r. X - - C. , V . v- '- Ei mil )uu uw i..,, ,r - - -y- -.. r-J . ' ' "U" " ssjnouuigence naa 'been used bY U op. pocenta of a division before the bill paSwi that had been aince. it tnurht not hava tmaA t been passed alter due deliberation, and' now eveJ jj invention was used to repeal it He. iitjgjrdeeVit as child's play. , ? -. The question waa then taken on the amend. f iwuttiw u wu rejected. - : t r 1 ; Mr. .McLaughlin moved to strike out the 9th section of the bill ; but the motion did not prevail Mr. Nash moved to strike out all after the en acting clause but the motion waa not carried ; The bill then passed its second readinz by a '. vote of 81 to 123; . . ' - - On motion of Mr. Biggs, the bill was read a third time, passed, and ordered to be sent to the Sen. tte, for itr concurrence'ln the amendments. . ' I , The bill to repeal that part of the Revenue Law, requiring the Comptroller lo furnish Sheriff with blank licenses, was read Jthe second and third time, and passed. .Nr. MendenhaU presented a bill Clerks and Masters to take debocitiona t which iner. . . The House then adjourned. ; i f . 1 . 7 passed its firsf readii IN" SENATE Saturday, Jan. li. . The bill to corporate th Albemarle Swamp Companr ; and the bill to alter the time of col lecting Corporation Taxes in Washington, : pas. ed their second and third reading. Mr. Howard, presented a bill to incorporate the Beaufort Male and Female Academy in the Town of Beaufort. Read the first time. . , On motion of Mr. Rogers, the bill to authorize the President and Directors of the literary Fund to issue Notes, and to make Loans to the 4 Peo ple, was taken up and read the second time. -Mr. Rogers moved lo - amend the bill,; by pro viding for the issuing of $200,000 in one dollar notes; 9200,000; in two dollar notes; 9200,000 in three dollar notes ; 9200,000 in five dollar notes: and 8200.000-in ten dollar notes, which 8th-iCartereti Craven. Hvde.' Tvrrelt' WKT ingtaaDcauiorv Greene Pitti Edgecctob, and Jones; ; ' -v- ; The aoMndriieilt wasd'is'cdssed' at sotne lenkh; S Messrs. Mills and Moore in its support and eissrs. Braffar and McRaa ; Mr. Bower called forla division of the question ; tnd the question bnr strikirur out was decided in the negative, by vote of to. V TV i -. Mr. Afoore moved to.lay the bill on the "table, hut the motion did jaot pre vaiL'i " c V 4 Afr. Scales moved to amend by striking .out Catawha ; which motion prevailed. ; , ; i. v J The bill was further, amended, on motioa of Afr. Barrmger, by , inserting, a proviso, . including we new uounues wmcn nave been established in the. territory of other counties, and passed xts third reading, by vote pf 0 to.43.:', rfi.: - i .The House then adjourned to half past So. .. . . .-, --Evcrara Session. -v.: :: On motion, of Mr' Rirrinmr. ' Va R..nln;nn appomtmg directing the loan of. 81000 1 to Floral atom m the County of Robeson, was read the second and third tune, and passed, 'i- ',- ... - v. The ; bill for arranging the State: mto fifty senatorial Districts, was taken up on its" third reading." . "( - v?. , , Mr. Biggs moved to amend, by striking' out Catawba ; which was carried. And the bill was further amended, on motion of Mr. Biffffs, and passeu lis iniru reaqing, oy a vote of 73 to 32. . ;air. Avery, rrom the BeJect Committee,, to whom was referred the memorial from theM0nu- mental Association, praying for an act of incorpor ation, and an appropriation for erecting the Monu ment, reported that it was inexpedient to make an appropriation at present, owiner to the leanness of our Treasury, but recommending an Act of incorporation, and to this, end reported a bill, en. titled an Act,' to . incorporate the Mecklenburg Monumental Association which passed its first O x v.-" The engrossed bdl from the Senate to mcor '- - I : y i f J' i .',;tA . v f , 'l I 1 1 II ' 'I . i " . I. was read and agreed , tar The hill -then passejl portte the Nantahala Turnpike Company, iii the : 7 i counties ot Aiacon and unerokee ;and the en- mr. auiey oouinea leave ot aosence for the grossed Resolutions in relation to the Bank of eaiance oi uie ession. - - . . v the State, were read the first timer and passed. On. motion or Mr. Brown, the bill to prevent!, Jtfr. Herring nresented a bill to amend ah act . . v. r. r J v " " 1 passeu in uie year 1004, to incorporate ine 1 own utuim "wv nww up iw wmowcrtiwu, uui i ot uiinton, in oampson uounty ; which passed wsupicu mo kjcuaw iuo wuuice ui we suung. it i it first readings was advocated at; length by Messrs. Brown, 'Ed wards and Shepard," and opposed by Messrs. Morehead, Thomas, Dockery