Zl? l.aIA.., . . ,,. ....... . . . m m m a r 7 i .'ft .aaa. .t.-'- -' r -,-- e ,st - - i . 3k.iw - a s - s t .sr - - : ; ' ; AND NORTH CAROLINA GAZETTE. : ' rflj:; PnbMed SemMTeckly; by i ' WESTON R. GALES, V FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1843. IDITOK AKD rEOfRIXTOg. .-. . . . . . .. . . r : - 01 the Scmt-Weetly Etlelgh BegUter. SoBSCiuFTiojr. Fife Dollars per annum half in Advance . AovcaTitBMKNTt. For every Sixteen Lwtrt first insertion. One Dollar ; each subsequent insertion , Twenty-five Cent. Court Oidkbi and Judicial AovcmTiscMEitTS will be charged 25 per cent, higher ; but a deduction f 331 Per cent, will be made from the regular price, foi advertiser by the year. ;,. , Advertisement, Inserted in the SiMi-Wmu RtoiSTCR, will also appear in the Wkhly Paper freeofcharjje. j- Letters to the Editor mnst be fos-r-r ain. VERY DESIRACLC PROP erty for Sale, In tbe City of Raleigh The Subscriber, be ing de sirous of moving to his Plantation, wishes ti Sell UlS M'- WOJCi J W4 111 urn V J M. uv Property is situated on Newbern 8treet, east from the centre of the Capitol. The House is a large two sto ry building, forty-two feet by twenty-eight, with a pas age through the middle three Rooms on the lower floor end four above, with Fireplaces to each. It has t basement story of hammered Kocktbe whole extent, which is intended for a Dining Rums, etc with afire place at each end the basement Rooms not finished. There is a superb Rock Stable, two stories high, twen ty -four Jy thirty bet square; also a Rock Smoke-house ind good frame Kitchen; and an excellent Well of Water. The Lot omtains from sis to seven acres of ground, which have been highly improved. The House is beautifully situated on an eminence, near the front line. A fl the improvements have been made within three years, and cost the builder over six thou- sand Dollars. " ' . - i, . , , This desirable property is now offered far four thousand dollars Time will be given the purchaser, but the notes will draw interest and undoubted secu rity will be required.' Persona, desirous of living in Raleigh, have now an opportunity uf purchasing a deiraWe residence, at a very reduced price. E.P.GUION. Raleigh, August 15. 8 if B. M. WHITLOCK, WHOLESALE GROCER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 84 , Front Street, Fourth door abotc Old Slip, oetr Pearl it. Honse. ' iVJBVV YORK. The Subscriber ben leave to inform bis friendsand the Merchants of North- Carolina, that he has opened, this Spring, on bis own account, a WHOLESALE GEOCERY aid C0XIISSI03 HOUSE, 84 Front Street, sear Old Slip, NEW YORK, where be has for Sale, at all limes, a general assort ment of Groceries, suitable to the Southern trade, and which be oners for CASH, at a small advance noon the Cargo and Auction prices. MR- WHITLOCK hashed long experience in the business, and has everr facility (buying for Cash) ol selling Goods at the lowest rate, and be assures those who will call upon him, that tbey may rely upon be ing faithfully served. . Particular attention will be given to orders for Goods, and to sales of Produce cousigned to him, upon which Advances will be made, if required. B. M. WHITLOCK. June, 1843. 48 6m XCFES TO Malcolm k. Gaul, Smith, Wright st Co. New York. Corlies. Stanton Jt Barnes I Alfred M. Treadwell ' W. Jt A. Stitb, Raleigh, N. C. J. Jt W. Murphy, Salisbury, N. C. J. Si, R. Sloan, Greensboro1, N. C. John Me Am, Fayetteville,rN. C. ' FOR SALE AT THJb New Com mis s ion Store, AN excellent assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Cheap Crockery, dee. Prices very low for CosA. A few of the articles are named below. . ' w SUPERB FRENCH LAWNS, MysUus, G.ng haras and Calicoes, Checked, 8triped and Lace Mus- J una, American ana &ngiisn isaiicocs, acotcu uiug-1 hams; also. Gloves, Ribbons, Laces, Bleached and T T ( a a WX mt Sf I uaunacneu uomesucs, oic c i STUARTS 8TEAM REFINED CANDY. COFFEE, Black and Green Teas, Double Refined 8teaar Suear in loaves or Crushed ; Patent Sperm and Mould Candles, Pepper, Spice, Soap, Starch, Snuff, Tobacco. 4c Ac. 4;c. J. T. WE8T, Next door to the New Market House. July 18. . ' . 