i -. , -; l - . ' . ,- -.i.r.-'-.v I Vsif h 5toV -;.a jr,i'i ? MM CAM V(L.XLilI. SEMI-WEEKLY. TUESIAY,rOGTOBER 1; 1842 ANB I EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SpBScaipnox. Fiivo Dollars per annum -half in Advance. . - j y ; v--V -e Advkrtiskment. For every Sixteen IAttet first insertion, One Dollar ; each, subsequent insertion, Twenty-five Cents.; : .v. J ' ' toum Orders an J Judicial Adtk&tivkmkmts wilt be charged 25 per cent, higher ; tot a deduction of 33$ per cent, will be made frotr the regular prices, (or advertisers by the year. , " i ' Advertisemenu, Inserted in the Semi.Wievt Register, will also appear in the Wjejtxly Paper free of charge. V '. ! ' v""" CO Letters to the Editor must be roST-PAn. j A TRUE STORY. Many years ago, it was found necessary to beseige the Fort called "Budge-Budge, some lew nines irora uaicutla down the nrer, which the natives had held in spite of our renaoh- jtrances, probably sapporteC in their hostile obstinacy by the French and Dutch govern meats, who, as all. ibe world knows, have se veral settlements in the East Indies. These settlements we could wrest from them in an instant, but, for some unaccountable reason or other, we allowed tliem to remain in their hands to the no small hindrance of justice and equity, since it frequently happens that characters deserving punishment for their of. fences have merely to cross the river, and iii tea in mutes are beyond the pale of British law. having- round refuge in Uhinsurah. or. some other foreign town The existence of these little colonies have stilt a worse effect in case of disaffection among' the Indians inasmuch 8 they are ever ready to pour forth foreigu eini&saries, who urienlly - foment the feud. and mislead the poor natives, by holding out hopes of assistance from their respective countries.. . ) . ' ; !i Such had been the case with Budge Budge, the aforesaid Fort, before which a couple of frigates and some armed boats were lying at the time of my sketch The native garrison which amounted to about six . hundred m6n, bad vainly been summoned to . surrender. For tliree days, long shots iiad been fired at them, but as the fortress was built of mud, no; sooner was the smallest breach made than it was instantly closed up and rebuilt strong er than ever. One of the comcaiiders advis ed the adoption of a storming party ; Jilj brother officer, however, differed -from him, urging that the place was Hoo weiF garrison ed to be easily carried by assautL The optn- ions of the two leaders were forwarded to Calcutta, and the reply wa expected to be returned on the morrow. 1 James Btmting (se we will call the old-tar) heard all thesejpatoters, as he styled thenii and looked very knowing."" He understood there was a chance of fighting, so he felt per- j lectly delighted, i 1 o his berth he descended, j and as usual, when he wasparUeularly hap-j py, managea to get particularly aruns, ana i turned in evidently! worse for liquor.. ; Now, it so happeued that in about an hour after he I uau uius tieuiea niwseu ia ma uauuupcA, ue i suuueniy awoke. A burning tever, an ago nizing thirst parched his mouth, so he arose j and went to his locker,: but, alas IJJi'e, bad drank p.vitrv 4mnnf.tUK linni lie nna and where to find more beknew not. Aboard .,-. , j - , ..lv.;' -i the vessel he had no iiopee rlhore- washts only chance i so. linseeri by anv one he made to nay 1UUJ HIP rOWiJ u'uisiii i from tlm r.hftinc. or from the nbrt. bole or 111 tun. .M I. n V. hvl IrtA.lllA MmBAII 1 some such place; apdatruck out for the beach. where Be landed safely, in spite ot alligators, sentinels, and all other similar opposition. Wh. i,fl'1,afl Wn'irHV watar frnm 'hM . .... ... . . p . . - look around for a shop, where he could iiua some of that liquor, or some arrack, i to- lake the chill off the water he had swallowed ; but alas ! no building of the kind met his view,; i t. '. ? jri iu'"-iwrukl not a single habitation $ould he iee. rne Fort frowned , gloomily,, oyer him in sunen grandeur ; no other ; place 5twherevtbe jpiiM8 were likelv to rWi round could i hei discover eiue. 10 in e time, to oe laueneu at or ni comrades on his. return for the4 wildbgrtbsd chase he had undertaken, was by no mean4 palatable to Dunlin.- Td be baulked is A maxim unknown tit a sailor ; so, rather than lose his eroff, he determined to lose his life. or. at nil event to'! risk it. , Without furtheM atl. hA hoan senlinff the' walls of the Port! . fiiir he easily managed, and in a few mo- rcetit found himself at the lop of die glacis. Elated at hii 'success,' tie began shouting ai loud as ever he could wli to the horror of the garrison, who' inslanily fancying tl6b selves astatled; started up, and to run to Uie'p'othr they; supposed thelbariet for Hides.'