e at 1 V I 5 '4 -. -a.ll-".l i 1 "" ' " "J '; "u" " r"'"' - ' 'y- v" " - - - " ' L " - - lr ' 4 "T7- t it f .V -Mi 4 -l CK Tt-rm 1842. " - The Petition of W ebd ThomffiJooki. The Petition WnvUygooaana.t5usanjiw VYife a.J.nr CovtX Superior. Cc urt cf Equity, Cprlr; " - Polly Brooks anJ JfafgaieVWife of PenryMacdo v 'OA Joseph J?o:Drc:-l3;Ar4Dr-!;s;Airred.C'oci - igaBtuoki.Wtturroo'ia aijdEheffltBiMCtoo STofoml. .infant). nd ctiWr of fiWd fSnmmef Brooks ."-X Martha BrobksT Chrirtopher y Hnmmef , 1 BrooJur.-Wro. Brooks, ti..v..Wm.'Krooka. Aiinr uroou -ana wwuuwi. w'wi -- . . - i. . . , , . .tu. v i who stt de.duljrea cf .tiristophei -p.w . Pdilidn h iell Land iuh cirir.and 1- '?it)fma Gazette, children end heirs at iiSW of Edwsrd s; Urwots, aec u, v V . w , WALTIR-'GWYNN ' " - J ' . fiveofthedefcndanU ift i. 'c rwe nd 1 r ... , - WAlU u w ifj limiM of this State and the Jarlctton of this . . - .CajtfAWWA'J- ' Defendants, be, .nd Vppetrat IitrfiAnrz. on the! 2nd Monday after . , 4th Hfindsy in September xt,andhi there 7. ' q r plead aBservof emoo sai reuuon, umwm? o 1 1 1:. iame wiabe4akeii.M eonieisedyIl--t .. tmm and. decree maae accOTUinty . v Wrtnaaa: s.m'L Johnsos. Clark snd Master of .pr. said Cart cf Equity i at OificeiJknd nndet.ihe seal-of, Office; the 2nd Moiidy;ftefr4A Monda.la.aUrch,. -"-Test, j AMT-.-JOHNSO&MiEc: VBirnsti l42. 62 V 99 I tat OX Worm varonua'1' "" wmj t ni(r1n tha Petitioner's etHion, rrarnation;was ; iheiefore madeby theherift-the said DeFendant not aaiil Defeodant to appeat and answerjas commanded. hi the saidabfMsnas, and Ibe saut iJetenaaru nemg C. w SJSuperior Court of Law, Spring Term, A, I plead and answer the said Kill, of UempIamK or udg- ; ; uooiu, apamsnv" r rencnr ueroiait ana x.ngian XlXreekt eohtaining 3 17 acres, well adapiea u ' ' ': nPenefone Mortal ''l ' 'Mt3vi&btt'enared.ord cmteiw W to himi' ?-v: Grammars and Readers, Almanacn, Geozrapby, Prim- thecuhureof Cdrtt, CoUon, and 8mall Grain-with m. -VV" CpetitjonforBivorw;-- ,r1 : & HXHWISt,q.M.E.V; ra;Spellingr Picture and Song- Book, Key of Heaven, corifbrtabfe improvements; and ' open Ljuid sufficient - :-VeaUjoftaK $ v- qne 1.1842. . "(P. Ad: f25 j ) v 46 Cw (Catholic.), - ' : ; - ; fctteVeralbjinds. The situation i bemniful, good i i In this casei ti being raade'appear trtthe satisfaction Sv rtTF isinTJTH CATlCiXN A - V - J cricin and Boxins Anoaraius. wateand well situated for two famUiesin igbfr of a ' theCftnrlhataSabrnaBiidnafJubrxEnahad STATE OF NORTIj CAROUN A, ril iSJSL .5 Rrhilntft Free School house, r.theiload, aa a Une, would near TegnlariiisdireckbyliW,totheD ; , MKcbttTj l ?' JT vSS-fT! equally divide the Tct, with a goed Spring each'. . candirig h .poear.ncethUCeort,topIeador -i -,,5121! . .V' t- - Vll' v V ItVnow occupied bytwo families, neat threa-founh. so called, made default It is therefore ordered, that.LirnHB Shskivf, having aetnmed opon th6 Sub j the Clerk cause notice af the pendeaey of thw Peiiuon r- Jl pcenas that have issoed m this case, that the De- peB PocketKnivcs of the finest "tialiti Pi, as t am sure they will not be disappointed in obtain- f i . to bepobbed iatbaNewberoS fendaot is not tr r Jound, 'and Proeiamation having tola; Teeth; Cloth; Hair; Hat and Shoebruehes, Black- iog as healthy location, as jn be found In the good f, -Registet, for three months, and that at the next ten een made for him according to law; it is ordered that ng; Slates, Bells, Fishing Utensils, Coffeemills; Pins, Old North State.- ALLEN ROGERS. Jr.. I' f ait issue UbimtrM M Jury; to ascitftarathe Needles fiVross.Matches, Firirwdjks: Gtasa Utl8 -May 1842. - V 7-'-, '. ."41 v i of the miterial facta chalrgedfflPytkionet'speaHonr :-aioadi-raiittMtos eald:-Ieleo4cf -.to jpa)r.ind in- Lami and Candlewfcka, Purees, PocetbooV, Night .P, 8. Ifnot sold before thelOthdat of October each- 4 . taeesJsojflsBryan-Clerfc.r ear saperter wer rtid Petition,' or it will be taken as eonlesaed by Tapera,,Powder flasks, ehotbelts; Birdbag. Percas- . Court ofJLawTor the eoutity of Jones, the Wednesday hhtf, and heard e jMrfevV.. ' aion caps, Smokisj, Pipes; Corkserews,vWhip. Scis-s after;the second Monday of Mswh; A; D, 1 8. . ICH. EWlSaM. U sors, Necklaces and Beads, Paper, Pens, uUls, Ink "''VVi'r"; June; J4 184: - (Ps. Adv.. j and Inkstands Wafers, Sealingwaf ,Letteralamp, Pen Tr.Adv,g3v v -' V r3a 1 . cUs, Buttons, Pictorea, . . . tateoriffortCnwIIttAshe i V GAMES.. r f " . Kj rra T r7, - - I- QWuvu ayeiievuie,-ipe xoiiowing 1 racxs 01 xanu, t : . t . 