and Jacocks. j On the question " Shall this bill pass V -the vote was as follows : , Yeas Messrs. Arrington, Allison, of Orange, Boykin, Brown, Cooper, Edwards, Eanctt, Ezum, Lwkins, Meivin, Rsa, Shepard, Spaight, Stafford, Swinson, Walker, Williams, of Person, Williams, of Franklin 18. - iVays -Messrs. Albright, Allison, of Iredell, Boyd, Burgin, Cathey, Dobton, Dockery, Elliott, Howard, Hodges, Jacocks, Jones, Mitchell, Moore, Morehead, Move, Myers, Pasteur, Pharr, Ribelin, Rogers, Spruill, SlaUings, Tovxlinson, Thomas and Worth 20. . . So the bill was rejected. The names in ilalic are Democrats." . The supplemental bill lo the Act estaKshine Catawba County, wad read the first and second and third time, and ordered to be enrolled. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Candler presented a Resolution in favor of Robert Jordan; of Henderson County ; which was 1 read the first time and oassedV . - ' Mr. Bower, to amend an act passed at the pres ent session, to, extend the time for perfecunjr the title to lands heretofore entered ; which passed its three several readings. -v ' j " Mr. Wilsonfof Perquimons, from the Commit tee on Claims, to whom was referred the memo rial from the Commissioners of the Town of Wil- :?Owfaeare the plana of fair, delightful peace, '"Unwarp'd by party rage, to lite Uke brothertT For the President j ; of the Unlttd States, HENRY.CLAY, V OF KENTUCKY." L .. M V THE -TRTIASTTTrEtt V.TV.rT- ' T ; Oui Lesrislature.' or its llembers. hive been in a great ferment Jbr some time past, in relation to ihe Treasurer elect; and hisofScial Bondsv' We have, been at some pains to ascertain all the fects 9 -. KTThs Editor of fha ? Hecklinburg lefieii sonian" is more urfair in his treatment of politi cal mattery than any of his brethred in the State. For instancei in his paper of the 10th ihsthe says, that on the Monday, liter the adoptidh of a Read- df the . caaev which we now publish u an act of lotion by the Legislature to idveitisate the con. juci.tdalletacefne'd; The Treasurer tendered his Bonds td the Gov ejloir ahd.to Speakers, and they were approved by the latter but disapproved by the former . The Tre-asufer claiird theOfficel took the prescribed oaths; alid made a formal demand of the same frbtn dition of the Banks, the Sbxkhdlders of the Bank of the Statd met, and ezhMed rspyt f dkias tkm, by ofiering tockse the business of tfirf InsU: tution,dtc. Now," does ncithe litot'knowi tJiat the meeting of the Stockholders took place on tte Kerr nay. namea in 11s inanec lor usir uenezat the f UTrearVho declined a Jurnder, on Meeting 5 that it was advertised for vweekf prior u9 giyu uwvuu now. uuv uvea ravurcu 1 ineretOt and had no more connection with any to: w j ii U miw uvrciiiu sua iiru opcaJir : The GWernor laid the subject before the Le: gislature, with his jaoii8 fqr disapproval ' The Speakers, four day thereafter, also' laid be the Lislature,, a very elaborated argume (which rumor says is thd production of hlxt Bsi tor HlTWOODj)to justify them i in their approval; The Whigjibelie'ved the Governor right and so ouasonn o iemocrais; out some ox ine more lion of the Legislature than 1 had With the rogation of the British Parliament s : r . - S The Editor then roes on to insinuate, that the Resolution of the . Stockholders was jeaused by a I fjdeW1; desire to avoid an investigation into the afiairs of I tas xiank :. and afks- 3L "JTOE THSUGXaTJdL Mr. Ecrroa" I observe in yotir last a proposition; ! made on .behalf-lbf the Wbig psrty.'f to exchange Mr. Noactmi of Washington Comtyi for Mr- Wttsos, of . Iancoht Cohnty. I have wvearthry ;objectioni thai Mft -i Wfisoif, or kny tthr Democrat! hd has WeH the. error of his irayst shtioJdlje erilisted in the W iwik and havenodouU of their :findlngraore conge malassxiattesiw byti protest gaihst giving up" Mr. Ndactm to the ,u Locps.' It will be eufS -ctent time for ns to surrender? up dut claims tdV turn, when he shall have tianiMibid t desire to as aociate1 himself withilie oihef aide. He may have dired from onioino icaqns,butLainsat4 isfiedV that Jh searching for fnWe coifsr4al aV : sqciates'! he will cot be found in theranka:of the Why wish to evkde' in investigation of the affairs of the Baflkl rectors of that Corporation sd pure; that for thd n-.nn.,ii:.:. : t it i vjj icwcBcuuufci.ui iwjuirc .now ukv uave ! managed the People's treasure, is an insult, so intemperate of. the party were very free in their inauigeoce in renecnous upon uov, juosSBXAD, I v. u r 7 - . r 7. uw ieuwcrairc a reasurers jbouus, wnue tne embarrassments of our citizens V9 ' RALEIGH. N. C. : Tuciilay, January 171843. Democratic Speakers could approve it Every thipgVfras se down tb party and nothing to a sire to protect the pubhe mterest. "". The objections to the Bonds are these : r . The, Bonds do not contain Jthe conditiogi; added And pray, Mr. JEfTfiiasoKiaKj how has the Bank, or its friends manifested any disposition to shun investigation 1 Did not the ' President, in his ad mirable letter to the-Chairman on l$anks,' solicit an investigation, and tender every facility for car 5 " . T : LITERARY BOARD.j: v We invite the calm attention of the Eeopie of North Carolina, to the Report in this1 paper, from the oelect Committee, appointed to investigate to the Treaaurerts Bond.: bjvti acJringJt on f Did not the Whigs to a man, vote the afiairs of tbe Uterary and Internal Improve- principal security, A. W. Mebake, signed the wmch uasjKmcwKanerayirigra fcrislatnnn aon.i,in Arm;natiot.- - . v W - . - i J W 1 1 Ifci r 1 r II - WMMNIMUfelVIH we aou9s reuiren Dy iaw--T or wnicn may, nere- even to the counting' of the money pn band. aner,-o requirea oj law.. a nis iasc xonoiiion was left out of the Bonds, and was added in 1827, in consequence of a -defalcation at that time.' Mr. Caldwell, of Iredell, from the Committee on Finance, made a report in behalf of the minor ity of said Committee, on that portion of the Go vernor s Message, relating to the investment oi certain funds of the Literary Board ; which was ordered to be printed. , On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, leave of ab sence, from and after to-day, was granted to Jo seph P. Caldwell, member from IredelL r jn motion ot. Mr. AV err. the bill to lav on and establish the county of Alexander was taken up on its secondare adin ir ; and was rejected. Mr. Dewey, presented a bill to incorporate the Newbern Ice Company : which passed its first readinsr. and was referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. The House then adjourned. REMOVAL. Kirs. Prendergast respectfully informs the La dies oi Raleigh, and the pub lic generally, that she has re moved her "" Stravr Bonnet Establishment, to the house on Harget Street, formerly occupied by Mr. Johk O'Rokxz. ' . Raleigh, January, 1843. . . . N; B. : Mrs P. will pay particular attention to clesnina and slierins Florence, Tuscan and Straw ment Boards. ; Perhaps, there was no subject du ring the last campaign in North Carolina, which was so prolific, of misrepresentation and calumny, as the affairs of the Literary Board; Being ex clusively under the management of Whigs, they were openly charged as unworthy of confidence. It was insinuated, if not directly alleged, that the members of the -Board were using the public funds for electioneering purposes, and even the Governor was charged with applying portions of it to the purchase of Cotton on speculation ! Out of their own mouths are they condemned. A Bond, on condition that D. W.STOtfE would sign it likewise. This Mr. Stone refused so do. and Mr. Wheelek having failed to disclose this fact to the Governor and Speakers, they called upon Mr. Stoker Who proved it The Bonds were then unanimously 'rejected, as it was a mere escrow as to Mebahe. The next day, Col. Wheeleb in- demnified Stone to sign the Bonds, when they were againe-delivered by. Wheeler for appro val, without any-new authority from the other ob ligors to re-deliver them, after they had been pre viously rejected. PEKBTCU.RTEB,'one of the Se- . J HorK or CcmmcJks, ) . v, iik xlnirdlt t Vonr proposition; iq this monunjrr paperi to swap ,tie jUembr front Washington and the Member from Hydei for" Mr. Wilson one of the Members fhd IincoIfeel uth pom the expressed oinidtt..6f gentlenien of,' both parties interested to fay i aftlf proiiclsitin ani will be entirely satjsfeclorv . You may ponsider' it a bargain; . : ; .vr.. A Mejcber orTHsHl or Ci Committee, having a majority of its members from curities, had . signe4 the Bonds in HertfordTbut that party, whence these charges emanated, has been compelled, alter a most searching examina won, to repon -alls well." me uonus are all good, the Books haVo been accurately kept, the monies received, promptly paid over, and the Committee ask to be discharged from Uie fur. ther consideration of the suit of this investigation, serve as a warning here after, to infuriated partiians, how they assail pri vate character for political effect Will the Loco Foco Press have the jussice to publish the Re port 1 , We shall see.. J The Committee, having, as above stated, a ma jority of "Democrats" on it, deserve credit for frankly stating the result