. n, . y-i WM. N.SHAUCK 1 .attacking parry haU HMde a ooa tougement, when Jim, who had scampered round the de lenres, began to shout from me opposite awe, nu- tutkuenly lowering htmseil into tne j ed to accommodate .with comfrtabM Board, commenced cheering s loud asAe could,, irrf- j ivsktv Metshers of jths. approacbng, General As termingling the Vociferations 1 with Ctiea ir 1 sembly, at their commodious pardiBg: House in the liquor. Assailed, as they suhposed Jon-both? sides, '"O Cllf. Ill V SlfTllItlt Iff' fff IllJI f APIrPllH. ' aUIiripcU .. : .-""-v :, 1 . . r n me middle of the mffhu expecting nothing 'CSS than In ho niii n nto... In lli V A ar if . What could ihiv Aril Tha kravAstTmforfitwtilN I... , .J ' "T-eT- "esuaie : unah e t.l nV fia t.thftr. confused and astomvded theaturallrtip.i istotlmlMtu ihAatntTrvaiin. stounded, Ibey Tiatuirallyup. ica tHtoyw Tbey. hd- lefttopursueV They opened ucY nau DUt one rmit-co .1 - a a last. ,HU B lflt w iucii ,cei Would rarrw than. I ,t. . -----1 hiu icaiiiiE wic luwu quiet possessmrt of 'Jim Bunting who and slept for a couple of hours, when he awoke, perfeQtly sober, though about as much puzzled to find himself alone, and in the enemy's Fort, as the poor man was in the Arabian Nights, when he suddenly, found himself transformedlnto an eagle. , Jim rubbed his eyes. He pinched his legs', and walking up to a tank actually drank three mouthfuls of water before he could be lieve that he was awake. . He then strutted up to the ramparts; 'and convincing himself he was in his ; proper senses, for there lay the two frigates and there floated the. union jack, for which he had often risked his life. Shiver my timbers ! but this is a queer go i said 'he, and -with that he twitched up - his trousers as usual, and hook the pigtail which then bung from every sailor's head. The vessels perceiving a man thus expose himself, began to fire at him. -Avast there!- shouted Jim; but, as they did not hear him, or attend to him, he ran to the principal battery, and climbing the flag staff, pulled down the. Dutcb colpursatid hoisted up a ragged old turban be found lyjug in one of the streets. The commander of the vessels thought this, extremely odd. -Something strange had evidently happened : so they sent a boat on shore, bearing a flag, of truce, carried by the first Lieutenant or one of the frigates. Unmolested they march ed into it. Not a son did they meet till Jim strutted up to them. - Holloa, yon sir, what's the meaning of this V said the first lieutenant to hunting, in voice of anger; for it was sadly infra dig. for an officer of his rank to have been sent off to parley with a common sailor. What's the meaning of this T Pleaseyour honor, I hope yon won't be angry, Leftedant, but somehow" or other, V ve taken this place.' The enemy have cut the painter, and sheared off Jim nodded. m N And, pray; who the devil gave you. leave to do so, I should much like to know ? Go on board, sir, direcUy. In the mean time the Lieutenant went, and formally took possession of the place, by running up the British colours, then writing a most pompous despatch, in whieli he re commended the real captor to be tried, for leaving his ship, without permisfion; he sent it baek by a young, midshipman, remaining behind himself witfar half-a-dozen sailors, in order, as he expressed it, to garrison the foil. Strange to say,'his recommendauon was attended to, and Jim Bunting brought to a court martial, who most reluctantly were com pelled to find htm guilty, adjudging him, uowetfet, id Qftderffo the least noHftihle pun ishment that could be inflicted for so glaring a breach of discipline. Jim highly indignant at the turn : ' thinzs - had taken , cou Id not help fancying himself an ill used man, but he bore it stoically. ! When however, he heard the verdict delivered ; when he beard himself pronounced" guilty ; he once more bitched his hether garments and exclaimed in an audible voice as hei left the cabin, D n my eyes, if ever I take another Fort as long as I live. Need I add, though, to satisfy the strict- ness or the law, to which all in the navy must buw. the verdict of ruilty was brought in, ' he Was - afterwards amply praised, ' and rewaruea oy nis superiors r v-l a fine lot of LUMBER can be bought at 1 r rosTVcMii.i.V Wake Coontyiat a very chesp rate. First jate Weather d. Flaring jod all oiher kindsV Pliefear of moil, f dum rcu np. urov juur urucn wuivuuu- ' X w u-.wlfii.Li rftuimrniAi. 