- 4 : AnVitor ' at rhi orarsob. OMobberv. pnt to eonm? ,r-"' r r-- : - r forewt. f die nttenwie forg?di(pct,ttat ?L wUIub die jandtetio rfitber, rfuttieefc an any. jm of shall be jouWwiuao taar territory of the. She'n proved vtki -onf$ dbne ujp !f the- ftac"whew'4hogt W rtstn charged, bII 'o;i.Ji0f7''i,p?oA ! unmitment fofriatf thecitf c&nunittoAt nd tM respective jodgea tod other' msgistreteaof the two Governments hatt have powir, torisdictioii, end authority, jipoir:ilit'maa4f oath, to iaait Mmmiai foriho; f pirebiion of .K, raeHt r. mtiomio charge! ilwi h mf - w f .(Uelj, io the end tfiat tha-evident ot MBalHj V, be heaididicmpiiiered d if iach hearin j, .u. .ci.lnce be deemed ufilcienUoauaitl the chstrte, it shall be tbe iutt of bCexaminiHgjitdge magia tbority. that a wamnrtnjiiylaeiieiof ike avrtendef ht toch fugitive, f f 1 no exoenso 4ucft appreetmon and delivery shall be boria and defrayed by the party who make the reqaitiotf,'nd receiTea"the.fugitl?e. jiatwiiii. - The eighth" artiicleof thia treaty rhalt Wis (oroe for five y,rt froift the d if th jatiBcatioo and tier wards unUVona Wtb otliefrty sbaif oify i wieh to terminate it. ; ,Thej ten arUcff shall ikmUnue in force ontil one or the oer pajrtj ftblf aify h wish totermiBateiand ao, longer. . -v. The present treaty ahatkbft 4tr! jr Talified and the mutual exehaago f ratificaOn shaft Uke place io Londan, within rix mootoa f rota b date hereof, or rlier if possible. K "J. : "; ' . Io faith whereof, we,' the epectWe 'Pfetiipotentia rtes, have aigned tbu 1 reaty, aocfluiye hereJaQ to affix. j our aeak. 'J " '' .",'". : Done in deplicatei at Washincton. fhe-:.mi)tli day of August, ' AmK Uoimrii, onethooiand -eight hon-'l dred aod forty-two, f . - - - - ' j DANIEL WEBSTER, fnAuYv ' ay, August 25. : ,i v 1 SENATE. , c. ' . . The Revenue Bill- was considered and all the auiendmehtri:rccon.niendcd by tbe Committee oo: Finance adopted itliL the ex ceptioo of thai 36f a rlrrwback c cqawhich was voted, down by. a-large majority. Tbe duty on cotton; bagging was reduced to cents the a!tJr4arer7ad., The Seriate refused to eoncur ife4 the:arnendtneft of theGorn mittec ph. JFinJtnce to reduce' the dutf on iron jrjQt tnanu Cactured, vh ic& . was left jat 817 oer' ton as. in the original, bill; and on iron made by rolHrwr. .the duty was reduced to 825 per toru -Tb& ober niendnienls were agreed ii bjui4be bill. was not reported to the SepateMrt 'iNsJexpfeisinff the hope that it "i mrglit afifl be returned . to-Uhe House by; Saturda.tr, and.; the adjoiirnisent take place oji vManaif & contempJated.. - - HOUSE CP KEPKESEICT A1ivS. - ' " The first business in the House this tnorn ing was aiithoti'oo from Mr.: Fillmore to take the Fortification, Bill frqjrjT1heitable.H "Mr. Filliriore Qyed fpircijii'unihe motion to xeconatder, submitte'dby bim when the bill was ppon ttytobie i'i A. rnotiorL; was made Aio lay him motion to reconsider upon the table, and IosU' The ttjaa ibf n Te Post Route bill wa. , then taken up and passed, after some. debate. ij?y A BILL TO REPEAL THE 20 PEH CEKT. CLATJSE ' O PUTTIE - DISTR IBQTI5N IL"? A bill proposing-thi important object was, reported from the Committee on PuWic Lands, t The -Loco Focps ' made earnest effort to resist itsiinUc4uctioWm5eiery way in their power, but it was: 'reported iji spite' of Jamentaliolts and all. opposition. ! K mot ion was made to lay tbd Juir upon table after it iia!d 1Wnt)ricefeadv;but' without success. The - biU . was- then re-: ferred to the Committee of tb WnoU on the state of tb'eUmo'n. v' '- V': tx- '''' - - I. '- - ' V' , 1 . ---;ABSE,IfTEE3; pAi )Mt. Adams introduced ... 4 Resolution I de signed to secure.' tbe aattendnce of nem bers, which proposed ."that abtent members should state the days they" were abseiit to the Sergeant-at Arms, Atthe la-Cof each session, amUhat the pay of .ibsentees should, b'deucte during The Resolution was opposl by vsome few members but was formed into a joint resolu tion, and then paasecf. "'. -r "'V- " TTiet;Hbuse tberi-wcnt j nto.. Committee of the Whbfe and took up the bill fa rtorgan- 1j . .vv jgej defended ,the bll. at ? great length. ; v .r J - . . -s. w hen-fll r. VVise concluded, the Commit i rosejndtlie Hse-aoTournedv tee Frtctay,; August 2ff IN SENATE. The bill making-appropriation fot'the pur chase of sites .for the Terectioni ofMarine Hospitals upon Western waters: was 'taken up and considered. ffThflt bilk arwroiirrales 45,OQO in PensyiyaniaV ObiJStacky Araansas, ao; Mississippi.' j r v The bill was debated awhilA anil' nassed 29 to 9.. - -1 A bill was also passed for the establish went oi a marine North Carolina.