. . . , , SHERIFF'S SALE. ,f r. ? " . . Lend Crrr LoTawillDe offered for sal at Public Auction, on Monday, . ? Wwl0?TC.V.::, il.. door, in the City of Raleigh, or , much thereof a will aatisfy tne sin August r" , njtw r TiLi Tract, of Land and City Lota, ..m.a. i A ere ii u . ... i i KicoarU w asoiuu . Null Brown Christopher & Smith Henry Forest . Alex Morphia John M Mmoii Justin Martindakj Reuben Moss Henry Patterson for Hawley'a hfira JsneMcGuffy ... Patrick Roger Rsbecca 8eundera . Salty Wilson Willi Row - Heir of Newton Wood Heife of Newton Wood Raleigh,May 90, 1843. - ... Owner.' ... 1 Acres 01 r- - f lit I SHERIFF'S SALEY The following Tract of Land, and Ciiy Lots, f Pft baxt, atlha Court House door, in the City of on aaid Tracts of Land and Lota for the year 1 840. Owner, name.. No. of Acre Richard W A ah ton 114$ 47 546 285 448 I JMeal Brown, jr 8 J Baker for Arthur Macon Christopherdc 8miih Thorn aa Cobba Jamea Dunlap Henry Foreat Joa B H in ton Jonea Thoa C DirkXindemen s Reuben Moee JshnvM Mason Justin Martinialf MuKMtWilhama Jane'McGuffy Wllley Porter Rebecca 8aondera Race) Tract Jamea Terry Sally Wilson John C. Roger Willi Row Raleigh, May 3fl, 1843. 1 115 17 Latin Raleigh 1 - CITY LOTS-SALE FOtt TAXES. The following City Lota wtllbe oCered for eale at Publm A action, at the Court Hons door, in the City Of Raleigh en Monday, the 21 at August next, or a much thereof a will aatiafy the Taxes dne on aaid City Lot, for the year 1839., 140, 1841 aftd 1842. - Owner, name. Mo. of City Ann Briggs Alex Blake ' , John Buffalo Myth A Bntler Jamea Donlap. Beverly Daniel's estate J Haw ley heirs Joa B Hinton John Y, Hicka Alfred Lewis Jobn,f Mason Justin Martind ale JaaaMcGuffy Willey Farter. Henry J Psttsrson Ada Be Smith H 8 8pivy ' William Thompson Elijah Toang Unknown A8. Wynne Willi Rowe Raleigh, May 30, 1843. Vtt at 74 dc 129 109 236 114 230 66 67 160 70 Jt 123 51 129 part part part part part part 59 & 87,72,146 fc 160 part part 160 4 251 160 60 part SHERIFF'S SALE. rirvlLLBE SOLD to the highest bidder, V V Wentworth, for Cash, on Monday the or Lajto and Town Lots, or so much thereof thereon, to wit : ' Tenants. Reputed own era. John BlairT J. Tompkins, Campbell's heirs, C. Thompson, Unknown, Unknown, unknown. J. Akjridge, Unknown. Thos. Small, A Bradshaw's heirs. The following are Lots in Lot dumber 4o ' .do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 do do do -do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do So -do do da L do do . ,:. ( dO dO do do do do do do ' . do, . . do rlOwner unknown. t do i 12 ic 72 do do do do do do , do do do do do do do do do do do do A do r do do do do do do do' do do do do do do - dot, . do do do do ' do - do do do do do dor . do do ' do do do do do do , do 80 84 86 97 98 991 10U 1071 103 1091 ill 1124 1131 11 116 a 50 51 54J 58 59i 87 881 80 901 91 201 22 2fl ' 261 31 33 35 361 87 62 63! 64l 71 73 7 .77 81 83 851 05 96 '117 .;u8t .120 do July 17,: 1843. for the ears 1838. 1839. Aianu. tty PA8CHAL B. BURT, Late Sheriff. 41 will be offered at Public Auction on Manday. the Raleigh, or o much thereof a. will aatiafy the T the 21 Au- 'axea due Land. City Lota. Amount of Tsie. 9 1 1 63 40 53 '60 10 10 40 95 50 13 86 44 14 52 36 84 81 00 91 21 30 28 part 63 1 1 8 2 2 9 10 6 3 9 1 8 Lot 236,235 & 257 part 66 160 T 115 da 129 70 123 part 61 51 129 150 onl'd i i 682 21 part 60 JAMES EDWARDS, Sheriff. 43 Lots. Xcar. 1842 . z l840.'4142 1842 1840 ' 1841,1842 1842 1842 1840,1841 1840,1841 18404 142 18404142 1842 1842 1840 1841,1842 1842 18394041 1841 Amount of Taxes. 97 59 12 4 6 1 14 4 2 24 6 22 16 II 00 05 20 60 . m 40 90 25 00 50 05 .50 165 140-. 