1 V rr- vt -A.rf 2i:if L ifc. 4.. ili,l " GtUXs.a Domino. Chessmen, J- - - 'VMelisel'ajthfas.i'-- , w-tJ . a . 7' a I 'J W , t 1 18 - "T-V v." t VltarWtoWssUsfactionrOthe Cnn that Ite. Acres Owners of Land.! bituauon of Ini t t. . - . ii v inff iJeJenuam, jvicusaa-jr aruunz is not an masunaiu t - j , w' n.vww j ;"""v 1 J . - a. 3 ft - - t 1? a. - - I ... At it Niarn xc in nruRnui uur rNiiiiurai ir.Ta ot mmuit. inr threer months hx the Baleign,Register and North-Car- OUna etanuara, puousnea in uie ciiy 01 - naieiga;nai the Defbndant'appear at the next Terniof this cofirt, to be held in the 'lowit of Jeflfcrson, to the 6th Mon day after ie third JClonday of August next, and plead, answer or demur, jor inesaia reiiuon wui be neara; tne prayer said court at office, the 0th 'Monday after, the-' 3rd .Mondayof - February, A1a J,and tne potn year of America . Independence..- rx -s GENTRY, Clerk.;, i-June 3. n Pr-Adv;Jj8v;-,"- Jt."-,,'s-.V 45-i-3m'-i- exparte and decree made according to, thereof. ,' --I , ' , -v , f Witness; Richard Centrr, Ciert of our ftate 7of ortUarolioaNash County ' JSuperior Court 0 Law.. March Term, I84V c. s- . Rebecci avisO ' ' -;-r. ,v. ; ra. , c PeUUon for. Divorce, .; Daniel Davis;'7L 3 ,, - In. this ease, it appearing! to tho aausfaction of th - Court that the Defendant k a non-resident of this State, it is Ordered that publication be.mada for three months - in the Rakish Register end North Carolina Standard, , ' . notifying the said Daniel -Davis to- ppe r "before the Honorable'Jadge of the Superior Court of Law; to be ' ' held for th odniy of NashAt 4he Court House in v -Nashville,'1 on the third Monday - rn September next, & then and -there to show eaaWwhyLthe- Petiiionerli 0- wayer for Divorcehould net Sa granted. Witness, BH Blount, Irk rf cnr-aaid. Court, at office, in Nashville, the 7th day of Maf. I842.T - . . V V 'avnDtAJ unt,- tr S C 45 3nv OP KORTn CAROL1SA;- CaweltCouitty-r4aperior Court of JjawyiSpriasf ,iFartheiriAnd Oakley a Oakley,- y ' .y-itrr. ; " - Petition for Divorce kley.-- .3 ? 1 i rAtexanaerlOakley. , jJ?-t appearing'' to the-satisfacuoaf "the r CeurCf bat tae vei eoaam iai;. oey onu, tuo utuiia. or wis. piaie, so that the OTdinary'procees oC Law cannot be served on himroniiMjicA0f.Jh lit dis ordered byihe Corjrt, thai publication be made for the Vpace of three months in'rthe Raleigh Register, that th Defendant" appears at- the"next Superior t?ourtjof Jjsw, to beiieid for the Countr or Caswelat the Court Botlsllilt;Yneeu1eton'tn ler'the fourth'Monda in September 'next ; then and there-to plead; answef.-or demor to ald Petri ion, or ' the same .will bejjearxrear jjarte and !deereed;coird ? fngfytWitness; John; Kerr Graves, Clerk of our said .Couit at Office, the, sixthMoouay after the fourth; V Monday f March 1842, tt I. r -f - v-- -i? Jo:K:.GBAVE.va s;43. v August, wr: yrt-'lit.jL&w$iom.'l' STATEOF NORTH CAROLINA.-Rr) roan Copxtt.' 1- r-'- JosV McD.Xarsrm and "others. -'" '' i -n' i' -r or. v1' j Peter, J. Sprnan jGold Hoytt, James B.Murray, Arthur Bronson7i Peter H Jy, Executor of Jno. Tbo.Hpeon; and the Heirs of Augustus SaekettJ?-. d Bill in .Equity,: to pany lwd ict aibHaer decree andLebtaija title for the iLands in saidbiU mentioned In, this case, it is "ordered that publicaliop; 'be made for : six weeks in the Raleigh, Rf giter, for .the Defendant to-appear at the next Court oLEquity, to be. held ir - said Coontypnihe 5:h Monday after ttie 4tb Monday m 8epternberTnoxt, then and there to plead, answerer demur to said v Bill, or judgment pro cmfcao wjfl be taken and tne same neru ex pane. it rrAdv. t5 62 J. J. HEgNTJOxj C,Hf; B:5? I Randolph Muntvr-Strjierior toon cf UwSoruif ta. a '... ' a ". F' - " ..' '- .T a-- t i'. Vonkannon 'OS. t John Vonkannon, J-iV..ll -. . . iisrpeaTinywwwirtarUoirefIheCU.ttK1m8t4ha' - DcfvOuant Jofcn VonkanhOn- m n.t. n 4nho;t.f Witness, John-.J.. Hrpdon, CJeik.and Master in . E-V fM" aJ4 Cpuntj, at Office, the s$th Monday af ur 4th Monday, in March 1842. k ' - ""r 7" K ; ; ; . -j -...r u vonri mar puoiicatien k be .made Jorthreejwn.h. m the BaWgh;egi.etrn HiTjizj lhe'D6.daftt to anrjear at tha t thu Cc-rl toba holJenlbr the Count?- of "Jlandolnh, ' - - rv the Court Ooudalw.AahwV7fc i!i,P? J :-eepter-Ur;thi ahd there 4o plead, answerer de- n j r:M-3-c:-3TjiiCT:oDRT. or . 