57- GRAY'S INVALUABLE OINTMENT. For gale by wholesale-or retail, hy , N.L.8TITH. Pump making. finHE SUBSCRIBER announces to ths public, U that he is prepared to make, repair and clean out Pumas to order and at the shortest notice. He hepes by a close and punctual attention to bust ness, to receive a shire of public patronage. JOSEPH R. McADAMS. q 1 Raleizh. June 20th. 1843. SO SANGSTON & CO., NO. 195, BALTIMORE ST. BALTIMORE, (LATE 3. A. Jc G. . SANGSTOIt Jt CO.) Beg leave to call the attention of Southern and Western Merchauta visiting Baltimore, to their extensive Stock ot Foreign and Uomettle Dry Coodi, Itt which will be found evsry variety adapted to the trade, presenung an w-ortment equal toany e,.rinthiaCuy,Phil.ddpla or New York, all ef which have been laid in on the most fa arable terms. and will be sold at a small advtoce for Casb, or on ume o punctual customers svv: .. Balti mors, August 1st, 1843. T j 2 9t - Tfoscph A.' niacH and Samuel fjl BlaCat Have formed a Partnership in the practice of Law and Equity foe Kershaw and Sumter Districts, South Carolina. JOSEPH' A. BLACK may he found at bis Office to Columbia; and Samuel R. Black, in tvamuen Both partners win attend the Coartev v ' SAMUEL R. BLACK will attend. Individually, to any business entrusted to his, dare in KichUnd, F airfield snd Lancaster Districts. 8. C. March 6, 1843. 20 6m PRINT WAHEHOUSE. IN NEW YORK. IB. r. LEE, (formerly of the firm of Lord & Lees) and U. B. MBW8TER, under the firm of LEE 6c BREWSTER, have established at 1 13 Pearl street. New Yoik. a WARE&OU8E ON AN EXTENSIVE SCALE, SXCLUSIVKLT FOR To supply the City and interior trade by the Piece or racksse. By confining their attention entirety and exclusive ly to tnts one article, L. & B. will be enabled net only to exhibit a m.re extensive and beautiful assort ment than is to be found lavbr. rihra luting no similar establishment for nrints in the United 8tate I but to aefl always at prices as low. and renerallv low- I er than those of hoasea whose attention and means I aie divided among a large variety of articles. 1 lUe enUre CHock, embracintr about two thousand different patterns and colorings, comprises all the la test and choicest styles, to which will be constantly added all the desirable new styles which appear, many of which cannot be had elsewhere. Catalogues of prices, corrected with every variation of the market, wiil be put into the bands of buyers. Airoruers will receive tne best attention. July 28, 1843. 01 ly IQEDICAIs INSTITUTE, OF THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE. THE Lectures in this Institution will commence, as usual, on the fitst Monday of November, and continue until the Let of February, under the follow iug Faculty, viz : JEUEDIAH COBB, M. D , Professor of Anatomy1. CHARLES CALDWELL, M. D., Prof. last's, of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. JOHN E. COOKE. M. D Prof. Theory and Practice of Medicine. SAMUEL D. GROSS, M. D , Professor of 8urgery. HENRY MILLER, M. D., Prof. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women & Children. CHARLES W. SHORT, M. D.. n Prof. Materia Medica and ftffldieai Baunv LUNSFORD P. YANDBLL, M. D, Prof. Chemistry and Pharmacy. DANIEL DRAKE, M, D , Prof. Clinical Medicine and Pathological Anatomy. Six Lectures are denvered daily The foe for each ticket is $15. The note of good and solvent Banks of the state in which the pupil reside, will he received in payment. The Mstriculatiuq foe is $5, and of Graduation $20, both payable io Kentucky paper. The fee to the Demonstrator of Anatomy, Dr. Bay less, is f 10, which includes all ths privileges ol attendance on his demonstrations and dissections from the first of October till the first of March. The price of boarding, with fuel, light, and attendance, is from 13 to $3 per week. Professors Cobb and Gross, in anticipation of the regular session, will deliver a coarse of Lectures i Visceral and Surgical Anatomy, and Operative 8ur gery, beginning on the 15th of September snd termi nating on the last Saturday of October. The fee to this course is f 10. By order ol the Fseulty : J. COBB, M. D Dean. NEYf FUBLICATIOXS. The Military Operations at Cabul, by Lieut. Eyre ; the Ru ral and Domestic Life of Germany, by Wm. Howett ; the last year'in China, to the peace of Nankin, by a Field Officer ; Russia and the Russians, by J. O Kohl, in 3 Vol's. ; a Journey to Cabool, by the late Lieut. Col. Sir Alex. Burnes, C. 6. 