7 52 80 43 130 41 21 55 3 7 20 13 25 balance 00 balance 25 60 35 00 70 Jc 112 1836, TpHQ, '401 JAMES H. MURRAY, City Collector. m front of the Court House door, m the Town ot 23th day of August next, the following Txacts as may be sufficient to satisfy the taxes due Situation. I Acres Value A't tax Big Rock House, 145 145 9159 Lot in Wentworth, 45 10 200 100 40 120 160 75 Troublesome. L 4TJ 16i 200 100 3 26 L 63 88 L 00 91 Z Mayo, Troublesome, do 40 120 120 the Town of Leaksrille, to-wit: i Henry Street, 10 20, 10 15 10 8 12 6 16 33 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do -do do do 16 24 16 13 19 10 2 4 10 12 12 12 10 8 8 161 19 19 19 16 13 13 04 04 05 5 21 2i 3 3 6 25 2 4 3 3 3 8 8 ' 8 12 10 10 10 10 10 .5 7 10 7 50 10 10 40 03 06 05 05 5 13 13 13 Hamilton Street, do do do do do do do f do do do do do 19 m 16 Patrick Street, 16 do do do do do do do do do do " do do , do . 'do 08 12 a 1 80 "A 2 2 04 12 12 15 8 5 5 8 19 244 13 03 03 13 13 ido 7 6 4 do "do do do - . " do do do- d3l 10 12 12 19 19 9 15 10 10 8 5 16 161 13 8 Pak'knd Jay Street; M. ROBERTS. Sheriff- of Rockingham County. 50oawlm far rh ..... ia , ' i - - V - lAmlTlf 47 part 63 183 1 80 2(0 1839 4 86 Tjl f 1889 , - 2 40, 160 1838,1839 87 84 165 & 70 1838,1839 5 6? . 23 1839 3 57 , 1839 i ee S30 1838 63 fii 1839 1 80 74 1838 l8 1 1839 10 183lfc 12 part 60 1837,'38,'39 5 04 181 1 1838 28 32 780 1839 14 40 - Unlvermlty of Ttrsrinla. . PTHHE Beaaiena- ef thi Inatitunoo annually com - U menca on the 1st of October, and terminate on lb 4th ol Jul followinj. The SbooUif thaUoi Teraity, wilb their reapecUire Profeasora, are ; 1. Ancient Languagea". Dr Gener Harrison. 3. Modt rn Lnug. Dr Charles Kraitwr. 3. MitJeiBHtica Mr Edward II. Curtenay. 4, Watural Pbil .phy. Mr Wm B Keger. . 6 Civil Enirinerrinz the awbiect of which are di vided between the Profeaira uf Mathemaiic and Natural PhiloMpby.' 6. Chemistry anS Miteria MeJica. Dr Ro E Rogers. - - 7. Motlicine. Dr Henry Howard. 8 Anatomy and Surgery Dr James It Cabell. 9. Moral Philosophy Mr Georg Tucker. 10. Law J ud pe Hf nry St C Tucker. Judge Tucker is Chairman of the Faculty. The regular, stated charges for the session .re $22500 Fur ail other necessary expenses thi sum is sufficient, 125 00 350 00 The sum of $350 ha been found, for several years nt. to be the total average amount of the expense of resident Student, from the- books of the Patron. wiih whom they ax required to deposit all their funds For further particulars, see one of the printed cat alogues, or the Washington Globe and the Charles ton jMercury, in both of which papers a standing ad vertisement will be found. WILLIS H. WOODLEY, Proctor and Patron U. of Va. July 14 58 Oct VALUABLE ROANOKE LAND FOR SALE. finHE Subserioer would sell, privately, hi two U Farms on the North Bank of Kosnolte mer, lying in the county of Warren, North Carolina, im mediately above and below Robinson's Ferry, each containing upwards of 1000 acres, 400 or upwards being river low giourid, of as good quality as any on the river, it ia believed. Those two Farms are in 6ne cropping condition, great pains having been taken for the last few yeara to improve them every way. The subscriber will not puff, through this adver- tisemen l, the above valuable tracts of Land, a they need no effort of the. sort, thinking it pohabIe that those persons winning to purchase will view the lands; be is content to k-ave them lo speak for ' themselves. The terms on which he would sell the above Farms will l liberal, eer- way. and he. invites an inspection of his mid by tfuwe wu-mng to purchase beiore buy ing elsewhere. Mr friends. John B. Thrower, John H. Lewis, anJ D J. Claiborne, Jr. of Brunswick county, Va. will take pleasure in showing the above land to any persons wishing to view them, or give any lurther in formation in reference q then thnt may be wished CLACK ROBINSON. Warren, N. C. Aoust 7. 64 6 IIEIUFF'S SALE. I will sell at the Court ouse, in ;artnage, on tne tour in Monday in September heat, the following TRACTS OF LAND, or so much thereof as will atify the Tax due there on for the year 1311 and 1 84 2,; and tne contingent expenses of said Sale. .V No. I Va lue. Acrs Person's . Names. Location Tax. Wet creek 14 61 McLendon's cik. 39 80 Big Buffalo creek 33 Do do do 3 88 LiUle Pocket 3 05 Little Buffalo ' 3 27 Long Branch 1 03 Lick creek 3 36 Crooked creek 5 40 Big Buffalo 4 90 Mill creek 3 73 Drowning creek 2 84 Joe's Fotk. 7 87 Drowning creek 3 88 14011200 A. it W. Monroe. 