of their investigations, without any attempt to mystify or perplex. They found every thing straight, and they say so like men. ADJOURNMENT. did not put his seal to hia name. Dr. G. C Moose says, that Mr. Wheeled told. him that he discovered it before he parted With Mr. Ciktek, and Carter told him to tell Dr. Moore to add the seal- which Dr. Moors did at Raleigh, and after the Bonds had been Burned bv most of the obli- subject ! Let the re- gors and "Without then) knowledge. The question rm am a nrarnini liaM. I UAr. r.J A U u.. n - 1 1 a if Banks, under; the management of men, on whose integrity, the pestilential breath 6f ' party has' never dared to castT a shade, would render a false account 1 And, after the Whigs had so vo ted, contrary to the expectation of the other party after the investigation had been fully ordered wuy uiu it. uui ute piace s uecausej as ine xiui .tor of the u Jeffersonian" well knows, At party, not believing the allegations which. they them. selves, for political effect, had circulated against the Banks, finding no other way v to escape from the disgraceful exposure that awited them; re-con s!3ered their oxen Resolution, and pusilanimously shrunk from the responsibility it involved. And yet, in the face of these acts of the existence of which, the Editor must be fully apprized, he has the . effrontery to tax the Bank of the State with " evading" an investigation. Is such conduct fair is it manly, is honest'l. t mington, made a report in favor of allowing the I Bonnets, Leahorns, lie in the newest fashion. Front i " i r : .i j.' t j T I. - . . i v. : -U- r 1- claims prayed for in the memorial, and recom mended the adoption of cerUin' Resolutions, which passed their first reading. f . j . On motion of Mr. Lord, the hill to arrange the sixth Judicial Circuit, and to appoint the time for holding the courts therein, : was , taken up on' its second reading. . - v.-';.. ' On motion of Mr. Avery, the County of Caldwell was stricken out from the 0th Judicial Circuit, end attached . to the 7th ; and the bill passed its second reading. . . - - v On montion of Mr. Cardwell, the bill to lay off the State into Congressional Districts, was taken .upon its third readinsr. '" Mr. Halsey moved to amend, by striking out Washington andTyrrel from the 8th District, and attaching them to the Uth, and Martin from the 9th and attaching it to the 8th. . Messrs, Cardwell, J. B. Jones, arid Bragg, op posed the amendment, and Messrs. Halsey, Ford Taylor, and Biggs supported it Mr. Cardweu called for a division of the' ques tion ; and the question was then taken on striking out, and decided in the negative Mr. Leach mov ed to strike out 'all after the enacting clause, and to insert a substitute, which arranges the Districts as follows : ' 1st District Cherokee, Macon, Haywood, Bun combe, Henderson, Rutherford, Cleveland, Burke, Yancey and Ashe. 2d Caldwell, Wilkes, Iredell, Lincoln, Ca. barrus and Mecklenburg. . . 3d Surry, Stokes, Guilford, Rockingham and CaswelL i": - 4th Randolph, Davidaoo. Davie, Rowan, Rich mond, Stanly, Anson and Montgomery. 6th Moore, Cumberland, Robeson, Bladen, Cohimbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, Sampson and Duplin. i, . , 6th Person, Orange; Chatham, Wake and Granville." 1 ' ' " 7th Warren, Franklin, Nash, Johnston, Edge combe, Halifax and Northampton. 8th. Wayne, Pitt Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Ons low, Carteret Craven and Hyde. . 9th Tyrrell, Washington, Martin, Bertie, Hertford, Chowan, Gates, Perquimons, Pasquo tank, Camden and Currituck. . j Mr. Leach spoke at some length in favor oi the 'amendment and complained of the injustice of the original bill it was a system of Gerryman dering which should not be forced upon the peo ple of the State. . , : . . Mr. TlrW renlied. contending that the plan would challenge a comparison with toy that had I Wen submitted, that the Committee ih preparing it ) lad consulted more the convenience of the people I tkan the interests of a party ; and thaf inbre libe- rdity had been shown to the vynigv tnan uwy would have shown to the Democrats. 