. - . ; ; v ... r!f ffft 1 p? h fa i. jUi'iois :-..fit .??. r .. -.: f ... ..Ms?'.;) h' iiC't i A - TT p8bUsbc4cml-iretkly,1y VESTON,RvGAL TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1843; T.DCTOR AND fBOFRIETOR. nni , S: AJSl) IWKTM CAROLINA GAZE 8f tkc SemMeekly BaUlgh Register. Subscri'tiox. Five Dollars per annnm half in ptKHTisSViKNTs. For' every Sixteen Lmet first insertion, On Dollar ; each subsequent insertion, Twenty-five Cents. Cocrt Ordkhs and Judicial Advirtiuments vf be charged 25 per cent, higher ; but a deduction )f 331 per ent. will be made from the regular prices, for advertisers by the year. I j; ' Advertisements, inserted in the SEMf Wsikit RuctsTtR. will also appear in the Wkskly Paper free of charge. Letters to the Editor must be post- aid. WILL, MUST, AS D SHALL BE .SOLD, OX FRIDAY, THE 23d OF JUNE, Bcingr Friday of Wake Superior Special Court,) yic following- Valuable Property , i the City and immediate fi cinily of Ilaleigh Vix That desirable Establishment, at present occupied by me, and well known under the name of the CITY HOTEL with the Stable Lot connected with the same. llso. a two Stout Housk, containing Eight .Rooms, adjoining Litchforu's Hotel. AUo,"a valuable Lot, adjoining George W. Hit moom's Office, with a single Siory House thereon. 'J'his Lot lrntsiin Fayetteville Street36 feet, and runs back 68 feet Easiwardly. . i Also, a most eligible MIESIDEJVCE in the Easiern subuVba of the City, about 80 yard without the Corporation limits, having attached thereto 2 Acres of Lund.X This is admitted to be one of the very handsomest locations about the City, and w II worthy the attention of persons desiring to purchase properly of this description. The Dwelling House is new, built of Wood, and finished with great neatness and taste. It has a double Portico in front, with four Kooms on the lower, and two on the upper floor. There is an excellent Well of Water on the Lot, and all necewary out-houses; j - I wish to sell also, ail the Household and Kitchen Furniture pertaining to the Tavern establish ment, so that any one disposed to buy, can, at once, enter upon the businesf. It is but rart-ly. such an opportunity is offered to obtain valuaMe Property in a thriving community, And, as the sale will be to the highest bidder, without teserve, the purchasers cannot fail to secure good bar gains. - ; j Tkrms or Salr. Negotiable Notes at the Bank of the Slate, payable in one and two instalments, for the Real Estate. DANIEL MURRAY. Raleigh, Msy 17, 1843. 40 Valuable Properly for sale in tbe Vicinity of Raleigh. THE SUBtiCltlUEU oucrs to veil for Six Thou sand, six hundred dollars, payable in one end two years, and satisfactorily secured with interest, or for Negroes (field hands') tbe following Property : His Dwelling House apd the Lots attached to it,' containing between ten and twelve acres. It is situated about six hundred yards East of the Canitol. on Newbern Street, in a beautiful Grove of Forest Trees, and without the limits of the Town. It contains four apartment in the basement, including the Dining room,"' and five above, and two Passages. It is new, built of choice materials, and of superior workmanship. The out-houses and enclosures are also new. In the back yard, is a Well of most excel lent water. An unimproved Lot of 9i acres at the end of Newbern street, fronting , the Capitol, and at the distance of seven or eight hundred yards. It is one of the most beautiful sites in the Vicinity of Raleigh. Another Lot of ' about fifteen acres, lying also East of the City, adjoining a Lot formerly the proerty of the late Joseph Gales, and a Lot be longing to Johji O'Rork. There are. two small framed Houses upon it, yielding a rent that would make the property a good, investment at the price at which K is estimated, and upon., tbe Street, leading by Dr. J. O.Watsoh's, are two handsome building situ ations. 