4Uettded to; and as money is no object, a credit wiU be ' ' - Mnt given W jnrfH. vuavvutcia. , . , . . , , A. J. FOSTER. October 1st, 1842. 80 em14 ORG , Jl EW , BOOILS, J ut received L 1 Chemistry, witn additions c! c; By Hope Leslie, by the Ahthor of the Linwoods, &c. Means and Ends. by. Miss Sedgwick, s v , 4 t i Random Shots and Southern Breezes, Liebig's Or ganic Chemistry', Letters and Journal of Lord Byron, n(f 8 ? .re -3 m?'Z u .Works of Lord Byroni wtV notes by Tom Moore, 8lf Walter 8co,4c &c. - ' ; Writings of Washington i with a life of the author, by Jared sparks, in -13 -Voja; i t s . 1 i . . 1 TURNER &. HUGHES. I Raleieh. N. C. October 1842. 81 --rr1 ; fTT) r aud rc thJS PillSUWe bayefa fresh sup I fY nlv we were , about sav.. of this valuable Medicine tout to those who have tried tbem. It is un necessary to say soand those who have not tried them Would be slow perhaps kq believe os. It is, however, a serious fact that we' could name at ieat one family, whAi thR'rr retrubir . nad for several years past, ', has nada the PhvaicMin's visits few and . far j betwe-' Our new boxes contain 25 Pills each, iheofd only TfrWlfcl. CJIVIiS iTIlE highest, Cash price for J. BARK and HIDES, delivered at my; Mills, 6 oS. 4 ,V - . l a Ml ucying luera l- bef fbr Sal and Calf Sluns, all of d were: aooullf-ij.i lowlfoir Cash, or 60-31 ti Hoarding for J72cznbcti3 1 - nn puttJATIf-SISTERS will be prspar- rear of thtf BankofCspe Pear. Early application is S&& Sept'sbtS. I lIT TU ..'.-i. ......Ann'kna TTnv nnnns ibh kuuvauiga 1 1 Urayt f JktaT rrw--iJAMES ' M. I n ? vu rMm W Xarth hta Fall simhlv f Masonablfl Goodxu which will render hisas- r-rrv - -., , . . - 1 sortmenl very complete f ah Deuu 01 w uu- n the public generally, is to can and examine ior jggy"B he is deterroined to sell on terms to suit 6 fof wh of to -uaemd CUgtoniers. 4 October 6. - j - "211Ll1i 4 &gM :'fS!ffiSS PHIWCIPE and SesarJ, for sale by Havana If. lu STl rii, DxuggisU , Student of. the celebrated Fratlhnson, of Germany. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, SPECTACLES, Ac. Mr. TISE resDectfutlv informa the citizens of naieign, and the nubiic ffentsrallv thi he will be in Raleigh, by Wednesday, the 16th of November next. where he will be happy, for a few weeks, to attend to all orders in his line He will alao, if required, go to any part of the City where his services are wanted. reraons wishing to procure Spectacles, or to have new glasses fitted in old frames, are informed that they can be suited with glasses of different sizes, colors and forms, and suited to any age, which he can determine by inspection of their eyes. The glasses which he famishes he will warrant to hold their oower of vis ion from five to eight years. From his knowledge of the science of Optics he can determine the -dames suitable for any age. Persons with weak eyes can be supplied with glasses which will greatly benefit them and not strain the sight ; also Spectacles for near-sigbi-ed persons, and those who have been operated upon lor cataract or tne eye. He would particularly call the attention of the public to a new sort of classes and conservers of the sight, made of the best flint and azute glass, and ground perspective. These glasses have been recommended by the most celebrated doctors and professors, as the best in their effects on the eye. They are the best of the kind for preserving and im proving the sight in continued reading and writing, in which case they not only relieve the eye, but also strengthen and improve the sight. It is not necessary to say mere thai that he has testimonials of the mo.t celebrated professors of Germany, that his glasses are made of the best and finest material, and that they are ground true and exact. They are, therefore, far pre ferable to the mass of rough, irregular and unevenly ground glasses that are daily painted off, and which are very injurious to the eye. God glasses may be known by their shape, exactcentre, and shsrp, clear, and high ly polished surface. These qualities are to be found in a high degree in his glasses. Optic ah Isstrvmxitts of all descriptions, among which are small and large Telescopes, Microscopes and Spy-Glasses; Concave and Convex Glasses, without frames; Concave and Convex Mirrors; Gold and SUver-steel Spectacles of all kinds; different descrip tions of Magnifying-Glasses; large and small Magic Lanterns. His Microscopes will magnify objects five thousand times. Optical and other similar Instruments and Glasses carefully repaired. Mr. W. assures the public, that it shall always be bis study to execute every thing entrusted to him with the greatest care and on moderate terms. Those in want of any thing in his line will please give him a call. He nas now on hand a general assortment of Goods.. Spectacles; with Concave and Convex glasses, also with Glasses of each kind. He has but one price for s articles, from which he does not vary. . n .. . . w . . 