1 1 s yA uui APiKRUPT. - V- ' . POTTED t 1 if , -ms x4Z v r . sw cause -ain Petition of Elish j w-.., ,ur nis discbarge and ft r TTO WIT- TChPLAm JUS, r lis MERCHANTS, AND I ANUFACTyitERS. -.1 fTpHB jl &I??P ' .S - '"''i tin Tnhitcto in HOZSDeaiu w w c iww. - , .. , ,i..A i.'-ftft it-- ait 4he Raleigh Register-, fofsix weej:s, notifying theaaid Charles CoTeman to appear before the Honorable Judge of oar Coortaf Eqaity, to be held Ibr . the County: of eeconasanoaj m ryjiienMw uoi, wujui iuci w t-ca. v i - Jealr ' WiamtK. " 1 I 1 vl Wmnifred'ScottrN'ear Ellis eld Mill -4 William Odam jMamford st-Faye tt Owne oknownjE side N i joins McRae BmX'MaJlea Ulrjm&jcd sU syettetiUe L : 132 John CoJvin ; ' . IMcK.ts Creek ' 1 50 Heirs of J. Gee VYadkin rd 3 m fm Far. The following tracts are anjisted and subject to a - double tax; 145 Owner unknown South aide. BlounU ck ioins Mima "mrsArchBlack j"ltUe & B"RockfiA an-."- I0Of)rmerr7Cxains '" l66fO xrner unknown North aide Little River Carvers Creek 1280:R4-MDraoghon Waters of Black River . 7 ALEXANDER JOHNSON, Sheriff. . Adv. S II J"-' . --T " " ' " - 759 1."' Pr. D STATESDISTRICT COURT OF NORTH :CAROLINAIN BANK BJ3 PTcT. NoUce to shew csfuse against Petition of Augustus: W. Stevens, of Johnston County for hl- discharge and certificate as Bankrupt at Ne.wbert), oft Monday, the 24th day of October next v r -- ; John 8. Powell, of Johnston County, - fbrhis di. charge and certificate as Bankrapt at Newbern; oii Monday, the 24th daTnf OetOber veXfy' . - - "E'heWred Nichols, of Johnston Countr,' for his di charge and certificate, as Bankrupt at -Newbern,' on Monday, tne 24lb day of October next, ' - - - ' , .;H.POTTEU,D;J V.StK.O: Tf TN1TED STATES DISTRICTrCOURT U-7.43F AQRTH. CAROLINA IN- BANK"- RllPTC Y-p-Notice to shew eaoseagaittstPetiiiewf' ? ts . "WW -.' - a a a "a m . 1 n iiuam m-jonnson. 01 .waxe Lonnrvtn ha - Bmkrupt, at Newbern, on Monday, the 24th dayof OctoberMietfji! -, ' r- -4 j-s- - a y iohnXieEenfass, of Raleigh,-Wake County' Hafal Keeper, 4oJ declared ?t Bankrupt,' at Newbefnon Monday; tue X4tn iiay 01 Uctober next t; f - -By order etthe Courts - h T ; . - - , -. c il-H.-POTTE'R: . -; ActmrClerk of Court itt BankroDtev. - July 28, 1842 '7 . 81 20d nltcd States-DISTRICP. COURT OF NORTH .CAICOLUfAr-.IN BANKRUPTr Notice to. shew cause : airainst Pniklnn Af w;i. tism M.-Mason-of VV.ke County, for bis .di-charee M Jfst.-V.. JlJtani."1 1fcV 1 f . a- 4r' . his discharge And certificate as Bankrupted Newbern, oh Monday, the 24th. day f October nixt. --.Pnbhcatjon; .Ordered, , " " . t, : -p.,y PH j U, w. - Augusts TTnistrict Jottrt of IVortb aroIin, if U IN -BANKRUPTCY. -Th nndersisned wU -expose-to pubtis saie-oa Monday the-J&d instant, tne vourt Mou&ea ftaleigh, the following property and rigbtslof property: The Interest, for life .of Willie Wriohnson ln the lot now occupied by him on. Wft m'mgtofttreet.F Ako, Dn-WUHam M.-Mason'a tion as partpfet of Johrr M, Masoo,:in- a Patent Right for vnaking -end endui3GitAX' Oi3tkt -ttt the 1 Stste of Mary land snd District of CdlambiflW .a : irmcoroisale Cisel. -'w--f -:r&sr WILLt W. HOLDEN. Asaisnee. August ft, 1842. i csa.",,--.- 62 te' TrTOTTED'STATEDI3T5LCTI COURT UTOP NORTH C'AKOLinA1 -rN BANK RUPTCY, Notice. to shew, cause against Petition of Robert Perry;' of Wake county, for his discharge and- eeftificateasBankTapt,'at Newbern,' on Monday, the' 24th ay of Oddber jiexc; V s v p. fc Wiley; Wi Johrison of Wake.CorZntyv fenvhis db- charge arid certificate, as Bankrppt, AtNewbern,on- tne 24th day af Udober next, tWO. r ubllcatiott ordered wt-i uf .ut.r xJ;.- 4l XOTTERi BvJi H. UNQ July 8, 1842- V ei-rTQd; J il J3opr-frdalJKeajyed jn ,CBoo fctore.j.jr rt-t- 'vx -t- Varlea O'Malleyj. with Blustrauona, j Barnaby.Rudgej .do yJKH.r, v tt;i - Pirkihuk f!l.ih ' .1a " An , Mis BedgewickVTttcnf from a.broadr? C . 1 Loe's remsrksorWeffsoiw r 4 tV; . t Ifallam s TJterature.. - ' -"-rv VDb-i:MiJJle ageA vlvA-a riFo?i1e'by,'. STUBNE5:&,HrJGBES.r HaEeiglyJaJy fi. at-.Va- t55-s . the Cash , Baleigh, Angustj; r '.' ot twM?' Mf RTM fUfl HT.l W A ? l. Pickles,, Lemon j thatthej: t"M ,j - v .-s. -t --v.f.-fv-l monJSardines. Ar I " " " -i ' KOGECOKB COtTNTYi 1 "'i'r l Tonffues very " v ; v r";-" v'- VtTTvmx, OU of Roses, Maca88ar,T3eanlAnUe Uwo Talaable 1'rajiUi or l.andone Jymg m ms cooniy Jr v-t-. ? w.' v I nJ:Wli.t;Wjw.iA swTof Wake. l6toileiiorthof Ralrieh,on the.tphterrof i-;9 ".rrT -Vi- WWte;3FckIewash;Bergamtt.v-i Lsnd is as jatuable m any lorfNense Riveras 7TN1 this casW U tppearing that one of the Be feftd. : , , .s V ;T,wh ' s ij8pll 0 oUarft Corn.ToBacco, Ootton-i and- Jlaota; CbS ColeLp; hfM a reaidenunhs State . MUSICAL INSTRUMErmJ. small graimTtereft excellent Werat hsndrand iT- i1prf.