the tmidamcntal tarinoinles of a!l"rM-ftoKiirtlr. land sought to overturn odeverseall tbose tttaifrm. : 1 ofriadomf trutfcw aVaf 'inlc4: Don-wliH m ihi whole' mirpyrstructnreJot oor tepobUcan' nitimf-oii.4 v. --: i 4 . ..... rC I accessaries to this sacr ifice o cwniilar of ihe People tq.chobs their won ruter-Tnn Jugst ot thx WAjroaiTT ro civj:jf wonklhave been a craven-aearreu sumndex:m-tbe .highest, sad dearest merited.irHamr and" never easinarentoach ibofieen. at'' faithful servant who could, have liaiflnai!ed lf the discharge ef areat duty; '" ";r , 4 - Thi matier now goes to : the, Peoplei vTbetYh.- . members ofthe i-egislattr;4nlesignta their seatsto t ::s" preserve nnimpalred if inreat reiraTrticafn TirmeiMel'tare ' T theirappeal from the irresoonsiLie cormcils of Caocne f ' to theovere4gtt People, with whom H -t&i r'emahia to protect tbemselresagainst nrpaioffvand outrage; For the issue webave not a thmightffeah Ftom v the Lake to ltie Riverfrom the East to Jlia.-1?ast'lxji!&''.' der olUuus proud State, a vo5ceof thuoderwiH u" hi vuiNtwiuaiiun oi adb juamning neea , tiy toeaa ol- whteffltwas deiiigned to degrade and enslave herciti zens, and in condetuOatiofi of thevnoble disiatecested- & ness endpatretisnf by whictr so Jbal a conspiracy; haa " been defeated. - ; tJ v ... L 6 T3 ir-, 4 Sorry Coumy oa tbeilf itfstbv the Rev. Tim F. Davis, JA- LHlingtoB- Eio; 10 Uisa Elizabeth A.err t urtams, etuen fiangate ot: Miciiolas Ju i liara. Esrj, oabJ C6anty;. -sV, v v 4 11, : - la Marion. Ata, on rhaSd hrstr Mr. . Orrin" - Lew.il . aged about 4T years. Mri Lewa wasa najive ef-th . Staie of CootieetrcHt-bQt has for years residedat C bap"-T-. ; eHiilNotth'CrolLrv-h; where:ba rrio'vedr aud u bere ba ba lefta .wiw A and tworetuUIren j; to ntoam hia i death..- ; - - '"",- Iv:- -r In Chowan: HenrvISF; SatterU. son of Tboni - l S"aiterfieEd, Esa---,V t 'sT ' id reiqmmcuis, aiepnen p. x.onage SJyear&Jf vln Newbem,on,tbe Slsl ult. Pr. George H.-Tay- ' ' torrrtbe 25th yeae of hi ol - c r ' Also.onthelrairiedayWi'Jane'I sortof Mr.Ttforp HiwaId.", "--' ---. vr -J . VpAInpN.-.f berehy foTiwara altperse-s fro ; Vibiring; or making. comraeuofary kind with, rr v ; : negrahuj-AaOf. a he i jgeneraliy eul !ed If eno V -whhoveeiotatioa with.;er w r- (mm, jne.aii boy bas norisht.jobim hi .own " time, and 1 will not recognize of acknuwledge any en ggejneni 01 in matuns. ; - , , . ; ., fas- - 'wiitr .1t-liYUlf uiirmiN3..i -; y-Aogn't'JT. C: fi&CTcti , - I : , Wake Coenty, XTriitecl State DlTRlcr-cou Ri' vOF f AiflXULKTH UAKUJ-lJJAlXv UAIiXRUrCY. " . " Notice ta bew cans aainsJPetition of fipe'nce Uc : ' ' Clanebaa of Chatham iLmtty VlPhyairTan, to be oV-i , - -i claied a Bankrupt, at Newhe'ra, oh Monday the 24tv ; ' , -" ' 1 diy of October next ' - ' - . . V.sV? ; ;vJLH. SPOTTER, J J ; v, fmnfc UNDERSIGNED has paid some aner.:: aar; Z LL, . to tb Bankrupt Law and is prepared Crzlt PeitUonV4c.'ln a'twrtt'm&hneandatl!iaiLc;:rt ' - notice. .1 v. . . - v i tt v "tf -rT t-.j i. v- ri Jtrfy ?Tl$42. V'V' J-wt4wiV v ; flsFFERS IIP FIAKO ror.T23 f.r 1 !j ; VU Visln If tSey a f -1 ri: 2, li I " wwe,bberetorneJ. T" c ry f IIMW..UttUt.'llW4V.. . I- I oM an4 ootavtii.ene;,:r'r2--t-1! 3U; always on band, at hia cxnsive .:: Petersburg, Ya . .r-tu; t- 'thecusirefr r.riAsu 3 riA:;o : c:: A tri bcij ttr- THRE3.iiu:;rj AVEbctvltt:: L: ' a, j-- stivta recJy ta rcrr :- i t: i tjtiocs Lorr-7 t?; - fc,r-rt tarLj lbs It 3 ir.:;i yen t:a. ahT It.Iv- thca yea t:2 tzrj c T r.?t tcinj i-l, r-zz,r-- . . " TLeCulcrlLcr cZLrl Lis Issirooentscoa frci. t :rt-"V- ..v -h-Cir cf E L.cllInV ' J -r bLYc i,itei"3f'-J ,4 W"- i .V" e a: j 1 . -a 11 ' Vx r::bTs ; :C.r fc? ncviAr - . 1 In a' sty le'not ' iafcnor u i . ; 13 t; III benefactor of the' hurnan race,: wilt cofatuue to sbine on, through ail fhtuna tim--- 'iV .-. ; A iigbt aftd Hfidmark . :. ' - ''High beclu of fame.- if J" - f "' .i " '' - , - . ;--!,? ir t "V ... -i w '

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