- M M hospital at Ocraeocke, The Revenue3iU' was taken tip at eleven o'clock. Oncf or twoimmaterial amendments having been propWdy Mf-; Mfirf fck fQllowed in ui ui uiurc importance,. wjiicR propo ed ibatibajeVerforign. mitrnnman'ufactbred tobacco.' flour grain na oacoB,. at af Hp n duty ?uot exceeding per .cent.Vnonld bare the, same favor, ex tended to them, - upon geods: adoaitted ;ihto me cottnlry;;. yW Mr. Ry yes - foHow;ed I'witbTset speecbv4' in opposition w tJje Bill-igl should voteinVt'ltvaSlf J'ctpi'ngl't9 amend it4 b substi&tin Uir embodihg, n the main, the nrorinn 'Wonrtftd. in ihe House of Repretentatjvei by.Air C jfItf- gersolU " - s ; . Jiz , , ljr Mr . Preston nrooosed to amend tbe amend ment by liuxiting the operation 6f4be bilMo . "7 aoiennmeni. was rejecteu; X A"en. TOved to strike frooit4ca4ind This eiktU..i- L . ' -i.: :. ... L"'l ollowed with another In the form of A twen-' TtT .C'f?n and coffae free; 8UUute reteired but twelve totes. cr suusmiu tt Mitt iwuj .or twenty 'mvc, jjer ; majorirjus; Other amendments were -4ffereL- but. in the rmun, alt ol them wert; rejected, S i-Mrejcrletl-; bringdown the duty orv iroai,- but-was jnot AVefetag-jhade Tit Mti G rabara to fnk srt the Un r.viay.wn. suptniuet!- an .ameoumeri .io f njspeaxi the ten perjcent ; allowed, .to the hew States under the distributron law which wasr'aereed tcv v '- - m-t oi, reciprocal iui iesr .to. ii'e.cttn9tr,i.iM proguceoi sucd nauons, as may aumti jne t UUUt , gl flJlU MlllH) UICHV. Ui IIIO VIII WU StatesVshaU be admitted free of Jtlu ties, Jso: fiV astbearjshalle per cent. Hh led ta same depae' - v - . iiwluWinrmTiuTaQtured tofeao..:- . : Mr. Tap-pan withdrew' his amendment Arnendment after amerrdtnent'was iflered,. oV.whicbbieC0id 'fjeTe called. Th jijl aslfe Senate at 7 o'clock, and the question was then taken on concurring iii ihe ameridmcats . and carried, wttb jthe exception of those relating loXJot tokbagiing. - --r : V ,Mr. Crittenden lioned tbe amendment wou1dnDt be coicurred in, and quite an ani mated debate sprang up, in which Messis. King, Crittenden, Walker, Cutbbert, and otbers pafticipated, when the question, .was taken, ou concurring in the amendment to Cpttoh. baggingt by yeas and nays and de cided in the negat i v e Yeaa 9, Nays $. - Mr. Barrow moved that the Senate d- journ. , . : :; The question war then talceh by Yeas and Nays, and decided in the affirmative : Yeas sj4, Nayg 20. f v " nnrsit -or skkesextatites. " -. -,. The . important.biisiness in the House of Representatives tlus morning,: was in refer ence to tfte bill reported yesterday propo sing the repeal of the 20 percept, proviso of tue iaii mil. ; w . ,,v . .. A. resolution ws .adopted to close the.de hate jupon ibis bill, wiricli after much opposi tion; kicking and denunciation, was adopted. The House t hen .went into Cwmitiee?f the Whole on the stattfliC tbe Union, and there, after a scene of confusion as tp the order of bus.ipessy tbejnajority decided,. to take up the bill to repeal the proviso to tbe sixth I section of tbeRCt entitled ! Ao.act jo appro priate the proceeds oi tne sales oi tne puo Ire lands, and to grant; pre-emption rights, approved Septe irrber fo urtb, eigh teen h un area ana iQrtvoue.. - , . . ' , JM. liii .was aeoaiea . in itpmroiuee oi the-vWholfc bv,.liut. threfl1 members. Mr. Arnola commenced the discussion ru a vio lent speech against the bill, and against the Whig mamrity of .the tlouse. Mr. Cbdoer. of Pen nsvl van i a, replied to Mr. Arnold, and. w i lb much, force. JUr Wise c losed the debate in Committee of ihe Whole, with a violent peech gafost the Wbigsi whom be73tccused of vacclllation irKdnsistencyv oic,.! '--' li The .bill. wa$ reported to tbe House at one o'clock! rC ?t":A.:V -' ., :-- Mr. R; W; Thompson made a brief, pan- gent and very handsome speech in reply to Mr.v Wtse, and gave Tus, reasons for voting forvtbeBill.t i - v " Tbe previous due"stieTT-wai moved and the Bill was passed by- tbe following decisive votes - '- ' : FortheBill . . ... . . . . .104 Against it. . . .' 