1 ' . Mr. Franei moved to lav the biu on the table; but the motiondid hot prevail, and the debate was further continued by Messrs. moore ana iu,u, infevor of the amendment and Mr. Bragg in repiy. her eiperienos in the above bosii dent of fiving general sstisiaction. shs feels conn- 4Jm being referred .to ther Attorney General, whether the Bonds, having left out the condition 'or which mav. hereafter, be reauired bv law.' were nffi- - i - . --. cient gate a written . opinion, that he was not at all certain or confident that, they would be held as sufficient Mr. Wheelek obtained from Mr. Badges, a very. learned and able opinion on the same point with an, examination of a copy of which we have been honored ; it is too long for this notice. Let us make the following extract : ' 1 am therefore, of opinion that the condition of this Bond, omits a provision whichthe Legisla- Yesterday, was the day fixed by Joint Resold-1 tare designed and have plainly declared should tion, for the adjournment of the two Houses of the "be inserted in the condition of every Treasury Legislature ; but, as we predicted, the Resolu- f Bond and without which it ought not to be ac tion has been rescinded,! and the day of adjourn- u cepted, upon anyotion that the' instrument will .... : - ' TO TOBACCO PLANTERS &. DEALERS. QTfXHE Sabscribers attend to selling. LeafTobseco jLaTaml Steuuod make liberal advances, on coarign mrau of the noe. ' Our Office is immediately oppo site Shocko Ware House. - , LUDLAM, PRESTON, dc Co. REFERENCES, Ksbs, Caskib; dc Co. Jamss GsaV. Ei, tichmond, Yd. , Gen. J. W. Pte.A. 3 Richmond.' DeC 1st 1842. , 88 8w. AID UEAD STORES, . ofSlarble onACraxilte, XTkF dinerent sixes, and oriecs: and. all kinds of Sy Granite work furnished on the shortsst notice, by the subscriber. n' WM. 8TRONACH. Raleieh.MiT 7. 1843. 87ly N. B. Plaisterins and Mason Work of all kind dbne. Letters from a distance containing orders, will be promptly attended to -4 - , ' FOR MUSICAL, INSTITUTIONS. inrpHE Sabacriber begs leave to inform the Mosical 1 1 world, that his assortment of Mbsie is now ncommonlv large and eztensive-mcloding Instruction Books for the riano Porte, Guitar, Flute, Violin, ore. as well as crest vsriety , of Sacred M uste and Note Books for singing all of which will be sold low, InAnk arwl Pibba Fort Slltr. " Petersburg, Vs. A fine assortment' of Piano Fortes on bsnd at reduced prices. T ,f - '''' E. P. N A8H. now at an earlier date, than Monday next, the 23d, and may not take place until near the close of the next week. - THE SUSPENSION BILL. Mr. Bbown's, alias Mr. EdWakds' Bill declar- ing the Charter of any Bank in the State forfeited, that suspends Specie payments for 30 days in any one year, whether consecutive or not, was reject ed, in the Senate, on Saturday last, by eight ma- jonty. iWe publish the vote in another column, from which it will be seen, that the dose was too strong even' for Loco Foco stomachs We underr stand that the friends of the bill take the rejection ; of hy very much to heart..' ': THE RULING PASSION. With all due deference, it is our settled con viction, that the Hon. .Bedford Ubown is " as mad as a March hare" on the subject of Banks, and the general politics of the country. No mat ter what subject comes before the Senate, wheth er or not .- it has the slightest connection with Banks or Politics, the Honorable. Senator hangs a Speech on it, -and vents his spleen to his heart's content. It was only last week, that on a bill to amend the School Law, he went into an elaborate dissertation of matters and things in general, lug ging in a comparison between the expenditures under Mr. vav Buben s last year of Administra- I tion, and the first year of Whig rule that is, which commenced in Whig, and ended in the worst sort of Loco Focoism. And, on Thursday last, Gen. , - m.Mi I wa .ui iuuuuuuiu uiu w tukwiuuiaw uiua .rYA Horse Company, where m Robeson or Richmond, and to the utter amazement of every body, Sir Bedford rose in his stirrups, and attacked the bill on U first, reading, a thing of it selfi Vwholly' unparliamentary. He mounted the Light Horsemen, -i but soon .jumped on to the Banks and other Corporations, and having demol ished them, turned Qiiixotte like, on Log Cabins, Coon-skins, &c &b. Every Senator looked, as though he thought- 7. j To laoah, were want of manners and of grace; Yet to be grave, exceeds all powetf of face ! Geh. Docxery replied most effectively to the Senatorial Ex-Senator, and carried the war into The Bonds having beecv rejected by "the 'Gov ernor and Speakers, Mr. Wheelek procured the signature of Mr. Stokb to the Bond and caused tus, name, to be inserted in the body thereof, after its rejectioa and then without aiiy further author ity of the former obligors, tendered it, when the Governor disapproved, and the Speakers approved iv Mr. SipNX became uneasy as to the liability of jail the bUigors, to the instrument, except him self and Mr, Wheeler, and obtained a written opinion fromMr. Badger on the subject Mr. jjadgeb gaveu as. ms opinion, inai none oi ine