MKriitd Stml-WctklT, l dfce. -4' ' ' - ' . 1 - ADTEiiTisf!MwTi. For eTerj Sixteen Xmf first insertion, One Dolbr j each WiteSquent infcrtion, Twenty-five Cents. 1 V ' Cout Ordkrs and Jvmcixv Avt,n4it4MWT will be cbtrged 25 pwr 'ceut. hghit ;,.bt QfdixpoB 4f 33 J per cent, will tonWe'froiP the nJac Pce Tor adrertiaerf by the year. 4 ,.;.-; - Advertisementi, Inserted ia tb ScmiWjuuu.T Rcgistkk, wilt also appear in the Wkebxy Paper free of charge.' f ( 1 " -rl4't! Letters to the Editor moat be post-44 aid., " ' MMerMEMraBaaaaiawnaMi OYSTERSOHIl FromtU Oyrter-taaks. jjt mO THE "CITIZENS OF RALKK3rJ, AND i SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD The 'Satiacriber bega lftfOr to announce io a generoue pub lie tbst be con.iinaea to-recehe ditty, (Sunday a ex ceji'ed,) direct from Norfollj t9 hoQra,w,RESx 0Y8TER3, whirh are sold at retail by hipo w any quantity frtwfi quart tap'. No exertion are sred ta gi,c entire aatialaction. . Hia Vt poUry "fcr Oystiera i next dam- to Mr. FiKDMTf a'afe aii nearly oppo pile the POTt'Offiee.' Reference w aaads to, Captain Rio. at the Rail Road Depot,' forjihiairjnqatit wiiK which his supplies "of Oysters are receiTedl ' : Dc 5. 1 JOHN WILSON. (T I keep consUntly on hand SPICED OYS TER4. prepared is one Gallon Cannisiera," j. Wr Kew TV5tclie;i Jeiarellery, JOBIrV C PALMER ha received an addijion 16 hie .stock of JEWELL. ERF, from Philadelphia, and has tredocej the prices; bfortmem i.a new sopd. He ha e Urge find tpleodid asaortment of jU UY. Also, WlkinK Cocoes : Mc- AlKster Gold, Silver and Steel ;PCTAULE?, o cujt all ejft. Person frow edialeacg can be py knowing their age, without SiuoJuag irt faff tye. Wl. CUES and CLt)Js9 repaired, and warranM tal months. Old Gold and Silver bjshi. r t ; Aoember 30 . 96-rf TO TOBACCO PLANTE2'et DEALERS. ettttHE Subscribers attend to KeHiig Leaf Tobscco paad ?temnd m"ce liberal ad-raoos ,aA roosifnA menu of the name. 4 Our Office m immediately oppo site Shocko Wsre MeVse4 ..f K Sr'1 " 1AJDLAK, PRESTON, Cor Kiae, tfAskiadcCo. Jt-aas Gaiir. Esq, j " ieAmoriC Gen.J. W;PreAjr, 61 ' Richmond. Dec. lit 1842. ' ' 4 . ... 8w. fllHE Sobtber.U4un& Jtl he late Term of Wake A XJourtty X'oatt, taken ut Letters oTAdmipif tra 4190 on the Estate jaf the bte Mrs, Rkvccca . U ii Kuasof flaleirrtsqueste all persons Iwvf rijr cjajms tatinrt said EsUte. t iireient them for pevment withr in tb tuDoe pvewribed ' hj Jivj or bi JnoUce jwjll be plead isj ibar of rtheir recovery - ,, ." ,vr" " tK LESVWJLLlAMCAamr . STATE ''"OlstHct? Court jU OF NORTH CAROLIN A--Itr BakKirrrcT ": Notice to show cause against Petition 'of Richard Eeroodte, "of Caswell County', Trader, to be deeffred a Bankrapf; at Newbern, on Mondiy1, the tSrd oi January next. " lif Order of the Coortr -r- I-'- H. H. POTTER. . - ' Acting Clerk.rfCurt in Baakrupicy. , j December I;li42 I . y 0S-2Od. t To th e Jfle tnb er a f l e nnH0B I MEMBE RSwing have heir Dj j urnents bounds can have Jhem neatly ex ecutisd, hi leavinff them with the 'Subscriber.' three d avs be fore the Leeislatute axljournsso a to take tbem horned my: 'rJNO. HV" DaCARTERETi"-1 N.B. Journals of 'pest 8essioh boond'ai'k ehort nonce. l ANKQF THE STATE OF JpaT. CAROLINA IThe Annual General Afeetina of the Stockhold jpr uus pans;, mil oe neia vuir.waniuug iauuav 'ji..!wV; '; I -. vJt rf'"u,cl' Sar and Standard till day of meeting. " ; fXlsborougbi. Academy: Th spring rstttonT will begin on the fitxh of January; - -cat Department, ; cW, J. 'BINGHAK. iVin Matnematicaldo. J - -.JU WUWttEpr$miH English " do. ' - (in e sepaoita bqildirjg.) ' ' ... .JQHN BUiyELL. t ffv. JO. -j r ; ;9T lw3w- irime cnEWir. TonArrofor JU.- osie.-nraox.o l oracco,Tour years oiovj L- Ground AitimSaie. 4;' ! " ? UdnPowdef TeaV r a-v-Tiv - V -.LoafSugar- 5:1'' - ' r ' Laguira arid OM Java Coffee . i-i r r r; -r2 ?? lsBROWN & HINTON;' Raleigh NovS I;? 1842 if 83 JTH EORGE WiFITZ WILS6N offert hiWei jJJfsionsrservices to the citizens of Raleigh and its Vkanilyi Hs room is over;Mr. J. C. Palmers Jew- eiery wtore, f ayettevuie street, wnere specimen may r oe seen n, r i ne puuttc are respecuuiiy souciieu xo ci t. .4. . . .. -u , ..." t . , f. , -, .88 rot i'rov. 