86 reconsider, was. transmitted to the Senate. , REStEDlAI, lUSTXCE BILt. . This Bill was considered in Committee of the WKolej for one hour io" cdnformtty with a. resolution adopted some" days since. : 1..- Mr., King, of Georgia, consumed the jurae igainst the bill. . o ; :; r: The Wt was men put omts nnai vote, ana passed : Yeas 92, oes 84. 1, " The House adjourned - .. -Saturday, August 27. IW SENATE. The bill to repeat the 'twenty: per cent. elause of the JLand Bill, which passed the House yesterday, was tafcen from the table, and SL-second reading was- askedi . Miv Auen, f ?hio,objecied and t fce-bi 1 1 CQild iftpt liovr betead a second time. " txigpf testimony incasesfcontestgd elec -t6lhl9eid a second apd third .-ti me arid wasV now . before the- Senate d"bnJti-'bt!eav'-?fj"r-f ' f - Mr. Woodbury gpote briefly In reference lo tnepassage ox urn .oiit,.t-Bu again" upon the ground of the efifecl; it was to have nnnn iflA RlatR ftf NHamnsbire 'if V I ." vMti Porter of Miginrneaa atnend ment to-the mil, and afterwards '?C0H1J?'1" ment Wrtft4truffr the ill 'was recommitted, ttbe.QommiUee oik ibo Judiciary.- ' Ston'aittMD of: the rborrjin?; Imuva tveride 5il Tlie questtbrY- ndiiig )w&poQ? tbe;tbird reading of-the bttt, AniMirdering tne mend mentste en Mr."Btfc1janajr -xowictMiaW'wiba iMset;soeeib:7otneiU Mejrrk,, .1 speech against tfiftMlU-' -fe-ii Mr. Perry Smitl if 4ntt4P)k againail tbebilh'- '' -fip'm'' " Mr: Simmons, of Rltode fsland. Venlied to Mft Merrick, and defended the bill."- h ' -"Mt. Huntingtan,'of Connecticut, rpplted to ins colleague, and Mt,c Smith rejoi ne : - Mr .Choate made an earnest appeal to tbe WhigS" not to defeat the bUK ; And addressed u-t ' a-'-- 1 rU'.W ' HI : I . a 4 wr bff sayl inthe expectation of havin,any ef lect'tJDGn-'bim.r but for, tbe reaaoo that he te'gadtlieifrgutaent pCthe Benatbriroih Alary land frroTeousilv ' : -v.' S- -The.jouestiorjtwss ienAikejpnfdeiin (hirxiidxUbtigfis and tire bill i Idbe read A tui"rd:l4me, and resulted irttbe uanoBatea. ayra tWcbanan. l,. Hiliit0alUirif or Wj1kAtVPftt& &ni- moiKitt!, 6f Iridisma, praarrfei rgeon. Tail- cvoy-Mear iAen;.A5liBr;.-Bagby, I entn, Berhen;tJiirai faTioiL,:Ciiufjer PiihonGrft. bata HefrforaoaV-KiBar Lino; Maiieurnr MerHdf. -Rft.' Svrer 8miib. f Connecticut, Tep roiendmehts beinff eairrossed. lhe lull was'.fead tbe" tbirdiiiand,passed. , - .Annmber'of'H.o iejurred'VrnhiOsCof- theui of Cirivale .Tlift.t(br' tbeS relief f' the triVetiea of SatrMiel Swajrtwtut ?ctnipir for JaCtion, air.. vaveiiJottttSotv moveU to lay the bi If upon the tabks' ' ' Them6tTon wa.s wiHhdrtwnand;adebaJe Hwrose. upon I he ; meri ts of t he rroest ionv be- fweeh Messrs Ward; Staulvv Barnard, and Ferris. '.V-- -; -- ; Ttyd y&xtas finally laid upon Ifie tabfe bV a wie oi ua to aj. Mther .tH.ls of a con teMedibaracier were.disposed of; when Mr. trlunorer presented & Resolution wbicb was adopted. 16 the effect that the 'House should frocfcedtojhe trom ihe Senate, commencing with those upotrthe table and dien gd into Corhmittee of the WlioJe on the state of the Union, and lake up the Senate Bills to whfch there should be no objection.' v A number of bills were passed in Com- mutee ... - J Our'a are the plant of te, delightful peace, "Unwarp'd by party rage, to. live like brothers FQR PHESIPEN, . c of Kentucky: - .i ' i i mi - -r- RALEIGH, N. C. Friday, September 1 842. GOVERNOR'S ELECTION. Carteret, Greene and Nasli Counties yet remain to be beard from, to complete the return " " TREATY VvTfH ENGLAND. . We publish In to-day 'a Kssirrxa, the important TaAYY, recently eoncleded between this Country and Great Britain. Six months are allowed for' its ratUication. or rejection, by England. , Tbe chief opposition ia the Senate to the ratification m of the Treaty, arose frin Messrs'; Benton,, Alien, Bagby, nd others of lite calibre and standing; and in addition to these Senators, Messrs. Lihn, of Mo. Buchanan and Sturgeon o( Pa. Conrad, of La and Sinith, of Conn, voted "against h. The Treaty, it will be seen, mentioBs nothing in relation to the Creole case ; nothing in regard to the right of search hig vessels (or Slaves ; nor are questions of boundary on tbe Pacific stde.naraeil in iL Perhaps, when -the Coxrespoodence is published, it will show that some understanding