75U 20001 Heir N. McLeod 16 32 Heir Arcb. Buiel 400 200.D. Thompson lOOl 150 Charles Ranaela 100 75 Benton Wicker 2W lOOh'raD. Hitchcock 100) lOOfHemTn Thomas 250!Malcolm BUck 200 John C. Wicker 80 Allen MeCaskill 120 John Blue 200 Jas. R. Cannon 326i 200 110 12(H 45CN 600 40tf Flo. Campbell or 'HVs A. Campbell! The above described Land will be sold for the Tax es, if they be not paid previous to the date above men tioned. ALEXANDER KELLY, Sheriff of Moore County. August 1, IB 43. PrAdv$10 3 6w s iTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SURRY County. Superior Court of Law. 8pring Term IS43. Kicchan Go r. i-PeiUwrt for Divorce. Catharine Go. S It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Catharine Goes, the Defendant, ia nnt s. ritiipn nf this State: It is therefor ordered by the Court, that pub ucauon De maue m tne tvaieiaru xveirister and u a roll- na Watchman for three months, that th Defendant appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the County of Surry, at the Court House in Rock- ford, on the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday of Au gust next, then and there to plead and answer or de mur to said Petition, or the same will be heard ex parte and decree accordingly. Witness, Winston isomers, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the 5th Monday after the 4lh Monday of rebruary 184?. WIN8TON B0MER3. C. 8. C. gaTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Chatham tei County. Superior Court of Law Spring Term 1843. , Milly Buckner ) p. C Petition for Divorce. John Buckner, S It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant in this case (to wit) John Buckner, hsth removed from this State, so that the ordinary process of Law cannot be served on him t It is there fore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the KaJeigh Register, notifying said defendant to appear at the next Superior Court of . Lw, to be held for -the County of Chatham, at the Court House in Pittsborough, on the third Monday of September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the Petition, or the same will bo taken as conftMtd and heard ex narte. Witness, John I bompaon, Clerk of our said Court. at Office, the 3rd. Monday in March A. D 1343. JOHN THOMPSON, C. 8. C. 1 TATE OP ) AMPTON NOTH CAROLINA. NORTH- County. In Equity, Spring Term, 1843. J Liltiebury 8. Parker, Josiah Parker and Wife Martha, of Dariaa, Bamuel, Hillia'rd, Alfred S. and Mary P. x aia.rr, miauu 01 lenuer years, oy inetr next inena Josiah Parker, their Father, Against Sterling Smith and Mary T. Smith, daughter Bntton Smith, deed. Petition for 'Sale of Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that tbe defendants in this suit sre non-residents of this State : Il is therefore ordered bv the Court, that nub- lication be made for six successive Weeks in the Ra- Jeigh Register, newspaper published in the City of Kaleigh, notifying tbe said defendants, to appear at the next Term, of this Court to beheld st the Court House in the Town of Jackson- on the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, then and there to plead; and answer or shew cause wherefore the lands described in th Petition, should not be sold j as prayed for, or the Petition will be taken pro eon fa ta and heard ear narie. witness, Henry Peeblee, Clerk and Master of our ram vyoun, at umc in the Town of Jackson, the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday of March, A. D. 1843. 6 iUSNKY PEEBLES, C. dc. M. E. Pr.Adv.SS62j , -iiv CAKUIAGE TlimirllNGS. ' II uu jrioet nas lately added to nis siocx a ? JUL " assortment of Coach Laces and other trim Wag used iaVthe retMIrin mI .rr!.