6xc. ; the Law yer, his character and rule of Holy life, by Edward O Bnen ; the Honey Bee, dec. dec by Edward Be- an, with engravings : the Lives of eminent British Lawyers, by Henry Roscoe, Lsq. ; Critical and Mis cellaneous Essays, by James Stephens ; the Noctes Ambroeianae of Blackwood, by Prof. Wilson ; the works of De Israeli, the younger in 1 Vol.- This dav received and for sale at the North Carolina Book Store. TURNER 4 HUGHES. Raleigh. August 1. ' 61 TKCST SALE, mY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST, exe- IJjcoted ts me by Mavasskh Satkb, for the pur poses therein . specified". 1 shall offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the City of Raleigh, on Monday the 21st day of August next, (the week of Wake County Court,) that valuable property Known as p.i.i.i, Pgner Mill. m m ST .u . ,v. Kt.wV M-.hinrv. rixtnrM . dec. Also, the new Grist and Saw JUillS, appurtensnt thereto, both of which are in complete order, and do excellent work. It is the very beat location in the whole Southern country fr a Paper Mill, and an active, enterprizing man, wiib a small capital, nugnt soon make a fortune. Terms made known on day of Sato. WESTON R. GALES, Trustee. Raleigh, June 17, 1843. 49 30 XJ3T TUB REMAINDER OF TU E TEAR, the House and Lot lately oc cupied bv Mrs. L. L. 8auks, directly west of, and adjoining the family resiaence oi tne Messrs. . . . . m a . i Stith's. A pleasant piaeas wun a grass lot ana good rarden in a good stale oi cultivation. Apply to w. J, DAn-rjit. FIRE! Trrn AETHA mSTJOJlZ70E OOM PikUY. of UartforA Conn- Offers toinsure Buildings and Merchandise against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com- paniee inrthe United States, and pay s its losses prompt- Iv. -;i:v- Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to be made to May 4, 1843. Agent., NEW STORE Selling on to tJlose. $ 1 m aw tTT?" an a 1 I M 'a1ksainsa let at RPsn MrV I IffahoiUy i he will therefore sell what be baa now JRS- L On hand, aloort tnrv thinr ia the Dry Good line. Silks. Lawns, jsaizennes, aaousun sn Raines, ChsUfrva. Looisenes. Sonabaxinea, uaiieoes at every price. Cotton Uooda of every aesenpuon, xxostery, Silk and Csrtton Hose from 10 cents, per pair up to " . IT ! an, price. Jaconet and Swi Mualm; PlaU do. frtah Linen, very low. As I will positively clo eer soon, those who are hi want, would do well to call early and secure bargains. - W, n. FEIKUC, Rsleigh, June 30, 1843. Fayettevllle Street. JAMES MARTIN & R D. BUU0CK, ATTOiSETS AT im Will nrsetie (a mXi tV i.m,t ixftof. mwtA tn the rt,nU. nf tVuhi... it.A. Mm tf MtM. A1.W.. " " T" wwwmw ...... Mobile, April 15,1843. 3j Taluable Property for Kale in the Vicinity of Raleigh. THE SUBSCRIBER offers to sell for Six Thou sand, six hundred dollar, psvable in one and two years, and satisfactorily secured with interest, or for Negroes (field hands' the following Property : His Dwelhng House and the LoU attached to it. containing between ten and twelve acres. It is situated about six hundred yards East of the Capitol, on Newborn Street, in a beautiful GioveoT Forest Trsv. and without the limits of the Town. It contains four apartmnu in the basement, including me iinvg rn, and five above, end two Passages. It is new, built of choice materials, and of superior workmanship. The out houses and enclosures are also new. In the back yard, is a Well of most excel lent water. An unimproved Lot of 91 acres at ,ne enJ of Newbern street, fronting the Cspitol, a"d al lhe oisiance or seven or eight hundred yards. 