in relation to these unadjusted subjects have been' agreed upon . DINNER TO MR. CALHOUN. It is tjelieved, tliat Congress adjourned day before yesterday. If so, the Dinner to Mr. Calhow at Sbocoo Springs, comes off td.iday'--notico having . been given that it would taker place on the second day after the adjournment of Congress; - TARIFF BILL, No. S. This Bill, it will be seen from die Yeas and Nays, passed me senate .hv one vote. -1 ne , atnenarowitt - :' i -v ' ' m "j- r rl ft . - mailejo tbe biU in that body, rendered its transmissipn to the iouse of- Representatives for conenrrence, ne cessary. Its ultimaie fate is mvplved in doubt, for in dependent of the ordeal it has to pass in tbe House, it Win De ejmoseu to.iue vncertam. acuonot ins rrew.- dent. W are glad to see, that bom. -JMr. makqitm and Mr. Graham voted agaiust iu ; THE DISTRIBUTION QUESTION. The Whigsof the House of Representatives suceeed ed, on Friday last, in getting through ' the Committee of me Whole, and sending to the Senate, a bill to re pealiho provision jot the 'tend Ac .of last ssion, which suspends the- operation of that act in the. event ot amies oemg jam ppvn naporus bi a-Higaer rate man 20 per cent ad valorem. It is -remarkable that tbe bill,;received a inajority of. votes .larger by ten than that .by which the Distribution originally passed : the majority for the otigiAal bill being eight votes, and that for.tU&biU now jxwsed eighteen votes. . , . v, THE iWEMEDf ALj 4UTiCE 6fXL - Thia" biU bakbecbrWe Jaw. ' Its design i to give ur'isdiction .t9 Uio Coarts of the United States, Oyer atl questions ring ouj oiuie mye y wu? wci United S,tates and Foreign nations,, so as to prevent cotlion between' Meral Goyrrm)ent "and tlie Stated ' itl(prjev occurred iri NtowYcrtrki suWoi the'McLeod nair; ; ' ArYLAN;D jrVMiGsTATEcdNYENTIONi .. NoKiATiQjr,orMa, Gtxt v -.:,;. - A .very' large- Ctenubaof Delegates rom.: the Connttea' of Marvlaad aaaeubled t , Bakimora on Wednead. weekend tmoimowjr dominated bis av Oturior the next President. Trda seemed to be ihe sots purpose and e ndRhar Conventions. A very superior Ono aw, the cost 6f whichrwas $l;Uuu, ou.iit uy war, c7y &r vc. ui hbw ivtk,uu been preeupu -ur s u vmuiuh, i-.ucumju, a. v ' J0Thq V Ojribri Meromyon, oornmencrag lis I second Yqlarne, makes its bow to the public in new 5'iJiH.j-isrHa jfc-a-... -! - " .. ' j- . . i . 'agMaaaggBE-TangT'" " .., - -it wow4nlrteJinjy Ml.'iifleirfiir bow'iNiriieif.Tli 4aat Ota4eW RwstM Urat yMoWad owe hise-etefiticm jnora to pee, f of his elecVoii haa Ikim a-crprta '8ina00rt;,Ih the inkfct f his , 1 a . a- prove troubieaome-eusiomenu " - ed l6atilrwe.toJ-eirctm here- tained ? tliejr wi have to quit the tog cabin' at Ra-1 Webrerir eravCrelmitatjir netluitfeoatd robironglF Mmmwf-9 Won-w wayv- we aua Oou yon to WKrateatfUdr, justice a SiiiU article of bura m tf.e Rrg ist ca of the 23d ofAiigiiat. in apeapfm. Looo ronr. rn.nru. i si., r .;i.. .i. baUe aeiion'we Faroetked- M '.:.r I" power into an engme ofwrdeemKm. SeJfish jeal ana druBU.fl.tlwy will quarrel aAvgtiieraselrelfocl in eachi otUer-rTey inhabit a crazy Wi& divided iioawB, wmenxannot stand, l lie moderate arid neneetmir uwn of the party start back with liofror &om ttie scene of anarchy which is presented to.their view, and wck en at tue ywngiu ol having been inatrurtierjtaUn bring Hig aboiir aucu a state of things The Carolinian admits, in substance, the truth of our prediction., lis premiaea are, that the Loco have a majority ; and its conclusions, that they wilt make a clean sweep of alt tbe Whig Offioers, Aft cornfe wftW in reach of their political guillotine. In this tneroHesa warfare, it seems, . that neither age or condition" js to tie spared. Very welibe it so; but for- alL their misdeeds, they wilt have o render op a terrible reck oning. lt will be m vat, when summoned before tue people, to plead " tbe example 'set by the Whig." A a examination of he conduct of thctoa parties, will poly serve to place it Jo more glaring contrasts. Ve defy aoy partisan, however bitter, to sftow that the Whig majoiity in our lasa TegMature .adopted a sys tem of Prosci ijicm, though the assertion has been so confidently made, tlmt many persons believe it. ' V1k was, and ia, the PriripaX Clerk of to Senate ? Tho mas G.Sto:, of Franklin an 'open and incorn