- Pmm. In thii 1 Uns woukl do well to examine for themselves, aa be fesb assured that he can sail them unusually w ws uu uianuet. . . JAMES M. TO WLE. July Jl. g - fc0; mi; inni rtt.l 1 1 III r II I III TTT HianJIiiiii I f 1 t 'ZyBij To the American Public. TJ MPROVEMENT in whatever regards the happi II n ant lfar nf niir race is conslsnilT on the march to perfection, and with each succeeding day some new problem 1 solved, or some proioanu a ere revealed, having an important and direct bearing oyer man's highest destinies. If w take a reirospecu'e view over to past twenty years, how is the mind struck with wonder ! What rapid strides baa science made in every department of civiliied life! particu. larlvin that which relates to the knowledge of the human system in health and disease. How valuable nd indispensable are the curative meansxecsnuy un covered through the agency of chemistry ! How does the imagination kindle and our adniiratia glow a the ingenuity, the near approach to me sianuaru o. perfection, of the present time ! Through the elabof rata investigations of PbvsiolocT, or the science Lirs, and the Pathology of prevalent diseases, much valuable nractical knowledge has been gained, in consequence of becoming srquaintad with the organi zation, the elements of the various tissues and struc ture of the system, remedies have Deen sougm aiier and discovered exactly adapted to combine with, neu tralize and expel morbific matter, the cause of disease, and substitute healthy action in its place. The beau tiful simplicity of this mode of treatment is not only suggested by the pathology of disease, not only grate ful to the suuerer, out penecuy in consonance wuu the operations of Nature, and satisfactory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent, reflecting mind. It is thus that-bauds' SaasjirAKiLta, s scientific combination of essential principles of the most valua ble vegetable substances, operates upon the system. The Sarsaparilla is combined with the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; end its unprece dented saceess in the restoration to health of those who had long pined under the most distressing chron- a . a. I - ic maladies, naa given 11 an exaueu cnaracier, mr- hUhing as it does evidence of its own intrinsic value, and recommending it to the afflicted in terms the af flicted only can know. It has long been a moat im portant desideratum in the practice of metcine to obtain a remedy similar to this one that would act on the liver, aiomacn ana ooweis, wuu an me preci sion and potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of their deleterious effects upon the vital powers . .. ii, , . 11 . l - of the system. The attention of the reader is respectfully called to the following certificates. However great achievements have heretofore been 'made by the use of this invalua- ol medicine, yet daily experience shows results still more remarkable. The proprietors here avail them selves of the opportunity of saying, it is a source of constant satisfaction that they. are made the means of relieving such an amount of suflermg. Nr.WA.aK, N. J., Dec. 13, 1842. Meurt. Saxxdt: Gent Words cannot express the grati ude I feel for your treatment to me, a stranger. suffering under one of the' most loathsome diseases that nature ia capable of bearing. The disease with which I was afflicted commenced with inflammation of the eyes, m the year 1836, which caused almost total. blindness. For this 1 was treated and finally relieved, but the remedies were' such as to cause the develope ment of a scrofulous affection on my left arm near the elbow. The pain extended from the shoulder to the end of my fingers, and for two yesrs my sufferings wers oeyond description. I tried various remedies and con sulted different Physicians in New York, and amongst them the late Dr. Bushe, who told me the disease of the arm was csused by the large quantity of mercury taken to cure the inflammation of my eyes. My sufferings continued, the arm enlarged t amors formed in dillerent place, and in a few month dis charged, making ten running ulcere at one time, some jrivfte and some below the elbow,-and the discharge was so offensive that no person could, bear to be in the room where f was. I then applied to anotber'distin- guished Physician who told me amputation of the arm