'rOiySaUC- DE ,L4IWS AKD lYJI 8 AXOWI ES A s great variftr uofj pJahY -Printed, and Embroidered, latest styles,; from 20 cent r. M 25. .Alsd.fceautiful P.lln VVowteda and Spot, .rlannelsj for cutitlren wear, t n-1 h .;;.;. .y: .v-f..! ! JAME8 M,TOWLES, A -NARRATIVE nhe Life and" Adventures of ira.Edward U;' Bollfng; with fhll airJcoaritrf his T4markaMe'cae of Biffam'v Just received and for " (Price 25 cenu.1 bri' " .r.'fi ''' TURNER & HUGHES. 4V November 29. - ;1V1 E RIUAN JSOTE?, by; BozV and;Virig and vr mg, w-uooper; ju?t received tnm'momimt.4 ' November 26 'spw i iiyai9'5 Pffiw-nlly rearr fdf k privau'resldctCv Ail, 4W AD:Cha;pel Hnt1 ifo W:.: TUI Claaii or gale. A HOUAN LOT. in the v,j lagexitCbapel.' Hill, convenienWvsitbabd for ;me accormnfdirAn nf Rrv.r.t. r . .t,'-tif William Tliompsoti, CtlbLact and iTarnlture Ware-lOiise , Raleigh; N. P, THES 9bWfltr has now orr band al his furnieh Vi ins Ware Rooms, just hi - the rear ot Messrs. -turner 4k Hog hea Book Store! a general awiortment C Articles in bwline, made m the most faithful man ner, after the newest and most Cwhionable putterns, irtd which will be warranted. They will be l;'hJ at such prices, as to no excuse for rtnding to the North for Furniture; , Call and look, before ya wnd from home. . ' ' WILLIAM THOMPHN.' ;;Rileigh. Nov. 4. 184S. : . ' , . 0 Walnut, Birch, Msple and , Poplar L-fmbe44. welfaeaaoned, taken in etchange for Furniture. . FAWCY SIlIXUVEIIlir. Direct from Phila delphia and - Zf t - Yorlt. J Mrs. Ramsay jespecHUiiy iniorms iao dies that she has just received her Winter- as ortmenl of Fine Bonnets. Dress Cps, Head Dress es, French and American Flower, and a general, as sortment T Fancy Goods usually keptln her line t all kind of Trimmings and the latest Fashion for Drea. ei4 skc. She respectfully request the Ladies. t call, end examine her &Mortment as she is determined to Sell lOW.' . :$ :n Oct. is. .-: :. i :n: bcrmanJ Tfoi UjDacni proved ie pmore thai! 400.000. case to be infallible ; the oet ly certain wormesjeoyipg medicinea ever discover. ed. Many diseases arie . from irorm'a and occasion long and. intense auiTering end even death, without taeir ever being suspected ; grown persons pre very often aKIicted witb them and are doctored for various cotnplun.tswiihout any benefit ; vhrn one dose of these Loienges would speedily cure them. , ' For sale in Raleigh by Williams 4c Haywood and nl: smb. " ' . ; r :s -v i-. SjX H,:.iil ''.r--'". ' ... -i Front BlchstQitd, fMr'gikfa, eAS arrrivrd in Raleigh, with a splendid assort, ment of OPTICAL INsTRUM ENT8 -of all eortx,- and' lias taken the "Store 6mV door kjulh of 9. FrirvtTikjK and immediately' opposite MdaaAi's City'BoteiTT -t -i" n - 'NoVmbel,l842vi " . 7 r 0EPOSITOI pF 7' The Korth Carolina Bible Society. fTflHE 8ubfcdber, havinir been appointed Local i Agent of tlte North Of roliha- Bible Society ,s has taken; an OEce nearly opposite' thieTJank of ike 8tate of North Carolina, where1 the Bboks'are kept for" sate and diUiouU6nZ'Psbns"liavjnr biisines with the Locat Ascent; : will pleaee eall gt the store 'of ro'wn & Hinton; No. 9; Fayetteville Street ; 00 TP T'--m t v; t - -fV.'BRQ.WN, Local Agent. ; -Baleigh, October 17. 8 r ;rv h ggam TTOTljDE,CommTttcd to .'the Jail of Mecklen jSl ' .burg County, Norih-Caronha, 'a v.Necfo Man, About U0 years of aee,' round lull face, snvioth fore head, thick Hps and flat n.; five feet 7 or 8 Inches high with a Scar on' the fore finger of the left hand: wtto calls nimseii r ka iv w. tie says ne was sora. ' e man 'named :; Robet tCitskr, of Chatham County. N. O.' to a man Warned HoeKurs, a Specbra tor,r in the Summer of 1 84 1 The owner" is requested to come 'forwaVd, prove property, pay charges 'ami take him away,' or he will be dealt with as ihe' law di- recta.