11 w oi tne must beautiful sties in tne Viuniry of KaieigQ- Another Lot of about fifteen acres. lying also East of the City, adjoining a Lot formerly the proierty of the late Josefh Galss, and a Lot be- onging tu John O Roaica There are two small framed Houses upon it, yielding a rent that would make the property a good investment at the price st which it is estimated, and upon the Street, leading by Dr. J. O.Watsos's, are two handsome .building sita- stions. A tract of between thirty and forty acres y about three miles south of Raleigh, affordin'e an abun dant supply of Wood, and much valuable Timber. Persons wishing to purchase, can address the Sub scriber at Halifax, and after the meeting of Congress, ' at Washington City ; or, can make personal applies- 1 - a e ..... . uun to ine Messrs. tith, m Kaietgn, who will take pleasure in showing them the premises J. R. J.DANIEL. October 22nd, 184V 85 if Doctor Brandreth's Pills. THESE PILLS are so well known for a mi!d yet effectual purgative that it is almost cuetess to say anything about their excellent qualities. As a general family and aniibiuous medicine they are with out a rival. The townees of suirits. scute headache. dec dec., to which all are more or Iom suHect in this climate, are removed immediately by a dose of the Urandreth PilL They are alike safe for children, as to every other period of life, and require no extra at tention in diet or clothing. Their, virtues may be summed up as a medicine which strengthens lhe fee- Me, andconsolidates the muscles of the strong ; and will be found of infinite value to females of all classes who wish lo le secure from sickness. OBSERVE No Brand reth Pills are genuine, un less each box has upon it three labels, and on each labia two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreth. So that each box to be genuine mukt have six signa tures of Ur. Urandreth upon it. rnnted directions may be had with them. WILL. PECK, Agent Raleigh. April 18. 1 843. 31-y TTTNlTED 8TATES DISTRIC T COURT OF liJ NORTH CAROLINA IN BANKRUFPCY. Notice to shew cause against the PrtiUnns of the fol lowing Petitioners, for their discharge and certificate as Bankrupts, at Newbern, on the fourth Monday in October next ; to-wit : GRANVILLE COUNTY. Thomas 8. Hayes, Shoe maker Peter Evans, Farmer Robert Freer, Planter William W. Reaves, Farmer Thadeus B. Rowland. George W. Burroughs, John Blacknall, William C.Buller, James Pation, late Merchant Lewis S. Byrom, Farmer Doctor W. Byrom, Farmer John W. Reeks, Carpenter William H. Paschall, Carpenter Washington H. Thomas, Farmer William A. Mitchell. Farmer George L. Duly, Farmer Thomas G. Morris, Farmer Arthur Taburn, She Maker John Hicks, Farmer. RANDOLPH COUNTY. William A. Hamlin, Physician Lindsey Davis, Farmer William Stafford. PITT COUNTY James H. McClure, late Merchant Noah Deshiel, Farmer. CHATHAM COUNTY. Benjamin Warren, Caleb Beal, Farmer Nathan Vestal. Farmer Publication Ordered, H. POTTER, D. J. U. 8. N. C. June, 30th .1343. 64 70 J. 'nlted States District Court of North Carolina In Bankruptcy. Notice to shew cause against the PetitMtus of the following Petitioners, for their discharge and certifi cate as Bankrupts, at Newbern, on the iourtn Monday in October next, to-wit ; CHATHAM COUNTY. Dr. Spence McClannahan. CASWELL COUNTY. C. N. H. Evans. Publication Ordered,. H. POTTER, D. J. U. 3. N. C. July 24, 1843. 70r Books Books Dooks. I rTpHIS dsy received at the North Cro U store. No. I. Cheap side, Rle'gb, N H wtory of N.cs 8. America, by T. F. Gon Carolina Book- C. The Gordon. The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, by Mrs. Thompson Narrative of the War in Germany and France in 1813 and 1814, by Lieut. Gen. Charles W. Vaee. Memoirs of Gen. ' Lafayette and tbe French Revolu tion in 1830v byB. Sarrans, bis Secretary. Famil iar Letters and Papers of Benj. Frank'in. La Cases' Journal in 2 vols. Memoirs of Lucien Bonaparte, I vol' The Life of William Cohort in I vol. The Life of Galileo Galilei In I vol. For sale by TURNER fc HUGHES. June 13. ' 65- Omci or AwtrriaT Gskbral, 'v Raleigh, August 11, 1843, $ hxnsas, a vacancy recently occurred hi tbe Of fice of Msjor Genetal of the third Division of North Carolina Militia, to fill which an Elect km was held JIJ iTit jUilUJLIf W9 UlsUIIjVi sevsssrswscw luaj aWJavsve uhus'i of votes for said Office of Major General, and is duly elected Notice Is hereby given, turaUan( to the eleventh section of tbe sevemy-third chapter of the Revised Statutes, thst ttwsaid Bmukii Tbouis saa has been dWy eommtseioned as Major General ef tbe Third Di vision of North CtaolinaMiliUa, and. s sarh. all Officers, and ooldlets sre eooinianded to I feU him their lead r obedience- I ROBERT W. UAXWUOU t , . Atywaw wnww. William Thompson, Cabinet and Furniture Ware-house Kalkigh, N. C. ' THE Subscriber has now on hand at his furnish ing Ware Rooms, just in