promising Loco Peco Was h& removed ? .The Lo co Foco prims, themselves, may answer. vTlie Clerk Assistant of-the Senate, and the two Cterks of the House of Commons, were re-appointed, itis trtte-not because they were i-Whig, but because they were faithliit and able Officers, whose situations cannot be adequately supplied, with tlie whole range .. , . . v otiv prin cwduqb iota seteetion. tue same remarit will apply to the Heeds of Departments -oadtnirab4y were alfMerr-dnties discharged, that eveh Loco Foco isirt forbore to bring oat opposition, and they Were re elected almost nanimoustyr The only cases, we believe, where the former .Of ficers were notTe-appointed, ivere those of Thomas B. Whcclch, Door-keeper, and J. R. J. Damel, Attorney-General. In the case qt Wheeler, be was a ! man in feeble health, end was besides, notoriously In- attentive to his duties v was therefore right toappoint - .i w u- i r r i n I another m Ihs place. In the case of Mr. Darnel, we have always doubted tbe propriety of superseding him 1 doubt, in. which so many Whig merrfbers of the i T srri.l.itura n.'rti, .1,-. S 1..,. 1 . - A -t i i , woOfd never have succeeded, but for Loco Foco votes! We do not believe, however, that the Legislature fail- ed to re-elect Mr, Daniel solely on political grounds but admitting that they did call bisacastf of proaerip- Hon for opinion sake end it ia (he only " example J set by tlie Wbizsinthe last Legislature,' to justify the I ood clamor which has been raised against them, smd 1 the only precedent which the Locos will be able , to bring forward in extenuation of their conduct, should they countenance the tyrannous exercise of power, re commended in the abort; paragraph from one of their favorite organs With regard to the remark, that tbe Loeo Foco ma jority may prove troublesome to the Governor, on ac count ol V hisjate doings; we wish the Uarohnian distinctly to understand; that the Loco Focos will ei ther have to eat' their words, or make good their char ges." they have been guilty, we iearlessly say, of false and I ibetlous accusations, pot onljragamst die Gov- ernorof the State, but against the Literary .Board. Having the decided majority of which boast is made, 1 they will have Uie power to siltutioroughly, the trans-1 aotipnot tue ooaro; ;.u tuey tau tooow mat taejre wl some foundatiori for tbe scandalous ' insinuation and aflegationa that have taeen made; ftwehing the. fidelity WUV whicfi iW members hxve. admihisteied their trust, men lei I ' I ' ' P.n.l,,1.,l i,,... 1 . j r.ui- I Back to their lips. " ... THE RICHEST JOKE YET. The N. Y.'.Tibune say a :-Our friend Robert Ty ler, sen and Piivato SecreUry o-this. President, was here e few days ainceVvery deeply engaged jn Politi cal arrangements and Aegoltai ion-. . In one of his con- fereneea with certain Loco Foco - managers, he inno- cendy ait modestly observed that Am father would submit hie claim for re election to a DemoeratU Nationat Convention TlwKtnderhookera screwed tbeir lares intq an agomnng soieranny ourmg me brief remainder-of Uwh' conference, but the Way they guffawed as soon as they ot out, of sight wa. posi tively dangerous. Happily, no blood-vesseU exploded. : BRITISH tlBERTY T,.. ; .t.v, r. new travelling in Hurope, in a letter published in -t1 paper, says of hk . tending in liverjpept : Bandreds of her Majest doUfnlaubiecU crowded the wharf, Manrof them did oot appear to have farmed arty e try ininnate- acqoainaace with -soap or water, tn crowding on tor boat to earn a tow' pence-by earryirlg baggage ashore, they were driven back by two poli men. who receded thjem. The police used ratans or amall eanes, and ipiied them liberally ,at their own discretion, to the shins 'ar .shoalders 'altarnately of tne mduertrionsjto slave ofer Majesty. When I saw one inn dressed 'ir at UHte brief aothorky, ap ply the lash to the ehonldera of his half naked hatf starved fellow subjects,. I thoqgnt ot orris; , cooplet. and wished that the' phtlanlhrepist of. Greti Bniatn would unmuzzle the ox, and Cake the Ibeatd -cot: of thetr Ubots EDITOa'S CORRESPONDENCES tlt m '- - Rithmohd-Mvgust 29. -;Tte Stowdf Wednesdaf last W baergeteeral trirouglrtheTobaW section of ' this' Staw,. and the - - - i - , :. . i t,- . "" v - damage, to the4araa Planters . beyond calculation. Tbe corn Is also much damaged. -V , , ' , ' W . own eye at home,: Before they commenced. thehirTrTTrZ 'tZZJ ffiju of love in ntwjaUvehoiding Strtes in Amerfca.