1 ; t A. tract of leticeen thirty and forty acres , about three miles south of Kslergh, anording an auun dant supply of Wood, and much valuable Timber. Persons wishing to purchase, can address the Sub scriber at Halifax, and after the meeting of Congress, at Washington City : or, can make personal opplica lion to the Messrs. 6tith, in Raleigh, who will take pleasure in showing them the premises ' " l. , J. R. J. DANIEL. October 22nd. 1842. - 85 -if ELEGAftT NEW IIOl'SE FOR SALE. I will sell to the highest bidder, without reserve, be fore the Court House door in the City of Raleigh, on the third Monday of June, (being the Monday of the Special lermof the Superior Court for W ake bounty,) that new and elegant two Story DwiLxive Housk, just finished, in , the rear of the residence, now occupied by Mrs. M. A. McPhextzrs. ' Haid Dwelling is situated on the Lot. known as rfo 36, in the Plan of the City of Rateigh, and includes half an acre of ground. It is 46 by 18 feet, containing uur liooms, with a spacious passage between. , Fer oiig desirous of examining the premises before the saie. can liave an opportunity by applying to me. I krmr or Sin. A part of the purchase money iown, and a credit of six months on the balanee. WILLIAM, ASHLEY. May 10, 1843. 38 JEL.I,IIGOFF AT COST. Intending to fccloee the Hat and Shoe business, I will sell off my Stock of HATs AND 8H0E8 jAT COST Among them are a fresh supplyf Spring Goods. I have a large lot of Baoeaaa t 60 ets. Also a lot of Fee Hats ' " at 90 cts. JAS.T. ALFRIEJXD, Raleigh. May 8, 1843. n.. ii . 38i- fin HE celebrated French Ointment, ("Oitguent de jc .""''""v ior me cure of files, Ulcer and Irritaiion of the Rectum and adjoining parts, msy be had at Dr. Hkndkbeii's Dffiu ;n- u. ' . leigh, April 28. ' , 84 CTATEJ AU.CJTJOIfS-Being often asked on what day of the week, do we sell publicly, we have concluded toII on every Thursday, when we have any thing, worth selling. Shall have , to give ne or more days previous notice: of sales, uutil the Business becomes steady enough to do without it WILL. PECK, Atior. . .. , , 40 4w Kaleigh.May 1!. Select Classicnl School, DTTTUB.O "ATTHE UNIVERSITY. tJMrHE Subscriber, hayjng engaged to giveinatruc, iTt oni lh chi,dren of Judge Battix, ia wUling S23r !l SJ'" wft the Faculty reof as to. qualification. &c, , . , , ASH BEL G.BROWN. June 7rl843.- SELLING OFF AT COST ! $15,000 TVortli of Fashionable Dry Goodsi at and nntjer Prime Cost, j FOR CASH. TEE UNDERSIGNED having engagements to 'meet, within the range of t.be next six months, with which he is determined to comply, and in con sideration of the very low price of COTTON and all other produce of the Farmer ; and, intending, just as soon as possible to sauare off with the world, and make a new arrangement in his business exclusively upon the Cash system , will dispose of bis present ELEGANT - AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, consisting in part of Fine' Cloths and Cassimerer eshngs, Saitinetls, and Gambroons, Summer Cloths and Bombazenes. splendid Silks and Satins, Mouslin Be Lain es and Shallies. Silk Muslins and Foulard Silks French Muslins and Lawns, Swiss and Jaconet Muslins, Cambrieks, Calicoes, and Ginghams Hats, Shoes, Crocker t and Hard ware, die. &c at ruiME Cost, and for many artic les, considerably under Cost for the money. CASH ruHCHASERs, and those especially desirous of obtaining superior Goods, therefore respectfully invited to call, as they may, in perfect confidence expect to find good bargains. (T All persons indebted to him either by note or Account earnestly requested to call and make im mediate payment aa longer indulgence cannot be given. fXj Several spacious and airy Rooms for Rent on accommodating terms, in his New Brick House at the corner. ' B. B. SMITH. Raleigh, May 15, 1843. 