-" - : ;,av. Aiib&aiivcin, - - . ' . Sheriff and Jailor. Charlotte, N. C, September 10, 1842. f -' 77-6m . :TAIIQn '1 NEARLY OPPOSITE THE TOST OFFICE ipCdNTINUES W JMENT8, on the most Wo4tg terms. Having bo regard to the exoi bti an t! charges roa'de by other estahlishmeiitSL he is determined to ! let rto job' iiass -auu uia wura win uc wurrmncu w us cotuicu a wen as oy any a aiior in mo oiact auu in iuo iuubi. fashionable manner. Give him a call.' ' " : : 'aleighj:Nov22."n?r'vi V. .:- 94 - f - Family .Groceries, ? ?.NEAV AND CHEAf. - - ' TTJ)LACK, Imperial and Gunpowder, Till BrowrU Crushed Loaf and Lump Sugar,- tyonee, uinerem qusiiues, ' ' i ' 4 f "Prime Ntiw Orleada and West India Molasses, 8perm md Tallow Candles and best Winter 8Uain : Heads of Families would do well to call and see for themselves.-4' ' - -- n- --"t-- 97 JAMES M. TOWLES. RI GOODS AND GROCERIES CJieaner i nan" "ereHSA ME3 ;M; 1 WIiES Is how receiving from the North; his Fall supply of seasonable Goods, whictf wiflterider hTs as sortment very complete. "All he asks or bis mends and ihe public generally, is' to' call anl f examine foi themselves, "as he is determined to sen on terms to suit th ft tntid- for ash or to Ourict rial customers; October 6. " Kf-Uy. v-s: tn'im$m ORTR AIT PAlWTIISG.-Jlr. DO- rJrwf XTIbegs leave respecuuity to announce to I be Public that, as he" will have considerable leisuie time, dortrig "the. Vacation of hia.Schbol, he will 'be pleased to execute aiew ToTBAiTS. tLPet'sons, dor; sirous "of seerog" specimens "of "bis PairitirigVr can be grauuru. on appucauon at uiv icbiuciuc, , ... naieigo, jci. u, io., ? ; o 4 A fine lot of LUMBER can be bought at iFesT ftTOsl-iWske County, at a r very cheap rale. .First, rate- Weather. board! Flooring arid all other kinds iff. PlankI clear4 of knots, splits and sap. 1 Drop your orders to the Subr sertber-J',' AU W akenehL end they wtil be promptly attended to, and as money is no object, a. credit will be given ito puncua: Customers. i ... a r t r:.- , -...-fo; v. ; ;-'';- ' . A. J. Jf US I Xtt. Octoher lit, 1842. m -A VERY extensive Stock, embracing every article . of find and coarse ware, pf . all sorte ancf vizes. .suitable to the season, and . . very beap. , My assort ment of heavy, work for servants is complete.-, - 4 ? Also, VfeW (t4Mes of .Gentlemen's .Dtess Boots at Vej low p '. 4 V r'T IJiYll .J jiAwio, saiuione -superior I Tl i ii -ri P4! P i ailfJIlri and llavana pleasure in showing, them' the ptemises.v'";. -ec, j.:v; COMMISSION MERCHANT, . , KlCHMOKD, A. 'f " Reference.. Baxil dofdon,Esqi i . "J t. .l " 4 Jos. B, FicWin, ?4q. 5 Fa!m.? . . I Thomas F. Bnox, E.sq, ... . . v " Mer.; Jo7scnt & Son. Jrff.T - Messrs, Fry Co.' . Y ; Mer.;Dunirp,Ntoncure qo:i . Messrs. A. Kevan, $ Brother,?;, J B , . MessrMcBWinVe. BrowKley A Co. J Fbur5. . Messrs. Souttef&Beir, V Norfolk. Val ' , , Mr. H. B. "Montague, an experienced dealer in To-' bacco, will pay 'special attention to the interest of the Tobacco PJaters of North X'arojina,; ' ' " ' Li asBAt advances oh all produce when in hand, and proceeds remitted to order. ;j 1 July 6, 1842. "j ; ' ' ' . 65 FRESH ARRIVAL rn4 HE SUBSCRIBER has just received, and now J4 opening, the following desirable Goods : Ladies loitedGLQYr " Ladies blue, lighC&; dark cotored H. S.OLO VES, ' C"IM. Worsted r - 'J-,:-do.' -5: Fine white English Flannel ; Hooks i & Eyes. GenUetrieh's superior Angola and heavy Bro. Cot'n. i Hose. . ' ' ' Superfine French BOMBAZINE. 1 piece fine blue French Merino foir Children . . With e, great aHety of other articles, which added to hU former stock, will make, he thinks; a very hand some collection of articles ih his line. Please fall and eiamine for yourselves. I? ,Jl TJ H.SNOW. RalefghV Nov. 811842. ' V 93 THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to announce to "the public in "gneral, that he still continues to carry oa the Book-Bindtnt; busii-e iii' all its various branches from plain to orna'rnhtal. Atl orders sent from a distance will be attended tb and promptly ex-ecuU-d, at hi old stand back of the Rfgisler Office The pricas in accordance with the timea. He solicits a continuance of patronage. ' 5 L u oJ m h f kiJOHN H. 'DaCARTERET. N. B. AU kinds of .Records, for Courts made and ail kinds of Blank Books ruled and bound to any patt tern, BsojGammon an Chess Boards mad and pre pared, blank M usfc ruled. 