-1-:' trr K5 - ' i . . -a -v- i uu tuuv j utn JW7U wwa.Miu u outer iceui i . . . - ' oaieu) uroaj , aiuueraio, -auu uu uuujo ju jrwea oeipg wufnatsi uwaau IB WUSCltyy OVCOCuaetHn aiucoTny.kist OcurJ4 62wUhout,boyeta. WUeat Wj?. he8tetotao that bai, got. tfJ' K .from'W toWWs, ""TKaffi 4 ' t T - (Dloe Prtersburg fate' 'scer and WilmlastoB - V rt, Chaomdowillntinrje t & vertiaemeo Coqrfiiel in iT4t 9ae bare tebeajfitlmW ejf.wLif Tnna Crar attM f jotJtUimJ. Unit f I'M. Dfm f a majorkj-suWcIejutlarcBVi Jeaelbemilb l-ferVri n-r.f- rwuWti.. 'n.r.r.;- r.-nL. tf CWluanf" if apeiguaaep pf l.4iBridiieethat WqqW jkt no discredit to the . "Standard. No: pro- asaeSUbrStothe consequent upeo lLegiaiatore. No. no, Mr. Varmi off, than the Cobnty of ?rtheXow !and , wamgor tne renev wmen wr vywga tjrgqed wowo jijo acriprae py-a eann uie umtea fctatea. 1 n" "J Mei T w,.jijrww joam.! I bey ,-t4-l toter..mftfy " . They would (said tfcevl te MfeihUMeit: cHarters eh! Mr CioHBaijti rom.wwa j9 plenty as black-frsw& shall a ; wtietUeCk liko pie-crust, they ,wera; ooly made to broken. ' , , . - - s THE LATE STORM- ( ; The Storm of Wednesday ;Mfeek, seenia to have been veryextensiye jn its iSR and toateproduiqed wide spread rftisohiefi ;-"V- w ' j ';' 'i-.C The Tarbo Press; 'says-i-' ; ' We had another tremendoos storm of wIihT and rain on Tuesday and -Wednesday lasti domg i still futtber darhaee to tlie crops. Sets, Tar Hiver is risingtand bids Taw te be as high, as in 'be middle of July .hist. . About tkree Weeks since", we liadj a tresliet-nearhf as biirh as the preceding-co'ie making three greWifrfeeb- els in the snort space ca six weekSiOccnrrescesHu-pte- cedeoted . in the reeollectipu of our oldest cUtaens. , 7 The Norfolk Hej" reraarks-i- : v , The renorts from tbe country, are disheartening. Much of the Corn baa beeic prostrated or broken off; and the Fodder Whipped into lueds or blown' entire- Uom the stalks-f-fepces and trees bio wh down, uj.. At vVasbingtort City, the Gate waareryiieevere. . The Inteltencer remarks Nvet have tlie citizens of Washington 'witnessed a" nvore (heavy and continued ram, than that wxn which we were " visited last : Wednesday evening. About seven o'clock Pennsylvania uventie, from Fiist street toFFofxr-and-a-half street, was one continued sheet of water, resembtiug a broad river--TesembUag a river, too, in another respect, that in front of die; Railroad Depot, from tbe overflowing of Tiber creek, -there was, water, sufficient to tfoat beats and canoes, of large dirneefKms. . Soo tb:woodea, tNridtnteeted al treaeb across ihe,avenae, near the Depot, gave way, both in ibe centre and on die nOrtE 'side.' Tbe water ruslied into all the cellats, and even 'into the-' rooms pntte first floors of many houses situated on the nordt side dfennsylvanutiyeBueliween Second 'fitVeets, cauaiag great datfiageto the goods, proyisiQns,rlicjpori5, furniture, &.C. which happened to be deposited there, end which, sut-h'wai tlie rapidity of the flood there was' oct : time td remove.? In one dwellinsr.wbicb. is rather . tower than the rest, near tbe Derxit. the room on the first floor had four feet depth pf water in Jr. - A piano farte had to be raised "e rom-Hirevent tue water rrom oowmg into it The pavement 4n .front of the -Raitioad Depot was - T.T tnrn th(Sir door nnliftedTacS the base merit completely filled with, water. So? the fear pf .the Depot, all along the . track e Jar esttieeye 1 f COUIQ KjaCD, WaS OHp CODUffllOUS 8Ue Ot WSMffr. So far as we have been- able to ascertain, on a ffret- tv minute inquiry, it-does not appear that any -human lives have been lost by this extraordinary tempest and flood, (either in this city otits immediate, vicinity. 