was the only thing that could save my life, as il was - impossible to cure so dreadful a disease ; but as I waa 1 uqwuuni w uuiiacui vw it u inumucuueu u use swaim a f anaeea treeiy, wnicn 1 an) witnoutaeriving but little benefit. For three rears I was unable to raise my hand to my head or comb my hair, and the scrofuls now made its appearance on my head, de atroying the bone in different places, causing exten sive ulcerations, and 1 feared it might reach and de stroy the braia-lhe head swelled very much, ac companied with violent pain, numerous external reme dies were recommended, nut did no good, Attout a year. since I was taken severely ill wiih a swelling of tbe body from bead to toot, so that 1 was entirely helpless, the Doctor advised me to go to the hospital. for be did not understand my case 1 tor the last few months I had been afflicted with a severe pain on both aide, at times so bard I could scarcely get my breath. A hacking cough constantly annoyed me, and this combined with my other maladies, rendered me truly miserable Such, gentlemen, had been my situauon for seven yearsof my life when I commenced tbe use of your Sarsaparilla, but as my case waa considered hope less, and the near prospect of a speedy dissolution seemed Inevitsble, 1 telt but little encouragement to persevere. The persuasion of friends induced me to try your medicine, which In a few days produced a great change in my system generally, by causing an appente, relieving the pains, and giving me strength': as success inspires confidence, I 'was encouraged to persevere, my pains grew easier, my strength returned, food relished , the ulcers healed, new flesh formed, and I once more felt withra me that I might get well. I have now used the Sarsaparilla about two months, and am like a different being. The. arm that was to be amputated has entirely healed, a thing that seemed impossible. 1 can scarcely believe the evidence of my own eyes, nut sucn is the tact 1 and it is now a use ful as at any period of my life, and my general health 1 beUer than it haa been for years past. Health ! what magic in the word! how many thou sand have sought it in foreign lands and sunny climes, and have sought in vain ! Yet it came to me when I had been given up to die, and as I feeUbe pulsations of health coursing through my veins; my whole heart of and soul go forth in fervent gratitude to the Author of all pur aure mercies, that he haf been graciously pleas ed to bless the mean made use of. ' Truly ha v you proved yourself the good Samaritan to tbe afflicted. for next to my Creator my life is indebted to you (or rather! the use of tout invaluable Sarsanarilla The vwup 01 suca a meoicine is countless beyond price, money cannot pay f.r it. Thave been raised from death, I may say, for my friends and myself thought h impossible I could recover. And now, gentlemen,, suffer me to add another Proof, certified too bv mv I friends and guardians, as a just acknowledgment of the virtues of your laeaJth-resiorinar Sana nan IU. That the afflicted may also use it, end enjoy the benefits it alone can-confer, is the heartfelt, fervent wish of their and your friend. MARTHA CONLIN.' . t know Martha Conlln. and believe in this document to be perfectly true. " JOHN POWER. , Vicau Gimiu M Nsw-Yimsi, - Rector of Hi. Fbtra f!kin.h. Given atNew-Xork, this litL day ot December, 1843. - I know Martha Conlin. and have known of tr mnf. &ring illness,. JOHN DUBOIS, BisBop of New-York. 1 piece roil confidence in the etatement made bi Martha Conlm, having known her the past twn ... ' . - , ' -S -A tmm tot- yeas, 1 wui cneenuny give u; mt uvuu m turn to her caselo those who may, wiah further in formation " 11 ... ' " Sr. ELlABKA.tJ, Superior tof the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, i Prince tree t, New-York. Dec 144842. I have confidence in the representations made by Martha Coolin, and have full knowledge of her rase. ELIJAH F. PURDY, Alderman 10th Wardoi the City of New-Yok. December 14, 184.