39 VERY DESIRABLE PROP erty Tor Sale, In the City of Raleigh. The Subscriber, Wing de sirous of moving to his Plantation, wishes to sell his HOUSE AND LOT in this City. The Property is situated on Newbern Street, east from the centre of the CapitoL The House is a large two sto ry building, forty-two feet by twenty-eight, with a pas sage through the middle three Rooms on the lower floor and four above, with Fireplaces to each. It has a basement story of hammered Kockthe whole extent, which is intended for a Dining Room, etc. with a fire place. at each end the basement Rooms, not finished. I iiere is a superb hock stable, two stories nigti, twen ty-four by thirty feet square; also a Rock Smoke-house and good frame Kitchen; and an excellent Well of Water. J'he Lot contains from six to seven acres of ground, which have been highly improved. The House is beautifully situated on an eminence, near the front line. All the improvements have been made within three years, and cost the builder over six thou sand Dollars. This desirable property is now offered for four thousand dollars' Time will be given the purchaser, but the notes will draw interest and undoubted secu rity will be required. Persons, desirous of living in Raleigh; have now an opportunity of purchasing a desirable" residence, at a very reduced price. . r. GUION. Raleigh, August 25. 68 tf MEW GOODS IT, TIIE JTEIT CUEJiP STOIIE. If HAVE just received a fresh lot of those very 0 cheap Goods, to which I invite the attention of the Public. Among them "Lawns and Printed Jaconets Foulards Silks, very low 8atin Striped Louisenes Ginghams at 12 J cents Plain and Figured Muslin De Laines - Calicoes, a grest variety, from 4 cents np Furniture Calicoes, . 6A Black brown and white Cotton Hose, at 12 1-2 cts. good Black and white, Plain and Ribbed Hose, cheap A very cheap lot of Irish Linens Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs and Silk Swisa and Jaconet Muslins Plain Swhis, 2 nos. wide Het Mattioni Lewstring, cheap Cheap lot of Colored Silks Black and Bine Black Bombaxine Plain Bl.vk Mooslin de Laine, very fine Dimity; and French worked Collars . , 12 quarters Bleached Sheeting, 6 quarters do 6 quarters and 5 quarters sheeting 4 . Brown Cotton!, 6 cent. The above with a great many other Goods, will be sold st unprecedented low prices. Persons in want, would do well to call early. . , W. H. PEIRCE, Fayetteville Street. Raleigh", June 6v 45 FEJTlJJUsE SCIMOOIj. rpHE SCHOOL kept at Wooslxt, my residence, JL (four miles South of Warrenton.) for the last few years, for the, Education of my own .daughters, and those of a few friends, I now propose to enlsrge, for which purpose competent Teachers are engaged.; Every attention will be paid to the morals and deport- ment of those entrusted to our care. The health of the situation is unquestioned. : Tbe next Bession commences on the tenth of July. The Terms, per Session of five months, are for Board, and Tuition in alt the various English branches $75; Music $20 French $5. Lessons in Drawing and Painting will alo be given to those who may desire it; : Persons wishing to communicate with the Subscri ncr, will direct to Warrirtoit, N. C. DANIEL TURNER. ; Warren Co. N. C. June 6, 1843. 46-5w RALEIGH & GASTOK RAIL. ROAD. ; A N adjourned meeting of the Stockholders in the X Raleigh and Gaston nail Koad Company, will be (eld at the Corrtpl roller's- Office, in the City of Raleigh, 6n Tuesday, the 20th inst. at. 12 o'clock, M. 'Stock holders, who cannot attend in person, are particularly requested to consulate proxies to represent them. , 8. p. PATTERSON, Prest June 7th 1843. 