1Ve are prepared, however, . to hear, as ; we fear we soon sliail-that much darnace has been done. in tbe fruit gardens, corn fields, &e. in this part of rhe connfry: Ii : $j calculated by those who iSre mbnlikeljriokTrow " P'V mt! -ry 'e arnoomoi irom 919. yjw to 9ZU,wvt uas oeu sacriuL-eu wy uiejiMe uuouauu tempest " At Baltimore, we learu that the Stofra caused great destruction of property iftivaripns - parts of Tthat City, consisting mostly of Goods, stored: in Warehouses bor dering on the wharves which"1 were completely over flowed, and some of the tower portions of tbe tow in their vicinity wholly wtmHuated , in conseueneeof an unprecedentedrise ofjwater Jn tlie harborsaid ito be from five to sue (eetJiigher than was ever before known. The general overflow did ' not take place until about four o'clock in the morning, when tbaAnzens ;werfe &om X tba rhwini of tells. F wj-" -.hairenniataneei-w 'oiiBe.W' bo at. tt0buted the surpristnc extent of the damaae sustained. wfaich u ,upposetl not to faU sliort of 100,000 , -Aft -ihe wharves were flooded; from Jower ,rt r,r VpV Point to the head of the basin - STion apprehension were entertained that the ' gate wbieU cajjed (bis tiau?oal & the tide at Baltimore had luni vtn mnr(liHlrniM tunv tl RiMr.knA'nnia w..r... .w. r- - roast: ' V ' . . . -. -- 1 POSTSCRIPT- Several Members, ef Congres3,arrived in the Cars, last evening, who slate jbat the Tariff Bill, No 3, and the bill.to repeal-the leta law, suspending ttsOWra.tiotf wheo llipdutkJ exceeii 20 ner cent, have both finally passed.' and were -iri die hands mresident, w tntl. Us aroVw 1 yrj yetoed.": Cojrsfess adjodrhdbn Wednesdv,: 1 'an Unfortunate object of bomaintr.bo calls bimeu" Jemif-Wi t-' aoswisad who bfvuppoaed te IwveaoX tiered-eir trem bra- tiuardian, Was-tor this trtyf ( Sat,' etgh, about a jneatb' since, and W -atitt" iits vicialfy ne aaya ne u:irom mecateaourfr y a. aaa xetnptatna "-riinanifraUonal wayof.the hard I wbo ttjy had th' Care oTbim. jtEeatatABt 01 nroae For farther infor- j maxion, eacrair .Voet-paidJ at 1 the Register Officek KaieigUv . . - FHiLUVr fWhe9l.EM.lif:U8tiUr I A 8AFKrAil''FJSCT 1 , Kneumatisaa, LumtH opitujuv orobes, Nsb 1 nea Ue wru5,.Pve jo.., f , v.--. , , 'C WLUAM3 H.AYWODDa. September 1st- J0 isow4w,l Ranawar front his Master, in thfs CI 'S' 'i1pedTJpHNbe asiruaiesjhe name sTVTTi TT ofegiagenneif. Hevrai purchased bi 1 mucfr decayed. He aa but tittle to say; onless apo. kn to; and generally fcetde Ms bead ereet Ha has a J raoXher Uving in Chaxleaon, 8. arnJ Vbrelher in nW.-WW1"!. an efibrlto get J th; oflhew P1- rHeta irmiiageiit; t w pim,M m five wait. .'r x ne aoova 1 Rswwd - of Tweoty Vtve TUlwi vllt bo'U of Jisis Eawxaiw. Sheriff of1 Witra P.mfV a :haHAi am ;..ax t"-i wo ihsaa arae m 1 iaa - - -arf S O U Tit R N T O AT ICS "A'-'.iAMl tV-Trf lift iV- i H " r-'.ki eaver $X orffi-t the Dnw Boots, Shoes arid '..V Ia new receiving,- and will continue to receiv tim.l eompleted, hU Fart Woclt f BootS) beea, and Brw gans, which have all bhsejepted by ,hus with great care, among wbicivmay T fclvsidL UMSfoUowine in pfrt, vit.. - &"&W.t& No. JOOQ pair Men's Cpaniaoii Pegged Progani flr ta 33 2000 do do - dik ia i : .Jto w.i i fi to.. 11 WOO do eV idrjwsjgj-, vtoJr JCOO 'aViye- ''tf0;?tPegMd' f-to ldr A 1000 3o i do ; do- ooS W ; toa?' 150Q do a dcrV" Sewed 'da -? MS H K 1000 do" do do .' Ha ' y" do . .'. '"tf to-'tl iota) tdo -Broy..: do ? i pgdo: :;VtJ znou -oo WoV. do , dH do -Wdtf ::i '--'.: 1009 do ;-:4o- do do'do -do KoWfr KWftt LadieatSeal VVatlwK 100(f da ; da do ( do r do " to : - ISOO do ' do kd & too. do do r" "t ui ' o- 5J000 do " doT - do da Slinnera VVtV . Mis a 10it 2000 rdotrtIdVeQanoeianJ neOtoesC 4 v ; " 60 Di, Brtdle, r.v,--vv- :fi i ?--. s5"- 'i .. MQ Ifalr.-endi JX&i!k& , :: -j.:-Xea5her.Travelh;Trns f- - , Old customers and tbe public are mvfied to eH atlhd exssirne lefote purcbaaiog, aa -mr pricea will torre. rpottd;witbtbe tiaiea...'. ' 'jv KttVi " " v- ;:- v - A VJD R. XBW0M. Peteriqr, Angeat..trt-r.. rtO-? ' CC5: -Koanoke Advjoeirte jnd)aiTi:epi pieae copyfor3 weeks and sen'd thr-accouata Jo thcvPatessb4ifg;-IntsiUgeneer fi celtectiori. r' h A: rotate or Worth Carolina Chtax. 5 Coomj. fjuttrt el.Pleaa and Qukrier" Seawewav Aocost. Terin, 1842,"':" j; V. ?4.$?;,. Isase' He.-ulen aitd. wffeTernranej Jbd DarkJ and wife PatfeyDaid Pil wife Mall, Sad , ,8amoeJ 0fBtcbJddindwif : niiam ileaden, Jt. end Pimpeaden. r ;. Psfitim fa;pivtion of JLkni efVnUiam Heaim. TYPpearirrg, :m:.!tn9;fatiaiton.of tbis.tuVt, hi Li Pini J. Headea. one of ,the Xfendami, rsides be T.. y oud the bmUaoftne otatef- it is merefore vrdfred, that publication ' be made ia th rtsleh Ilegbtot Jor one mombv for said .Defendant 'to appear at the'fiexi . term of taid Oonrt, at the" Court Hcmna Phtstkxa?. on. the aecond-Monday -w rtovember next, then'and there to-anser the matters set form m the 'Petition, y; otberwise the " Petition will be heard pro c6nfc$o ' Witnesv N A. Stedman, Clerk f -said Uouxi at OfBce, the second Monday of Augest, 1 842. ' c ; ; -V Nr A. STEDMAN, Werk, :V Pr.Adw. $5. --, ' ' '; :?