BoDd were bound, but Stone and upon Stone forthwith notified the the Legislature, that if the Bonds been delivered, so as to make them obligatory with him, he withdrew his assent to any further delivery, and forbid their accept ance as his act and deed. . v A Thus it will be seen, but for the sagacity, firm ness and decision of the Governor,- the; Public Treasury of North Carolina would have beeh now in the hands of CoL Wheeler, without any other security than himselfor at meet, himself jGnd Mr.' Stone. The Democnts have been grossly imposed np- msMmzk, -dim ' 1 ' ' MP rT AV . Wo have New Orleans daie't of the fStik 29tU and 29th uiu i The prece of llfc Clay contllii ues the 'occasion of much stir: among the people: . On tt 29tH; nlU the Ball Room df the SLouis Exchange! was thronged with an 1 unrnterirupted . stream of visiters to exchange 'greetings wjth the" ' v distmguiihed 'guesti No political' differences ; were allowed to restrain getitlemen of : the oppo site party from taking- Mr. Clay by the handi a large number of whom were present on the occai: sion.; On fh Jblldwing day Mr. Cliy received. his friends attKe SaJooTf of the St Charles Thea ¬ tre. At a meetinff of . the members of the New Orleans Bar it was resolved to tender Mr. ClajF a dinner, as a distinguished memoer of Ihe Profesi ' sion. A Conamittee selected from some of the oldest and most respectable; members, was ap pointed to notify Mr. Clay of the Resolution! . The Tropic,rrelates the foflowmff piftisitig in cident in connexion withts account of Mr Clay's . enthusiastic reception by the peopW of New Or- leans'! -C ' ' The VBEiTBV A beautlfui aiid most tonchinsr incident occurred yesterday which, pressed as we are for time and - space, we must notice. As the profession passed down Cbartres street a young and beautiful deaf and dumb girl, standing upon a Daicopy,' wrew a most exquisite ana acul eate wreath of flowers into the Barouche at the " feet of Mr. Clay. .He took it up and bowed to the) far donor his thanks, while she, abashed with the? novelty of her situation, , was suffused with blush-' es. It was a touching compliment front one de nied the sense of heafinand the powerto7peechv oirc wno naa grown iamiiiar wim uze name aoa fame of lone ' of her country's noblest sons, and who longed to burst the fetters Which nature bad f . cast upon her and speak her praises; : We doubt if any. incident connected with Jir.,taay'a recep tion in this city has afforded huri so riruch pleasure. No compliment, in languaffe however, graceful elesraot and eloquent, could fro so directly to thd heart as, this jneek dRrjng fiom the fair yotmjf being who gave it.- "" i; . v obligors to Wheeler, Governor ha4 not aire up whare and i tfv -C THAT SAME X)U COON. A special' election was held in GeorgiaVlorfthe first Monday of this month, for a Member of Con- gress, to supply ine vacancy occasionea joy , ine death of Mr. Habersham. The vote Was by Gen eral Ticket, and of course tested the relative strength of parties in the State, as fully' as a Pre- sidential Election could have' done. ' The result is, that George W CRawTORD, the Whig Can didate, is elected by several thousand majority over his opponent, Alexander McDottgaXl. We be leve that, from this time forward the old Coon will keep wide awake. CONGRESS. In the Houm on Tuesday last, Mr. Botts intro duced his charges, on which to ground his pro nosed impeachment of the President. The mo- HATRED TD THE BANKS; k We copy, from the last " Washington Republic can," the folfcwmg paragraph, m the language employed.toWards those of bnr fel low-citizens. whoV having a httle . money, hayel , clubbed . it together to establish a Bank, with s view' to make 8 lawful profit on their investmettV : and, at the same time, to benefit the Publici Thei ' Editor ie speaking of the recent Resolution of the iBtockhplders pf thsj Bank of the State t ' 1 44 We are left enUrely to conjecture as to the -cause of this extraordinary proceeding, motives which may have induced, its Stockholders) to pursue such a- course, h may be owing to thai late, though on that account not the less commen- , dable, repentance of the swindler, -who, alter a t f e i rx...r ' ' ' - at hist determines to be Itohefet kl rpite of old habits, or perheps it may be but a gambleri trick ; ' an efiort to nlaV a ffam of bluff towards the Denv ocracy ot the uegisiaiure.