-rA nrdefed. that Dobhcation be nlade in lfrrmr.T.tjf;riTKKTi,ine6t YiotkisJbowsjtrines. comfortable imnrovements. withpen land sefficient t - rWwnMWiixiir. I -s . -a a" m - w - : ' - ' m 5 n TWITE MT TTT uu vxi umiup aa uauK.ryt, 13 BWDera, OO iOnday , th 24th day of October Bex t' . . - . John. RUlamsonof Kaleigh. Wake ,Countv". fnr - ThwiKfulfar.theencoar,:emert.thy have herete-j ,?-. ' Ti '' fore Received, inform l-eir faenu i ar.d . fulo la J l"- f t; ( t - ' ' C'W"- j WifikiAil!AjilIrffeii Si reefs. heiee as&ortmeoli - ' i ' 1 Tjf Goods in the bo?e brait:bet,l)y far Urrcr Ui& for P"'1 of Jhftt,e sqprjtt consists 1rtjf ' . J BarsinsMJi boxerCanJIwSpefm SJTI - w iu unu ets.t4 ihe 'brate HotiV patent? strained. bsU 800 U Cwkers,uUerJ Brandy fniitM Oranges LemoBS,' SeidfaUind 8oda :Powitoa Macaroni, Cnrrants, GUron ;30r rb bandies Pease sjioarhound best Mustard, Starch," Tea. bridges, screws Fingerboards' OtiUirs, Flageolettes; I FUes,ute$Xlanonetts, AccdrdeOrts,' Brass Trum-j rieta Boo'Ksr:;' - ft rJ. Painw) HTaea f nors, artifirJAl Hftir and TIawatSI I Mohatfr Caps, Indies Work and Fancy Boxes, Look-1 idsassesB and 4 feet' square, Baskets, Snuff-boxes 1 from 5-cts to ? 4; Combe,- sbeU and otber 5 blocks, wooden and rnetal j - Walking Canes finest Razors and' -shavinz niensilftf- Thermometers, Compasses, Backgammon, Ke- xiauiear sup- I Tort 01 everv.descnpuon. as ffiatDres, numrning . . . i ( ; 4-1'--CI lenoahiibrdt' hest:JPrr..'lnneWesn;arid rftht City sltaate af thd junction, pargeU andM -. -v- 41 ss'hoV Senrsl f'iffs." Prunes. Dates TilbertsVPalrriil Clark. Eaosod Messrs. J. & W. Peace. , A halfacr vnwww''1 1 WU Coeoariuia, Armond, Sweei Oirreservea, aoldtxi two eJoa divisions;, v 4 Uajwj y ; iocoie, eppersaoce, i menthi credit for uunda witn approtea sernqry, i turn i in Syrup, Wutmejjs, taqoorwe, pna-i iadispatahlei- :S - -w. r4acr., , Anchovies", Bologna Sausages, Smoked J "Raleieh; Ausrust i, 1842 - iZ - : Tope, Druais.RatUes,sbistles;Mooth Organs; Harps, ( u can be afforded. " v J r -Trumpets. -Magic ..Lantern Fntbesi Magnetic AU oera far paper, most be accompanied with a 1 oys, raise x aces, . vanno"". whm, . Microscopes, peintedL franks for children, etc. etc. BWELLERYr ...... Fine gold and silver, as well as german silver, vix. Breastpins; Esr-sings, Pencils, Fingr-rtngs. Thtm bles,1 of german4' eirver aud piuchbtckr.. Table and Tea Spoons, Desert Knives and Forks, Side, Pocket ' l !n.a ber" German siWer Combe,-Hand Bells; I ,WttchgutTds,Chaine and Key, Bfclibackles, Spec- Camlet, Jeans,' Linen Collars and Bosoms,- Btocks, Gloves, Stockings, Irish Linen, Saiinett bleach and unbleached Cottons, Flannel, etc 1.. v . In fact the variety of articles is too numerous to mention, atl.of which will be aoid on very reisQnable terms loc-xasn, . - K ; ' ; . .G. W. A 0. GRIMME, . Corner of Fay rtteville and Hsrgett Streets Ko. 10, FjutjrrrxviiXK Sthxst, ILaxcigh, -Ifas tbe plessure ofan- a ; e nouncing to his friends and 4 the public at large, thatiie L......:..jr.. axi and r biiadelpBia, a& extent $iv0f rjcb, and fashionable X stock bf Coods; which he Ji wrllsellat NeWTork prices "The assortment consists h 1 part, of -v "i - -1 WATCHES - GoIJ independent seconds", duplex, anchor, Lever1 watches, a general assortment of Stiver do.' ofyery . a . . . w price ano quauiy.x. - v ' - v - JE' vv Min, x . i ' Gold guaYds, "fob,v and neck Chains,' Sesls, Keys xismonu rins f nings, nuoy anu Cimerard do.-neck and head Ornaments, rich' cameo 4- mosaiePins Ear-rlDgw. "gold Pencjla.Thimhb?' VI ntgretts. Medals ions, goto nearis arm . grosses, j ei . ao. 'ana a great xnety of Pjucga v'i SPECTACLES. ; v. v7 . Gold, Silver, Bine, and Vollshed steel Spectacles to soit 'all. persons1 and '.all eye.' Yery'MperloTr int glasses,' that maybe adjasteIln'an' frame, at rmo roents notice. - . -.. SILVER ANDPLATEDJVARES, v.SUverCupsjr 3p??nadTejfugar Tdtigs snMusiardSpopnV'!.Butter Knlvest silrer . ho mount edCocoanuls, Castors, CarullesXicks,' SpTufiers and Trays, Waiters, Cake Baskets; CojTee Geqaes, Brif uiuuia v arva, mi pti-juiu smgic pieces, occ .