the rear of Messrs. Turner & Hughes Book Store, a general assortment of Articles in his line, made in the most faithful man ner, after the newest and most fashionable patterns, and which will be warranted. They will be sold at such prices, as to leave no excuse for sending to the North for Furniture. Call and look, before you send from home. WILLIAM THOMPSON. (Ej Walnut, Birch, Maple and Poplar Lumber weil-taoned. taken in exchange for Furniture. PILLS! PILLS!! PILLS! !! HEALTH THE TRUEST RICHES. THE CELEBRATED Miygeian Ytgetable JPiUs Can be had at the Store John Pkimrose, FAYKTTKVILLE 8TKERT, RALEIGH, X. C. MOAT'S MORISON PILLS. THE GENUINE HYGEtAN VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDICINE Accurately pre pared by Dr. 11. S. Moat, of New York, boat the original recipe used for many years by his late father, Mr. Thomas Moat, Vice President of the British Col lege of Healths Twenty years' succeasful administration of these celebrated medicines in Europe, and more than twelve years in the United sStatos,hsve established their high reputation. Thousands of both sexes, who have been restored to health the numerous sufferers rescued from premature death and volumes of certified cases of cure, embracing every dieae in the long catalogue of humsn misery ; most convince the most incredu lous, ef their superiority and the truth of the Hygeian theory, resulting from scientific research and expe rience, namely, that -man is subject to only one real diseaseimpurity of -the blood." The Mdicines being composed entirely of herbs or vegetable matter, purify the blood, and carry off the corrupt humors of the bdy. in a mauaer so simple as to give every dsy ease snd pleasure. Man will be born to days of bliss, compared to what has fulberto been bis lot, weighed down as he has been by disease, infirmities, and miflerings which no earthly power knew how to alleviate, until this dis covery was presented to the world. 1 he weak, the feeble, the infirm, the nervous, the delicate, are in a lew dsys strengthened by their operation, and the most obstinate complaints are removed by perseve rance without the ei pease of a Physician. Adapted to all circumstances and situations, they are the best Medicine ever invented for t amities, or to take lo sea, preventing scurvy and enstiveness, requiring no change of diet, particular regimen, or care against ta king cold. (T The prepotency of these, medicines, has indu ced marry speculators to sttempt imposition on the public, by forging the labels, or forcing their Imita tions into notice through the medium of the Press 8 me ef them pretend to Hygeian principles, by steal ing from the writings of the Hygeist, and copying whole pages into iheir fulsome advertisements. But as they cannot copy the medicine, their speci fics or their deleterious nostrums prove to he unavail- ng, their puffing and-piracy become evident : disap pointment to the afflicted is eventual, and with just obloquy the pretenders sink into oblivion. The Hygeian medicines, first introduced into this country by H. 8. Moat, in 1830, have for the last four years leen prepared by him, and the increasing sate attests their intrinsic merit ; they comprise two sorts of Pills, No. 1 and No. 2, in single taxes of each at 25 or 50 cents ; and Psckets containing both sorts, at 1, 82, or $3. The Vegetable Cleansing Powders, in large boxes, at 37$ cent, with printed directions. Each packet has a faC simile, of the signature of H dhepheard Moat, and to prevent counterfeits, are Igned with a pen by the district agent and sub-agent on a aDei oi veiww vavtr. None sre genuine unless thev have thee signatures, and are obtained from sub-agrnts, who can produce their written apimintments frm the district agent,! snd wnOM names are auveruea in lueir resiecuve districts. H. SHKrHiian Moat, . . 1 . : 1 : . i z " Principal Office, 60 Canal st. All orders willlte promptly filled at 20 percent, less then retail prices for all sums over twenty five dollars, for cash. Some person in every Town and Villace. ought to keep this valuable medicine, for the benefit of their fellow men. One individual, sent ninety mtles to procure them. ! Nov. 17. 1842. 