- . tion to refer the charges to a Select' Committee I a Whig Speaker is elected in the -Massachusetts of nine. Was lost 83,to 127. Mr. Fillmore, from the Committee of .Ways and Means, reported on the Exchequer Plan of the Secretary of the Treasury that it ought not to be adopted. On this a debate arose which the O" We have the gratiftcatko to anaonoce that : ansette fTIlHE Sabecriber Ukes this method ofj informing j U those wbo may wish to supply themselves witn Piano Fortes, that the Prices are very much reduced, ad now is the time to snpply themselves opon good terms. -' V ' He has on hand sine assortment of ihe very best quality of Instruments, and will sell tbera subject to be returned, if not good. X. r. xmash, , Petersburg Va. S t . FALL SUPPLIES OF JOustc. Jflusleat Wnstrumtttts, FJjyCV ARTICLES, Sfe. - roa sais t ' ' ? E. P. N ASH, ' " Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Virginia. jSTiOUNTRY Merchants and others in want of any Jyof the above articles,wiU find jn my.ealablikhioeot, ttvn iimm dcurable slock I have ever offered, at great tv reduced vrices. "A call from my old friends and -M ... . v . i. 7 customers is solicited. ;;; , . : , . : PHOTOGRAPHIC Africa. ii ... B f WSf . vf r- r e I bill, which has nor. run its nrsi neau . Aiessrs.1 his Bond. That turns out to 1nbt only wholly xucf untrue, but on tte contrary, the Governor showed "F'" r"" " him the conditiols that he must put in his Bond, and yet a very material one was left out It was said the Judges of the Supreme Court had said the Bonds were sifficient We feel fully author- ized in saying, that Chief-Justice Ruftjn and Judge Gaston gatfe ho such opinion. It was said tear . ' . . . vk Mr. uadger s opra:on was, that the uonds were sufficient, and ouvht to have.been received the truth turns out to Ve otherwise. 4 Indeed, some of the Democrats' feel themselves under just obli gations to the Governor, for saving them from the precipice on which they stood. It was a bitter pill for many of them to swallow, to vote for Col. Wheelek -vs. Major; Hinton ; but to have put him in office without any Bond, or a sufficient Bond would have been ruinous to them as a party ; and from this ruin, they have been saved,! by the un yielding, firmness of ! the Governor, in, which all agree he was nght I It has been said the Bonds are copies pf Major Hinton's Bonds. v Be it so. House of Representatives, -on the which was as fbHowe : :4 Whole Noi of. votes, Necessarv for a cboice4 ' uerrnvs w iu lama sjxo, ua ...,. 2 Daniel P.'Knir. 'Whfc : ' : :."Vr 175 51 - m 172 t Mr. Cardwell called for a division o? the ques: wtnl ATUUE PORTRAITS, ion ; and the euestion oh strikingout, was deci- ; -"V . ' ff MTYPF ' C' ' ledinthenegJtive,byavoteofB3to46. -- 1 BY DAGUERREOTYPE. tion ded Mr. MooreJ moved to amend by striking out the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and, 8th .Districts, MinserUngjtbe'followingt ' r';V;'-.'v 2i Stokesi Surry, Ashe,' Wilkes, IredeB and Davidson. ,-'-f -i 3d Lincoln; Mecklenburg, Rowan, Davie, At 4th CnrnKprlanri. ChathWMoore Robeson, Richmni iOrAntmmnr ' RandolDh and Stanly. Sti-Oranire. "Person, CaswelL Rockingham 6th M.-h tT.i;rv WarrAn. Franklin, uran-l rule ami ' W.tr K- 7? t ' -.-M t 7th rvli.,w,K- TttkAan. Timnawick.'NewHan- ovr, SampsotL Dnplin,vLenoir, Onslow Wayne, Hinr the lata important improvements in the Art, will take Superior Likenesses, by the above process, from 9 A. M.o4 P. M. without regard I to lh weeiber. Ladies sod GemUmen sre respectfully nT"f li .i hi. room, at Doctor H sy wood's, Cowier of Fsyf eturviUe and Newbrr Streets, (immediately PPt the Bookstore of Messrs. Turner & Hughes,) where specimens msy bs seen. m ;;' v.,KsJeigh:Dec. ?V; -"3-:V-, ! ??'' THE CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. . ' v. The unfair bill apportioning.the Congressional Districts of the State, the injustice of which we have before exposed, passed its final reading in the House, on Saturday, and is now the law of the land. We shall have much to say on this sub ject hereafter. x'X!',-. - L, , ' i. We were a good deal amused with a jolly Whig the other day, from an Eastern County, who, de termined to look on the bright side of every thing, was congratulating himself, that although all his old associations and sympathies were broken up by the new arrangement, he had at least the con solation of knowing that he had been moved into, ' t-. ' 104 ;O,'..iJ0BPRINTING---Executed with neatness and despaUh, O Does the Editor of the u Mecklenburg Jef. fersonian" know the difference between Rail-Road Stocks and Rail Road Bonds t He confounds the ! two so together, that the inference. unavoidable, I that he either wilfullor. ignorantly mistakes' the one for the other;. ; In the course of some remarks . made by Mr. Underwood, of Kentucky, he referred, by. way of substantiating a charge of insincerity against Mr. Tyler, to th late Governor Owen's State ment, in relation to his (Mr. Tyler's) conduct at the Harrisburg Convention. 