- -v ' ;7f 4w ' 1TATE f Ildrth CarrllQi(tCBiTfK CSUeusty. .Court of Plea and Qaartar Seastotiar ' August Term. 184a. ' ; ..-v;;.;;vi;iV. : wUliaar A vent, Henderson WiKtonGuardian'ofbUiv rxunor cnuureo ,t viz. Joan . vy H jiarj,yfviiana Andrew VVilwn, Thoraa Goi aQdwrfe(artha,. . Theophijus.lwrence and wife Mary, Cabin Btary and wife" Hiarrief, Jooisa Averit, Benry A veriC Jo aeph Aent Isaac Aventnd Elizabeth AvenC -. Petition for the Division 'efhIkmdiof WittUm. It appearing to the sathdacuon 'of - the Cou toar Defendant, John Aveot,; br-iiot sV resident' of tbui State : It.w therefore; ordered tka rmofiarUoo le niade in the Baiejgb Register for aiwVaav for eai Defendant tprear at tbe;aextterm of said Cocut; a the Court douse in PitudoroVoDlb second Monday ' in November next, then and there to answerlhe toaV tore' M foiA in the, Peritieni Ottaemiaeithe PetiUnQ ww tie neara ex parte ae-ta nun. ,r -1 Z Witness, N. A. 5iedman, Clerkof said Cnprt-mt Office, the second Monday of Auzusr, 1843. " , n. A STEDitAN; Clerlt Pr Adt.l3 6t; - ' Trf6r" TATE of north Carolina tbix Cetinty. Court of PJeaa 'and Quarter Sewionic, John Hatley and wife Sarah;. John, L ionet AdnhV jr.!.-- a. i - ' f--.-.- ... ' . Hnuivi Kiaiui oioof-axui rnsrue(Oqaf Jaates Q, Brewer and wife Jane; and WiHiam Stone"' Petition for ale of Steves f Marthb SloTte; deceased. It appearing to the satisfaction of 'the Court, ibat tht Defendants in this eae are: noo-reaidenu jjf thie State. It is therefore ordered, that publiratioit be made .' io the Raietgtf Register for six weeka. for aaid tieftnd anta to appear lat the next terra of .;said Coort,;at thjs" UenrtHouaam November nexCthenlind there to plea ansernde caurTor the Petinpirwitt br hekrdjeaf parte as to theorj pii Adv.or2; 1 -'n. .-' ' ' t0 6w TATE of Korth Ca r oi Ja-XKArH Uuunty. Coart of Pldae and Quarter 5erimv A c'r8t:Terni.'.l842 ,f,, Jr.u !Ji(n: Kirtiy, Jamea jrtggakf e and wbtTapfy Dollar and wife, Allen Maim -and wife, U. VV.- ElUogter. ' aWu-andEBzabeth Kirbr. v ' Wmiam KirV, Elisha Kirby.'iimea fcifhy. Iafit : :Kift j-aSd the VeM'eeeotativss an3 neirJ- of Hardy -' '.KirbydefiHfi.' . - M .. . '. It aptasartoc-to the aaikfaetioa'of the. CocvfLV rhm - die DetV&datits irr thts case ate1 non-residents of hi V Ktte; it is therefore ordered, that btrblieatiott be-inaJe in Ibj 4tateiglr Hegkter for six weeks, lot aai3 Defend-' "ants to appear at the nett taroi ef aaicf Court, at the Court Houe In PituboTo', on' the "second Mohd ay W , Jf evensber next, then and there to" answer' the natters set ima ia. the Petkion or. the ftHtoo jwiU Wfekfifc pro confeato and beard fscptrrti. r 4 ; C Z mT ; .WimeA8touiatW ; qierkofonreaid fonrO t aDic Atao t842'.S.r . gJ Countyr Court irf.Pkaa ami Quarter Beasiona; August Terpx 5ZVZ- !co,v i i w Llfc Cleg.Adminlstrttor of JVilliaja Avent,decaH IreiKiJohn;itMarx,f;jlva and Andrew J,). VVitliam A vent,-Thoii Coi and .wife Martha: k , Theophilu Lawrence and Wife Mary, Calvjn Bray ,..aoo wae iraxriet, Jjouirt Atcnt IJenry Avenu Joseph" AyeiU, Isaac Artt,and Elilabeth 'AtcoU Jehor Avent.v u -ijTJ vr V -' - PetZion fur tale ef Slave v itrcairin!?a the kati&cuon.of .the Court, thai tbe'Dfendant, Jehjr Averrt, is oot a resident of ttii State r-U is therefore ordcred,hat publicatioo Wrnade mthe PriJeij ant to aoDAa Court House '"4 --"Va- s - witness, owotnan', v?ier: ox asm -iooart. at OffJctClhc aeiefld "Monday lo A ncest. t842. - T -"v5vs:'i- vN-'A; 8TEDMASC Ce? ;!r Kejister far sit weet?, for'citJ Ucnd , r at the next terta of eeii' Ur: artbo . ' . r mPiiSsborefion the second ;.5D!;tJri - J ' ffovetober rjext. then end thara to aaawe t V- $ tnaitera;- . frth m trie PeUtion,' or tie aaaev,U U fcctrtt; eitmsrfeeato bint. . - -T v" - - . W rtnesa,' N. A. StednjaO,-Ork of ttr eaU Celt, ; at Ofiice. the second Uondajltt ASugUi?- " 12. r j V . . , Wt4i AfTEDAi.-., Clerk.-K '. .V 2 ...v.-: A a t i. i r : 'V- r 1 vl V 4. -i X i i a . 4f 'A. ..,V- ; ,. 1 7' . i ; A' t" , - - A,

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