94 ly Passage to Baltimore. FmilE superior Meamboat, COLUMBUS or PO- II CAHONTAS. will leave City Point direct for Baltimore, every tv a d it ksd-a t sfternoon. at S o'clock, or immediately after tbe arrival of the Cats from Pe - lersburg. and will land Passengers in Baltimore, the ni mn nf Th areAmmodsiiona an nMnl ttiM Boats are very superior, and tbe passage, including meals through from. Petersburg to Baltimore, only $8, Returning, will leave Baltimore every Saturday after noon at 5 o'clock. J. BRANDT, Jr Agent Baltimore, Mar. 10, 1843. 22 ty PORTRAIT. MINIATURE. - , r AND HISTORICAL PAINTING. . TOR- JO: s. Fxrsnxst9 OF NORTH ABOLINA, Having visited Europe for the purpose of perfecting himself in his profession, is now prepared to execute Portrait, Miniatnrei, &c Those- wishing to avail themselves of his profession- .t urwicju. are reauested to call at his Artellier, on Hillsborough Street. 100 yards W est of tbe Cspitol, where specimens vf his execution may-be seen. Feb. 18, 1843. 15 rr REUiiDD. r ana way from the Sj) Subscriber,, on the 3 1st of July last, a mulatto boy named AMOS, twenty-one years old. about five feet ten Inches high, proporUonably boot. Miner of down look J he may be yet lurking about in this netghbornooo, bat I nave no doobt is try ine to cet to a free State, by some free pass of other wise. The above reward will be given, if delivered to me, ia Orange County, N. Oh or confined in any iail so that I get him., J v MICHAEL 8HOFFNER, : Augnst 8. "05 3t HEADACHE REMEDY For Sale by r ; N. L. ST1TH. Raleizh. J&fte 10. 1843. 47 briaht BJEXTISTRYL DRi STRINGFELLOW'S PRICES FOR DENTAL OPERATIONS. Extracting Tetth or Roots, each $ 1 00 examination and direction for the manage ment of Children's Teeth, Cleaning the entire net of Teeth Separation by Filing) each Plugging with gold Best Artificial Teeth on Pivot each Do. on gold pivots Do. on gold plate Do. on the improved plan of Dn Si Operating for, and attendance on confirmed 5 00 5 00 1 00 8 00 8 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 cases of Neuralgia 200 00 Tebms CASH. RaleighfJune 12, 1841 References : Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Judge Battle, C Raleigh. Dr. Berkwitb, Dr. P. C Pope Wm.Plummer, Esq. C Warren ton. Gen. Hawkins. Col. Jojner,") Dr. Wilcox, C Halifax. Dr. Bond. 3 COMJCUNICATKD. It is with no little pleasure thst we sre enalJed lo inform the public, through the medium of your col umns, that a cure has been at length discovered for the most painful and harassing of all nervous affections, Neuralgia or Tic Doloreux. The many unfortunate patients whe sufferings we have witnessed, and who are ignorant thst those sufferings can be relieved by scientific means, induce us to make this eommur;i tion. The number of eases alreadv cored by Dr. STUiarsriLLow, of this City, prove conclusively the success of his practice, wbicb w as novel as it is effi cacious. His residence in the Capital of the State. will make it convenient for him to consulted by many at a distance, who are afflicted witn a disease, almost as prostrating to the mental as to the physical energies of the humttn system. J. sTATE OF NOKTHCAKULINA Win Count v. In the Courtbf Equity. Clerk and Master's Office, A trg. 1 1 , 1 843. William Peace, vs John M. Peace and others. The Plaintiff's Bill in the above entitled cause, states in substance, that Joseph i'eaee of Raleigh , hath lately departed this life, intestate, unmarried, snd without isxue? that the plaintiff and the defendants John M. Peace and Pleasant Peace are brothers of the said Joseph: that he had in his lifetime,one other broth er, named James Barr, and four sisters, Elizabeth Btrr, Nancy Barr. Mary Peace and Lucy Peace,who an died many years before the said Intestate : That James Barr left a daughter Nancy, intermarried with one Fuller, (whose Christian name is unknown to the plaintiff.) ami resides in Shelby County, Tennessee : and thst James had a son named Thomss, who is, dead, leaving two children, who reside in Alabama one a son mi med John G. Barr, and the other, a daughter, whose name is unknown to the plaintiff. That Elizabeth Barr was twice married ; by her first husband, one William Potter, she hud issue two children, Robert and Margaret, who are believed to be dead without issue. And. by her second husband, Dr. Miles