5, . J. H . DeC, Raleigh, .October 18. T'.'s " 83 QUR HOUSE- inTHE Subscribers would mojit respectfully inform .fiL' the Members, of the approaching General As sembly, and the Public generalljr, that they have fit ted op their Eating JUOOIUy In a neat style, and having made Vtsgements to receive FJKEsH OYS TERS daily, will -be prepared to accommodate visi ter at eQ hilars, wi ftie ery bev, as their Liquors. Cigars, eti. have been selected by the best of judges. jGenttemen may expect to find a tip top article ' ' - :" ' LOVE 6 BETTS. N. B.--Members ran be supplied with ljugs'and tlecaaters during the" session, by applying at OUR houe. r, r" ' " - v l; & b. - ! ovMP. 1842. -92 TTMPOD1TAIST SALE. Take notice, that I JXshsll. ftTbqrsdsy, Jlje 29ihf day of December next, ai the dweljing house of the. late James Hinton, :of Wake county, dt'ceased, by virtue of powers ami autnonty. conferreU on me as rJxecutor of a nd James Hinton, by his'lsst Will and Testament, offer for sale - SIX OR EIGHT LIKELY NEGROES, and shall also hire out many valuable Slaves. And, at the same time and place j I shall offer for sale a large number of fat. nogs. .Bond, wnh approved security,' will be required of the purchasers, and also those who hire the Neg"e. 4 " ' 1 JOHN D. POWELL, Executor.. November 26. -;'"-' u g5tg Walk in Gentlemen! TTNO'C. MOORE resDec'tfullv fnforma his numer. fy ona friends and the public generatly.'that' he is now located ar that well-known stand in Nash Uoon tv, 33 miles from Raleigh, called STANHOPE, and recently occupied by Mr.! W t imam LRiea." 'He is well prepared to accommodate with Kntertamment, for man and beast; all who may call upon nun. And he hopes; that those who know i how to appreciate an old-fashioned, hearty welcome) and tip-top fare, will give-htm-'atall- f & fti-t: i ".- November 25, 1842. 95 5t. r. HE Winter Session of this Institution, com r: mnced on Tuesday, the lbth November, instv The course of instruction comprises the usual Branch' es of an English vEJucatiOn.witb the addition of French and Drawing. " - :w? f ' Terms per Session, payable one half ' in advanced r : i He ? $20 00 -PoeLv!-f x :, "I 00 Private Glass of Drawing and Painting, 15 00 , ; Private Course of French, German, or Ita lian. - , 5 00 . , U. DORATT. November 18,1842. : . : - ,92 MApLOCK'S iVegetable ; Powder and Sjrup, tor .diseases of . the Lungs, Bronchitis, Liver uoinpiainisw i;ousos, votas, otc ate. ...- . s a m 1 r . I 3 BY ii. . The above Medicine . has been before the public loo long, ahd is too well known to need a long adver tisement, to recommend it. .For further, particulars, see hand-bills and printed directions around eachbot tie.' For sale at the North Carolina Book 8tore Rat eighV Sr -T" "TURNER & HUGHES. ; November, 1842. r v - - - 89 TftrandrctIlSPlIlS-r?V have a fresh sup Iff) -ntou-we Iwerei about sayr:r wf this , valuable 'Vtediciae -but to those who have trieil them, it isun necessary to say so,and those sv ho have not tried them would be slow perhaps, to believe us. It is, however, a serious tact, tnat we. couW name at leant one family where their regular, use. for. several years past, 'ha d.-i."L' til -t iJ ii. "r "JL l r ."'- oiaue.uxe ruysiciBis!iis lew aim iar- Deiween.' Our new boxes contain 25 fill eachl the old only have 21. WILL. PECK. fTnriE SlJCSCRIllElt HAVING, at the U t 4anTertb'of Granvrlle Uounty Court taken LeU ters Teslamentaryott the Estate nf ' William RobardsJ Esq. deceased, takes this method of notifying all per n upiHig- Kwun Bnipik : ,aiu 78111' io "present them in the time prefer iid by law. vDebtois to aaid Estate are requested to mke payment ''f-?-iJ i cv H.URO BARDS, Executor. Oxford. N. C. Sept 842,. 8L- TfRESH RICE 6f the bertuality' -jest to hand: UJ " v4"-,1-; ''a-IC f ? " WILL.' PECK. ! Raleigh; DeeVrX"" ' js i;973t ' . v.: - " " ' 11 ' S. 1 : ; . . j M.t 1 . t WILL, f liUK. Ill J 1J ! J 3 KAirnra for aTa h j ' - 8 ' r- 1 1 - T d i TlVtiV'i-J fw'-O ' 4 - - ' : B.E R N A R D DUPUY , OyaycttctiUe Street, I vaiia m aaaav sb aiMjjij of, GOODS, which, loeth er with 'the former, 'stock makes ' his ) assortment 'rich- and eitensive J and-having 7 bought the Goods for Casb, he will' be able uracil at greatly reduced prices. ( The As7?tci assortmerit in partconsistsjof RichlT engraved Gold and Silver WatceXpl. did Jewelery, of the latest fashions and styles,' set with a, variety; "of. Gems, such aA Diamonds, Rubies, bmer. aids. Topaz, Aqua-Marina, Amethist, Opal, and Gar net. ALiO. tJameos. Mosaics. &c. ccc. - Silver tritff Flatcd Wares Silver Tea-8elts.ilver Cnps Spoons, Ladles, Su gar Tongs, Butter Knrvr-n, richly silver-mounted Ca- tors, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Cake-Baskets uuee-ureues, ana i?ii:annia vv ares. .