- - Mantel- Clocks;sahd Lamps, - Plated nd Jspaned Waiters, Gold and Silver Mounted Canesand vvhin. "Chess men and BackgaTrrraon Boards Visiting Card uaser, uoiu - and ?n ver veftctt Cases, Patent Steel PeaXogerf sapTiol- Raxofs, Congress Knives ahd Scissors; SartdefsceleBra led xaior Strops DdglCoK loW, ''CallsToiik! Purses. Podtet Books. Imitatinn F.ruits Guns and.PU.tots, Ladies Tdflet and work celebrated genuine Colosme. Roee der, Ftoridxi and JJsy Waters vGuirlaio's Crram of ooap, x apies-ami oaponaceooseompoundfar Shar log, Roaer.'-Alirtond,- Camphor and - Windsor twleti Soa psipearl Powder.coIdCresm. Pomatom. ti. ; hsir.tdoth; and shavm freshes; aha" a varleiy-of other articles for.lhetoiletr V T-f .-si,.;,'. vrY7 f!hlttif ah.t W.1i.- r i. ji-- .1 1" "it7; ? "5ipuoos clean sod Silver -mi&srii .ijpanwsf UuiUrs.T.eWne, Glaribhett,'Flageolet'ts; Ftutes,Octove, A F5iuAreord,Vu.;;-recep; toes for all the ahove finliar Vt1:.: 1..: tVrl'j c,1 ?' w w accustomeji upV)r style t3oU and Sit mahnfartured toVrfef with? exnedi uou ana punciualitv. b tebesi i . i n u n i a i c u n n u r jt v i u i j 1 5 ifcrSdti cCiUttottV -etihe termwOon of.Nwherir BueeCftvl iroirtin th (!anitfJ Eat k hmh-ana tesutnl site, ;wUh nrW m it oW in Lots of iwtablezeej JSbo, tlw Western htf of Loi No.cU9 In ftrpljiii ale At Jtthlic Auction; without reserve, m the pre mises; on Tuesday, -the 30th of Aogost; inst..,. on sue. fTHWO TALCACfiUE tracts of Land li' To TSale he Subscriber .offers fer'saley for seerar hands, to be-workeCdTantaget It is considered asTheatthy a residence a any in the eoub tv .cmd contains 320 sVcres rThe other Tract is 17 miles' northwest of Raleigh, between te; waters; of Ji'ig Lfck Creek, and Little of a mite SOkTU Jr Cash- of young negroes, would be received hi pay ment ijwith jtbe chanee of seeding -wneat. mgoou nmerossessien given on ; iiio- w(a w: iwuer 1 next. Those wishing to purchase healthy situations, Iwonld do well to come and examtoo forhemelvasy place will he. rented oqt to , the highest bidder, at the i3laekamitn.snm ot.tne suoscriDer. . a. k. jr. , - 1 1 j - -jii " 4-4 : The' Subscriber, having rebuift his Paeh Mi try which was destroyed by fire ta February 184 f, and, nut it into full nd complete .operation, with all the modern tmnroYements in MachinerT. which experience. has shown to be so valuable, i now prepared to supply tne fruiters 01 XMonn-aroiina, n outers, who? as good and cbeapPeper as can be purchased in the: Knnthmriv-MarlrAi...: Ha m Tr(nar(Llo make all OU&IU I - -: r.i- - - rA. - .n Wnniitliies. anihianrices wiU.be as low. I - satisfactorr reference, ( where the person is unknown) or they, will not be attended to ; On all purchases, amountmgto lOuya credit of 4. months will be giv- en,thi purchaser giving an AccepUnce payable at Bank, or Note, with Security. . If the amount pur chased exceedMlSO, the payment wilTbe arranged at 4 and fi months, in edual instalments . 5 :V persons oruering. reaper wiu siwbuv wo u n . -!.! T .!tl If- lk .!aa' tlt.i !a j jjjmy inches'Iong, and so many w'ide . ,.The nsual for Newspaper U 23x33,but if a diflWent'siM be wantea, 11 must oe xnenuonw iu uie uiuci.-. ' 111 bm.Unf Ttvb fnr nrintintr Pamnhletsl and Raleigh, July. 1842,. v ' - r -,v M . ftj Star and Standard will insert 6 weeks, v , . TOLEN from" my Stable, on the 6th JhIj,- GRAY HORSE, of the following descnpUon, tub, 16 bands high, with a fine long tail ; a Utile crest-faU lent occasioned by the Collar t a very good walker, and carries himself hieh ia front. He rather a Reddish Gray about the hips and somewhat Flea-bit ten about the neck and face. r j- I The SADDLE which was' stolen with-4he Horse, was made by C W D Hutchings, Raleigh, NC was I .;.-L. i j .1 -J c.t cs.:.-..w. u. - I tners of wnicn are witbout buckles, and fastened to j the Saddle by a springs The Bridle was of fair leath- I er, with double reins, the. half of te rein of white I Ferretringj a plated Corb Hit, hinged in the middle: The Horse is sOnobsad to have : been 8tolen bv.a man who represents- himself as voArt jjHeffort-or JSenversnd who is supposed to live near -AlUh' P Bean's SutionTenn He was pursued and seen, so -' j a . " mm tv - a -a. r t i as to be idenuned, ou or oumues wesioi ua piaee. I-will giveVfor thedeirvery of the Horse to me-Jn, this: place $50; and for the apprehension of the. Thief, $50 more.,-. ,L . -o;- SARAH POLK," . Baleigh; N. C. 6 SPJLEIViHD LOTTERIES J. G. GREGORY. c.Coi Mandgerur: wf r $30,000! 100 prizes of 81.000-.' V:t union lottery;" Cfess o-yiifor 1842. To be drawn at Alexandria; D. C4oa Saturday; AnW BBllitlAaT SCHKKX. 