King, 1 she had issue four sons, John, Edmund, Alexander aud William, all of whm are dead the three last named, in the belief of the plaintiff, without issue and John, leaving a son, Leonids King, residing in Alabama or Tennessee and the plaintiff believes, other children, but if so, their names are unknown to him. And she had also four daughters, Julia, who inter married with one Piggees (now deceased,) and who is residing a widow in Pontotoc, Mississippi ; Harriet, now the wife of one Herman, .whrae christian uarue is unknown lo the plaintiff, residing in Munroe County. Georgia. Mary, now the wife of One Mm e wife of one Mm- j unknown residing ton. whose Christian name is also iu Marshall County, Mississippi; and Elizabeth, now lhe widow of one Coke, and residing in Pickens County. Alabama: That Nancy Barr died leaving is sue in North Carolina That Mary Peace intermar ricd with Isanc Ktttrll, and removed to Alabama, where she left issue one daughter, Harriet, married to some one, whose nme is wholly unknown to the plaintiff that said Mary had other children, who are dead, but whether with or without issue, is unknown 10 the plaintiff: That Lury Peace intermarried with Lewis Ijemay. and (besides oth r issue) had a son na med John P. Lemay, now of Desoto County, Missis sippi' Andibe sard Bill further snews tnattne ssid risin- tiff and the said John M. Peace and Pleasant Peace, with the issue of the said deceased brother snd sisters of the said Intestate, sre his heirs at law : That the Plaintiff and ibe Intestate in his lifetime were partners under the firm of " Joseiih and WilLm Peace," and, as uch. were seized in fee simple of divers Lots and Tracts of Land in Raleigh; snd in the Counties ol Waba mnA f3rnill nA nrhlAll ITS particularly de scribed in the said Bill, which are a elear surplus of the aaid oartnerahineffeets. of which the said Plain- gin- 1 tiff in his own right, is entitled to one moiety, and 1 with the said liviitg brothers, snd the issue of the ssiJ deceased brother and sitters, of tbe said Intestate, is I MiiU htitm ml few. of the said Intestate, to tbe other moiety, between them to be divided according ia tKotr MMrti ininr ts aim ids kbdv mua mwiwn of ths Bill lor certain reasons therein set torth is lor the 1 sale of the said Lo s and Tracts of Lsnd. in order, I that the proceeds of such sale may be divided In lieu ef actual partition. ITJri1 Ii.!m ,ku .(luiku n:n r7fc. -idConrt. and' aunnorted the! 1 . . 111, iu iiiw w. - f I same by his affidavit, in writing, I, Pernn Bawbee, I riart and Master of the said Court do. at the desire of the said Plaintiff, and according to the' Act of As sembly in such case made, by this advertisement to be six weeks inserted ia the Raleigh Register, hereby notify snd warn the said Julia Piggees, the said Minion and Marv his Wile, the said Herman and Har riet his wife, the said Elisabeth Coke, the said Leeni-1 das King, the ssid Fuller . and Nancy his wife, the said John G. Barr. the said Harriet, daughter of tbe said late Mary KittreU. and bet husband and the sail John P. Lemay, as welt as all other persons not resi dents of the Sule of North Candine, who may bav or claim aby interest in the premises; b appear before the JauVe of the ssid Court of Equity, at the Court ! W be held at the Court House In Rsleigh, on the flfst I Monday after the fourth Monday of September next. and ulead. answer or demui to : the said Bin, other- 1 wise the same will be taked as confessed by thenx nr.iivlv, and La heard varte. Witness, tbe said Perrin B usbee, Clerk and Master of the said Court, tbe 11th Angus! 143.- " 65- 6w PERRIW MUSPEK. U. W. Ki Our Office staWettppIIed' wUV the greatfea variety of - srntuv job tvp&h : We are prepared .to execaU FABiraxnTa, Caeds, CiactjLA ILitiixs ....... v, In a style ant inferior te any OSee in the State. . - -. - j. KiLEIGII J"? j- :i "'VI MANUFACTORY, Save a Dollar and get a bettcr.nat 'J UVGa WCMLEir, M'ratlUxa IZatcr rwprctfully informs the L'himis of Ralfeigb, and tb r Netfbrhood generally, that fata nan now received bis Spring Stock, Miatihg of CLl?C of every description, wbicb, he efiors for a at teas ; twenty per cent, cheat than they can be had at any other place in this City. He is now finishing itb4 superior