- Gold and Silver PoiuheJ and blue Steel 8PEC, ACLES to suit all ases.1' Also very superior Con cave and Convex Ehgtish flint Glasses which may be adjusted to any frame at a m-'menls notice.4 Persons at a distance ordering glasses will please always send a piece of the old classes. sUting if too - far or near, as the age is not a etifilrient criterion safely to judge of the proper focufc of the glasses necessary A ; Fancy Goods and Cutlery. Mantel CLOCKS and LAMPS,; Gold and Silver mounted Canes; Patent Steel Penav' ROGERS and 80K8 superior Razors. ('ongreMi Knives and CIS. SOUS, Raxor STRA V. KILK P.URSE4, POCKET BOOKS! imitation F RUITSS WO RDS, PISTOLS and E P A U LETTS, Ladies work snd toilet BOXES and toilet BOTTLES 4. - ' ", Farina's celebrated COLOGNE WATER, Bo quttDe Caroline. RQS.E.LAV KNDER Florida and BAY WATERS N.P1ES and 8APONAUEOUS COPOUN DStfor Shaving, TRANSPARENT POAPaRosei AlmondCamittor. Windsor Toilet SOAPS. JeaVl and ToiW PO WDE RS. COLD CREAM, POMATUM. BEARS OIL, Hair.Tooth anJ'ShavingB RUSHES ami toilet COMBS, Powder BOXES and TUFFS, &c &c. SPANISH GUITARS. VIOLINS. CLARION- ETTS, FLUTES. FLAGEOLETTS. OCTAVES arid FIFES ; Italian GU1TA R and Violin ' String, also extra Violin "BOWS. Gold and Silver' Manufac tured to order; v Highest price give for old Gold and CLOCKS and WATCHES of every description. cleaned and repaired tri my usual satisfactory mancer. Nov 89-U1. IRt BlUHsL'S aiIiWIv4- ' ' RESTORER "fiF TBE BLOOB, ; "'1" for r CHRONIC AND OTHER DISEASES riTlTH ETHER produced by bile, phlegm,' from Vif internal morbid matters,' arising from Hndry cured old disdrderss. from the bse of mercury i calomel, bsrkj 4 c. t or (in females) from the change Of life, as specified in the Pamphlet si ? v-i v.vr.. Price per Bonle : Pint ft 50 ; Quart. $3. Anti-Swhilitie Svru.-This Medicine is in aH Veuereai Disorders a certain remedy, and the patient wHt feel himself Vomewbat lenefit'el in twenty-four hoors Price per Bottle r Pint SI 50; Quart, $3. ' Abyssinia Mixture, celebrated for its speedy and perfect removal of Gonorrhoea and Gleet; also of the fearful results consequent on its improper treatment. A benefit will be visible in 12 hours. Price", fourth oi a pint $1 50 ; half pint, $3 ; pint, $5. fc . Gold-mine Balsam, for Bihoua and Ptervous Aflec- tions. Colds, &c Price, 50 Cerits. . .,r v f Aromatic Extract a liniment for Indigestion, Coldj ness in the Stmach, Numbness or, Weakness in the Limbs. Rheumatism, dec Four ounces, 50 cents half pint, $1, pint, $2. V' . v) ' Depurative Powder, for Biltous A Sections, Bilious Fever, Headache, Diseases of the Eyes.-4'C. which is to be taken in the Restorer. 60 centa per box. '"' Japan Ointment, for Piles, which is 4a be applied besides the Restorer. $1. -' v vf?uv4. Bengal Ointment T for Tetter, Ringworm, Pall Rheum, 8catdhead,: Eruptions of the Skin, arid Foul Ulcers; is to be applied besides the Restorer.' $ I. ' rr- For foil and Mrtianlar annt f Fir lfnhl'H 1 Meilictnes, their properties snd 1 Pamphlet, wherein will likewise fur their use. and numerous-testii company every Medicine, and. mey Jikewtsebe had", I gratis, at xno ornce m tr- A,r;or i nis Agents, oy mail. 1 ...j l Kt--ir , V, ":f t p-.W wF. r., Tur. -u" jr- -1 TO THE CITIZENS OF NORTH.