35 t20J. P 0 R Til A I IV MI NIATU RE , j AND HISTORICAL PAINTING, j 1YIII. JO : S. PENDEBj - I i OFNOKTH CABOtfNA, . aving vlsrtetl Europe for the purpose of perfecting "himself in bis profession is now prepated to exeeute ' roriraiiit miuiaiurcii aci ... V ti. ; Those wishing to avail themselves of his profession al services, are requested to call at his ArtelHer, in the building formerly occupied by the Secretary of State, where specimens of bis execution may be seen. v j Feb. 18,184X br .v,; n Jy -., & (Classical and Enpllslt 1 Schools I shail again commence this School on the third ef July. v;. t.v. I. M; LOVEJOY.!;' f Raleigh, Jane lvr--r;U..--.'-' V-ZL ii Krpwn & Ilinfon MAVE ON HAND a fine assortment of Robin son's City made SUppera, which they will self at $ IJti per pair for cash, or to-punctual customers, iRaWgh, Jane 8. ' -4 3t-' lift ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 34, for 1843, To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C.,on Saturday, the 17thofJune, 1843. nitlLJLI.l.XT SCMIEJfMJEl 30,000 Dollars 10,000 Dollars 6,000 Dollars 5,000 Dollars 4,000 Dollars 3,970 Dollars 5 prizes of 2,000 dollars ! 5 prizes of 1,600! 25 prizes of 1,0001 &c. Tickets only $10 toilves 5$ quarters 82 50- isetuncates ot Packages: 01 25 Whole Tickets $130 Do Do do 26 Half do 65 do 25 Quarter do 32 50 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. Cla.s 36 for 1843. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C , on Saturday the 24lh of June, 1843. ' CAPITALS. $30,000! $ 10,000 . $5,690 g4,000g3.000 5 prizes 1,5C0 10 Prizes of 1,200 dollars 100 Prizes of S 1,000!! 100 Prizes of '400 dollars Tickets $10 Halves 86 Quarters 82 50. Certificates of Packages of 26 V hole Tickets 3130 Do do. 26 Half T 0 65 Do do ' 26 Quarter .do 32 50 For Tickets and Shares, or Certificates of Pack ages in the above Splendid Lotteries, Add reus J. G. GREGORY, & CO. Managers, Washington, D. C. Drawings sent immediately afieri they are over to all who order as above. , FAUQUIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. fTTlHIS splendid establishment, situated 50 miles U from Alexandria. 35 from Fredericksburg, and 2uEast of the Blue Ridge, in one of the mot healthy and delightful climates in Virginia, will be opened for the reception of visiters on the 1st of June. The curative qualities of tbe water have beeri thor oughly tested in cases of Dyspepsia, Dropsy, and derangement of the Liver, Tbe grounds and walks: have been greatly improved since Isst season the bathing establishment is in complete repair, supplying baths with hot and cold free-stone or sulphur water at pleasure. There is al so an abundant" supply of Q:e. Lovers of Music will find the Band unsurpassed. The price of Board will be, for the season, commeh- cinar 1st of June and ending 1st Oct 4 months, $80 ror 3 months 60 ' 1 35 2 weeks 18 1 4 10 1 dsy 2 Children under 12 years and servants, half price. Horses 60 cents per day, or $1 1 per month. Tri-weekly stage -will run from Alexandria until the 1st of July ; after that time daily. There will be a daily line of stages from Fredericksburg after Is t of July, and before that time, conveyances can be had for those who wish to visit the Springs. D. WARD, Agent. May 18. . 41-4w HILLSBOROUGH MR. & MRS. 11URWELL, Principals. THE Fall 8esaion will commence on Monday the third of July, and close od the last of "Novem ber. The usual branches of a thorotrgh English educa tion are taught, together with the Latin and French languages. More attention paid to the solid thantd the ornamental brandies, though the latter are not neglected. We have in our own family, places for four or five more boarders, and as our numler is limited, it is desirable that those who Wish their children placed under our immediate attention should make early ap plication. Board can be obtained in most respectable families' at $ 10 per month, including all expenses. TERMS PES SESSION. For Board and Tuition, $67:50 Tuition alone, v 17;50 Music, 25:00 Use of Piano for practice, 5:00 French or Latin, 10:00 Drawing and Painting. 