'tp,- JVf 1 proa of , WOfiQO-. J prize nf J20f A 410. - . 4U,UUU 1 do 100 prizes of.lUOO &C, - vdCftrivj-' 1 do ?.00ff Tickets , 1 0-IIa ves -Quarters 'ftr 50.' - Certificates of packages of wholee $1 3f , V . Do do : -2. halves es .';, Do - dj -2$ quarter 2.. ' , Tor Jickets and shares or certificates oipackage in the 1ove splendid Lotteries, address . ' Mtrs . - , - J.GkGREG0JiY&O.Managerav ' ' , :frWashintorvDC.; Dra wingsjseni immediatefy after they are ever to aH who; ouler as abova " t ' ' ' . V5' ?a$liiftgioti IZotcL - rTTBEubscribeT wili be. prepared to aceom'mv1ni V Jk5 Membem of "the n uf .oowirsjanqj lutj yarus, ooutn-east of CapU tot Square'Besides eommooTettir Jiobini m the ifo-" tefc he hsir attached ISontrooms, mosi conveniently located ftntfemeDDCTOting his whole rjetaongT attenliorao the managernent bfJii Establishment, he promise Ut,nothin shall; be bmttted Onhirnart! that can contributa'to the' comfort 'ofhuj guests.' HI. Tabfe sharibecuTiUhea with ri wSPS: ft'riWi Liquors, .nd-hS House with 'atteneye servant. T a. . tt.1 Ilorses- hQsrded or-iV-f.rJ, fM-.t"!f? .ta,?r " Sodd ' f ssortaenf If tie, tshoes : i? ''laizes at reduced prices. iJearIy..ap 4Iicauoa be made, wAhJ T Ti-w .!!... rjl7 E'Srv.al ' 1 1 ii nf ti ii i i i i ' .:TILJt3AgLlXtA-i;c . to thew cause f" " t t.iien oi nomas ir c-d,ci -J';. dolDh Coi.fi Farmer; to: he ilelarsd Cir.ln:rV V "Newbera, on Monday, the 24th day pf October nert'. WiHiara ls Anainam vouniy f armer, w o declared a .Bakf njtf at riewbem, oMi lIondaythe, JoLn H. Dorian, of CSthaniCoomr.'lo Wdecur-SJ edBacirtrptjat ebeneAltoudajthe 24h day,' ( October TwikU A-l ' ' Johi WiltiannKMi, f Wake County, to be declared a: SsBkrupt;t Newbeuij, on. Mondsy the 24th day of Octobejr next, i - v ? -"-"'j' 'r''"' aohn AA tkisnir. of Uhathanr Uootyto-iiedcIareA Bankrapt; a ewbcrn,; on: ilonday, th 24tb da. ra a iriniifir wit l. -r . . . r - . . fTroy O.Wilsonrof Waketoaty; rarmefrto declared ; Uanitropt, at. inewaernon. aioquay ; uxm 24th j of October next. - W be. declarM a ankrqpt, at efcberttori Monday, Henry4 Honston,! pupiin vpunty,rarmer,o- be deeiarea oajmm, i.yi!viB,:va,wtii,H 24th darf October next. T - . tvaiiarjL Wallace, of Chaiham County, Farnwy, to. be derlared sBabkrapt at New bern, ojx Alohday, me 24tfi day Tof October next, ?y ; Gray tabkJin, of .w ake vointyt ti verseer, iopvw; clared a tianxrjopi, atevoeru,oH jriwuuoj a - V. a .. .:i -w- a - v ma am - I fi a rt .- llliam O-- oouMictiaiiu, i uptiiivwvMtf - 7-, mec to be declared a Bankrupt at Newbern j on Mon- day, tae S4Cn day o uctooer next, tT' ; - - x j - H. H. FOTTER, v j rr cfircrerVf Court in BankrhrHcy. ; joiy 23riB4g.-'"-'T "' . r fc A od : TTTISITED ST ATES -vDISTRICT COUBT Ui- OF NORTH CAROLINA-IN, BANK RUPTCYi i Notice to , shew cihse against. Petftioa of Samoson Bi Glenn of Kandoipn -tvonnty, uarpea- ter, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Newbem, on Mon day, the 24th day of October next. . . yvl r Abraham ifcornegayi of, liupun ijounry, ranner,,iQ be declared a Hankrapt, at ewDern, mpnuaj , i 24ihdav of October next :!' - " V'T-" ' JaraesSatherland of Duplin County , Planter, to;be declared s Bankrapt at Newbern, on Monday, the-24ih day of October next.'; -. -- p - r Vc I John Bwaim. of KandofDD. iiouniyio oe oeciarea a Bankrupt at JJewbern, on Monday, the 24th day ol October next. . r " ; C : i T'T be declared a Bankrupt at Newberrv on Monday, tne 24th day of October next , , t- i iAVilliam 8tedman. of CliarJiam; County, Physi dan, to be declared a Bankrnpt.at Newbern, on Mon daythe 24ibf day' of October next. ' f t William- If'tstinsonor CftatbamJgoUnty, Matter, to be declared a Bankrapt at NewbenH on Monday, tha 24rb day of October neXU s"- - - ; 7 JohnT. Barber, of Chatham Conwy, rarrnet. to be declared a Bsnkropi at Newborn, on Monday; the 24tar dayof October HexL ; s v. Zadock. Barber, ef, Chatham; County,. Farmer anil Hatter, to : be- declared-a ..Bankrapt at Newbern, m Monday the 24th day of October next a is - Close Davis; of Randolph County Farmer, to be de clared a-Bankrupt it Newbern, nrr Monday; the24th day of OcJoler next 'X--- V - By Order of. the Cdtrxi T " " r-' v " , v - . . 'H.