-C A ROLIN A - D Kent respectfully announces to his friends and" I the pubftc in general, thav lie has, besides his Office in Richmond Va. opened an Office at Kaikioh, N. Cop rtosito the City Hott-L for ttie aale of his Medkines, as above specified.) . -l ; v , : jw try Persons wishing toprocure any of them, trill piease io airrcvmeirorocrai wwi me amount (posi paid,) to Dk. KUlL OrricB, Raleigh, N. C. r. r The discount hy wholesale otr Medicines; at m OfBce in Raleigh , N. G. is regulated av follows, on S6-, discount $ 1 1 on $ 2, discount $2; on$25. discount $5 The amount is to be transmitted by mail, ou niv risk. f post paid) in XM or a Carolina notes; or notes of the Bank of. RichmohtL Ve. end the Medicines- shall oe ft ;"av i J v' ra,Pf""S . Vr 4Vwer"7, shortest notice; and on terms to suit o. tne .nes . uysrps,a. jnnammory Beumaiism.i ,.Havin hig emrfojSmu raisy, raraiyars.c. wnicn in mow an inese casssM Wfttch mAef j0Relh&fc hi to be used besides- ine Restorer, ou cte. per Itox y-4 1 sent free offreight to ant part of Notlh Carolma. '.rUkiglu X?.,",:..:' " J 1 f Hi n.:ihJ. AkVi-ti r :a Jenkins Biles; V T SaFisbor Rowans ' i as I' Tu.i..-' K' . " -ti - Price, Dickinson & Co;. iTanceyTille. Caswell. tmefK. Callorir, ' Milton, CasweM. -v-i" h o- "ro Tr.rM,;ru kv- . Ci CrHendCTson, C 'Lincoln ton 9 -ifii-itol B. Datev-4":"4 1 rt u Charlotte J.'R w C. Phifer, - " -"Cottcttfd. James T. Horne." Tittahero" . v " &liv e in& Hie hi u g i fTTTTCM Sl?;SlMI)EINbs2; rmHE SUBSCRIBER would resDectftjllv Inform I jj his old friends the Members of the General I Ast sembiy and the "Universal Yankee iSatioa,", thati notwithstanding the torch of the incendiary,; and the malignity of the: midnight , fiend. ; have endeavored to tlestroy both hi mself and csmbhshrnent, yet, Phosnix? like;; be naa arisen from hu . ashes,' and is ready to do service in the oul-enjoy ing cause of E icuacs. 1; . H e has fitted up the; Rooms, a few. feet. Norlh r of his old stand, in comfortable manner, and is still resdy .to furnish 'something' more thaa' f; hospitable" . RisBAR Jf supplied with the choicest, purest and unadulterated Li aeons and Wis as,which the North ern market can produce. . -s'j'' ' His TABLE shall be unsurpassed for the rareness of its.V iaudsfrom the magnum bofium " Cstass BAt;K.,"rand luscious Otstss, to the plump Part RiDeK and fat SatnaREC. r .. . :.o-' f '..' :. In fact, to sum up all in a few words, if accommo tjaling and polite Barkeepers.' attentive Servants and unremitted exertions to pleased deserve encouragement,' the Subscriber feels confident of success: J he Sulcriber appeals to . a generous community for a liberal support, snd thus enable him to' make some amends for the injury lone him byjhe black- tAoafTal villain tstrliA KaatiAit Ka Tiarl KtisTnC Kim Atir at UVIM IVU . ,W BS'SSBSS WW SS UVIVU AV ', jaAI VUl W house and home.' , - 5 J 1 ' Call at any hour hat or nisht. and yoa will al ways find a lip-top "Fibs," the best of Li aeons, Wis is and Skoars, and, prehaps, the best EatatsLS that ever come alone. ' i"utl'4- WM. L. FOWLER 1 1 North-west corner of Capitol Squared Raleigh, November 2, 1842. rff" 1 -; 93 , r u JUST, ARRIVED, -4; ti- IIRXOCOMOTrfE- jrinntj cuDoivniDrjtt nasjust returnea i.romi.De I, 2 Northl arid is ? how opening' a large stock' of family Groceries, Cvnfecti&naries, ' iyU;rf lv FrTJITP, '&C.i.(,V(i-'W fe&'0' 20,C0p best Regalia. Principe and Havana; Segars, 1,500 pounds Loaf Sugary-' M 4's5it. ' Brown Sugar gootl quaiitysrr 10 Bags superior Coflee (Java and Laguira,) ,m . zu uoxea Sperm Candles, r. 20 fo vt bet:TaIow do j Chewiris Tobacco, vefv best quality. Smoking Do-: , Tip-Top-in papers, , U lfl I Boxes Turpentine Soap, r r . ;. r Fancy Soaps (all qualities.) i H -! ..-'v ' A lot of veiy superior Pickles' srid Catsups, ' ( Mr-. Miller's) Scotch 8nuff in botties'and bladder, 5 doz. best com' Brooms, r" 7 T Pn-s rved Girigeri!" 1 ' ' ,V Superior Chocolate, - 'Painted Water Buckets,' " 4 f- . , Pease's celebrated Hoarhound Candy,'."1"- 4" Stuart's Steam t'andy all kinds, - -7.V ' Every description of Fresh Nujs, V ,"t Toys of all kinds -srid descrtptroni,;' Soda and Water trackers. - '--v.4' Beef Tongoes, dried Beef & Bologna Sausages, &c. 10 nests of Iron bound Tubs, U-f-Af ?-s4 Oranges, Lemons andApples,' -.