- . ,5$ Martha Conlln nasdived'in my family the last 13 years, and I hereby certify that the foregoing state ment made by herself is c rrrect Mrs. MARY B. LLOYO. No. 601 Broad st. Newark, N. J 8ands's Sarsaparilla will also remove and pernia. nently cure diseases having their origin in an impure state 'of the blood and depraved condition of the gen Tl consttiviion, vis ; Scrofula or King's Evil in it various forms ; Rheumatism, obstinate cutaneous eruptions, blotches, biles, pimples, or pustules on the face, chronic sore eyes', ringworm or tetter, scald head, enlargement and pain ofhe bouand joints, stub born u'cers, syphilitic symptoms," diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury female derange ments and other similar complaint. Prepared and ld by A. B. Sands & Co., Druggists nd Chemists, Granite buildings. 273 Broadway, corner of Chambers-nt. New York, and for sale by Druggists throughout th fj. S. Price, $1 per bottle, six bottles for $5. The public sre respectfully requested to remember that it is Sand's Sarsaparilla that has and is constant ly achieving such remarkable cures of the most diffi cult class of diseases to which the human frame is subject, and ask for Sands' Sarsaparilla, and take no other. Williams dt Haywood. Agents by special appoint ment for the Proprietors, for Raleigh and vicinity. And fr Sale throughout the U. S. April, 1343. 29 ly. amggag ga&ggyg swssiS'&'g, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CONFEC TIONARY, MUSIC, JEWELLERY ' AND FANCY ARTICLES. HAVING RENEWED OUR STOCK with a fresh supply, in all the above branches, and st low prices, we can assure the public, that ouras sort merit is very complete, and well worthy to be recom mended to our friends. Besides the article advertised before, we have now on hand Sugar, Coffee, JtlolOMSe and 30O Bundles of Coiton yarn, from the best Manufactory. i'soo pages of music. Of the latest editions, at the uncommon low price of 6 cents per page, is also added. Every one of the articles in the following memo randum, may be found at our Establishment general ly throughout the year, vix : FANCY GOODS, Writing desks. Ladies Fancy and Work Boxes, Baskets, Snuff-boxes from 5 ets to $4; Travelling Bags, Thermometers, Walking. Canes, finest Ra zors and shaving utensils, Dirk, Pen. and Pocket Knives of greatest variety. Scissors. Pittols, Percus sion caps, Shotbelts, Bird bags. Po wder flasks; Teeth, Cloth, Hat, Hair and 8hbrohes; Slates, Bells, Fishing Utensils. Looking-glasses of all sorts. Coffee mills. Pins, Needles, Purses, Pockf tbooks, Night Ta pers, Smoking Pipes, Corkscrews, Whips, Paper, Pens, Quills, Ink and Inkstands. Wafers. Sealing rax, Lettersiamp, Peneils,Butteas. Pictures, Painted Glass Mugs, artificial Hair and Flowers, Mohair Caps, Clocks, Wsiters, Lamp Glasses, Tumblers, Lard Lamps, Bowls, Plates, Cocoa-gourds. CONFECTIONARY AND GROCERIE8. Butter, Soda, Sugar and Water Crackera. Pilot bread,8ard'mea. Anchovies, Scotch Herrings, Macarel, Smoked Tongues, de Sausages, best Candies Pin Ap ple and other Cheese, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Filberts, Paha, Wall and Cocoanats, Almonds, Preserves, Pickles, Brandy Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Pepper, sauce, Chocolate, Macaroni, Currants, Citron Nut megs, Liquorice, Cinnamon, Mustard, Starch, Tea. fresh Raisins, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Olive Oil Soaps, white, yellow, Castile sndjvperfnmed. -Chew ing ic Smoking Tobacco, Principe vk Havana 8gar PORTER, ALE, WINES AND FRENCH COR. Dl ALS, void only by the measure. ' Grapes, Jujubepaste, Apple, Pepper. Allspice. 8nufT, Blacking, Copperas, Lamp and Candle wicks, and 300 gallons Winter Oil from $1 lo $125, best Sperm Oil. PERFUMERY. Oilof Roe,-Macssar, Bears, Antique Oils, Peoa tum, Cologne, Florida and Lavender Waters, Shav ing soap, Essences, Opodeldoc, Bergamott, pink Sau cers, Soaps. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Finest Violins, .bows, strings, bridges, screws. Fin gerboards. Guitars, Flageoleftes, Fifes, Flutes, Clari onetts, Aecordeons, Brass Trumpets. . BOOKS.. Almanacs, Primers, Geographies, Spelling, Picture and Song Book, Key of Heaven,(Catholic) a new sup ply. Fencing and Boxing Apparatus, Foils, Swords, Gloves, Masks, Hats, Breastplates, GAMES. Dominos, Chessmen, Backgammon. Keno, Ten pins, Cop and Ball, Graces and Battledoora for La dies, skipping ropes, RolIeU JEWELLERY. Fine gold and silver, as well as german silver, viz. Breastpins; Ear-ring; Pencils, Finger-rings. Thimbles.- Table andTea Spoons, Desert Knives and Forks, german silver Combs, Tea Bells, Spectacles Bell-buckles, Keys. DRY GOODS. A larger assortment than formerly kept, aid low. . TOYS. , A most choice and large supply's Marbles, Hum ming tops. Drums, Rattles, Whistles, mouth Organs, Harps, Trumpets, Magic Lanterns. Paint boxes, mag netic Toys, false Fscesj Csnnons, Dolls, sll sorts, Mi eroscopes, painted Trunks, China setts, Drummets, finest fancy toys of all sorts. &e. G. W.&C. GRIMME. Corner of Fayette ville and Hargett 8treets Kaleigh, Aprils, 1843. 27 Dr. H. DRAIfDETD'S aLIIf IMEWT, riTiHICH by its extraordinary powers absUacts V V Ptn r aorenea; thus sprains, stiff sinews, white swelling, rheumatic peine f stiffness, stiffn or the joints, tumors, uanatuml hardness, a tiff seek. sore throat, croup', contractions of tbe muscle scrofu. lous enlargement, tender feet, and every description, of injury affecting the exterior of the human frame. are cureu or greeny reneveo, oy his never to be suffi ciently extolled remedy. ' - ' r CXST1TTC1TX. 1 : The following letter from Major General Sandford, as to the qualiue of the external remedy, speaks vo lumes : - t NivTait. Pud 1 tut Dear Sir Will you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment f " It is eertaiuly thai beat 01 tne amd 1 navs ever seen. - It has cared entinly my son's knee, about which I was.so uneasy, and I kava jwuuu it pi uuucuto (h imineuiaie rsuei in several eaawa of external injury in my family. : A few evsnlnnanwv my youngest child was seized with a violent attack nf croup, wucD was entirely removed in twenty intfiuten. by robbing her chest and throat freely with the exter nal remedy, 1 think yon .ought to manufacture this' Liniment lor general use, instead ofofiaing the naa af it. as you bate heretofore done,W your particular acouamtanees. x Vmih Jri ' . . . . - . , . v. MBIT, , w.e ? anford; rnu )in, x t sroadwav. V. Pric--60 cents per boltU. with djreiotaa. T- -O. ax . - v WILLIAM PCf ?Tra nrw Raleigh, April lftth, 1843. . Si y , m II I III ""I aaaSSBPSSBSBSSaSSBBBn ii ALiuraf 6 Asrorr haix no A n VFARJl REDUCED. VAO' XKlx ssd alter the- ldsy r June, the f,r- fm Uj;PageothU.oad,willba reduetd ! average of 4 cents per mile, v The follow-.. " bsve been etabliahed to and from the different Dr r,,," on the line, vis r - " - . - P01 - . GOING NORTH. Kaletgti to HuntsviHa ; 1 do: ForeetvibV J do . Frsnklinton V d': J tftsntou'-s Vir ' HenderaoB do " Ridgway dot , f Warrenton do If scon do LittletonT do Carton GOING SOUTH. Gaston to Littleton do Macon do Warrenton do Ridswsy do Henderon do Stanton's do Frsnklinton do Forest ville do Huntaville do Raleigh 50 75 23 73 00 30 75 00 50 00 SO 00 23 SO UO 29 75 25 50 00 A reduction of the Stage fare South, from RaUi.k to Columbia, will also be made in a proportion corn, ponding with tbe above rate. Travellers from the North, destined to any point in tbe Middle or Western section of North Carolina, the upper part of Sooth Carolina, or the Eastern portion ol Tennessee, win find the route by , the Raleigh and Gaston Rsil Koad tbe most expeditious and comfortable. Excellent Stage anI Hack lines run South and West from R. leigh, and also in various other directions from thi principal Depots on the Road. Ptrxont fnm the iVorA, wishing to travel thi route, thould U careful to take the Grecntville Train at the Junction near Belfield, Va. R. &. G. Rail Road Office, ? May 26, 1843: 5 43 PACKET BOATS For Scottsville and Lynchburg. TKUK.Mail Packet Beau, JOHN MARSHALL, JJJ Capt. Hull, and J. C. CABEL, Capt. Hunt