lascimere and German Brush HafI,tU& . neater than you have seen for many a day. -Ahta, some very superior Mole 8kin and Short Nap Silk Hats, which for beauty of finish, and durability, ran not be excelled. Hata will be kept constantly obtuftd, or manufactured to order, of every equality., price and fashion Hats of eveiy description, clean! and pressed to look equal to hew. Customers' fiats . pressed gratis . . n I hat taken the Shop oh FayettstU CUWt4 recently oreupted by Dr. Jirrsits. next door to If h f !S 8bo 8t0f r itivitea th phhlle call beforto purchasing feUeWher. if they wisLto aavs) A a dollar, and get a better Hat. He trurtt, that by strict attention to the business, to receive a ahaVt 'W the pkb lie patronage. . : N. B. Uash given for Wool, on the tkin, and et erydeseriptiMn if Fevn. Splendid SLotterieo. . . J. O. GREGORY & Co. MljtAOkts i 25,000 Dollars 1 . Alexandria Lorrfinv. ' Class No. 46, Lr 1843. To be drawn at Alexandria, fl. 0, ob Saturday . Aogust 6, 1848. . f 13 drawn Won. in each Package of 22 Ticketii CAPtTALS 25,000 dollars IQM dollars' 5.000 dollars 2XXX) dollari 1,750 dollars 100 dollari 10, prizes of 1,000 dollars 15 of $500, Ac. At; Tickets $1 0 H aires 5-Quarters $3 60. Certificate of a packsge of 22 whole tickets $100, Do do 22 half on 60 Do do 22 quartrr do 25 For tickets und Shares or Certificates 0 Pack -ages in the above Splendid Lotteries Address J G GREGORY ec Co. Msnager W asaingtoo City, D. Ct Drawings sent immediately after they arevr id all who order as above. DR. IIEIDKEE, PHYSICIAN OP THE EYfi AND EAR, AKD unsilaTllA RlKUlSt) s Operates for the relief af Deafness and other afiections of the Ear , Cataract Pterygium, Crossed Eyc etc ' Enlarged T0118" Palate j Club Foot, Hale-Lypi Stammerinffl Stone Stricture, Fistula Piles 1 . " jLeiormiiief , juiseases ot tne ttones Hernia, (k radical cure Aneurism . cancer, l'oiypujl, Tnmpursj Ulcen And Surgical Diseases in general. Dr. H. will viatit aby part of the State wbefi) his services may be required. RaIei2hiJgxi.d3, 1843. . 'm TrKll. 11EXDREE will give regular Co!' II U of Medical and Surgical Instruction, to webst lboe students who wish to visdtbe Northern College; 1 All the private SludenU of Dr. Hn'six In number ; graduated with credit at the end of their first aeasfoa, in the Richmond Medical College' . RtrxaKBCis iskbcis : !fcr k.i, I- J 1 Gov. Morehrad, Hon. Geri. E. Badger, ih., fc Dr. Beckith: Charles Manly. Est HuglrWaddell. Esq. Hillaborooghi PAIJYTlJVGf Orel . - The Subscriber Is prepared (oi execute all kinds of mnsn & ss&snx iiiasnnmfa Imitations of every variety of Marble, and of all kinds of Wood also. Wall Painting, Par-hanging, Gla ting and GILDING on Wood and MdutUe substances of every description, in the" tote French Style, &e74 " ' attended to at the shortest notice, and done jh supeV r' nor style or workmanship MILITARY FLAGS and BANNERS painted In tne nes test sty leon Ibe snottest notice, and much cneaper man tney can ne none eisewbere.4 (TT je cheaper thab tbey can be done eliewherV finite ir to tne Aojuisn ueneral or nonn carbllbs, I fersonswivbtng fainting i.f any description xe cuteu, ny cautng at tne uauinet ware Koom or Mr. I uuani 1 nompsvn, opposite me ooutn sst corner I of the Capitol teuare, may expect to have it done to C.FRA2IER. -----" Raleigh Jab. 14. 1843. -c Sti rrpO LET The very desirable Dwelling be . II longing to Mrs Priacilla Shaw, snd now ots ' W R.Mr.L. PoMeion may nM 106 M ' Ju,J- ' W I I A Ml JAMES Mi TOWLIS; r June 15. PILES. fTHHE eeteWated French Ointment, Ofiifuinf sfl ; V il. GukhertJ lor the curt? of PUea, Ulcers hkiJ Irritation of the Retftum abd adjoining parts, any bf had at Dh Haaaa"Ks!s OQce, Fayettevi: Clresr- j; TrniTidranHavug' diatiosed of la fcrst lot . . H7 f KWimofld'e Plough, I have Utbiy ri- 5 Mtved a new euppty, AJ-Oj Poiall and Clklee to stiit ' all his Ploughs ., , " -r- :i . vv & 1 sttm' tr: wMbf tt i ' Jtme I fit KLKEW COPPER 8TILL8. for Casnotcrtdiii M QilApply io the. Saheeribet. - . . v ,;'; Raleiih. July-Si v - r J3 &rz A tery'sUperior article, put tip In Stoite Jars ca - A be obained durlnt the Summer, of the Subsnl,' 1 - . .: - . - ijSDnv -uiBniP:'t ber. Jbty T,184S 64tf. llRllGfilST AND CITEmST, RALEIGH .Tf. c; ,' r Sip