- i-h'J. i Very superior Pen Knives, . -C - rtf-. Sweet nwat. and Jellies, of all descriptions,' - .r Cheesev Gunpowder : and Imperial Teasiif r ;Wijv . Bird Kags, Shot Pouches, and Powder Flasks, s: . Perfumery ,?o aJrkinds v J : ----" , r 1 00 U. bhelled Almonds, . ; . . French prepared Mustard, ; . tl Smoked Herringe Wo it- , Powder and Shot,' r Drjed Currant, , . y AfasonV Blacking, . v Plough Lines and .Shoe Thread, .' ' t Poland SUrch, best quality, Flower Jars, Milk Pan and Juj; . ' " v L. TUCKER. Raleigh, Oct 15, 1842. ' ,- " 83 W. J. U AIT1SAY, i Watch and ' Clock Maker hnd fitelleri ' ITft ESPECTFULLY informs, his frihd and the iUrxPubltc at large, that he-is well prepared to re pair all kind of Watches. Vlotiks, .Jewe lery, at the the tiroes. V:,.' and' experienced a personal Attention to 7f. . ---Cni...r Valuable . property fttfr kale In ' th 1 w ICIDIIY OI XiaieiSX'W v i- v U VI wx: annates voiursrra two yW'andtislactorilt -secured whh intern y eatrs, andtislactorilr secured with interest, or for lAfnMTfiII.hanHaY tha frrTnAnc Prniurt . H DtsellW Hoose'and Ae Wauhed to' K containin? between: ten and twelve acres, r : . -y; It It is situated about six hundred vardsEtst of the 1 Capitol, on; Newbern ; Street; "ta 4 beautiful Cove of I Fo j contains four apartmenu in' the basenVent, including; I the Dining room, and live etroveand two; Passages. J it i of yr Duui 01 cnojca material, aiwt ot topenor : 1 t " - .:...y WWtW . . ... . .. - . workmanshio. Tb ont-honses ami.' enclosures far also hew J In die back yard, is a Weil of mori excel lent wafer. V ' 4 - ' -" ".v?-. I awiat the distance; of seven or eight hundred" vard; I Itls one of theosjt beautiful sites in-tha Vicinity of vfjBLUQmcrzijoi, vj. awnn jineen rwe,r-:. .'S-.-.' .ll- T.-A :i;-.llf: iT .x-'..i' ionaeriy two -am"'! f iramea nouses upon it, vieumg ,rent t&atjvouU r- k VZw. y 4 a ViT." I is estuftated, and upon the "itreet:.bac!uji bv ftWQ Vf - ndson-.Hldir5 sit S' iL y li t v WvM.-;. LsA iract rfsbetiBeen thtrtv and 'fcrt f verts bo9tree mile soBdiorRaJeigh.-sfinjaa atcso- a iM. hA a - u - t " sr i - a ' . ..- .j uuwvujnessra. s3TlT,rlu. liaieigU, Who Wilt UXOl tt Tini WW aUhe end of?Newem atreetfronUng rthe, Capitol. r. . 7, L;vrL 1 1 aant suppiyoi w ooot ana much, ysicsblsri-rl sf; .-f-.r-Vt; ""i',-45l 4t .reson wisnipg iOvpurchasecaaJlress tha 8ub Chatham. !V 8 1 at aJi&zmntf Utee meetic ' cf CVrigresi : at M jashtngton, Ctiy 1 oti rtn fcske persons! aODlieai NEW-- AND cCHCAP: Cash TatioHn&Jzdi::-Triin ; ;lTAu.0R(7aefibrii.) y; TJ?- TTTTAVINa located himself fa the City of RLf t - jLLJJ intends carrying oh the Above business in kiffcS-J - various branches, in style riot 10 be strr--sd i.i tilij-; r State, or out of His Eii.blisbt.eht sist cxUsai SS above Me5HlijjlUvi a Jy ove the Drag Store of Df. N.LtfSttij!.op strsiVa,? I thave nrmy errrfdpi , workmen, and have ersaged rrir " i.rTin 4 pams have been, or; will ;be, Spare4 to reivJ.f ' it 4h 1 Exronivjc or FAsHtow.;. Gentlemen, fherefjj :tY- reiy on; naving ineir uootis msdeop ih Jhe lateststyle guarantee every thing I rr 'ufactore to fit: The siotk--: of Goods on hardby the ( . . . aiits of this placed sue"? Biiiiinwi approveu iasnion r,at pit es greatly reduced.) i If, therefbrerI amecotn-dnoMertioo snaB" be wanted, on my part. Io tslettse tio nhblie. ?I further . .mi vvuipicic cu ucib win up atucuuy in. ri r procuring whatever "gentlemen hlair wish-.4 to fit' otit : 1 their Wardrobe: Calf and. try" me; I; shall cbnfinef -. myself strictly to manofarturibg G.xxls. fiirriisheS fcV' ' 4 thecostomer. Orders from gistaJirt.4-thankfullvWJ? ; - ceived andpromptfy atttehded to-,' - - - ' J a x. j- , 3 1 vISAAC PROCTOK,- ' One door above WA &-Av6I.: 's'aTat'ihiiBetliaisIsi HTWESEUN RIVALLED" PfLIA-.Ks':rlMViafr J JJ; acquired a celrbriiy ahd i ophl4r1tyroneqpaIledr. in the annals of M cdicine, -and s Isos havina bbtaiiX the enure confidence.- and be'mr used in J the. bri tuf -5 practice f simost the whIe lxdy of t do Medii FsCft nltv tn K tlnitA fiit Vn.. A t. f- . -' the Wt indies, ad a Cret rian ofA&icay it i unneeessarv rofadvertise them :t lebsih. or toaav ShV thing farther o( their mrrhs, than by suTdihir thecoma - piainu wmch they are most, effective rih, fite trre'T,r . ana wnicn are as tollowa -yellow ah4 biriaBs tettfitf, , - . vJ,'rfkmu KrruP "ve" VraPJ,o W -sick; the stSjriarh and bowels, indpleritp1arrheW;atutence-? (. complertion, and in all cases Of tOrpSr' the bowelsi1 uere a cwnanic or an aperient ta neetieq i j. heyc are exceedmgly inUd in theinon nausea"' griping nor debiaty.