ley, will leave Richmond from our'landing, at the bead of the Basin, fof the above places, on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, at 8 o'clock, A. M. preciely,and arrive at Scottsville by 1 A. M. next day, and into Lynchburg by 7 P. M. X ETTJRN ING. Leave Lynchburg, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri day a, at 7 A. M. and arrive at Scottsville by 10 P. M. and into KtcnnKnd next day by 4 r. M. By this arrangement, passengers for Tennessee and Goyandotte, will not be detained in Lynchburg, u heretofore. Our Boau will also connect with the lines of Stsges from Scottsville to Staunton. This b now the cheapest and beat rouie to lb dif ferent Virginia Springs, and offers many other induce- menu to travellers tor prelerence. The invalid wul be pleased with his easy, eomfbruv ble and safe passage; the beautiful and romantic ace nery will delight the admirers of nature, and the rich, far famed and highly cultivated James River low grounds and highlands, will gratify the agricultural and man of taste. On their arrival at Lynchburg, Passengers havt 1 choice of two-routes to the White Sulphur Sprinn, with an assurance that all shall be sent on two hut of Stages running over the Natural Bridge and by, iMbbrers Springs, and tbe other by Liberty, Firicutls and the fiweet Springs. EDMONDS & DAVENPORT. Richmond, Jon 8, 1849. 47-3m PETERSBURG and KlCIirtlO.D, AND RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAIL ROADS. Great reduction in rates to Washington, Baltimore . rhuadelphia, 4-c. OTICE is hereby aivrn. that on snd after Mon day-" the 17th instant, the rharaes bv the Rail oad line between Petersburg snd the Northern Ci ties Will be reduced as follows : W bole fare between Petersburg and Wash ington, $ 7 . Do " do' do Bahi- - more N' ' 8 50 Do do do Phila delphia by the Newcastle snd French town Rail Road and Steamboat line. 1 0 50 Or by Peck & Sons Ii nv 1 0 00 It will be perceived from tbe above, that the cbtrres by th Railroad routa,ar now as low as by tbe River asd Bay route, with tbe advantage in favor of iba Rail Road route of greatly increased expedition, trav ellers by it reaching Washington in eltven, Baliimore in fourteen, and Philadelphia in twenty-three boors after leaving Petersburg, sod arriving in Philadel phia before traveller, by the Kiver and Bay boat nave teji norjoUt. fit. f vtt.l .1.. . .- nlkra under 12 years of age, ball-price. ' TH. SHARP, Agent of Transportation. July I 672m- XX Wis KO AD TO THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Fix CharloitestiUe, University (f Virginia, and Staunton. ISITORS to the Virginia Springs will find tbeir most agreeable and expeditious route to tbs Springs to be by Petersburg snd the Richmond 10a Fredericksburg Rail Road to 1 he Junction;faNl (he Louisa Rail Road to Charlottesville, which they reach early on the day on which -tfwj leave PeWf burg, passing on their way Monticeiki and tbe Use versity or Virginia; and arriving at th Wsrm Kpnnp in two days, and the White Sulphur on the third iJ from Petersbotgk avoiding night travelling rntirtly Passengers by this route, should take tbeir ae' the Kichmond and Fredericksburg Kail Koaa W in Richmond for Staunton. M Fare from Petersburg 10 Richmond, . !? Do Richmond to Stsonton, 8P , T.sJHARP, Agent of Trensportsuo" Office of R. FdcTLR. R. C: Richmond, Va. Jury It. More iexr Goods Jut come 6 dozen Jara fresh Ox Marrow, 15 pounds Jojuhe Paste, , 4 dorta Jars; French prepared Motard, - 10 iSe2,--$ American' i Ja l,00tl VejyUraaMiglaxed Pi'pesV-, 10 Jara Pickled Onions, (verytnks) 200 pounds Superior Smakinc Tobacco, Largo lot of Cologne, ' . Fancy boxes of all description, .. vToota Brushes, . . French Brandy a very superior aruc" J Bottles, having been bottled five or sixT" ago. With many other artldss, which will be sold u Please call ami examine for yourselves. 8. L. TUt-"J 31 Raleigh, April 17. 1843. nTECITHCANTI.DY8PEPtlC TlV Ltbr inrzong stor of . . If - W L STITIi, k-. 1 V V

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