04 nejerenct i maae to fne following ututn: Richxohb, September 9, 1840. I have frequently had occasion to recommend per sons laboring under defective vision-to Mr. Wise for relief, and always with success. Mr. Wise keeps an extensive assortment of Spectacles and Optical Instru ments, and ho, thoroughly understands the adaptation of glasses to the physical defecU in vision indeed, he has made the Science of Optics and Optical Instru ments a special study,' and therefore, I have no hesita tion in recommending him to the pnUlic Surgeons who may desire Cataract Glasses (of any focus) for their patients, ran be supplied by Mr. W. upon the most reasonable terms. TH JOHNSON, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy and Phynology in the Med. De partment of liampaen sayaney wuege. Mr. Wise is worthy of extensive patronage, from a long and persevering snort to pertert nunselt in ; a knowledge of Optics. He has paid particular attention to the adaptation to Glasses to the defects of Vision, and a frequent apportnoity of witnessing the success of his efforts in this way; has induced me to give him a certificate or qualification. ' AH ages, and Glasses suited to Eyes noon which operations have been performed, will be aided in get ting back lost sight, as far as arUncial means will do it. EX) WD. H. CARMICHAEL.M U. Taylor, Murdocla Co AUCTION l ER3 'AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 30, North side Vendue Range, ChartesUm, S. Q. TinjJS AUE DAILY receiving from Importers V V and Manufsctureri, the latest styles and best qualities or English French, and , American: o i a- PLE A vn FANCY DRY GOODS, and are offennc them at the lowest prices at private sale, a welt a- unreservedly at AactfonV on our usual tenhs. We are also generally supplied with 8HOES, B00T8, HATS, CAPS, PAPER, ROPEi &c. from the va riomvFaoioriesi ' We invite the attention of our Couu try friends., t , October 1. 79-61 . pr,;Ad"v'i3:" V?1 f GRANVriLE COfJHTY, 2i. : C fYr HE Trustees tf this Institution, for the purpose Sf of supplying the male department with Teachers for the next year, will give, to a Classical Teacher s salary of $200, and the tuition fees. . And to an English Teacher, to be connected wuh the ame de partment, they, will give a salary of $300. ' Applica tions wilt be received until the 15th day of November. Thev eel fully warranted in saving that ihe location is high and healthy and the society good, end that it presents a situation, in every oinl of view, highly fa vorable for a good School. - '1 By order of the Board of Trustees: v : J. HILLIARD, SecVy 8epi 9r 1842. 79-t 10th Nov. ANTfiD By a young man who hasad ex penence in teaching, a situation as Teacher in a private family, or as Instructor of a public school in a healthy ' neighbdrhood' in one of the Southern Slates. , The course of mrtruction will include the EnKlish studies, together with i Latin and Greek. Satisfactory testimonials of character and capacity to teach will be given. ,t J , ?? 'i" : , Communicatioparaddt-Msed, poet paid, to Kev. A. I J. Leavenworth, E. P. Nash, J. H. Tyler, of ters- bure, Va., will seceive immediate attention. ' v 'October: 1.1842. ?" r :) 79 6t 'TOTIC13--'The 8u3Mcriber. having qualified at jjf i August Terra, 184V as Exeeutor on the Es tate of die late James Hint on, requests all persons in- TKntTllTr Z 7hZSlT. mentwithm the time prescribed I by law, well authen ticated as the law directs, or this notice will be plead in oar or taeir recovery. n .s -rt-xt a M&v JOHN IV POWELL, Est . .. . r . September 20,vl842.Vusj3,iiW H 7ft-8t .OOOO OFFEl We do roost respectful ly request all those, who are indebted to us for ks, who find, under the pressure of the times, that . their situation i such, that they are Unable to pay for them, will please return: tbem, and add a few old ones, to pay for the use and ' damage' of them, and let us balance the accounts, and do not tax us with postage on Bankrupt notices. " J - boo V f, TUKalSR & HUGHES. William Thompson; Cabinet and Furniture Wure-Uo use, Raxexgu, N C. nnHE Subscriber has now on hand at his furnish- syetteviiie & Hargea Sireeis, a cnoice assorunent U ing Ware Rooms, just in the rear of Messrs. of w he above branches,by far larger than form rumr A Hiiffh Rrvik 8tnr. ireneral assortment Tty kept, and as they always sell -at very moderate of Articles in his Kne, made in the most faithful man- ner, after the newest and most fashionable patterns, and which will be warranted. They will be sold at such prices; as to leave no excuse for Sending to. the North for, Furniture. Call and look, be lore you send from home. WILLIAM THOMPSON. R-deh, April , 1842. 