'Mr-Rayner rose to explain. VVhat Gov. Owen charged was,;that Mr. Tyler had positively informed him that his views with regard to the constitutionality and ex pediency of a National Bank had been changed, and this statement was confirmed by the testimoL ny of Messrs. Cherry and Miller) men of integri ty and credibility. -Mr. Tyler,- instead of meeting the mrestkm, had dodged it, by saying that bar had BARGAINS.' V ." A 8 TsmsVott removing my fetock of Goods to '. n.. T. :n -v.v Iaiim. in - k.ui.h .i. Jnrma hUh time I will sell OTV OeodS ' gains in Superior neadymofi-3 CfclZilV- wi t do wcu to call on- j r jw. uwfni.ii Jen. ljr 5 1 ir T ' Isyettsvaie gtrsefc , A Ketr Cat Iron Plough ! i :p i the special request or many rnnersi ,uum t Conntv . C. H. Ricbmosb. iW of Csswett; N. U. has east a small Ode Horse Pbragb, to suit our land and team. A.Twhohvtf etsroined it,; have pro Also, kept constantly on noa need it lost the thtoc band.ofte and iw Horse riougbe of a larger sbe, with never made any remarKS m Tne aeoaiew a. uKUxnir I exirm powis anu mi ues in iduoubucb. luk?r!nmtirtnL enrl'tuid twvr rat dnidt L ,S JAMBS M. TO TLESolsAtnt i . . - i -tJL rv.j- 5v. f 1, HSMDSK. JS9I.' 19: IB43-. t " least nnoiiciv. uie cudrvc m jkjt uwvu. r i . : ' mT l T,, ff f C3 . . . . : - d 1 Mr. Wise said, the , President of the Umted Sutes had denied evey making such a statemenL The answer (which it was now said was a dodg- The 8obcrltier JU jM'pcrsd I a execute all kinds of Gov. Morehead never received those Bonds; they l,1? the5"e8mJ dfr imkationrofeverv variety of Marble. anJ of all kinds were accepted befory he. came into office ; but we f w f Wood tsio; Wall Fainting, Psper-bangirig, Cla' have no hesitation ia believing, if these Bonds had been Major HucToa's, they would have been as promptly rejected. - ; : Besides, as to Major Hmton's Bond, there is no difficulty as to the execution, ho conditional signing bo addition of seals and re-dehvery; Ate &c The securities, Duncan Cameron, William Boy lan, D. W. Stone, , Alfred Jones, and others executed the Bonds here--their execution and sufficiency was beyond all doubt, besides an unincumbered estate of the PrineipaV himself, of from $75 to . The Legislature has given Col. Wheeler until the 23d, to give his Borjd--iand it is, to be hoped .he will be enabled to give a sufficient one As rumor says ne naa uie signatures 01 some mteen Members to bis Bond before he left for the low country to obtain others among whom it is said are Ex-Seflatof Brown, W. N. Edwards Esq and others a few such as then will make the) bond very good. ;: . . ventkm did he aay what bid been ascribed to hinv Ljo.ki gILDINQoa ifeotf and Hda&c substances. lur. xviyot;r. aucu. ww iub use fvuitu. uxx, oj every aesenpuon, wi cc; muc r renen wyK, ac -it-ruiAii tii ui in snnrtAci rtiixt. inn haim in m Bfr-A. . rior style of workmanship.' 4 ,'i MILITARY FLAGS and BANNERS pm!e4in the neatest style, on the shortestnotiee, and much cheaper than thev can be done elsewhere fr I-S- fer to the Adiatant General or Worth Uarooa. j Persons Wuhina: PsJotin of sny deeeriptn SXS- euted by calling at the Cabinet Ware Room of lXtt William Thompson, opposite, the Bourn xssi eomer , of the Pspttol tqasre, msy sxpeef to hsve it done to thef r emiire eetisiseuon. ' f ; v , RafeiKH: Jsn- I. 1843. Tyler had met the charge by saying that he did loot open his mouth in the Harrisburg Convention, j Mr. Wise And expressly that to had made no such declaratioii. " ' ':. - "'Zx . Mr. Rayner again expressed his dissent from Mr. Wise's amrmaUon. lathe Senate; the 'Judiciary, Committee have reported back the bill tohriemnifV; GenvJack- sori for damage Sustained in the discharge of his official duty-? with an amendment, .alterina the title to a A biu for the relief of lien. jacXson; and another amendment, (an entire substitute for the bill,) naming:; the bill on , the pnnclple of a oooor or consMBrauon oi Quinary services, j. v . " . -f; . . Ef The m National Inte'lligencer' Jannounees the death of Peahcis a Key, Esq. formerly U. S. Attorney far the District of Cofombta, and an toent Lavfyer and citizen. t Oor Office Uiu supplied with the greatest, variety W :V i-J iff at prepared to execute ' - -1 ! PajirnLXTs, Cards, Cikctlau, lliitrtiLt-r; In a style net Infrrior to any Oltti U (-a Cr V' , AT THIi OITXC. ' i. 4 V'" t

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