10:00 REFF.RK3rCIff. John Witherspoon D. D Hon. F. Nash, Dr. James Webb, John W. Norwood. Esq., Hon. Wil liam A. Graham. Hillsborough ; Rev. Drory Lacy, Raleigh ; Rev. D. Stratton, Alfred Hatch, Robert Primrose. Newbern; Rev. Thos. Owen, Wilmington; Rev. A. Wilson, D.D.. Rev. John A. Gretter, Greens borough. . May 17. 41-law4w CASH, CASH, CASH. NEW FRENCH WORK. THE Subscriber has just received his Spring COLLARS. CUFFS, BANDS, EDGEINGS and INSERTINGS. Also, Superior thread cambric and cambric HDK'FS and extra fine LAWNS, do. Bird's eye, Crash and Table DTAPER8, and will he offered at prices to suit the times', together with a very fair selected STOCK of GOODS. -' As Cash seems to be the leading article, be is de termined to sell as low any person or persons, save those whose goods are compelled to be sdld, not exact' ly iu the regular way? Customers should look well and not buy before, they have xam'med tbe market through, which will not take very long, as the re duction or a lew coarsi articles is no criterion of a cheap bill. ....... THEO. H. SNOW. I - Rsleigb, June 6. 45 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.-PITT County Court of Equity, 1843. Marshall Dickinson, ) vs. t Pitt Coart of Equity, Walter Hanrahan. f March Term, 1843. Mary Smith, tt. als. J Bill fur Sale anrf division of Slaves and for account of Trust Furid. IT appearing to the Court that Mary Smith, Arthur Wooten, and wife Eliza,' William C. Anderson, and wife Emetine, and John Smith, Defendants in the above case,' are not residents of this State, it was or dered that pubTicatiori be made in th6 Kaleieh Regis ter for six weeks,1 notifying the said defendants to'ap pear at tne next l enn or this Jonrt, td be held at the Court House lit GreeneviIIe, on the 1st Monday hi September next, and plead, answer or demur, or (as Biu will be Uken pro confesso, to them, ' and heard accordingly.' Witnes Henry FJ Harris, Clerk of our aid Court at Office, at GreeneviIIe, the 1st Monday of March, 18?' , u : : a-HENRY F. HARRIS, C. M.H TTI) ACOIf .A good stock this animal round ; ot U M lereq ior casn. wiLiLi. rjsun , Raleigh, June 2v ; - ! ' " - 44 8t juoile jrEir noons UST RECEI VED at the North Carolina Book store, Raleigh, N. C. Fay's New Novel, Ho- boken, a romance of New 1 ork : Wmter Studies and Summer Rambles, by Mrs. Jamieson : Conquest' and self-conquest: Tbe May Flower or sketches of the descendants of the Pilgrims: Lays of Ancient Rome, by T B. McCauley : the Life of Gen. La Fayette, by E. Mack: tbe Life of John C. Calhoun: Incidents of a Travel in Yucaianj by J. L. Stephens: the Life and Treason of Benedict A mold, by Jsred Sparks: Spark's Life of Sebastian Cabot and Ethan Allen : three years in the . Pacific by an Officer of U. S. Navy J Sketches of Turkey, by an American : Letters from a Father to his sons in College, by Samuel Miller, D. D. (said to be an invaluable Work,) all of which and many Others, are for sale bv TURNER & HUGHES. Raleigh, May 25. 42 William Thompson; Cabinet and Furniture Ware-house Raleigh, N. C. THE Subscriber has now oh band at his furnish ing Ware Rooms, ju&tiu the rear of Messrs. Turner cc Hughes' Book Store, a general assortment if Articles in his line, made in the most faithful man ner, after the newest and most fashionable patterns, and which will be warranted. They will be sold al such prices, Aa to leave no excuse for sending to the North for Furniture. Call and look, before y oh send from home. WILLIAM THOMPSON. K-ileigh, Nov. 4, 1842. 