28 tr? Walnut, Birch, Maple and Poplar Lumber, well-seasoned, taken in exchange for Furniture. TERY DESIRABLE PROP- - ' erty Tor Sale, In tbe City or RaleI5n.rThe Subscriber, being e- sirous of moving to his Plantation, wishes to sell his HOUSE AND LOT in this CHy. The Property is situated on Newbern Street, east from the centre of the Capitol. The House is a large two sto ry building, forty-two feet by twenty-eight, witn a pas-1 - .V U .U . .1 tka Iaih 1 floor and four above, with Fireplaces to each It has a basement story of hammered Rock the whole extent, which is intended for a Dining Room, etc with afire place at each end the basement Rooms not finished. There is a superb Rock Stable, two stories high, twenty-four by thirty feet square;also a Rock Smoke-house and good frame Kitehen; and an excellent Well of Water. The Lot contains from six to seven acres of ground, , which have been highly improved. The House is beautifully situated on an eminence, near the front line AH the improvements have been made J within three years, and cost the builder over six thou sand Dollars. This desirable property is now offered for four thousand dollars .Time will be given the purchaser, but the notes will draw interest and undoubted secu rity will be required. Persons, desirous of living in Raleigh, have now an opportunity of purchasing a desirable residence, at a very reduced price, E. P. GUION. Raleigh, August 25. 68 tf EDG E WORTH SCHOOL, AT GREENSBORO , GUILFORD COUNTY, If. C. fTnHE PRESENT 8ESSION of this. Institution, U will terminate on the 25th October. The next Session will commence on the tenth November fol lowing. The flourishing condition of this School, renders it a very desirable place for those, who intend to obtain a most substantial, as well as a very ornamental baa-1 cation. The excellent arrangements of the School. I and the salubtity of the place, warrant Parents and Guardians, in resting entirely satisfied of the safety of I their Children and Wards. New Pupils are requested to be punctaal in their arrival, at the commencement of the next cession. Greensboro . September 1842. W1LLIAITI CSOKDOIV, cdMMiSSION MERCHANT, Richmond, Va. References. MM.,ryCa. . Richmond. Messrs Dontap, Moncore 4" Co. 3 Messrs. A. Kevan. 4. Brother,- . . ? rl Messrs. Mcllwaine. Brownrey & Co. 5 , ' Norfolk, Va. Mr. H. B. Montague, an experienced dealer in To- bscco, WiH pay special attention to the interest of the LiIBBSai advances on an proouce wnea in. nana, j and proceeds temitted to order, i: . . Jutv'b. IK4X.' ; : 00 t u H Cough I BofCi negUcl it ! L .7??ZZ f7, Zl...J, I Qhermau'8 Cough jLoxenges, Are the j safest, most sore and efTecfual remedy for Cough Colds,' Consumptions, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Tightness of the Lungs or1 Chesti Ac 4;c The pro prieteW has never known SB instance where they did not give perfect satisfaction. SeveraJ thousand box es have been sold, with the last year, restoring to health persons in almost every stage of consumption t";i'.' ' ' t.t. mr'iliAa lWin- under the most distressins- eolds nA m..rha. ' Vh, drt not ehik tm3 au the .. . . - ,1 cough, out renuer it easy, proraow expectoration, ai - lay titer tickling or irriUlinn, 3 04 remove the proxi- mi nt --Vuin Thev are made from . com- bination of the most valuable expectorant; or couch mmlirinps. and are undoubtedly suiwrior to cvervlhina in use for ihow comidamts. Hundreds upon bun- 1r.N f r-nifiiRn have been offered of their won- l.rfnt v'trtneiu from those who have. been saved from an untimely grave, aud restored to, perfect health, - . . . h nin!r them - - - The above Medicine may be obtained at the Drug o. r '--wtiii.M. Jb' 11. ..