-cu -" v''J y The above Pills are for sale iq the city of Raleigh If 4 Messrs. Williams & Hay wopdi and at the Drug stord' of N T. r erih; and in Fa velteville V ESJi Hale2 att New York Prices -;.--x.-n?t w.arrl3 rt- 'rVDISI2ASll A UWIX lmputitjf ofzhe ALOOn th vI)$ka&li s ) .Lhtuin. tTtf ' T 1 5NoveTleri,1842.if -tfVt,vt tgyjc-sivt - y---j ur. ., .j-JLLl . "Ivy : In x' neau-acne, jaunotce. asthma, prepay, rbeeraaUsiaeru , r largement of jhe spleeh;il tions, heart burn, furred tonenerharisea. didfertzinna nt'" -. TrTOWmfte:7ethn ' " JXlijtifut MpUynifipv irum are stamped ttpdS everv law-oT the cteatioh The mighty worlds which roll I hi space in every deS , ' gtee of Telocity Jarid direction itre ill sverned- bv 'J I " traction of rnailerWmallerP-TliSs pHhtrpIe &wetijfc. - 4 the- human -bodr'; WBrsretkVV5Utlj Uti versa! Fills, attract aU irJTpQriOek 6f the tlobd to lh3 bowels, which orgarfexpeb them frors the' bodyr ?Ai'i'V iraetion and disease are both oftitsiE All sacddetis 0t c j infections only aSect tM body iapropliotx ik thejr occsioaieirity t 1 be bowels ror instance are wstirer-this Gi'ra ; 1 portsnipfgn i: closed the tonsifqje ixtrtct accurnolatior of impuriiies,'wEkE as they-cr'-iot ft uccaaipnmg. impurity 01. wooa- c t Jf eyers, Che Jrj icx. Rheumatism. Coughs' and 'Crarn'tiVrifs. ducrf. . Butlet Brlindreth's Pias bauard iasrichCd . -ses as will effectuilfy kfteikLttoniitiS hellth 1 is restored at tiee. iw.v -y - -'f The unworthy have counter,; i thaocter M.e - -; " i drtirie soei tetisi vely , thai fcli tra i lllln ri A ;enf Is how - ; taxing in air tbeiold boxes; and'gstsg t.:V one cf a different figure, with 25 tlb-xheirrp;': '-VSoia1 1 awjust received kf WlLLlAMtPECtL'U r 1 I tV 7 safest; njost sure and eStpl remedy ..Ct Colds: Consumption- VTAor rn'.'3 fi ' " 5n jc jjuiigt or ..ssz,Aet ts.' i te re4- prietdr lias never known an. instance' wher'e tLfV ? ' - - r .. - . . uji'P pwriec saiisiaciron.7, c-everai tnouean tox ' ttve Ueliyeordtwijhihe fasfiyearesloriit-HiaU ' . health persons irfalroosit very stage nf eonztteii-4 J- and thoMlabotiri under the most dislxes . " andcdugbs'Tbey.-ilo mt'cijecfcrTdtd dry, np lite v ; eoubtbut render it easy, protnoteexpectofstitm, iUf4y " lay tire tickling; of : irritatim and. remote Ee pr axk male or exciting cahse. iThey are made, frorh a com i binalion of the most valuable CXper torarit, pt coiigh, ' medicines, and are undoubtedly superior o e-rery'thinj- I - in ose for thdse complaints ;Hendreds'bpon : hQiK " 4 dreds of certificates have beeit ofiefeddf, their 'wjra derful virtues, from -those who' bve been saved -3 V an nniinIy g'fave, aud rektoed la .perfect heaLbf by using 4heml . V "V V ' ","-'-"? , j The, sbovp Medicine may be obUlneJ if. i Drt ji1 " 8tore or MessrsWifUams & Haywood, arid of Dr. Ni?L. Stilh, with, full directions aetompahyinjr'irlc.!i ' ' " .OFFICE. OF ADJUTANT. GENERAL.4 7 t'sX-i'y RAUjrtrD4fcxk4 l .?.vf-ir ';' s." I .-.WntntAS, a ttfeahey recently occurred -b' (b Of -Cceof Brigadier enersi otthiLFirt-raei r Cevhih Division, oft NorfJilCgronflj;lM, to fiSi fWch an Election, wis held heijord;- . i Ac; cf As-ei s viumT . inu it ir"Panni irom turn iMnm -. . . i , - Ini,'1.D4llJJ 0 H P4;.?f P CH AU, cf Pasnotsilc, ictciicui uigjiesinnmoer orve'sf for tcdO -eef " ' Brigsdiee, ;dn!' e!ec!eItblice b -hereby given, pnfsaaht tathe Lteverth aertion of (he " riTrl Tw ?' -.:yfsed'tCuitutetv Jhxt the said Jorar Q B EHBineH4Vkasreri-dfly Cbta-: '. misnedksTJri-adier General cf therrt Br-:' : North jCarcHn IVZltX, aad'i.-as such, all Cl.ccr V ' ano-ooiaiers are eomir.i-.le.I fo yield tlm t rre'lf' " obedier.ce. r.OBET w. II A vvvnnn -Jr i . . -4. r -1 .v . :( "'z. ntiT.LjvFAL.Ao::A t ' f , . APLI2. TAILOR. Aft "dmtif.'h'- : 4 J t r. CrsVf C ,Tr r ;Vi , r fr.-,V ' V- - 5 fr' - I 4 t " m - a PcL. 3 ui f-.-'ral that I h" f - " aer , 1'"':nurfll'rj,-j v i"-r-4- f-t.;'4aa ! ." I f - 1. - I - j, . 4 - Eurt2?"jL.r 1J cr ly: ixtiir-v.'fsn t t $' who their rt ;".r..i..i rre''c ssc r fTTCcIera fix - f -3'" J5 t " . 9I-W4W

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