28 rxj Walnut, Birch, Maple and Poplar Lumber well-seasoned, taken in exchange for Furniture. . . Passage to Baltimore. THE superior Steamboat, COLUMBUS or PO CAHONTAS, will leave City Point direct for Baltimore, every Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, or immediately after the arrival of the Cats from Pe tersburg, and will land Passengers in Baltimore, the next evening. The accommodations on board these Boats are very superior, and the passage, including meals through from Petersburg to Baltimore, only $8. Returning, wilt leave Baltimore every Saturday after noon at 5 o'clock. ', j J. BRANDT, Jr. Agent Baltimore, Mar. 10, 1843. 22 ly Stop the ISunaway. TTT ANA WAY from the Subscriber, living in Hs!i fax bounty. Va.. my boy PETE R. He is about fourteen years old J a bright mulatto, and is a smart sprightly boy. I understand he is lurking somewhere about the Rail-road between Gaston ic Raleigh. If he is apprehended and lodged in some Jail, or brought to me, a suitable reward will be paid. , . . WM. H. ARMI3TEAD May S3, 1843. 42 4 L Wialtxing and Dancing School. MR. DeGRANDVAL begs leave to inform his patrons, the Ladies and Gentlemen of Raleigh, that hjs Dancing School will re-open on Saturday, the lutn oi June. Mr.- ukurahtivai. naa received irom France the most fashionable figures, as well as the newest Steps, and many hew fancy Dahcea. which he intends to introduce this Session, in his School. He hopes; 'by hit attention to the improvement of his Scholars, to merit the patronage which he solicits. June 1, 1843. 44 JFjlESH SJilMTOGA lVJiTElt, "FTUST RECEIVED a supply of Sarstoga Water Qj direct from the Saratoga Iodine Spring. Pot sale by IN. L,. STI 1 11, Druggist, Jane 5, 1843. 45 N. lie STITH, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, RALEIGH, N. C. BEES-WAX WANTED; For good clean wax, we will give a little more than the usual price here, in any of our dry groceries, and those at the lowest cash prices. WILL. PECK. Raleigh, June 6. 45-0t HANDSOME SHOES Tor' SUMMER Ladies French Slippers, " Spring heel, do. Walking do., lace and sliper tie. For Parties, white, English Kid and Satin Sllippers, all of the latest style. THEO. H. SNO W.- Raleigh, June 6. . 45 A l'cw Cast Iron Plough ! AT the special request of many Farmers of this County, C. H. Ricumorii, Esq. of Caswell, N. C. has casta small One Horse Plough, to suit our land and teams. All who have examined it, have pro nounced it just ihe thing. . . Also, kept constantly on hand'bone and two Horse Ploughs of a larger size, with extra points and slides in abundance. JAMES MTOYVLES, Sole AgenL Rareigb, April 6, 1843,. . SPOHN'S For .Sale by ; , N. L.STITH. tato of rVorth Carolina. Moore Co'un Superior Court of Law Spring Term, A D. 184 1843. Elixa Mclver w. David W, McIvef. rxTiTioa; von sitobcs. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant, Daid W, Mclver, is not a rest, dent of this State : It is therefore Ordered by the Court, that publication be made for three months' in the Raleigh Register and .North Carolina Gazette, published in the City of Raleigh, and in the Fayette viHe Observer, notifying the Defendant, David W; Mclver, to be and appear before eur next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the County of Moore, at the Couit House in Carthage, on the Monday be fore the last Monday in August next, then and there to plead, answer, ot demur 10 said ' Petition, otherwise the allegations set forth therein-, will be taken pro conlesso, and the petition win be heard ix parte. : 1 Witness; John Morisba, Clerk of odr Said . Court, at Office, tli Monday beloce the last Monday id Feb. ruary. A.D. 1843, and the 67th of American Inde pendence. . " ' ' . .. ; i tt 50 - f J0HXM0RKbN, C. 8. C:; rrKENTAL INSTRUMENT8.fFor sale, a fine VcaseofDayrAx, IssTacxiiTi, with forceps en the most approved plan.. They may, he seen at , Dr, Hssrnm'a Office, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. SHERIFFS SALE. v hmrf1?8 UaW hAn d C,TT Ur i7 nex.l!aibe "oa Houae door,- in the Taxes doe on said Tracts of Land and City Lots, Owners' names. Acres of Ricriard W Aihton -Neall Brown Christopher 6c Smith Henry Forest Alex Morphia John M Mason Justin Martindale Reuben Mow Henry Patterson for Hawley's heirs Jane McGufly Patrick Rogers Rebecca Saunders Sally Wilson Thos C Wells Raleigh, May 30, 1843. 