-...l .. irn. r r ... e h tf...iu.. ... , lu-i-'- u N. L, Stith, with lull directions accompanying each lforaita Worms Wwrms I bernian'A Worm l-ozenges, proved in fc3mer" (ban 400,000 cases to be infallible ; the ont ly certain wortn-deslroy ing medicines ever discover ed. Many' diseases arise frotn worms and occasion ! Vsr T ' : isssik H their ever being susected ; grown persons are very punu yf e ww. e oJ 9euK. often afflicted, with them and are doctored for various FlfOW simple, yet how wisei how good and beau complaints, without any benefit ; when one dose of liiJ tjfal are all the laws of nature! Simplicity and oug. awl, inieiiBV uucuug uu cicn umiu, niwvui thsA T.rtTPnorpa would aneediiv eur4heaa. , . For sale in Raleigh by Williams & Haywooa and mtgnty wortus wbun tou m apace in every tte N 1 Stith, "f " r j oftvelocityand directtiin are all governed trr. til j - ; i vi n 7 ",", .iii i, '' I " i i i ,imi I traction of matter to matter. This nrincipie gcftitlis TT7INGL1SH .TEACHER. A young gentlemsn J2sl f Virginia, who has bad several years experience in teaching the usual - branches of a liberal Eneluh of Uterary carcity apd mural character desi - Bnu.:.!NL:ik, ' iu bttiKMiuni uu wu ou vmuwvtuo, uwucn kwiuv eommunuy ' ra north . Carolina. -Uommunicatioos, Post paid, addressed to T. 8. C Ritcbievitie, Dinwid- die Co. Va will meet with prompt attention, A young man who is anxious to take charge . of an elementary 8chooT, cad also be heard of y addressing as above. Oct. 1, I84S?."." WJ tpj CTT'Tbe Fayetteville Obsei ver will insert to amount of $2 and charge this Office, .' , - . ; TTTiRITISII Lustre or London PoHsh. for .ale a, ih; . v t HTrriTA rim m. rf'i 'Tojo " " -' i ' ' ,. ' . " " ii JTnECK WU UtS, AW J 141 xptrjitrnu, rlLLo liliiror jsale at the Drug Store ot ; OIFECTIOIAUY, FA flfG.J MUSIC, JEWELLERY & DRY GOODS-. , 9 Thankful for the encouragement they have hereto fore received, inform their friends and the public in general, that they have opened.at the new stand, corn- Pf" ey hope to merits continuance of favors,-- we new suppiv consists in 300 lb fresh Raisins. 25 boxes Candles. Sperm 35 eta. Tallow20 els. and the celebrated Hull's patent;" Soaps, white, yellow, castile. perfumed. Sic Sperm Oil, winter strained. best; 800 lb Crackers, batter, lemon, ship-bread t best Porter, fine Wines, and French Cardial ; Cheese 3 sorts ; Chewing Tobacco; 25 box Segars, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Filberts, Palm, Wail & Cocoanuts, Almonds, Sweet ' Oil, Preserves, Brandy Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Seidletz and Soda Powders, Macaroni, Currants, Citron ; 300 lb Candies w wavy, inavmviii) -waaauso vikivu f vw aw -siMUiwa Pea8e.a Hoarhound Candy ; Chocolate. Prtpersauce, PickIe8t S, rap. Nutmegs, LiqiioriceTcinna- mn a; a k.L Tri. sui mon,8ardtnes, Ancbovieg, Bologna Sausages, 8raoked Tongues, very best Mustard, tftarch, Tea. PERFUMERY. PunrxiiT, Oil of Roses, M acassar,Beara, Antique fVI - f , VI 'J. 1 T 1 7-. . Ol ' ing soap, Essences, Opodeldoc, pink Saucers and lilly White, Frecklcwash, Bergamott. MUSICA L INSTRUMENTS. ; Musical InsTHOMKKTs.FinestViofioSjbows.stririgs, bridges, screws, Fingerboards Guitars, Flageolettes, Fifes, -Flutes, Clarionetts, Actordeons, Brass Trum peta, s BOOKS. Books, Spanish; French, German and English Grammars and Readers, Almanacs, Geography, Prim- era, Spelling, Picture and Song Book, Key of Heaven, (Catholic) Fencing and Boxing1 Apparatus. Foils, 8 words. Gloves, Masks, Hats, Breastplate Fancy Goodt etc. Painted Glass Mugs, artificial Hair and Flowers, Mohair Caps. Ladies Work and Fancy Boxes, Looking-glasses 3 and 4 feet square. Baskets, Snuff-boxes from 5 cts to 4; Combs, shell and other ; Clocks, wooden and metal; Walkirfg Canes, finest' Razors and shaving utensils, Thermometers, Compasses, Dirk, Pen and Pocket Knives of the finest quality. Pis tols, Teeth, Cloth, Hair, Hat and Shoebrushes, Black ing ; Slates, Bells, Fishing Utensils, Cotteemills, Pins, Needles; 6 gross Matches. Fireworks, Glass 14 x 18 Lamp and Candlewicks, Purses, Pocketbook's, Night Tapers, Powder flasks, Shotbetts, Btrdbags, Percus sion Caps, Smoking Pipes, Corkscrews, Whips, Scts- sors. Necklaces and Beads, Paper, Pens, Quil!sKInk and lnastands. w aters, seaungwax, i.euerlamp, ren cUs, Uuttons, Pictures. GAMES. Gawks, as Domines, Chessmen, Backgammon. Ke no. Tenpins, Cup and Ball, Graces for Ladies, slip ping ropes, Tivoli billiard, RolleL toys. ; Tots of every description, as Marbles, Humming Tops, Drums,Ratties, Whistles,Mouth Organs. Harps, TrumpeU, Magic Lantern, Paintboxes, Magnetic Toys, False Faces, Cannons Dolls, Maleseops, Microscopes, painted Trunks for children, etc: etc 4 