- H. POTTER, i Acting Cleik of Court in Bankruptcy. July 22nd I84t. ' ' ' ' . Od TTTnlted StaieawDISTRICT COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA IN BANKRUPTCY, Notice to shew cauw against' Petition of Peyton"Pv wunamsf of f ranklin ; county, lor tne disensrge and certificate as Bankrupt arNewbertt, no Monday, e 24tb day of October next. . - L, -. . m -m'Ji. I Villiam.Carter, of Franklin county, for his discharge and certificate "aa Bankrupt, at Newbern, on Monday, thtf 24th day of October next l -. Joseph J. Harper, of Franklin County, for hk dis charge and certificate aa Jjankror-- at Newbern, on Monday, the 24th day of October-next " V A Thomas VL Gorman,-of Wake county, for hiar dis charge aqd certificate, as Bankrupt; at Newbern, oh Monday, the S4thlday of Cfetober next-Y AT Benron Ulley, of Orange coontyfor his discharge and certiScate as Bankrupt, at Newbern, on Monday, tho 24th dit of October next-, t ? n"- V -.W iUiam Ellison, of -Beaufort county; for his die- I charge and certmcata as JJankrupVat Ifewliern, on J Mondafl the 54th day of October next r.V . Davfd L. Mayo," of Beaufort county, for hiSdis- caarge and certificate as Banc rapt JXewbem,; on L Monday, tiro: 24ih 4ay of, October next,-, William Tan nahdlrcj Beaufort county, for hisdis charge and certifieatelaa Bankrupt, at Newbern, on Monday; the 24th day. of October nexU'C " V : --Samael SmaRwood, "Of Beanfijrt county, forbis dis charge- andLcertificate as' Bankrupt, at ; N ewbera, on Monday, the 24th day of October next. ;;-Wfllim-E. Smaw, of Beaufort county, for hfa'dis chargQ and certificate as. Bankrupt, at Newbern, on Monday, the 24th day of October next ft?; "Henry A. Ellison; f Beaufort coanty,"bris dT charge: and certificate' as Bankrttpt, at NewberniOn Monday, the $4tb.da$ of October nextT MS' t -JW g.: . Publication ordered,-.-; . - August 9,-1842 ,1 r ,tv; 64-70d TTTWIXEH STATES-DISTRICT COURT. f t)F NORTH CAROLINA IN IBANK TOPTOTT Netice to shew" cause artinst PeUiion t of Wldiam IT Bagwell, of W&ke Count, forlii dia tuotgo anu caruncaie-a jQanxrupvai xewbern, on; Monday, the 24th dart)f October nextr ' - - . . Wiaiam H Bufialpe, of WakeCojmly, for his diH cnarge and certificate as Bankrupt, at JSewbd-o, on wionoay, ine au day or October next- ! ; -- JustHi. Martindale. of Wake -County, for his dl charge and certificate. aa Bankrupt, it Newbern, -July "22, 1842, f; : TTTISITED STATES- DISTRICT iOUKTOF U7NORTH. CAROLINAIN: BANKRUPT- CYr Notice je 'shew; cause agaiost' Petition"of Rob -.a. ST: mT . '' .tJ) '...t . .;aW. ' f ." aTW . 'Z- ' . . a r: toljefdeclared a -'Hankrbptyat Edenion, 'on Mondayt 1 ActmgOlerk-orjCourtiTi Bahkrpijtcy. i , -Aogost 12I842:: : f .4Z?C J; TTTnlted States-DISTBICT: COCrt of, 'AW '"2?THAnoLINA-IN' BANKRUPT! Notice to ahftw 0Tf4,Tfn i;t;- 1 4j J sey Davis of Randolph County to bedeclareda Baiik rupt at Newbern juMenday tbe24th j3ay of October next, 'kyl' ? - . ;-' - - - -j-.--'----, t - 'Andrew Yestlk of Tft tham" fTrt,mtC W,"m.V? declared, JJankf cpt at JJewtemi nnv Alcnday.iho 24th.dyf Ocober ne?fei-- Av JX' i ---".'""r.H ,vuimui vouniy x armpr,-to.be to U declared-rfBaukrupi Newbern.i ca ilcadayi the 24th day of October nexti Tw-nvr-ws, L ''Ahgu ?iJn gtathj-district court i NwlLai3 tb.w ftnst Fptiflon 1 "TtPubKcation ordered; ; i w jj. poTTBnV D, JrtL Sv'N. 1;V'uWUUM,,UJtI"u'vu- vimuj ijciJw-rM. new eiereoarj, .Jciy.X8Jl84. - aeeutrea a cansrupr, as denton, ojt Monday, tne ' Bxrussesa i ": I7tb day ofOclobcr next, , , , t , - ' 'v Ewid Jaras Cor '"TnomasB. Jonesi ofTranklinlSonntV j Cavbcmtpv. F ;Pnf . r - . Alexanders. Moore, of FmnkKrfCounty, Farmer; to bedeelared;B;ankrupt; aiEdentotf-on'MondAy, theJ7th dayf petobernext? ' ? :'lt' JU.xtansj'eDt. at ewhern. nn -J fmvlaa- Sh'dayof. Octobefnext-V":' - William H. llinoT-CKalVKV'rt- -4.V-.-V -V- POTTEK v.P Actmer Clprlt nf fril. y,iu-: Va-V it 4. J6JJ.. ..,--...1; , -...eji.sJ4; ( KurTc 5f -?s f " V vcie,. -ccrry? f his Jp Jr f "'it Er:xirrt ct N.bera, err r w i- re e rH pp MJ -. ; " - a sSa aj, IWA NQKL.r.Atfc KoAn Corif AsirV have.- this rfv -J ducedV il.a freight- on tertairiarticW'from"GaiA PctersT u'r-as follow ? - A, ? w ,' On,TjbxccoJn IlhdaJtocehbtpw hundred .vOiFtovn, : t6j20 .Wtsp.luTfet?