114$ 47 260 lt3 74 i Tlx e following Tracts of Land, and City Lots; will be offered at Pdblic Auction 6n Mdndav.' the ittth'ju xt, at the Court Hoiise doorin the City of Raleigh, or so much thereof as will satisfy 'the Taxes doe tid Tracts of Land and Lots for the year 1840. - . . ly next, on said Owners' names. Richard W Ash ton Neal Brown, jr S J Baker for Arthur Macori John Bell Christopher & Smith 'I'hornas Cobbs James Durilap Henry Forest Jos B Hihton Jones Thos C Dirk Lindeman" Reuben Mose John M Mason Justin Mirtindale Mark Mc William! Jane McGuffy Willey Porter John C Rbgera , Rebecca Saunders Mrs Hannah Stuaft Race IVact James Terry No. of Acres 47 46 zsi 448 ! 116 17 Lot in Raleigh 1 lso JSallv Wiisori Raleigh, Mav 30, CITY jLOTS The fcrllowirig City Lola will be offered for sale tit Public Auction; at the Court frouse door, n the Cito ef Raleigh on Monday, (he lOtH of July next, or as much thereof is willsaiisTy Ihe Tixee dfie" Wsaid Ciir T ni. fc. . it.-. . loin iam iaii ..Jidi ...... .... .. ' w. un yvuwm 1049, tnu, lot! BHU io. Owners' natnes. No. of City Ann Briggs Alea Blake;'8'. John Buffalo w Martha A Butler 6 ox. 74 & 129 iod part pari James Dunlap 236 230 Beverly Daniel's estate part pari J Haw ley heirs Jos B Hihton L : John T. HickjO- 66 irTri part Alfred Lewii John M Mason Juntin Martindale Jai.e McGuffy tfj i 123 61. 129 part Willey Porter Henry J Patterson Ados Rogers & Otey ltenj B Smith Hannah Stuart H 8. Spivey William Thompson 5943 . 311 & 227 67,72,146 6V 130 part US' 16" part 160 & lit part 4. 251 Elijah Young Unknown Raleigh. May 30, 1845. JOIEJY MJRBEJT Cb COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KlCHsIOKD, vjl, , TTOHN MABEN if ,WM. B. HAMILTON all Country Produce, on whichrwben in hand.Cafli ..i :n ui i..a i. j: j . ment of sale. . .. BEFER TO Judge Cameron. Raleign. Hon. W. H. Haywood, John E. Twitty, ; Geo. E. Sproili, Esq. Daniel Turner, Esq. R. B. Gilliam, Esq. Col. IL L. Robards, John S. Eaton, Esq. Frsnllin Co. Warren Co. Granville Co. Tucker Carrington, Esq. Clarks'vUIe, Ytf. A, W. Venable, Esq, R. Y. Overby.Esq. Eustace Hunt, Esq. ; PitUylvania Co. Va. Bannister Anderson, Esq. Samuel W. Pugh, Esq. Gaston. Edward Tarry, Esq. Mecklenburg Co. Va. Thos. D. Bennehan, Esq. Orange Co. April 13, 1843. . 81 lsw2m TATE OT IVORTII CAROLIIf A. WAKE COUNTY. In Equity. The Children of Polly C-Dunn; . ' VS. : . te John Dunn and Wife Julia and others, Petition id sell- Real Estate. By virtue of a Decree 61 th Court of Equity for the County aforesaid. I shall offer fori est bidder, at the Court House door Raleigh, upon a credit or one and two ; .n;t on Mon,iU. ih nthitiktl-tttl.. ndr.swer or'ahew aus) thefiratday of odr ekta Snpefor Coun: iui, -.wi ;-m i .2 ; - , . . The Plantation ana. Trfict of: Lana,r whereon Benismin naTham.'df'd. K. titn'tlnl the waters of Little River, in Wake Counly. joining the landa of Boiling Duiftn and others. iBond and approved Security will be required the purchase money. " May . 2, 18431 Star wflf lUore IVeir j 5 on Jars.fresn 6t Marfov, i ; a 25' pounds Jujube Paste, : ; , , w 4 dozen Jars FrenJf spared Mustard; ; . 10 dozeo ' Americab '' do 1,000: very larBwgIazed Pfpea, A''- 10 Jars PicHed Onions, (very nice) j AVW fUUUUl i i Larze lot' Soior Rniokifif ToUcco ' - tof" Cei .u- t-- . , i u Fancy boxea of all deacriptibns .i s, looai Bmstfi &wy r- IruafciV 4 y Brandyr-4 er eriorrarUcB rrencn Witfrmany Please caU tl,-f 8. J. TlTCKERi: f P. H.! BU8BEE, JD. & M. E. .. e wA F rmTNTl.VAr "TrJ'- a Goods; itfst come in. : . -t VC Wr?? Bbttlef having boen botUed five or si i years him; and the ipMryJ'cotieilssid t6te"' other articles," wVicfr wUl U sold tifi. fWitnesa. lb. Pi FiuenrCWrkof sail U?r ftlffA and examine: for. yourselves. .Uirflititffai Mondsy ra Matth!l843i':v; mu RaleigJ,JAptU 17, Uit.' j 97 wiU WnI H Public AoeUon, oa iiondiK the City of Raleigh.' or so much thereof aa will satkfy for the yesrs 1838, 1839. Land. City Lots. Yt. V lAmVPac I83tf 1839 nod part 63 .in 9 .