JEWELLERY. Fine gold and silver, as well as german silver, yiz. Breastpins; Ear-sings, Pencils, Finger-rings. Thim bles," of germsn silver aud pinchback. TaWe and Tea Spoons, Desert Kuives and Forks, Side,- Pocket, and others. German silver Uotnhs, Hand Belli, Watchguards, Chains and Keys, Beltbuckles, Spec tacles, DRY-GOODS. Pantaloon , stoffs, . Vest patterns, Handkerchiefs, Camlet. Jeans, Linen Cullers and Bosoms,' Stocks, Gloves, Stockings; Irish Linen, Satinett, bleach and varieyy na. articles ts loo numerous, to mention. ll of which will be sold ou very- reasonable terms for cash.,,. ,, t:- Corner of Fayette viBe an Hargeti Streets 1 , .nil I 1 nil.. rtKin l i iii.fa H" 1 fmHESE UNRIVALLED PILL8 bavini bnw JJ acquired a celebrity and a popularity unequalled in ibe annals of .Mrdtcine, and also having obtained the entire : confidence, and being u?ed in th private I practice ot almost the whole body otlbe Medical rsc- I ulty in the United Stales, Europe, Asia, Sooth Amer- lW fK. Af at Tnlf O. .nil m An.l: n.l4 ?jif A fru im 1 ti - ( .... .. m nuecwsory 10 auvcruae wem ai. tengin, or ot say any thing furfher of their merits than by stating the com pn which tney aremost euectivein ..tbe. cure of, n1 which ire as foUowa t-r-jeilow and bilious fevers fever and ague, dyspepsia, croup, liver complaint, ick head-ache, jaundtce, s-flbma, dropsy, rbeomaiism, en- largdtaent of ihe. spleen, piles, colic, female obstruc- lr r - f '. ' - r I ne aiomacn ana ooweis, incipieniuiarrneeawiaiuience. f "Jr-'Ur" T 'T tcompwcuon,anu in an cases m wrvor di iuo ooweis, 1 wher a csXhartic or an aperient is needed. .They are I .1: n, Si .u-7T. .: . . -7... ", The above Pills are for sale, in the city of Raleieh by Messrs. Williams & Haywood, and at the Drug store of N. L. Stiih, and in FayetteviUe by.E. J. Hate, at New York Prices -.v- W-'' v. ' 1 : 'I -1 r n it " ; l tram are tamped uoon every law or the creatmn I the ' homan body. , erandreth's V-eUDle Ura-; J versa! Pills, attract aU,impuritie of Uie, blood to., the 1 bowels, which organ ex pels them from the bodyj'. At i uwum tutu umemae are ouwi umuk au acciueiMS Ol t infection, only aflectihibody -U proportion u they I nJwli. r- ff-ik.-L, -1 I bowels for instance are wtiver-this most im j porUot organ is dosedthe consequence is great ( accumulation of impuruies." which,2 as they cannot get 1 out by then usual ptotnge, are forced kito the blooL I oectwtboing iinpurity uf bl I tcs, Kbeomatism, (Jougns, and.Uoids are often proy I duced. But let Brand re thrs Pills be used in such do; J sea as wflf effectuany evacuate, the bowels, and health I "':" 1 711 it I J " dowoiuit oib cpoDienwea uw. i-onor tie I dicine seettensively. thatbu travelling Ageotisnow I taking In alt the old boxes, and putting new ones of I a different figure, Avtth 25 I'UTs in their place. ; Some I Are just received at W 1LL.1 A M fi.Un.T6J Uqb. , .", .;,BEItWAJ3D.pBPTJY,;..::,;, No. 10, Fi.xSi-iyijmc TBissV,- Raliioh, wl Has the pleasure of an ' houacing to his friends aitd the public at. ISrgeV'lhat fees basteceived from Ka wrYrk and Philadelphia, aa exteti-. sive, tieb, and;fashionablo. stock of Goods, which he f will sell at New York prices ! The assortmeht cohslstsJn part, of ." " , ri.t WATCHES ' ; ' - 4 ' Gold independent seconds, duplex, anchor, Lever. Watches, a general assortment of Silver doV of every price and quality. ' ' K f-'i WELERY-v ' !- ;i l Gold guards, fob,' and neck Chains. SealsKeys Diaaaoud Pins 4" Rings, Ruby and Emerald dd. neckb and head Qruamenta, rich' cameos 4- mosaic Pins 4- Earnings, geld Fenals, Thimbles, Yinigretts, Medsl- ' ions, gold Hearts ami. Crosses, Jet do. and a great ! variety of other rich Goods. ,-.'.,J . .. SPECTACLES. Gold, Silver, Blue, and polished steel Sueclacleato - uit all persons and all eyes. Very superior flint glasses, that may he adjusted in any frsme, at a mo-1 meat's noticeJ --wlfet-- : ' lty :. '-' Kiti.--l SILVER AND PLATED WARES. 8ilver Cus, Spoons, Ladles, SogarTongs, Sal ' and Mustard Spooris, Butter Knives, silver ' mount ed Cocoanuts; Castors, Candlesticks, Snuffers and n Trsys, Waiters, Cake Baskets, Coffee Greqaea, Bri . tannia Wares, in setts and single pieces; 4lc, . n . . : ' - FANCY GOODS. :lU 1. , -si ' Mantel Clocks, and Lamps, Plated and JspaneslK Waiters, Gold and Silver Mounted Canes aitd Whip? Chess men and Backgammon Boards, Visiting Card . Cases, Gold and Silver Pensil Cases, Patent Steel;: Pens, Rogers1 superior Razors, Congress Knives aitd . Scissors, Sanders' celebrated rsxSr Strop, Dog Col- -lam, do. Calls, silk PuTses, Packet Books, Imitation Fruits, Gons and Pistols, LadW Toilet and otf boxes, toilet boulesi and HARRISON Breast Pin' Medals, Canes, and Boxes, dec. dec. PERFUMERY. Farina's celebrated genuine Coloene. Rose La veil ' der, Florida, and Bay Waters ; Gairlaiu's Cream of Soap, Naples, and Sepenaceoua compound, for 8haW ing, iiose. Almond, (Jamphord Windsor toilet- 8ow,pearl Powder.coJdCreamyPbmatum, bear's oH.;" hair, teoih. and shaving- Brushes, and a variety of other articles for the toilet . Vr ... music.' ' . 