-;. i On 3,TA7n?PA:rcBKn;TeBActJOi4i25 eenta L. and 40 ntper keg.5.lI)8IRD i i 'V.;; :,rj 'President, PrteratiurAugOfiti,-1 I - 62 8t t?n C;i? yV 274C JPrtfr&trtirgJ&Ug&igencer, Jt ?5 prr onnumPajrdSfe ia advance. THE, INTELtlGENCER iseVoted to the trog principbff.of thn VVhig' Party; and. will support for the next Presidency, iftENRXCLAYf 'th. man who of all men living, ia; best qualified for the Chiif w.l traey orfhis Repubnc. ' - . TJje JgHurf;MertdntiU tad ttanufaclunnF interests witt. always find an advocate' in the Inteltf gencer ; apd Subscribers kj the Coiintri wil be regu! lariy furnished within :accurate oecount of t6e Mar! tteto and' Mercantile transactions of Petersburg and other Commeraal Towraw " v' ;D1SS0LTJTI0N. fTTHECo-Partnership heretofore rxiatinc'iriiili -ll ' the firm ofOLDNER & DlGGEs is thi. day dtssofvnr'by4imUfttionj having tlainji agatpst said rjoxicen wilt present-them to either of the concern. for settlement anf;those inJeiuej ComfQrwaidf a.iidmake paymeivt, as lonpet imn. geqcetanrKit be given. (The Books will be kpt u tho stori Of While Oldner,", Their.names wiliosly ue usra 4U,iup aeuixuent o ? tuis uems. JHOrH. DIGGE8. Angcst Isf l842; NEW.FIRM. P E T K'kJ B TJ V A . jnHEdlrsfgned fiive this day associated iLem TLL -selves togeiher for. the" purpose of condunin. sn 4uUtatu tHeceivtnsr. &wwardine,. and Gmni Coatmusiori Butinesi, under lbe name and style of WHITE &voiJ)NER, . At the'oy '8tandropposit-elir for. nierfy occupied by Messrs.OkIner & Digges. They wiltgtve Strict - aUention .to-alt goods consigned u them, either for. private or poblie sale.' i The Senior partner has hadcizht years expeamn In the Tobacco trade, anil will jrive his unremiiiin anil personal attention to theealenr purchase uf T baccd,Cittony Floorrdc'. Merchandize and Pro duce vutl beJorwarded wilt ks little delay' as -oossibie. Their charges; wiltte at the lowest rates establi&d in Petersburg. They- tespectfeuly SoHcit a share of patronage from their friends and.the.pubhc in eese- 4fsL 'Merchants andLPlanter may 'rely on their bu siness being; promptly sndlaitbTulIy attend to. v V C'- OBORGB WHITE, - A'or;-2dVj842, ""..".. 62-ow4w -Muessrs.VanCSdiitk 4Adaras, NtwYork. . Mercer, Brotherfc Co, Philadelphia. y John P Pieasaots & Sons Baltimore. 1 Wlnfree & WMamson, Richmond t v. f. Mcllwalne; rownfey & Cd. r;v PeeblevHall&Co,- 1 l D , . -,F:C.Siaiaback; Esq,0 wK. ,;-Srnrdivant.4p- Hurt,, . Charles &OeorgeReid,i. -y -r - :r LtoyVUliarhsiEs,. rJ.M V- 'Jtte-A; :Campheil.Esq, ifeirA IV. C. Robcrt.W WillfamaEiq.. - ' t iThonias DNeaJ, Bso: -" DannUeJa. ; John; A. Sowers, Esq. IfaUfax C. f. Fa. J. B, HiUiard; Esq. ratmpflle, Ko '-B W Pogh", Esq. Gtulon, N. C. WILLIAM GOnOOIV, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Joe, B.'rtckHn:Esq. iWT Thomas F, JKboj, Eaq,-J1 , t , . , . ,r - tMesnr. Jno. Scott AHA.TFraer,ck8l,0rff 1 Lessre. Fry"co; rvArrzS Vl'tv Messrs; Dunlap, Moncnre 4Ce. $ wumouu ' Messrs, AevarrM-Exother-5 7' , . Messrs. McBWainel Brewnfey dt Co. t Feteralmr. z$ Messrs; Sautter Belt, A Norfolk, Vs. Mr, II. B.,4tonta2 anexMrienced dealer in Tr bacco; will pay special attention to the interest of jiv 1 obacco Planters Of North CaroTina t ; . rLixcAX advancer on airpreduce when in Em and proceeds reniiueLto order s:' ' ' 1 July 6, 1 S42. - 54 A?FWl&A:HS) COMBIISSQN H0US ,-,BAirjc STaxiT,oproiTE,TKi Exchjlxsz, , TrTSlGGES, RICE WJLLIAONi havinf-f - Lsodated themsehes together Jor thepurpoM conductin the A tttticrf end Commission lertneijf sejvices t tieir fiiends. ahd the pubUc ge rally and assure thett that their nndi vidnT; stientkt will he given to .11 busxnesar ehirusted to them. ' v Aq?rvJOHN-H;DIGGES, B. V WIfcUA Wfl. ; 61 oawJS' Peebtesit:x!I & Coi Petersborg. ' McBweoe:Browney cisCo. , inioes-CE irotiier,i. ;r?-. . . -Jrio. N;Jordon,.$ch(nJ k- a w. pughr .vt-. fr-: 3 . . ' - -V. -VHnfree. umdercon, ft- O. - TIjw SAf-U AX THE BOOltSTOllP SV-i-DuJcrs complete Works, one vot Dt ttilfe Travel in Europe and the East, Fisk's 'ViZ."U ia,Durope and the East, History of; i.fi Great Reformation of the. suww - 4 . - century, ia Germany, ArfeLiJ ifcBjcJ;H.sMerIeleAulegne, k-p juie oi je-erson, in . vnis Ens'.nd i Igsby Fred, VanJtaumar, . fg CrabbXRynonymes,7 :. , . ' ; Works if CilBngworthT' r . 1 s" Astoria, by WaslimgtoiJ,f ring. -. V r- ,.V-T"JTUR3R& HUGHES. aleiiLJaly 9. 1842.t,t- v'f ? TfOa'fiAlili:rATxN.''a;BOOK stob dence cf the AKericaO iltovottrtion, being l of Benja anuiK- FrjirikUo, Sibs:Deane, John ;A"? John Jay. Arthur Lee, Willianf Lee, W'P Francis pana, WVZxvtd Carmichael.lHenry jean Jbsurens, m. xyutuasaiiu vum- . - (w whole Bolutiortpsether.with -t Letters from the secret Commhtee-of Congress, andttjo' taty ofForcir nt Entire cmo lot the Franc' ,M nisteri. L..uJ and k"TL PubUca;;onOrdrej;v '.t,ryCongr -,'rttrA uongiTaa. -a 7 J?or sale b; f - ;NL.STITH. aieign,AUgnt8, Ul 64-3w -- 1 " i-'v ; -Is--. - V c 4 -

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