- 1839 :vj f.l J .160 ; , ib5dt 70 I2J . : 1 230 61 . 1838.1839 1838,1839 . 1R39. i 1839 -1838 1839- ; 1 1838 . ' 1839 . 1839 211227 Egle HotelJ 1839 PASCHAL B. BURT. Lite Sheriff, j 49 I A,v Ls 1 80 4 .7M . 1 1 09 'I'-l 80 ;;,;irf-S 4.-vi 46 61 SHERIFF'S SALE; : Land. City Lots. Amount of Tares. 9 1,63 ,1,40 1 63 . ; v. v 7 part 63 1 60 8 1Q io Lot 22t,iii 257 part 60 " 160 115 ic 129 123 9 40 f9 '94 n io 50 ft S 8 44 ', :;i. 5i 3 3. p rt 5 1 hi " 129 1 211 227 Eagle Hotel 41 6f o t uuivi Prt 146' H 7$. i . SL 00 i k . , 94i ' JAMES ED WARDS, SnerifL , FOR TAXES. t " f'-r-w Lots A Cll, A mou nt of Ta laxea. 97 63 1842 j ij iljfw.!itwn tiA l ..-4,05 H I l:;a i840r4I3 1842 .1840 ,i -i 1841,1842 iW' ; 1842 1840.1841 'A M ' 4 40 22" 60 w A-Wlij;: - t 8ft jw ri5tl W -144 60v? 41.25 Ulaaci .V lt,S$'i.ti 1 Wn balanctf 165 1841,42 vMf io .. , .: 142 .iMd.-A v- i 1841,1842 -9-. , . 3.40 I 'a iAMES it, MURRAY, cfecliclbrtr:. v li'dl itdT . ML Uoctor Urandreth's PilU.i.r mil ESE PILL3' a re so well IfowtT.fbr g aM birftal &c dccto which all if. -. which all ere more or leas a..c4 in. tble : refn'oved immediskiJvv i be; tisdiiti-nf-ittM t Brandreth PUL They are alike aafe for childreri. id: 1840,1841 '1840:4141 ' r , (, AL yef.efrectual'ptrgafive that H ii almbst'usele io6 .: ' sav suivlfun alut ' tKil V JAM' nJTrt.Ti-' 1 1 A - at- . general family and a'mibflious niedicidertey are with'- neaa ei epinis, act" headache."' to. every other period of life and require ho exua 'atr tention in diHi orcikhing. Their jvirtnea may bait summed upas a medicine wMcn strenglheni the Chit ble, anJconsoIfJates jhe muscles. f tbe atronf t' and! wHT be fourid of infinite, value to female 6 all cjaasW w who wish to lie secure fx'ora icknes. ;a il OBSERVENdiBrindeethi Pilis are fenuineVuiKri (esaeach oox hai Mujt.lhree labels,, aai labia twroj sijhat&res of :' Dr.' Benjamin JBraadreth jj So that, each box to W 'jeouine mctst hate afx; sign.; tore ofDr.BrandTetb uponlt, " 1 ," ' V . ( ?;,., m. i.uicu uiicciiuas, may ue aau wiu menu. ...i..- " .1.4. ' r lRalelgh. April J8jtl843V A 'KV- - WfLT PKUfc AVnJ "J . ... . v -T jui 31-1 CI TATE OF NORTH . CARdXlAehnatoiTa 3 uoonty. in cquuy.- epnng i erot 1843. $ tM lIopson,0'Neale.ana of3eraV,i:jss pftsnAl ,rs. P i VS. -;3ir-Vijtj $.-tl Hei rs or Samuel U iMeale. Heirs of Isham, GTNeaU. . Ransoni' Richardson and wife Loxuida W'USaija, 2 JPTs r.u w V.,e j , i Pditio for sate of. Land. .' )Ml It appearing" io the satisfaction of this Court, tba( t the Defendants IS tnia 'smtare nonresidents of tnia;; State : ;It fs therefore ordered by the CburtV that pub. iaie iti lueoicn- . ,v : .i . .lift in tne Citv of " "rB1"cr JJ . appear at our ' ' SSfiSl a . i ftot be sold as prayeu for, er tbe bQl Will M ttXla-pro ( vejieaseah'd beard eipaWe.-' tn vxi . juyoia nW V ! VVltnessZH; W. Hraslai Clerk sd Mai fi,V'iI and ad. Mtd.Court at office, at oroitWSeld.trre 4la Mcadsr of " . March 1843.(1 lB; W. mlX;C.M. . t . 1 t;.jj' n 1-! ' v.. Abrain Hester-. t .fl' f m. IS y ' Ji-V'A n 101 a case, i apieannz tp, tne aatulacuotf ,of iht.J Court. thtt'Abram Hee.U a iron residebt of Uii&i - ' weeks ih (he RaleieH Remster.' a newsnsner nriblkW ' '-te? to aprat the neltrnp 'lld tW Wse Cntxatnsi CJsydirt Hsm ia. RsO ' eemberf next; then, and lhe.re fo replevy tia p!etf ia'i therWiai. Jhomentby4 default wCI U frlti! t-;r. Monday 1S4J.' Pr. ASlr;5 J I T. I a

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