8pauish Guitars, Violins. Clsrionetts. Flaceolettas. ?- Flutes, Octave dec Fife aud Arcordiodc-r Preceo- tors for all the above. Guitar and Violin strings ex i tra Violin bows, kc. r-K.t' '?. ' ' .j. ! OCj" Clocks and Watches of all leserfDtfenslBlMia: ! ed and repaired in his accustomed superior ; style Gold and Silver manufactured to order with expediM tion and punctuality highest price given for old gold and Silver. ' "'..t;n 'V rf nt .Ynfrf': RESTORER OF THE ELOOD, FOB f p. -f J -r.- if fTV7 HETHER ? policed f by.Ule, phlexm, fotj AA 1 internal morbid msLhars. aritn from K-llv cured old disoTderss, from the use of mercury, calomel,'. - Dars:rc. ; or remaies; from tne change of life; sat specified in - the Pamphlet ' c t.;:iiwi Price per Bottle t Pint $1 &0; Quart. $3,, , 4 AntiyuhUUU SffrujL--TTUs Medicine! b in all Venereal , Disorders a certain remedy , and the oatient : ft i a will, feel himself somewhat beneGtted in twenty-four -hours. Price' per BottleiPtoi $1 60;iQu4rft,i&3'.Vv Abyssinia 'Afitiurei xebn speedy and- perfect removal of Gonotrbcsa and Gleet V aleaf the fearfoiresultacsviseqTieot on it improper treatment. : A benefit will be visible in 12 hours. .. Price, fourth, fcf -apiatJloOhAlfiiinLjfa; pint,S.r -. Gold-Mne Balsam, jot Bilious and Nervous "Afeoyv tibhs; Colds; AcPricet 50f Cento: ilJst y l AM , hess in the Stomach Numbness or' Weakness in the V Lhnbs.. Ieunusm, &c '1 Four; rouces 1 60 . tents . Depuraf .Powder, &i JliWB A Sections, Dilious Fever, Iealache, Diseases of the Eyea, ye. whicb is to fee taken In the Jteatorer. VI 50: cent per bet; f - l iJdp Ommm Pmi which b 4 be applied besides the Rsstoier. ' $ 1.1 j-vH?V'f. f$wM- Bengal .Omtmmt,-for 5Tettefngworm,Y r?aU. . Rheum. Scddhead, EropUon of the Skin, and Foul Ulcers ;1s to be applied besides the Restorer," $1." , :, , Universal or Strengthening PiWser, for Difeases f the Chesu Dyspepsia.' Inflammatcfry Rheumatism. -PaUy, Parslyeif, dr c. which Is In most all these ease to be-used besides the Restorer, OOcWper boxi.H-,4 - (Of For full and particular account of Vt .nhf " Malicines, their properties and nature, see JDr, K.Y Pamphlet, wherein wiH likewise lie found "directions for .their. use, and numerous testimonials ' "Which1 ac -: .' company every Medicine, and may likewise be had, gratis, at the office of Dr. K. or of.his Agents,by mail. k - - Tba Restorer, sna all other above mentioned MedV . , icines, are of Dr. Kuhl's wn discovery; and, are pre' 7 ' TQ.THE CITIZN8 OF NORm CAROLINA Pra Kosty, respeclfuUy announreS to his. friends and the public in general, that ie baa. besides his 0ice In fTj" Persons wishing to procure" snv of them, will please loirt .thei orders wiih the; amouat. post ' pam,jt o vnsxyuM o urri.es, jialcighi a. C -r Ml. . ' . .. ' .O. " ; " t il .' ne ciscounr oy wnoiesaie on. Medicines at my -Office in Kaleigh. N.C.is reculated. follows on 6. discount $1: on S 12,disexmntC2: on S2S.isconnt tS. The amount u to be transmitted by matL on my risk. l pose paiu j in x. pr js. uarouna notes, or notes or tha Banks of Richmond, Va.nd the Medicines shall bm sent free of freight to any part of North Carolina. -? lv a'-u 'irfjiL ;,-Ji" Brannock& WKUn, . Weatwortk, Rocldnghasi. ; J otR. Sloan, w;" r Greensboroufh, -GuioruV' lames Brannock, ' Waterloo, Guilford:- , HargHe;Gaiuier,4'Ct$; Ixingbin, Davidson. f 3edkm v BilesV 40 .''jf f Salisbury,' Rowanv ' J. A. Drake, - AshboroBghf Randolph price, DickitiforA Co, -YanceyviRevCaswcX .-.r James K Callutn, - I ' Milton, Caswelk . :;-. K Perry. . ,f f Keraersynietuica; f C-iC 'Henderson; ,Jf ?' 35 Xincotnton1 ' ' , " .7 B.Oites: ' ' v.- r ' Charlotte.-: s "- JP.wC, Pbl&r.i. ;.' Concord,; ? n 1 j waaoca a ..ori. s 7-1 , iiiFopnr, vsi. .... " j . Kicnmona v a. opened an umce at Kaxkiob N. C. op piti the City Hotil, for the sale br hiaMedicme, as above specified.. - 'tU -'f i, ier8houiin valMy fdr iomenimev t jt r; 'lt4ir os.Jirn:r:,.t.: I ). , k ... 5C3C: .. & '4 A c. . rf-i -V 1 Rsleigbi'SoDUmDer ff IMt.